THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE-SATURDAY, MARCH 23, 1901. r-k i; R- PitUUIiccI Rally, Kuept SunJay. ly Tlie Trib. ano l'ublUliliiff Company, at Kilty Cent .Month. UVy 8. KICIIAIW, Editor. O. F. UVXIHIK, lliisliies Jlaiu.'er. New York Offlcet 1.V) Numju St. h. S. VllKI,t...N'l, Sole AehiI tor I oiriKii AJcrtlliiff. Lntered at the IWottii - at Sr.inlun, V , a Second Cla Mult .Mailer. When spate will penult, The Trilmue l nlvsa" lilail to print slioil Jettem linm Its. tiinul bil in on tuireht tuples, lull It iul- I tlut tlieo mint he ilsned. tor imblUalluii, by the iltt tial name! and the tonJilluii piuiiklil In icptance I that all tonlliti-illini shall 1"-' ' In editorial a , laloii. rnu ri.vr it in: ion advuumm;. 'I lie lollowltiK table klium the price irr each insertion, spate to he tiled within "lie )eart Klin cC ISldliiireiiil I'nll Sldliiifuii . UiSPl.U. I'.iprr Heailiiii Position than Out) ituliis' .i7S ; m Kin) " .(1 " MKJ ' .J) .In .I.Vi l.i I .21 .11 .Is-. .u .XV, .IT Tor card eit thank, resolution. ot cnmlnluieii ml tlmllar continuation in lb natme "f ad ifrtWnir'Tlie Iribune makes a charge ot 5 tent a Htf Hatwtor Classified Ai!terliinj furnished o" application, TWELVE PAGES. SCHANTO.V. MAitCH "J3, 1001. In tcply In our rsttepineU ft lend, Hew Dr. Method, Tim Tribune cer tainly will fiiMir recomntlttltiR the Vaughnu bill to cilvt. lt opponents a chance to bo lieaiel. That Is no more limn fair, since they linve a little lute, lo be sure asked for the opportunity to cxptesH themselves befote the Intv milking body. We hope the legisla ture, early next week, will recommit nnd grant a lu-urltiK. Then, the next lime a- matter of this kind cnms tip, tte hope that Dr. Alcl.oixl, among ollieis, will ascend to the watch tower and keep u sentinel's vigilant eye open so as to sound the alarm early enough to avoid a second mlx-up. The Sensible View. IF TIIKm-: Is any doubt as to the power of councils to Ilx salaries for the heads of the new execu tive departments after the re eoider has made his appointments, then the teorg.inlzallon ordinance should be passed ptumptly. This city c.innot afford to pay tho maximum .sal aries hpecltied In the new charter. With other expent-es now In sight. It would mean bankiuptey. in anv event, this ordlnnnie should be passed without delay, as a matter of eoiniiinn fulrnctK. The Denioeratlo hold-up In (oiumou council Is a case of playing small politics at the expense of laige lnletest". The attempt to dp. feat n p'lld Hie dep.n tmeut. aiouiid Willi h the hold-up i evolves. If Micues" fill will mean a cost of fioni SSn.oco to Jinii.nnn a year to the ptopotty Inteiesis of Seranton In extia lire insuiance preniluiii.s alone, to say nothing of tli hazard to piiipert.N not covered by in surance. With an eillcluil paid de partment ptoviiled fur. this extia pie nmiin cliotge, wo have little doubt, would piomptly be removed. Hut If .in agreement uiiiuia be leached on this point bcfoie Apill I. let It go over ror later determination and let the other neiesi-lties of tli city, dltectly Incidental to the Insinua tion of the new chatter, he provided for In advance. This is the common t-eii.sp view. It will be haid enough to get the new machinery to wotk at bust. If obstacles ate to he deliberate ly manufactuted In common council, heaven help us. A special meeting: of common coun cil ought to be called on Monday night and any Democrat falling to attend should be marked for discipline as a shirker of in gent duty. It Is vital that reorganization should be piovlil cd for forthwith. Falling that, let the responsibility be fixed. Of course England will not hazard a war with llussia. Nor will rtuxsla te redo. The czar longeie this has taken Great Britain's measure. It Must Be Faced. Till: TIM1-: Is fast appio.iLhlng when public opinion in this city must prepare to show in some clear manner whether It appiovcs of the tin owing of Moncs and calling of vile names by stiikets and their sympathizers at men or women excrciMng their constitu tional freedom in accepting offered em ployment which others have voluntari ly abandoned; or whether It sustains the old fashioned notions about law and order. It has been taught for man eMis hi the law-books that the light of a man to work and to be protected while at wotk Is just as sucred as ids light to unit wotk. Hut leeently theie has come. Into effect In many localities, our own especially, a new doetthie which, In Its substance. Is that the man or woman who tindei takes to eain a liv ing In a manner not In ace out with the wishes of Mime particular labor union or group of labor leaden Is fair piey for abuse, assault and Indignity. In the midst of talk concerning the tyranny of capital oer labor, atten tion Is being mote and moie directed to the fact that no mote ei uel tyranny has ever existed upon the American continent than Is to be seen In the te em ling hatshnesfi of labor to labor. Where two years ago In our valley all was peace and tranquility, theie la to day a, turmoil f bitterness and ttutest; and almost dally there are icpnrts of vlnWnco In nine form, put forth as a means of Intimidating- into continued Idleness tlion who wanl to wotk and whose necessities demand that thsy shall woil;. In uvcty dltectloii sttlKes and tlw thteut of stilkes abound. III!hIiu--h, in stead of having opportunity to ptoceed piosperously on a peaceful basis, Is tendered hesitant and Htful. New en terpilse Is stilled. A lingo percentage of the wotklng population, formetly earning steady wages, Is at war with Us employeiH and Is living lipou sav ing's, donations or credit. Dlbcord, 'tui certainty, fear N In (he nlr: nnd this roniiltlnn will continue Just hi lung as the 'espouslbli,' VHtfccnshlp of Sci'ttntoii pei mils Itself to he srared Into con cealing Its real opinions on this mutter. Sooner or later thli nii",tlon must bu faced, and bolter soon than late, oliiul liny do'-s not pi opine lo spend hc own and his father's salary any longer In maintaining the dignity of his position as representative of I'nele (-'inn's Interests at Pretoria, HI decMon to relinquish the ttmt sscmx wle. The average man could no doubt iletlve m'oie plenttre and honor In man lifting a tltst-riaso base ball team at lionie limn In being dead to the world In the poky city of the Ttansvanl. l-xclsc Commissions. GI1I1AT ADD N being made In the Insurgent itinera over the Muehlbtonuer bill to tnke the ginntlng of liquor llennes away ftolti the Judges In coun ties with moie than 500,000 and less than I.W'ii.OOu population and to vest It In a board or live commlisloneis, ap pointive by the governor. The bill np piles In its ptesent foim only to Alia gin ny county, but the Instil gent papets suspect the Quayltert of Intending at the propel time lo i educe the mini mum population to 100,000, so as to Include lleil.s, Dauphin, Lackawanna, Lancaster, l.uzeine and Montgomery counties. As the bill stands, the live commls-dunciH would receive f',000 a eat aplec" for a term of live yeats; a sum linger than the salary ot the Judges, who now attend to license question and do a large amount of (iltlicult work beside. Befote the ad vocates of such a nieasute could hope to have It applied to the smaller coun ties named, thete would evidently have to be a readjustment of salaries. We huvi nlwnvs believed that the handling ot license questions by the court was ut'Judlolal and liable, In spite of all precautions, to Involve tho Judi cial ollli e moie deeply 111 partisan poll ties of not always the best type than was deshable or necssaiy. .Excise commissions have been tiled In a number of slates with fair uverage success. Like evetylhlng else, much depends upon the man. In the hands of an uptight governor, using his ap pointive power Judiciously, the experi ment .should, under tranquil condi tions, wotk out advantageously, but, on the other hand, If piostltuted to tin wirthy factional ot petsonal ends. It should quite as cettalnly ptovoke torn p'alnt. How It should be In this case, In the disunited state of political feel ing iisultlng from six or seven years ot bitter factlorallsm, Is problematical, The chances ate, however, that the ex pel Iment will not coon be tiled. We Icel satisfied that the Insurgents are ft, king. Patient people who aie obliged to fac the gin to of the lowered stteet lamps aie beginning to wonder when the obnoxious lights aie aguln lo be placed In pioper position. Odell Is It. AN INTi:i!i:STINCi stoiy from lfhlnd the scenes Is told In tlie New York conespond- ciice ot the Philadelphia Pi ess concerning Cloxemor Odell's re fusal to take humiliating oj-ders from Senator Plan's, son Frank. Accoidlng lo this veisloti, Frank Piatt and Lemuel Mil qulgg undertook In Ifhalf of some ot the largf ccupoiu tlons to secure ,c modtllcaUon of the franchise ta law passed during Col onel Hoosevelt's occupancy of the New Yotk governorship The went sonit -what overboldly to Uoveiuor Odell with a demand for help. He turned them down. To revenge themselves they tilled Senator Piatt's ears with bad adlie on the police bill with a view to humiliating Udell and woiked upon the senator until flnully he adopted their suggestions. Here again Odell's backbone came Into play and today It Is an open question in Kmplie .state political elides whether the whole Plait dynasty Is not tottering to a rail. Plait must yield or light. If be yields, he Is gone. It he fights, his antagonist will have the advantage of youth, public sentiment, powerful In dependent suppoit and a knowledge of organization politics better, even, than Piatt's, because In late years Odell lather tliun Piatt has been the ma chine. Piatt Is old and hioken in health. He has the personal sympathy of many. Odell Is not the kind of a man lo light a benefacioi oi liiend save In self defense. A peac e may be patched up which In public appearance will be genuine. Hut back of it all will stand the dominant peisonallty of the gover nor, who, while keeping every agree ment and trying haul to be patient, has refused at the ctlsls to be dictated to, thieatened or lmlldozed. He will glow in power as Piatt shall decline and he Is alread.v "It" In Umpire state polltlci. It begins to look as though the ser vice? of tip. mun who deliveied the message to duiclu would be neeessaty to locate Mi. ,f. Pleipont Mcugan. Water Waste. AS SIIOWlNtl the modem tendency tow aid water waste. It B noted that in New Yoik city the appaient ue of water Is I in gallons a day for each Inhabitant, of which 7,1 gallons Is waste. Allowing ten gallons for un avoidable waste, that Is, waste which human Ingenuity cannot stop, hete i-, u net tulpahle waste of more than 100 per cent. In London the dally con sumption for domestic pinpoyen is only ".0 gallons a head, with 30 to tu tier fcent. of waste: In Llvvipool and Mnn- cheslcr only 2n gallons and in lilr liilnghaui only 1 1. Hut In then Eng lish cities, with the exception of Lop. don, the conduits and mains aro kept waior-tluht and theie Is ilghi tmper vlslon of plumbing which goes so far that eveiy Inch of pipe and every faucet or othetyllxtute must be u.sam Ined, tested and stamped by official en gllleeis. Hvety American illy. Suiantoii notabl). Is beginning to feel the pinch of necessaiy restilctlons against the uutuially lne,ie,iHlng tendency to waatu water. In Philadelphia, a proposition Is up to spend W.OOO.cOO fop motets to put In pilvnlo houses. In Ncnv Yoik the p.tpeis ate full of demands fur a stilcttr eciutliiy and better tepalr of leaky mains. The simple fact Is that the multiplication of waste In the large cities, taken In connection with the extinction of foiests In the large water sheds, which Is making continually mote dllllcult and expensive the ptob Ipiii of wnter stoiage, Is compelling the Intel position of safeguards and checks, the gilm nltet native being thn In descilbable hottois of a water famine, Iteptesetttatlve Scheuer Is to be com plimented upon his success In getting out of committee the bill lo reduce tho inn inutile tux one-half. It will save to the merchants of Pennsylva nia tli0,0fi) annually for two yeais nt least. Von Waldeisee seems to have been moie of a pacemaker than peace maker. - - i Senator Plait should remember that the Bundling In polities has Its limita tions. One Year's Commie? on th? Great Lakes Wellington, .Vl.mli 11. Spulal imr epondtiiii, "' The Tribune. Till: lilusl'r.Cr ot .in earl) opening ol run gallon on the Creil Lakes and the prep station made bv the 'IrcaMiry llureau ol st.illtl( to continue Us ork, Inauitiiialrd In iwi, or Kiitlierlwr t.itiitl of that conunerie, lend, IntereU tn n K-vlett- of lant jeal's hull m on tin; l.ikm, loniparrd with that ol earlier je.iu, Just pieparod bj that buiea-i, The entire development ol the (licit l.akc-1 and ol the tenltorj continuum thereto li.i licen embnued within tho century which ha Just dined, and the mule lnli-iritiiitc ph.ies ot It nre preinted by the reeord ol the piut ten .tear. 1'rloi to tint time the giowlh bad been In le.ipi and ImmuR lutrrKpemeil with enoih til' di prenioti, nnd durinit the tlie .tears follow Ing IsT.V, ttlieii rail competition first became iitllte, theie w-i.i Very iippieclhbli- tailing ol both In vewl tonnage nnd the volume ol freight 1 1-1 llli. - o Taking np Hrl flic- atcesloii to the tonnije enraged In Hi- inn lug trade on the inland a, it may be- noted '.hil never puor to 1'U had the lake tonnage leaclud an aigrrgate o( l,(K,nuo lon. In that .tear tlie aRgrcg.ite ton nage wut l,uui,tii! Ioil, and from thai time until the piewnt da an atntoit steadf '-pej.H lias been noted. Netei shue lSs!1 hn ttw total iliopped below the t.uen.uni mark, and with the niiigle eveptlou of 101 there ha been no wheieln the tonniffe uni ha not shown an inilia" oter the piecedlng twelve luonthi. Tlie minimum jeailt Ini leave during the decade was 11,019 ton and the mavlmum 80,0.1.1 ton. H" latter luting becu recorded in 117, while me .tear pietiou ha a gam of S2,'iOS ton to Itc ciedlt. The nggiegaU- tonnage on tho lake at the clove ot the lat filial .tear (.lure .10, lWHi tta l,3Q,,'S7 ton, a gain of W2,ili ton, oi H' jier rent, ilurlng the Inteilm cotered bj the ompiiivm. ,i - II nut b ot InteicM. lo dime for a mo ineiit jt llil point to coivlder the lei.tlon o Ihe lake lliet to Ihe tesvel of all kind owned In Ihe 1 nlltd Mate In JS'.il, for instanee, ttbeii the aggregate tonnige under Ihe American Hag was ',MI,7a'. lli lonuage ol the lake rratt an.ounted lo l,lal,S;0 tons, or over '.'I per cent. 'Ihe iiggiogale tonnage for Ihe nation Increased vi ij KLiduallv prior to pmo. and thin in 1rui5 anil 1VJ7. when he.nj addll Ion- were made to tin1 complement of frevh-water carrlt-rn, the vhlpplng of the inland oa iipievenlcd a high a '.'0 per rent, ol the whole. Aeioiding to the lalet (.tillMie lomplled bj the l'nlted siatet. lommlloncr of natigatlon, Ihe aggregate burden of Auicrican veise1 I .1.t(4,J!J lorn, and the ( lakes, with l,r,-V,,5S7 lord, thus em biaie .lii per cent. Klnillv It nut be nolid, for puipoie of lompaii-ou, Hut Ihe tonnase ol vceM'l now- owned on liie Atlantic and (!ull ioat ol the I 'nl I eil State N J,?,5!).' tout, mil llni rvccid In 71 per cfnl. Ihe tonnage on tin- l.akc. ii Liking up tlie Mibjeit of non and teel ti i-clv eelu.lttl.t, the laeal I ake make a mm Ii men Itiorable slum hi. Of ihe l.Sy.'.KSf ten nt uen and Meel tonnage In the 1'nlted suie. In Invite ot Hawaii, there aie on Ihe inland tea o7.Tii Ions, oi 41 per cent 'Ihe Vtlan In and tiulf eoa-ls hate 762,sJl ton, or lesv than 11 per cent, in eve-. of the lake (lift, a loinpaieil wilh an evies of 71 per cent, when craft of all kind flic taken into con.ideratlon. The tine nigiiincinee ol Ihe flgurea Indleatite ol the relillte Mi, ns;l h of shipping on the (I 1 akn and Vtlantlo and fbilf I only gun id, howettr, when a compiri-on of the number ot iron and Vleel tei-el In tiieli loralltt i luirratd in conjiinilion Willi the statement of tonnim. Ol the .igKlegjIe of 1,S3" imu md -leel ti Ml tiling the Vmeiiiau Mag the (ileal bakes hat bin K t.k lompainl with Tii.", en tie Vtltiilic nnd ttiilf coiht. In other wool-, the inland waluttav. Willi hut 2l pel eni of the inelal tesi-el in tlie Vineilean fleet, h.n II per tent, of th tonnage, ami wlieiea the iron find steel tlcct owned on the Vllintii and (Jull coist numeiieilli evtetd- that rn the lakes by 1T7 prr eenl.. In tom.age the evte i. a had been Haled, le than II pei rent. To i-arrv till fin tin r, it may be of Interest to tcrldcr the appoiliommtit of tlie larger imn mil steel vc-i'ls-ilioe of 1,000 ion eaeh and over-now operated under Ihe Ameriean flag. Of thin lias of tonnage, out of a total in the 1 l.lted MUr and Hawaii of 7TS ve-sel ol 1,710. T5G Ion there aie to he found on ihe Gieat lake ! tei-els of '.i,3'!.! ton It will tint he je-en tint the like hate at jier t-ent. of the wi.nle fleet i,nd ai pel cent, of the tonnage. - o- lu numeiltal slieugth the lake fleet evceed tint of the Vtlantlc- tout and (iult of MpxIi-o hj I A I vessel, or (ij ptr rent,, and In lonnagc b.t SIl.l ion, or U tier i cut WHY SO ttUICK ? l.ditoi of Ihe Tribune - Sir: Ihe Tribune Ihl uiornina ks tlie op ponentu ol the auglun hill: "Why go nlowS" ll Is a pprtinenl quilion, and it is equally peilimnl to nk The Tribune. "Why o milek lo londenui the lownes of the clergy and ol tlie Christian people of Stiantoiij" It would nut bate oteiiaved the ingeiiuilt of The Tribune to suggest some reasons wht It Christian lead els moved so iilowlj In the matter. Tlie i hlldien ot ibis world and I hat may Include The Tribune aie ier In their gineialton than the children id ligln. Mil .hould not he so, hut we lute tin higlievt aiithoillt for awning ut k Mt Ihe t-leigy and ilmnhe ot Stiantuii hate nioted too slowl, and thiiefore, In the opinion ot The Tribune, the legUlutme should ignore their leasonjble leipitst and "lallroaj" the hill l vvlili Ii the) are nppoi-ed, and n-fu-e them a heailng. Ihls Is the Ingle of The Trihune'a posi tion. If Tlie Tribune helleies In fair plaj, and I think ll doc, it Is not loo late foi ll lo tie nund u hearing for lhoe who lepie-ent thoiiaiid of the good tilUen of s-iauiou, uho helleve that Ihe.t tan fiiinlili good ieaon why the aughaii bill hould not beioine a Ian. Sueli u denuiid U only fair, eten though the chuithe and the iltiny lute been "n tm" in making ii. Ihe Tribune bi lines thai the Vaiighan hill Is iinioinlltutloiuli I Inn. of ioium', ll .lioulij n-e Its gieat liilhieme lo preunl uniointltiitlonal legislillou. To piivinl siuh legislation we ask Ihe T iilmue to Join in In duuaniling a re lommllial of the Vauuhiii hill, so tlut the com mittee who lepie.-irit to lalge and mi Impoitant intiie.l ut the illy of ft union may hate an oppoiluiiil.t to piove that the hill l not only iine-onitiliiiloiul, but that 11 Is otheiwle and In nuiit iKpii'l Inlmlial to the in. I iutiiests ol cull ill. Me may be ilow, but we aie iire that we ate right, uud 11 Is iiiuili better to he "jlow" and right than "qnlik" and wrong. IliffpeUlto of the merit or ilvnicilu ol Ihe bill, our position is that lis opponent., i omldor Ing thli ili-Minr and theli nimihii, arc en titled to a heailmr. Poes The ITIhune ujice with in In Ihl. poslilon, or Is It In fjior ot "railroading" the hill tlmmiih Ihe legislature? If the former, then we ask it io Join us in asking lor .1 hcailtiii; if the laltei. I Inn lu posl. lion will be gieally legielled by miny ol Us icadfi. Tiul joiira, -liuiei SliU-od, :iranton, M.uli ?! TALKS BY THE PUBLISHER The Story Contest. o ni: m:i,k rnoM iooi ail tho.e who wish In n.d...( I.. S,. T. 11... .. lltilnri' 111. - HJ ,VIIIM-,- ll. III,' llllllll'r V ,'ll'IJ - " test" iiiii1 bate their manuscripts In Ihe band of the edllor. "Klght llotlar nn Hour" Is falily good pay for an amileiir M ot v writer and I within caj reaeh of none "otic, who herelofore, perbap., h lacked the tippollimlly tit exert the ability tvhli h he posee. In thl iont"st there 1 no danger of wilting and then not hating the allsfacllou of welng our cflnrt In print, n etery story mibmltted will be published, If the author dor not object, eten If ll doe not win n prlre, and all hate an equal oppmtiinlly of win ning tui, ten or tuent.t-hte dollar. The Tribune In o fining tlie pilre, n full tie rrlpllon of tthltli appear In another column, did o with a desire to ntlinulale Hie people of Ihl coniiuunlly, .toung and old, to evert the literary ability vvhlth lie Inaitlte. In order that Ihe torlen may be doubly intciesting, It U tlpiilalrtl that they i-hall treat l local theiiie, which may or may not be founded on fad, Mining Stories Preferred. Slorle tending to bring out the romance and legendary lore ol the anthracite mining Industry will hate piefeiente. In coniieitlon with etery mine In the valley there Is a mans ol tradition. Including hair-breadth eiaie, nairatlve pi spooky happening and other detail bmdirlng on the weird or supernatural tvlihh ha lieter been gathered together In literal' form. Thl open a Held which I pr.ielleallt Inexhaustible and which (hould nupply the material for some exceedingly interesting fiction The task til pasalng upon the merit of the manuscript mihinittetl will be aligned to a dis interested Judge, whose name will be annoiinied soon after the close of Ihe contest, and who will read the manuscript hut hate no knowledge of the Identity of the author. The envelope con taining the real name ot the authors will be preserved unopened until after the awanla hate been mule. Conditions of the Contest. Ml manuscripts mint be 'iibmlllcd not later than March ilil. All manuscripts must be signed by a fictitious nime and also the writer' real name and post office address. The scene of each slory must be laid In Northeastern I'cnnsylianhi, but the mine of real person. must not be used. One further londttlon must he understood. Contribution intended for this oontei-t will be accepted only from present suh-rrlhers to The Tribune or from tho-e who ma, during the rontesi, become- subscriber by pa.tmtnt of at lcjt one month's sulxcrlptlon In advance. Address, SI Oil Y COXTOT, Scranlon Tribune, J-cranton, I'a. Weekly Letter on Municipal Affairs XLI. ART AND COMMON SENSE IN BEAUTIFYING CITIES. PMIIs. 1 TIIK uiot peileit example of "Ihe (lit beautiful ' of ant of the woild's gieat municipalities. In fact, II beauty far sur passes Its piactleal feature. Some of it modem conteniencc. it methods of vinltittou, and pir,t of It water department aie ivuemily defective. Hut Its cleaned paved Greets, with its public place, suriounded b buildings In har monious sttle and detorated with stitiur.i rep lesenting the highest detelopmeiit ot modem art, with IU river so beautifully bridged, with Its old cathedral of Immense proportion. It comes nearer than any other urban population to leaih ing the ideil which I the utiject of tlie iminlii pil ail movement, 'The I at Hcatitlful." Xew Yoik, (Tilraipt Philadelphia, Iloston. Clevelind, ('iiielnuati, Hallimon and a eoie of other cities hue IikjI orgatilition vvlioe ob jeit for evlstenco U to pinmote rlvic art in their levpeillve cities. Womi of ihese societit are doing good work became they loinblne tlie use ful, practical and common peine idei with the ai-sthetli, while others ore less helpful lo tlie ( InUniiatl may be ilass,-,! among the cities laking a sensible attitude toward the quei tlon, as it t conducting a warm irmide against tlie Miioko nuisance while endeavoring to pioniote Ihe attistle Mile. On the other hind, Ilaltimoie furnbhes the "horrible example" ol Ihe opposite side; theie i lound the fpeiticle of .1 laike imiiiber of irn-n and viomen intliuslntltally too omnuiidiug the expenilituic of laige amount of money for beautifying the til, when it Is the onlv municipality In the ilvillrrd world whuh ha no s.ctini of ranlhr kct.u nor ant uiuhr way Tor .teai this si lie of atTali has gone on, until, to Ihe piaethal rcfoimei- and liie one who believe in pui thai or ioslble aitisllc Ini pinreiniiit, "it would peeni," mil Vlr. John ('. tllmstcad, the gieat landscape .utlst, of lio-tim, "that the first and most sensible thing id do in Ilaltimoie is lo pel feet a modern Msteui of -alii-lot i-esteis hrfoie laving out .1 dollar upon in artistic embellishment. Let the Imptostmmis take their natuial order- th fuaMiial and com mon peine Improvements hrt, and the develop menl ot lb" aevlhille vld" suoml." ( oiitlmiing upon thl pirlieuhir point, he said- "Ihe ci of llallimoie is an (snlaiul on , po that Hie rule which would neossarlli appl to it vv-niild not be t-o cvsential to other mien, lor Ihe panic londlllon cannot be found el-ewheie. There are ceilaln (undjiiifiilal featiues in a rlt.v's construc tion and development whlili lull, I, absolutely, he falilv well pel fee ted hi fore a dollar Is expended In the nitistiu tlcivclopnirnt, and one of these features Ls the inodcin sewir ijilim. When rtaltl. more ihall have Mqiplled this great Ink il will he time inougli lo eommenie lis anuvtlc develop ment." II nuy he said, in explanation, that a propo-cd pi in ol Mnltaiy sevveis foi llaltimore is now under consideration, Ihe total cost of whuh will foot up to 1U,00O,IiQii. The leading niiropejn eille h.ive tlevoied nun h attention and evpiudcd millions, in the promotion ol civil an, so that American cities, wilh their superabundance of prictieal lihas, must learn of the Old Ym Id. Tin re is no ell In the L'nlted State whuh has had more money expended upon Its ae.llutli' Mi' tlun the national capital, and no illy ha .1 laiger number ol public statue and attempts at title adornment, and it 1 al-u tine that there ls no better example of bungling work lu tltls rrgaid to be found In the countr. Vlany of it statues, tablets, etc., .lie arranged without legard to true nutt-idc ml cHerl., and there has been no geneial plan laid out to he followed In the fuluie rmbelli-hinent of the f it J ; a laik which I the more iiolbeahle and Hie more lo be icgietled became It Is (lie nation's capital lit. Tlie government buildings, as a whole, form the onl teileeming featuie, among which aie to be found nomc of the most magnifi cent flructinrs, fioni an aesthetic standpoint. In the world. Ill the t onslrui lion of It lull', touil homes, public sihools and llbrarlc there Is afioidi'd a tine opportunity for a combination of the artl.tln with tlie practical. The most beautiful llbury building In the 1'nltid Stalls, jml probibly lu the wot Id, I the Nailoiul l.lbuiy al Waslilng tou. Iloston and Chicago have notaoie example In this tigaid, and, in the ionise of two .veais, Sew Vol Is will lead, when its new- puhlli library, to occupy the Mte of the old Ciolon leservoir, will le completed, at mi expense of $.'l,IMIl,(iiH), Phllaih'liiluu ha tlie laigejit and, in pouie ie speits, the ino-t beaiititul ill ball lu Ihe wnrid, while New Yoik ill! Ini Ihe pouict and lent, Theie has been . nun h "Jobber" In toiilieclloii with the loiniiuctloii of i ity halls ill general that It is not surprising that theie should he ro many tiiou-liii'ltles peipetralcd upon the people. New ill,, ( hlugu, llo-lmi, lliitTalo, (levcland and man smaller dllex have out Si own the iidinlnlslullon hulhJIng lui.v in use, and are leall.v in dlie uetd of moie moduli and bettei adapted triiituru for eair.vlng on tne al lair ol the city. Whin, new i Ity lulls ate elected in these title time will be a line oppor luultf for the authorities to combine the piaetl tal with tlie .ill 1Mb' to their gnat advantage. utile eais agu, ot an evpune ol .SiKl.ixitl, tlie city of spiliulleld, (.. construe ted a t oiiiIjIii.h Ion tily lull, imrkft homo and .luilliorluiu that for ugliness and laik ol adaptnhllll to it mea is iiiisiu passed in the loiiuti.t. Us pinmuicis had expectations ol making it .1 paying liivt.iiuent lor the clt.v, an Idea whhh hould be utterly loielxn to the construe Hon of a tit hall, fiom the rent of the stoics and market stalls which ouuplrd Hie entire giound floor, u nutter ol (act. It ha been a lining game, fiiiam hlly. fiom the si.nt. Its interior iiiiaiigeimnt I. not only d'feetlte, hut ivtremcly abniiid, I'm t am ide, Ihe major's ofllie and Ihe iollte hvJilipm leu aie In our end u( Hi- biilhllug on I lie -cimd floor, whllo (he city rb-rk's oftlcc, enjlnertlng and water depirimt-nt are on the same lloor In the ntlitr cud of the building and no connecting coirldor belwieii the two sets of offices, no that when Ihe i.uvor wishes to sec the illy ilcrk he mint ilemrnd to the street and walk live hundred feet tn the ulhir ind of Hie building In oithr lu enter the taller' nillie. Among the umillrr cities whfi Inhale dlsplafil Rood Jiiilgmriil lu the tonslliietloii ol publle bullilliigs I I'toila, III,, whlili for oue-tlilrd the price paid for the ill hall In Springfield bulll one which 1 ,i model In airanginicnt nnd one ol the most beautiful til halls of Its sire In the country. In the development of Ihe jttlsllc aide ol Hie city It Is an easy and luexpcnsltc to pinmote beauty and general h union in the le tcrse. Tor Instaiue, the rtnet sign and Ihe lamp post could be made of uniform design and spe i billy adapled to their reteral neuls. II would cot no more In construction lo Incorporate a beautllii Idea or design than to perpetrate aonie of Ihe ugly and unalttaitlve dilgtn lound In the attragc tit. If the American lilies weie to follow the ex amples of I'arl. llerlln ,inil other r.uropeoti cities In the s.tstcmallc ailornnicnt ol Ihe park sstems, fhesmall squates, open spaces and pub lic buildings, II would not be a long period of time before the illle of the .New World would rival lhoe of the Old, when the "city practical" would be Iransfoimcd Into the "city beautiful." ooooooooooooooooo S J ITO People's Exchaegeo V A POI'llliAK CLEAttlNG IIOUSI". tor tin 0 Denetlt of All Who Have House! to A Ber.t. neal lilate or Other 1'ionerty to Sell or Kxthange, or Who Wont situations or ' Help These Small Advertisement Cost , One Cent a Word, Six fnscitlons tor Flvo cents a vtoril IJxt ept Situations vtaniea. vi men Are inserted tree. ooooooooooooooooo Help Wanted Female. WANTKO-YOt'XH blV TO TAKC CHAIlOt! ol small business establishment out of tit. Addn It. A., 1112 l.afa.vtlte Miecl. WVTi:i) COVII'KTKM'VOVA 1011 OKNKIIA1. housework (all at Oieen House, eoinei I'lvrtrio and Jeflersoii avu.ue. wamt:i TWO WOMKX, WHO AUK .NOT I'.M plo.ted now; mint be quick and good plain witter; stale Kilat wanted per week, and ad dles Witer, this olfiie. WAXTi:i)-tl(lllV AHVV, (OMrinTAT (inn. for geneial hounwork -null famllv ; no washing; good wage. Ilium iifennce. 025 Jefferson avuiue. WAXTKI)-(!ini, FOlt 1,1011 r IKirSKWOltK. IS' family of two. tall second floor .141 Adann atcnue. Salesmen Wanted. JKS't salinmxx. sniooi, scppmia lountiv wolk, S100 salary and commissions. II. 0. llvafi k Co.. Chicago, III. Situations Wanted. SITCATIOX WAXTI'll-m V 0I'N(I M N'. s gents furnlslilng clerk or timekeeper and clerical vvoik. Addrrs. J. ft.. Tribune office wax'ii'd -position vs iioi'm:kki:i':h in" hotel in illy or lOimtrt, or do woik of small fainllt. (all oi addit-v T.TI Harrn-on live line, I, K. S. WAXJi:l-llV V MII.I.INI'II, WOHK TO TAlxl! bcinie oi will ?n nut bv the day epeilal at tenlion Iten !o old irimniiiis. Addles Jl'ss M. I.,, Tribune oilier. SlTCVTIOX W VNTK.D TtY OVC. Mtv, i an make hluisell hamli ut most an.tthing; honist ami wbei and can ttve the best of rete cnif. Ailtliis VI. P. s.,, Tribune office. For Sale. 'S s iii:i.c,iN' itMii.-s-m v niovi rm-i' iiaxd. lirgest bii-ed-rs in tin world; lant.t stoik; low- prires. Ttoekv Mountain llelglan Hale Co . JOS Qulmy building, Penttr, (ol. Aguits v anted. rou hai.I'-sooa wvti:u iocntaiv. com. plete, with tanks, ele. M Donncll, (3 Suuili Main Mteet, Carbor.dalc. Toil SAI.K-sODV FOr.NTAlX VNI) !U'. CIIIIAVI flxtuies; pool health, nui't sell. Appl to Mis. II. x. Capwell, raetorvtille, Pa ion sxi.ii-iioi'-sr.iioi.u n itNiTTitr, op eveiv iIim iiplluil, 1 sis hiding pljno; going lo leave ili.v. . . lliovviilng, sl.'i avenu. i Oil Svld'-OX ACtOI XT OP SllKNKs-, V small mtuiifailuring bu.'ini; piotttN 1U P"i' lett. aid ovei , little t ompclltlon; mull cJpll-.l icqulied for lug retutis; leiun to bo iimtualiy agned. Tilbum I "I. I'. POR .SVI.I.-l.UIIKs PUM'TOX. l IX KVP.IIV tta; high glade, S i.intor nial.ej ulmoat bran new. .pply at (Ml Jlouioe avence. , For Sale or Rent. 101. SM, op. UKNT SI.NIil.P IKlbSP. IN good lor.ditlon ,it No. "3S (iiiirty avenue. AP'y to John Jcimvii, IP' W.tomlrg ate, t It.". ron sai.k or in:Nr Tin: iiiiivixo paiik Hotel; el 'guntly fiirni-h d, pmse-slo'i Kben cm the luil day of Vpill. Vlip'y to Willi nn Craig, can 1;. Itohln-on's sous' brewery. Wanted To Buy. WANTKD-M.COXD'IIAND &1J1T MACHINIS; nicst be In good order, (late particulars as to make and price Addicss L. M., general de liver, Seranton, Pa. Money to Loan. J10XKY TO LOAN OX IVIPTIOVHO CITV ULAb c.talc. IIIIMIV niU.IN'. .III. ( HAS 11. WKM.l'.S. THOMAS SPUAllUK. STnMdllT I.OAXs, ANY AMOb'.NT. IXTl'RI'ST t lo ll per rent. 1 rank K. Uonrelly, attor ney, Tiaders' .National Hank building. MOM'Y TO LOAN OX 110X1) AND MOltTGAOi:, iy -amount. M. II llolgale, Coinmonwealtli building, ANY AMOUNT OP 110XKY TO l.OAX-'.UI( K. straight loans cr Iiullding and boi.i. At Irom 4 to 0 per cent. Call on N. V, Walker, SH-atS Connell bulldln;. Rooms Wanted. orx(j vun iiiihs sixfiu:, i i'iiviiir r loom. Addresi , Tribune, i-tallng pine, location of room, elc. V VNTP.I1 -1 lllST-CIiVSS IT UNMIl'l) HOllM. hv mm and wife, with or without board, in central ell ddic-a Is., Ii! Mulbeiry. Rooms nnd Board, i.ii(ji; i iiont iioovi tirn HOxiiu poit gililluncu. ID Adam, avenue MO Business Opportunity, $Mel I.N'M'STI'I) IX A l.l.TilTIMAri: PATI'It prise will glto j mi nil office position U' a salary of MOO per month. Write. VI. Kramer, old P. O, building, Sc union. Pa, Recruits Wantsd. waxtkd ron v. s. AiiMVt AiiLi: uouiiin! unmjrrled men between ages of 21 and ,"o; citizens ol United States, of good rharait-r ai'd tempciate habit, who can speak, trad ami write KnglWi, Ilrrrull sprrlally desired for (I'ltlrn in Phlllpplnei. Pol Inloimatlon appi.t lo Krcrultlng Ofilcc, 121 Wtomlnj ntc, Sciaii ton. Pa. Miscellaneous, SS.'.'S SV MHiUNio, i:xiiiM:i:ns, pi.kciiiii.ian''. Plicnii'ii, eti., new- tdpayo piinpl.lel eontiln ll.g question asked by examining bnanl ut tugi neers, ent lice. Ilro. , Zi-llci, Pulillslit r, si Louis, Mo, i) pi.MTPiis ron sai.i:, r.i ( i:ntm inn. mer prlie, H.W. .Mis Mac Donald, i.,1 Waln t liijtou avenue. Por Bent. PLAT NO. 1, I'lVK DOOMS, 8. 1IACKU1T, Ileal Cstate Ilxchatigc. i I'LAT .NO. ITVl! IllXIMS, fS. IIACKP.TT, IVate I'xehange. 1I.AT NO. 2'i. KIVi: IIOOMS, (jfl. 1IACKP.TT, Ileal Kstatr llxihaugr. l'MT NO. 3, I'OUt KOOMS 5I1-"- UACKK1T, Ileal IMale Kxihange. ll.AT NO. I, llllll'i: I100M9, $10. HACKUIT, Heal I'state l.vclmngc. no. , fivi: nooMS. ii iiackutt, Ibol K'tatc t'.rihiinjct. no. o. si.vnv uooms, ni. hackkti', Ileal llstato 1'Hhaugo, IT,T .NO. 7. SIV 1S00M, 14. IIACKP.TT, Heal l.'state P.xclnnge. 1LT NO. 8. I'OUlt IIOOMS, 112. lUCKI'lT, Ileal Kstatc Kuhange, KliAT NO. ft, SIX IIOOVIS, sfl.1. 1IACKI1TT, Heal Kstate l'xchangr. 1 I.AT NO. 10. POl'Il IIOOMS. ?13. IIACKUTr, Iletl 1'slate r.xchange. ii.t no. ii, roi'n hooms, ii. iiackktp, Ileal Kstate Kxchange. FLAT NO. 13, SKVPN llOOMsi, $13. HACKCTT, tleal l'tate Kxcliangc. ri.AT no. is. Kioiir iiooms, ?n. iickktt, Heal IMate llxihinge. 1I.AT NO. It, SP.VIIN' HOOMS, fll. lHCKCTT, Ileal I'state Kxchange. FLAT NO. 15, SKVP.X HOOMS, $10. HACKKTT, Ileal Kstate Kxchinge. FLAT NO. )r.. SKVPN IIOOMS, -Jll. HACKKTT, Heal Kstate Kxchange. H.AT NO. 17, SKVKN HOOMS, -,16. HACKKTT, Heal Kstate Kxcli-inue. I 1.AT NO. IS, I'OUlt HOOMS, M"-". HACKKTr, Ileal Kstate Kxchange'. 11.AT NO. 19, I'lVK H00MS3, M7. ltACKCTT, Heal Kstate Kxchange. ri.AT NO. SO, SIV UOO.MSj, til. HACKK'tT, Heal IMate','e. FLAT NO. 21, SIV IIOOMS, -fGO. 1IACKI.TT, neal I'state Kxchange. FbAT NO. ;.'. TWO IIOOMS. $18 HACKtirT. Heal Kslate Kxchange. rLAT NO. 21, FIVK nOOM, $1P. IIACKKTT, Heil Ksl.ite Kxchange. FLAT NO. 17, SKVKX 110051s, Sii. HACKKTT, Heal Kslate Kxchange. FIAT NO. 'i-l, KM'.VKN UOOMs. I0. HACKKTT, Heal Kstate K-;chinge. FLAT NO. 21 TWl.bVi: HOO.V11. $,V). 1ICKKT1, Hetl Kstate Kxchange. 1T.AT NO. M. SKVKN- IIOOMS, Ml. ll VCKK1T, Heal l'slile Kxchati,e. IIOI'SK I. SlV ROOMS. STOYK IIKAT. $1 llackett. HOPsK -', SKVKX HOOMS, STOv K IIKVP $10. llackett. HOl'Si: 3. ITYK ItOOM. STOVK 11KVT, sJlO. llackett. HOIsK (. SIV HOOMS, SIOVK IIKAT, 5J10. llackett. IKIl's'K 5, SIX HOnMv, STOVK nt: VT, $12. llackett. HOISK 0. SIX ltOOVl S10VK IIKVr, 12. llackett. HOl'sK 7. vjv; KOOMs, SIOVK HKsT. lj. llackett. IIOllsi: s. sIV KOOMs. ll VI II. STOVKS, Sli. llackcll. HOI si! 0. SIX IIOOMS HATH, SiOVKS. ill. Hacked. norsn in. Nivr. iiooms, siovi: in: vr. m llackett. IIOI'SK II. xini: HOOMS, ll.Vi II, STOVKS, tin. llackett. noi'si: i.'. nuiir itoo.M-, ii vi ii irn.svci:. VIS. Ilaiketl. HOl'sK II. TKN II0O.M-', IIVTII. sTOVKS, J IS llackett. norsn ii. jI,m;.v noovis. hath, sikam, JlSii. Illeleetl. not si: n, 1:10111 hooms, path, iimin, ?io llackett. 1101 Si, in, SKVKV HOOMS, HVTII. 1 UR.N'ACP, "!. llackett. IIOI'SK 17, 'KVK.N ItvlOMS. IIVTII. ITRNACC, .'". liacU'it. HOl'sK le', KHillT HOOMs, IIMII, PUIXACK. 2.' Il.ul.ett. not si: tn. i.icur hooms. uvtii. rrisxAci:. t-'l. 11.11 kill. HOL'SK 20. 1K.N ItOOVIS. HATH. HAHN, t-'a. Ilaekitt 1101 sK 21, I.I.KVKX K00)', iixrii. stkam. Ib'.ckelt. iiorsi. -j. mm: hoovis. nvni, ilhxa(K, t-r iiackitt. IIOI'SK 2(. .SKVKN HOOVIS nVTIt, PCRXACK. VJ1 Ila'l.ett. H0U.SI! 21. M.N'F, HOllM-. HATH, I'UHXACK, ..-. Il.ick-lt. noi'si- 2.i, mni: r.ooMi, nvni. sn:M, t:ci. Ibicketl. HOPSK 2d. N1XK IIOOMS, HATH. PCrtNAClEi .fi). Well. IIOI'SK 27, MNI' ltOOVi?, HUH, HTlXAtK, J2',, llackett. HOt'Si: !H, SIV HOOtIS, HUH. !TR.V.CK, 2j. liuclclt. norsi: Lti. KirniT itoovis, ijvtii. icnvACK. . IltiUtt. HOI'SP.iJO. KKKVKX ItOOM-j, HUTI, IUHXACk! V-'-i. Ilackelt. 1101 SP, ill. NIXK HOOMs, I1UI1, ITiHXACi: fcM. llackett. HOl'sK ii-'. mm:, nTH, ICnXACK, MS. Ilaiketl. hook tn. si;kv iiooms'. ihtii, ithxaci, 2.1. Ilaeketl. HOPSK St. KII1IIT UOOMs, HAITI. 1 L'UN'At K, VJS. llackett. HOI SK .11. XIN'P, HOOMs, 11 VT1I, HAUN, rj. ILvkctt. IIOI'SK .'HI. TKN H0O5I-, II VIII, ITHXACK, :-'(!. Hacked. HOl'sK '.7, TKN IIOOMS, HUTI, 1TIIXACK, Ml. Il-nkill. iioisi: ri. tkn iiooi, huti, rrnxvcK, MO. Hacked. HOl'sK ii'i, T11KI.1K 1IOOM-, HAT 11, HMtX, K'u. Ihcketl. HOOK 10. NIXK KOOMs. mill. STOVKS, S.'A ll.u hi II llOlsl', 41, IKN HOOMs, IIVTII. lUItXACK S.II. 11,1(1,1 II. HOl'sK I'. NINK KOOMv. HVTII, ITIIXAC V, s.o. II.Kkrll. hook ti. tuki.m: iioom-, nun, itu-, ss-lt;, llaiki'lt, llOlsl', II. I'.I.KVKX ROOMn HATH. I'PHNACK, W. II.lll.Ctl IIOl'sp, II, P.ltillT HOOMS. huti, ivkxack M,-,. llackett. HOl'sK 10. TWKI.VK IIOOM. II VIII, ITU naie, .!1. Ihcketl, HOl'sK. 17. MM: IIOOM-, HV1T1, sTKAM, tls" ll.ickelt. Illll sK If. XINI", IIOOMS, HAT H, STKAM, MO. Hacked. HOOK ll. KI.KVKX HOOMS HUH, ITH I ', ll. Ilaikdl. HOl'sK .VI, K1.KI'..N IIOOMS HUH, STK VM, . Hacked. iior.irMTi.i.KVKX iioom. irvTTT. iT"i: naie. vxi. Ibickelt. IIOI'SK .12, TIIIHTI IIOOM", sll'SM, Mil Ilackelt, NLEY .Easter Display Of IBxclusive SUks and Hue Em iress GooslSa Our exhibition of dtgant DrHl Materials embraces all our choici selections for spring trade. Beautiful line of fine Silks, Wol and Silk and All-Wool fabrics suit able for bridal gowns, street and and evening wear. Louisinnes, Penu de Soie. Panne Satins, Grena dines, Berages and Albatross, in new shades of Rose, Heliotrope, Castor, Greys, Browns and Blues. Foulard Satins and Silks in un. usually attractive colorings and de signs. Extraordinary values at 7gc9 $n0 and $io2g. CWool Challies, w i 1 1 cstln clrln. .11 Ki. ... 2J sinsiii siiiikw, an una aca son's patterns at 35c. 'SitliiC Wai8t Silks Tht best -V's quality Japanese Wash Silk, in corded, stripes and plaids. n nvns 50-inch Broadcloths, Jlo-syvU assorted colors; good value at $1.50, for $1.00. -512 LACKAWANNA AVENUB . Our windows full of odds and ends in Box Stationery that will pay stationery buy ers to look at and examine. Mostly all Whiting's fines! papers. Reynolds Bros Stationers and Engravers, Hotel Jermyn Building. For Bent. H.M.TOV HOL'SK, KVKKY CONVENIENCE, t1. llackett. -1 1 , , , ' , 1 runsisiiKi) housk, r.vEnv CONVENIENCE, V. llackett. I'lMlNlSHKI) HOUSE IN COUNTJIV, Hacked. "MO. STOHP.S, OIFICKS, PAKNS AND FACTOHT tiace. llackett. STOKKS. OPK1CKS", HAIIN'S AND I'AtTOltVI paie. llackett. sioitKs, (ippicks, nvnvs and rAcronr kjiace. Ilaeketl. I on ItKNT -IIM.P DOrtll.K HOUSE. 9 nOOMsi Sis. Kii llarrisen avenue. An1'-, Thornis lliiell. BW HaniMiii avenue. 1011 IIKNT-111.1' IXH1H.K IIOI'SK, 6 IIOOMS, nii-clcm impiovcinenls. l."tl. lre Mreet. I lilt ItKNT- IT I1NMIKI) IIOOM I'OU OKNTtS linn, ill private fainllt; all com mien f. 'J' iishlngton aver.ue roil KK.NT-ON'K-HM.P OK DOIIIILi: 1IOURB, sis looms: modem lonvenleniesi good loe. lion. Inqiilrn roiner firein lllilge street, Madl. son ateiiue. .lolin Walter. Poll HK.NT-SIV IIOOM IIOl'.iKi KENT Ifl2. Inqtilro al Fi2i (illiscin street. ron ki:.nt--"I:(o.nd and tiiiro KLoon--, 21 Kaikavv.iiina avenue. lavv rent to cli-slrahle ten ant. PiMsisslon April 1. r. II. Uioolts, TiadeiV Htnk li'lllcllliL-. PIIKK STIIKPI' NI f.MllMKW A KN'l'K, ON"! mx-rooin liou-e, 1J "0: tliric flvcrocm liouurf, HO 'A llaHeil, .IIS Mulberry stre:t. 1 NOW IIWK ON HAM) KOK KENT. ONE. hall of iloulile hiiuse. elegantly finished, rii aiute In pailor. loialeil in MOD block Mulberiy. See . Tappan, lots Mullierry. 1KHKI, ron IIKM". SHI I.IN'DKN slKKKT IV. epilre of .1. (, Mililiel K) tlllKI'N HllliiK STTIKKT. TKN" IIOOMS iimlein Improvement.; ttraiii lieat luinlshe'l; ilnlialilei S'loo, ron in:Nr-2 pp.n month, stokk, rsi latkavvaniia avenue. Iniiilri cm prtniIM. IIOTKI. loll KKM'-INtH IKK OP MIIS. T. I.. .lone. Main Miccl. Tajlor. '..-. .'i .' .-l Real Estate, wT"T?i I Tuvi: TT? llOOM 0 N1 10 nKAli KMule Kiliaii''e UAllvKTI' III Vs. sKI.Ls, HKNTS, 1NS1 IIKS, c-M liiiiijc, a.pi.ilss, eare (or i.-c,ity iT.ui7i:vriiA" somk haiki.mns is kf.Z relate, KtlKIII'ls PINK, I.MIKK LOT ON IHK. ilson jvcime It mU! quickly, See "A" ', llaikclt IE HAVE h