L'f"l ributte. cttttttoti THE ONLY SCRANTON PAPER RECEIVING THE COMPLETE NEWS SliKVlCti OF THIS ASSOCIATED PRESS, THE GREATEST NEWS AGENCY IN THE WORLD. SCRANTON, PA., FRIDAY .MORNING, MARCH 12, lOOl"! jsagj TWO CENTS. oooxM: -i-'1V- BJfr 'jii'wImBWsmCPsUtsiJBS VAUGHAN BILL IS REPORTED Successlullu Enolncered Throuuli the Committee bu Repre sentative Reunolds. MET NO OPPOSITION The Objection on Fait of the Scran ton Temperance People riled After the Bill Had Been Fnvoiably Be ported from the Judiciary Commit teeAnother "Ripper" Has Come Out of the Stalwart Camp Other Measures Introduced. ptri.l from a Miff t'oric-rondciil. Hnrrlsburg. March SI. Th-s VauKh.in llei-t.se tee hill was reported fnvotably 1 oin the Judicial y local committee of Hi" house this morning by Itop.-oFentn-t'f l'ttynohls, who .suecesstully etigl reei'd Its passage through his com ri'ltio last night. It goes on the cal endar now. and will come up on firs I t'alliig tomorrow. Kfforts' -x 1 1 1 b" nude to lme It put through on :pclnl iibrs early next week, so that It inn li laid In? I or th governor by Wed nesday or Tluir.-diiy. The lobby which Is here working In Its Interest. Is meet ing with every enrouiagement and It Is almost assured now, that the neces saiv loiistltutlonal iii.ijnrlty of 103 "ma will not be wanting 'vhen the bill comes up on third reading. The Set anion di'legatlon expected 1 pre thN afternoon to protest against Hi'- fee bill did not come, but Instead in a tob'Krani t Hpcakcr Marshall, eskins: tor u hearing. The speaker ii.rneil the telegram over to Mr. Si better, who telegraphed an answer 1-1 th" elt'i ct that the cominit''V hail dln-ady reported the bill. The Sehoucr bill t educing the inn i.iiillle tax unc-luilf. was favorably le poitod fiom the wiv anil means eom jnlitcu this ulietneon. This Is the bill which S-'ecictary Atherlon, of the boaid Tif tii.de. and A. V. Duffy, of the liro e rs" nt-'oclntloii, argued in favor of at l lie committee's last meetings. It la the lirs-l levcnuo reducing bill that has been allowed to come out of this com mittee. Still Another Ripper. And still another "ripper" has come out of the stalwart camp and from Senator Mtichlbronncr. too! It is the cxrM- commission bill, designed to i. ike the power of granting licenses troni the courts and place it In the hands of the commissioners, appointed by the governor tor a term of live -ais. at a salary of $.1,000 each a year. Theiu was too much opposition ap parent to a genetal bill of this stripe and this, coupled with the fact that It Is only in Allegheny county the stal warts hae any concern as to who Fh.ill grant licenses, the bill was tnndo to apply specially to that county, by limiting Its opeiallons to "all counties having a pop'ilatlon of over .Virt.uOO and less than 100,0o." One of Its provisions is that In cities of thf second oln-s, embraced within counties In which the bill shall beconie opera i. ve. the llcc-ii!- fee shall be $1,000. This wovdel mean that the big Ander son hotel in Pittsburg would pay foi l's license les, by $100, than some ob si'ine saloon at the Notch, unless, of iouisc, the Vaughan telleing bill should become a law before Monday, April 1. There is a clause In the bill provid ing that In first-class cities tlio license fee shall also be $1,000, and that the ineuiintllc appraiser shall return all licensed and unlicensed liquor dealers, furnishing one list to the biurd of ex lse commissioners and another to tho cistlict attorney, which latter olllclal must proceed forthwith to proseouto the unlicensed dealers. The appraiser U to tecelvtf $:'.50 for each licenced or t'tillcenscd place returned. The purpose of this appraiser Is not clear. There Ik no first-class city in u county of more than r.00,000 and less than 100,000 population. Senator Muehl bronncr hlmrelf can not explain thin clause. The bill, lie says, was sent to him by i .ney V. T). Uodgers, Mr. Itodgors the author of the charter 'Tipper. For Centralized Schools. Itepteccutatlvo ISdward James, Jr., h.iH drafted and will 'next week ute fent n bill appropriating $30,000 for a hospital for the territory embracing Taylor, Old Forge and Mooslo bor oughs. This tegion Is thickly dotted with mines and in growing as a Manu facturing center. At present tho sick and Injured fiom this territory must ho to Plttston or Sctanton for hospital care. Another bill for centralizing town ship schools was Introduced by Mr. Taylor, of Bradford county. It pro vltlcb as follows: bpen lit petition of a nujoilty of the Culintd elvclorj it, j township dMrlit reprenentiritf or owning property amounting to not lo.t than one. fourtli of the cscd wluallon ot a-aiil town hip dlttrlct. the board of rhool illrMtoin fclill :ii "nir piornil to the centralization of t'ie kohooU ol the lonmhlp, dnl if ncceujry pur. Lhtt? a hllr or Kite und riccl u vultalilc tiiilklltig or liiiildlnja thrirvn, fCfntralltjllon" beinj ilahinl to liKan a ratlin of mcIiodU for tl.e tpurwhlp and th jtollrlum'nt of all Mili-dl-trlttf.) In ii tounalilp In vhldi tlii iclioili Imvo uirn iiiitmllrcd, tl.o loanl of rIivol illirctora nrr required to maintain iitid support a (Traded imirgj of liittriutlon, and may include high school t'jiiuf of not IfMt than tiro jcarsi thoy arr ali rtfjiilrrd to lurnlih tranipiii'tition, to nn lumi Hicki', ti all I'lii'lli llilnv moie than tlir"l.iiilU of ,i inllr Iihiti tho loi.tril lulld ln. .tid iliiUnic In i, nirauud from llir rnilosurp immtillatoly mitroundiiii; tliflr r dence to the achool Ii0'jc property, altnrf tli n;.irrt puldk lilfdiwny. Tho .Schcucr bill authorizing tho courts to direct tho sheriff to execute a conveyance where the party who is ordered to do the same, neglects or re Iusch to do so, or dies or becomes In sane, was amended by Ucpresentatlve Jones, of Philadelphia, to Include par ties who lleo the Jurisdiction of tho courl, and went over for pi luting to conic up nexl Tuesday on third read ing. This is tho bill known locally us the "Gannon bill." In that It was par ticularly designed to permit tho tack nwunna court to order tho release ot Jumes antinon, tho aged man who has been in Jail for nearly seven years through lil.s refusal to obey an order from court to execute n conveyance In a case In which ho was defeated. The Leard local option bill is now nt the head of the third leading calendar. It passed second reading by a vote of lOfl to 31. It will come up Tuesday. In the house at the afternoon ses sion tho bill amending the Hamilton road net passed by the legislature of ls7 by taxing cotporatlons and per sonal property for toad purposes passed second reading ns icported from com mittee. A motion to take up postponed bill jestralnlng the furnishing, uso or sale of vinous, sphltuous malt or brewed liquors by clubs and societies without n license was defeated. Among other bills which passed sec ond reading wub that providing that screens and all obstructions shall bo re moved from hotels, restaurants and other licensed places where llquoisi ate sold. T. J. Duffy. BILL TO PREVENT CHILD LABOR A Companion to the Mcasuie to Be Introduced Raising Age Ximit for Children In Factories. Special fiom a Staff Con c-spondiMir. llatrlsburg, Mareli ill. Tho bill to bo presented at the behest of the miners of the bituminous teglons to Insure against children under the age of four teen being permitted to wotk In the mines tends as follows: No child under fo'iibcli Jiurj of ace slnll b rinplojcl in or .nound anv mine, breaker r i a-dmy ultlilii this Half. It clinll not ho lav., ful for any on nor, mpiiintrndint or jgent to Lire any ililld bctuo-ii thi ap of It and til jcir?, without there in firi.t protlilcil and plated on flic an atfidjilt made by the piirnt or Kiir iliati. stating the age, dito and phre of tditli of -it J child. It riiil child hate no parent r gnardUn then ald ntfidailt ithall l; made ty I Iij iliitJ, whiih afHdaiit flull '.: tcpt on ni tiy the cinplojrr and thill lie returned to the clillil Mlien cmplojinent cranes. All pewi bvtoro uhom full alhd.ulu arc administered muit candno all ililldrrn a to their ability to read and urltr. After u taietiil examination, if a ehlld U found unable to lead and write, or lias not attended fchcol a required by law, or under It jcirn ot uue, U Mill be unUnful to Is'.ne a certificate, and in no rare shall the oilleer Mho ccctitH (ertlfleatts, rharco more thai, Uur.lj-fiie cents for adnilnUtnlup the oalh and i.Miintr the irrtiflcate. Tlic Mid affidavit and eeitiflcalc shall be produced for inspection on demand of the mine lnpcctor. See. 2. Any person ho Io)atei any of the proiliioru of thin aet or nfusia to lomply Mith tlio Kiiiio, t.lu)l bo guilty of a mlMhmcanor, and on com kt Ion rhall be punished by a hue of not le-u than ifi), nor more than Vi, for the flrt oflensc. and not leii thin fj. nor more than i100, for the M'Cond oflcme, or imprison ment for not more tlun ten claya, and lor third offene by a tine f i.ot Ici than M and not more than thirty dam In pibon. In all t.udi cae the healing luU be conducted by the aldormin or justice of the peace before whom Infcnnation ii loderd. rind after a full lnarlng of paitics In intcrot the nldcnuan or lusttco of (ho peace idull iirpo.-e a lino herein proided, whiuh kliill be final uulin an apie,il be taken to the louit of iiuaner efilon within twenty dajs from tlio date of the imposition of the fin-, a herein proiided. Set. .1. It (i heicliy mule tho d.ily of tli mine Inpector to cniouf the pioiiMoin ot thlj .nt. Sir. t. All act or MU o! m U iiroiitent with tho luoiisions of lids ail an- htubv to. pulled. This bill Is a companion to the bill to bo Introduced raising the ago limit for the employment of children In all iud'istries from thirteen to fouitcn .vat. lAH'toty Inspector Campbell Is said to be fu. father of this latter bill. It has been decided to drop tho Phil bin bill cieatlng a department of mines and mining. An effort will bo made at the next session, however, to put it through. ' The anthracite miners are to put In n bill requiting tho company to collect from the miners in the pay oiilce thnlr pro rata share of the tost of main taining the cheek welghnian, for the creation of whbh olllce there Is a bill now pending T T. Duffy. NO MORE INTIMIDATION. Patersou Stilkers Have Decided That Such Action Is Detrimental to Their Interests. Ily Ciiliblr Miie from Tie A,ouated l'r" Now York. March 21. Tho strikers who left Frank & Dugan's silk ribbon mill, at Patersou, met today and voted to stop all "setenadlng" and following of non-union weavers who go back to work. Such action, it was dcclated, was detrimental to tho cause of the sttlkeis. Tho strikers Issued a. statement de claring that tho main body of the weavers is not responsible for tho old tashloned custom of Intimidation. Walcott Puts McKeever Out. Hy r.chile M'liV from The AwotUliM l'reu. Walrrbury, Conn,, Jlaicli St, To tlioiiaand people at the Auditorium tonight eaw ,1oe Wal. colt, of New Yorlc, eatlly put Charlie McKeeser, of Philadelphia, cut ot the running In the Mxtli round of what wjj to have been a Ground tie. Tor five rounds McKctur Majed itimclj, iecev. Ing some terrific punlhirent on (hi body, but hoitly before tlio end cf the lth round a punch our the brut Jid the trick Conductor Kills a Negro. Dy Uuluslve w'lin from 'I be Associated 1'ieu. nnnberlai'd. Jld., Manli Si. Conductor Henry f-iullli, in ihaige of u Ilallimore and Ohio tut freight, ordeird two negioe, who worn lealin,; 3 I I'll, nit the train at lirar Hun on the I'llti lunc illiltion. thin morning, Tliey epenfd Ire on him and lie n turned It fatally tlionllrig one of the nejjrou In the head. RIOT REPORTS EXAGGERATED Yet the Situation in Russia Is Un (loiiutcdlu Grave. REGARDING THE KILLED Four Victims Including One Woman Are Mentioned Statements Re garding: the Church Are False No Trouble In the House of Worship Until Cossacks Pressed 300 Into the Church and Tought Them Back to the Wnll. Hy llichi'be Wire fiom The Avocialed IVw. St. Petersburg. March 21. It is sig nificant that though the police repot t on tho recent riots, published as ex pressly stnted, in order to correct false tumors concerning the riots does not deny the most serious of tho rumors circulated, which are to tho effect that men and women wore killed hero and elsewhere. The report doe not men tion the subject of the students. It gives, however, the names of four who died here, Including one woman. Tho tcpoit is not generally credited with being an Impartial statement It is claimed that the passage relating to tho disturbances In the church Is pnrtU cularly distorted, manifestly, It Is said, to prejudice the devout mils-sen against the students, the intellectual element and tin- factory workmen. The statements that students entered the church smoklhi; cigarettes, that a student struck a. priest and another student caught the chief ptiest rudely by the arm. are discredited by eye witnesses. The facts are, the tumble occurred entltely outside the chinch, until th j f'ossacks pressed SOO per sons Into the church and fought them to the back wnll. It Is nNo denied that holy water was used to dtess the wounds. The students sent n church servant expressly for other water. It Is lcaitied now that the police not only prepated for the event themselves but made previous arrangements at one of thf hospitals for the antici pated wounded. Thoy also had car riages ready in neighboring coutt nid.s. Lectures will hardly be posible for tho remainder of the year nt any of the higher institutions. The participation ot the facloiy hands in tho riots Is considered ex tremolyi grave, so far as the future N concerned. It Is understood that measures will be taken Monday to forestall the possible marching of la boring men from tho suburbs to the center of tho city. The society of JltiShlan authors has sent to all tho ministers a. protest against the conduct of the police and Cossacks. Strike troubles have broken out m tho largest of the local Iron wml'i. HOW THE STAMPS MAY BE REDEEMED Commissioner of Internal Revenue Has Issued an Important Circu lar on the Subject. Bj Ktcluiif M'lre fiom The .Woiittnl Vim Washington, March 21. The commis sioner of internal revenue litis Issued a circular relative to the redemption of documentary and ptoprletnry stamps. It says that "unused documentaty and proprietary stamps, Issued under the provisions of the war tevoiiuo ait. for which tho owners have no use. may be tedeemed, but in nil cases theio will bo deducted tho percentage. If any, al lowed to the purchaser. Application for tho tedemptlou of such stamps should bo made to the collector of Interna! revenue from wlmni tho same were purchased, who will supply the appli cant with Kurni IK and noeeary In structions telatlve to the pieparatlon of his claim. "("Malms for the tedemption of ad lioslve doounientoiy and proprietary stamps, If purchased fiom u collector, must contain his certltlc.ito ns to the date and amount of purchase, if pur chased from a dealer in stamp, sui h dealer's certificate as to tho date of sale to claimant and the certificate of the collector as to dato of sale to the dealer must bo furnished. .Stamps that are not In the same condition as when Issued will not be tedeemed, unless their condition is tatlsfactorlly ac counted for, "Documentary and proprietary stamps can bo redeemed only when presented In quantities of $2 or more faco value, and no claim for tho redemption or allowance for such stamps can be al lowed unless presented within two years after tho purchase of said stamps from this government, "All claims for the u-denipllon of stamps imprinted on ediecks, drafts and other Instruments must be enteied of record and forwarded by the collector of the district In which tho ouler fop tlio imprinting of tho stamps was put chased. If the claimant resides In a district, other than that In which said order was puroluised, his claim Miould be prcpaied and deposited with tho collector of the district in which he re sides," Directions aio then given with tefei ence to the forwarding of stamps for redemption and other details. An Anti-Clgftictto Bill. Ily Kuclusbe Mire fiom The Amcm kited, Pie. M. Paul, Marili ill. -Ily a tote of .' to nt (he heme this afternoon n.ied tho mute hill pm. liililtlug the manufartuic iuIo or giilug imuv of cigarettes. m Mrs. Nation to Lectihe. Ily Knludio Wire fiom The Aoelated I'ie Topeka, KaiiM. Mairh SI, r t'anl Natl.iu has signed a rontuct lor ! lcctur. to ho clMn In Cincinnati, Mie will icielie kMO f, r ,H.th of the Iritureii and all nf her rAp-ina, CUDAHY KIDNAPPER. Shot Iff Johnson, of Dallas, Texas, Claims to Have a Confession. Ily Kuludto M'lre fiom The Auoclalcd I'reu. Dallas, Tebj, Mrtrch 21. Sheriff Johnson tonight made this statement. "II. C. Henderson this evening con fisied to me and County Attorney Simmers that he is one of the Cuduhy kidnappers. His confession was made voluntarily. Ho stated that he had squandered and used in fleeing from Omaha most of tlio money ho got ns his share In the kidnapping Job befote T arrested him In this city as a suspect 1'iitly in February. County Attorney Htuuuets asked Henderson why he had not admitted Ids identity earlier and he said: "Ilerotofoie when I have been In tumble I havo had a man between mo and the court house, but now I sen there Is no chance to get out of thir teen sentences on my convictions hero in Dallas for theft and t might as well own up to the Omaha Job." MRS. NARAM0RE KILLS HER SIX CHILDREN Awful Deed of an Insane Woman at Coldbiook, Mass. Iti- I.Mluii lr, (toiii Tiie Isson.iled l'ien. Coldbiook, Mass.. Mareli Jl.Mrs. Lizzie Xaranioie. while In a fit of in sanity tills afternoon, killed her ids children at her home, a farm house half a tulle lrom tills village, and then tried to take her own life. The children ranged from 10 years to a babe of ten mouths and their lives were taken by their mother with an nxo and a club. She laid the blood dt em lied bodies on tho bod?, two on one bed mid the other four on a bed In another room, and then attempted to take her own lire by cutting her throat with a razor. When discov ered she was In the bed on whl-'H tho I odles of four children wens lying. Kaeh of the children had evidently received several blows, ns their heads were terribly bruised and blood was scattered In all directions about the rooms. Mrs. N'aramoro had evidently mad preparations for the deed, as the doors were all locked and barred with sticks ot wood. About !i o'clock tonight Mrs. Xara inore experienced n change for the vote. and it Is believed she will not live through the night. Her husband has been In th" hotel, but he has not made any request to see her since his airhal. mitchell'sTetter to operators Text of the Communication to Rail toad Presidents Officials Ob ject to Speaking of It. lb i:tluslie Who from The votiatfd Pie-, Philadelphia, March 21. The letter sent by President Mitchell, of tho United Mine Workers of America, and the presidents of the thiee anthracite? coal districts to the operators, request ing a Joint conference, was made pub He hero today. The communication includes the pre amble and resolutions adopted by tho tecent miners' convention at Ilozleton. Pa., which authorized the national board and district olllcers to negotiate for a conference with the operators nnd left the question of a strike to their judgment, and continuing, says: It i' M''dli. to sav tint the members and ofOiers nt tho 1'iilted Mine Woikeu of Ameiii'.i aie CMCcdinsb" il'tlmm of aveiliug htnkcs and the untiling incidinc thereto; and it U (he opinion of ihe oltleir.i ulirw ;unns aie attached to tliil coiimiuiih'alion that if the riLfCnl.ltln of the nutlir.iclte coil inirjimr nlko-iis wimld Join with !! in baling ,i lonlrtrtii a an .unliable solution could le lound: and we would therctore ii'ipiest that If tin Migeitlom rotit illicit beitln regarding rnnfeienre met with luur .ippinial mu uotlty in at fvrjiilcTi, whin we will gladly wait upon ou in tho ill f :'nv York oi at nnv oilier pi no nliUU woi.M null ; our coniinb cite We fiel lb,' ion Idi'Mid n tor the im muii Per uf turn, women ind ildlduu ilcjicndcnt upon the o.Ml Inditaire for .1 tin bin ml Ihm1iI Imp; lot: to adopt ,i mm iluloi ' i oure m tri Itnij II.U ktihji','1 ami to jei'iiin- the iiupendili; tlllie. llailroad ojruials In this city were avrcro to (.peaking about tho letter, and ?ome even declined to admit that such a communication had boon re. reived. Coughlln Signs wltlt Washington. Hy Ketitiie W'lie holll The .Uvxi.ite.1 Pifs. Philadelphia. Manli SI. Willi (lie adoption of the nlirdulc lor the ,caon of 1001 the meeting of (ho Ameiiian 'league of luto bill clubs came to an end lale tlili afternnon, 'he entile ira. Moil was devoled b tho ionldi'i.itiou of ths wl.cdulo and it was imanimomly Adopted. Man. .iji r .lame Manning, nf th Wahinglon ilub, tiudalit Mimed thiid baviiuii William Cunghllu, nf Koruiton, Pa. tVnulilin plajed In KanH City Iat tea-son. m , Steamship Arrivals. Ily r.eliibe Miie from Tlio AMoclatrl 1'ten. .Vew Veil:, Jf.iiih Si. Arrlitd: IVnnIiani.i, llnmbuig, lloulo.no find I'll mouth. hilled Kcfhington, Antwup la Soiillumpton! 'Aqtilt alne, Ifiue. fjue.-iidowii Aitlicd: (JtTmanlc, fioin 'cw York. Kall-di Trnlnnlo (fiom l,l. erpool), N'ew Veil;. Hotterdam -llrd: Kol trrilam. Ilouloxne and Xe,v Ycul.. Aid Asked for Destitute. Il.v bulii'he Mho (rom Ihe Auoelated I'lew. Indlauapolii, Uirdt SI. lluiernor Pmblii to day isul a pioilamatlon lo the people of tho Mute, afldng tor aid for the destitute ol Mem phis, Clark count). Two bundled people) wne rendered liomelen and ih',tliuti by fire nhkb. binned flfly-five boustf. Big Warehouse Destroyed. Ily I'Acbikbe Mlro from The Atoclalcil Pre". Chliogo. Manh Sl.I'iic lonigtit totally de tiniiil the large wanhoue of J. . Void, John on a Co., ni Mtrcnth flicet and M'abaali aio nut'. The building and einylhlng In.ldo Mat tnlniil. Tim los U entirely covered by lnur iii.ee. rtesldcnt Dloa Congratulated. Ilr t!i lii-lii' Mbe tmm 1h4 AvneliteH 'ir. Mfsli (Il, Manh 21 -Provident Plat ii Minifl hi oIHiIjI laboit lit the lillloiul patair and rii'ilnil tlie ii ugiatulitlnni ol n hiimlirr ol nsiple on lil ii'-toi.illon tn liW tLiual hiMllh TROOPS TO BE WITHDRAWN Both Russian and British Forces Retire lrom Dis puted Ground. STILL ON THE LOOKOUT Soldiers to Leave at Five O'clock This Morning Orders Issued That No British Officer Shnll Leave Camp Without Furnishing His Ad dress to the Adjutant Marines Re turn to Ships Arrangements by tup French Commander Begarded ns Completely Satisfactory. Ily i:ihi-ip Wire from The Axsotiited 1'ie-s. Pekln, March 22, 2 n. m. Tho Urltish and P.usslan troops will be withdrawn fiom the disputed ground nt Tlen Tslii nt . o'clock this morning (Trl diiy) thereby avoiding nil trmble nt present. Older have been Issued, however, that no Ttrltlsb oilleer shall leave, or oen "sleep out" at night or go to dinner, without furnishing his :iddres to tho adjutant. The Marines will lettlin to ilt- shins. Admiral Seymour objects to nnv of the Australian naval brigade, who volun teered for service on the railway, te-n-ainlng. The military authorities say ln does not understand the nlttntion, that his Interference Is uncalled for nnd the the Australian marines tire just the men needed. The Russians havo oitleivd a tegl ment to proceed from Port Arthur to TIcn-Tsln. The arrangements by Oen3r.1l ll.l lloud, the French commander, are 10 gr.rdiMl as completely satisfactory tnd all danger of a collision betwvin the Prltlsh and French Is consider 'd ob viated. COMPANY'S OFFER FAIR. Opinion of Chief Wllkins with Refer ence to Jersey Central Wage Scale. Ily KNcliulie Wire from The Associated Pre.-. Wllkes-Uarrc. March 21.-C. TT. Wll kins, chief of the Urothcrhood of Rail way Conductors, held a conference In this city tonight with tho employes of the Central Railroad of New Jersey. Tho company recently presented a new scale of wages to Its trainmen for their consideration. It Is said some of the conductors were not satlsfleel with the scale, but Cdilcf "Wllkins said tft the Associated Press repot ter to night that he thought the company's offer was a fair erne nnd that It would be accepted. Relative to the position the conduc tors would take-; In case the anthra cite miners decided to go out on stt Ike, Chief Wllkins said the trainmen would hardly bo called upon to lake a' hand in the comllct, SEVEN ROBBERS KILLED. Bond Dispeised by Captain Preiss at Pno-Ting-Fu. Ily i:ilu.-le Wile bom 'flic As-oii.ilrd Pies. Uerlln. March 21. The oilleer com manding tho Gorman troops in Pekln cables to the war olllce here that owing to the complaints of the Inhabitants a band ot robbers bos been dispeised by Captain l'relss. with a squadron nf cavalry nt a village feiriy-elght kilo metres west of I'oa-Tlng-Fu. Seven of the robbers were kllb d and wounded: the others were Imprisoned and handed over to tin- Chinese court for trial. Major Von Muehlmann lias started from lMo-Tlng-Fu with thiee conipnnlerf of Infantiy, a sctiadroti of cavalry and a train of mountain artil lery for place to tho eastward of Tao-Ma-Kuan. lie Is proceeding against a largo band of jobber-. Auti-Saloon League. Hy lAiludic Mire fiom The Associated l'ie-, llinbbiirg, Manh 21. -The .-lale eoiiuutioii ot tlio Pennsylvania, Antl-tsiloon lraauo opened in thLi ellv tonight with devotional eTerci-c.s, followed by uddrnses by Itev. Dr. Hughes O. fSlbbons. of Philadelphia, and William MiXally, of tlaiiUlmrg. Ilcv. Dr. SI. M. Mucdv, of New Yoik, will ve,tk tomorrow on "The llda tlon of the Catholic, Chilli h In the Temper unie Cau-e." 1 1 1 Wish to Devlop Rubber. By IWcluiiie W'lie Item The Afioelittd Prei. Washington, Maicli 21. 'tin Jtafc of Amazoiu, Iliacll. defiling to dciclop tho tutiber trade In that wetion, offer a irduftloii ot 10 or l'i per rent, of the export duties, on rubber and petrols tdnn to cut and pack in Hi own bonded i-loiri to .1 syndicate that will tuke chaigo of tho tude, acconilng to Information icrelvcd ut tho mate ikpirlnient fiom t'nlted ''toil"! (.'otnul Kenned ly at I'aia. m 1 Rowe nnd Kelpor on Trial. Py llxclutbe Mire from The Aa-ncUtcd 1'ieu. Ilanlsburg. Match 81. Ilciirj1 Howe and Wat hon Kclpei. who are alleged to liae hot and killed L'jJiIer Chalice ltiau. of tlio Hallux National bank, of llallfav, lajl Thuri-day, were analsned in thu Pauphin county court today (or minder and pleaded net guilty. 'Ihey wiiu immediately placid 011 trial and almo.-t the er-tlio day vm taken up In the selection of a juiy. in Rev, Levy Accepts. Ily l'.clulve M'lra from The Attcclatrd l'ie. Pldladelphla. Maii'h 'Jl Tie llev. Ilr. .1. I.eo lurd laiy, anclalo 1 alibi ot Kriieselh ImoI, bu at'crptcd hli election a labbl of the con eicgallou of Ilodef Slialnni, of I'lttibuig, jt in annual stipend of 7,ooe. Murdered Tlnee Children. Il. relu-lie Wire from Th Anclalril I're. Walmllle, J JI.111I1 2l,--.laiuli IVarboinr, uf ('III, Ion, miiidered hie Unci' ihihlun lo,.i) with jn ae at their homo In (ha' town TIIE NEWS THIS MORNING. Weather Indication Today. FAint LOWCff TCUPCKATURC, 1 C.ctieral Vaughan Hill lleported to tlic House. Odrll-t'litt CotilrniiTHjr. lliw-lan Illot HomiU Ihagftrratecl. Tiuce In ffo llrillh Adair In China, 2 neneral Carbonilale Department. a I.ocil No Replies, to Silne M'orUts' Imita tion. Wlk MiIUm Issue 1 Statement. 4 IMitorial, Xotn and Coiiment. 6 1-ocal Cleicr Ittue nt llemoeiaile (oimiilmn. Objections to the I'ropesed Sllncri" httiU. C Local We-t Seranloit and Suburban. T (Jeneral Xotlhea.lcrii lVtmy!urJ.i. I'lnancijl and Commercial. 8 I.oial-I.he Kew cf the IncitutlUl Wotld. NO OPPOSITION TO JUDGE ARCHBALD His Candidacy Favored by Congiess- man Connell Aspirants for the Tederal Court Offices. Bpo.-'.l fiom ! Staff (.'orte.ponde'i' Hai-ilMiurir, March 21. Cougrc-anuii -Minell left lor Wasblnglon at J. M thli tiftcinoon. to look after the lining of tho new Federal coutt offices. He Is committed to the candidacy 'if .Judge Arcbbald. of Lackawanna, for Judge; i-sc-Seiiator McCattell, of Dauphin, for i-lstrlct ntlotney, nnd Sol Raeharch. of Wllke.s-Hano. fofmaislial. He will consult with Senator Pentose before announcing ills choice for clerk. There Is po opposition to Judge Arcbbald and ex-onator McCatiell has practically n clear Hold. Mr. Hacliaraeh would be falrlv sine of the mcrshalshlp. If It were not for the f.irt (hat the present maishal of the dlsttlct. Fied C. Leonard. Is a resident ol Potter countv, which I In the newly formed disttlct. II- has ten months yet to serve as matshal of the western district. If npopinled for the iii'iv disttlct, he will have a term of four yeats. He ! satlslled to enter Into nnv arrangement which will save him fiom being legislated out of of llee, nnd probably snnm such arrange ment will be made. One means lo this end which bus been considered l to l;ae some one temporal Hy appointed for the western district until Mr. Leonard can gain icsldence tlieto .-.nil then appoint him permanently for the new four-year teint. T. ,1. Duffy, THE PHILADELPHIA M. E. CONFERENCE Second Day's Session at Stroudsburg Is Full of Interest Young Preachers Admitted. Py Kclii,- Wire iioin The Aa-oilitcd I're.s Stroudsburg. Pa., Match 21. The sec ond day's session of tho Philadelphia Methodist Kpltcop.il conference was lull of interest. Ulshop Joyce made a Mil rln e addtess to the young jiieach ot'R Just admitted. The class this year Is composed of Charles Wesley Hums, Henry H, Noon, Thomas S. Mlnker, Daniel A. Klnkle. Alvln h. f'ojiper. .lohn Fllety, William '. Hiving, A. Lincoln Shnlloop, n. ('nffmnu. II. P. Morgan did not take the examination, c.hniles H, shirk was also admitted. Wllmer K, Coft'man was continued on ttlnl in the second sear, but was excused from .studies of the year. Charles II. Stride was admitted Into full membership. Hugh V. Mor gan was conl lulled on til.il In the sec ond year studies. Rev. J. (!. Rlekcfton je.id tlie 'leport of tho Philadelphia Collegiate Institute for Olrlp. The committee on twentieth cen tury thank nffeiiug lcpoiied as fol lows: Thus far the iln.ulal efforts under this movement In our conference ter tltoiy has been conllned largely lo tlio paying of debt on our church and par sonage property. At the last si'sslon of our annual conturetice It was te poited that during the pi needing year $lfvO.O.!S had been paid on church In debtedness, then- yd icmaltiod debts amounting lo M.Mfi.OTl. During the ptesent year the eifort to get rid of this heavy load has continued wltlt notable success and about $'.'00,000 will be paid on this nccoiml. Tho entile amount ii-poited for tho thank oiferlng was $;iji,!is.'i. Seveial anniversaries were held to night. m -'- Advance in Iron. B, Dviiudie Wira from Tin- AhsocIiIhI Pien, Pilt.hurg, Muili 21. Ileselller pig iion hai been avh.nid-l again, a aalo ot fiu tliomind ton having been made at $lfi.V) at the valley futnafifi, Thl in emilralent to -417.''."i a ton de. llified in PitUburg. Hie latttt pi lie It $t a ton hlcher 1 han ww paid by the Carnegie corn piny lor the l.'iil,(Ml ton contract placed two month? itcn. sheets aie 4ifl a ton hlgheii bills, il hlgheri plate, jlO loer, and lin, V! iilehrr. Effotts to Consolidate Furnaces. fly Hvela-be M'iie from Tlie A-rorlalisI Picni. oiing.tuwn. Manh 21.- It U lepnrted here that flloiH are being 11 dc lo loiwdldite all the bl.il iinnicee in Ihlw dlsliht. While the Mahoning vallcv maKtiM aie ieirint as to (heir petition in tlic matter it is htaled that several of the leadlm miiiufjrtiiitr.. of pig (mu In Ihli el!)' will decline w enl'r the piopm-d lumblii.tlon. California Oranges Rotting. Ity t.'clubf Mini fiom Tl.o Aieoclated I'ren. (hleago, Maich 21.- OlilcliN of the f-anta Vc lallroad loday ioiifl nied irporu from California thai mlllioni of iloll.ua north of manges in Hut Mate ar lottlna in the packing hou-ci iind on the grounds of the grove, becaue ol Ijm U of traiicpoilallon facilliies in movii lite eiiorniom nop D. & H. Trainmen Oet Increase. Hy Kxrtiiilie M'he from The AteurUtnJ I'rev, M'llkei-Ilarre. llaicli 21. The Iklawain and Ibidvii riallioad cirnMny bai rm-led nolltos Citing the trainmen naplojed on the 10.1l bunrhe an liureav; In wage of troin tbe lo twenty ernta a daj. PLATT AND 0DELL BREAK The Governor o, New York Posi tively RCiiises to Be Made a monkcu 01. EXCITEMENT AT ALBANY Mr. Odcll Settles All Doubt its to Who Will Be Governor of New York by Notifying: Mr. Frank Plate That He Will Tnko No Ordcts. Will Not Sign the Police Bill. Hy l.xiliulte Wire fiom The Adulated Pics Albany. Mulch 21. It is Odell. Ilu settled all doubt last night as to who Is governor ot the stute when he told Frank Piatt that he would not take the oiders nnd the police bill which Senator Piatt had sent up to him. The bill wan a metiopolltau police niensui-j for the district Included in Now Yorlc city and In the Croton wnteished, and the orders wete to havo it Introduced, passed and signed. Mr. Odell said ho would not sign It. He said this in language which none can misunder stand: "I shall not sign It." said tho gover nor, "nnd I do not desire to sign any other iolle legislation for Xow York-. I should piefer to bo on pleasant terms with Mr. Piatt, but I ought not to be asked to mako a fool of myself. Frank Piatt lit ought up here today a metro politan police bill wltlt a provision In it that Its constitutionality might bo tested In tho courts aftr it should be enacted nnd before It should go Into etfect, by a. (uo warranto proceed ing to try the title to ills olllce of the state superintendent of police for tho metropolitan district, whom I ntn ex pected lo appoint under the bill. I won't be made n monkey of. "I told Mr. Frank Piatt so and ho said some uiiilcnsant things nbout my political future, but I havo the duties of my office to consider and I will not sign a bill like this." Mr. riatt's Statement. New York, March 21. Senator Tho. C Piatt tonight gao out a statement concerning police legislation, In which he says: t fcoine tio-vu en are trjirR In tinko a qi'i'f lei betwrnfiuicmor OJHI atidt-jjclf. In y will not nuoccrd. As to much has been said about, police legls. lalion, it aecnn to mo proper that I tdiould Male ny own position. The laws againt gamblinr. dlsnrdeily lei-oits, ailei cf liquor under prohib ited conditions mil other lawn for tho iupprc aion of lice in the city ot New York aie wot nforcul by the police. Tlio police appear in be pnlcttii! the Hnbi rakers. Such protection can enly bo explained on the theory that money u leliig paid therefor by lawbreaker. Thu condition haie ticomo no bad tint citizen biro been forced tn oiganue a committee to d,i the work which ought to be done by the police. 11 ii evident that nurli illegal leortn a gnu blir.g lioiiH'H and pod loom, cannot exist unle.e their location ind the facilities which they olfer are geneialh- kno'Mi. Tlie pollio leablation en.ietcd at t tic present e.lon of (he lcgislaloie wan llioui,lit by sonii tn be an adeipiate icnudi for the ciiM thr-i eclating. Ilio only rllect ot tliU ligUlaliou i-'cim lo ban- been tn Intre.w tlie rffleiemy of the police force a an agency tor the encourase nient cf clime and the colli ctlon of nionri from rrlmlnaN. I do not ii'id'itird that tlminior Ok'll takes IbMie with me on ,-iry of the fan aboie tateil. I 'llnI.iT-t vjn 1 tli.it he iloet noc dislie to picpusc aildiilonal polho legldatiou for the city of New loik during tho preciic mlon of the legislature, bci.iue the pioi.io tlon by him of any new legislation at iU nes fion would idai-e him In a mole or le nntj(. oliihllo po-Itlou to the lieu eicwd by him in hie fiiit mii-age in tlie legblatuie, and be. cimo id the iltbnw uf New Yiuk elty do not 111.0 police klicMnad their bet lemrily l n lie found not by an ipp, ,d tn tlie lrgldature hue at the polN. The giiwnior ).inlikr tlie o ohjectlona t. .iildlllcr.il polhe li;i-htlon nt thU ehinn ot the liali-laitiro sound. I do not. 'Ibis it th, oub- ditleiince bttween t. In the lie ir (iilni.i (lino will probably lx t ronfeiciue of foiuo leaihu of the Republican piily. I hue im interest in ibi miller cviept to adviia) wlnt MiiiiH lo inc to be (or the pubbo good. 1 am nadr in accept any com luv.ir wbli b may be reai I id at ,rh a lonfcienie. DEATHS OF A DAY. Ity I'lclmiie Wire fiom 'Ihe liuild l'iee. Heading, Manli VI. llev. Dr. 1'rederlcl. . Miiehhnhrig, who Hies here and wa one of t i besi laimvu l.u'.bii.in clergimen In Amem i, 1 1 lilt cl. died here tills altriiioou, aged SJ. Ho w.i-i tho tio-t piesident of Muehlenbcrg collea , ami for lourtern lears va l.ri'iL pinfisor in the rnlieii-lly cf Ptnnylianli llo-loti, Mink SI. ealdrgrjui leeched t v I. I'cler C'laih, general nuperlntindent of tint cistern ill'ttict ot tho New Yoik and New llanip Khlie, aniioiimeil the dialh of ( haile 11, ( iarl . former prenhluit of tlio mail (in I pre.ldeut of Hie Iloalou Trnnln.il coinpanv at Nice, nhrio ho had gouo la fearch nf lic.ilth, Mllttantce, Mirch 2I.-I:. M. Shape, one of Ihe ohlent tclrgrapii men in (hi country, die, lieie today ot anno pneumonia. Mr. shape has been chief opiratoi ot the Mit-tcrn I'nlon Telegraph eompany aL llm point tor the pasi thlityiflve jraia. Six Millions In Liquid Air. Ily i:clusltn Wire from Tlie Asnclitcd 'ies. Tuiilon, Manh Sl.The ronwlldated Itallua. Mghtlng and Itcfiigcrallng eompiuy waj incor piralel bio today with mi authorized capii.il cf tl',0li,'"'i(l, li eoiupiny u Ininied to inau.i tacture and hupply the electricity. g., oil, coin ptcised or llipilil air to ho ued in eonneitioii wllli tho lighting, heating, lei.'iucratlng, iinlli alliig aid cleaning of t.ill'uy cara and lclilclee of all klndi. Died at n Horse Sale. Hy i:clu.lie Mhe from Tim j.oilalcd I'rei5. kcbaroii. Pa., Maicli 3l.--Mrllo atlending liorte rale hero Ihli allernrun .lir.inl.ih D. I'ither wai ttiitken with apoplexy and died. He was treasurer nf tho county iihmlioii'o and uai ,e former dlrntor of the pour, Mr. Cither 71 J can ui age. t - -f f-f WEATHER FORECAST. f M'a.lilnatou, Manh l'i. I'orcrait for lilday and Mluidi.ii a item Pcnn'jl-lanla-l'alr 1'ild.i.i and piobibly satur ilait loiM'i iimperaliiie I'rldaji hrlit Witt to toulhwol winds. tHtlft4 tttttt J VI