The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, March 19, 1901, Page 8, Image 8

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Teatlmony of the Trainmen Is Boliip
, Taken Extonslve Impiovements
Are to Do Mnde nt' tho Cnyugn.
Oidei-8 That Have lleen Issued for
tho Guidance of Lackawanna Em
ployesCentral Ralhond of New
Jersey Notes Tho D., L. & V.
Bonid for Today Odds and Ends.
Hupfilntumli'iit II. Al. Hluo um lml
ly eiiBam'il yi-HiiMilay lu nmUltii; lu
ijlili H'H Into tlic wri'ck which oirurieil
in the l.ui'kitwnmm tullnmil tit HIiiU
lonl last Krliluy iiIkIU. Th testimony
of trainmen ms taken, hut It will h
prvenil iluyH before any mitlu'titlc re
rnrt of the acolilenl ran be obtained.
Inquiry will also be made Into the
taiiM- of the other wteek whltli "'
t'uncil at tlie wiim point on Satunlay,
wlu-n KiiKlui-ei Lyman T.'liiise lost bis
life. Testimony In this rasu will b
taken today and tninrA-rou. Superin
tendent Mile In beliiR assisted lu bis
Investigation by Traluniuxtei' .1. .1. .Mi -Cann
and Air Hr.ike Instriietoi I'.,. I.
Lackawanna Quiets.
The fnllowbiK onleis of Inleiost to
Jivknwau:ui employes have boon Is
fetieil: 'tin1 l.Miini' nl In'iw llni liat.' u'i
it.rr lw c triilns u.' ii.i.ini'iii ! tuiiH
,tl rnllTB t Ilni;ll illlrj. I'ilUtcli, lii'f n
ttulr 'Ul'tr lutr t kin ulir, hum lie I"
unltiuiiil. LriitliiiK piiuIiip will pull n.ilu f"
troiii;li r,it tii I'irnilt lielui)ir ciiclw in"
tutrr, ami will lliin lti ""'I "11 "n,l lll'l
iiit; iliaini' ha tnl.tli ttiitir Hint roiiiliil im I"
train. I vinlutluif v ill mo tint u Lrakriiiaii l
tutlt netl mi i (Ml- cir ut nil time uml
i.'in.ilii-. iliciti until IiImhk etivrhic lut I" n
itoiiii(i1 lu liU ti il'i.
ihnj.i sU'iiat .Vii. 113-IJ, ivtatrtl .ibntit ." t t
i-.t of IllliOtllllelll ..titluii, will In' put In !
lii' nt 12 ii'ilmk Injun ttl.i). TihiI.i). Minn
ill. 'IliU l a iIlitiMit lor llinjo Nil 117-11,
.iml uliiii put 111 npii.itli n tin inl.ip fui llmjj
Mmut .No. Ill-It will lr ml elt.
lilp i. No. A-;:j.7. l.-iml li. K. V. Louiun.
i.l II. i l..iw mi' i mil ilipiitininl, In f.iun of
l.mli Itrlnliuri, lt-.i'lm;: N-Mliton In llnlmk'ii
ml ri'liiin, iljicil t re 1 ;. In- Imiii In.t. I'
priwrutit fur , ituiilui Im will pli.iM' 111
u in! ulii.ilii imv p.iiili uliis pn-villili' n n lim it
taint in tin. itulik'r'K pii.-,r..i'ii.
LitKauaimi I'liiiliiilni-. mc licrrli) tioiilitil
tin' aitlii2 Miptilntil.ilriil 1 i.u miir, .M. li.
I.urj. it nlmil 'f ifpurt. ,i pir llt nil lini-i! Imllillli. n in- tiqiirelitl tn luakr tin in
up at nun' ami rml 1'n'iii lo Mi. (,i-i.
Itepahs at the Cnyugo.
The Delaware. Lai'kuw.inna and
Western coinp.iny eontemplates niak
Ins: extensive linpioxements and lepalr
wotl; nt the Cayuga mine ns soon as
tlie mnleilal can be made le.tdy. The
shaft Mill be re-tlnibi't-ed and new elee.
trie KOlteiatrirs will In- placed in opera
tion. It Is calculated that from six to
eit;ht weeks will be (onsiliui'd In m.ik
Iiik the repairs, and In cnnsoqtiouco of
that fact between -100 anil find men unit
boys will be thrown out of employnient
unless provision can be made for them
In ami around other mine:- ami col
lieries. Central Railroad Notes.
The new pass-enner station al I'l.iln.
Hold on tho east bound t rack Is now
open lor, business.
The air brake Inslrin lion ear will be
located al Abley until further notlie.
This week the eiiKlnemen's class will
bo held In the mornlnp; ami the train
men's lit the afternoon. The classe.i
nlll be ebatmeil In thl manner eat It
week until lurther notUo.
'. II. Kilsall has been appointee!
train title examiner. lee I... J'. SheiM,
'Fui lumen between Jlatti h t'liunk
anil StTiinton will be paid on .Match L'l,
and the employes of the Scrnniou. Ash.
ley iind -Maucli chunk hhop will be
jalil on Jlarclt :'.'.
Today's D., L. & W. Bonrd.
The make-up of today's I)., U and
AV. boa id Is as follows:
WiM Tit.. i:.ifls p. in., . I.jl.ur; 10 p. n, ,
1", .inWornir; 11 p. in., P. Cuaiuiijli.
'rri:.HAV, maiicii p.
wiM aii. i:aii -i.'.m'I . m.. r. mun, wnii-
Iliililnu'A nun; ;i a. m.. .1. .1. .Muiray, uhli i
llirlliukinrw'K men : (Mi a. in., A. I'. .Mullin;
11) .. in, .1. II. Mutua; II .i. in, W. 1). .n.
ti'li p. in., ('. W. Ilium; '-' p. in., II W.i 1 1. h. ;
I II ii. m, O. V. 1'itsir.ilil; .". p. in., I. ,1.
'Ilimnpvoii; f. p. in.. .1. r.
Niiiunlt-., Illi. ii .i. in., tiut. .I.inii s 1'.i1Il"4;
f- a. in., WiM, tJioit'c rioiiulilkri; Ii ,i, in,
wft, W. II. MilioN; ii p. in, u.t, I.
I. ; 7 p in. i .i-l iron. N.iy Auk, IMujmI
MiMIUm: 7p in . wi.i n.iiu i oiisj, Nliljiu :
7 p 111.. VUL tli'ill ( oiiki. f.ilili.x.
Piillei 10 a. in , I" 1: Rrror
PlKhl'li S J. Ill llOU-01 1U.1 111 S lllllli'ltv.
Tlie man trussed up so he ian
neither move hand nor foot is in his
helplessness a fair tjpe of many a man
HfTectcd by iheuuiatism. Often the dis
ease only jiartially disables, and with
crutch and cane the hiiflerci hobbles
painfully about.
Khcumatibiu can be ' b the use
of Dr. PicrceV Ooldcu Medical Discov
ery. This fjreat blood purifying medi
eifie eliminates the poisons which cause
the disease. It increases the activity of
the blood-making glands, and ho ' in
creases the purity and abundance of the
Wood bitpph, thus Kii'R vigor and
vitality to all organ? of the body which
depend for their health on plenty of
jiurc Wood. It builds ut the body with
firm flesh instead of flabby fat." The
" Discovery " contains neither alcohol
nor narcotics,
"I had linn Iroulilcil Willi lliciimatl-ut for
tMelcyir, mi bail ot times I could not lraiu
my bed," writes Mr. R, J McKuiitlit, of Cnde,
WUliainiitiiirs Co. t4 C "I uai badly crippled.
Tiled many doctors, and two of them saw
me up lo die None of lliciu did me much
pood. The uiiu ill mv back, lilpi nod lcir
mud nt time In my head), would nearly kill
mc. My nppetlte was erj bid, l',er)lxidy
who saw me raid 1 mint die. 1 toot f.c
bottle, of the 'Ooldcu Medical l)lcoery' and
four vtoltt of the
'Pellet,' and to-day
my health In cooi!
after sniTerinu tw b e
j-ear with rhcu.
matlmii "
Doctor Pierce's
Pleasant Pellets
assist the
action of
the "Dis-
One Thousand Copies of This Famous
Painting- Received in Scranton for
Tree Distribution.
One llutuctind platinum copies, of
Hlehel's "Madonna," r."..xlR6 111 size,
have been tecelvud In Scranton ft out
Tho Norman I.ltchy M'fg-. 'o., and are
now ready for flee distribution. Ah nl
ready announced In Tho Tribune, these
pictures; will bo iflven away absolutely
free, as loitu as the supply lastu, to
each purchaser 'of one .r. ;ent box fit
Krnuse's t'old Cure or Krause's Head
ache Capsules. This Is the mot 111)
t'lnl and expensive offer ever made to
the people of Scranton by any manu
facturer, and all persons desillllK a
ropy of this famous palatini? should
app'ly'at once, before the supply Is ex
hausted, to any of thy following well
known driiBHlsis:
.Matthews Uius.", 4:'.l Lackawanna
Carl I.orcnz, 4IS Lackawanna avenue.
Charles K. Chlitenden, Mn Lacka
wanna avenue.
Henry and .lobn .1. lirown. 4ni S.
AVaHbliiRtou avenue.
Sandetson's I'hiuuiuey. Conmioii-w-alth
J .1. Lnftuv, LM7 Wyoming avenue.
Siitnuel L. rollllte. f39 Linden.
M. X. Illeke. .117 Adams avenue.
II. .M. Cole. 113S Capousc aelille,
C. Kenwood .i Co., 19tJ X. Main live.
Howard L (itlttln, 1S1I X. .Main ae.
lieo. V. I)als. K'H, HI! . .Matket .st.
Cinrenie K. Sbryer, Jul X. .Main.
.MM on nvntm tt Co., 2i X. Muln.
Decker - Co., 107 X. .Main.
C, W, .lenklus, Jul S. .Main.
John J. D.ivies, lOrt S. Main.
D.ald M. Jones, rd'.' S. Main.
.Maty A. 1'owers, -IN Cedar ave.
William Koinnehcr. TJ-I I'lttston ae.
V. S. Klonoskl. l3o: l'lltston ae.
D. V. Iltiiuphivy, HI, l'lltston live.
Albert Sihllltz, IL'02 Mulberr..
(ieo. S. Jones & Co., 700 l'lescott live.
Win. II. Knoepfel. 1017 X. IrvlliR ave,
oseai LudwlK. 107 S. lllakely slicet.
J (i. Hone & Co., 102 K Drinker si.
!'. V. Mellale, 101 Klni street.
11 'D u. in . Murm:
p. in., I.ainplHK; IV P. in..
I'a.icwjd I.iirIiici 7 i. in
smsir; .'...Ml ti. m , Mjiilun,
i in , Mmpli.i ; r.
i 'IInMrias
, (.aflm-yi 7 p M ,
7 p. in , M.1Ruiri
.1. II. MiC.uiii; i .
Wild ("lit., Wol -I a. in
in. (.if I mi; 7 a. in., ltnmsi; s a. m,, M. '.n -IuimIv;
pi ,i, m., W. A. llaitlinliiini'u ; It u. in,
I'. Kim;-li; I p in., .1. K. hti-ni; '! p. in..
Kiiti.v, will: II. Il.'li.'ili'n mi ii ; :i p. m.. T.
I'llzpiliid,: t i in. link, with ,l,,lm li.ilu
fin'i; .". p hi, i, . llallrl; il p in. .
oiiiiiiilui .1. (lirilly .iml new will inn ,"i p.
in.. VMM I .il, Wii, .M.ucli is, in pl.ui- ot
hlintsliy .iml iiiw,
M. M.iil will jii nut witli i:. M. Ildlol.
'I lie follow ine lir.ikuni'ii will f.dl .it I im n.iin -lir's
ol'lir. win ii ohm uii nl: It. .1. liiMunis
ii ('. ruihilik, l.iwi-i llini-i, .1. .Innlin.
I'li'i W. lloniiiult. Alliut llcitir and .lanri
loill p.
Iliukeiiiiu (' II. Wlntiicy repulls fui dull Willi
.1. II MiCum. I' Mi lif cm wllh W V lln
llniliiini'w ttpnils fm iluly ni't trip.
This an'd That.
new sixty-foot turn table been
put In nt KhiKslaud and Is now ready
lor service.
The luitlKo on passlnir .switch at Mes-M-ngervllh'
Is now all rlwht and can b
used by Lackawanna trains.
XV). Mil. one of the Laekawannn
"hoK" eiiKlnes, was turned out of tho
machine shops yesteitbiy looking? Just
like u new locomotive.
F. I'. Van Horn, chief leik to Super
intendent i:. M. Jtlne. of the Lacka
wanna lailioad, letuined .ye.steulay
Ironi a brief sojourn nt ids home lit
Omvi'ko, X. V.
The best evldeine of the uppioaeblm?
sprhifr was found In the Lackawanna
jards esU'iduy, where woikmen wete
en.iKed In cleaning up the refuse be
tween the tracks.
Xo. ft7u, one of the new Lackawanna
pnssenKet engines, mado u Mttlsfae
toiy trial trip to LehlKh yesterday
ahead ot train No. ii, lenvliiK Sera n ton
ut !I.3J p tu. Several olllrlals in on
Hereafter and until further nntlc.
Lackawanna train Xo. 15 will slow
down al nutil catch near Cast Mulfalo
to allow packages of newspuperh for
the LehlKh Valley tallroad to be trans
ferred. Hereafter Lackawanna yardma.siei-s,
drlllinahters, conductors, agents anil
olhei.s making out time slips or pay
rolls must show in lull the llrst name
of each and eveiy niaii appeal Ins
If the annual pass. Xo. loin, Issued lu
favor of II. I'. StoNeus. is presented
for passage on the Lackawanna i.tll
load, conductors ale heudiy dliected
lo lilt same and leturn to supeiiu
lelldent's olllce.
.Masters Metbanlcs It, K. KllpatiUk,
of KhiKsland: F. W. Williams, of Htif-
fiilo, and It. 1". Schilling, of I'tlca, were
In consultation with Siipeilntendent of
Motive Power Lloyd and other Lacla
wauna olllclals esteiday. ,
P. It. Carr, formerly of the Deter
Sulphate Pulp and Paper company, of
Walcilowti, X. V.. has been added to
lite steiioKiaphle force In ileneral Su
perintendent T. K. Clarke's otllet-s at
i he Lackawanna Killiii.ul station.
The Dickson Mnmifniturliif? coinpaiiy
shipped two eompiessed air motors
from the Cliff works jt'steiday for tho
Delaware mid Hudson coal department,
tt) In used at the Mnrvliie mine and
L. Kjjelfs ciuek shaft.
Whenever Liu kawanna passeiiKer
. onduclors hnve an unusual tiuantlty
of b.tKRiigo In their train to be trans
let red al Buffalo they must arrange
lo notify Superintendent C. .1. I'lillllps"
olllce at Hulfalo by wire, that in
i.tuKt-nieiitH maile be madu to handle
I'lesldent J. W. Mutton, of the Xa
llonal Assoelallon of Stationary KngU
tieeis, an I veil In this Ity yesterday on
bis ay to Xew Voik. He eonfeired
with the olllcer.s of the local blanch,
hut stated that his lst had no ,sgui
llcance whatever. He will leave for
Xew York today.
Membership Helens of the Young
Young Christian assoi lotion will bo
honored lor passage for beaier and
two of his Immediate family on Lacka
wanna trains, east Xos. HO, BfH, llii;
west, Xos. a, 1, 157, "51 and !i to
attend an entertainment at Hoboken
this (Tuesday) evening, March lit, at
S o'clock.
A meeting of delegates from locals
ot Anthracite Ulsttlct Xo. 7 will bo
lield today at Hazlolon. Tho session
wbh called for the purpose ot electing
a secretary. Secretary John P. Clalla
gher's term expires today and It will
bo to choose Ids successor that thn
delegates went. Mr. (lallaglier will
most probably succeed himself.
Hereafter, unless otherwise liibttuet.
cd, train Xo. IT, the Lackawanna news
paper train, will stop at the Htle cross
lug east of Mt. Morris to unload pack
ages of papers for Itochestor, via Krlo
uillroad. .Should II any time not be
necessary for this stop to Im nuide tho
messenger In charge of tho newspaper
Irnln will notify conductor, such notice
being HUlllclent authority for not mak
lug tho extra stop.
Liquor Dealers Want to Pny the
Money Into Court Pending the De
cision In tho Appenl What Re
corder Molr Has to Say About the
Advisability of Passing the
Vnughan Bill Statement Given
Out by President Robinson of tho
Central Pennsylvania Bi owing
Tho ptellmluuiy steps have been
taken to cany tin appeal to the Su
pi emu toiitt from tho opinion handed
down by the eouit Friday lixlng tlu
liquor license fee at .$1,100. An appli
cation mis made to the eoutt yester
day for jieimlstsoii to pay the $1,100
Into com I, pending the decision of Hi
Supreme ourt lit the ntatUr. The at
torneys, for M. 1'. Flynn, ho Is mak
ing tin1 test, were unable to convince
the court estcrdny thai II has an
tbt'ilty to make such an ruler and tha
matter will he taken up again today.
1'eeorder .lames Mnlr lo n Trlbun
man esteiday stated that he Aai
her.illly In fax or of the pa.sage ot
St tiator A'aiighau's bill, piovldlng thai
iluting I lie lift thiet year after a
llilld class clly entets the xecond class
the fee for llipior licenses shall re
main nt $Vi0.
' If that bill does not pass," sphl the
reiorler. "and lite Supreme mutt up
liulds the decision of the lower couit
In the mailer. If will menu that thet'i!
will ho a dmp lu the revenue
of the city lor (he coming iKcal yen"
anil thai Is s-omethlng which wvwlll
not be able lo stand. 1 believe that the
number or licenses taken out In thin
city would chop over one half and
that thcio would be a big drop in the
money received.
"The defeat of Senator Vuughan's
bill would ntrnn abo vacant ntoie
looms lu all puit.s ot the illy and as a
consequence a marked ilepieelatioii In
the vnlue of tents. It would be a. bud
thing nil around for the city and I
hope that the bill will meet with no
opposition and that It enn be quickly
put thioiigb both the senate and the
house of rrptesentatUes."
nui:vi:u's stathmkxt.
I'm met- Slid Iff Chntlos Robinson,
president of the Pennsylvania
lln wing company, gave out tho fol
lowing statement yesterday concern
ing the effect the high license will
have :
'Hurt' 1 .i littn J llioiouuii r im.w ni.ule d the
tin .mil up Mlliilnllr,' up I tlnd that I lie unvl
liiuiii iiiunliir et licenses tint i jii In- tnWn out at
lln- IiIkIi i.i It o will ln 111!, lii-lr.i.1 of the 'J-ll
KMiittil in tlie rll.l. H' lit in nuke lUuii'H ami
M't l( we do not f.m- lulttr unili'i- tlir eld hiltni
linn niidpr Hit' iirw one, niiiu'lj, one liiunlrnl
ami twehe lltrii't's (it sl.HKI tniuU si2.;,-jiK),
'I lie aliint would he dltiiliil il'i tpfi iflcil In law
js tollows:
Cllv, 11.' .11 S'lKl. rquds SPKl.W
riiiiui, in nt i"1. i 'in ili 1 1 .-!
ship, Hi iii im). p.iuiN ll.'joii.
si.twi s-5,i,;iki.
Wp will inoicid to ghn llie Hi;uh' as llipy
wnulil it tlip lltrii.f fff iTi left at the
S.Vii) ami all the liriiisci with few cuvpllom
wtro t.d.eii tint, and it it ifp to iitliiintp thai
llicip will lie ciy lew lttt tint will mil he lakrn
up iniilir the eld sjflcin. su --, ilccusrs at
s'mi), tviuls 1.11,2Vi. 'I lilt, ainiiinit .itcmiliiu lo
Ii- will lip iliviilnl as follow:
I lij , 27." nt sj-,ti, iipul, ij tkVJVl
Ciiuiil, 27'i al IK), qiul 'Jr.r.iK)
sUti-.'-JT.-i al Pi. riii.ili '.'7,."ii)
NuW toiup.iip llitiu lmtli and mi wlnjhir ou
till romp tint 1't'tltr in tin- Pini. I mli'i tin
sl.linl lirpiise the illy umIIi'p nlmul si.imti inurn
III in liiniir ..ic nlil lali, Iml IkiIIi Hip ri.unt
and ftJtP pkIi lwi"0 ot tliiKKi catli.
I tliltiK llul lids iucir.iM' in tlie till- portion
will he only for the lut, and in lln' hiuiuI
i',ir 1 .im iiilalu that k's liirieoi will In
l.lKrn nut, is It will onl lip an expuiiurnt for
a cipai in my to tak out tin IiIkIi tit en-, tin-.
rar, uml olur woiMnj,' unili-r n ihcy will pp
llul Ihtv lutut drop II next jpar, as It will lip
ab-olulplt-' for mure linn one il
ppoplp to ')i Hut .inioiint in tills til.
Mid jiolnl that iiiu-t lip taken into
1 tu i is Hip w.i tint properties will iluw in
x.iUlilluli, .is at Hid piesenl tliiie ou hue in
llip put ol Hie illy, tonipiMiiff only a
u,irp mile Inking l.ick.iw.mna aitnup. IVuii,
Woiuiii,' ami H jmiIukioii .itniu", and .Spiuip
and I.lntliii lutl-, lill.V'llip to sivty acant
.toil-, whlih is inorp Hi in an tilt ot iu Mt
tr .my til that toinp.iri s w'llli it in llio Male,
and Inn Uk nil llierc will ho aealeil a lamp
iiiuiilier lump h Hip itiimts and owiitrn not
lililU dill In ' tk' t'llt llll IliPIIM'.
Who will lie llip hvir h lies' Win, Hip jiop.
til owner wlio lias rciiml his lunbllnc; in uood
luili iiiul I i.i" in. i'h' a new h.i-i wiih Ins Uiinii
New Spring-
Ideal Patent
I . M r Ml Ifin f MJsirre rP worn
V jm IM JMMMMimMM m M Jl 1 m r IT
on tlie firat ol January ami who flmh tha( tho
tenant, rot bcln aliln to tike out Ida licenne,
must nculo the prcinlr, ami the landlord lu
on riniy Imlldlng, and with the flmt of April
laflii(f him In the face thete It rrrtalnly no
ihance for him to make a leae with any on
ctt, eieelally with the numlier of tacant atores
hefoie mentlont il. Ho 0U will aer that there Is
no one beiiptltted by the hlli Ikenne, the tax
pajer loe, as there la leM money paid Into the
alale and lounlj than under the old ayalem, and
the propcuy oiier la also a aufferer.
It Is, thereforr, the luipeiatbc iluly of every
tapnjer lo Impress upon the iiiIikI of the mem
ber of the legldaltiri' Irotn hU ilUlrkt the Im
liorlaiiti' of liailrg the auglun hill pied thli
ti Cf k.
John Winlock Held in Ball to An
swer nt Court.
John li. Winlock, of 73I McKenn.i
com t, wns attested yesterday on a
warrant Issued by Aldeimaii Millar,
charging him with desertion and nou
.support, threats and assault and bat
tery, preferred by his wife, Jennie.
Winlock was arraigned before Alder
man Millar and hold In $300 ball on tho
t barges of thieals and non-support,
but dlschuigcd on hinge of assault
and battery. AVInlnck deserted his
wife sevetnl weeks ago. but ycsteiday
the wire found him seated at a table.
In n Putin avenue restaurant, with
Cm tie iHmllh, and determined to hnvo
him nrreslrd.
Supreme Court Reverses the Local
Couit's Decision lu the Eighth
Waul Election Contest.
At liillnibiphla yesterday the Su
preme court reversed Judge it. W.
Arehbald's decision in U.e Highlit ward
election contest, lu other words, thj
Supreme court says that the peti
tioners, will not have lo pay the costs:
that the Vaughnn bill does not refer
to contests pending ut the lime It was
l assed.
This will be good news for tho sign
ers of the Uuigstaft petition, wlio have
been doing a good deal of worrying
since the decision In the Klshth warJ
ccntost was tendered.
In Felruaty, 189', W. II. Thorn
was elected constable of the Eighth
ward by i-K votes and on Match -1
John Walsh Instituted a contest. At
that tint- the law piovldcd that the
petit ioners were exempt from paying
the costs of a contest If they showed
piobnblc cause. In May of that your
the Vaughan bill was pasretl, which
said that the petitioners should pay the
I'ottK unless the ronteetant showed
that he was legally elected.
The Hlghth waul contest showed
that Thomas was electetl and tho dis
position of the costs was passed upon
by Judge Archb.ilil In a lulo obtained
by K. W. Thayer, 'the cnmtnlMsoncr, to
compel the city to show cause why It
should not pay the costs. In this
opinion Judge Archbald held that the
law nt the time the question came
before the court for consideration, ap
plied, i.ithei than the law lu fotce
I tho contest began, lie theicup'jn
applied the A augliau act and directed
that the petitioners pay the costs,
which amounted to about Sl'.OO'I.
An appeal was taken to the Supreme
couit and was atgueil last mouth at
Philadelphia. The decision ot the
court, bunded down yesterday, reveisos
the decision of Judge Archbald.
Do Not Trifle
with danger and remanber
every cough or cold means
will cure your cough or cold
at once. It will heal and
strengthen your lungs. It is
a safeguard for you always.
Take it at the first indication
of a cough or cold,
"A ieere cold settled In threat and bronchial
tube colds alaya lasted several months. I
tried Shiloh and it cured rae at once. Am
clad to add my testimony.
Uectcr St. Maik's Church, LeKojr, N. Y.
fllilloh'H Consumption Care In sold by all
drugcUta at 85c, COo, St. 00 a brittle. A
frluleil gUKmntrn gnc with every bottle.
t yimnreiniit nntllli-d go to nurtlrti;i;lat
and get your money buck.
Write for illuitrated book tin consumption Sent
without cost to you. S. C. Wells & Co,, I.eKoy, .N'.Y.
I he New Hosier v
Men's. Women's. Children's.
The preference is clearly for the faucy sorts more of them sold already than la
any previous season. Upon their predicted popularity we planned for .and gathered ex
ceptionally large assortments. We believe ours to be the leader amoug hosiery stores.
Simple, plain, quiet sorts, in plenty, too prepared for all tastes. Aud every style from
gravest to gayest is of good quality, and prices are right not fanciful, nor just about
even with the market, but mostly below the prevailing prices for equal grades. Here are
some splendid values iu plaiu. serviceable Hosiery.
a Pair Of cotton, iu black, tau, blue aud red, printed in white designs, stripes,
etc. Seamless aud fast color.
a Pair Fast Black Stockings, full regular made, iu three weights, light, medi
um aud heavy. Positively the best value iu 25 cent Hosiery ever offereJ, $1.38
per half dozen.
a Pair Fast Black Lisle Stockings in drop stitch and lace effects. Some of
them are very light and fine. $1.38 per half dozen.
I Q-r For Meu's Fast Black Socks, with uuble
- money cau buy. $1.00 for half dozen.
CfT Fast Black Hose, all black, iu three weights, light, medium aud heavy. $1.18
&&" half dozen.
'JtZrr Men's Iialf Hose in drop stitch and lace effects, very fine and entirely new.
4J 'fhcse colors tau, black, blue, grey, red and purple. $r,3S half dozen.
1 'f a a'r ys' aua" Girls' Serviceable School Stockiugs iu two
1 2"' and medium, fast black and seamless, sizes 6 to o lA.
Ejy-r a Pair Boys' aud Girls' Iron Clad Stockings, the very best made for hard ser
42 v cc, iu two sizes rib, narrow aud medium. All sizes 6 to 10.
Misses' Fine Lisle Stockings, fast black, with spliced kuces, heels and toes. A
exceptional offcriug in fine goods.
Sizes sr $ 6 6X 7 7; 's S 9
Price.... 18c 20c 22c 2Sc 28c 30c 33c 35c 37c
Cor. Sixteenth Et. and In in; Place,
American Tlan, J3.60 per day and upward.
European Plan, $1.60 per day and upward.
I. V. CItAWKOUD, Proprietor.
27th Street, Broadway and 5th Ave, New YorI.
In the centre of the fltoppln? oad tLeatre district
A Midlein rirtUlu ll&tel
ComtV( In all iixiln!.
MtlltS, I'urnHihliii? nntl ilis nrMlon
natation f r io- jpir!i 150 u!tn with UtU, ntvl
ul 1 wirr an t lei vhutte in tvery r joci. CuUm uneuellf 1,
For business Men
In Iho
Ii-urt ot the vliolrsala
For Kilioppcrs
I minutes' wulls tn Wnnnmnkers:
! minutes to Sletel Ctioper'a lilg
Sturo. Unsy r.f access to the areas
Dry Good atoreu.
For Sightseers
One block from n'way Carr civ.
Inc easy transpoi'tatlou to all
l.olntu u( Interest.
Only one IStoult (ruin Uroudway
ROOIllS, $1 Up. pr'Ce UtnonMs
f -f -- ---f-- -f
All Points
Through trains Chicago to lies
Moines, Maion City, Sioux City, Omaha,
The lllack Hills, Denver, ialt Lake, San
Francisco, Los Angeles., Portland, ht.
Paul, Minneapolis, Duluth, Ashland uml
Copper Country. Call on any agent (or
tickets or address
itt Croadway NfYorli
(01 Chtt't St.,HitlaiilBhia
SCS WatWrgttn SI., folio
SOf Main St., Buffalo
SI! Clara St., CAcjjo
135 Vim St., Cincinnati
i07 SmltliflJSt., flllttiuit
334 Sptrler St., CltvtUnil
17 Camaui Martini, Oltrolt
R ,J I'blU.tfltihU, !. On 1 7 f.rrnta hirrUHt U
4 V jtlj) " rl. IJum( la rurt U bf will I'rltitr
KImn1 I'vUmi. Nrrtitut IMtlUl), Ut Hfcfto(l,T
1 1 urlrnrlrt k MrlrlurM Ibu ruilliri. 1 n4irloiti
MailkMiruHkrti Orciin.hrftd ritrhNwrn rrlluiuttl4 llvvbi
riMUi(rjr mllrkl mi1 rltrlrlrtl fruil. Mfttllun tr
.--.i--ft-i-''t' -4
European jAbsotalc
pkn &M ftrcProof
BERT ""f"11"
Women's Stockings
Men's Half Hose
ached feet,
Children's Hosiery
$ !
Special Rug;
For one week only we
of beautiful high pile
Size 9 Feet by 12 Feet.
These Rugs are positively the greatest bar
gains ever offered iu a high class, well made,
up-to-date rug.
For One Week Only
Your Choice, Fifty Patterns
$25.00, $25.00. $25.00.
We Will Kcscrve Goods Until You Want Them.
129 Wyoming Avenue
4. .j. .j. 4. .j. .j. .j. .. .j. 4. 4. !
General Agent for Hi: Wyoming
District lor
lilnlnff, niastlnc Sportlnff, FraolelJM anil tni
licpauno Chemical C'oinpany'a
High Explosives.
Eatcty I'use, Cap, anil Iploders. Room 101 Cod
nell IlulMln.-, l-irantun.
I mos. ronn
JOHN' I). SMITH k bON ...
IM) moulli
... Wllkra-Harrt
New models now
in. Spaldings.Cleve-
lands, Iver Johnson
and Crescents. No
better selection ever
made. Call and see
them. They're beau
ties. I! 8 fill
21 1 Washington Ave.
the best wearing Sox that
ribs narrow"
127 AND 129
TTttlfTtT1iiiTllltt T.,
Sale j
offer a limited number .j.
! 4' fi' 4" H
JlunufriCturcra or
43B to 455
N. Ninth Stroot,
Telcplioiio Call. 2;)'W,
Coouis 1 and-2, Coui'lth U'l'd'j.
lining and Blasting
Uedeat Mooaloana ltilibjali VYorki.
Xleotrlo Ilattarlet. KleolrloIxplrJr
xplodlns bluiU, bafcty Kmi ho I
Repaune Chemical Co.'s bxi"oVi'vqs
; ilis m