' THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE THURSDAY, MARCH 21, 1901. Jonas Long's Sons. MANY .... STORES . . COMBINED NORTHEASTERN PENNSYLVANIA Groceries. Not how cheap, but how good. The highest grades of foods are always at the low est possible prices. Will be a little particular today in giv ing full descriptions, that you may know how carefully we care for your table wants. omatoes" Scotland" brand, solid cold packed whole tomatoes, thoroughly upened, uniform in size, per ease $i.;o, per can 9c: Coffee-"Mexican Java," a nJi aromatic blend of delicate full llavored and smooth, heavy-bodied Moca, $ lbs. ,51.15: per lb. 25c. tvaporatcd rears Finest ilavored California Baitletts, no core, 2 lbs. 25c. Catsup Made fiom red, upe tomatoes, carefully sea soned, per bottle, 10c. 0 fives Fancy Marzenillas, best quality, per qt., 35c. Rallston's Foods A full line of these famous cereals, including Breakfast Food, Barley "Food, Health Oats mid Health Flour. Anchovy Paste Crosse & Blackwell's, imported, per jar, 10c. Cheese Miller's Royal Par agon in fancy jars, 10c. S.weedish Spiced Sardells, glabs jars, 18c. Condensed Milk Kite biand, extra large full size cans, sweet and wholesome, three cans, 25c. Maple Syrup Absolutely pure, full weight, per bottle, 23c. Sardines Imported, in to mato sauce, per can. 18c. vaporatcd Apples Fancy !cw York State, per lb., 8c. Ceylon Malaya lea The best Ceylon tea imported, 1 2 lb. tin cans, 30c. Jams All flavors, pure fruit, large 1 lb. glass jars, 15c. Jellies Pure fruit and 'jar, all tlavors, 10c. Chili Sauce Man Camp, large bottle, 9c. Soups Anderson's Con centrated, all kinds, one can makes six portions, three cans, 25c. (ioldcn Prunes ExtYa. large fancy, a little tart flavor, 25c. Cottolenc Large size pails, 45c. Lye-Popular brand, con centrated, high test, six cans, 25c. 17;?;o7a--High test house hold, large one-half gallon bottle, 1 6c, Codfish Boneless fancy Georgia Banks, per lb., 8c. Cream of Cod Prepared with great care, three pack ages 25c. Holland Herring New, per keg, 82c. WYOMING SEMINARY. Special tn thr Stranton Tribune. Khippton, ln Mnrch 20. The tu dents nro icjolclng over tliu loturn of Mies HusfoII, the popiiliu- teni-licr of nlKolirii, who liim been away for sev eral weeks. Omit excitement tan tluoiitclt tliu hfillfl yesttcnliiy morning when sotnu of tliu seniors found a Junior ling lloatliis over Commerclul linll. Hut liy tlio holdnrna ot the senloVs It sonn cnnu down. ' The Athletic association will Rive an entertainment In Nelson Memorial hall Friday ewnlnj; next. The follow ing will take part: Hiss Suitlu Kulser. Miss farlmrt. Miss I.ane. Mr. Earnest Jlennott, the Independent Glee club and tlio Ampliyltton Uaujo club. A debate between the Lyceum ot Caznovla and the Independent society will bo given Wednesday evening, the "9th Inst., In Nelson Memorial hall. Hesldes the debate there will be given other entertaining numbers. Dr. Warfleld. ot Lafayette chIIcrc. wiih a visitor at the seminary yester day. Martin Christian, of Liiceyvllle, has begun the commciclal course. Hairy Weatherwax, of rortland. N. Y.. and Mr. Cass, of Orwell, tliadfoul county, arc among the new students. Miss Nellie Hillings has returned to hir home In Tunkh.mnock. I). K. Allen has returned to his home in Hlnghamtou. On account of the sickness of his father. Hen Sutton returned to his home at Montpeller, Vt. TUNKHANNOCK. Special tn Hip "crauton Tribune Tunkhannock, March iO. Mis. Jos eph I.tiee Is seriously 111 at her home on I'lno street with pneumonia. Harry-Welch, of Say re, wa visiting friends and relatives In town on Tues day. The Haptlst Young I'eoplV Union will hold a ten cent (10c.) social at the home of Mr. Charles Horgess on Har rison stieet, this Wodne-J lay evening. ManiaRo licenses have been Issued to AVIlliam Chlckester, of liliigluuuon, N. Y., and Miss Gertrude May Hlcli. of Cainclen, N. Y., and also to V. U. Wnt klns and Miss JIary K. Jennings, of I.enion, ln. Mrs. Dean Sampson Is confined to the lioti-e with the giipjie. S. .ludson Staik, of Hcianton, wiio haa b"en visiting his family at tills place slnco last Friday, letutned to his business lu Soranton yesterday. Charles Slslj, of Faetoryvllle, was doing business lu town on Monday. Miss Nellie Hillings ,n student at Wyoming seminary, spent Sunday with her parents on East Tioga stieet. Judge Fiank M. Vaughn, of Meshoppen. was doing business at the court house on Tuesdav. NICHOLSON. Frecll to the Scranton Tilhure. Milinlfnn, Marili 20. -Mr. W. W. Ji,lmun, an .iriiI and i i-peili il titiren of this plait', died .it lilt leslilcnt-e on Stale .tuct Miud.i iiioniing :il 10 o'tloil;. Ho luil bten idel. lint a week .mil was tonl.ued to his bed wariily a il.iy befon the mil tame on Similar moinlni;. Mr. .lohnsuu was lioin ,liil. !, llr, in Oianirr rnunty, X. . lie rami; In (lirloiil, l'a., in lo.il, ami jt nut liul In 1811 in Mi-s ltootta Voting, who --till Mini lis liili). Hi' had In I'll A H'-iililiL of till place about at jcar. Itciiles his wile he i mr spoil liy tnu H'lis alul two ilaunhtcr, 1'. V. .luhn urn ami Mix. Nettle il.-on. of this piloe, Mr ,1. II. Mtpliens of Ito.ial, ami .1. V. .Mm-on, of Siautuu. 'I ho funeral i-eniics wire lulil at hi liti' residence Tueda inoruln: at halt part iilm o'llock. Ue. I,. I,. I,ewi, of the 1'nliers.illst dim ill, liail tharco ot tlie seriit'e", .H-i.ilcil ,j Itev. I.. K. Sanfotil. Interim nt wa mail, In the (lifltml icintliij. TOUR TO WASHINGTON. -o Kippered Herring Macen ochic, imported, large oval cans, 20c. JONA LONG'S SONS FACTORYVILLE. Hpeilal to tl.c Soranton Tribune. IV.Ltnri 111c. Minli 20. .Mr. and Mm, VinI llinnaii, of Niiitlilnny, Colin., nu pi ml Inn leu ilajs lure at the home ot Mrx. Ilmnaii'ii parents. binkrnan li.nl his leys wrlnu.ly Injured In Ihe jard last Mindly inonilinr. Kirk Ntuctunh, while nittlni wooil for Hiram 1'iuptr thN inouilii;, n "tlik llnv up atnl miuil. Mill In Hi- rje Mtloudy Injuring It. III. I'llili 'llr'fnl (he ununili It inpilrlnh nwu Mltilii'i to Ik- lilidi. 'Itic nlnlit, lotlunilily. nj not ili)tnl Injiiinl, Paul Slii'iuooil, W'lRo. Il.il ii', u,i a lallrr lu in Tiitiilay. Hie funeral of tlie ,ilo l.jnun S. I Uc a cninliKtril tioiii lli family irlil(inp on Miir Mrirt Tueiliy nfldliooii at 2 mloik. An ! cculliinly larse loncouri-o of ftirmU ami rrla thm .trinlilcil lo pjy tlieir In.t tcpecln In ll ili'iuilul one. ltr. II. II. Smith, of tlio l'ht HiptK liiirc.li, of 1I1N pUic (ami of liltli tin ildeanl at .1 inciiibi-O, ml iliatRp of Hie mi Uv a the liotu-. Urt. p,-. I,i.SJn, of r.m Ion, a fnnncr fiajtor of the iIciimmI, otliiiiiB; the prayer. 'Ihc tinner Inaurii cn '.. ).. IMinK .t. I'. Waltir mul Mr. Hem. The l.. Mi'ilc IoiIkp of Hi t-t pluu, of Mlikli the iIiiiiimi! Ma a pictnliifiit tiKinlirr, li.i.l iluic,- of ilir fenlce3 at ihe ruip. lultriiienl a? mule in llievietn leineliTj hy Puneial Hlivuor (Iiuitc W. "tiinton. MIm S11.1I1 Pike, it iw W iltj, i .pet.il lint koine time hi-re with iier parrntK. 1'hlue.n Stantmi, fallur of our Mill knoun towiMiuaii, (I. IV. Stanton, illcl at hl. horn ill lleiitm tmlay fiom a triiki- of p.iral.inl.. The funeral Mill lake place 1'rlJij at 10 ho from llie MethoilUt KnlMopal i liureli. r'tililllr, la. In teiment nlll lie made lu I'.ilr livn cuuiteiy, H.ihr.ii, Pa. Hie i:pnnilh le.uiip nf II, i Mi'hoillt llpii i opal iliiiuh Mill Kie id,. fullundiB limine of leiturm ami riilrrt.iliimiiil for Hie lienellt of tin Iimriip Piiiby cieiiin.'. M,inh , 1W, Urture lij llev. M. I). 1'iillrr. of .lirnun. Pa. Nilijei t, " Trip Tluougli lulanil Aihnlwlon, 10 int I'lnlay eunlm;. Mmh i, Hmmr Crecn, en , .f llone-rflale. the poet ami author. Mill plp re.ul- Insn from hl onn 'erk, pnWblietl ami iitinuli. IWieil. Tufxlay eirnluif, April l, tl.c I tnpU Mamlolin ami dollar dull, of IHiiRiiamton, .V. Y Mill lie the attraction. The club I" iompoei ot the rollouing nTpp Aiti l.ldtltlk'e I'ary. flrtt inamlollnl Mr. (hailm It Wiboii, tlr-t maiiilolln! flan Prater Line, eronil liiamlollnj Cir.eilete Halt., guitar; -Ml'. .Iml-on s Sew In?, Ciillnr, DURYEA. frulil to the Soranlcn Tribune. ' Huryea, March 10 Mlclurt Millimli, a ie rpcited rltlzcn (I 'Mil IViire, illcit at Ills lali tump In tint plate Tiumlay. 'flip deceaieil Ma SO J curs of aire ami liai lieeu Millcllnjt for two jinn, 'flic ilenaeil wm held In lili;li tstecm In thl. plaie. ti quit in liteh maw Mill be cele lirati I In tli Old I'm lie Calholli cliiinti and Inlirnieiil In the Mlnooka t'alholli leinetery till' iiiornli g. 'Ilir ilcrraml wa foi'mrly n rildeiit of Mlr.oika on 1 I. fnuihi-tl by a Mldovs' mid K ihlldiiii, natiiit): .Mm. -lame tt.iuiiiu.iy, .laine. Ilini.Mil, Ihi'in.H, lth'r mul Kale Mcllimli; al-o by ll.ne bintber and tnu lnn". Illllull No. '.', neleiit Ihiler ot llilnllii.1i", nrn nirltigliig b hold mi ruliitiimi.eni mil ililue at .Mt'tiull'n li.ill Kasfrr Monday, April S. Vhe (hulr of the lltiek Mellmdl.t Kplvopal iliunli will buhl uiand tiilertalmiKlit lu the nudllnilim ot Hie iliunli I'rklay eienlux. All aie (onllally imitid. Mix (iertnidc I'i.hou, a mtilnt in the lllnpiiLhuiK State Nollil.ll mhool, l npimlimi lur lacnllon mIIIi tier parrnta. Ml I'luilotte (In mi, a ntudtiil ol the I'.jm MromLsbuiif stale Noimal hool, U alo enjoj I nit tier Kilter araiioii at the home of her limlliir. Mil. Joliii ,lohn, of Poole stieet. lauieM W. and Pan.y Meele, of ('aibouilale. are il.ltlni,' at Hip Iioiiip of Mr. and Mia Prank Care, of Clou- utieet. Paul Will. ill hi reunited hi aaleon from hn former )tand to Ihe I lear.t plaie. Hip fumr.it of (icti"l, I lie infant daiiKhler of Jlr. mid Mrn. Ale llioun, tool, place i"tinlaj. Inleiment mm mule in t lit I.iiiikcIIIT Kinetei; 0 Specinl Four-day Personally-Conducted Tiip via Pennsylvania Rnllroad. The Pennsylvania Halliojd Specinl l-'our-ilay Personally-eondueted Tour to Washington on Monday, Apt II 1, l'ttim fential Pennsylvania, olfeis an exeellcnt opportunity to visit the Na tional eapltul satisfactorily and at a. dellghlful reason. The experience of the Touilst Agent who necompanlcs the party enables him to plan the tour of the city with the least possible waste of time. Special train will be run from WIlUes-Harro through to 'Washington: connecting tialns will leave at time In dlcated below, and tound-trlp tickets, covering trrinspoitallon. hotel accom modations fiom dinner on date of tour until after luncheon on April i will be fold at rates given: Ti.im. I.e.iu. l!,i, (.'IiiihMp T.'HI A. M. $.15 Ho Suanton ;. is n ;,i I'ili.lun 8.M " lioo Wllkeo-llarre (i-ccial train)... s.l ' i,j IteuoM ii.l'i j i,n Wllllampoit S-.mO " 12 0 flelliioiit.- 11.10 " iV 'iii.l,iii, (pial train) 10..MI n To l.i kei- T.il " t ,v, 'ltoona T.10 H 0,1 'l)luile 7.H " 1.1 tai llLnttm,il.m ...v .". pie.-. t'liambdubbin; '.i. I', " lo .;o lhrrl.-lmrK (Special li.iin) .... ).::i p. . 0 i) I.anca.ter (ila oik) 10.11 A. M, pi pi ( "ImnbU 11.20 " 1) hi) Vnk li-pidal train) 1.3.-. P. M !i .In Ar. Waililtigton 1.20 " Piopoitlonato talcs from lutei me diate stations. HeturnlnB. special tialn will eao Washington at CM p. m Thursday. Apt II -1. Passengers from points west of Wllllanif.port, and from Dcwait, Htllfcfonte. Centre Hall, Mlfillnburg, l.ewlsburg, Sellnsgrove. Lykens, Dills buig, Lebanon, Lancaster, Columbia. AVrlghtsville, and points on the Klin hiokln Division will usa regular trains fiom Washington leturnlng, all tick cts will ho good lo return also on regular trains until April 11, liiclulvi ("tuition to Washington will be dl.j tilbuted five on the train. Por uites nnd time of trains from In tirniedlate stations. Itlneratles, tickets, and full Infoimatlon apply to ticket agents: U. S. JIarrar, Division Ticket Apnil. Willlumsport, Pa.; ToutUt Agent, H Public Siquurp, Wllkes-Haire, Pa.: or address lleo. W. Hoyd, Assist ant Hcncral Passenger Agent, Hrond Htreet Station, Phllatlelphla. Krause's Cold Cure. Por colds In the head, chest, throat or any portion of tho body, breaks up a cold In 24 houis without Interruption to work. Will prevent colds If taken when lit st symptoms nppcni. Price 2ii Rold by Matthews Drng SICHEL'S MADONNA. One Thousand Copies of This Famous Painting; Heceived in Scranton for Fiee Distribution. One thousand platinum copies of SIchel'H ".Madonna." l2'axlfii... in size, have been leielved lu Svruutou from The Xormtiu I. Itchy M'fg. Co., nnd are now ready for free distribution. As al ready announced In Tito THbune, these pictures will lie given away absolutely ft'ic, as long as the supply lasts, to each purchaser of one 1'5 cent box of Kruuse'h Colli Cute or Kiause's Head ache Capsules. This Is the most lib eml and expensive offer ever made to the people of Scranton by any manu factuier, and all persons desiring a copy of this famous painting should apply at once, before the supply is ex hausted, to any of the following well known druggists: Matthew Pros,.', 4l!t Lackawanna avenue. Carl Lorenz, 418 Lackawanna avenuo. Chailes K. Chittenden, MS Lacka wanna avenue. Henry and John .1. Hi own, 102 S. Washington avenue. Sandeison's Pharmacy, Common wealth Untitling. .1. .1. Loftus. 237 Wyoming avenue. Samuel L. Foulke. f,3'J Linden. M. X. Hli'ke, ::t7 Adani3 avenue. II. Jl Cole 1 I3S Capousc nvi'liue. C. Henwood & Co., 1000 X. Mi,n ave. How aid K. Oilllln, IStl X. Main ave, ("loo. W. Davis, 10;:, 311 W. .Matket st. Clarence It. Shrycr, 401 X. Main. Myron Hvans .t Co., 2J4 X. Main. Decker & Co.. lu" X. Main. Ceo. W. Jenkins. 101 S. Main. John J. Davie-, lOtl S. Main. David M. JontM. r.l J S. Main. Mary A. Poweis, 411 Cedar ave. William Koriiiichei, 724 Pittstou ave. W. H. Klonoskl, 1305 Plttston ave. D. W. Himiphrey. 1118 Plttston ave. Allien Si-hulls;. 1202 Mulberry. Ceo. S. Jones ,fc Co.. 700 Preseott'nve. Wm. II. Knoepf.'l. 1017 X. living ave. Oscar l.udwlg. 107 S. Hlakely streot. J. (1. Hone & Co, 102 H. Hi Inker st. P. P. Mcliale, 401 Him stieet. TAYLOR. 'Ihe 1-uliPi' Aid toclity ol Hie Pjm and rili luld 1'rlmlthe Mrthodlkt churrli tindtriil a ur prlw paly to Mri. Janm Walker at the iliuith pai-oinire on Tueilay ptenliis In honor of her birthday aiiiiU rnry . A l.irpe number of kikM. Mere prenent ami patlnok, of Ihe inaiiv Rood thliiKH preiaretl by .Mm, William Tlioiiu', Mr'. William Morgans ami Mi.-. N.i-li. Mm. Walkir ia the leilplcnt of many beautiful kIIK 'lhoe piecut Mere: Mrv. William 'lliouus Mi, ban lit, Ml". fipuiRp White, Mr. M. A. MaMerJ, Mri. William seeley, .Mrn. Illiliard 'Ihomas Mr. Dairy, Mr. 'llininai llian., Mr. Mm., Mi.. Powells Ml'. John llodce, Mr. and Mr'. John Mali'i, Mi". W. WhlteliuiiM', Mlis I'.iumi Lan ili'i, Maltha l.ander.Marllil Heed and I'.dilli 'Ilii'lil a. of ihe I'jlic. Those reent from Hie Airhbald Mere: )Im, William Muirjiii, Mr. S. Plnnoik, Mil. Cell', Mi. Kilin, Mr. .lo-ipli Clumber-, Ml. (ieoiijP lianiUin, Mr. II. Powell, Mi. KaULbir, Mir. Seyboll, Mi. Majol, Mr. (. Pulley, Mi. S. Cany. Mi. Mitialf. Mi. It. Pulley, Ml. Walkir, MU llnel I'owell and Mr. P.unwortli, HeoiKe I'arnnottb and alj Mr. Thoi. 1'a.iii, of Taylor. The Ijilien' Aid nudity of the Wel.li I'oiiBie Cilloii.il thurdi will lomluil a ham ami faituot soel.il in the (Inn ill lusimeni on pay nielli, rnui inii'iiii at u.no o'clotk. Pi Me of 1id.awaIuii lude. Vu. I. Amerlean Piolevtant a'Odatlou, elided the followins olll trr at Tuesday rvenliiRV tuietliif; for the eiiMi Ins year. Worthy tnltte, Mr, Pllen Daniel-; deputy Moithy uiMievt, Mr. Jolin Tlionia.; as ltant let'indlus: fetretaty. Mrs. IJiza llioma; it'corilini; Keeretary, Mr. Mirgarpt Dailj litian dtl feeutary, Mi. I.ydia W'iuteilnun; (reaMiirr, Mr. Sallle Wllllann; lonductre-n, Mr. John II, Pvan; aitant eondiutref, Mi, .lame, stone: inside online I, Ml. Ptan 1).ul; outlde wntlln'l, Mr. Charlc. Curtl; diapfain. Mm. Sabliu l'Miei , rtpreentathe to sraml lotlire. Mi. John Itleh ardj audltois Mi. iin Kvan, Mr. John Cooper and Mi. Joliii Kit bird. The Young Men' Ihrl-tlm i ociitbm band Mill conduit thtlr focul tnnlKht in I.lenellyn'4 ball, Mlicie a Komi time i avuied. All employes of the Taylor wor-led and Laika nanni silk mill-, ale uiexuitly teipiested to be pliant at the bulm meeting; In ll.i-lnni' ball tin nlleinoou at 3 :;o o'iIikI,. National Commit teuniii Pied Dlltber, of the t'nlted Mine W'oit;. ei. Mill be pie-cut to .nhlrris the meeting. The inembir of tlie Mclhoill'l Ppi-copal 'mi diy thool nnd dumb thoii' are reipie.ted to meet llil eiining ill the Sunday nhool room at T.;.n o'dncl; to relieiie Pastei mu-ie. Mi-s lleitrlie Samuel, of Oak Hired, j len deled a tetiptioii on Monday eienln; in honor of lur flxtcrntli blithdiy. The usual pally dlnrslont M-ere meiiily Inilulntd In and refieIi mint Meie nruil. The Tailor Craiheijai k diilleuxe the Nottli Hud 'tali to a came of baket lull at W'dier's link on Tin-day iiiniui,', March 21.. Mr. and Mir. John It. ede.v, of Main .treet, are (he cutt of fiiendi in Jenny n for the pit fen day. John It. Ihuuii, of t'lihui tiiet, eallej on Kdward-illle filuiiN Ihe forepart of the Meek. MI-MS Kia Mu-.leman ami Mime Ce.iry have rt turned to their home in Han-oni. Napoleon Lnjoie Signed. Philadelphia, Mareh ft). Napgleon Iijoie, Hie liailiiiB ncond barinaii ol Ihe tountiy, today nisueil A contract with Mannrer Connie Maek tJ play u I tli the Aimriiin League bxp ball club. Many More Like if in Scranton. The follow Ing case Is but one of many similar occurlng dally In Sctanton. It Is an easy matter to verify its correct ness. Surely you ounnot ask for bet ter proof than such conclusive stale incuts, Mr. Frederick Davis, of .0," Sumner nvenue, engineer at the Lackawanna Iron and Steel company, says: "For two years there was a gnawing pain across my back, which bothered rat al night moio than any other time. I had to He In lust such a position lu order to take uny comfort or enjoy my night's rest. If I was not caieful In turning over sharp twinges would catch me In the back and disturb my test, so that I got up In tho morning tired and with my back so lamo and sine that I could hardly move about. The secretions from tlie kidneys were highly colored and contained sediment. One of the men nt the works recom mended Doan's Kidney Pills to me, saying they hail helped his father when oveiythlng else had fulled. 1 sent to Matthews Htothers' drug store ami got two boxes, Oradually the pain In my back began to leave nu and when I had used the two boxes It dlappeared completely." Sold for CO cents per box by all deal ers. Foster-Mllburn Co.. Huffalo. X. y sole agents for the United States. Ileineniber the name, Doan's, and take no other T ooooooooooooooooo I THEATRICAL, f 0 0 ooooooooooooooooo TODAY'S ATTRACTIONS. M IH".M Mai ITke liul 'ompJiiy, Matinee and iiltthi. "A Texas Steor." llujl' familiar loninly. "A 'lia li er," Ma pren'iiled al the l.yctiuu 1.1-L night blloic a laigi' iiuditnip. Il mua a good company kiul the nudieme Ihoiouithly appreelated the manner in Mhltli the itimidy wa pitei.ttil. "Sunshine of Dover Locks." Mil l'i'ke tontlnucK to iliaw lame ctoxwb) to Hip Aeadeniy of Mit-lc at eieh perfnimantc glvin. Her pla.n are liy far the best eer eii in this city at cheap price", The production of "The (iatiison llltl" M-a Indeed dciir, and their pie. entallon of "My 1'rlend fiom India" will equal the original production Mbldi Ma put on in Sew York and Man greeted mIIIi riioimoii uc com. (.j-t eicnlng the beautiful paMnial rotnitly Mieies, "."un-.hlne of Docer Dock," Mas ghen and met with lntant approval on the part of the audience. Ml May Pike In reilainly a eiy deier little bodv, lur lei.itility l tcniaikable, the fact being pinieii by the m inner in Mhicli .he por tray Hie illffeient lole In the miiIouh playd pie. wn'ti'tl. 'Nil, atttinoou "My PiienJ fiom India" Mill lie the atliatlion and tonight "porty-Nine" will be pie-mild. "Two Old Cronies." That extieintly funny fatce comedy, "I lie Two Old Clonics" Mill be (ho atliatlion at the Aeaduny ot Miiiii, rominenting Monday, M.ittli 2',. Ciowded liuux-ii have Iniailably been ihe tule when the "Tmo Old Cioniea' come to town, and, jiuL'Ine fiom the pre'enl ludleatlons and the fplcmlld roineilv company Mr. Will has got to selbcr, lids il.lt lll be no eception to the uile. "Two Old f it.nie" wa built for laughing pui poc and it In more Hun succeeded. It lia pioieil a howling micci. and bldi fair to ilal "Ihe Pailor Match." It la belter tlian any Une ot iiiedielne Hie eminent phynldan oould com IKiiind. l-'it eaon It M'a furiously funny, this cason it is better, blighter and wittier than eicr. if nub a thing Is povililr; at lea.t. it Mill be Interpret! d by the i lcermt comedy contingent that brains and capital good btlng logethei, initalilo among tliem being the ltajali of Dutch lomedlans, Punk M. Wills, Including James !? lie and I.a Plejta in the prittieft act on the stage, entitled "The Aitift's Dream." THE MARKETS. Wall Btrttt Rvli-r. New Yotk, Jtardi St). The maikct was uier v.hclineil Willi ulllng order during Hip louir." ol today' trading anil tlio plirtiomeu octiirred of an iitiloading ol tockl by alanueit luld.'is t.-itliout any bid news bearing on the lain of their iircpcrly lo alaim them. Hmli iii"e luuits alwayii neiur at an ncia.louU bull mail, t anil as a eqi:cnee to a prolonged bull nioienient. The bull leailiK nlttinpte,! for u lime todiv lu lonlest the iltclliip ami to illiett 1'ie .petuhtbin into new- clmiineK Put Hie maikd M.n oh bnily tired aid rn.pondeil laiiguldly Ii lh' liiai.lpuluioh for th, aih.inie. Willi on!., a !m urepllona ptlten fill well below lu.i nljlii Pioflt taking b the beais taiued .1 lomidcrahle I illy In Ihe last hour so that !it prltes v.ire not tin- Iopt, allbnugli prollt taking was ie Hewed on Hip adiatito miking the dosha tone liregul.ir. 'Hip taking of "petiilalUe prollls In llurlltuiteii was on nn rnorniout wtlj. There nas ilelciiiiiueil ruppott In Hip Me' i-l ll,e opening, but the upiuxt Hut lould lie wiiiii'il lur It Mas a half point odialar. Tli" opttdng ttrten uoi Ihi. lilirliitt nnil il w..s slt'lilllv timlei pren-utf for tlm rtt of lliu day OM'ept for Urn roieilng inoMliiint by the short. An cllori wtt made lo mibttlliito S, Paul ami Nertlurii Pat'llH r maiket leailrM and 'Mlouit I'aellli Ma iimVrtl up sery buoyantly, lliere Mas a tttoiig upward nion'iaeiit in llrooklyu Trail It on minors of oltldal ihamreis and mi b'tyhu '' the Mire ihaiader in Manhattan. 'le.'I totks nit loiitlnud strong, the ileallng being tuns' ly In tli-- ttiwt ieitlfl"ltis for deposited s'ok, as (he time for depo.il esplird tulay. - Ihe i"Uttes of the phli was uliiluilrl) nurfd theio Mas a null lo deposit loks, .o tli.il Ibe th r ii.il illliKtiltii ol Hip tranrer make It probildp that delayed deposits 'vlll lie linlitilly tiiatul. 'ihe nreftired toek .litiMed uiealot slienslb. lalns exit tiding tu "i. Meinlitrs ot the gioup leaditl with the il'U of tin nuikit tint nllnl brtlit. Tbttp was no nttuat bad news to ai rout.l for the renttioii In pikes, beyond the ion tlnueil poslbllilv ol a lo.tl mlnets' stilke, Ihe lull matloiial iirltalloii mei the Itil.UbMi In China and Hip pioloigatloii of the S.iutli fiicaii war. Tol.il fail, 1,J(1T.I"1 sbaies. Time was a finther ikt Him in the .utility of tin i.ilboid bond maiket and the price inuwi'iettl lontlnued hregulai. Totul .ale, par i1iip. vl.Vi'i.O"'. I'lilted siales Is .uUniiied J ami the mw Is and old Is ' per tent, on lat tall. The following qiintitiens Tnbui p liy M. S. Jordan ,V Hun building, Setanltii, Pa, Ofn- FINANCIAL. BOND OFFERINGS PAYING 3.18 TO 4.05 Per Cent. Central P. K. of N. J. Gen, 5s, Pin., Cent. & Pen. Con. 5s.. ) ) Gnl., Hnr. & San Ant. 1st 6s.' ' Iowrt Central P.y. Co. 1st 5s. Lake Shore Refunding 3 l-!2s. Minn. Gen'l Elect. 1st Con. 5s. Minn. & St. L. Con. 5s. . Norf. & West. Imp & Ext. (Is. Nor. Pac. St. P. & Duluth 4s. Peoiia & Pekin Union 2d 4 l-2s. Rio Ginndc & West. 1st 4s. Complete Ciiculnr List on Application 1001 (Pocket Edition) now ready. Spencer TrasU & Co. 2T-29 Pine Street, 05 State St., Albany. NeWVOfk. Ameiitan "ii.'ar Am"iiiau Tobai i o Alfh., To. ., . IV A.. T. A S. I' . Pr lliooklwi Ti.ii tlou Halt, k (llllo Cent. Tob let o ,., I he. ,(.' Ohio Chic. ,V li W .... Chle., II. k 1 1 .... t, Paul IIikK Mai.d PJ.uv.ire & 111111011 .. fan. A Te . I'r .... l.ouU. fi Sjx Maul.illan l.le . ... Met. Ti at I loll I u .... Mlwurl l'..tlfle v. J. I'uitral . . . .oiitl.ern Pa ,ue Notlolk .V Wislein .. Xottb. I'atlfit Nottli. P.itltle. I'i ... X. . Central Om. ,V Wfl Pi um. I,' It Padlii Mall ltciiilin. lb tiling. Pr "nutlKin II. I! SiiiIIkiii It. II . I'r .. 1'i'in. ('. k lion .... V. S. Uather V. S. I eallui, Pr ... rnnjii I'm lfie t'nion Padlit, Pi .... WabaJi. Pr Wdem Union C. P. I Pcoplc'ri (la Teas P..dlip mercaii Car t'nundiy P. S. Mm I Co n.g. ..IIP. ...liTTs Nil... . '.', ... Mi, ... H.a ... IT-. ... lo'j . . 'J2S ...Ha.i.i ...I'll' a ...l'."'1 ...Hi . . i'i IKI .. li.V4 ...Hl'a ... -r. ...",) ... .; . . .-.i'i . . . ' . . ') ...U7 ... .!.!!, .. 1 .!, ... .!!) . .f'i . i is . ; v; . 'iin . hi . Vi sli . I'I .nn.1; . tii'i . Ji'i . it win: AT. Slav CORN. Mav OATS. May 1'Ollli. XI iv I. Allll. Mil nin.. XI iy .... CTIIUAfiO flllAlX 0,ien' ore fi Co , i Ttlep lllgli et. in Us'j I'-, M;. :i.'j in', Hi"j X Ho' j V1 1 ''lr4 HIT ot'i. luo1. lilt l.",l P,t .'.i'. vis, 117'i IV! " JtPi :n -i'i -'71 ?'' :,v3 l.l'a :.'. hi, Kii ;."i-" fv'i I'I HI. '2't r. JIAItK nigh I nMied The ooins 70", JUtl hone Mo".: I.im. ('Ins- pt. l:a a lKI's Ill 111,- lin-. I J 17 -J's c,- .ii n'rti. CiH, I: n.t r.-ij '.Nlj 12'i 101.1 j '7', 111 r ri; .in, ' Sl l.-.f. l'a 1.: 7.',1 . :v w ai'w y.u i- v; at ill. i: P.T. low- lit. 7o. . IPs II. Vv '.''i, I II.!', nn, i b.- .'Hi VI j I'jl'l'. i.7 I'I')1. Ill n (0i Sl, IK". .ic, ii'. '.i.i, "i v.--, I.: J.ij it ."-.'; 4S in.) H's 1.(1 i Pnhlv sl.itnrs nmL Jlr Ttn.l Ct. . Klml National Hank (CarLotiiUlc)., Mamlard Prilling Co Traders' National Hank Scranton Holt and Nut Co iionps. Scrantrn l'ass'njer P.allnay, But MoitKai;e, duo l'0 People' Micet Hallway, first mort- Uti-'e, due 1113 Peoplc'a Stictt Hallway, flriivral niortt;aj;e, due WZl P'lk'on Mi'iufiitiirlng Co Ijtka. Tounslilp School o per cent. CHy ol Smn'en bt. Imp. il per cent f-tranton 1 rat lion 0 per tent ) SfiO 14.1 1115 11 j 113 in iij coo 31) 100 101 Clos. Inf. 11 P,.!i li,.:,ii lii'n T.s7 T.'t 7 , -7 wjii:ai Mil ... . .lull .. cons. Mai . . .lull . . T.7H Ni:V VOItlt fillAI.V Open- "i. r nr ' 7i) MS. "Ml' 11'''. M.Mtiii'.r. Minli- Low. Cln. 't. (, imr Mi sit Mr, -t 'i' i ('. H'' 4l.- b'1.- H,i, ll.l. Scranton Board of Trade Exchange Quotations All Quotations Based on Par of 100. STOCKS. Pirst Xatloial Dank Scranton Savings Hank Third National Dank Dime Deposit and libit ount Dank., Peonomy Lieht, U, & P. Co Lacka. Trust Safe Deposit Co Clark L Snoier Co., Pr Scranton Iron Pence & Xlfg. Co. ... Scranton Axle Work Lacka'ianna Dairy Co., Pr Did. IL'1'1 JM HI 2JII iii :2i Asked. 4a 100 05 20 Scituiton Wliolesle Mrkct. iCoiietled by 11. I! Dili, .!7 Latkawanua Ave,) lluilei -Cie.imciy, Jl'-d.'i.J dally, I7.iiiif. IT.irM - Pull iie.im. Uille. l'.i; Vetcm lnl., n to IV-.I.', ntail.y fctale, I't'etitlK. I'.rins-1'i i lnl.. i lii.ii e in.ilrim, i.,M,d,iX). Pel Ileal. -Pit Ini , t-J.I'.ii'.'.M. Mi ilium lle.in-.-P 'i Irn., sj.iili!.!.'. l.irin Pins I'll till., l. !".ll.l". Hub n -Per bu., il.lliil.rii'. I'b.iir lle-t patrnt. r libl,, " I (!.. lied Kidney lltau-r-Per bu , I'.lJri.LO. New Yoik Grain nnd Product. N.w olk, M li, Ii J) - ITniir MiowiiI morl anhiiy i, ml -tioulli on the ll-i in ukeal. Wheal ""Vol Mini, Su. '.' led. M',p, f o, b. alio it: No. J ml, ii)i, e i.itm; No I north nn Hidutli, i' i. t. t. 1 1. .licit: in. II. .in stimu 'iinl at Hm ; do .id .-Iri'i.'.' at iju1),!1. n't mil in ', Mi.it li dord ms,i.; M iy . M'ie. July, ill. Coin - iMji oti ails In. i, t lii l t.i-ed oil and i In-ptl lliu liinunl; Mauli. II. ..' July, H.',i. Dais. H-ol slMih : No. J, .HI .v.; .No .1, .aK'.J .. 2 white. .llUa'kl'a' : So '! while, :!.!vlt.: t-ul. lni..l witlnii. .ji.i IIK.-i .; link t.hlti', olirOt.; optlous i-loie but -t .nls . Iliiltii Kii.n; ln'i criameiy, tti.i:-'i,; f.iiti.n, ln.ilJi.; iieamciy, l.t al'v. : liiilljtl.il ir'.imm. ll.il'.t.; .tatp daily, lii'-h, l'..i"l. IIhim Miuiii:' taiipj lame n1 oied and while, llall'ji'.: limy Mil ill inloied, I'J'ji.; biuiy .null while, p.'al-iUc PkK ITini: l.ile and Pennyli inla, b.aU'fce. we.t. en. l.N . ro.itlu in, l.'alJ'n. Chicago Grain nnd Produce, Chit ao, Mauli 'JO lliu'lol. of a tlash betwen tin I'IikINIi and lliiiau Hoops alauned weak IioiU and imiitihutiil to the lleiiKlh enctndered by nlliir biillMi iipiil and wheat doscl ia7k. IiIkImi-. ,-liup adiautp in Mil pork whltb cloetd Ci'at. our JeMeiday was n feature of Ibo day on tMhanse. Com rlu-eil imthaimcd, oats .1 i-hidc higher and lint and libs fn7'i'. iui pioiid. lall iUotatlous weie as follow: ITour Stesillrr; No. i M'flnif win at. none; No. ;i, i.'i.i7.li . : .No. 2 led, T.'V'i jT'i'lt. ; No. i com, Mi'ii'.i .No. 2 Yellow, lU'ic So, 2 oat, 213. 'Jin.; No. 'J white. 'Jn'ia.!'..; N'o. I! white, 27'i ;Ui : No. 2 rye, .'''.; roikI feidlui; bailey, ("h !'., fair to'thnitp miltlii";, 47al7!jt. ; No. ' tt-iK mil, .".IP.; .No. 1 iintlhw-ci-tciu, iILj.'.; prima tlmolhi Med, -I.UUI 1; hum pork, MH.75alH.Ni: laid, "7.N-i.iT.S71-:, lii,it rib, cides, looe, 7 Ml a7.ii.',; iliy Falletl Fhouhlei., boed, B'jaO'jt 1 -hint thai i-bles, boxed, .iS U'j; wlilsk'-y 11.27; tiuais iindiai.Keil. Chicago Live Stock Market. (Iui .iicn. Mart li "ii. Cattle ltecelpt', IH.Uuu, Ini IihIIi..,' .'ant Tixalis; generally P)c. h'Rlier; iow uiaikel rleidy to Minn: anil titm; ("ooil to piime lul, i s-iafi, poor In lutdluni. f1.70al.!'0 .-linkin nnd drilti. ti'.uly, i-.'.s-'.al.it.; cow. Mronu'. -J "iijl.lil; helbia, 2.7.Vil IO; tanners, J.ri.l.",; buIN, i-leady, T-.li'.il.:); cale, steady, l..'aiab; TVs.is bull. fJ.50i3..'. llnics lleeelpts liHlay, 20,mi; tomonow, 2u,ins) otiniatnl; left nu'ii 2.UOU; attlie, ItK. Iilk'lui; top. Mi; mlsed and bnlibeia, ?'. 7'iij r7'u; (jooil to i ho, e lu .it, fi.tiati. loush lieaiv, -).T.-)-..Sj; HbIiI, Vi.T.-.r. !i.'i: bulk ot i-alc. WiaV'.ij. Mieep llii'elplii, 14.Ihi: vheip and earlln:, itionc lo -hade hlchir; lambs, attlie, 10e. lilcher; (tooil to lion e williti. "I.imi.i".; fan to ilioltc mixed, M.'iiial.MI; wi-liin Kherp, kl.ilru ycirline . 7l.73aj.Hl: nam.' linib, l i.".i"i. 4; western laml, W.lOal.n Oil Maiket. Oil cu, M is Ii LNI riirrl.il bal.iuie. $I..!U; ttitiliiali. l.o bid. i-hlpnient, LMSkl bineli; aieraae. "-'Ml I Inirels, run, lu",,32S btirel,, ainat'e, S..t'', lnuel i v vd i vi v vi v v 4 v v v vi V v V v V vi v y i vi i v i y 4 v v fe THIS WEEK WILL BE A HUMMER AT TH i.' GREAT FIRE 3S ?t 0 2Si The crowning bargains of tliis sale have just commenced, and by the way they are going they will not last long. We are anxious to open with our NEW SPRING STOCK NEXT WEEK, and we have gathered together in lots, the balance of Men's and Women's Fine Shoes to PUSH THEM OUT. THESE PRICES will help us to do it (if you dont). About 240 pairs of Men's Fine (j 4 f( Calf and Vici Kid Shoes, worth $2.00 and $2.50, all sizes, take them ANY PAIR for... $ 1 UU .300 pairs of Ladies' Shoes, button and lace, regular price from $1,75 to F A n(l REUr $2.50, all good sizes ; while they last OUC dfilU Ot5C Well, we are so busy now, we cannot tell you about the others- just come, and if you fail to take advantage of this sale it is your own fault. 1 LEWIS, RUDDY, DAVIES & MURPHY I z 330 Lackawanna Avenue.