Tir v vi1. JT' J., - s ' THE SCRANTOX TRIBUNE- FRIDAY, MARCH 2L 1001'. aoooocxxxx; tvi. MODcns hardware sTons. Exists on evoiy subject. Howovor, all people agiee who uso the Sterling Range that it's tho best tange in tlio vvoild. The Sterling has patented ovnl fire box nnd is guaiantecd, Foote & Shear Co. 119 N. Washington Ave :ooooooooooc OF SCRANTOtV. Capital 5200,000. Surplus $500,000. United States Depositary. Business, personal aud sav ings accounts invited. 3 per cent, interest paid on savings accouuts. Open Saturday evenings from S to 9 o'clock. Wm. Connlu, President. Minrv Bbi.is, Jr., Vice Y'tcs. Wm. 1 1. Pick, Cashier. Lewis, Ruddy, Davies I'fTIMPi uw- i i . t i - .i Murphy .Uf, I l ! ' triii, tr 1.3 cka. Avenue. 330 i Repairing Done Gratis. LACKAWANNA "THE" AUNDRY. WEATHER YESTERDAY. local dati fir Manh SI, lll! Kitlicst temperature M drarefs lowcM; temperature 31 demurs HunuUly: s a. in Ill per cent. s r. m M lor rent, n tint ill, Jl houre ending b p. in , ,M Inch. PERSONAL. K eon was born jcstciday to Mi and Mis, I unk fc.luoidcr. I. fc. Mujd, bupcriulendint of mollve power tun! machinery, nnd A. G. i.lln, master me thane, ut tlic l.JiktvvaniM lailroid, .tie in Ntvv i jrk. v 11 t'lLliir, a fuimcr Scranlonlan, now .1 wttdcut f New ork, who has. In en tpcndlr; u few davs in tho illy, returned to the mctiu. pills jestcrday. C I.'. Itojirs, of the Pr, Haul C'onlcnscJ Milk lumpsnj, Iih just utmii'd to ihU ill) "cm an (ttiidcd Canadian biiilncis dtp in the intcreit of uls companv. ( f! Ncjinan, of .Icrac Cll, n iuinvr wlioleviH iptrcliint in loner Iiikavv'auna -ive inie, arrived in the city .c.tcrda, unJ ib kjIj- red at the inanton llous... Mih Matiiarct riunill, u( N.vv 'loik ltv, v lo I is teen vUltlnc .it (lie I101110 of lier liuthci, vCliiif of I'ulieo Miilln iiuin.ll, oi Villi Ninth ktrcct, returned to lcr I101110 jnvtridaj aiicrnoon. lomicr bl.cillf and Mr. C. 1!. Pi.vor will so in Ntvv oik April P and oil Apill 27 will sail foi Pari' 'I Ley will pcfid H'vcial month 111 Hiking a tour of Tails, aud iituru to this lountiy lato in tho bunnnir. II T. Polhaniui, tit tho Associated i'ru), wlo has been in tho city wural dajs icllivinr J II llosr, llio Tribune opuatur, who was uf lillnj; trom hleod poisnnlns', rrtmned to hi home in Philadelphia, jeteida, and will cnjngr in HM woik in cw lorl; iltj. 'Jlminj" Dean, the ucll ItiOi'li ifcoud i .r nun, la rcil.'iiid with Coitland in tho Ntw oik tatc leai'iie, and will captain tin Ic mi He fuinanltcl IiU contiact ruuitl., will reichc a ruUt.intUl Incroo in talary, and lene about tlio middle ct April to "tet in tho giiuo." lames O'Cornor and 1'rJiik Pjiiioii, Iwo rj lapahlo ucupaper nun, hac ieuiid tlutr con. iicitlon with the Sranton Itipuhlioan J lie (ornifr will lccoino nocIat;il with anolhir 1 Ity I aper, and tlio latter will usage in upeitj) plio toraphlo and ntwspapir woik in l'hlhdclhii Iter. Dr. nobert 1'. V. ricrce. pilor ol the IVnn Aenuo HaptUt church, left )tttiday for llaltlmore, Marland, wheie ho will leetui'o to. iiljht. While theic he will mcit hU lnother, I luplaln 1'lcrcc, who has lately ictiiiucd fiom USE ALLEN'S FOOT-EASE powder to be thaken into tho ahoef. lour ir t feel swollen, ncnoin and ilamp, and get 1 ad eully. If )ou have aching feet, try .Mini' I out hare. It rrtta the fill and nukes mi it tight shoes easy, lurei Chilblains, anollui, encatliu; feet, IdMir. and illloiu put. 1!,'. Iloia toini and Ininloin of all pain and sli'4 lrt apd tomfort. Iiy It lodaj. hold by oil ding. ui.lt and Mioe iealir. " ieut I1I1I pnkajn HILL. AddiiM, Allm . Olimlid, U lloi, .N, , Vlfmna 1 Urn! (fe. ' I ' ' Jl M? !vtSHs9 4ho rhlllrrlncj, and will probably both return here Saturday. Major i:crtt Warren haa been appointed by -T. Hampton Moore, of Philadelphia, president cf the ttalo I-eafuo of Ittpubllcan Club, a member cf (he etectitlte commllteo of the rrnnylnla Bute League of Republican Clubs, to arranje for the reception and dinner to I'nlled Etatci Senator Matthew Stanley Quay. TWO RECORDER'S CLERKS. Appointment of an Additional One Snld to B Necessiuy. There Is a Rtroiifr probability that the catlniiitia committee will be called upon to provldo for un aJdltloiml cleik for tho iccotttei's olllce In tho nppioprlit' tlon ordlnnncc. When the iccoidcr made the estimate for Ills dcpuitmcnt, he fays he entirely overlooked the fact thut under tlm pecoiul-eiust, city net nil city waiiuntH must dc dtiiwn nnd p.tld out In hlw ollco. The woik of iliawlnu' wiiumto nnd 1'iillliiB them hack nnd r,e;ln(r them In the tccelpt book cannot posnlbly be done by one clerk, ho in. If that 1 elk bus nlso to uct nn puvitu secio ttiry. The uripohittr.ent or f.n addi tional iletk will be nbnolutely necen fniy. In liN opinion. Mayor Wmiiiiii, of Alleeheny, has no lcsi linn four eleikst In his odlce OPPOSEAUGHAN BILL. Meeting Held in Guernsey Hnll 'Yes terday Morning To Send Com mittee to Hnuisburg. A HieetliiK us hvhl at 1U 11'i.loik jeoterdny inornlng In Ouetney linll to innkc foimal piotest fiKnlnt tho pann Ufjc of tho VuuBhun brll by the houe of upiesentnthes. Although hnntlly summoned, about twoMcoio of untorn and deleg.itCH of the ilt'y chtuches con- Plied, homo of them armed with in dignant 1 evolutions aimed at the bill to pioloiig top three years the lower licence ten In the city of Hcinntou. Uporge O. Jlahy wur called to the ihalr, and illed upon ltcv. James Mc I.eod, D V., lo Btatf the object of the meeting. The following resolution, which was adopted at the piajer meet ing held on Wednesday evening at the First Piesbytprlan chinch, wus pa tented and unanimously adopted: We, the nndenlgneil lillieni of the iltj of Mrantou, Pj . rcpinintfiijr the lnijoilly of the niemhers rt tho ("lirisllan chuiches, do refp'it fully Hmnn-tiato and piott agiliut the pna;e bv jour Iionortblp bod) of the unite bill pio filling for the leditttlon of llqnor llirn-c fen in ltic pii'lng from the third to the kciond ila?, for the period of tluee jiar alter lunge in claKlflcatlou, beliiviug the ovciwhclmlug publli tcntlnicnt to be in laor of the itlenllon of the present fees for llrene in iltlc of the hcioud daw Among the rcj-un we mgc in the nutter aie 1 irl That the epene of inning on ilic Rovernment of second clan titles i giritu linn that of the third da-s cities and It It only Just that the revenue from liquor lictincs should he fcreiter second 'I hit llcene fees should be int leaded rather than dlinluMied riiild That the piopocd legn.iilou l letlh in the Interest of 1Iiik.i dealm and not tin public in ineral. Tho following telegram was alo .sent by tho meeting to Speaker Mnishiill, of the house, and Hepreseiitatlie Slater, chahman of the conmiltteo having In chatge the " aughan bill: On behalf of the flergj, ehurchen, Clnldhn nsMiilaions mid thousands of Serinton iltUen-i, we p,olet agilmt the pipage of Vaughan liquor licence bill, and respectfully ak .1 henlng be fore committee. We cm lnrnih abundant prcut that auglian bill (.hould not become a hw. I inn Mtlifod, Chirlea li Itobinson, The c'.ialrnian then appointed p--Judge W. II. Jessup. Itev. James Mc Ucod, D. Ti., and Attorney W. .1. Hand a committee to appear befoie the houo commlttto In llaulsburg to present the protest. As soon at Hip telegram asking for a hearing shall be nnswpieil, the committee will go to the capital. The following cletgyinen .tnd ln.uiipn were pre&ei.t and attached their slgna tutes to the resolutions, which will be forwarded to Hanlsbuig immediately Itev. Chailes M. Giffln, Klin Park chmch: He. James McLeod, ritst Presbyterian; Itev. John P. Moffat, Washburn Street Preshj teilan: Itev. J. Messlnger, United Evangelical; Kpv. Charles Ttobinson, Second Presbytei ian; Rev. William Simpson. Asbury Methodist Episcopal; ftev. Oeotgo K. Guild, Providence Presbyteilan, Itev. P. P. Doty, Cedar Aenuo Methodist Episcopal: Rev. G. C. Lyman, C'outt Street Methodist Episcopal: Rev. Will iam A. Nordt, Get man Methodist Kpl.s. copal; Rev. John A. Schmidt. German Evangelical; Re. Geoigo A. Cine, Piovldeneo Methodist Episcopal; Rev. James Rennlnger, Hampton Sheet Methodist Episcopal; J. Lawrence Stelle, Penn Aenuo Haptlst; Rev. R. M. Clymer. Chrlbtlan: Rev. Luther Hess Waring, Grace Lutheian; Rev. William P. Gibbons, tounmoio Piph1i teiian; AVIlllam J. Hand nnd r. k. Tiacy. First Piesbytetlan, and E, a. Reynolds. The resolutions wete iliculated dm Ing tlio day and numeiously signed. The following Is a poitiun of tho let ter which will accompany the petition: "A decent respect for the opinion of thousands, of the good citizens of Scniuton ought to hau some weight and lecelve some consldeiatlon at the hands of their icpresentathes " WILLIAM ROBINSON FINED. William Robinson, who was anesteil by Patrolmen Walsh nnd Day Wednes day night for being dtunk nnd beating his wife, was fined $7.50 by Recoider Molr estotday. Robinson is the man who was Implicated in a stubbing nf fiay in thp New American House on West Lackawanna avenue about sis months ago when the victim was con fined to tlio Lackawanna hospital foj three months. Piano for Sale. A fine I'pilght Piano, of one of the best guides and almost ns good as new, can be purchased for ensh nt a very stoat bargain. Guernsey Hall, S14 Washington nve., Sctanton, Pa. J, W. Uueiiisey, Pi op. m School Tencheis, Attention. Please tead our advertisement olfcr lug a $J0(t prize for the best dutwlng ol a cat, on another page of this papei. Mears & Hagen Rummage Sale befoio itmovol, of yams and notlone, uIho Mts. E. Slvelly Reed's corsets, ut Uevans, 211 Wyoming avenue. Hair Dressing Farlois. Miss Jewoll can be found at her hulr dressing parlors. 1118 Linden sheet. Ti eating the scalp a speciality. Storo Xo. 128 Washington avenue, nt a low tent to a desirable tenant. Chailes Sehlager, Real Estate Ex change. 1!0 and 138 Washington nvo. Ask foi Kelly's union craokers. CLEVER TRICK WAS PLAYED THE ADDITIONAL COUNCILMEN TRIED TO GET SEATS. Demociats Refeued tho Ceitiflcates of Election to a Special Committee nnd Will Contend When n Man damus Is Asked for Today That They Have Not Yet Been Consid ered Chaii man Calpin Forgot His Lines and Made a Bad Mess of One Scene Business Tiansacted, A suipilse was spaing at last night's meeting of the common council, when an attempt was mado to hocilio the seating of the mldltlonnl Republican members lecently elected In confoi maiicc with the povlslons of tlu see. ond class ilty laws, for the ptuposo or bringing 11 test inso to dccltle whether or not the appoitlonmeut was I Rally made. The mattir was hi ought up by Mr Paine ns a 'mention of the highest privilege Immcdlntclv after the read ing 01 the minutes. He arose nnd pie. hcnlcd tho certllleates of tlcitlon of the following additional Louncllinen: I'iret waiil-.lolm .1. I van ami Thomas w Thorn i. S(iond waul- I ,1 i,oden and limes II 1 ihterliui'. I'ututli vvaid l.tan W Ivans mil 1' W car Ing I Kill ward -Join, T Join amr I 1 'llintirntli ward funk II, s(ke Sevintienth ward Vlatlilis stlpp. Ninth ward O n. Patlildse These rue nil Republicans, exception of Mr. Uvum, ol liihathkii with lli, tho Fiist wmd, who Is a Deiuocial. All were In the teal of the loom, tc.idy to ink" their eats It called to. ARE IX THE SI'.COXD CLASS Mi Paine pointed out that by th lcient decision In the liquor license case It had been Judicially decided that Stranton Is now a city of the second class. The vacancies In the common i ouncil caused by tho Inn cased mem beishlp, theiefoio PNlsted nt the pios ent time, ho said, and It was not neces Fiiry to wait for the fltst Monday of Apill to heat the new membeis. lie moved tl.al the in tltli-ates of election lc locelvtd and thnt the members ht given theli eats Tho Republicans bad been banking on the Demon ats lotmlng to seat the ntw members and thus b"ltig nblo 10 bring the matter on this giound to the attention of rouit by apnlvlng for r, mandamus nnd seeming a Judicial opinion b, fore lounclW leoiganle. Select ('oimcilnian John E. Roihe had heaid ot the pioceedlngs nnd Im mediately ivolved n neat little scheme. He passed the detnlls along the line ..ml no sooner hud Mr. Paine seated himself than Ml. Galvln moved that the eortldcntrs !) referred lo a special crmmlttce. In conlunctlon with the city sollcitoi. This motion ratlin uoppliifsed Mr. Paine It was put nnd cnulid by the following sttiet paity ote. all the Demociats voting In tho nfllunitlve and the Republicans In tho negative. cas -llaggirt). Iluine, llodie, Phillip', f.il vln. tiiinill, I oilman. Hush, Norton, Calpin -in Niva-VcI)oiiihl, Alvvoith, l.vaiw. I.. I.evvis, Paine, Nagdi, llaivej. Win. I.evvis, Keller" The committee named was Galvln, Coleninn. Noiton, Demociats. Evnns, Lewis, Republicans. Mr. Smith, Republican, was absent. Had he boen piesent tho vote to tefer would have been lost by a tie vote. A messenger at this point was dispatched to find him, If possible. The additional membeis, In the meantime, chapeioucd by Mr. Palnc.went out and down to Xotniy Public 'o It Wright's ofllee to be swoin In TO CLINCH THE MATTER Mi Roche, who was gi Ing oideis for tin Pemoi'iatle side fiom the lear of the council chamber, In order to "make assurance doubly suie," decided, when ho heard that Mr. Smith had been sent for, to have a motion to leeonslder put and voted down. This would pi event fiuther reconsideration. In case Mi Smith should airlve. and a Demon ut should leave tho chamber or swing over to the other side. Mr. Guiiell moved to leeonslder, and Mr. Coleman seconded the motion, but the Democratic membeis hadn't nil got tho cup that they wpio to vote It down and neaily all voted "yes" when the motion was put. Chairman Calpin declnied that the motion to reconsider was cariicd. The Demociats then woke up, and calls for the yeas and nnys wno made The chahman oiden-d the tleik to eall tho loll. Then followed u lively scene. Mr. Keller endeavoied to iaso the point of oider thnt It was contrary lo nil patllaiiientary uiles to haw a 1 oil-call after the lesult of the viva voce vote had been unnounced. Chair man Calpin wouldn't hear him. Mr Keller swung his list In the air and kept jelling "Mr. Chalinian"' "Mr. Chuhinan'" chalimau Calplu kept beating a wild tatoo with his gavel, and letused to hear him. Mr. Keller glow led In the tnce, and ki pt demand ing to be recognized, but the chair 01 del ed the mil called, aud It was called. The Demociats alt voted against ic consldeiatlon, and the motion was lost. A tew minutes atioiwaids the new membeis lllnl In again and Mr. Paine offeied their oaths ot olllce and de manded again that they bo stated. Mr. Guiiell moved to niljouiu nnd the mo. tlon was entiled by another paity vote. Do You Love Good Coffee. We now offer our fancy Mandehliug Java Coffee the finest coffee grown at, "7Q per lb jOL t lb lots at 35c. Courseti's Blended Java and Mocha at, per 'jCr Courseu's Standard 'JOn Java, per lb Ov E .29 Lackawanna Ave. Th" additional councllmen who tried lo get seats last night will, thiough their attorney, lia II, Huhih, apply to court this morning for a mandamus to compel tho Demociutlc members to seat them. It will be contended that tho vacancies now exist and that tho actions of councils In 'Weulng to it eommltloo was a piactlcal iefttal to sent them. The Demon ills In leply will contend Hint they did not lefusu the members their seals; that the matter of their admission Is still pending and has not yet been, definitely netcd upon. The entlro question of the apportionment will, of touise, he nlso nilsed and It will b (ontended that It was made In entile dlstegnid of the law, TAX ORDINANCE AMENDED. Piovislon for Levying of a $1 Poll Tax Incoi pointed. Not niuc.li business was tm111.11 tcl bj lommoii council last night. besldeM the disposing uf the cottlllcales of elec tion of the additional mmbciH le cently elected. The tax levy oiilliianie was amended In committee ol :h whole, so ns to piovldo foi tho lev -Ing ol a poll lav of tl on oveiy t.ixnblu In the tltv. In lieu of an occupation law Select council also met and passed oil thlid leading oidluiiu.'cs piovldlug foi fejui electilc lights In tho Xlno leeuth ward: for two electilc lights III tho Twentv-lhst waul and for 11 lateral sewer on Penn avenue, in the Thir teenth waul A icsolutloii was Intro duced and passed by both b'anches dlit (ting tho assessors to furnish th Eighth wmd assessment book to til's l.oui (I of levlslou and appeal, It being 1 ontended that thes hud lefused to do BOARDOFTRADE MEETING Resolutions Adopted with Refeience to the Threatened Stiike Among the Mine Woikexs. At a special meeting of the boaul of Undo, held last night behind closed doois. the following tesolutlous wete adopted with lefoienco to the thicat ened mlneis.' stiike: Wiiaca. No mole dire t lUuiilv lould bMill Hie commeiehl and lndjslii.il Inlcie'ts uf (he coil icgloni Hun a lrlko of the I'nitril M ne Wethers of Vnuili 1 at till. I line, and VMiuiis. h ,IT((l on the alMjve liileic.t 'tv the lonllniril Mi Ike agililioii, and the anth 1 p.ilKii itt .1 Ion; and hltUi ftiu.gle, ohould a still " be Jul. mil, l ilis.isinns an I iletiu;d to woik inepii.it I' hum; tluiloie be It Keulvfil, Tlut it Is the siiiie of the Saauun bn.ril of Undo tint witlriul passing upon tin 1:11 ills 01 ihmulls ot the i,uellon nf tlio leoi. tiitiuu nf the tml u, at pusrnt it i not of sut He lent impoitince to w.itaut a nnviment lint will inl.iil tn nmili mlsi rv and distltutlou anion; tin mine vvorktH themselves, 01 filch an enot minis UsS In the business inteiistrt of the ,lv, ,ii xu.h action vviiulii bilug to pj.s, ho U ti nhei ItesnHid, llu I tu Nialitoll bond of t i.ulo ,ipuals to 1 he Juddiiieul ,f the rontciidnw In inests to etut tin .uatest rue, lutdllgene tinil vonsliletatlon before n".uiu!ig the oiorluiu itsi.ii.hlllt.v nf piedpitathif, a .Ir'le, md we iicnmuunil tint the of fur r' of this bond l. iiitliorUed tn take stid, further .11 Hon as may b tlefini I miessarv to avert the tlatateiMl Milk'. Ill th nbseiuo of Piesident J. A. Lansing the meeting was piesided over by Vlcc-Piosldent A. W. Dickson. There was 11 good attendance nnd the pros nnd ton-s of the possibility ot n stilko wno discussed at length. The poitlon of the resolutions which gives tho ofllcers power to take such action as they may deem necessaiy to aveit tho tbciatened stilko coveis the pioposltlon of Rev. Father Phillips to send a committee to Xew Yoik lo get Aichblshop Coulgan nnd Rishop Pot tor to uige J. Pin pout Morgan to do something to nvold the possibility of a stiike. It is understood that the olll ceis of tho boaid do not look with lavoi upon this pioposltlon THE MONEY WILL BE HELD County Treasuier Scinnton to Hold SD50 of $1,100 Licenses Fee Pending Court's Decision. One moie license foi the tli.v of Siinnton was taken out vesteidaj. Tho man who paid over the $1,100 was John . Davis, of the Sixth wnrd. All agieomelit was iciuhed vestet lay with County Tionstner J, A, Stian ton, by which he agrees to consider 7i0 of the license money ns paid un der piotost. This he will not dlstilbuto until theie Is n decision fiom tho ap pellate couit on the subject, If he mn possibly hold tho money for that length of time. If the- decision was long delnved and tho i Ity, county and state should pi ess for their luue ot tho license money, he would be com pelled to make dlstilbutlon, but that contingency Is not likely to nilse. Mr. S. lanton lefused to sign n paper ngieelng to hold hnlf of the llcenso money, pending the decision of the Su peilor coin t, on the giound that ho Is ineiely tho agent of the city, county find state In handling tho llcenso money and would have no powei to make such an agi cement. Saturday Is the last day uudei the law for taking out the lionises and these who do not sonuo them b?fore tho close of business that day mav have dltlliulty In getting them later. Onl tliieo of the J75 licenses gi allied have been taken out up to date. CHITTENDEN TOR CHAIRMAN. Was Selected Last Night After Finn Had Withdiawn. Ai a mums of the Republican mem bers of select ( ouncil held last night In the city hall. Wade M. Finn, who was selected as tho candidate for chnlu man ton ilujs ago. wlthdiew fiom tho field and C. E, Chittenden was chosen F H. Clemoiis, who could have had tho place it l.o so dcslied, assuied the mambeis boloi" the caucus that ho would not be a candidate and hl name was tlmeo'" t.i t mentioned. Piano for Sale. ' good second hand Upright Piano, nt a gieat bargain for cash. Don't miss It. Guernsey Hall, .1. W. Guern sey. Pi op., SI I Washington avenue, Scinnton, Pa. Easter Cheer and Babies Faces. Father Time will soon usher In the season ot gladness, whjlo Schrlever Ih alwajs icady with the aid ot aitls. lie poitiuituic-to peipttuutp tho loguluh cotir.tniaiices of tho dimpled d.u lings. . Oignns. Organs. Oigaus. You can buy linn second hand Oignns In good condition, anywheie (10m 10 to J.J5 end J:.0, with book and stool, at Ouuiisey Hull, HI I Wimhli'Blon avenue, Seianton, Pi. J. V. Gucinsey, Pi op. OBJECTIONS v TO A STRIKE WAY THEY ARE STATED BY BUSINESS MEN. Agent Lutz. of the Caipenteis' Union, Says It Is the Geneial Opinion of Union Men of the City That Theie Will Not Be a Stiike. What B. P. Connolly, Luther Kel ler and Aldeunan John T. Howe Have to Say About the Piesent Tiouble in Mining Ciicles. The talk of a possible stilko Is nl leudv piotluclng an effect upon local business and has caused an atnios pheie or illsnctlon which has lestilted In luminous huge unlets for 1 oal be ing sent In tn company headiiilaiteis. V. L. Uodfie.v. of tho Jerniyn, stoted away two uui mil of black diamonds Wedtiesdaj. nnd many other huge sup plies have been onleied by loial busi ness men, Among the citizens vestmluy spoken to bj Tilbtiuo men, legauling the sit uation was O. S. Lutz. business agent of the stilklug Cnipentois' union Ho spoke In an optimistic stialn nnd bi lolly said "1 do not think theie will be u stilko. and I think It may be said that Is the geneial opinion among city union- men While 1 cannot say thnt I anticipate a meeting of the opeiatois and stilkeis still I believe that a nat Isfuctoiy adjustment ol' matteis will be at lived at nnd nil tiouble avoided" H I' Connolly, senior member of the firm ot Connolly & Wallace, said; "l'n less tho miners have gilevauees amounting to much moie than the mere itestIon of tocngnltlou, I think they will commit u gieat blunder In going on stilko. If faith has been kept and the 1 oneesslons ginuted last fall continued 1 full to see uny motives foi n suspension of laboi WF.RE JFSTIFIED TI1E.V 'Last jear tho mlneis had gllv anees. and wno Justified In demanding an adjustment This eni. howcvei, the elrctimstunies seem euiliely dlf feient. "A stilko will piove a most uiifiii ttinato thing to tho mlneis themselves, to all business men and the city In geneial Eveiy lo, al business enter pilso will be afleited by It. and any lo cal paper advocating a suspenslo.i of labor Is guilty of a gieat Injustice to the community" Luther Keller, ex-pusldent of the boaid of tiade, and one ot the 1 Ity's lending business men raid. "I slneeiely hope and tittst that theie will be no stilko and I lannot hi Ing tnvsell to believe that theie will be one. The leadeis of the United Mine Woi Iters should give this question set Ions on fldeiatlon befoie dating to deelnio 11 sttlke which would menu disaster to the business Inteiests nf this whole valley. The giound on which theie Is talk of declining such a stiIKe namely, the lecogiiltlon by the opera tins of the Mine Woikeis' oignnlzatlon Is not at nil a sufllclent giound. "The union has been leeognlcd. The men have i"ceived a guarantee of a 10 Jer cent Increase for another eai, the powder question has been settled and the semi-monthly pay law Is giad unlly coming to be obseived PRACTICAL RECOGXITIOX 'The giantlng of these things was a piactlcal lecognltlon of the union The confeulng ot the opeiatois and tho of flceis of the organ I a Hon might be a good thing and might be pioductivo of good lesults, but It Is not of sulll dent Impoitnnce In Itself to wauant the throwing ot this intlie legion Into a slough of business dopiisslon to ob tain It " Aide) man John T Howe, of the Kev 'iitccuth waul, had the following to say to a Ttibun lepoiter lcgnrding the threatened stiike. "I dislike very much to see anothei coal strike at this time, so soon fol lowing the stilko of last fall, I uudei stand that the only gilevance of the men this time Ib the lecognltlon of their oiganizatlon, and If this Is so the moi e conservative of the Illinois should ponder over this question, discuss It lieely, nnd then tuke action It Is a giavc question and icqulie.s caieful consideration. "Public svmpath.v Is a poweiftil fac tor In any strike, but If the men plunge blindly into this. 1 fear that they will not have the sanction of the public, as dining the last unpleasantness, A sus pension of work at the mines now will have 11 telling effeit on the business and cominoiolal Inteiests ot the val ley " HARBY POSNER ARRESTED. His Tnther Claims He Refused to Tuin Over S1G.50 to Him. H.11 1 Poiicr. ot 21 Lackawanna ave nue, was ni tested at midnight bv Patiolmen Hail and Qulnil in, on com plaint of his tathei, A. Posner, with whom he lives. The latter 10m plaiued that Ilauy lefused to tin 11 over to him the sum of 1C so, which ho had taken In dining the day at the f 1 ult stand In fiout of the stoic. Hairy claims thnt the money Is his, and that his fat he 1 had 110 light to It Ho also .stated that two of his biotheis held him up on Spmee stte-et and tiled to take It away fiom him, beating him illimeic Ifully In the attempt The case will be tlueshod out beloie Recoider M0I1 this morning. I II HIHHM : Derby : : Four-in-Hands Small, pietty, effective and just conect; as lefteshing -f as a peep of the sun on a -f cloudy day. The pioper tie for enily Spiing wear t goes well with high cut vests and high turn dbwn collais made leveislble; " two ties in one, 50c. - -f r WaiSln.tsr, Air"NtrjB' tlHHH H tt ttt A Puzzle It's hard to solve, but you can solve the iiiestioti of domestic economy by tiilting advantage ol this offer. Secure a c.wa of our Bottled Beer. CASEY BROTHERS, Wholesale Liquor Dealers, 216 Lackawanna Ave. LETTERS TROM THE PEOPLE. (t'niler this heading abort letters of Intersil frill be piiblldied when aicompaulcil, for iiuhllca lion, by the writer', name. The Tribune does not auuini rupoiKllilllly for iplnioni hire ixptcutd ) Rev. Dr. McLeod Atks Peitlneral Questio.is. ! diior of I lie i'libutie sir. Is a p..bl. lint lln .my) tu I. Ill s to li lJllH idi'il UiIiirIi the l.nliv ol nii-eu lalivts alter the cinnal prnlirt jkuIii-I Ir line and the ihuiiml for a luarilg it Villi H Ok oppcuc nts of the bill would have an nppurliiull) ot statins Ihdr obieilionsr Is tin tight ol 1111111111I1 Hue to be drilled usr Hiinlv a bill thai J obledmnalile to Midi i hrae inuuber ol ihi Iis,hc Uhle diUHiil of ,hls i iimuiiiit.v nujhr nit to be lUihcd Ihioiigh as Is being done In llns e.-se. This U liie-inthe of tin meills nf tin lilll Whether light m v.ieng, the pioilf ntlmted ntighl to have an e,pp mil llv lo ho heud linns vlifi-nd s, latiion I'i , Vljidi 21, Noiton's New Quniteis nieuow on Wyoming avenue, opposite Hotel .lei my n, next door to tho Dime bank. whole you will llnd all the papeis nnd poi iodic ns, as foitneily. and the new books and nil ussuMinent of sta tlnueiy Come and see us. M Xoitou. Guernsey Hnll, SM Wnsl.ington nvo, Scrantou Is the btst nnd niot lellnble place lo pin chitse a good Piano. It will pay you to tall and get pi Ices and teuns. J W. Gucinsey, Pi op. " The Scranton Gas and Water Com pany and the Hyde Paik Gas Com pany. In aceoidiiire wuli (he polio of I lice tout panics to reduce tales fiom time to time as may be wairanled bj Increased consnmpthn, notice is hcrtliv given tint, on nnd alter April 1 next the pike of pi will be one dollar per rne thousand ubl, fret fomiimod, Mibjcit to the following dbioun! five pel cent on all bill, v.leio the consul, i(. tlon foi the mint'i ariKiunl lo Iocs than ivvintv five chllata, tin per nut on ill I Ills wheie the lousuinptlou Im the month ati,riitit9 to tvvei.lj five dellan and up uatds 1'iovlchil Hi- bill i, pjd mi or before the EOtti iIjv nf I he iiiouUi in vibldi the bill is rrml-ied Hi older ef the boaid (. II IIVSP. spoetary SPECIAL. S-tltVNIOS (,S ANII W VII It (OVIPVW VNI) Hide paik I. as umpanv.- In oidei tn eiuour acje the i.-" of is fti fuel puiposes. notice h heiehj Riven lint on iwi nltei Vprll 1 nesl the I'rlce ol i;as 8o -ri will lie one dollar pei one thousand feet icitiMuned, ktilijett to the follow in; special clitouuts- Te,i pi i cent. on ell blllsvvlci' tlie (oii'Uinptiotifoi thetnnnthumnunlsln lesstlun Ivventj-l'vo ih llais, tnenl pei cinl on all bills wheie the (oiirimiption lor tne mouth amounts in tvventv five ilollns and tipvvatils Provided the bill Is piiil on 01 hrioie ilie 'nih da.v of the niuiitb in v. in. n l In- bill i. i nileuil V Mparate meti i turtii. hi d b lie umpanv. is neee-aiv 11 nnlti i,r the buate' () II HAM), beinlaiv. Special on Bargain Table Two lots of Fiue Tailor made Rainy Day Skirts, of extra heavy frieze, well made, with tcp. rows stitched around bottom, in Oxford and brown shades, in two grades, worth $2. aud $2.49. Special 1.49 and 1.98 Each. Clarke Bros SEEDS Lawn Timothy, Clover Millett ft S fill 325-32? Penn Avenue, jaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaar k"Asaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaal aaaaaaaaH ' " 'aaaaaaaaaaL. H laaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaP 'laaaaaaaaaal , .,' im. This is the Duke of York One of the new and popu- jlar spring bats nor beiag shown by CONRAD 305 Lackawanna Ave. "1817 Kogcra Bros." Goods. Knives, Forks Spoons, etc. No question .tbout the quality; we have .ill the newest patterns at lowest prices. Also tlie celebrated Sterling hi' In id Spoons and Forks. War ranted to wear twenty.fi ve years. Immense stock of Sterling Silver Spoons, Forks, Knives and Cased Goods for Wedding Presenb. Mercereafo & Connell, 132 Wyoming Avenue. Pierce's Market, Penn Avenne We make a specially of fancy Crtam;ry Bu' ter and strictly fresh egg. and the prlie is ai low a. first rlasa good! can be cold at, W'e do not have any tpceial talcs or leaden but at all timia carry a. complete a line ns Mailct Goods, l'aney Oroccries and Table Dcliea ilea us can be found In the largest New York or Philadelphia Maikets which we .ell at rifhr priics. W. liTPierce, IS Lackawanna Are. , Prompt delivery. 110, 112, lit Fin Ata. l-v ery time baby gets a chance to go riding in a go-cart. He enjoys the ride .and usually has good health as long as he a is mven plenty of fresh air. We have the laigcst as sortment of Go-Carts in Scran ton. This w.cek we show a selection of live different carts reclining, gicen ena mel gear, rubber tired, some with solid teed bodies like pictute. alues$i2. oo, $14.00 aud frio 00 Your pick, $10.00. CREDIT YOUP CERTAINLY! THE: CONOMY 221.823.S25.!227Wyomtng Empty Is the Cradle I v mivsi i ' s .1 -i .tAeJsMmulfciti ;-, -J-jfeBU Wiwdnw