The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, March 23, 1901, Image 1

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The License Measure Passes First
Reading with Slxtu-Six
Other Bills.
The Resolution Mnklng the Sill n
Special Order for Tuesday nnd
Wednesday on Second nnd Third
Readings Is Not Offered A Very
Large Attendance Yesterday Morn
ingRoutine Work in Senate nnd
SpruM fiom .t Start Ocirrcvpondent.
ItuiTlshing, .Mm eh 22. The Viittghan
bill .which is designed in keep the
license fee at $.Vn In Hciiintoii lor u
peilod cir thieo cuts, passed llrst lead
ing wlili sKty-thtee other hills In the this morning, hut at the itch loo
of some of tlip lending purlbimontnr
mii. who me itlends of (In- measure
tlii- H'Milutlon making I he Mil a special
w dor for Tuesday anil Wednesday, on
Hrotnl nail third readings respectively,
vii'i nut offoied. It will bo picsetltud
Monihiy night.
To get the hill to the governor bo-Ion-
next Satuiday It will he necessary
not only to make It u "spcclul oidcr"
hut to change the "order of the day."
fo some two days of the licet week,
so that there will bo u thltil muling
session subsequent, liv one ilay at
loiiM. to a second reading session. As
the order now stands tin third lead
lug sessions m credo the second read
ing sessions
The lobbyists vho have been so In
dustriously working in the Inleicsts of
thi measure succeeded t-o well
f their eiforts tint tliey feel oory as--ui.
line that they can carry out their
I inject. The toinmlttoe on titles will
! commend the change in tho order of
business nnd anything the commute"
n inles ictnnitncuds Is sine to lv
idoitid as the "organisation" meni
iiis lake it for gi anted that the onm
tnlttio on rules always has some "ap
iioed" puipose In mind when making
To m ike the bill a special order,
liowevei. Is not quite ah leadily ae
i omplished. 11 Is onlj' In uigeut rases
thai a special order Is nllowed, and
it ir not eery case that two-thirds
of the members can be convinced Is of
"tifliolcnt uigency as to warrant It be
lug jumped over ecrythlng and placed
ir a position where It demands con
sldeiatlou before nnythlng else can be
i on-ddered.
The attendance at Fiid.iy morning
sessions Is usually veiy slim, owing to
the fact that it is quite unusual for
anything moie than the perfunctory
lus-dug of hills on Hist leading to
tome up. Tills inoining. however, there
was a eiy large attendance, practic
ally all the members, excepting those
absent on committee Junkets, being in
their seats'. It was claimed they had
been induced by the fi lends of the
Vnughan measute to icmaiu over and
help pass the "speda! oidor" resolu
tion. They weie disappointed at hav
ing been kept over unnecessarily hut
ngrecd, so it is claimed, to bo on hand
Monday night. To those not tin the in
side, the large attendance was attrib
uted to the shutting off tit leaves of
nbsencc the day before. The knowing
ones let it go at that.
As only about a lif th of the iu mhers
vho stay away from a session take the
trouble to ask for a leave of absence,
the large attendance needed some ex
planation other than leveronoe for tho
i tiles, and upon inquiry the leal cause
developed as Indicated above.
T. J. Duffy.
Uncle Jerry Roth Raises n Lnugh.
Bills Intioduced.
C(U1 fiom a Staff CorittpomUnt,
Harrlsbiug, .March 2.'. With a i uun
tdiance us setlous as If it was being
worn at tho pieseiitatlnu of obituary
resolutions, your I'nde Jerry Roth,
thn venerable representative who is al
ways heading some high moral icform,
such as removing tho bar to pool sell
ing, arose lit his place at this morn
ing's, session of the house and pio
sented a bill "to encourage, mini luge
In this commonwealth and dellnlng the
terms nnd payment of license tees."
A titter run tlnough tho house nnd
then came a hutst of laughter, but
Pnelo Jerry, from his seat in the (list
tow. turned upon the house with a
scowl that, with the recollection of
similar laws having recently been en
acted In other states, had the effect of
squelching Its risibilities
Speaker Marshall looked oer the act
but never smiled, and the house was
about to accept as final that the meas
ure was a set lous and sensible one
when the thali spoiled It all by an
nouncing as the committee to which It
should ho refeired "law and ouler."
It developed later In Hie day that the
measure came from Chairman Slater,
tho genial thteo bundled tind ten
pound gentleman from Philadelphia,
who presides over the commit tto on
law and order. The hill tends nx fol
lows: Tint any male tiluriii of ll.c commonwealth
"hri I 5t jear of age anil ilcifita the offlic of
husband tiny piotnie a llcen.o .11 prrrribcd by
(Tilting laws prrtldcd lie Is under fortv Ji'jii
.f t', hut it the. applicant U cicr fun,, jciri
'I Jtc r .lull, Ixforti winilng tho licence, piy
Into the clerk of tin- remit' olftic onu MinOri'l
dollurt .1 llcciue fie, whit ! Hilt Mil luipiwii
en nil bachelors mrr fnny jean old,
All the fcei hall be tnrnul Into I lie stale
tirasurj Ii.v tlr rldk nf tlio couit, and time
lie ilruttii out upon t lie vurrnutu of the mulltor
Rfiicral foi the pnipnw if iiulntaliilni; thro
hcnifi for old IjJUii utcr 40 j c j 1 nf am; wlio
has- not a tult1lc opioitiinlty 01 nfl'ir nf
mtrriiRr, an J haw not innni nilticlent to keep
th'inJcHn In ilolhm ami rprinlliiK niomy.
Any tkirlictor nm forly iai of uco who sholl
ft to anothrr ktale anil piocine m ult. am) tlull
return to I lit t,ite ulull piy Into the Hule
Vasur tip 1.UI11 of I00, utlirmiic the in.iirl.iRo
ronttirt shall he ilerl.irril mill and old; (I
.m uh lititliclor (omlnir from anothir ttato
who at married after tho ace of forty jeitii
kIiiII mm" under tlm fame, hu.t a n ro.'ldiiit
'Hie ulalo dull 1) illvldeil into tlitic illttrltlit
an fullowti .Ml tin teirltory Ijlns wt of tho
Vllrtfhdiy inniintalin t he the I'lmt illttlitt;
nil the liaihehir fri.s within HJld terrltoiy fhall
lie palil to the lilmiri home at Ncw Ca.illc, I'.i.
All the tt-rrltoty il of the Sinipiehaim 1 rher
kliall bo the Si ond dlslrld; and all the huchc
lor tort shall be paid to the Clcarlicld home hr
old ladles, tn bo rierttd ill Clearthdd, l'a., under
the Mipmlelon of Hon. 1'iank HariU. All the
n liialndor of the elate rhill ko to the In.lti
tniriie of the lUptltt home for old ladles In
I'hll ulc lhl.i,
All hws or put of lawn incompatible villi
IliN at are herthy irpralid
ThU ait Is Irriivcjtilo and ran ret ft bo ie.
Iivnled lhoiit the i mix lit of tin- nujnrity of
the old lidlM who liaie been rfBulath admitted
tu tho lnnncs.
Other hills Introduced were.
Mr. Doiulicrty. of Mintr I'roililmg Hut
etiimlv (riliiiiilli.iHiT, for1 iiuUit; (uiitnn ti
for the lontt rut Hon, alleralion or npali- id any
comity Imlldiiiir or hrtdire, ahall udtcitlv l.i'r
"taint propoiN to 1I1 the wtirlf. In not lent
than tnu weikly paKr, at liat four neck
pilor to the time ot npinlnir the bids Jud keip
on ixlilliltinii nt the (uuiit.l i-eil, plans and
iC)h lllc.ltlniu ot iho infipoMil wnik, fonr tei.l.t
in adiance of the time of opening Milt. A
pinally of $l,0W It pio.ldul for any lolatlon
of ll.c law.
Among the hills passed on llrst lead
ing weie the following:
'the llannrtli bill pioiiilimr. tor an additionil
liw judiip in I.ii7irne.
Tho I'hllhln bill rcsuhtliitf the rvaininallon
and llicnsiiii: of et itloniry cnglnem and llrriiiin.
'the Stheucr bill Intiea-ini; the Rilarin ot
iudi,rt In ijiUuanm and lltu-cn other tonnlle
1.1 t.!.j a ,eai
The I'liilliiii wmbinonllilv paj hill.
llio I'cmtli hill to imoiporatc the Milam llle
llrldce tuiiipiii,
Tlic I'hllbin bill ilnertinc how to proceed,
win 11 a iimiily his bLen dliuVd and a now
count v titittil thereironi, on inort(?ii!e, judp;.
mintj, bins and other rerordt, wlildi liaie
liteu niailp ir enlered In the original toimtv
and ulate tu l.mdi or ttiitni(nt In the mw
The bill nuthorllng the secretary of
Internal alfnhs to grant patents for
the beds or ilveis nnd tin- islands
theieln was leconmiitted, on motion ot
Mi. Ooiay seconded by .Mr. Creasy. Mr.
t'otay vlgoioitsly attacked the mens
tnc. Theie are (lneo other bills slml
lat In Intent and purpose now before
the legMattiie. One nf them is before
the senate and the other two passul
llrst reading in the house this morn
iii(.. The falhue to introdtiie 011 Thursday,
as announced the factoiy inspector bill
raising the age limit foi the emplov
ment of children from thirteen to four
teen yen is, and the mineis bill ic
qiiitlng that no child under fouileen
shall be einplocd in or about a mine,
Is explained by 11 change in tack, de
cided upon Thursday nioinlng.
The Kennedy act, now on the s ?
ond leading calendar In the house, pto
vidhn; for mote assistant factory In-spectots-,
contains a clause fixing the
age at thirteen years. It is now pro
posed to amend this to make It read
fourteen yeais. If the Kennedy hill
does not carry theie will be n separate
bill ItitiodiKcd piovidlug for a foui
tsen year limitation. The hill pro.
posed by the miners to place, a special
fouitccn-year limitation on mine em
ployment will be presented to the house
whethr or not the oilier hills suiceed.
T J. Duffy.
Boer Rniders In the Eastern Pnit of
Cape Colony Displny Unusual
Sprinting Qualities. '
1 1,1 I Minim Wiie linn 1 111 .. irfnud 1'ie-t.
Illoemlonleln. March 22. Tho leult
of the unililned moifiuents against
Uenotnl Kouile. near Thalia N'Chu,
was til? capttue of 2ml lioeis. lln.OOU
slieep, .".,000 lioises and a host of rattle.
The Uoets hioke sotithwaid to the
liglit and left
Cape Town, Maiih 22. The Moor
raldeis la the easleiu part ot Capo
Colonv are, with th eveptiun of al
most dully skirmishes, keeping oiil uf
tile icacli of the lliitlsh. Colonel Si o.
rll engaged Commandant Konclie and
Cotuinandant Malan lie ir Hlnawkiauti;,
Mmch 20. Thue lliitlsh were killed
and font1 wounded, and four Uoeis weie
killed. The number of lioeis wouikIimI
has not been asivi tained.
Ciiminandaut Krltzinger Is man hlng
steadily noilhwaid.
It is ollhlally repotted that (hneial
Do Wet's lomnianiliies liav been
hioken up for the present H is pi oh.
ably to gho the men a rest.
All Holdeis Will Receive New Cei
tlflcntes as Soon ns Details Cnn Re
Ily K.rluiio Win Hum the SsMknud l'ie-
Pittsburg, Maich 2::. The shares .nf
nil the holders of stock In the Cann
gle company will likely bo tiansfeired
before the III st of next week to ,T,
Morgan & Co., syndicate managerwfor
the Cnlted Steel cotioratlon. Piesl
dent C, M. .Schwab, who has lieen in
l'ltthhurg since last week, leturutd to
New York today
It Is undei stood that ho nrrled with
hlni the slock of nil of the stoek
holdets who ate not now In New Voik,
and that they will b" exchanged for
the new secutltles ns soon as details
can lie completed. Mr. Schwab will
Join Secietaty V. V. Hlackbuin. Vice
lhtsldent la, C. I'hlpps and JI. r Kiiclc,
who 111c now In New Y01K. Vice IMesl
dent A. It. Peacock Is still In rittshttrg,
but may go to New Yotk tom'otrow.
Princeton Student Fined.
11) I'Mlntlm Wire from Tho Aoelaleil I'icm
Tiriituii, Marih Si. l'ullte timtlci .laiUun
tciliy iinpotid .1 line of f!0 on Stephen lleinun,
one of the I'lliucton fctuilintj vvhn aaulliii
llumnan la Ituo in a Trenton wloon lait
idiiht. W. I lliokaw, the other itudenl,
plated under MUI ball lo anur a (luipo of
a4u!t ami baticrr,
Restilctlons on Yellow Oleo.
Ilv Ihiliislift Mie from Iho Atoclati(l l'u.
st. Paul, March S2.-A hill prohlbltlns jillow
color for oUouiarRailne ami provldlnu iruu'a.
thm and nmlitlons for lt intnnf icturp mid
huIo i patted by (ho leirl.latiire lodaj and stnl
In tho j-uirtnor for liN munaturi. 'Ilu meat,
me It a iop,i of the MaiehuwtU Uu
HiQh Court Officials Are Suspected.
Public Meetings Now
In Connection with Riots the Ftefect
Hns Issued n TJcciee Forbidding
Meetings nnd Assemblages in tho
Stieets Persons Infringing Liable
to Heavy Fine nnd Imprisonment.
New Precautions for the Protection
of tho Csnr's Life Evidence of
New Plots General.
Il.i l.i Ill-die Wlie Horn The Vvutiaitil Puss.
St. Petersbuig, Mai eh 22. tn con
nection with the ilots heie tlie prefect
has Issued 11 decree forbidding meet
ings and assemblnges in the stieets
and squares. Persons infringing that
older aie liable to Imprisonment for a
term not exceeding three mouths and
a line not exceeding r00 toubles.
Merlin, March 22. The St. Peters-
huig cm respondent of the Cologne
Volks Zietung, under date of March
17. says that there Is evidence in St.
Petershuig of the existence of plots
against the nuthotitles. He asserts
that sums of money ate being dls
ttlbitted to the factory hands In St.
Pr tcrsbutg and vicinity to Induce them
to join the disaffected students.
It has not been learned whence that
money comes, but Indications point to
high sources about the court. The -o-net
polite no longer trust een the
highest entourage of th" czar. New
precautions for the piotecthm ol the
czars Itte nar Deen taKen namely
a mechanism which allows 110 one to
open the doois of the room In which
tho czar happens at the moment to
be. The czar has Iie desks in his
study whMi he uses one after the
other. The walls of tho crai's study
and bedroom ato lined with steel ar
mor The conespondent llnds that evi
dence of the new plots weie geneial.
Outers were ghen Satuiday night to
keep all the troops In St. Peteishurg
icady. Sunday the police were dis
ti United In toioe on nil the main
streets of the city. The miltuiy com
mander of St. Petersburg. M. Kiel
gels, lecelved a number of warnings.
The P.eillner Tgeblatt ptlnts a spec
ial dispatch fiom St. Petri sbuig, by
way of l.embeig, to tile effect that the
Karpoiltch investigation has tevenled
a great plot, simllai to the nihilistic
eonspliac. with Kleff ns a center, the
main liianrh at Odessa nnd ramlflca
lions extending to the lowest sttatn
ol society. The plan was to make nil
fttempt on 'he life of the czar, who
was theieupon leinoved to natthlna.
eighteen students are closely c onlhied
at Schluesselbt ig because they were
altlli'ited with the minder of. M Itogo
liepolf. London, Maiih 23 The Moscow coi
lespondeiil of tho Slandatd, 'M a turn
muuiintloii dated Match IS, sas:
"A Kr-at demoiistiatlon of 2i).uu0 stu
dents and woiknien was planned for
.lesterday, but, possibly on account of
the elaboiate police mid mlltat. pit
taiitluus, U has been postponed until
the bud of M. Hogoilepoff. the victim
of Knrpovli h. Is bioughl heir for
lmi lat.
"For th" last ten nights the tioor
of tho Moscow gatrison have slept lu
their eloiliiug, ready for instant action.
It will be suiptlslng If Illinois rue
tlnall settled without bh od.lH'd."
Teirible Effects of a Hunicane in
New Guinea.
lit l.tilutiie Wire Hum 'Hit Woiialnl l'ie
Vancouver. M. '.. March 22. The
steamer Mlowaia, whiidi atiived line
loda, hi lags ndliees of a teiiille hur
ilcane which swept over the New
llebtides Islands wltli destructive ef
ftct. New Caledonia, lu particular, suf
ficing fiom Its devastating olfects
Tlie steamer Mlowaia also brings a
tingle story of the obliteration of a
native tillage near Kiimiisvi, Now
Tho little settlement was completely
wiped out by hostile natives fiom tho
Intel lor. About thirty weie killed nnu
foity pilhoneis weie cnn led off, the
latter being women and chlldien. The
same hand of marauders shoitly aftpr
wnrd attacked a nilnng camp In the
gold fields. Henry King and Thomas
Campton, owners of the mine, were
killed, after being savagely tortuied.
All the gold which had been mined
during Iho past season was tarried off
by tho savages.
11 Huhi-lie Wiie from The AbotUtril Pie-t
bii.imali, fij., March V2. Or n Vtli;!ei, cf
I'hllidilphta. kno'.kid out Tom Couoran, of
tint illy, 111 tin eleventh lomid tontelit.
Iiiimr. Mmili S'.' Kid llrond knocked
Vouni; Coibett in the fnuith lound
Hoi SiMll.c, tk , Match 2.' Hill tinduri
l.i.tukcd out Hilly Stilit 111 the llitli round.
Colored Firebug Lynched.
Pj t:clutiie Mlie from Tlie AM.otiatt-d I'u-si.
ltlcl.nit.riiJ, Va , Mart h .'2. - iimioi w'lleli
rc.ii hi 'I hero lait nl.'iit ot .1 hue lime in II ill.
fix county bat been confliiiiitl. ncsru Mit
to court by x nu.ilntr.ite tu tin clnio oT Inn.
ins tlie Habli of Mr ! .latin lie. ,m
lij tome Uly I'liknown men f.on ." cwitit.!c,
who at lalilns him t the couuty hcil, mil
hot Mm to ile.ilh. None ot iiu 1,10b coil 1 be
Fire Still Pievents Panic.
Ily Kxelunlio Wlro trom The Assoelated l'ret.
Illnjhauitm, X, y M.m It Si. The lleilir
utrcet nchodl hou- in thin city wan totally th.
ttrojf'l I'l Are (lioilly, atlcr It o'chnk Ihlk
moinlim, Wbcti the lire tta. dl.rmered the
leathern founded Iho alann foi the die ihlll
and the .'aji) chlldien wltli perfnt ciiiiiio.iiic
liiunlnil fiuiiiltutiioii.lj 110111 thi several iijihoh
ti fity
Sccictary of Commonwealth Grlest
May Ro Obliged to Act ns Peace
maker. Special to tho craii(on Tilhune
Hanlshurg, March 22. Secretary ot
the Commonwealth V. W. Orient may
have io resign, to prevent tho stalwart
oignnlzutlon In Lancaster county from
going to pieces. No leg than half i
dozen of the faithful have been "put
lorwurd" for tho place made vneant
by tho death of Congressman Hrositis,
and as each Is refusing to step 'asldo
foi nil) one excepting "Fnvoilto Son"
tfiiest, It may be necessary for thu lat
ter to wlthdiaw fiotn tho governor's
cabinet ami hie himself to washing
ton. I!epieeiitutlve 1' McClaln, one
nf the foiemosl of tho "put forwntd"
ones, declined today In fiuor of Mr.
Orlosl. "I do not say that I am a
candidate, hut 1 will say that I am not
a candidate If Secretaty Oliest will
accept the nomination, I am for Orlest,
but If driest will nnt run well we will
have to let mutton, ndjusi them
selves." Mr. McClnln Is noted as n tactful
Tlorey" Marker, of Canibrli county,
Is tho Inlcsl possibility ns state treas
urer. Ills entry to the field Is viewed
with some nlnrm by llepresentativo
Hauls, of Clearfield, nnd Voorhces, of
Philadelphia, the most pfmlnont of
the other candidates.
His Tramp Friends United in the
Statement That the Wounds
Weie Self-inflicted.
Hj i.rliiMic Mile from 'the Assoitattd I'tev,
Altoona, P.i., March 22. The mystery
surrounding the fatal shooting of Wil
liam West. Jr. of tills rity, who was
found near Conn?llsvllle yesterday with
a bullet hole in his light, temple, was
partially cleared up last night by the
lettirn to Altoona, ot 1). Maxwell, a
filend of West's.
MiiNwell says he met AVesfs son In
Connellsvlllo yesteiduy morning nnd,
after di Inking about town with two
other men, the p.uty went down along
the river. While the men were seated
on the giotiud. Maxwell says. West
shot twice at him, one ball hitting him
In the nun. West then shot himself
through the temple, Indicting a fatal
wound. Maxwell returned to Connells
vllle and came to this cltj. He was
takn to tlie Altoona hospital, whore
the bullet was lemoved, nfter which he
was placed In Jell
West was found lying on the river
bank last night, with his head almost
shot off. Ho was taken to the Cotton
State hospital, wheio he recoioied con
sciousness today and gave his name.
He would tell nothing about the
wound. The physicians say lie cannot
John Kane, of Dunbar, met thieo
m-'ii running up the railway track fiom
New Havt 11 yesteiday afternoon. He
asked tliein why they were In such a
huiry. They told him to attend to his
own nlfalrs. The men were strangers,
and weie i-ty much ocltod. It is
supposed that .Maxwell boarded a tost
ft eight, east-bound, shortly alter he
shot West and went stialght to Al
louna. This morning James Wilson, of
Springfield, Mass , and Oeorgo Wil
liams, of Philadelphia, weie ai rusted
in this city. They weto with West and
.Maxwell near Connellsvllle when the
shooting took phue and came heio last
night wltli Maxell. Williams confirms
the story of the shooting told by Max
well and adds that when tliey saw that
West had piobably killed himself they
all tail away. Wilson denies nil knowl
edge ot the aftalr and says he never
saw Maxell or West, The whole party
weie tiamplng.
Morgan Howell's Ball Foi felted Be
foie Dauphin County Coiut.
-pulil to the sYraiilon miiiine
llaiiisburg. Mnioh 22. Motgan How
ell, fonnerl of Scianton, now, of
Wllkes-Uarre and ad interim of the
woild-at-hiige, known moru 1 oiniuonly
as the .Mexican doctor, failed to appear
wheir called lor trial today on tho
chats'' of onntei felting patent medi
cine labels, and his $2,000 ball, fur
nished by August Mauer, of Wilkes.
Marre, was I'm felted.
Aitornejs Ollbeit. of llnrrlshurg. and
(iarnian, of Wllkes-Murie. were on
hand to defend him. The prosecution
Is represented by Attorney Det oiler,
of Ilarrlsburg. and Attorney O'Mallry,
of Wlllnrd, Warren & Knapp. ot Scran
ton. The Tuik Downs McSweeny.
Il rAtlul Wiie (nun Hie Mniitrd P11M
New or, Manh 22. Nourcuiljli, tin Tui.c.
I. sit an rai l.e.' l lonlulu when he .net
,li net M(SC(iic,, of ( hit ago, in a. ritileju.
c.iuli 1.111 tv it ctliiiu match at the (iraud Cmiral
pjhue. Nouroulah tvelrjlied bit) puundt 1111I
MiSHeency, IfO pnuml. 'I lie Tuik by lir
loo hcau and tionu ir the luMetn ir.atk. He
pit Miswd'io tl"il loi the first fall In one
ir.lnutr and a half, and the sicmd fill rcquiiel
old' llilily second-.
Rnce for Chaiity.
Ily lilube U In lioni flie Atxicialid I'liv.'.
It xlt'ii. Mai"b ii - fliomat W. I.i.ooi aie
lieumi't the .iiiuntaiiiini of 4 lacn 1'tnun
Cicmoih, t ha dry lieu, mid iliiohui. nt Pc.ul
illle. In Scpleiubci. for a kV.n st ikn, .ill sale
linlple l( ifn In thailH.
11 l.xdusho Wlte ftoirt The Atoclatcrt l'lf.
I'itltbuiB. Match 2J.--1 lenient Tiledoux, one
of the met prominent teuchett of local inmlo
tu Pillkljing. and mil known ilnrnigbout IliU
coiilitrv, and in Kuicpe, died today of pncie
mi Ida, .ifc'nl "D jlih.
liairMiiirir. Match - Mr, l.ouh W, Hall, o
this lit;, died loda.t at iho I'lihrrtlt) of I'enn
khanla hupltal cf Hrlulitx ' clUej.c. She a
dieted Klato nemt of the Diugrlitrnt of th(
Aniciicin lleiolution at the leccnl mccllii'; at
tlhetlluB. W. a. March 22. lit. Ilev. Jrlni
T. sullhan. of the licclhitt illoune, died Ihli
allcrncmn, aKed 0 jiuik, it St. Joiicpli'a ho
1 It til. IMikrrvliuitr. W. a. Mat'. Sullhan w.n
(oiniirl.t ivttoi ol St, .lnfiph', thlt
lily and that ceuetul of the illed'H'. He ; 14
lately appolnlid lector of -ieied lb ail churi h,
t huileaon, W a
The Constitutional Convention Loiiq
Since Determined to Grant
the Demands.
The Opposition Merely for Effect.
General Miles Leaves Havana.
Snnitary Conditions in the Island.
Quarantine Regulations Modified.
By Kuhulve Wiie fiom The Attuclatnl I'unt
Havana, March 22. 11 has been
learned from authoritative soutces
that the Cuban constitutional conven
tion long since determined to grant tho
demands mndo by the Pulled States
under the Plait amendment to the
army npptopilatlou bill, and Mint all
the show of opposition being mad" is
"grand stand play "
(lonerol Miles and his party left for
Washington today. The Cubans ato
giving him an enthusiastic fuiewell.
Wushlugton, March 22. In view of the
Improved conditions In Cuba and the
facts that passengers, as well as ves
tels, ar- Inspected heroic leaving Cu
ban poits by the Putted Suites iuar
nntlne ofllclals and .suspected baggage
dlslnfoetsd, the tieasury department
has so modified existing regulations as
to permit until April V, l!ni, travel
fiom Cuba ot noti-hnmunes after their
Inspection at port of dcpartuie and
necessary disinfection of effects. That
waler Includes the northern poits.
May See Mr. Platt. but Will Go to No
Conference Not to Give In nt
All Odell Must Fight.
B Kscluaho Wire from The Wodunl l'rct.
Albany. Murch 22. Ooieiuor Odell
will go to New York and ho will see
Senator Platt nt the Fifth Avenue
hotel on Saturday afternoon. That
does not mean Mint tho governor Is
giving In. Probably he would not hne
decided to go to New Yoik at nil If
he laid not received an invitation fiom
the Lotus club to be pieseul at u din
ner on Saturday night. On the so'
oial occasions that Governor Odell has
called on Senator Platt In 2iVw Yoik
he has suited his own convenience. II"
has made his calls upon the semtor
Incidental to cither business.
All Albany Is divided Into two camps,
the Odell camp and the Platt camp.
Discussion 1 tins high. In the hotel
lobbies, in the ion Idors 01 the capltol,
tile one theme llercely debated Is the
break or, as some other people prefer
to call It, the "diffcieiice" between
Platt and Odell. The memhets of the
leglslatuie, however, aie not proclaim
ing which camp they Intend to Join:
,011 the contiaty they are keeping ills-
cieelly quite. Some of th -m plofess
to hcllui! that things will he fixed up
nicely and coullaliy 011 Satuiday. Those
wlio have nothing to losr, no hills to
ffftei, do not vcntuie to make sin h
predictions, however, for 11 is teall.ed
that Uovetnor Odell has binned the
bridges. He has no ionise to puisne
but the one on which he has set out.
He has moused Hie lie of Senator
Platt so lbs politicians say It makes
no mrference now whether he gives lu
or not. No further political pieier
ment is In stoic tor htm if the senator
can help It fiovernor Odell, then, must
shake himself enthelj fier from Sena
tor Platt, and make hlniselt muster of
Mi.' situation. It Is either that 01 tele
gallon to the icglons of political Umbo.
Oovrriioi' Odi'll Ibis evening l-stied a
formal statement, in which ho declared
that he Is opposed lo a nietiopolltan
police bill, liecaus'. he does not bellow
that ptesent exigencies would Justify
Its enactment, find for the fuilhei rea
son that he does not sVllow It would
be constitutional.
Ho lei'ris to' the irspectlve positions
which have been taken on the (iiicstluu
by Senator Thomas C. Platt nnd him
self, and declares Mint they are simply
honest dlffrietiees nf opinion, and do
not lu the slightest degree t (institute 11
Jury Returns Verdict of Miudor in
the First Degiee in Ryan Case,
fly Knclufhe Wire from The ssocl.itrd I'reic,
Haiilsburg,.Maich22. Wutson Kclpei
nnd Heniy Howe, ot Lykens, who shot
nnd killed Cashier Charles W. Myan,
of tho Halifax National hank, of Hali
fax, last Thursday lu an attempt to
rob the hank, were today (-mulcted of
llrst degree mill dor.
They lestllled In their own behalf
and admitted having attsnipted to rob
the bank last Thuisday, lint denied
that they flted the shot which killed
the cushlor. Their story was that In
t-ie struggle to setuio tho revolver,
which Mr, ltyan had ginhlpil from
Itowo, tlie cashier shot htm acciden
tally. 1 1 1 1 -
Shamokln Collieries Closed,
flv Exchithe Wire from The uocltted I'imi.
Shamokln. Pa., Match 22. -Ml of the (olltcrlei
of the Mineral Union and Itcailln (onip.uilot
in Ihli pait of the Mnlli I nltid Mine W 01 ken'
dWriet vere rioted thvtn today until next Mon
day by the conipaiilo. Scjreity ol 11111. I sben
v the- iti.ieii. the timber jiuli al.o were
emptr nnd mineis think the oictatoni aie either
in (crept Inp lo patent them fiom alrlklnu; ir
uit- firing thn llrt Run in adiatue ol the pn-.i
tile laUir t ar in begin on prll I,
Steamship Ariivnls.
fly llxilu.he Wire from 'Hu- Awoila'.ed l'ic-.
New Yotk. Match tU.tlcarpli,
l.hripooli I'otMiaiii, llottcrdiin, U llaiiloruei
Allcia Napin ind Uctioa. l,hi rpjl -Virnedi
(Jeuufiilc, New oik. Nnp'M -Arittcd- llo.
licntollun. New oik for llonoa. Moillle
s.illcd: llthlopla drum Mam-im), New ,orl.,
I'rawle P. Int l'j.i-. .1: Ai-iiti rdam. New Votii
lor ltotlerdam, Me ol W'lslu-I'af.ed: Hot
letdam, ltotlerdam for .Vc Votl
Weather Indict Urns Today:
1 r.ennil Vaughan Mill I'atieil on 1'lrtt Held.
Cuban Contention AdnpU dm iew,
Quiet nrlgn.1 at fltn Tnin.
t'ourt oriitlald Plot Atralntt the trir.
2 (leneral f 'arbond itc Department.
y llcneral (iontp In the World of fpott.
I IMllorlal.
Wi-ckly l,ettr on Munltlpil n-ltt
C Lcsal-Sociil and lYtional.
Sclfrtlfir Pahd.
II l.ocal-I!ieak in the '-Ilk strike.
AiiatjaH of the Ktl-nalet.
7 Ideal Mitchell Iteccitct AtiMcr frmn 0'r
What Delay in llcorRati'tation May tt t'j.
S boenl Wit Siiaidon and Sil.uiban.
(I (.eneral- Votthcteni l'enti)l-'.ula.
I'iranclal -ind Commercial
10 Mniy-c-lli" Old Offe r.dcr "
It Local-ltilkluii-. New-t M the ttiik
Sin tla.t School I.i-mli for Tomorrow
' local-f.hc S'e-tn of the Industrial World.
Sensational Shooting Aftalr in a
Pabst Rathskeller Jealousy nnd
Morphine Cause Tiouble.
lit I'A ltclie Win fiom lb ni ialeil I'te-t.
New A'otk. March 22.-A highly sen
sational shooting took place early this
morning In the Ituthskoller of the
Pabst hou'-o, corner Hioadway and
Forty-second street. Hubert linden
Motiltou, 11 young ex-student nf archi
tecture and more recently a man about
town, wanted bv the police Tor the
passage of bogus cheeks, was the ns
sail, int. a young woman now plalug
at the liioadwav thcutio wns the tar
get at which he shot, and Alexander
A". Ultigwnll. tn-inager of that theatre,
was the letiin. Plngwall l now in
Hie Uoie-eveH hospital with n bullet In
his back. Ills wound Is not dungeiotts.
Miss Mny ttitckl.'.i . with Mr. Ding
wall, John I. lii-lllngiieH and Miss
lluekley's aunl. wne sitting In a booth,
wlu-u Moullon, who had beru di Inking
or partaking of nioiphliie, or both, ap
pealed befoie them and began to abuse
the patty and to u-e profane language,
his Insults being dliccted hugely
towaid the heiress. His words were
resented, and he diew a revolt ei and
began to shoot. He tiled live shots in
Onv one did anj damage the shot
which pleried Mr. Dingwall's line k
The cellar was lu an uruoar in a
moment. Ouests and wallets 1.111 to
wnids Moullon. women itu-nmed, and
the lnanager nnd the detectle of the
hotel soon oveipoweietl the man.
The third shot iliuek Dingwall in
the Meshy pail of the back, as he atoso
fiom the ehali. The Inst shot passed
thioiigh Miss P.mkley's dtess.
The moth r lor the shouting Is not
l deal. It was Hist belieied that
Moullon wns slitfeilug fiom a bad case
or infatuation and jenlou-y lm- Miss
llucklry, Siibseiiicntly when the tts
llmoiiy of numeious wltnes'i,s could be
stutud. It iKciinr apparent thai Moul
lon was siifiYiIng so badly fiom dings
or alcoholii stimulation, or both, that
he had 110 tlv-d Idea In tiling the
On Thuisdii nlglil Moullon occu
pied a box at tin- Itroadway thealer,
run basing six tl"i;ets, only one 01
which ho used. Ills' actions at the
thealei atll acted nttenltoii, both In tlm
nudlenie and on Hie stage. After leav
ing the theater, Moullon was seen to
take a number of chinks in nearby
talcums. When he was iiliesletl a bot
tle pat ily lllled with morphine tablets
und a bottle neatly full of a llipild
solution ot nioiphine weie found In his
1 tickets
Moultou said (hat his homo was In
Spilnglirld, Teiin , and that ho had
oe.-ii lor tliiec years a student of nr
chltectuit at Columbia college. He
said that he lemeiiibeieil going to the
theater, but iei ailed nothing after iho
(itrUiln lose on tin- second net. Ho
denied knowing Miss Sollgman. Ho
was held lu SJ.ftOO ball und his exami
nation was set foi Monda.t.
Chief Wilkie, of the Secret Service,
Repoits n Bogus 95 Note,
lit l'eluslie Wet trom The Wiilatrd Prew.
Washington, March 22. Chief Wllkle,
of the seeirt set vice, has announced
the appearance of a new counterfeit $3
national bank note on the National
Iron bank, of Monlslown, N. .f. It Is
a (loceptlw (ounteifelt, printed on two
pieces of papei, between which silk
tlbre had been distributed.
Tlie face of the note, apparently
printed from an engraved plnte, Is de
fective In detail. Tlie word "cashier,"
abbievlated In the genuine to "c.iHh'r,"
appeals In the cnunteifelt as "cash,"
The Plnnrst Will Not Perfoim in
Public for a Year.
tly I'ulmlie Wire from The swclalfd I'rejt,
Madild, March 22. Padeiowskl, the
pianist, who has boon making a lour
of Spain, U'l-eived a dispatch at 1111
hao today announcing the death of
Hlppolyte, tils only son. lu Warsaw.
Ho ut onco telegraphed distinctions to
huvo tho body embalmed nnd held
until liU nrtlvul, nnd then stalled for
Ho Is deeply giieved by his loss, and
will go Into mourning for one year,
dining which he will not perfoim lu
Dy rxelmlir Wire fiom Tlie Awrlited Pre-.
New ork, Mulili 22.- U a meeting of Ihe
board ot (UnrtnM of the 't nii-.t It aula Coal com.
piny Iho followiin; oflicctii, thn are ail con
netted with the jiite lallruld, Men- ek-ctedl
II. M C ummliif. priiddriits I, s, Mtiloi, ilee.
imniihull J A, Middleton, tUe-preklikut nnd
mnelaiy; .1. 1'. i.ilu, lullloi, md .1, V
I'lulteii, treaauict
Quiet Rcluns In Tlcn-Tsln Since, tho
Withdrawal ot Troops trout
Disputed Tcrrltonil.
M. De Glers, the Russian Minister
Believes Thnt Everythinre Will B
Amicably Adjusted at London and
St. Petersburg New French. Regit
ment Ordered to Replace tho Par
isian Toughs Ministers Who Wera
at Pekin. During tho Siego Ata
Tired of Seeing the City a Militaiji
Cnmp. .
I! Hiclile Wire fmm Tlie Aocllted Pre. 1
Pekln, March 22. The 'Urltlsh head
qtinrtera heio roiiort tho withdrawal
ot both Russian nnd British troops
fiom tho disputed territory at Tien
M. Do filers, tho Ttusslnn minister M
China, believes that everything will ba
amicably adjusted nt London and St,
Petersburg nnd doubts the possibility
of further trouble In the mntter.
(Jeueral Voyion, commander of thi
French troops, has ordered a new rcgU
ment to Tien Tsln to replace the one
now there. French ofllcers hero think;
it was a mistnko to W-nve n rcglmcntl
recruited In a city nt Tien Tsln. Thll
regiment was composed of tough Turin
At tho meeting of tho foreign minis
ters held this 11101 nlng tho o'nly ques-'
Hon considered wns thnt of policing Mioi
legation quarters. A commltteo oC
mlnlsteis has hon appointed to dis
cover China's resources und report 011
her ability to pay the Indemnity to bo
demanded by tho powers. Many mlnls
teis are strongly opposed to Chlnn'H
having to pay to keep an army or ten
or twelve thousand men heie for thu
next two years, thinking this entirely
unnecessary. Hven those minister
who were here dining tho slego 1110
tired of seeing Pekln a military cnmp.
Tliey hope China will bo put upon her
feet ns soon as possible.
lterlln. March '22. In a dispatch to
tlie Cologne Oar.olto from Pekln, dated
Thursday, March 21, It is said that an
Imperial decreo. In accordance with ar
ticle li) of tho peace conditions, baa
been plncntded on tho wnlls of Xkln
threatening all anll-fotolgn societies
with punishment.
Anti-Foreign Societies Threatened.
London, March 22. In n special dis
patch fiom Shanghai It Is reported that
( Tseng-Chl. tho Tartar general
commanding In Manchuria, has been
ordeied to be cashieicd and tried for
having consented to tlie Uusso-Chlnoso
Manchuiiau treaty. That, it Is added.
Is irgaiilrd ns showing that the gov
ernment Is yielding lo the demands of
tin- vie ero s and foreign ministers wlui
opposed tho tieaty.
Itepljlng to a ouestlen In tho hour
of commons today as to whether thu
government proposed to ask Germany
to act with ivfoienee to Russia's action
In Manchuria the foreign under sccro
tniy. Lord Cranboino. loplled that thu
Itussian government had repeatedly
d'-c kited lis intention to respect iliii
integrity of China, and the Urltlsh gov
ernment ivas not. aware that Riisslnl
had Infringed It.
A tier tlie questions had been an
swered the Liberal leader. Sir Henry,
Cnmpbell-Iiannorinan, moved the; ads
join runout ot the house in order to calt
attention to the t.illuio of tho governs
ment to glvo tho hotiso information'
yesterday of th" seltleniont of th
Tlen-Tsln dispute. The wholo opposi
tion seconded tho motion.
The government leader, Mr. Balfour,
said he had never heard an adjourn
ment suggested on such a frivolous:
pietext. Perhaps It ivas desirable than
Lord linsdowno should have sent thn
Information l the house, but It wan
absurd to attack him (Mr. H.ilfour) fori
not doing so.
A Pessimistic View.
London, March 22 Tho foreign officii
takes a jessImlstio lcw of tho iin
mediate futtiie in tho far oast, in apltii
of the settlement of tho Tlen-Tsln In
cident, and entertains grave fears thaa
tho relations between Japan and Uus-
sla may shoi tly roach tho danger point.
Judging from Information obtained
in various olllciai quarters In London,
Japan has confided to at least some oC
tho powers hep determination to op
pose, at all costs, any secret agree
ments mndo between Russia and China
by which the former could secuto tei
ritorlal or other advantages contigu
ous to Korea.
Tho Urltlsh government has iccoived
no olllciai eonllrmatlon that tho Jap
anese tlcet Is mobilizing, hut it would
not be surprised to learn that such
weie the fncts.
Mrs. Avlerett Badly Burned.
fly rxtltvlie Who trim The wclatcil I're
( umberldtnl, Md , Mitih 2-'. -Mr Alien it,
wife of Colonel John W. Aiieietl, editor of lh
("iinib(rl.iiid Kilning Time, "Hi badly Inuncit
Ihli morning while trjIiiK to levue fmm linnet
her 2'j ear-old nun, wlut Had pit leu out ol hen
and wai wt on tlic bj a night I nop The el iW
is proliiHy fatally rmnud,
Turnace Men Will Strike.
nv I'.xrluilm Wlro from Ilu koi lated l'iet
shliou, l'.i , Maieh 2' It U ald that rh
blatt furnaio rinploim In iho Mahoning mt
Shenango i.illen will deilire ,1 ttrlko Sprll I,
urk'i.i the old iiiti- of w It teitorrd to them.
They claim that pig bun hit adianced ?i a
ton tlneo iho imnt ml nf uu tctitj wat mad,,
Our .1,110 men will lu- u'TicUd.
Wathliigtnii. Manh 2-' for
SJIiml.n and Suudai . r.i.tcin Pe11iK.1l
laiili-lilr and wanner Saturday; frodi 4-
outlier I) wind'. Siuuli), rain
,tl lt tf
1 rti it