The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, March 23, 1901, Page 11, Image 11

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T1IK most clubuiHto dodltritoi y nor
s lues of uny church In UiIh rcRlon,
with the exception C r.lm Park
church, will take place next week
lit Wllkes-Hiitic when the mB
nlllrcnl new cillllco nf the Ccntial TJplsropal oonwcRiitloii will
he dedicated. Thin winctuaiy Is one of
thu hiindnoineol In Mcthoillniu and
while totully illffoient In ootintructlon
imd plium from Kim 1'aik chinch coin
p.ircst vciy fasorulily with that lino
property. It has been built duiltiff this
PHRtnnitc of liov. Di. Curtis Z. Mors,
the brilliant illvlne. foimcrly of Syiu
iufo, nnil In ii credit to his enlei prise
and cnlhUHlaem and the anient nup
poit of the coiiRteRiitlon. The be
holder cun nciiitely bclleir that the
splendid bulldliiR Hltuntcd on a corner
of rranklln and Academy sttcetf, in
iludlnR the parKonage, which I at
tached to the chuieh, cost but about
A unique fratuic of the dedlcatoiy
services arc that each evening Is In
chniKO of a different chuieh and often
n different denomination than Indlcal
lug the kindly feeling' cxlt-tlnn be
tween vnilotiH ivIIrIouh ectH In Wilkes
J'liuc. Tomoiiow illuming the pastor
and coiiRlcR.ttlon upenH the sei vices In
their new chinch. In the evening Huv.
I)r W. A. reaice, of the First Jletli
odlst chinch, ilellvera the sermon while
an elaboiatc progiammo of music Is
I'uinlshed by the First chinch choir of
which M1h KaWer Is soprano, Mls
(Sinco Dinican, Messis. Thomas A.
Williams and Orval H. Tetter the other
On Mnndnt ninht the Flint Viesby
teilan chinch will be In evidence, Ilcv.
Dr Undn piesldlng, and thu eloquent
Hex (i. l'.usons XlchoN, D. LI., of
niURliamton. dellveiliiR the tiddler.).
Tuesday night will be the PnnMi
Stieet chinch night llc-v. Dr. A. H.
Little of i:ast Oihukp. X. J.. dcllverliiK
the seiiuon
Wednesday ulglit the seixbei will be
londucted by Itev. II. U Jones, S. T.
D of Pt. Stephens' IJplscopal chinch.
1U Kcv. IUIiclbeit Talbot, bishop of
the Cential Pennsylvania diotce. glv-'
lug the address. The sur
pllced choir will piovlde tnin-ic.
Thuisday night It the Young Peo
ple's service when all Young People's
societies In the city and vicinity nie
Invited to be piesent. The meeting will
be In chaigo of Hev. Dr. A. Oillllu,
Piesldlng elder. night is the star uiglit In
many icspects, as lllshop (.'. II. Fowler,
one of the gieatest pulpit orators of
m (hutch will deliver his woncieitul
lectin o on Ciinnt. nlvkop Fowler will
minim t the final dedicatory s-ei vices
in Sunday.
a t
Dui lug the past two weeks
tlons have been In progress at the Hall
to.ul young .Men's Christian associa
tion fur ,i week of evangelistic meetings
which opens on Sunday at ft. 15 p. m.
with S. JI. Iiaid. state secretaiy, as
speaker. The past week has been oh
sen td as Bible study week with fre
quent gioup meetings dally. Last Sun
dio's iiicetlng will also be for men
onlj The Schubert male quartette will the singing, assisted by two cor
nels and piano. Mr. Haul is one of the
most poweiful speakers to men's audl
'uccs In the country and It will bo a
j,ieat privilege to hear him.
The piogiamme tor the week will be
announced on Sunday. It will include
shop nieetiiiRs. prayer sei vices, and
euingellstlc meetings for men at the
Herniation building. A coidlal Invi
tation Is extended to men to enjoy the
meeting on Sunday and to attend the
ovenlng meeting thiough the week at
t .1 meeting of the coiiRiegatlon of KiirUhIi Tvutheran church this
wok. steps weie taken that finally
deteiniine the question of the location
jf the new church building and its
election without fuither delay. The
trustees of the congregation, consisting
of the pastor, elders and deacons, were
e ulhoijiul and Instructed to purchase
u huge lot at the west coiner of Mul
bfity gticct and Piescott avenue, and
to sell the lot on the corner of Mul
leny stieet and Madison avenue,
v. help the congregation now woishlps
in a ti.iuio chapel. Tlie trustees are
fmthur Instructed to secure and con
sldei .duns and specifications for the
new tnilldlng, which they can iccom
mend, in tutn. to the congiegation tor
its approval.
Tlie congicRntlon Is determined to
build ,i house of worship that will be a
i milt to the community and the city
at lingo as well as a testimony to its
faith, whiih iiiiiiiliet.s mote adherents
In the world than all other Pioteslont
denominations together. It Is further
determined to build without debt at
least none of any consequence. Tho
pastor of the church, lie v. Luther Het.s
Wailng, of fiJ3 Piescott avenue, Is ul
leady ut woik canvassing for subscr Ip
tlons and contilbutlons towanls the
revv edifice.
plan with tefeience to holding in
tei national and state conventions has
been adopted to an extent by the Young
People's Society of the Chi lotion Kn
dcavor. Heteatter the International
and State bodies will meet eveiy two
years, Instead of every year, but the
conventions will not be held the same
c,u. For Instance the Intei national
convention will be held next July In
Cincinnati, but the state body will not
meet until October, 190.'.
Some time ago the executive commit
ttu of the Intei natiouul union decided
on the biennial convention and a poll
of the ofllcers and prominent Christian
Kndeuvor workeis of the state hus
shown that over flO per cent, of them
are In favor of the biennial state con
vention. A meeting of the state execu
tive committee will be laid at Cincin
nati dining thu Intel national conven
tion In July at which an amendment to
the state constitution Movidlng for
the biennial tonventlou will be piesent
ed and acted upon.
The new plan Is mudo jieceshary by
the tremendous growth of the Clulutlan
Kndeavor movement which makes the
annu?' conventions of tho general and
state unions no longer feasible
The diummer evangelist. Itev. W. II,
Wllilunis, was In the midst of a to
vivuj meeting lu the Baptist chuieh at
I'ciitvillo when he was compelled to
Hop on account of his wlfe'h sickness
"rid death. He says he will take up
I he work of the Anti-Saloon league
next Sabbath with new faith and zeal.
At lO.rso a. Hi,, tomorrow he will de
liver u. sermon In the Haptl&t church,
IVikvlllej at fi p. in., In the Welsh nap-
Mat chuieh, Paisons, Av p. in., In the
Methodist chinch.
Other meetings are: Monthly, March
-5. 7.H0 p. in., Iaflln mines; Tuesday,
.March . 7.30 p. m., Methodist church,
Aldcrson; Wednesday, March 27, 7.30 p.
m., Wannmlc, under the auspices of
the Women's Christian Temperance
union. Tuesday, March 2S, 7.30 p. m.,
Methodist church, Chinchilla: Sunday,
March .11, 10.30 n. ni.. Aft lean Metho
dist Episcopal church, Sctanton. Sub
ject, "The Last Itomp with the Tiger."
The Young Women's Christian asso
ciation has Issued the following:
ler V. W. r. ,v. r,cn,l! TliU little llp I
an JppMl timn tlie tiuiinRfm of the . W C. A.
for :onr lull rut and lrli In a mmement tint
wo liow tf a imltnl one 'tlie aiwcUtlon
M In iiissrnt nrerl ot nniniy at tliN time to inwt
Ha obllcatlniK, nn-l to a k'Iiniip Iij lictn ailoplcJ
by which any tiiiinlifr ot tlie aoclitluti may,
ly tcrorul trToit, or an a lontiltmtlon, hflp lo
laUc lln neerii'ji nionrj. My 1 "1 i"" tnr
jour lifailir.t rncpiratlmi,
f Y(iur In tlie woit.
sil.lll II. Illpplf.
Vmuujt i i,i laiiuiM niclhoib (vlilth may be
tuiirtul foi tiMipjMns: i)k talent Inml, the (o.
loniiiR may be helpful!
I Irtt "oine inv prefer lo male a itilt of
(crt.iln imnunt js ( fieo will oflcilnij.
r-ctoml iiiic ma pictd to li able frr
tain amount earh dav or at stated Interval',
which may l umimulatnl .(' a t-elt-denlal fund.
cr a lb ml, nfferlinr fm hot lal bleKiinsn.
Ililnl Sf.mi' nia.v ileibo pleuime ,ainl pioflt
by ti-liiu the "faliM fJllt," whlih I. rnclivnl
lien n llli, as a (nli capital loi iiiu-ttment. Thli
ini'thfol i (".pcrUtlv (omniinilfil to all.
liiifilay cieiiliiff, Vpill ::il, a Talent Social
will be held .11 the rooms whin ill envclopta
an- (poilrd (i b, m turned, with I lie 11 r irnU
and the imiiav enrlojed
Thoio will be a uilly of all the llpls
(opal chuieh Sunday schools of the
(it j- In St. Luke's church Sunday at
1 o'clock in tlie afternoon Hev. Di.
Duhtlng, ot Philadelphia, distinguished
as one of the gieat Sunday school
woikeis of tho chinch, will nddiess the
cillldien. The public Is Invited.
A union missionary service will lu
conducted on t'tldny Mnich 20, at 7.13
p. in., In St. Mark's Lutheran church.
Itev. John Tclleen, superintendent of
the foielgn mission woik of our chuieh
will pi each a special nilsslonaiy yor-J
Tomorrow's Services
Methodist Episcopal.
Mm Park tbiirch l'rajer and plain: aeriwo
at U.30, preaching at 10.1(1 a. ni. and 7.J0 p. in.
liy the pator, C. l. fllfflti. P. II. At 12 ni a
ehort ttuib in Mindav echool room; Sunday
K'liool at 2 and Kpworth lcaune at 0.30 p. m.
At the MImIoii, 1510 I'ine Mrect, Sunday whool
at 9 a, ni, and Kpnorth Icorvic at 6.H0 p. ni
Simpson Methodist Kpluopal church Itev, John
II. .sweet, pastor, Moruiue prajcia at 0.!);
preachliiK sen Ire, pennon by the pa-tor, at 10 SO;
Sundav school at li. OwinK lo the funeral ser
vice of II. P. Jones there will lie no Junior
league. 1'uncral in the church at 2 o'clock,
l'.pwotth league it (1.30; pleaching wnice, ser
mon by the pastor, at 7.30. The thlul sermon
In the series, "Some of ChrUt's I,at 1'lijkical
l'tteranee." Subject, "i'oiakcn oi Cod." All
xats fiec. V cordial welcome.
Aslmrv Methoillit 1'pLicnpil churdi, corner
Mousey annuo and Pelaware i-trect ltcv. (.
Simp-on, P. P., pastor Dei ot ion il meetliic of
the llrotheihood of St. Paul at OHO a. m.;
pnachlns at 10 30 a. in bv Itev. V. ,t. Koid,
11, P., pastor (,ieen Itiilse IlJtil ist church; Sun
day school at 'l.'.O p. m.; Kpworth leaRiic at 0.30
p. in.; preaching at 7.30 p ni. by pa-tor; nib
jict, ",leui and the World's Woe." 1'rajer
incitliii.', Widneidaj, it 7.30 p. in lluslncss
meeting of the llrotheihood of St. Paul on the
second and fouith Tuesdais of each mouth at
7.30. Seats lice and all aie welcome.
Providence Melhoditt Kpleopal chuieh Itev,
fieoige A. Cute, pastor, llrotherhood ot St. Paul
meets at 10 a. ni. Subject of morning cimon,
al 10.30. " he Chiisthn's ag4"; Sunday
hIiooI, at 5 p. m., will be addresl by a ml(
slonary fruni China, the Hev. Mr. Prcjtr; l'p
worth league at fi.13, topic, "What I Owe to
Chrlt," Warren fi. tteew, leader; subject of
eiening Mrmon, at 7.30, "sjinpilhy with the
rouit Stiect VethodM Tpn-eopal chuuh-G. C.
Ionian, paaor. Cla-, 0.4 i. m , O. p. DeU'itt,
leadd. Preaching 10.80; Sunday fchool, 11.45,
ft 11. Cloik, supcrlntdidcnt. .Junior league,
J Mr, VV, C William", miperlntrnilrnt. Pp.
worth league, fl.80. Pleaching. 7.30. boats tree,
liurjbodv weltorpe.
Hampton Stiect Method!t l',pieopaI i lunch
ltei. .Tame Iluminarr, pasloi. subject of oer.
mon, "sirpplng Stones"; rlas meeting at 11.30;
Sundiy school ut 2 p. in.; Junior league at 3
p. in.; Senior league at 030 p. in., leader,
CJeorge I'ry; eicnlng preaching miiIcc .it 7.30,
tubjitt uf aciiuoii, "Victory Ihrongh CluUt."
Africin MethodUt l.picopal thuich, ilouaul
place Pr. P. S. Dentley, iatoi. Preadilng at
W..10 a. in., ciibject, "The Wa.le of Ointment."
Sunday fchool at 2.30 p. in.; U.I5, Chrlitlin
llndoavov meeting; pieaclilng, 7.11 p. ni. A toi
dial welcome U extended to nil.
I'nst Ceunan Methoilist KptMOpal elmieh,
Adanw avenue and Vine ptiect O. Dobllin, pas
tor. Preaching oenlcea, 10.30 a. ni. and 7.30 p.
m. J Sunday school at noon, and at 2 o'clock at
the TaUot Avenue (hapcl; Kpwoith league meet
lug on llmrwlai crinlng.
l'cnii Aviiiue Iliptlst church, Pum aimue, be
twetn spiucc and Linden starts Pleaching,
morning at 10.00 and evening, 7,30, by the Itci
ltobeit P. V. Tierce, P. P., paitoi. Morning
nravern In the lower temple at 0.43; Sundae
aehool at 1'cnn Avenue chuieh at 2 o'cloek and at
the Amerman Mission, at 0.SO p. in. Uiptlttn
ilmlng the evening service, splendid nuulc by
the eholr.
I'hrt llaptUt (hutch, south Vlaiu uicmie s,
1". Mathiw, pajtur. The iisiu) Miiiec4, morn
ing and evening. 11.30 a. in. and 7 30 p, m, Jn
basement of the WiUli baptist church. Sunday
uliool, 2.30 p. in., I'ljin'outli church. Pi, Ilcddoe,
superintendent. H. V. I'. V. ferilce, 0 30 p. ni
at liorltc lull. I'rajer nieetlng VV(dneday
cienlng T.vU p. in. .Ml aie coiuiauy imltnl.
Jackson btreet Hapllst ihureh Morning prajer
meeting at y.30, leader, brother Pivld Argiist.
Preaching at 10.30 lu- the pastor, Rev. Thomas
de, (iruchv, D. P. ; Sniidij school at 2 p, m ,
(iiarles Policy, supeiinttndent. Uienlng ser
vkc at 7. The pajtor will deliver tho third In
the seilea of Illustrated sermons; topic, "The
Prodigal." To save confusion you will drop
jour ofteilng as jou enter tho chuieh, f'hlldren
will not be admitted that are not accompanied
with patents, The public is cordlslly Invited,
Cieen Itldge TUptlit church ltcv. M. .1. I'ord,
pastor. Meeting for prajer at 10 a. ni. Rev. U",
(1, Simpson will preach at 10 30 a. m. Sunday
chool following morning senlcej Junior II. Y.
P. I, meets at 3.30 p. in.i Senior 11. V. p. V at
0,30 p. m.t iigular evening servieo St 7.30 p. m.,
conducted by the pastor, all welcome.
Shlloh llaptUt church, Center stieet ltei.
James A. Similar, pastor. Services it 10.45 a. in
and 7,30 p. ni. Itev. V. K, Cblemsn will preach
both morning and evening, Morning subject,
(stand Not In the Way of Your Weak Brother;"
evening subject. "The Old-Time Religion," A
cordial welcome to all file mis and strangers,
IVckvlllo baptist church-Jin-. .1. S. Thomas,
pastor. Services tomorrow at 10.30 a. in, and 7
p. in. Itev, . II, William., the drummer evan
gelist, will preach hU farewell sermon at (he
morning senlee. In the evening the pastor will
preach, subject, "flood foundations for the Tu
tuie." Presbyterian,
1 lisi Pie,h.iterlsu church Sei vices, 10.30 a,
m., 7,30 p m, Pr. lllod will pretck morning
and evening. Morning subject, "Strike and
stitkers, In the bight of the Cospel."
Second I'rrsbjteilan church Sen Ie en 1U.S0 .
in. and 7.30 p. in. Pr. Itoblnion will preach In
tho morning on "The Condition of Plvlne Ac
ceptinec" and In the evening on "The Mfe (Jiv
ing Power of l'alth." A cordial Invitation Is ex
tended to all.
Green Ittdne 1'ieslyleilaii ihiii(h-llev. I. J,
Laming, pastorj Itev, L. It. I'o.ler, a,ltant.
10.30, service of worship with discourse by Itev,
W. L. PedrorT, of the American Sunday Sehool
union; 12, lllble school; (1.&1, Chrbtlan I'.ndesvor;
7.C0, worship, with IKoiire by V. O. II, Pie.
er, missionary of the Chlni Inland inlstlnn, who
lately ewsped with liU wife from Shan si, China,
where many of his avoclalci suffered mart.vr
dom. All wcleoiue.
Sumner Avenue Predivlerlan chuieh, coiner
Sumner avenue and I'llco street Moiiilng seivlee
at 10 30 a. in., to be conducted by Mr. Ilea;
Hi own. At (1 p. in. Itev. Prank J. Mllman will
preach. Sabbath 'school at 2 p. hi.; I.ndeavor
service after the evening service; topic, "What
I One lo Chilli." Hand ot Hope on Tuesday
and Thursday evenings. Ncvt week prajir ser
vice, Wednesday evening, 7,1, u'elock. liver).
body welcome,
W'adiburn Steel I'resbvlcilan ihuieli Itev,
John l Jloftat, p. D pastor. SVtvlrea ut 10
a. in. and 7.30 p. m. lllble sehool al l in.
Young lYciple'ii Soelety nf (litlftlaii Kndeavor
nl 0 20 p. in, A leaderlos meeting; subject,
"What I One to Chilst," Prayer meeting Wed
nedav 7.30 p. in. Seivlces also Thursday and
Prlday evening! prrpsiatory to the tominunloii
on the following Sabbath niotnlng. The paetor
will preach moiiilng and evening. All vvehoine.
Piovldenee I'reabjterlan church Pastor Itev.
(!. li. (lulld. Services as usual, 10.30 a. in. and
7. 'to p. ni. Sunday sehool at noon. The Young
People's Soelety of Christian Kudeavoi service,
fl.8.1. The scatu nl the chuieh aie ahvajs fiee.
Adams Avenue chaiiel, New oik stiret Ihf
Itev. James Hughes will pleach al 10,30 unit 7.:A
Sunday sehool at 3 o'clock. Mr. Chandler supeiln
tendent. The Itev. Mr. Hughes will teieli the
VfenV lllble class; C. li. iiln.IV The Hev. Mr.
Messlnger will addresa the men Mondav at 7,l"i
p. in. All welcome.
l J.illi A PaiMi Itev, Rogers l-iarl. P P.,
lodoi ; Itev, li. J. IlaiiKhton, seiilr cuiale; Itev.
M. IJ. Nash, Junior iinale. 1'llth stidaj In
St. Luke's ( hiire h 7.30 a in., holy commun
ion; u. in., inoinln' piaver. lilany and
sermon; I p. in., Sunilir school lallj; 7.30 p.
in., inUslon seivlip; fi.l", a. in., Sunday silioul
slid Itilile i lasses.
St. Milk's, puniiiuie s a. in.. Iiol.i cimiiiilit
ion; tO.Dl u. in, sirmon uud holy communion;
7..0 p ni,, rveulug pia.vii and sumon; .1 p, m.,
Sunda.v and Jlllile dasMS.
Kid liiid Mllnii, Pre unit avenue j.:i p. in.,
sundav sihodl ,md Illlde classes; .I 0 p in.,
(veiling and senium.
outh Slib1 Vllsslon, V'lg sluet ' .0 i. in,,
Sundav sehool and llible
.st. (li-niic', Ol.vpliml 2.."o p in, viudiy
sdiool and lllble ( 1j i s ; .l..'0 p in , evening
piaver and -union. '
CluisiH ihiiidi. ioiiiii W'.i.hluisti'ii iiveuue and
I'uU sheet ltei. I'. S. Hallentlne, pasloi. N-r-viic,
10,;u a. in., 230 p m, 7.1" p m Ml
seats fiee. All welcome
Reformed Episcopal.
t,i.iee Ite'foimcd KpUcopal ihuirh, Wvoming
avenue, below Mulbeir.v stieet Rev. (iiorgc L.
Mrieh, pastoi. I'rajer and pialae seiviee, 0 30
a. m.; divine worship al 10.3D a. lu. and 7.30 p.
m., preaching bv the pistor, a. in, 'The' 1'nlty
of the Spirit," Kpli. 4: 3; p. tit.. "Mudies In
Jlaladil," Mil. 111. Seals are flee. StiangeM
roidlallv Invited, sabbath sehool at 12 in.; Y.
P. S. C. K. at 0.K); lllble Stud.v, Monday altet
noon at .1.30, subject. "The llcllever'a Hope,"
Titus 2: 13; lllble clj-s for les.s on stud.v on
Wednesday evening at 7,30, followed hi tin
tegular piavei meetliiR al s o'eloek Ml lie
Evangelical X,uthian.
I.vangelieal Lutheran Tiflh Si.ndav m I.' in.
Gospel, John, vlllM.V,, lleb , ix ll-l.V
St. MarkV, Washbum and rourtrenth sticctk
Itn. A. L. Rsmel, l'h. P., pastor. Serviee',
10.30 ii. in.. 7.CO p. m.; Luther league, i..3'i
p. ni. ; Sunda.v whool. 12 ni. ; catechetical lu
stiuetlnn, Monday, 7 p. in; Wednesday seivxc,
7 3d p. m. ; Mission band, Satuiday, 2.."0 p. 1 1.
Morning seiviee, "ChlUt tlie Meillatoi of the
New Tostainenl"; evening serviie, "Chnst
Ciucif.ed Voollshncsx to the World." Ho,.
John Tclleen, tiuperintriidciil of foreign inUlon,
will pieaeh a missionary seimon 1'rld.iv even
ing, 7,15 o'cloek.
Holy Trinlt.v, Ad-ins avenue and MuhVi,,
stieet Rev. C. (!. Sjibkei, pastor. Seiviee
10 30 a. m 7.30 p. in.; Lnthei hague. 0.30
p. m ; Sunday school, 12 ni.: calechctleal in
sliuction, Mondav, 7 p. m.; Lenten son lie, n.
day, p. m., W'cdnesdaj sei vice, 7.l"i p. m ;
Mission bind, Satuuli, lo a. in,
St. Paul'", Short avenue Rev W (' , I.aii'i',
Sundsv School BV
Lesson Jesus Crucified and Buried. J- e. Gilbert, d.d
0r . . !, ie i Secretary of Amencjn
March 24. Luke" xxilK 35"3- ffi! Re,lg,0l,s
lNTItOIl'THOV. With that tefincnient will h
the Chilstlan lellglon piomote, the evangelists
have given ven meager account of the iruel
tlxlon, One tniisl tuui to piofane hislniy foi
the hould (Ictuils of this brutal mode of pun.
Uhment inflicted by t lie Romans and other eai
cm peoples. Passing out oi tlie eltj by th)
western gate .les-in was lollowed by a motley
ciowd, the soldiers and slaves (the executioners),
moving on In an en-deily waj; the ihbf prteli
who had Instigated the jm-di: tlie lniiltitude,
sell"- befoie, some behind, delighting In nut II:
a. lew- vvoinin, HI'S tiniest lilinds, makiiig loud
demomtratloiH of grid, and at least rue of tlie
apcttllot (.John M: id). Two otheiii, lolibcri
and thieves, weio also led to expiate theli
Crimea (Matt, xxvli: .W). The proce,lon halt
cd upon a 6llght elevation, called "the plate
ot a skull," the usual plate of execution, known
in Hebicvv as Oolgotha (John xl: 17), and lu
Latin, Olivary, There, between the two thievia
le'vis ii nailed to the nov
.MOC'KKRV (Veues m, ., .1), Manv ile.iind
mi low in tho scale tint liny cannot
applet lato gentleness. Any exhibit Ion of pa
tience and love- Is ascribed by them to vvea'.
nens While Jeiais wai liangiug upen the c-roe
those who otood aljout coiuldcicd thu they had
trliunplicd. Tho pievlenu tliiui of illvinlly
(Matt, wvlli II) and Mw-siahship was viewed
with contempt, if thou ho the Ling ave th
..elf," thej (lied. Tliey promUcd to believe
In Him If lie would descend from the cioss
(Matt, wvil! t:). They challenged lllm. claim.
Ing that lie could not save Illnuelf. They passed
awaj, wagging their heads and railing on I tine
(Matt, .wvil SO), Insulting lllm wild action, of
hatred. These things were done by the chief
pllepts, bCiiben and elders, the tohliers rurtlil
patlng. While these bcenej of khanie were be
ing enacted the populace ol Jeruvilom ctood be.
holding, and -Ir&iut, who might have tummoned
legioru of angels (Matt, xxvl; .11) fiom tlie
bUes, endured the Insult, bowed III. head, ant
calmly waited for tho end. The little band
of the faithlul followers, in their uttei helplesi.
ncm muvt have been Mled witli umuittersblc
anguMi. It H the daikest hour of Inhuuun
pride and wiath
t"L'PUnrniPTIO Hnse ;. All the evan.
gclUU dcelne tlial a superscription w u. placd
over the head of Jcius, but thej do not agirc
cencernlng tlio language. In our lesui wc
have; "Ilils l the King of the .lews," in
villi h the first cvangelltt tiucrts .Ictus alt.r
the copula l Malt. Nxvll: 37), while the second
Ootpcl omits Luke", fust two words (Mail; Wi
M), and the fourth (lopcl prellxes -'.Jftus of
Sorarelh" (.John vt 10) to Mart's title. rlir
eentlal pait, "the Kin;, ol the Jews." appear
In all. The wilting v. ax by tnihr of Pilate
(John xiKi II), befoie the eroas was lifted to
its upright ovltloii, it being eu.loiuaiy to
anrouiicu tlie olien.e of a criminal. lo the
Jew the words wcie offemlve, for thej lecog
nlred Jtrin as their Mtsalah, put to death by tho
Roman government, proclaimed also to the world,
What motive prompted Pilate? feome have
conjectured that the spirit of Rod Influenced
him that h was convinced of the exalted
character ol Jesus, or that he intended lo rebuke
the Jtwikh people for their malke. whatiin
his motive th words wrir tni. The long.
xpected King, destined to attain uiiIvikuI sov
eielgnty, was. deilsrrd in Ireek, the lanjuase
pistor. Servlees, 10 30 a in., 7.30 p. in. J Sun.
day school, 2.30 p. ni 1 ratrebelleal Instiuclloii,
3,i p. in. Luther league, WVdcsday, (1.30 p. in.
Zlon's, Mllfln aicnue Rev. P. F, Zlielmann,
pastor. Services, 10 30 a. in. I Sundiy scliool,
2 p. ni.
Christ (bmeli. Cedar avrnue and lllrch street
Rev, Janus Wltko, pastoi. Setvlces, 10..V1
t, in,, 7,30 p. in.! Sunday Hhool, 2 p. in,
St, Petri's, Piesiott avenue-Rev. John Ran
dolpli, pastor. Sfrvlies, l,i.:W a. in, 7.0 p
in. I Sunday sclw.1, 2 p. in.
Ilnst.uel (i.iimaii'I'olithl Luthriaii ehiueh,
Reese street Rev. Ferdinand 'attelnuler, pastor.
J'reathlug In the fieinun language ut 10 a, ii'.s
Sunday sehool, J p. in.
(trace livsngelleal Luthriaii rhuiili (ilenetal
Pj nod), comer Midlsou avenue and Mulberry
street- Rev. Luther Hess Waring, pastor, 9.30
a. m Sunday school) 10!xi a, in., divine wor
ship, subject of sennon, "The Sincerity Simpli
city and Humility n( Jesus thilst"; HI", p. in.,
V. P. S. ('. li.; 7.30 p. in., divine worship, sub
ject of sermon, "The New- Man." The public is
cotdlsllt Invited
All Soul's t'ulveisallst churdi. Pin stieet, be
tween Adiuis and .Jefferson aveniKSUev. e. R,
Reatdsley, pastor. Itesldeiien, VI' I AiUins aviiiue,
Moinlng seiviee. 10,30; evenli.g seiviee, 7.30.
Sunday school al II 30, Mls Pullle Jones, supfi
Intendenl. Rev. L. 1,. l-wls will pieacli both
morning und evening Y P. C. P., at (130 p. m.
Ciihury Rcloimed chinch, Momue avenue and
(Jlli.nii sheet Iter, Vlarlon I,. Flioi, pistor.
Seividf, 10 VI a, in. and 7.30 p. in.; Siunlj
eiin)l, II. II ii. hi." Christian 1'ndiavoi, (ill
p. in.; Wednesday ennliig seiviee, S o'cloek;
calve hum, Satiirdi.v, I p m. Rev. F. O. II.
Pie.vrr, inisHhmar.v of the China Inland mission,
wln mii.ieiiln.ijlv e-isped the Boxers, will
speak al the minliip, Mrvlee. lie will give all
aicounl nf his escape ftom the llo.vcif, und nf
the mlssloi woik in China, The public Is ml
dlallv Invltrd. livening subjei t "( ome and Se" "
Plymouth Congregational diurch, Jackson street
Rev. K. A. Ilovle, pastor. 10.30 a. in., preach
ing by pastoi; 12 in., ilibatli school; 2.1"i p. ni.,
Vlilon Sunda) sehool, Sherman avenue; U p.
in., voung I'lOpIc Soi lite of Christian Dndeav
or; 7 p. in., pieadilng h pastoi. Ml seats
flee. A weUonie' to all
C.ipouse ehapel. Iloulev.iid mid Pi, aching at
10.30 a. in. and 7.30 p. ut. bv the pistol, Itev.
L R. Foster. SundJy s( hool. :i p. m S nlor
Lndeivor, (I..IO p. in.; Juuloi llndeavoi ami slug.
Ing rhool, Mninlav cvnilng; piayrr nuetlng,
7 H llunsday Mining. Heading room opm I'll
day evening. All wileome.
Zloii J'nlted liv.mgilhal ilninli, IIW ( iipniso
avenue Rev. J, W. Messlnger, pastor. Picaelilng
it 10,:;il ,md 7 "n. bv tin- pastor, subjids. "Hie
W'oil. of the 1.01 d" and "( hi Ist the I'ounditlon."
S'utidiv sehool, !3il; Senior 1'nde.uoi, (,30 sun
liv ivdilng; Jiudoi Indr.ivoi, .1 p in.; piairr
Hireling, 7. .10 Widne-dav evinln. Ml vvcheuii'.
I'lisl ehiueh, .Nnrlli Main avenue
Pieadiing at It a lu. and 7.30 p. ni by the
pistoi, Itev I!. V. Cl.vmiT livening snlijiit,
" Mm for the 1'iines"; Sunday sehool, 10 a,
in.. Y. P. s. t . F... 0.13 p. in All arc welcome
People's Piohihltlon church Rev. Pr. Illid,
pistol, riicm will be iigtilar preadilng ser-
-Vice SibtMlh aitiniiioii at 3 p. in. In Vlorrl's
hill, llreakil slleel, tireen lllclgr. iihjret.
'I'rodiiieis of Wi villi, but No llisngnltlon "
Ml lie wi lemur,
Itev. Fiank J. Mllman, Ph. D.
of the Second Piesliytetlau
(iiuicli, Pottsvllle, will preach in the
Preshytcrlan church at 10.30 trillion ow
mornlg. AV. Ii. I'luniley will preach
In Pottsvllle.
The active and energetic nicmbeis of
the Century Hose company. No. 2, ato
making elaboiatc arrangements for
their fair, which will he opened In
Wcbr-i's rink lu Easter week, com
lnenclng Tuesday, April St. and con
tinuing for one week. The object of
this event Is to lalso sufllclent funds
to liquidate debts now pending to pur
chase new uniform".
Calvaiy Haptisl chuieh, luilioad
slir-el. Itev l")r. II U. Hariis. pastor.
Services tomonovv at 10.30 a. ni. and (,
P. in.; Sunday sehool at 2 p. in.: mid
week meetings: piayev service on
Thuisday evening; choir practice on
Friday evening. Baptist Voung Peo
ple's union meets on Saturday even
ing, with the pistor in charge. All are
cordially Invited. Keats ate 1'iee.
Methodist Episcopal chinch, Ilev.
Clinton I!. Heniy. pastoi; lesidcnco,
Main street. Sabbath services tomor
jow as follows: I.ovc feast at 10 a. in,
Itev. Or. Otltllu, piesldlng elder, of
Hcranton, w ill preach at 10.30 a in.
ol the people, in I. inn. the language ot llif
governin-nt; in Hebrew, the language ol lh
echnlai and of the erele'ii.l'lle
Rl.lll'Ki: (Veues M. 10. 11) One id ihe male
(aetuis, doubthhS Intluiuced b.v the inoeUly of
tho chief pilests and Mddiers, laihd on .Icmi-.
He appeus to have Known hOiiuthlng of tin
(lalms of t luUt. and tlieieloie pioreeded to up
buld 1 1 Jui for tamely rubmlttiii!,, calling upon
1 litis to vi'ie His power to iMIvtr lilmself and
thoe who weie with lllm. It was one of tin
lovvrrl coiueptions of Ihe .Vaiiienc. Hut the
other malefactor lehnked his aoelatt, admitting they weie erlinlnaln uneiing jiMl.v, .iml
uigiiig Jesus was innocent. "Iloit thou
fen- flexll"' he Inquiiid. "m ou sunken eo
low that .von lanuot peieelvc Ihe glory of lllm
who hangs on the cioss between usr Will mhi
plan- lllm in the same' 1UI witli us? Will ,ou
lilt up vmir voiee with upliraldiui. in the hour
if Ills ttiArring? Vlll you pieMimo to lllm
what He ought not to grant to ue Ills povvei
to elelivei fiom iui.lceV" Tin' mail fai tor' wouls
revealed mini' nobility of rhaiaitci, lie wis
the only one who appearid In cki'in-e of .leMis,
and by this act he rose superioi to pliest and
soldlei and to that va.t multitude thii-tlng for
I'HOMMJ l'et,e ti. ID.-Havlng adinluUleied
rcptoof to Ids (ellovv in (time tlie tiiicilled male
taetor turned lo Jesu, whom he had admiied
and defended, lie saw in Dim Ills cnlv hope.
Death was not fai dMant, and tho future! was
dark and full of fears. 'Ihtre stems to haw
come suddenly to his mind .1 conception of the
Iirger and more exalled mleslon of Jcmis, a one
able to save even beyond the nave. 1'allh
spiiugs up and he exclaims: "Jteiuembei mo
when Thou eomesl into Ihj Kingdom," 'Ihere
has been much diversity of opinion roneirniug
the meaning of this pravei. Without doubt,
whatever t was Include d in It, there was an
Intention of the diiug thief to commit his eoul
to the Savior. Ills eiy was not In vain (John
vl: ni). The replv ol Jesus was full of lomfoit;
"Today shall thou be with Me in paradl-e." This
illustrates the- extreme leach of incic.v, Man may
find pinion in the List hour ol life. And it
IhU 1. not a ground foi pmeiaslinatlon. It Is
evident that, though a criminal, the man was
not deeply sunken In sin. Speaking of these two
inalcfactois a quaint wiltei lemaikcd that "ono
was near to heaven, .vet ttiined aside to hell,
while tlie other was near to hell, hut tinned to
gain the- pai idhc ol fiod "
Plli:0)li: ( 1), In lu). 'Iluee hums
aflir the lulls pleued tho hands mid leet of
Jeu. iiaturo toolt on lis oinbcr sail), expressive
of sjinpatli with Its Loid. Though the vm
stood In tlie incihllau. Ills face was xeiled and
Ills light wlthduvvn. It was not un eellie, as
sonic luve iiidravoted to show, hut a supernatural
I shutting 111 o the oih of day. The whole laud
was enveloped lu uarsness lor mice Hours, until
the ninth hour, as the Jews leekon time, or 3
u'elock in the aflciuooii. Ihe earth quaked,
the lock, wcie rcnl and lomln were (pencil
(Matt, .wvil! 51-3J). Tho veil of the temple,
drawn across tho most holy place, was renl from
the top to the bottom, slgnil.vlng the taking
away ol the icremonlal of the old dUpensalion,
whhb was a wall of partition between Jews
and (ieiilltcs. o that forever after nun might
come boldly to a lluone of grate. 'Ihe.c phen
omena eat consternation Into tht heails ol all,
The pastor will pi each In the evening
at 7.30 o'clock, Kpvvorth league at fl.30
p. in.; Sabbath school nt 2.15 p. m.
The bazaar of the Blew art Montoilal
church came to a successful closo last
evening, after ti run of livo nights.
Mr. Maria Vaughn, president or tho
Woman' Temperance union ot Lacka
wanna, county, will address the young
ladles of Taylor thin afternoon at "
o'clock nt the Melhodlst Episcopal
Mrs. Daniel Thomas, an old and much
respected lady of the Ileech wood, for
merly a well-known resldenl of this
town, and mother of Mis, David (lilt
II thu, of Taylor street, passed nwny
yestciday morning at the former place
nt the age of sixty-seven years. The
funeral will tnke place Sunday nftci-
The Anthiaelte tllee club will meet
tomorrow afternoon, nt Llewellyn's
hall, al 3.30 o'clock for rehearsal.
The Ladles' Aid society of tho Welsh
Congregational chuieh will conduct
their usual pay night social this even
ing In the church basement. Cake, cof
fee, faggots and ham sandwiches will
be served for the small sum of ten
The Ladles' Aid society of the Con
gregational church of Noith Taylor
will hold an Ice cream and cake social
tonight In the church basement.
Miss Mnrgoiet Hood, of Noith Main
street, Is visiting lelatlvrs In Pltlston.
Llewellyn Davis, of Taylor street. Is
confined to his homo with an attack of
A singing class is soon to be oii?nn
Ized til the Methodist church with Mr.
Iluslauder as Insttuctor.
The hotel will change hands A pi II 1,
Mr. Leo, of Mill City, taking posses
sion. Itev. Mr. tlodshall attended u mints
teilal ((inference at Philadelphia last
Allied Twining and sister, of Sci an
ion, visited this place last Thursday
for the putposi; of viewing seveial
propei tleM with the Idea of putchtislng
The erection of watei woiks near the
high school building being agitated
again. K. .1. Stone h.i-v the matter In
clunge and is doing all he can to favor
the pioji'ct.
The III st of Apill will In Inn several
change lu lown.
The Misses Hildget and Maty I..V nch
have leltuned to their home In Cat
bonelale, alter spending several days
with Mis. Saiah Smith, of Cannali
Mts. Illchaid .Tames Is sick at her
home on Cat malt street.
Miss Annie Klilon, of Peekville, vis
lted at the home or Mts, Williams, on
Jackson stieet, Thuisday afternoon.
Mr. and Mis. Caswell, of Thronp,
were cnlleis at the home of Mis. Sam
uel Prltehatd. on Carmalt slieel.
Pilniltlvt- Methodist chinch. Sunday
sei vices al 10.30 a. in. and 7 p. in. Sub
ject In the morning. "The Divine
Feast:" In the evening, "The Value of
thu Human Soul." Special sei vices
every night next week.
The boiough has begun the woik of
icpaliing the bridges, and will elect a
new lnldge at Moyles In tho neai
futuie. The masoiny work has been
awatded to Contractor Caw ley, of Pino
The Delawaie and Hudson company
has a coips of tit Diets at woik In the
base ball puik, and It Is runioied that
a laigo bleaker will be erected tlieie In
the near futuie.
John Monin, of (he Stioudshutg Nor
mal school, Is spending a few dus at
his home on line stieet.
William Hunt was a callei In Scian
ton on Thuisday
cvloitliiK a eonfeliiii tiotii tn lenlitilou (Matt.
NNil : "!), a Isle and uinspiMcit luit valushlc
telinionj. It was nen ilic elose of thee pliin
onieiia tint ,Jomi., lias in? lceu lv liouis on tin
(io, eliiil witli a loud voice! "Killm Inlo
riiv liauds 1 eouiiM'iid Inv .plili " ind erne up
tlie itliot (.Jolui - 1)
'II.MIMOM (Veiw, 17. l ll'i. lie would
liave had a lie.iit of .lone vvlm could wilmo I lie
nmMtlidoiis In iiatuio and liear tlie d.iiiu; words
et Jesus and lie iiiiuinvul. II i- prolubli- tint
manv wlio catlieinl aliout the doss wcie ileeplv
atTfeted. Ihe evangel Nl lias nude ree-oul nf one
only who pave (pievlou to his llioiiKlits ,,nd
fielin. Tlie eentuifon, the lloiiuu who h,d
eliarite of the rxccutlun, uloiltleil tlod and ex
ililinecl, "Tills was i rlfihteoiis man," ni, as
aiiothd wrllei lias it. 'Tilt's was the son of
l.esl," (Mitt, .wvil: .H). due nlKiamc mav
have1 followed the othei, a douhlc tentlinoiiv,
ieulllnc from a KrovviiiB comictlon Tlds was
laic laiiKiiaRe for a heathen, showing Hut lo ilx
la-l their was sometnlug lint Ratlieieil aliout
.1(mis havInK in it an lnesietlble eiu-ss.
simllai emotions were awakened in ollieu who
loiiilenined themselves, sniltlnp upon their
and lctirinK Horn the seenc. All this time I ho,,'
who lad follovvi'd tin; I.oul sIihuI at a ili.taure
Bjzlnf; in amaeineut, Lnowfiie; not thr slcnlfl
canee ot whit the.v saw
lU'ltlAI, (ii.cs .' to 5.1) i 11,11,1 i,ul (!
suppuM'd tlu-t all lev's in hiijli otatlcn weie nn
lilies of .Jesn.. We know tu the eontiai.v. Tlieie
weie some who held lllm In hlcli esteem Meo
elenuw, a lulu, was one tif them who eamo ul
nislit toleain lonediiluR- Ills eloetrliie, and theie
might luve heen others who senetlj- felt that
.Irms was woilhv it better tate. Alter the rui
elrliloii one of thrill appealed, ,loepli of Aranij.
thea, a (oiiuidhii, a eiooiLauil Jusl luuii, y
some unaeiouiitshle influeiiec he had eoiiicutrd
when tlie Sauhedilii prniwunt t d the vt'iclltt of
Kiillty of bhtplieiu.v. Hut when all wis over
his bettei ImpiiUs gained the nuttciy. Iloldlv
going to Pilate he obfilned pemil,loii und thru
eait-ed the body to be lemovecl fiom tho no-s
and laid in his own new tomb. Ibis wa a
beautiful set ot letriril, tho last seiviee vvlihh u
Rood man eouhl Iflidei tn one who ud merited
his e-Unu.
t ONtl.l'.O.N -What liitan, all it,i Je,us,
the imioient, eivinK like a iiiiluartor? It was
pi i dieted anil explained In a chance bv I he- Ma. tor
llluixelf to Ills Ignorant followers (Matt. i 21).
It was csptalned again In two of ihenv on the waj
lo lliimud alter the icsuiieclloii (,uke xiv : ifli
It was all in aicoulsiiec with piopheey (l.i
llll: .is). And IhrniiKli the Illumination nf tho
Holy lpirll tlit deitli beeame the lundamrnial
thinioot the uo.pel (1 Col. I. SI-SI), the giuund
rt aposlolio liloi.vlna' (Oat i-' ID, tho methods
and means of mom-Illation between find and
man (Jliuii. v i 10). The uo-.s, onee the Invtiu
liient ol diatli, Is now- the emblem of Clul.tianl.
Ij. "llij.t Jesus lieai the no's alone, and all
the world io fire?" Vsj, lint all who would
bo Ills mutt .ulfei like lllm (Matt, wli Ml). The
cruelllxlon ol the body pie parrs for the llfu of
the spirit (Jal. Ill tn), iv his destli lie liccaine
the csptalu of salvation (lleb. II; 10), and the
sttiaetlvr foiet of the nioul -solid (John xlli
Hi), And, though It be a hard salng, tlieie Is
no holler ambition for any than tn be "made
comfortable unto Ills dralli" Phil III; (i)
The most
woman in
the world
' Tin DmovikKR or Irr. fii-Mi it
Race oleach
Removes Permanently
Does not cover up but removes the blemish.
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It Improves a Good Skin and Works Wonders with a Bad One.
clbsolutety Harmless and cAliuays Successful.
Drop In and skloliave Mine. Kuppcri's Face Bleach shown lo )on,
snd have lis mtrlls, manucr nf using snd wonderful results explained,
so jou ill be saiicAed It Is whsi ou need for your complexion.
V always oirry a full lino of Mine A. Huppcri s Gray Hair Restorative,
I-Kyptlnti Halm, Almond Oil Complexion Soap unci Hair Tonic.
Cull and lifvvr tliolr invilts kiltlnil to oil.
Ask tor Mm. . Kiip.ifrt . book, "HOW T) "-; BEAUTIFUL." FREE.
Jonas Long's Sons
Lehigh Volley RnUrotul.
Ill Kfleet Maieli "i 1001
Tiflins leave Scrsnton.
I or I'liihuMpliU und N'evr Veil, vU It .. II
It It., at fisj and 11. V, j. in., and 2 Is. i "
flllaek Dlaniuml Iiui'"). and ll.ixl p us sUu
dais, 1. . II. It. It.. l.M, 8 27 p. m.
for White Haven, llarleton and prlnrlpil points
in tlie roal leticnH, via 11 A II. K. ; , i, ,
. H mil I 2T . in Kot roltsvlllc, I 27 p in
1'or Iletlileliein, i:.ilcn, Iteacllnc;, lliiril,ure,
Slid ynlliclpil liiteriuidl.ite- 'tillous vu II A II
It. It., 0.15, 11 M a. m.- 2 l.i. ii: (lll.ii I, III.
mom! I'.ilr-n). II. 0 p In -uiii'iis, I), .. II
It. It., 1 bS. S.27 p. in.
l'oi ItinUinmock, Tovancla, l.linlra. Iilui,,
Ceneva and pilncipal liilermediate station',
II. I,. i. W 11. II, s S a. in. ; I 05 iml : 1 1
p ru.
I'or Oneva. I'o(lleler, Ilnftiln. Magaia 1'all
(I'.iflcto anil all points wet. via D. A, II It II ,
1I..V", a in , (."l (RlieL Uiamoiid l.vpiessi. 7 v
10.11, 11.1.0 . ill Sur.divs. li. I, I! 1!
ll.tW, b 27 p. Hi
l'ulluian parloi ami aletplmt m l.eliisli allev
parlors cars on nil (rains hrtvveiii Hllkes Unie
and New Voil., I'liilailelplila, Ilutfalo and us
ivrslon Bildse.
ItOI.I.IN II WlMlUlt. flen .upt . tic ( criami
street, N'evv ril.
CIIAU1.KS S. Mil:, fieu Vis i,i . Jn I oiilaml
f.treet, Kivv Yorl.
A U". NOS.SKSItC'lll'.It. Dlv I'a-s, rI . Soul'i
Ilellililirni. l'J.
l'oi Hi lets and Pnlliiun re'eivatlons apply to
SO) l.sekanauiia avenue, Kuanton, I'a
Delaware, Lackawanna and Western,
in rtfcci D.'f. .. inoo
Soulli leave- Serintou foi New- oik al 1 li),
R,00, S CO, S K and 10 05 a in. ; 12 55, H a; p. in.
l'oi- I'hlladelpliia at 8(0 and 10 05 a in ; l.r,5
ond tl.K p. in 1'or "trouMmiR- al ft 0 p. in.
llllk flccciiunioilalion ut " CD p in. rrivo a'
llohoken at ..;.(. 7 1!. 1W.JS, liOii, S.I5. -lis,
7.10 p. in. Aitive at Philadelphia at ,(;, .;.i
(100 and S.S2 p. in. Airivr from Nrw Yoik at
1.10, 4.00 ard 10.21 a in., loo, 1 ,;. 5tl, M5
and 11.30 p. in. I'roui Siroud-buic nl s 05 a u
North Leave Feranton foi lluflalo and inler
medlato Mntloiis at 115, I In and o.ui j m ;
1.&3, 5.1S and 11 '15 p. n l'oi Oivvego aid vra
tn.o at I. Ill a, in. ami I .ii p, ni. I'ur I I f , i at
1.10 a. in and 1 ' p. in. lor Monti ,e al pOi)
a. m ; 1.01 ard 15 H p, in. I'or Nicholson ,il t M
and 11 15 p. m. 1'or Illiahamton at 10 20 -a u .
live in scm ton from lluffilo at I 'j. J '.I, 5 ",
and 1P.OU a in 1 .".-,0 and b 00 p. in I'mm Di
vviiio and Svraeini at 2.33 . m . li. . aid -on
p m. fiom 1'tlra at 8.V a. in. j 12. ! umt :,n
p.m. I'rom Mehol'oii ot ".Wi .i m jmi'. (sip.
in. I'lom Monliine at lo.OO a m ; .2U and is,
1. in
Illooin-biir llivl.lon-l ea, s, ,j, ! ,, ,
Noitliumlirilaii'l, ut 1,15, o IV. a ni : I v, ,nl
f, 50 p. ni. I'or I'l.vMoiilh at I to., p
m. For Klniislon .t HI a m iilvc .u Smth.
umheiliinl at 0 35 a. m : I in. .5 ml s 45 p
ni ulve it Klrsstnn at J 52 a, 111. 1r1ve at
I'ljinoulh at '2.00. ..". 0 45 p. 111 nlve
Peranluii from .Sorllitniilieilaiid al IM' 1 in,
li..i.1, I.S0 and S 45 p in 1 roin Klns-,ioii nt
11.00 a 111 1'rom 1'I.vpioiiiIi al 7 55 a, 111 , .! "11
ami S"i p in
M'NnW T11A1V--
South I rave- Scianton at 1.40, ,10 1 .0 mil',
p in.; I..SI and .1. 10 p in.
North Leave Pi union nt 1 15. 4 lo a in . 1 .,
5.4-i ami 11 '3 p m,' Divl.ion Luve scianton at pi dj
. m. and 5.M p. m.
Eiie and Wyoming' Valley.
'I'lrc fable ill I.Jeet Srj t. 17 Usui
'Ira us for Uiwbv and hual point. i,miie I
hi, al Ilawtij will- I 'ilr iillinad for Sim- 1
Viwbuis nii'l Inlerini-iilitc points, leav, s,ra,
ton at 7.0.5 a. in. und '2 iii p 111
'Iralni uiiivo at Strsuton al tO',11 a m nil
(MO p, 111.
Fast Time to
Salt Lake
JJO CIIANOU of cirs via Chcago
Union Pacific and North -Western
Line; all nifals in (lining tars. Faster
tliati -uny other route. Trains leave Chi.
cago C30 p, ni. and 10.30 p. 111, every
day. Tout 1st litket. arc sold at all
prominent agencies the car round. Call
on any agent (or ticket) or ;uldres
411 BrtUwail, ' rsrMJJ WS SI , CtoSiSSJII
0IChn'l6t..rMhi4lehlji07 SmltlfldSt , HUtbuig
HI WsMjls St., il
MS Sumhrtt., Clltllllilt
JOI Slals (., tvgalt
SltCltrkit, . Chltojo
17 CsmssS'Sfarllsl, Oslroll
HH'tlt .fslt.rsrssls.OsI,
For thirty
years a
Schedule in Effect May 27, 1000.
Tinins leave- Scianton, D. & H.
0.45 a. ni., week days, for Sunbuiy,
HauiBbuig, Philadelphia, Baltl
11101 e, Washington and for Flus
hing and the West.
0.38 a. m.f week days, for Hazleton,
Pottsvllle, Beading, Nonlstown,
and Philadelphia; and for Sun
buiy, Hnriisburg, Philadelphia,
Baltimore, Washington and Pitts
burg nnd the West.
2.18 p. tn., week clayB (Sundays,
1.D8 p. in.) for Sunbury, Harris
bin g, Philadelphia, Baltimore,
Washington and Pittsburg and
the West. For Hazleton, Potts
vllle, Reading, &c, week days.
4.27 p. m., week days, for Sunbuiy,
Hazleton, Pottsville, HanHsbuiR,
Philadelphia and Pittsburg.
J, II. WOOD. Gen l'sss. Ajt
J. D. IIUTClII.NiOX. Cen. Msr.
Delaware and Hudson,
In I'.ffe-et Nov. 25, l(sj.
liains ten- ( aibcndalo leave heranton at fi ;n,
7 .'!, H 51, 10 J I a- "' -'' -'' -. -I-Ji. A2t.
l,'ri 7.57, 0 13. 11-1 P- ''; Mo . m.
I'or lloi.c-dile-ll'20, 10 n a. in ; y.14 and j.-2J
'"'for WillW-lhrie 0 15, 7.43. 8 41,, 10 1 1,
11.05 .1. in.i 1-SN - W- -'. 10. 7.JS. 0
1'or U V !! I' poiiit-ti.t3, 11.55 a. m.; 2H
157 and 11 Ml l
lor Peninvlv una It. It. pulnts-C 45, a.
111 : 2 IS and I 27 p 111.
.... .ii.-.,.. i.l nil ,,., titM norll, 11 il
lor H.-" " " , " ".- a. ,i.
and .1 52 P- "'
loi laiboi'lil" ''(Si, II.., a. 111; 2.11. U.Ji,
54; 0 52 p 111.
Por llkc-lIaiie-li-W. H " a in : 1 5-. 3..,
I. '27, -'.'i? P in
I r lbinv and pnlnls noith .".52 p. m
Pr llonesilile 0 fm a. in i,d .1 5i p. in
Lovve.t late- (0 til point-, In I'nltcd Statu and
Car a,la
,1 iirilHIflt. 11 P . Mliin.v. V. V.
II tt LltO-s. H. P. . scianton. P.i
Cential Koiltoad of New Jersey.
vi it Ion. in ew Vnil loot of l.lbeily stic-r,
I! , mid !-' utli 1'eil.v.
I IMP. 'I Mil 1: IN ..ri-i ' I' N'OV. -ii. 11 .
Tialiis lfve- vnnntmi for New- Voik. Newar'c,
lllribcih. I'liilad, Iphli. I a-lon. Ilethlilum. 1
leiiliivvn, lliuili tlmnV. and IMilli- lliven nt s.m
a. in , expies I 10. ' ipre, .: 50 p. 111 uiiilae,
'.Ml p in-
l'ul IMtUloll llul Wl'Ue IlllllO, MTll J m., ,)
aii'l Mfsi P i- Minda . -Mi p. in.
lor ll.liliiioii "i"1 w i-'ilnion, and pohm
scuili Mit vli Helhlehim, .:!0 a m,: l.m
.end .1 '-o p. I" sum! iv. 2.15 . m.
I'm- J.oiiif Hialidi, (Jeean (hove, dp,, at ,."n
a. in and I lo p. ' ...
I'm lliailinir lalui"n md lluii-biiiK. vii A.
lelitovvii. s.,,0 a. 111 and I 10 p. 111 Mmdavs,
2 15 p. 111.
fen I'oltsville, KM .1 111. mil 1.10 p. in,
' ihkets lo atl points ra-t, soilllj, and
w,-i jI luwc-t Ill's al In, station
II p II l IiWIV. fin. Pais. it.
I II 01.11 l'si:. Oin. Bupt.
lime Card In rffrrt lite. 30th, 1000.
1 an BM sol
Is !3o 5s
attioi tea
1 rMi
.. 1 00
I 1 ?
I 7 10 Si. N V.IVWiIHI.Lt.
Ill DJ
10 V lOIAl
C'sdosla .I.s.i
16 40
lei SI
Hsrlluht "
Proton rsrk. "
VVIuvcooel... "
1'lewuillt ill. "
Voird "
CsrlKinitaleld '
a 2t
" "a1
ii Iml
1 1.
,. 8 Wit
omil 11
SCklll II
sun 01
.. S1SSI
.. PM
SH 1
..6 80
1 1IJ
.VVIillo Hi icier,
Mu. .I..I., .l
Msvlluld Vet. " 7 Oil 11511.
I? (n
6 811
Wlntou .
Pili-i Imrrf
Palk Plucv
Qciuidou A
7 Mi ist M.
; iiiiUge
7 nlMiu
; sji ua it
an sunn 01
e is s m 10 u
a is s m 10
7 HI
I .11
7 l)
S.-U1CI I)
601 ST.-10 II
C (C s 10 40 l.v
AilJitlousl trsluslrsve Csibondslo for llrjitirlit Tsrd
6 IS piu e-scrpt Hcniiiii , tnj 7 to niu ,,iiudsy oflly. strivieis
sialsvilfll lsrd7 0UiiiisniiOiipii. "
VdJitluns I trains Icstq sr,iitiQst70PpiiiVubiliTSolr,
Innpinsslsllslsllimi la CsrlMinils'r, srnvlns st 711 pm,
suit trsln Irsvrs ils)lil,t tsej for I srlsuls'o stSlssnc
dslly, srrmug st Lsrlmnilils si tsW sm.
Hates 'J iijiits rr mile.
LoTtrst Kntes In nil Points West.
, c ruotntoH.
i'ls'l ps,i'r ii.iil
111'. Sissl.
risoup, ffc