The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, March 19, 1901, Page 7, Image 7

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Fprcli! In Hip Scranlon Tribune.
HoiiMdalc, Match IS. Ml. Itiiyiiiniul
Churles". of New York, wan a Ktio't
of HuiihckIiiIc friend over Butiilay
A little iliiiiRlitcrot Mi. .toscph Tay
lor died on Hutui-day tit the lionio of
the KianilparpiitM, Mr. ntiil Mm. John
Jtelllci. on t'i'por Muln Ktrcel. The
funeral was held Monday afternoon.
Attorney II. T. Tlnkham. Vof Scr.m
ton, wits In ironendale on IiuhIiim to
ilny. Conroy, Macl: and Ktlwaulf. and
their rotnpany, who aie nt the Opel a
Howe tin pi nlifhtrt. pri"onted on
Moulin, uvcnlnif "A Daughter of
Cuba," piovlnc thenu'elves to tt)0 hlKh
cliits eoniedlatiH, v.'llh tin abundance
of fun between the uciM. This even
liiK (Tuesday) they play the "Diamond
Klinr." which Ik b popular. The en
tcitulninentn by this company aiv
lilnrhly tetoinnicndcd.
Jlou I.. Kitcrth returned to llaul
burtf till. jnnniliw. He was acconi
imnleil liy lit tlnee daughter, the Sadie, llcrtha and Ktta, who
will spend a few elayn in Hanlnhurff.
and then visit fi lends In Heading, be
lot t reluming home.
Walter M. Whitney, of the puiiuiui,
Thompooti Shoe company, whose lie id
.ninrters are at Wmlr.i. N". Y., fPO"'
Si.m1i at his Honesd.ile home.
.li Tohn V. Jenkins, who leeeutly
u turned lioni New Brunswick, N. J.,
on uivount of lllnes-s, is now seriously
ill with piKiimonla nt the home of his
rait nte, Mr and Mis. W. 3. JenWn,
mi Tn-buiy aveiiu". r
About s.lxl little people aie to take
pint in the entertainment to be given
b the Junior ( Kndeavor so-ib-iv
In the l'lesbyterlnn ehupel on
FHilny ivinliiB of thin week. These
little ones have in oven delightful en
intaliitis on former occasions!, and ex.
.f( i In tills to out-do j.ll others.
rMip.niiitilidi-lit David la. 1 lower ile
'ier"d a veiy Interestlmr lecture on
Vikluy evening In the Presbyterian
i Impel 'le save a description of a
mi ihrouRh Italy.
Tin auction sal" of the t ffei ts of the
' i Otto Shuinmann was Kiwly et
'rnded, the goods bringing fabulous
in lot . The adml'ilstr.itoi.s have been
un-tnttled by a In other In Hamburg,
i. ti many, to puri-huse a lot In Cller-
vbeir. in which to Inter the ie.
i. sains, which have beew lying In th
iiibllt va'tlt. They an- to eieet .i
monument alter a deslcn M-nt bv the
biother and to provide a sufficient
Mini to Keep the lot lit piopei shape
mi y, us to come.
The annual convention ol ciows is
now Vlnrr held in ibe forest just north
..f living cliff. I'riittH may be seen
fining fiom every tlhectlon to till"
point until they number thousands,
and blacken the tu-es where they sit.
When they lls-e In the air they appear
Ilk. a huge tloud and make the valley
ting with their cawing. At the bienk
of day the tawing commences, but
-.on they sei". Hying in all dh ce
ll, lis 1 1 Hiiiill numbnis. to spend the
lav, l. 'tinning again in the evening.
This proc.dme Is kept up until warm
weather, when thev build their nests.
Tlu i ingiegate In tlu place each
M'ai ul-tut this time.
e 1 m ilic Scranlon tribune
Mrniuoliaium. Mai eh IK The wolk
o letting a uunibLr of buildings on
tin O.ihlnnd side has alieadv com-infiii-ed.
Vs anticipated. SUheiuehan
pa o ikiaml are merely suffering fiom
' depression. They mo not
it ad. .tnd It is not yet time to send
tor tin uu lei taker.
Stv.'ial laboiers Ii'ive itcenlly beep.
..K. u Into the Urie shops. 11. McKnlght, foimeily of Su but now of.I'oit .Teivls, is
gintlunlly iccovcring from a heveio at
tack of typhoid fever.
Tie onditlon of Sidney Master", of
T iitnpike street, is consldeied very sei
Icin Tin funeral of the late Zachailah
liiown was held and hugely attended
a Sunday morning fiom the Noith
ImkiMI Methodist ehlllell.
The fi How lug dHotet cases aie
pending in Susquehanna county: Lin
da Hilton . It. A. Hilton. Valesco O.
l.flUe s. .lane H. Lake, Uose Cnch
inne s. William t'ochiano.
Tin Kiie hah a huge foice of men
nt woik laying new steel tails and new
ties on the .lelfeison branch. New
l-ills nr.d ties will be laid at nianv
points on the main line.
luv. 1. H. Watklns ami femlly. of
lti.indt, uie about to icmove to Ply
mouth. The i:ile i-tilko Is about two mouths
old and not one pel son has been ar
Mid In I'tinm tlloti with the shlke.
Hut two persons have bten pluted In
Hi. boiougli lockup dm lug the conten
tion, and tliovo weie tiansleiits, ar
leMid for public Intoxication. Vow
towns in the Vnlted States can show
Mith a record.
The ticittlemen of the Avenue Metho
dist i hm ill. Ciakland. vlll piobably
glo a imblle supper in the near fu
tue Utv. W. M. Houton, the abl.. and
pupular pustor of the Avenue Mstho
list church in Oakland, will piob
ably be returned to the church for
another yeui He is highly legarded
hy the church and the community.
A consldeiable quuutily of Ke has
aqeadj passed down the river.
The ilaillt is closing morf- saloons
In Kustiuelmnnii than the chuicli and
tcnipeutnce people combined.
J S Hinndt Is taking a special
couite in dentistry li Philadelphia.
Hev Henry I" Hubbard, rector of
7.lon Kplscopal church, In Oieene, N.
Y will pieaeh In Christ Kplseopal
church on Thuisday evening.
The grand Jury of the county will
n-cet on Monday. March 2"i, That
week of court begins Apt II f.
The I'entuiy club will hold n hop In
Hogau Opera limine on T-'rlday even
ing. Kile Fireman O. W lenience, who
was recently Injured by the bursting
of a water glnss of a locomotive, has
lost the right of one eye. He will
.:t.bably letaln the sight of the other. 1
.Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Unglcrt, or
Jackson street, aie ubotlt to lenitive
to Lestei shire. Members of the Daugh
leis of Pocohontas on. Satutduy even
ing made thorn a. surprire visitation
and presented them with a silver tea
et II was a very pleasant event
Sii.lal In llio Striiiloii 'rriliunc.
Monttos, Maich IS. Noininn Slew
alt, or Wllkes-Uaue. is a visitor in
town today.
Humanity In tills town and vicinity
Is luxuriating today In the llrst peifeet
spring day of tlic season. It is u wel
c ome.
Hon. Stanley N. Mitchell and wife, of
Hlnghamton, N. Y., weie guests of Mr.
and Mis. Ucoigo P. Little in this plate
over Sundav.
Mi. and Mrs. Henjamln How man
leave tomonow for Mlnghamlou, wheie
they will teslde.
Chntles Heck, after a. months' so
Joutn In Philadelphia, rus returned to
his home In this place.
Mls Hnnna MotL was the guest of
fi lends in Seianton over Sunday
Mr. and Mis. P.. I. Aldi n will ie-
move ftom this plai e to Le'tershlie,
N. Y., this week.
Company C, will nndeigo the tnliual
spiing Intpeetlon by Major W. S. Mil
liu on Monday evening Slay ".
.Iicii'a West, of Tiinkhonnaek, was
In this place on business toda
The qutbtlon of the postmasteiship
jat this place, which was believed to
l.ave In en definitely settled last Oc
tober, whin Samuel S Wtight was ap
pointed to the place, weems to have
bten veopi-netl by the fact that Mr.
Wilght was not coiitlimed by the
United Stales senate, and today the
liiends of Mi. Wilght me mislly clr
tulaling petitions and soliciting sup
poit for their favoiite, while the
l't lends of rieoige ( Hurn, another
itplrant. me doing a like seivlce for
him. Other aspirants aie liable to en
ter the field at any tlr.i'. and the out
look for a lively season in local politi
cal elides K eiy promising.
Misses Anna and Uon Calon. of
Sri.inlon. weie summoned to the beil
slde of their inoMier. who Is very 111
at her home hi Jessup township.
Wan en Hlsley. ot llutfaln, has been
visiting at the home of Chief of Police
The crowning bargains of this sale have just commenced, and by the way they are going they will ?!
ast long. We are anxious to open with our NEW SPRING STOCK NEXT WEEK, and we have g;
j$ gathered together in lots, the balance of Men's and Women's Fine Shoes to PUSH THEM OUT. J
$1,75 to
Ug THESE PRICES will help us to do it (if you dont).( About 240 pairs of Men's Fine
Calf and Vici Kid Shoes, worth $2.00 and $2.50, all sizes, take them ANY PAIR for...
!S 300 pairs of Ladies' Shoes, button and lace, regular price from
! $2.50, all good sizes ; while they last
tp Well, we are so busy now, we cannot tell you about the others-
! advantage of this sale it is your own fault.
50c and 85 c i
just come, and if you fail to take J
330 Lackawanna Avenue.
&icuil In tin- """laiiton 'lubiin'
Dlliyea. Mauh IS. Tills iiioiiilug,
while cro-slng the Delaware, Lacka
wanna and Westein inllioad ciossing.
near the Hallstead mine, a horse own
ed by T. H. Dills, out llveiyman, was
killed by a south-bound Height. The
team Mas In the care of Joseph Huiei
Ick, a dilver foi Ml. Dills. When the
team mid tialu collided one of the
hoi ses, owned by John Stock, but hlied
for the day by Mi. DUN, was killed
and the other one was seiiouilv In
Juicd and the wagon was smashed into
Kindling wood. Ml Hmeilek est aped
This afleinoon. James Young. f
Avota. sustained Injuiks at No. 11!
Minft of this place. Th lad was bilng-
Inj In some ompty caia when he was
i lushed b"twern them and a rib. He
was taken to the suilaee. v lieu- some
01 tlu millets examined him and found
no bones bioken. but that he had sus
tained other inlurles. The men weie
about to rend foi the ambulance, but
the biave bov piotested, saying It
would seme the tnmlly t last he
was leiaoved to his home
Mbs Maiy Nolan letuiued Iionp
Sunday evening, after u few weks
vlilt with fi lends in Jliandsville.
Mis. Joseph Swan, or Wayniart, Is
visiting at the home of her sister.
Mis. Krank Lane, of Fiont street.
Mrs. G. V. Ace is visiting In Seian
ton a. P. Ace i etui ned home, alter a few
days' Nlt with fi lends In Wllkes-
H.u re.
Lewis Kdsall. of Oiove stiee-t. who
hns been ill for tome lime, feels a
little impioved today.
-penal 10 llm Sranlon Irilmiit
Spiingvllle, Maich IK. D. I). Laton
has moved fiom the farm In Aubuin.
that he sold, to the house that he built
heie two jcars ago.
It looks now as though theie would
be veiy little maple sugar 01 sytup
made In this vicinity this spiing.
H. K. McMlckens Is moving liere, oc
cupying i-ooms over the cieameiy until
the house being built by Sttiait Hlley,
on his (aim, Is ready tor him. It will
be lemembeicd that he was burned out
twice within u year, on the faun fiom
which he Is moving.
Mis. Liny AVakelee has returned to
her home, after an extended visit to
her daughter, Mrs. Mollle Hruudage, at
Syracuse, N Y.
Mi. and Mts. Arthur Dunlap visited
ti lends in Wilkes-Uaire over Suuda
Woik at the Hawko stone quarry Is
Drake Kmnions lias lately hud his
pension increased from $12 to $17 per
going along nicely, the work being
stripping and getting tendy to take out
(lagging. Theie me nine men employed
there at piesent.
r. H. Williams, having sold his faun
to l-'iank Muzzy, will sell his p-isounl
piopeity at auction. He has made his
home at Claik's Summit for a number
of yea is.
The audltois of Sprlugv llle had quite
a time going over the accounts and
getting them In shape. There had been
so little woik done by previous audlt
ois that theie eenied to be a badly
Jumbled lot of bonks, and It took time
and patience to get au.v thing like older
out of the chaos.
P II. t'omstock, the bather. Intends
leaving heie for .Montana about the
Hist of May, wheie he has a position
as llremau on a locomotive.
Papeihnugei- Culver was engaged at
John L. tiyles' on Moutlav.
On Thuisday everting last l ho band
gave a mlnstiel show at the Academy,
that for good solid tun eclipsed any
thing that has been given hen- In a
long time. Theie weie two fniees also,
both of which weie highly ntertain
Ing. The "filling' was lendeied by
Piof. Chillies Cohen, of Monties.-, and
was gieatly enjoyed by the audletue.
This show Is to be repeated soon, with
neatly an entile ihange ot progiamme.
The boys also Intend to go to Hrook-
In. Hush and other nearby towns as
soon as auangements can be made to
that end.
l-'iank Muzzy has sold his faun
L It. Thomas takes possession of his
mill on A pi II 1. and has lilted Allie
Fargo to woik the fiiim. William AYest
goes fiom the mill to the meat market
with William Latluop.
K.nOi) soles Hi was luuut-diatelv In
sti ucted to ni-ci-pl tlu- offer
The claim oilglnuted In lS'H Wil
liam Kowks was an Ainerlean i Itlzen
living at TiimheA and tin- milltai.v
authorities silbjeeled him to a forced
loan and ImpiNoned him for tveut
four bonis. A ilalm was piefeued
against Pent for $",000 uu his net omit,
but that government pi offered :s,ono
soles (a sole being equivalent to 4S
cents), and the i l.ilmant etpiesved his
willingness to a cepi that sum.
Hi I.Miibli. Win M cm 'liu t'r '
' Sofia, Maich IS. M. KniuvelolT. th
piemler of Hiilgnilu. has viltllally ele
lled his sovei-elgn, Pi luce 1-ViillualiiI,
and seems to be master of the situa
tion. In gieellug the piliue. he le
fused to kiss his hand. Later he add
ed to the acuteuess of the situation b.v
publishing an article In the oilltial in
gnu ol the government tlueatenlug
Piince rt-idlnaiid with deihionenient
and oven the staff old ll he should
attempt to oveiilde tile Hiilgailan
tonslltutloii, and establish an absolute
government, as he Is slispei ten ot de
signing. Kaiavt os uuliiide made him
o $
0 m,Bn,na. 0
No art is needed
Tt puige thu bowels In a huny Any old dose, will do that
Tlu gentle persistent method alono hsiiIIs In the euro of
habltuul Constipation. MASON'S IlllOWN TAHLETS begin by
gently stimulating the liver. You take them at bedtime
You'ie all right In the morning. There will be no gripe no
tllscomfoit.. Your bowels will act Just as though they had never
forgotten to do ao. No Calomol, Aloes, or Opiates.
flnson's BROWN Tablets cure Constipation
Bilious and Liver Troubles 0. K, in the morning:.
No Calomel, Aloei or Ostatei.
Muig'l Yellow TiblcliCali
Sit tut Cir Slckaeii, lltnUehfr
Bralaiod Nerve Tonic, 19:.
Mitoa't Drown Tiblcle Cure
Dillout and l.her Trouble
0. K. la tbe rajmloi, 10c.
burtoti nlibt' reilT He.
Mitoa'i While Tablet! Care
Toaillltle, Coldi
Reduce Inllamnatloa, 10c
Muoo'i Cream ol Ollui Corel
Croup, Ploplti, Neuraltla,
Buroi (04 flics, IS:,
All Dronlili or oialled lor price br
II. T. MAM)( tllEMICAt CO.,
Ml Artb Street,
Pblladelpbla, re.
Sjinial to tlii Sennit n Tribune.
ritts-ton, March IS. Clmliinun I". V.
Joy e Ikih leslgned as a member of iho
(elet-t fount II from the Second ward.
Major Cot cot an bus ouleied a special
tle.tlon on Maich J!) to 1111 the va
cancy. Kin- the past few tlajs a foiee of
Pennsylvania Coal company engineeis
have been at win I; surveying the lines
ot the Kile and Wyoming Valley rull
load tliiough heie, In view of the Mile
of the right of way to that latter tont
pan. The hind on which the Kile'a
tinekx are located was generally sup
posed to have been owned by that com.
pun, but no formal tianster has ever
been made by the Pennsylvania Coal
(ompany, the two practically being
one. The piopeitles liuvlug come Into
the pohse-jslon of the Erie Itallroad
company, It Is. the new owner's Inten
tion to separate the unity Intercstr,
and a move In that direction will be
made by u formal sale as ufoiemen
tloned. Considerable Inteiest is taken by Io
cal spoitsineii in a shooting event
which will take placo at iJunmore net
Hatutday afternoon, commencing at
l.l'.n o'clock. It will be a team shooting
foi a handsome silver cup and the
championship of Not theastern Penn
sylvania. Two men fiom any one gun
club hid ellglblu to compete and en
tries aie uJipected from all towns in
this valley. The pile tup Is on exhi
bition In the show window of Jeweler
Mt-Dougall. of this city. It is the gift
of J. II. Lau it Compaii, of New York
ilty, geueial agents for liailmo pow
der. .
John MeNulty, aged 4". yeais, a well
known resident of .Sebastapol, died at
the "lietrent" at Nantlcoke this morn
lug Falling health ht.d affected his
mind. The reniainu weio In ought to
his home this nfteiuoon, Ho was a
local agent for the Metropolitan Insur
ance company.
Mr. nnil Mrs. Kdore Urown arrived
home today fiom their wedding trip.
A. L. Towner, who has conducted a
shoo storo hero for some time past,
will move his stock to Sayie, Pa.,
wheie he will engugo in business.
N. P. C'Iiscn and wlfo liavo changed
their place of icsldciice from Main
street, this city, to Duryea.
Wall Street Review.
V uiK. In IIic ioi.i-i .if , v. nit
in I.Kl wick's clink iiuildt Kit up In lmli'
cm lit mi in mi tin' klnik iviluniii'. Ilu pnun
fill lnnfi.Uitul -hi iilnum ili tutl lii'i'ti nut
ll'ulillliK I'lim inr mi .iiliJiiro lnl' it li-irx linn
tw lie luoml-e nf tluli Htt.'iil In Hi. iimnim.
iHiNI'lc inlilirl 111 Uu' IM.nktl 'I lie pnlilli
pithe u.i'4 wlirltiil lia MiiMiil .lunoiinicliiilll'.
nhlili i t li. i mine viij tiH.rluiii. fut Uu- pin
'"('. oi utre Ml .illuil villi it tuw In Hull
wliti. 'I lie iimii tlnl Uu- KiH-ktfilltr low
ltitriiu in tin' I..iKc vit,iiu tisluii win- tt. In'
liuluiliil in Ilic lnl liu itu .in..l ir n
kiiIiiii.' liu Uu Inilli, .mil .mAi'lml Uu' rlnl
htm k rium tlulr ilutniiui into Miiiigtli
.mil .iilhiti.
'Ilirrc M.i-. .1 i'f 'f llie t. iltil pun
l.iiii'ii in lliiilliiLtnn I'll Ilu- ntililliiitliiii "I in
i iKititliuiN tlnl I'li-iili-iil .1. I. Hill,
nl Ilu Nnrllultl, li l.l Mdlliil icilittnl nf III,
Hiiilintfiuii It j- .il-" uiiiliil.-nllv .tildl Hut
ai Sink (cnliil Inil skuiiiI iniilriil nf Mjii
li. ill in .mil M.mlil giiii.iiitci' j ilttiil. ml nl li
pii nii 'lln i-t.i( in. in i in hul .in iiiiiiliu'i
llllil.ll hum till' )ll'ili tit lit tl:l' N'lH nl. ll Mill I', miii Hut tlti' It limine
fi.i m Uu- niniiHiirl, nt Ilu- 1111-" Jiiiinitiil .mil
lin.n.iul K. t . Dtlur ni'iii:u nu win- illlii.
illu'itlv lililnl to Hum, hi une inuli r tin it
Itlliri'll ilitlu. Ill 1 . llllllll'CI nf rHtljltil-
niiiuil liuliii ii'l'lill.i. itu liiilinj, luljjii",
( i li-cillil ili.l (la, -io1.''' Li .iiul .nirilr.ii)
"null prtfi mil. 'I lie mijIoim nf llie umIii
vi j i line ! Iimi I .i ininin' -Irile The irilu in
thr plllicii'.il lil i,lni k rvUii'h.l fiom 'J U)
". I'l.iiii, th. v h.ihl In in i Hi in uu nil ci.
Ilinllnxtiii' (Ntiiiue lUe .w f)i;'i.
4j. nnil .i lrfiae liiuiili.i ..I tin- ullnr nrn.t
piuuiitiiil htmUs limn In ,. Voilluir-ltili
I'liliiml juiiii.l 7. 'Hit' LiMiik t( fi'iculatlv.
piolllls mil-Ill Wllle IIMtll'lll .it liinci, Lilt tin
lllnlllliill" inlllllinul ntrnlli; III till' llf.M.
tin 1.11 iitti .( nun; Mock wire
In low Ihc lio.l. In, il Kile tmi.iv lute I.U'i'i.ViO
The l.nlin ill I .on. t nuikil olilimi.'il iilivr,
hut w.i leictiuniit in 1 1 "It nil Hn(H Llkilil..
Tot ll nlm, ni v.ilnc, M, It". (). I'nltul NtJte.-.
uftinilln' iwih .iijvjiuril !g per .nil en lie
hi-t i.ill
itrantcn lion l'-nte i Mlg Co 1I1
S-Vrantcn Axle Work Hi
Lat'ta-vaiit-i 1I' '"- ''r ""
County Suvlnd Pink ,. I'rut Co . iml
Hist National lUnk (Cjrlon.laliO
htundara UrlllliiB 'o '
Trailers' National Pink ., 115
Scranlon Holt and Nut Co 103
Scrantnn I'a.nger luilivjy, Brit
MortroRp. I'"- t'J'-0 llj
People's hlrctl Itallna). "t mort-
S,je, dim 1018 113 ...
l'roplo'i Mrcft lUllui), (lenrral
mortsasc due VJl 113 ...
D.rkion Jla-iufiotnrlns lo P"
UcUa. Town-liiii Vliool .'. prr cfnt. . . 10!
Citv ot hiuiitcn M. Imp. '-r
tent Wi
Strjutun Iraition ti per ti-iit 1!3
Seianton Whoiesle Miket.
(.(uintu! In II. (i. I'll'-. -' ln kail-inn ve )
llullPi I li aim i.v. -'I'll-'-' . iIjIii. I" "ii"
PI i-i Pull in in. l.M't
I Ul, VV r.ll-111 fitrl., I". to I'.'.-l luillle
kl.ll), I Hill.
ll.-ntK-l'ii tin. ilimif nuir.ivv, .' i'.a-' m)
i-i i iiul .-i-i! tin . ri2.'.u.
Mnliiiin lleim-l'-i l.u . pJiiU'C.
(iitiii l'fa I'm l.u , 'I !nil.4i.
Onioiii-I'tr Im . 1 Mil ''
I'lniii Itc-t piliut. pi i Iml.. il I"
1I..I Iviilnev IIijii.-I'.i l.u , ".'I'u' il
Philadelphia Giaiu and Produce.
I'hlljilcliihl i. Mii.Ii 1 I., hluh.r.
i,'viiwiiNyxv.X'i "
I Mill
I ll.Ul
ill' i
. P ,
i mi i
PAYING 3.18 TO 4.05 Per Cent.
Centiol R. R. of N. J. Gen. 5s.
I'la., Cent. & Pen. Con. 5s.
Gal., liar. & San Ant. 1st 5s.
Iowa Cential Ry. Co. 1st 5s.
Lake Shoie Refunding 3 l-2s.
Minn. Gen'l Elect. 1st Con. 5s.
Minn. & St. 7j. Con. 5s.
Noif. & West. Imp & Ext. 6s.
Nor. Pnc, St. P. & Duluth 4o.
Peoila & Pekin Union 2d 4 1-24.
Rio Gi anile & West. 1st 4s.
Complete Circular List on Applicatioi
1001 (Pocket Edition) now leady.
Spencer TVask & Co.
2?-29 Pine Street,
05 State St , Albany. NeW YOl'k.
Otter of Indemnity for Mistientment
of William Fowks Accepted.
tljr Excliuhc Who from The Auociitcd I'reas.
Washington, Mm eh 18. United States
Minister Dudley, at Lima, Peru, cabled
the state dcpaitment today that the
government of Peru had offeied to
settle the Kuwks claim for the sum of
lACIIM Kill n. tin Mi-jiiwn. Nuht
A('li:v. M.i) IVki mil ioninm M.
illf'L' ItlU lllllkl
Miss Fiske Is Blight and Winsome.
Vli-s ilJV l'like. nippoilni liv the 1'uukli- ( .n
iiiiln innipity. mil Willi .i liii"l ililliuljil'.
iculilieiii nl the .i.nlitu.v I ul iiIrIiI, on the
oitailnti of Ilu- 0iinln- ct .i wiek'n mciKcni m
In itiiilulre. "I lie (..iiil"ii Cill" .i die
phi). Mi I'Ukp lirlulil, pieiiv ami nhioiiiit-,
i i.m.lilriril liv in Hiv ntie nf Ihe Ic.iiIiiir toiil
piImiiiic-i In liputniri llir hlujiin. i liinilk.
ahle 04 lie lia a illlialfd volie vvlilili lic
hitiillt. ill an eviollini luaunpi Ilu udiilmln
h aillllillll li)' llm lulu. "II liei ilu".- .lid t'
be Inipiiitnl ami ilium' "I llio niii.IKte alt,
never ilupliiallm; ilmiiw tlir wee'.. Ml I ike
hi llie ailnntHSO of lull'), hrlutf one oi 111"
)iuiiimt lad) hlii Hi lepfltoire
'llie (I'liipanv MippeilniK Mi ITiici- i i in)
callable nni and liiiliulin (.nine nf the li(t lalont
miii Willi ii popuhr iilied iitlr.uliin Mis.)
1' laniis liei own outfit oifliema wlilrli u
a Kimaulic for llie lilit populit inuli
iiuuibfr of clever nieiiallir aii introduetil .it
e.uli perfoi in nice Imlli lutvvrtn the n(M and
iluiinic tlio .itt Inn "I Hie l'l(. nuklnu the prr-luiinuict-4
conllniioiu vvilliuiil .in) vvjIM ol lie.
la). Iho pli)s tni Imlli aie initlnee. "Povrtl)
ciiiiiei," iiml ttmlelit tho rliiiuti-il Vc-r Vmk
Mtirei, "Ml I'rlciul fiom Inilli "
Kellar Tonight.
Ote of the liu t novil a well I., in. onipie-hiti-llili)
fi.itiui M licit lun Killar'H pro-
liidiiuun tlii nar I iuilnt lime pleie, vililili
I known nil llm "Hindoo llmk." It vva otuti
the motility of a lanml niiicnla'i in India.
It r..nlU wlr-b ot a slivi dial ami
In .14 liiml. tt ll will .iia-vvir nuy que-tloii
tint nil) be i.kiil II. H till Ilic da) nf
the wult upon vvlilili )ou wire born, iliuo by
.vim watili, dito of coin.1, value ami liutnhiM
nf bank lillli, linen miiii 111 arllliiucllc, rtt-., tie.
it l but an Item. Iiovveiei, In a lonif cile nf that Kellar will oftei wlun he ronm
to ihe l.viTiim lonleht.
Hoyt's "A Texas Steer."
' bappv alhii'al laiie-eomcd), Ilo)l't "V
Ti-a Slier," villi be Klvni at llm I.jcciui
Miiliirwlay nllit, Manh So, b practioall) llie
iiieiiul (oinpany Hut made the plicc one n'
tin (,'icitiit lliealilul bUic-CMM nf Hie put .1 .
lado. hi "V Mier the inUi ly of the llie
nl nlllce Mikrnt as loM b) a eulmril appllrant
(miii tho newl) rlt-ctid cijiiiiicninii'j ilLtiiu
ii toiiiiili.ri'd one of Ihe lciicat IiIik tli.1t lu
crutd the (tii'.'e In mill) Ji.u.
llo)i'i faciiln of solnif lioni tiio Mililluifl lo
tlie ildli'iihui in illil"i.uo ami situation, I a
uinazlni,' n It I uiuuiliif: ami intrrtalnlu, and
liailu IllllMii uie biounht out In hll pruductioiu
than In tlm vvoiU of .niv ntlur nii'ilian play
mislit. "A 'livai Mm' will. iIcori-rtlI.v pmw
an Ilium tiM- atliaction
Neives Like a Flnt-Iiou.
A woman who suffeicd for three
yeais from nervous pinstratlon wiys
two bottles of LIchty'H Celery Nerve
Coiiipuuuel effected a complcto cine.
She hardly knows today whether who
has nerves or not, as sho never feels
them It Isteitalnlya wnndeiful n-m-edy.
fold by Matthew ilios
'llie follow tntr iU0Utioti are
Trillin e b) M. S. Jordat. k Co
Mtats biilldiuir, crantcn, 1'a.
() Oil'
Vnilllial iu.u
Ann r I'ob.u n . .
U Id t ii li . ...
Hum!.. 'Jiiiilloii
II ill & Ohio . ..
(.''jut. '
rlri. .'; (Hi.o
Chii. .v: (.1. Wt-t. . .
( llle . II ('
m t ml
1 1 oil. I 'uu!
II I . llllil-i'll ..
f. iikawanui 11, 11 ...
litt" .v. 'lo.. I 'i . ..
l.ouii. A "ahville .
Mar l.hvulid
Mil. Tuition . .
ML,... IVillii .
MuHliirii I'.n i III . .
Noilolk .V Wt-t. .
Nnrlhmi l'adtie ...
V.iilli. l'adtie, 'i. .
N . I . ..
(lnl. k elrin ....
I'niiia. II. II
IMilllc Mill ..
Iliaililu; 111'.
Ibadlui.- lit.. IV. ..'
OlUllllll II. II. .
smth. It. It . IV .
Tnin Coal k lion .
I tv. Iiallier
1' s. laalher, Pr. ...
I . Hiibbtr
I iilnn Pailtle
I inn Pat llle. l'l' ... l'l .. ..
Wi.lein t'nloil
Cnl. I'uel .V Iron ...
Aiual ( opprr
Peoples (!a
m. s
S. ., I'r
Tixaa Paillle
Am Tar l'muuli) ..
I'. S Mfll I 0
f S Strtl Co., Pr.
. :.-
. v.i;
. .Tt
. W'...
. I(.l4
. UK
. li"
.101 '4
1 .()'..
. '.si,
1. I".5.
.. in':
. 'i
.. S.VU
.. Sili
, 1SJ
.. .ii'i
;; Hvj
.. Ml,
. 7n
.. w;
.. ut
.. 74 4
.. ii
. f'.7i
. -"i
.. ll.'a
. l(V,i
.. s-i
.. (1.1
.. 3t'i
.. -Jl
.. ion
.. Si',
fiLti. thiil 'Up
rtioini 70J 700
'lllciihonc ton:.
inuii- i.ow- if
1 .'.Hi
11 i
11 i
0 I'
ll '
l. .
rei.tiut til id. . vt in li. .'.. i.n. . I
V burin 1, N" i 111K11I, I.1,
(lal-ltnilv . n i white illpp.d. .1.
1 inn, but iitul, iviiilir Mippilm. .
evlia-. iJiJiii.ii t'i uu i mlln ilin
t-J'i. du ll llzlll.
.l.-r. Kl J"n I in. do lial,lil, i4iM.ii .1
pal. lit. V. Mil ;.i, K in.l i.lalJ.hl in k
il Vill.MI; ill., pitllit III snl.l, 1V)ilT. -puill., .'"al.ij. ill. irali;lit. .!uVi! m .1
pliant, M.Tial.lU. do. Iilinile bland , l I
I im ar It v mill pviij. iim.i'Jil: du h4i
I .'III I "ill. ll.a a,ll ll.'lll, M. 'ill I !...": ll" PHI
lal.-.'i. liu lliiiu. lpidy inn dull ul ."an .a
b.niPl fin thnia-e l'i mi I Hntli l I'lim md
liiulit r : fitu.v wi-Hein i ipiiiu re, Zi'.t
lilltil-. --'., ikt uiaibi. '-'.a . I in;- '.
ii: Iii1C i.tnrbv. lii.: il... we-tim. I.. .i'
iinuiliiiii, l.'e I In 1. 1 i'iiiiI but Hi m. N
lull ileum finct uiilf, l."e.. .' in
i lii.ii i. luiiil"'.' Itilini'il "Uiirai ieaili I '
iIiuiimI. (nlliui ii l.iwn; mid lliiiu' milinii
,'ni. I.lllovv liail': liI) prltlli in hi d- . I a
01 nin pliine III bbb . !'ill"'.i . I-1' ' '
.V41. I.ln 11.111I111 bull, ivi I!
all'..; old inii.i.i, 7'jii . aln.k.i-. m1 1
ll'.t.. dink, liil.k : i,ti-i. Hal-' . iinkii-
Pllli. llKI.Mll polllll) I'illll K I llllllllial
fiittl. rlioln. lU'-llli.; do I ill I" U'lod. II' 1 1
111. . old li.aj.ttri.. 7'j.a., I.talbv illltkili. II
Hi.; Weill 111, liiiHi.' we-luii liukri. P
l'Ji-i : ilutko. niitliv, llil'i,: w(tllll
lllKlpl I loltl.
in win it,
rfiTf J rJ 1 Th n? ll
1 ai ii-iii 11
in ii.iini.. in.)
(i.u.l 1. 11. 1 pi;
V.t.l bv VI I I.JVV allll.1 .1 In
acho and Ljvoi'
Sold liv nil druBRlitl
or Kent liy mall.
N:ntt3 H:i! Co., Chlcija
i Ihonia. Iliu.'jliil.. 'i)l
. .aiiinh Pa
bti-hilii. .
it . Ill KI
Wheal. Hull'
1 l'l II
rillOAt.0 OIIAI.V
... . T:tt
Mav ,
NI.W M'lllv
1..70 7
M't .S1'i (
tU l-iJ. 17'.
Id-.' HH'-i IrtPj
luij lifia. 10i'(a
.'ll'i aj'j !',
i.i's r.;ia nt ;
:il'j :il .11
215 Jl' OH..
I- Wi 12
S7'i v, mi.
Illsll- low- Clo-
tt est. 111 jt
7!'i 7d 7ili4
tl'j ll'i ll)a
1.1.1 HI
7.C7 70
.". ti
7.a a .17 7. 17
Hjvfii. IIIbIi. ,ow.
Bcrantoii Boaitl of Trade Exchnnfje
Quotations All Quotations Based
on Par of 100.
STOCKS, Did. Ailed.
Tint Natloral Dank Kw
Fcranlon bavlngi Hank .160
'Ihlrd National Hank mi
Dime iml Diicount llank.. lid , ,
Kconomy l.lijtit. II. & P. Co to
lairka. Irmt bafo Deposit Co IM
Clark ik Snovpr I'u., I'r p.-j ,,.
New Yoik Giain and Fiotutce.
iw nik. Man li li -I'liiiii II.1II111 a ik
111, 1 Hied iiudrl liPllllli In wlun. vvilli
iii.iiul imiinimilaiit. Winln irali.hl ..l. .
Mil ti paletitu, tliiri, w lull 1 1 -lia-. 'I'a.'-1
Wlieil -t e.iv: N.i ' rid. 'IV.' aHmi S
1 ll-al. M)ll tlev.ltul. Sn. I liaillhl-lli llul'li
Wi',i. f o. b. al'.nl Opt .in. hean an I m -lurl.e
nvi .1 11 nt villi, nni. -inl
tin) ixpiut ilrminl. ej) ai kii I
.line fiiim xatiiilj)'"! nub ibee Manh .1"- "
M,(i., M.iv. MiV.: .lull. Mi pn nil" .
7t'3ii. e inn- S-put Me Kb. Nai l"i ilnal .
ami I. I ii. li al'.oa Hillnii. w. ik in1'
tilWl-l-. bill I lilltil llll ill) alllll lIuM-al ll-aill '
il pallill 'pi . ml ilitllue M.llili 1 1, -eil I' .
Mav, HIV.: Jul). Mv : Spiunlin. PilJ'
(lili,-ioi utiirl, N". -'. .Jitji.i Nn. .'. .id
u. 2 vtlilli, !5l';i . o. -1 vvlille, IJijuii. ,
iriil. nilviil vicliin. .aiili'si , naiU win .
.:2i.i (Ipllnm, fin . 1 and u.iii lliiiln
I'll.lli fllS.1 llflllltll. llklJla l.u tail', lllall'j
June (reanifi), llilli'-i.l linlutiun uiaiuu ,
IIiiIS'm.; slalfj aliliv,'ile ( hie Num..
fun) luue iiibiii'd nil-1 Millie, llill'j. , Ul
lnnll tiilnip.1. liV-ji
li'ie r.i,R struh
M'.i we. Liu, U
1 airf,AW.Wfc.
in ' T Viit. Y'V
'"""I -
'"' K
i Mm
1 JiW A
Ipii i i ir atA ciir' on
.Ml Spi'lUT SI.
i.inpip Cuuii iiuit'iu'ir.
lane) .mall wlile
'.llte fltlil I'l-lllia
, Koutb. in, IJil''t
Chlcnpo Grain ami Froduce.
( hll mn, Mauli 1 M boat bmke luii',v m
div i-iulir a dibit,!- uf l-'iiu' hulilliiK. Ma) i.i
Ilu; with a mt ilnliiie of !Ui.. oi a iouli nl
the ail Hie dav'a iii'Viit, I mn and
nil -liiinnl tiulililiilile lHlu,'i!i bv i iiiiarM.ii,
ilu fiirnnr . lnlnc 'mi'i1. and tin- latter 'ii Pluvliioti al the I na vein '-jllil-. i I a h 1 1 it t v-.'tie a. follow - -
I'li.m Hull. Su. .1 niiuir wheal. lAi'.'.Hii .
So. 2 ii-d. 77e . So. '.' null. 40'4i- : So. '1
ulliiiv, Hiit.- So. 1 rial.., 'in.', Su. a vvliilp.
!;.i2-Je. ; Sn :i vvlilti, "jraii'li- , Sn. !, '!
jili.; i,r,iid iridlna luilei. ; lull Id
(liiiltf!. 'ili"'iii.. -S". t llt mimI,;
So, I in, l Hi I'lliii" tlmilliv. f I
pink. IV""ul1.wil laid. K7.7.'a7.77'a: plmil lib
Idc, M llal'U'U pliinilili rn. ! "Imil 'kai
ildif 7!'i.i. wliUkfi, l.'.7
Chlcnpo Live Stock Maihet.
(hli.UO. M.IHH 1 l.lllli' ll.llipW. JI.KH
hi. lu.llivr 1,11"! '! van, huiii li. i. li'iih to
kill IU iithlla. kli.VI tn Ilk luu.i: bull hill'
.lutk. . Ii'.uli: 'Ic-Mii. .tiad), , .mil lii prliiiL
urn-. IH.Niaii; pun in iiiiilluin -1 1 a ij I 7 "i , fiP'b
.i. and -.twin.. WHVil U1 um i 1-IjJ ...
li. Hi ii t3ilal,u"i. luriiui., H.'aJ.f.lj bull., x.'.l.l
at J"U i.ilvi, "1 Mi.iI.'i.'i, 'levi fid ileal, l
a.i 'levi iia plteia. l 0il, Ii-mii IiiiiK
Ilng- HtHf-lpu tndjv. ..I,ki: lunioiiuiv, .1
(mil i.timaled! l(ll Ulil, l,il npuieil we.,',,
ilo-pd st I one. nitlvci tip. .VJ'i. inlvi'd ami
hull hi r.. H 3ki1.77's! Kund In ilnilie luaiv.
rKkitkriHJl'ii mush luavv, xk.Vial.ul. Ilvjht,
lf.1 rilal.7.1; built nf alf f, l.doa 1.7.1.
M(iiltccilip'i W.Ouil. M.ip, tlijd) in
Ktiiinir; )iMiliiu;. flenlv; lamb, tlovt tai 1ii ,
Inwii-, eviepl I lu lit pliudv : Bnod In thnlir
wtlliPM, 4l.Hi.i1. tali In 1 1'iilu iiiivid. -li
Vli a. in and i Iiii till
.jli (-in "ll uu li. v .-
i ii nut i hlldi. n.
I llliil( SI.IIVOI .
imvis vsn viiisai
uirvi v ipi.i
1VIIV VII all il III. Liter, IlldlU-v ,
ll. i hli! i!i III. nl, Si'i.i-, Wiuiib,, liar,
.So-' liiml mid I uir;-. t .ilia-pis. ruiiiun,
l'i1,-, Uuplill. ',.ill l.llPlliitlli.111, Wthllln,
I llm li, Vallamala. I 0l M lllhiii'd. Mdllt'vf
l.mlwiiiu.'i. uM 1". mile Jij. j-r-, .euenrrhopa, ep ,
(iomii rtu-a. .iphllli. Ilii'od I'ui-iiii. I ml inn"
linn ami viiihtul lialih lurci-rs
I itu, i:pilip.i, '1 ipe m.l Mem nil Monui. I V-
I llllll()OSi:. -p.. ilia for Catanh 'I hn
iii'iulliv' i.eituuiil onlv cJil"i T l lal fite m
nilli i I eiiMill illun and esaiul n.a 1 1-n lie.'. Hi
II e limn, dalli and mu!.i', a in lo 'J p in.
Iril vt It HI -ll'
lilt,. I a.1.1 I t".
ll. Iambi "la . C
p. ! Viil.
iiiiiivi lamb
li V li -hli p
l eHil II.
V I 11
New Yoik Live Stock.
.S.w Malah I liepve- tnl, itmilv
In u ihailu IiIkIipi, null ami idvi-, Hun, -Inr.,
la.1 W; PMI.I. Mou, utK, ifl.lOil.'jili bull-,
M.lUa l.lo, axpoit, il..',u; .niv, i. hht.J'l.
I atie. ili.ulv In Hun, veal, l.i7'. i, t )nlt ,
7.i1j7.71; liule i ilvi, -. .n
Hut- Haiku wial at .f.j(l..,n
East Llbaity Cattle.
!,.! I.ibiii), M in li 1 Little Slioiiki PXlr
Kj..'ai.i.i.ii.1i pump. fV.liij.IOi ininmoii, i,ilal
iU -Vilui; luavv and line iiia-d.
Iiiiiv. nv.Ui "I, llk'hi )nik(i, VlUIkii Iiphi)
Inn;.. Ckl'lUl, 1 jv - m7Ui.1i1!-. lotiRlif, V 10.
Catnnh Cannot Be Cuietl
wllli l.H('l. M'l'IH 'II0S, a thpy CJiiieM
liaih the iP.ll nl the ill-Pun I alallh I a blon.l
or (01 ttltulloiiil dl.piie, and In oidil tn i-ulp U iiuiil take (ulriiul IPiuiditf, Uall'. t'.
laith Chic l Ukin Inlcinally, aid aoti rlirecl1
on the blood ami miicoiu unfair, llall'i I i
Uiili Cure l not a iuul. incaiirtiu-. It wui
pipmiibeil l'i oik ot thr- (not plotiiiaim In llm
tnunliy foi )eaia, mil i a riviulai pii.uIpt,oii.
II l cnupoteil nl me l'"t tonlet known, ioiii
blntit Willi tlitf ln'at bbii'l imiiriPrit. acting ill.
lectly on tho nuicou mifauii. Tin- prifret iuu.
I'liutlon ot tko two Innrnllrnta it what pi...
dutct dtuli wondtrful ipnulti in tiirlnir Catarrti,
iiml fur ti.llnioiilal die
I' J. I'lll.SKV & CO., I'lupt, Tolrdo, O,
Sibl b,v iliiukM', prlie '.',
Ilall't I'.inill) I'llli an- the but.