The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, March 20, 1901, Page 3, Image 3

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a ."
healthy coir frrt In swet dowr
field' with ruunlnenntrr altnl In
cleanllneM tended carefully fur
nlah the milk from which la trdiiced
Dr. Uand'a 1'hotphnted Condrnafd
Milk. They are never ftd anlhlnK
tmt the natural growth of tlch oaa
tute land, l'or ililldtrn't. food or
for tabic uie
Dr. Hand's
lr the moat valuable of nil prepared
fooda more niitrltioua than freh
milk. The iiddltlon ill erat ldy
building elements mnte It equlvn
lent to a dirt of wholr wheat par
ticularly valuable for Intanta and
Rrowlnjc chlldien and hard norkcrs
of brain or brawn nnd a o restora
tive for HKinjr people and Invalid.
Booklet cent by mall free.
Scranton. Pa.
Ice Cream.
Jjc Quart
3 eltphoc Ordara Promptly Da" varal
:7fSij Adama Arena.
Scranton Transfer Co.
PagfiKe Checked Direct to Hotels
and Private Residences.
Office D.. L. & W. Passenger
Station. Phone ?53.
Dr. II. B. WARE,
nM l.l N3 11(11 W-. V 1I.I.1AMS IH.D'I ,
i i:.:.n j. ni.: 2-1 p in Opp. l'lMoiluc.
ri.NI II .WMM'.n.x.MIY.-llie Ml'. W I. II ill-
J'l I.hIjo, HiiMi.ii No. !!, (.. I. .. to tlio II.
' I. I... vlll irlcbialc tln'lr tnrti annltmaiy
i iiuciiircy lull IiicmIj.v rwnlnt:, Marili C'i.
1 Ml) DOWN .WO M.r.PI'.-IMnjril Itclii.
nlf iiituxicutrd. jpfd up to tho Si'ion'l
H' "r oi tin- tiiilliliiit,' jt IS l.iiluvjnn.i jmu'k,
' uii(d by i', p. (Mllahjii, liiruor ilrolci, ami
v i- lnplni; muii'lly when fmind by CiIIjImii
i' :.' o'clorl: .iivimlay iiioitilns,-. I'.itnilniJii in-m-
t"l. Iiini in I lie I'cntei "fr.i't nation liout.
jtnl ilni rcci'iiM lined lilni ! In poli p intirt jm-
I'lll.i:- 1- Till: I'MI!. TI.e lulluit ii.g .m- a
oj I ho pilnilpjl pil iliiwu .11 the (Jrt.n
llnl.-c WliraliiiLn'f f.ili: MlhMge lluol A, I.. II.
.. itmu, niimlioi nf tli kot, Ji Uook II, .1. H.
I ijlos Xo. 87.1 : Houl; (', not cillnl lor :n ct;
II ml. II. .1. W. Ilnuaitli. No. .1ft: Honk . .1. T.
Mliml, So. II; ll.ii.l. T. William finw.-r, ...
I't. Hook (J, II. W. Tailor. No. ;r.7; Hook K,
M II. C.i'fj.; tlinifpiti. A. 1), Vut, n. 7j
IMilns oulfit. . I'. Hull, Xn. I. Tin' lihjvlra
ml rrinalnlns inllugH Iwokn will lie lt.ninVat-
imIjv (toning at lliv i lull Iioum".
Illl.l, PU-TIW, rillM. "IliroiiBli thK riloil- nl
Mi. I'rO'.e, tho well ktiuwn bill p.,ter il this
'in, f. II. llohl.on, iimiukci of Hit- Hill I'mting
nkii (oinpjlir. of I'liiladilplil,, hit boushl tho
mieri'itt lornirrly nvnul by Mr. Lous," ami 1 1.
Krilipr Willi Mr. Itcfcc .ind othtu liae Incut
pnijitil a Mock luinp.iny under Hie Uwx of New
.bi.e.i. Ihc toiupiny ricct to extend it plant
' the tollowliiB tomu: 11 llkri- Itaiir. Kjston,
ll'jdlnir, Allenlown ami othtr. lht a$t enperl
me ami thoiouttn knonlide of the piomoters
1 1 the new totnpiny will, no ilnuht, aj.lst In
iiutilnu the criterprb-r umnuir ihe niot prosper
cuj In it, claw.
Linen Doylies. Mtlo or Whlto i:niluoldorca
l.inen Doyllos. Seven Inchon to thlrty
sovuii Incht'H. Cramer-Wells Co., is,
Wyimilng nvonnp.
-f-f-f-f-f-t-"T--f-f-f-f -f-f-f
Spring Brook Vater,lst Mtg.5s
Xtieka. Valley Elec. Light, 1st
Mtg. Bb.
North Jersey and Pocono Moun
tain Ice Co., iBt Mtg. 5b.
Standard Gas Co., 1st Mtg-. 5s.
Lehlghton Water Supply Co.,
1st Mtg. 5s.
New Mexico Railway and Coal
Co., 1st Mtg. 5s.
Description and price on appli
cation. ,s
fail.rtn,1ala -.
4, 5 and 0, CominoiiwwUh HMtT-, f
4t4f Ttt 4
a- M Rrot(!vir. !C. T.
Thought It Was Unjust That Ho
Should Escape and Therefore of
Its Own Motion Took Action True
Bills in the Cases of the Municipal
League Against Thoma, Hntton,
Maloney and Weyland- Mrs. Amos
Indicted at the Instance of Mrs.
Knapp Other Cases.
The Riant! jury made lit tliml tepuvt
to court yenterduy. In tho morning it
created Komowhnt of a (sensation hy
nmkliiK a luosentnient to court nrjalnst
Wtulo M. rinn, finlcrt councllmuii
ot tho Scrond ivard, for bri
bery, anil on this Judfre II. M.
lMwanlM dlrt'Cleil that nn Indictment
be jnvpatod. This -vaH presented lo
the Jury nnd later In the day It vwis
presented us a true bill with the Juty's
llnal return.
Finn Is Indicted lu connection with
the Municipal leairuc's proceullon of
Simon TbomiiH for bilbcry. It bcltifr
shown that the money which Hutton
paid to Thomas ivus obtained from
Klnn, lliu Jury decided to Indict the
latter, who hn.s adtplitcd that bo gave
the $300 for Thomas tn Hatton, and
that he paid the $1,000 to former Mayor
.lames O. llailey for the siiinlnB of tho
tisphult repair contiact two years oro.
Finn was never ancsted at the iu
fitnnce of the lrnmie.
True bills wcie also returned In these'
eounellmanlc cases of the le.tmie:
Simon Tlionius, for taklnK the money
from Hatton; H. ('. Hutton, perjury.
In earh)fr that ho never paid any
money to Thomas; K. .1. Mnlonoy, of
tho fentt-Jl PeniibylvanU Telephone
and Supply company, bribery. In kIv
Idk money to couiicllnicn; S. 1. Wcy
luiut, manager of tho Lackawanna
Telephone company, obstructing Jus
tice in lcfuslnff to answer questions
ahked him at a recent hearing In Al
derman roller's ofllee. WeylaDd re
fused to answer on the ground that he
might Incriminate himself.
The following saloonkeepers of Dlek
on City. Olyphant and Wlnton bor
oughs, who were arrested at the In
stance of tho Municipal Ipuguo for
maintaining gambling machines nt
their places, had true bills returned
against them: W. J. IZvans, D. M.
Hetts. D. J. Davis, Oeorge Ulnglcberry.
M. V. Cirogan. Thomas Foley, K.
Wrnzel, lilchniil M. Owens, lirynu
Kallun, George A. Price. V. Constant
liiogiin was alho Indicted fur ob
sttuctlug a legal ptoces. His place is
at Olyphant, and when Wilson and his
oflici-ts appeared there to s-Mze
bis gambling machine he stood at the
door with a revolver nnd ltept them
from entering. AVhen they returned the
next day and succeeded in gaining an
entrance the machine hail disappeared.
The sensational Ames-Knapp case
was revived by the action of yester
day's grand Juiy lu Indicting Mrs.
Annie Ames for a second tlm". The
latter was found bv detectives, em
ployed by her husband, In a room In a
hotel in this city with Dr. Knapp, ot
Potest City. Mis. Ames also being a
)cslilent of that place at the time.
They were attested and Indicted for
unlawful relations, and Dr. Knapp was
convicted and sentenced to six months'
Imprisonment In the totinty jail. Mrs.
Amos' case was not culled for trial
until the last term and t lien her hus
band, who was tho leal ptoscctitor, de
clined to prosecute and tho case was
stricken from the list.
Dr. Knapp's wife, Mrs. ICIIsciIhHIi
Knapp. wns very angry over this ter
mination of the case against her hus
bat.d's partner In guilt, who, she al
leges, instigated Dr. Knapp to tho ac
tions which resulted In his arrest. Ko.
eentiy she had a warrant swoin out
for Mis. Ames on the old charge, and
yestctd.iy the grand juiy found a. ttuo
True bills, charging minder and
ui sou. were also found against Frank
Janssen, tho South Side barber, who
on Jan. 22 Ihrew a lamp nt
his wife. It Is alleged, with the Je
suit that tho house was set on flio,
Mis. Janssen severely burned and their
seven-year-old daughter burned to
death. Tho other tine bills returned
follow: Tlll'il HILLS.
Ili'i-tiii(f Olllirr AUx W.VoIieU.1.1; t'luile (.ho
tlii'ki, pm,
Olii-mu tlnjc I.eml I'lwnh Ccoirc Orwila,
I'link Xowak, I'tatik Mcliolic; JI. J. Oaughan,
I.irceny ami Kerclilng Patrick Hoian; Doiothy
lib tun), pre IU had Daly; Prank Hohlliur, jr.,
pim. Ilobcit MiC'iie, Prank ltoldlnit, jr., pros.
William Irtwleiv. IVIlliam lliailley; J. T. Mcn
ilrow, pro. Hoy (lebeit; Prank HuMliiR, jr.,
I'umhili'itly Maklrs Wiitun Intniment Tony
Spard, oll.u Tony Itlu; PianU Ilulillnff, Jr., pro.,
t.-n bilN.
Milklous MU'Iilcf-MIiliarl McHermotl; Prank
lloblinir. jr., pun. Walter O'Ouimi-r; Caleb Tuf.
ly. pio. IMiitno Mlkuo; Piank lloblinj, ji.,
Sellhiit Liquor IVIilioul I.lcen5f Winifred Help;
llobtrt WlUnn, pro. Andrew llatanir; Thoinai
l.D.lion, pro.
Silling Liquor en Suridi) Tliomaa McGnlri'i
Heiuy Pleikr, pro. Joseph Kirolln; Iteene S
llatli, pim. Ilcnianl Hosonllcld; ltcec S. Davli,
pun. .Mm Shallow, W. A. Phlllipi, pioi. Jolm
Hemlieskl; Itee.o S'. l)ivl, proi. I'icdorlik Haiti
nor; J. P. Woelkim, proj.
Ilumlai. IMward lltflulrc, Milej ltoo; Prank
ftiiblliiR, Jr., pro.. Daihl Andrew, Prank Hob
llni;, jr., pro?. Joseph Jlunay, J. T. McAudrcw,
Assault and Uittcry ( harlta 'rieruey; ('. J,.
Hei-rii, pins. Jamei TinnpMn.; C. P. Sheridan,
pioi. Waller O'Connor; C'athrrliio 'lufley, pioi.
Joiepli llolln, John IVarjo; Palikk I'aylon, pim,
Pornlcatloii Andicw Oililn; TaekU Oprti,
S.'iluttion Tlionua niiiku; Una Ihitnun, prox.
1'jUe Putfiuet. JI. W. Van ionJcii; It. JJ.
I.Iudsaj, pioii. JI. Obenovaso; Peter Walroi4,l,
tinbeleiiint .lolm P. Hdlaiid; John Iliricy,
Pointing a PWol Jjtnc ToiupVIni) C. P. Sher
idan, pio.
Pdraudlns Hoarding llou. Vtilhony (llamboi;
Ccoigo Kupchona, proj,
Altogether 119 ttuo bills were te
turned as u teittlt of tho session of
tho Jury. The Ignored bills number
133, nnd 103 of these iiero handed In
yesterday. Among tho Ignored bills of
yesterday wore tho following; Arthur
Kcine, oiltcer for tho Municipal league,
charged ulth pointing piMol by Wil
liam II. Powell, who iilll pay thu costs.
William Krygcr and Frederick Kelfor,
Prlceburg hotelkeepeis, selling on Sun
duy, county to pay costs. Jacob Hll
man, malicious mischief, county to
pay costs, Hllmuu Is now In the ponl
tenthuy, icrvlng a term for suborna
tion of peijiiij Geoigo llainpe, keep
lug a gnmbllng hotuo on Ponn aveiitio,
Frank MeVlttlo, piorocutor, to
cos is.
The grand Jurj deplores tho great
eost to the county of the largo num
ber of Ignored bill, most of which
should never have been returned to
court, nnd suggests that the Judges
appoint three inctnbcni of tho bar to
draft a bill to correct the evil anJ
use every effort to have tho bill pitised
by the state legislature. It Is suggvpt
cd that the bill piovldc for thu fol
lowing things:
Pint In connection with the adinlnlal ration ot
the law by aldermen, jutlitt, comt.ibhM and all
eucli ofllceu nw under the fee tlrin. an It
nileht be deemed bet to Include, the complete
ftliolltlon of all feet, cxrepl tilth in uliall nerl
to the public rrciMiry nnd Hip buUlltiillun (line
tor of fixed ularlei.
Sec nnd TI,e election or uppoliiliniiit lu aiuli
manner an tt nuy be deemcl be.t, of a nuali'
trute lor a maximum numbtr of pnpulatlDii, !
fore Mch inaiilttralra may be Ik ml itimlunl
nnd the uiuat civil ciiaet, and his derlnlnn chill
b. final In all auch petty inUdemeauort tt your
coimnlttee lulftlil derm bitt (hall be flu il.
Third Tho bill al.n to protlde fome maiitier,
if pnulble, in whicti alt if nild raurt bennl
by meli nug-Utratei, tin- county hll not be put
;o any expense except ptoiliK"! for the lu the
lalary llt,
It Is HUggeHtcd timt u number of
changes bo mado In the county Jail
and that a steam healing plant bo In
stalled In the court house.
They Are on the Argument List for
the Next Term Common
Pleas Court.
The argument list for thu coming
teim of court, which was mado up yes
terday, contains about llfty ensts nnd
twenty-one of these are actions for di
vorce which have leached that stage
of progression where all that Is needed
Is the decree of tiro court to dissolve
tho unpleasant bonds. This Is the teo
cinl for Lackawanna county tip to date.
When tho additional argument list Is
mado up It will contain a few more
cases, and It is probable that the num
ber of divorce cases on the tegular and
argument list will not fall shoil of
Common Pleas Cases.
The case of L J. Wolfgang asalus
the Scranton Hallway company was on
trial nil of yesterday bcfoiu Judge
Kelly in tho main coutt room. It was
called for ttlul Monday morning and
arguments to the Jury will bo made lo
dny. All of tho evidencu Is In.
Tho case of George Cooper against
the City of Scranton was teady for Un
charge of the court when adloitruing
hour arrived yesterday. When tho
plaintiff rested, the city asked for a
non-hUit, and when tno evidence was
all in for binding instiuctions to the
Jury, but both reijuests Here refused.
The non-suit and binding Instructions
were .asked for on the ground that the
city was not liable for an error of
Judgment lu placing or constructing
the sewer which is charged with being
responsible for the Hooding of (.'oojier's Eighth nnd Linden stteets.
Allonieu Taj lor I.evU yc.leiday filed aill
del of incorporation akinjr for a cliauer for
the rvranton Stone Cutters' Local I nlon ot
Srranlon. Iho Mibi-riibeu to the artii le are
Joseph Cullilrone. John Cailuici, Doinlnlk llott
iirIIi, Jowph llianca, Pied Ililestileri ami Jo-eph
Thoinaj Hall and l!oi.e Ami Hall, by William
Jlooie, guardian, Joslcnliy Moment aetlom In
trripiH and ejectment agMimt Michiel IN.ilker.
It is aliened (hat on Match It Walker took pov
hev.lon of a pioperty on mnry axrinie, Hunmore,
owned by the ilcfciidanu It ia tliirt-fno feet
in fionl, eighteen In tbp rear. 1M fret in Iinulli,
and is Improved uiih :i tno story fiame tlHclllnpr.
Por ileprivinir them of Iho icntii and the lord
ble taklm; if,(K chinatrs aie aike.l. The plain
tills aie teprceiitrd by Atlorne.n I. II. Ilium
and Charlei K. Olver.
They Caused a Good Deal of Excite
ment on Penn Avenue.
There was much excitement -ester-duy
morning, about 11.30 o'clock, at
Penn avenuo and Linden street, when
two trolley cats collided. Piovidenco
car No. 30, outward bound. In chaise
of Motorman M. Harrctt and Conduc
tor P. J. Clark, leached the corner the
same time tin car No. un, xvhich. was
coming westward on Linden street
1'iom the barn.
This latter car was in charge of two
barn men, John Jordan nnd Mat tin
Hanna. was Iltst to reach the
corner and started across. Jordon
hadn't stopped his car at all, but made
a desperato effort to when he saw that
i collision was bound to result.
II was loo late, however, and his car
ran into the side of No. 300. The front
of Jordan's car was stovo in and It was
thrown from tho rails. Jordan him
self was slightly cut by Hying glass,
Cur 309 kept tho rails, though all Its
p.issengois were thrown ftom their
seats to the Uoor, amid a shower of
glass from several broken windows.
Fortunately no one was Injutcd.
Received by Colonel E. H. Ripple
from Lieutenant Murphy.
Colonel K. II. Hippie yostoulay re
celved through tho malls an excellent
specimen of tho bolo, the native Phil
ippine weapon. It was mailed on Feb
ruary 14. and reached heio yesterday,
safe and sound, making tho trip lit a
little more than a month.
Tho bolo la a present fiom Ll-ut-ii-anl
Thomas Murphy, of the Forty
seventh regiment, now serving in tiio
Philippines, and Is highly pilzed by Ha
ovvper. The bolo Is a fomldublo look
ing instrument of war and condsts of
an ugly shaped steel blade about two
foet long. The blade la narinvv whero
Joined to tho handle, but bulges as It
nears the end. When received yester
day It was incased In a rcabbaid made
from a native wood.
Easter Cheer and Babies Paces,
Father Time will soon usher In the
sen boh ot gludnojis, while Schi lover Is
always icady with tho aid of artls
tic purttalturc to perpetuate the
togtilsh countenances of lh dlmph-a
darllfigs. "
Organs. Organs. Oigans,
You can buy line second hand Organs
hi good condition, unytiheru trom $10
to tlT and J30, with book and stool, at,
Guernsey Hall, 311 Washington avenue,"
So anion, Pa. J. W. Guernsey, Prop.
Ask for Kelly's union crackers,
for Chlldien. Mother rimy, (or ,c.ii a mine in
lha Children' Homo In New Vul, Heated dill
dren niccreWiilly with a rcnudj. now pre parcel
and placed In the dmy Hen, i illcil Mother
fiia)'a Sweet powdenf tor f'lilbliTii, They are
harmlf.M na milk, pleacaut to take ar.d never 'ill,
A certain cine fr tevrililnic-n, eomtlpilion,
headache, trrthluir and Moui.ich ilUunlen, and
remove vromu. -""rlt all diugk'InU, Sir. Sample
wnt PIIPI!. Addun Allen S. Oluistnl, l.elloy,
S. V.
Superintendent Davis of the Sauquolt
Mill Yesterday Consulted with the
Owners from Carhondale to Taylor
nnd Unanimous Sentiment Is
Found Against Arbitration Prob
ability of Part of Sauquolt Mills
Being Removed Trouble at Peters
burg Mill Officers Called.
All Impel of settling the silk mill
strike by uihltiatlon weto yeslerday
sl-atteteil by Supotlntendent W. II.
Davis, of the Hatinuolt til Ik mill, giv
ing foi th the following signed state
ment: i iiwi: lowriKii wim mi; mtpkii.
Mllli:i'.l) Til IT IT H IMPilSSIllLi: -II) Ml-
iiiTiiAii:. mi: M'r.i: op wauks wi:
hup. om:iti;t) i all thvt tiii: iil'si-
SitporlnlaidonCDavN and Valentino
Hlirs, ns slated in yesterday's Tilbune,
in lived home from tho south Monday
cvcMiig, and the gl eater part of -es-lenloy
was spent by Mr. Davis In
lace to face interviews mid talks over
thu wire with tho dll'terent tdlltv.mltl
ntvneiH and superintendents. Tlte re
sults or these consultations sro ex
pitKsod by him to n Tribune man as
"All of tlie opeiatorti from Carbon
dale to Taylor, expressed tn nie the
itnmiltiinut' opinion tbnl this striko
cannot bo settled by aibltratlou, and
one and nil approved tho sentiment ot
the statement I have given you. All
of the owners ate willing to nbldo by
tlte vole which 1 nft'ered the sttllcers
executive committee when they waited
upon me at the beginning of the
"That offer prox Mod for wages far
ahead of nnytbing ever offered In thii
vicinity to silk woikers. They nre not
I'nlerson wages, but then conditions
there are entirely different from those
Superintendent Davis alo hlnte.l
that in tho strike continues much
longer theru is a strong possibility
that tl'.e Saueiuolt rompany will movo
part of their plant from the city. "Wo
have piopoxltlous from two or thive
places," he said, "and wo could very
eoncnlelltlJ move part of our plant.
Valentine P.llsn Is negotiating now
with tho board of commoce of n
southern cltv regarding the transfer
of his North Scranton mill, and It
will probably be shifted In about two
month. The lease of the factory
building inns out within that time,
and Mr. Hllss originally Intended to
extend the Dickson mill and place the
u achlnurj' tlieic.
Tho stilkers" executive eomtnlUoa
will meet this morning, and after hold
ing session, will wait upon Superin
tendent Davis and formally present to
him u statement of grievance- and ask
for arbitration. Meetings were held
yesterday of the Harvey and Kioto
mill strikers.
Yesterday afternoon a number of
strikers from vailous locals Journo.ved
lo Petersbuig and a large ciovvd
gntheicd around the mill. They found
there, however. Captain lllcburd Hd-
New Silks and Dress Goods
To New Customers, We Have Planned a Great
Sale for Three Days,
Home Spun Tweeds, in 6 shades, all wool, 38
inches wide. For .$ days only 20c
One Dollar Tweeds, all wool, three shades of
grey. For 3 days only 9c
Covert Mixtures, 50 inch, all shades. For 3
days only S6c
Two Dollar Broadcloths and Venetians,
finest French goods. For three days only $1.50
$1.25 Venetians, full line of colors. For j
days only 05c
Hair Line Vicunas, $1.25 value. For 3 days
only 05c
Camel's Hair Cheviots, 4J inches wide; all
wool, blues, reds, castors, greys, browns, blacks. For
three days only 50c
Henriettas, yard and a quarter wide. 3 days only 20c
Dollar French Poplins, in twenty colors. For
3 daysonly 00c
Fancy Silks, 5 pieces of the finer grades,
marked at from c to $1.25. For 3 days only ?5o
Fancy Silks, for waists, 63 lengths of $ goods,
ror 3 days only 50c
Fancy Silks, 35 whole pieces of changeable
and select color Taffeta Silks, new shades. For 3
daysonly 40c
Fine Silks, Black Brocade, Satin and Taffetas,
marked at $1.00 and $1.25. For 3 days only (tOc
Fancy Silks, one table full of short lengths, 75c
goods. For 3 days only , J,7Jc
Hair Cloth, genuine 16 inch, best grade. For 3
days only 13c
Fercalinc, fast black, 15c goods. For 3 days only... lie
l'erealine, i2c goods, for 0c
Percalinc, 20c goods, for 15c
l'erealine, ijc goods, in 27 different spring Shades.. 10c
Silesias, 1 1 pieces grey fancy back, 20c grade 12&c
Cambrics, best lining 334c
Pure Linen Canvas lie
Hlack, All Moreen Skirtings 2,5c
Hest Illuminated Moreen Skirts :10c
wnrds, wllh a aquad of patrolmen, and
Detective W. F. Clifford. Thero werj
no active hostilities, as n result.
Spoke of "Human Greatness" Before
the Historical Society.
Attorney John P. Quitman lead a
very comprehensive nnd very able
paper last night before tho Catholic
Historical society on "Human Gieat
ni'ss." Ho gave hU Idea of the truly
successful man lu the following words:
"Tho man who eliminates selfishness
fiom his nature, cognizant that Un
true conception of human duty Is the
constant making of othois better and
cortsoqltontl.v happier; whoo povvets of
observation detect dofectH and lucon
slKlonclen hi the Individual or In tho
ii'inmunlty: whose Judgment suggests
h remedy nnd whoso executive power
u piles that remedy to accomplish th"
end desired, is tho successful man lu
the tine seme of tho woul, though lie
be ever so poor."
Miss Hesslo llnnictt read a paper on
"Itrother Arnrlns, "His Life nnd
AVorkp," nnd seveial vocal iolos won?
contributed by Mrs. Leonard.
Effoit Being Mado to Have Treasurer
Scranton Hold One-Half the Li
cense Fees Paid in Scranton.
The coutt having decided thai It has
no power to make an order to luivo
liquor license monoj' from this city
paid Into court pending an appeal to
the Supreme court, tho attorneys for
M. P. Flyiin are now cudctivoting to
nirniige with tho attorney for Counl.v
Treasurer J. A. Scranton to luivo J"ii
of tho $1,100 set aside and not used
until the Superior court has rendered
Its decision. This will probably bo
The papers for an appeal to tho
Superior court arc now being prepared,
nnd will bo presented probably tomor
row. The coutt will bo nskod to ad
vance the case for a special hearing on
arcount of Its Importance and urgency.
It was the general impression that tins
case would go direct to tho Supremo
court, but It has been decided that thu
superior Is the proper trlbunul to
which to appeal It.
The first city license- was taken out
yesterday by Julian Uossyklcwics. of
the Twentieth ward, who paid $1,100
and secured his license for tho vear.
Satutday at noon the tlmo expires for
taking out tho licenses.
neslde the one city license, twentj
two others were taken out j'esterday.
They are for hotels In the boroughs of
Archbald. Olyphant, Elmhurst. Wln
ton. Throop, Mnyfleld. Blakcly. Dun
more. Waverly. Dickson Cltj Moosle.
and Old Forge, and the townships of
Jefferson and Lackawanna,
For Rent.
Tho residence of Mrs. J. 11. Phelps,
7T Linden .strct, to responsible party;
moderate figure. Very contrallj' lo
cated, modern. commodious, city
steam, lawn, fruit. Suitable for den
tist, phvsiclan, or family use. Inquire
at house.
Popular Priced Photographs.
Sch! lever's thtco-dollur port! alts
possess the same artistic pose and fin
ish that Is the prominent fcatuie of
his more expensive pictures.
MI"R Mildred Cteen, formerly In
charge of Jonas Long's Sons' millinery
department, Is nt Corson's store this
Lackawanna Ayenue
The Family Dining Room
IS & fair Index to OnrVc clanrltntr on a m !. nln. (
ant place to visit three times a day. When you have the
pleasure ol eating ofTdnltitv china, it is more than gratify
ing to the "inner man." There is no excuse tor any one
not having a nice dinner set when you can make selections
from our Open Stock Patterns. Buy a few pieces today and
make additions at anytime. Several new ones
just arrived, loo.plece Decorated Porcelain ij 1 5.00
Geo. V. Millar &
Always Busy. Always Honest.
114 and 116 Wyoming Avenue
Genteel Shoes
For Gentle Spring
This is the sprouting time of life.
We furnish shoes for humanity
the noblest of all life.
For the Ladies.
We have four of the
most perfect creations in
the art of shoe making,
They are :
The Always Busy $2,00
Onr Special - - 2,25
The Nay Aug - 2,50
The Beautiful Melba 3,00
These shoes are all the
feet need.and all the heart
desires. In style they are
in perfect good taste. Our
guarantee goes with every
114 and 116 Wyoming Avenue, Scranton.
Is Your Bicycle
lu good shape for
& Tr -ll (ltl1A frt 1l?tVh
it properly.
Bitten bender & Co.J
g 126 and 128 Franklin Avenue. JJ
te ,ii
Before buying, seud for catalogue.
H. S. GORDON, 'vlVlcVt;;
fProf.Q.F.f HEEL527 ffiSSI
n la.aal.a f.n.U.t...!. ..M .lulll Hill I'tltlt.l
lin.t.,.. Fir. lb..... U!ft4 rl-., a.rit.
ll.bllltr,, ml n.n.Md.. .nr.ri. ,v pinriurp.o ilnikiimli A Bbru.k.a l'r,..
TntVTZn rurad 1 1. 10 .ih la Jf.r. pr.r II..I t a ,r.n
UcplUI tiil'"a ' r..f. " tmr tHl ""...
,((.;. .H,.WI .Ir'lrir.l fr.ll. Ul. ,.f.
f t mi
1 N&HB
r ):
Co. Ml?P'.nTCT g
ww. Walk In anil Look Around, jjg
For the Gentlemen.
We have styles that
are comfortable to the
feet, and beautiful to the
eye. The prices are :
$2.00, $2.50,
$3,00, $3.50,
And $4.00.
These shoes are in
the prevailing leathers
Vici Kid, Valour Calf and
Patent Leather.
the riding season?
IfAllf MFAI'lf IaMa WI a A A
406-408 Adams Ave.
A family hotel; fifty rooms; strict
ly flist-class; elevator service; elec
tric bells; suites; private baths; sin
gle nnd double rooms; handsomely
furnished. Tor teuns address,
Now Propiietor of "The Linden."
The Dickson Manufacturing Go.
tcrauton and Wtllcai.llarra, l'
Manufacturer! of
Hollers. Ilolitlnjand Pumping Machlnory.
Oeneml Ofllee, Soriaton, r.