The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, March 19, 1901, Image 1

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' i
vs, ..
v. WWf
Measure lor the Rclici of Election
Contests Galled Up on
First Readlna.
A Pniagraph Which Leaves the Re
couler Without Authoiity Other
Iuegulnilties Routine Pioceed
i Jigs Bills , Intioduced In the
House A Measuio Regulating- tho
Sale of Patent Medicine- Cnlculatcd.
to Pi event the Sale of Injuilous
Dings The Gcneinl Appropilatlon
Bill Repotted nnd Rend.
pr i a' fimii a staff I urrt.pnnilont
ll.mlshutr;, Va.. Miircli 1s-Thi-lii
sir. iiit hill, iiy which it Is pioposed
to the petltloneis In the Lang-iiili--Kelly
contest from luiylnfr the
lin.oun co-els, passed llrst leading In
tin- liutiM' tonight, and will come up mi
ml lending toiniiiiovv. To pass soc-
nml tending It mtiHt Ik- called tip when
.ii lieil on the calendar, ami If It Is
"I calleil up within two weeks II Is
iKi'ii fiom I ho calemlar, under tho
nilt- of the house. N'n one has us jet
sigi.liltel their Intention of culling It
up K-piesent.'itlxe Ucaconi iletlutod
h n he lutloillleeil the hill that Ills
' liiiiitlou with It ended at that.
In (he M-nuto, the Viiughuu 1)111, pio-
iimg Mint lliiior licenses shall remain
i ".".n fur u pet Ind of tlnee years hi
n s of the second class cnier.jiiig
'ni the thlul class, passed first icad
' -
Mnator Vaitghan Is i-nnlldoiit the hill
-ill pass the senate. A lohhy will be
h- n- thl. week to pnvc a way for Its
pa-.iKi tliiough the IliiU-f.
Defects in the Ripper.
'I ilppi-r hill as reprinted In the
("in in which It Is to appear In the
.books illicit mil contain the corrections
ii !i It was expected would ho made
v tin- pi Inter at the behests of the
trt. ii. s of the Mil. Tho must Import-
i latw In the whole hill, that do
igiiatlng the authorities who shall o
f ii isi the eorpotnlo powois of tin- mu
nicipality, Is elangoiously itiegulur. It
Tin- powois hetehy granted shall
' eielsetl by Ihu mayoi and couuells
'' such cities In the manner hoiohi
cieof llbul."
'I'l -ii- Is no mayor In second class
ma- or. at least, there will not b"
in Pi a few ilajs. This being the eusu
the iccordor Is left without authority
in eerclse .my coipoiate functions
end an a city cannot lie conducted un-
s lis chief executive Is Nested with
!o due shaie of corpoiate poweis, It
"III behoove the fi lends of the net to
Mir themselves to icmedy the mistake.
If the (Utile ulty i .line to a lest In the
"in t It might lie sueeessfiillystnoiithi'd
over with the claim that the "li-gls-l.idve
Intent" should preall, hut, as it
is an irroguluill) and liable to furnish
n loophole tliiough which the uutUiIp-l-i
lies shoot .some shntts of dc
l.iv. Its presence In the bill Is, to say
the least, mischievous
The liteguluiity In (question icstilted
irom tho fact that the "coipnrato potv-
is" article of this not was copied bud
n from the thlid i-las clt.v act and
inserted In the bill without being pmp.
nil edited.
The mlspiliits which made the
sois appointive and Jumbled up the
itiou i elating lo lontraels hne been
. nieeieil. us hai uNo niluus minor
'ipomaphlial and gniiniuiiilcnl onnis
T .1. Dully.
Mr. Tocht's Bill to Extend the Coal
nnd lion Police Law to the
Stieet Rnllwnyt..
S. I (rum a suit ( oiiKiioiiil. i
llniilshuig, Match l-. Senator
i-'oi Ill's bill telutlvo to (he uppolnt
juent of pollen tor Htliet passenger
lullwajn Is substantially an extension
of llio coal unit lion police law to liol
lc loiids,
The bill piovldes that un. street wili
w.iv lompaii haitend under die
laws of the lonimouuf.ilth may apply
to tho iiiu.oi- of any illy, huigess of
n borough, or Justice of the p?.ico
u siding ill any tow m hip thtouii
which tlie rallwav shall inn "to com
mist ion sucli person or persons as said
corpomtlou may ele-slgnute. to net as
lrlvuto policemen for suld cnrpoiu
tlr ii. nnd sin h ollUlal upon letolpt
of tho application "may appoint" such
prison oi as many of tlie-m ns ho may
diem pioper. and shall grunt Iheni
Thero Is nothing in th.. nit to pro
hibit the upDolntmem of men fiom unv
part of tho stuto hi nuy state, fur
that matter. The pollcenmn is to Jitivo
"nil tho powers of n policeman in tho
county lu which they shall be so ail
tlfib.od to art." Keopcis of Jails,
Uvh-ups nnd htutlon bouses within tho
county uro rciilied "to tccelvo all pvi
hoii's afirrled by Mich ollroinrn, for
the commission jf any orreuso ntralitst
Tf laws of this commonwealth, upon
tho cars or premises of uny such cor
lointloli to be dcnlt with uccordlng
lo lliW."
I'rovlMon Is ninde (hut lUvvp police,
men shall wear metallic bndKCs whlli
on duty, except when net In k its d -teethes.
They nro to bo paid by the
loinpjny applying' for their appoint
ment. T J. Duffy.
Stnto Capital Appiopiintion Bill Re
committed nt the Request of Its
Author Mr. Vnughnn's BUI.
ll l.xilutlte Wire- (rum 'I he Ai'dnotiil I"if.
llarrlsbinir, I'a.. Match IS. Tin- siMl
atn was lu session only twenty minute
tnnlRht. The bill nppropilatiiicr $ri,000,
f'00 foi the completion of the state
capltol building, which was to hae
onic ui for llnal passaito tiininrrow.
was lecommltted to Hie committee on
liiibllc grounds and buildings on motion
of .Mr. lo.of Daupliln, Its author. .Mr.
Kox eplnlned that he wanted the bill
leinnimitteil for the puipoe of kIvIiik
thoso Inti-i esteel a hearltifr befoie tho
M-nute passts upon It tlnally.
Mr. Heniy, of I'lilladelpbla, piesented
a memorial of the Hilled exelinilKes nnd
business iiiKaniBiitltius of I'hll.uielphl.i,
piotestlnir iiR.iltiHt the IMiiladelphlii
"i Inner" bills. The paper was lead,
and lefetied to the committee on
municipal tiffnlts.
The calendar was cleaied of bills on
flist and second leading.
Tho following bills weic Intioducod:
ll Mr uiKhan. it l.-iUnjmu. iipiikmh if
.oi ninrnilmi nt Id the loiiMllutlon In iim.uiIiii i
villi (lip imnMniiS n( llio cijllilil litli alllue
Hiircijl. l.y mliliiiK at tie mil (it scillon 7. tittiile
.'. Pie follow ids; word.: "I'lilcs liofoie it kIuII
lie ItilrciiliKKl in tin ciin-i.ll ra-(inlil Mlili pie-I'
-(ilil in Id it lii lmc I ice n fnnt sulmiit
tnl to .i popnlir i-ti- at a or -iicilil
tlollnti In llir locjllty ur lotnllllM to In- uirut
oil liv lt rjri.itio.i iiihIii- mi c nl. r of llio imi't
o( cmiinoii iik.iH ( 1 lie u.icitlM- cnuiitv .ill i
lii'jtliv am! npiilicntii n i;ijntrtl, ami Juill line
llClll 11(11 uMll it n .iiijonlv et Hie totiu ill
mii Ii i In 'Inn, iroiilid ihnt mi Midi ilrtlioii
oli ill In- lielil until the iHui-i nt iniirl, auiliw
Irln? the nine hall Into lion .iihulnul 'cr
at least thlrt -Ijin In the loulin or letalitii-s
iliiilul In filth I'uiu.rr .ii. tl.o luurt im ill
n.l"i ilm .1 Mil (ii.thoillng luunelN o( clth-4
ot I lip thiol Iim by ouHiuiiti In cill or lc iso
at the lnt jrlic oM mialili the ioj! unilcr an
pulilii- ('.ilk or roniuion o-tncil bj sahl i lt iiinl
(o ipply the (iiwinU llnreof In impiovinv.
poiiilM: anil llKlitluir tin- sjld park or loimnuii;
.il-.ii a hill .ippuipiiitliitf '.r.iiiiii to the Pittton
lln'pllal uvKniiitlon. ami i hill inl.UL'Inix I'm'
ln,.r of Miami mine, mn.l or ImlMliu md
lean r.iirl'itinn, authniliiu tin in tn loocite
tiliU t picinlnm r hniiu. until' or anthorbul
in vrititu ii. iiitmlitis ni (ii'isom iiilrinUnc lo
liiouic- imiuhi-M sunt .i!hl .linu' kuili liliU lure
li.tiiie mcliiil .ili.l Uuiw licictotoii- mule llinoon.
II.. !r S'lli', of UMkIi, illrntlnc tii inn
ul. ot l.oiu.;:li 1. 1 In l.y cnliiMiice inimlur,
rink, com pollution anil innthtinn of pollw ai.J
nilhnri'.lri- 1iiil1-' to appuliit ami Luiitiol s-iij
polh ciiK'ii. ami tn .ip(iolii) (all sutli iihulinali
nftlttis ot the lifnnli oxitptiii Utjiijiti. hct.iv
tar; ami cuiriiui r
lit Mr i:i,ih.hiik, of I'lnl.idilphii, (iiutidiiiK
that all uo--il)t- hiri.ulir i t jTill.-ln .1. tthethrr
of hWliua.ih h(t 1 liliauU ot ut lullio os hy oli ill he 1'ln.ti or bidnv the (.ladi
thi'iiiif. and all nidi ii.i-.n'i a. now an- er
mat heit'.illcr hn .il irndi- hill hi- mhjrt't to
hi alleiul ci .ilxdlsl.eil iimli-r tho opiialloii of
Hi., not n ih.' end Hi n. all (roliifi ur rail
louN at ei.nlo mo. mi .h pr.iilu ihlt hu
Ii in- ihu). 'I ho hill aim 'imuli that thoiu to iluvi .a nr.lilf the lnallii kIuII
he Mihtiiillul lo Hi. eoiniuoii (.lea. loiirt whlth
flwll lui' puttii to ilciidi the iiii .lton. Ulu lo
u or a lnuiiiripillii t (slit a to ii ai
Mllli a lallrmd iro.inli.i: tho p.illv w 1I0IH111;
hh.dl pri vent u pi'tition tn I ho i ourl nhirli (.lull
li.i-tn;iii and bijiiI hi n-la-e thu pi'tillnii
The --etiate ndjuuined until I p. in.
Mr. Gainer Intioduces. n Patent Med
icine Bill Other Mensuies Consid
ered. A bill was hit I ml u ceil in the liouso
totilKlit b Mr. fi. iiner of Sehu 11:111, to
pit-sent the sale of So-called patent or
piopiletaiy undliliiis unless the for
inul.i Is leiflstereel with the setietaiy
of the I'ciinsjhaulj J'liarmaceutlcal
eMinilnlni,' lio.ird, who shall teielve a
fee of S'J"i for eery null foi inula rejf
lsteied, one-llfth for the Use of Hie
secietary ns compensation, and the bal
ance lor the tit. of the ho.ini. These
lillls weio also lend In place:
Mi. Mil urn-, o' r.o.tti, piuildini.' tlul the
(n miIi nl ot tounill in luiciiicles shall cuciv.
the iliitlrs of Inirk'Hi in ilio al.-fiitii or ilisqu ilni.
(alien ot that ntlli'
Mr. Myir. of ('iiinhtilari.I. uppinpilallns sj.OM
for tin- crii'tion of i mailif i fur toe (
ih.ti'nior .luh-pli Hitnei in die climclijard at
Mi lint lioik, Inmhtilaml luiiini.
Mr e.i.itr. oi Viuiniruiii;, iKin u pindty of
lite in limit upon prlwti- lands without
il.. until n eimliit m tin' imnu.
tJn iilollou of .Mr. Cooper, of I'hlla
dolphin, tin- companion hill of the
I'hll.ulelphln "ilpper," which provides
tor the election of the boaid of revis
ion of taxes In Philadelphia, was in.
committed lo the municipal lorpoi.i
tlons committee.
.Mr. Paul, of Philadelphia. oliVivd o
lesolutloil Hint lieie.iflcr (. c lei k fe.ll ill
not leconl nnv membi'i- as MithiK un
it ss he ahull lie actually present within
tho bar of the bouse and shall have
voted when his- name was called. The
pieatnble of the leRohUlon recites that
the ua"tlie lias heietotoro ptevallcd
for niembeis to absent tlieinsehes ttoni
ih bar of the house and to pievlonsly
Instinct the lei I; to record their namc.q
as otitis; on bills to be voted on dur
liiff IheH- absence and that names of
niembeis actually ubsent fiom the bar
of the house have thus been lecnrded
as pte-jent nnd voting. Mi. VikhIups,
of I'lilladelplila, uilsed ihu jiolut of
order that tho tides already provide for
tho condition asked fur in the icboIu
I lull.
Tho Bi-neial upprnpihulon bill was
icpoited from fomntlttee and tcad tho
Hi Ht time wllhout buinsr printed, uttor
wlliih it was lecominlttPd. Chaltman
Ullss explained that the bill when com
jileto would 1x5 placed on the calendar
ono week bofoio It was taken up for
second readluif.
After oiearlnir the calendar of tirst
leadliiK hills, tho house adjoin nod until
10 o'clock toinonow morning;.
Mr. Cleveland's Birthday.
Ily llxiluibe- Wire fiom Tli- socltrd Prrw,
Pilneelon, . ,1., Mauli IS Px-I'irncle-At
fluilind iflit till, hi klvtj-fourth biithdj,
at lioine nltli Mm. l li-M-laml and their clilldiwi.
He rnlnUliwil nu mllrr. foiiRratnlatlom In
aluindiiico from IiIiikU tirrr lecoinl
It lb Expected That New Neuotia-
tlons Upon the Nlcaraonan fli-
lalr Will Be Opened Soon.
Oteat Rtitaln ns Well as the United
States 13 Desiious of Having- the
Matter Amicably Ananged at an
Early Day Senate Will Bo Con
sulted Many Menibeis Realize
Now That They Blundered Over tho
Hny-Pauncefote Convention Rec
ognize the Foolishness of Amend
ments. Ill ht Invite Win fm-n llio A.toiiatrJ pi -r
Washington, Jlaich IS. A promlucni
ineinliei- of tho fenolRii iclatlous com
niltlee of the senate expt esses tho
opinion that befoie the moetliiK of con
gress In December ei new tleaty will
base been netrotiated with (ileat I'.rlt
aln which will answer till tlio purposes
r the Ilay-Pauncefolo convention, yet
meet with the approval of the senate.
Tho senator quoted is one of those who
opposed nny nmr-nclnicul to the Ilny
I'.iuneH'foto treaty, nnd who hoped
earnestly tint it would be uitilled
without chanije. He expects that the
state- depot tinenl will rocoKitlc the
situation al the other end of the ave
nue, and will stilve by pidlmlnnry
consultation with senittots to preiiaro
an Instrument which will satisfy them.
"Then- is really no vitnl point of dif
ference between the two countries," he
avs. "Kngland is ns an-cioiis as the
T'nltcd .States that the c-anal should be
liullt and Is quite u IIH1117 that It should
be bulll unci continued by the I'nltcd
States piactlcally under eiicIi condi
tions as tlio United .Stales may lay
down. 1 happen to know that when
the H.iy-I'auncefoto treaty was diawn
it was supposed by tiord I'.iuncpfnto
that Hu terms wcie ptcclsely what the
rnltcel States would want. Me yielded
to every suKKcstlon and had only ono
object in view to have the canal built
iu-c-oiiIIiib: to our Ideas, and to clear the
path of eveiythliiK hlch st 1 in llio
Useless Amendments.
"The ameiidnients which the m n.uc
pioposed weie list less the Davis
amendment csm'ciully. It goes with
out .saying that In case of war no hos
tile nation would tiy to send a ship
throiiKli tin- canal, to the coast
or fleets of the United .State". That
would be the rankest and must ieck
iess of folly. Tlio senate amendment,
tlierefoie, was a matter of puio senti
ment and so was tin- ItiltKh icfltsa! to
accept 11. The I'nltoil States could not
hue been aided hy tin- ainendiiieut
nnd the- (haniro could not haw hurt
Client Uiltaln
"Tlieie is it-ally no nbstiu !v In the
way of neKntl.itliiK n new tie.ity con
tiilnhiK In other Iuiikuubo nil that tlie
senate asks lor. Tor that matter sev
eral setiutois who oted for the amend
ments have sluie a.suied me that they
believed they made a mistake-, anil
that In similar e licunistaiice.s they
would not lote su iiKiiln. Din- thine
Is bound to hasten negotiations. That
Is the certainly unless a new
tn-aty is olTeied, conRress will abio.
cate the Claylon-HulMer treaty next
Senator Stewart, of Nevada, is ontj
spoken In his criticism of the action
of the senate.
"1 leiriird the aniendnient of the
Hay-Tauneefote tleaty by the Vnltul
.States senate as the wotst political
blunder of the times," he s.iys. "In
my opinion thai was the Kreat
pst diplomatic- achievement by this
country duilim the luesent (foneiation.
With or without tin- Olaytou-llulwer
couveiitlon II was Jusi such a tie.ity
as the United Statrs ouclit to have
been aiiNious to make, not onlj with
Unglnnd, but with all clvlllod liallons.
The toiiseni of the- whole woild that
the United States might bulltl ihe
c.iua'l. to be umcI by the commercial
wen Id on the payment of such toll
or chantes as would pay inteiest on
tho Investment, coupled with the pledge
of all commercial nations lo maintain
the neutrality of the cnnal, both In
pence and war, would lmve been (lie
best und only avnllable Kuatantee for
the uninterrupted use of the name by
the United Stales in common with ail
olhor nations.
The Foitiilcatiom..
'The foillllcatlon of the qaual by the
United Slates would have Involved
eiirn moils expenso and invited tlie hos
tility of (he win Id. It would be the point of any war In which
the I'nitrd States mlirlit be onRi'iKed,
rnd therefoio utteilv useless nt tin-M-ty
time when Its tte would he most
Important and dclrable. It Is ah
surd to nsstime that tlie c oiimierclal
woild would be less sctupulous in
inulntnlulin; the netitiallty of the canal
In which all mankind Is Interested
than In in.ilninliilnK the neutt.ility of
the penis of a weal; mid heliess na
tion. Tlie blunder In nniendlinr tin
(tea(y has Involved tho senate tis well
as the administration In diplomatic
rnnlrovcisy with lliltalii, which
lias postponed tho commencement of
the canal for (wo yenis and may ie.
tiilt In tho Indefinite delay of tho most
Important piojeet that has been con
templated by our Koverninent lnee pa
Set-totnry Hay hnel ii long conference
today Willi Senator Moicran u-siiectlnt,'
Isthmian canal niatleis and the ad
visability of tenpetilnr; nesotlatlons for
a tie.ity with Orent Urltnln. Tlie sec
totary Is loslinr no oppoitunlty of ae
qunlnthiK himself with tlio views of
senators on that subject, and tho con
ference today with Senator Morijnn Is
only ono of nbout a dozen ho hns had
on the same subject with loading sorpi
tors and lopicsentntlves since the nd
Journiuent of th llfty-slxlh eonsrress.
The Key to the Situation Given by a
ny t'viliMie Wlr- from The- Awm-nlnl Trci. re, I'a. Marcli tv. -The
meetlliK of tlie eei utlve boniel of the
United Mine Wmki-is scheduleil to
take place In this tlt today. Is sup
posed to have been held In Scranton,
as neither of the olllceis apoeared heie
It is bIvoii out. however, that President
.Mitchell and his adviser, will come to
Wllkes-lla no tounuiow, but for what
purpose Is not Hinted.
The siipeiluteudelits located lu tills
( It.v ur.- not peiinitted lo discuss (he
situation for publication, and all that
they say they lay special stress upon
the i cetiii st that their names nte not
used in tin- public' pi lots. During the
Inst strike they wire lu position to
fedlow their own disci etlon lu the mat
ter, but since the advent of the MorRnn
lefrlme their lips nte sealed. What
one of them said today, however, Is
likely llio key to tin- situation:
"Tlie corporations nie ori;aulz.itlous
charteii-d by the state and llnble to tho
law; the United Mine Woikers Is an
oi-Knulzntlon which Is not charteied,
and liable to nobody. Ft Is not n epies
tlon of recoKnltlon of the union, but
wither disinclination for a charteied
eoipor.itlon to melt on teriu
with an liicsponslble en ionization.
Ice Stoinge Plnnt of the Annhnueser
Busch Brewing Company Binned.
fly l:tlu.-h" Wir- from 1 he Wvciatrtl Pics
St. Louis, .Mo., Malch is Peibaps
tho most disastrous lire in the history
of tin- South Side this afternoon
burned tin- Ice stotage plant of the
Amilmueser Huscli Hrowlni; company,
tin- lopalr sliiiii of the American Cat
and Feminity company, tofjethc with
a number of box cars, the- facto! y of
Stule & Company, pickle, manufactu.--eis,
tlc rootnliiR Iioukos an I a number
ot small sheds. The total elnmnt'c Is
csllmated nt $100,000, the greater part
of which is coveied by Instil unco. Two
men, employes of tin- Anietlcan Car
and Foundry company, weie bijured,
hut not seilously.
Tl'e liurnt'd elit rut cmbrat es two
.-( blocks boi-nded by Zepp, Utah.
First and Kosclosko streets. Several
valuable buildlnir which escaped dnm-.!-,
vvc- seilously thre.iten-'d. The
estimated list of losses Is: AniihilPUM-r
tliisch Ice storage plant. $".7,000. Amer
!( an Car and Foundry company's
sheds, $10,000: Ufty Vov cars belonging
to tlu- Aniiliaueser liuccli and William
.1. J.euipi- Jin -aiii" coiupaul (. "ilV').
Stule & Conipan.v's plant. $"i.00t); fjvo
rooinlui' houses, Sl.'i.onii
Committee fiom Sennte and House
to Leave Washington Tomoirow.
ly I'tcIikIio Vlu- from 'ihe Woclatctl l'lim.
Washington, Maiili IS. -The senator;
and mi'inber.s aiiopintnl to attenel th ol th" hue liepifsent.lllve
r.iosiu-t, of IViinavlvania, vlll leave
Washington at T o'e leu U Weduesd ly
nioinliiR over tlie IVnusyj Iviiuia l.iil
rimil. The i omniittee on ihe p. in of
til" f.elillte s ns lolloiAS-
Seii.itois p.-niose. (Ju.iy. Jewell,
Scott. Aim tin anil tlalllnver. The house
(Oininlttee consist of i.epi't-fie ntntlves
1)'i1j:c1I, iliovv. olmstead and Under, of
I'ci.ns.vlMinla: Tluiyei, Alassachusi'iss;
t nptou. Uliode Island: Hill. Conurctl
ctit. I-'ovvle r and l.oudenslag"-, Xow
."ii'ie-j: Talbeit. South Caioilna: Slnt-iiie-
Ohio: IMdy, .Minnesota, duck -.
Mlstouil Stephens. T''.l.
William Redmond Objects, to In
scriptions Upon English Coins.
lit IaiIiimw Wile In tn I In- VMilaltd Pit-..
London, March is in (he hou-e of
commons today William Redmond
lllsh Nationalist, gave notice that lie
would in tie an early oppoitunlty of In
fotinlng Kind Udward that be had no
e.llthly light to use the title ot de-ft-ndei-
of tin- lulih. The nrgutiient
came up on Air. Redmond's question
as to whether the title would appear
on the new coins nlld, If so, what part
tlcular faith was mount.
The chancellor of the ee hequer. Sir
Michael I licks-deal ll, leplled that so
long as tin- king's title temaliied mm!
tired they would appear on the coins.
Then Air. Redmond piolested nnd was
called to en del
fly r-crlnlp Wile fiom "lite ,foi latrd I'rtvi
Chlcaso, Match is A special to tho
Cluonlile from .leffeisonville, Jntl..
say-: .Memphis, Intl.. was almost to
tally destiiryod by lire today. Onlv
ten houses remain and stoics of fami
lies are homeless. Tlie (lie stnrtMl
fnnn a spail: falling fiom n stair fac
tory .smokestack. The lo-s is esti
mated al J'iO'i.fliH).
Objects to Moi gnu's Piollts
lb wii.' die ..i" Laid I'i.---
cw ork. Man It IH-lllelunl I'lno I'ollm lo
iliy licg-ni inlt in the) I'nlteil Stain circuit
iiiint Jk'..ln-l tli" T.rli- llJllnuy ei.mun.v .nl
.1. I'lrri.inl Muiitl.i i illnii tin m tn nnai and
ixpllltlUlO Ml. VlnU.111, 18 lllO tOlltlllllilK. tlll-
In- nf the 111 ii' niiiiillnl the jmrtlUM' nf
lln- l-cnitiitb.iiil.'i lull tniiiii(.t. in width
.nllnii, I In' iiMi'iilulnini iilhais. Mi. i-i l, i i
mull j lnufll ni ?
Supteme Couit Will Take Recess.
lb r(lti.lti Wo' fiom Tin- . mx I iled Pre-i".
Wci.hlnslnn. ILnh Is. thief .bi-tlti- I ullc-r,
nf tlie I nihil is Stiiimc- tutnt, todjy j:i
i.i uiK nl lint tin- it'tnl Muiihl tnkr a rrieu Oom
lull Mond.iv fi.r t failnljht. 'Ihe- opinion It
ipiito kciiin.iI that llic ilriifluii of tho coiat In
Ihe I'.. tin Itican und I ldllpiliie riuctlonc will
nui ho mino'iiut J until iifler tlio dim in. Ion of
the i con
Cotton Mills Shut Down.
Ilv Uulibiw- Vho frnni lln- AiMicbtdl I'lo
I'ull lllwr, Mj.h, Mdti-h U. llio t-liev,
lifbron, Jlfiiluuilt', Amrrlran Llncu mid Moll,
irniot rot I on mills oic-ratiiiar :V0,(10 iplnillf,
tten- ktnpped tod i In iiuuninei- nf tho ujiii'.
mint lo rurtiiil (iioiliietlcn. It U iinh.ililo tlut twtk tin- iniijorlly nf the mill. In lliln illy
will ho hut clown.
The Natives oi MariniJiKiup, Go-Operate
with flincrlcans.
Wholly in Favor of Fonnhifr n Sepav
ate Ptovinco Taft Commission
Leaves tho Formulation of Muni
cipal Laws Largely in the Island
eis' Hands Their Committees
Seel: Peaceful Establishment of
Amoiicnn Sovereignty.
Hy I'.tilutito Vir from The- Aocjfcl Pien.
doac. Jslnnil of Mniindtique, Mnich
10 Tho question of attaching this Isl
nnil of Mnrlndtique to the province of
Tnyabas, discussed by the American
Philippine commission since Its arrival
here, has been decided in the negative.
The sentiment ot the people was wliol
l.v In favor of foimlng u separate piov
Inee. A population of r.o.ocil) was tepre
seuted during the discussions, and the
commission has met intelligent deleg.i.
lions fiom all towns on the Island.
The port of ltoiublon, on the island
of Roninlon, will be the capital of the
nevvly formed piovlnce, which will bn
coinprlsetl of adjacent Islands. Uom
blon 1b situated nt die mouth of a deep
valley, nnd has a line huihor. The
people aie thtlfty nnd prospeiotis nnd
there ate no Insurgents iliete.
Major Kinn Al. Johnson, Jr., of the
Twenty-ninth volunteer infuntry, will
be governor, nnd Captain Albert S.
Williams, ol the same regiment, will
lie treasurer of the new piovlnce.
In the Mountains.
There are "Oil Insurgents still in the
mountains of Marlnduquo, but other
wise the inhabitants uro nnlous for
the pacillcatlon of the Island und for
the- acceptance of Ameilcan sovetelgn
ly. .lodge Taft lias appointed Captain
linmlhorti! as chairman of the vailotts
i-onunlttctv of natives foimed to or
ganlzo municipal law In the towns ot
Miitlndiiqitf. He lias piomlsed that
the- commission will letuin und or
ganize the piovluit- of Murlnelueiue.
Al ijoi- Smith, commanding the Amer
ican garrisons on tile island, has Issued
an oider recalling all unlives to 1 1 ve
in the live pilncipil towns where the
Ameticin tioops are stationed. Those
who continue to reside in tin- coiintiy
will be i onsitleied Insurgents.
Tin- Ameikan Philippines commis
sion will soon pieoaie n tec omniond.x
tlon to l'n-'ldeni McK'inlej on the
cliar.iclet and fotcool the geiietal civil
goviimucni to hi- est ibllshed In the
archipelago. The matter, however, has
ns i t licelvcil lint infoinial on1.
Mnjoi nnd Mis. H. B. Mulfoul At
tacked by Mobs at Kioto Noith
Oermnn Lloyd Steamer Lost.
lb Ivhww Mir- Ii mi flu W-iii.iIi.1 -n
Vletoiia. It C.. Alnith IS. Tho
stcamei- Klnshti Alatu at lived today
1 1 oin Yokohama and the Oilent. Sho
In ought iievs of u bitital assault on
Major II. H. Attilfoitl. of the Tlihty
ninth Infantiy. and his wile, nt Kioto,
while returning fiom AtmiUa. A mob
of 100 attacked the Mulfouls while
they were embarking on a ti.ilu. Their
clolhiiie; was toin and both weie
Killgllly Used, ees)lle the ni.ljiu's
stieniious lcsist.ince. lb- was in uni
ftum. Tlie North China Dally News tells
of an outrage committed In Russians
in New Chvvang, when- a pally of Cos
s.uks, pursuing t'hlne-e Into the diit
sh fon--ulate, shot .mil killed tho theu-.
The Noith eicinidu l.loyil mall
stcaincr Muchrii was lost near Van,
one of thn Caiollne Islands, ljlng SiO
miles east of the Plllllppllli'.s, While,
en iniite in Yokohama fiom Ausunlla.
All hands woio ".ived
Killed by Benles Supposed to Have
Been Wtntei green.
lit Ivihilio Wit. luilli Ih.' . -o; tanl I'n -
Sharon. Pit.. Miu.h ls-Tlueo boys III
search of w iuii-rgr-en on Wlutergre'eii
hill, about half u mile west of Shnips
v i;ie. this ul'lernoon, ate- a quantity of
I oisou beirle-J. and died In u-nlblo
ugi ny about an hour later. They
wcte Claude Alorloul, aged 13; l-'ivel
Morford, aged IT, ami llownid Miller,
iiged i;:.
'llio boys H.ithoH-il a huge qiiantlly
of led beirles und ale henitlly of (hem.
In n short time they weie thrown Into
lenlble convulsions, and ad died with
in an hour.
Pt evident Leaves Canton.
Iiy hxilibltp Wlie from Tito Acnclatod I'icci.
Cininn, O, Vl.iriH K -1'io-hlilil .ind Vh.
MiMnlit lilt .it WO Ci'dniK tonlnht for M.i-h-In.lnn.
'lint ot t iqiiril ,i nil.ilo i ir .itt.iehtd
tu lie irkiilir I'i un-ii ltania ti.ilu. 'Ihui' tMo
m riumhcr of oilltiiii In no hit i. .ind ho hid
.l-i.anl i.inl licit tiilh old tiinul
Camegie-Cambiia Case.
Hi l.kchulto Wlio Uom The- AogeUtril I'll'.'
M.idilngliin, M.ncli IS.-'I In- Cnltid StattM mi.
promo i nm t (ihIij ronlnitil In tho ilmUt for
ro Ji(;iniicnt the cut. nf tho Cjrprffii' Mrtl eom
pint v. (lie e'jinluli Iron innipnij. Tim u.i
intnlu'i tho p.Urr.t piixe-n nf tel uul.lni:. Ji'd
n.ia aiiidul hi-t .l.uu.iiy
Pittsburg's Ball Team.
Itj" r.ieliulia W'lrs from llii- AmocIjIcI IVcii.
l'lltnliiiie, Jlmcli IS -lltMiininni, Pitl.hiiu-1
niltldlt- floldrr, lu Knotted liU .illci.jneo tn Id
ili1 rlnli and Iho tuni U im- nMnpliic iih
tho rirrptlnn (if nnincr and I'hihppl, .ind I lull
nlk-ni-.l lontiarlc arc cmm-iImI hifnn- Iho ISJlll
Itutonf, Mhfn tho toam npl lonio fit Hot SprniTt,
Wcttlicr lnJlctlon Todr,
I l.riirrtl I.tKllatlvo t'roci riling.
i iiipinim vu'0)trntc null .nitlltdii.
t"liltico f ilI Otor.
ProHCt ff A .New Cilul Ticilt.
'J (Jcncrat ( .ul.ond.lo Urinitiiirnt.
." lined Intcioitliu l.octnrc In S(, i.uIm.'. i'i'.
Ull HllllH.
Court. I'rnce cling
t l'.lllorljf.
Noli- .end ('uimnoiit.
.i IitmilMiiin World V Offlirrs In ( nnfni-nc.
SljinRcr We) land lli'diiirKul at llrllniv lle.ii
d Luc jl'-Wint S'lintoii mil Militithin.
7 Ooncral-Vorthoietcrn I'liiti.tb.inli.
riniiiiid and CoTinrrehil.
8 I.wil 'Liquor De-fltcrr I'li-puinit lo
Lite N'cttit of the- Imltivlilil World
$50,000 FIRE
rite Staited in the Elevator Shaft
nnd Broko Out Simultaneously on
tho Foui Floois of the Building.
Flames Gained Much Headway Be
foie Eiieinen Could Contiol Them.
The four.tor.v building nl Un Win
mlng I'-rnuo occipled by Willlitmi .v.
McAiiulty, carpet dealers, was aliuoi
completely elestroycd by a most eh-,
structlve- the which bioke out In die
elevator shatt this morning shoitly at
tcr 2 o'e lock.
The blaze was ellsi-ov eted by Patrol
man l'almer, who noticed smoke cull
ing out from the liont nf the third
story, ami who piotnptly tunu-d lu an
ulaim from box i.', coiner of W.vonilug
avenue and Spinte stieet. Tlie e-ntral
city companies, in charge of chief V,
W. Klisclmniin, w-ere on the seen.- with
In two minutes and at that time the
whole upper pait of the building
seemed lo be ablae lu the icar.
The chief, realising that the lire was
In the veiy lieait of the business sec
tion and tight next to the niobo "Wine
house, with Its- valuable stock, tut tied
lu a second alarm, which brought out
several other companies. The building
was being remodeled and die whole
front was open, allowing n splendid
drnutilit foi the Humes, which eat their
wav up and down the efevator shall.
The J.lhr.iiy building, net door. Is
of ely peculiar coustiucdoii. It Is
tlnee stories high for a distance of sev-eiit.v-flve
feet back and llien chops to
one btoty for another sewnly-flvo leet,
only to i.ilse to tb-te sloiles again.
Two I'-ies of ho-ti wet- eaiiled up.
stubs and out on to t'-e oie-stoiy inof.
One was curried fiom tlieie up to tin
front thlld-sloiy ioo, fiom wheie n
stie.iiu vtas dliected upon the fiery
tongues which had bmsi througli the
roof of the Williams X AloAnully
The other sticam, with (In- lull fmce
of the Nil). Aug steamer behind (, was
dliected at shnit lango from the one
stniy tnof light into tin- laglng loailng
mass f names inside the building.
This was tlie stieaiu which i cully did
the WOik, though a e ouple of olheis
weie soon (nil Into play tioin Oakforil
ii u 1 1 in the ie. ir.
Tlltie was a liie-wall ! 'weiii the
binned building nnd the Lllnary build
ing, and tills U what sa-. -d die latter
fiom die llanie'. Mad they l)iUp a,
tlie least lilt of a good start In the
(Jlobe, with It- tieineuilous stock of
Inllauiiiiiible goods, one of the most ells
astious Ilres in the bl'Uoiy of die- city
would have, no doubt, resulted. The
whole Intel lor of the Williams .V Jlc
Anulty building was completely gutted.
The loss could not be learned, but 111
lihllllli'll as die Hun occupied tlio Plidio
1 ullillng a rough estimate would pl.ico
die stocl; valuation over $'n.0ii(. Al.
Williams, a member of (he lit in, wlnu
Interviewed by a Tilbuue in.'ii could
not give an e-stimato of tho .-onunt" of
stock entiled, but sahl be believed It
was fully Insured.
The- origin of the (lumen l a com
plete mvHtery, us theio was no ihe- In
tlio building, tho heatlugv being (ur
nlslied by tho Keonoiny Light, Heat
nnd Power company. Tho supnosition
Is that It was oausi'.l by au el . ti I
whe. A ivoikniiin wusi'iigaged in llio mora
up to 11 o'clock, tepalilng tho mblo on
the elevator, and one of iho employes
was wiiii lilm. locking tho store after
they wero through. When the ilmni-s
weio ellscovcrcd they appi-urc 1 to
emanate finm the elevator shatt, ami
vvlK-n the tlrenien turned a stream Into
the shaft the large store tooni tilled
with smoke.
Tlio Humes then shot up throug'i the
shaft und Into the partitions and slot';
on the second, thlid nnd fotiith ilonrs.
although these looms weio upset on
account of tho lep.tlr work In piogtess.
At fl.flO o'clock the Haines seemed p
be untlei- contiol nnd weie i-ulli -ly
conflnetl to die Williams & McAnulty
Tho guests at the Hotl .Iermn
were ut'iiused Iiy the Hie ularm aiu the
clanging of bells lu front of tho build
lug iud many oi them left their rooms.
Thero win no danger, however, ns the
hotel is protected by an Immense Hie.
pi oof lire wall
British and Russians Have Decided
That Thcu Will Withdraw
Iron. Tlcn-Tsin.
Dispute to Be Settled Diplomatically
Mr. Conger Sallo fiom ShnnfrhaU
Li HuttR- Chaus'a Health Better.
Repoit Thnt tho Governor of Hsl-
Nlng Is to Bo DlRinlssed Delay
Over the Indemnity.
Ht I xrluMto V. no icin 'llio V--.H i.itt.l I'ti-ve.
London. Mutch IS. tin tin- highest!
olllclal attthoilt). the Assnclated I'livs-i
Is authoilzed to iinnounce that the ellf
lleullj al Tlen-T-dn between the l!u
hI.iiis und Hi lllsh over the construction
of a i.iiiioad siding In teiiitoiy claimed
b botli. will piobabl) be solvetl by tho
w-lt hdt. l will of both tin- Hrltlsh ami tioops from die gionuils In
Olllclals or the Mrlllsli foielgn onicu
have not et lecclvcd olllclal conllr
inadon ot liussla's ulU-getl backelnwn,
anil inquiries on the subject are being
made in St. IVteisbing and Pekln. Tlio
Hrltlsh goveininent Is not iclaxlllg Its
c-rforts to obtain u nunc sillsfnctoi v1
statement of the Intentions or Ititssla.
but the olllclals elcpioc.iu- the Utitlsli
pi ess agitation em the subject.
On all sides It Is olllclally and other
wise said that (trout llrltalu has not
the slightest lelen of ieort!ng lo hos
tilities against Itussla, white-ver may
be (he outcome of the iitesent negotla-.
BiltUh Influence in Ynnij-tse
In the house of i onu.ions today, re
plying to Sir Kills Ashmenel Hartlete
(Ci-iieiviitlve) Air. llalfour. tho gov-t-iuuu-nl
h-iidei. h.ild tlie government
did not posses any infot million Itiell
catlng any decline In r.ilti.slt lulluenco
lu the Ynng-tse provinces. As to lln
UukhIimi claim lor die wa(eis of Mono
.-.nd Kll'ott Islands, the iiiltlsh govern
nii nt had ceitainly not accepted that.
The goveiiiincnl had leoclvod no coni
miiiilciitlou on tlio subject from Uus
sla. The Itusslan admlinl bad temon
(tr.Ucel tigalnst the pieiumcj? in th
waters or Tlllott islrintl eif If. Ar. S.
Plover, which was engaged In pursuing
pliales, bu( dillish slilp.i bail a pi i
(eel right, iintler (lie (i -nty of of Tlcn
'IVIn. lo co there.
liuestlolis leatdlng the dlrpute nt
Tlen-Tsln weic (lanlel by the under
Military lor foielgn alfnlrs, Loi.l
Cinnborne, v.ho lefnsetl lo nnswei
(hi m without notice.
William ttedinond talsed Nationalist;
e beets by asking why riieat liiltalu
litiil holsied (lie white I'ttg anil backed
dov.'ii, alter (hi onioning to use fmce of
lu n dlsp.iti It fiom Sh.inqh il the sail
ing today of I uiiid Stiles Allnist f
CoiU'or Is tiiinounc'-tl.
Tlui-Tsln, Alaich 1-. Tin- Angl j
Uusslau tlbpute Is line hui. god Tin
l''iancli tioo(is are quleti-i. Mine than
forty anests liave be. n ni tile
! kin, AInieh IS. I.i Hung Chung H
icpies-cnted as better in health. ITIi
mental laiultli's hnvc not been ItnJ
p. lied In tin sIlRllii--! ihgiee li lif
lllncts, and 11 lakes as keen nil Inter
est as cvi'i- lu Ihe in giilintlon"
Tlie- lallroad between Pekln ami
Chali-Sliig-Ou vtas opemd on Satlililay
in tin- pie'ii'iite of the l'ri-ni Ii nnd l!ei
glan nilnlsteis A tevlew of the tioops
was a fen l lire of die u lelnatloii
Delay Over Indemnity.
l.ltlle was ace ompllshetl at todtiv 1
meeting of the foi elgn nilnlsteis, on
account ol tlu el. lav of the vuilou.s
governments in agieelng to the inin-lti-slons
leached ill tin- matter of Indem
nity claims Xo minister Is allow 1
full liberty to net for his government.
The i ourl eeieinonlal on tl-e lei-i
lion of inliilHteis was die n lbject of
conversation, but mulling ili-flnlte w i.t
decided upeui.
iTi'iieral Chaffee mid II. O. Squi. i s
the I'lilte-d Stales chat Re d'atfal.
have cMimlned propeity adjoining 'l.e
legation suitable for barracks ur.'i i ip.
able of housing I'U men.
lieilln. Alaich IS. In n dispatch !
fiom Stvntow II Is suld that on lh
th inand eir tho i let man consul at St
tow tin- district govcinoi of Ilsl Nl ig
(Sec-.N'lug) will lie dismissed on n -lount
of his antl.ciiiistlnn nttltui'
and his dlliUoilnosH lu dealing wi i
(leimnti claims. Two Chlneso partb
puutM lu iho nntl-tterman i lots ha i
In-eii beheaded at llo-Ping.
Ii) .-eihlili VV ire fiom 'lilt' Vitnoiilril Pir
V afbinglr n VI in ti 1. Hun. Mail K Plow it,
.f Mlfilii"iii, .1 ln-inhe-i nl Hit' f'itll Sirtloo iini
nni.luit. ,' cd hilo Ii uljchl limn n compile itinn
of iINojv. Ml'. llrcULi lud lnt'ii .it lioiilc si I.
fur Ihe Int Lu n.o, iillhuii-ii foi iionie tin n
(.a t Ml lii'iltli lu hi ( n poor, iln vj hi .Ma.
et use and Icon a wlduw. Tlio funeral u t
In. hold at l-oniiai', VMi 'I Imrwlj.v, Vlr. Iln-n r
tta .it mil" thin- lf-llio lu tho politic ni i .
Hal.'. Ho s'ltul ni ii ktito Ftiiitiir M-torul ittn i
nnd u.i in nii7ii'i l"i f'im term. 1 mm
TSsI to l'"i In- ttj.-in tin ccn.-illo stnlro. In tn
CUIIonod ,tl llirlln. Hi- I i.i. linn t iiKinhor nt
tlio ill il .iitiu imninlv.iaii fm Mtotil ti'.iin
NowmiI.. I), MjuIi 1 JoiIi llldrr, Intinl r
cf tin- f.tni(ii Hi ml.'i.'liin lltlo, i. di.hl at h 1
linmo In Ihl lit), ef l.i.'.irl ilit.'.uv. .io. M
Pedlar Palmer Defeated.
lit- llveliulie VMr fiom 'Iho AwHistdt Prim
London, Maiili li t Iho Nutlntnl ,-irtii
rlnlj tontgtii. Iliny Hani, cf (hliapi, dod-jinl
"I'i ill u" I'.ilim-i. uf 1'niljml on (inlrili, in .1
lj round hoslni; i onicst
Wmhlni'tnn, 'Jl.tii Ii 1 Pore-nut for
T-nljv and Wrdm-dnj : Lamm Pi-iiii
th.-niln -Imiri.kli j i (iiidiiii-w, -illli i lln
l-mUMo, and tMirnur TiiimIh, frrh to
f- nn.inin-iniioiii.lii i loinh-ii-M. -illli iiln v
i-nilnlilo, ,inl tMiriiiir TiiimIh. frrh to mi,! lit- tthiiU WodnfHliv. mi,! i ly tilmU WodnfHliy.
IHHHHHtt ttf