tymr t fi J,T.V t- r St Sn,-V. V 3 BJKj.fV 2 THE SOltANTOX TRIBUNE-FRIDAY, MARCH 22, 1901. "WW Oilicc: BURKE BUILDING THE PEOPLE'S EXCHftNGE A PON LAP. ribAIllMI IIOUPK lor the bene tit of All Who tlnc llour to ller.l, Heal I Mute or Other Picpcrty to Sell or Kithancc, it Who Want siiuttlom or Help Hio-ie "mall VI ' rrtlnmeiiU O.t One Cent a Word, six In'"' tlona tor Hn- Cent a Wuul-I.vutt bltiialiuii Wanted, Which Aid Inrrtrd I rco. IlllShlll'l) IKMMiM Willi HOMlIt l" MIK ctil, 17 Unmlti muuic, al-o I ible ikuij mi ho rhtalnnl li the week or Month. ANOTHER LIBRARY OFFER. Gcoigo S. Kimball OlTots to Sell His Handsome Home for the Pmposc. lieotge S. Kimbill, of this cltv, who hiH bom gimtly lutcicstod in tho llbinij project fop Cmbotidnle since It was 111 st bronchi d. yesterday made Known tlml b would dlsp id III beautiful iisldcnco nil Spting stieet to the cltv fiii n Ulnar building' and turn It over imnplcto for the Finn of IIS.UUD. Mi. Kimball, In eoiix-cisatiuu with a Trlbtino icpoitci, outlined his Ideas us lollow s: I Will 1(11 111 plopfllV ill spllll, -lliel IT 1 Miry purposes to the elty toi Ihe mm of "1, iO. I hivo (Oinn li tint t nnolii-lini alter 1111 one irfleitlon Tl plieo l ton Iiil'i for onlj m.U'If mil wilt, hut II would ho Jim. rfcht In a liulhlltiR em li ut l-aihundilo lueib. It loiild lo put to the ui of a tripilir tit lull, with Pa two IhIU ntid HVticn rooiu In the bea luent cnild lo fltlnl up 1 minni'limi, while mi t lie thtrtl tlo r their I a hill c ipahlr of Jcroiti moiljtlne 'J.-0 pucii', whiih loiild ho toed 1 i puhllo ledum 011 feleme, lii'tnloi: , philosophy and kindred toph. The liull'llne Motihl ulo furnish 1 piiiuatieiil homo for tht j j li I tor. ui it Ins Mxtitii rootm. Ihe-o looiiii ruiiM he ilivhlid und i iitcd lo historic li, m irntilk , InUioll lliiout iml olhir I lonchrj of llhnrv xvoil., alio iooiih toi iu-l rm -lion purpose, i luhs of scholars or othirit eiigtKd in lihnry vvcrk. 'Iheiu mo ample eomnilttie rooms tulh t loonn on each tlooi uul kuiuuoiIIoii cellars. Win, I uit m.kiii cm tin ilhr lufuit I put a stlth of tiiulxr In. fhc gioimiN unrounding It .no the flnett In touii, in the liouie adjmtM the premW of i Maor HimlrlcK. The lot hai .1 fioiilist of l:o frit iinj i;oij fioni Mrcct to Uriel II houglit for i18,000 It wouhl mean i wiliu of 7,fJil if Mr. Carnegie's donation, hringinif the rxpctnliturc by the city for the Urn ten rars (if fl.imo n this was token ejehji an of hut s?70(i pir annum. Mr. KinfbuU's houiso in locutfd In the iiest portion of tlio town, ami bis piopn. kltlon la certainly worth ronsldcrlnK. Jt Is a f i tunc stiuolutc and one of the nioht bundsome in the dt. Another citizen juatciday told it Tilb no teportcr of a voiy dosltablo sitp. This ono is on Tcnaco ttlicet, iIkIiI op poslte the High i-chool bulldhiK, .uul i omniands ;i lino view of tho idly. The citizen would M-t no prlto on tho lot, but said th.it if the idly wished It be would take any valuation that nilKht be uvnuled by it bo.ud of .ippi.il&eis-. A Foiciblo Entiy. Koine time eaily esterd,iy moiiiini; tbu Carboml.ilii I'ytlo i tpb Iioiim-, on , North Church stieet. was Jjinhen Into by a uiybtuiIouH lutiuder, 7iho lert a tiall of inud and biolou glass. An cntrani'n was R.ilned by way "l the reading loom window, the oty In aw pl.'to Klaus belnir ileiiiollnliod. Mai Us on the jjla.s ludltate that tin noctmual lsltoi used a Klass euttor and badly nit his hands Kettlnn In. The junitm'H np.ii tmeiits ,iue hi u far lorncr of the building and he beatd no noises dtulnir tho iiIkIH. Ho Is of the opinion, however, that the ontuinee was foieed between I anil n o'eloel. Tho window In the pailmf was iiNu badly mat bod, as tliuugli the man bud first tiled to gain rutiatiie at 1 lint point. Taney Bllllaids. I'lof. luwther, a laiu liilli.iul lilajcr, of New Yotk ilty, who' has been glvlug' exhibitions In Sli. niton, will be at tho Anthiaelte blllUud mom this evening at i.00 o'elock. He will Eive it ilemonstiathm of juney cue and llnper bllllardM, und .ikiccs to play his uproricnt 100 or make no count, riovvral of tho eNpeit plaveit in this nootloii will test bis ability, and it is safo to hny bomo inkiestliiK plajltiK will bo Bi en. Will Work Ten Houis. Notices weio posted by the Delawaie and Hudson company mi Wednesday notifying the emplojvs tb.it beginning yesterday till the minus would woik ten bonis a day.. Tho other eompanieis aro expected to post it similar older Tho Illinois think th.it tills Is a mow upon tho p.ul of the mine uwihmh to stock up In anlklpatlou f a fttike. A Mock Tiinl. The leKiilap mei'tlng of the High School Kilw.uy soilety will be eu liveucd mt TucHday evening by a mock it Jul. A i hat go of laueny, lu approni biting the sum of $.'o,000, will Ho against one of the minibus, and a typical louit loom seme, with Judge, Jury and an at ray of lounsel will be presented. In Octobei-. Holders of Authiaclte Impiowmoiit "company bonds aio cougiatul.iiing .tliemiielves that the paying of Inteiest coupons will be lesiimed lu Oc tobei M I v Mb. McGownn'a Funeral. Tlic,tuneral of Mis Kogor MciSowan. tho hews of wboso death appealed In r Superb Special train Parties will leave I'HILAUKL PHIA Apii! 23, for Grand and Comprehensive Tours to COLORADO .CALIFORNIA "THE PACIFIC NORTHWEST ALASKA AfD THE YELLOWSTONE PARK The Wondeiland of Ameiica. Rend for clicular. pjici-inl desrrlptlve RAYMOND WHITCOINB CO. 100.1 Chestnut St., riilU. ' . . OLD, 0423 -" l l ' I 1 Service Catbondale Department yesterday's Tilbune, will tako pbno tomoirow nunulng at W."0 o'elock at St. l'atilck'H eluneh In Hcianton and the Intel ment will bo made In the Ca thcdtal i-emetety tbeto. Mim. MetJow. an was born In this city on Mat eh fl, 1S17, and went to Sctuntoti about twenty ycam ago She was a member of tho Thltd Older nf St Tranrls and the Mosul y soelut.v or St. rnltlik's ehuieh. IN S9RANTON COUNTY JAIL. That Will Bo James McLoughlin's AdUiess for Next Tbiity Day3. The Insolent, puguai'lous bubo who treated Mieh a distill banco on Pike sticet and South Main stlect on W'ul nvrday, and who vas imtsled by t'on st iblo Morau und landed In tin city pi bolt after a tussle, had a pilot t In tel view with Mai or Kllp.itikk at'lu o'elock yrsteiday momlng. The viiKiatit, vho gave bh name as .lames McLoughllii, bad lost none of bite billlgcieney dining Ills nlglll'is te pose. Ills eves bad a toowl mid Ills elilu wan tbtiist forwatd agRiosslMly, Tho mayor asked him the usual ipus. tlons, telling It fm what be was charged with, and iirked Janus If he had anv itasons to iiihanee for bis unooiul behiivlui. Mchouulllln aibnltled the vagtaiie c lunge, and said that he knew lie hail become houiowliat ilegiaded. 'I lion he said: "Whete. s that fellow that arrested Hie'.'" He was lnloinied that Mourn bad gone to Si uintoii "Has he got any light to ti j and kill me'.' He tbiew a lot of i obblestciues at me, and would have knot kid my bead off with one If 1 hndtt't ducked. Tho Hist thing j mi know the papeis will li full of a ptlsoner being killed lu c'ni bondale by a constable Hain't 1 got any lights?" Tile major Intcuuied the lluy-teiu-peied pilsner that be coiid bilng ehiuges against Moi.ui If he wanted to. "Well, von can Just but 1 will when I get out of j ill-lf I don't i hange my mind. ' The m.iior Imposed a ilm oi ;,, with the allot native of spending thhiv i!us In the ciiuntj bill He was taken to Si lantern later In tin day b. fillet Me Andiew. A Lost Canier Tigeon. William Klllt'in e.i)tiiud a uuiler pigeon jesteidav moiiiiug In the tower of the c-lty building. Tho lost lit,i md a mate, whleli esuipid The eapluied "liomet" had a little silver lug on its leg with the llguies and b-tlcis "I.', .1. S. ('. v." Mr Klllein will keep ll tor Its ownei. Last Night's Smoker. A tafWell iiciptlnn. whleb took the fot in of u smoker, was hold at tho c'aibondnlo eyi( tttl hist evening, in lioiini of Joseph A. Hnoh', who is about to. depatt foi Taeiiina, Wash. Mi Hooti-'H fi lends lalliut stiongly ami wWlud hint Hie best of Mir ess for his inline. Some Local Huutcis. Jolili Addle and invlnlit I'uift weie hunting in W.ivno niuatj on Tues(i and biought home a fos cub. 1'iaiik JliAutllew, IS. A. Koll and C'liailis Kolauil vv . nt Into the iiiiiuiitalns (iliove I'm est Cltv, WediiiNila, .ttitl the eltiig glsl lllln ,i laige ted fo. Ciltically III. A tele glum received ill this ell ,n llilny biought the news Hint the ,'on clltiou of Heniv .Idiips, of Hde I'.uk, was vei iiitleal mid he was not ex pected to live tliiough the da.v He Is a biotherot W V. Jones, of Washing ton slieet. Two Days Off with Pay. Mi'glnnhig Aplll 1. all the IMc vaul nien iiIoiib tin entile system will u-eelve- two dais oft caih moiilli, with lull p.iv. This gem i mm iub his been ill lone fm some time lu the Kile's aids In Jeisey l"lti. A Lendine; Paiticipant. 1'ifnik Dletlkh. a fm mer Ciibnuiliiln boy, was one ol the lending paitiei pants lu the giainl event held b.v the Wllkes-lhilie .Masons nit Woeltusdav niglit Kiauk Is very popular In Wilkes. H.iue. A New Location. The I'm pie I'ndei taking i ompaii In -gan lemming M'Sleidav tiom the stm,. in the Odd Fellows' building, mi Sib in avenue, to the adjoining Knlkn build ing, with an entuune on Tuuue stieet. A Number of Scinntonians, The following Se lantoulaus wei ieg Istetcd at tho llniilsun House S'esti'i daj : Thomas li. Walsh, W. H. ilug gan, II. K. I'li-.tiwate'r. V. A. lliittun, John J. Maugh.ui and Sxlitilci (iei lion. Meetings ToniBht. Junior Older L'nlted Allleltcau Me -iliunics. t'oiupanlons ol the foiesl. Ameileau Loglnn of Hmtoi. The l!oa! Circle. Atteiulecl Masonic Session. Prank l;oeinmehiiei, Heniy Caiter and 1'iaiik Love uttended Iho cerc monlal session of tho Nobles of the Mystlo Sliilne, at WllkeB-liarte, on Wednesday cv miner A Now Position. Mum Katie Cook, ono of the owi atoia at the Hell Telephone e.ohunge, has lesigned her position to accept ono In the new South Main stieet stoie of Thomas AVulkep & Co. For Emeigency Hospital. In the house of representatives at Harrlsburg yesteiday, Mr. Phllbln. tho member tioni this dlsttlct. intioduced a bill nppiopi biting $17,500 to tlu Hmei. fipury hospital lu this illy. Mr. Sawyer at Susquehanna. The Hex. liollln A Sawir. of Ti hi lly P U. ehuieh In this elty. was celo In ant of holy eoimnuuluii In i 'In 1st chuii h In Susnuehanna yestctda morning. A Social Tonight. Tho Ladles' Aid nuloty of the I.eicnn H.iptltt iliuieb will hold a soe lal this evening at the lCHldenee of Kivln Stone, mi llliketl Ten ace Phone: i : NEW, 286 THEIR ANNUAL MEETING. The Piesbyteilans Financial State ment Tiustees Again Elected, flic annual bushiest meeting of the longrctjntlon of tho Plrgt Presbyterian church was held In tho nudltoilum on Wednesduy evening. Previous to tho legular meeting a soclil and supper given by tho Indies of the church, was enjoyed. This waa followed by a busi ness meeting, at which Dr. W. W. Fletcher picsldeet und M. D. Latluopo aelid as seeietaiy. ('. T. Meukcr, A. F. Fey and M. D. Lathrope weie unanimously ro-olected us ttmtiiH. The teats wen lented in the usual manner. Tha icport of the I bullclltig committee showed u not In- eleblidness of $1,10". The boaid of ttusten raibmltted tho following flnm elal nlalement: UUMIMs f i-h on hni'l ,n loiniiiriiceinciit ol veil s 50 17 sr.it ienl toi the jeai sls H uO s u mitt for the .voir 1'H le 5 stjt rents for the jear 1W) i.jJI 7ri OJTrllliB, .VII) SI lliilhliiier eoniuiittci' 7mi VI I allien' hl Miih l.v I on 00 speil.il ofrirlnc il 01 Dilution foi net clmnli inliMeiltie,, . V) ii Trtnpoi u.v loin 3D Cl Total s iisnnt.sKMi:rs. sil.uio. l'iehvleiial XllnKlr.v .Hid I'uitinent lima I'ulpit -uppli I i-trr Jiul I lit i-t in is iiiu-io (iikI lli'lei lIl'Mll.tlilillS .') , Timlni; pipe Kip in ami pl.ilio lliilhlln; iltei itluiK uml irpiir flnihi'l iiu "ork on fuiiiiii-c I IiiiiiIi fiiiniiiiie, flMinei uml ni'ill.'i ,, Iml lite In llni; removal of n-lni ), l.h'ht Water Iii-ui ant I'lllltllg I'o-i uo .iml ipviinio vtninH ami iniiilui- tils I'aniient on aioolinl hulhliliK o)iiuillll-e ,'i;i 1. ,n iy oo l"n c) jj no Xs n 21 00 e.l i ? Ve! 71 1 hi : I II nu lui ion nit in him f lilt n t on Iho jhovo lo.m 1'iviiiMit of timpurir huuiaul iiiln r-t tin rem spoelil ih-io-lt of 1 1 n 1 1 1 m i for ihiiiih ilehtiihic I .eh halanii' In huiiit ol tie.iiuer . . . iM ml 1 in :n nt I .' ,V1 no ii l i."7i : llntlmn i l'ii fi 170 K 61 I) 'i nil IX ID e.i M ,;u m IH.1 so on 1M II 31 .' sPl.t l.l, IIH'lIIIIMis Iho I'iIIh'aIiil' I' a it put of the i fi I I lie iHMuiiit luar.l u( ihr ilmnli I'oiek'ii Mlxloni llollK -..ii'. In 111 iiiiIih lellif lllllpll iiik lllhli Mslelv I luihnrii I'uhlli ami si huh mIk.oI vtoik .... I IiiiiiIi i icilliu MiiiUtcrlil lellif Sllllillul UNlCtll.llioll I ihu.itloii I ntlihiitlnnx for out imn S,, i lies U Mil foi colIiTiiii , ith ;i ii 1,.t il nu t n riKlmi; MjhIi . s..'77 CiX A New Id"ei chant. A new Jivvebv stole will be opein il next week In the Ibiemuu Imvi liullil lug on South Main stteel, bj a nnm who beats the inteit sting name of llllani J. Ci.xan. althougb hi docs not piufiss lo In the Nilnaska oiatoi, and usually iliops his middle liilll.il to saxe e mbaiiassing eiuestimis. Mi. Hiynu v III also iiiii a sliootlng galb i In the building although then- w III be no c mi nis tlou between the two blanches of bmlucss Quaitcily Convontion. 'I In ii'o'illni epiaileil e niivi lUioli ol the Catholic Total Abstinence union ol Hie diocese, ol Soianlon will be liolil in this eilx- cm Hastep miiiiIii. This wSlI in. ono of the most Impoitaiil ol leu 111 sessions ol the union and a full lepiesi-nlatlon ol soeh-tles is ex pected. The meetings will be livid In .st. Kose clitiu li and among the foat lllts will be an addtess by the state ti'Msmvi, Hi x. J J Oman, of Wilkes. Utile His Leg Ciushed. I'bailes I.innb, of Slinpsoii, a miner lu the Nmthwest mine, was i.night between two iars jestddiiy and onr of bis legs was lunllv ciUKhcd just above the ankle. He was taken to his Inline. The .imputation tiist deemed nues.s.ii.v was dispensed with and It Is pmbible his foot will be saved Tho Fasslng Tluong. 1'iaiik Debit. oy is the new sexton at St. non .Mdiimaii S. S. Jones is b lek ticm New Vmk I'ctct Hlunian, ot Seianton, was In town xesttrchi. John Connelly, ot Dui.xni, Is xihitlng fib mis lu town. Miss J me (Slaves, of Washington phn e, is tpiite III. Miss Maine Ijiymiii in, of Ueliuoiu stieet, Is i uite III. Mis S S Hauls is in IVekxIlle v lu lling In r mothi i. .1. J. F. Moian statted for Denver, Col 1 ist exelllllB. Mis. A. Camuon has rceoveicd trom an eMendeel lllnei-. Mis J U. Plockselse Is ill at hoi home on Salem avenue. Miss Belle Wnuen of Seianton, Is the " st ot Mis A. It. Jones. r I. Iliown, u Seianton architect, was in town Wednesday. Miule Louise, little daughter of Mr. and Mis. Chalk-si Perkins, is quite HI. Hs-Aldorman Orlr, who has been at Hasting''. Pa , tor u year or so, is in town. Mbs Daisy Hiownell Is vety sick with Hie gtlp nt her home on Spring sluet. Mis. Small Seniles, of Lincoln ave nue. s much impioxed, atter a Ions Illness. 1. S Phillips, of Lincoln avenue, who has been m scilously III, Is slowly re coveting. .Miss Ada Hunt, of Jjiniyn, Is visit liitt her slstti, Mis. William Wills, on Pink icticet. Miss Meulck, of New Yoilc city, is the guest of Mis- J. M. Neulon, on Snlrni avenue. Jn,is Me-Lalii xvas out yesterday fur'ilu List tlmo wlnco his sevcio at tack of pneumonia (! P ltogers and family moved es tenia into tho I listed house, on Wyo- Cures a Cough or Cold at onoo. Conquer" I'toup, W hooping Courli nronrhltin, c.rlppe ami Consumption, yiiick.nni reMilU lr.lnU' Pill cure Conbtlnatlsn. eurll'slOc BK "M!. sM&rlirJfcK COUGH SYRUP mint? street, recently vacated by D. II. Burt. Willis Watklns, of New Yorlc city, was renewing acquaintances In this city, tho past week. Father O'Donnell, ot Hlnglianiton. dcllveicd the evenlnp sermon In St. Rose church on Wednesday. Mrs. Clarence Atherton and daugh ter, Clementine, of Scrauton, aro the guests of Miss Lydla Campbell. Thomas and M. I". Keough, of New York city, returned borne last nlebt, nfter an extended visit In town. Uichnrd Glbbs, ot Park stieet, loft for St. Thomas, Ontailo, last evening, where he will spend tho summer. Mrs. "Wlllard Hallow ell, of Ford hum, N. Y is the guest ot Mts, tlrat tan Singer, or the Anthwiclte block. Joseph clluck, of New Yotk city, a fot mer Carbondallan, xxas kept busy yeiteiday shaking hands all around town. Miss Louise Helgeluth, of Waxetly, N. Y.. who bus been visiting her In other, J, J. Helgeluth. l etui tied homo Wednesday. Contiactor J. T. Madlgnn, who built a section of tho Seianton branch of tho Ontailo and Western iallro.nl, was gi ceding bis many fi lends In this city eiteiday. Miss llene Stieets will Have to lav for her home In Chicago, uftei a pleasant visit with hop giaudpaients. Mr. and Mis. Janus eSllhool, of Htooklyn tlteot. JERMYN AND MAVFIELD. In n.spjnsc to n call of the ta pa.xeis and citizens, several bundrel men assembled In Assembly hall lust oxonlng to discuss "A binning ques tion of vital Impoitanie to the tas paers. The meeting, which was toi the putpose of Vounteiaetlng the meet ing held III linteiprlsc hall Wedn s. elay evening, was ealleel to ordei bv Dt. M J shields, who In Icily en doisfd the .ution of council and state tl be was lu ttxot of the eot.ttaet be cause It was a mattei ot dollais and i cuts to the people of tin boiotmli. Tluuinf M. II ndllcks was aproltlte 1 ebuitmaii and (ieorge S. Dunn see i tiny. Dining a biief lull In the pici ceidlns.s, the Hon. Andiew (iavln iiio-o uml .suggisted that a xole b t&kcli ti leeonslder the action ot the Hnleton eoiixentlon. but ('ball man Hnidileks Infuunnl lilm be was out of fiidrr, ilemaiks we e mude by Thomas Splllalne, J W. Ciiiut and Cinincllnian Dunn, after which Attor iiiv C.ney spoke at ecnsld rable length, his speech bolnff a tepctit on of the one he deliwfd at the m'-et-ItiB the pievlouy rxenllirf .1. D. Sim kit, one of the' pioinotciH ot the descent comp.i iy th-n ntos and answcied Hilly the ie mlng nb in lions to the contract jnlsed b.x t tiunry I'arc. Th'-1 follow, nc icsulu Hon was put to tho inecilng. "Whereas at a sp"i lal uieftlnc of the boiough council on the loth ol Manh, pieposltlous to' tuinlshliu electric llphl to th1 boiough ot Ji-i-tnyn were'rutertulued, and. "Whejras, the I'u-scont Hleitile company otteied to furnish ate sti ot lif,uls lor the sum ol $72. In pel light pel annum, and pax Into th" boiough tiinsuiy the turn ol M.lwi at a luiiu mid "Wheie..s, the boinugli lounell. uttet cuiisldeilng that at no picxloiti time had so illmil u pinposltloii be n sub mitted to them, and ilsn ben lug ! inlinl the fict llirii utile's they aitel then und then they stood a i nam i ot Ion vi r losing nn opinitU'.lll i sn'.ue fm the tTpiieis the I enellts ot a late so extieiuil' low. mi c opted lb" ptopi 'Itlmi of the CiosifMit Hlnttle eimiaii.x. who had been the plfm e In lowelltlg the' pi lee. "He ll tesolxed. by th- elUzelis ol the lime Ugh of .hum ll lu enei ll meeting ll'siniblcd. tl'at tin- aetlon " the boi fii'Kb coiinell in thus uxmIIIuk the hor oiigh of sin b an unusually fitviii.il I nlTel. be endoised and cniuini'lided. ' The inotloii win. by the iliulim n eleelaie d can ltd. Mis. A. M. Fib-wood, 'of hlisipi -bar in. Is xlsltlng h'M niece. MtSwH. N Pane tt. of Second .'tit -t Mlrs llaunah Latbaxv. ol Thomi son. li.it been vlriHng U lends In town. The Misses Uilllltbs, of Ninth Main sliee-t. ente-i taint-el a fi i fileuds at theit liouie Tursda.v e-vining. Auiui, those fium out ol town wcic MNses KunliM Htson. IJ.lllb Hutten and Coin Mllln. or iirbnnudali'': tUi 15IU and '.:iiabetli eiiitllths. anil Ml. Mclib.iM Midaeki'ii, of Siianimi J. D. Stoiket was a business eallOl at Seianton Wednoj,ela. 0LYPHANT. The meiiibets of St. P.cttiek'.s choir undei the li-ade-tshlp ot Profrssn T. W. Wrtlklns me piep.irln? a miule opeta which will be klvni ut t'li I-'.un-i-t Matbcvv opeia hous. Monday even ing. April i. The title or the op i a Is "The Meuy Milkmaids" It Is a xtv pietl piece and tip- whole 'hlltg i- cnteilalnlng from beaiimlng to end A tiowdcel house N sji .- to gieet the p -i-foimels on this oo. ision. John tiolilen, of DMiinuue. vl. ,'i-l Iim hi other. Photogiap'iei i. !'. ilold'-n tsU-lilu. J. L. Thomia. of lllak'-iv, has tic -c opted a pohltb r .u cui.iiiier lot u Icatlu-i nianutiiei i.in j est ibllsbmen' at M.n.ithou. N. Y. The boys' bilgacle Is ptogiesslng lap Idly under the- petsonul dlteetlon of their chaplain. Dr. Spencer and Di Ill master John Holten. There Is now an enrollment of ISO boys, divided Into tin cp companies. Company C meets on Filduy afternoon, Company 11 Fit day evening und Company A on Satin day evening. The Ntxv Yoik Little Tailors arc opening' an establishment in tho Sohubmohl building on the corner of Luckaxvunna and Susquehanna stieets. The Ladles' Missionary society of the Hlakely Haptlst church will meet In the parsonage on Main street this ufteronon at -1 o'clock. Miss Alice Flynn, of Plttston, Is tho guest of Miss Esther lloban, of Dun moio stieet. Mis. Thomas A. Joens, of Udwaida vllle, spent yestetduy with Mis. Elvira Joens, ul Susciuebunna street. Miss Mury Ward, of Avocu. is x Islt Ing lelatlves in town. PRICEBURG. I have been infouned that tbeto Is a board of council In this boiough com posed of lour members, which Is not a majority of councllmen In Dickson City borough, It icqulies a quotum t do business for any council of tho bor ough. This boaid, I think, Is getting too prcvlous when they notify all policemen to tuin their police equip ment over to John Bentham. who would bo president, and S. M, Hawk, who would bo secretaiy. I want the policemen to undeistand that I am burgess of Dickson City boiough, and tho borough ordlnanro states that all police equipments lias to bo turned over to the burgess. We, havo no bor ough council at present, and I notify all polliemen to keep their stais and Scranton Guernsey Hall IS THE BCST PLACE IN SCRANTON TO BUY A PIANO OR ORGAN Don't fait to conic an J see a- gre.it bargains are waiting (or you. J.W.GUERNSEY, PROP, 314-316 WASHINGTON AVE. SCRANTON. PA. Ill New Guenisex BuilJing Davis steam ore Co. I 310 PENN AVE. f.oodJ lallerl for i"i J:llertd I leaning. Ileitis an'l I'retilns ALLWOK aWtRaVEED. PHONC 3730 Golden Gate Dininq Rooms. Hi '", cent meal In Itie ilij Pice Sbil Ticket" -l 00 sunda Oinnei i pMiij Home mail I'Ktri 244 ADAMS "WZ. W, J. BAtRISCALC, MANTELS. I III- plarr IllinilllllJ" ELECTRIC, COAL AUO OA5 QRATCZ lililiK foi fhi'lll rrL.aHON'. I 3IS Wliwiivorow AVE, W. A. H4RVEY, I lei irl Wiilnc an I 'Mm lleilne Ilfll ami lelrplioiii Woil, 309 OOMMONWTUTH SUILOING. J. B. WOOLSEY & CO CONTRACTORS AND BULDERS. fiealtri '" Plate Glass and Lumber 0ALL KVCS. Kingsbury & Scranton. Maiiiifiiti.irn,' nls MINE ANu MILL iU.PLIES, lli.llt, I V. , til. f. i 1 loin l(.,rl,lnz's snn. I i w t Hi . ml riiiiinai nil" iiiiiu l'i tin ml Uul 'n XH, lo llfMlij Pi liim Ihwi oml Million a' lluhbe l.o .) hronli in Pa. king t ni't i "II ( 1 -tiling Km Ill piiili IliJg W.-H. GORDON & SON. Iloin si.c Jhl .,,llMI lilm k'iiuii inj W ieoii ji., (.nun,! tluiliJii-. uml P hhi Tin be 339 mDams am nuz. e lubs In their piissi M-imi until I mil f u them, as I will demand them when I urn t viid. I am jiiiii? William N-nuel. Hiiigi-ssot Dlekson Ci'y'Hmouiili A suipiise put was tii ied David T'liomio, at hi" hum on Cm in ilt .tte"t Wednesday night. 'IToso prcsiui wei the MIn- An. ib Suinmois. Adelaide Smnlle" Mag5l Mull. N'o-nia Moigau Llrlo Ann WiP,'htsnn, Muile Slmms Aiiiim Isaac. I.l'.h Stelllet, M md Jen kins. Thui la Weir l.ulu Wrll md. I.'r. yie lientham. Kite 'ibomic Edith Is-uao. Snail Cooper and Ma Pi be, Piovldeiuc . Mi'sjs Ohvi'i Paitl.c, Ab nor Thiuuns, Hu. Oa'.e. Mintln Slngli. Fi ink Joins Dux Id Thomas John Hxans Allien Pan Is. T Jenkln A Matg"tson, U ltlibeik. (!. elland. J. Push. II I'lo v light, c. Slnuus. .1. i.'le.ltK. J Weln I .1 C. plll. W Stev en T. lie id, c. Moigau. V Pi In-. J. t!i In. (1 Tinlt"i, W Ciion i. J. Hulls D liiliud I Aimsliiiim all Ml and Mts j, bn i;vans Cottagi piaxii- mi ling will be he-Id this momlng at lo o'llmK at tin hoiiii of Mis Daxls. i i lie, .Main stn -t and Hallsti ad avi nip DUNMORE DOINGS. Enteitainmcnt Given by Silk Mill Stilk?is at Washington Hall. W. C. T. U. Annivcica-.y. One ol the l.ngcst eiciwds that ever gathctcd In Washington hall was pus cm last nislit at the musical entettaln nient for the hem lit ot the sti Iking silk mill w.itkeis. The numbeis were all vlgoKUtsIy applauded, uc-aily all the numb"is being entotcd. .Most of those taking pan vve-u- them selves i Ilk mill employes. A huge sum was realized us the n suit of the enet gctle vvmk ol the commlttc-i having It In ehatge The fcillowlng paillclpated In tho ptogi.imme. I'u-d Wahle-i. Cleoige .Mm, in, William Fltzgeiald. Mary Mr-Hale, Albe flnblrn, Kittle Walkei, Frank Morau. Joseph Ibland, Feiguson sisters. Catbi-ilne Mi Hale, Miss Van Hiiieu. Annlveisai-y Celebintlon. At the ii;iiilverstiiv of the Wuiimu's Clulstlin Teiniiciauec union, held lu the Methodist Hpisiopal eliuuli lust night, a very interesting ev-nlug was spent by those piescnt The jiroRianinie Inclitunl the lollow lng numbers Singing by Sons of Tem peiance dec club, dexotlonul exei clses, Hex- Van clef: addiess of wel come', by Pic-sldent Mis Swartz: sing ing, 1.0 al Tcjiupeidliee legion, ie sponsc, Mis. Vaughn, of Moscow, imi tation, Miss Jennie- Keller. sJnglug, Sons of Temperance Glee club, addiess. Rev, Mi. Gibbons; lecltutlon. Miss Lucietla Sndei; tinging, Loal Tern peiaiico legion, addtess, W. W. La thtope. esq.; lecltatlon, Miss Clink: singing. Lo.xal Tempciance Uglou, ad dtesj, Dr. Hateson, addiess, Gomer Reese; singing, Sons of Tenipetiuiio Gleo dub; doxology. Ilxe minute speeches. School Teacheis, Attention. Please read our adxertlsemeut otter ing a $2.00 pilzo for the best diawlng of a cat. on another page of this paper. Meais iS. Hugon. Boiough Brevities. Misses Lucy Heal, Mabln Kelly, Rose, McDonald and Kate O'Mnlie-y. pruduates of our High school, leave next week lor rttrolldsbuig, wheie they will enter the Notnial school and tako a course picpuiliig them fm tho posi tion of teacheis. Cuids arc out announcing the com ing lunulas- ol Miss Fannie Smith and Arthur LeGrando Clarke, ot Circeii Gioxc, on Wednesday, wpil M. Tin happy event will tako pluce lu their newly furnished home ut Gtecit Uioxe. Oscar ist has ietuimd from a busi ness ttlp to Hloouisbtirg. Kev. J. D, Dabncy has letutned fimn Business THESE ENTERPRISING DEALERS CAN SUPPLY YOUR NEEDS OF EVERY CHARACTER PROMPTLY AND SATISFACTORILY. Brotherhood Wine Cos I'lno Old PortK. Iluiitiimllrf, ami -s uitt tnr I mill 1 ratio Only. P. H. FRENCH. 408 CONNELL CLOQ, Erescheus Great Fire Sale IS4 WYOMINQ AVENUE. Vo (JoliiR On, I ine I .in ami all hlmlj of Neikwear. BRESCHEL & CO. Scrinton Laundry, 322 VASHINQTON AVENUE. Call by telephone receive prompt attention. WILFON (S WASBERS. Spectacles. MADE ANO REPAIRED. "Tlill's all ' S. H. TWINING. 131 PENN AVE. DIAMOND SHOE SHINING PARLORS For Lubes an-1 (leiilai Ml Milne 3i 433-SPRUCE-433 Hanley's Bakery, 420 SPRUCE ST. HUNTINGTON W'e makr 1 nll ol flm hrea-l liifli (liOvis for sjlail , Oiln I ruqneili el. , piuiiptlj mini A lull Ilm of Lu I turn .-nil I e u-'K" Plating Works. silier l.nlil, M, kl (ipprr ami l!iic C lmii(l"'i i- Ihntii Iml 321 CIX COURT. REtR HO. TRADE, REISMAN BROTHERS, lejijin Si wl iler 40G SPRUCST. C03 LINDEN ST. GORINA Q I ILS OF M Y U lT i IdAHs. DEAN, 40BCCNNELL CLOG T6 Phonea GOODMAN'S SHOE STORC. 0 lis I ki val.lli GRAND OPENING SATURDAY. MARCH P3 TH' SCRAUTON VlT'ltFIED tJRICK and Tu.c Manufacturing Company Mil it l, .... Ill - .ii M II Ho I. Ii'ij' s I,- .cm 1 1 II I" Wi .1 I iilri, i " u!.. ill N. Vii I- I ,X W II I! ikMuUBMuntuiW)nHkMHasMs i sinn i ne, wIhh be bin i undue ted e i successful ii viva! seixlies din ing til- p ist t 111 cm weeks. Miss Daisy Mixjiut, eif tin- High n hunl cotnir.i i-i I il depai tinelit, Is at W.xotnlng wluie sip was culled b the dentil ot lu-i '!uutlfutb"l Miss l-'iinnle (iboiiii I-. is leliiuii-il lioin a xlslt spent wltn Plilliiib-lphlii lilei-els Miss Marlon Hi dun Is v Idling fiii lids at Piltsloli. Mid I lei tin- Donv Is ill ut be i lioiiii em Chili eh stni-t Hnir-Tii .Mi. and Mis Michael Kill i-, of AppI" nvpiiue. ll sou. 'I be liineiul of the line Pililck M"-Diiiiin-ll in i lined fioni tin fanill test deliie al !i o'elock vesteicbi Illuming. A solemn high mass ol f-iniioni was 1 1 li bint -d .it hi. .Mm s ihuiih by H'V. M is. Diiilin. InleiiiKiit wan muni In .the liiinll pint at Mi. Cuiiui'l i enn leiy. 'lie doling l.ailli"' Mlbm elide of the Prcsbvloiiiin c lunch have In gun pirii.ii.itlnus Im tin holeiing of a itllll lllllge sale in lib lieiir llllllle Tonight, al tin Mtillodbl Kpl-c i pul ihiiidi, liev. John !iu'slmw ib-. ilvels bin lei inn- on ' Vmelliiiu Pa- I lllnllslll ' I on ii"t Tin seia iiighl. at the Dud- by stnel iinptisi eiiuii-n, me .iiip.iu ese wedding and i nlei tiiinmeiit te ccntly given on the West Side, will be 1 1 pealed. It l given iinilei tile tuts pices of the Ladles' Ailld siK-lily. I Make time to tiy Motln-rs' o.ils, I mi veil with ueuin tenia nt Stevens' j stoie. The- ti-llowlng ncnu'd arc acting us Jin ins in st i anion mis wc-ok. i.oiiis Hugh. Mai tin Gibbons. A. .1. D itigh eity. .1. G. Hone, P. F Helll.x. Jidin Monlson. m TAYLOR. A meeting of the sti Iking silk wmk cis will be held in Jones' hall this uf lei noon at 3 o'lloih. Motbei Jones will be piescnt lu addiiss the ineetlng. The Anlhiai-ite Lllee dub, that sipu lar nillslcul oialiiatliin whleb has on man oitasluns in the puM dellghi-e-d the- music loving people of this town with their music al gems, bus again come into existence with the lollow lng ollkei.s piesldlng Picsident, John F. Tubbs, seiii'iatv, John 1! Thomas, Itcasmci, itubeii 1. lew ell n, dim tor, Piotesbup David H. Jones, Mils. Uai Coinmlttie em inusb . James V. Wat kins, D U Jones and W. II. Thomas. The gleo club loinpl Ises abount loity voices eciuslstlng ot the best lenot and bii"s available ami unili-r the ellldeiit tiallilng uf Piofessoi Joins Hindi inn be e-xpeittd lioni this noted m sanita tion. The dub lotilomplalc c a tilp lo Atlantic City In July and ptobably to tile P.iii-Aiuc-iliuu exposition at Hut falo They will meet In LIowoIIju'h hull tur thc-li llrst lehtatsal on Sun day nc .x t at J.'JO u'doek. The employes ot tho Taloi, P.vne and Aichbald collletles will lecolvo tliclr icml-montbl earnings loi Maich tomouow. The Calv.nx Hapllsl diuWb i hob will meet this evening in the church piiilots to leheuiso l.'aste-i music. Pin. lessen D. H. Jones, chutisti-i and ill ice tor. Tho Ladles' Aid soiletv ut Ninth Taylor Congiegatloual ihuuh will hold an be cieani and faggot sodal lonim low cxenlng. An Impottaiit session of tho Pilm Llbi.ny association will be held this evening. Impuitaut business pei tabl ing to tho coming mlusUel p -i ten manic to bo glxc-n at Wcbei's link on Mon day cxenlng next will be ti ansae ted, Tho l'leetile city Whtelmc-n mlnstu-1 troupe will hold the boiuds on that evening ami whoso u piitatlon us en teilalueis Is xvld'-ly known. A lingo nuiubet of tickets haxe been illspusi il of. Tickets aio loi- sale at Hvans' news stand und bv mumbets. Miss niiiiiihu Davis, or Flist stieet, Is tho gllesl ol hepslstei, Mis, Hlehaid Hxaiis, at Plttston. Tin- Imn tb quiii tnl conloieneo ui Hie Melhodlst Hplscopal cbtlldi will be Houses. 7"ILAaVr Mo 3" '"I'y Injured! nillt ! If not, call upon F. L. Hitchcock & Son, FIRE INSURANCE AGENTS. SOj ami 807 ConnnoniveaUli llulldlnt, fcCUAMON, I'A. Only Grat-cla tompjnlet leptcscnteil. Clabiic pioinptly piihl. O. S. BLOSS "aZZZd'e THE SMITH PREMIER TYPEWRITER. IT LEADS THEM ALL. L. iaOMMAR, lliilhllng Contractor. Iinplojn union men, Kitlnutei cheerfully given, liiiiiodillng ami repalrlnu a rpeelally. 320 WASHINGTON AVE. LACKAW NNA UNDERWEAR STORE Will tell all their tampht ol hue Imported Midij slilrln for m u nt o-le i woltli H to 2 SI) Cohl Xf,al (Ji 1'liatenrai her IhlHiena Vi Arltl Moorz Foster. INSURANCE FOR SALE lluggteii ani vvaRiri of all klndi lt-iufc at -I I ulhllns Join it haiziliiB M. T. KELLER. 1 1 Mum ve IiikavvatiiM I'anlae , rl 122 WYOMING AVE. HAVE YOUR WATCH FIXED RIGHT WE ARE SATISriEO WITH A SMALL rRorir. BERNHARD, jeweler. .li I UKW W.Sx AVLM'i: EDWIN S. WILLIAMS. CONTRACTOR. BUILDER ROOM 2B COAL EXCHANGE, SC-tANTON, PA. THE SCRANTON UMBRELLA MANUFACTURING COMPANY, We i am the UiKet rmk nf I mhrellas I'ar nols iml lluullos, e alv I1IC-OII n iimbielU aii.l parasoU an-l mike lliem up ciUi1lv an kooiI ,11 iitw ami Kiiirintrc mil piiili In In- Iomh III III no hou In Iho eltc. Wi lepiir all em cooilj in ono jcar I iii.i; cu cnxm.i-:. SPRUCE STREET. 3K h'-lil this evening. The piesldlng elder. Kev Dt (illllu. will bo piesc-nt and all ollie-lal mc-nibeis arc- in gently tcqucst eel to bep uselit Mis. M.nia Vaughn, picsident eif the Laekiiwanua iiuiutv Women's Chi Is (Ian Tempeianie- union, will addiess Hie ladles of Ta lor in the Methodist Hplseopal i lunch tmnoiiow ufti-iuoou at :: o'i lot k. All ladles ine Invited. Mi. Daxls, of Hlooinsbug State Nor mal si hook i ailed on bis rot mer class mute, Hleh.nd Williams, on Main stieet em Wednesday Miss Kate Winters, or Halhciad stieet. was the guest of Miss Mary Huikhlzer, ol lllalulv, on Weilncsda Mr. and Mis. John It. Neeley, of Main Htiet, an- homo fioni their visit to Jeuiiii. Missis Olwen How oils and Lucy Wlnlns xHltnl Plttston H lends re eenll PECKVILLE. Tin- Middles of the Ptesbyterlan iliiudi wish to uiiiioiuue thai tln-y will gliidl letelve any and all articles that their li lends may wish to donate lo the lmumagi sale. Widiiesda, Match 27. DURVEA. Spnlil lo tin s, ininii nilmne Dili i a. Mulch 21 The funeral of the- bile Mlebuel Mi Hugh, of Old l'mge. took il.it e tod.i. Sot vices weie held at iho Old Foi go church xxheio "t-xeial of his ntiiueious trlends touk a lahl look upon his pun etui tneo. Attci the sti vices the I unci al college wound Its way to the Mluookn cemi(toi, xvlleie the i (-mains wete Intel i eel. Mis. Dinks Is scilously 111 at hei home on elioxe stieet Miss r.lla Hencdld is able lo rc suiue her duties as tenehei lu tho cen ttal school alter a iPc en I Illness Mls Dlzle Duughet Is able lo in tend to hei duties as assistant ptlnclpal ol the high school aitti a slight Illness Misses Heitha Smith and Cbna Mai ey weie xlsltois In Axoea Wednesday evenltiB. Grler Johnson, of Ax oca. visited at tho home of John Johns, of Foot- stieet. Weducsilav evcnlg. .Miss Maggie Daily, of Avocn, now a student lu the Hast Strnudsbuig Nor mal school, xisltid the- high school Tliiu sclav. TESLA'S OCEAN SCHEME. Noxv Expeilnientlng on Wiieless Tel egiaphy Actoss the Atlantic. flv I'vcliislvi- Wire fi m The voclalcil Pieic Pittsburg Manh 21 Nbol.i Tesla the- Inventm. Is lu Plttsbuig placing a conduct with the Westlngbousp Dlee--Hie iiimpany toi the manufacture of ecitaln iiK-chaiilta! dc-vlces to bo used In his c-speiliuent on wlrcloss telegia pliy acioss tho Atlantic ocean. Air. Tesla states that the success of bis latest enteipllc Is inoro ussuted now tliiin ex or befoie and within tho I next six months his invention xvlll b given a ptactleal test. He hopes to es tablish the pi not that It Is not beond the i .inge of possibility to establish comniuiiltatlou amiss the ocean with out the nil of wins. INSURGENTS ACTIVE. They Have Attacked and Binned the Village of Uglus. Py l.vilu.ivc Witt- from lite Aitoclaled Prem Manila. Manh 21 Insiiigents bax uttatked and binned the ungutrlsoue I x lllage of I'gltiH. .n the pinviii'. tr South Hcocos. A clitaehmeni of l.m Twentieth lufautiy oveilook und c bui tlsc-el the maraudeis. Colonel Sehuler or the Fotty-slxth volunteer Inf.inti bus cnptuicd clgnt Insurpen. ollici 1 1 and 2IS men at Hie village if Teir.cte lu Cavlte pi ox luce. Generals Mac-Aithur. WlieAton mil Hilton lovluwed the TwcTTTtiilnth und and Tlility-wcond leglinc-nta to lay. To Cuie a Cold In One Day I fake Laxative lliotno ijiilnine fahbli i'n. '