The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, March 20, 1901, Page 2, Image 2

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A l'OI'l I, CLr.Alll.NO HOLNi: (or tho IKnt
" lit ol All Who Hue lluo to llcr.t. Ilctl
) tatc or Other Property to sell r Kxtlmrcc. or
Who Want Situations nr Help Huso Small Ad
wrtleinuit lwt One ( nt a vvunl, Wt lf
lions for Five Cnl a Wonl Uiu'l t bitumens
M (Med, Which Aio InscrtcJ I'lee.
ItllMMiril liOOtlM Willi lilt Mill AT Mils.
Wibb', 17 I Imolii jitiuic, nl-D tjblo b"Jid
ill I? pIiIjIiiciI by the nick or nwuitli.
The Public Library and Municipal
Mr. Andrew Cannula has olfcicd u
public library to Caibotidale, iirovldcd
it will take care of it. This care will
be $2,500 yearly. Wo now pay SsOO
yearly for our library; MuO dlu-ct, $109
in pilntlng (binding) and the use of a
300 a, year loom. The added eNpcnso
will only be Jl.Tut) a jfitir, or about
one-half a mill on tin- ns&essed valui
Hon. What will It cost you"' If you
liuvc an occupation tax of 5K0, it will
i about 6cvcti cc nts ti yeai. If j our
property Is assessed at .$M0 It will cost
:oti twenty-live cento, if u thousand,
then llfty cents, uud on only those few
whoso property is asso-sed at $2,000
will the tax bo one dollar a year or
tun tent. per week. One public-spirited
citizen, who has assessed to hint
some SO.OOO, will pay $2" yeaily, utid
jet he &ays have the llbraiy, anil ho
otters a fico slto for It. Und bless
Now a littlo about tho city's expendi
tures. Last year there, was appro
piiated $3,n6j; this year the cominlt
tie have loconimeiiilcd nn oidliiancc
that cuts these uppioprlutlons to $41.
t'f'0. This cut Is made by tho reduc
tion ot $2,000 In lntei est and bonds to
ilet mod and $t!U0 in itBsesior's expenses.
This appioprlatlon covets all needful
eMuiibed nd the constltuanls of each
councilman ought to in bo that It bo
paused in Its piesent economical shape,
mid not loaded down with cxtiava
gant, unnecessary things.
Another year, by leason nf fewer
damage Mills, less Intvrobt and by tho
completion of fioino permanent woik,
it will be possible to lower this by
J3.000 or $1,000. This will make it
possible to use $2,000 or $3,000 In per
manent Impiovcments and still keep
our budget down to $10,000 a limit
that should not be exceeded until we
become a larger city. $10,000 equals
just about $:J for each Inhabitant. Tho
above figures keep in mind tho llbraiy
and all really useful expeiidltuies.
Released from the Hospital Yester
day Morning.
Constable Stephen A. Oilby, who
gave cveiy one mound the city build
ing such a scare on Monday night by
attempting biilclde by hanging, and
who nearly succeeded at bis tlllid at
tempt, was dlschuiged from the hos
pltal ycstenlay morning at 11.30 o'clock
and advised to go to his home, lie
piobably look the ailvke, for nothing
was seen of lihn mound town yestei
ilnv. The fall which Oilby got when ho
was cut down by City Tieasuicr Con
nor probably saved his life. In his
tumble ho struck tho back of his head
on a projt etlon, and the concussion
made a cut at the bails of bis head
lully two inches in length. This stint d
the blood to Mowing In his limp body
and, no doubt, hastened consciousness.
At the Iiosjiltal the matron took three
stitches In the wound. Whin he loft
the hospital jeslciday moiulug, the
attendants asked him how ho fill, and
ho said that lie was all light and felt
like himself, but be would like to know
who was mean enough to hit him in
tho back of the hind like that.
Two Cases of Helpless Di units Dis
posed of by His Honor.
Mayor Kllpatrlek had two cases be
fore his court jestetdny mosiilng. L'ach
of the hapless Indhidu-ils who raced
blni had Ik en picked up by good Su
maritans in biass buttons and blue
clothes to prevent their coming to
barm, for wither of the twain was
cupublo ot taking care ot their in
terests. The flrat to answer the cnteihlsm
.was RIchdid J. Muiphy, who allege I
that he balled riom Seranton. Ho had
bcin arrcstid mound midnight on
Main stieet so drunk that he could
scaucly stlind. lie had previously an
noyed tl:e piopiletor and pations of
tho Ante) lean hotel by woe-begono
lairy tales and linpoi tunltlos. mi his
Piomlsc to Major Kllputrhk tli.U ho
would t.iko the iiot triln to the i;in
tile City, ho was let go wllh a repri
li'iiiid. He was attired In ; jiaii of
troutcts-, a blue llanncl shirt, mid .i
lagged A'est. unit undercoat
there was none. A gieasy cap com
pleted bis outllt.
Mrs. KlUabeth Hlackmoic. becoming
, ly dressed In a dark si. lit, a velvet
aio and a stiaw sailor hat of last
taiiimici's intnge perched gilnily on
iicr grey-streakeil hah. was the next
-Mo turao before tho court She an
.jjjw iicd all tin rittiRtlons put to hr
jnouiptl, ndmil'ing that sho was
ilrunk on Main stieit, and that It was
not an umnual ixpeiloneo with her.
Special Train Service
Parties will leave PHILADEL
PHIA April 23, for aiand and
Cotnpiehenslve Tours to
The Wonderlaud of America.
Bend for epeclal descriptive
1005 Chestnut St., Fhlla.
Catfcondak Department ualil she had not been bt foro his
honor previously, howevei.
"Whoio do joli live""
"I did work with a family on (Stern
Hold load, but," sadly, "I don't woik
theio no more.
"How old tue j on.'"
A long hesitation. Then, lalntly,
Cui lously, this wis tin! only iit:n
lion Kin Hi'cmcd disinclined to answer.
Tho puM, UN far as It was probed,
was t cventi tl with gieat frankness,
The mayor told her that, oh It was
the tli ht time she had been befoic him
for drunkenness lie would lit her bo,
but the next time she would so to
the county Jail. Mm. Blaekmore be
datily thanked the mayor and slowly
walked fioui the loom. As soon as
she was nut of his eight, thom.ii, she
turntil around and made it dicudftll
I "face" at him, which, howevn, did not
piiietrate tho walls.
Tho Action of tho Councils Monday
Evening ITnlvcrsxilly Commended.
As lepoited In The Tribune jestpribiy
morning, the select and common ioiin
clls of tin- city of Cnibondulr, without
ii dissenting voice or vote, uiecptcd tho
gift fiom Andicw Carnegie of a library
building for this city. It was one of
the last acts of the present body and
one of the most Important measures It
1ms pasbed upon.
Major Kllpatilck Is much inleicwted
in this project and will approic of tho
resolution. There ato many details to
be auanged, but It Is certain that tho
new llbraiy gift will form an lmpoit-
nt tontine In the coining seinl-cen-Icnnlul
All over the city jestciday were
heard pialses of the rapidity and cllicl
cney with which the councils had done
their pait of this public hem diction.
Tho talk now shifts fiuin "Will tlu-v
accept It?" to "Wheie will it be
The Hon. V.. V.. Hi'iuliick, e-ma.or
of the city, when inuilcud by a in
poller, said: "I will gle si slip lor tho
building. I will donate a considerable
plot to tho city for tho put pose at nny
point along thu Spiing stieet fiont id"
my propci ly. CoiiirIIs may pet Imps
think this slto to be too much in the
residential poitlon, but it is the most
accessible X ian command, and 1 will
give It tieely to hae such n lino In
stitution located In this citv."
Spilng stieet Is a little up on tho hill,
but is within live minutes wall: nf the
crntliil purtlon of the cltj, and Mr.
llcndilik's offer Is one that should ro-
n'lve thoughtful i onslderatlon.
Tho majority of thu.-e who hivo been
interelewed seem to fnor the site
wheie tho old aimoiy is located, and
it Is said that piessurc will bo In might
to bear on the Pclawme and Hudson
company to bo as libeial as Ml. Heli
ihlek has been.
A Team of Horses Own Main Stieet
for Awhile.
A iiiiijway, with seveial exciting
fialme.s and muiow cc.iiies, took
place yesteiday morning about 10
o'clock. A fiirimr fiom Clhfoid, named
Miller, left his learn standing In front
of a stoic on South Main stieet.. while
he went Inside to lay In piovlslon. The
hoi sos wui' left unhitched.
.lust as the laimer was nigiossed in
dl'.eii'-sliirf agi loulturnl topics with the
mm chant a liolley car jmsm-iI tln
waiting team. It was a pu.zle to them
and they leaied and toie, and then
stinted up tin stieet with a viulety of
gaits, accumulating speed as they piu
Kicssed. In (rout of the iiostolllec a
single ilg, on the same side of tho camo near being annihilated.
The driver, by a quick tutu. Jut got
out of harm's way. The runaways con
tinued to Salem avenue, wheie they
tool; the s-idowalk. The di her for t
11. Woodwoith & Co. itiMiod out and
stopjied them hi ti out of that stole.
The owner soon cam panting up, and
la shoit bicaths thanked the plucky
young man. Then i caching into Ida
1 1 ousel s pocket lie iMied out n coin,
and nild:
"i'm n puoi' man, but hole's a quai
let." A second thought stiuck hlui.
and ho continued: "Uut. seeln' as
ou'o risked oui liie, pii make It
thlity-llo cents."
Staitlins Telegiam Sent Out Ycstci
V day from This City.
The following telegiam, dated far
buudalc, I'a , Maich is, niipeaieil In
iiieiiy jiapers Monday:
'The ghost' of John inule has ln
Ited his wife's bedroom twh within a
Weik, and she leais it ma be the miiso
of her death
"Uaeh time i he phan'om -tnf
choked her. and Inn- nrii; ., yll, 1n
hao black and Mile maikti mused by
long thin llngi'is. Kliuilo illed a year
ago. Just as the eloi k tollid midnight
last Monday. Mis, Klnnle sajs she
heard tin- tiont dour open. Then thiro
Wele footbteps 111 tho hall. She locked
her bedi ooiu door, and listened hi af
iilghi. A dw minutes later her neck
was cue It clod by a hand. She swooned,
and whin inclining i .une sho was found
on the llooi. The same thing happened
last night.
"The only explanation (ho doutois
can olfer Is that Mis. Klnnlo choked
hoi self while sleeping. Sho Is in a. hoil
ous condition."
There Is no one of tho name of "Kln
nlo" In the Caibondale city dhectoiy,
and diligent seal eh yesterday failed to
locate anyone who had heard of any
woman being choked or choking her-
They Will Bo Hold nt the Congiega
tionnl Chin cli Next Week.
Tho Rev. H. L. Poabndy. of Massa
chusotts, who for a long tlmo was as
sociated In evangelistic woik with tho
famous II. ray Mills, will begin a ten
days' icvlvTil at Hie Flist Congrega
tional chinch next Sunday.
Mr.Peabody bears the highest recom
mendations and will no doubt accom
plish much good woik. Ho Is ulso a,
talented singer and In his tnusieut
woik will ba assisted by his aecom
plltshed wife, who Is nlso a Mveet vocal
ist. To Cine a Cold in Ono Day
'luk l.jxathc Uhjiiio ijuliilnc faliUU. Xk, "
Phone :
NEW, 286
OLD, 0423
ilOHV To Mr. mi.I Mrn. John lUlcy,
trr rtrrrt, i daughter.
of Jet-
Lll.MIM! SOON. "The Tito Twmpii," Wnoil
and Wanl' Mr dice luiniilv, "III lc seen Ima
hi tlio ncjr future.
'10 MllIUIl TOMdllT.-'llir Itcv. Pr. .lohte
frill, i I'ltlMim, Mill prcicli HiU rvinlns nt t tic
Trlnlij- I'. I!, ilmrcli.
UKM' in l.ll.iri. Mr. Mtlgi AMh., ot
spring flroit, Ii.h Lirti called (o llrmlty by Hie
miIuiu llliufj et tier inolhir, Mis. .lulm 1 1 . r
Till: sntlOMSTi:US. 'Hie Soiorl rluli lield
llulr rrpibr loitlinlglitty niectlng list cimiIiir
j l Hi'" lirimo et Mlri Ilffl lccli, in WjomlnB
DKLLllAli: TO LNt'ASTi:R.-. J. Marldlwn
nniclcrliil lv I'ourt Uly, rerrktcn ot AinrrlM,
I" leprcient Hip omt In tlie ttate ron(nllun,
"lilch Mill l'e held In LinuitT In Mjj.
ATfLNDtn W UjMM;. Mr md Mrt tirgr
f. Milk and Mf. and Mr. .1. II. Mcholwn it
luided Hie uriMinir of Mli (Jfrlrude flllMm and
W. II. Tuuiubs In Wllkri'lhrre lat ecnlnp.
hint IJ. ol Jciinjii, Jf'lirdjj icooImiI a Irller
fri'm Pr. .Ifiildii", nf tliliilly, who Ii now fta
tirncil in the I'lilllppinn with t'mle sim'a aniij.
sl'lil.sri 'lo0.v.,llie kprlns Km of '
Melulrnioiiiy uf -cuntoii will he held In Pittnlou
AmII it) .mil .i(. lit. llo. Ulhelbirt Tulhol,
I'ielic j id this liinpi illoicc, will be in u
Icndame. Mi'i:riM:s To.shiiiT.-iiei. either r.rew
Hi imh, Nn. Sl'i, ritlmllc Knight j of Amerlej.
I'lrmrci fasllc, No. 20J, A. O. K. M. C. Tin
bond lie ludjfr, o. SSO, KnlKhti o P.ithU. I.a
ddV Anvlllary Rillrojd bngliieers (Atlctnouii).
.r nn: oim:i(. iioi;m:. Todij. "The ra
id WuMliii:", tonight, "r.illcn Ainoiiu Thlcc",
riiiirlii, ".nos the Trill": I'rliljj, "Down
in ImuII.iiii"; Saturdij iflrriionn, "The Two
sliten": -itiiriliy nlctlil, "fncle bim In China "
AS AintUIIlK SIOX The Iiilrmalloinl
iViie-iiumlenie Sebooli of Siranton lue put up
.in altiiillie temporary Kn IhuuI in front of
the inlolllie in the nature of .1 bronio post, o
jrraiiBul thai It will di-plaj twmty 01 thirly
pliturid .iilwrlUcninits at once.
lll.( Mi: 'ICK IN IIIFFAI.H- loni Maiinlon,
on uf Martin Mituiien, u Pike i-tieet, l hotiie.
lie nan taken eiy ill In (Judaic, wheie he had
been iinploied for Ihs pit two month.'., and he
1 ime on hue. wheie he might iiiclio the laie
whiih i .111 on Is be found at huuie.
A MI.M.U lil'ltr-AiilImm Mcf.mie. s niinei
it (i.ill.uitl. fulliiiv, ra mil oier by a ar
In the mine ,e-tudi, tiwniliic. He w i tiUcn
to tli.- I'lnnpiioi hopitiil. where il wai found
he was injured quite badly nbouf the back aiJ
.iblon'Ui, lint limv keriousle the hospital .11st hoi i-lii-
1 mhl lim ay livt liirfht.
IN HONOIt or Mil. M) MItN UlAAS. -M .
iml Mr, licoige I'. Mills R.ue 4. proEinkis
ln.iitn paity at t Ii-Ii rtkldtucc 011 Wjomini;
Mutton Moudiy cnlnn', . hen lliev cnlcitalii'il
about twenty i;unt 'f lie partj wa giien In
honor of Mi and Mis'. I'. II. lEcian, who me won
to hen li nuke ihelr home In Wilkes-lUne
INfliMMI'D ir.lllK--I.M of lettem -liuinilii;
In Hie (aiboi.dalc poMotlKc March -".
J'lil, (or pnons luiknowti. William Alevantler,
.lolili llimi, I). M. II nil's, (abiu (ilo-m; t,
(loice Melvln, Ilaruj' Willlaui'., Ml', i'.ia (lim
liuek. Min. Man' Iicniiedi, Mik. Cam been.
Mr- : .1. Ilioiiuii. ls Mule Pirtle. MN far
lie Millet. ' rrlirii, .iiuios Cue.
'HIOMIK.IIMIV At H.-n oMock ht dining
Ki Ceitrude 1,11 ion, of Wilkeii ltuie, a joiiiib
lidi will known to many Carbondale jounfc pen
pie UiioukIi fiiqumt xMt with friends here, was
111.111111I to Willi 1111 Hubert Toomb, .1 piopcrom
liininisi mm of l.uzerne'n toiintj eit 'Ihev will
be at home nt ltd liber M101I, Wilkes lljrie, af.
til Apul HI.
ACI'CMHLIIl-. thrMopher Siliuli liad nn
upi ration perlormnl upon him for lppendicltis
lestenliv aflirnonn at the LineiKcncy hopltil.
n iniiilur at the hospital lint cujuIhk in
fin imil thai H was then to soon to he able to
tell how he was lniklrif out . but thai he wan
iruM and wis iblutr as well as could be c-
M.W I'll'l.s The llr;nlunliuit Water coin,
pinv are aitluly at work lajing pipes to carry
their unouellcii n,ualily of water. On Mondiy
euiiuei tiuus were the First I'lfibjteiUn
ehurih and jeiterday the workmen were bu-y
en jiui aiuiiie pupirinK to carry out the con
ti .it ol the lompanj wllh the tohool lioard. (lie
wilir will bo piped to the lllsli mIiooI and
eliouls No?. I and '
WMfJIiVS I.STI.KTAIN.Mi:NT--his cienirig
at the l'lrt Ooiit;ii iritlotiil ihurch ("leoige Klllott
lo, cntftlainir, huniorUt and otall't, will gbc
.1 uptrtolrv ut Sioicli dialect, pihlollc and hu
ni'MOii!. songs and roiitatlon. Mr. Irnc contra
will recommended by many prominent public
tueu who have IMtnrd to him. lie sings, talks,
luites, ihscrlbes and Impernonatff. He is con
ic did lo be unequalled in his line of work. The
inleitiliiuient icmiuciiuri at 7.J0 o'clock
mil 1 1 Nli: lAltll(i.M)AM:nOY.-A lepoit
wa uriiilaiid in tins cilj jeleiday in icganl
to ,1 (oritur Unldciit beie, Patrick Sulllian, who
fuimcrly nsnled on Puiidilr Knet, whMi will
bo gladly lecebed bj liU many Iriends hcie, II
Hue. Nunc time a(.o Jlr. Sullivan purchaurd
Hail of (.inning laud, one hundred anes in ex
tent, just list of Foriit Cltj, It is now nid
that a In foot iclii of curlltnt loal has hem
dl-iuuml on the piupertj. 'ihls not only means
wealth for Mr. Milliian, but proiea that there
ii tiiuih .iiilhiacito In this ncrtion unknown to
ID Ash loll lOMI'i:X.sTIO.V.-riio poor ill.
iiitort, mid the audilora of the poor dUtrlct of
this uly urn about to in ike application to t lie
UvMaluio lor tho paai,e of au act to regulate
their loiupiiisiliou, an a .upplc-iuait to the ait
entitled "All act lo regulate the atTalm of the
body lorpoiate known as the dliecton of the
poor of Iho illy of Carbondale, etc, Appnncd
tho litth day of Jlav, A. I). ISO," The pur
pose of the act is to provide a per
ilk m compensation (01 the poor director! and
audilou of the add poor dUtikt for cadi day
necessarily mgageU in the performance of their
ilutlc.', to be paid out of the funds of the ills
tikt. The Passing Throne;.
I' A. Walker is ill.
Aldiiman Is. S. Jones is In Nov York nt.
Mis. John lll,-glii, of Canaan ticet, was in
fciraiilou .'catnJj,.
Dipuly Murltr l'eiber, of fccranlon, was In
town Monday cksiIiil;.
Chailes AriibrrMir. the Jolly kherlff of Wiyne
county, was In this city yesterday.
Mis. Frank Finer lias returned home after
Willis friend In scraulon and Fltttlon.
MUs Aimla Pulau, of Siiaulou, I the guel
cf Miss Annie Kllleen on llrool.lui treet.
.Mi.". Hitter and inn, of New York cltj, are
uutkt8 of Mr. and Mrs. J,,F. Huberts on Canaan
Mis Maiy W'aiuii, of B:untou, Is the curst
of hu loutlu, Mis. Altitit II. Jones, of W'aji'O
MUs Jane iues, who has been lltlig
friends In New Yuri, blatc for a month, has ic
liirmd home, ,
Miss I.uulio Durr, of rtlughamton, u turned
home jutirday after an extended ilsit with her
louslu, MUi Josephine llurr.
MKs fierlrudo Tucker, ol W'nnhlnjton street,
left for Ilarfeid )etriday morning to blt hrr
biotlirr and tiller, who aie ultrndlng school at
that plaio
A committee reprenentlng tho hold
ers uf tho $2,500 borough bonds, upo.t
which the borough hos for the past
two years refused to pay either the
Interest or principal, becatnio of the
injunction Issued by court, was In
Hcranton on Monday and placet tlm
matetr in the hand of Attorney
ileedy, who will In a. few days com
mence nn action against th? boroun'i
to recover the payment of both prin
cipal and Intercut.
The member of Joimyn castle, No.
ID.', Knights of the Mystlu Chain, wilt
attend service In the Methodist Epis
copal church on Easter Sunday morn
ing. Mr. uud Mis. John It. Neeley. of
Taylor, are vltdtlng at tho homo of
Mrs. Lewis Plxer, of Uacoii street
Councilman Haw ling and William J.
Tinian paid n ftnteinal visit to the.
Ulyphnnt ludgc of Odd t'ell.iw M)U
day night and witnessed the cotif-Milug
of the Initiatory degree on twelvo fan
dldules. Ellas T. Evans untl Isaac tt. Uenja
mln, of Vandllng, were the guests of
T. i; Orltnths, of Mnlti street. M. n
dav. Ullazcr und Henry Jenkins, of Piol
ilfncc, former well-known residents of
Jetniyn, were In town yestorduy.
Mlss Kmma "Wilcox, of Carbondale,
was yesteidpy the guest of Miss Bi'n
trice Eunt, of Main street.
Mr. and Mrs. George Williams have
icturned from their wedding ti tp and
linve commenced housekeeping on
Third street.
A child ot Henry Hofsomnici, of Hu
ron street, Is sci lously III.
Samuel Sampson, who has been
spending the past two weeks here with
his parents, has icturned to New
Orange. If. J.
Mr. Smith, who for rcveial years
bus been manager for tho Nelson Mor
ris wholesale meat house, at Muyileld,
has petered his connection with the
llrm. Mr- Swarti. of Serantnn, suc
ceeds Milin as local manager of tho
Fn. N. Schaeffer. ot Uarrlsbuig,
state superintendent of tchools, dellv
eted an eloquent lectin e before a veiy
large audience ut the Father Mathew
opera houte last evening. Dr. Schaeffer
Is a lluent speaker, und held the at
tention of his audience for seveial
hours. His subject was "The Money
Value ot Education."
Miss Kate Dodson's pupils. In tho
Columbus school, tue pieparlng for a
cantata, which will be given Friday
evening, March 29. Tickets, ten cents.
"The Mlssouil Girl" Is tho attraction
nt the Father Mathew opera house to
night. The Junior union of the Ulakely Bap
tist church Is arranging for an enter
tainment and social, which will be held
next Monday evening In the church
social room.
G. J. Ferguson returned from Phila
delphia yesterday. Mr. Ferguson will
remove his household goods to that
city, where ho will reside permanently.
Rev. J. M. Smoulter. of Rock Lake.
Is a visitor at the lesldence.
Mis. P. J. Campbell, of Seranton. and
Mis. Joseph McHugh, of New Yoik.
spent yesterday with friends In town.
S. J. Evans has icturned fiom 11 trip
to Hawiey.
Miss Lizzie Fariell. of Dunmoio
street, Is 111 with the grip.
Mrs. Thomas HarTis, of Providence,
Is lilting Dr. and Mts. W. W Jen
kins, of Lackawanna street.
T. A. Powderly, uf Carbondale. was
n caller In town yesteiday.
Erryone should attend the 1 oucert
in tho Methodist Episcopal church on
this. "Wednesday evening, to hear the
Rieal ullnist. M. F. Vnndervr
keu, who will portoim upon a genuine
Stiadlvarlus somo ury fine classical
soltetlons. Miss Jessie Stearns will be
accompanied In her lecltatlou by 11
humming chorus, with obllgato. Pi of.
Ernest L. P.oard, the fine pianist, wilt
plcare with a piano solo.
List of letters remaining at th
I'eckville post office uncalled for: The
Baker Underwood company. Mbs Em
ma Hobbs. Patrick Jennings. Fr,l
Jordan. Edward Taylor. Hungarl'in
Jan Rlgualis,
Miss Isabelle Gdnzeniuller. of North
Main stieet. is quite seriously III,
The condition of Mi, n J. Taylor
remains unchanged, the doclois hitlug
given up all hopes ot his recovery.
Mr. mid Mis. S. H. Biiggs weie at
Factoryville yesteidaj, attending the
funeral of the late Lyman Chase.
The ladles of the I'eckville UaptNt
church will hold a rummage sale, be
ginning 011 Apill 1, for one week, hi
the Biundago buUdli;, on Depot
A win in sugar social will be held
by tho ladles of the Baptist church
Friday evening, Match --, at the home
of Mrs. Ira Phillips. All aro coi
dlally Invited.
The rummage sale of the ladies of
the Presbyterian chinch will bo held in
the Morgan Start company's uieunt
store-room on March 27, "2S and 21'.
A. B. AVIIIi.ims. Jr.. of New Vol It
city, spent Ian night with his par
enlH hcie.
O. K. Klzcr linKed friends In Fiu
toryvlllo on Satuiday und Sunday.
Mis. 11. J. Stanton has been miou.
ly 111 at her home hero during th?
past week. Dr. Knedlcr Is in attend
ance. Rev. J. J. Rankin returned home on
Saturday after a two w-peW visit wltn
telatives at Newark, N. J. Mrs. Ran
kin Is still at Newutk.
Miss Leah Jenkins litis returned
home, utter spending the winter with
her bister, Mrs. Fiank MacDonald, at
Brooklyn, N. Y.
Ray Buckingham has rccoveicd from
nil attack of diphtheria and is able
to be out again.
Miss Helen William?, who has been
spending the past mouth In New York
city, Is expected home today.
Louis Shnfer has purchased the prop
erty of C. V. Stevens on tho Bast Side.
James Zccharlas has bought the Do
vanney farm nnd hos moved there with
his family.
Miss Bessie Hardenberg, of Scian
ton, was the guest of Mr. and Mrs.
A. 13. Clay over Sunday.
Theodoio I mils, of Bodlncs, was In
town last week on business legnrdlnr,
his father's property here.
Miss Spencer, of Dunmoie, Is visit
ing her cousin, Miss Blanche Wheeler.
Mr. Cooper, ot Nicholson, father of B.
Cures a Cough or Cold at onoe.
'onquers Croup, Whooplng-Cousli, Bronchitis,
rippe and Counimptlcn. Quick, sure tesults.
Or. linn's Pilla cure Constipation. SOpllli 10c
Catarrhal Dyspepsia and
FT J. Lynch.
Pel una Is the woman's fiiend evety
wheie. It Is safe to say that no woman
over used I'eruna for uny ciitauhal
derangement but what It became Indis
pensable In her household.
Letters from Women.
Uveiy day we leivlve letteis ft out
women like the tallowing. Women who
have tiled doctois and fulled; women
who have tried Pel una and were cuied.
Miss Katie Klein. 012.1 Ballmer ac
nue. St. Louis. Mo., wiltes;
"Pci una hah done me moie good for
catanh than the best doctois could. I
had catanh so bad, but after taking
Peruna It Is cntlicly gone, and I (eel
like u different person."
Miss Anna Piescott's Letter.
Mlsd Anna Piescott. In a letter tiom
21 fi South Seventh stieet, Mluennpolls,
Mlnu., wiltes.
"I nm slnceiely giatcful for the
telief I have found from the use of
Peruna. I was completely used up
last fall, my appetite had failed and
I felt weak and tired all the time.
My diuggist advised mo to try Pe
runa nnd the lellef I exptilenced
after taking one bottle was truly
'I continued its use for five weeks,
nnd am glad to say that my complete
restoration to health was a happy
surprise to myself as well as to my
friends.' Anna Prcscott.
A constant dialn of nervous irillly
depleting the whole net oils sntem
muses the mucous inmbunii Mil fines
to suiter iici oldlllgl.N. This Is the ion
ditioii called sstemc catanh. Iteiy
neaily ies-mbles, a ad there is icnllv
no practical dlffetenco between, this
D. Cooiiei. of this place, will move
In le with hi- family ahmu Apill 1. II"
hue lented the Devanny Iioiim', Jusl va
cated by Mi Zachaiias.
A local Institute will be held at th"
school house on Saturday morning and
afternoon and the public Is uiidlnllv
Invited to attend A veiy liiteicMlu'
puigruiumc has bet en ananged In the
evening. Pror. V.. L. Kemp, of Kn-t
Stroudsbuitj Nonual .uiiool will 'id
diess the Institute at the n.iptli r
.church. It Is hoped that all will avail
thimsehes of the opportunity '" bear
Piof. Kemp .md that ho will be gi ret
ell with a lull house.
Mr. and Mis. Davis and ihlldieti.
who have been spending the w inlet at
Angelica, have returned home.
Mis. Gauge Is visiting lilends In
Max Lonsteln will move to Dutye.t
this week, where In will open a store.
Mis. tiecngo Brown, who has bum
spending seveial weeks with fi lends
In Seranton. uturmd home last wce-K,
aciompanled by her niece, Margueilt.i
Sen berg.
Tho Woiiiau's Chtlstlan Tempeiancv
union will hold a Nial Dow meetlnp nt
the homo of Mrs. S. .1 Hoinbaker
Tlnusd.iy afteinoon.
The Willing Workeis met at the
heme of Miss M'iblo Chubb Satuiday
afternoon. Games and other amuse
ments were Induced in. after which
supper was served. Those prisont
weie: Maiy De Pew. L-na Dixou.
Maty Waulell, Maigniet Waulell,
Peail Welir. Peiul Giess, Ida Tunis,
Giaco Edwards, Mahle Chubb, Lama
Chubb, Florence Chubb, Uli TmvK
Thomas Roberts, James Shaw, Mar
tin Rodney, Frank Blid, Orson Blid,
Chailes Udwaids.
Mr. and Mis. lia Swarts. of Bulfalo,
N. Y., have been visiting the toimer's
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Halsey Swans,
lor a short time.
The ull-absorbing topic of lonvetsii
tlon Is tho app(oachlng fair of the
Century IIoso company, No. 2, which
will bo held In Weber's rink on April
0. to continue until the 14th. Imltu
tlons have been extended to various
(lie companies throughout both coun
ties, who have signified theli Intention
of being piesent It has been so ut
i.inged by the committee to have two
compinles piesent each evening. Booths
artistically urrunge.d will bo occupied
by obliging young ladles nnd niembeis
of the Sewing cluic. Among the
booths will bo merchandise and I'tincv
booths and candy und Ice cicam
booths. Among the vailous attiactloiiH
will be the tlbh pond, being something
novel. Have you purchased a ciiunco
on the bicycle, valued at $100? Tickets,
ten cents. Bo present ami bilng ymu
friends with )ou.
Mlnooka tribe, No, 217, Improved or
ti.i. HtHH HHHltlH tH tttl
ft n A s .-4Sfer'i;ijWK ii twss a vwo:' I
Nervous Prostration Make
All Other Diseases Combined.
c- 3 --- ;
condition and the condition known as
neurasthenia. 01 neious pioMiatlon.
Peruna will be found to elfeot au Im
mediate and lasting cine In all cases
of byrtemlc catanh It acts quickie
and btnellclully on the deceased mu
cous membranes, and with healthy
mucous nieiubianes the catanh can 110
longer exist.
Pci una a Tiue Prlend to Women.
Mrs. F. J. Lynch wiltes the following
from 321 ri. Dhlsluu street, ciiantl Rap
Ids, Mich.:
The Pel una Medicine Co., rolumbus.O..
Gentlemen "I earnestly lecoinniend
I'elima to any sulteiliig woman, as it
euiis (iilekl. Last rjr 1 hud a most
lierslstent cough which nothing seemed
to cute. Two bottles ot Petuna did
more for 1110 than all the doctois
seemed to do. In P couple of weeks I
tounil m self In excellent health, and
lime been enjojing it ever t-luco. lIelic-
1 look on Petuna. as a title fiiend to
women." Ml. F. J. Lwiih.
Petuna is equally eH'ieiicIous In Hir
ing of the as In lining
systenile catanh or catarrh ot the
stomal h. Cum th is essentially the
same wherever Imated. Peiiitm elites
i at. 11 ill.
Pel una Makes You Teel Like .1 New
Miss Mai) Coats,. 11 popular oung
woman ol Apiileton. Wis., and piesi
dent of the Appletoil Veiling L idles'
ii.b, nNn speaks in glowing teims of
Pi 1 mm. A bnti r ltd nlly ici elved (torn
herb) The I'eiuna Medd hie Company,
ot Cii'lumbiis. tUiiii. lends as loltows:
"I am glad to call the attention of
mv friends 10 Peiunn. When tint
der of Red Men. will nii.t this even
ing. At th'1 meeting of Laiknwunn.i inun
i II. No. .11, Degree of I'ocahotltiiR, held
last evening In Hell Men's hull, the fol
lowing olllnl.i Weieileitcd foi tin en
suing teim l'uiiheti ss. Mis. Janus
lleofei. I'm thimtiis. Mrs. liven Jill
kins; Wlnoiin. Mis. Ldla Wlntuluiin.
Pohawtilll. James Ileefei. kei-nei of
leiuuls, Mrs. John Uvans: Kei pel of
wampiiin, Mis. Joseph Maish. tiustees,
for eighteen mouths, Mrs. Beekei, im
six mouths, Mis. Klehaid AVIIIIam-'
auditing coimnltlee. .Mis. V. J. IJvans,
Miss Mary L. How ells and .Mrs. Will
iam Rlcluuds.
Keinemb'i the Young Men i- t'litls
tl.ill AsMJciatlon baud will condliet
their social tomonow evculngat Llew
iln's lull Admission, ten nuts.
About fiU'l tickets linve been sold b
the lii.'liibeis.
All menibcis nf the Tuyloi WurMi d
oiupany and the Lrn kaw.imi.i. Silk
Mill lilllou me iccjiicsled lo meet in
Basham's hall this afteruoon at .",
o'i lock.
The Misses Youngblooil, of Main
stieet. gate a lecupllou leceiill) in
honor of Mrs. Klefer, of l'ittston. A
large number of guests wne pii-suit,
and au iuJo)iibln lime wus sp-nl
llev. c. I! Heniy, jmstoi nf the
Methodist Kplbcoiial ihureh, dclivuid
nn iiiutloii at tho 1'iolilhltloii league
gaiheilng In Wr't Scranlon lud n
ing. MIks Beilha Rose is visiting uiathis
hi Wllkes-Harre loi (he iiasl few d.o '
A number from this plm e attended
the tuiieial of the late Lvilinu Chase
at Facloryvillo .veslciday.
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Slouo weie In
Wjumlng on Sunday attending the lu
lieial of a lclatlvc.
Ileiuy M. Ives, who is spending
sometime In Wyoming, was In town on
Devlllo Smith, who was opcnitcd on
last week tor a tumor by Dr. Xellci,
of this pluce. and Dr. Cupwell, of
Seranton. Is lepmted to be dolmc 111 ey.
'J'ho olllelals of the .Methodist chunk
will hold a warm sugar soclul In (he
chin eh on Wednesday evening.
Mr. anil Mis. Paul Somers, of Wyo
ming, l etui tied home yesteiday after
spending seveial days with icladves
Mi'bsis. Sheiman ami Sims have
cumpletcd the cieillou of the new
bnin on the Raptl.H paisonage lot.
Mrs. F.mina Miles, who sustained a
partial stioko of paiajvls icccntly, In
Mis. W. P. Jenkins spent Sunday In
An cifoit Is being made by some of
tho lesldents of the town lo have the
road built under the trackks of the
Deluwarc. Lackawanna and Wenteiu
ralUoad. The giade Is believed to bit
sufllrleut lo construct the load easily,
which will undoubtedly usauie even
44-V 4-sV4sys. 4sC.x4. x . i.i.4,..,.i.4.4,
Invalids ol More WoiiiD
4-4-f '
languid. Hied teellng comes over you,
and )our toed no longer tastes good
and small annoyances liritate you, Pe
luna will make you feel like atiothel
peinjii lnsldo of a week.
"I have now lived It for three sea
sons, and Uud it veiy valuable ami
ulllcaclous." Miss Mailo Coats.
Diseased nerves 111 e traceable dlrectlv
lo poor digestion, and poor digestion Is
illicitly sable to ciUuli. With the
slightest catanh of the stomach no ona
can have good digestion.
Veiy few of the many women whu
have calm rh of the stomach suspect
what their ical tumble Is. They know,
they bnleh after meals, have sou
stomach, a sensation of weight or
heaviness, a tullness, Irieguhir appe
tite, diowslness, gnawing, empty sen
sation", iici aslomil pain they all know"
this: but they do not know that theln
double Is catanh of tho htonineh. If
(hey did (hey would dike Peruna.
I'eiuna cities citniih wherever lo
cated. As soon as Pel 1111.1 lemovc
catanh fiom the stomach the digestion
becomes good, appetite tegular, nerves
stioug, and tumble vanishes Peruna
stieiigtheus weak neixcs, not ly tem
poral lly stimulating them, but by le
mming the I'ause of weak nerves-poor"
digsstlnn. This Is the only cute that
huts. Ri move the citu.e Natiuo will
do (lie lest. I'eiuna lemoxes the cause.
If ou do not deilve prompt and sal
Isfactoiy leMilts f 1 0111 the use of Pe
(iin.i, wilte at Diioo to Di llaitman,
giving a full statement of jour oas-,
and he will be to give you hll
I valuable ;uhli i- giatls
ddn-s Dr. Hurtmnn, Piesldent nf
Th' llarimau Sanltailtim, Columbus,
'k PILL!
Restore Vitality, Lost Vigor end Alanhood
t'urn Imixitoney. Night rmision, Loss of Menii
eirv nn wintiucr cuods,ei.
all etleclsnf olf.ibu'eor
psceij nnd tmll'i'rotloii.
A nervo tonic and
blood builder. Urines
tho pink gloiv to psle
rheet nnd rejoins the
ltlro of vniitli. By mail
iNSOc nor Imii. Q boton for
$!J.50, with our bankable gaurantee to cur
or refund tho money paid, hond for rirculal
ami cupreif our bankable) truurantco bond.
Pofltively Rinirnnteoil euro for Lo- of Power,
varicocele, Undovolciped nr Shtunken Organ.
IMrcsN, Lcvomotor Atnxln, Nervous Protra
(leu. II)terin, Kits Iusinltv. Varalysi nud thn
Results of Kuccstlre t so of Tobacco, Opium or
t.liUoi, By mall In plain pncknire. S1.00
hex, 0 lor S&.00 with our bankable guar
unteo bond to cure (n DO days or refund
money paid. Addrc
Clinton fc Jackson K CHICACO. II.'..
soIJ by MU.jirali i fliunia. Drujsists, TO!
bail a via n in iirniic Seranton, V
bittci imblli sal't) at this i rorslllfl
than is now had
On Monday t veiling Match 11 in
SiiiIie Venn is nlllce tho botough
couuell clfeclcsl its annual oigaulza
thm. The following oillceis weio
elected- Piesldent. 1. II. Miller: vicc
piefildelit. T. M. TlftaiDi secietaiy. r.
M. Fuinees: tie.ihuicr, Larncst Sn)
der. Tho council Is composed of tint
following members: I. II. Miller, F.
M. TUfany, Rarnesl Sndei, Jame.i
Runnell, Rbner Reynolds, S. O. Von
Stoich, A. M. Thin and Mr. Cole. The
council will hold Its regular meetings
on the tli nt Wednesday evening ot each
The senloi class of tho DaltOll High
sehool has been meeting with mlsfoi
tuuu In tho seveie llmess of tluce ol
Its inembeis, Miss Oiuce Haikcr, Mlsn
Hnima Deckci, and Miss Maltha
Swartwood ale at piesent so III that
their physical coinlltloii will proven:
them fiom peisulng their studies nud
gi.utuatlng this yeai. Miss Harker and
Miss Deiker stood at the head of their
class befoic their Illness.
The tuueial or lllrant White, who
fell dead from his wagon, at CMik'i
Summit on Saturday last, was held
fiom his late home lu tilonlmrii yestei
day. Rev. I'. V Botznng, pastor of Upi
Wavetiy Baptist chinch, had charge ot
the mm vices. Mr. White was it veteran
of the civil war. lie onllbted as a pil
vate, nnd owing to his bravery he wus
pioinoiud to the nflleo of captain,
l w