The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, March 21, 1901, Image 1

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    w .'A'." ftn.
, ronton
(I ;
Almost a Physical Impossibllliu to
Have the Measure Enacted
In Time.
Will Be Employed to Get the Bill
Thiough In Time if Possible An
Effort to Work Upon Speclnl Or
deis The Committee on Rules
Looked to for a Resolution Aunng
ing the Business The W. C. T. U.
Will Fight the Proposed Measuie.
Fr I fioin i Stall Cortopiindo i
Ilnrrlisbincr, Match l. -To eniiit the
niiKluii ll(iioi license bill In tlnjo to
permit the county trensiucr to nc
iept "! us the fee for this onr's
'Imi'iw Is Impine tlenhlc. It 1h almost
n plivslcnl Impossibility. The two bun
dled iiml nighty liquor elealcrs who
luiw been mauled licenses will have
to imv the $1,100 ot allow theli llcetiMs
t i -" by defnult.
'lln bill Is Just onu iln behind lime.
Ii p.i--im1 third lending In thf senate
his morning nt U o'clock ly a vote of
o to 0, nnly two of the monibeis pres.
etu lefrninlns fiom voting It was lm
linl'iitily messaged lo the house and
tool its nliice wllh other communion-
Ions rm the speak i s table This uf-
emeon it was couiuuiniciittd to the
linu'c and rcfened to the Iiw and
nidi'i committee, of which Ucpiesciitn
ti t-lntei. of Philadelphia, is ch.ili
imin Mo agieed to lrivo an onrly
i t lupr of this committee to consider
tb bill and It Is ospected It will be
t pniti'l to the house onie time to
mm tow, ii that It may be passed on
tiist ip tiling Tildny n.ornlng and
iMdj fm -ecoud and llnnl reading
i.hIv nest week i
II I Impossible to net (lie bill
Hiiiiul) the hoiiso this week, even
though no objection weie ofieied to
It liHi.iun n bill (.innot be passed nn
two ienilni;s In one div, and under nn
oidp nt the du" mle the bouse ad
join lis it week's sitting at Jl o'clock
Pildij mcitulngs
t KM, this nfteinonu. while the
hen-" was still at Its morning session,
es-Sheillf I.obhihiin. "William Kelly
mnl otheif who nie Intoiesllng them
selves in the passage of the measuie,
wcie holding .i consultation in the
Commonwealth as to the po-nlblllties
of ,'oltltng tlie incisure to the govet
not nest Hiituidny. It was
thought to lie a ptnctlcal impossibility,
epii with no oil''1 oblcctlng to the
n rsuip, until one of the patty sug
gested a scheme that would make. It
The scheme wan to haw the speaker
firm his tiblo before the morning ses
sion adjourned, which would be per
ficlh i"gulai nncl wholly eleseictlon
aiy with the chair, and then tnduco
the law and oidoi, or whatever coni
mlttee go' It, to consider It duilng the
noon iees, icpoit It to the house the
veiv Hr-t thing this nftoinoon, secuio
unanimous consent to pass It on fiist
leading without having It to wait the
loimallty of being inscilhed on the
calendur which Is not unusual and
by "special ordeis" luo It eonsldeiod
on second leading tomorrow and third
leading Friday, the committee- on i tiles
being looked to for a resolution ar
l.inging the "special older" business.
Despeiate Measuies.
It wan a long phot, but desperate
diseases requite despeiate lemeilles,
and it was decided to make a tiy at
i As a 111 st step the speaket's table
would havo to be eleaied befoie the
noon adjoin nnient. It was then close
to 1 o'tlOLk and tho house usually took
Its recess nt limn. A mi i-.sengcr
was dispatched lo the house with in
(.Unctions lo have one of the u'presen
tatlves Induce tile speaker to clear his
table befoie. the leiess. Tho mcssi-n
get was at the loot ot tho steps lending
to tho house when members weie seen
emeiglng. Me was two minutes lite
This tin ow the suppnttCMs nl Iho
ineasuiii back on the alternative) plan
outlined ubnve. They wilt stiivo lo
havo tho hill put thiough on special
oideis taily uet week, thai it mny
Ii possible for It to be made opeiatlvo
betom tho licenses go Into eifect Mon
daj, April I. Those ot the lliiuor deal
eis who propose to tuke out licenses
no matter what the tee may b- tan
pay the eMia Jo.'O under protest and If
the bill gets thiough on tlmo the oxtia
fee will have to bo letuiued to them,
Dcalcis who do not piopose to taku
out licenses If they urn to cost $1,100
and will not take chances on the bill
Rolng through 01 tho Supremo court
reversing tho Archbald opinion will, of
course, have to sulfer the revocation
of tho licenses which have been gi anted
them. However, If either of the means
of keeping the fee at $550 should bo
successful it Is not unlikely that ad
vnutHKc will bo tokou of the law which
prevci'U tn icxrautlng to u second
party of a license for a part of a year
when the person to whom the llcenso
was originally granted falls to take It
The V. C. T. V, pioposes to send
Ir. Melod here to light tho bill. Telo
gronm piotcstlng against Its passage
were icrelved from the W. C. T. V. thlH
moinlng by alt the l.uckawnnna lcpro
sentatlves. T. .1. Uuffy.
Will Lend His Influence to the Pass
age of the Hospital Men sure.
5prcll from a SUfI Corrromlcnt.
Harrlsburg. March 20. Congicssinan
Connell stopped oft hero today on his
wuy to Washington to confer with tho
Lackawanna delegation on pending
legislation. He is pirtlculaily Inter
ested In the Htheucr bill to mako Iick
awann.i hospital a state Institution and
will come here specially next week to
lend his Influence to Its passage.
Mr. Connell would not discuss for
publication the possible outcome of
the contest for tho maishallslilp of the
new couit dlstilct, f inther than to say
that ho expected the appointments to
be made In tho couise of a few dajs.
T. .T. Duffy.
Committee of Investigation Will
Leave for Scranton Today Bills
to Raise Labor Age Limit.
Special from a stJd ( orrtiponilcnr
Harrlsbuig. Maich 20 Bills will be
intiodureil tomoirow to raise to 14
jeais the age limit at which Illinois,
tan bo emplovcd In mines, factoiles,
mills and the like, and stipulating that
in case of mine employment, a minor
between the age of 11 and 1G must
furnish n swoin nflldavlt of his age
f i oin the patent or guardian.
The Hiib-i'onunlttoc which will slslt
1,-uknwanna and laizerne counties
I'rlday and Saluidav to Investigate the
needs of the chailtablc Institutions ap
pljlng for stnte aid, is composed of
Messis. Ifaworth, McTlghe. Colvllle,
Hculi, 1'omeroy and Uaker. They will
leave for Scranton at 7 "3 tomorrow
Tho Phlililn bill for licensing sta
tlonaty engineers and enforcing semi
monthly jav, and the Vaughin bill
Increasing the judges' salailes, rame
out of committee this morning and will
be on the calendar tomorrow.
The bill authorizing nd legtilatlug
the guinllng of wanants and patents
by the seeictary of Internal aff.ilis for
the bsils ot navigable streams and Is
lands thoieln for mining puiposes, war,
laid ovei when 11 came up on thlul
reading in the senate.
The bill exempting ngrlctiltuial so
cieties and driving clubs from the
opeiations of the Jss,". pool selling law
also went over, at the motion of Its
friends, In the senate, and a similar
bill wns icpoitod favorably from the
house commute" on law and order.
A bill prohibiting the placing of ma
lerlil of all kinds on the toadwav
of Improved county loads was anund
ed In committee of the whole, to In
clude all toads and allow the use ot
ashes, after which It passed thlid read
ing and was laid aside for printing.
The bill providing that school dliec
tors may assist klndeigarten schools
established bv pi hate enteiprise or
other agencies was amended to piovldo
that such schools shall be non-sec lar
lan, and then passed thhd leading.
Theo bills weie defeated:
Creatine th" otfire of iiiitint illtiirt itlor.
rc in cMintir liwmi a population of lfs than
rowo, anil where tlie court l of tho pinion
lint such an office- U nccii-an lio rinll bo pliil
mil cf tin? count fuiiiU.
I'.cblu) tc tlie inniinpnrriiiont of ii-Iip'is of
pjoilmcnt Ii the owneis of interfering n irrJiits
ami tuivpv mul to tc'iihti" Iho avih.snifnl and
lite. all. i I lie iletc nniii clion rf tic rljliU en
Hip owner.
Fuing tlie lompcnutlori to W rrcrivnl b tlia
piion Iritpfc torn of ItrtVs ronmv .mil illircllr
the count tommlM'ioncu lo pj to cadi ft tho
nii-lLloi!i V lor cci'x wrUce in all
Cf-n v,hfio tin rami- minim iinpaiil
llpgolatir g tin? 1 j 1 1 n if uf luj ami strau and
marltiiu !'" Pitflit "f i Inlc
lAlrmlliiK tlie Kt In prmldo for Urn liiin;
out of pritatc ioid to uarli bliumlnou coal,
in u nir anil Tup clav to Kr oliu clat, itone,
niulilc unit 6Jiul
s, Mto bill lo a. Im. I In (he pUilio Jiliooi
w 1 ne there is bull In, tbo inmate or
orphan uluux ami boiui. fir poor mid fiirm)
1 -n rlitlilnu ui'jii Hip pnment of a iiaombli.
tiilllon I'iinllln' lor iIip pjMiifnt if bounties
fur ili ibMiuitlcm m wild cits, ioi, minlJ,
vil. or luU and nvliijr i penali lor tbo
fruidulent pir'cntation il a claim ft 11 r ,tc
Mrirtiim f mnli aulinaU oi fir alilln; and
.ibiltiriff Hie nine
I iirmiuidfiR 11k iue-.crutlcn of f iii'nU Ii pro.
lilini lor i nbite of (eitiln (an leWod tlioo.
i n I nillin Indiai i to mo and be r le J In the
nulls of lifOld.
Adjourned at o'cloc k until 10 o dock
tomoriovv moinlng. T. .1 Iuif.
Colonel Ouffey and Leading Demo
ciats at Hnrrisburg.
Special fioni a Sloff ( orrcf pomlenf
lliirishunr, Much JO An informal mwuis of
Uc iijoi. ratio fcinlnM and iiu-mtxri uis held hen
lulw aL which Colonel .Mines M (lulfiv, of
l'ill.liiiri;, iiiiiiibru of tlie pimoiratie rational
erinmittre-, mule' t Fpcdh in faeoi of Iho px-s.
'itf ii j. iiaiiot icrrrm liu i iiu pment kgU.
luliiiel dilfti deelaire that tie onle purpose
of his vlvll it to confer Willi liu beinotiatlc
liltlitr.rii cm ballot lefonn
ileicirdlnir tlie tate cliilinuii'itp, ho would
onle ne- tliat Mr Killttiapi eueresior would bo
iciiptnlilo to ull tlie In nine rale of tho state.
IIiIk ilrtl.n ill m wai. made after lip hid recciied
a Hood of piotesU from lie nuH-iatlc scminra ami
rcpiisentitbii at;aiut Hie telrrtlon of John I".
Anion i, of fieri.?, who, U it charged, tralnc wlih
Hi" Iljan Duiinellv roinbii.itlnn r .1 IPifT,
Sues a Pretty Widow.
H l.e.u.ln Wire fioin Tho Aftociafed I'
Tuledo, Siareli SO II '. Ilourouln, a builueii
man of St, Man's, today brought suit agalnit
Jim. .sarati 11 Utile, a pretty joiina; widow of
lliat place, for IK'.UOO clamai;c for breath of
prom We.
Canned Roast Beef, Perhaps.
By KxeluiltK Wire frcm Tlie AMOclited Pim.
IJhlt ago, March '.o ContiacU for furnWilne
the I'nlled State aim with nriilv a nillllnn
poundi of meat fnr me In tlie Philippine! ere
anardetl to Chicago picker todajr.
ft Court-Martial Sentence Is Ex
ecuted on Three Train
General Kltchoner Confirms the Find
ing of the Court Fight Nenv Cia
dock Buighers Defeated by the
British, with Loss of Nino Killed
and Seven Wounded Disappoint
ment in London Over rallvtre of
Pence Negotiations.
By rvrliiehe Wire from Tbo oouited I'reii
Cape Town, Maich 'JO J. V, Jlltiaber,
S. Mlnaber and J. A. Nciivvoudt vvcre
shot nt Do Aur vesteulay evening, in
pursttanco of th" sentence of a court
martial, for treason and murder. The
denth sentence was passed a week ago,
In connection with tho vviecKlng of
tho ttuiii near Tansboi-cli, by which
five men weie Killed. Cieneial Kitch
ener continued the veullet.
The garrison wiw paiaded nncl the
pilsoncrs were led out at sunset. Death
was Instantaneous. A Dutch chinch
minister nnd lclativcs icm.ilncd with
the pilsoners till the end
Two other men concerned in the
ti.iln-vviecklng weie "ontenceel to
tonus of live years' penal servitude.
In a despatch fiom Oraelock, Cape
folonv. It Is announced that Colonel
Cioi Hugo's foice engaged Kiltziugei's
fotcc of Boers March 15 The latter
lost nlno killed and had seven wound
ed. Tho British loss was one man
Killed and ten men wounded.
London, March 20. The AVestnilnster
Gazette this afternoon makes pessimis
tic comment on ( Botha's refus
al to accept the peace ttnns offcied
by Lord Kltchenei, nnd connects It
with Ihe situation in Chlti.i. It adds
tint the powers aie at sixes and sev
en!, In the far east and that any clay
may see the banning of a snuggle
fiom which tho Uoeis may lecovxr
their own. The fallute of the peace
nego'Iiitlons means that the mllltaiy
position in South Afilca l not et de
A Mexican Judge Discharged Him
Without Notice to Prosecutois.
fly nrrbviiin Wiro from The taorlitrcl li rs.
New York. March J0 The A met lean
Surety company, at whose Instance
Charles K. Cosgrove, State Senator
JlcCai rcn's nephew, was ancstoil In
the city of Mexico on the chaige of
embezzling ?1 1,000, lecehed a telegram
todav that the judgo before whom
Cosgiovo wns nu.ilgned to await cv
tiadltlon, had discharged him without
notice to the company, allowing him
to c seape.
The telegiain also savs that C'osgiove
Is on the way to Veto. Cm with an In
spector of the surety company cIcko to"
hli heels, and that the lnttei hopes
to overtake tho fugitive befoie he gets
out of Mexican leirltoiy and have him
held for extradition.
They Do Not Believe That Their Men
Will Join tho Strike.
By Txrlajhe Wire from The Associated I'retc
1'hiliiWphlj, Mircli 20 fiencnl Muiaerr Ifen
ilerson, of the ruiladelphla an I Keadin; Coal
ind linn compaii, tod. In hiKiMiiir if ilc
threaleipil it like of miners In tin aitlnaiile
coil iion Mill'
"In o far a the Ittadinr (oil and Iron coin
pinv in concern el iu feel cn.ifideni tint there
Mill be tin illffluh t i tit thr mini r-. ThlK
na ab,elutc)y ro timiblo bctneen tho compaii
And iu tniners when the 1-st strike incurred our
men uniplj acted SMnpitlietlealle vvjtli iho iii'u
iinplnjccl In other mlneo "
A lnee-tln; of tho bolicl of iiiiluscr of til
Plilliidclr l"U aid lie e link' Coil ami lion com
atn ecu held tenia ami tbo stalimcnt vvat
mide alter tho ni-etinc that no aeth n 1ml been
tal.-n upon the dcmind of the mlriris for a eon
lemiro illi tlie operator
It Is Fenied That the Killing of a
Bod Man Will Cause Tiouble.
11 Etcliiiho Wire from flic Nsiocialed I'rrss.
1 IVInf. W a March '.'0 A fuid il I. fraiul
will iri.ei eor Ilia -hootln ind Killlci, ee-oi.
di ot liciijimiii llilnunuin at tin luii.h-r
limp at VWaui, lien niilii Mini of lion . In
Pu Ion Mlpen, a oy of 20 Ilableu aim had the
reputation t Inlim the teiiui rt Veaier nut of
Diibln, at both of nhtili Ktllcoiuiti lie Mat
f ild to bae urn bad ytmrU. lie I. il-i endited
vlth liaeliier v.hlpped i ehiien mm In a ma ly
eneuuntem eso euiei tint the nearlv died.
Men in both 1 le, it n repurlul, bcau um.
In, iiuuiidlaleb nltei the Iraereh and a bloody
ila-ih belneen the faction! I. teand
Steamship Anivals.
Ill Iie,iihe Wile In in In V,oililiel Pie 4
New WL. Maieli JO -riHcel: laihu, lumen
rnJ south uuploii, Soordland, ninp suied
Majellc. I.Heiiol; henkinutun. Vntweip via
outhainpton I'IviikiiiIIi Anlveili I'atiina,
Nmv oik for llainburi. l,ouh)sin--SilIid lien
sarh llanibuiv for New oik Umboinc -t-ailnl
KiUrr Wllbilm elu (,ro,e flioni lln
mill and Southampton), .Niu Vuil Ilionhead
l'iureli (.rnnanlc, Nw Noil 101 iueeiutemn
and 1 U ti pool.
Mi. McKinley Invited to Dinner.
By Kvclmleo Wire from Tlie Woelated Pres.
Denver, March tM Prttlelcnt ( luilei I. WiNin,
011 beBalf of tho Chamber of Coimntier, toliv
i.ent 1 elUpateli to Vrceident Mihlnle formalh
inviting him nnd hU pail) to Hop in tlila .'aiy
and becomo ihe ifueaU of Ihe rliambir in
rttein tilp Governor Ouiul al.o unt' 1 lis.
patch urglnj the pinldent ro accept the invita
tion. -.. 1 .i . . ., ...
Outclassed by the American,
Sj Kieliislve Vt In from The Auoelated Pn i
New (;&tle on Tne, March 0. In a Iwent.
round conteat at eatch vselghti In the Mimlird
theater In tliU cilv thii evenlnir Jack O llrien,
of I'hlltdflphla, cleverly knocked out .lick
Ihempjon, of Sew ftaitle, In the neeond rnun I
flit American quite outilastcd hi opponent,
ruuoral Attended by Mcmbeis of
Ily FielwIiF Wire from Tie Auoelated Treu
Lancaster. Pa., March 20. The re
mains of the late Congressman llios
lus were Intel red In Greenwood ceme
tery thli afternoon with simple scr
lce, The honorary pnllbciireis weiv:
Senator Peniose Senator Sew ell, of
New Jersey; Senator Clalllnger, New
Ilampshliu; Congressiuen Butler and
Olnistend, Pennsylvania: Ioudcns
lager, Now Jersey; Orccn, Massachu
setts. Lloyd, Mlssoml; Polk, Penn
sylvania; Stephens. Texas; Kleburne,
Texas, Biown, Tennessee, Eddy, Min
nesota. The funeral -was attended by the
Lancaster bir and the veterans of the
Chi! war In a body. The public was
admitted to view' tho body last even
ing nnd thin moinlng nnd hundreds
passed befotu the casket Tho floral
ttlbutcs weie many and elaborate. All
tho prominent business houses In tho
city were elobod between the hours of
"J nnd 4 o'clock. The fuucial was In
chin go of Colonel tt. S. Pierce,
seigeant-at-ninis of the house.
The 114th Annual Session of Metho
dist Assembly Attended by
108 Minlstcis.
By I'icliiilie Wire from The A'loclateel l'iei
Stroudsbtiig. P.i , Mureh 20 aVt 9."0
this morning Bishop J. V. Joyce
called together the one hundred and
fouiteenth annual session of the Phil
adelphia Methodist Hptscopil confei
ence. One hundred and sixty-eight
ministers we 10 present. Tlie olllcois ot
the convention nie as follows: Sec
letat.v. S C! Cliove assistant secie
tailes, Rev H. T. C.illen, Rev P. (5.
Coxson secietaiy, Rev. V,
11 OuelT. i.illroad seetetary, Rev J.
W. a.vies. duties K Staples made
the addiess of welcome.
On motion of Rev. Dr. Kjnett a
resolution was carried that a petition
be sent to the state houso of leprcsen
tatlves favoiing the pioposed amend
ment to the Biooks law which pin.
hlblts the gi anting of a license where a
majority of the residents nie not In
favor of It. The following motion was
introduced bv Ite-v. Mr. Rldgwny and
Rev. T. Klrkpatrlck:
Resolved, That we hereby protest
against .ill tuinsfeis In this conference
with a lirinsfor fiom the conference
of equal support In each
e .iso."
In the evening the nnnheisarles of
the Phil idelphla Conference l'dtica
II011.1I and ritedmen's Aid and South
ei n societies were held.
Addiesses weie made bv Rev. Vv W.
R.inise.v, D. D. pastor of Aich Stieet
Methodist Episcopal chinch, and Rev.
C B. Mason, V P.
Jody Bell Chaiged with Attempting
Robbeiy nnd Assault.
fl I'vrluiItF Wire from The '.oeiited l're
Teii, Miss, March JO.-Tody Bell. .1
negio, J" yeais of ,ig-. ehniged with
attempted robbeiv and assault, was
hnched heio tonight Bell had been
given .1 prelimiiiaiy hearing and plncecl
In Jail. It was the Intention to lake
him to Jackson tomoriovv for t.ife
keeplns Latei developments, It seems,
Implicated another negro. Charles Ho'
llngsvvoith by name, and he was alio
ai rested nnd placed In J.ill.
The mob meant to hang hlin with
Bell, but he fought his way through
tho small ntmy of men nnd escaped.
Lnigo Delegations in Seaich of
Checks Await Hib Ai-rival.
By reclusive Wire from Tlie Aooelatel t'rei
Seiutlnmiiton, Mircli 20. Hie mival here oj
Mi mil lr 11dr1w Carnei.'le. who neA fioni
New ork on Ihe stoimci st. I ,ui. Vfarch 2,
l .uvjitid bv diliiiitloUK fiom villous eleeinj.
narv initltutloin vvlio vvim cheekii rime in
elule m nisntatlvoi nt WnoMon, fleidini; anl
other cities mcI.Ius libraries and ik'oiils of a
varkt of intitulinin ile slung all Haitlev rol
hue, Soutlumptou, a technical school, lias n inp
ut itlon of fivl ivvallinc the Miiiner'n arrival.
Hie St l.oui-1 "ill not arrive tomorrow
The lmal manager of the atemiililp line, v.ho
ha HO btteM an I telecnnn trnm ill puts cf
the kliifilim for the philanthropic, kivh Hie
ilivrlcies Indie He tint thev are fioin ill norU
mil iiinilitlona f people trout Muihiiti
ti iiienelkaiita He will In in nn tho Cirnealo
partx nfl 1' I nnhm witluut meilint; the dilena
J. P. Moigau & Company Send a
Letter Regnidlug Steel Stocks.
IU l.cclmive Win. from J lie Associated Picm.
New "link, Maieli U J V. Mourin .V. Ceim
pui liavi. unier date uf Jliti h 21, nent a cir
culai letter lo tliu oliarc-hnlder of the ronslitn
cut eoiii'iiiiiFK oi tlio Uniled Stitm Mrel coipora
tlon luformlns llieui that the tlmi ful i)iifUliif
cmimnn and pufiired stoclJ, vvliieli expired by
limitation todiv, has been rvteu led until and
liiiludiii; Vpril 1 111 M In lies- eiKiilar it Is de
ihied lint over W per com of 1 nli ot the ksuen
of the v irious i.toik have ll us f 11 bien deposited
in airordiuce with the turns of tlie nunaiceis
Ihe rMouion is Kranted becau-o It wis fnuiid
phliall ilnpiittibh b man of t lie ubire-lii Id
cr to depitolt tbtlr eeilllleitea vviihln I lie time
orisiually name. I
Wingel to Be Electiocuted.
! I vduslve Mie fr)ni The A.sirlatnl I'icm
( eilmnliiv, ll . Maun 2- David Winjrl, an oil
oldler. vvae ui.lved at Ihe penitent I ir Inday
110m SmdiuU ui.dei kentence to In electro
iiittd June 21 for lie minder ef l'redetlek
lllanki Uiii,cl VMia an innate of Ihe sohlki,'
home at saiehnk. and killed Illaiikc In 1
ihuiileii eiuiritl. Ilo was convltted 01110 before
fur tlio mum cilnie, but vvai Rianled a nev
tilal. Pioniiiriit I. rand Aimv of the licpul Hi
lien all nr lln ennlr liilrieted theniwlvea
In hU behalf.
The Philadelphia Ripper Bill.
lie l'vclunlve Wlro from The Associated Pn'.
HanWiurir. March CO The lioute mcniripal
eoipmatlons committee itavo a final hearing In
Ihe house chamber tonight on the l'hlladelphli
"ripprr" bill lianels MiunU llronn, of l'hlla
ilelphla. was (he chief noke-nun for the I III,
John P lliillltt, ef Philadelphia, mad. the prln
lipid arsmnent against it It Is expected that
the rlipr will lo repelled fiom Ihe committee
for the mat leaellni; at triW i ie.ilon.
Encoiiraalna Gablcarams from
Jndae TaK, ol the Commis
sion in Philippines.
The Commissioners Have Oignnized
Tabayas, Ramblon, Slkuynn, Mas
bate, Tiaco nnd Buiias Will Go to
Jolo nnd Mindaroo On Returning
Will Organize Iloilo, Capiz, Cebu
nnd Other Municipalities Marked
Improvement in the Geneial Situ
ation. Washington, Mnich 'JO Reeietaiy
or War Root today locelved the fol
lowing cableginiu fiom Judge Tuft,
clult man of the commission In the
Philippines, dated nt Hollo;
"llavo organized Tabaya. Roiu
blon, liiehidlrg Tablns, Hlbuyan and
smaller NUnd. nnd Mnsbite. Iiicludliig
Tlnco mid l'.uilas. Visited Mailandu
ciue, Initiated organization of munici
palities theie, and will oignnlzc piov
Inco befoio letuin. Receptions moit
enthusiastic. After visiting Xegms,
shall go to Jolo ami Mluda'io, tetuin
Ing shall utganli'c Hollo, (.'apl, Antl
ciue, ibu. Sohol and Lejte. Shall
ptobably oiganlze 'amb.iiiga and MIs
an Is. Mai keel tnipiovemcni in general
rltuatlon "
The dispatch locelved fioin Judge
T.ift Is legal ded at the war depait
inenl as showing a very satisfactory
state of affairs In the southern Islands
wllch are now being visited by the
commission It Is stated that these?
government organised urdcr the com
mission aie tentative lo a certain ex
tent, and in each community or muni
cipality the government Is oiganli'ed
upon that basis to meet the 1 equip
ments of the people. Tor the most
pait. It Is Mild, the governments are of
a ciy .simple charactoi, with the
least possible machinery and give the
rtoplo the latgcst measuie of seIt
goveinnnnt consistent with their con
ditions. It Is Intended that these ten
tative governments shall be tho b.i.-U
of a more extensive oiganlzatlnn 0,1
soon as the people In the several com
munities show a capacity for such en
A Rabid Cur Succeeds in Biting Two
Persons Before Being Captured.
f-reclal to the se union iilbunp.
Pltt.'ton, March 20. A mad dog eie
atecl considerable excitement on North
Main stieet last night about S.30 o'clock
and succeeded In biting two persons,
while a third had a nnirovv escnpe. The
animal enteied Main street near tho
Pflngsten saloon and leaped on a little
girl standing on the ctiib stone Al
though the animal's nose touched the
little gill's faca so close did It come,
there was no bite. A shoit distance
farther up the stieet It leaped on John
Campbell, of Lambert stieet, and bit
him over the light eje.
Continuing In its mad iuii, ili elog
came In contact with Joseph Rosca
vlti h, a Polander. It jumped at the
man's head and in attempting to waul
li I in off he was bitten on the aim. He
then grabbed the animal and. with the
aid of a companion, succeeded In w lap
ping a lope mound the dog's Jaw and
holding hlin somewhat at bay until
Patrolman Honunerville and Constable
Dennett tinived on the scene and ills
patched ll with a gun
Joseph Brown Admits That He
Killed Mrs. Leonaid.
Of Ixrlmne Wire fiom Tie ssoclatcd Press.
Chesler, I'i , Much 20 -JoJcpli llrnwi., col
oud, vvhi I fervinif a twenty vnen vear en
teneo for lieins connected with tlie murder of
Mr. Ann Leonard and the nvvirdeinvis a-.siult
upon her hmhand, his confessed that lie licit the
orchI woman In death When llronn was placed
on tiial be -.ccused Minus Dcline, 1 rwnpanlun,
witli the crime, but Ihe latter was aiqulltisl
Drown cnnfcfieel I) I hief of IMice lean- in
jail jioterriit He Mid he and Dilaney intended
to 10I1 the I.eoiiaid hn mmt Ihe old couple
came cut and h" killed Mis lionard
Disfranchisement of 50,000 Illiteinte
Voters in Mniylaud.
11 lAiIiulie Wire from Tho vssoelated l'ri-s
Ahnapoll, Md , Mareh '.0 -'Ihe new election
bill lulling lor Its object the puillial ellsfrin
chUeinent ot inot of the GOOOii illltcijte volen
if tlie atate, passed the w-natc vlurtlv alter mid
ilav It was iminidlalelv Kent to the lioue, where
all the amendment made h the teuale vu'ic
eoneutied In. and tlie bill paiel It is idvv
rradv fur tlie govrmor'a slijiiatun
Electilc Wiies Cause Pile.
11 Vxeluslvs Wire fiom Tlie HoeIilni I'ri'i
Sv orlc, Alauh '.0 lln ieiii nee of e.isuge
11 rtivinoiid, ut Monl, Plain N I, .n k
slroveil bv fie lcfuio dall!)it lodn.v, entailing
a Ium cf e'l"1""'. paiilv inmnd lln tin vv u
iand lij the crojrflnK of teltphoin anl eleitiu
Unlit ulie.s In the biiKinml It w is llli ill'
fruits that Mr. Itavim nd'i Jon, Chailee, who ii
an invalid, va. hhiih! fiom Hie flauiis
Fulfilled His Pjophecy.
11 IacIiuIvo Wire from Tho oelatnl 1'iew
Vew loik, Much 20 - In fuliilmint u' ,e piopli
ee made by hiiuelf that lie would ilk In Irn-e
Iho end ot Ihe weel, mid whili on his vvav co
alien! his biotlier'n liinml. I.., i
wialilis rotten mamifacluirr, was Mibken 111 in
hunt et 11 I'uk nvinue this afternoon and
died almrrt immidiatilt
Thompson Failed of Election.
11 rc.rlunli.e Wire from The Unoelitrd I'ren,
Ilninln, eb , Mareh SO P. )!. Thompson,
of I Ineoln, who w is hut ulsut noinlnateil for
I'nlted Mateis neintor for tlie fhort leim, b Ihe
IT. inilillran ram 111., flllerl ti -liwilliM. In tli. tiln.
ivrslcn Mi.
Weather Indlcatlent Tod.-r,
1 (lencril VaiiRlian Pill Too Ijfe.
VneouraKlnir Nw from the Philippine v
All Quiet at Hen Tain.
Rebels Shot In South vfrlca.
2 (Jeneral Carbondala Drpirtment.
3 Local No Developments In Mine .situation,
neoriranlratlon Ordlnaiice Torn to Talten
4 Fdltorial
Nolo nnd Comment
5 local Iluslnesj Men tippoesl lo a Stitke.
Tardy Juror Uela.vs Court.
C Local-West Fcranlon and Siburbm.
7 ficncnl Northessirrn lennslv-anla
l'lnanclal and P.mmerclal,
8 local-Use Hv of the Induilrlil Wnild
A Crowd Numbeiing 2,000 Attacks
a Cot don of Infantry Driven
Back by a Cavahy Clnige.
Bf Pxeliish" VMr (ron fie Vsaoclited I'r. ss.
Marseilles, Mnich "0 The situation
hero ! voiy dlsitulellng owing to the
Incieaslngly aggiesslve attltiiile of the
stilkers During the dlsonlers todav
the panic sprend to tho townspeople
and stoics, restnuiants and cales weie
huirledlv closed. The Rue de la Can
nebleic and the other leading thor
oughfares of the ill were deselted.
It was feared that the mob which wns
ehaigeil bv mounted gendarmes and
hussats would attempt to pillage
A i towel lilimliettng .'.OOd buist
thiough a coiclon of infantiv along
the lock sld(. The cavaliy ihaiged
and di ovo the sttlkeis hack. A ellley
of stones was then tliiovvn In all elliec
tlons find a brigadier, two ge ndainics,
a hussar and seveial Infantiymen were
Injured. One gendaime was stunned,
tliiovvn from his horse nnd tinmpleel
upon by the cavalry. He was iemoved
to a hospital, when; ho lies in a ciitl
cal condition
Two bundled women, several with
babes In aims, took pait In today's
demonstration. Tho government Is hi
nn extremely embnirasslng position,
especially M. Mlller.ind. the minister
of commerce, as the Socialists demand
that tho government should Intervene
in favor of the stilkers anil are dis
gruntled nt the e-mplovment of troops.
On the other hand the government Is
urged to take vigorous measures to
M-cure the freedom of labor, especially
In v lew of the fact that the foreign ele
ment, chlell ltislln.ii, ivlilch r-rcpiuuTer-ates
among the sti Iking dock lnboieis.
Is utterly ludlffeicnt to the fato of
Mai sollles.
J. Pierpont Is Out of Town for an
Indefinite Period.
liy Ftilushe Wlic. from The Associated Press.
"Wilkcs-Ratie, March 20 Some davs
ago a letter signed by a great many
business men In AVIIkes-Baue nnd stti
loundlng towns was sent to J. Plei
pont Morgan, petitioning hlin to nuat
the niuhiaclto mlncis In joint coui'r
ence, and thereby avoid a rti i. To
day tho letter was acknowledged nrf
follow s.
Niw l rk, Muh .'0
1) .1 lis I r , 1h Wllke. lliire, I'i
Dew Ml UP bttir of the loth In-f . ail
diesbiel to J Pierpont Moru'an Ins been leeilvi I.
Mr. MoiKiti U nt neiit ibini from tin tils,
and will not ivlmn for home llttb time
Vers trill vours,
i. I' More-ail V c o
The Colorado Senator Mny Succeed
Mr. Hitchcock.
B Fvcluslve Wlie fiom Tin Associated Press
Pueblo, Col, March L'0 The pally
Chieftain will sav toinoiioiv' It Is
dfilnltel known hete that c-ena or
Edwaid O. U'olcott. ot i'olotjelo, will
In a few days be appointed by the
president to be seeiotary of Inteiioi,
u succeed Mr. Hitchcock.
The news has been receive 1 bj, the
ft lends of Mr. Wcdeott In this aty,
the statement being made ;ineiulVJ
cally, and It is Indicated tint the an
nouncement will b ninde In Washing
ton toinnitow,
One of the Biggest Wells in Gieeno
County Struck Yestoiday.
l"y l.xiluslie Wire fiem fh" .'ssooiatiil Pn".
Wa-hiiiuton, I'a , Man It JO (inn of the larg
est (.as wells ever struck in ireiin eoiintv wan
1 rousbt In this aficrnoon bv the Maim' u. Inter!,'
lie ct and I.l(,lil cnmpii of this lan Ihe
for. o of Ihe gas was o (.real Hut tin tools were
hvulid from the well and thruwu hlali in the air.
Hank kellv, tl o driller hid 1.1 band torn com
pletelv oil bv the eable, vvhlcli wis loin loo-e
bv the RJ niili All eflorls to urn (In well
have been uimiuu-ful, and the e.apln; jcas
can be heaid for miles
i m i ii
P Fveluslii" Wlie fnm fie Awoeialed l'is
Dover. Del. Much "0 Mi. It V Pennine,
ton, wife of former Coii.'rim in Mm 11 I'm
hllttloll, ot this town, dle'd hep todav. .Sue Kid
TI jean ot iv;e. Mr I'nini iiton was the
mother of Mr J M Deiueiii and Mrs. .1 1'
Dunning:, vrlm were pule,i ed b the bo of candy
feit beie from ( illfuima (hire isrs ai,o ii
,,11. Bed In Mis. llnlklii
Siv llk, Vlnrcli . I, lilt I'omlli, for "V
jcili. i lie el Wall xliee I'm mo-t plctuiifque UJ
tire-, and et.e of ihe most influential .irul piomi
unit cpiritou in tbo "Mieii." U ibid it his
rriiektiip In this ill. s luo'.er for Tieiior U
I'irl, and enaairrd will. .Ii (,'ould In the at
lulls of tlie 1 nlnii l if flic lailtoad, he made his
pirsinct felt in lln .tieel when ho became a
lirmber of the htccl. rvchanjre on his arriMl here
from fallioinli Mi I'ondlr waa one nf the
"foil) mlieu," and wis alo insliumental Jn
laumhiiig tin sutio tuninl nhenn
( lileaeo, Marrli if l!ev rlliur l.dvv.ids
D.. editor of tin Northwestern (htitflau Vdv
eale. nnd widely known in MethodUt Fpl-copil
elureli clrelrf, died (onlgtit at Ida residence in
this eltv, aired GO riM Dr 1'dwardi win boin
in Ivoiwalk. ()., irraduatcd fnm Iho Wole.ian
untvertltr of that tate, toon aflr enterim; the
Detroit conference of tlie Meth'hlM I pUropal
rhunh. At tlie eutlreak ef (lie Civil war lie
wept ti Ihe front as a il aplaln, but lcdgned
after the battle of (leltithmir to become a
colonel of a ravalr reglnent. In 1S he becamr
assistant editor of the J.orlhvveHem Christian
Vilvorate In H! he became editor In chief.
No Bloodshed Is Llkelu to Result
from the flnalo-Russlan
Biitish Relnfoiccd Count von Wnl
deiseo Returns to Fekln Unable
to Do Anything in the Face of In
stiuc'tions Received by Command
ei.i from Home Government.
Washington Is Not Dlstuibed.
IU I vile,, " Uln tioni lb. V'soilated Pes
Tien Tslii, Match 20. A dust-stoiiil
prevented Coimt von Wieldersee. whc
in rived Iktc jesteiday. from proeeed
Inir foi l'eliln until this moinliur. Lome Campbell, the EiirIHIi
lomiAundei, find Woi;ick.
(onimaiidliiK the Kii'slnns, met Count
von Wnldeiseo on his arrival here,
I.eiiinlnK that both had lecelved Jn
Htruttlous fiom llielr Roverumcnts, tho
eount said It was useless for him to
irlve even an opinion lef-miHn- the)
niHtteis at Issue.
It Is Ihe Kcneinl feellnj,- In Tlen
Tsln that the tiouble Is not likely to
ii'iieli a point wheie blood will !)
shed. Uoth detachments on fuaril
have orders to do notlilnir tiKKresslv
unless forced to do so by the other
lAccpt the .'nmv and en nip follows
ers, the only Itusslnns lesldlup heri
aie two mcmhciH of the consulate
st n IV, two cle rlis and two Jews. The
.Tews nie fctoiol.eepcis. They left Rus
sia In older to save their lives, ln
di.rtinnts nie being offered them ta
move to the llusslnn concession.
The I'i enclt concession Is rinlet.
ricnch Keiidnrnies aro on duty nt tliei
Hiillsh concession to pi event the sol
oiers fiom licspasslnff, and Australian
naval hilgadc men aie preventing tho
Hlkhs from lnvndliiK' the Fienoh con
cession. (leneral Lome "ampbll, on hearins
of tho death of ex-President Harrison,
ordcied all the lirltlsh flaja to ha
flown nt half mast.
XInctv British mailnes1 arrived here
last nlBht from the Taku forts to ie
pluco the Indian guards on the dls
lititi el lunel. The- ruaU.i l s are cxpict-
ed today.
a. special train bearlnsr jelnforce
ments of Australian troopi left Peklni
for Tien-Tsln at 10 o'clock this morn
Inir. One rrench, nn Italian nnd a German
warship aro outside the bar.
Washington Undisturbed.
WaMiIncton, March 20. Tho sItua-
tlon at Tlen-Tsln still fails to ecito
the ofllclals here, who feel that tho
ultlcal point has been passed.
A curious fact In connection with tho
Mnnchutlnn complication Is that so far
theio Is no trace of any olllclal pio
test to Russia, against tho execution
of her ainounccd pi osi amine In Man
ehuil.i. It Is not for lack of disposi
tion to appose lliat policy that tho
piotcsk his not appeal ed, but because,
there is no authenticated copy to bo
had of tho teputed Itusslan-Chlncso
iiKieeinent, and, finther, no one of tho
imvveis has vet been found avIIHuk to
take the Initiative in challciurlnf-; Prus
sia The United States department ot
state has excited what Influence It
could to obtain a statement of the fact
In rospeel to Monchuila, the result
of which has been a icpeiitlon of this
llnsslaii disclaimer of Inipinpcr mo
tives, but not a clellnitlon of the mo
gramme for the ftituie, fiuthet thuti
It wus dcOuecl In the llusslan picx
nounieineni ot Ausnst last.
Candidates Dinw Lots foi Otiice In
North Pelham.
H Ixeliuive Wire fiom The A-soclated l'ies
Sew uik, Manli 20- lln i halter elenji
hell in .Villi Pilhaui, Witelieler eoiintv. se
tfldav, re suited in the unusual eiciiinemi o t
lie Vuie on tie oltlco of president and las; no
tectoi Mlchail J Ivneh, the present ine inn
lent if tlie nlllic ef vlllue piedent, who wis
Ih Democratic nominee ii r n elre clon. received
77 votes as eliel William I diiRei. ids Ilepuhliuiti
opponent John I' 1 01,'in, the Dciuocratli nom
inee ful lolleetoi, anl William lvou Kipu
Ileal, sIm) tied will 77 vutiH eaeli When i le
result ot Iho eh 'II. n w iv leaimil the foui can.
ililatc cet tug-i llin and mieesl to eille tlia
matter b Id
Accoicllni;), todav Hie slllage board lonveneil
ami a ballet beating; tbo n.inm of I dinger ami
aiiotbci luailiivv tlm name of Ivmli wire plae
In i I allot bov aid Tuietoo Parker, a ltepubli.
can, diciv out erne nf the billots This ballet
loie tlie name of Mil liar! I. liiclt, tho Perm
eralii! noinlnee. anl Ids re election, is villii.4
incident was at ome deilaiiil Tlm i-ame pio.
ecduie was followed in th" II on las: collector,
and at; .iln link fanned flu Dciuocrai, luhu l'
Loc! beinif declaieil ebne.1
Jail BUd Retaptuied.
11 Kxiliuive Mrc from The Awoilatol I'rets
Iteadnifr, I'J, March 20 Ile.beit W. Tivlor,
who i.iapid fiom piiaon at I'otUvillr, where lie
was fervlnu a 'even .viars' iiiitemn fir wife pol
onliiK, early this mm nine, wis captured hero I
nlichl while Hulling i ride on a coal train 11
had then been at llbcily iiKlitren liuiiti He will
be mnt lis I'oitetilte k nvvaid of $V) was of
fend for bis captuie
Mines to Work Ten Houis. i
D Kuludvo Wliii from Hie Associated lres.
Wilkes llaire. Manli in- Vollees weie HleJ
In the Delawaie an 1 Hudson rompany today notl
fviiic tlie emplo.ves that, heirliiuiiia; tomorrow,
all llm liiines would woik ten hour a riav Th
other bier companies are eipeeted to Mt a simi
lar order. 'Ihe nilnera lluuk tlm I hit Is a mova
upon the pJit nf i he mine owners to stock up in
antU'lpjtluii of a Miil.i
of f t t Hft'
sv Wivshlutuon, Mi ill J0 - 1'oreeasl for s
s eiitnii Piin.vliunU Haiti llvur-da , V
s- Cidifer iu n'litlieni porilon. lirl.l. and hlah f
SV eautrrlv wiuilsi 1 1 Ida lair,
t f tM l ttft