The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, March 21, 1901, Page 6, Image 6

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    ?mmmmmm. rimm9&mmgmmiHmmmKmmmmmMmmiPimgammim&mm '"" , m. m m i wkhi'i jusyhhhm -bpwif.t" m ,j.iim,ili ,fri ranBanfiKrirrK7-fl-frFviHSBKRr -ictbh .nn nwui n ct.i
. 6
-,;;a wk vymtm?? -wfp
.Meeting la St. David's Hall Wns Un
favorable to tho ex-Ptesldent of
the Mt. Pleasant Local Fhe In
Hennessey Court Early This Morn
ing Willie Lee Recovered His
Tools Deaths mid Funerals.
House and Mlno Parties Notes
and Personals.
Another nicotine: of mine wmkers
miih lielil In St. D.tvld'tt hull lust even
liifr to try and Mtralghtcti out tho tlllll
I'lilllc.H pxIfIIiib: between Samuel Mor
Kim, cx-pieNlflent of .Mt. I'leac-int lo
rill, Xo. 127S, mid the Culled Mine
Workus of Atactica. The nKseiublnsi)
was made iii ol mill" wot hern from
M-veml collli-t lur-. it ml tin' inc'tlni' wit
lircslilcil nvi-r liv a mini 'lamed .Mc
(iiiltv. District I'nclil' in NU'holli tii pren
lit .Hid Micceedc-l !n haviiiK thf u
M.'inliiii;p vote Id smxtaln the action
of I he llazlctoii roi'K ntion ill expeil
luff Moreiitn. The liitler made u vpoech.
but It was quite fvldfiu Hint the. mil
Jorltv of those iit'Hnt wot,- not lu
'Miipathy with him.
Alioiit the only teature ol the meet
iinr. oiitflilc of tlic aliovc action, was
the ptopo.sul lit have live local unions
ai-k tin- oilhciH for a district conven
lion lo conclilcr thf chatjjHH urefoned
III- .Miirerim. Thtsi .(!. hi uiu i,,t,n.t.,i1
iiml If the consent of till' live locals
.in be obtained the convention will
be iiiiuiiiiiiied lit a lew (lave.
Enjoyable Mine Pnity.
. Jolly party i,( ynutiK people wore
-liupenutd iluoimli the llellevuc mlno
on Tuesday fVciilnj,'. w'iuc tlu-y In
spected the UlidcrKtoUIld Wiuklne;.,'kcned each other's lueee, lode on
the oleottle inoto" anil helped load a
few car. of coal. In the party Were:
Misses .Maine Ootid and .1 isnhln
("aw lev. of this city; Anna Kercuou
and Manic lloban. of OlyphaiH. Htiirh
ritzpalrlck. CicoiRf Iticiinati, 31. Phil
lips, n. Williams, r alley an I r'ltuhi
roiKiison, of Olyphnnt.
South Main Avenue Party.
A birthday party tendoted Mlsi
-May V)al?w, of 339 South Main uvc
liuo. at her home on Tuesday evening.
The Bursts weif liberally entertained,
a pioKranuiK; of literary and musical
out for ( ana colds
Globe Warehouse
Will Be Open
for Business Today
as Usual
Although Water
and Smoke
Has Played Havoc
with Some of
Our Departments,
Others Have Escaped
-B . .
Anyway, All
Will Be in Readiness
for Our Patrons
This Morning
Globe Warehouse
numbers bolnir enjoyed, and refresh
ments were served. Mrs. Davis was
assisted In entertaining and servlnc
by her dauRhtcrs, Martha und May.
The. Ritests wete: Misses Anna
lwl, llhoiht Thomas, lluttle Mortis,
Ethel Richard, Martha Hughes, Ma
mie Williams, Mnrtha Da'. Ik; Messrs.
Reese Rlrhards, William MrCraeken,
Milton Moore, William Sanders, Oliver
Williams and Kdwnrd MajTock.
Organizing Loyal Crusadets.
Leysdiott Kvatis, superluteudenl of
work unions young people In this city,
has formed u society known as the
Loyal Crusaders, which held their Hist
meeting last b'utunlay evening In Co
operatlvo hall. The flection of ollloets
will be held at tho-next meeting, which
will be held next Saturday evening.
The Crusaders it new organization
Tor chtldt en and has been culled Into
existence by the order of the National
Division Sons of Temperance. The
Crusadeis is not for little t'hlldien only,
but for all who ate under fifteen years
of age. -The emblem of the 111 my of
Loyal Crusaders Is n shield bearing
the device of a water Illy and u sword.
Thi motto of the Order Is Love, IMirlty
and I'lilellty. U'atchwoid: If (Jod b
for us. who can be against us? War
cry: Death to nleohol! t'olois: lied,
White and Ulue.
WUkes-Barre Hod Canier.
Kdivuid Hokum, of Wlllcos-Harre, a
giiillemaii of color, who Informed ul
dnhian 3lo?es that his occupation was
that of a hod oatrler, when airalgned
lr policf court yestctday morning.
i tilt not piove that his conduct was
In lueplng with his fellow citizens', and
lit ciii'.'ni('H( f h" was sent up lo tho
(flinty Jail for twenty days In default
of a tine j $".
Ilogan as til rested nil Tuesday
t Ight by l'aliolman .lohn Thomai
while c'eallng a nillsaiice and being
dlroideily on Xoith Main avenue.
Lee Recovered His Tools.
Willie" Lfe, the popular llroiuley
avenue e.npentcr. employed by Wash
burn. Williams & Co.. was mourning
the loss of his kit of tools after tho
Williams & McAiuilty llie. uheie he
had beeeti working. Yesterday his
tool chest was recovered In the base
ment of the building, where It had
fallen during the flic.
Everything was Intact In the. box
except one article. Mr. Lee lost an
other set of tools about a .ear ago,
by leaving them In front of ti stoie
near the corner of Main avenue and
Jackson street.
Funeral Announcements.
Set vices over the remains of Viola,
the Infant daughter of Mr. and airs.
John Haw ley. of 1912 Jackson street,
will be held at St. Patrick's Catholic
church this afternoon. Interment will
be made In the Cathedral cemetery.
The funeral of Ralph. the young child
of Mr. and Mrs. John R. Pauv, of
1309 Division sticot. occurred at "."0
o'clock yesterday afternoon from the
house. ltev. D. P. Jones oflleluted,
and Interment was made in the Wash
burn sti oct cemetery.
The remains of Mr. and Mrs. Andiew
Wlkland's child, Chnrles, wcro interred
In tho Washburn street cemetery yes
terday afternoon. Services were held
at the house at 2 o'clock
Fire In Hennessey Court.
File early this moinlng destroyed a,
barn In Hennessy court, located In tho
rear of th, Italian church. Two hoises
were In the stable when the flame
were discovered, and both wore res
cued. The building was completely gutted
entailing u loss of about $200. The
Franklins and Columblas responded
and rendeied effective service.
Three Deaths Yesterday.
Mis. Roger McOowan, it well-known
resident of West Lacknwanna. nvenuo
hill died yesterday. She had been III
for some lime, and was In poor health.
Deceased is survived by her husband
and one daughter. The funurnl will
occur Saturday morning nt ! o'clock.
Services will be held ul St. Patrick's
church, and Interment will be made
lu the Cathedral cemetery. i
John McNeiney, aged 1!S yeats, died
yesterday at his home, No. I Hturlc
pliue. Deceased Is survived by his
wife and thiee childteii. The funeral
will occur Saturday afternoon from the
house. Interment will be made In the
Cathedral cemeteiy.
Agnes S'eionlra, the 9-mnnths-old
child of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Wool
berl, of 32j Kvaus court, died yester
day. The fimeial will occur tomor
jow afternoon at -'.HO o'clock. lntor
met.t will be made lu the Catlieduil
Wild.' Dr. . .1. I.. Pali, of North Main air
line, W4 hIIIhk en a .l.ick'Oii fticrt iiatlfiil
flioi tly after 7 oMoilc Tup-day cicnlnir, sonic
cjtif carried oil Iil lap tolic and Idaukrt from the
llian ItiaiK, of Wa'lilnuii ttncl, liad one of IM
lurid K'tirdy iiiimcd lillp at ork In tlic Con
tlnriital mines on Tuodi). lie WJ IrnnUiK
agaltmt a Innled (ar, wlicn a fall of loof orcnried
and unuliril two of lii tliiRri".
Wlllljtii PaiN, (lie HI lanmn butiltr of
IIillciuc, i Krlnn-ly ill at Ids lionip.
At st. I'airlcU's I'alliulli- clivmli jvitrnlar
tiiumliiK u lilgh in.i of n cpiietu wat rchliratrd
lij llpv. .1. II. nlielaii for llie icpOM' of the foul?
of tin iloirjvd iniinlicM of the Calliolic Mutual
ill lirTictal .!( Lilian.
llu- lo( T.ilr Sislern' anvlliaiy to tlic
niothrrlinnd of llaibrai 'traiunirn will rclrlu.iti'
llirir fourth .iiiiilieif.n.v. wit li an ciitritalninent
in Mrain' lull on ill 10.
A kdii lia lici'ii torn to Mr. and Mil. I'harlci
sotU.i, of orlli Sumner aiiuiii', and Mr. and
Mt. J '.. Kciii, of Siiautou stieet, air aU'
Miu; (oii.-ratulaled on tlie anlial of a .on at
tlidr lioiue.
IMnard Howard, of .l.n k"Oii jlreft, was inln
fully lujuiul leientl.i l.y bclnjr hliook up In a
l.uieine slreet ihlih juiuiied the track.
A iiRiiiar nueliiiB ol the Itobrrt Monis lcxlse
of Iioritra will lie held lliU cieninc; lu liorlte
li.ill. Ml inrmtiirs jro nrRcd to be l'icscnt
Tho (jnt.ita, "Daniel, or, the Capliiitv and
ltestoiation," i now belni; relieaicd by tlie
rhoir of the Tabcrnaite ('orjrregatlonal ihurcli.
'Hit fiit iertornuin.e will be jtiien on Thurday
evenirK, Ma.i 80. Tlie chonn will be a laige oue,
iiltli (.cieral tiunK solo partf, a-ivted by a com
petent oruhcstia.
Pr. .loirpli HeiTion Pajle, of M'illei Parrc,
called on Writ .side triends jcjleuliy.
llemy D .Tone, the ell known ex-meichant
and real ctate aifint, li wrioinlj 111 at Ids home
on Noilli ll.ide i'Jik aienur. -
John 11. Walker, of Portlind. ex chief of the
Srjnlon lire dei.ulinent, nas (ailed here rtci.
iliy, ohItik to the illue-i of one of Ills children.
Ml. Md'addcii. wife of the well known Pitt
Ion pliisidan. was the Riiet of Pr. and Mrs
(ieoiffe II. llcinolcU jetcrdai
llie Women'i C'hibtiin Tenipeiame uiium will
icleliale liielr annlieuir.v tonight in the Metho
dist i:piiopj i-hiucli. 'lliere will be tinging; by
tin M'e-I Mde Sons of Temperance c;Iec club and
the T.oal Trmperjiifc t.enion Sinscn will aln
Jiartleipate. Scleral prominent speakers will be
preicnt ind deliici- hoit addirwcs A slhcr of
feiliiK will be I Am at the i lose.
The fiiuer.ll of the late I'jtiick McDonnell will
ocmr this inortiing at ii.Su o'i-Ich k. A solium
lilvli mass of lequleui will be iclrbratfil ut st.
Marj's ihurcli. after whifh tiic remains will be
inteired in Mi. (aiincl ceinetcrj.
ltev. 1". C. II. Prcjcr lepcatcd hl talk on Ins
cvpeilenccs recentl.i lu China last night in the
Methodist Cpl-copal churcli, a Ijikc audience
beinj; prc-int, despite the unfaiuiahle wealhev.
At the Methodist chinch tomorrow night Iter.
.lohn llrad-luu. Ph. p., will deliier his i-tirriii-;
Iciliuc upon the subject of "Smerlrau I'atiiol
ism." At Washington ball tonight Textile Wmkcn'
local No. SI 'j wilt glie a inusiial cntcitalnmcnt,
width it is hoped will be liheially patronized.
The birberi will hold a apechl moctllifr at
Burns' chop tunight, when important business
will be tiniHiiteil.
St. Mephen roiiinuniliry, Kniglds of Malta,
will hold an Important meeting- tonight.
Mm. .lohn i:ili Is -.crlotisly HI at her home in
Newark, X. .1.
Mrs. .V. A. fold has lotuimd to her home
alter a cisit of reicial weeks in town. . .
I'. .1. Corry entertained Ida filcnd, V. .1.
Schrhrr, of l'iltvbur(t, during: the past fen djja,
W. .1. Crane It 'lonvalcjcent at Ids home on
Cherry (.treet, after his recent seilous lllnevs.
Mrs. ianiuel Haddon and Thomas McDonald
attended the (uncial of a relative at Wllkes-llane
ecral chlldicn of ll.iron Brady, of Main
Urcct, are auffeilng from eiero cac.i. of whoup
ins (Oiigh.
Dr. Mordc, fonneily of nhbald, moied Willi
his family Into the Mcttcr hou-o on Illakily
street jctcrday.
Oscar Vit Is fpendini; kcural days cvltli
friends at llloomsburg'.
James lillis, Kr., of fhurdi stieet. Is conlmcd
to hl home with a wide cue o( rlietimatlsm.
I'rcd Iluvcll and family will U.iic oon for
Philadelphia, uheie Mr, Itu-scll has teenred a
lucratiie poltlon in n large mercantile house.
Horn, to Mr. and Mm. Pine Brink, of Pilnker
street, a djujlilei.
Tin- emplojes at . p i: '. M, Spencer's mines
weie paid je-iui,i,i.
A frie ileuioustration of Molher-.' Oats will
take pi no al sious1 (toii dining the balanie
of tlie week. All ale hulled to call and -niiiplu
this breakfast food. Valuable ncinluiin glim
for coupoiu found in eery paika-re.
The luldiuek serikcK of the laeeu Kldgc, In Ijh ihureli. held last night, wcie un
usually InteuMIng, tho Mibjut being 'Tlie Fain
Ine Orphans of India." i:. II, hiuiccH led the
llieetii'ir and Kale an Inteictliig talk upon the
mbjiet. 'J he faniine of 1M7, he said, was nut
nearly as dewstatlng- as that of the past .tear,
when from seien to eight million people 'pol
ished. Iheneason there aio so many oiphaiu
Is because- pcifons adianccd in jears aio not as
well ublc lo Hand llie prliutlona as the childien
and die In giealer nuiiibei. A single car tail
or the price of a cigar put alde cicry day would
support a child In that country, wiii-io tlie
price of lliltg can be icduccd to about isl.'i a
jcar. .Mr. sturges uiged all In do what'thev
could tor this people, who weie hi uth jrieat
I lie Ainiij I.iteiaiy and Pebatlng society will
hold its legular sodal incellug this eienin-r at
the home of Jtuncll llowei1, HKs JcrTciron aiciiue.
Ilcv. r.corgc lacs, panto- 0 the I'rlmlliie Metle
odUt of l.'at Market street, has been
retained by the congregation of tint t hutch for
another .uar.
Pr. James U Ilea lu, nioicd into tho Deatrlck
propcity adjulnlng Hut of J. A, Mariln, on Pan
deroti aiciiue.
Mm. Suoier, wife of Pr Welie.rn Pnover. of
Slroiid'burg, ami her sl.lcu, Amu and neitlu,
Allow a couuli lo run until It fret hejonil tho
reach of medicine, 'lhev oltcn id); "Oh. it will
wear away," but in mrwt caaea it will wear
Hum away. Could ihey tin Induced to try tho
successful medicine culled Kemp'a Balsam, which
is sold on a im.iltho Kuiruntcc to cuie, they
would Immediately see thn excellent effect nficr
taklnK the tlrst dose, I'riio 'J5c, UnJ jn -pdj)
site free'. At ull clruftHts. I
It's a Short Road
from a cough to consumption.
Don't neglect a cough take
when your cold appears. The
" ounce of prevention " is
better than years of illness.
"t suffered for year from tough, bronchial
and lunt; trouble. Raised blood freqtsntljr.
hpent years In the Dakota and other parts of
wcit but (ol bo relief. Relumed east and
fcifan talcing Shiloh. A few bottlca com
ptelelr cured me. I consider it the greatest (
With F. L. Camp A Co., Broken, Buffalo, M, V,
Shlloh'i Consumption Carole iotel hy mil
druKKleti at BBo, OOc, S1.00 m bottle. A
printed gaarsnteei soei with eTry battle.
If jreu acre not ttanfidco to your elrufflat
and ityonr money beck.
Write for Illustrated book on consumption. Feat
without cost t you, S.C.Wells Co , URoy, N.Y.
of Sttoud-ibtirjr N'omial school, are tlMtlug their
p.uenls, Mr. and Mis. I!. P. .lenkiti', of Capons
Jlls Idlllau loter, of ew Vork street, la 111
of scarlet feier.
At a regular lueetlie of fireeii ltidge camp,
Modem Woodmen of Ainerha, last iilnlit, thirteen
new members were Initiated and twenty proposl'
lions for membership iccelird.
The ol Allhnr, the Ts ear-old son ct
Mr. at.d Mia. (Iiotuo Kirslliu; look plice )e
terday atlemoon at 2 e.'cloe'c liom the famllr
lesldinee at l&ij It it c It street, s-eiidccs or
the remains were conducted in St. I'aul'ii church
bv Itci. A. llatlhorn. Intrnncnl was made In
tin- I'meU Hill cc.ncterc.
The elxtti of the cuciiie enntel will ba placed
tldl eienlni: between the Columbus council -lid
the .lohn llo.Wc iri!clty couutl. Vounj; lien's
hiFtllute, nt I'liirnucy hall, Itcfrchmcnls will
tc sencel after tin game.
Moltlce castle, Xo. 20, Knight of the Oohlen
l.'acjle, will meet this ccciilnec at rmtluii'1 hill.
Coni-ldeiabb' business will no traaciotcd at the
Mitllifa; am.' all iuemb:rs aro rnjuested to be
llie children of the Sciititen Alldetln club
i-liiseii will meet for turninc; eceieisi tbla
eiiidtic In the Athlctla lull.
Janiea Conncll lode, So. 171), ludi pendent
Order of Odd Kcllown, met in regular, ti salon
last riciiliicr at I'nielun'.s ball.
The members of the fct. Aloyaius society will
meet In regular seiclon this eei,lnij at Phar
macy hall.
Kdnard Ilo.ile. of Yg street, is serloul 111.
With Babe in One Hand Bent His
Wife with tho Other.
Kreclerick Ilobln&on. of "West Iain
den street, was arrested yesterday by
Patrolmen Walsh and Day for being
drunk and beatint- his wife.
When the olllcers railed at the house
to arrest him they found him holding
a. nlx-months-olil child on his left arm
while udmlnli-terlnfr blows to his wife
with the other. Ho rofufiod to releasee?
his hold on the child until overpowered
and then he resisted strenuously.
When the bracelets wero placed on
his wrists he cooled down somewhat
and was ppcortcd to tlie city hall sta
tion. Previous to tho nppearance of
thn patrolmen It Is claimed that Rob
inson had driven another woman out
of tho Utilise by llourlshinfr and threat
ening to kill her with a butcher knife.
Ho will be ariaigncd before the le
conler this moruliiK.
It Will Be Held at Elmhurst on
Sa tin day.
Follow hip: is the pi'Otri&nuiic for the
local teachers' Institute, to be held in
the s-chool house at Klmhtirst on
r.ccltjtlcn Mi-5 Joiicj. s-put ir Bioolc
Heading Mks Bessie firifllth, I'icilown
1 'a pels
"Tlie Value of Mudy In School,"
Mi Miy SwiriRlc. Mount Cobb
".Suniber AVer! In I'rinurv (iiadr.","
Mls Nellie Carter, Moscow
lYififsor II. II. Hosiers, Kluihuru
"CJeneial Illftory,-'. ..V. 1'.. h, Moscow"
"Natuic liid,i,"
Miss ll.iirlill.i Hartliue, .lubilec
County Superintendent .1. C. Taylor,
Superintendent K, D. Uovarel, of Dun
more, and Prof. M. J. Lloyd, of Priee
httrtr, will be present and take an ac
tive part in the exercises. There will
also be sonss and recitations.
Michael Hennihon.
'llie death of Michael Hcnnllian, of lt'l Ki.i
ser airline, oecuircd jesterday morninir at .
o'clock, alter an illues of two weeks of tjphold
Pcecased was well known in North herantnn,
liailntf resided theie fur a number of jeai. and
was pioprlttor of what was known as tho Keyer
Valley farm on the lack road lor a number of
tears. lie was sunoundtd by Ids childien and
ftictids when the end came.
Deceased was bora in CanvU fori -flic years
ago. llo Is (united by seven children, nil of
whom nro crown up. They arc: Loretta. May,
Km, ratheiinc, Margaret, Michael and Juliet.
Funeral airaiiRcincntu hate not jet been made.
Mrs. Roger McGowan.
Mis. linger Mctiowan died at 0,10 o'cloik jes
tenlay niornlni; after a len clajb' IIIiicns e.f pneu
monia. Wio was a member of tho llilul Order of
M. I'rancls and the Hosary society of bt. Pat
lick's c lunch.
She v.-as bom in Caibondale, March B, 1417,
and cimo to this city about twenty eara at-o.
She was a charitable neighbor, kind motherland
a eleioted tvllu and her many friends and ac
quaintance will be Bileicd to bear of her de
mise, bhe Is surilicd by her husband and ono
diiiithtrr. Miry. Tho funnal will be held Sit
urdiy with senlees at M. Patriek'n church and
interment will be made In the Cathedral ceme
tery. John McNeniey.
.lohn MiNirncy died at 7 eeloik )ctnday
nioiiiiiig at his home, alter a Inlet illness. He
was well known In this cit, where he has Hied
since Ids childhood. Ho was born in New Mllfoid
In W3.
llo U surilifd b.t his wife, foimerly Miu
Annie O'Malley, uf Jackson stieet. He wai a
pio.ulnent member of Klcctilo City lode of
(switchmen, llio luucral will bo held at
o'clock toinormw afternoon with jerilces at St.
l'etcr catlinlul and Iniennent at the Cathedral
Patrick Hayes.
I'atriik llajca died Tuesday at the homo of
Michael Cleary, 13"8 South Irtlnir aienuc. The
funeral will be held tomorrow inoraliur.
Sc-rvlcei will l conducted at St, John'ii church
and Interment will bo made in the Cathedral
Punerol Announcements.
'Hie funeral of Michael Mrllugli. of Old Forge,
will 'be held at 2 o'clock this afternoon, Inter
ment will be made at Mlnook.
Blaze on Ferdinand Stieet Totally
Ruins One House and Docs Serious
Damngo to Another Meeting of
Prohibitionists Coming Esteddfod
In Welsh Congregational Church.
Marriage of Miss Margaret Jervls.
Birthday Party at Homo of Mrs.
M. J. Moore Other News Notes.
Tlie alarm sent in from box 81 yes
terday afternoon wan unused by tho
house of John Cailon, 316 Ferdinand
street, catchlnc llie fiom un over
heated stove.
Mrs. Cadon had just loft tho house
to call on a neliihbor, and had left
the children in the house alone. On
her return she noticed a dense smoke
comlnp; out of the windows. Shu quick
ly called "Hie" to some men ut tho
t'ayupa breaker and they telephoned
to the Liberty hose Iiouk; to turn In
the alarm.
When the hose companies came on
the scene the Cadon house was a mass
of llaiues and the house standing next
It. owned by Mrs. John Muiphy, had
started to burn. The firemen quickly
turned a stream on the Murphy house
to save it from bolus destroyed, and
succeeded in this.
Tlie daniarro done to tlie Cadon prop,
ertv amounted to about Jfioo, and tlie
house of Mis. Muiphy was dainaeed
to tho extent of about .1:100. ltoth
families had their properties fully cov
ered by Insurance.
Coming Eisteddfod.
An eisteddfod will be held In the
Welsh Coiiprroiratlonal church, West
Market street, Monday evening, April
29. The following songs and recita
tions will be the subjects of competi
tion: To a paily of not less thin ten who will ren
der bet the two following himns and tunes out
of "C'aniedydd Cinyllcidfoal," number of litmns,
612 and Sofl, on the tunes aboie them, piie, i.
welsh recitation for men oier twentv-nne years
of ntre, "Palemae'r hen Wcddlnir," liv Hubert
It. Williams, prln $1.
Cnslisli leeilalion, "The Mudel ( hureli. ' as It
Is in Nns. f, and (I, SanVri'ii Books, Mr prisons
under tw-ent.i one jiati) of nice, pi Ire d.
Quirtctte, No. 81, Sanl.ey 5 and (1, prize $1
Tenor solo, "Y liraitr sydd ua ml," out
of .1. II. I.odn!ck';i Canadlin Moliaut, prize, 50
Solo for childien, No. 3J0, from 5 and fi anVey,
prize, M tents.
The remainder of the programme will
b out In a day or two. Copies of tlic
Welsli recitation can be bad by apply
ing to the .secretary, Itobert H, WII
ll.inix, 1013 Uriel: avenue, city.
Birthday Party.
A blrthd.iv party was held at the
homo of Mr. and Mis. M. .1, Moore,
1024 Providence road, Tuesday evening,
In honor of their son Hugh's twenty
second birthday Games were Indulged
In and music was furnished by O, II.
Olbbs and M. J. Mooio. Hcfreshments
were served at a late hour. A very
pleasant evening Mas spent.
Those present weie: Misses V.
Uoiee, Hertha Jenkins, Ida Miller, Car
rie Morton, Sophia White. Daisy Jen
kins, of Green ltidge; Kdlth .Miller,
Lizzie L'ker&ly. Grace Moore, Opal Mar
tin, Ueta Hall, Freda Moore, Amelia
Kkersly, Myrtle Marlott, Mamo Uellng,
KUa Mooie; Messrs, Hugh Moore, Ver
non Mann, Wllnier Mann, George Mil
ler, Harry Drlseoll, Fd. Gruener, Itob
ert Giuener, Kllsworth Thomas, Horry
Swartz, George Glbbs, George Coss
tnan. Fred Morton, Frank Kelly, of
Scranton; Albert Thomas, of AVIlkes
Uarre; Emery Lyons, Charles Hale,
of Berwick; Mr. and Mrs. Sidney
Dunn, Mrs. IJole e, Mr. and Mrs M. J,
Married nt Wilkes-Barre.
The many friends of William Klch
ards, the Wilkes-Ii.irre barber, and
Miss Margaret Jervls, will be surprised
to learn of their marriage, the event
having occurred at Wilkes-Hat re on
Jan. 15 of this year. A reception will
bo given at the home of tho bride's
parents in the near future.
Mrs. Richards is the daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. William Jervls, and Is
ono of the best known young ladles of
North Scranton. The young couple
have a legion of friends, all of whom
wish them a prosperous and happy
wedded life.
Prohibition Meeting.
For some time Prohibition and tem
perance workers of this end have felt
the need of an organization through
which they could work, by ivuy of
public meetings and distribution of
literature bearing upon the subject.
Many have felt they would like to
meet one another at certain times elur
ing the month so as to get better ac
quainted. Hearing of this condition of
affairs tho Prohibition county commit
too through their organizer, Gomer D.
Jteese, have arranged a meeting of an
entertaining and educational nature to
be held Friday evening at T.45 o'clock
In Osterhout's hall. The piograninie Is
as follows:
"My Country 'I'll of Inc." udlenei
l'rs.ier Dr. Ill'd
ItcnurU by Chairman 'I bonus ti. Mooie
Piper Ilcniy Jenkins
fJoud-B!' Sous of Tempetance fllre lull
Hccilatlon William Pans
Address, "Why I Am a l'rohlbilioi,Ut"..l)r. Blid
"Down in the Licensed Saloon,"
Sons of rnupiiance Oleo Club
1'rmarks by County Oicjonlzcr... Homer P. liene
Admission free. All men, women and children
Nubs of News,
Mb Sara Perry, of North Main aienue, Is ml
ferini; fiom u sprained anile.
All news matter will leeclic piompl attention
if left at Patln' dm? stoie, corner of Main ai.d
The silk wi.ike-K c.f tlie III!! sill, mill are- ai
langln;: for an entertainment wiileli will be held
In the near future.
Mr. and Mrs, John Itohliu-on. of Noith Main
atcnue, arc rejoicing our the.- airlut of a jount;
John Saltr, of west Malkit meet, has i.
turneel home fium ll.izletou, I'.i,
Alderman Otto p. Mim cilcbialed his fort
second birthday jrate-nliy ut till home un Chuich
(ieorito i;iIU I'o, Amerlian humorist, will be
at the Auditorium this ci'ciiliie;. 'the pilce of
admUslou will be - ciuts,
Albert lliomas, of Wilkes-Barre, has lelurned
homo after a few days' Wi tilth Mr. and Mit.
William T Jenkins, of peaeou stre'ci
' Cures all Throat and Lung Affections.
k. Ccttbeecuulue. ltefusesubstltuteJ. B
Vis sure
5ah utlon Oil curu Rheumatism, is & as Cts,
A Strong
know of, and my experience Is a large one. 1
never luivise any manor woman lo ue, any iniomrnni as n nvveniKi-. .hi ii-e-eimnieiiuunui, ;,
Puj' Kiirmula and Whlakcy Mas made altera thorough knotvlcclTc! of their (treat value na medi
cines. Tin-statement was tnadedclltierntely and bascdiiion fact, and liln not hesitate to stand
Vy it. The many temperance' men who hive written menu this subject do not seem to realize thai
waintcmicrane(!inaii before many of them wero born. flnirrcly yours, 11. MILLS, P. D.
It le tho only Whiskey taxed by the government as a medicine. This Is a ruaratiti'C. Be sura
vou ret tho Keuulnc. ltefuse suMltuics. Thero Is none Just "as gexxl us" Dutiy's. All druggist
and (trncers, or direct. JLOOu bottle.
If you ore Mck and run down, write- u: It will cost you nothlncto learn how to regain kocxI
health, cnercy and vitality. Medical booklet sent free.
CO CT K? To any reader of this paT who will write us we will send free two of our patena
f DE1& Game Counters for wblat, euchre, etc. tsend four ei'iitec In stumps to covet
poEtiifC. 'lhcy arc unique und useful. DUFl'V MALT WlllaKhY CO., ltocheiter. ..
Tho W. H. Krect
moves all pretssuro
abdomen Throws
Into a line miliary
nlllllllllllHIIIIIIIIIIHllllllllinwsliiuiiume;ii a nrenvn inu Slioiiiiicrs DUCK ITTfuJululilllMlUllIlllllll IllilULI
only model for the new straight-front stylo costumes. It Im byBlenlr anil
beautiful. It does avtay with all the Ills of tlgbt lai'liiir, least of which are
short iHoathliig- and indlKCstlon. F.very dealer In Seiutiton has them on sale.
It' yours hasn't send to its direct and we will sec Hint your are supplied.
ERECT FORM; Style 701.
Heavy front steel". Uf white and
drab .lean. Hip goteel ... $1.00
ERECT PORM Style 702.
Hip Bored. Heavy lront steel. Of
iiuportcil Piumoud .Sateen In
white anil drab $1.00
ERECT FORM Style 963.
Of imported Cotiill. Full gored
bias cut. For small. sl"iulei Hr:-
urcs $1.71)
CALiriO.N Look lor tlioletlerlui? V.
every pair.
Greatly Reduced
Our entire stock of Graphaphones, Rec
ords and Supplies are beiug sold at less
than cost. We are closing out this depart
ment of our business. The very latest
Records will be sold as cheaply as the old
ones. If you arc interested, better come
while the assortment is here.
312-314 Lackawanna Avenue.
Handsome Cup Will Ho the Prize for
Consldoiable inti'ient H inlu'll h
local ppoilsinen In .1 sliuoilng event
wh'th will take place ut DunnioK'
next Satin day ivfteinoon ut 1.30 o'clock
It will bo n team shoot for a handsome
cup. fir tho flmmplonhhlp of North
eatdein IMinsylvanlii. Twei men from
any ono critn dub nro ellitlblo to
compete' and entiles are expected fiom
all low nt In this valley.
The cup Is on exhllilllon at K. It.
Parker's pun store, on Spruce htrtot.
It Is tho Blft of J. H. Lint .t Co., of
New Y01I1 city, jjinoral iiKontH for
n.illlstlte powder. 'I'ltere will also be a
team shoot between u team from 1'ltts
tou atul ono iioin Tiiiikliannotk. for
iJO and prleo of taiKits.
. m !-
Zlmmer Retires,
t))' Ilscluslie Wire from The Associated I'resi
IVle-irlaud, O. Jtaiih A'.-President Cliirln
Ziiiinicr, uf til" I'lajiis' l'rntcdlie asuiclatlnn,
anil iilio list e-ar iiLejcl with tlio I'ilUlnirk'
Natlemat Letieciio rluts, today uniiuniii id Ids re
tiirinciit js j iroi'tsional lux, l.all jiIjiit. It
U understood that the slUaatUfjctloii and un-
"Sleeo dwell unon lhlnc eves. Peace In
thy heart."
This quotation cut be appropriately ap
plied when speaking of Dulfy's l'tirc Malt
Whiskey. It brings refrcsliinR sleep to the?
weary nnd peace to the diseased, tired brjin.
The followitiK letter from tlie Kcv. B. lNIilU
was written in nnswerto a criticism ami
einrv frnm nun itf bin rtmrrli member,'.
He saw Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskey
is a blessing to mankind.
Meade Center, Kn.
My llesar Dm.: Your favor with the ln
, a.l..l., t.a.t.1 irh.l.,l,,.lhM,l
Cluneal rnJ in nc ,inu, . uv ,sm w.w
Mt Wile waaitn inTauu lor acveeiii c,s
mendatlon used a certain preparation wlttt
very urent licncrtt. 1 am a rresbt torlan clenry
tunn.a Doctorof Dlvlulty.notnf Medicine, bul
I nm not afraid to say that Puny' Formula
and Puffy'a Pure Malt Whiskey arc the purest
Kinlmnst effective nreniratleina nstnccliclncsl
am n temperate man, und neicr used, and woulel
Form Corsot to-
from the bust and
the sboulilcfs back
attitude. It is the
ERECT FORM Style 050.
Impioved. or French foutll. in white
and drab. Full gored, bias cut, $2.00
ERECT FORM Stylo 002.
Of extra beiny French Coutll, In
white and dial) mid black Sateen.
Full gored, bias cut $2,50
Or Imported Coutll. Full got eel, bias
cut Heavily buncd. For full de
veloped figures $2.60
II. "l-rect l-'orm" stum peel on
377 llroaclwoy, New York.
he lusldo of
Managers and Lessees. Local Manager.
am. Till" wii.K. iitii.i mtim;i:9,
May Fiske Co
In nrimi un . Present me
Tlminliy l.ienlni; "PoitJ Sine,"
l'rnlay l.ieiiiiil, "All nifriin Piliieesa"
isjuuuliy l.ieiiing Jljld of tho Mill'"
M:r vniixt'iiov.
MOM)A. '11 lPY WII Wi:ilMl).Y.
In Pale i! emied.c
fjioraMe rnmineiit ixpirsnl by imuy pliicri
cuer Zlninier'H action ut tho leec-nt mcMlnir Of
fliei Xatloiul Iciciie led him to lulu thn step, mijii lie lu retiirned his contract for thlsj
pcason lei Ilia I'ltl.liurc; eluli unsigned.
An Vrkunsis lull ioliiliiiniir le'irles firm h-ln.-opcutid
Mlllilli cm- 111II0 of each other was
uiuiilinonsly Killed hy the senate on llu- giound
that "It iieiiild legislate 11 nldosc- out o bii.