The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, March 19, 1901, Page 6, Image 6

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Jr "
I. i7
. tVVAMi
Motion to Expel Samuel Moigan In
Accoidnnco with the Decision of
the HnKleton Convention Caused a
LaiRo Number of ills SympnthU
oi s to Leave the Hall with Him.
He Addiessod Them on the Cuib
Stone Enteitainment In Menis'
Hall Notes and Peisonnls.
A sphlletl mh utliiK nf Alt. Pleasant
Local. Nil UTs. Pulled .Mlin Woikets
of Ami't leu, was lii'lil In .lanes' hull.
ooriPT oi Jackson sttoot mill H'iUH'aJ
tourl. Inst owning, wlili h mlfil In a
illvMon "1" tin- niombei.s nt the iptes
t ton u sustaining tlio Hilton til' tho
delegates at tin' llazloton coin ration
lu expelling tliflr o-piestlt nt. Samuel
Mingan. tiotu thf i.mks of ill"' mine
It Kt'l'llls 111 It .Mill Hull PH felled
illilllii'S against fill. till otllohlls of the
United Mine Woikets some time alio,
but fulled to nibslanllnto them, unit
tin- Haxlt'toii t oiisciitlon expelled 111 in
fnim the union.
0't two liunilii'il unmbii" of the
At t. Pleasant local I'lowilnl Into Junes'
hall lust night to hear t lit- lepoit of
Dt-lcgate .lolm Walsh, wlu iopieontcd
them at Ma.lftoti Among those pies.
I'lit was and a host of his jtym
i ithlt'M. Win n tin' ii'pott was Iit'anl,
anil the aniitiuiueiucnt made thai Mor
iui hail boon (Applied, l'lcddont Tlinm
iM Mclliiiic inlet! thai tin; action of the
ll.iylcton t onventlnii .should lie hiis
laltictl. imtl Moigan munil oicpollod
fioin the union This mllng tamed
ihc i1lvlIon. Moigan st-li-cd the op
linituulty tor making u xpitth. hut
when ho was uilctl out of oitlcr, ho
nut on his tout and ten the lull, fol
lowed by many of the mombeis prcs-
WIipu the men limbed tin- sidewalk,
an Impromptu mooting was licit', anil
Mingatli again "poke about the existing
tioulile. Ills content. on was that he
inn ptoxe the tiutlituliio-s ,)f his ns
m i thins, and Is ready to do so.
llks reniatks weie Ubt'ially npplaud
ed. The latter tontend thai a two
thlids oteot the loi'.il union Is ncies
Miv to cpcl a niembii, mid that the
llnlelon i oni cation exceeded Hull nil
ihoilty In t spelling Moignn
Weekly School Deposits.
The follow lug deposits Wile In. id. il
"I and COLDS
Underwear Sale
This ib not au ordinary sale of Ladies' Muslin Under
wear. It is an Extraordinary Sale in every respect,
The Values Are Extraordinarily Good
The Qualities Are Extraordinarily Fine
The Styles Are Extraordinary in Variety
The Slaking Is Extraordinarily Careful
But the most extraordinary fact of all is that we should
be able to give such wonderful offerings at this time of
the year, when new Muslin Underwear for Spring is
most wanted. Never mind how we got these bargains
for you. The unexpected happened and our patrons
get the beuefit. That's all, unless it may interest you
to know that the Musliu Underwear offered at this Ex
traordinary Good Value Sale is of the newest design,
best qualities and highest class workmanship procura
ble anywhere.
Special attention is called to the following- num
bers as being the best values we have ever olfered :
Ladies' riuslin
Night Dresses
4 HaiiiUonifi Styles at '10c
4 Handsome Styles at 00c
(1 Handsome Styles at 80c
5 styles Fine Gowns at 1.10
(J styles Tine Gowm at
.... i.;
4 styles Fine Gowns at 1.30
3 styles High Class Gowns at . . 1.00
ft styles High Class Govviib at . . 1.80
0 styles High Class Gowns nt . .2.10
4 styles High Class Gowns nt . .2.40
Lndies' Muslin and
Cambric Corset Covers
3 styles Tilinmed Cotset Covets
nt 23c
5 styles Tilinmed Cotset Covets
nt 30c
0 styles Ttimmed Cotset Covets
nt 40c
4 stylPS Trimmed Cotset Covets
nt 40c
fi styles beautiful Cotset Coveih
nt 03c
4 styles beautiful Cotset Covets
at 08c
4 styles Highest Gtade Cotfaet
Covets .it 70c
3' styles Highest Giade cotset
Covets at 00c
4 itylos Highest Gtado Corbel
Coven nt 1.20
QfrJ i I Plain Cor&et Covets, made from best muslin. . ,
P1 ai A broken lot of Fine Corset Covets. Choice
Globe Warehouse
tlio Weal Side bank )esteidny foi the
pupils of public schools No. IS and lit:
Vi. 10 Ml Iff, '--ii Mi l' 1- ' I'll
Mm, - 'l. MIm MilmlU, S t'n Ml
llunil-l', i : Mlv Hullon, -I'-'li Ml Mr
Kin, 'I. , M,-, lni. l i'JI Mi" l'. ni. ('It',
Mlt Ktlluw, 1IM. Mit I'ljiiii, T-.V : MLi
Mule fa . MM Vlnili). 'I Mi Mm l-itlr,
N.iU; titul. M!.".
No ll-IKiiitl HUM. V" ! Matllii Ualklii
M.MI; HIM lwli, UV , Mice I'l-ns in I
llmlii hrlli, l, Itlin l'.uin 'A i Villi)
IllrliiuU, 4N , (JtliirlhC l'iillli-. 77t ! Nellie
lwll. f.p . """ill Mi I) miM, "Av s Kllu I'rliP,
it), Mirj llirrln, Vk.; lulil. IHi
Pupils' High Avern(;cs.
The Ilirt iIIvIhIoii ril.immill A pupils
of Xti H Hi'honl ate belni? bluhly i tun
pllllienled lor luiVlllR tile hlKhesl liver-
iikch Jn the city lu their cMintluatlons
al the HIkIi Hi'hool. Jloinei1 Kicsko ie-telM-tl
an iiMuiKe of !iS per tent, and
Mind lteba WllllaniH received four 100
pi if outlines out of seven bianrlies. Pol-
lowing Is the clasHllled list of those se
rin Iiik Keats In the tl rut tllvtslou of
(li.uumar A:
Hot Willlnii' W. It.'. i Willi me. ".. MiiIn.
lliiiiutk I,, llnmr Kiii, :, iiIIm.1 l!rt-f,
"i, IIIMi Kuri, l'. Tilitl .l.dit-, y"i, .Inn
Mi won, til: Mini Wilkin-. HI, Miiiiih 'Mil"
liV; ollte lllrlltv, '0 Vnni Cjvj, X; lliliilo
Man-, UV, Olvuii .Itiiirs, 'i'i, I nun l IVIInw
Id Nnri Dll. Ill; Alma White, 'Hi Hot
U Minim, ); lllinrln IIioiiim, n.l; I'mltt
llti, !il Win MlIihIIk, iH, ll'lf ", M
Mil) Muiifonl. If.'. Mlllin Hilt. Ii'j llcillit
i'jiwii. Pi, Mif limn i II, W: Vt!i lili'nuii.
I'i Mirt'ini .Kni-, "J, I'. Iliiltiil'tiiiltr. Pi,
lln-w slu,, r,, limine W itltlnj. HI. lltntt
lit null Ki. II. -.!. 1)1, I.I. '); tlut'li' 1 ill,
It). Mil., I Iriikin-, 111. "trill K m. '), Mji
Rllllll Joiic, '. Hill M lets, HI, lloMlilllli
l'hilli. 'f. lNMimnl 'loirn., . Vnhu
l.lid, m, Mncurt Dnikiii, i: Ihultn
'), Jtiu I iminrrlttr, -''! 1 17711 Wul.ll. I.. '
llii Vh. Mmi, kl; l.ollll' I.OOIIIH. VI. .Iillllll'
Itnlii. "i. Clj at-t n.o, nt pi i irni.
Auxllituy Enteitainment.
The ladles of Division No -t, Daugh
ter ol Kiln, nu nuvlllaiy to the An
dent Older of Hibernians, hi Id an
enjoyable eiiteitnlnment In Meaist' hall
last evenluir, vvblih vas llbeially )ia
lionlztd. ThonniH 1. Mi-Halo piesldid
ami deltveieil an npptopilatc inltlii'hs.
The inoKiamnie was a.s'follows'
l'i.nio duct, Allte Cooper ami; mh.U solo, Jllw Ainisb; fc
lcptloti, SI. I'.itilek's ouhcsli.i; tennr
Milo, ,. Meltujrli; plant, volo, A. Itafler
ty. it cllal'on, Lottie .lours: solo, Mni
tili .Ionian: voral solo, Nellie Cl.nk.
M'li tion, I'. MoHnle. Mai y .Ionian; ie
( llatlon. Mai j MtCiaw, solo l '.it met
Fahey, selet tlon, St. Patrick's orches
tia. duel, Defjiiull and ShaiiKhnt ssj ,
buck and vvlnir tlnnit, Mr. Henley,
tenor solo. Mlion Uittenhoiisc icilta
tlon. Tense McCoy, vocal solo, Clara
Saiidois; don daiite. MeDou.iltl and
AVnNli; lenor solo. Thomas rout icci
latloti. Llyiile Necdhani. solo, ,lanie
Mellimb rei Itation, M!sh .Teiiklus,
nlo. lllla AVnlsh, Jf ami ice, Hauy
Hiith. tdior sciio, IMwiud AValsli, vie
ml dint. Mr. and Mrs. cillioy: solo,
.lames Hayes1 let ll.Ulon. l.lzle Mc
c.itu solo, Sadie Duiklii, ' lei tlon,
St lint on Mantlolln club
Genet al News Notes.
Chalks, the olnht-moiuhs-old iluld
ol Mr and Mis. Aiuliew Wiklainl. ot
'Ml Washburn slieet, died esteulav
and will be bin led in the Waslibuin
Ladies' riuslin
And Cambric Drawers
a styles Ladles' Diavvers at. . . . 15c
3 styles Ladies' Drnweis at. . . . 25c
3 styles Ladles' Dinweis. at . . .2.20
4 styles, beautifully ttimmed,
at 30c
0 styles, beautifuly tilmined,
at 40e
3 styles, handsomely ttimmed,
at G0c
1 styles, handsomely ttimmed,
nt 80c
3 btyles, extia lino quality, at. .1.10
X ntyles, extia line quality, at. .1.15
4 styles, extia fine quality, nt. .1.10
Ladies' White
riuslin Petticoats
d styles ttimmed Skitts nt.... 40c
1 styles ttimmed Skitts nt.... 00c
0 styles clabotate Skitts at. . . . 1.10
1 styles elaborate Skitts nt. . . .1.30
3 styles elabotate Skitts at. . . .1.00
3 styles elaborate Skitts at. . . . 1.80
1 styles elabotate Skitts at. . . .2.10
4 styles elabotate Skitts nt. . . .2.08
Higher gtades if you want them.
I lie
sticet ccnieteiy Thursday nfteinoon.
The funeral norvlcoH will bo held at
the bonne at 2 o'clock.
Mis. Moiwui 1 Daniels, of Division
Mutt, oiitrrtalned a munlier of yoiinK
pet pie last evening In honor ot her
tluiiKlitel'. Mlrs Jeniilo Daniels. The
event was a sin prist paitv mid vmis
fiailKlit with much pleasuie, mid tit a
.seasonable hour rei'ioshiiienta wore
net veil.
The date for the Hlootilo City Wheel
men nilnsiiel show1 at Tavlor Is Mon
day. March 'J.'p, Instead of last lilptht as
pievlously announced, A full tehear will bo held at the dub house this
Mrs, J. ,T. Itob'Mts, of South Main
avenue, iccelvcd a tolcKtiiiu eslerilay
11111101111011117 the deith of her slster'n
husbaiid. William Shaw, at l'awlet, Vt.
Dectased was well known heio havliif?
niatle inanv iiciiunlntanoeH heio diiilnn
his unjoin n In Ibe city about n your
anil a half iiko. The fuiiPial will bo
held Tliurxilav afteiiioiin.
The Injuries sustained bv Mis. 1M-
vvaid HiiKhes, mother of Mis. Thomas
1'hllllps, ale mote set Ions than ut Ihsl
anticipated. She sustained a fractured
hip and her wrist was dislocated and
oth.'i bodily bruises lesultett.
Excellent Eiiteitnlnment nt Wotk-
Ingmen's Hnll Smoker Enjoyed
by Oriole Base Unll Club.
An excellent eniei talniuPlit Was tou
tliicteit last ulKht at WoiKlnpiuon's hall
on Alder sticet untler the auspices of
tlie Woiklii(5nicti's Sltk and Henellclal
sot tety.
It was well intended bv a well
pleased aiidlente, which ihoiotiKhly
eiijojod Hie excellcni pioKi'auiiiH oar
lied out.
A larKe numbei of veiy olljojable
vocal and instrumental unlabels weie
Klven mid a one-net comedy was then
pliuenttd bv menibeis of the associa
tion. It was of a hlKhlv huniorous na-
tuie. It was followed by another one
act .skotih and the solving of lefiesh.
lllellts bioiiHllt the eVelilllir 1 a closi-.
Enjoyable Smoket.
sinoker was i (inducted last nlghl
b the lneinbeis of the Oilnlo base
ball club al their looms.
A Aery enjoyable time was had by
the members piesenl anil after sevoial solos and songs had been heanl
lefioshniPiits weie solved.
News Notes.
M'lio of ,loopli, tint ii-.vo.ii-oltl
Mm of .Mi. ami Mi!-. Prank Winter
will tnko ihN afternoon at J
o'clock f i oni tlio lamlly lesldcnio on
Maplo dttoot. Sor h en will ho hold in
St Maiyn 1'iilhollo i lunch on Hivei
ttioot liitoniient will bo made lu the
Twentieth vvuid t oiuotory.
Comet Inline. So 111, Knifihts ot
I'jthljs, will moot in ipguiar session
th It evening in llarlni. til's hall.
Tho unlabels of tho Luillo-t' Catholle
Ueiiovolotit association will moot tliln
ovonliuj at S o't lock lu l'haniKic.v hall
Junior Onler fulled American Jlo
t h mles. Count 11 ,n S.' will meet In
Sihlnipll's hall thi.s ovenlni,'.
Tin- luneial of the Infant ohlltl or
-Mr. uud ill -. J.aKoniarllio will take
jilato this af let noon at - o't lot K. Ser
v It es over the i em. litis v 111 be heltl at
tlio family lesltleiue, H stono avonuo.
Intel incut will lie made lu the Twen
tieth waul temotoiv
Kenton sei V lets will ho heltl III rit.
.Itilin's iliiiuh this cvcuiii.
TonUht the mom eoinmlttie of tho
Smith St'i.intoii YouiiK Women's Cluls
tlan association will sive an fnlertain
lii lit. whltli will bo tree lor all joillltf
woiiKii. A nnifli al pioKiauinio will bo
lcnileitil, lu which Mls Annie Ht heuer.
.Mis. Ail. mi iWthwIndt and her pupils.
Jllss Ida. Kiblu. A. lliiiniihioy and
Mis. William Mt I'onnell. will take pait.
Them will also bo one or two tableaux,
ami lefmnhuifiitri will bo seivetl. All
youni; women aio Invitetl lo t oine and
hi Inn a triend. The moms aio at lnJl
t' avenue
XeNou Ilonsoii. of l'.iliu suett, Is
veiy III, ami his lecoveiy Is unti o
)PCt lot.
Wnilam Mai stic n, of US Clieny
s-tiei't. has lien mi tho elik list for
two days iaM. Ills i oniplalnt In the
Mis. Davltl Tin ik r. of Te.n htioet.
who h.iH boii veiy flrk for two
month". Is now al tho Moos T.iylor
hospital, whom .she Is icpottotl to bo
s-lovvlv Impiovlm,'.
.Mis. Joseph Clliiso, of W.lll0Vllle. Vt.,
ln has been on n visit lo hor Kr.ind-s-on,
lloit 111 eon, of fodai aveiiuo. i.'
t in nt tl home on .Sjtutdiiv.
The IndltM of the I'rdai Avonuo
Mell'odlst i hint h will HOive a Now
Ih.Klantl iiiiior In ihp chtnch pnilors
this oviiiIiik ftom fi to S o'clock. They
Invito all their fi lends and member.)
of Iho lOiiRioRittloit to j artlolpate.
Mis. Hntiiet Waite.
Mr limn! W in, cul ;t ut.,
siimli nt In r ! "im ill II illl.n mile
lirl 'i
alter .i
ln.' ill ti. i
Til ttiiui il lull L" liM t inionmr morning; at
in o't let k In in In r I ih li. i. ii tin! lull inn nt u II
I ' iiutl" at II imil'oii
Splendid Fiogtnmme Remleied in St.
Paul's Chinch Hall.
The St I'aul's Total Abstinent e socl
et.. ol' (iioen HldKO. t oiidlieleil n tie
llijhtftil onteitaliimeiit In St. Paul's
rliuich hall last nlKht. Tho teatuie of
the pioKiiiniino was a temperance loo
niio by I'.tv J J I'uiian, of Wilkes
1J nit'.
The miisiial puiiniiime was ocel
leut. ami 1 tic liuletl selocunns bv tlio
school oichostia and tho Jlleitilc. City
llanjo club, lis well ns vocal soles by
Miss Sndle (illllKan. .Miss Alleo llurlo.
MIfs Maty IlushiicU anil Janios AVhc
lau. The churih choli. undoi the till
oleut leadership or I'mf. J. J,
also lentleiod seveial Bilcetlonn
Cannot Pe Passed by the Piesent
It ih (ftiieially believed that It will
be iinpo.sxihlo to liasH the appioprl.itlon
nitllnaiico for the comliiR lletrnl eor
befoie Apill I
The pilntod entni,iiH vvuio locelved
c.i.l) ohtenla troni the pilntei by tlio
clt chili, and the cstliuatt'H commit
tee will nut bo uatlv to take their lit ht
whack at them befoie toinorrow night.
Vliott a outili lo run iiiuil It u'tU hfjoml (In
KJtll of inetlliliu'. lliet ollru a), "Oh, il will
uiar .iu.ij," hut In moHt i.iM'it it will wear
tin lu aa (tulil Hit) Im Incline! n, r tho
kuiiimful liiitliillif' talltil Kemp'. lliUiiu, which
it ohl mi it piwltlvo Kii.iraiiloo lu nut', lltey
wouhl Iniiiiitllalrh no iho rwrllrnt ifltcl nfnr
liklnir llio IliU iU I'rlii' i an.1 .'.in MjI
kite fu VI ill ihii.iii'K. I
A Medical Discovery That Effectual
ly Cuies Piles In Every Foiiu.
Tor many yoais physicians have ex
perimented In vain, socking a icmedy
which would effectually into piles and
other lectal troubles, without resort
ing to n Hiiiglcal operation. Many
icmcdtcs were found to glvo temporary
lellef, but none lould bo depended
upon to muko a lasting, satlsfactoiy
Within a ipcent period, how over, u
mvv remedy, the 1'ymmhl Pile Cine,
has been repeatedly teslod lu hundieda
of cases anil with highly satlsfaetoty
The llrst effect ot the Pyramid Pile
Cuio Is to Instantly lemove the pain
and In Itation generally present and
fioni that tline on the cine lapltlly
ptogiises mid hcfoie the patient Is
hardly awaie of It ho Is entliely emed.
The li'itu'dy seems to ad directly on
the licives mid blood vessels of the
pints ufTecteil as It comes Into dlioct
contact with tlieni and sols up a
healthy action, whltb In a perfectly
natuuil wh hiings the pails to their
normal condition.
The remedy docs Its wotk without
any pain or Inconvenience to the silf
feier and Is justly considered one of
the most meiltorlons dhcov cites of
modern ni',dleliio.
Plies Is one ot the most nillio!,lllg
and often times daiigoiolis diseases
with which huiiiaultv Is allllttcd. It
neglected It fietiUently develops Into
Fistula or some erninlly fatal uud In
curable tiouble, whereas by the time
ly use of this simple but effective
leniedy no one need suffer a single
day fioin any foim of piles, unless
they want to
The Pyramid Pile Cine Is petf-elly
hainiless, containing no mineral pois
ons mid Is also veiy loasoiiable In
pilto, costing but fifty cents a pack
age. It Is .sold In drug stores overy-
wliere, Tho mantifuctuier.s of the rem
edy are the Pyramid Dins' company,
of Marshall, Mich., who have placed
this excellent piopaiatlou befoie the
public only after giving It thoiougti and
lopeated tests lu the hands of reput
able physh Inns. The lesults In hun
tlieds of oases have convinced us that
It will not disappoint you.
Enteitainment Given nt Washington
Hnll by Division 20, A. 0. H.
Other Intetesting Items.
HiM-itm No "ii Vminii Onl.r dl llilintii m.
piM" nu tlalirnte rnlril.iiniiH.lit ami sot hi il
Washington lull list i.u'lil.
V Un,c frtiwtl 'vis pri-cut Jiul rnjnjnl tlif
txifllcnt ork ot ilif lillnWiK amt- oiip;
Vltn'i bi-liinti' qtinrntlp Ooorcr Mr.m. .lo'
IliliJiiil, Vlrs Itincs O'Vlilli't, lurv Mnniitt,
J liojuas Mtiiiliv, (Ntir Ileiitiip, SIJV I'm cell.
Ktllf Alton, snliipj ltuitlif. Vnnio, An
nlo 111 in. Vlirlnol MoNiiltv. Sl-irj llnhi I. Mai)
Is illoii. .1 unos T.i(o, Ultimas Vliillinn. 'llninu
Rev. Dieyet's Addtess.
In tiitUr lltil tlio iJtco riiiinlr wlm tltuv
tti In ir lto. 1'. r. II. Hic.Mr in o tl) m with
out anv limine ciowilini.'. it Inn litt'n nruiiKul
tint li will hpriK imiielu Jt tin- Pifi)
On UiiIiii'mI it iillii .in nppirliihili of In .il
Ins I tin i it tin MclhfilM cliiutli in it In sImii.
Nubs of News.
Ml-.-t lln-l IUwmhi, 111.' (.mull. Iiiklilaml
thiitti, in liM nlulit Itmluril .1 Miini-t p.att
tl Mm luniii' tit In I tmnl, SIik "iniiicl sinilli, o
Wili-m .iitniie. 'Hit piny j I mirr) our,
iIji cins ninl cimn btinrf Mipplt ninitnl 1a IIi-Ii-
lililit plrliim of l!ni-i pit -i nl, wlili li will li
lirM .t. h0tii nlrn of llic oi c.i-lon
Sotitfn Hire pil(il at tlit I'liiinjlunlj (oil
tinun' itillittln jctlinli). Hut Iioulnuliu
uuli Iwlj.v lull t lino woulit lie workcil unlil
fuithei liotiio.
'Mi" uilili f nu or'jii lur Ilic licLefit ot I '.it
lit I. I'.illlii4 will 1,11,0 plat.- on Kj.tir Mumliv
lulling al T. V Hums icililini on ( ln-tnut
The IliilmV iiultiii will tncit Jt the iivtul
pi ue loninlil ut S .it) o't loci.
Hie Latllf-.' Vhl ot let) of the Dudhy Mint
Hipll-t tlniieli will mtot loinnrmn .lfltiuonn
at tho Iionio if Mlf. Ilitiin i I'lOtluiue, ol Intnl.
im Mtut, at 'J.. l ii'tloiK.
lls(n l.a-ii rlli.o, one of tho town's oh! m,i
tltiil, who itirull) Ins hpt'ii lit ini; al Chant
lcrhtirc U In town for a few tlais
MI- Mlllin Kiupp, ol Sonlli lllnkrli mitt,
his iiliirnril homo Item a iMl t-pont at I'lult
tlilphla. MNs Mono .luliii-am mil l.inlly 11) im, of
Wilkis linn. ait vMilw- fiimils In tmm.
I' 1). Vnm pi nt )e-linlj) Willi frit n U at
Mi-. 1' W. llMiti 11111 MM II uly Vo-t li-iiul
llollt-llllt Iillllll M,lclila)
Tlie fnneial rfititH oi tho laic Mirnlt -v m
l,Io will lo In M at tho fjiullt ir.iiloiiio al
llnikir Hill Iml i- al 1" HI ti'iliuls. Iiitciniiiil
will he in nl" lu the Kl7i'i, Pi , t nut let
( trriai.eit will It o lor tlio iltpol at l so oMock.
Iho inouilitm of Hie I lotoitt.l Homo Clulo,
Vo il, in taruii.ll uqniileil to itlcinl ih.
fuiciil of Intir iltnaseil biollin, Mirrit 'ninj,-',,
of Dtmiiion, at 1ln Imiw tocla), at I p ni.
Milton Ktesge, of tho Jeiniyn,
Robbed of Two Lettem.
Milton rt,je, a bell boy at tho
Hotel Jciinyu. was held up on Spiuoo
ulrcet this nioinhiR about 3S.11 o'tloek
and tabbed of two lettoiH which he whk
lakliip; to the postotllto. Tlio poihon
who did tho lioldlnR up Is a jouiir man
about twenty jours old, who woilis
about tho Academy ol Music, but name could not bo Je.unotl, He
was uricsud.
Tho KiOfRo lad stalled out lioin tho
J oi no il wllh a panel of letteis to
mall, when ho was met bv the afoio
meutloued youtiR man mai romit
fouit. The latter ttlid to Riah tho
whole jnukuRo of li tiers, 1ml onlv sue
oootled hi Rollins two ol them. Kiciibh
Htnitod oil a Hill fur the postnlllto, and
when h" leuiineil he comiilalned lo
Patmlman Iloekeiiboity. Tho latter
told him to stmt up llio siroot again,
aud he did ho, with the otllcer behind
Tho utilise man again liuortcptod tho
hell boy, and wlillo they woio talking,
tho patmlman nabbed him. Ono of tho
lettom was found on his peinon, but he
piotesiPd that ho only took It foi a
joke. Ho wa.s hold foi a heating this
Will Be the Physicol Insttuctor at
Y. M. C, A. Gymnasium.
l)i A., K Aldlnger, 31. I)., now the
fill -Bleat director at tho IJIooniHlmrg
State Normal school, hits been engaged
iih the new physical Instill tin- fur th
Soi anion Young Mcn'h Chrlhtlan an-o-I'lttlon,
borflnuliiR lu September net.
11 of. Altllliuer Is il woll-kiiowu ath
lete, and will manage and play with
Iho Lesteishlro, N. V, liliiso ball club
dining the coming minimer.
(ieorgo KelHlIng," tho 7-oai-oltl son
of George Kolsllng. of 10J2 Ulrch streot,
dhd of poiltonltlx nl tho Mosoh
Ta.vloi hor-iil till ) 'Htcnla.v
He Served with Distinction lu tho
Fifteenth Infantry and in an En
gagement with Insurgents Re
ceived a Wound Which Resulted
in roicod Amputation of Right
Leg Stats Beat Nanticoke nt Bas
ket Bnll and Crnckerjacks Down
Oteen Ridge Men Other Notes.
1'iedcilck IJilKR-an, of 01vilmiil, In
baolt from the J'lilllpplnc, with tin
honorable dlsiharo In hli poekot and
llmpliiK ulouif on ono lofr, ux tlm 10
milt of n throe yo.tis' service lu Undo
Snin'H oniploy. AVoiiiiiIh looilvetl In a
sl'ltmlsh with InstiiKontH losulted In
the amputation of IiIh iIkIiI Iok-
Mr. DimKiui I now vl.itlnu al the
homo of bl.s biotlier-ln-lavv, Ovvpii I.nt
lllii, of I.ejrijott Ktteot. Ilo uirlvod lu
the rlty Batuiilay oveuliiff uinl vmih
ifreoied by a laiKo number of filenilH
Ilo orlRlnally oullBtid In the Thlr
ttentli leuhnont. but vvai later lians-
fuud to roiupany 1 of tho l-'lftoontlt
li fart! y, vvhloh stavv coiiBliloiable iiitiu
lirhlliifr In tho IMilllpiilnts
While near Nuvltot I.jRiina. hN
ociupany was nttaclcvd bv ItiHiiiKcntH
and lliiKKiw, who waa lu tho Hist
rank, iccelvcd a shot In hla tlsht 1 i?
while cluuKlntr tho onoiny. The limb
wan ho batlly Injuroil that amputation
vwif found necessary. T)ucian was
honotalily dlsdinrRoil Xov. 10. i;if.
Tho lieutenant of his company
vviltcs the follow Inir oni dial oniloiso
mont of tlio fx-i-oldlcr's eouruso
l'atl- IJKUlll. 1 I , Not 0. I'"!
lo Whom It Maf Comeni
It is Willi unat plcuoiip tlial I im loeoii
iitenrtliitr tlo biattr), lionotv ami itliahlllt) "'
l'lrdi'Tlik Unifuaii, a prltalo In (Vmiutiy I,
l'illcfiitli Infinti), wiio li ahnut In he honor
iihly ill-ilini,iil from tlio f-rrtue by iiimii of
ihsahill!) irctlvrtl In mi cncigi inrnt nonr i i
toe I.iKUtii, I'. 1., in tit. IT lot. Mix hereto
tcntlict in the (aio of tho runny cannot ho
cxi liilily puicil. fni bU lotallj ami p Hi lot
-ni aie most ilnorvliir of coiihleiiitlon at Hit'
luml-t of liU fill.iw tltltns.
(!isiitil) T It. Ilatkrr
1 ir-l l.iciilniint I'iftirnlli infllitn d I
Two Basket Ball Games.
One of tho liu Rent oiowds that over
tluoiiRod tho Auditorium attended the
basket ball cames of last nlulit. the
occasion hehiR a "doublc-hoadei" be
tvc'oii the CiacktrJaoUK, of this pet
tlon, and tho Samlet koii 1 1 111 Situs In
the first Kanio, ami a Nanticoke team
and tho North I'lul Slais In the second
.The sot oud Riinio, between the Hints
and tho Nantleoko team. leMiltod In
the latter h.ivlmr their lauiols lowered
to the tunc of (!-0. tho saint' hooio as
the Ciackerjatks doteatod the Hantloi
soti Hill StaiR.
The fo.ituio tif the latter same was
tho basket-tin tnvlllfT of Sklflenilen,
who throw two out of tho three lias,
hots thrown, while McCloskoy tluew
tho other. D.inilm,' was cujoved until
a soasonablo hour after tho Raines.
Mr ami Jits II. II. Keeling, uf H.'l
Shoi t avenue, tolelnattd Mi Ki ssiing s
thliD-rifth bliththi) evening
lininrt, liiusio and tlancing weie In
dulged in by those piosoitl. and at a
.seasonable hour dainty loheshmonts
were solved. Thos.o piosent weie: Mr.
and Mi.-. I. Got man. Mr. and JIis.
John Kessllng, Mi. and .Mrs. S. Hop
ler. Mr anil Mis J '. Kessllng,
Misses Lulu Sw.ul, Anna Kessllng,
Tanlo Kcshling, Miosis. J. lierghauser,
Artliiu Kessllng ami I'tank Hepler.
The Keystone l.lteiary and l)i,imatit
clllb is lellearslng ' Hecailse Silo Loved
Home So," vvhlili will be pnuluceil on
1'aster Monday night.
Mr. and Mrs. 1.. II. Jones, or Wajno
avenue, are onioi tainlng theh il.uigh
lir, -Mis. J. II Junes, 'of Houkk Cen
tlo. Tho junior pupils of .Mis-, J.
Owens, pianist, will glvo u lecltal In
the near luttiie.
Night loheaifc.ils .no bting hold bv
tho inenibi rs of the choir or the Piovl
tleiico Melhotllst chut fit for their i tun
ing hac ltd cantata, which will bo held
Thin sday evening. Apill 1. Over lit ty
volfes will be heaid dining tho oven.
Mis. Thomas N. -'van, ol Wn.vno
inonuo. Is slightly Indisposed.
William HURhos, of Wajno avenue.
Is .sulloiltig with the gili.
Tho nioi tliants having .stoie on
Noith Main avenue cleaned tho dlit
fioin In 1 1 nut ot their stoics yosttetdiiy
afternoon, the cll having lalletl to do
Mi, ami Mis. Thomas Hemy, ol Mat
garet avonuo. are lejoltlngovei tho ar
llval of n baby buy.
Divisions Nos. r, anil lt. Ancient in.
ihr of Hibernians, gave a very intei
estlng St. l'.itrlck's tlav ontot talninent
in St. .Maij's hall la-t night Tho
hall was tiowdi'd.
Gave Scant Thanks for Eotuin
Valuable Tapeis and Money,
.lohn T Hoiiowtll, editor ot tho mv
hit mo KoglHti'i-, had a most rt-mmk-ahli-
oxpcrlonto at Huffnlo Satin day
night. Aitor enjoying tlio hospitality
of ihi Ijiicl-awannn tailioail oillclals
and iho I' osposltlon pm
inotoiH, Mr. Hopcwoll wont to theTecl;
thoator to vvltncM.s tho poifoimiiurf of
"rntler Two Flag!."
A few minutes heftne the ivitoi in
nate was eonoliiiU'il a man iIttlng next
to the North Scranton lmhllsher pltki-il
up the luttei'H ovenoi lioin a vaeant
heat anil went hla way. Hopewell tlltl
not notleo thu rXL-hange until ho put
the stiango coat on and plungetl Into
tho poi ketn.
To IiIh astonishment and huiuIs( he
found many valuahlo Ittieis anil pa
nel h and nu envelope uimiilulii-r $7.'0
In ihe pocket. The toat. lettem anil
money holonged to a. piomliuni llufi'alo
pliMth-lan. ami after Mr. Hopewell hail
gono to tho tioublo ot loeatlng him
and wasting iiiueh valualih time ho
vvuh levvaitlod with a giulf -MuUi
obllgttl to ou" fioin the ownei
Lafet Lenguo Game of tho Season
Will Take Plnce Tonight.
The I ihI bowling luattli of this i.ra
hop'h UHlinameiit nf tho Noitheahteili
Pennsylvania League, will ho lollotl to.
night on the i:ikalleH hy llio homo
tnim ami Ihe t lull icpieHontliig tho
West lhul Wheelmtn, ot Wllkes-Jlaiio.
The gaunt will he follow id by a ban
mol at tho lllk cafo.
The niatoh Ih not Hkoly to luno any
pititlt-ular lieai lug upon tho Maudlin;
ol tho league tt?am.s, but will be a
wmmly i-ontented one. After the han
piet the hIIviji ttoplij will bo awaitkd
Tew diseases inflict upon their
victims greater suffcrinf; than
docs dyspepsia, if you h.ivr
dyspepsia or Indigestion in any
form do not ruin your stonurli
with drug1, use
Duffy's Pure
Malt Whiskey
it will cure any form of indiges
tion ant! w ill restore tlie stomach
to its noimnl condition.
rui.r. 1( j on iff ilfk fcirl run -lowr,
unit) lit, w ran http you. It '! ' ",t
nti tintliinc to IrMnhovrlo ffrUn hfftUli.
f iriry una Tllnlity W tile for free uifillral
Ucklfl anittfitmionlali,
Iia ni I havf alrMtif nwd lio
1-oltlfinf your DiiIIt M'nrrMalt liiKkff
I took lt in th Htty nf an rse t otf fviy
rnoruint; 1 Um t-fcniioublfifwlih bum
In if if mi linn nftfr inali Tor n lontr tliuc
liUl wi romplftfly iure1
IhilCT (irtl tSUOOD.larouy.r
H f uly iW tiiJ y We t.ftnmfnt
4 a m'dUlne TMt U a k finirr li tint
cu Rft th rniilf J'f'm juMtMnt A I
drujiiht an-1 ffotrr . rt illiett, Jl 00 Utti
DtFrV MALT WHISkU CO., Kttbciter, N.
Greatly Reduced
Our entire stock of Graplniplioues, Rec
ords aud Supplies arc being sold at less
than cost. We arc closing out this depart
ment of our business. The very latest
Records will be sold as cheaply as the old
ones. If you are interested, better come
while the assortment is here.
312-314 Lackawanna Avenue.
tho vvlnnoi.s, the Comineielals. and the
li, dividual pt iiImi bo given out.
All tho bow lei. s ot the (He teams will
be piusent at the banquet, mid the
tournament promises to be foneludid
In a vet liable blaze of gloiy.
William Mullley, of US Ollfl stitot.
imployed by P. 11. Jln.slam. was heltl
under J300 ball by Alderman Millar
e.stuitla on the eli.ugo of tin eats to
kill, pielened by Milton Mullle.v. his
brothm . living lu liieclc couit. .Milton
wan auestetl on the counter-charge ot
tomniltting n fiaud, in signing hl
inline as a gunnHan of AVilllani, but
the easo was dlMhaiaed
Negioes of New Oileans Aie Now
Oig-anizhig to Pi event It.
Ki I'.-ccliuive Wire lio.u The A-oilititl I'icnS
Xew Oileanx, Mauh Is The negioes
of Xew Oi leans me winking earnestly
to lestoie filemll lel.itlons iniween
Ihoniselves anil the white people ami
to ihi'ilv the aspii.ttlon tow.utls a te
liewnl of the l.u-e piejlltllees antl lll
feellng of last summer. A iIIm'iismIoii,
however, has ailsen In the l links of thu
negtoe.s .is to what tdwuld be iltnie.
A meeting of piomlnent negioes heltl
Thuihday adopted lousenathe 1 osolu
llons calling on the m.tyoi to t lose all
tllves legal tlletts of oloi The moie
radical tat tlon of the negioes met at
Odd Fellow n' hall and foi mod an 01
ganl7atlon known as the Negioes' Vigi
lant coinmlttof in New Oi leans The
resolutions adopted express Hie le.n
that the fietiuent utiocltles 1 ominitteil
by negioe.s may mouse an anil-m-gi.i
.seiitlinenl and bilng about a lepttltnni
of the inco dlstui ham e ol last .lull
To pievmt this the Negioes' Vigilant
committee ofleis their serv lies to the
ma.vor anil Ihe thlet of iollce lo do all
111 I heir power to pie.seive the peine,
to repoit piniuptly to the piiijier ail
thtnltle.s all eilinos and tic is of law
lessness committed b inembin of the
coloietl iate; to assist in the appieheli
.slon and eonvlctlon of i-ilmluals bv
giving all Infoi m.itloii and iestlmon In
thelt know It dge and powei to futtliir
the peat e of ihe c-ommunlty nnd pie
vent the oeilltieiue of lawlessness by
lufoimlug the lepublle nf the puww
ami wheioabouts of all negio iilml
nals and tlt.speinte ehai.ieteis In It'
lo ,isst In tli Iv lug hiieh out . il
the elly and dlsiouiage the Inline ol
daugeioiiH negioes.
The vigilant (011111111111- also asks
that all negio dlvos and dame lioitst s
.should be c losetl ami kept closed. A
committee of twenty-live was appoint
ed to organle negm vigilant commit
ties in tath vvaid. The oiganli'alloii
lepiesents the poor and less etliuated
ilas of negioes. while ihe meeting
heltl Thin sday night ami owi which
Colonel James Lewis, mum-) or of the
poit, pieMdid, v as loinposetl chlcllv
of thu better 1 l.ih-.. s of Ihe loloieil
Bnibei's Dlbcoveiy Led to a Bieak
nnd n Bleach of Piomlse Case.
Vty rlttlic VVlie tiotn Hit. otlalnl Pun
Newatk. N. .f , Matih IS. lierniwe he
dlseoveietl that 0111 of her legs was
longer than It leally ought to be, Hei
11.11 d I.IIIioiithal, a Now ink biiber, In
allegetl to have "tin nod down" his
llimcett, Miss Komi Kurz, and she hart
bi ought Milt lor bit aih of moiiilse.
I.lllleuthnl Is twenty-two jt-ais old.
and liven at No. 07 Muieer sticet. Miss
Kiu.'s home l at No. S Jot. en slieet.
Slv weeks ago the voung couple he
taine tngagiil, Mlus jiiiis'h father
pinnilslns to settle $'0fi on lu-r 011 the
da) they wete nun ilea
Millennial, uieoidllig tt his own nil
mission, was ninth enamoied 01 ihe
girl and Hilled eaily and sliced late.
Ak Ida eiiuilojnient kept him ludnoia
all day he fieciuentl) suggested a imiII.,
but null time tho maiden demuiied U
was always loo wet or too di, too
wind) or too sllppni. Finally, in ie
Hponse to his ui gent leriuests, she went
out with him, and to his suipilso he
noticed thai .Miss Kutz walked with u.
limp Then lie hainoil that one of hur
legs was much shoiter than the other.
"Under the circumstances, miii will
never do for my wife." ho said. "Had
I known whnt 1 know now things
would have been dlffi-iunt.'1
"- .v lU'RciNtirit, i.cMtcs.
j mm Mjtuttr
Tuesday, March 19.
illl f.ltl VT
llu VsoiiiitKr of VII Nilitim. I'rrfntlns many
iti loiiljiurv lintrllitH in Hit nni;itt .at
V t-rtliH tf m .nitl j-t n 1 1 llnC MltMon In
Milled lit tin. (.Ill W Mil, Vlt ami Miriuln;
iui)tliltiC liiilnrttt iiiioiiiioimI.
Ncu- Vt lirli . Nin louirllt. Ni v Illusion,
New VliMitli-i, New ami Oiliriml llNtotirliw In
tlio Itulni nt lit.
l'ltll l's-ii iniU tti Yl (
ScmIh on nlo 'ittinli) it 9 -t m
om: mi. 11 i (iM.
Wednesilny, March 20.
A Texas Steer
' MOM V VI VI I Illl MVIII t.D "
llcltir il,tu iM't WitlijntM llitituvt hlti
li.lttilos li V i urn lirnil-i Mim I'i ji I
IHkIiI ih 11 -i ' Minn i .uili Vit-iLsim IUh a
iw Vnik iniipiii Will II llrjj j. tlio "Mm
fin finiii lltl i im i ' 'U i iigniil iiuilni 1 1 tint
I n.luilili- mU Im til nu mlii r- mt Ml-s II.
ii I'i ml ill Cii-' t. Nut iU -Im! I IcttN,
( h lit x I niton mil i-tln i
II i . niflni! I v - Mi i .put I. tli
I'llll I -'jt, n l "i -i t "i nli Moiul-j"
n -t a In
Umiagm ami insx-c
Lot al MJniijtr.
VI I Illl- l I K
May Fiske Co
In Hcimtr in Pm -t tun ,
'fu -ill Millnii IV Hilt I 1 1 noi
liii-il.o NUlit "Ml I in ml (n in Iml J "
Widni -.1 1 VI mutt- Illl CaJllUnil (ml "
Wiihii-ilay Mgltl -tiii.linic nf Dun lol- '
MKs K111.V father fumed and tlueit
eiied, Iml in vain. Then, on ihe stiength
of pioieeillngs lu ought by his daugh
ter, he went In foi o .lustlte Cohen ami
pwme out a w.iuant. ami l.llllenthiil
was heltl in $.".tHi ball.
Pollticinn Abandons AiRumcnt nnd
Uses His Tists.
Ill- 1.mIii-ivii Wilt fi 1111 Hit Vi nt- I I'irw
Tlloomsbiitg, l.i . M.111I1 IS V st ono
1101. Upon the ollltlal piogiamme 111 tho
Kl 1c kbiilim-Vumlei slice coul 1 ov t i sy.thu
most bitter political iiuaiiel In tho bin
toi) of Columbia county politics, wivsj
enacted In fioni ot tlie J t Unuiisbu i tr
piHtollli't' last night.
ho far. at least, Viuiiloi slice can
claim nil vh lories", having been up
poliilnl 1 aunt) ominlssloiier to huc
tecd KilLkbauni, fm vvho'e lemovnl ho
wan lesponslblt and again last night
drawing llrnt blood In the tight, when
he landed stiuartly on the nose of
llniiy M Pine, (dltoiial wiltit of the
Doniot lath- .""tailnel ami llloomsbiirg
I Mil), the position toimeily hold by
Vandoisilte on Ktltkbauni s paper.
Vandeis'he s he was anniseil by mi
111 Ik le 111 last evening's- rdltlon of tho
paper, whli h Pint- ailiults wilting, In
which V milei slice Is handled with un
gloved hands
Pine is a man onldi uibl) undoi the
average height, ami was no match for
his. opponent who. besides being much
l.ilger. took him uniiwaies lb offcietl
110 n'Mstaiii e.
Noiham Castle, for South Afilcn,
Towed Into Ascension.
U I'xcltimo Win bum lu" -isUtoil I'i cm.
Island of Asiiiisloii, Mnicli IS, Tho
irjitlshsteamslilliNoihain Castle, which
sailed lioin Siiuihampttin, March :', via.
Matleila. Mniihi!. foi Pott Natal (Dur
ban), with SI" tioops and malls on
boaiil has arilved huio In tow of tho
Ililtlsh Hteaiiislilp Tongnilto, linni l.on
donPebiuaiy 2. vln Tulioilffe, Murih
II, for Table Hay.
The Noi ham Castlo buint hor cylin
der whon COO miles north of Ascension,