The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, March 20, 1901, Page 6, Image 6

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    . V :
This Amiunl Event Is Vigorously
Piosecutetl by the Local Followers
of Geneinl Booth Bootblack Pilco
Hixcl n Narrow Escape from Being
Incineinted Prohibition Lengue
Entertnlnmcnt In Morgan's Hall
Last Evening Other Notes and
Personal Paragraphs.
The Hnlv.itlon Army ItiiiiiKiiinit-il a
sjii'dul century Nclf-ilenlul rtimpJlKU,
commencing on Sunday pvonlntr, wlilih
will continue In tunc until next Sim
'Ih.v. Mm eh IM.
Kxcr.v year tin- nimy fi-ti allele mm
week iih 11 time of tlio inoni HPt'elul,
ui cent urnl prayerful etToit on lichalf
lit" the imtvcliilmi'cl. Tlil .xenr tho
tint's hip tiom Mniih IT to Jluirh SI,
iluiltiK which peiloil. all over Hip fnlt
"1 State, not onlv Hi- .-it-lunl rncin
I"rs ot the .Salvation .ijnj, but In ho
far an M poh.,,., .r f i loiitln nml
li)inthl7.PtH and iiilinliit
will exert PVfiy client ko fa i to deny
rliPinvplw'H or .-very i otuclvablo thine;
xvlihotit w-hlcli fo ni.iy lie maintained, tlictehy they may train and t-t
wide funds for tin- prosecution of the
woik niiionir the abandoned antl lost,
Diiilnrr thin vxtek every member of
the iiicanlatlnn N p petted to deny
him or In-is-olf of Mime mote or )e.s
tfuMl nitlcle or diet. clothliiR. etc., and
Hie thiillMiindx of little khvIiirr thus
effected ate all Roinir to .vvell the funds
It i rilmccl to mine.
The fneial pttblh wlumo IntoiPl In
I he army's philanthropic Institutions
may not be wllllns to follow Its mem
his .rliinjr the linos of poi.snnal self
dptiliil. are, liovxe-xer. not depilvetl of
n opportunity to hhsIm In the cffnii.
'ollectlons will ! iiiatle In many spe
t lal utannei-
St. Eienden'n Minstiels.
About thirty members of St. Bieu
den tnuncll, Younfr .Men". Institute,
nie lnMly cngriRctl in i cheat duir for
minstrel ci tot malice under the tll
tectloii of Prof. John T. WittkliiK Some
i-celleiu vocal talent has been ells
t overed in the counell. and the boy
will incot aftaln this evenlns: for 1'e.
The toniedlans aie P.uilt-1 Lon.u
ban, Kmtnett Khlcxvooel. James Cum
tnlr,g, Kith, ml tamer gun and t!cota
On. while the soloists ate IMIchael
! and colds
Butke, Kdtvntd "Walsh and Unity But
llvr.n. It will bo neveral wenka before
the minstrels -vx ill bo ready for n pub
He hearing. "
A new rrutisxxlck-nnlkc-Cullfniler
tioo! table has been added to the rooms,
nnd the member ate becomlntr nulls
nioflclenl with the ctio.
Bootblack's Narrow Escape.
Thomas 1. Prlie. employetl as a boot
black at the Lackawanna Shoo Shining
l'atlots on North Main uvenuc, had a
nartow escape from belnsr Incinerated
early yesterday inoinlntr. lie Is hc
eustometl to sleep In the shop and when
he retltud crept too close to the stove.
The blankets used became United and
Price's tilcht shirt was all ublazj when
he uwoke.
With a leap and dnsh the exulted
boy tenched the door antl the sticet,
dolus an Impromptu the dance on the
asphalt pavement while eti Icutlng
hi m Hilt' from the buinhiK nlKht shirt,
A patrolman came to his antl
tote the burning- raiment from 1'tle.e'n
The Haines within the shop had In
the meantime consumed the blanket
and the tot on which the bootblack
was asleep, but tlu damage otherwise
was Inl(riitll'iinl. Pi ice's llesh was
somewhat burned as a. icsult of his
cpeiienie. but ho was able to be
around jestoithi.x, vxnlliltiu lather
l.i me.
Piohlbltlon League.
A well pleased aUilb'ULU was t-lllt'i-t.ilm-tl
last - etiliivr in II. (',. Moi pan's
ball, tornor of Main avenue antl .lack
son street, by the Vet Side Piohlbl
tlon league. II. Illumau piesldetl
and the eveiclses were opcni'il by the
sliming of ".My Country 'TIh of Thee"
by the assemblage. Prayer was offered
by Rev. t'. H. Henry and c'halimnu
Illumau matlc a few lemaiks.
The Sons of Temperance "!le club
teiideted several pleasing selection,
ami Wllllnm Davis i celled In his usual
entertaining manner. Henty Jenkins
lead an lustttatlv- paper on "Wo
man's Suffiage." anil l!e. lleniv told
why he Is a 1'iohlbltlonlst. After a
popular hp lot lion by the (Jlee club,
County Organizer (Joiner u. Heese
closed the meeting with soni' pertinent
Resolutions Adopted
Hodge .Mine Accidental fund on
March 14. 1001, adopted the tollowlng:
Wliu.'a.-, It lu plejril Almlvlity (!nl lit ttl
iiilinltc ivtoiu tu rcinmp irom our inid-t our
wmiliv Hid clrfiiinl lirothri and ttllovv woik-
ID III, Dl3ll .1.M11CS.
Wlidit, 'flit Intlni.ilf rthlioiiH IicM tlurlii? t lie
period et IMri chn .i miner Jiid initio fnic.
mm In the IMi niiiif. and .il-o hi ticauior
ut the mud. It t lilting lint .e iccoiil om ji
piicjtow of him.
Ili'oltrd, ThJl Hie sciiul ili-pjllioii, widoiii
.Hid lbilln lip rt-i(led .mil inmlfihtrd in mil
nild-L n mine foiiiinii for ncjilv tvientt ttjit
will h tidd In sritpful reniejiilii jut p.
llebcd. Tint tlio dictriul reiilliiCM and bcu
rtolcnt piilt lio tlji,'l in n.ilili? nr
(C foi the lionrfll ot our tiind .i ll Uclmmit
lne it h eiinlrrd, Ms Midden ifinottl lojtt
.1 jt3iu und lor:, tlut will lc tlerpl ieillnl
Iw the inemhriH of thl nrmniitioii
Ittholud, Mut mo t(iid,i our (In p hMiipjihy
Willi the .illlleted lamlb in their lo of ,111 .if.
l-clionaie liiwbjn.l mil father, nn 1 w eutj
Globe Warehouse
Will Be Open
for Business Today
as Usual
Although Water
and Smoke
Has Played Havoc
with Some of
Our Departments,
Others Have Escaped
Anyway, All
Will Be in Readiness
for Our Patrons
This Morning;
Globe Warehouse
Ever on the Aleit Alive to Every
Form of Oppression Kept on
Edgo Burdened Beyond Endur-
nnce Nerves Give Out.
The machinery of 11 mill that gilntls
day nnd night has to shut down now
nnd then for repairs. 11 is the saino
way with your nerves. Overwoik,
clofo application, our ways of llvlnff
hi lug about neivo waste that sots up
symptoms of vnilous kinds. It may
be falling strength, weakness, languor,
headache, sleeplessness, etc. Whatever
It Is, ncrvo forco Is lacking and the
moans of tcstorlug tests with Dr. A,
Chaso's Xeivc Pills. A great many
people In Ucrantnu vouch for this.
Among them Is Mrs. Joseph Mitchell,
of No. !1G Linden sheet, West Scran
ton, Pa who says: "Dr. A. V. Chase's
Nerve Pills arc flnu. I was all out of
order, nervous, and tmiltl not sleep,
weak and mlciable. The kidneys wcro
sluggish nnd the hack lame. Nothing
seemed to help me until I got a box of
the nere pills nt Matthews lltos.' drug
stoic, temporary hfatbitni tots cor
ner Washington und Lackawanna.
Since I took them I sleep well, don't
Jerk nnd talk. My uetves are steady,
I feel strong, and the Kldneya tire
working well ngaln. I urn mote than
pleased, and glad to locommtud the
Dr. A. W. Chase's Neivo Pills aio
sold at r0e. a box at dealer, or Dr. A.
AW Chase Medicine Co., litllfalo, N. Y.
See that portrait and signaturo of A.
V. 1 'base, M. D., aio on every package.-
our eitiifl Imre tint even fo .1 betfite.'
lue'it nny liu ociiuloi for llielr lilcliet BOOtl
Kfuihnl, Tint a topj of lluc nilutlnii4 lie
gin 11 to the beieacd ftinily .aid iUo recorded
011 thn mlnutei of tlili fund .11 id published in the
IIH1, of t till tll.
I Ik iii.k O. .tone,
M. ('. lllrtlev,
lljvid MorKJIi,
C0111111H li'f,
'Die of Ciuik. tlio infint (Mid of
Mr. ai.d Jlr. Amhc Wi'.land, will UKe plate
liN jltcrnnon firm the lioiice, 2tl! Wjulilimn
lu(t, .it ' u'doik. tiittiiuriit will tic made in
the '(iI1iiiih ttttit ccni'teij.
Vloli, the ? nionth-oM tl.ild of Mr. and Jim.
.loh'i I. llii'lej, of tl'12 lid von street, filed l
7..H) h'iIikI. !.it etei.iinf. 'the funaial 111 Of
ttir foinuiim" ollniiooii. Intciinent will uc
nil. If in the Citlietlral itniften,
llil'di, the S-inoiithf old ihlld of Mi. und Mi,
.lohii P.H1I, of i'W IJi.lihn ilttei, did jester.
Ii.t. Tlio funeral eciwiej vvill lc cindiicted at
.....a o'cloiU thlt (iilriuooii In lt, I. 1. .lone.
Iilrinient will lit- inidc In the WaMibuin etrcet
Dr. an J Mi, t. ,1. itoleil, of -uiilli Miiu ae.
line, lelt JiMetdi for l'mlel, l , to attend fie of II o ljto Williirti Maw. (inioirow alte
noon. Ii.'iintf tlic dot tor's aU-niee, lu. . .
I'.ilne will attind to the tlnilci of the coionn'it
A I1111I1 1 1 1 i -- . I iciiil(lu "ill lie telebi.ited ll
M. I'jtiick'i tliuitli this iiiurniuu for tlic d"
terd luenibcis of tlio ( jIIioIIl Mutual llemfit
ltex, ,lime Ilennlnser, paloi of the Hampton
Ntcet M(thodlt I'pNei.pil ilmtth, officlaled at
tlio tunnil ol Mlltlied, the Infant tlanhlei rf
Ml. and Mis John T. licndle jeMenlav afternoon,
"ritltet win" licld at the Iion-e, lit South llioni.
lej atnue, and in'etinnit was made In the Pitts
tun temeteiy
UuiiU-tiiinr piaUe missionary wilec ua
totidintid 111 the Wjrlibuiu Muet PieMnteriati
fliinoli lit eifiilic. Ilie Sililulli school or
1 Instil .w-Utcd and Itlrehments wcie seried lit
the ele-tf- of the lnestnu; An open pjilhnienl on
llible wlioul wuih will lie lield tliii ecnins at
the lo-f ol the praei mectlutr.
'Ihe leular wiehb- purr liitUlus; of the
'iiii)ioii MclhodiU Kpiwntnl tlitutli will 'v
I old IliU (niliif, and thn lidie Mel sodet
"ill lueei ill the jet tun; 100111 tomoitow
number of jouu;; people rm li'.i-lnRt en
tertaintfl lavl .rnlns al the home of Mlf IMiu
II lati. on V111I1 Main nenue. wher- n .lip.
.itee rtu-lil ami enteitalmrent wax
sni'ii for the benchi of the pltmei Hi roniri;i
1h ml thiitib.
The fiid men of Ih" I lectrii fit W lici hiun'i.
infnMrel tioupe held a lelieiiKil in tlio tlub
litiue last efiiins. nmiiher of 1 iw fciluie,
v III be Introdutrd at 'lailor mt Moudav limit,
"lien the liojs ill appi a f( i- the btnertt (f the
I'lkc tibial.
I. . Ilunnell ami JJaiinl Mill per aie nioiiig
their uiiiilii-s to cluk'n Miiiiiiiil, while tin
x ill peiiiumntly tohli-.
loeph P. lle.nold, ot Miest, i
lieiidlncr Hi" WM-k at llarri'liurtr
William liaiis of llaiilshuig, i vinllni, lUi
Siandniotlicr, Mm. iiIIiom, of llUh slicel,
1'he t'olonia! clib, 01 Camp 17, Patiiotlo Ui
dn 'oni of Aiiieilta, mil tondi'el a drawing
tor a "', cold piern in littl Meii' hall on 'Ihurj
d-s ert,ir!r, Ma 2!,
Interesting- Address Delivered by
Rev. F. C. H. Dreyer Funetal
of Menitt Swingle.
An .iiJuine tint tas-cd the o the
a.idilcilum as-unblod at. the ltrtb tcilan (.liutili
It iilght to listen to an aJdns-, by llev. V. t .
II. Hie)fi, up.m liU itcent evpciiciicc in f'lilni.
lb aae a thrillin? tk'cilptlon of tlio long ridj
whitli lasted about (oil)-lho ila) liom th'lr
nation to the coat.
In the party when the) stalled on that peril.
ciiu tlip wttt- ten udlcs two rhlldiw, Mi.
l)K)er -nitl Mi. 1,111 key, who it tlic tiuu t i Malt
ing watt tufkrin,; trom a peierc fter, litlutr lc
liilou mutli of the lime. The speaker dnw- .1
(ri patlicllt ph due of Hit tkith and burial of
tlio tuo childitn of Mi. ami Mis. I.ticl e), the
tleatlH (inuring about two weeLi apait
'Ihiotiuh all this peillm. trip lie said Hie
twilight uppeimobl In their mind wan not the
fear ul ckath, but lat'icr that -hrNt niigbt lie.
iiinciillled in their bodita either ill life or tleitli.
Whin they stalled their oiiiney toaMward under
tsniit of a ronipiny 01 toldlirt they bad alio.
Bethel -lheut MJ oui cea of slher in the patli.
lint before they had traveled eight mllei nia.
lauiiini; InndM hid mbhnl them of over !M
oumev, while thrli sui po'Ctl proteetor looknl
011 .Ml. Ilrc.vei miiouited lil intditlon of to.
suinliiir lu ilut In ai tin tjilL.t i.pporluuiiy
und hoped In return In Ids old station.
lie rmwU the leetnt iroublc .u a piaaln
florin,, still loiin,- the thluiM. lie tonsldeis
tit in, ,n a w-liole. a ptat t luvlnj people and
points In the fail that dnlr. Ihe thirty-three
) pnvloui tu the pnsent tionble the China
Inland inl-slon had not lost a life ttiioutili io.
At the roncluskin of hit rcmaiU a collection
wa taken amounting to over 20 ful the Vouns
jdi(V .Mission tiicle.
Funeral of Meriitt Swingle.
Ihe funeral of the late Merrltt Swingle, who
w killed by a Lackawanna engine near Niy
Aug falls Kilday night, took place from the homo
on Hunker Hill :estcrday tfternoon. The service
were conducted at tlio reildcnce. alter vvhleli
tho remain were taken to Klngiton, whoie In
ttiinent wai made. Ilic rrernbn of the local
braneliei of the Protected Home UiUe and Jun
ior Older United Aineiliau Medianics, attended
in a bod), the ilece.iicd Inving been an aitivs
incniber ol both organ lilt loin.
Nubs of News.
Ilio leadieu ol the botouuh school will bold
Ihclr niontlily institute on Saturdav, JlanU S.I,
at 0 o'tloclt In tho blgli school. Profes-ors M.
W. Cuiiinilnus, ot Ol.vphant, and M. J. Uo)d, of
UltUon I'll), will be present and addiest the
teuiticis. lntcrestitig paKM by local tiaclifra
will nlo bo it'jd,
Letters' ninaliiliiK uutlalmetl tluilns the prilot
enllng March 10, 1001, Piiioin calling for theso
Itltm pleaso wy adiotlUedi lluiton Mattel, Cr
rlc ltrowu, bin p no sticet; Sidlo Hoiee. II, 11,
uu lionlen, Laicli street and Adam; Jaiue r,
lody, Mit, Marnlliu Monie MUs llclla O'lloia
(I), Ktl I'ashkoskol, lohn llobeili, Honatfi Zac.
can nl no.
Members of Father Whltty Society
Arranged an Agreeable Surprise
for Him Monday Night at Their
Meeting in St. Mary's Hall Notes
of tho Y. W. C. A. Humorist Fax
to Appear at Auditorium Meeting
of Retail Clerks' Association.
Other Notes of Interest.
Uev. .1. V. Moylan, of the Holy
Mosary eltuich, was presented with a
gold-headed umbrella, by the member
of the I'nther Whlllv -society, lit their
rooms at St. Mary'sTiall Monday even
ing. The meeting wns called to 01 dor by
President John l- Murtninth, tvho with
n. low .rppioprlatu wotds, presented
the token to Father Moylan, In be
half of the society. The token was Re
ceptee! by tte. Moylan, who rose from
his elmlr and bristly, In response to
the presentation, gave the members ot
tho society his heiitty thanks.
Th umbiella was engraved on the)
handle with the Inscription, "l' S.
to Father Moylan." It has a gold
mounted handle und Is of h.itulsomo
After the picsentntlou of tho um
brella, 11 well ntianged programme
was rendered. A talk on the life ot
St. Patilck, by Ulchard Maloney, ex
litesldetit of the society , recitation by
John J2. Moian; vocal solo, by Thomas
Harrington; recltntlon, by George .1.
Loftus; recitation, by .1. J. Mflrnn;
iolln solo, by Thomas Campbell; re
citation, by A. I.ynolt: ocal solo,
by John Harrington; recitation, by
Dotnlnlek (ierrlty, nnd ccnl solo, by
Vincent O'Malley, constituted this part
of tho entertainment.
Y. W. C. A. Notes.
A mothers' meeting will be held In
the rooms, "04S North Main avenue.
Wednesday ufternoon at 3 o'clock and
nil mothers are Invited to this mect-li-g;
subject, "The Ulesecd Comforter."
Kitchen garden Thursday afternoon at
I o'clock.
llible- study Thursday evening- at 7.30
promptly. Sunday schol lesson until
S.S0. C. Ii S. correspondence counts at
S."0 o'clock.
The Juniors will give a social in tips
rooms Friday evening at 7..10 o'clock,
to which they Invite all young git Is.
Fax at Auditorium.
.i(Oi gp Ellis Fax. one of America's
favorlto humorists, entertainers nnd
baritones, will appear nt the uudltor
lum next Thursday eVenlng. Mr. Fix
Is widely known throughout the entire;
state and has been highly compliment
ed by the press. Thlb will glvo tho
people of North Scunton a chance to
see Mr. Fax nnd It Is expected that the
Auditotlum will b-j crowded to its ut
most by people wishing to hear tho
'I hi- funeral of tho fltc-inonllK-oM child ot Ml.
and Mi. Iloovei. of ei Market titel, tooi
place )clt!i!jv uioininr horn Ihclr home. In
teiment w,u made nt Clmlnir!.
MIm Anna Thomas of PilNton. letmunl Lome
)e-leii1a) aftei vl-ltint: at tlio homo of Mr and
Mr. I'red M.i)o. of Noitli Main avenue.
At .1 inectiiiK nf the Itctill Cl(ik' Intern 1l10n.1l
Pioltellve ion. No, ,10, held Mouthy
evening in Lcuntnl lull, lc-nlntion were iidoplttl
ii.couiagine the itilking silk w-oikcr''. 'I lie a'
'oeiatlon al-o doialetl hi5 ilollw to the sttiker'
The Mc1110ti.1l lljpliit thuuli ihoii held a full
lebeanil lat rvenin for their tantata vvhiili vttli
be KM in the mar lutuie. lany iiieinberr. of
the c.itiiata, vvlilch n entitled "Our Hug."
Sivin pome time igo, v.i'.l laUo pait In the torn,
me; one. It Ik rpcttcd that over twrnly mil.
dun and the same number of adult voices will
be heai'l, inaklns a tiand eliora' of forty peopV
Ihe North Tnd Slan vvill pliy the Tavlor
M.'iiji net Tuetdiy evenlnc; at Hie Auditorium,
f",ioipe AlKrton vifiled fntnb in Glrnl'irn
yi liifli.v,
Tlii. Lnditloii of Mr. Akeimau. ot LUt Mar.
Lit slittt, It i-tlll firlou.. Clip, tollovved b)
congevtion of the luii i lilt trouble.
Mtale are quite pnvalcnt in tliii end of the
1. B. Stuiecs will lutuie 0.1 t-rl'U cvtilng of
thN week in the lecture loom? of Oapouso
chapel on "His Travel, In Uiini,"
A number of blue Midi nie looking for netting
pl.ircs among tie tiecs between Itlclimont and
l'alnkn' nvenuej,
K. II. Stuige lecturfU Wednevday evening at
the fiicrn ltidge Presbvteiim chinch on India.
't'ne fieople of the tliil disliitt wonder what
In bec-omc of tlio eleclric- llghtn they hopt-d o
liaie at lllchniont and Capoue avenues and tho
Uoiilevaid load and I'.'ik -t t rt.
Annual Election of Officers of General
Fhinney Company Accident to
Mrs. E. H. Davis.
'Jl.e amiiial election of ortlcciii of the l.ineial
Phlnt.ey Lnylne and lloc- company was hold
list evening in tho parlors ol the hoac bouse. It
le-ultcd a tollow8i Prealdenl. W. If. I.ewla;
vlic-prisidcnl, .1. II. .Sewird; flnanclil seiretary,
t.corge. l:. Halle) 1 leeoidlng scerrtary, W. Kim
ble; tieaiiner, .1. II. Sevvtrd; foieman, W. Kim
bio; tlr-t alstant foreman, Y, Y., f-)kt; tec
ti.d assfint tort man, Y. Andrew's; plp.-iim,
W. I.ewi; tltst tisUtant plpenun, George l.i z;
stcond awistant pipcnian, W. baker; third as.
Luut plpeinin, K. I), Gardner; cnglne-r, lid
ward fioodmni; btokrr, Y. W. Ijng; driver limo
carl, (ieorgo Y.. Ilailev; driver steamer, .I. II.
Sward; tllredor for one )ear, J. W. Ll.kt two
)cari. A. I!. Snnrill; thiec)car. M. II. lllectk
ri; four car, Y, W. Long; live )rau, C ll.
Tripped by a Dog'.
Mi K II. Pavlf, ol Sandiron avenue, vv is
tripped by a dog while walking on Oieru Itldgo
strut Monday evening and fell heavily on the
In falling her lelt leg was broken near the
knee. Dr. Ilurni and Lcut operated upon tho
broken member Ksttrday, uniting It with silver
wire, after which the patient rested comfortably. August Jlrc. Davis bioko her right leg
at the Kneo and had bust just recovered from
that misfortune when ovtrtsken by the second.
'Ihe second section ol the Ladle." Aid toutty
of tlio Crctn ltidge i'resbterian church, which
induJes all vvhow inniei begin with 0, II, I, .1,
K and L, will hold a meeting In the church pal
lors tomorrow afteinoon at I o'clock. All thtto
ladies aro urged to bo pitsent, as important
biihlueM Is to bs transacted.
Miss Alrolu I'oidham, of Jlontrooc, Is a sft
of Mr. and Mrs. II. J. Colt, baling been sum
moned to tho bedilde of lier brotlier, V, II. I'ord.
bam, who is seriously 111 of pneumonia, Mr.
ronlliain was taken fitk while vUltliiR his daugli.
Allow- a cuutli to run until it gets be)ond Ihe
reach of nicdlilne. Ihcv often say, "Oh, It w-j
wear away," but in niobt coacs It will wear
them away, tJould they bo Induced to try tho
successful medicine railed Kemp' IlaUam, vvhlth
Is sold on a positive guarantee to cine, ihey
would Immediately see the excellent 1 fleet nfler
taking the llrst do.e. Prleo IJc, and 00c. Trial
size ftce. At all drugglite. 4
tcr, Mr. Cole, and I1I1 condition Is ucli that no
hopes are entertained ol his recovery.
Tim Green ltidge Women's Christian Temper
aneo union will hold an evangelistic meeting In
chargo of Mrs. .I. S. Miller this alternoon at .1
o'clock In tho I'.vangcllcal church on Capouie
runeral of Joseph Winter OanR of
Tramps Rounded Up by Lieu
tenant Zang et al.
Services over the lenulns of Joseph, the
jear-old fou nf Mr. and Mi. Frank Winter, of
Mapl sticet, vveio held )esteiday alternoon at 3
o'clock In St. Mat)'s rliurcli.
ltev. hlraiib, altant pator ot '-t. Mary'
eliitrch, was hi charge, and tlio funeral was
largely attended.
Interment wis 111 nie In the Twentieth ward
ceinetciy. Tho pill-bearers vveio Master Leo
Newhaus, John K01I1, Prank llitnm and I'ranlc
Leltlrr. I'mlcitaker Klein had ili.uge of the funeral.
Y. W. C. A. Enteitalument.
The entcitaliiment vvhleli was given ltt night
by the loom committee of the oung Woniin'is
Christian noclatlon vva.s enJo)cd by a large uudl-ei.i-e.
ocal and muniral solos were reiidered by
Mls Annie Shuirr, Miss Ida Klblcr, A. Hum
phrey, Jlrs. William McDonnell and Mrs. Adim
tlsclmlndl's pupils. Alter thn tnlertjltmient ic
licdiments were served.
The Seianton Saengerrutide will meet for re
heaisal tliU evening in Athletic: hall
The funeral of the Infant ddld of Mr. and Mrs,
liigomorlno took plice )ccnlav alternoon from
tho family resilience nt 811 Mono avenue, llev.
I'ttrr Christ, pastor of W. Mar.v's chiiicb, ton
ducted tho M-rvlecs. Inleiuieiit was nude In tlio
Twentieth ward cemttet).
Mis. Clementine Williams.
Mis. Clementhio Williams, wife ol the Diuih.
mer L'vangcllsl, llev. t. II. Williams, thed .vcj
terday at 3.M p. m., alter a ptolracted spell of
sickness. Mis. Williams was bom and raked In
Ohio, wiine she vas msjTled to Itcv. W. II.
tUlli.m11 over thirty ear ago. Shu would hive
been 48 )eara old September V. Mrs. William
came to r-cmnton about one )eai- suro with her
husband who sent heie from Richmond, Va.,
to taki- rhargp of tho Antl Saloon leauu v n, for
tlio Sranloti tllstiict.
Mis. Williams joined the Methodist ibtiieli In
Ohio when tpilto a gill and baa tver been a
lallhful and active member of tho chun h. Her
last wonts to her husband wcro full of
of filth and Christian hope, "it is light
across the way." "I am goinr Icr ray t-ro-vn not,
a starless one," "I will (.peak a good word lor
)on when I see the king." vvtic among her lai
words to her husbiud. To liev. Glfrtu who at,
tended her bin- said, "Jeus is so preeiovis to me
Mnte her bustiaiid's enir) mto tho mlnlstr.v
and temperance work he proved herself a noble
bhe wis an atiive workti in tlie Ohio ciueidc
of sears ago, ali.11 in tli Murphy movement
Manv blue libboius did she pin on the coats of
the men who took the pledge. As .1 member of
tlio Women's Christian Temperance union for
over ivvo .vears while her hiiibiiid vva- paster
of the McthodM c mirth at l'ort -mitli. Ark., he
conducted meetings in the Jills of the Indian tcr
rltor). I'm- twelve .veais he sh.ned with her bu-bind
tin- trials and privations of the MethodNt itln
erat) In the far vseat. Th la-t ten .sears of htr
life she stood side bv kide with him in
gelislit. jiid tcmptraiue meetings in neailv eieiy
slate of tho Union and t imd.i Her health since
turning to sranton lii pievcnted hei fiorn en
tiring very .icllvel.i into the work of the- Antl
saloon leigut. -he toon pirt in meet lugs
at tvotd, Miliokuii, Pttkville and dim-. vt-.
Hue PiiMiitiiian ehuiili 'Hit- fileinls wh.i heanl
her siieak in tlio highest leinis o' her 11- .1
lad) of 1.11P tali nt and spirit, -he le.ivis lour
ehlhheti. all giovvii. Ihrce aie daughters. .l
are manitsl. A son i iinmiiilrd. 'Il.e chihliin
.lie: Mis. .lo-pli I'elin f Ifo.nicike, Va ,
who his been with her mother duilng her Iat
illi ess; Mrs. . (!. Lomls, of Sanla IV, Wvv
Mcmio; Mr. l'loia licniilln, nf 1 o-. Angiln., ( ,il ,
and Mm, O, P. Willi un, of Silvei lnv, New
)Ie.ito Dr. lao 11. W.iodi.ui. -iitp.idi-d r i.i ,u ljt
sicklier, Tlio dUeie that carried her olt vv.h
pcrnieious aiitmia. 'the will lie ouduc tt,J
bv Di. lilffln, pator of i:im thuu 1, llitii
tliy, Mnnh 21, ut .! p tu Mi. 1iiv Its. 11 Hall
will sin.'.
Mrs. Maty A. Reeves.
Mis Mary A. Ilcevct. agtd 73 .sears, died ,ve
tenliy al Itliigslou, trom tho ellecLs of an at
tic k of la giippo contracled about two weeks
ago. Mie well known in this cil.v, whero
her sen, Hubert 1'eovt'i., general siip.nlntendoiit
cf the Srinton Gas and Water coinpan.v, lui
lived for so niaiiy .vr.irs liesidcs the litter,' she is
suivived by a husband, V, A. Peeves, and one
Uiug'ittr, l.o, 1K1,
Tlio fuucial vvill lie hold tuinoiiov aflirnoon
fiom the family lmnio aixl inteiuitiu vvill bo
made in I'ltt-ton.
Hichnel McHugli.
Miihatl Mcllugh. aged IJ.vcir.-, tiled on Monday
at bis home in Old I'oige, afler 1 long illnies.
lie is survived b) 11 wile and the Pillowing dill
dien: James lleinird, Thonia-, IMhtr Catherino
and .Mrs. James llaunon.
Tlie fuueial will tiko plate toinoiinvv aflernon
nt J o'clock and Inleiinrnl will be made 111 tlic
MI1100U ithollo cemetery.
A. G. Ferhntn.
Wonl was ircelvcd in Noitlt Sianloii visit ulay
of tin- death of A iron (laics lVrlnin, a piuuilneiit
coal merchant of Scr York ell).
Mr. 1'eiham Irrqueutly vMtod this titv- anil
vi is a brotli'er-lh-lavv of Ibuty Ilavvht- and
Ocorgo Spencer, of Noitli Se1.1n1.111.
Patrick McDonnell.
I'alikk McDoniitll. an aged nsidcrit "i Dun
inoie, died at his home uii ln I vetr.
tlav morning alter a buer lllnehs of pneumonia
lie is survival by the following eiilldren:
.Limes, . M.i Thoiiiis, .1, or llnvh-, and
Mrs. Ueoigc Tiucc. I'uneial iioim' later
Wall Street Review.
New York, Maith pi Tod.i)'s simulation in
stocks continued to suor. .-uat aniiu ui.i nnd
jiMitolnal liie.uith. 'tin lcclas operated In -u.u
lonlldinie, owing to visttiilavs ileuioustratloii of
ot til eigeruiM Of fit onlil'l. woild to paitlii
pate. Tlio lools made up ol' prctrseloiMl ti.ul
ers, thcicf.ire, hid Utile dlfhuilt) In attiactlng
an cftrcllvo following in any stock In vvliith ihty
chooso to opeiate b) aitiuly bidding up price 1
as an Incitement, llils piocc tallied uiu-li
irregularity in the movement of pit era all da.i.
In the lat hour tho protewluiia! traders tinned
to tho ben sitlu of tho market, owing lo Hit
heavy rcalllug stlllng that showed all thiouh
tho list and pile,es dawn Is Idly, takluj
the maiket away from the milt and rjlch'n?
some stop loss flujir xvlici speculative actounts
bad bftn unduly extended Tho icsult was a
tumbling of pilcc. that looked fur a lima liku
tltiuoralltion on the pait of tlic bulls. The
eactlon tiom bet pikej In the most piomliitiit
of tlie strong slocks un in in 1 to H'j and quite
.1 number of stoil.s which bad not been maiued
up during tlie day fell beluvv last night's luvcl.
Total files, l.'iTD.fO) shaus. The lallmad be nil
lUt was Bomewlut l-s attivr. and profit taking
In special Imik.. made- it veiy iircgulai. Total
sale, par value, xi,;;.tsM. 1 nlled Malt ic
fundiur twen and tho funis advanced '; pel tuil.
oil the last call.
The following e)uotsllcns ate (iL-nMittl The
Tribune by M. P. .tordart At Co , rooms TO., TW
Hears building, bciantcn, Ps. 'trlcpliouo iOoJ:
Optti- High- Low-. Clus
11 g. est, est. ing.
Ametliaif'Migar . . IIV- llj'j 111 ill
Aliieileau lobitio . . 11.' j J.liie, 11 Us
Atth., I'o. A. &, IV ... .Vi tail j tvi ui
A T. i-S. I' I'r KIT, tivs, IliTi tur
l'.iookl)ii 'irattlou s., sji.j .sn; .!,,
Hilt, Ohio .; i(i pjiij t
Cont, Tob.11 eo IT 47 4ili; liiH
Ches. k Ohio IT',; ITVj P1I4 Iti'J
t lile-. U li. W 'A". 'J.1 2ii'. -i.
C!ile n. k (J M Ids IM'i iW,
f-t Paul IHK lMi 1Vi, rsli,
Kock Wand l.v;s mt HJ l."J',
Special Diseases of Men
Do WW Cent r
Scatter llimUpm on
Faculties 'lllHPP Specialty
If )ou sre kuffeilng liom anv disease or condition peculiar 10 nun or II you have been
"'Ppolnlcil in not getting a permanent cure. I want you to cene and huve' a social that
JJ1'1"'' ' "HI explain to ou MY isMm-lv! OF TltCAl.MLNT. which I have crlglnsted
s nil tiev eloped after my whole life's experience in treating sfiuisl dleases of men. I bsvis
no lielts, specille. free samples, trial tnatnicnt or eleetio medical combinations or similar
devices which do not and cannot euie diseases peculiar to men. My education, my expeil-TiCu'i,n-v
'"iK'fHi'i rnv reputation toiidtnins all such quirkerr. If xc.11 will piv me a
xi'lt I xx III give you lTtKt; OF CTI.MItiK a tliorouali piisonal eramltiallnn and an" honest
op jiion of )our ease. If ou nie Incurable I will tell )ou so, and advise joii so that )em
IM not be biinibuaged by unscrupulous piactillonrts who claim to euie ill It after em
n ng j cu, flnd yon ciirvble, I will ln'ire ou of a iernianent euie, Inasmuch as I vslll
'" Jou a willteu gtiarxnlee to refund sou every tent )ou have pild nie In rav I fall to
elect a ture 1 uki- no charge foi medicines, as they art- alvva.vs Included In th nomlinl
'ee, aUd, and j0u know to the tent, blrre )ou stait what .sour whole (resilient Is going
to cost, and 1 will make no false promises us to the time tin the ike nf celling you as
pallenl, as I promise only what I csu do, and do as I
I'N'NATUIttl, llkCIIIMll. stopped In : to 10 tli)s
i:MIIOSS (itnl Ilralns stopped In "1 10 ll t!a)s.
I'LCKIIt. I tare not of how- long standing, I will dr) Hun up nt 1 nc
SI IllCrum: tured without Hitting or dilating.
IIYDItOCKLi: or any swellings or "iilvrgenicnts reduced at ones.
IMPOTKNCY by i.iy s)steni ol tieatm-nt is curable- iiirjpcctlve ol the ilire landies; or
your age.
DLtPnr.n AND KIIiMIY tlcianen enls by my s)lfiii of trexlineni show signs ol in
rrovement front the very beginning.
RIII.UMYTteMi bring caused bv Impure coi.dilli.n ot blood, Is tured prinnnrntly by
5l'i:CIHO HLO0I) l'OI0SlO, pemnintntl) cured vxithout the use of lodn' ol Potxsh
or Mercur).
XAIUTr. If .xou cannot tall All t-oirtspondeiue slrieily ccmlliliiitlal xnd all icplies snt
In plain envelope". Ineloe -J-ee-nt stamp to Insure rcpl).
OIl'ICi: 1I0LIH, 9 s, m, lea 5 p, in and 6 10 5 p. in.; Sui.lj;s, 10 a in 10 t p in.
Perinaiiciiilj Located al
Rooms 208-209-210 Pauli Building
426-428 Spce St., SCRANTON, PA.
Deliwaic k Hudson ..
laikaw.itiiu .
ban. k lex., Pr
ouls. k ash
Minl.att.-m Klo
Met. Traction t o
Jlivouri Paeilio
Southern Padlle
Norfolk .v.- Westell! ..
Norlh. Pailfle.-
North. Parltie, IV ....
. . t tntril
Out. .!. Wtt
I Vim 1. II It
I'.iiin.- Mall
Pel. ling
Kelillllg, Pl-
smtliriti 1!
oulhtin It
'Is tin. ('. .xr lion ....
1 . . Le-illiei .. ..
V. S. laathu, Pr ..
C. S. ltubb.r
I'ui.iu Pat I lie.
t iioiu Pat ilk-, Pr ..
Wabesli, l'i
Xtestcru I'nloii
C. F. I
People's (Ja-
ho. S
Si. s, 'r
'litis I'acllic .
Ameiitan Cai 1'
L'. Me el Co .
It , Pi
. .Vi'i
. i'jU
. l-',a
. Hi
. r.-t,
. "ll'
. 'T'i
. 'll t
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. .1!
. Id
. :;i
i3 f
ing. 7iH 4
w iii:a r.
Julv 7.',V.
xiix- W
July ill..
Jin- -j.v;
May KM to pi.10
Max- 7. vl .)
.11 u
si 1 1
I l'i
1 Low
1 Ill'-K
11 '
7 -.14
) .
'1.', s
.1 li
nt .11 U
- li. '7
7 V.) -
ni:vv reus ohms maiiklt.
ing. SIP j
est SllTs
et -iitj
inc MI'j
P. '1
Scrnnton Bonrd of Trade Exchange
Quotations All Quotations Based
on Par of 100.
STOCKS. Did. Asked.
First N'atloral Dank- y:ui
Seranton Savings Hank .151
Third National Hank su . .
iJimc Deposit and Discount Dank.. 2J0
Fconomy Light, li. & P. Co j
Lacka. Tnist riafe Deposit Co tvr
Clark i, Hnoxer Co, I'r. KJ
bcranton Iron Foneo & Mfg. Co 100
beranton A-ile Works n-,
Laclu-vantia Dairy Co.. Pr 20
Count) Savings Rank k Tui't Co. S00
First National Hank (Carbondale) im i
Standard Drilling Co jo
Traders' National Dank 11
bcranton Dolt and Nut Co. ,,,,., 103
Scranton Pass-nger Railway, first
Mortgage, due 1020 11a
People's (street Railway, first mort
gage, due 101S 11a
People's btrect Hallway, General
mortgage, due 1U21 113
Dickson Manufacturing Co 1'id
Ucka. Township School 3 per cent. ... 10.J
City cf Scranton St. Imp a per
cent loo"
Seianton Tuition G pel cent ItS
Scrnnton Wholesle Mrket.
(Collected b) 11 Cl Pile, 21 l.ukiwanni Vve;
llutlci -t iiaiutrv, Jl'.iiJ. , dill), 17ajiii.
Cheese-1 nil ciciin UiUe
KggivN ilrm tresh, 13 to li'.-e.; neaib
6l..te, FiUalne.
Ileinj Per Ins., fholre marrow, $J,j."aiC0.
Pea Heai -,-Ptr bu . '.si i2..'.0.
Medium Heins-l'-r bu.. W.Wi2.4J.
t.ieen Peja-Per bu , 51 4nil Ik
Onlonv-I'er bu.. 1 I its I SO
Flour Dot pitent. pel bbh, M lA
Htd Kidney Beans -I'cr bu., -'J.ioa.'io
New York Grain nnd Produce.
New oilc. Manli 10. -I'loui Ilarely stead,
nntl dull. Wchil pot fa'). No. J led, 81 He",
t. o b atloal; So. -J led, 6U',c. clevatoi; N'o. J
northern Dclulh, lk- I o b. afloat; option f-.-perlei.iid
so;u iricuulilty whllo showing gen
eral steadiness mint of ihe di), but pricow tlnallv
.vlcldetl again to leallili; and closed easy at se
net lit sline.; Xlaicli do cl oO'Ji..! Ma), isn'ji.,
July. SOi'n. Corn-'-pot atead) : No ':. Pk-. tit
xator. and 1st I o. b.; option niaiktt
tpeied nthcr east, bat steadied up again on
por grading at bit ig". .uid tloscsl stead) and
unchanged; M.mli lon 4tV.; Vla.i, 4o1si
4& lS-llK-.; Jul). Iu3ie.: SititemlK-r, 4(.'-,t. Oils
kitit sliatly; No. ", VV.v ; No. 2 while, .!.ta
iS'ir.i No. !) white. lJ'ji','i( s hack mixed
vveslein. KOalliae ; tint U white, ;rja.!r,i-. Iluttri
Finn; liesh eieanieiv. Iif:e.i lailoi), IC
Il'ici Imitation cie-aiiuiv-. I IjI-s'si- ; slate dalrt,, l.'u.'li- thtise- -tioiig; lanty laiae ml
urt) and while, llallijc: fancy small enlou-d,
VJ'ie, ; fmty small white, i;j-",c. I'ggs -Steady:
state und Pinnsvlvanla. Ual.l'ii.i vr.t.
cm, l'JNaltc; s.iulhuii, l.'alJiic
Chicago Grain and Produce.
Clik-atv, Marti) 19. Altct liolJiu,- sicael) moil.
A nt'lldl'MlKlt.
DtlT'V, Manager
om: iim.1.
Wcdnestlny, March 20.
A Texas Steer
-Mom:. mm rin 1111 .o
Pel tcr than exer With an excellent cat, whnii
lidiiihs .li- Vice aim u- "llr.ihdii," Xlis Pearl
11 kill as -"ItiMsi," foimeilx with ugmtln Dal) 1
New X,oik (ompinx. Will II lliav i Ihe "Mln
in fiom Dituinev," liu oilglnil iiatort( that
l..oghabtt. mie. 'I lis- otl.e uieinbirs ait- XII Ll
sle html ill. (iu-livt Ntaville, Miirl L. Lewis
lhailcs I'tiiton and other
The- original "I'tx !! iianeiie
I'llll l. in- to VI ( -e..ts on sale Monday,
ai '.' a m.
lianagen and Lcsseci Local Manager.
Ml llils XV 1.1 K
May Fiske Co
In tipeiioii Pie-entiiig
Tre-dat Matinee '-Povetlv I oilier "'
Tuexla) Mglil Mv I iiend liom India "
Wedue-dav Jlallnee 'Hi. f. inlsou liirl '
Wednesday Night 'Miiii-liine' of Dover l.oik "
Arnenlo Beauty Tablets and Pills. A psr-
fnctly snf iiuii RiiarHnteoiltrfutment ftirnll skits
disotders. Restores the bloom ol youth to laded laces.
10 clr.ys' treatmeut ric; 30 da) a' $1.00, by snail
tonn for circular. Addro?,
X)C1VITA MEDICAL CO.. Cllntor & Jsckltx Stl., CbfcsT
Bold by McGarrah Thomas, Drug
srlstB,, 0) Lackawanna ave., Scranton, I'sv.
of the el iv Ihe wh. at m.irku towards, the end of
tod.i.v'H M-v-ion biuke on li.iil.ltliou and ilocd
r.ii uudei ,veleidtv t eh m.I a chicle lovvel,
aim cmis at a like ill i lu.e Provhiou, wuc at
tlve, X iv p.. ik loin liiiiL. ihe highc-at piiec 10
lllolltlis .Hid tlo-lllg ..7'.i hlghll Till- fish quo
titious welt- us 1i.IIc.uh Fhiui tjulet ami
sttailv. No .' spima win i, 73Jai ; No 2 led,
7'u77e ; No -J eoi i 10il'i No. i ellovv iq
.iiniji. S.. .' o.ik, '"X i 'is ; Nu J whip,
'.i.'-ii. ; '. I wiiiii. J71sai'ii , no. -J ive,
st".i : gc-'d leuliiiL lurlii.t. tu , tilr to ihoii .
nulling. Wi'i'.i . No. t Mix koI, si ,ij, No, t
lit nhvipi trin, l '-l'i; intuit- tlniothi. f4 "it. liotk,
K. liulil.l): lard, 7 s"..a7.s'; eidii-. " .'si7 70,
sliutildcis, I'jitii : s-liutL cleai sides, Via" 12's,
whlskev, irl..'7.
Chicago Live Stock Market.
(hiiago, Mutli 10. -fiiltb Het.ipts, l,.ssi In
tliidiug 1 lixxn-. ih.ilii tot is, ptinii. medium,
low. butt hi rs' Tevan, stevdx; good
to prime slier,, si sui'.; pool to medium, S (la
A',',, sloikers and tied. i.. ietd), .'.ulat elV
tows, (.'.itnl .tj, tie ire i, --' o-Xdl 03, caiinet-1,
stiong, rj-jajtri; bulls. .! nVil .l'i, ialvt. Me.olv
to slicing, s ,'iuiii: ii tcl i-li-ei, jtiN, Texa
glass lllrs, is) fiat, 'leis lii.IL, i.'.J0).7.
llec ICece ipt-l toil iv. I MHXJ. tOllloiTOW, i3,ll
tvllliiilid, bit ovei, ",im, atllve, Veto, higliei
lop, .W, mixed Hid buti In i, f-X.tsiiV&i'g, g(.I
to tholii- luavv, -,Mia",lsi; rough hcax.v, fv.tkn
fi 7; light, sjis'u'isi'a, bulk of Mica, 3.7Ja3.S
!heep Itmlpts. Ittifsi. slurp, slcnh to strong
lambs, to slot., heavx weak; good to
choice withers. l.iJi'i: fill to ehohe mixed, eli
4,1)3; westelii shtcp. t OLiaa! .xcirllngs, stnad),
K4.73a5.10, nativo lainb, ipl 00i3.l0; w-estein
lainW, IfJaJ tu.
Oil Market.
Oil titv. Martli tU.-Cerlltiiate. i lo,H s.J)
bid lor easli, no sales: shlpuiiuit, P:,WS bar
lels; avenge. ,J?i btnels, i un. .i,IJS btrrcls,
average, M.0,'0 biiul.
Catarrh Cannot Be Cuied
will. I.Ol'U. VI'PI.K VnONS, as they taim-it
leach the seat ol Ihe dlstax I atari li i, t blood
or torttilutlonal tli-ease. and in oukr to cure It
)0U must take lutrriul remedies. Halls C.i
tnuh Cure Is taken Intemall), and acts directly
or Hie blood and mucous sulfites. Hall's Yi.
tairh Cure Is not a epuik m-dlelne It was
pteseribed ly one of Ihe but ph.wlciani in thtr
tountiy for )eais. an I is u icgiilar puveripllon.
It Is composed ol the L-st tonin known, roni.
Mned with the lest bl..od piiiider,. acting til.
lectly on tho inuious mrfirrt The perfe't com.
blnatlon o( the two ingietllents Is what pro
rluirs such wonderful irsulta in iiulii,' Calarih.
tend for testimonials lire
t J. CIIIJMJY k 10.. Piops . Toledo, O.
Sold by druggLts. price 73c.
Hall's Family Fills sic the b;it,