The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, March 21, 1901, Page 3, Image 3

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    TV?&i -tr, if,
An Excellent Combination.
'flic plctiMint inothiid and lionoflcial
effects of the well known remedy,
Hrnui of Fiob, manufactured bv tho
Camfoiuha Fio Smut Co., Illustrate
thcvalucof obtaining tho liquid laxa
tive principles of plnntu Icnovvn to be
medicinally laxative mid presenting
thorn in tho form most refreshing to tho
tasto and ncccptabln to tho system. It
is tho one perfect strciitlieiiliifr laxa
tive, cleansing the system effectually,
dispelling colds, headaches and fever
gently yet promptly and enabling one
U overcome habitual couRtlpatlou per
manently. Us perfect freedom from
every objectionable quality and sub
htancc, aud itR acting on tho kidneys,
liver aud bowels, without weakening
or Irritating them, make it the ideal
In tho process of manufacturing figs
are used, n thoy are pleasant to tho
taste, but the medicinal qualltienof thn
remedy are obtained from senna and
other 'aromatic plants, by a method
known to tho Camfoiisia Fio Svnur
Co. only. In order to get Its beucflcial
oiTects and to avoid imitations, plcaso
remember the full name of tho Company
printed on tho front of every package.
Forpalo by oil Druggists. I'rlcoDOc. per bottlo.
Ice Cream.
gr Per
JJC Quart
5 1 Icjiboiic Ordari Prompttr Ball vara!
3'33j Adams Avenua.
Scranfon Transfer Co.
Paggape Checked Direct to Hotels
and Private Residences.
Office I)., L. & W. Passenger
Ptatlon. Phone TV5.
Dr. H. B. WARE,
i Yl-, kAR, NOSb and THROAT
nM i.Tiv.norrtsi,
I. CM a. tu . 2 1 p. in
W Il.l.tAM ni.Ti'I ,
Opp. 1'iMottlcc.
t ttt t t t t
Hi Ml Ml Mir.llMi. -Ilii' Twentieth l"cn
t . I.ini.m dub will hold tin irgular mutiny
i In- i'm ids in Hie (.iii-iii'iy biilldlnsc.
Mi:i:ilN'(i 01' ri.K. The scunlon Lmlse ot
I Is will hold .1 itgukir nuelliu; thU eieiiln,
' mil oltticia lor the in-uhu var will be nouu
laiul. I mil' I1XI.I. li:M. - ill lminbim of ibe "t.
lii'Hii.i-' ioIUl'i' foot lull I cm are reipimtid
i' tin 1 1 ti'!il','lit. linpoitaiit bu-lnes.i will be
ti iii-iiiid.
I.I (.rilli: ON llli: IIKO.NTr.S.Vr. l'rleda
ald will leitiire on 'Ihuisdiy nfli'mnon at .1.M1
ii tin Crern Nidge lllirjn. All inrmbers of the
W"iimnV club arc iuilted.
Ml.r.llXft 01" Cl.i:iUt. ttcuulir merlins to
lusrht of Ihe Suanton (.'luk' aswHlatlon, No.
I Ml inentbeis tire icquitcd to be present.
ely important hulneM U to bo trannJcted.
Mil.K.S IIIDUi: I..MHF.- MCl'.l'. The ladles o(
ti .- nioi.d eitloii of the Aid fcocietv oi the
.recti Illil(;e I'resbjtcrlan clituch, lloe namu
lii'.'ln with the letter from (! to K, lntlulu,
M'Ml incit in the i lunch patlois at 3 o'clocl,,
1 fl'PKIt -The laillr of tlic Venn Me.
nue lljptht cliuicli will erlc a tempting Riitir
upper in the church pailoii thU cinlnir, from
i to b o'cloih. The ladles of this church .no
noied for their tempting and geneiout spreadi.
P I. A. W. P V 1) YS.-The Delaware, licka.
wanna and Wcitiru rompany 1 pay ai tho
(ollowln miiKS on Saturday: Hellenic, Pod;e,
Oxford, I'.ine, Tailor. Ilolden, Arehbald, fcloan,
Hampton, Continental, lljde Park, Cjiupi ami
it ii. v. m. r. . Mui:nc.s.-s. m. nird,
.tJto seeietary of the I'ennlianla. Vouiij; Men's
l hrUlian at'oelatlon, Mill IickIii a week of meet.
Ingi wllli the Iljllroad oullB Men' Cbriftlan
awoclatlon, Sunday, March 21, at Il.iJ p. ui. The
4. Spring Brook Water,lst Mtg.Ss
- Lncka. Valley Elec. Light, 1st
Mtg. 5s.
4. North Jersey and PoconoMoun- 4.
tain Ice Co., 1st Mtg. 5s,
Standard Gas Co., 1st Mtfj. 5s. 4
i Lehlghton Water Supply Co.,
1st Mtg. 5s.
4- New Mexico Railway and Coal -f
Co., 1st Mtg'. 5s. -f
"" Descxlptlon and price on nppll-
" cation. "
-t- M BroaCway, N. V. WIILm Darre. -f
-f- Oarbondale. -f
-f I, 6 and 6, Commonwealth IUdf.,
-f gennton. -f
Schulrtrt Male quartette ulli Mint. All tlic nint
Inns ro for men cnlj, ami all men rc heartily
ItiWtnl. Mr. Hard will conduct a rfPjrAlor5'
mcetlfiit lor men on Hilunliy runlng, March 23,
t 7.30 o'clock.
r.STiMArr.8 coMinri.i:.-ii. imfUm: '!
Hie CAllmatei roniintltee wlilcli .w to hxe lieen
licM lut nleht lui linn poalponrd Willi nel
Jlnndiy nlgtit In rIvo tlio ineinlrr nioic time
to (duly the llgurr.
(XT IIIs AltM. .loe IlalicMtk. a lliinsarljn
emiilcjril liy the l'jtieal Coil company at
'Jliroop, wai rccchcd at Hie I.itkawamii
jesltrdiy aIIIi n bailly tut arm. Uiliclikk was
cpenlnu n dottle, tlien lila arm rllpiml In aome
Manner and (truck the fliirp rdRei ot the sl.
WOHKMAN lVlt'lini). l'rcd Vwtl, l 1S11
I'ilMcm auntie, J taken ti tie Maw Taj lor
hcMpltal jtcrdiy Mlth a Irukeri leff. 1'upm U
employed at tlic .'oulli mill anil wa flni k dy
a rolling plat wlili'li fa ftlmek liy n
insino and l.utleil ajaltut atid'liroLc his lctt leir,
HurLp, Miiplojnl ul tlir Pino llrook mine, wm
arretted dv 'llmiiwi MaRiilnnein, nf ftlil
emirt, rm tli lmri( o( clicitlr.if and defrauding
a lioardlng Iioum! keeper ot "jlMii. lie ' nr
rilgned define AMutnin Mlllat and lotniiillled
in (I. fault id ball,
paw tiii: cnv.-iii.t t Poiii hum. oi
Wllkeidlme, jntertljy took luik t Wllktv
Unite, thin' jounaU'r Iroin iloivn Iho ulley
who were eld with a iklri' ti ec .t city and up on a Irelicht train. The Iwja were picked
up on the ftreel liy the police at tiiniiiay jml
loiked up at police headnuatteiii until the ar
rival nf the ililef,
MI.N'fe IM'JV JIIKIINO.-U tl.e lfMv.
feimlli monthly imttlnic ot tin Men' union nf
Cnen llldije tf tie held In tho ilupel of tin
(ircen lildjte Vrcslijtirian ihunli thli nenlnK nl
o'clock the flMlloii of utneers
will take plaie, nllir nlilch tlietc ulll ho a sen. illiiKlon on the i,iiillon, ltnotcil,
tie condci.m the ilpmr bill."
MOItl! .lOHS'SOS'. An a sequel to the .InlilKon
child ao, fullv told in Tin d iv Trllnine, Mr
John Joliinon ivai unelid .e.tirdiy for di-nertltiff
her iji'ir-nM ihuehlir. Jamet W. Johtnon,
lathi r ot llm .tnhtiin, the colored ali man,
who Iu4 Rained i imuli nototlety, ii Hie proe
tutor. H' n Joliu-on and Ji.Iiii Johuton, fatlur
of the I'hlld, wlie wile wm aneted, me Inntli
en. Mr. John'on wai arraiuiiid before Abler
man Millar and held under y-lno bill for appear
ante in court.
f)I.OUi:i) KOM-i At' WAIL I be 10I0K1I peo
pie Inhililtinsr the bmife nt 4 It Itiymnnil court
are boliig biouRlit into undue proinlncnee In dlf
fermt aldermanle courts of late. Yesterday the
w ir nir.ilii'-t one nnother m ji continued, when
Mirgaut Hutu wai arraigned before Aldeimiu
Howe on a ierioiu charee preferred tiy W'lnnle
VIII!.iui. 1 lie eve was discharged. Itefoie Al
derman Mlllir Winnie W'illiiun nai brouKht up
for .ifv.uill and b.ilter.v at the inst.iiKC ul Mar
garet l'.an, but the ec wn dMiaritcd.
Silk Mill Strikers Decide to Ceaso
Peace Negotiations with Super
intendent Davis.
At u lucflit.g of tlir executive com
mittee of the Mlk mill atilkcrs, held
yesterday nioinlnt,'. It was ununlmous
ly decided tn s-eml no more committees
to unit upon Superintendent Davis, of
tho Saunuolt mill, and to make no
fttithcr overtures for sottletnent. The
ommlttoo ul'o decided to propaie a
full list of tlielr KrlPViinces and pub
lish It In the dally press.
This is smnethliipr which they have
not yet done, as the wane scale they
formulated Is the only statement nf
any sort yet Riven out by them. Work
vns stalled on the list yesterday, and
It will probably be completed today. A
resolution was also passed nl the meet
ing annoimclnc: that the strike will
be continued until the original frrlev
anccH nr adjusted and the original
wage scale granted.
Meetings were held yesterday of tho
Mlnooka, Taylor, Dunniore and Veter.s
buig local, nt which the nctlon of the
executive- conuuitteo was approved.
Tonight an entertainment will b
given at Manley's hall. Dunmore, by
the Dunmore-T'etersburg local. Mother
Jones Is expected to make an address.
The Litter arrived in the city Tues
day ttom Heading, rind was In consul
tation with the strikers yesterday
morning, in the afternoon she loft for
Forest Hly.
A slight dlstut banee took place last
evening at I'ctersbtug when tho loom
Users lett the mill. One ot tho men
was followed to his homo by n large
crowd of Milkers and bleaker bns,
who had gathered about the premises.
They- loudly hooted and threatened
him. and when his refcidenee was
i cached suriounded the place after ho
rnteted nnd continued shouting Im
precation". The arrival of a patrol
man Uiolte up the crowd.
Committee of Pive Representing
Lackawanna Trainmen Held
Sessions Yesterday.
John 1 Kelly, of .Syracuse: (icorgo
Wood, of L'tiea: John Harbor, of JAih
terj Harry Mohl, of Jersey City, and
A. Kchroetter, of Xewiuk, who con
stitute tho grlevitneu committee ot the
Hiotherhood ot Railroad Ttalnmen of
the Lackawanna company, wete In the
city yesterday and held secix't sessions
ut the St. Charles hoti 1.
They discussed nrlous grievances
entertained by tho Lackawanna, train
men during the morning, and after din
ner went Into sehsloii again. Tho re
sults of their deliberations nte un
known, ns all live committeemen te
fused to make any statement.
They admitted the put pose of their
meeting but would s-ay nothing further.
They loft tho hotel shortly befoie G
o'clock, and soon after departed from
the city, llefote going they expressed
their Intention of holding another
meeting, and their leturn Is expected
Intends to Voluntarily Give Up His
Candidacy for Chairman,
It aii now be authoritatively stated
that Select Councilman Wnilo M. Finn
will withdraw as a candidate for chair
man of select council, If the other inn
Ilepubllcan membeis decide tlu stieli
wltluliawal Ik fop the best Inteieat.i
of tho paity.
It in turlhei' known that Mr. Pi.itt
will support whatever candidate Is de
cided upon In his place, oven If ono of
the members who voted ngalnst 1,1m is
put up, though It Is hardly likely that
he will bo obliged to do thl't. Just
who will bo selected ns a candidate Ik
not positively known, but ox-Shori(f
r. II. demons Is tlio most lllwly one.
Others mentioned, In tho order of their
likelihood, are C, I. Chittenden and
10. L, Mcirhuan.
Easter Cheer nnd Babies Faces.
rather Time will soon usher In tho
season ot gladnets, while Schrlever 13
always lendy with tho old of nrtls
lie portraiture to perp.'tuato the
logulsh countenances of tha dimpled
President Mitchell Said That All of
tho luvltatlons to the Conference
Have Been Sent Out Does Not
Think tho Trouble in Mt. Pleasant
Local Will Bo Very Serious Presi
dents Nlcholl8 Reply to tho Com
munication from Wllkes-Bnne
Boaid of Trade.
There were no slrlklng development
In the mine situation yestenlay, mid
although l'resldenl John Mitchell was
in conference with the thtee district
presidents during put of the forenoon
and nf lei noon, no business was trans
acted which could be niudo public
President Mitchell will remain In the
city today, and will In fuel continue
his headquarters hero until somu com
munication Is received from tho piesl
ilentH of the coal companies. In event
of which tho national and district
presidents may Journey to the metio
polls. A special meeting of thn board of
trade has been railed for tonight, to
take action regarding the situation
nnd a largo number of Its memlters
favor holding 11 genetul mas meeting
of the citizens ot this county, nt which
the general sentiment throughout this
icglon would be expressed.
President Mitchell was seen by n
Tribune man jcMetday afternoon nt
the 100m of National Committeeman
Frederick Dllcher in the Coyne house.
The big committeeman was feeling de
cidedly out of sorts, n severe attack of
catarrh confining him to his quartets
Pieslilent Mitchell has fully recoveied
from his severe cold of the early part
of the week.
In tesponso to The Tribune man's
iucry, the mine workers' leader re
sponded: "All the invitations drawn
ui nt the conference of Tuesday be
tween the three district presidents aud
myself are now In the hands of the
presidents of the companies. They
were mailed Tuesday evening.
Ho tefused to give out a copy of the
communication, On being asked wheth
or nny meetings had yet been ar
ranged of the district boards. President
Mitchell replied In the negative. Ses
sions will be held however befoie 11
meeting of the national executive
bonrd Is called. The disruption ot the
Mt. Pleasant local was here brought
Into the conversation and on President
Mitchell being asked his opinion te
gardlng the probablo outcome ot the
matter he replied that he did not an
ticipate any seilous results and was not
familiar enough with the details of the
case to make any decided statement.
President T. D. Xlrholls, of District
No. 1. yesterday morning answeied the
telegtams sent him by the Wilkes
Hjiio board of trade and Mayor Nich
ols, asking him to teslst to the ex
tent of his ability nny strike In the
anthracite region, which would be
cnlled with recognition of the union
as the principal ulm In view.
Mr. Nlcholls yesterday remarked to
a. Tribune man: "In my answer I
wrote that as one of the Mine AVoikois'
olllcers I would do all in my power to
bring about an amicable adjustment
of difficulties, by trying to arrange for
i In Order to Introduce
1 Our Immense Stock of
New Silks and
Dress Goods..
To New Customers, We Have Planned
a Great Sale for Three Days,
Home Spun Tweeds In 6 shades, all
wool, 38 inches wide. For 3 days only xVC
One Dollar Tweeds All wool, three ,
shades of grey. For 3 days only Oy C
Covert rilxtures 50 inch, all shades. Q
For 3 days only OoC
Two Dollar Broadcloths and Vene
tiansFinest French goods. For - -.
days only 1 ,5U
S1.25 Venetians Full line of colors.
For 3 days only " 5C
Hair Line Vicunas $1. 25 value. For
3 days only y OC
Camel's Hair Cheviots 45 inches
wide; all wool, blues, reds, castors,
greys, browns, blacks. For three days
only 5UC
Henriettas Yard and a quarter
wide, For 3 days only ZSC
Dollar French Poplins in twenty
colors. For 3 days only OvC
Fancy Silks 55 pieces of the linei
grades, marked at fiom 95c to $1.25. .
For 3 days only OC
415-417 Lackawanna Avenue
It's the Method Employed Which
Mnkes Success or Falluic.
One man with pen, Ink nnd paper
ran ptoduce 11 landscape, another man
with same pen nnd Ink may not be
able to write his own name legibly.
It Is till In knowing how.
It Is eiiuully ttuo In tho nee of medi
cines. The same icmedles we have to
day have xlsted for thousands of
yeaiv, but If their existence was known
the knowledge of how In use theni was
They became valuable to the human
1 nee only wli'Mi expeiltnent nnd science
showed the way to use thuni to get
The fcilp Is an old disease with 11
new name It Is leally catarrhal In
character and Ihe usual symptoms are
those nf acute catarrh, but Ihe old
time eatim h powders, salve" nnd
sprays dn not cure It. neither does the
application of antiseptics through tux
Inhaler give anything more than re
lief for a short time.
The antiseptics nte all tight: they
will kill the g"iniH of catanii and grip
if they m applied rightly, but their
local application to tho nose nnd throat
avail little becaiMo the geims are in
the blood nnd thtough the whole y
li 111.
Smait's 1 aim rh Tabids contain
many of thei same antiseptic, that
tiro used in sprays and Inhalers, but
lnsttnd of applvlng them to Ihe in
llamed membranes of the nose nnd, they mo taken Into the stom
ach and thus reach the blood, the real
sfat of the disease nnd dilve out the
ipfoetlous goi ins through the natural
channels of the bowels and kidneys.
In ulner wohIh Stuarts Catarrh Tab
lets tench the cause of the mischief,
Instead of the merely local symptoms.
The lem.irkable success ot these tab
lets in cut lug gtip catauh and throat
and lung tumbles is because they dilv
the catarrhal poison from the system
and the r.oso and throat become oleap
of the iNPCs-dve .secretion of mucus,
which c.'iiu-es the hawking, spitting
mid gagging, because the recrctlon is
not supplied liotu healthy Mood.
Two ycaiT ngo, Sttmrt'a Catarrh
Tablets were unknown but today have
become so popular thtough positive
met It that iltugglsts .everywhere In
Ihe Tnlled States, Canada nnd Cheat now sell them.
a Joint meeting of the miners and
opeiators. 1 nlo suggested that the
bcatd of trade and general public turn
their attention to those In authority
on the opeintors' side, and try and In
duce them to agree to a conference,
and thu.i prevent a strike."
Superintendent C. C. Jtose, of the
Delaware ami Hudson coal department
was In New York Tuesday, but yester
day refto-ed to give out any state
ment of the motives actuating his trip.
Ho Is said to have cont'eired with the
nfllclals nt the homo office.
German Taught by Conespoudence.
First of a course ot 10 monthly les
sons now to bo had at M. Norton's,
1P.S Wyoming avenue, and Iteisman
ltros., Iftr Spruce street. Price, 25
cents. S":ieeialtles of this course .ire
an easy acquisition of a COltlSUCT
pronunciation and learning quickly to
render your own ideas he fort studying
giamtnar. Ask for a. "TIIANSI.A
TOlt." An Ideal Easter or Dlrthday Gift.
A pioscnt that conveys more deli
cate, regard than Schrlev
er's enlaiged Sepia porti nits repro
duced from a photograph ot the loved
one would be dlfllcuit of selection,
Many Amendments to the Reorgani
zation. Ordinance Adopted Last
Night One Provides for the
Elimination of All Provisions for
o Chnngo in the Organization of
the Fhe Department Another
Amendment Creates the Ofllce of
Delinquent Tax Collector.
Tho special committee ot the com
mon council appointed to consider the
reorganization ordinance met last
night In the city hnll antl as predict
ed lu yosterdny'H Tribune, proceeded
to "tear things up."
Then wete present nt the meeting:
Councllmen Pred Phillips, W. J. Smith,
Daniel Clntvln and K. .1. Coleman. gentlemen spent nearly three
hours In considering the ordinance nnd
If tho amendments which thoy will rec
ommend tonight ate adopted the meas
ure will present a far different appear
ance than when It llrst saw the light of
Tin most Important amendment
adopted provides for the striking out of
practically nil of Article VJ, which cre
ates a bureau of fire ami provides for
a general ro-orgauizatlon of the lite
department coupled with a provision
providing- for tho dlsbandmont ot the
volunteer department. Tho only sec
tions which will remain It this amend
ment Is adopted make no change In
the present form of administration.
Another amendment adopted pto
vIiIch for the creation of the olTIco of
delliKjiii'iit tax collector with a salary
of $,r.00 ti year. In the ordinance the
ofllces of city treasurer and delinquent
la collector ate combined.
Still another amendment adopted
creates tlio olllce of clerk of tho com
mon council nnd Increases that offi
cial's salary from JrtOO to $900. Tho
salary of tho plumbing Inspector Is
i.ilsed by another ainendnicnt from
$1,000 to 51.200. The other amendments
decided upon were of minor Importance.
If these amendments are adopted to
night the appointment of a confer
ence committee will be necessitated,
the measure having originated In se
lect council. The members of the lat
ter branch are satisfied with the or
dinance In Its present form, and It Is
probable that this conference commit
tee will have a hard Job agreeing upon
anything. The chances or getting tho
ordinance ilnully passed befote April 1
seem to bo growing slimmer every day.
Nerves Like a Flat-Iron.
A woninn who suffered for three
years fioni nervous prostration says
two bottles of T-lehty's Celery Nerve
Compound effected a complete cure.
She hardly knows today whether she
ha.s nerves or not, ns she never feels
them It Is certainly a wonderful rem
edy. Sold by Matthews Hros
Organs -for Snle Cheap.
You can buy a good second hand Or
gan as low as $10.00 at Guernsey Hall,
J. W. Guernsey, Prop.. 311 Washing
ton avenue, Scranton, Pa.
Popular Priced Photographs.
Sclu lever's three-dollar portraits
possess the same artistic pose and fin
ish that Is tho prominent feature ot
his moro expensive plctutcs.
Fancy Silks For waists, 63 lengths p
of $1.00 goods. For 3 days only 55C 5!
Fancy Silks 3s whole pieces of 51
changeaole and select color Taffeta Silks, . J;
new shades. For 3 days only 49C "
Fine Silks Black Brocade, Satin
and Taffetas, marked at $1 and $1.35. $j
For 3 days only OyC $
Fancy Silks One table full of short i &;
lengths. 75c goods. For 3 days only.. 3aC
Hair Cloth Genuine ib inch, best t &
grade. For 3 days only 1 3C S
Pcrcallne Fast black,, 15c goods. t $j
For 3 days only llCS;
Pcrcallne Twelve and one-half cont fij
goods, for , Qc
Percallne 20-cent goods, for 15c
Percaline isc goods, in 27 different j
Spring Shades 1 (JC 5i
Slleslas 1 1 pieces grey fancy back, 4 i 51
20c grade 1 2aC S'.
Cambrics Best lining ,jc 51
Pure Linen Canvas c -"
Black, All Horeen Skirtings 25c 5!
Best Illuminated Moreen Skirts .... 39c 5!
1 The Family Dining Room 1
Is a fair index to one's social stunding, and a mighty pleas
ant place to visit three times a day. When you have the
pleasure ol eating otf dainty china, It is more than gratify
ing to the "inner man." There Is no excuse for nny one
not having a nice dinner set when you can make selections
from our Open Stock Patterns. Buy a few pieces today and
mime aaamotis at anytime,
just arrived, loo.plece Decorated Porcelain iplo.UU
Geo V Millar &
Always Busy. Always Honest.
1 14 and 1 16 Wyoming Avenue
Genteel Shoes
For Gentle Spring
This is the sprouting lime of life.
We furnish shoes for humanity
the noblest of all life.
For tlic Ladies.
We have four of the
most perfect creations in
the art of shoe making,
They -are :
The Always Busy $2,00
Oar Special - - 2,25
The flay Aiig - 2,50
The Beautiful Melba 3.00
These shoes are all the
feet need.and all the heart
desires. In style they are
in perfect good taste. Our
guarantee goes with every
114 and 116 Wyoming Avenue, Scranton.
Is Your Bicycle
Iu good shape for
i Is the time to have
it properly.
Bittenbender & Co.s
g 126 and 128
Those who arc interested, even
in a Reneral manner, in matters
musical are cordially invited to ex
amine the latest
Pianofortes to be seen at the
wareiooms of
1. 1 POWELL h CO.
131-133 Washinqton Ave.
several new ones
Co m Wjomln Avenne g
For the Gentlemen.
We have styles that
are comfortable to the
feet, and beautiful to the
eye. The prices are :
$2.00, $2.50,
$3.00, $3.50,
And $4.00.
These shoes are in
the prevailing leathers
Vici Kid, Valour Calf and
Patent Leather.
the riding season?
your work done. We do 5
Franklin Avenue. ty
406-408 Adams Ave.
A family hotel; fifty rooms; strict
ly first-class; elevntor service; elec
tric bells; suites; private baths; sin
gle and double 100ms; handsomely
furnished. Tor teims address,
Now Proprietor of "The Linden."
The Dickson UauuTiictiirlng Co.
fccrknton and Wllkevllarra, l'i
Mauufaoturor or
Uollcrj, MolitlngandPumpine Machinery.
General ORlct, Scranton. P,
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