51 THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE-WEDNESDAY, MARCH 20, 1901'. Ml I'ubr.jlicJ Dully, I'.xcrpl S'lmlay. by Tim Trib trie Publishing Compare), nt Hliy Ctnla a Month 1.1 VV t-lli'ClUitli, lMltr. 0. P. uWUlHi:, HulneM Manner. New York OnVei IfO Naswau kt. H. h. VtlCKLANI). Sole Ascnt lor luirlfin AdicilUlii;. I.ntertd at the Postuflleo at Stranlon, IV., a Kce-end-Cla-. Mall Matlcr. When spaec will permit, The Tribune li always Rlad (u jirllit slmrl leltcts Mom lis friends r. Ina: mi currer.l to-des. b,il Its lule Is tint tlico nciiat bo sljmel, lor publication, by the writer real names ami tie condition pinett'iit tn ' oeptsiitc Is that all loutrlbiitlotii dull Ik lj"-t t iclliurial revision. tub plat nn: ion Aiivntnii.vti. Tho following table shows Hie irlrc per Inch each ItsHriieii, kio to It ned within one joar: " " " Knurl fl(llmru" full' Jll'PMV. IM,,r lliading Pn-llii'ii Ian than iti I in !k'"" ",:'- " I :" I .) I Ihfl.M ..,, 4.1 I .JJ .21 uii ' K, i .ir.-. i .r ""J" " IM ! .17 I .!' "w) " i;, , ,nA i .! I'or cards i thinks, lesjultitlom ot condole iu! nil slinllir eonlrlbutions In tire tulurr t ad sri tiring II,.. 'Iilliunv make a charge cl .3 cents a line. Halt for ClaxllW Adverlltln,: (mulshed " iipplkatlun. SCRANTO.V. M.Wtt'II .'). l?it. We Hotkv tint tho li'glflitturc, liy a clean vote, hits ilctcati-il Hi" Tonl Mil n piMvidu for a imn-o di-axlle- piHoicc iiiont of toiniutlMiiy eilm-jiilcm. It.s action Is win: Tlstro . m, need uf uildltlomil Jaw on tills Miltjoct. Thu t'.fMiil Knrr bill in ample. In Scran tun, with loy.COu poptilutlon, emu tiitiiiit ifllcur scum a an HHili-iit i-nforci-ino-nt, anil It tlil.s run lc- iloiiu Iipio it can In- Ootivr unywliuiv In I'l-iiiim1-Mililn. An Unsafe Gospel. f E -IIi: I'KJJDICTION of Koimor T iTLSlrieiitMuLccul iWoiu thu Jnansti Jul commission that uitliln ten you is 75 per rent. 'f tllO plt'MlIt cnlk-r-M In the Wo lnlns rue-ion woilM lie cxhanstoi 1 tempurcd by the agsuiiine'c that in th" lower illsitlctn thoro Is a lunKer pios nctlve Jea3o of life, It Uelns Ills JutlB incut that the demand fur anthracite would In Mime wny he mot for tho no.t "00 years. It Is putMblc that Mr. Jk J.cod lias undercstjmatod the coal 10 norvcs of tiio upper coal liudy. W'c think ho htm. Must oaioful nilnlnpr on Klnoers who have studied the Kuhjcet Ith care ohthuate a much longer life to the coal Industry In smd about Kcranton, some ullim-iiip "j ycats, and ome oven i fiitiirin? to predkt TO years. J!ut tlieie Is c-iimiKh of truth In h.it ho says as to tho brevity ut our toal iQKOttrccB to adiiionliih the bublnehs In terests of our rltv and nolKhborhood to consider well the problem or nub Mltutlns new Imlu.-tilcs for old on. f . nd tho niojt obdcntlul wlop touurd thla neoestary ta.sk or buslncs-i-i helt' prcservation In to t:et out of the pub lie lillnU tho destructive Idea that tho commercial tuturc of .Sunnton iau brht bo rafesuarded on a basis of labor strikes and Koneral ai:ltatloii directed from a standpoint of profesj-louul hos tility nguinxt tho mail or i-oipoiatlon who takes tho hazaifin of IuxcsIIiik money in now enterinlscs and thereby 1'urnlHlicn a maiiiet for nieii with labor to sell. Seiantun owes Its very esbtelko to corporations and the spirit of courage in InvcstmontH. Take away tlae and there would b- noihlior hut n euat patch left. Tho .W (llhpeus-nlloii ul auurehlttlc e:nr.pcl which teaches our uorltln? inui and uorklng women to view with lutii'il the men lustiumentul in piovldint; f.ir them the opportuni ties of empoynunt and which eiicoiu ageti Uii m to kill the suose that has laid tin; golden cans is not a safe bos pel for any community; and for Scrim tori It Ih fspeolallv Hiilcldal. 'ci luin piiniBraphs in the 'ripper" "111 pamphlet create a .suspicion that tho proof render must have emie to sleep over his Jnb. Unfortunate, 1 lfc '10 Ui; f.urot that the Municipal le.iKiio's tioatmelit of Hfii.'ial Mauaser Wcyland, of the Hi w teli'Jiholle eumpaiiy, will hardly t-nd to (omiimid Its woil; to tho Judicious. I'in t It directed Its Inqiilik'H mi ns to cause a load of sus picion to full upon Mr. Wcyland: then It caused his un-'at on u eharffo or bllhery; and, llimlly, fallliu; to. ptove of even ti sug( t a ,re, it move 1 tor Ills H'letlM. eollillllK this with tho f'polteu intlmatloim of Its attorney that It will dial with hlui Inter. This ctrtMKe hardly siiuares with the avc r iiko man's notion of fair play. For some months thmv have been IlidUattolib that thn league was not so ."I1 aivlf-ed ns to the leptil conditions mill methods of attaining Its mds as It (jliotlld, Jie u older to pi"Sirvu its inoeiiurit'fioni daiiKer of foifolture of public lyiindoiivu. llspot,Ed as wo aio to credljltBpi'oinotora with the purest of motives, their gradual giowth in willlnstAbs to iibaiunu motives of evil In oihy? tiion tcAtlmoiiy not enlcu laiod p liiiprcsH a Jury 1ms been viewed,;1 by those In sympathy with their vims with rogict. There Is yet time tor tho leuguu to mivo itsolf and Its purpo,.?s. Hut to do this, It must. bo sure of Its law, suru of Us ivldoncc and as reasonably eiuo as nan by honest niuthod can bo of IU jury bi'loro it niakib its accusa tions i I'll isHurKei'M have at least ono con hijlutton." b'cianton Is not lu their class In the mutter of base bull teams. n Hxccllent Siipfcstloii. -wr-lfK UlifOAlXIHXDATIOX of Hi tho grand Jury that tho Jd com t appoint a commission from among the membeis of the bur to btudy how our petty courts may bo reconstructed to us to do uwuy with the prebcnt enormous burden of unjustifiable expense saddled upon tho taxpayers through perversions of tho fee syBtoni Is timely nnd nitty will ha adopted. Tho fiiibjeut has long engaged the Attention of men Interested in the hat toinitrU of Judicial m-ocrts.os, but it i unhappily ncccsstuy to add thnt no Pinctlcil solution hn yet been found, The grand Jury's supKi'stlon that tho lower iiiaglstrattH be chosen for speci fied (llstilctH and paid it stated saluiy, all fees to itvei t to the people, has the merit of approaching the subject fiom a buslni'ss-llkc standpoint. It furnishes the basis of effectual nforin. Iot us see how this Idea can bo woild'd out In detnll by the ioiihIi unt il e genluw of the I.ackuuunnn bar. It Is sincerely to be hoped that lllu Invltntlon of the Hoard of 'I'inde to the piesldent and Ills cabinet to penult thu citizens of Si iiinton to tender theiii n public reception upon the occasion of their anticipated Journey from Jlulfalo to New York next .Juno inny accom modate Itself Milllcleiitly to the presi dential itlueiar.v to i under possllile Its act eptain.e. Major McKlnley has twice lslted our illy, ami Is p"isoually ne qtinlntcd with many of Its citizens; but since his election to tho presidency so many tilings have happened tolnciease the isliun In whlih li- Is held that an opportunity to show this would be most wvlconn. to i very tislduit of Siiauton, li respective of party. Wade Finn Should Resign. N VIi:V or his Indktiiient by the graikl Jui. no alteruallvo Is open to Select 'ouucllmau Finn than to decline tile iioiuiuatlou tendeicd to hint bv the Itenub. lleiin caucus of the upper branch of councils: for picsldont of that bod. While every man Is entitled to u lair 1 1 lit 1 before being udjlldged guilty, the admissions which Mr. Finn has himself made while upon the wit ness stand as to his pait In acting as the master of corrupt teicmonles, und tho burden of suspicion Involved lu the. S in nd Jury's action, make It absolutely necessary that the Kcpubllcau party shall cmppotl another man for the otlhe which Mr. Finn seeks. It cannot be hold that tho indict ment of Finn Is a political eotispliac. On tho contrary, ho has been ptotccled with marked leniency by the gentle, men who have been feiretlntr out through their agents the cortupt prac ticis In our city government. This ac tion of the grand Jury Is a naluial con- btqiiciico of the sworn testimony which Finn has given us to his- p.u tlclpatlon in tho piellmluarics of corrupt solici tation and biiber. Not having yet been summoned to till the oilgln of hli own wealth, opportunity will soon be given to lilm to explain how It lias happened that in comparatively a few years, sturtlug with nothing, he has been so fortunate as to accumulate, with few npp.uetil bulne.-s coiince tloi.s, a eoinpeleneo estimated to be worth close upon 4100,000. That ho limy be. successful In ex plaining thla matter without icilectloii upon his peuonal honesty, or upon his public icputatlon will, of course, be the hope of nil his liiends. And In these days when tin pmbe of investi gation Is being directed uii such a zealous pin pose to uuc.n cr the lllddill activities hi our public life, it will bo generally lecognlzed us lining that this oilkiul, whose connection with the peculiar episodes of lecent iiiunlcip.il mid county polities has been most con spicuous and Miplt Ions, should bo tlioioushlv examined in icgular judi cial manner. Fnlll this shall have been done and a verdict in fairness leii deicd. Wade Finn is not a proper per son to iceolve tho support of tile J!o publlcan unity for any public otilee. On the contrary, he should resign the ofllco he now holds and icttie to ptl vato life. Jt looks as though Von W.HiIciscc'h expeditions to the unruly provinces of China would lontluuo until Mm slock of souvenirs has been iwhuiisled. A riodcl Trolley Proposition. ASV.MMC.VTJJ headed by A. I. .lohiihou, or Cleveland, Ohio, has applied to the see lctary of the comfnou wcallh tor legal permission to ask for extensions of charters to enable It In turn to Lsk for city franchises which Will enable It to levolutloiiize tho sticet cur tiavel of a number of thu principal IVnnsylvanhi cities. It has ulio sought permission In Philadel phia to ld tracks lu ISO miles of sheets or parts thereof at present unoccu pied ly street car linos, and to cross ceitalii liver bridges necessary to giv the citizens of I'lilladclphln. a rapid tiansit service upon the following notewoi thy conditions: Flirt Thiee cent car f.ues with mil. venal flee transfers. Second Direct inn In lines north and south, cast nnd west, to accomodate the heavy iuhIi of travel to ami fiom tiio congested biislnes.s districts. Third I'aviug and peipetuul repair of all the streets occupied and ucecpt unee of all conditions as to consli tic Moll, licenses, special taxes, reduction of fine, etc., now or which arc to bo Imposed upon Hues of existing slie t railway companies. Fourth Ample sealing conditions ot passengeis by ue of eight-wheel ves Mbuled cars, with center aisles and seats lor .rj passengers tn ovciy car. Fifth I'asteiigers not to bo limited to any number of tuv trunsieis for a continuous ride. Sixth All passcngcis with freo tmnsfers to bo accepted by tho now system, upon condition that the old Hues chall accept passuugcis on ficc tituisfora from the new syttein. SeventhCurs to bo run on the Urst Hue of tile new syeteni within 'JO days attei icceivlnf," the franchise' and over the eiitlio system as soon as con struction can be pushed to completion. Eighth Amplu bond or gtiuiautee to the city to Insure performance of thu flUltchlFC contract to the lettei. Ninth That wages of the niotornieli nnd conductors be Li cents pi r hour to beyin with, and a early Increase to a 25-cent maximum, with ten houis to be the standard of a clay's work. It is announced in the pionpeclus of this eiitci prise that If tho syndi cate's application for fianchiscs shall be gianted, It will, ns soon ns possi ble, extend Us lines Into vailous ijopu lous center of I'cnnsylvuulu, lueliid- hie the Wyomlnt; nnd Lackawanna valleys, JiiHt how much of fact there is lu this announcement remains to be dull i inland later, but If. would seem that If thu trolley line can bo oper ated In Philadelphia- upon thcracondl tlons noted above, It ought certainly to bo possible! for the? rltlzenB of Scinntou to Iirvq a street cur service, on a tlve-eent fure bnula eufnclcntly responsive to the public needs to do away with tho inujorlty ot the present ('landing complnlntB ns to Inadequate car nccoinodatlon, lustituclent motive power nnd cluonlo Irrcgulnrlty In the i tinning of cars. The Flushing Times, lepiesentlng the Fllnn dynusty In Allegheny county, thus concludes Its comment upon tho Lackawanna court's decision lu the ilppor ease; "The decision really llimlly settles nothing, hut having been lcndered on chedillo tlmo It Is to bo picMiined that there Is nothing now lu the way of active senatorial recom mendation of the Judge who wioto It for appointment to tho new federal Judgeship." The Plltaburs Times ovei looks t'vo facts: One, that tho Laekuwanna decision was unanimous In a court or Hire ; und the other, that i.rnatoilul tccomniendntlon was ns suied to tho choice of tho colt! I'm bill's tuthor long before the ripper wus a iuctor In Pennsylvania politic?. New Yolk has shown her apprecia tion of the cheering effects or tho presence of tho man with a wad by offering to boom Mr. Carnegie as a candidate for mayor of the city. The sudden cessation of the last In dian war may bo taken as un Indica tion that thn border boomers nnd land grabbers have lost hope. Mis. Carrie Nation's hatchet seems to have become us hurmless us Sena tor Tillman's famous pitchfork. The vindication of Count L'oni dc Castellanc's honor would not amount to n tow of pins out In Texas. Pablic Opinion Is Hostile to a Strike lioiii ihe Wllkea-llarrc Pail Xcv. M; (illCAT uk. wh'lili the tullcra hie 0 lieen louiiilns upon Is Hut of public, ."' IMili'. Itst fill Ihta fjnipJthy waii mulled rien among the nmt c-ornervatlve hy Ihe powder fUfMion. The lompiny utorc ipipsllnn uai another is-tic that lirtiufthl aminu uliloii in the iiimiuI of the worker. The matter of low miKca vnjs another Hronj appeal to the public, llow U It iiuwr The powder queitlon lias lues dlpoid of. Tho company Moies luce eithii soiw ur aro fjt Rolni. The wapes hive hem laled. U It aalo to in, that with thce m.ittcts adjiijtid and In a lair way of bcinff in the rnd eilM lclor. the trend of public .pinion l be now a it w.h nl.t months ago? Aiinlliir thins a to chancel ol auicesi. bait fall much of Ihe production lame from unall opciatlon... slncu then many of thoe lure been abseibed by laiRfr concerns. Lut tail the pici drntlal i.impilfin gave the wnikcr a powcitul, and a it piued, tho winning weapon. Suih conditions du imt now exist, Thci-e things aio woith while tii think about, and to think abjmt tuiuii-ly. It iiiut be imifcmcd thlt in the mat tir of public upinlon there li a ihangc fiom the condition tliat courncd the struggle lat fall. Ncwp.irerj whkli then weic noncommittal or t.u ill itinz, an- iiowlion;ly ppncl to Ihe stop pise of I Ins jtre.it aitery of tiade. In laet, cer- I mi ft the papers winch hit fall tool; up the i-liitc earnestly und ngsrctslvely for the miner, aio now nnundiiii; a distinct note of i.iullou. 1 liee iRlL mean ioinctlilhg. The (treat body of came t, hard-worMui; miiien, haiddiiuded nns of mil whoe lonttibution to our budnes activ. Ily h fO inimeaurable and nlmo't iinimiRlnable, Iiiil.i not allow- IhcniMiic'i to be led a.-tray by the oiir of the unthinking. The miner should be Milline to liutt tlicuc viho have alwajs been Ins iuiniU and who will continue to be. It i the be-t put of fiknd-hlp toward the miner to iiiso him today in boh the situation in the faec; lo be Mli-lii'd with pieties', een if he cannot p-t all he lictliri at onie; tn uigc hlin to biuh away Hie bainer that stand between him and ie-luKiiiti-iii. 'Hi" man who urscs jou to flcht ii not in all i isc our best friend. The man who a't- jou In hold jour linen light and accept what piosrct-s liai been nude and to exercise palicnic for the lutuio is the man who will, if followed, biliiB tho condition of the miner not lir in the future to a bitter plane than it has em been. --o from the llarikburs Patriot. II luchi ai though the I'niled Mine Woikcrs, rl.inul ami inircoiitldcnt a the irsult of their eistifi in MrlKini; la-t fall, wcte about to make i iiiutv whkli iau hate, in ill piobabillly, only ono otilioiue -the defeat of the union, the loc ol whaliver liulu of klorj- they hate gained and a pel lull of iillencis which will bring' inlseiy and niirulng lo thoufand. bast fall sj-nipathy was nlili the men. It was felt that they as in diiiikuU wue toiling tor startjtion wacey. Ihuo w.h itnicial reiosnltlon ot the fact that thiir ihiiiinds wire- only reasonable and fair. 'Ihe bailie was joined on the pilnciple tint man is entitled to equitable H mum rat ion tor his libor. Hut at present the chief grievance teenu to be Ihe absolute irfunl to irregnlic the union. 'Ihe epuatoii pinless wlllliigncfs to hearken to Un- complaints of t lit ir men as ludlslihuls at any turn.- and lo lulirM Ihclr vsroiigii, if investiga tion rlions they base suflrred an.v. But the ill i lino lo deal with the eugaiilzatloii. Tint Is tin- link on which they split. It Is not, tlun, a iuclioii of scotiiiiig waiccs which will lucscnt the nun and their fimillcs lioin etaivlng, but il Is utuRiiiliou foi tlic union that is in dispute. Hut is a dilleicnt matter and it is doubtful whclhti the union can command the suppoit and ejinpailiy that would llow out fponljncouslj- to the indliidual. Auotlitr binder to the success of tin- slilko pioiniMil lies In the lact that summer is appioaclilng, less coal will be needed, the bin. ol the opcialois aic full lo oscillowlng and oiciy dcnuiid rin be met with ate. Instead, host m r, of coal taking its customary summer ihop i Mi ll.o would be ti-cd 'u an cxcelknt ar iiuimnt fur maintaining prices. In the end th" coil iiu.t would be tlic gainer by a shutdown at this reason, while the lo-t, and It would be a busy one, would inevitably fall on the miners ami I lie public. ". . RULES OF HEALTH. Who i that ad, ilijion-nlatcdool.ln? I'elluvv lie Is a man who his made a study of rules of health. Mliiw lulci of health.' Eurjhoilj'a rules of health, that's the trouble wilh him. II& haj been trjlng to Ike tip to the m. What elms he do? l.virjthlu; that be Is told to do, and when be i.-u't doing anj thing ike he worries because Ihe ink i are so conflicting, And is it undirmluing ids health! Sure, it would tindeimlne unjone's health. Whit I'lc funic of thu iuk? Well, hrid are two ol Hum: "Eat only a light bicaklast" und bieakfast rhould be Iho bet meal of Iho duj." What aie some othu? "Hun or walk two miles bifore biiaktail" and ".Niter attempt to do an) thing on an empty stomicli " Anj more.' "'lake .i cold kith the lil.t thing hi tlie inoiulng" and "Ilt-mcmbcr the shoe); to the tin. ul sinldeidy tniountering heat or cold l vny injiiilous." Anj thing ele? "Xc-vir use a idllow" and 'Tho moit iffiesh. ing sleep 1 had when the lik.nl Is somewhat ele vuled." I that all? lli, deal, no. Thiii' aie liui.'lnd, of llrse iiiles. lor iiuljiKe: "Ua not git In the liable of tlupiug in the da t lime" and "Alwaja l-kc it shoit nap In the afternoon": "Eat only at Uiealliuies" and "Lit whinavcr .sou aie huiv gij"; "Eat no meat' and "If you would be sluing cat plenty of ficah meat"; "15U up at S uMoek cveiy inoiulng" and "sleep until thor. oughly icslcd, no matter bow IjIc it is," I'm not uipiU'il that he looks hajgard and ick. Neither is iiiijone else who knows what he W ti Iny tu do, -Lhkagg lkmlng pj,t, ooooooooooooooooo Tlhe I People's i Exchangee a rort'LAtt ct,r,Ant.vo iiousk for tu ' r lUncfU n All tthn lliv llotl,C3 to , Itctt, na1 Eitalc or Other ITonerly to Sell or Urehane, or Who Want Situations or llcln Theu Small Art.frll.fmtr.U Cost . , One Cent Word, (Ix nettlon tor llco irnia a cm except Sltuauoni num. Which Aro Inserted Free. ooooooooooooooooo Help Wanted Hale. WANTi:i)-MKN TO CANVASS 10U WH.LtAJI''' Clly Dlrrctoryi mutt be cmil nnd plain writ er jnd pood prlkrr. Adilnns Jilrrctoty, Trib une otrliT. WANTUP-A OU.Vfl MAX AS A MIOP. SVt.KS. man! experience pirftircd. Mjer Davldow, 507 Lackawanna auntie. iiov WAXTi:i von kuunisiii.nh r.oons nrsi. lies", about 18 year ef aice. Loula II. Iai, 412 Spruce. Help Wanted Female. sVANiEH KXPFltUXCni (llllb TOR (.l.N; crnl bcnsewerlc. To first elis ssoikrr and cook slrady place In snull family. Mrs. t'hailea (Ullrtu, CJI clay avenue. WAXTKD-ltiaitl' AWAV. COMriTTKNT fit 15 Ij for general housework, small family, no washing, good wage;, llrlug reference. Oii Jefferson avenue. w'AXTKn-mnij roit moiit iiowsewobk. ix family of two. Call second floor 31 Adams iseiiue. Salesmen Wanted. HxTaTCKTO SALLSMAX. SCIIOOb SLTPUK8. Country vsork. ll salary and commissions. P. 0. Kvans & Co., Chicago, III. Situations Wanted. WASTED -flV A MILMXCH, WOP.lv TO TAKP. borne- er will go out bj Iho oay special in tention given to old iilmniin;. Addicts Mi M. I, Tribune otflce. MTIW1IOX WAXTKD-IIV A 'iOL'Xf! MAX. can nuke himself handy t most anything i hoMst and seber and can five the best of vcler. dice. Aclilrm M. P. fc., Tribune olfice AX KXPKltT I,Al'XPIIKSS WOt'I.D I.llsT. TO get some gerilleuien'd and ladies' laundry; price ic.oonable; best of city references. Call oi uddrcss 60 Pleasant street. MTL'ATIOX WAXTED-IIV A WOMAX TO CO out bs- the dav washing, lrniln or cleaning. Call or addrc Mrs. lluwell, 1219 Cedar a.venue. MIUATIOX WAXTEI)-nY A WOMAX TO CO out by the day washing, ironing or cleanlne. or take wahlng home. Call or atldrca 121U Cedar avenue. A 1IKP.ECTAUI.K (illlb WObl.D I.1KK TO 1)0 cooking; can give best reference. Please call at Ml llcbeeca avenue, Hyde Park, city. WAXTED-A MTL'ATIOX I1Y AX KXPEHICSCI.n lenogiaphcr and t.v pi writer! best references given. Addresi K., Tribune office. M'lUAIIOX WANT1'.I)-I1V A VOliXO filltb, II seals old, If) take can- of ehildien, or to do licit honvework. fall 101 Theodore street, Piovidciice, Pa. MTIAIION WAMED-llV A YOt'XO (llltf, 10 do gemral liouuoik, JIJ Putnam street, city. MTIJATI0X WANTED-HY A OHIb, 11 YEAltS old, to do light housework. Addrcta .HO Putnam street. North End, city. Side Lights Throuta On Modern Japan bpciiil Loirfspondencc of The Tribune. Philadelphia, Malili I.'. Till; PACT tint the three thousand studen's of He University oi Pennsylvania In Phil udeli liia come fiom all quarleis of tue L,lobe wii well illustrited a few dajs ago win n a Japanese club the first of its kind in this eountrj- was organicd by the almond fjed leprcsentatives of tho Island Empire at Penn. Australian, IlrnlliiD and Xcw Zealand clubs have esislcd at tho university for some time, wlille .Uudttit organi'.-.tloiis leprcsentiug hcland, Jimaka, Mexico, Cuba and Porto Rico aic al ready of several jeais' standing. Put vsitli the exception of two men from China and one trom bull i the Japanese students aic the solo repre sentatives of their continent in Pennsylvania, and to lliein belong thu honor of having Ken members of the tlr-t .Vlallc dub to be foinvj at tlic univeiflly. ii The- sescii Japanese sttidrnls who inel to ihaw up articles of asocialloii arc all intelligent lit tle fellow., sprighllj-, alwajs Mulling, and with u merry little In Inkle in their slanting ejeii. 'I hey belong, of couue, to Ihe uppennost cIjm ot Japawie tociely or they would not have coiao to Atneilca to be educated; and, curiously itiough, all of them Intend to ictuin to Japan upon graduating. Sch-aburo Yatkana, son ol Count Yuakawa, who Was elected president of tlic Japanese club, was asked by jour eoirc spondent what In his opinion tlic future held in ttoro for Japan and in rep'y lie said; o "You Americans uic so fai awaj- fiom Japan that many of jou kok upon my countiy as a Minl-clvilized island situated somewheie neir Asia. I suppose it Is bard for jou to tcaliz tliat Japan has an area three times as gieat as England and a population eoual to one. halt that of jour United Stales. Japan has advanced from Srinl-baibarism into the flout rank of clvlllra tlon In as many seals as it has rcqniicil cenlutlcj for romo Euiopcan coimtili.s to do thu same thing. And In China and Korei, Japan will labor' unceasingly for the si eat purpose of guiding tint vast dominion of darkness along tho paths of western civilisation. My nation H peculiarly titled by geographical location, ra cial similarity and l.uowledgo of the thlinse character and language tu play this leading role In the elianu of the world's piogress. lu my opinion Japan and nut the Euiopeau t'owrls will ultimately bo chiefly concerned In the icion .(ruction of this monstrous but decrepit cmpiic of China; the Japanese are pre-eminently adapted to carry this larger work of rrgineralion fonvanl and the task is in line with the nation 'u highest aspiration. o "Tlic Chiua-Japanese war was a turning point In Oriental hktoiy, marking an epoch like the Prcncli levolullon in 1'iancu or the Reformation in England. Up to that tlmo Japan was re garded as a progreeiro llltlo empire, which had assembled a considciable licit; but there uas no reallratlon of her tremendous latent povvcix, whllo China was looked upon as a giant in repose, which, once aroused, could assemble vast aimlcd and sweep lmadcis into Hie sea, Alt these niUlikcn ideas weic brushed aside by the war In which Japan showed the result of the modern methods she had pursued. Her lipid suc cess at all Hints during the campaign showed that she was the real powci ot tho East, und that China was impotent o "IJut tho clash of arms was rot the only stiugglo going on. The teal contest was be tween the piegrcsstvc methods which Japan had hi ought Into Ihe Orient for thu first time, and the ancient icglme to which Chin clung. The war waa biought on by Japan' efforts to ie generate Koui, and ll'.o olteneo China took ut this lulioductiou of modem methods into her realm. It was In le.illty a war of picgies. In which Japan revealed what sho had arcompllihvil for herself, and her poncr to cany this pio gres tar bcjor.d her own limited possesalons. In fact, tho dissemination ot western civllltstlon Into China to develop tho empire on modem lines and bring l.er Into close touch wilh the rest of the world Is ono of the highest alms ct Japan, and them il good reason to believe that tho success of this aim Is not tar oft, and that tho present somewhat dlsticesed condition of China, urlords Hie opportunity Japan has to lung sought, of leading that country into lot ter und higher ihanncli," For Rent. tltat. " roit i:cNTrnoi may i.niTiinn i-iiiimmii.h or imfurnUlieil. a midlum alwJ ilelmli!g lifinici vrll Incited In IIipoii ItlOitc, I'or i" llculnrc ndilreu II, thlt nlllcr, , ion iiF.NT-iKiLin.i: iioi'm:, m. impiiovi:. menla. iiO Marion Mirtt, Citin ltiilnc iiotki. roit iii:nt. .itn i.i.stnis smr.r.T. ix. rpilre of .1, C, WVk-hel. teu tini.i:x iiiiiui: sriiiiKT, ikx iu)om-. modern iirpnwcMciitJi Miam heat fuinl.-liod dclrahlc! f.'VOo. ron i!i:xT-Msnu; iiotrpi:. with tvipuot't:. menu, In cllyj prlir, S Apply l W . llljflnsrr, UiS Moi.roo annue and P., I.. K u'. depot, tOI! 11KN1-J-.1) fi:it ljrl.au anna airnue. MONTH. STOIIH. :ti Inqulic im tirfinlfri". HOTEf, 1011 RKVT-I.Mrt'lM'. or MIIS. T. h. .Ic'iic., Main stud, la.vlor. For Sale. I OK MM'-DObA.N'fj ItESTAbll T. NO. lit rrankllri ascnue, Scranton, 1'., laige svdl equlpi-cd dining room, seal 51; It ftmiistud rnomsj ii steady boauleis; targe well equipped kllehin; cheap lent! rcutr.illy located; wishing to irtlro from huslnox, v-ill sell ngunlless ol price. Inquliit dliccl (no agenl). I', k. PoIjii, roit s.i.n-spEni)WAV n'nxisiuxois. now being sold at ili Spnicc slreil, oppelte court bouse; all as good us new and at M per rent, of in value. roit HAM- A XlNi: nOOM 110USK, Abb MOD ern lmpiosemenls and bam. Inquire comer .laekson street and Keliocca avenue. rort sam:-i,aies' pilmtox. ai ix uvtntv way! high guile; Scranton make; almost bran new. Apply at HO Monioe avenue. IIAXO rOR S.M.B-KOOD MAKIJ; UPRIiillT; seiy cheap. Apply to W. W. Kissinger, W3 Mcmo avenue. Real Estate. ion ue.nt-onk sixar.i: corrAtu:, nxi: t-- cation: one- steam heated house; one s room bouse; one P room house. Oct our pileo mi llfse En a l'inn .V Join, oit.ee comer Ash and l'cnli avenue. Phcne 17.12. A PAIR OITER- MAKE US AX OITER ON A T-room tingle house. Phone in for location. I!m l'inn & son, corner Ash tlieet nnd I'cnn avenue. Phone 1732. MLI, KXCTIAXCE A DOLDLK HOUSE POP. gold bonds. P. O. Pox a?. City. A (700D TIME TO HIJY-OVi: 7-llOOM Sl.MTt.n house. Price JbOO. l'ine location. Erii I'ltiti k Sons, corner Ash street and Penn ave nue. Phone 17.12. LOW EllD-PRICE XEVElt Ml LOW OX THIS home as now. Just think a nk.c six loom house SLSuo: full lot. T l'inn k Sons, corner Ash and I'cnn avenue. Phone 1732. For Sale or Bent. t'OH PALE OH HENr-IHE DlilWXO P M'.K Hotel; el.-ganlly turnUhsd; po-cCKsicn glien on tho ilist day of April. Appb- to William Craig, cate K. loliItnon' Sons' biewtry. Wanted To Buy. WANTED-SECOXDIIAXD M.OT MACHINES; must bo in good older, state particulars Ui to make and price. Address L. M., general c!e lliery, Scranton, Pa. Money to Loan. MONEY TO LOAX ON IMPROVED ClfV 15E VI. ctale. HEN'ltY IJEI.1X, JR. I 'HAS. II. WELLEs. THOMAS SPIlAfiL-E. falllAHHlT LOAN., ANY AMOUNT. INiERU-T 1 to 6 per cent. Prank E. Donncllj, attvi nej, 'TiadeiA- National Hank building. MO.NEY TO LOAN OX UOND AND MOttiOAaH, any -amount. M. II. Holgate, CuuimoBwcaltli building. ANY AMOUNT OP MONEY TO LOAN'-CjUICK. straight loans or Duilding and Lena. At from 4 to 0 per cent. Call on X. V. Walker, aii-315 Connell building. Business Opportunity. f5,00i).Ci WILL BUY IIALK INTEREST IN Es tablished buslnevs in Sranlon, and. If pur. chaser desires, will Insure monthly salary of M7.lXi besides equal shaic In piuflts. Call or addles licorgo C. Yocuin, 101 Connell building. Recruits Wanted. vsv WANTED FOR V. H. ARMY: AP.LE 1I0DIED, unmarried men between ages of 21 and t-J; citizens of United State", of good charact-r and temperate habits, who can speak, lead and write English. Reciuita specially desired fo, service In Philippines, l'oi Information apply lo Iticrultlng Ottlec, 123 Wjomlng avc., Scran ton. Pa. Miscellaneous. JSfVS NV yv V V "sH DRESS PLA1TEHS l'OR SALE. 7 CENTS; I'OR. mcr price, $1.30. Jlrs MacDonald, J-,9 Wasli ingtun avenue. LEGAL. ETAir. OP EHWARD JAMES I.YTK 01' THE t Ily of Seratilon, County of Lickawanna, de ceased, I.ellcH testanientaiy upon the aliove estate ha.lng been ciauteil to the undersigned, all pet suns Indebted lo said istate are tcpicstcd la nnki! pajineut, and IIiom- having edaiius or de inancb to present the same to MAIiDELHNI. JAMES EvceiitlK'. PALMER b. WILLIAM:-, Miautun, Pa. Alloiney .for Estate. KsTAlE OP ARMINDA NEELD, DLCPArED. Letters tcslanienlJiy on the estatu of Armlnda Neeld latu of tho City of r-crjtitoii, ileceati-d, have been granted to the iindersignd, to whom all persons indebted to said estate are requested to make pajment, and those having ilaiuis or demand-, to nuke known same without dela.i. C. V. NLELD. II. C. RE..NOLHS H. I . REYNOLDS EmiuIoh. Attomey for Estate. IN RE: ESTATE OP DANIEL W. SsUI.ll VAX. To Whom It May Concern: Ihe Orphans' Couit of Laekawani.a County has granted a lulo to show- cause why Maiy i-ulll-van. executrix of the last will and testament ot Daniel W. Sullivan, should not be elisihaigid, Rituinablo to net Argument Couit. MRY fcULLIVAV. II. C REYNOLDS EiCcutiis. Attorney tor L'slale. TO THE HOLDERS Of PONDS Nl Mtll'.RS seven (7), eight (i). forty-one (II) and forty-six (PS) of tho Colliery Engineer Company, being the bonds bearing date October 1st, Is".-,, and secured by tlust murtgage- of that dai., Pleaso Take Xotke that In pursuance ol the provisions of the said bonds and the tru't iivni gage given lo neeiuc the same, the bonds as numbered above have been diawn by lot fm pajment on the first day of Apill, 100 1, and ji'j ire hereby notified that the same will be paid on the hrst diy of Aptll. 101. at the Lacka wanna Trust and Safo Deposit Company, Tnistee named In tho tnul mortgage above lefened lo. together wilh Interest coupons attached thereto and remaining unpaid, and that interest will rease after the said date. THE COLI.lP.nY HNfilXKER COMPANY'. Scranton, Pa., Ucbruaiy 23111, 11)01. PROFESSIONAL. Certified Tubllo Accountant. U. C tPAULDlNC, Y'ork. 221. nitOAPWAY, NEW Architects, I.DUARD II. buildlrg. DAMS ARCIIUECr, CONNELL pnF.DERICK I. 11ROWX, AflCIIITECT, PRICE building, 120 Waihington avenue, Scautcn. JDent!sts. D. C. E. r.lLENHEItfiER Hpruce ftttcl, fcrrauioii. r i'i,i HUILDINO, DR. C. 0. LAUn.vril, 115 WYOMIVti AVL.M E. Seeds. " 0. It. CLARKE A CO , SEEDSMEN AND MJIIb erjinen, stoic 201 Wahlugluu avenaei green houses, KM Xortli Main avenue; stum tele phone, 762. Schools. fcCIIOOL OF THE LACKAWANNA. bCRVNTOV. Pa, Course preparatory to college, law, me.il. cine or business. Operu sept. 12th. Send (or catalogue. Rev, Thomas M. Cmn, LU P.. prin cipal ud pioprlstor, W. E. Pluiuley, A. M., headtuiilei. Lnwycrn. PHASK H. 110M.I:. AITOIINl:V-.TI.AW. Iloom. li, H, 10 and IS llnrr building. lTKr,UtAcT,,Ari;Y,"l OMMH.SW IIAI.TII IlLWtl. J. W." IIIHIW.V, A1TOUNKY M (HNSI.1-lor-at-lan. IIuoiim 312-.U.'! Mcara building. t). ii. ni:i'i.oni.i;. Arroit.sr.v-i.oAXS si:n- Hated em real rtale M-ciirlty. Mears btilldin?, comer Washington ascnuo nnd Spruce slrrct. W llZu'lP, W'AUIlKX Vkx" PP. ATT,n",N1I,n nd lounsellois-at-law. llepublkan building. Washington avenue. jTssitpHrjiTbrn-rA noiir. t ami '") n ellors-at-liw. t.'jmi.iouwfallli building, Hootiu 15, V) and 21. i:nwAitii w. tiiayu!. AnnnM'.v. IsiJ-WI, OH, floor, Wears building, itnoMS b. A. WVTIIES, AITOHM-.Y-AT-bAW, ltOAUl) or Trade building, Sirantnn, Pa. lUlTl.lONTvuF.aix. lIlAbKIlS' NATION At. Hank building. ti O.MEm7lMUlEPU!li.lCAX llfll.tllNO A. VT. llEnTIIOI.P, ATTOIIXUY. MKAtlS PI"0- Pliyslclnim and Suircoiib. Pit. W. t:. AM.E.N, C,n NOIiril WASIIINtllOS avenue. DI1. K, W. lAMOHEAPX. OllTCE WT WASH ington avenue. Ik-sldiine, 131S Mulbctiv. Chronic iIIhisc", lunm, heart, kldnejs md genlto-urlnary crg.uu u spcclallj. Iloun, 1 lo 4 p. tn. Hotels, nnd Rcstnuranta. THU LUC CAPE. 1S5 AND 127 H1AMMSAVP line. llatis reasonable. P. ZEir.I.EIt, Propilclor. m'raxtox iioasi:, m:ak ., i i w. pas enjer dffiot. Conducted on the European plan. VICTOR KOCH, Proprlclo.. Wlro Screens. JOSEPH KUETlEb, UEAlt .'ill LACK AW NN avenue, Siranlon, Pj., inanufacluicr ol Wire frcreens. Iillsccllnncouti. DRl'SSMAKLNt! 101! CHIblHlEX TO OtlDLU: also ladles' waist. l.ouU Shoemaker, 212 Adams avenue. A. U. PRIOilS CLEAN! PRIVY VAULTS ASH rcs ponls; no odor. lmpiovcd pumps used A. n. llrlggs, propilclor. Lease orders lti North Main avenue, or Elckc'n drug stoic, cur rier Adams and Mulbcnj Telephone Oil. MRS. L. T. KELLER, iCALP TREATMENT. .' ; shimpoolrg, Jo.;.; facial nuasage; m.inlcuilng. 2Jc; cliliopoelj. '.01 (Julncj. DAUER'S ORCHESTRA-MUSIC! I'OR PALI!', picnics, parlies, receptions, wedding and con cert woik (mulshed, I'or terms addics 11. ' llauer, conduetor, 117 Mjomltig avenue, ovei llulbirt'a iim.lv stole. MhtlARflEE IlllO.S.. PRIsrElt-' M PPl.ir.s, l.N selupis, paper bags, tivii.r. Warehouse, 1-d Washington avenue, SVirntmi, Pa. HIE WILKES llARRf HPfORD CAN HE HAD in Scni.toii at Hie liev..- stands ol Rri-man Rios., Hl Spnicc nnd Oflj Linden; M Noiton. '22 laickaw-anna aviutie, I. S. SchuUir, '211 sprmc street. RAILROAD T'ME TABLES. Xchigh Vnlley Railroad. In Effect M-inli "i, 1001. Trains leave fcerantor.. I'or Philadelphia and New York via 1). .v. 11 R 11., at ill i and 11. V. a. in., nnd 1 1, I T (Mack Diamond Exprts), and 11. ill p. in. Sun ilajs, D. , II. II, R . l.M. b.'27 p. in. I'or White- Haven, Haileton nnd plluiipal poiuls in tlic coal legions, via D & ,11. II. I!., u.l.i, 2.H 'ind 1.27 p. m I'or Potlsville, a.-j; p m. I'or Iletlilehem, i:aton, Reading, Il.nrisburg and pilncipal liitcrimdiite stations via p. A II. II. R. 11.15, 11.5", ii. in.; '.MS. s 27 llllul. I)n mond Epn-ss), ll.'O p. m. --uiii'aj.s, D. A, u. 11. II., LOS, 8.27 p. m t-'or Tunkhannoik. Tos-.mda, I'lnilia, ithari, Ceneva and prlncipsi luliimedlatc stations, via I), L. k W. II. II. , Si, m ; I 0 j and f!.IO p. in. I'or Ceneva, I!oohrp.tir, Iluffalo, Mnc.ira Palls, Chicago and all points west, via D. A. II. R. I! , 11.5i u. in. i!.-"1 (lllack Diamond Evprc,s). 7 Is, in.41, 11.H0 p. m. 1-ui.days, D. K II. R. R , 11.65. S.27 p. m Pullman pallor and sleeping or Lehigh Valley parlors cars on nil lialns between Wilkes-Uaric und New York, Philadelphia, Iluffalo and sus pertlon tlildge. ROI.LIN II. WTLIHjI!. On. Supt., S4 Coitaud street, New York. CHARLES S. LEE, Cm. Pass. Agt , , Cortland street. New- York A W. NONNEMACHEn, Dk. Pa-s , Agt., South Ik (lib hem, Pa. Per tickets and Pullinin le-ertatlons apply lo CO1) Lackawanna avenue, scranton, Pa. Dolawnic, Lackawanna and Western. In Etfect Dec. 2, lfiOO. South Leave Siianlon loi New Yotk at 1. to, ",00, 5.50, S.'sl and 10 US a. m.; 12.53. 3,3.! p. in I'or Philadelphia at 8.00 and 10.03 u, in.; 12. iS and 3,ta p. m. I'or Mroudsbuig at 0.10 p. ni. Milk accommodation at 3.10 p. in. Airive at llobokcn at U.W), 7.1s, 10.-2S, 12 OS 3.13. l.lJ, 7.10 p. m. Arilvo at Pldladtlphla at 1.01, 3.25, HOO and S.22 p in. Arrive trom New York ar 1.10, 1 13 and 10.2.1 1 in.; l.nO, 1.5.', f, 1.1, s.ij and 11 3U p. in. I'loin Stioud bmg ut .0j a n. Nor th Leave Siianlon Im Buffalo and lutei mediate stations at l.l'i, 1 In nnd 0.00 n. in ; 1.S3, 3 41 and 11.55 p. in. I'or Oswego and ji.i. riivi at 1.10 n. m and I.jj p in. I'or Ulica ut 1.1U a. in and 1.55 p. in. I'or Montuse in poo a. in.; 1.05 and 5. li p. m. I'or Nnholson at 4 On and cl.15 p. m. I'or Rliialiainton ut 10.20 n m, Ai rive in Sei.inton fimu lliiflalo at L.'j, V S5, r 5 and 10.00 a. in.: ;i.30 and S.i0 p. m. 1'iotii Oj wgo and Sjricii'e jt -2.35 a. in.; l:w and MM p. m. Prom UUia nt 2.'," a. in.; 12.3S und CXI p. in. Umni Nicholson ut 7.50 u. m. and GOO p. m. 1'iom Montliisc at 10 00 a. in.; 3.20 Jnil .- is) p. in. Illoc.nubing DivUioii Liavn Scijinnu fm Nntthumbrilatid, at o.tj, P 0., a. in.; l.i.-, 5.50 p. in. Pur Pljmouihr-at 1.03, o.io, t,.5o p. Hi. for Kingston ul & PI a, tu. Airlvp at Vorln- mnbcrlanil at n.aj .1. in.; i.in. &.oti and S 1 p m. Airive at Kingston at 's..' a. m, .nlvo at 1'ljmoiitli nt '., I 2. U.I) p. in. Airive in Sciaiiton fiom Xnrtliinnbcilaiiil at 0 12 a, m . 12.S5, l.M Jnd S.43 p. in. I mm Kingston 'it 11.(0 a. in. from Pljnoulh ut 7.55 a. in ; .1 -.'n and 5 J5 p. in. si'MiiV 1 i:is South Leave Scianlon nt 1.10, 3 00. 5.50, PIO", p. in.; 3.3.! and .'1.10 p. m. North Leavo Miantou at 1,15, I 10 a. in ; 1 V, 3. IS and 11.25 p. m. IlloonuJiurg Iilv1lni Leave Siranlon al 1'lOj a. m. and .1.50 p. in. Dclnwaie nnd Hudson, In Effect Nuv. 2J, Stj. Tiains tor Cinbondalo leave Scranton ul fl -o T.fB, S.5I. 10 11 a. m.; 12.00, 1.29, 2.11, 3.52, ft 2-i" 6.52, 7 57, !U3, 11.15 p. in.; 1.1(1 a m. fir lloi.esdalc U.20, 10.13 a. in.; i.it and 5."j r''o'i: Wilkcs-llatrc C.15. r.lS, S.1.1, P.3!. in .i, 11.3.5 a. m.l 1.2S 2.1S 3.M, l.S. 0 10, 7. IS. 10.11, I l.JO p. "' for L. V. II. It. polnts-0 13, 11 :3 a. m , 21, 1.27 and 11 W p in. for Penr-.vlv.inia II. It, points-0.13, D ., a ni ; 2.13 and 1.27 p. in Por Vlbany and all poInU noilli-(2n a m and 3.52 p. m. SUNDW 1 RAINS' Por Caibondalc J.W, 11. m a. ni. , 2 11, , s, 5.17 ln.52 p. m- l'ur W'ilklSIlaIrc.3l 1I..V, a. m ; 1 5, ? " e.27, 8.27 p. in. I'ur Albany and points uoith-'l 52 . m. I'or llone,dib'-0.00 a. m. mid 5.52 p. in Lowest rates to all points In I tilted -l.iti si.. I Lai uda ,1. II 1IPIIPK K. C P A.. Alb.in.v. V V II. W. ( It0s, D. P. A . SManton, Pa. Cential Railioad of New Jersey. hiatlons in New- Vnk--dot ol Libeiiy b Ic, t N. II., and s-oulh 1'iuj. usir TM11.1: in rrn.tr miv. 21, y,. Tialns leaie Seiniiton i"i New Vort-, Newaik, I U.ibeth. I'liiladolplili, l..iln. Ili'lhhhim, . Icntown, Maueh riiunl, nnd White Ihven nt S...'o n. in i expiin, 1.10; ixpivM, U.0f) p. ill. bmnlays, 2.13 p. ni. l'oi Plithton and Wilkes il.nre, S.-JO a. 111., 1 ,) and a.iVO p. 111. fcunila,s, 2.15 p. 111. I'or lUltlnioro and W i-hlii.-ton, uml point. South and West sis Deihlihein, S...0 a. m.; i.m iinl J.M p. m. MHidiiii, '2 15 p. 111, I'or lams lliaucli. Oieaii lirote, etc., at no a. in, nnd 1 10 p. 111. l'ur lIcailinvT. l.ebanni and lliril.buiij. via A, lentown, SU a. 111. md 110 p, 111. Mindaj . IMS p. 111. I'or Pollsv illc, t-.:.o j m inl 1.10 p. rn. 'lhroii;h tickets' to all poinli ial, soutli 11, wist at lowest rat's! at ll.e station II. P. HAl.DWIN. lien. Pan. Agl J. II. OLIIM-'MIN. Ocn. t'upt. Kilo nnd Wyoming Valley. 'I.1119 Table) 111 IMI'tt Sipt. 17, lbcsi. 'Iralns, (or lltwb-v and locul iiolnts, mnncit Ins ut llavvley vvlth Lile wlliinil lor New- uik, Newbini: and iiitnniWlale poInU, Jeava jsiran tor at 7.03 a, 111. and .'.'-" p. in. Tiaitu aiiive at N'l.ihli.ii a( o.';0 .1. m. 111 1 'J 10 p. in, FfflLEY'S Eister Display Of Exclusive aM Em Imported Stress Goods. Our exhibition of elegant Dresf Materials embraces ail our choice selections for spring trade. Beautiful line of fine Silks, Wool and Silk and AII-Wool fabrics suit able for bridal gowns, street and and evening wear. Louisinncs, i'c.iu de Soie. I'annc Satins, Grena dines, Bcragcs and Albatross, in new shades of Rose, Heliotrope, Castor, Greys, Browns and Blues. Foulard Satins and Silks in un. usually attractive colorings and de signs. Kxtiaordinary values at Wool Challics, with satin stripe, all this sea 2C son's patterns at 25c. iXPbtT' a'st Silks The best &y)' quality Japanese Wash Silk, in corded, stripes and plaids. $1T flTinT, 3'nc'1 Broadcloths, UoUJ assorteii colors; good value at $1.50, for Si. 00. 510-512 LACKAWAKNA AVJENUiE Our windows full ot odds aud euds in Box Stationery tliat will pay statiouery buy era to look at and examine. Mostly all Whiting's finest papers. Rey molds Bros Stationeis and hngravers, Hotel Jermyn Building. RAILROAD TIME TABLES. Schedule In Effect May 27, 1000. Trains leave Scranton, D. & H. Station: 15.45 a. m week days, for Sunbury, Hnnlsburp, Philadelphia, Balti more, Washington and for Titts burp and tho West. 0.38 n. m.. week days, tor Hnzleton, Pottsville, Reading;, Norristown, nnd Philadelphia; und for Sun buiy, Hiurisburg, Philadelphia, B..ltiinore, Washington and Pitts burg and the West. 2,18 p. in., wcok days (Sundays, 1.58 p. 111.) tor Sunbury, Havrls burp, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Wabhington and Pittsburg and the West. For Hazleton, Potts ville, Reading, &c, week days. 4.2? p. m., week days, for Sunbury. Hazleton, Pottsville, Harrisbuig, Philadelphia and Pittsburg. J. II, WOOD. Cen Paw, Aet J. D. HUTCHINSON, Cen. Mcr. Time Card In rffect I)tc. .tOlli, tOOO, SCRANTON DIVISION. iKl 909 901 r, !- f" vsleoe'- 908 we a STVTIOM . ..1 7 10 Ar S.V .WtMHt.l.T.1 S CXI 1 IM I PM .'V lOSAr. 1 PM PM .1 BSII0. rsdona llsneot k I.T. yat su..... si Im ". . . 1II8S Htarllstit . I ....a l'r.slnti 11 rsrk. . .vvinworHl. . Puyiitelle... ' .Orson... . " 1'llSMIlt sit. " I'nloiidale.. " Koiist City.. " I'arboiiit&leYd " I'nitintKlate . " .niiilfkncigY. " Mssilelil Vil " 9I1SCS uses . . S05 1I. . . MS 3 . . MS80 .. . 035 81 . 19X3 . . as:.i. . 51 Ul . . ,10 iota la .. arsos it. ....2MSS3 ... 3 MS 80 niii violin '.IS. 11 IV iu.t, n it aj 11 mil 10 i aenil II nu.HI II S.-.CII09 ... Suisse s iss 1; .. PK SY 8 7 COS . 0 Ml . . s esi ,7 IM ..8 SI JWS4HM 0 31 Mu llrld .Ifrmjii lirhlishl VVlnloii - 7 018 U6 0I " 7C58 1S6CB. All S. Mil 01 I? 1.18 eisou 7 m M6i 7 si 3 we is III S.,011 01 H H KIII1M il HI.M0M ' ill Ilil'lM I'lVkillle nil pliant TrUi-burs? Tlirn-ip l"iovl.ifiiee park I li beiaiiton " 7 l-H OI6t " 7!S07f Si " 7 ai i la l T. " im Mfl " 7 3S lit S! Ar 7 101 M6 8S 1'J PJil pi: .. nn3ia( ....6Mi I.IMOIS lS 1!I0 II ' . (j u I X in l l.v PSt I'll IN Arilitional trains leans e-srbemdsle for VtvBc-M Tirri &11 pin.srpnt bun.lal.smt 7 Mnin Sundsy 031), Sllhluj II SIsvltiM Vsr,l7tlJBiaBil,(rin Idijitliinaltraliillesvc MrrantotistTOOrmSunilaronb , s'r Mi a at allatatlona In I arls-nitats.arrlvj.is at 7 Is Pni, suit train Irsrra Mnstiel.1 )anl for C arbctiarlQ SIS ils. Oil'.), aulio st '-'aruor.t'ilo si 4.13110. ltntes !i rents per mile, Lonest ltnles In all 1'nlnts West. i. c. r-Npr.Rf.ori. fn'll'in'i ai'bi, 'er Tmkc.it j. I. WIIIH, Tiar. Ai-sl, scisateu." 7gc9 $n0 amid $Ho2g 1EBK " v