' - t .-..n f s otrr ,j-v . . . a-c-v t -s TfT , , :.,. F r - rf , THE SCK ANTON TRIBUNE- THURSDAY, MARCH 21, 1901'. ?-? ?". OiilCC: BURKE BUILDING THE PEOPLE'S E A I'Ol'l I. Ml ( I.r.AIIIMl 1IOUHI. for the tlcr-i. " lit ol All Who Ilmo Houses l Hint, ltral Lstale or Other Properly to Sell or Kxihangc, or Who Want Situations or Hclp-Thcc Smal Ad vertisement C,t Ono Cent Word, bit Inter titna lor Five Cents a Wurd-Licipt bltuaticin Warded, Which Aio Inserted ITcc. IIIISMIKI) ItOOOM Willi IHM1IO AT Mil. Webb's, 17 Llniolli uvinuc; nbu tabic bv.ud can lie oMilncil l- llw week or inontli. A LETTER FROM MINDANAO. Trlvnto Xenyon, of Fell Township, Tells of Fhllipplno Life. A lot tor fi dim Hon mil Kenyon, for inoily of 1'cll township, ami it member of tho Tvvetit -eighth liitautiy regi ment, rnlteil States oluutceis, now en route for lintne on the transpoit Thomas, having left Manila on Mitirh I."', litis been lceehed by his brother, who ii'FluVs In I'VH township. Voting Kcnyon In well known In this elty and Is a sturdy, rugged specimen of man liood. The leulmcnl Ih made up en tlioly of Ynns)lvnuiau. most of them backwoodsmen, and is known around tho Philippines lib the "Fighting Ilegl lneni." halng passed tlnough live bat tiest. The following stoiy tells some thing or cnmp.iliiu life out there: KlMjiiri, Province .Misrnus I-t-aiii Mlndinuo, Jm. :iii, ljuo. Dor Ihothir. We Ml MiiiIU lnj Dctembir . l'.ssi, destitution unknown to i, bavin,; in Ivard the llilnl bittallnii .u.il Conipinlos V. end '. Second IuII.iIIlhi. The tibcis vile on hoanl tho r.utiiutr and three other tr.uistiorls aciou p .nicJ IK, the l.i li-.x having l'-.'i i.v.lhy horsci nh'1 fllcm pnk iiiiiIis. i In December 0 wo ni lived .11 lagll.l.lll, om ol llu llnist o tlio l.la'nK TIio in it (in iIj. y?u- pni in iinliuillng nip Itlm, piuliinu iiiiiip u ul truing lliliiuH iimly for ! Ii.inl ifip.il,!ii. Wr Irainril from tlio I'nillttli IiRlmcnt, Hullntinl liore fliiro the nlno ttiuiitlu licliU' tint c nc up npalnot tin- UMl thin;. 'Hi" rillpiiwi li.nl iln 1'ortii III liliiffnl. 'UlC roillrill lilloil Willi storlld uf tllf llll'j InliiB Mlrd with aiineil mm. On Hiirmuir 1" wi ucici onloM to cit two il.i.n t.itlom, llflv cti.i iniiinlii of iMiiiiiiilillli.il, cmry our t-lirllu-tcnU, rftuj lio Hudv to line at ii n'dutK net noriiiin,, rciiillo IhIuk ut 3 a. in. 'ilils j. tllO l'Kill1li!, Of .1 tlllOf witW "lllko," Ulillll tiinied out hi . tlio touulnt toldiirln,' wc lia,l tlotin J(t. I'rom Drrinilirr Ifi to Jjiiinr 7 wo wile wakuicl at 3 u. in, i.li our Inoikfast of roriiiil liccf ami lurd l.nk, Imlntf rc.nl, to hlart at .", j. in. We who io.iMnf; wot coiilintl.v dur. ins lliU time up to our waku trom crnisliu (Ircain?, and tho lulanco of the way we wcro wet from inspiration, lino itium u novcd thirlj three limes in one iifteiiioon. We weic drii at dilly Irum the iulne. jit wo did nut answer the tin Ono afternoon wlill,. coiiij.' tluouKli a diep tavlnc a lot of unarmed rutiieH liejtan rolllnc etonc our the top on u, ai a Iieitlit of SijO feel. Then the colonel ordeird Conipmy 1' to tlic ut tliem. They toon de-istod, and the colonel mM: "Hid Jim sie them cluck their nut.' " Here Ii on instaiiro that will ciic OU an idea of Ihe kind of people tl.ey are. A 1'ilipiiio, aimed with tpear, tlileld and Iiolo, hiding in the liushiN atlimpliil to kill the ht man of the fliM company whom lie, no doulit, ihuiiK'ut wm a t-lraffslpr, and lie . kliut dead for Ins troulile. Our rations Mr a s.pnd of el'lit men are time two pound cans ol eornni beif, two pounds n( raiiiud Leans, with a couple of Mioonfuls of cof. feo and n iwund ol liaultack. 'Ihey la us kill oiercllilus o tie, pUs, iliUkui-, calllo and eierj thins fl-f wo could llml. We diMiojed Hiiiiu iry (Iruui; foillliiatiuiu and Luined two town, wlicie the Pillplnn roldiiid mile their litiiliiai(crs. Vet we filled li get in cloo quarters Willi tliem. We o-i cmo man. ho luins klckesl to death. It may tuiprbP jou to lenn lli.it there are nine Amrrlriii de.-erlirs fiom the I'oitiilb in fumy cut with them. It is a fur. KUesc thrrc aio tome mountains like l.lk mount iln, et wi) "lllko" lisht uiei tlio top of Hum. their Is tome ury line water hue. In f,ul. It i, i 'try line rounti). 'I lii-. luie many rittle and alio cm n instead at ilie. 'IliO Third Laltalloii is In tins town. ',e ritlirr eiRhl comjunln are In towns .iii the Leacli. Yniiu, l. llonald Keu.l0ll. Irom I he I'litladrlpliu I'rrv. 'I lie Twcnlj-clKlitli teKlmini ilMiniaiMinl it. e at Pucl Ilrlelsre .lanu iry 7, 1P0I. Ajulnaldo'a reslnicnt ua ill-piinel with heuw luv,ea 'ln, leclmcnt U wholly a IViiirjh.inia leslment and II will Lo sum an o ltion on its icluiii. It left Manili on the l.Mh just, em ihe traii'iioit Thomas. AT THE IJOSriTAL. Fnticnts at tho Ewevgeiicy Are Get ting Aloiip; Very Nicely. ClirUstonhcr Scltulu;, who l)h uper nted itiioit ut the- KineiKfiiey hospital on Tuesday lor appinilleltls, Is (return; alotiK eiy nler jt u,ut;iit ip.. Will lilplUlv rtVOMT .lames Moril.son. of L'oiest cily, who had hiH arm ninnutaled on .Monday, was ul.-o nnteli lnipineil jehteiUay audit la now thought tli.it he Is, out of daiiKcr, .lames SullK.in. who iei'leil frlslil ful Injiiil-H at Maytlclil yarel M,mv ulw aso, and had one lei; amputalcd, Is "lowly ImpioMnt,'. Anthony Mc-fiulre. who was run oer by a c-.ir at Coal brook raillery on TllL-Mlay, Ks also lit a eiy faroiablo condition. SURPRISED A MEMBER. Womnn'a Rolicf Coips Renieinbers Mrs. Newton's Birthday. ' "On Tuctday niieinoon the "Woman's -Hollof eorpii of Serjjeant William IX. :JvlcX r'f. No. IS7, Uranil Ainiy of iio Uepiiblie. tendeivd it hiirpilhe par- ty to Mrs. Isaac Noiyton, one of its ipoM ueilvc members, at her homo on Spiing street. Tho party was in tho natilie of a thlmblo tea, and tho'ufler noon was pleasantly spent. It was, tho thlrty-blxth anniversary of Mis. J CflaEraaagj'iiT nun mrnmwrmmtwvwipifyi gg!MntBfflB7i1 Worry steals b'rotn nervous energy lessons Uraln Power. This inoies tlm stoinacli and tho man. Here's the icinedy for that tired Uiain, to Invigorate rrstoiu lebulld. To correit the disturbed stom ach. Tho good it docs will last; for It Is Rutin food Uraln en ergy. It has been used for yeais for mental depression, and the relief It affords thta condition Is remarkable. Thoio will be no reaction It Is more than tonic Ilialn, meat, and dilnk aw found In. nason's YfcLi.uw Tablets c Sea 'and Car Sickness, Headache Na Cs'curtl, Aloes or Oplatet. Msjiiu't Ydlciw Tablets kura OVSI'tl'SIA Sea tod Car Sickness, Headache Brain mi Nire Toalc, 10c. .".isoo'f brown Tablets Cart CONSTICATI0N D:ilocs and Liter Troubles O. K. In the iiornlof, 10c r.:soa's Red Tablets Core C0UQI1S Lroctbllls, BaiDiealti- Sareofanltbfartil, 10c. Carbonciale Department. Newtnn'H bli'llnhi ThoKO present were: Mr. ii nil Mis. Isaac Newton, and Mesdames Waltc. Huunds, Jtvewu. Scull, C'hnrloa MinetiMiux, John Kstu biook, Uobort Holland, S. Ii. Cinleton, Chaileti Munn, Adeline Kstabrook.Wll llani Fiedetlcl, flintier) Louden, J. .1. Hounds, Alex. (Hills, Harvey Hounds, I-'ruuk I.rmicrciiiix ami Mrs. Feltoti. AN UNIUJLY VAGRANT. Ho Causes n Barber Shop's Potions to Appear In Stieet Half Shaved. An unknown, noisy, pestiferous tiamp caused considerable commotion In tho lower pint of town ycsteiday afternoon. Ho appealed at tho homo of CioorKe V. Smith, on IMko stieot, while Mi. Smith was uway from home, and frightened Mrs. Smith and hur tlaiiKhter by his Insolent demeanor and demands for food, lie relumed nevenit times, and Ilnally Mrs. Smith got word to Constable Moran, who quickly ar rived and put the fellow under an est. The constable staiteel with his pris oner for the city lockup, but had not proceeded far before tho man showed sdKiis of Htrht. Mornn kept on, how ever, druggliiK tho tramp by main force. Hi' sot him as far as Moran's bin her shop, when the variant doubled up his fists anil assumed a. Uucatenlm: postuio, Moian n.sked for help at the barber shop, and two citizens who were being shaved rorponded. lhuh had lather on their faces and ono had been half slimed. The latter came out and marched iiIoiik on ono side of the tiiinip. He had no hat on, his face on one side was all foam and tho other side clean. Ho had it long bat her's apron on and was in his shbt sleeves. The Might he piesented going along the Mieet in this make-up caused great merriment. He walked along neaily a block when he realized the attention he was attracting. Then he got the pt tanner to piomlso ho would go along peaceably with the constable and "scooted" back to the tonsorlal pallor. Constable and tramp got along all light after this until they reached the steps of the city hall, when the lat ter again balked. It was necessaiy for Moran to lift him up the steps and cany him In, but lie landed his man all light In tho place wheie he belonged. This moinlng the mayor will probably have an interesting chat with the vagiant. WILL VISIT HERE. Legislative Sub-committee on Appio prlatlons to Inspect Institutions. A sub-comtulttce of the genet al ap propriation committee, consisting ot Representative Mef'laln, Hope, How ard, McTlghe and llaker, will como to this poitlon of tile stnte tomonow to spend two days Inspecting the char itable institution;) that have applied for state aid. Tomonow will be de voted to this city, Pittston and W'llkes IJartP, while all uf Satuiday will be given up to Seianton. Hspeclul atten tion will be given lo an investigation of the piuposltlou to make the Lacka wanna hospital a state hospital for the noi them coal Holds. TOPICS OF THE TOWN. AT 'I UK OPIItV HiIIM: leiniirlil, "m.m tin- Trail"; lndi', "Jiiwu m L'iuiuiia"i Ml tudiy in nine o, 'llu Inn Main-", 'Mluuhy 111,'ht, 'inele Mm in i linn." A I NTLIU INII.l Dni-n.i. s. 11, n clcnt Oidei if llllieinlaix are mikliu ii'tii" pieiaralioiis tor an iniiitalnu.cnt and n l.il to 1h held In HuikeV hill on the iwhiux oi i:.iktei Widneday, Apiil lu .lollN KIMi KNOWN III. 111. Anions a Inlili of lramis arreled near Wllljiii-ut this wielc ore ins the name uf John Kllu', of laibondah. .No tueli man can Le loc-alcd lieretuor eks Iho n lino appear in Ihe illy elirettoiy. lMIHTI'.P.- nionic the true lulls foui, Lv the ire cut Knud Jury and uf lmal intire.l an: Ihe tulluwlii.;: Laictny mid irccitliii;, William leiwler and William l!r..dlcy. .1. T. Mi An ihew, piosuutcr. llmlai, .lunepli Muiiay, ,t. T. MeAndiew, inasrculor. MI.I'IIMW 'iONKillT.-Ceorsc V, llmdolph camp, .No. ,i, Sjiis of il(i.in; fiiil.iou No. .",, Anlcciil Older of llibiiinius, I nltid Mini' Work er, .No. t-77; IIrant.1i N". 77. I., f. II. A i l.i ilie' Aulllaiy liillway Ti illlliicn, altcinuou, taibondale count II, Nu. I'-JI. Ilo.ial Aie.inuui. 'ID HOI.n A Ol.l.l,.-llif lliibeih.' mil.. n bai ,i pointed a cuiumillii' to mak all in ranc mints foi a fchi.iI to be held In Hull. is lull noon alter battel. It Is needlev. to siy that thu l.nulm of tbu blade ml ttn i will miku it an cnjujublu cunlnk' for llicvo who hunoi the cunt Lj theii plCfiCIICC. cin' IN MIIANION I'llli:.-!.. . lb.birtfi, uf Ninth I'liuicli street, lost a lundtuuic parlor f .ii i .1 1 and tet uf furuituic in 1 lie fire at Wil liam ic Mi.Sniilli'a In Mranlon on lueca) muiii. In;, and P. II. lleian. nuiiiRir of the Laekinau. n.i illey Lin trie Light roiupin,v, lost a, aluiblc carpel an I ollur lum-iliuM kowIs. S Ol'IIMIVT.-A I'lnU lelphn ieircsriilatie 'I i j'V I'li.incc concern, who was In this illy (l.nlii, said Hut he was willln to uj'.'u HlXi.iW that thcie would nut lie a roal sliiSu in Iho Laikawanui valley on pill 1. Ihe cm lleiuin, who elld not wish bis mine published, ii .iLlf to make that Kood-slred be I. 'lOMlilll'A MOKi:it. The blejclo club smoker in lionm uf Jivcph lloole, iiienlioned in thrte miliums a lew iIijh auo, will bo hrld jl Hie club rooms tonight, Mr. lloole is imp t,t Ihe uiobt popular memluri and he will be cjliui a itirriUil"i!.'ly entliuiatie' send uft loul.'lit. All eluli niiiiiKu are askeet to be putrnt. riiwnn M.I, AHOl'N'P.-lohn lhl!,t,a,t bat been promotnl to the pntltlon formerly held ure UY5.-lirSIA and Nervo Invlgorator. Maton's White labltts Cure SdKB THK0AT Tnnsllllla, Colds Iteduce Inllimnalloa, 19c Masoa's Cream ol elites Cures CATAKIttl Croup, Pltcplcs, .Veuraltla, tarns and Tiles, JJt. All Drafttsts r mailed for price ty II. T, MS0N UtEMICAL CO., 21 Arcb Street, I'alladelpbta, Pi. Brain Phone : NEW, 286 OLD, 0423 Ly Hal Jidnln at the llendrlek company's oftler. Pert i:. Ilurpliy lias Lrcu nil rn Mr. Ilallslead't idler, ami Hay Oilier, formerly of Milpplnt Auctit M. b, I'lno'n olllee, Ins assumed Mr. Our 'li former duties. IMwaid Autigir lus teemed Mr. Oliur'n ultualion. NO MOlli: SHIIIT WOHK. Ut PitnlnR wit ncssed the last of the ttorra bclnir open oiontnipt on ucrount of pay dj. It lias Lecu the iutoui in Hie M't lo keep pieces uf Luslness open until tt o'eloek or later from the lentil to Hip twen tieth of eaeli month. Hereafter the stores will Le ilnsoil promptly at (1.8(1 nery iiliiht, eeeitlii(j on S.ilurdsjs and tdclits preeedlnB leitil liollilajs. WI'DDIM) Mli:ill)AY.--ll.irrj' N. (ItlfllHis, until innitly a well known Jounc man of tlili ill). Wits united In unnlaxe .leatenlay lo Mln l.lrric but), ut t-crjiilin. The eeicmony was performeel at tho lioine of llr. (InttlthV parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. II. lirlftilhs, hi N.rantn, and teienl I arlwndilc psi1e aliended. His many blends here will wlli lor hint and Ids Lildc the greatest of connubial felicity. AT TIIIM1Y CliriK H.-llei. Hr. JohiHOn, it 1'lttjHui, elellicrcd u Keruion hsl oieului: In 'Irltiiiy I', i:. clmnli. Tutuoirow aflrnioou lie v. 1'.. .1. Millenry, rector of M. luild's rhureli, Wctt Serantoii, will elellier an address. Tlien Ieiitiu tirilces liaic been sety well attended, alihmixli the leetor hopis to ceeure tt 111 largir coniirccatloiH for the irunlnlntr cut lens, ctpe 1 1 illy those at which Uniting cler oilicUtP. I)li:i) IN" M IIXMO.V. Wool was riHeiied in lids elly jetlcl-eli) of Ihe eliatli ol lis. liiver McOonan, uf Pit West backawanni otrnui', Siuntou, an aunt of I. 1. ('uociii, of foofran lltothers. Mio elied early In the tt ay of pleuro piciimonli. Her tiiiiicors aio her husband, who lias been in tho employ of Hie baekiuauui rem. pany for tho past lllty 31 irs, and n ihunhler, Mls Maine Mid'ou.in, who is well known lure. ITALIAN t'ONM'L TO M'KAK. 'Ilii- members of the choir of Hie Chunli of Our Lady of Ml. Ciimel are niakinir aetiio lueparallons for tbelr entertalnmriit of next Monday runlnir. Ktiil lent lab lit has been tecurul. Wold has also bren icccited here I li.it Portunale Tl.-iar, Ihe Italian niiMil at Srianlun, will bo piesent and make an uddies'. Ml-s llosa AraRonla, talented Scranton loe.illst, will asitt the loeal tinkers. Ihe en tertilmncnt is for the benefit of the church fund. SOI, rHOsi:s TODAY. Today is known as lernil eiUino, the dav tint milks Hip com. menecuiint of tprincr. The word Is derived fioni two l.itln word, ocipius (equal) and don (lilulit). and slsnlllcs the iiiomint at whlih the sun in piling the iipiator, renders the ilijs and nlirhts eepiil in lemrlli tlucitic;!) the world, ot cjit in to far as this equality is uiodiflcd by Ihe cfTee t of refraction at the appireut line of Iho hnnln ire's rising and tcliiiur. leiday the sun Li at the lir-t point of Alies. HI-) MXllM) Ati'UAltANi i:.-ltltliard J. Mtir phi, who appeared beloic Ma.ior hilpatriik on IVimIji, chaiirnl with beiuir drunk, and who was let no on Ids promlvp to letuin lo icraii ten, where he tilil bo lived, ctielently has .1 thoit iiieinoi, for later In the clay he apilii was a prltoncr on the tame complaint. He was Kept locked up over nicbt and until joterday nflcinoon when Chief MeAndrevv look 1dm elovvn lo Hip static n, put him on the train, and taur tint he was bound esraiitonwnril without mis take. li:itMANi:ST OKIiCLItS. Ihe ( leike' Pro. Icciii" asMiciatioii held their regular meetlni; on Tuesday evening:. The followlnc; peiiniuei.t otlP ters wire elceteil and liter installed b Orcran icr Hermes and Mr. Monohau, of the Central laibor union: President, I). L. Walsh; vlic luesidiiit, KItner Iliokensldrci flnaueial ncie. taiv, Miss Mary Midirry; leeordlni? seereturv, I'n. I llainnstclii; treasuur, I'raul. llovlan; Ktiid'', Hairy llllliri piard, .1. J. O'Neill; nasties, Miss Tillle Mmphy, M. J. Koran, MKs L'uinia hwnt. WANT LIII1IA1IY DOWN' 'I OWN. - liutnlier oi ilnwnlnwii lueielunts and ictldnits ale ai;i l.itlnc the .ippointimnt of a iiimmlttcp to tic ami bice tin Carnegie llbrar building loeated on smiHi Main slicct. Tlu.v ta.t that the lot on whii h the old link Mauds would be an lele H tile, lining a fiontago of oO fe'l on M llu etrnt and l.'j on N'vculli nvenuo. It would hi in Hie iciiler of the town, the uifi , and Ihe lot could be Miitied at u veil suiill fUuH foi this piupoM'. They ate in hopes Hut Huir efforts will iniet with tuciess. iINII.IIPW'S MSTINI'.l',. A Rood tired an Ii eiup witnessed Hie Waller Stock eompanj'r. tine pn -iiititli'ii r-liulay altrinoon of the Mronc; toilety dram?, "Ihe IMal WtiMing." Mr. Wil ier tliowrd to adcantice lu Hie pait of lli.v llellintlon and Leih Iloderli' as the tihemins (;nerriis gave a strong and effiellie inipeisoui lion. MKs Le-lie undo a verv dainty and pie ic ing heroliip Ihe emnedy woik Ly Willlaiu Cush man ami Alhe Hamilton kept the houe in good liuiuoi. lonlght the pompiny will Le teen in the ttrong pi ii- "Aiios.s Hio Tiall." Tills play hia nicer been presented In ( abondale. Ml!. l'A. .MIM.D.-i;eoi(.e lllliott I'a, Hie huui'iiiat. who give his eiellent eutdtainnient at Hip I'lift 'oiigicvilioiiil i lunch last evening, came vny near not gelling heic. 11 some min take the lei tine billiail culltrollln,' his luuve mints suit Min to Mont lose ve-terday iihlcad of line. Winn ho gut In the Susc,uelnuni coun ty seat ho was gieitly suipried lo llnd that no prcpaialioiis had lutii mile time fur lit n i and Hie pcojile lo whom be was tent wrtc alao sur I'llsed, for he was not due Hieio until March ii. He established communication with Hev Mr. liliult over the lung elntatieo 'phone and was lohl lip thould be heie last night. It was then l! o'eloik. To reach lino lu time he had to drive tllleeu miles to .NulinUoii, lake the 3.10 tialn from linn to !-i union, and he got line at V.UU. lb- did nut have mm Ii time to rat Ills supper. I he lomcrt was a tutu .t. Tho Passing Throng. Vrs W. II Searles i qullo 111. I Iniles bono returned juteiday to Philadcl plila. Mi-. Michael Cannon, of Pike flrrct, is serious ly ill Mi.s Nellie (iallaghy ii aide to be out afirr a short illnes". Di. Price, of W'annrt, was among tlio visitors hue .vonicrdiv. Aieiitect I'. L. Ilrovvn, of Scranton, was In low u .vettcidiv. ( ptitractoi- Com id i-chroeder, of hiraiiton, was in town vesteida). Mis.s Maty McL'ur, of Serauton, is the guest of Mis. II. 1'. lilllcnu. John Tillslcy, of llelmont street, is home from Windsoi on sick leave. Miss ltose MiAiiduw. of W'ilke Dane, is the ;uist uf (i k mil In town. Hugh Davis, of llinslunilon, is linking tar boudale lua lieadiiuartcia for a few dais. Miss lla.il Wheeler has ic turned from a pleas ant visit with Iricnd. al Windsor, N". Y. Mi.s Kale Mc trick, of New oih elty, is visit tug her mule, John Merrick, of Darlo avenue. .John Hell, of the Delawaie und Hudson loeomo tin shops, is nrloiulc ill at his home on lliook slreit Mia. I" II Pcvei, of Canaan tln-et, is in a very iriili.il loii'litlon, sullering from an attack of llisltjl. William 1'ivr. who his been visiting at Ihe home of p. M. Moihti, went to New York cily last .'lining. Professor lbert llunisb, an c-leader ot the Moait band and onhc.-tia, Ins decided to locate In Illiaia. N. Y. vii.s l.uiv (.tlmartln, of Scranton, formerly a lesid'lit Inn1, is the liUtit cf Ml J Lllzabeth Laikiu, of llionkljn street. Mis l.miiy Mesen, Mrs. Janus .1. (lurinan and MUs Halle Healey were vlslllnif at tho homo ot M lleale.v. In Foiest City, Tueadiy. inniel Vi W hilc, of lllocuusburg Mile Normal school, is spending hi Caster vacation with Ids parents', Mr. and Mis. John White, of Seventh street. Miss I'raiuea liannery, who has been seriously ill with pneiinionli at the homo uf p. W. Hum. plire, was liporlol to bo much linniivci last evening. m To Prevent Pneumonia and Grip Laiatlic Hronio ijiilnlup lemons Hie eau'e. " JERHYN AND MAYFIELD. A public tnrttliiir of Ihe eltlinis and tatpa.v er was held In Enterprise tia tt last evening to dlscitM Ihe action of ihe borough council in rC Irani to tho palnir of the motion at the itelal merlins Ht l'llday evening giving conlract for ten jcari to the Crcsernt Liectrlo Light icmpatiy for llghllng Iho borough Mteels. 'Hie mfclln was quite largely attended by rtpre sentatho citizens and wa formally opened by Dr. S. I). Davis, who nlaled tho object of tho nuftlng which was to Induce council lo recon sider their action and not to enter Into a con trail with either lompniy lor a longer term than three cirs and lo advertise for bids to as (o give both compuilcs an iqual opportunity. I'rank llcmrlrlghl was then elected ilmlrman mill W. C. Nicholson secretary of the inecllne, The citizens were mked lo iptcs Ihelr ten tlmenta In the matter. C. P. WTnler was the flr.t speaker and his ihlcf ubjrcllon was th term of lontiact, lie did not believe In a longer term than three earn. Oounellinin Moon otlerward siuko In elcteii-e of Hie action ol the louncll men who with him voted for tho rotitruit with the descent company, lie explained their pus! Hon fairly and staled be was of opinion they were working for the borough's interest lu mak ing the contract. Dr. S. 1). Dsvis ami John W (Irant mado short speeches after which Attorney Mocker, on belull of the Crewent lompiny, mado a slate ment bum their (dde which, was in. tireslitigly listened lo. Attorney 11. D. Carry, who Is the plaintiff In the Injunction proceeding, also linele u long plea for the Jcrnnn company and was follownl by Willlim flenson, Iter. May. nan! II. Thompson, W C. .Nicholson, C. K. llaker and M. F. MeDermott. After whlth a mo tion In acconlanco with Ihe rail of the mictine was put by Chairman Ilemelrlght and carried, The Delaware anil Hudum breaker slirled e lerday on full time until further ordera. An operation is to be performed today by Dr. S. D. Divls, of this borough, and Wheeler, uf Catbondale. upon Mrs. Willlim Culry, of West Ma field, who baa been seriously ill for sonic time past, 1. vman Howe his been engaged to give an other of hi moling picture exhibitions in the Methodist episcopal chinch on April 18. The pictures he will show will be entirely iUfferent f i om Ihoso he exhibited en bis last visit heie. The entertainment bo furnished under the bus pices of the Methodist church congregation two months ago was so cuJo.ihIiIp tint tnin.v requests liivo bci u mule to secure A leturn date. Mrs, Mias II. Hills is e endued lo her home on Thiiel street Willi slckiesc. Mis. W, C. Me holsoit la In New- lork elly piirrhasing new- iring mllllneiy goods OLYPHANT. mass ineetlng of cilizina of this Lorough will be held In Mahori'g hall on Mtuulay ecin- Ing. The object of the ineetlng Is to discuss the fewer question, the Supreme court having decided in a recent decision that the borough his no legal right to pay onc-thhd of Ihe cost of the tunc. All citizens, especially those abutting on the present tewer slcni and the pioposeil ex trillion, arc icqucttcd to be piesent. William Patten and fainll have moved into the Williamson building on Lackawanna sheet The two children of Ldltor .1. W. Kennedy aie recovering alter a wccli'ii lllncts. An alarm of lire sent lu from box IS list even ing iilsiut (1 o'clock vcas raucd by a slight blare in an unoccupied house on the corner of Duimiorc mill Seotih sticcts, owned by P. I'. Jordan. The Kveelslors and Hose company No. 2 responded promptly, but their services were not requlicd, as the blare was extinguished with a few palls of water. Miss Ollio Murph.v'n (lavs ot the Wakely bap tist hundiy school will conduct a rumimge sile In Iain-arils' store, on Miln street, lllakelv, next Siturdiy from 0 a. m. to 10 p. in. Mrs. A. Ilcrry, who has been at Southern l'mes, N,. ('., for the past four month", has rc turned to this place. Last evening the member of the Sons cf SI. George conducted a delightful smoker in their rooms In Kdwards' hill. Those present were af (iiided an veiling of much plcasiuc In listening to the programme rendered, Ttefreshments were served and afterward clgais were pased mound. Several ot the Hi mil lodge officers attended l'i'V. J. .1. H. Fceley, of Mcliolson, spent jes tenlay in town, Harry Needle is home fiom Stioud-biirg 'lite Normal school tor a week's sla.v. John II, Wllliam, of Second" street, lllikih, is ill. J. It. Kims, of Carboudale, vl-ited relatives heic vcsterday. i JViOOSIC. meeting uf Ihe Victorian societc was held Pstcrdiv aflrrniMiu in Hip High school. Mis. Hobert llurlelgh, of Pctkville, w.u a vls. tor in (own esterdiy. Mr. William Me Andrew, a student of Slroiuh burg Mite Nonnal sihool, Ic spending a lew weeks with Ida pirrnts. 'Hie fuiural of Mr John llugsu ore urretl Tues dii moinlng fiuiu his lite homo in the North laid. Interment In SI. Mar.v'fl re meter. Mrs J. N. lliiley is recovering from a slight attack uf pneumonia. The Wtng Ladlis' Mission Cinle met on Tues- day evening at Hie home of Miss Mabel Oemiuel, of South Miln strcit. Mr. and Mis, I'rank Johnson attended the parly given at the home of the formci' blether, Mi. Hairy Johnson, of Avoca, last evening Don't forget the biilhday sociil to be gnen this evinnig at the Pnsb.vterlan parsonage PECKVILLE. Til- empliivis of the Ontario and Wcilern It nl loiil wne paid eleida). Tlio tlio alirm is out of sricue The lni,h wind which mailed on Tuisdiy night broke Hi- wiic in seveial places, (uiuuil tliouhl ic plate the- ulel who with new-, as it may Lr iho iauso of a disastrous flte If not re-paired promptly, A Imlgi ot tho ordei of the Sons of St. (,'ioige Is soon to Lp ihitiliitcl fa IVekvllle. Those wishing to Join the 'older will eonfer with Messrs. W. A. strpliena and Oeotge talveit. The cvangelUtic seivicts at Hie baptist iliuuli aro still continued. The attendance ami tpiilt are excellent. Hev Dr. Spcneir, of Wakely, will pieieh this evening and ltev. P. 1". Ilotzoiig, of Waverly tomonow evening tt ' I lingered between life and death." "I think Dr. Pierce's I'aorite Prescription and 'Golden Medical Dls covet y ' tlio best medi cines in the world," writes Mrs. Amelia Dougherty, of Kerrigan, Wayne Co., Mo. " I gave birth to a baby last .summer. After con finement I became very ill, had the best physi cian that ' could be trot, and he diagnosed my case as uterine trouble tending to dropsy, Medicine seemed to do me no good, 1 lingered between life and death for quite a while, every day growing weaker until I could not walk across the room. My friends were look ing for my death every minute. A friend wrote and told me about Dr. R.V. Pierce, and I at once wrote to hitn for medical advice. He replied immediately, giving me full instructions as to what to do. I at once followed his advice, and when I had taken his medicine about a week I felt a good deal stronger. When I had taken it about one mouth I felt as strong as I do to-day. I took four bottles of each kind and two vials of Pleasant Pellets.' Many thanks for the medicine, It has pcriiiaiieutlv cured me." T" j. i . fltSl III IIS IS Ilia ililili Scranton's Business THE GILHOOL WAGONS ARE ALWAYS LEADERS RCMEMBSn THE NAME ANO SWEET, 31 B TO 3SO N. SEVENTH ST. CLEAN SHOP. CLEAN TOWELS. CLEAN BARBERS, DIME BANK BARBER SHOP WITH OATH ATTACHED, 2BC. SCRANTON. PA. FURNITURE. liny It of ItUIHKOTON. he will trust jou. Cheapest of them all, for cash! earlest of thcin all, for time. ",11 IVnn ovinue. G REE N' S The Old Ucllahlo Pawn llioker, 107 Lackawanna nvenuo. Money loaned on diamonds, watches. Jewelry, musical Instiumenta, personal irpierly. I'rlv itn entrance and Lnslness rorillelentlil. GIGARS Tor retail and box: ttade. All popular brands at popular prices. ALBERT WITTE, Comer Spruce street nnd Washington avenue. THE LINDEN OUICK LUNCH. OP. WINDSOR HOTEL, Sells the Lest Steaka, Chops and Lunches In the ell. Tiy us and Lo convinced. M F. WYMBS. FUNERAL DIRECTOR. llli Jackson street. CJG Wjonnng o Culls bv Telephone Urn he I'limpt Attintlon PETER T,PP. Ocneral Coutrictor, lluilder and Dealer in lluilihng Mcmc. Lemenlliv of cellitii a s)o clilty Telephone -jjir.' Oftlce", r.J7 Washington nviuup. ASK YOUR GROCER FOR KIRKPATRICK'S PURE SPICES AND FRESH ROASTED COFFEES. E. JOSEPH KUETTEL. tear oil hitk.iw.mna avenue, tninuficiiirrr of Wire Sciecns of all kinds, fulls- ptcpiicd lor fhe spring sea-on. We make all kinds of poiih screens, etc. Otlt UOOIl-s litl.SII I) MIA Q-iLDE. G : C SH STORE. J. ( llo.ver. Proprietor, deiler in line l.roter its and Piuvlsioiai. rim- Cigars iobl bv Hie Lo'C. 2H1 Washlngloii avenue THE NEW WALL PAPER CO. lhs no old goods to wmk oil l.veiy stvle is new and up-lo-dile. Our prices uin lower than any others. 303 SPRUCE STREET. NER PENN AVE. "3&Si -ssteiiSg! Asnwp. fi'Vi n aTjFI a-i..; AflLVa.v?Vi's.. aWJta"..W flMii.iv'-I : ifeti:.viiytStui ST,', KS 'ltT"-!- JC'jiatv1-' WHICH represents the basis on which they were purchased by us for this event. The collection includes New Bolero Suits, New Eton Suits, New Blouse Suits, in French Broadcloth, Fine Cheviot Serge and Venetians, a full range of colors Castor, Royal Blue, Brown, Navy, Garnet and Black. Best Taffeta Linings in Boleros and Etons, some being trimmed with lancy j1 A CjA tr 78 00 edges, skirts trimmed to correspond. Prices from piv-Jv tv p,U.vu Each Price Being One-Third Less Than Regular. To make this sale even more interesting we will make a Special Dis play of Silk Skirts, embracing many novel ideas in these popular garments eSEE SHOW WINDOW D ALTON. Hurry liean, of Seianton, wiib a isltor at tlio home of his p.uenta, Mr. and Mrs. S". A. Dean, on Tuesday. George, the one-year-old non of Dr. nnd Mrs. Clinrlea Keller, died on Titus day morning at 11 o'clock of nplnal meningitis. The body was taken to tho home of Mr.i. Zuller'ti patents In r.ictoryvlllo on Tuesday afternoon and the funeral will be held in that place ttilH afternoon ut 2 o'clock. The examinations at Iho Dalton high school for the sixth month were held last week. The highest avei.iges uro as follows: First giade. Uthel Tif fany, Sb, Second gtade, Htbel Osborne, 03, Third grade, Kthel Bnyder, 0.'; Fourth giade, Klaie Snyiler. OS; Fifth grade, liessle lewis, ; Sixth grade, Cora Knight, 92; Seventh grade, Jennie White, 93; Klghth grade, Harry Flsk, 93, Ninth grade, Maud Cnpwell, 97; Tenth grade, Mamie Capwell, !.'. Mr and Mis. James H. Coleman nre spending sometimo In Scranton. Joseph I. Somers is visiting filcnds In Wyoming. Kdwnrd Smith has purchased tlio Franklin piouerty and has moved his family in tlio dwelling house. Mrs. Lewis Smith Is III at her I onus with an attack of gilp. Mis. Ira Kresgo visited he.' Sister in .Scranton on Tuesday. A largo number attended Iho warm Hiicar social in tlio Methodist 'dint oh last evening, given by tho olllclnls jf tho church. How to Cure n Cold. Don't go to bed. Don't stop work. Don't tnko n Turkish bath and lender youiself llnble to an attack of pneu monia, Kiause's Cold Cine, lu con venient capsule form, will euro you in 21 hours. They tiro plPiibaut to take and cause no ringing lu your head or other illsagieeablo sensations. Trice 2.b. Sold by Matthews Hiox. OLD FORGE. The following Is the programme of the entertainment to bo held In tlio Hrlek Methodist Hplscopal church on THBSS ENTERPRISING) DEALERS CAN SUPPLY YOUR NEEOS OF EVERY CHARACTER PROMPTLY AND SATISFACTORILY. aEouniTY auiLoisa a savings union, Home olflee, C0S-21W Means Ilulhllng, tionsaelj a general building and loan bmlnesn tlnoughout the state of Penncjlvalikl. PARRELL'S TRANSFER Movns Krelght. rurnltitre and llaggage, Safes, Planus and Maihlner, 220 LAOKAWANNA AVE. M. A. FRIEDLANOER A CO. hue inrvtd their Milllmry Kslabllshment v 2etl ."duns ve oppolle louit house. Ktster Opening announcement later. James i. quick. Hardware, Stoves and I'limiccs. liuinblng, Cas-llttlug and Itooflng, Telephone connection. 609 hit kawanna ave. WILLIAM JANKO. MERCHANT TAILOR. 32D NORTH WASHINQTON AVE. Itcpiliing and piess- lug done at abort notice. L A C O OP P. O.L. dW. DEPOT, OPEN DAY AND NIQHT, K I R O A N tv f O A N M N G N A LADIES, LEAVE YOUR ORDERS NOW FOR TAILOR-MADE SUITS AND AVOID THE RUSH. CALL FOR ESTIMATES AT H. L. GLEASON'S, GIO SPRUCE STREET. OPP. COURT HOUSE, SECOND FLOOR. A PERFECT FIT GUARANTEED. YOUNG'S HATS, LOUIS H. ISAACS. 412 SPRUCE ST. MANHATTAN OHI1TS. FRED H. WINTER. 824 CAPOUSE AVENUE, Staple (Jroe-crles nnd Provisions. A full line uf vegetables, ite , leeched dull Kellar c Harris. Minufittunrs of Hainoes, and deihrs in lloi-e 1'iunlsliing (.tiuils Tiiuiks and Tiavrliug ll.u l,c ailing pioiiiptlr .iltenditl to. Ti'It phone H'J 117 I'tiiii avenue. Scranton, Pa. REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE I Imd Tenants for Kmpl !lnn.-", laiiplc Houses for Tenants, Collect Kenls, I,.iu Mter nnd Ilisuic rroperl anil llulldings. WILLIAM G. LOOMIS, Itooms 1 and ft Huir lluililing COAfMERCI-ac. QUICK LUNCH PARLORS. Ciianllui'V, Pine l'oo.l, Ptililp Mteuti'in, lit a sonible I'rite". Oprn day und nighl C0I and SOU Spiuce sttcet, Siianton, Pa HAYES.& VARLEY Spruce St., Het. Washington & Wyoming: II Saving Prices on TailorMade Suits... For One Week. The cream of this season's Tailor Made Suits we will offer for one week at a SAVING OF ONE-THIRD l'llday evening at 7.::o o'clock An them, choir; tush it Ion, pol plioin- dm run, twenty gills, leeltatinn. Miss May Urodheud; trio, Missus Cooper, Kdsall mid Wildrick; heli'i'tlon. polphon' iihi, Miss May Ktnly; i catling. Ilev 11. A. iiieonc. Uui'l, limit IMs.ill and i:thel Williams; iccltatlon, Miss May Uiodhead; selection, po! phone, un them, twenty gills; MIcflloti, poly phoin'; lecltatlon, Miss May lliodhe.id. duet. Mr. A. J. Cooper. .MK1 Nelllo Cooper, soloi tlott, poh phoni'. solo, Miss May Still ; ret llallon. Miss May Hrodhead: hi-loctlon, polpliniii' mi them, choir. ARCHIBALD. lalvvaul Sulinjii. the oldest tin el Ituhird Sullivan, had bis lelt nun bioken b.v beina: thrown unilcr and inn over b u iiiiiip cai in the Llk Hill iulni llo was rimovcd to Ihe Lackawanna hospital fortreatmeiu. A. .1. Cawley nude a bitslneas trip to Siraiitou, Tin ttlay. ii. Jacob Hanger it iceovrritig after a severe lllnis.. Anthony Harrison was a caller In Scranton, T uesda.v . 511ns Sarah i;ilt,allon, ol Mi.1eld, ralletl on ti lends in town Tuesday. Miss .Maria Moran vl.lted fitmds lu Provhleme Siindayv At II o'clock jeitenlay a hou-o nvvnul by Jam -a W light and ociuplnl by u tmilly named Sinllh, eaiight fuc In some unknowii in inner and was binned to the ground The hou.e net to it, owned b John I'itblinmons, was also tutall ele. stiojed CLARK'S GREEN. Mia. l.llnab.th Wells has irinovnl to her tmv huiiie, recenlly inaile viteam b.v Mr, Chesu-r Mil ler, ami belonging to Mr. V. s pavis. Mr. nud Mrs. Audit w smgn spun sunda with frluids in Uric ii llldge. The iiilirmiiit uf ihe late I iptaiu lllram II. White, whoe dean oteuiiidon sum day I'venliig, us letortleil In a previous Issue ol The Tllbune, took plan' here on Tui'tdi.v iiflernouu last at about 1 o'tlmk and waa loiidui'teil by tlio ser geint of (leeuge 1'ell post, of Wavcil. A largo number were In attendance, also a guard of honor from Siraiitou, who clinhargrct the usual salute at the open grivc. 'The fouilh and list ipiarlflly (oufeieiue of the Waverly and llaik's lireeli ihaige will bo In I.I on Smida evening next. ITexIding lll.lrr llrlllln will nrlde. Houses 4 4r FRANK M. MOYER, Contractor and Builder. 920 PENN AVENUE. Tubbing of nttended to. alt kinds promptly IMIMAIKS rilKlitKLiLLY si UMl TTKD. THE HOME SUPPLY CO. ItetalU furniture, bedding and floor coverings for tash at vvholcilc uUij at 734 W, LACKAWANNA AVE., SCRANTON. MATCHES. CLOCKS, JEWELRY IHU'.vllHMI A M'KCIAI.'IV. F, GROSS, 422 CPRUCE, JAMES J. MURRAY, Successor ti, the limit k Coinell to., In tin and iihcet metal woik and initlMlon. iVrttm furnaips-, repairs an I teneral til. work a six Lilly. .No, ItJ Lackawanna avenue. PALL WLNDT. . J7 WAMIINHTON AVKM'li STEAM DYE WORKS. and I'lcneh Dry Cleaning and Ilclliildiing;. Hoods cull t for ami deliieird. Telephone connection. MONEY TO LOAN AT LOW RATES AT S. RADIN'S 123 PENN AVE. ALEX. HAY. HOUSE, &IQNAND DECORATIVE PAINTER AND PAPER HANQER, 321 MULBtRRV Sr. NOLF & MCLANE, ADAMS AVE. Easter Millinepy WENZEL l'lat ileal Plumbers, Tlimiis and Hsslit. I'l-s ruru.HP a S1K1 c ( a 1 1 Hepililng piumptl done 210 VIiiim ace , N ran ion. Pa WILSON t COMPf NY. 1'ishlonible liillois (Until Jrimvn lliilldiuel, :t"J Spruce street, "-ninton. Pi suits pietMcl, It", nuts, pints pipsseil, pieints Clothing te pa Intl. called for im.l dt llicnsl. New Phone, ii.'1-J H. A. RIEFENBERG. l'liimbiug, Tinning ami Heating Sole agenl foi Howard 1'urnaee Telephone I1L' 317 Linden slnet. THE CHEAPEST Host und quit kc si pi lie m the i It v to hue s our thin ll"d we u-e nothing Uui Oil Tan laathei and .list class wtukinanship. I'7 l.lndiu ln 1 1, opposite pustotllte. DR. E. V. BEARDSLEY, DENTIST. I'oinieili Willi Dr Hill 321 SPRUCE ST. MRS. SARA ALLYN, MANICURE. CHIROPODIST AND SCALP TREATMENT- will r.tuoie pril 1 frrm Comic II lluilditig to fticl and 11, Mens lli'lMiiu. THE UP-TO-DATE LITTLE LIVER PILL CURES Biliousnoss. iConstipation, pyspopsia, SICK'KOau - acho nnd Livor Complaint. SUGAR COATDI). 100 PILLS Sold by all druggists 25 CTS. or scni- ny iurii. Nenlta Msdlcal Co., Ctlct'9 bold by MiGarrah & Thomas, Uiusststs, DOl Lackawanna avenue. Scranton, Pa. AVOCA. The eliaili of Mrs. Cliarle .foliiisou m urreil on Monilav evening at Ihe Hillside Home, she having been an inmate- there timing the ps.t two ear. I'or aoiiie' lime pievlous she had been a sulkier frmu melancholia, which tinallv eli'vclopcil Into insanity. Her husband was lelt with Ave fin ill tlilldrin. Hie voungest being onlv ic few- montlis old. Kind friends look tbarg uf the thiee oun;est and Ihe two ildcst vvein lift with tho father 'The itnulus wete taken tu Iho homo of her sl.tir, Mrs. .Janus ltvau, ol .McAlplne slicel, Irom width place the funeri will take place Hits atlcrnoon at 2.10 u'. lock Inlfliuetit will be in si. Mat' uemeter A huge number of n lends atsciiiblid at tin home of Mr. and Mrs. Ilany Johnson on Tuesdai evening lu boiiui- uf the twenty hist blitlidat of their sun, llarr. In ihe line of gifts he was handsome iiuiiiiibiied, among lliem being n gold watch and iluhi bum his patents. Tlio imnil social diversions weie indulgctl in, during tint tourse of width rific-hinciits were sened. Til following wcie piMe-nt- Misses May Nrlttoii, Mail and Jessie ( iaiisl.ni, Katu Juluistou, Viiiiio llastie, gnea and May Couiitn, Maggie MeDonahl, Itelh' lllggar. M.inie (.r.iliaui. Jennie Niwliri Mirgarget ( i.in.ton, bulla Cranston, (Iraee and nu.i Uli.Me, Lthrl Tugellas, Maiy liraluni Messrs. .lames Nellson, Wllllcm Puis, Davit Hick, lleorge loumr. Jnhn llaitlt'. Wlllltm 01 ver, Krler Jolirison, Hobert McDonald, John Con nor, James Craueton, Jaimw Denildson, Jsnits llothwlik, John lllggar, John Leivls, I'rank Ather holt. Tom Morton, Hugs Conkey. Kluiblc Lain ton. leri. Ixviusril. Carmody and liillen will leave tomorrow to oinplrlp Ihe ork on the MutTsI excavating unnliact, w m mm fi.iN-EC;-vil WoA JwWK a" Pi..'- 4r? 1S1-P LSVERSTA ranrnaamH9jicrosTOr I H I i I d 1 1 ft 0 Lllilnlllltu ' Herfrira'JtroSsl iSi