The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, March 22, 1901, Page 8, Image 8

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T ' VV
Fact Not Being hi Dispute Judge
Kelly "Will Pn Upon the taw
Benrinp Upon Them La Suit
That Is the Outgrowth o Rood
Building In Benton Verdict for
Tripp & Co. Thomas H. Groves
Sues Louis Frecdmnn Sheriff's
Deeds Acknowledged.
The cusp ot I'. T (.'filter imil othoii
RK.iInn the ltidKu Tuuiplko company
hh dlHpoed of 1).v .ludgc John I
Kelly Instead of by a Jury. On crow
examination ot the plaintiff's wltnowps
cstcrdny morning It was shown that
the roml whs luillt tlnouKh Hip lands
of Putimkl Carter In 1ST2 rind that tho
turnpike company has been In posses
sion ever since. The plaintiff contends
that the laid wan iicvei paid for by
the company.
t'pun this showing of pimp""Ion the
defondant offoied no evidence, but
naked for binding Instructions, on tho
siotind that continued and unlntet
mpW possession foi over twenty-one
M'.irs Implied u cntiii from the owner.
TliN contention wan denied by the
plaintiff. Mho said (he burden was
on the defendant to show thut It had
paid for the land In som wuy. The
uidlnary piovlslon of the lawi with
lefcienee to perscrlptlve lights does
not npply to a. company which has tho
ilKht to take land under eminent do
main. None of the fails tu the cne being
In dispute, JudKt! Kelly sURgested that
the Jmy be relieved from Its consider
ation mul allow tho com t to pass upon
the law beailnff upon the undisputed
facts. This was agreed to nnd Hon.
II. N. W'lllnnl nrgued the case for the
defendant nnd Attorney S. 11. Price for
the plaintiff. Judgu Kelly will give his
opinion In the case latei.
The case of J. 1.'. AVestgate against
.1. If. rVeldninii was next called for
ttlal befoie Judge Kelly. Weatsatc
claims the sum of G1 for labor and
material furnished to Wcldmun while
ihc latter was constuictlng a load In
rionton township. Weldtnnn states
that he was a paitner of AVestgnte
and denies that lie owes anything to
him. The tasie was on tilal when
enuit adjourned. All of the testimony
has been heard and tho arguments will
be made to the Jury today.
Ttefor Judge IMwards yesterday
niornlng the case of Tilpp t Company
against M. 12. AVonlen was given to
the jury and a veidltt for $2.?.7ti ic
tuined in fnorof the pl.ijntlff.
The case of JInry Monroe against
l'lnn .t- Phillips was then put on trial.
It Is a dispute over the sum of $luO, a
deposit made by the plaintiff on a piano
which she leased from the defendants.
The plaintiff sues to recover this $100
and the defendants allege that she Is
mil entitled tci It and icfusi. to pay It
over. The case went to the jury just
befoie adjoin nlng hour.
Gloves Sues for Damages.
Thomas H. (iibvo. piclileiil of the
New York department stole, yester
day siiPd I-ouls Fieedman for $3,000
damages for .slander nnd malicious
I'lOsri utlon.
On Dec. 17. rieedinan had Orovcs
.iliesteii on it charge of stealing' a
oat. The inse was dismissed by AN
kriniin Millar as having no merit. ft
Is alleged by tJioves that Preedman
told many people that he stole the
i oat and that be ell 1 this for the pur
ine of Injuring his leputatlon and
standing as a man In the community,
and destioylng bis ciedit In a busi
ness wa .
A capias was Issued for Prenlman,
and his ball was jixed at $1,000.
Shctlff's Deeds Acknowledged.
Slieilff Scluidt yesteiday In open
court acknowledged deed to the fol
lowing for piopeitPs leeently sold by
lo .lolm Vnnoi.iiiii oi si . land In 1VII tome
Miip. sold j. notij ill .lo.pli ltowlrl, toi
lo I. .1 lliimo, lot in .".union, sold an 1'iop-
PCI Cl ril.'llll-. McdOUJII. flTSHIIJ.
In (ilmul l.lfo .i i 1 SuiTly couipjiij. lot In
i Miitrtn, nM a- prnpcrty of Jjin lllnl, for 4ri,.
Pn .lolm Jrimiii, lot in ".rjiitnn. oM a pi op.
cilj of (. luilcs J, Wildiol, for i"7..!il.
lo I'.itiUU P. iiml rjtlirnne i:. l.ibli.nn, nt
In ."crinloti, old j. tin- pn.poil) of William I.
Kl C-C, fOI !-'l'l(k.
Iii Ikiinui iMIiiw, (, l.'t In Siuiilon,
vild at piopulj of .1, II, I'Mur, for $K
I WIIM.1II1 P. Ililbtcul, lot In Niutli .Miin;.
imi, sold at luopcily of llonllo .. I'jtiid,, for
lo llanlct M. Hlic, lot in Souili Alilimtnn, s,old
in piopuly of . I., ltilcliinl. fui ."..'.sn.
lo (iroiR? p. Kolllvm. loi In Spring; monk,
m1i1 ,h inopcil) of , s jua M. I,, ltoilmv,
To die kiM.v lnf Mini i,l .mil loin coinpjm-,
lot in Cailvniclali-, oM ji pn.porly of Anna Ho.
lut, snlndnMulrh. for W.Pi.
lo Iiilctnjtlonil niiilitlnir .mil Loin as-nii.itlr.ii,
Iol in LamriHOillv, will .!. piupcrty of llciij i
min and Kllcn llirlimhoii, for "J en.
Yestetday's Maulnge Licenses.
.toscpli Miloni Piliilmrit
Ijij Naulfiu WTiUIIjiic
i amino Ciompi c4i ttoi.
l.dii .-on Yatflllo
In tlif fttktr of Kcome McKnislit, fli.rjini.
Hi, up Ml of Auditor t lurlo I-. Panlds lui
JU-t I., II lolllluilcil I,ll
In tli - el.ite if iiiu Ixiltiis Ijto of Olj
pluiil. ltlln of iuluiiiiltr.itlon were jctcnlj"
r '
The Tinger Posts Matklng the Many
By-paths of Present Day Troubles
Seem to Point the Same Way.
Lack of Nerve Force.
Day by day the columns of this
paper bring new cvldenco tram tictun
ton people of the gieat woifc be.'ng
dene by l.r. A, W. Chaae's Nervo Pills.
Why they accomplish so mush Is easily
explained they arc prepared with an
eye single to lebtotlng nervo fore..
They accomplish this object, which no
other medicine in tho world has ever
been ahlo to do; that's why liundteds
of Scranton people offer their testi
mony. Mr. Samuel rtogeis, of No. lis Hyde
Parle avenue, tseranton, Pu says: "t
was In a uin-Uown condition, head
sches. nervous nnd sleeping badly nnd
the uppetlte poor. I was told of Dr.
A, W. Chase's Nerve Pills and got a
how Ac u result I sleep and eat well
sgnln. I nm very much pleased with
them nnd glad to recommend them to
others. This I cu,n do conscientiously."
l)i. . W. Chase's Nctvo Pills are
old at ."Oe. n buy tit dealers, or Dr. A.
V. Chase Medicine Co.. Uuffalo, N, Y.
Hee that poi trait mid slgnattuci ot A
W. Chase, M. V am on cvciy paclcnee.
sratited to Jtnnle Lttus. In the c-jtale cf JUr
Kirct Ktcgdn, of tnli city, Ifttcm of admlnii
liitlen wro granttd to Hrldfrcl hcfftati.
In the divorce cue of Mr. K UtWe Ve Slin
ngalnU tlatry f(. I) S.cliln, a inle n ctrrdiy
(trinltd lo show cmo why a ditorc-c tlioulcl not
te irMntfd, It l rclunulile to mgnment court.
Tlirr will bf licailnir In the oe on Mircli 21
liclore Judge l.ibtiuU in I lumtcn.
Programme to Be Rendered by Stu
dents of School of Lackawanna.
The students of the- School of the
Lackawanna, will entertain their pat
ents nnd friends with music nnd I col
lations tonight In the nudtloriiun of
the old school houso nt 7.1.', The fol
lowing Is tho progt amine
PAnr I.
fluo SMs jh iioifiue Kline, "WuhltiRlon'i Illttlidac,"
."lo'cpli Willi
Ifechmillon. "Cjfar Crowluir tlif llulilcon,"
M.jln A IMillllpt
Piano Solo w, Minnie Sjmtcr
Itojdlnjr, "Wlul (!,! I,(ttc C.ltl s'llit."
Mls (ii ice (Violidge
Recititlciii, "I'limlsjn to I'ljiitilRin,"
.1. Tj.clor Po'lff Tilo,
I.itircme jtnl Ciilelon Conni-ll .tml filllifii Ldgar
1'AllT II.
nrcit itlcii, "Hit One llos Mui."
II JIM A. Login
Mindolm solo Wjticn T. .Vein
Accompanied by Mkc Acker,
nwltitlon. "Ilo.n' ltltcht." ,...J. ( urlli Pljlt
lterllatlbli. "A .Namtlity nltl,"
Ml .Icnnle (, OVrll
Violin oli Mini Mdi Homer
Veioinpinleil bv )llc IMitli Uoit.rr
necltation, '"llie IMf Child,"
ifw Helen $. Powell
Piino duet
Mr. Will Pummel. ni..l ML .Icwle Dimnilil.
Repoits That Mines Hereabouts' Aie
on a Ten-Hour Schedule
Aie Untrue.
The re pons Hint tho Deluvvaie, hark
ware nnd Hudson coal depaitmeiit,
Hudson and other companies have or
dered their collieries to work on a
ten-hour-a-dny schedule Is denied both
by Superintendent Loomls nnd Super
intendent Theie Is no need o"
Increased woiklng time, they Niy. Tho
mines aie being woihcd to their capa
city on a nine-hour schedule.
Them ts an Inciea&cd local demand
for coal ovvinp to the strike agitation.
It is a noticeable fact that many of
tho larger firms arc storing' away many
extra tons of coal, that they may not
bo caught short in the event of trouble.
The Delaware, Lackawanna and
Western company has tcfused to sup
ply much locnl coal tiatle, owing to
the demand for coal for shipment.
The company teeelves n good freight
rate nnd a belter price per ton abioad
than nt borne, consequently they p.-t .
for to ship their product as lapldly ns
eats can be obtained.
There Is little coal stored away .it
the storage plants or coal pockets of
the companies, with tho exception ..f
washeiy coal, which has been lyln
untouched since operations were" io.
sumccl at the dlffcient collieries.
May Not Rebuild.
The Habylon breaker of the Temple
Iron Company, at Durycn, was de
alt oyed by fire some six weeks ago and
as yet there Is no Indication of the
work of reconstruction. Ituiuor has It
that a new breaker ninj not bo erected.
Some time since the William A. mine,
owned by William Connell, came Into
possession of the Morgan syndicate,
practically the same oiganlzatlou as
the Temple Iron company. The ptop.
ertles ot both nro adjacent nnd Hie
workings of both me In close proxim
ity. The mining In the Babylon is re
gatdtd ns more costly because of the
fact that it has a higher elevation nnd
a mote circuitous route to get to the
bed of the veins, t,everal planes being
necessary to bring tho coal to the sui
face. The William A. mine, although only
a short distance from tho Babylon, Is
considerable lower In elevation and Is
puictleally nt the lowest of the coal
seams, and may, therefore, be woiked
nt less cost and with greater conveni
ence. These conditions pievalllng, and
the companies being under the same
management, It is lepoited that heie
after tho Habylon tract will be woiked
through the Connell mine. This wilt
serve to cheapen production. It can lie
Joadlly seen that this mnMilci.itlon
will save cxulle a sum in the annual
cost of moductlon of these mines.
WIlkes-Haue Hecord.
Today's D., L. & W. Boaid.
The make-up of today's D L. and
W. board Is ns follows:
TlllTIlinw, MAKC1I 21.
Wlt.l (its, Kant-.s p. hi., . riniiuh Irt i
iii. V. llitpatrlck; 11 p. in, T. I, Humpm
IlilPVY, MU( II 2J
Wild Citi., I.'i.t- UMi ii. m It c ,iiur; J
a. ii, I". Van Woinii-rj .'. a in, p. Uj1. s t
hi, J. .1. Muruv. Willi C lliiiliotuiniu'i, men:
u a. ii.. J. II. Matins: 10 a in., imiii, ullh
iinliutj'rf nun; Jl ii, in, '. W. limn; l p. m .
O. V. rilrini.itil; 2 p. Ill, W. II. tt.ifef; ;o
p. in, T. MC'.ntli: i p. in, Itiiiidoliili: Ci p.
Hi , J. Hurl lint.
MiintniK I'.n -II a !,. , e.i, laini'C Curls";
S ,i in., nest, (!, Krountelliir: ! , M , Utli -II.
Mi hols; II p. in., ent, ,1, llennljraiij 7 ii. m., from Nay Aiijr, I'duard Mi MIHtcr: T p. in ,
i .1 f n in (. ijiikj,; 7 p in , et fnun
t'atuga, (,iiiiey
I'ullei-s-lU a in , I . I". t.cot.
l'mler-s u in.. Ilou-cr; tl) n m S 1 hi.
neiti j 10 ..ii a. in., Moian: 7 p. in., Muipln , u ji,
m . Limping: JD p. in., licniRc Tliom.n
l'aciiicer Knulne-7 a in. (ladiiei. 7 a in,,
Sinter; 5 SO p in , Maiitoin 7 p m,, .Mjcoiein
Wild ,,t. W.t-j i. m I r, ,.(.,. 7
i in, (K'oiinoi, with J. llji-fTj men; a. in,
.1. (Jalatni,; 11 u in, K.tiluni; 1 p, in, i,
llj-,ut); .1 . ii.. J. II. .MiCimi; t p, nt . P
1 l!u(.iif; " p in Jl rjiiiioil , 0 ji in,
xouri: Vfultin Ueiley will rr on ai liiiu
n'Jlil k olhie.
Hiilinnjii I'hlllii uiliii icporln for dutv ith
A ecu it.
Ur.ihenuii .Tolm OalLnlin iioit toi clnlv
vith , 1'. Mullen. Sjillle ie.oit'i
loi nut cWth O. W. l'lthciaM,
This nnd That.
Itepalts have been made In the oilhes
of Superintendent rtoe, or the Dela
w.ue nnd Hudsoan coal department,
giving more floor tpace and connecting
tho apurtments of the district pausen.
gcr asent with the coal depaitmeiit.
In unlfotmlng their men tho
Railroad ot New Jersey has oideivd
that service bars for each Ave yNu
of service with the company ma be
worn on the left sleeve of coat Im
proper manner by conductots anJ U
lion agents.
Superintendent H. i;. Loomls and
District Supetlntendfttits tvans, Phil
lips, Williams and Barnard, of thu
Delaware, Lackawanna and Wnstetn
coal depattment. held their weekly con
fence meeting yesterday afternoon and
talked over mattets of Interest to tlu
coal department.
II. 1). Taylor Is the new supei Intend
ent of motive power on tho Lehigh Val
ley tallionil, to succeed Samuel Hlg
glns. Ho Is nt picbent connected villi
the Cnlumel & Hecla Mining company,
but he was formerly foi years con
nected with the Lehigh Valley as me
clianlcul engineer and as mastet me
chanic of tho WIlkeB-JHrrc shops
This is the trade mark on every can of the genutuo
Br. Hand's
Condensed Milk
It indicates the purest milk from field-fed cows
condensed in scrupulously clean buildings, by a pro
cess that preserves all the food qualities to which has
been added phosphates and hypophosphitcs, the
same food properties found in wheat the greatest
body builders. It makes strong'tceth and bones, firm
flesh, steady nerves, quick brain and rich" blood for
infants and growing children. It is a wonderfur
restorative for aged or invalid persons. It is better for
the table than fresh milk rich as cream, f,'01;!,1,"'.
Announce, owing to the de-
struction by fire
ing at 129 Wyoming Avenue,
that they are now located at
126 Washington Avenue
Rrice Building.
H"H"M"H'Hi'H"it 4-
Will Open Their
New Dry Goods Store at
j 126 Wyoming Ave
On Saturday,
Booms 1 anfl'2, Cora'lth B'l'd'
Hilling and Blasting
Mpflt si Mooilo ana Iluitt Ula Worlti,
Elretrla Battarlei, Kleatrlo ExplcxUri.
explodlns bluti, bafety fmiual
Repauno Chemical Co.'s cxp'
PH DENSTUN, all SfiniLi tret, tM-rjnton,
la .Ml Acute ami Tlironlo Dlwawti of Mm,
Womm and Chll.lrin. inultitlon unrt
imlnatlon tf Oltl.- Hour Daily and Sundiy
( a. in to U p. m
Jr J&A Smlrli"3 AV 5
of their build-
the 23d.
llaunracturcrs or
ii m
N. Ninth Street. SCRANION, PA
Telephons dill, 2iW3.
Gtutial Agent for fht Woroloj
District for
Ulnlof, niaattne. Fportlng, FmolitlMi and tbi
litpauno Chemical Corapanj'i
High Explosives.
Eafetjr Fuit, Cap and Kiplcdera. Itoom 491 Con
nrll Oulldlnc, btiantou
tiios. rorm ritutun
JOHN p. MflTll 4 bON riymoiith
W, I', HUI.UOA.V WUVcaUarra
TailorMade Suits
We have Suits priced as low as $().oo, and as high asv
$75.00. The $9 style is fully worthy of the company it'keeps.
It is plain, but good. We aim to be universal in our helpful
ness, and universal is not to be defined between dollar marks.
Suits for little money and Suits for much money, and Suits all
the way between, and a good value and an exclusive style in
every one of them.
The middle prices are the most popular, of course. These
are types of the fastest sellers :
At $ I C Of Venetian cloth; jacket, Eton style; skirt,
1 flounce style. Stitched with satin bands to match
cloth. Well tailored.
At $20 0f Broadclotl1- Jacket with vest effect. Flounce;
" or flare skirt.
At $0 9f Broaclcloth- Eton jacket with postilion back,
linished with Persian trimming. Bishop
sleeve, flounce skirt.
At$2A Of Cheviot Serge. Double-breasted Eton jacket,
J" flounce skirt; silk lined throughout. Very finely
At $ 0.50 0f Cheviot Serge. Blouse jacket with bishop
J sleeve. Skirt, flounce stvle with corded
flounce. Silk lined
AKE no mistake!
Sec that my head
you buy. It guarantees
its purity. No coffee is
unless it is in a 1 pound
scaled packet with the
head of a lion on the
front. Then you get
pure coffee the highest
grade for the money.
I 1 1 . 5WIW AT ti TW. ftW Vmi, .
j v 1 Sm that mv hA Wivitfv-.N. m'v"nmtu
7 , ATkr
ir nn p.vrv narkaorp. nt 1.-? -h ' .. .!Wi vrvsN
In every packageof LION COFFEE you will find a folly illustrated and descriptive
list. No housekeeper, in fact, no woman, man, boy or girl will fail to find in the list some article
which will contribute to their happiness, comfort and convenience, and which they may have by
simply cutting out a certain number of Lion Heads from the wrappers of our one pound sealed
packages (which is the only form in which this excellent coffee is sold).
Friday nnd
Big Sale of Shoes and Rubbers
l.siilf.' fiut i'Mluy lublicr.. tvuu (oe r.nly
l.V. rcuivJ tee. CIc.
( hlld'a llubbcr Hoot jL Tii
Mcr.'n AiclUd c iil- flee.
Youth.' Itutbcr IlooU t i
Men's rtuMicr IboU M t: im '.' .'i
loi airs I-kII.V IOIihIi Imx call pikad 1.1J
lilflil' tSM mid (5.I.&1 shot it H ('
tii lulls l.jdlci.'i Hun Mil Kid, Ud llnnl !
lundlurntil hoon, wonh ?J at Jl.n.
') un l.i.lha' I'uunt .cnthir Ijrc and Hit
ion W.(i Shock at fl.i'j.
We invite vou to call and see
guaranteed, and every item as advert
' r & r!rtew,cssssi
M. .W I J P; ttlryrCMeaft'
Ztt . ifi li V . lit- ttff 'Ai'a.VCA VKJV7AZX2
Watch our next advertlaomont.
Myer Davidow,
307 Lackawanna Avenue.
.JO fijin l..idlV til Uld r.uiton nd tire
1 letlblr Sole, Thnma TUnt rat, wnrtlt J palt,
at M. 40. All ltw. wldtlu P. C, and U
."00 p3liK I.adUn' Donjla Ilutton and lace
Gcodjfai welt 2 S-hnn nt 1 i.
IM polrs I jdln' Hor,;ola Ilutton md ,w il
Slicci at Cjo.
A fc lulu 1 JdK' i M Sfpihu lior at 'A'''
:'.1 lulu l.adi' fl.Vl li.a.U hot H 'jm. All
jdl(i' .' Hlppri 11 VV and 7 .
UdlrV Illuc SMn f Mlppn. m UK
with your own eyes the best shoes
tsed, and you will surely save money by it,
127 AND 129
Why has
fNM t 11 ---f K
. And why is it used in
W millions of homes ?
Because it does not
sail under false colors.
It is an absolutely clean,
pure coffee. No glazing,
no coating with egg
mixtures or chemicals
in order to hide imper
fections. Just try a package of
and you will under
stand the reason of its
Frldar and
A l less than cost of making
for men, women and children.
All styles and sizes
Men's Shoes.
; pjin Mrn3 llujift and Clack Unune! Jt
locH1 at 41.0s
110 pulr Mm t'.o CjH jnd Ttnt, leatlirf
lineal, iiililnr lint, 1 Iio(m. at M.93.
4S pj Mil'. I.namrl 1,M ,-liOf, at 3 4S.
r.s piliit Mm l., ( 4ii, Vilour (alt nd Viol
Mil M.fO Mhik ut !.' l.
ii luiiK Men' Dr' Miom, umtli $1.30, hi ')U
Mm WniklniT 'liowf 'Vm'., II S"l and ,l 50.
Mid'k Miiiitic Iiopk, old Usi.
lln' Mion, M (im
Mt-n' jihI t'lnldicn' Mion. all pilifa '
for the least money. Hvery slioi
The Cheapest Shoe Store.
307 Lackawanna Avenue