The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, March 21, 1901, Page 5, Image 5

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    i. - . f
nus modchx sTonn.
Exists on every subject.
However, nil people agree
who use tho Sterling Ranga
that it's tho best rango In
tho world. Tho Sterling has
patented ovnl fire box and
in guaranteed.
Foote & Shear Co.
JJ9N. Washington Ave
Capital 5200,000. Surplus 5500,000.
United States Depositary.
Business, personal aud sav
ings accounts invited.
3 per cent, interest paid on
savings accounts.
Open Saturday eveuiugs
from 8 to 9 o'clock.
Wm. CoNShU, President.
Hi.nry Ju., Vice Pies.
Wm. H. Puck, Cashier.
airing Done Gratis.
'"rt I F"
1.. jl f..r Mauli CO, l'POls
lll(.lii-l tcinpciatiiro II deijiccs
1 "M tmipir.ituro
'.'5 denied
llmuullti :
v .1. in
- 1 1. ii
J.Vinl.ill, '.'I licmrs enililu; S p. in..
01 per rent,
(h) jcr cent,
.... 0.1 inch
iiuiui'3 W. ."
Mi .Mlldinl
Piclil Is 111 llarri'bui;.
(Sii-cn. tornu'ily wllli
I n Nitis' inillii.ny dep.utmci.t, has accepted
xiuilir position with (iorMin.
M New York yr.tcnlay A. I Law w.n cle-elcd
ictaiy ami Irc.iMiicr -a toe leinpie linn i-on.
jam IIomiiicciM II. II. lluily, jr., as Irca-tunr.
( .n- Solicitor A. A. Vntliintr and ex-City So
' Hoi' .lame II. Tonry and v-.Iudsc II. A.
hiupp nml Attornc),. .loecpli O'tlrloii, lia II.
Hums ami M. i:. Mi Donald, rt'ioiiitiiicr 1'Otli
nilcs in tlio rase lirmiKlit I" tci-t tlio ooiistltu
t .in.iliiy .if itio "lippu" lull, unit to 1'liiUdol
ln.i.i c..lciilay allriniHin ami will appear lirfnic
ex Supremo mint linl.iv to requce't that tlio t'a.o
1 1. pin .ii Hi..' ,if the h-1, n it may ho
.nsued ,ii miiv uml aii opinion handed down at
mip .ory earliest opportunity.
Mrs. Cassidy Expired Before Medlcol
Assi&tnnco Could Be Obtained.
Mis. t'assldy. aged Or, years, a widow
i "siding In Oakwoud court. South
Siiunton, died, very suddenly nt U
u cluck last night, while visiting at tho
home or Tatiick Costello, CIO Prospect
The woman had boon apparently
well when she cnteied tho house, hut
was taken 111 Just before preparing for
her departure, and died liefuro a phy
hirlan could he HUinmoned. Acting
Coroner I'alno has been notified and
will hold an autopsy on the body to
day. Piano for Sale.
good t-eoond hand Upright 1'lano,
nt n great bargain for cash. Don't
miss It. Ouernscy IJnll, J. AV. Guern
sey, rrop.. 214 Washington avemio,
M'luuton, I'a.
Millinery Opening.
Opcnlriff of flno spring millinery
Thursday, Friday und Saturday.
Dougherty & Thomas, 128 Wyoming
Mntbfr Gray'i Sweet Powder J tor Clilldien, tuc
iteBtrtlly iieil bv MothiT Ory, lor yefcra a iiurw
in Hie. children' Homo In New Voik, Pure IV-erl-lineu,
UI Sloniicli. TcelJilnB Ilwiiler.
n,oe mi VeguUtc tho llweU and destroy Wi,
'IhfV arc m plewaiit lo tlm tatc and luimlew
.tinllk. Oilldicn lll Mkw. 10,000 le;.
liioi.Ul. of wuirs. lliey liner fall. d l.y
II clruwi.l. AkK loilay. Knnplc'l lllvl..
AdJrcwf Allen tf. Olm.ted, U Hoy, .V .
OMlt I
Lewis, llfflrafflw
i feSSCJBaW i
Mdy, flgliM
330 ' ' I I : l t I I
They Are of Opinion That Present
Conditions Do Not Warrant Such
a. Drastic Measure as n General
Strike in the Anthracite Coal He
glon Among Mine Workers There
Is Also a Belief That a Strike
Would Be a Bad Thing at Tills
Time Their Reasons for This.
A cunvt'HS was yesterday made 1.V
Tribune reportom of well-known city
business men, In an effort to pccino cx
ImcskIoiih from them regarding tho
present situation. Tho general pcntl
incut of nil Keen wax decidedly niitl
slrlko. und there seemed a unnnlinlty
of opinion that If u utillce Is declared
without more apparent prlovtinccri bo
lng advanced ns a cause for misponflon
of work, thu movement will be n miwt
tcrlous blow to unionism In this .sec
tion of the country.
Thomas II. Dale, for many yours
treasurer of the I.iuiRftlffp, T.allln,
Greenwood nnd Urooks e-oal companies',
which recently sold out to the Dela
ware and Hudson Kailtoad company,
and a man thoroughly conversant
through long cxpoiloncp with all
phases of tho local mining xltuallou,
t-altl yesterday: 'If the iu1ihtm union
declaro a strike they will imiko u ter
rible mistake. A strike for flontlni'-nt
la always such, as tho past has
"Tho relations our company had with
the men were always ot an exceed
ingly friendly nature. When the laxt
strike was called, the men had griev
ances, real grievances, and we recog
nized that fact. Xow, however, the
demands have been adjusted, nnd v,o
know that the men nt our collieries
v,ere reasonably satisfied.
'I think that It a strike Is declared,
under the existing conditions, with
recognition as the paramount Issue, It
will mean the ruination of the .Mine
Walkers' union."
mil mtooKH' opinio:;.
T. 11. Brooks, who was s-eeretnry ot
the companies o which Mr. Hale was
treasurer, declared to a Tribune ma"
that from personal conversations held
with a number of miners he knew that
they were opposed to a strike, and It'
they went out It would be only through
r blind obedience to orders. The state
ment given out by Mr. Dale, he said,
expressed his own views and he add
ed to this:
"I have been around the mines alt
my life. I have worked In them and
I know and like the miners as a class.
Klnce this strike talk has been In the
air, I have held conversations with
several men at the collleiles. and the
general sentiment among them enn ha
best expressed In the words ot one
man who said: 'Why. we don't want
to go out on strike, but If one's or-
dered wo can't do nny different than I
follow iiur leader.'
"In my opinion the continuance of
the Increase In wages should do away
with nny trouble. Tho strike ot last
fall was terminated by the miners hav
ing their demands giattllcd, aud I
should Judge that It -would bo up to
them to light, only In case some effort
Is made by the operators to take back
the concessions, 'j he fact that sin 'e
the last strike so ninny of the smaller
companies have h.-e,i absorbed by the
large ones and that there are now only
about half a dozen Indlvlduil opeiator.i
remaining In this region, Is also sure
to work ngalftst flu sueccsj of any
strike that may be called."
Treasurer Joseph l..y. o: the Scian-
ton hoard of trade, said: "In my opin
ion the miners' le.iderj will jot be
Jiihtitled In calling a strike, unless
stronger reasons are ndvanccd for such
an action, than have been put forward
up to the present. I trust that the
leaders will prove tho conservative men
they have been considered, and that
they will rest content with tho offer
already made by tho operators lu con
tinuing the present wage scale.
"As far as I am able ta learn- the
general sentiment of the miners them
selves Is against a strike. In tho case
of every man, who has a family de
pendent upon him, It Is to his own In
dividual Interests tif stay at work. A
strike called at this time cannot fall
to have disastrous effect upon the
miners themselves and upon all local
business Interests."
I.,ouis H. Isaacs, ot Spruce street,
said: "The miners are certainly not
Justlllcd In striking, unless other and
stronger grievances are advanced than
havo been up to date, considering1 hi
particular the continuance of the In
crease granted last fall. From what
I am able to learn the present imita
tion Is the result merely of egotism on
the part of the miners' executive ofll-
cors. as they have already been grant
ed what they struck for before, and it
Is now only a question of recognition.
"I suggest that tho Scranton board
of trade would do well to follow the
example of the Wllkes-Iiarre board,
and send out resolutions, not, however,
to any district olllcers, hut to President
.Mitchell himself. This communication
should be written in tho same strain
as the Wllkes-Uane one and be cal
culated to show to tho national presi
dent tho local sentiment. The preva
lent spirit among Scranton business
men with whom 1 havo spoken Is de
cidedly against a stilke."
Secretary I). 1!. Atherton, of the
board ot trade: "I think that tho very
greatest of care, Intelligence and con
sideration should bo given this question
by tho olllcers ot tho United Mine
Workers of America before they as
sume the responsibility of declaring a
strike throughout tho anthracite field.
Such a strike coming right on thu
heels of last fall's six weeks' struggle
would bo nothing short of u calamity.
Tho Industrial and commeiclal .inter
ests of thin city have not ot all recov
ered from the last strike and If an
other was preclpltuted now It would
tako years for n complete recovery
from Its 111 effects. In my oillclal
capacity as secretary of tho most rep
resenlatlvo commercial body In this
section of tho state, I havo found that
us long us this talk of it strike is pend
ing we are practically tied hand and
foot as far as the securing of new In
dustries Is concerned. Wo havo been
In communication with a number of
concerns with a view of getting them
to locate here, but since last week's
convention in linzleton we hiivo re
ceived word that until the strike ques
tion Is settled all negotiations must
end. Of courso If a stiiko wero de
clared It would bo months und mouths
lcfqre we would bo ublo to get anv
concern to even consider this city in
case It wore looking utiotit for a change
of location. Tho technical grounds on
which tho mine workers have expresfcd
their Intention of culling a strike Is not
at all of sulllclent Imixirtanco to war
rant a complete cessation of work
throughout tho anthracite coal llelds
and the throwing out ot employment
of over 100,000 men and boys, Tho
members of the board to a man, I be
lieve, arc opposed lo tho declaring ot a
strike and whatever action Is taken
tomorrow night will he with tho view
of discouraging such u declaration,"
Hecordcr James Molr said: "I don't
believe there will be a strlko nnd con
sequently 1 don't see any reason for
alarm. I have too much confidence lu
tho Judgment nnd discretion ot Presi
dent Mitchell and his ndvlsers to be
lieve for n moment that they would
plunge this valley Into another strug
gle such as Inst fall's simply because
the coal operators icfuso to technical
ly recognize the union. They must
realize that such action would work
the ruination of the organization and
I feel confident that they will not at
tempt It."
J. 1. Williams, of the firm of J. t).
Williams & Hro., wholesale and retail
candy dealers, said: "While I have
not given tho question very much con
sideration, nevertheless I think that to
declare a stilke on the ground that
the union should be technically recog
nized by the opciators would be un
wise when one considers that the union
to all practical Intents and purposes
has already been recognized. The
Increase In wages and the reduction
In the price of powder have been given
because the operators icallze the pow
er and strength of the United Mine
Workeis. A stiiko at tin? present time
would be disastrous to the business In
terests of this city and should theie
foie be discouraged."
Max ttlce, senior member of the linn
of Hire, Levy & Co., made the follow
ing remark: "This talk of a stiiko
is already having its disastrous effect
upon local business Interests, and if a.
general suspension of labor really
takes place It will cause tenlble re
sults to local enterprises.
"The sentiment among 'both whole
sale and retnll dealers Is entirely
against a strike. What 1 would favor
is a general mass meeting of citizens
from all over this county, who could
give this most serious matter serious
consideration and take some definite
John Cleland. senior partner of (.iel
and, Simpson & Taylor, of the CJlobe
store, said: "I have not followed tho
course ot events In this matter closely
enough to make any full statement.
All I can say Is that a strike will pre
cipitate a very unfortunate condition
of affairs."
J. W. Kltteiihouve, the West Scran
ton grocer, and secretary of the Oio
cers' association, brleily rental ked that
he had nothing to nay at present, but
added with a lugubrious shake of the
head that there would be a good deal
to say In case n strike was called,
Major W. S. Millar, alderman ot the
F.Ighth ward, said; "nothor coal
strike nftccting the same number of
men ns that of last year, will not re
sult so sntisfactoilly. It Is not the
operators who feel the strike, but the
miners themselves, and the business
mm nn I Interests lu the coal le
gions. The horrors of a protracted
stiuggle should appeal to the men not
to be hasty In their decisions."
Alderman Myron Knsson had tho fol
lowing to say In discussing the threat
ened stiiko: "The miners will be fool
ish to strike If. ns I understand It.
they have no other grievance than the
lecognltlon ot tho union. The opera
tors are reported to be fully prepared
to sustain another strike, and will fight
the miners to the bitter end. with a
view of breaking up the union for now
rnd forever. A stiik" of the same
magnitude of tho recent one will have
an effect on local business almost too
f cat fill to contemplate."
A well known Dunmore miner, when
yesterday Intervlewd by a Tribune
man on the present situation, said: "In
my opinion It was entirely wrong of
our delegates to vest tne power or
calling a stiiko In such n small body
ot men, as President Mitchell und tho
national hoard, and give them the
light of deciding a question of so
much Importance to the miners of
these districts. I have conversed with
many miners on the subject nnd am
quite sure that the majority In and
around Scranton do not favor a strike,
especially going out for such a simple
reason as that given by the Hazleton
convention. Tho operators havo prac
tically recognized the union by post
ing their notices. It Is bad advice to
counsel a strike. Our ofUcors In such
an event continue drawing their sal
ary, hut many of us will be scarcely
able to secure tlio cure necessities, i
think that President Mitchell Is de
serving of censure for the stand he
took at the Hazleton convention, and
should bo asked to resign the presi
dency. I am a firm believer In union
ism, but to he successful a union must
be run along conservative linos, and
amongst other evils a strike would
entail nt this time would be the dis
ruption ot the organization."
Piano for Sale.
A line I'prlght liano, of one ot tho
best gtades and almost as good as
now. can be purchased for cash at a
very great bargain. Guernsey Hall,
3H "Washington nvc, Scranton, Pa. J.
W. Guernsey, Prop.
Stenra Heating and Plumbing.
P. F. & M. T. Howley.231 Wyoming ave.
Ask for Kelly's union cruckers.
At Less Than
Factory Prices
Several brands of ioc
cigars at, per box
Finest Key West
Cigars, per box
429 Lackawanna Av
Because of This the Wolfgang Tres
pass Case Did Not Get to the Jury
Until Late in the Afternoon Eject
ment Suit Against Ridge Turn
pike Company Now on Trlol Ver
dict for the Plnintlff in Cooper Suit
Against tho City Trying to Col
lect a Coal Bill Court Notes.
The trespass case ot K. J. Wolfgang
against the Scranton Hallway com
pany was given lo tho Jury yesterday
afternoon, A verdict has not yet been
returned. Some delay was occasioned
In starting the case by the failure of
John Itochc. of Simpson, who missed
the morning train which would havo
landed hint lu the city lu time for tho
opening of court. It was 10.30 when
he arrived.
After the Wolfgang case went to the
Jury the ejectment case of P. P. Car
ter, Marvin J. Carter and Amelia M,
Kennedy against the Itldge Turnpikes
company. It Is alleged that In 1.N72
tho company Inld out Its turnpike over
TOO feet of the plaintiffs land near
Carter's nx works, and jiever iwild for
It. The plaintiff now sues to recover
tlio laud. They are represented by At
torney S. H. Price nnd the defendant
company by Hon. K. N. Wlllard and
Major Warren.
The case of Ceorgo Cooper against
the city of Scranton was given to tho
Jury by Judge It. M. Kdwards yester
day morning and Inter In the dny
It returned u verdict In fnvor of Cooper
tor Jl.'JTi". The city will upply for a
m.w trial.
Miss Ilaibara McOiunls was given a
verdict for $U7.!M against M. J. Nor
ton, who was fonneiiy engngeil In tho
hotel business hole. She was em
ployed as u servant hy.Norton and her
claim was for wages. Norton did not
appear and was not presented by
counsel, nnd a verdict was returned
for the full amount of the plaintiffs
claim, Willi Interest.
William Cox, a Montrose liveryman,
was given a verdict of $t!2.!)l against
Joseph P. Jteddlnglon. who conducts
on installment house In this city. Two
brothers named Cohen, employed by
Kcddlngtcn. contracted a bill for car
llage hlr while canvnslng for Ued-
ciingtoii nt Montrose nnd Its vicinity.
They did not pay and fox succeeded
In getting an order from Rcddlngton
its security.
The latter refused to pay the bill,
however, alleging that the order was
based on eruditions which had not
been complied with. The Jury thought
that lleddlngton ought to pay, and re
turned a verdict fo- the full amount ot
the claim, with interest.
When court adjourned tho cose of
Tripp & Co., who were formerly en
gaged In the coal business, against
Jf. K. Worden, was on trial. It Is an
effort on the part of the plaintiff to
collect the sum of $17.(10 for coal fur
nished to Worden. The latter denies
ever having ordered nny coal from
Tripp & Company.
The case ot II. J. llunz and otheii
against the New York Dental com
pany was discontinued.
Yesterday's Marriage Licenses.
William II. Coon , Scranlun
llrlciii M-tfiilH-igi'r St union
Thoin.n I). Thomas Scuntou
Mury I,. I'llco
.lnliii W. lielHieilt .' StMiilon
Print! . I. Strauli Npranton
William I'ellieilik Srr.inton
Niiu II. Pickering Suanton
Only "in- liiiunr IUciio from tlil city w.u'ii nut ..t-t.tcul.iy. William Cilik, of tlie
Tlilnl w.inl, w.i.i tin man wlm Ronircil it.
In the- e.t.ite of Amu buftiK, I .Ho nt Ol.i pliant,
letters ( ailminUtrntlpii wire yi'iteril.iy crjntnl
lo .Icnnli Iinttiiii. In Hip estate ol .Margaret '", of this city, Irltera ( oilminlstratlon wcie
nuntfil lo HrldRct Korean.
A riili di irranteil yi'stonl.iy to Mmw i-.iui
why Hi att.irlunnit t-lioulil not lip ilUvilvnl in
Hit- c.i-1 uisiuni-il Id tin Nortlrari-tfrii National
Insurance company, of Mllnaukoe, W'R, against
Ali-xaiiiK-r Schlanto, il feml.Hit, and Hie
IlulIilliiB association, No. 8.
ltulcs wcio claim il jeMt-nljy to show eiue
win- divorce slioulil not lie granleil In the oae
of'l'rank Hunt against Uliulieth limit, I.iilia
Morris against William Morris, Uuiiiplircyu against
Humphrey., anil Mary MePermolt against Irani:
Mi-Di-rinutt. An alia subpoena was illiecleil to
iup in tin- illioriu c.iso of I.liiliio N. Palmer
against Delmer I). Palmer anil piibliratlnn wan
directed in tlie divorce ease of Maigaiet Hreelicr
asaint Jolin Prrchcr. .
Two Well Known Young People
Married Yesterday Morning.
At 11 o'clock yesterday morning at
the homo of the bride's parents, corner
Vine street aud Taylor avenue, Miss
Lena Slssenbergcr was united lu the
holy bonds of matrimony to William
II. Coons, the well-known Penn ave
nue business man. Tho ceremony was
performed by llev. t'hailes ci. Splekcr,
of the Holy Trinity Lutheran church.
The rooms of the pleasant homo wero
tastefully decorated for tho occasion.
After tho ceremony a wedding break
fast was seTveel. The happy groom
and bride left for a wedding Journey
and after their return they will ho
nt home nt corner Vine street and
Taylor avenue.
(t'nder Hits litacliiiR short letters ot Intern!
will bo published when tecoinpanled, for publics.
by tiit writer's nime. ine rrunine uoes noi
suuine re.pon'ILIlity for opinions here eipressed.'
McVlttle's Statement.
Kdilor ol The Ti llmno
Kir: 1 am not ituilty ot the ihaiue of turnery
bioiiulit ai.-aln.-t me by .loi,cph lliiriuwu. On
Manli '-', I'liuk 1'.. Moirli, ,an acquaintance, caiq
me the check and asked inn lo luic it cashed,
a-, in- was a fctiauirer heri. I did -o. That is all
tho connection 1 hail with the check. 1 os not
committed to Hie county Jail.
I'rank Mc-Vlttle.
linn V) omlne Acenue,
f-cranton, l',
A Higher Average,
IMitor of The Tribune.
Sir: Tuenlay moinlnc your paper staled thai
u pupil of No. 14 imIiohI made an aic-rafre of Hi
ier cent. )''U win pieaso uieneum ine ici
in our paper that thU extremely high mill,
cunbp Inaten by a pupil of No. 25 chool, who
made an aeerane of VS !!" per cent.
A. W. ("rotiman,
'JO Thrpop Sluet, Scranton, l'i.
Organs. Org-ans. Organs.
You can hny lino sei-oiirl hand Organs
In kooiI condition, anywhere from J10
to ii' and So0, with hook and stool, at
(iiic-rnsf-y Hall, "11 Vashlncton avemio,
Horonton, I'a. J. W, fiucinsey, Prop,
i in
Ask for Kelly's union crackers.
Martin Ctnne Was Committed to the
County Jail.
Mni'lln Crane, u M-ycar-ohl boy,
living with his mother on Locust
sticel. was committed to tho county
Jail by Recorder Molr yesterday lu de
fault of $500 ball, on the charge of lar
ceny. Crnno four years ngo was sent
to it reform school nt Uuftalo, and
shortly after being discharged from
there was committed to the. (.lien MUM
reformatory, at Philadelphia, for Ihe
theft ot brass. A few months ago he
completed his time ihcie, nnd with his
name on the "honor list" was given his
Ubcity. During tho Intervening time
he has been dependent upon his
mother, a willow, refusing to work or
In nny way ntippnrt himself,
Monday he slipped lu his mother's
room while she was sleeping nnd stole
flO therefrom, and for this eiiino was
nrrcsleil Tuc.'day by Patrolman
Board of Trade Will Tonight Con
sider How Best to Avert the
Threatened Conl Strike.
live menthols of Scranton's renie-
sentatlve civic Iwdv, the biviiel of
trade, Impressed with. Ihe s.-iiotiiincss
of the situation confroutln'r th" In
dustrial and commercial int-nost., of
this valley anil especially th city of
Scranton, have signed a call for A
special meeting to be held tonight for
the purpose of taking action on the
lmnendlng strike.
The meeting will begin promptly at
S o'clock and will be open to members
only. Just what action will be taken
Is not known, but it is generally un
derstood that resolutions sttongly
condemning the calling of a strike will
he passed nnd that steps will le taken
to call u public meeting of citizens un
der the nusplces of the hoard te dis
cuss the question,
Secretary Atherton was calleil tip
on the telephone yesterday morning by
llev. J. Phillips, ot Hazleton. whei took
such an active part In the last stiiko
and who attempted to bring about ar
bitration. Knt her Phillips wanted to
know If tho president of the Scranton
board of trade would agree lo accom
pany the presidents of the AVIIkes
llarre and Hazleton boards to New
Voik. there to meet Illshop Potter nnd
ArehblHhop t'orrlgan and together with
these gentlemen wait upon J. Plerpont
Morgan nnd endeavor to have him
use his influence In bringing about u
conference between the operators and
the miners,
Secretin y Atherton informed him
that Preslelent Lansing was out of the
city and that even If he was at home
he would not have authority to take
such action as suggested except when
directed to do so by the board. Ho
promised, however, lo bring the matter
up for consideration at tonight's meet
Came In Contact with a Live Wire
In Front of Coal Exchange, on
Wyoming Avenue.
Michael McManus, of 711! l-'oiest
court, an electrician employed by the
Heianton Illuminating, Heat and Pow
er company, fell from a step-ladder In
front of Dougherty & Thomas' milli
nery store. In the Coal Rxchango build
ing, on Wyoming avenue, yesterday,
and received Injuries which rendered
him unconscious for seveinl hours.
McManus was doing the preliminary
wiring for on arc light, when he fell,
lie was standing on a ten-foot ladder
and hi some manner was thrown or
slipped from his hold to tho side
walk, landing upon ills left arm and
shoulder and head. He laid where he
stiuck without moving a muscle. The
Lackawanna hospital Rinbulance re
sponded to a call and conveyed him
lo that Institution, where he, lay lu
nn unconscious state for several hours.
McManus' arm nnd shoulder are bad
ly bruised and swollen, while ho bears
a slight abrasion over tho eye and :t
discoloration of the optic. Other than
theee there are no murks to show for
MoMnnus' terrible fall. The full ex
tent ot Ills Injuries have not as yet
been ascertained, but it is not be
lieved h Is seriously Injured.
There Is a difference of opinion as
lo the exact caus. of his fall. At
llrst It was thought that he had re
ceived a shock which threw him from
the ladder. It may have been that a.
pair ot forceps, which he held, camo
In contact Willi what Is known to the
wiremen as a "knock" wire, or he may
have lost his balance and slipped from
the ladder.
McManus Is well known around town
nnd has been an electrician for four
teen or fifteen yens. When Illckey
was chief of the file department, h3
was asslnant chief.
To Be Given by Mrs. Carolyn Wolfe
Worden. The miislciilP to ho Riven on Thins
day, Morch "S, at Guernsey hall by
.Mrs. Carolyn Wolfo-AVordcn, promises
to ho very well nttt-neled, as a laruc
number of tickets havo already been
Mrs. Vordon possesses a beautiful
soprano volco of wide range anil ox
e-ollont quality, Is a craduato of the
Now Kimlanel conservatory of Boston
and was formerly soloist of tho Kim
: llerhv :
: Four-in-Hands :
Small, pretty, effective and
just correct; as refreshing:
as a peep of the sun on a
cloudy day. Tho proper
tie for early Spring- wear
goes well with high cut
vests and high turn down
collars made reversible;
two ties in one,
- Ailr 803
t iT t f tHftl
Yon should take advantage of,
unless vou have made up your
mind to do without BERR this
season. It's a value that com
pels the question so often asked
here: "How can you do it?" Just
Try Our Bock
It is pronounced the finest on the
market. Family trade promptly
Wholesale Liquor Dealers, 216 Lackawanna Ave.
Park church, and having been advised
by eminent critics to fully develop her
inuMrul talents, will leave for New
York city to study under the best vocal
teachers of the metropolis.
Mrs. Worden will lie asslslel b
Professor John T. Wntklns, Sctantou's
famous baiilouc; Allied Wooler. ten
on Mons. l-'lavlen Vnndenekeii, the
lielglum violinist. Who will perforin on
a gen til ne Stradlvaiius violin, and
Charles Uoeisitm, pianist.
Nothing to Fear ftom Substitution
of Word "Mayor" for "Recorder."
City Solicitor Vosburg doesn't sen
anything serious in the ai-c-Uleulal sub
stitution of the word "mayor" for the
Word "recorder" lu that seel Ion ot tin
"ripper" bill which gives authority for
the exercise of the city's' corporate
powers, mention of which was made
In The Tribune's Ilariisbuig e-orres-pondence.
"There Is mi question, whnlt-vcr."
said he, "but that the court would de
cide, If anybody were ever o foolish
ns to bring the mntter up. that the In
tent of the leglslatuie was to have it
reuil 'recorder' Instead of 'mayor. The
rule Ihitl an act must be rend so as to
preserve a harmony among Its parts
is one Jong ago established by the
supreme court or this state.
Will Succeed Griggs.
Ilv I'trliitltr Wirj (ram T'ic .jocljtrd l'i.i.
VdiliiiiKlun, M.iivli in. It Is uiiili-r-lmiil n
Midi Jiitlinrlly Hal tin- t'lrVhlnit li.n lii-ililnl
Li appoint I. '. Ki.ov, n( I'lUfliiim, t" till tin
nr nnc.v In M i.ililnct "ill lie imi-nl l.
tin- iiliri-ini-ril nt Allonuj limi-nil (iiijss. mi
April I.
Guernsey Hall,
Sit Washington nvc Scrnnlun Is tho
best nml most reliable plnoo lo pur
chase a good Piano. It will pay "you
to enll aud get prices and tonus. J. W.
Guernsey, Prop. '
Ask for Kelly's union crackers.
The Scranton Gas and Water Com
pany and the Hyde Park Gas Com
pany. In accordance, with Hi poliey o! Hipi- com
panies to rriluee rates fiom time lo timo al
liuv lie warranted by increased eonsupipth-i.
notice H hereby gben that, on and alter April
1 next, the price ol am will be one dollar per
one tliouumt eubie Icet consumed, mbjeet to
the following disroun'a: Kice per cent, on all
bills wlen the lonsiuoption for II. e nwlit'l
amount lo leu than tivinly-flve dollars; ten per
cent, on all lilts where the consumption for the
month umcunls to twenty five dollars and up
I'roildrd the bill is paid e.n or before the
COt 1 1 d.n- of the mouth in which (lie lull is
rendered, lly order of Ihe board.
G. I). 1IAM. S'ruetary.
ll.vdo 1'ark (!,M i cinpany In older to oiuour
age tlio i.-c- of kh lor fuel pui ", uoliio U
hereby e;Icn that em and after April 1 net tho
price of pan m used will be one dollar per one
thousand feet lonsnmed, subjeit to the following
special cllsi'Oiinto: Ten per rent. tinill blllwbeie
the I'omu-nptionfoe thomonUinniount- lo lcintnan
twenty-flie ili-llain; twenty per eeut on all bllli
where Uic consumption for Ine month amounts
to twenty-file iloihiM null npwaiiR
Provided Hie bill 1 paid on or befoie Hie Snili
day of tlio month In wldeb Hie bill l remlernl.
A separate meter, furnWud by the couiianj, is
ncceary. lly older of tho hoard.
u. II, ll.Al, -vcic-iaiy.
The greatest commercial
economist in tho world today.
Compared to any necessary
investment in business,
is Incalculable.
Residence and Commercial
rates at a moderate cost.
Manager's oflice, 117 Adams aicnuo.
Tailor-made suits, to & t ef.
order $1J.5U
King Miller, Merchant Tailor,
KOn I.AI)li:S ANIl GTV18.
Sult3 Cleaned and Presed, 35c.
435 Spruce St,, Scranton, Ta.
and Tinning.
V IZL IZLi mmmJ V.
NtriUtt I fi!
325-32? Penn Ayenue.
f If'." . IMIH V '.'
Tins is the
Duke of York
One ot the new and popu
lar spring hats now bcinj'
shown by
305 Lackawanna Ave.
"IS 17 Honors Hrns." (iootls,
Knives, Forks
Spoons, etc.
No question about the quality; vt
li.ive all the newest patterns at
lowest prices.
Also the celebrated Sterling In
laid Spoons and Forks. War
ranted to wea'r twenty-five years,
Immense stock of Sterling Silver
Spoons, Forks, Knives and Cased
Goods for Wedding Presents.
Mercereali & Connell,
132 Wyoming Avenue.
Pierce's Market, Penn Avenne
We make i srciially of fancy Creamery flut
ter and strictly frcih eggs and the price is as
lo' as flist ilas gooda can bo sold at.
We do not lunc any tpcclal sales or leaders
but at all times cany as complete a line of
Market Goods, Taney Groceries and Tabln Delica
cies as can t-o found in Hie largest Now Yoric
or Philadelphia Markets which we sell at right
W. H. Pierce,
19 Laelaninn Ave.
Prompt delivery.
UO, 113, lit Ttnn At.
Give the Baby
a Chance.
A l!al'. .lumper sliuiiM be in ecei.e home
lUuri- Hie-ic W n baby. It (iiinWies amuse
ment for liib) niale it a healthier, happier
child. As the i hilil kiiiu.s older it learnx to
make the .lumper go and will amuse Itself
by hoins. Made of iiuaiter awcd-nal, highly,
finl-linl. oibtiiiipiicd prliit. 1'r.iini- flu
tie I high und lliutt iiiihi al the hot.
loin, cpei'lal Price,
221-223.825.227Wyomlng Av
Ill' '" ?M'iMn
.. t - itAei