The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, March 20, 1901, Image 1

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nnrtTirT f
Quo Warranto Proceedinus fluainst
Gonnell Park and Specdwau
Transit Company. Removed.
Nothing Now Stands in the Way of
the Immediate Constiuctlon of the
Modern Double Track Trolley Road
fiom Caibondale to Wilkcs-Barre
Through Scianton and to the
K'ila' 1mm a MiT Oouckpondent
II.itiMmtg, Mnioh 19. The epici wat
innto proceedings Instituted ugainst
the Cumuli I'.nl; anil Speedway Ttan
sit (uiiipniiy ly the Sernnton Rail
nv rumpum, were today dKniMcd by
Aiwuiifi' Ufiicinl Hlliin. This to
move th" only obstacle In tho wnv
nr thf Immediate construction from
e'.iihoiidiilo to Wllkos-Hnne, through
St anion and to the Sernnton speed
wnv. ut n modern doubt. u lck, high-
peed nil I way.
The Wctlnghousc company x-v ill
quip the load -w It li the most modem
sticet tnihvnj appliances. Hogan &.
1kg ley. of Philadelphia, will do the
excavating and giadlng T J. Duffy.
The Mcasuie Introduced by Mr.
Vaughnu Will Come Up for
Thiicl Reading.
Si .1 firm ii "Lift loneipomli i
Mniilsburg. Pa.. Match 1". - - The
V.iiighnu bill, nuking the liquor license
tee S"u tor three jonrs passed second
lending unanimously in the senate this
niicinoon, and will come up on thhd
it. -idlns- toinoiiou.
Kx-Sherlff Itobbunii an heel In the
ilty this evening to help the bill
through the house.
'I'll- Ilnili pool bill and the Vooihees
hue lift shop bill weie tonight tepoited
out it the house law i'ii nnler coin
mlli. The bill im icaMiig the Judges' snl
ailes vv.t.i icpuitid lavouibly tioin the
Jmllilaiy ceneial committee of the
li'iui-f. as was nlo the Phllbln semi
iiionthlj pay bill. T .1. Duffy.
Held Up on Thiid Reading to Oive
the Gainer Bill the Right of Way.
SfrcUl (nun a Matf (omv-poiident,
1 1. in Sinner. Mm eh l Defeiilng to
the wishes ot the utlneis. as expicsscd
nt the'lon convention. Repieson
tuthe rcnebte "-IdetracK'Hl his mine
lii'-IHctoih' bill, win n It was leached on
thhd tedding this inninlng. to give the
light of vvhj to the (lamer bill, which
lecehcd tin- approbation of the con
vention, except as to the provision re
ducing the .alniles. Ml. bVtreboo still
dedaics his hill the wet top one, and
believe, it is a mistake to attempt to
chit Inspeetuis bv u vote of the people
it Idtge lie Is disposed, however, to
further defer to the wishes of tho
miners by leiralnln? liom lighting this
clause of the dinner bill.
The Fori ebon hill pi o Ides, among
other things, that the inspectors shall
examine each collleiy In thtlr icspce
tlve district!, at least once a mouth.
peiMinully vHitlng every woiklng nnd
niiihlnu ' iccoul of the eouilitious ns
found tin." i as lecaids tho air, lepoit
every thue months, to the bureau
hlef. the condition of all collleilt",
and tnfmee the law providing that
vhen live mm or inoio rue at the foot
ihey mint be Immediately hoisted. H
increases number of inspeaoiH
fiom olph to Mxttci', and dn teases
the salaiy from W.ouo to .',ntin.
The n.unvr bill illffeis Horn th lr
jebec bill In that It niovlden foi h.
monthly tepoits to the btiieau blcfj
nuiliis the inspectors atary 41,i(i0, nnd
makes the luspeetois elective by dis
tilcts. At tho behest of the conven
tion, Mr. dainer will amend Ills hill by
Milklutr out the clause inducing tho
salary and substituting a provision for
the picscnt Mikity of $,!,00O 1I v III
also agiee, he bas, to have tho inspec
tor lepoit eveiy tlneo) months instead
of bi-monthly. It It Is shown to him
that bt-monthly leports would vvotk a
haidshln on tho Inspeclois. Ho will
light to the last, however, tor the pro
vision making the Inspectors elective.
The four other mlneis' bills were at
the foot of today's third leading: cal
endar and could not he reached, Thero
ire sixty-one bills uhe.ul of them. lTn
less specially called 'up. they will bald
ly be reached till the latter ait of
next week. A lobbv, of which J. J.
Kearney, of Atehhnd, and llemy Col
lins, of ('aibondalo, nie, the Lacka
wanna mcmbeis. Is heie oveij" day
watching the prosiess of the bills
T. J. DutT.
Sub-Committee of Geneial Appio-
tlou Committee to Come Heie.
i-rccial (mm bull CorKfpenlent,
Itarrlsburg. Match 10. A pub-eom-
rnlttee of the general appropilatlon
committer will go to Northeastern
Peni.evlvanln Pilduy to pen 1 two
days Inspecting the charitable insti
tutions that have npptlcl for ftntc
aid. Prlday " 111 ! dovvited to the
towns of Wllkes-Barre, Plltslon and
Caibondale. All of Humidity will bo
given up to the cllv of'.on. Es
pedal attention wll1 be given to an
Investigation of the proposition to
mnko the Lacknwnnnti hospital a stale
Irstltutlon under the title of the Stato
Hospital of the Northern Coal Welds.
The coinmlttte will consist of Rep
lescntativcs McClnln, Hope, Howard,
McTlghc nnd Unkor. Mr. Scheuer is
on tho Hiiti-conimlttco which goes to
Allegheny county. He hopes to be able
to recommend liberal treatment of the
applications from Allegheny, and It Is
rot Impiobable tlmt the western dele
gation will lcclprooato when it comes
to deal with tho Lackawanna, nppto
prlatlons. Representative Phllbln will tonionow
Introduce a bill appropriating $17,000 to
tho Carbondnli' hospital. T. J. Duffy.
Olnnce at the Measures Before Senate
nnd House.
Sr"flal f oiii a Stiff Orropoiulcnt
Hntilsburg, March 19. The bill pio
vldlng for an additional law Judge In
Luzci no county vns favorably reported
fiom the Judicial y general commltteo
of tho houto this moinlng by Mr.
Sttoli, ot Caibon.
Despite the vlgotous attacks made on
the bill for an Orphans' court bulge
In Montgoineiy county. It passed the
house hv n vote of 113 to 4$, Tho In
suigents charged that the otllee was
unneccssaiy and that It was being ere
ated solely to make a placo for Colonel
Solly, who succeeded In giving a solid
Quay delegation fiom that county. The
fact that so many judicial district!
throughout the state arc seeking new
Judgeships or Inci eased salaries for th
piesent Judges had not a little to do
with the big majority which the stal
waits succeeded In rolling up for this
Pilmatlly because It was fatheied by
an Insurscnt, Mr. Ford, of Allegheny,
and secondly, becaui-c it was intended
to deprive Imltistiial concerns of the
labor of childien until after they ni
foui teen, instead of thli teen, as Is pro
vided by the factory laws, the new
compulsory education law wan defeated
on final passage In the house by a vote
of S3 to 7-1, the null motive being twenty
slioit of the requisite constitutional
Mr. llnnl--. of Philadelphia, who Is
a laigo manufacturer and employer of
childien, made a vlgoious fight ugalnst
the bill. Ho said ho know from per
sonal excellence that tho limit pre
set Ibed by tho factoty law Is a hatd
idilp on hundreds of poor families; that
theie were many children shut out of
employment who had to loaf around
their homes because their widowed
inotheirt could not earn enough to
clothe them sutllciently to send them
to school. Thirteen yeais, therefore,
was limit enough, he said. To raise
the limit to fourteen :,cars would be
an outrage.
Chaiiman Oir. of the elections com
mittee, without a blush or a tiemor. In
his odlcj. In the house, this morning
moved to recommit all the elsctlon
bills. Mr. Bedford, foster father of
the Kealorbill, laiscd foimal objection
und Speaker Matsliull lefused to en-
teitaln the motion. Had it passed, tho
Biacom bill would have gone back to
the pigeon-hole liom which it was ex
li acted h tin accidentlal clicumstance
that a motion pi evaded dlieUing the
election committer to icport to the
house last Tuesday all bills vvhlih It
had b'foie It. Xo one was sulllclently
Interested in one way or another to
make an exception of the Lackawanna
contest bill, and It came out with the
rest. The bill was not reached today
on second rending, but will likely come
up tomouow.
The new building and loan associa
tion bill Introduced by Senator
Vaugliau Is simply Intended to legalize
the diKioin that has pievalled gen
erally of peimlttlng the bidding for
lo'ins in wilting Instead of by peisonal
ofi'eis at the auction. This proviso Is
Included In one of the geneial building
and loan association bills now before
the house, hut theie arc strong Indi
cations that the bill will fall, and that
this clause may be saved tho Lacka
wanna niembeis have Incotpoiated It
In a Repaint" bill. This action was
agreed upou at a meeting of prominent
building and loan association ukmi In
Scianton iccentlj.
The bill introduced last night bv
Senator Vnughan permitting cities ot
the third class to sell oi lea-e coil ly
ing under publlo paiks or i ominous
owned by the city anil to devote tho
proceeds to the Improvement or polic
ing of the pail: or commons, Is Intend
ed to specially apply to Wilkes-H.uie,
The city owns the coal lying undei the
liver common along Illvei sticct and
It Is said has a maiket loi It. Theio
Is enough oal theio to provide means
of building n parapi t wall along the
whole llvei front and make the com
mons a vi'iv attiaithe pleasuie
ground. '
Vov the fourth time Senatoi VatiRh
au last night launched the municipal
home Uile amendment of which 12 II.
Chase, of Wllkes-Haire, Is the father.
The bill Is designed to oveiconie tho
constitutional bar to special legisla
tion. It provides that the legislatuio
may pass any law specially for a imi-
tlculai municipality when the law shall
huve lectlved the approval of n ma
Joilty of tho electors theieof. Should
ths amendment be adopted It would bo
possible, for Instance, for Scianton to
have n city chattel of her own making
and totally dlffeient trom that of Pitts
burs and Alleghens, or any othei city
tor that matter.
Thieo times the bill proposing Die
amendments has passed the ssnate, but
i-Hoh time It has been allowed to die In
the house. It Is proposed to leave no
stone unturned this lime to steer It
sutely through both houses. Before
becoming n law, of, It must pass
ot two sessions of tho legislature and
he approved by. n vote ot the people.
At tho lu'st It Will bo tluee yeais be
fore tin measuio can bo made opeia
tlve. Colonel duffey. the leader of tho stato
Demo-racy, will come hero tomorrow
to help dltect the Democratic ballot
reform campaign, and Incidentally to
deal with the matter of selecting a sue
eessoi to State liinhman John S. Kill.
Ing'of Ei'le. T, J. Duffy.
Union Trust Gompanu Made Trustee
of His Wife Should She
Survive Him.
His Sisteis. Childien and Gland
chlldten Are All Remembered All
Debts Owing Him by His Son,
Russell Harrison, Are Cancelled.
Portraits, Fnmlly Relics nnd Fur
nituie Divided.
Ily r.trlwiip VVIcj (row llic ..ncl.lnl !-
Indianapolis, Ind Match 10. The
will of Oeneral Hairlson was lllcd for
probato late today. He bequeaths to
the Union Tiust compans, as tiusice
of bis wife, should she survive him,
$U!3,000, to be Invested, the Inteicst to
be paid to her dining the teim of her
At the death of his wife, any earned
Interest not paid to her shall become
pait of his uslduaiy estate. To his
wife he also leaves $15,000: to his
daughter. Klizabeth, J10.000, to be paid
to his wife as ttusleo. When Eliza
beth becomes of age or mairles, shu Is
to hsve any unexpended lMlance. It
she dies before le'celving It, such un
used balance shall go to her mother.
He leaves $10,000 to be invested by tho
Union Trust company and to accumu
late until his grandson. Benjamin Hai
ilson McKee, shall become of age.when
n enu.ii nave iiiu imuuiiftii mm Uwu-,
undated interest. The tiustee is au
thorized, however, to use the Interest
in tho support of the giandson. If nec
essary. If the grandson dies before
becoming of age, the fund shall become
a pait of the lesldunry estate. To
each of his giandchlldien, Maiy Lodge
McKee, Maithenn Haulsnn and Will
iam Henry Harrison, be leaves the sum
of $.C0O, In addition to other gifts
Item sixteen of the will leads ns fol
lows: "It another child should be hoin
to mo of my present mat i Inge. I give
and Iwqueath to such child the sum of
ten thousand dollars. If a boy shall 1x
born to me he shall bear my name and
my sword and sush shall be given to
him Instead of to my son Kusscll."
He gives to his xlstciK, Small 11.
Devin nnd Anna II. Mori Is, nnd to his
sister-in-law, Elizabeth Scott Paiker,
each the sum of $."00. He bequeaths
to his sister, Hetty II. Eaton, an an
nuity ot $000, to be paid to her by his
evecutor every year dining her
life, in quaiter payments. He be
queaths to his nephew nnd nainenlto,
Benjamin Hanlson, ji , son of his
brother John, $300.
To the Indianapolis Oiphnn asylum
he leaves $500: to the Eleanor Home,
$.100, to the Summer Mission for Sick
Chlldu'li. $100. to his sccietaiy, E.
Fiank Tibbott, .M)0.
He sets out that he has already given
to his childien, llussell nnd Maty, the
Jewelry and other things belonging to
their mother. These and o.ner ai ti
des belonging to their mother he be
queaths to these childien. Tills gift,
he says, Is not taken to Include at ti
des of turntture purchased by their
mother for the home nnd paid for by
him. He conlhms to his wife all the
gifts she has lecelved, all the ai tides
in tho'house that were purchased with
in six months befoie his marilage with
her, and all that has been put chased
by either of them since this time. He
also gives to his wife for the tetm of
her life nil other ni tides of the house
hold used or owned by him nt a period
earlier than sK months before, and
that were In tho house at the time of
his death, except such ai tide's as aie
otherwise disposed of. He gives to his
wife all horses, vehicles and stable fur
nishings. He directs that all the. per
sonal piopeity left to his wife shall at
her iloath bo divided among bis sur
viving children, the Issue of any that
may havo died taking the parent's
share. His wife Is not required to lite
any inventory of property, nor to glvo
any bond, nor be liable tor any loss,
lie loaves to his wife for the tujm ot
her lite the North Delawaie homestead.
He also leaves to bis wife and to her
heirs M lois in Herkimer county. N".
V. If another child should have ben
botn he would have lecelved $10,000
All debts owing to him by his sou
Kussell nie l emitted and the executor
Is directed to cancel any evidence ot
such debts. To lis wlte he leaves
all phntogiaplis and porti alts about the
house, his Hbrmv table, Inkstiietis,hli t
studs and alt other peisoual tilnkets
not otbeiwlse disposed of.
For His Daughter Elizabeth.
The watches given to him by his
wife's mother and his Otand At my
cnuo aie to be kept for bis daughter
Elizabeth. Other canes nio to ho be
stowed as his wife chooses.
To his son Kussell ho give- the por
traits of tho Hist Mis., ITauison,
some other portialts nnd tamlly idles.
To his daughter, Maty Hauinon Mc
Kee, h leaves a poitialt ot her mother
and some other portialts and tamlly
To his elaughtei, Elizabeth, he leaves
some famllv pom nits, medals and t el
ks, together with tho gold watch
chain, silver toilet set und all his sou
venir spoons.
To his grandson, Eeujamln Huult-ou
McKee, ho leaves his watch nnd chain
und hlr shotgun. To his brothel, fal
ter, his Loyal Legion badge and it
cone to be selectol by his wife. To
his brother, John, his gold ilcevo but
tons and a cane.
It Is dliccted that tho provisions
made for his wife ma lu lieu of nil
hti Intel ests In tho estate as hi
All the rest of his estate Is left as
11 Is to he divided Into ns many equnl
stares us ho leaves children und one
additional sliaie for the Issue of any
child that may havo tiled having Is-
sue. One such shntc Is given to his son,
llussell, In ttusl for the children of
Ku&scll, to be used for the support and
education of ruch childien; such por
tion as Is not used before shall bo
turned over to tho child on his becom
Ifg of ngr. In the event of the elp.ith
of any of smii children his shnio shall
bo divided among the lurviving chil
dien. TI- second equal share Is given
to his daughter. Maty jlutilson Mc
Kec, In fee simple. If another child
or children should have be"n born to
him, each Mich child would have one
equal shaie.
The will was drawn up April 20. ISM,
nnd witnessed by W. II. II. Miller.
Hairy J. Mllllgnu and How aid Cale.
In this will ho leaves his wife tho
sum of $100,000, but lu a codicil wilt
tcu February 1", liOl, he luci eases It
to J12M0O.
They Enjoy a Dinner at the Com
monwealth in Hnnisburg.
Ill l'xiliulrr Wire froiii The taocUtil liew
Hnirlsbuig, Match 19. Tho biennial
dinner of the Sons of St. Pattek took
plme tonight nt the Commonwealth.
The Sons of Hi In Is an oiganlzatlon
composed of newspii"r men and mem
beip of the leslslatuie ot Irish de
scent. It has on Us tolls ns a rule
tin ce-foui ths of the men on Capitol
hill. They, of eouisi'. aie net all ot
pure ltlsh descent, but l- nnxletv to
be In on the St. Patrick's Day celebra
tion leatls to the practice of a little
deception In ruiinouuntlng the consti
tutional bai lesultlng from careless
ness In having nncestots benn lu plices
e thcr than the Emerald Isle, and ns
the committee on memheishlp believes
In that good old fnving "What doe's
the constitution matter among friends"
tho applicant finds no trouble In mak
ing the deception successful. The de
ception consist hi simply adding a lit
tle Hibernian tlavn to the name when
inching application for membeishlp.
Alongside of such unmes ns Brennnn,
I ltuik". Doiigheity, Fahe, Mcdlatheiy,
Maloney. Muipliy. Phllbln. Swecnev,
.. , Alerinln unci the like, me to
found on the society s roster the
eeiuallv Milesian appellations of
O'Stubb. Mt'Borkelbaiii. O'Koonta,
ritsschciiei, Kllkopp, OTocht. Mc
Hcldelbach.ntzhumnKer nnei 0'Jatnee.
Kepiesentatlve Finnic McClnln, of
Lancaster. Is the chairman of the so
ciety, and Its executive committee Is
composed of Oeoige Xox McClnln, of
the Pi ess. Hugh Donnellj or the Bul
letin: Peter J. Hughes, of the Time'.
P. J. Hoban, of the Ledger: Peter Bol
ger. of the P.ecoid; 11. W. Hcibert. of
the Plttsbmg Times; James A. Swee
ney, of the 1 bullion Stnt.daid, anil
Hcprescntallve Huuv Hall, of Alle
ghenj. Theie weie ove- two bundled pres
ent at the i"mi:. Vt lor J. Hughes
was toastiuastcr and lorponses weie
made by Kepresentntlve Thomas V.
O'Ceioper, ex-Ttepiesentatlve John .Mc -Faughgotn
Fow. lleprescntatlve Mi -Plain,
deoige Xo McClnln. Hepiesan
tatlve Fi'tz Th"odoie Mclkeler, and
Tho hk if the mil-deal pait of the
piogipmme was tho singing ot that
plaintive eild lilsh air "F.tinget Me In
Kiiaetzlein u Mdr," by Senator
Vnughan and Kepiesentatlve Fltz
Wilkes-'imire 3oartl of Trade Calls
Upon President Nicholls to
Aveit the Calamity.
By rcvlmhr Wui (rem the AtiocljIfJ Vita.
Wllkes-Bane, Pa., March 19. At a
meeting of the boaid of Made tonight
the following communication was ad
dressed to T. D. Nicholls, president of
District No. 1, United Mine vVorkois ot
W 111.0. II inr. Pa , Vlurdi to, tool.
1' 1). Vuliolt:
Tlie lioinl o( truk' ot tlif cllv ! Wilkrf Harrc
roll upon jou m uur i.ipjiitj ,n pi rstrtrnt t
lliflrlrt No. I, to roUt lo tlm extent of jour
iliilit) a Millo In tlm aiitliuelte end lesion tor
i icrcuiiltlon ot tlif union on a puiclj tochnlcil
point, wlili li will lirlns wiilo-picad li-vtoc und
ilM'trr to ih miner', and liur.lnei.4 ol tho -He
tlirjcllo legion
V iiiiti,nlallws o( tho lnikiiii. Inl.KvU o
ItiU t-oiniiiiinltv, we look lo von, ilipiml
upon jon to avit thl Icirllilo rjlnnltv
eurnlt Nimii, vtru.ii)
Hazletou. Pa . Maicli 10. The fear of
another senoial anthiailtc coal sttlke
I., causing a gient exodus among the
foielgn speaklmr mlneis ot the Ilnsle
ton legion. Tonionow tlftv Italians
" ill go to Johnstown, whti -hey have
see in ed ivoik In the Iron mills. Many
Ilungailans nnd Italians have '.ugageel
liajsage on outgoing ste mi -rs and will
lemnlu In Europe unt'l the stilke, jf
one oei in ', Is nvi'i. The probability of
a .stiiko 1 r.r. also cans"! staration lu
business f pcles.
Shamokiu, Pa., Man h 10. (leorge
Hartlelu, secietniy of District No. ) of
the United Mine Workeis' uul-in, said
today that If a geioial tl '-up is or
eleied two stilke culls Will bo issued
slmultaiitously, ono to the miners and
another to the englneeis, pumpmen and
Hi emeu. Ill this event, h. says, tlm
mines will flood of tluii i vvn urevd
unless the ollicluls opeitte th" nint'hiu.
' i
' ' -" i.
Lives on Featnuts and Milk.
Ily frliiH Wiic licm 'J be Admitted I'icm.
Auburn. N. V.. viirili l(i pint o( permits
and .1 sIj of inllk lime teni th' iljib illtt o(
.liihn . KniH. ajfl -i ''Ji. Mm o the hfuliiiiln!.'
ni ni lie 1m giuifel i 'iht puiiinl. In wflitht.
I he . cu-t per wrrt I i! uni. "I fit llio prinuts
in. ililnk tie milk Jt li'ion rem iln," hr Mile),
"1 iipwi (til hettir anil lliii I lonid lHo on
poiniil. unl milk the ie.l o( mj life "
Indictment Against Baiker.
lj 1'tliilc WU fiom 'I ho A.-otliteil 1'k
n'pw v. oik, MjicIi If. The ?unJ Jur ot llutl.
ion luiinly. N I . today lunilod down an tnillil.
incut o.Mliot 'IIioiims li Ilnkei lor thr ,lioi)tlng
o( Hi' Jlii .Ivbti Keller al ViJInlon on I'eliiiuij
S Let 'till' ImlUtmrnt has thnn lounl, one
lor iitroiloiu uxtult, one (or wanlt with In
lint lo kill, nnd oin) (oi nlmptr atvmll
Supetior Couit Decisions,
Ily Kuludir Wire (rom The .eclted 1'rni
llanl.liurir, Jlanh 1C Amci j othrr ikeliloni
liamlnl doitn tiy the huisrilor couit toda) iwro
tho Mlowlntrs VlcCollum vn, IVnko, hu'iiiio
liinna lounty; afilrmcj, Smllli, .1., Ilmlli)h(rilrl
lowiMilp, "imth. Iiaiim ccnint) ; iillirnir.1 Pol,
Ipi'n est lie, i-'ji.lumn eoiinij; aliuuud
The Dolnus of a Dau in the Senate
and House ot Repre
A BUI Making Hotse Racing nnd
Pool Selling Lawful Is Reported
Favoiably from Committee Poul
tiy Bill Defeated on Second Read
ingMr. Haines by Request In
troduces a Bill to Increase Taxa
tion, Rr Hxclmlir Wn (loin The- nrlaleil Prf.
Ilariishurg. March !!. Among the
bills lepoited favoiably from commlt
tce to the senate this afternoon was
that of Mr. Hovel, of Fayette, which
makes pool selling ami bonkmaktng
lawful and ptovieles for the appoint
ment of a state taelng commission to
regulate horse lacing.
The bill of Mr. Stiles, of Lehigh,
which penults agrlcultutal societies
nnel elrlvlng clubs to cany on horse
racing anel allows them to sell pools
and make books, which was on the
calendar for final passage, was laid
over for the pteseut, em icquect e)f Mr,
The bill providing for blcvele side
paths In tow nshlps and providing tor
the election of side path commis
sioners, wns defenleel.
The snati' concurred lu the house
nmendnitnts to the senate bill enabling
city, county, poor, township, ward,
school and borough ta collectors to
collect taxes, for the payment of which
they have leconic personally liable, or
for which they shall, dining 1901. i"
e ome personally liable without having
collected the same by ioaon of the
ephatlon of his term ot otllee, and to
elend the time for the collection of
the same for ono year from the pas
sage ef tho act.
The bill authoilzlng the tiuslees of
any state normal school to ret und Its
bondcel Indebtedness nt a lower rate of
Interest nnd to Include In the reissue ot
bonds a limited amount of additional
indebtedness contracted prior to tlf
passage of the ml. was recommitted
to the education committee for a fur
ther healing.
Tho bill prohibiting the buying of
or contmctlnir for. In tuder to sell
again, any poultry or other tartu pro
ducts while on their way to publlo
mniket, was defeated when it came
up on second leading.
Bills Passed Finally.
The.-e bills were passed Dually:
VtilhoiUlnsr nnv on I lie wrltlin t
o,ucft o( the bond of lie illli to tcmine and paie
oi completely rneUwe aij creek, urn or niiural
wateiu.iy other than irUMiilo sitcaiii-, ami lor
tliti puitKi'.o to enter upon, condemn anil t ike
propert) ami inatrrl-il neies-uy (or null pinpov.
lloiw MH nnii'iidlnir an .n t nulhorlini: the
tlule trciurri to lctund tollnicral Inlicrltaieo
piui bo nt to picnlcle (or an cilniiion of Us
llinltutlon o( time wltl.iu v.lilth aiplkatluM
oli ill be mid.' in ctitilti cosec
Aiithurizinic juilRM o( the em it ot lUiltcr
weienn, nintlnti.Ur and ju'ticfi. ef tho pearc lo
coiiinill vieioun and intoi-riullilc Hilton of thet
i ule sex to the l'htlailclphia pinte, tor) for
1)0)1 in MontRnnifiy counte, piirtlillni; that pi
irnta or giuullani kIvo their confttt.
Hou-e bill Intf Hie main (aeluro and .ale
of eomincriial (utlllrcr and pioviiilns (cr any
vIohtlor.H of the net.
I'lovldiiig lor the caie o( ptison oi atssra
rated iiiteiupcraiiec lubits
Hoao bill makins an appiopilillnn for or.
Inordinary exawk incuned by tl-c k.)ldieis'
oqihin eon mta!oii.
Antlioiizliitf courts o( riuailrr fionv lo srant
Hi tunes to kII Intoxicating; li'iuom at itt.ill,
wliolewle, or by lrLtter (or i lonrr or sbortct
pillixl than cno jcai in ueilain cie'
Bills Intioduced.
These bills were introduced
My Vlr. 1'oclit, of I'nton t'lovldlnc I hat all
conliien (or pilntink. the pajmeiit of wliith w
made bv the Hate, shall bo awanled lo rUeeits
ot I'tnn.vltaiila. an 1 tl a wilk slnll he dune lu
plinth ir Oilotdl-lmif nts located ill the state.
lliin bill ch-atted bv Colonel Tlioiiia M
.Ione, e! the IIiuMiur TcliRraph. At piisfut
the lepiti) ol the M.pmno and Suinilor couit
aie pilntnl b) a dim in Ma.iiliibetts which able to iiudubi'l the IVnnsjbaiiU priiilri)
bituiMi tl implojsi tlit ip (rnialp libor "II o
JIlllKl'fi ot the court ill ipKdtioll will lilallil) ill
doi-. the bill, il li ilainnd, a thoy complain
of ai,Ciaalti'.f lila) III the trannmli'.ioii d
proof Hlinls and Hit dtlberv of llnWu-d work.
11) Vlr William', of Puller--l'rolubllliir Itie
ulo of il'.-iietlcci an I pioililins a puultv of
10) for the UiTt olbiiie alii J-'idi) loi .Mill wb.e.
ciuiiit viohilon.
Ily Mi. i:dinblr,n, of llijilfunl I'roviilin for
icvUvrliitf Hie proitcdiiu'c of tnnnslap load rone
irl.ilimm in U)ln out, upcnlnj and i ic din;
llv Mi. Vtillu. of Iloilfoid Ainriidlns k. tic it
S of the ait treitini; tho Superior e .mi L Hut
it hlull lcnl as folloin: "Mlirnciir bcreattir
loin or more Jinlnet of tho Superior eourt aro to
be clis'lfcl loi the nine term of s.nbr, and
wheiewr udiH tho tmt Momlaj In Jinuarv, I'm'),
two or moie jiil'cs o( the eourt are to be elcrlnl
foi the same Irrni ol rriiti, eaih tlcrl r tiuy
vote (oi an mail) pero!H. les one, in tliera aie
Jiiditih to be elioiii it raid clirtlnn "
Hi tr UjIiic o( V,otk llv wcpict, tivlnc
luoue-y and stock and )oiids und ollur piopertv
now taxed foi Hato purpoc in niiiitioual mill
cu the dollar, lavlnif all leal ctaio i n mill on
iho iblln, laxlntf ill tcltcjrapli and telephones
nnd wiir- (rom tortv cenU iipnji.l (oi caili
acroicling to the l-' of the p..o n iho nunilwr
of wlieri it c illh'i, tixllii: tlili lei, aiilouiobil.'i
ami tnelloii rtiginM acccrilin: In llulr tec, all
of wlilcli tax .hall hr .aid Inlo Hie nte trcai
my to be ret apait and lo known a. "Iho Mati
fund for publlo toad., streeln, lilglmaMi and
liililltt" And proeldlne; that Hie aid ktale lund
miall be equltabl) ilNtilbiitnl and paid lo tho
rouiity eommlitloncra of the conntlm and Into
the lieisiitln of the counte and Into Hi' tiras
uiea of (list unl second cla.i cltl'5, and b) llio
county comiiiUitoneii cipiltably distributed and
hit apait to tlm indiL of the wieul touiish1,
lioioui;h4 and third cla4 titles therein: punlJImi
for Hie cvpi-iidltuic of the m-i Ii) Ktatij fund In the
opinlnx, romliimlou and inalntalninir of a )
tern o( Improved road, ttieels and hlcliu jvh In
all ritles. boroiiKhi and towiishlpi o( ihn com
liimwraltli. In title bv the municipal tiutliori
tlfi and In ill tonmhipi and lrfiroiieln by the
touiity e-ommUslonc rf . ixltli the. achltr o( the
Kpectlo road nipenlion; piovlilliiR (or a tide.
path lu the touiuhlpi (oi blcjele rliler and
pedeatilanti providing; for a maximum harm'
for the trnu'poiutlon toinpuihi ot itnnr ami
Wither Inilcttlon Todar.
t Oeneral New Tiolley Iloid Nov Auifd.
Will o( llx-llcalilent llanlim,
Itoert Will lontlnue the War.
Work of the l.fgMatuK.
2 (ienrral Carbon.lale Pcpirlhin.t.
3 Ixieil-VVade If. linn Indicted
Mlk Mill Opcratots lttfufe to Aibiluie
t l'ditoilil.
Nole ami Comment.
S local (heat PimeRf by Velenla)' I lie
Iltorjanlatlon Ordinance Will He Amended
C tocil HVt Pcranton and tiuliuiban
financial and (Joniiiicrttil.
(ici.'ral Soilliealctii l'enn)liaula
8 I of al OpciatoM Invited lu a lonfinwe
April I.
blvc .Notes ot lb" Wo'ilil cf labor
oilier inilcrlaU to be itsul for the purpose ol
ronl eoietrutHon, a prpvukd In the net, and
piovidlne (or a llmltati u of the act lo ten jeat
from .lulv 1. lf'l.
The senate, at 5.1.' p. m adjoin nfd
until tomorrow moiulug at 10 o'clock,
Woik in the House.
Philip H. .lohnslon. of I'hll.idelphla,
was today elected nichlteet Tor tne
proposed Fcnnsylvanli building nt the
Buffalo opposition, al a mec'tlng ot tlie
Kevstone state commlcslou
Those bills weie passed finally:
AmindliiR the nn of Slav tl. lfri, rxriupiini;
(rom taVitlcii publlo jiiipeltv need fur nib!l"
puipoien and placen ol rollnlmu northlp, pl-u'i
ct lintlal tot nv-i! or held (ol prlinle or ol
Ioralc piotlt in.1 invlltulloiM ot pnrrlv publlo
chirltj, hi ai In liu lude all .ienMiienU lor piv
Inc. Heivcm, watti pip" and otliir municipal
ItipialliiR in art ukitliR lo the rleNtloii Of
iiiervliiirs In Vl.dllilowii, ''iwiutliaiina toanlv,
and for oilier mpcii
AMendiie krlnm l ol the ait id Vptil .
'W. relating to Hie emplovucnl o( mile pu-
er.irs tf.JalN iml voilhowm. piovldins that in
ccrtilii eavi ihe piboii boinl slmll be penniltid
In iliieci the woik ot ptlnomiK to be done 111
Hie tiiitH e( tlie bnioiwli whue the nliiicr
lai Ktn Impri'iiiied.
I'lovinlrR til the t.ikinc o( deposit ioni In c.ies
I indium befoie liufhlralu a' d juillee of I lie
pc li 1'.
The gaine coiumlssion bill was de
feated on final passage.
A bill I'stabllslilug lutei slate comity
in tencliei-s' license, by authorizing tlie
endorsement nnd validation In Penn
sylvania of Nonnnl school diplomas
and permanent certificates granted In
other states, was also defeated.
Tho house adjoutned at f o'clock
until 10 tomorrow.
Convicts nt Leavenvvoith Aie in i
Mine Holding Some of the Offi
cials as Hostages.
Pi J.xilu ,ve V ue fiom The .Wo. .al.d Pien.
Leavenworth, Kan., Match 19. In
the Kansas state penitential y coil
mine at Lansing, 2Si pilsoneis, who
went down Into the mine on Monday
nioinlnsr, havo mutinied and aio hold
ing fifteen guaids as hostages. They
it fuse to let the guards come to tho
sin face until Wat den Tomllnson prom
Ism to give them better food. They
throttle n to kill the gtinrels If their de
mands aie not compiled with. The
mines are woiked by the woist class
ot convicts, and among those who have
mutinied aie twenty life pilsoneis
"Warden Tomllnsnn has lefused to
grant the demands.
The mutinous convicts haveUlllei! the
mules used In the mine and aie living
on this meat. Setlous trouble Is ap
prehended If il Is found necessary to
send deputies Into the collleiy.
Seventeen Colored Persons Attested
in Dishabille in Philadelphia.
II) Kulu-he Wire from iii Anoilate.1 I'it.
Philadelphia, Manh V. Pesplte
Philadelphia's leputatlon for alleged
slowness, the police of the Nineteenth
dlstilct last night l aided a masqmi
ade natty In a pilvr.te house at 913
(living street, width lu ome lespeets
gave the celebiated Seoley dinner
cauls and sptides. Seventeen negro
prlsonois of both sexes weie arialgned
this mninlng in the police mint in
various stages of dishabille.
One- man wns attlied In a small piece
of rag cat pet wiappcel around his
body, while a woman whose altlie was
a tablecloth and had been histlly
dotitiecl when the police enteied. An
othei man's garment was a piece of
feminine underclothing, while still an
other woie a similar niveilng All tho
prlsoneis wete committed to the house
of collection.
Beitha Watzluger Theiefoie Lost
Her Situation in Opeiatic Troupe.
Dy I .clu.iie Wire bom Tie Ac-oniWil I'l'V
Milwaukee, Mai ill 19 lkulha "Wat
zlnger, of grand and romlc eipern
faine. has lefused to appear In tights
In this city and the management ot
The r.niindeis" has let her go.
Miss Watx.lnger Is a MndNoii, Wis.,
ghl, but most of her family live In
Milwaukee. Several huniheil students
wete niianglng to give hep a great ro
ceptlon. Sh" has been on tho stage
foi sevctal -eais. She had sworn that
she would never appear near her homo
in anything b ss than a l ng gown.
Mr. Schwab's Snlary Not rixed.
Bv i:clwlvr Wlrn troni 'Ihe Awotiated Vtc:
ntl.bips, VUich W-lle.faMder a)l V ai
1. .illli. I today thai Hie rieoila Hi it Mr. Nhwab
U to bo thet head o! tl.t totiibliio at a ailar) ol
liuiii K-ejO.l"'1 tn tl.0ii.iO. Iiavi no ba.u. In (a't.
Vli Schwab villi Income Ihe preridtnt l( be
wl.he., but Hat will have In rome oliout III Hie uleitlm of olictr atlir Ikft toiublim Is
toineil, at whiili tll.i.) tie mlarj ipie.tlon w 1
In x.'ttltd
Mutiny Hull's Wilt
Hv llvtlibive Who uom flic Aoclatnl Pirn
lv Vork. JIarcli ll. The will rf th.5 lite
Murray II. Ilall, the woman who in iqueudcd
aa a man for m.ny jear. wa filed for trolute
today. All tho iioperl) li kit to linehla A
Ilall, ami sho in ininirlcii to bavet a bradtona
e-iected "over the grave ef my e!frea.ed wile,
tella P. h. II ill." Imelda A. Hill It slid to Ir
tlie mli'til iluvlilu 'f viuiiJ) II. Ilall
The Proposed British Terms lor
Surrender Arc Unsatistac-
toru to Him.
Secretary Chambci'lain Informs tho
House of Commons That General
Botha Has Rejected Peace Terms,
Devastation of De Wet's Old Camp
ing Grounds Status of tho Poi
nter Republics lit the Eyes of thr
United States Government.
tl) ltlll.Ve Will" 'lOlll Ihe r-Di tiled P en
London, Maieh V.'. .losoph chamber
lain, the colonial "eeretniy, today In
formed the house ol louimotis that
(ieninl llnthn had lejeeted the pence
teims olteied by Cngland.
fleniTal Hatha, Mr. (iiambeilaln said,
hail convejed the Information In a let
ter to Ceneial Kitchener, In which ho
nmiounri'd that he was not disposed to
recommend the tonus of pencil Oeii
cuil Kltehinei' had been Instructed to
offer blin to the eanitst conslde-nitlon
of Ids government. lie added that his
government and Its chief edUcem en
tlrely ngrecd with his views. Mr,
Chnmberlaln added
"I propose to lay the papers con
necteil with tin ncKollatlons on tho
table tonight "
Washington. Mm eh 1!'. The status of
the Transvaal and the Orange Utvcr
Colony in the eyes of the government
of the Ihilted States probably will bo
for the 111 st time llxed when a consul
general Is sent to Pretoria to succeed
Adelbeit S. liny. The latter will not
letuin to South Aft lea.
Biitlsh Destroy 30,000 Bags of Giain
nt Wepener Cattle Captured.
Ily l.xeluhe Wlri (rom Th Aswilatfd Pre
Mafeklng, Cape Colony. Mnich 19.
Oeneral Itrui'e Hamilton's foice, which
Is sweeping over the southeast portion
of Oiange Iltver Colony, has reached
Wepener fern the frontier of Dasuto
land), whi'ie the ttoops found stocks of
gialu anel tattle. They carried away
us much as possible, but had to de
stroy r.O.OOO bags of grain. The houses
at Wepenei were found to be Intact.
Tho 114th Session of the Society Is
Opened by Rev. S. W. Thomas.
Dy Kvclusbf! Wire fiom The Associated Prr
Slrouelsbuig, Pa., March 19 The ono
bundled and fourteenth session of the
Philadelphia Methodist Episcopal con
feu nee was opt nod this evening with
the thlitv-foiuth nnulvoisiiry of thu
hlstotleal mm vice. The meeting opened,
with piajer by Rev. S. W. Thomas,
editor of the Philadelphia. Methodist.
The main neldress ot tho evening w.ii
made by ltev. (Jeoige Reed, president
of Dickinson collete. Remaiks wcto
also made by Rev. C M. Roswell, of
Philadelphia, and Piesldent Amos
Johnson, pastor of the Cookman
church, of Philadelphia.
Renorts weie listened to from Rev.
G. AV. MacLaughlln. the tieasmer, and
Rev. S. (S. drove, tho llbrailan. Rev.
.1. S. .1. McConnell. pastor of the Rustle
ton Methodist r.plseopal dun eh, gavn
a short hlstoiy of Stroudsbutg Jtctlio
dMs, Over one-half the prea'heis
were piesent tonight. The ihst busi
ness session ot tho confeienee will bo
held tonionow morning.
Second Biigade, National Guaid,
Hope to Camp on the arounds.
II) I.vcliitlve Wire from 'flio Atoelated J'r"
Pittsbuig, Pa.. Match 19 Negotia
tions aie now on between General
Wiley, of the Second brigade, National
Guai'd of P-'iiiisvlvanln, and tho
Ametlcau exposition authorities, that
Villi probably i in n ten days' en
campment of the Second bilgiule at
Bufialo some time dtitlng August.
The exposition managers have ox
pressed themselves ns anxious to havo
this military oignnlatlon come In a
body, lleneial Willis Hullng. of tlm
SNtcMith regiment, who Is now In the
city, Is nllllisliistle ovel the project
of such a tilp. The Second btlgade In
cludes tho With. TMith. Fouite-enth,
SIMcenth und Rlglileenth regiments
and H.uieiy 15 and Sheildan troop, In
all about ::,L'iio men.
Oflicer Noithcrafc Acquitted.
By Kteliielvo Wne fiom "llio Vtsoelatel I'ren
Ilallidiv-biiiB. li. IJ"' "-W. 1. North,
nail, a comuhlo ot .b.lin.towii, Pa, wan u
ipillted in ihe III lir ctuntj couit todiv ot tho
ehna" i l.lllliw l'dnuni'l 'I'. M(llr
at sxl bitli llet, Him i-ouiilj, on December H
Jml. Sorlheiut bid aix.'stcil Jliller on tho
rhanje of ilescrlina: lib Hc Vw latter elrew u
Inifo on tin rttlcer. but w.u thot ly Noithtiaii
U'forn Im could Mab lilm 'Iho pkv ol sei
ditfll c n 1k acceled bv the lun
Seven Gunneis Killed.
Hi l.vliniie Win) bom The .Woelatcd Tie."
llombaj, Widiie-ilaj, Mlieh CU feien sun
ncrs wen' Llllecl by the rvp1tton nt a howltrer
thtll at Seciindarabind, lndli, lolaj.
i i
Postmaster at Chicago.
llv i;liiilvo Wlrj linn ihe" Vsiilate. Piei
Washington, Mntili 19. llio pruldent lux ap
pointed Predeililt 11. Co)ne. now rollcctor at
Chicago, pontnia..trr o( tint ill).
4- "f
Wanhinston, Match 19. I'oiecait fer
Wednejdaj and Thursday: lor eastern
I'etuifjlvanla, occa.lonal ralnt Weiln..
ilij t iiiucti warmer! wind lieecMiilnj; brblc
to IiIbIi roulliea.tiih i Ihurndjv, proh
' ly rain.
ltiHHIHt ttt