The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, March 20, 1901, Page 5, Image 5

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    IV ,'-' VT""5J r? V'FT ft-'V" l" 7. C "WV ' W-i-rVJ'"-?? Tf'ff r ii- . 'Mli'i'Tl
5 .
ntt modliw iiAtunvAnt: sTonn.
Sow your lawn seed
now, a few cents buys
enough seed for a
good sized lawn. Get
it here and you will
have choice recleaned
seed seed that will
Footc & Shear Co.
II9.N. Washington Ave
Capital 5200,000. Surplus $500,000.
United States Depositary.
Business, personal and sav
ings accounts invited.
3 per cent, interest paid on
saviug-5 accounts.
Open Saturday evenings
from S to 9 o'clock.
Wm Connu.l, President.
Hinry, Jr., Vice l'res.
Wm. H. Pkck, Cashier.
VA. I'll.
Mm ,l&Liil,lJI
-;w!i I Vgggjt
330 ''ii"! ,i, i?r
LHLKa. OTSKfflSl '
Avenue, j
Repairing Done Gratis.
I si jii i.r Mmh IP. l""t:
II jhrl lrinni nine .
' ! triiiprraliiie .
(.lumiditi .
s i in . .
p in
J J 0(31 I'M
') pir eciit.
, Oi pei mil.
Ml j- I. I I) lllll. f( l"jt MKMiMiUlK I. II. 11-
, lii i diu.litar, Mr. W II llradln ot MiilUnj,
I cm 1,. hiui, U'li'UM'U eihtoi of tho liipuhll-
lo iix-iii), Ilic li.'au around in honoi u( a
I il. I n.
Ml- II -liopl llnl, uliO luv I'd II ill poll
li Mr mini? Illiu, lui jom lo Hint 1 llj
i operate.
Miu .NjIIIii, ot till i Hi, U ft ,m. I fur
V iihumbeiliiil lo oaiblhh a nm biaiifli ditto
fun. for tlit Aunour licit eoinpan.i.
Hiui).. I'lnncrl, nirf it i'i'i- ol lluk'a nit sl.i-s
' oij, jut nip mini In Ms lnotlm, l)i. .luliu
1 'in. Hi, i,! Iliill.ilo, Kit tor IIuiicmIjIc .vcatci.
i i ' llulr umli, Mln U ccrj HI
Mi ami Mm. lulm Dunn, of .Uli tlun, nilu
i. mil 41 u tiiCiaUo cikluo on Moiulij night
inioi to tlicli deputuic for Phllaclelphlj, ciheic
Vi Putin lll pltfli (or llii Nillunil Irague bac
II I' nil in Hut citj ijnrinir tlic coming n.uon,
I k UdltV piUix, i beiutlful Muni inil a pilil
onblf. Wile "on Ijv Ml-s Julia P lie and MW.
Ur Miicld, while the Knitlenun't pifcis, a
il . f g. hi ulT I ntli hi .int. a pen I juici' Knife,
-ie uptuiid hj l'ctcr Ijmi and Piuicl Cclbcit.
Its fi'shman having decided lo go
out of business, Mls Htiber and Miss
Joseph tuken positions us ttim
mcr nnd foiehidy, lespectlvely, at
riersou'M millliiuiy stoic, 113 Lacka
wanna avenue, whose they will be
plerifed to s-eo nil theli old friends
and ciibtoiiieis.
An Ideal Easter or Birthday Gift.
A present that eonvojs more dell
rale, seiillmtiital tiguul than Sehilev
?s'h enlniged tjeplu ports nits sepro
ciuecd ironi n photograph of the loved
one would bo difficult of selection. "
Williams & McAnulty
Announce, owing to tlio dcgtiuctlon by
lire of their building at 12! Wyoming
d venue, that they use now located at
I'.'fl Washington avenue, Price building,
Williams A: MeAnnlt.
Piano for Sale.
A eoud bccond hand llprisht Piano,
at a great bargain for cash. Don't
miss It. Guernsey Hall, J. W, Oiiern
ey, Prop., 114 Washington avenue,
Feranton, Pa. "
Millinery Opening.
Opening of fine spring millinery
Thursday, Friday and Saturday.
Dougherty t Thomas, 1?S Wjomlng
avenue, "
i1 v'l3buU Tii'i'
I ( 'I W I" W I 'Jill
"thijw" i
I 1 . I . . I
I ! i ' j J i I
Williams nnd McAnulty Building
and Stock Both Almost Entirely
Destroyed Stocks of the Scranton
Supply nnd Machinery Company
nnd tho Globe Wiuehouse Damnged
by Water Loss Almost Completely
Covered by Insurance Fire Was
Handled Satisfactorily.
The llii which raged sotctoidiiy
morning In the Willlusns iMcAnult."
building, on "Wyoming avenue, pioved
ho tho most do.sttuetlvo blaze nf
tho punt .venr, with the except Ion or
the uri'iit onlHgintlmi un l.urkn
wanna uvonuo nnd tlio Coal HmIsiisiro
Un- on Hip night ol" July H Inst. The
diiiiiuge done by yeHtcidiiy'H llro, wlun
It t'timu to be computed eslerdny, wan
found to bo Just a little less than
JlOn.OOft, neatly all of v.hhh amount
Ih covered by insurance. A computa
tion of tlie losses HUstulned Is Riven
Williams A. McAinill., nloik -m,(
Mlllain A MrAniiltj. biiildine iV"1
(llobc Waidiouw, ollimtcil -I.Oiki
rcranton Supph and XUchlncrv conipinj . a,nm)
Wimhbiim K. Willlann romp in 1, (Km
Mlllhm II Ta.Ioi, bulldliit at 111 .. . WW
W. II Orarluit flm)
Other lfnmt in Ulirar; buihllnj . . 'i"0
1. J,1K
The Si'i.tutoii Suppl.x and Mathlneiy
ronipiiny occupied the. Taylor butldlnK.
wlilrli lies between the Hotel Jermvn
and the Williams .t McAnulty build
ing. The stock was damaged to a
very considerable extent by water,
whkh came In through the loof The
(Jlobe Waichouse stock, on the gtouml
lloor on the dde of the stoie neaiest
the Inn mil building, was also dam
aged materially bj water, whklt tame
down fioni the toot tlui)ii,,'li the air
shatts. The stoic was clotcd cstei
day and the clik? weie engaged in
setting things to tights.
Washburn it Williams weie the uhi
tiactois who weie lemodelllng th-
burned building, and their loss was
tatised by the burning ot tools, lum
ber, etc Tho damage to the tenints
In the I.lbtaiy building was uused
entirely b Aatr and smoKe.
lloth the loss to the stcik and build
lilt,' of MeAmdty weie en
thely envoi ed by insuit.ncc. as were
the losses hitftalned by tho Si rnnton
Supply and Slnihlnetj and
the Globe Waichuiiso
I'll eman say that the (lie was one
ot tlie heictftt which has bun en
(ouuteied In this lt. In .1 long time.
It would be appaiently under roiitml
fii a little- while and then when .1
Mi earn or two would be taken otf, It
would bin si lot Hi again almost as
llurdy as hxfoie. The Neptune, Ciys- and Xay Aug engines wem keiit
piiiiipiug wntet on the flumes until :.f
ti 0 o'llotU. Two of the stt-iimeis
wne then taken off, hut the X.iy Aug
kept pumping until about I ft o'clock.
A poweiful Ftieiini was kepi playing
on the iuIiih all day lonj.
The Williams McAnulty building
is n total mocU. It was a much
laiger stuictuie than one would fanev
it was to look at it fiom Wyoming
avenue. It was onlv tluee tolles hlgli
In the fiont, but In tho tear It was
torn storks high. It was about 17.'
leet long, tunning right tlnough to
Onkfoid couit. The llooi.s have paitly
cavtd in already, and aio likely to
soon all fall. The htoik is almost a
tolal lo.s. theie being eiy little sale
able guods left.
Finn wi:ll handled
The talk of misiranagenient In tlie
lighting of the the. wlili h was so an
ient after the big Lackawanna inenue
(lie, is not liuiiid this time. All agiee
that the Hie was eiy well handled
by the firemen, and tlie fact that it
was kept confined to the building In
which it originated, is pioof of tills
Some ot tlie sti earns used, notably tho
one thtown Horn AVjomlng avenue nt
the eariy outset of the blaze, weie
limong the most poweiful ever in uo
at a Ihe in this city.
No one can oifer any explanation as
to tho cause of the lire, except that
It piobably st.uted fiom an cleetile
light who. That is the theoty which
Mr. Williams says Is the only plausi
ble one. Theie was no flic whatever
In the building he says nor was theie
anything wlilili might cause spontan
eous combustion. One of his employe
was In the stoio as Into ns 12 If
o'clcck with two woikmen who were
putting in new oleator cables nnd at
that time theie was no sign what
ever of a flie.
Mr. Williams stated the build
ing would bo immediately lecon
stiueted In a 11101 e fiie-pionf manner,
and that when It was ilnhhed the dim
would locate theie as befoie. In tho
meantime, headquaiton
have been established In tho Triej
hullolng, c.n Not th Washington nve
nue. lhtgene Tiopp. a member of the Nay
Aug llobe company, had ills left hand
badly cut by bioken glass, while woik
lug at the Hie.
The fliemon at the Williams ,fc Mc
Anulty conflagration josteulay morn
ing are Indebted to i:. Vhinncy Rey
nolds, of the Commercial lunch par
lois. for n geneious supply of hot cof
fee soned during the Ihe.
Interesting Ezeiclses at Meeting of
Sons of Veterans.
Aftei the icgular meeting of Camp
S, Sons of Veterans, held at their rooms
last night, u leceptlon was given for
the purpose of ptesentlng medals to
those members of tlio camp who had
set ved in the Spoiilsh-Anieileun war.
These members weie: Lewis need.
Fiecl Stevens, Charles Thomas, and
William Marvin.
The following programme was ren
deied: Piano solo, Llewellsn Jones:
violin, mandolin and guitar, Peter
Haan and sons, ttov and Ralph; vocul
solo, T. V. Olynn; humoslst nnd Imlta
lor, Prof. Weston; presentation of the
Spanish-American war badge by
Hi other John It. Fair; sand Jig. John
McDonough; vocal selections, Nelson
family; playing on musloul glusscii,
Plot. Weston; iccltatlon, Annie Un
Blehait; vocal solo, T. V. Glynn; piano
solo, Llewellyn Jones, After tho enter
tainment, sefrenhments weie (.eived.
Organs for Sale Cheap.
You can buy a good second hfind Or
gan ua low ah $10.00 at Guessisey Hall,
J. W. Guernsey, Prop., yit Washing
ton avenue, snanton, Pa.
Abk foi Kcltv's union utuukeis,
Attorneys Will Ask to Have Ripper
BUI Argued Upon nt Once.
Tho attorneys representing both sides
In tho ptncredlngs brought to test the
constitutionality of tho "ilptxr' bill
will go to Philadelphia toinoirow to
ask tho Supremo court to advance the
case to the head of the list. Assur
ances have been given that the leipiest
will be granted, In lc of the great
Uigency of the case
It Is expected that the case will be
set down for iiigument oil MoiidnN,
April This is liollevcil to be the
cut Host dale by which Ihe paper books
it f both sides can be prop-nod. The
work of ptcparatlon has ahead) been
begun by both sides.
II tlie case Is argued on April I. an
opinion Is looked for during tlml week
The bill was signed by (loemor Stone
on Match T. and he lias onlv until
April il, under the act, hi wlilih lo ap
point the tecoideis for I'lttsbuig and
AllighetiN. 1 1 Is uudei stood to he the
Row'tnoi's Intention tint lo appoint
these two olllclals until It Is Hist as.
certalneil whether 01 not the act W
constitutional, and tlie knowledge of
this fact will. It is believed, have lb
effect of causing 1111 opinion to be
handed down befoie the thhty-dny
limit ex plies
The following dispatch was icetdved
by Tlie Tribune last night
I'hlliilcliilila, VfjHh piV-An apppil fruni Hir
diilMim (if .ImltP Aichluhl nf tin- rimmifiti plea
imirt nf birlwiwamii louiitt, tiMaliiliuc Hi' con
Mlliitlotulltj of ihr "ripper" bill, nppblne ti
iltlri of tin r(onil cIjm, will li tllcil IoiIji In
the Mipiinio toiiif. V wilt of iritlouti h,i. I.
meil to tnnove tho ri-ioid of Ihr nsc (mm tlir
loHir to the uptrtiif lonrt Iho hIIoiiim. for
both Hldi'i joined In Hie nppenl. Whin Hip in
ord I'll tit l' iiieliid .1 mot foil i inlinnr Hie
iai upon the INt fnr arsimieiii lll piolnbh he
Common Council Befcis Heoiganiza-
tlon Oidluancc to a Committee
Which Will "Teni It Up."
Common 1 oimcll took uti the noi-
ginlatlon oiiilnniiip last night unci ie-
foirod It to a special committee, whuh
pioceduio Is contiai to the established
idle that an oidluuuce shall he lefeneil
to Its tegular committee, which would
In this Instance be the committee on
laws and oidluauees
When the oidinaiue tame up Mi
Colem.iii moved that II he lelcind to a
special onunittee .Mr. Kellei objected
vlgoiouslj. and moved that the 01 dl
uance be 1 cloned to Its tegular com
mittee, with iusti notions tu lepoit
loithwith. It was absolutely necessary
to pass the 111 clInatK e at once, he said,
to pi event chaos alter April 1 Ills
motion toiefei to the legulai commit
tee was deleated by the following vote;
i n -Mil) mid. Mioilli, rami, llne, Ki I
I11 -
Nf ! !,iui., liiijne. Iloiln',
N 1 -, 1 1 . 'lillli. in. (inn II. Willi, m I. K
("Inn in. ilil'li mil It. ( i-ii I , .NiiiIiiii, ( alplli,
1 an- pi
Tile niotlnii to lefoi to a speilal iniii
lillttee was then cauled by 11 a
voice vole. A little later In the night
("hah man e'alpln appointed the follow
ing distinguished -tud"!its of muni !
pjl affahs to tinker v Ith the most lin
poitant inhume evei befoio couu-eiks-
1 I (Hf.hMVN
I III II I'llll.l II'-, IMixkiii
nil i.vm svinii. iiipnbiiiiii.
V 1 II.Wls, II.
This lommltlee vlll 111 ot tonUht and
It Ih uudei stood will piocoed to "tear
things up" That jioi tlon ot tlio oidl
uancc pioviding for u leoiganl.atlon
of the ihe depaitnu'iit Is booked (o
be killed, and the salaries ot some of
the ollielals aie to be taiseil Provis
ion Is to be made for tleiks to all the
Impoitiint heads of depaitments.
Theie was, a little debate when the
oidlnanie piovidhif, for the 1 losing ot
t'lllf stieet came up on thlid and II1111I
leading. Mr. (luiiell wanted the cltv
sollcltoi's oplulon us to Its legality, but
hlh motion requesting that ollii Ial to
fuiulsh one was voted down
The oitllnanie was passed on thlnl
nnd final leading b tlie following
V.I 1.. --M I. .la. .llli ll.i.-nn .i in
I. I nil', Itilil.e, K01I11, I'aim. I'hlllip-. I,i'
un, IIjiim, VMIIiam Iiii, ( ulrnun, liVlhi,
llii-lt, Sniilli. f iioicli. uitin-ls
Nais ( alpiu, a.'ell, f.imtll-!
Thomas llsooks, aged twentj-foiu,
who held up Mllloti Ksesge, u bell buy
at the Hotel .leimyn, at 1 o'clock yes
tot day morning, was held under VM
ball by Iteeoider Moh ycsteidiiy in
police com t
sitno Icbiliiu CO silo III lint h.ue bun pail
lino the count! Ileasuii bi Alduiuaii W -.
Vnthonv (.ille-pio. of UI0 Wyoming niiiuic,
j ili-cliiiKul In Vldeiiiini Mill tr jart nklit
mi Hie (liui-T of K 1 0 j 1 1 1 1 tr a ilcloiu doc piefuud
lii .1.11 ob 1)( :11.1b 111111, nf IH.' V)oiiiiii. in 1 am
I.im1.;i' II. Iiiuei, nf .'.'i lut M-lUil kin r,
tti4 held itiidii f'ii) ball b AbUimin
u-liii'ii lur niaiit mid biitoi.i pirfuml In
hit v.lli, Vila l.iulilh tlio tmi mho brpnalril
Hid lulflilii Mil 1I1I111H her lul-bilnl n-lit to,
h 1 to loiue In bis liniKe, but upon anltlni: tlieie
l i lllegea that lie iNK.iulled In
Piano for Sale.
A line I'pilght Pinuo, of one of the
bofet guides and almost as good as
new. van be putcliuscd for cash at a
veiy gicnt baigain. Guinsey Hall,
314 Washington ave . Scianton. Pa J
V Guernsey, Pi op.
On fancy 50c Navel Oranges
this week
Floridas this week,
Cut-price this week ou
canned goods. Ask for sample
'129 Lackawanna Ave.
Plain-Spoken Reasons for Recommand
ino; Paton's felfiry Compound,
Tlii- un. I allv gte.U vinlng i-niedv
that is in un hi. i di-maud this month
than evei !. hue the lonieds thai nu n
and women tr evety station of lllo be
lieve in ihe ii'iiied.v thai uiituiall.v
far oulsells all nllieis In i .him It Is i'n
onlv iemeti ( iin-s is
i'.ilnes t elfi v iiuiipinind'
Jtepoits of tliuggisls tliinugliout the
(ouiitsy pi ove I'alne's celeiy compound
to be the iinlveisal spring reniodv
Tile si out din llmluilting public has
iicated this ticmeiidous demand.
Tor this maivtlous seinedv. Ilrst pie
scilhed bv Daitsinouth s liimoiis pio
tesscn has lit id. Is curing, and villi
cltie the people Thousands of silffti
eis ale eviiy month behur vioii ov or
10 Its use because ihey have wltnessul
Its wondei fill c utes among theli friends
or in their immediate nelghboiliood
Itobeit S D.utt. like many otheis4
began taking Paine s celeiy compound,
boi.uise ot the iccomuicudutlou ot a
1 1 lend whom It hadeuuil Tho tesulls
weie so nilli h hejond Ills epeetatlon
that he Is alwavs ager to tell ot it
foi the benefit of otheis.
Covington Pa . Jan -'-'
1 lit si began using Paine" s celeiv
compound tlnough the lecommeiidatlnu
of a friend of mine, and Hud It has
done me a woriil of good. 1 did not
iMpi t one bottle to tine me, but It
did pill me oil 111 leet, sn that 1 could
wolk, while befoie, when I began to
evuise 1 would have a heavy 1 blob
bing ol the beau, glow st U at the
stomach as though thue was a heavy
ltlliip Just uudei the sllotl llln and
it would sum as though iv legs would
Basiquet Concluded Bowling Season
Last Night, After Match Gnme
Between Elks nnd West End
The bowling louinanu nt of the
Noitlieahtoin PennsjlvauJa league
came to a close hist night, alter the
last match of the season was plus oil
between the i:iks and West Ihld
Wheelmen, of Wllkes-H.uie, the tin
nier winning by a total of .'.IM to l',r.J0
plus A banquet was seived aftei the
game in the Klks cafe. The Coinnic r
1 ias, with a total uf IV.10:.. 1 nine in
Hist, and weie owiuded the silver cup,
uhlidi in nun the.v nionintly haudeii
'over to Peter .legbt. 111 appieclatlnn
of his long seivlce lor Uowllng inlei
est. The snatch game was ,1 vvannls cn
ttsted one, the Klks snaking a tlespei
atc etloit to mil up a high enough
scoio to pass tho Icadeis In thu l.ue.
In tho second game Yost, of the visit
01s. Mined :'3I, making a gicat finish
of live strikes. In the lust match Phll
flps had 151 and a spate in tlio eighth
I tuple. Ho tieoded four strikes to tie
the Lueililte, and amidst thuudeis of
applause fiom the big ciowd pi(ent,
shot tluee ot them down the- alios . On
his last ball ho made eight, and his
total was -u.'. Tho scenes follow
.i i;n -. 1 or .ii
(,reen l-i ln 1?. j"l
1' HiiiH Us llu 1 7 . I. '
Weieajnt UT Hif I'll -SI.
Wiekc-cr ifc I'- r- '"
Totali 711 ". s'J '. i)
Iloll '--1 1-1 ' "i"
Wtlchel I'M IV l.s I-
I'liillipi isa " ' j..' ..I
11. 11 ITS 1 .1 If In
I'dchl lai !' 171- '.II
lolils sl
,1 S ,.')
Following tin game, the banquet
took place. Piepeiit weie
.lolm I'. Hunter, .1. C UiIkjihI I W 1 , ,
W V i. reeu, Ji , J. . Palis I, Join., s k
Ilil7ei, Imelkon V Vt. W " htlli mid I I
M.l.i-ir, of WilkFidlaiii': i'lill Itull, CI, ail. .
.1 Wriihil, l.iliniiud .1. Hull. Ihoiko l'liilli) n
(liaiha lllelil, of tho 1.11,4, I ;r XI 1 1 lit It I.
I .m VV iiii r. S Hi. lam. ,1 I! Dulfli lit
Will I I lllei (. I'l'iilir, ji . . i tlio (.mi
iiiiiiUN. William IhiUiu., Ihirueit I uon.. I. V
Wiliu, of tlio IIjiKiu tram, I ( Wu.1,11
limits Munle, W It llnpti, I II -Kin l,u.
I'lrl tit till. Illlllll llllll. I rjllW I I.I..II1..I
I ( WFIlllllS. (' II snil I W III llFIn Jlli:
I I i'rtci, nf Hiti HIji l HUlil. inl-".
(binge Mltcliell, of the Couuneii wis
in led as tliali mull or the night, ami at
toi net opting the tiophs, made the
apt fill awiildlllg it to "I'litde peiel '
He lead the standing ol the tutuis
vvlili 1 1 Hnlshed. ('oiumeit litis, Hlks.
Ilin kiU. 111. tie t liili, Wist Cud
Wheeliuell, lli'i'klns, ot the llaekus
diop oil .i ml li i mid be mh h li nil
v HI k to hi en i h
(li ileiully vours
Pain-s i el i.v loiiipoumi aihlevid
siucess sum the m-ij stait
h has lilted the bunion of diseased
lieivesand liuiure blood fiom the pooi
and t loll alike.
liusiness and piofessiiiimi m -n bialii.
woikeis, aitlsiins, mei luitlli s, sue 1 il
leadei.s of both sexes have conn- to
icply on Paine's celeiy compound as
the one sale, liustwiu thj healtll-ie-stoilng
spring it mod).
It speaks volumes ot all tin
men and women who have lecoveied
health by Its use most of them weie
Imbued to take It thtough the pel -suasion
of mothers, sisters, fileiid-i. m
It Is a lemedy Im the aged as well
as for the oung.
The fact ciinnol be too strongly em
phasized that Paine's eeleiy compound
Is a phv sic lan's lemedy, and as slit h
Is fieelv used and pi escribed bv Hie
most eminent puietltloneis.
It at t oinplisbes lesillts'
Tut all those dWoases which me
icilly the lesult of weakened neives
oi liupuie blood, Mich as dj.spepsla.
headaches, noi votisness, ihouiuutlsni,
liver and kidney tumble, malaria, and
debility. Palm's teleiy compound is
the onl known lemedy that not onl
lelleves. but peinianently tines.
It sou wish to be well and stiong us'
Paine's teleiy compound. Its superior
Itv to eveiy other means nt puiltlng
the blood and stiengthenlng thenoives
bus been ptoved In semes of Instances
In evoi oinniunlty.
dub, who had high oveiagc, 171 foi
twtists-loui games, wan awaided a
pii.e foi his uihlevoiuent. as was also
"ins! toi bis high stole.
.1. P Hunlei. of WllkoN-U.iiie, was
..No tile leclpleilt of a gitt. till tlisco
soinonlis being lniidsonie umbielkis.
'1 In Coiuineidiils illslniided uftei
l.isc night's game, which o.plalns their
m tiou In viiltintiiilly giving nwus tho
tniliv thes won.
District Ofhceis of Mine Woskess
Met' Had Little Success in
Ssnoothlug Moigan Tsouble.
It Is ituile psobable that the at tlon
of the delegates to the Iliizlcton on
veiitlon In expelling es-Pn sklent Sain
uol .Motgan of the Mt. Pleasant local,
No. l.'TS, I'siltetl Mine AVoikers ot
Ameriut, will cause a split In the i.iuks
of the union. The nieinbeis use veiy
setleent on the matter, but the follow -eis
of Moigan asses t that thes will
The segulai meeting ol tho local was
held In Jams' hull, nil Jackson stieet,
Mniiila:' evening, when the above no
tion was taken, and .il lei u.ud th"
Mtiigau ailhiients vilthdiew lioni tb
hall ami held en liuifioiuptii meeting
on the sidewalk, at which Motgan
made an addicts.
Last night the Mosganltos vote us
si misled In Co-opeiative hall, on Noith
Mulls avenue, and sen (lit sited thelt al
ii glum e to bins The meeting wus Ili
um ul and was pi i sided over by I n
An pssosttuent not of
the usual kind, but nsi ex
tsaordlnaty one in which
eftectb tlsat snake happy
mediums psedomlssnte, is
shown In these &mast shlsts
$1. and $1.50
g H
You should t.ikc ndantare of,
unless vouflmve made up your
mind to do without BEUR this
season. It's 4 .value that com
pels the question so often asked
here: "How cm you do il?" ust
Try Our Bock
It U pronounced the finest on the
market. Family trade ptomptlv
Wholesale Liquor Dealers, 216 Lackawanna Ave.
lllelintds About tvio hundred nun
nnd bo' s weie inesent. nuns of
whom iin Ideiilllcd with othe lo
cals District Pi shields Nlihollsutid Duf
fy weiv also psesi'tit and cppcaled to
the nienibris of l.'IS to sland bv the
fiction of the Hnricton convention.
Their advice wm not favor.iblv re
ceived In speaking of the tioublp. Morgan i
stHted to The Ti Ibitiio snail last even
ing that the action taken by his friends ,
lil'iy lesult lit No. ll'TS being expelled
fiom the I'nlted Mine Woikeis of .
Antes U u, but that the lomi would con
tinue to e-st .is the Alt Pleasant I
union .
Joseph lilt hiilih', of "11 Kilwaiil ave
nue, had his lelt ankle broken vestes
d.ij by being i. night between a ptop
and a car In the Sloan mine, lie was
taken to the Moses Tasini hospital.
P.lltolm.ili Si lliuldt ullesteil a .volilig
man lis tho liitine nf Ciane. of Lot list
stieet. last evening mi Ihe tluitgi "l ,
hilt em useful i'd by his inolhet He
will be given ii hearing todnv
Guernsey Hall,
.... . .. i
hi vv asi iiigiou ave, .-m i.iiuun is itie j
btsl and most n liable plu to pin -i
ll.ise a good Pliil.o It will pav vou i
to call anil gi t pi i s and leimv. , W.
C.lliilisev Pioo
The Scianton Gas and Wntet Com-
pany and the Hyde Paik Gas Com- I
pany. ,
111 aitoidllite nilli tlie pol 1 1 of tl ri inn i
pitiie to ir.lii. p 1 itrs fiom 11101 to lime ae '
Itui be i4iinnteU b toi.vmipti n ,
lOtbe l htMchv Kivin II111, on and illri Vpnl j
l ncvl. the prlte of i;n. Mill In one tiollai p'r I
one tl ou.jtid titbit Itet mmiitnid, Mibjt.t to J
tlie folloniiit; iImcoiUi!. I lie pi r cent ru all I
bill, c.lieie II" ton.tu.iption toi tie uiiil'i I
mnoiililH to leti thin lutnti (lie tlnllir let. per
cml ou all 1 lilt whrto the lon-uniplion fm the
luoiilh uiiiiuiti in Inn, ij liie ilolljn .111 1 up
Plolldtil the hill i. pjtd on or heful.' Hie
'JDtli th) of tin- monlli in ulntli the bill 14
end led 111 ouh 1 of II o bonnl
l! IS II VM). senelirj
'iiivnios c.s ami wii:k roviiv d
llnio I'ail, Han 11 uipiiii In eitlci l. in out
aue Ihe ue of jfj-t ki tuel-puipoi, licit it c i
houby Kin 11 tint mi and nliir Vpiil I nevr Un
trite of eras o nscil villi lo one doll 11 pei on
thousand fori 1 olwiuneil, nubjet t to Ihe folloi 111
spriitl dl'toiuil 'leu p. r tent oil nil lllls w lie t
tin' lomunipiioiifor ( Im mnnili nini.imts lo lo.llun
luiliti tlio ilillam, iiimli p.i mil in ill hill.
win if tin' toiL.muplioii hi toe uioiilli 1111 nil N
lit turntj tlio ilolljis unit upiianl'
I'loildid Ihe bill is piid on 01 hefme He .uh
da) of th" monlli in nhbli tlie bill i. nmli'iid
miii.i1i iniiti. iuimhtd h He ttiiiipini, 11
li'ilM-lli. lit ililn ol the bi.jl.l
ll IIVXIl. S .man
Spring StocS(s
Id Our Cloak and
v Suit Sfor?
This department is. full of mtei
est just now.
A complete exhibition of llniul
Tailor.rintle Suits, Silk Shirt
Waists, Dress Skirts, Sprinp; Un
derskirts, etc, at our usually low
cash pikes I o'ne in and see them.
Heating Stov
Oil Sieves,
Gas Stoves
K Heaters,
Clarke Bros
pMp'TSy -g? "bI
&$M MfMmmmL)
Tliis is the
Duke of York
One ot the new and popu
lar spring hats now being
shown by
305 Lackawanna Ave.
"IS IT Rosters I5r." tion.h.
nives, Forks
Spoons, etc.
No cueftii)ii about the quality; we
have all the newest patterns at
lowest prices.
Also the celebrated Sterling In
laid Spoons nnd Forks. War.
ranted to wear twenty-five years.
Immense stock of Sterlinj; Silver
Spoons, Forks, Knives and Cased
Goods lor Wedding Presents.
Mercereati 5 Connell,
1 32 Wyoming Avenue.
Pierce's Market, Penn Avenue
We inaW a upciiall.c ol fancy Crcatmrjr llu1
ttr and strictly fresh eggs and the pilco it a
low a Hut t lass gooda can bo told at.
We do not haie any ipetial tales or leariti
but at all time lair) jh complete a line A
Market UootK l'ancy Oroirries and "lublc Dclltt,
lien m can bo found In the largest New or'
or I'liiladclphla Jlaikctt which vie ecll at ri;li
W. 11. Pierce,
19 I sctarcannn Ave.
Prompt delivery
:so, si:, nt reno aiv
Give the Baby
a Chance.
V lliln Jiuupee hli.nilil lie in eiery home
liiieie Hun' I a lulu ll luinbhti ainme
nit'iit for Ijitii siul,i It .i liealihirr, happier
i lilltl, Hit' thild Kiona older it leaim t
in ike llu Iiiiiiii' (,o and villi JliiilfO llef
be Iiiiiik. Vt.i of tiin(ii' Mind oak, IiIkIi'i
HuUhtil, nil Itiuperril .piiliji I mine It flic
f tl hlsh and (hiui uithi- at tlie hot
t mi s., ij Pmr
22 1.233.J225-27 Wyoming Are
ll IT A I
TOi Cyj
taC rlCWfliMCflCl