The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, March 22, 1901, Page 7, Image 7

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Another Oniric Nation Hns Appeal cd.
This Time Ncnr New Milfoid.
Kicked by n Dead Mule Sawed
OrT Sundiies and Stray Sldo Lights.
Farm Notes and Random Thoughts. to ilic VrJiitili liihune.
KiiMiucliannn, Mau-Ii 21. Ktiiinor
Haunt' 1 Sawyer, of l.ynn, bus found tils
Match, hut he Ih dill inlnus his coat.
S.iwjcr Is a llnlfly liirnici. A i-miiilc
of wtiltri ago In.' "n't woiMiij; 111 a Held
cutting up Kiinc I"ks fM- rucl. In iho
lot van a ulcer that was lirliii- fiitton
id irmly for killing- -'.iiivi'm Murk
ttllr lull rl 1111(1 III. pllllcd lift" 111 I'Otlt
ond Iuhik it mi the fence. In u pueket
of tlio i nut mis lilrt frtilit twitch.
luultis I he fuixniiuii S.inycr lunl nt
i it-luti tn cu to the house, and when hu
iiiitincil in the lot he wunt fur his
twitch to M'( the tlnie. Coat and Match
Mile iiiImiIiik tlolll the fence Mhfiu ho
had plac il tin in "I Mini," Mild
Suui lo the niPck'Cyed ptccr, lilt
ejilv uudltm, " 'pruts an If -oine Uaiiip
hud i iiuii' iilonu and Just swiped that and Match'" Sawyer wont to tin
house ! I'll his wife of the os.
lf' he s.ild, "I hum- my coat on
the feme .mid 1 biicss sonw tiamp liti-i
stolen it. '
Its a good thllifr ho did. too," Fild
Jlis. SaMci." It's Just about lit for a
turnip's we.u."
Hut my Kold watch was lit It! t-ald
Win didn't .ou say en?' cc
(laliiiiil Jlis. Sawyer, Indignantly.
.Miiklnc all that fuss about an ojd
Mt lnn a TK'O watch Is -.tolcii. It's
a tsood thhiB jour head Isn't loose or
joiid liaic that stolen too!"
,ii i low in Match or was nil
Milled by Jlr. Sawyer, had he icslRiied
hiinstlf to his loss. on Wednesday
lust rctpiul of the nelBtihorlng faimeis
i une to helii him kill and cut up this
suei When the stomach of the ani
mal had been cut open bomethliiK
eUsteiilni; was seen. Mis. S.iwjcr,
ho was watching operation", rhvu a
attie Micim, and. pounrliiK n tlio
KlIttiiiiiK object, pulled out to view
Sjwjci's watch and chain, apparently
noiii tin woise tor its novel abldiuir
place Mr. Sawyer Is womlng It iiKaln,
and Its time-keepliiR powcis appear as
Kood as uvei.
I muss that steer ate iu loat all
1 'Kilt " said Mi. Sawjer. hut he must
bail totind it a pretty tounh morsel.
A f (I. us befoie I had been klllhif,
and sHlt'iiK' hoRs, and the coat prob
"bly koL consldeiable salt on it. The
Moer iiiobably licked the coat, found
the taste of the sail Bond, and llnished
b fwolliiwini; thu whole darned Bar
inriit. That's the only way I can
a mint lot the watch belnpr in the
'oinuih "
sAwno-OFK srxi)iiii;s
l'loinliiciil Kile nlllcliili paid tlio
shops .i visit on Tuesday.
Mi.s liiidKct O'llouike, for many
' " a'lesldent of thu Oakland Side,
Ikd m Monday In the state asylum
at .ii 1 1 ii. The fiincnil took place on
Wednesday mornliiK Horn St. John's
atholk church In this place, tequlem
blKli mass being- celebrated.
Thr Hilc on Tiiisday and AVednes
oav incitased lt loice of special
wuuliiiicii at this point.
The Delawaie and Hudson company
paid Its Nlnovuh branch employes on
Ii Is not expected that 15e. Chailes
Hem. i Xewlm-, the able and popular
imMui of the Methodist church. Mill
be u turned for the foe.ith vein.
Tlieio comes lrom Xcw Mllfoid an
liuuestliiB story, whether it is title or
not As the stoiy goes a woman dls
iocied hat her htu'band had spent
thu ki eater portion of his cat nines in
a nickel slot iiiuchlne. Aiming' hciself
wi'li a hatchet, -she went to a hotel
where the machine was lo.-ated mid
demanded of the bar-keeper that he
iciurn the money dropped Into the
machine by her husband. This the
hat keeper icftised, M'hen the woman
Iu her lutlilict and smashed the
machine into smltheieens. Then she
hLooned In Its entile contents. The
ha i keeper said a tew uncomplimentary
tlilim's to the woman, who ieplled by
ui nils- ine natciiet at me minor be
hind tlu lwi, and It was wt coked be
voml leuill. The bai keeper Mas about
to attack the woman when a ttavellng
man dtcw a levolver and compelled
ilu fellow to btand hack, Millie the
Metoi luim woman iv-tiiriiPd to her
homo Mith an apron filled with nlektls.
kk'Kud m a di;ad muu:,'
) Saluiday tVenliiB a slelghliiB
puitv were en loute fiom Uiunwood
in lleirlek Centre and when midway
between the two hamlets they were
passu! hv a team which had a dead
mult mi boatd Mhosu hoois extended
over tlu edse of the sleigh. On ac
rount of neither team tuinlny out far
enough the mule's hoofs tame lit con
tact with thu head-, and backs of sev
eial ot the people in the sleluhhiB
party, seeial of whom wele painfully
Uepo.iit camp, Modem Woodmen,
m'IU pay mis(iiohanna camp u. fiatei
nal lialtatlon on Friday evening.
The Ladles' Auxiliary to the III other
hood of Locomotive l'lienieii will hold
a "calico hop" and teccptlon In Hogau
opera" house April !.
Subscilbeis to the local telephone
company complain that ueitaln younB
perbons answer calls on the line and
then "Jolly" tlio ppisoii who Is Hying
to communicate with some ono else
The compiny threatens to aucst the
Miinrt ones unless thoy desist.
The rfusqugl'iinna Mtieniieichor M'IU
hold a uiasquciado bull hi tho Oakland
Side miiftlo hall Apill S.
somi: sinn liohts.
' man about to bo hanged knows
more tlun any oth'.-r HvIiib person. Ho
always has thu lutest noose.
"In a box," muttered the coat, us It
bunged Its head against Iho button of
the eoiitllbutlou iivptuelc.
Office Is llko whhkcy when a man
onco gets u tnsf of It he foievei af
terwurd has a hankering foi It,
It theiM ciiili u thing as luck'' aiiki
t. concspondeiit. Theiu Ii'. For hi, If you go homo nt 2 o'clock
In the morning, nfter inomlsliiB your
wifo to be In caily (In tho ovciiIhr),
and find her a-deep, and don't fall
oer any chalis, thnt's luck but It
Isn't to bo depended on.
The man who taken no thought of to
muu ow Is apt to wako up some morn
ing and feci Its estordiiy.
Hewiue ot tho liuui M'ho follows his
master from nfar.
Avoid the man whose children shrink
and towi'i whin he comes home. Ho
Is a Rood man to let nlone.
A Set anion physician says: "Keep
.our mouth shut If you want to avoid
the Ki-Ip." There are other ttouhler,
that may also he avoided by follow Iub
this ltiinlc advice.
The holf,ht ot some mni's ambition
Is to pull sonic other man down.
Samuel HlgglM. siipetlnteiideiit of
molloiiowcr of the Lehigh Valley tall
load, who has resigned his position to
accept .a similar ofllu with the I'nlou
Pacllle. learned his trade as machinist
In the Hrlo inllroad shops in Susuue
hanna. He was afterwaids getieial
foi email of the shops, and still Inter
assistant laiperintendeut of motive
power of the load. Mr. Hlgglns' sue
ce.or In the Lehigh, Howard D. Tay
lor, is also a form"!' lisldent of Sii'
iuehaun.i, having for some tlinn been
mechanical engineer In the Kile shop'',
t-usqiiehannu hnn piodurcd a huge
number ot piomiiient rallioad men.
At Lake Vli w, Jackson towrshlp. on
Ttiw-dny night the dwelling house of
SVul In Slater ins desttoyed by file.
The Van Allium block cafe, recently
conducte I by Martip .1. McMnhon, was
on AVcdiusday closed out by the shei
Iff. Their was the celebration of the holy
communion In Christ Fplscopal chinch,
this morning, with llev. It. A. Sawyer,
of Cpi-oondale. as elebnint. This
ewiing Uev. Henry V. Ilubbaid, of
Giecne, X. V., will preach.
Genet nt SupeilntPndent Fitch, of the
Urle, was In town on Tuesday.
George Fradet burgh, of Sherman, is
the owner of a fieak of nature, whleh
livals .lolin ('. Frcemont's famous
woolly horse as a curiosity. It Is n
calf, now neatly a year old, that In
stead of being clad llko otheis of Its
kind. In a, of hair. Is wealing as
fine and pet feet a flece of wool as any
lamb lu the Hock.
A good many of the new centuiy
i solutions arc now standing on side
A blind gill in Great liend got mar
lied and lecovered her slvht a few
days later. Manlage Is ceitalnly a
great eye-opener.
The man who alms to be good In
this woild may miss the In the net.
Tho Harbors' Xatlonal convention re
solved that to Meir the hair shoit Is
the pioper enper for the coming sum
mer. Xo vote was taken on how t
wear bald heads.
Ordinarily, M-hen home life becomes
too slow for a slrl or boy and she or
lie runs away, l egret I suie to fol
low. Vushlng up njcnlnst the outside
woild generally makes "home, sweel
home" riso hi the maiket.
Some people's lellglon is Just II ki
ll wooden leg. There Is neither life nm
warmth in It: and, although it helps
tl-ini to hobble along. It never becomes
a l nit of thein, hut has to be stiapped
on iveiy momlng. "Whitney.
flioildl lu Hie xianton Tiilmtio
I'lttston, Mauh 21. John Glllej-. an
aged man, was found dead lu bed tit
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Michael Mur
ray, with whom he boaided, nt lukei
man. When Pat i Uk MU'lain. of Stunner
villi', aiose fiom his bed this moining
to go to Ids woik In the mines, his wife
entieated with him to remain at home,
saying she had a piemouitlon that
some dlietul fate was ovei shadowing
him. He sniffed at hei entieatles, and
went to woik. Four houis later his
dead body, flushed beyond lecognltlon,
was taken to his home. He had been
caught beneath a heavy fall of black
A tialn of empty toril cms was being Into the Clear Spilng collleiy'a
binneh, at "West Plttston. this morning-,
when one of the box c.ns Jumped
the track. William Bliss Mas standing
on top of the car and was thrown otf,
landing headfoiemost on a pile of lion
tails. He was painfully injuied, re
ceiving; bad gashes on the head, a
biulsed and cut aim. nnd two tiae
tured tlbs.
William Bath, sou of Mis. Chailes
Xouls, of this, was united in
man luge last eieuiiig to Miss Han
nah Jones, of Plymouth. The teie
mony was petfoimed ai Hie home of
thebilde's patents.
John Collear, of Peteisbuig. Vliglnla,
has presented to the St. James Kills
i opal chinch of this city a handsome
oak pulpit us a memoilal to his wlte,
who was a foimer member of the St.
James parish,
John Paddeti, aged thirty-eight years,
died heie last evening, utter a seven
months' Illness fiom a raneeious dis
ease. Ho was known thioughout the
count.. Fiom JSSS to 1S91 he seived us
assistant jail wai-den In Luzcruo coun
ty. Later he was employed as u tlgar
salesman, and at the time of his death
was conducting a pool room lu this
city. Funeral will take place Satin day
Mis Maik McDonnell, whose hus
band Is a well-known shoemakoi heie,
died at her home In Poit Grlinth this
moining, after a two weekb' Illness.
Besides her husband, four small chit
dien sui vivo, the youngest of which Is
an infant bom this month. Dsceased
was a daughter of Mis. Dougherty, ot
Aichhald, and also has seveial ,bi oth
eis nnd slsteis residing there.
nr :votk tuk xahk.
W Sm l-kll4,lpbla, r. Oil tra linUIUl lit
l .fcij lrlr.l.arill(walHkial rrlitlt.
. h,... ..: .. -.-." j .--'; '-i
l l).llh(..lo. n,.klTrll.SJrl.l.r.'
'L-JH rilllMI. C4"lpr,,al, & thrill, a Orraavl
lFrl tun tir4 la 10 ta-i.ia i,arairallrall a Irani
'koiplul aia.rlr.ia laC,rar, J farkaat TriitVi.I
lpaf ararr airtWI k alaf IrliaJ fraaav liallaa UU paaw.T
Pr'clt to Ilic Scnnloii Trilnine.
Tiinkhannock, March 21. Mr. and
Mrs. II. F. Metcalf held u reception
for the members of the Lnfa.elte
Banjo und Glee club at their lesidencri
on West Hanlson stteet, lust evening
at the close of tho loncert,
Hany Slekler, plumber with Paul
-Hillings & Sons, him resigned bin po
sition to uccopt one with the Cudaliy
Packing company, at Set anion.
Tho canning company shipped a
couple of carloads of apples und beans
lo a Xew Yoik commission mei chant,
and a cuiload of corr to Wllkes-llaiiP
patties on Monday.
Mrs. KM Brown, ot Plttston, Is the
guest of her sister, Mis. it. M. PIntt,
at this place.
Conductor Geoige Alleinuii, of the
Monti oso branch. Is taking a tilp to
Xcw Voi,k and llairlsbuig. His place
Is supplied by Oscar Wldeninn, of
Mutt how W. Com night, of Meshop
pen, was doing business lu town on
Skinner & Peter, clolhlcis and tnll
pis. have lemovcd their store from the
Wyoming democrat building to the
building loccntly vacated by Philip
Hany Lewis and Henry Pluinnier
Mt. who am students at Lifayette
college In Huston, nie ilsltlng their
parents liPre.
MNs Lillian Heikman. of Tiumans
hui p. Xiw Yoik, Is visiting fi lends lu
Julius P. Hltchtoik. of Foikston.
will ociupv the fa i ni Mhlch ho re
cently putch.ised of James LolRllton,
Just east of town, after Apill 1.
The liandsoni" new organ pii-icnl.d
to the Methodist chinch hv the widow
and children of the hit- Pony S. Bil
lings, In memoiy ot the depaitcd father
and husband, has anhed and was
placed in the church esteiday. It
was -iiuchi'uil troin L B Powell &
Co., of .S'cranton.
Fpfi lal lo llio Scroitoii Triliurf
Hnifoid. Mincli 21. L. K. Joins is lu
Xew York, buying spilng goods.
.Mr. and Mis. W. It. Hammond have
leturned rrom Xorwleh.
F. It. Tiff uny and .Mr. Matthews weie
in Siisrjuehanua on Saturday.
Pi of. I'onipton lias moved Into tho
Barnard house.
Miss MablcOsboin has letuiucd fiom
visiting her grandparents in Xew .Mil
ford. The twentieth annual ciiiiiinencenient
of tho Harford graded school will be
neici on .March 29 In the Congregational
chuicli. The graduates are Clyde Patter-nut,
Jessie Bobbins, Lena Stem ns,
Mabel Sherwood. Susa Osman, Xornia
Danow, John Biiggs.
Frank Danow will woik foi l P.
Tlngley the coming summer.
Alvle Tiffany will move his famllv to
Corbltsvllle this week, whole he "has
secured woik lor the coming season.
B. Thatcher, of Montioe, mus called
to see his sister, Miss Thatcher, who
Is suffeilng with n sttoke of apoplexy.
Mis. W. S. Withers Is suffeilng fiom
a seveie attack or rheumatism.
Mrs. Geoige B. Payne Is Imprn lug
D. M Fai-rai- Is very low
iiMtiiiyriLii A
0 . . 6
( MIKMV Mai I ikp ami iniupjiia Miilmr
iiid ingm.
The May Flske Company.
Mo nli jihI lin Mi'wili ioin,jii, lomiimpn
lo Iimi Hu. lutroiu ih,. Aciiliim oi,
Hie houc i Hill hllrd nt oicli pri foniutii c
.ant I lie .iiiOirnirs nie dl plusiil. Hie pi
iliKtlon ot tint fi.mij ijj, "M l'udiil nun
Inill.i," m pFOilurnl .U tin' mjtlnip ictiulj
"(liinooii h oiip of ilie hut crtii nunc a cii
hccii In a popular pikul ila linuo, ,in, on a
pat Willi nuiiv Mi-ullcil IiIkIi irind .ittui tlmi-.
Mlt 1'IAe li.u mi ry litcomo a mul .iuiiIIo
Ifri- woik i clcinlj done ami lier i-iiislne i
'llil atlrinoon "lotti nine" will u Hip lull.
ai,il toiiiidil, "u Vtiiiiiuii I'' ili K'
putcnteil, JIU.S ri,tc will poMU'i-ly oppi-jr
The crowning bargains of this sale have just commenced, and by the way they are going they will 5;
not last long. We are anxious to open with our NEW SPRING STOCK NEXT WEEK, and we have
gathered together in lots, the balance of Men's and Women's Fine Shoes to PUSH THEM OUT. fe
f$ THESE PRICES will help us to do it
r5 Calf and Vici Kid Shoes, worth $2.00 and
55 300 pairs of Ladies' Shoes, button and lace, regular price from $1,75 to ETA ail QCrr Si
' $2.50, all good sizes ; while they last DJC dM OOC Si
5 '
; Well; we are so busy now, we cannot tell you about the others just come, and if you fail to take ri
5 advantage of this sale it is your own fault. S
5 S'
330 Lackawanna Avenue. 5
Just ns Easy to Form ns Any Other.
Wo do not deliberately foim our pet
habits but they are unconsciously tie
fllllled, and glow as we glow, nnd by
the thno tic leain thoy mo hinting us,
wo find them too sttong to bo euslly
Then, h not foi in a good habit, n
habit which will counteract the many
bad ones, in other wonts, conduct tbp
unfashionable habit of being nlwnys
The best health habit to get Into Is
to have and keep a vlgoious stomach;
If you have a healthy digestion you
can di Ink your beloved coffee, smoke
your favorllp bland of tobacco, with
little or no lutiu: the mischief begins
when these things ate forced upon the
faithful stomach, without any assist
ance. Foi in the habit of taking after meals
some hai inlets but elllclent digestive
whleh will lelleve the stomach of so
much extra woik.
Xature furnishes us with such digest
lies nnd when they aie combined In
such u pleasant pieparatlon as Stuart's
Dyspepsia Tablets, they give the ovrr
w oiked stomach Just the necessary as
sistance lo secuie pcifuct digestion
without any or the harmful effects of
catliaitlcs and similar dings.
The habit of taking Stuart's Dvs
pepfla Tablet, alter meals Is as neces
sary to tho weak stomiieh as food It
M'lf. and indeed to got the benefit fiom
food oaten, nothing better and ceitaln
ly nothing sator can be used.
Man) tamllhs cousldei Stuui f Tub
lets as essential In the houe as knhes
and folks.
They consist enthely of natuiul di
gestive pilnclples without the effect or
characteilstlcs or dings, they have no
cut hu i tie action, but simply go to woik
on the food eaten and dlgpst It.
Take Into account your bad habits
and the expense they entail and then
invest ilftv cents In a box of Sttiait's
Dyspepsia Tablets und slp It -.out di
gestion for the next month Is not vast
ly Improved
Ask the cleik In any dtug store the
name or tho most successful and popu
lar stomach lemedy and ho will say
Stuui t's.
at rjdi piifuiiiiuiicr 1'oim.U l snmrtilr ulplit
iiy hit lm.iliii; a ."Oir'u will loiolie t
vuicnli of the pilfoiinJHic
The Wills Company.
I he iiir.ii lion (01 the Aiailoiny ot Mii-Ii for
tin fit t Unit' nllit of next mil. will lie the
wrll Known cbiiu ill ai', I'r.inl. M. unil Joint II
Will'. I louilr-tl liouoi, a .1 rule, lur urnlnl
tin Wills' lonipaiK oioijwlirte, an'l Mondiy
nlijlit will lip no ricrpllon to Ilic ittlf
Tho plcics that will ho pir'Piitnl Hie lln-p
niBliU will bo (lie following lil-uiii.tliii; lonip
dipn, "lnu (llil C'lomea," "111 UUiillc lit,' ami
"llosont Krlonil." TIip ronif(llp me Iip.iiIpiI hy
I tut pinlnitil Dntili iiiineili.111. l'Hiik M. Will',
.fjinra I clip ,i .1 uiilinl .ttlui N pi aiuiiitiitr.
!imlpxii, on "Min. Nallnn .nnl Hip ntt
iip CitiMiIe" It williout i iliiibt Hit nmiili-t
pine rir pnl 011 tliP itaci'. I..1 I'iesU, .1n.UI(i1
liv Tliom h (inkk, will HtMti1 Hip pulllP't .nt
on tlip niiili.iii iii.itri, pntltlpil "I'Iip rll-t'
Pipani "
Wilson with Haverly's Minstiels.
'I he luo-t riiioi.ilile mi l-licl tint hi' ,r
t'liml I In' cor.nti' I- lint inlmltalifi imilrilhn.
IIioiup Mtl-oii, who hi I'liiu'il a woihlwl'l'
Kpntatfon .' .1 tun mil.. r inina acaseii.
pi,.!. Up l..n rcr hprn Hint iipmi '('
KUlnl to i.n'tlilii'.' I mt np-.o ilalu Iil'J'
in 1111t111.1l ,.1 his unit n'c. ,iml thia
p.iwli l ni.t'ciiii- .1 hi? hit Willi Hip pw llaiu
li'i. M,elcxliin Miii-tuN. wl.hh m now piaitkillv
Ih,' ino'.t 1111 dun .11.1l lli"i'nili!;. oij,.uil.-i itiu
iviii of "llinnl ( 01U" ilnrrs on the mail,
Ilic orlRliul llljc IV111. 11 111 .Mliiun, l.'aulurr
ami limit, Moire ami lonlii. Ilil.a ami Tea', .Martin. Dm Wahhmi. lliWiv Toil, li'il
ham .1. Alul.. J.I1U1' f nnnrn, loiin Mmton, Itoh.
til Ihkri h.ii the iumi'iiv in t. Ii nee I In'
pilniltul im-alNU nip. -mi N.itil.tillh, .1, .1.
IhMon, .lohii s Holm. I. Ilni- Ii'lkhlon, John
M.wmII 11111I (li.nh-. II. Wi'alri, I.iikI hhI'j I mi
on. 1,1111 linn. ( 1 muV tankii' l thr illiri tor
if, uti'I the .nprili tim-iLal tiumhii' ate
hi..utlfnllv 11 mh ml. I lie 111.,' pan of tin- ih n
tlaicili MliHltrU e. not onlv niasnlfliPiit in it
nilotlna' hnl ilplirnrtl in a noirl tiunnfi k
i' ell. uti'I iiitlul.i out of the c 011w11tld1.1l. U,
I! ankelllr. who 1011I10I. nun inan".il ottiiintfi, 1. iimv ioh' omiipi uf ll.i
iiIi'm Mitoilun Mln-luK aril ilu si.ind 1n011.1t
im; he hat vl.rn tui- onipaii) ha mwi hnn
(iniillnl on iiu.1 ot, i.ion. li.i'Wi, Mir. Ii J',,
II Hip date mI for tin. uiiumi..! nlti.H!ioii' tp
I (.11. nice at the l'tcum Aliunt nobn the mand
Ulei't ill-plav will take pi lie. Willi Claude
Nankpiillr's ( IiJliuff hand and tlie rntuc 1 on
I'..ln on paradi
Wall Street Review.
Npw- oik. March 21 - fhe tiraiy M-lliiiif In
pictil Hum lo irill-e v.hlih mirkil tho wlmlc
iiiatkct down jrilrrday w-aa. ihukpil today and
theio tjtiti gpiieral tno'cilit uml u nhowlnic of
iirt fc'alm tor the diy In .1 majotlly of uim,
I ho ppiciitatlia leaden wrie iny nettle In
If r ifToiM In cam,, a lnnniiilloii of Hip flrnlt
litill lnaikrl whkh h.11 irivnlli prciallpd, fhrv
voio onlj partly miupi!til, ullhougli they hid
the awHiniT of a nM.rt lile In the nw-lon
that tin Ainclodliwlin dlKlcnllj' had hprn i-rl-II01I.
A mimliir of Mwkj wpie fairly liunjmilly
ilniliiK the day ami othirii who inaiknllv ulloinc.
hut Iho mhanifi mh not oil well held and
I Inn tine (rcniiinl rractlon. utlrr the tecoutt
had frt In, nurlliiKtun waa In dcniiml limn
the fhortu and Ihpn. waa. a conihliipil npwiird
liinirniriit nt ono time In the (iuiiEirs, t'atltln
and Southwest! in'. Ileaiy irilllni- nirt thU
liaiice ami dllilailfv was iniutiiitcicil, wi'.
chilly In tho ci... MImouiI Pai Hie In the
iipwanl lomnp. 'lhr lain were thp roiKpkii
tUM leatmn of Hie later markit und wiic liflcd
from iii, to " poliitu, the tiltri, the necond pre'
fp rnd on ftioniioiis luijlnir. Itpconlly cnriTiit
lipoita-ol caily illtlilpiid action wprp faclou.
rhp Uahaili fprinlllpt wen. In Rood demand
The litntrinriil In the IIilc-i helped all the nul
it. sugar shut lip a'i points and 1'ioplo'fi t,'.M
and Inluccn had thilr pilloil ot stienqlli. Iho
I11lr1n.1l p.iK-i toik wrie iny hltong;, lUlli
S'ialVie. lor the roinineii and piifimil. N 1.
Iknul Salt Rained li nnd the picfmed T. ihrro
Multe n lotia; lil o( 111I1101 i.illiivnl ,o.l,'
whhh moird up fiom I to p Imlludlnir Chi
UKU tlient Unlrrn and the ptcfoiml A, the
J hleaRo, IndlaiiapolU und I.011I..1 llle tork, the
Iowa Cri'tial etoekn, the llnninll and Si.
1 011I' loiks I, ike 1:1 lo nml IViitPin. 1'ioila
and l.a(rin pud Hip New- 111k, rhliagu and
St. Iambi Mik. .North Aineilian adunced n'
oirr lii.t ulitlit Amain muled t'oppu vm
tllonj on the irnnhir declaration. The
ulirl floeki wrie dichleilh iiilct and inolcd liar
until kill rciinrred to Koini extent from rail
heiilneM 'lolal falm toiln, t.lftl.lOO uliaiea.
'Ihe iillroid tiond ltinket rontlnnpH trrv up
the, 111 mi- new Iom rotninic Inlo proniinriii e
li'ilat. 'Ihe pilco iiiuiiimiit w.11 liiruiilar. In
tal Mle, par tnlnp. f'l.SU.rmil, I. s. irfnnd
finr twin .iduiicid 14 and old our, declined '
per cent, on the la.t oil!
The follotvlna: n,iiotaticiit up. dimMied The
Trlbnrp hy M. S. Joulan k t'o , rooiua. TOVTOd
lltiit tmlldltiK, Scrautcii, l'a. Telephone SOU:
Open- Illnh- Low. Clot
11 K. ctt. ct. Iim.
Ainpriran snSlr . , ,,j(0 ju Ji?01j .(1ij
Ameilean Tolncro . . li;i 1, iTVv lie1,
Atihlioii ooij, u)4 -.s", (fi't
Atihl'on, l'i ut 1!t 11.P, up,
Ihook. T1.11H011 . I ... s",i j s',i si Sl"a
Hilt. ,k lllitit 'IP, ivsj l4 pajl,
I'enl. Toh.iic m 4C 4,-,i4 t;
(le. A. Old -,5, i,lj 41, tii
(lilt. c (il. lift, . .. -J! 2.1" 34 21
(lile. II. cV () t, .p,!, MJt; iina
' IMnl I."d, l-il"!, 1MM, mi;
Itod; Inbuilt iij uo'i l.'jtj I2'i4
IM. k lliid.-oii n.-,i4 iu)i, twij, nil
bockawanni 11. It. .. ,1'iT VI7 v J07
Kan. cv Tiv.. l'i. .. . i u'i"; ."' S)
I.rnl. .t X1.I1 .... ni, jciT, t),T, ri
Man. Kiel itnl . ..lil'a t'T IJ'i'i l.'i.ij
Mil. Ti.utloii ,5t luTii jnilj, 107
Mif-e. Pic lile m lnoT, (Kiij pmT,
Soiilhirn Pacllle IT; r II"; -,i3
Norlolk 4 'ct "ai ,--,l"i M fill,
Xoithcm Pacific . . . St,", s', b'l'-B hi,
Noith. I'jcllh. l'i. ... s'l sm; c.ij co.
X. Y. Cuilial UV); UO'h HVj lpl
Ontnilo k Met 1 .tltj ?,
I'cimi I! It I'.i'i fi'i", fi' llil'.
Pacific M.ill 311 Sllj aHJ .11 "
lliadinu: lb .'rH !il .'.', .It
llPidlne III , I'r Ti'j TJi Ti'l lii
oiitliciii II. II ... "i, 'JiV, ii. ".Mij
south. 1!. It. l'i ', ,T, 7 ;,t
Tct.n. (oil A. lion .... -,71... ."ii ;m -ii,
I-. . T.eilhei . . . Hi; i:iK r,U IP",
f s. laatliei, l'r . ;-,i, 7-,iJ -, 7-,
I' . llnhher JO tyi 101. vn
I'noiil Pacific 'riH nit; !ji j (i,ij
t'nlon l'.irjfk, l'i .... V, V s-, s-,;
iduh. Pi- :r.ij :i7i; ayH :,'
MV-trrn t'nlon S7'I S71-. S7', JS71 .
foi. V'tiel .t.Imn 173; pa 17, 4i j
I'eonlc'' flat lin.a, pijij pk, 11,71,
' ' ?W i.5'4 .-'.i'i :u'i
-. s.Pr or, ai r,i-; a.
Tixaa Pjeifle .".tii sVj fUH -ii
Vm Car ronndiy ii, SI'. '.i4 21
I' s. Steel Co 11 -i, jij j,-
I' s, 4tro (,, p,. r,;ij -J n.-) ,0-(
rillCiCO OltAIN MM.'KIVI-.
0,n. !llEli. low. Clot.
WIIRAr. he. et. .t ,mr.
J1a.nx: 7h 7,r' T"'; :"'
m6at& '"4 ""' '"' "1
-Miv 2'i'a -iV 2i iT;
Mav 17 ft". 17.1") 17.1H ll,.-!(l 1i,')-
Mil 7 M- 7."J 7.'i' 7 .-, 7 s7
Mil- 7. vi 7,0, 777 77,
XI'.W f'HK fillMV UtAltKIX
Open. IIIkIi. Low- Co'
WIII'.AT. In,. e't. M. Iiil'.
Mai "I ! !, ,1,
.Inly "ii'a v)s sii'U si(is
Mm 4r 41,"-, lo, ti,-4
.Inly 11, ' lii1; li.i, I,,',
Scranton Boaid of Trade Exchange
Quotations All Quotations Based
en Pnr of 100.
STOCKS. Hid A. led.
Klrfct National Bank liii
Stranlon bating tlanU JJT . .
Third National mm. iwi
Dlmo Depotlt and Discount Uank.. 21
Kconomy Light, II. k 1". Co
a.-,. .r.... S.Ca rienn.II On . . l'jl
LMlLfe.H. liw. .... .,.,u.. wv. .... .v..
(if you dont). About
$2.50, all sizes, take
Scrnnton Wholoslc Mlkct.
(Cnriectrit hy II. (I Halp, 27 Liikawanna ve 1
lliillir (riainetj, .'I'.i'i.V. i ilalrj, I7a.iic.
thfc I'nll in 1111. Iiil;
Kim-M i'trtn de'l, 13 to tVi m ulij
itule, '!uil(ii.
Iltain IVr Iiil. cholcp mallow, Vfi'ia-'i'l.
I'pa Ileal a IVt hit, ?i.i;.ii..V
JU'illum llpam-l'T hu., fi. :o.i?r..
tiieen l'u I'pr Im , ) . t' 1 1. 1 "..
O11I0114 fir hu., ft.ilil.,VI
rh'tir lli-t pittul, pel Mil,, s 1,1,
Ited Kldnpj lleant-lVr Im., l.l'u!Ut
Fhllntlolphln Oiniu nnd Produce.
I'lilladcliihia, March 21 -Wheal- "ilk town,
contlact Kraile, ilaiih, 77""a iTM's' Colli '4'.
1IrIic.i; .No 2 Inked, Mauh, Ciiinlik, Oil'
-Mead;; Xo. 2 while .llppid, Ilic lhittei
I'llliil f..nt,t wi'tPin iremirr.t, 2i'se i ilu do.
print'. 22c: ctceptlnni! lot, 2.1e t do liuiilv
do, 2.1c. l'i;';'- linn and c liklni: In n
lirarh', I.V., do. wutern, Hi ; il" wiiiIIimiii
oil a 12i. s do. miiilliriii. UiU'.i ( heetM I'hi'
fall demand; N. lull cieaiiK, l.itnj mii.iI'.
liUi 1 ilu. do, do. fair lo rholee, I'tilie (.1
Ion 'ne. linn; luhldlliiK iitlaud', ( ' H
Tallow Dull and weal; Hit inline In lilnl
";,(' 1 country do, do. I mil', I'lil'ei . i.ikea,
AaV,!. I.lp poultry (fillet lull uleaili fowl..
UnllUiM old ioolei, . "..i- ; ehlikeii'. Ill" .a
Il'se i duel.t, liillc ; cicre, 1 lal Je , iniket
liiille. Duxotd peulli.t I'lrin, l:oh ,1. in.iinl .
fowl', clinlrr, lO'iallc.; do fair to -cood, 'i'.i
lilt ; old oo.lir, ",i(.i ; lie lihv I
Hi.; wc-liiu do, ln.ilte ; tuikei, wcliin
choke tn fatal, lUiUe.; J'a k, niaih, llalh .
wenteiii do., H'al'ii.
Itccclpt l'loiir, .1,i.l lnirii". and 'i'lHeM-ll
pound' in aark; wheat. 2,(1)I hu-hiN: ."in.
Tl.iafl: eat". li.Oeal. tiliinciil" Mluu, l
iHl, coin, 22.00(1; oat, SI.OiKl Iii,Iip1
New Yoilc Oioln nnd Produce.
New' "icuk, M111I1 51. flour-Ijulrt and ml In r
e.i.t,,' lower to tell. Wheil spii eai ,
No. 2 ird, M-V t . Ii alloil; No i lid.
Wat, cletator; Vo. 1 iioriheiu Huliilh, 'i'pei'
f e, Ii. nlloit Optloti' weie r-incralli weak nil
ilu, a 1u-lnir i-1'i- at .i'.u nil d.ilme Mil h
final it '(IV Ml'. Ml'il , lull. Ml1! ; s p1
7'laii'. Coin Spot i-ttad . No 2, 4''t 1 let .il 11
and IV f. o. h Hplloua opened ,
(Ted oil lilcr, lint IPtoicreel on a hln 'poil
hade, iIo'Iuk (.trade- at 'a. net lie. line Much
cltci l"c: Miv, iiii . ; .lul.i, ,l',i : s, pi ,
td'.je. lUI' spot Klcnlv; No 2, .111,1 , No.
2 while, 3l'ia,'.l'..i : No. :) white, ,17'n4t.; Iratli
inlxitt tiistPiu, JCi.l'.e : tiail. while. !ii.w
OpliniLs ohm hul fniili hlradi. Iluld r -siioiiy,
tint iiuclnnaeil; fiC'li iiiamei.t. Iiiiiie : f.n -ti.iy,
lOill'-c ; held 1 mini 11, llilll".i ; -late
dilry, fie-h, 1 la-ili', 1 liri-.r fliiiij fimj Inite
letoird and while, llill'ji.. faun null fid
oied, t'i'ie.i fain) M11.1II while. llili',i. I.(.i;,
MiMih ; ftlJlc Hid I'ltini., I lal .'.i . 'ee-teru,
lie ; toulhem, lial13,!'.
Chicnpo Q in I n and Pioiluce.
(hii.U0, Much 21 lupik of t"i in M 1;
polk tea. Hie lealuie on 'I h nice lodal. Ihk
1 oiumodit.t cloned .V. lowei, while I ml ihei
a sli.i.le and 1 llisj 1 In 7'jr hli;hei. lien Hon
from .tiMiielna war t ilk hid a if eitnl
on whlli, which at a deillne of v, 1 , Ml
1 lovl He. and 1 at' ,i. lowci. ( a. It ipiota.
lion wrie a oIIovik:
IT0111 S(1di; o. 2 Kpninc win at. none; Ne.
", (sx.i7lc. . No. 2 lee, 7'ii77'.f , No 2 mm,
Ki'.i ; No. 2 .tellow, il',f : .No. 2 01U, iis;
ail 1 ; No. ! while, 2.iis4i' ; No. ,1 uhile,
J"'a2i.c ; No. 2 lie, .V.c ; uood fiedimr Im
h.t. 17c; lilt lo choke inaltiui;. ."ii.ii7c.; No.
1 ll.. miiI, 'I .Vii.; No. 1 11 iiliiiit-tuii, si "i,1 ..
inline ttmotlii ed, sl.2,,, ine,.' ioil., li, 2 1
li-.i'i; I ml, 7.'iHa7.'-Hj: i-hott ill-, I to., 1him,
7 "Hi". 11: dn mllnl klioiildpi.. 1.1-11 i,i
flioil 1 tear -idi', lmed. ".li'j i 21: tihl-k't.
ChionRO Live Stock MmUet.
I l.i. .ISO. tlinli 21 Catlh l!reei,l, ,ii. In
1 1'idinic '.'di li.iu-: .turii, kiiouir u lilt,
11; liulihiiH .link, -trade t.i non; i;otiit In
piliuo i-tc i, Mul; poor In iiiiilliuu. vt,7Vi',
kloekim and liediik. Mi adv. f J.7"il ilij coee ,
ii.7ui4.10. hclfii-,; 1 iiukis -.iii.'i.
hull-. i. tali I in; 1 lit,-, ftionc In nhule IiIi,Iip,,
Sl.'ailfi; 'I'lltatt id mi IK, s-r,; Teus kii'i
Mem, tl. Kill; 'liii hull', '. aui.Ti.
lkX ltieeiil' todie, In.noei, tciuoriow, IV
il; lell twer. 2. ai: mtlte. .. to . ouia
hUlnr, lop. si, r,, inKtil and IhiIiIiiiv, f'l
an.),; t;Mihl lo t hoi, e hiaee, -i,i(l,13; lo.uii
he.nv, V. vri.; Ilahl. -ijU.(i7',i, hulk of
.llt, MllliJIJ' J.
shtei Htri liN. li.ulo; shei p, Miauv to
htioiiK. liiuht. al out tt(.nh; e;ood to choh.'
welhn-, M 7't.i. lull lo iliolte mixed, .! 'ill
t -0; t'tMiiii itjietp, l 7ui; te.nllni.'', s 7lj
.1.1(1; IiJtleo lauil", M.71.ti. Id; wifleru lanih.,
!' till". 40.
East Liberty Cnttle.
I...-I lllnllt, Mll.h Jl ( III II- -I rail t 1
ti.i, v't iOa .' '1 plllllt 111" III 1 01111
IIok steole piillli lutiliuui 1, 1lu i.,
Itpt .toikeiK, t,l)ii,.M Hirhl ioikei .in
heal 1 lioi-a, so. loan, l'i, 2 1 pi in, .-Cim ,
rkila und niiiiiiinii pin sinw, imii'lie. s,, , m
Clirk 4; Snow Co, Pr
t-crinton Iron Fence A Mfj. Co. ,,,
Ecrtnton Ail Work 1.
Ueknn Dairy Co, I'r.
County Svlnc nnk & Trntt Co..
1'lrat Xitlonal nank (CatLondilr).,
Standard llrllllnc Co
Trdn' Xatlenai Hank
irctinlon Holt and Nut Co
Scranton rrBr Hallway, Brtt
Mortcucc dtip 1900
I'coplo'a htrccl nallnty, flrft mort-
map, due 1918 ,
I'roplc'n Mrcet 1 1 a 1 1 n 11 y , (Irncral
niorlitasp, due l"il
D'ckwti Manufictuclni: I'v.
Lacka. Tonn.hlp Hchool o per crnl.
City ot Saantun M. Imp. d per
fennton Tuition 0 per cent
240 pairs of Men's Fine rf? f AA
them ANY PAIR for... P I UU
New models now
in. Spaldings.Cleve
lands, Iver Johnson
and Crescents. No
better selection ever
made. Call and see
them. They're beauties.
211 Washington Ave.
Places in Virginia
C.uik;oiiilort.ilily .ui.l easily
lo.iclieJ by the
Meainrra .all dilly pxrept Sunday from Tier "1,
Ncith iliicr, foot of lltmli -lucl, Ncev York, tor
Old Point Comfort
Richmond, Ua.
and Washington, D. C.
Ciiiiii.viiiu for All Points south .inJ West.
Tliruimh lul.eis returiiinsf 10111 Washlnston
by rait or water.
Kor full lnfonr.atlon applj to
81-85 Beecii St.. New Yoik.
II II WALKHIt.lraf.Mgr. J.J.BItOW.V.rj.r.A.
Mipep sluili j chnirp welhei, "' K'ai.2.7; tout,
moil, si .111.1 1 in: eiioice linihs. ij.7ja"M; tom
1111 11 to Kernel, "ir(tj; tral caltc, ?i;jH.73.
Buffnlo Live Stock.
I..I-I lliiil.ilo. Much 21 lloceipl tatilc. 7
11-, hcep end )amh'. It cata; lio', It en'.
-hipuieiitv- (aille, I tain; sheep and laniln, 3
i-ji-- Iiok, 7 fir.
I allle Ueiuind. Hkhl ; caliel, choice to ex
Ua, -.7i7.2". ,
I iiuIh Chnlip in eilra, 7.JBJ.M; theep,
d ohe to exll.l, s-M", 2,.
Ih' Ihie.t, it il; iir', Mkl3a8-iu,
New Yoik live Stock.
Nrw Ne.ik. Mauh 21. Ileeie N'u tradp, fiel.
in.- Meade: talie', ttellnt trillo weak; teal-,
"I Vi.i7.Vi. II 1 th cale it, .:
hicp 1 11 111 ; I.1111I1-, wtaU lo thadp lowei
imp. -liV-'i. I null'. H id. 10
llot. No u.itle eeoiih noting-, immunity
Oil Mnikct.
nil tile. Maul, 21 -(mill bilauee', llil. .'r
tllliale', no hid -hliinei , 'l.'-'H; aieiaae,
S,'i;i. Hnn-, III. lit, aieuiie, si,,470.
Ball Clubs Spihifj Up.
lie I .. lei-it,- Win tioin Ihe -tniialed f'ipu. 11. lliieli 'I I Ii, lnipv outlook It
-1 u- 11 1 nni i-in hut limined lu-p 1,'IL
'1 1 n in N, u 1 nahiiid 1 lie,. 10 asllatp the mai
tei ul 1 New l.n.l.'iid leiue. and one of i
lu), vi . .i.tiii't ' tut iftPintKiii The ilrrult
will im Ink Man lu tii. low II, llairihlll, l.ptis
i-itii lltioi 111,1 pi hah IV, tlalte)