i '4 M' THE SCKANTON TRIBUNE-TUESDAY, MARCH 19, 1901'. Published Dally, Fiocpt Sunday, by The Tnl. tr,e I'uMUhlr.s Company, it 1'ltiy CcnU a Jlontli. tar.. .-- ssts...-- 3. 3:srxc3r; 1.1VY S. niCHAnn, Hdltor. U. F. IIVXDUK, llutintM Manager. Niw Verk Uflticr 1W Nau St. h. H. VIIKKLANO. 6ole Asicnt (or t orelirn AdmtUlng. Lntcied at the Poiloflbc at Sainton, Pa., ni Scionil CU1 Moll Mttcr. When ipaie will permit. The Trlliune 1 alwnj fihd lo print short IrttiT Irom Ui Irlcnds beat. rruj on uirrcnt topics, liul ill rule It Hut tlte.o niuit Le igiiid, lor publication, ly the wriur rial mint! ami the londltlon pritoilt-nt to ' iptance l that all lontrlb-jtloru ih.H lw rubjs'st t idllorial -.cilslon. mi: flat itvri: rou advkiitimno. 'flip following table iliotti the. prlo per Ir.cli nth Insertion, puic to be med within one jeur! - 1 KtiiicflMillnscon I'ull JlWf.AV. IMprr lti-adir,; Position iM1liah .') iiiiliu .'.', .275 I M ") Inel.i ,11 .M I .21 JJO " Ill .175 I .l'J ,rm i.v, .17 .1i wi n .ira 1 .n I'of cariU of thaiiVi, rcftuliitlnin id iundoli-ncc and itlnilt.tr cinitrllmtloin in the nature of ad" 'ttllrii Ilia Tribune makis a ilmrge ot 5 icnU a line. Halt for OlawlUcil Ailrcrtlirng uriilihed on bipllcattuii. rsClSANTON, MAItCM ID, 1J0I. r-'crunloii iiiiild nt till time ftliiilxh ilv filers lor (tillL a rormklabk' polltl i at leprr colony. A NVorJ of Warning;. I'lMtilrnt Johti Iltmcll ami hl iijtoilitii aic ntliy ol llio ii..t )ii!iiluni' iihi-iiI In tliiin l.v tlio nilinu' icmuitii'it. UIuIimt H. oy bt .ill be (or tin b jl, ami i'ip I ruth, .h tin p-o p'c's pa pel, uill tuitain limn in Hip iml oi ihp rlnptri In an. ionise liny may vc 111 I a 'opt, IjliiiMlie Hut I lie lllllinilo iml Mivb, i i I lie briiput 1 1 iln nidi uliu toll. -Iii ciff i '.' K 'tllltll. OfJl OONTHJIPOKAltY nukes I here n sweeping pledge, which j we trust It may never have occii'don to regret There Is, ' evidently, ulilesjuiad eonlldetice among ilie mine workeis In their president, .Mr. Mitchell; and we know that among his advisers nre a number of men of Mrong loiitmou sfn.'e. Hut both President Mitchell and his nlvlsern will sucrlllce the conlldence iniw reposed In tlierrr If they shall rtie the power vested hr them by the lluzlctou roiifereitec lo prt'clpltntu a ' -'eiteral strike. . TIilio Is no divinity .ihotll them to shield them from the, oidlrintv ciitlilsiu which Is a part of the honest newspaper's duty in com menting on public men and measures ! calling for blind ubecllenct to ihut- ver they choose to eommnnd; ami In s. id or agreeing to .sustain them to 'Ire eird of tin- chapter The Tribune now warns tlicnr that If they shall oider u strike on tho lllnrsy basis thus Mr put forward they will teal their own doom as sticcessiul leader.-, of labor nnd drive u long nail In the coillit of trades, unionism In .N'ortheastctn l'onnsjUarrla. There nre other "people" In this Kfcni connnunlty than thoc who rhrivo on ngllutlon nnl dissension. Tho time has come for the teal senti ment ot the conservative, masses to timkc itself felt in this matter If losi, nilserv and turbulence are to be a cried. Hurl l.l Is probably 111 lor tfiplomutlc purpose.! only. As Others View It. V HlJiti: IS u srae doubt u grae lioiitit in th. minds of hoiP'st frl;nds ot the miner v. heiher llio iu' Is salllelent to Justify ..i tills time the bUi.pctrslon of work by KP.UOO men nnd boys, with the Mist ife'Sieg'ite ol sufei-lirg which ,i Mrlke if Mich tremendous magnitude will i ut3! to the nilner.s and their families . ml tho ini'Meiitnl unsettling of busl-li-ss, not only In the coal regions but wherever the products of our mines no used. Prcsl lent Mitchell .'Mil Ills iiilleagil's are quite well aware Mat there U no presidential campaign i'il3 year, that the powerful political interests, their In peril, cannot be lu M!;ed. now tint the peril H past, and Hurt It Ik extremely doubtful If such -tiling public sentiment as the crying filovnnccs of last fall invoked, can be ullutod on the side of the miner when lire paramount Instte Is merely a ques tion of I'lirruul rccogultiati.ttirnnton Tillies. Whuthev or riot the operating com panies will recede from their portion of refusing to deal directly with the b'uders of the union, the ltM.OOO work logmen affected will have .fourteen dnyn In which t. consult together, lo Mko ml vice of their wlvcx, If married, mil to think tor themselves. ruder such oonrlltloiift, with next year's wage rate already ausured arrd the remem brance of past trials arrd hardship:. fresh In mind, a strike seems altogeth er Improbable. Philadelphia liecord. lu spite of tho fact Ihat work has been plenty aul wages more liberal tliene prist, six months than In years, et the very shadow of Impcndlns r rouble makes everybody draw purse arlngh tight, and people will not wait until tho actual trouble comes, If It does come, but proceed to cripple things 'trom the tlrst shadow. Last fall more stagnation came with the I ear of u strike than when the actual stllko.wus on. Though the present does not look bright. It Is nut hopeless and much may be accomplished before April 1. Whether tho point they ask is worth this pacrlflro tho men will hiiyo to dotermlno for themselves. W likes -Burro Dally News. The' wave of reform In New York Is expelled to last until the equinoctial shouvr, at least. , License Fee Too High. FIIOM the standpoint ot tenr peranco reform it mnkos Ut ile difference whether the feo for a liquor license Is Hxed at vllOO or $f'D0 In cities of tho second clnts, In cither ciwo there will bo a conbumptlon of Intoxicants in propor tion to the public's thirst and p'enty ot room for personal education in tlio benefits ot sobriety. Hut from thu revenue Mnndpolnt It makes a big dltferonce. Thu chief pur pose of tho high license act Is to pro duc from tho liquor trufilo rovonuo to ipply on paying the expenses of uov- eminent. The host Ilcerro law, other tiling bulnff ciinul, la tho rmo vhloir tulfca tho nioiit revt-ntic. Kx-Hhcrllt Kolilrisnrr'B flRiireH dhow Unit unlet tlnr IprIdIiiIuiu enn lie ppwuniletl In pnu" tho Vtutshan hill this wit, ltn pur poso belli: to reduce tho llcenst' foe In Bpcond .clot-M oltlfB from $1100, n now iKed, to tho $" whlth It wits when Kcrantnn wnH In tho thlul clum, the total revenue derived from liquor lli-orrsos Issued In the ity would do crea.'u In the neighborhood of 20 per cent, tho first year and more In sub sequent years. The transition of .Setantnn fiom the thltd to tho sec ond class of cltlOH was niaiked by no rhaiiKO In bunlness condition! cal ctilated to encouniKc the npplloant for liquor license In doubling his. Invest merit. Tho doubling of tho fee would more thnri halve tho number of license holders and add Irresistibly to Illicit sellinjj, with nil thut that implies", l'or this reason wo believe there will be n Rcrifral roncurrenco In the do mnnd for the swift enactment ot the Vuttultan bill. All llci'irses granted lit tin- recent license court must lie taken out and puld lor beforo March 'Si, otherwise they will be void. If the fee Ih to bo restored to tho revenue basis, the legislature must uct this week. The measure prohibiting the Impor tation of American meats seems to bo popular with all (iermariH savu those who expect to eat the llesh. Unllot "Reform." ih'io i an bo lu liourM ballot puiin that il"M pot il, aw ) Willi tic part; ilirlc. -1'lillltli Iplil.l I'm Tl'I'l'' AND nolisinse! What Is thorn dishonest tiDotlt tire party circle? Three-fourth.', s, sevon-clghts of the vot ing citizenship of the country belong tu one or another of tho recognized political parties, nre proud of their party numb"ishlp nnd when voting u tlckel at The few are not the polls eiy rarely cut It. for whom existing parties good enough arc tilwuyb at l.berly to organize rrew onet. and agl- tnte In behalf thereof until the new 1 arllen either tapir e of Inutility or win enough invor to live. 'Hip iilijtttli'ii to it is not 1li.it It tiukw it i.i-y to ulr rtralislit piit.v tnKct, hut that It I-it Jil t" wa.n tm luaikiiij: Hip ballot, or.lv one ff hlih lan lie Usui lull ImiIIi el ulihli ori- attuiiptpil at I lie miiip lime by a Komi nun) i.lirs, linn leiiilerilif; thrlr ballot nlil lbi'l. J'OgMIMly ill I III' IIL'Kllllllllg. llll' Jlilliy i Irele unused soiitj confusion, 1ml the votcis are now accustomed to it; they look for it arid many of them would be Muipilsnd and confused If It should be removed. P.equlre every voter to mark a separate cross opposite tlio name of every candidate for whom he desired lo vote and you would multi ply his chances of nils-marking bis ballot as many times as there were of llces to be filled. 'I he ivperleiiir of tlio p.il li.H (hown lli.it lulli l'i prr cht. ot tho ballot ate tlinmii out lx-inu.e cltldis liaie mirkcil in tho puty riule ami II in nurkul iniliilihial iiiiiip on tbp tlikrti ol otlur putim. Ihlil. This hai not been the experience of the past Irr Lackawanna county, but It would unquestionably be the exper ience of the future If the legislature should requite cvety voter to mark separately for every candidate of his choice. Ihcic ncur was :i t.ol aiBiiuiPiit lu faor o! the party mile. It it rut icquitcil to eiiablp the iltlziii tu ote a tr.llsht tiil.il for cither parly. A i inalltr of fact coinparatocly liw iiililll.'fnl clcctois want tu op an absolutely Huilght tkkil nil thu lime. lliiil. There is the best of nrgunients for tho party clrclo In that It furnishes a convenience to the largo majority of oti-iH and saves time. 'Hie lointilaiht that it uouhl lake niuro tunc to lu irk rub lainhilile than to put .1 lii.irk. in .1 party liiclo U i.ilhutit touc. Il nuiihl tPijuiro no mote than a lew i-ciuul-. for .inj olrr i ip able of l n .1 K i t j lt u mirk at all In iniik iciy name on the ballot it the tooupiiii; rre iiuilo in aumilaiiro with the billot leiorm plan.- ltd J. Klcction ofllcers know better. Wo will wnref that n majoiity of tho em PIomch, of tho l'liiladelpnl.i Press, If asked to mark a largo ticket without using the party circle, would not only take live to ten times the amount of time necessary under the old way, but would spoil n larger percentage ut tilth Indicts, find alter a trial of the pic rosed Huifoid ballot would vote In favor of tho party circle. 'I lie party iikIu only scnc.s the puipoo of I'ji.liMu.; Hie Miler who ie nut expciicmtil in uiiiipt iIkI.u", ami who, hat lot two w.n ol imihliur, U liable to mo both ami thus ilutroy hi-i ballot.-Ibhl. In other M'urds, you think because the majority won't look at things through your glasses, the majoiity la netesarily idiotic. This Is a common delusion of reformers. They are al ways clamoring for a change In meth ods, forgetful that under any method which Is not positively dishonest, tho majority will 'have, lis way. Just by what hallucination the IiiMitgpnts have reached tho i oneltislon that the I'bolltlon of the party circle would re dound to their benelit, ir, in fact, they lime that idea, wo cannot imagine. The only tenable hypothesis wo can devise is that they ate simply lludirrg fault with the existing order of things because It is not their order and bo c.ii'Ho they have failed In their elforts to overturn It. Owing to an abundant supply of pet cata and dear little boys who have been Instructed In the use of the toy rifle, tho song of tiro llrst robin will not bo heard lu Scranton this year. Nnture Study In the Schools. UPON THK initiative of the Pennsylvania Dairy union, which met Irr West Chester two years ago, thirteen or more organizations representing sub divisions of the industry of agriculture In Pennsylvania have, through con ventions and committees covering tho Intervening period, arrived at a pro gramme of action which hai been preserrted to the legislature for adop tion In the interest of the farmers and their dependents. The prograrnmo In cludes; he Introduction of nature study Into the public schools of the state. An appropriation of $10,000 a year for two yeurs to enable tlio Pennsylvania State college to prepare arrd distribute among teachers bulletins and leaflets on nature study with special reference to agriculture. Povlslon for tho establishment of toWirshlp tJchooltj. irovlslon for bettor Instruction In dftrylng and forestry. With the puijojiv of this programme O we nro heartily In (sympathy. The saddest flight on earth Is that of it school which prcferH books on nuturo to study of nnture at first hand. Tho next saddest sight Is that of neglect In preparing tho men and women of the future to engage Intelligently nnd hopefully In the noblest and most use ful of vocations, tilling the noil. The fate of the New York woman, whoso Jugulnr velrr was opened by a fox terrier, will no doubt have a tend ency to make that species of cur still morn unpopular nnd place It In tho positively ilatiKcrotM class with the spitz and mustn't. Kxperlenco proved that tho pus, which has not sufficient ambition to growl, In most Instances Is about tho only dog upon wheh one's affections may be centered with safety. The Chicago man who has Just wedded the divorced wife of u man who Home time ago attempted to mur der him evidently thinks thnt this life Id but nn Iridescent dime novel. Oar Export Trade Conlinties to Grow Special (oiicfpmuYlicc, of The Tribune, Vuli!tiKton, M'icli 1- E XI (Mis. horn ihe lulled sntc continue, tu inucue. and Iho lucal ear 1W1 ecnn elullneil not only to break all rrcorda bet ptrliatM toutli the billion ami a halt dollar li.ip. tor the tcuhe motitlu rmlltB with Pel' rvnrv the tolal l l.in,1')l,!W, ami lor th: cltht monllrt of the fW-al car In fl,0ll,l,7l. Thut the n-ionl .ienlcil bj the Piliniary Matrment of the Trranr) rluipau ol stntiticn aL lean !"! ret, . billion ami n half tecuril for the tKal '.,ir limi, dime tho twebo uionlbi cmliuB idi 'lcbiu.ir arc le Umii i. lo.aw.iioo Inflow that em, it1 the cihl month! of the ll-ul Jean an sIVrtLwrt iile the pioporllon which rlslit nionthi of Hie Ittclce Includcil III the tlul jean w.Mild lie idled i pen to lornldi of a fl.50U,iJi', l) total o -o p'vht lnonlhi' pciiod in I lie liltlorj of ot,r rxt""'t trulo ow a.i larrte a total of cxpoiU at Hip eiuhl innnllii cnilinj wltli Kcbmuy, l'WI. lh total exports ilurln that period aic, aa above liulicitpil, il.UIMt.l,:!?!, asaliut i'Jl'J.4;.r, 171 i'l the rorrrpiunlinr; timntln of Iat car, ami ?i"i0.,,(.bP,,'7.i In cl.'ht nioiitlia of tlio Iih.i1 .icar, lsail, Iiailm; tluw Incuan'il more tlmi "iD per r.-nt III the eat. The faiurablc bal ance of trade, or cii of rsiiorts ucr intportc, hu-i uu cun ercutcr inirea-p, bcinj ?l 2,2il,."ll tor tho rl(!ht mnnihs cmlmir with I'cbruaiy, ai!aln-.t s."ri4,'j'),.7 in tlio moiip months cf tho prccrllnic i'al J'Mr. ami JiU.IT.'.OIl) In clRht month of the (tial jcar Hfi,. No cluht inontl' pciIiiU in the libtory ol our pport trade tun iliouti at ljrjjc cporti or a lame an ccc of cpoil ocr lint oris as thop cndlns wltli 1 eb rtiarj, 1'JOI, and no tuibe inentlw' pnlod end ins wltli Kebniary ttumt as laigp exports or as Iiibp an cum of cK)lt' ocr imports ai doe the twehc months' kiIoi1 ending with l'rbru. ary lOul. - On the impoit side die lieuic inc aim tn failory. 'I In- iinpoiU o( 1'ibtuaiy, lbel, nr laaily if",ii0t),Uilii lca than IIiom; ol lVbruaiy, lUW, and tlne for lite cisltt tnuiitlM tmling with Pibruary ine f?.IJ.fO0,nt) bilow tltoe ot the cor ipipondlnir months of the pnepdlnt; jcar, while tlio'c of the twelie month endins with 1'cbru arj, 1101. arc ali) t-liglitly liplotv tin- tmbe montlis Hiding witli IVbruiry, 1'JOO. The total iiiiporli in the eight months ending with IVIiru ary wcro s.,J, Mi.-Im), arcailt $."ia,'J.vr,o7l in the el,:ht ni'intlii of tlio picccding rVal yiar, and ?.;II,10I,SI.I In tho cisltt moullei cndlnic with rcbruary, l?rl. limi the imports ol Iho eight month'.' period tJiow in the llcc jears a decieatc of aliout ?ic),0cK.l)iH, while the exports bow .in Increase of mcr lOO,OOH,noi conipatlni? the riglil lnnnths Pitdlnc with IVbiiiary, HOI, with the ciglit month cndliu with 1'ibmaiJ, sM. o 'Hie follow itiif table shows the 1'cbliiaiy im- ports in each 'car from 1SIU to I'.til : Fchriuri. Imports. Evpoits. lstl r.2,17s,llii $ 77,701,001 107 M.2.I7.S77 TD.sJI.lUf, ls'is M.OTl.Ot'i Ii,ll7,l.'i.i ls'i) aV25s,r,2 il,M7,ld l'sfl (.,Wl,yl 110,1211,'iSi 1'Sll li.l,U2;,2is'i 1I2,OI7,SOI Eltht months indlug IMuuary. 1H1 oIl.VU.sC ii)2.uVl,S73 1WI7 I22.J1J,'.)1 7...,.r)s,-2.; IsPi V,iH,l) Sl.l.-2.ll,sisj l-'i' I2,,.01,S.I sn,43.t,2nr, l' .ViV25J,.'i71 fi'. 17.1, 171 limi .j2-2,'jiyi.:ii) i,nr,,!s-,,:;7i OsjHine Studies o! fliiman Nature Hazed the Wrong Man. Wlll.N lieoigc Dewey, now admin! of the Airuricdii nai.i, wa.s an Instructor at tno Annapolis Nasal academy the lilies Mcie sciy Hi let against lighting and hazing, but both were indulged in ionllrrall just the Mine, lelnles a Wellington I'oiie.-pondinl, There was a big ca det who led all the haing paitles, but be was tliaip enough to iliiei-t the luoicment of the Iiizims iiustead of l Ins an oiluil promintnt irrigleadci, and grueially managid tu escape pun Isliiupiit loi- bla niisdicds. He was. In addition, something ot a bully and li.nl most ot the oilier lw.it will cowed. I iii.it)- one attvinoen this bully attempted lo bae tho wioitg man. 'lite latter, a, jouug Icllow from the Wc.-I. lit iutu him, and alter a tiimcmlous battle- Hiked him and licked him will. In doing hi, hofteicr, Iho wctnr icioiir-d a badly batleieil face, and was in gleat fear 11 Dewey and the other uflleirt. would llnd It out. "Pirtind )ou are sick," buggittdl one of tin- boji-, "Roll jouibelf into our hamuioik and when Diwcy tonics mound to mako hlb lujpeilluii cuur jour faic and appear as if ashi!!.'1 So tho south tile. Wlien Dewey lame around he akd. "Wliat' the matter, Mr. 1" "I'm kick, sir," icplled tho younger flsrhtcr, "l.et' mv jour faie." iltniaudid Dewiy. 'Iienilillngly the cadet shoncd Ins batlcied eountuianeo our the Mdo of the liaminoek. "All i, I Ihuught so," slid Pcwov, Miy har.h li. -'.Now, blr, tell ni whom )ou weie righting.'1 "Ml. ," It-plied tho blared eadlt. 'Oil," cNelaiiuid Itiwcj, with a htrangc sott cuing of hl loiic. "Did ;uu lick hiuir" '1 -1 think 1 did, fell." "Did ou lick him good?" "I think fo. sir." "Oil, all right," said the future admiral, aul ho passed on with his Inspection. 'Iho cutlet was iicur brought up tr answer tho chaigo ot lighting anil the academy bully was u changed piisoii tioni that day on. Misused. IN 1 1ll: Elliptic theater building, aim rg tlio olllces of Charlci, Fi-oliman, U one, tin) door of vdi!( It Ikmm the sign "Cliarlc I'rohinan'i I'liy Depailment." Wags .ire tilling that a woman lth time little ihildiin hanging to lu r hklits entered this cltlec Just beloie matinee time lal Satunlay and asked tu check the soungsters. At fli.t the jouug man who reads plais for Mi. Fiohman failed In cuutprehrud. "This Is tho play department, but Iti" sho asked, "Vcu, madam." "Will, I want lo liaie tho tldWieii litre lo play for awhile." 'Hut " "oli, that"! ull rlglit, I don't mind rhc prlec." "No; but " "Oh, )iii, they'll bo good. Now, Johnnie, uti niust lie a good bo) nnd tea that little btuthrr and sister don't get Iutu mischief," Wltli thl site hurried off, Icaiiitg the )oung- stern witli Mr. Frohmau'ii pliy ivadu, who had not been gheu a cluiico to csplnln. l'or thrro hours and a half tho clilhlien aiUt cd hi work by piiitlling menlly, drinking his luU and (pilling mucilage upon hU inanuscrlpti. The play reader must necdj b, u patient man, so hi stilted uud did his duty by soung America. When the' mother returned, houtier, lie Irlt It hl duty to say a few wools of piotesl. ".My dear niidaui," lit said, "I nisli tu tell 0X)vX000000 The People's Exchange. A POPULAR CLEAltlKO HOUSl'- for tho ' " Heneflt ol All Who Have Houmj to , llpp.t. Deal rii nr nihrf Pronrrty to Sell or Cxchinsrc, or Who Want Sltnatloni or ' imp These Small Advenuemen-i oti , One Cent a Word, Six Insertloni lor 1 Ivo Cenli a Word Kxrrpt Bituations wmieu. Which Arc Inccrtcd Free. ooooooooooooooooo Help Wanted Male. i"srf-sysiisiiwiwyisvW-B rOUTi:il WANTKU AT ST. CIIARI.I'-S I10TF.T,. vanti:da voumj mav as a shoi: hau:,. man; cxieritnce preferred. M)er Davidow, .107 laickawanna aenue. 110V WANTKI) KOll rURNISHINd (iOOPd llUb nr, about 10 jeira of R' Ixiula II. laac, 412 Spruce. Help Wonted Female. WANTKD-GinL KOll LlflllT IlOl'Sr.WOIlK. IN family of tno. fall second floor 311 Adams avenue. II.MID SILK WINUr.llS AND DOUM-blb; (tfcady work and l'aterson scsle of wages paid. Apply to Palace lllbberi Mamtfacturina; Co., South Allcntown, I'j. Situations Wanted. AN FXl'Kltr LAt'.NDItESS WOULD LIMI TO Rit tome scntlcuieii'i. and lullm laundry; price rcajonahlpi best of city jefeicnccs. fall or address Sil Pleasant street. MTPAT10N WNTi:i)-llY A WOMAN TO f.O out bv the dav washlnif. ironing or clianlmr. fall or addm Mm. ltiismll, 1210 Cedar aenuc. MTUATIO.V WANTKD-I1V A WOMAN TO GO out by the diy washlnp. Ironing or cleanlntr, or take washing home. Call or addrc 1211) Cedar aicnue. A IlKI'sKCTAni-K filltL WOULD LIKi: TO ))0 cooking; can ule brst reference. Plenc 'ill at Ml Itebccca aicnue, llyclc Park, city. WA.NTi:i)-A SITUATION BV AN K.NPEtllENCKD btcitot tiheraml tp-nrltcr; best referrncej Siien. Addrrst K., Irlbuno cilice. SITUATION WANTi:0-I)Y A YOUNO OIUL. II xcara old, fo take care ot children, or to do light homework. fall 10 Theodore sluet, Piinidence, Pa. SITUATION WANTED-BY A YOUNO OIRL TO do gcneial lioincwork, 212 rutr.am slieet, city. SITUATION WANTI'.D-nY A lllllfi, T! YKAIIS old, to do light housework. Aildrcaa JTJ Piilnain sttcet. North Knd, city SITUATION WAMLD-nV A nOOKKUKPEl., emplojed at prcnent. but who wishes to change. Addrew U. 1. (J., care ol Tribune. SITUATION WAXTKD-BY A 1".0Y OP 17. IN on office or store; refeifiites. Addrcs (1. II. It., this office. )ou that nhlln tlili Is Mr. Fiohman'a play tie pjilment. It Is for Iho use of Mr. Frohnian rv elusive!)-. 1 am hero (u labor occr playn, but working with placs is In nu sense pli)ing wlfi work. Oood day, madam." New Yoik Mall and L'spress. He Took tho Prescriirtlon. HI! IS A RICH business man with a fine resi. dence on the uicnuc and ritlier prides lilm. sell on his good nature. Monday afternoon he Joined tho big army ot thoc who aie sltk ami sunt home. Aftir ho was In bed tho family gatheicd about In till him what lo do for the grip. Hid uncrablo rnothir-ln-law piescnbed some soil of un herb tei. "Git cut," he growled. "I sloppid enough ol that sort ot truck when I was a kid. It's wotin wood and gall." The oblent Bon told of a wonderful pie-scrip-tion he had picked up In Poitland, "Wouldn't touch it with -i 10-foot pole. If I wanted a doctor I'd get a Detroit doctor. There's nothing to do but lie still and static the dun fhlng out." "Tliivo tablets thit I got" began the wife. "For heaien'a sake, ore jmr pi opt a trying lo tall; mo to death? You know Ihat I can't swal low tablets any more than I could Iijsp balls. I don't want a thing undir the sun but to be let alone. (let nut. of hue mill guc a man a fhow for his life. The whole police foiec couldn't make, me lake nnjthlni; till I'm well." Just here appeared Iho eld colored auntie who looks alter the family grnciall). she had a ligt soap-stone and all fell bailc while she was tut king it at his lect. "It's dit drallcd Blip, dal's what it am. I cu'ed null ole man In Jos one night an' he w.i tn bad I had fir u.-o il an belliu to' to help him brieve." "Never mind, auntie," fiom the invalid, "I won't lal.e a tiling." "You would If oti via mall man, Oil's er ling. I Ji' devil him wld whisky till he ilrnit" Know his innie." "Wife, telephone at onre lor a gallon of the bist whiskey to bu hade in the town." Detroit Tree Pre. Irish Turns and Twists. THE AUTHOR of "Irish Lite and Chauiter'' sacs irulv that ono has only to ml villi an Irish crowtt In hear many a hugliablc ei picudon, quite innocently littued As the Duke ami Duchesj of York were leailng Dublin In 1M)7 niiild rntliUslasllu chi-cilng an old woman re ntal ked "Mil Isn't il the fine reicpllon Ihey'te gelliu", goin' away." In 1&!2 Dublin imlieisity celebrated iu tri centenary and riowds of visitois were altiaetrd to tho elt). Tho laboicr rejoiced, at the gen ual itosicrity, thus expressed their feelings: "Well, Tim." wld one, "thini tonlntinaili-s does a dale for the thrade ol Dublin, an' no mistake." "Oh, fail they do," said the other. "And whin, with the blesiii" of Owl, we get home rule, sure wo can Imc as many ol thliu as wc plase." An old woman, toeing a nun pulling a )otmg rail' roughly along the mad, culalined: 'Oli, )ou bla'guard! 'Hat's no May lo Ihiate a fillow cnthei." "Mire," said a laboicr to a joimir lady who was urging him to s.ml his children to school, ' I'd do an.ithlng for tueli a siuct, Kintlemunly lady as yourself," Again, tha laborcis en a laigf estate ilectdeil that It would bn moie coiiicnltiit for them If tiny could bo paid citiy wcik Instead ol eieiy forlnlght. Ono of their number was oont to place their proposition beforu tho land agent, and this was Ids station nt: "If )0ti plase, sir, it's rnc dmiie, and It is alu ctciy other man'i desire, that wc tecclic our fortnight's pay uieiy wcik." HEE EASTER HAT. For Thu Trihuiic. "Oh Isn't it a dear ' Hit maiden tiiul, When a stumlng Easter hat she spied; "V dicam, a poem, but oh nt)"l 'J lien sho heaved a double sigh, When she ww the pi lie on tlml C-rand and bewitching Easttr hai. Tho (loiieis and ribbon so new and (roll, 'Ihat rosu from tho eialnt) toslly mesh Of chltloti uud "modern laie," Would enlijino c'l-n a homely face; So thought tho 1'ialdm as he fat And gau-d at tic lovely Easter hat. Then from In p djiuly purso sho look A leaf from fond papa's ihetk-book. S-lte gazed al tho thick, thiu diiided lo buy Tho spring creation that tame so high. llrr dad would taold, but what ot that When sho had a stunning Easter hat'.' Iho wltlicd-for morn dawned bright and clear, And tho maiden wnro the hat to diar; Em; one stared as slid passed by, Hut ou'll not wonder when 1 1c II ou why While proud and solemn in church site sat, The til,' hung fiom her Easter hit! Ol) pliant, Pa, M, Nealcn. a?or Kont. w foii iiknt-poi'iim: iiopsi:, am. improm:. menu. fJO llarlo.i otrect, (Irren llhlgc, llOTI'.b KOll lir.NT. Sift UNMIX SlltKKT. qulra of J. ('. Welchrl. IN. WU (lltt:i:N IIIIMII: hTIIKKT. TKN 1WK)1, modern linpr.nimenta; ttcam heat furulclKslj dtsirablei tJMJO. loit hi;nt-mn(ii,k iiot'K, wint iMi'itovt:- menta, In clly; price, -fci'i. Apply to W. W, Til'slngcr, 70S Monroe aicnue and I)., 1 fc W. depot. rou m:.r-aii pi:ii larckairanna avenue. MONTH. STOUT, rit Inquire on premlsci. IIOTF.b KOll ItKNT-INQt'inr. Ol' MIIH. T. Jonei, .Main utrect, T)lor. Tor Sale. KOlt SALK-Sl'KKlJtVAY KWIINISHIMIS. .NOW bclnir sold ut oil Sinite tril, oppiwlte court house! nil as ixood as new and at iO per cmt. of its salue. FOU SM.K A NI.Ni: IIOOM IIOL'sl., ALL MOD ern liuproicinniH and barn. Inquire curlier JacLson street and ltebecca acenuc. loft SALK-LADIKS' PH ALTON. Al IN KVCUY way l IiIrIi (iradoi SiTanlon. mikci alun'St bran new. Apply at Mfl Monroe avenue. IU'DltOOM SUIId AND OTIllUl rPIINIU'Ri: cheap; must fell. i23 Mulberry street. PAULOIt KUItMTLIli:, HAT HACK AND ALL household Rood.sj largaln. H3 Mulberry street. FOU SALII-IB IIUAVY HIIAFT HOIP'I'.S AND 4 good drlcers, at 221-21 OaVford court. J. M. Field. PIANO I'OIl SALl'-OOOD MAKK; UI'ltlUlIT; rry cheap. Apply lo W. W. Plvlngrr, 70s Monroe avenue, FOlt SALK-COU.NIIIY ITACK, NBArt M.r ant lake In Susquehanna county; C'i aires, 10 room home, barn, fruit. Scott, altorny, Mean bnlldlriff. For Snlo or Hent. FOlt SALE OH llUNr-TIIH DItlMNO PAl'.K Hotel; elegantly turnishc.1; pOMe-don alien on the flrst day of April. App'y to William Craig, rare K. Iloblnson'a Sons' brewery. Wanted To Buy. fc.-rfsrfSiHwi WANTKD-SEC0ND1IAND SLOT MAC'IINL'3; must he in sood order, state particular! as to nuke and price Address L, il., general lie lltery, Seranlon, T'a. nooms Wanted. WAM i:i)-llVi: U.NFUHNISIIED ItOOMs FOU light housekeeping, between Linden and Pino street, Madison and Washington acnuc-. Ad drrm J. M. S., Tilhune. Money to Loan. MONEY TO LOAN ON IMPROVED CITY REAL estate. HENRY I1ELIN. JR. CIIAH. II. WELLES. THOMAS Sl'ItACUn. STkAtC.HT LOANS. ANY VMOU.NT. INTF-IH'M' 4 to 0 per lint. Fiank E. Donnell, attur n';, Tiadcu' National Hank building. MONEY TO LOAN ON HOND AND MOItTO.UIK. any amount. 11. II. llolgate, t'onur.onwcalth building. ANY AMOUNT OP MONEY TO I.OAN-f'UlCIi, straight loans or building and bout. At from 4 to 0 per cent. Call oa N. V. Walker, 314-315. Conncll building. Recruits Wanted. WANTKD FOR U. S. ARMY: AIILK I10DIED, unmarried men between ages of 21 tin I fi; cltltens ol United states, of good character and temperate habits, who can speak, lead and WTlto English. neciutls specially dpslrnl for se-nico In Philippines. For information apply to lticrultlng Olticc, 121 Wyoming .lie, bcian ton. Pa. Miscellaneous. DRESS PLA1TERS FOR SALE, 7"i CENTS; FOR. mer price. ifl.W. Mis JIacDonald, M9 Wash. Iiigton aicnue. LEGAL. TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN ON MOM) VY. April S, 1'Wl, at 10 eeloek a. m , nt the arbitration loom In the Court llouo, in tit" lit) of Scranton, we shall expose to public sale, to tho highest and licit bidder, irl ideate N'i. ., for twenty thousand shales of the A ictor Hi Metallic Hold Mining company, ls-tird rr, Dr. 11. 11. Tin nop, Iho same being now held by us as his executors, as collateral to a certain noto given by .1. M. Marsh; said noto matin mg .luno 4, 1607, and not baling been paid, noi any part tlieieoL iiii:oi)oni:n. wolf. F.W'UP.iT WARREN. Siiiviilng Exccuiois lalato II. II. Thioop, lie eiased. TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN-ON MONDYY. April 8, 1001, at 10 oilotk n. m at the arbitration room In the Court House, In the City of Kcranton, County of Lukuwaiina, nnd State of Pcnns)ltanla, wo hall expose to public sale to the highest ami li-st bidder, twenty-tlie hundieil 2W0) shares of the capital stock of the Nlagaia Mining and f-miltlng company ami turn-ly-tiie hundicd (2'iOO) thurs of the capital ttoik of the New Tintlo Mining ami Smelting com. panv. the same being now held by us us execu. ton, of Doitor II. 11. Tliroop, as collateral to a rit.iiii note, made by P. A. H, Franklin, at three months alter date, (or the- sum of twenty. flie hundred (V2.M0) dollars, dated May P, is'!, nutl manning Aug. C. IS'Vi, and not having been paid nor any part (hereof. rilEODORi: O. WOLF, F.VERE1T WARREN. Surviving Kvcculors of IL II. Ihiocp. ihccvcd. TO THE HOLDERS OF I10SI1S .NUMUERS tciin (7), eight (8), foit)-onp (41) and forly-six- (16) of tho Collliry Engliteer Company, being lliii honds rearing date Deloiier )st, rv.i, and sicined by trust mortgage of that date, Please Take Notice tint in puisuancc of tho provisions of the said bonds and the trust molt Rige given to hicuro the s-ime, the bonds as numbcied aloto have been diaim by lot lor pa)tnent en the tlrst day ol April, M0I. and ycr aie hereby notified that the same will be paid on tho llrst day of April, lMll, at the Uicka wanna Trust and Safe Deposit Company, Tiustee named in the tnut mortgage abovo rrfeirrd to, together wilh Inlrrrst coupons atlailud thereto and remaining unpaid, and that Interest will cease after the raid date THE COLLIERY ENOINEER (O.MPA.NV. Seranlon, Pa , Fcbiuary 23th, 1W1. PROFESSIOIVA L. Ce j tilled Public Accountant. 12. f. ei-AUI.Dl.NU, York. 20 IIROADWAV, NEW Architects. LDWAUD II. D.W1S, ARCilirECI, CONNEI.L building. FREDERICK L. DROWN, ARCHITECT, PRICE building, 126 Washington avmue, Seauton. Dentists. dTt. II. EILENIlElltiER, PAUI.I Ispruio stiicl, i-irsiiton. nuii.ni.Na. DR. C. (J. LAUIIACH, UB WYOMINO AVE.NFI.'. Seeds. a. It. CLARKE & CO.. SEEDSMEN AND NTIIS. cr)Tuen, store '201 Washington iivenue; gieeu houits, WW North Main avtnue, storo tele phone, ,62. Schools, SCHOOL OF Till! LACKAWANNA, SritANl'OV, Pa, Cotirt-e picparatoi) to collcsic, lav.-, medi cine or business. Opens tsipl. l'.'tli. tvud lor catalogue. Ilev. TI10m.11 M. Cann, LL. 1)., prin cipal and proprietor; S. II, Pliunlij', A. M., hiadmaater, NUBS OF KNOWLEDGE. Tim ( liintM) iiliKraphist ikau two colon blieK and ml Itiu ri.itlorial dibt ul Noiva .iiiioiinti tu abuui rdMy million ilolhirt. Ilinibuin l lieadiuartin lor vvlhl animals and im stuck ol all klmli. 'I lino U to bv' ettubliiltid a ismitneiil.il 10I lepe an Chleaeo where tuition will be fr ' Tin output of ical in WMhln:-" t 'ur I'm) wai about two million tiv" ""noted thou land tott(. Durinif the lot ten jcar' ';ro ivi-rc lO.PJI re. OHMti for iltlienshlp li' U'Mlaml, ol i.htili 7,sj3 iicrt- gianlcd, ', Lawyers. PltANK II. irOW.I', ATTOn.NKV-AT-L.VW. Ilooini, 12, 14, 1A end lfl llutr bulldlnrt. lTHrTlTvCvTATT' v7C0iM0NW n.M.Tli Plaid. 3. W. ItnOW.V. ATTOIINKY AND COONSKle loMllaw. Itootni 3I2-J13 Mean bulldlnjt. i). it. iti:ri.O(ii.i:. ATTortst'Y-i.oN Nt'po- tlatid nn real r-tate tectirlty. Mean btiildlmr, corner Washington arnun and Siruce itrccl. WIMiAItU, WAIIIIIIN k and roiinrllors-at-lav. Waahlnitton nrrnue. KNAI'P. ATrollNI'AM ltepuhllcan building, JKSMIP & JKRSt'P, ATI0UNKY1 ANI ("OUN. acllon-it-laiv, Cjmtnonwtatlh bulldlnt, Itooin IP, 20 and 21. llDWAIlf) W. THAYKll. ATroltST.V. !W-fi0l, nth floor, Mean bulMlnff. UOONH U A. WATnUS, AT10IISI'.V-AT-T,AV, I10AHH of Trade hulldlnfr. Kcrantcn. l'J. IATTi:iV()N .t WILCOX. TIIADKUV NATIONAL name ijlllMlni:, C l-OMEflVS. 0-1 1 IIEPURLICAV nUII.DlNH. w. ni:nTiioi.r, attorney, meaii" w."0' Phyalclnns and Surgeons. DR. W. n. ALLEN, IJ NOIltll AMIINdlO.N' avenue. DR. H. W. L'AMORKAUX, ori'Il E 331 WVSII lnglon avenue. Resilience, Ills Mulberry, flironle diieases, lungs, heoil, Mdne)s and genito-urlnary organs a specialty, Hours, 1 to 4 p. m. Hotels and Hestnurnnts. TUB ELK CAFF.. 12J AND 127 F1IANKMNVE- nue. Kales reiisonable, P. ZEKlt.ER, Proprietor. St'RAXTO.N" HOUst:. M'AP. D., L. t wTpV. cner depot. Conducted on Ilie European plan. VHJ10R KOCH. Proprieto-. Wire Screens. joskph uuirr rEi,r inAiit'nTii cka an n acenue, beranton, l'a manufaclurir el Wire cruns. MiscellancoiiQ. DItl'&SMAKINU FOR CHILflREN TO ORPM'.i alsi ladles' waists. Louis ihocmskcr, '21i Adams aienue. A. R. IllltOOS CLEANS! PRIVY VAULTS AND cess jioolsj no odor. Impiovcd pumps uvsl. A. U. Ilrlggs, propiletor. Leave orders ll.v) Xorth Main aienue, or Eirke's drug store, cor ner Adams and Mulbcir). Telephone Oil. MR.-4. L. T. KELLER, Sr.LITlli:TME.NT, ,V.; shamiioolrg, ,'A-. ; firlal m.iKs.ige; manicuring, 25c; chiropody. 7ul Qulnc). UAtlER'b' OltCIIESTRA-MUSlC FOR IIM.L". picnics, parties, rcicptioiis, wedding and i oil ier t work furnished. For terms mhlrrss U. J. Ilaucr, conductor, 117 W)omIug avmue, oier llulbeit'a imivlo slon. MEfl R(!EE ItUOS.. PRINTERS' SUPPLIES, I.N m lopes, paper bags, twine, Warehouse, HO WjMilngton aienue, Serrnton, Pa. THK WILKES HMHII" RI'COIID CAN UK II Ml in hiranlon at the' nev.s stands of Reisuuu llros., lOU Spruce and fift) Linden; M. Norton, 312 Laikananna aicnue, I. s'. s'huUtr, 211 b'pruee strict. RAILROAD TIME TABLES. Lehigh Vnlley Railroad. In Elleet Martli ), l'jfll. Trains leave s'eranton. For Philadilphla ami New link via 1) ,V II Jl II., at 0 15 and 11.55 a. in., ami IM. r 27 (lllack Diamoml Expn ss), and ll.So p. m. fcti'i davs, D. .t II. It. It.. 1.5S. S.27 p. in. For White Haven. Ilalctnn and principal points in tho coal regions, via D ,c II. 1!. !!., U.I5, 2.IS 'ind 4-27 p. m For Poltsvllle, 1.27 p. tu For nethlehem, Eiston, Reading, llarrisliiiig and principal Intermediate stations via I). & II. II. It.. (i.i 11. fi) a. m.; '2.1J, 4 27 (Ill.irk Dia mond Express). Jl.It) p. m. Mindajs, 1 1. & II. II. R., 1.5", P.27 p. m, For Tiinkliannock, Tnvanda. llmira, lihata, Ocneia and priuelpal intermediate stations, via 1 1. L. .t W. It. It., b.8 a. m.; 1.03 and .1.1'J p. m. For Geneva, Rofhesler, Ruffalo, Niagara Fall', Clileago and all points west, via D. k II. R. It , ll.fii a. m., 3.33 (Rlaik Diamond Express). 7. 1, 10.41, 11. SO p. m. Siindn), 1). k 11. It. I!., 11.155. 8.27 p. m. Pullman parlor and sleeping or Lehigh Valley parlors cars on all trains brtwien Wllkes-n.trie' and New 5'ork, Pltiladclphia, llurTalo and Sus pcrilon Urltlge. ROLLIN II. WILIIUR, flcn. Stipt., CO Cortand street. New Yoik. CIIRI.1 s. LEE. tlen. Pass. gt., ar Cortland street. New 5'ork A W. NONNEMACIIER, Div. Vx-e Agt., South lrithleliem. Pa. l'or tickets and Pullman tcervitions apply to EOT Lackawanna avenue, scranton, Pa. Delaware, Lackawanna nnd Western. In ErTeit Dec. , l(x South Leave Seiauton foi New York at 1 10, ;:,!, :,.;., s.w auti tu.tu a. in ; i-;,j, .xi p in. For Philadelphia at S.of) and 10.05 a. in ; 12.15 and 3.3J p. in. For slroiidsburg at tl 10 p. m. Milk atconunoilatlon at 3.1U p. m. Arrive at Ilobokm at fi.SD, 7.1s, 10.2s, 12 o, ;i.li, 4 s, 7.1") p. in. Airlvo at Philadelphia at l.(H, 3.21, fi.00 and 8.22 p. in. Arrive Irom New 5ork ut 1.10, 4.li and 10.2.! a in.; I .Oil, 1 C2. 5 41, S.45 and ll.CU p. in. From Mroudburg at S.Oj a in. North Lraie Sirantun for IlnfTalo ami intpr- mediate' stations at 1 l.. I 10 ami P.Ot) n. m ; 1.63, 5.'H and 11.35 p. m. For Osvicgo and S)ia ciisn at 4.10 a. in. ami 1.33 p. in. For Utlt.i at 1,10 n. in. and 1.55 p. in. For Montrose ut O.mi a. in ; 1.05 and 5.1S p. in. For Nicholson at 4 00 and H.15 p. m. For Itiiuhanilou nt 10.20 a. tu. Vi rile lu Serinton from lluirihi at 1. 13, .".5, 5 5 and lMo a. m.: 3.30 and 8 00 p, m. Fiom Us ui go and Syracuse at 2.55 a. m. ; 12 "S and MM p. in. From I'liei at '2.'m a. tu. ; 12.3s and 3.30 p. ni. From Nicholson at 7.50 a in. and i.uo p. in. From Montrose at 10.00 a. in. ; 3,'2D and .-".oj p. m. Illoomshurg Division Leavn Strantnn for Northunibeiland, at 0.4.5, 10 0.. n. in.; I.v, aii 6.50 1 1. m. For PI)mouih at l.lii, .".40, s .it) p. in. For Kingston at S.10 a. m. Arrive nt North umberland at !'.S5 a. in.; J. 111. J 00 and S 4j i in Airlvo at Kingston at ? 52 u. in. Airuo ar PI) mouth at 2.m. I '!, 'J-43 p. in. rrlvo lu Scranton fiom Nortlnnnbciliml at 0 42 i m , 12 35, 4.50 nnd S 45 p. in. 1 loin Kingston it 11.00 a. in. From Pl.imonth at 7.5.5 s. lit.; J so and 5.33 p. in. bUNDW TRMN'S South Leave Ser.inton al 1.40, 3 00, 3.50, (inj p. in.; 3.31 nnd 3.10 p. m. North Leavn Seranlon at 1.15, 4.10 a. in.; 1 3',, 5.48 ami 11.33 p. in. Illoomshurg Division Leave s'iroiiton nt 10 03 a. m. and 5.50 p. m. Delawtiro nnd Hudson. In UlToil Nov. 35, 1WO. TijIiis tor I'arbondalo leave Su.inton at (1. 20 T 53, 8.51, 10.13 a. in. ; 12.00, l.jo, .' 41. 3. JJ, 5 -JH, CO-', 7.57. 0.15. 11-15 p. tu.; l.l'l a 111 For lloncsdalc 0.20, 10.J3 a. 111 j a It and i-23 P,Fur 5VilLc.-llnre-0.l5, 7.4. E 41. !3'. mil, 11 55 a. in.i l.'. '-' IS. "'-' "-' -W. M. H II. ,1 ,' it. 111. For L. 5'. II- " points 0.15, 11.55 .1. m.; '.'Is 4 "7 and 11.30 p 111. 'For Pcnnsjlinnla II. It. polnti-G. 13, p.cs a m ; 2.1S anil I 27 P- ' For Albany jrid ill polnta nmth-O'.i) 3 in. nnd 3.5.2 It. m. 1 SUNDVV 111 MNP. For Caibonihil! D.00. 11.13 a. in.; 2 11. 2 5.', 5.47 10.5.2 p. in. For YIU.c4-liJrrc-''..1S, 11.55 a. nr.; 1.5, 3.:?, C.27, 8.27 p. Hi. lor Albanv and poliiti north 3..,2 p. m. For lloirenlalc l.no : "' ami l-5- p. ru Lowest ratei to ull points In I'nltul Statia and Cl"'.llUil. III'IIDIPK. l F- A. Albiny. V. V. II. V. ( It0s! D. I'- A , r-cianton, Pa. Ccntrnl Itnllvoatl of New Jersey. Station in Nnv Vol k Foot ol Liberty stiet, N. It., mul South I"'"- TIMi: T .1)1 H IN FlTKl T NOV. ', lfW. Train's leave Sciitntoii Im- Vw Vork, Newark, l.linbcth. Plilladellilil.i, Fiittou, llellilehein, Al. lmlown, Main.li ( hunk nnd While llivin ut S.JO ,1. in.; expicrs, 110; i-vpi'-M, J. 50 p. in. hundaj, ., jjj ,) m " Fur Plttfton and Wllkei-llaire, S.'M a. rn., l.l) and 3.50 p. in. r-uiida.., .15 p. 111. For lUlliinoic and N i.lilnglnn. and points Smith Bird West li llethlihem, Sal a, 111.; l.m and a.to p. in. .Miiid'VK, i 15 p. m For 1-onj llranih, Ocean Ciove, tic, at 8.00 a in. nnd 1 10 p. "1. For Iti-ailintr, Libamn ami 1 1 juisi.iiitr. via Al leidovvii, b.'M h. 111. uud 1.10 p. in. ir'undajs, 2.15 p. in. For Potlmlllc. S."0 a. m. and I 10 p. 111 'Ihiough llit.it tu ull points east, louth and west al low'tt rate .it th i-tntion. II P. IIM.IIWIV. Uui Pa At. ' . Ol.ll AUSL'N, lien. Stipt Erie ant. Wyoming Vnlley. I.iuo Tal'Vtin Litict fcipt. 17, itjiM, Trains lor lliiiiy and local point, lunnert Ine at Ilawiey wvj, i;ti(. railroad lor New V"ik, NrvvbiiiB und Intiijiedlali' ioint, leave htian- toi, i f.'io ni. it.) v.ji 1 1. ru, Tnliu aulu ni rVatitou at 10.30 a, 111. ml a 10 u. ni. F. MLEf'S We are displaying ;t our new selection of 'pmiil; felrt Wal Every stvle is new IsS and all the patterns are our exclusive de signs. Our line em braces: DlmVy Waists, (In White and Colors.) "White Pique Waists, White Lawn Waists, White Embroidered Waists, White Co-ded Waists, The "Senior" Black Silk Waists are un excelled in style and lit. A line of Black and Colored Silk Waists at $3. 75, well made and perfect fit ting. A rare bargain LACKAWAMA AVENUE Our windows full ol odds and cuds in Box Stationery that will pay stationery buy ers to look at and examine. Mostly all Whiting's finest papers. ReyooldlsBros Stationers and hngraveis, Hotel Jermyn Building. RAILROAD TIME TABLES. Schedule in Effect May 27, 1000. Trains leave Scranton, 1). & H. Station: 6.45 a. 111., week days, tor Sunbury, Harrisbuip;, Philadelphia, Balti more, Washington and for Pitts burg and the West. 0.08 a. m., week days, for Hazleton, Pottsville, Beading, Norristown, nnd Philadelphia; and for Sun bury, Harrlsburg, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Washington and Pitts burg and the West. 2.18 p. m., week days (Sundays, 1.58 p. m.) tor Sunbuiy, Hariis buig, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Washington and Pittsburg and the West. For Hazleton, Potts ville, Heading, &c, week days. 1.27 p. m., week days, for Sunbury, Hazleton, Pottsville, Harrisburg, Philadelphia nnd Pittsburg. J n. WOOD, Oen Pass, As! J. U, HUTCHINSON, Cen. Mgr, mz-zm isUJ. Ti.ie Card in tffeet Vet, 30th, 1UOO. SCRANTON DIVISION. ecn, sco 201 an oo su ltrsi C -al nl t 3 STVTIOSS .1 s fll. CM IM 7 MAr.N.V.WtMM l.r, (jii ru. I PM PM ...9 OSISO . .3 HIM .. intu . iiSMU . aiuts .. 8606 II .. lutes .. 303(80 .. 30)611 . 3 mst IN 1 Wo II ..'roi).' mi Al radotia . .I.r. io iu II) JI.S ni in luneix-s;. 1031 . 1021 ...1013 ... 1001) ...l)5tl .Slat litrlit . " .r'l.-stolOark. " AVitltsots) . " .PojllttlllJ... " .. .1)1 ion " riNiMlit Mt. " Ulilondalu . ' FoiiM t'lt-. " iMiboitdalnlil " CaibolitMle " .Hlille llrlJe. " Mav lit Id Yd " "Iu) IU Id Jfiiinn . " f, in 11 11 w .1.1 1 115 DS6II3.I 111113.1 II 1011 1)0 0i vtiirt 11 9 mil 11 surrrr) i Mil 01 . PM .6 10 7UtS01iM I al .!M 7 MS C1U8 7 0. 5 (16 01 7 Ova 158(3 .BIS (181 .trrlthiil.l . WlnV'ii 1'ts k 1 ilie . OIlpllIUll... . J-tU ir,urr . . lltioop Proi hi, nee.. " 7 118 61 6 l " 7 US M6 17 " 7 13 608 16 " .7 eti 03611 " 7 Dnj 07611 " 7 si 4 htr. " 7 NI I4l Al 7 11' i WltS ,ati H.'aiu or 15 Hill It) III (.'DM BIO HIM ISKiais nn .fiai .uui niH'iis M.f! Id 13 BCI rurK i-tHcp . 6, union 6 01 w 10 10 I.v, Ht I1' IM A ''Itlt-Mil liilnilfvie rirtoaiiDl - for MtrtwM o tliS eriiicrinc Hitiuiay mil? roniii tiuailey only, irri.lrj alllavlisi.t Urit70O'-nin.lB..rlrJi . . . adillocKllralniliaTrt i. rinton H7 OPpin rsundivanls , tlispplria il sll iliti-.u lo rsrlstnilile. rrtvlni 11 7 IS pni. nil trim inii MivtttM VM for ( irtmuatli itolSin' tltl),irrlvintt(;titKniai)iil&Uiiii, Hto 51 cont per mile, T.onrit Hiitci to all l'nlntii West. C. fNOrRSOH, i'u'1 l'i,'r.ifnt .NfMYeili.'';. 4 WtllM, Iris, tint, fe'iutgn, fl. 5tS IE HAVE azM$ti&m flJLaiiVjJgS r.