The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, March 18, 1901, Page 7, Image 7

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' pt'-tpv'; -
Annual Pilzo Speaking for Young
Lndics of Keystone Academy.
S'lrtUl In tlie Suantoii TiIIiiiiip.
I'liclnryvllle, Miucli 17. The annual
julze fpcnhliiK foryouiiK Indies of. Key
nlono tiendemy look plnco nt the Vlist
llnpllxt elinreh lust nlRht.
Nine youiiK Indies contested for the
ptlzc, n ml eveiy one was exceedingly
Bond, nnd x ii whole It vviih the lieKt
iivi'Iiirc inlzo t'jieiikinsr since the his
toty of Keyrtcine iiciidemy. Kuril one
htul a hluli mink, mid It was exceed
lnitly dlltlciilt for the JiiiIkoh to decide
upon the winner.
Alius lMna MeKnln wns declined the
winner, unit .Mips Alntle Huydiun nnd
MIsh Nlnn Stni k lecelved worthy men
tion. The Judge wen- P.ov. M. P. tintHiiill,
of Wiiveily; ('Inn leu V. Diiutum, exi..
of Seriinton. nnd Kev. llethort I'oiice,
of I'.iton, ii.
The iinMu for the oecitloii whs fin
nlsdicil by the nendcniy male qnitr
lolle. which, as usual, did fireut credit
in tlicmiclvcp, Mini responded to ccv
eial eneoien. The audience that Rteet
d the vpeukerH was, perhiipst, the
i.irsest that ever iiRsembled ut this
htireh at Milch an occasion, stnndlni;
room In the vestibule not beliiR obtain
able Following Is the luoRi-anuue; Invo
lution. "The .Mayor's Itltle." Ihninii
I'ook. "At Home," Blanche Kennedy:
,. Ureal .Mistake." Inez Olds; "Scie
nadc ' (I!, I-oivile), Messrs. Spencer,
Hull. Shields ami Slaish; "At the Sew
ing Circle," Kathailuc Stalk: "Thu
Drummer Hoy," (Juice Mackey; "Dad
Sas So. Anyhow," Nina Stark; 'Illue
Hells or Scotland" (Huck), the l'hllhin
moiibs: "The Sour Hhd of the I'lltt-
i" " Kdnn McKuIn; "The Famine,"
M.tili Siiydani: "At the Opera," Kate
CoMn: 'HoatlUR Sour" (W. N. Mun
ihesiH). (iiailettc; aunouno'ineut uf
JiuIri -. benediction.
Si iu Hip N union Tnbiim
Tunklmnnock, March IT. The Mon
day club will meet at the home of Mrs.
Tewksbuiy this afternoon at - o'clock.
The proRianime Is as follows: "Cluth
eiitig of Famous Scotchmen" (Henry
Diiminioml), Miss Klel'er; "Adam
Smith. I ho Political Kconomlht," Mis.
Miller "David Hume, the Hlstoilan."
Mis. Hi own: "Dr. HIviiiRstou, the K
jiioier Mrs. D. HIIIIiirs: "Thomas
(ailvle. the 1'iose Poet," Mrs. Key
mlds "DltRald Stewart, the Melu
plidi Inn," Mrs. Hunncll.
Mi.- .1. H. Hoys and daughter, Kinlly,
an1 vn-illng the former's parents, Mr.
oral Mi. Hem go White, on Harrison
Mis S. .ludsun Still k, who has been
lslllng f I lends and I dallies at Pltls
t'Ui this week, has returned home.
oiliimln Aee has disposed of all his
household Roods, and will leave with
111" finilly lor Colorado next week,
wlii'ie they will make their futuie
Thiniloie Wlllliims, of Hotel C.ialuun,
h.n, leased the lilnl.sill house, at
owiru. N. V.. and will embark iu the
heiel business at that place nbout 1.
The Lemon eieamery building has
bi "ii sold by .Messrs. 1. c, Joitlnn and
H S. Pound, of Mlddlelown, N. Y.,
Mho conducted a milk business
hen for seveinl years pust, to the
Li nion Creamery association, composed
of local milk producers, who will carry
on the business thoio hereafter. The
pin. o lias been closed durlliR the past
winter on account of a failure to nRree
on prb es between the proprietors and
'lit dairy men who patronized the
i:-fouiily Commissioner Michael
lb own, of Lemon, was dohiR business
la tuna on Saturday.
I'll n will be but one hotel at Lacey
Mlle .iitor April 11. Thu Lareyvlile
hotel bulldliiR is to be converted Into
a sloivroom. The MIiiros house, kept
John S. MIiiros, will be enlarRed,
find Is expected to be amply capable of
aicoinmotlatliiR all the traveling pub
llr who stop nt that village.
Swi .u' I.. He Siuiiltm Trihiine.
Dur.vca. March 17. One afternoon
last week Mr. Present! was brought
befoie 'Squire Motlska on a charge of
attempting to kill his wife. Dining the
hearing the 'squlie and defendant got
Imo an argument over a certain ques
tion At last the defendant, becoming
angered, called the 'squlie a fool
name At this the genial 'squlie took
off his coat, and a lively bout between
the court and the defendant took place.
At the end of the struggle both weie
badly shaken Up. The "squlie started
to make out a. i onimltment, hut finally
the defendant begged the court's par
don which ended the tumble.
The uf tin.' late William
TliiRlepaugh took place Filday after
noon f i oin the deceased's late home.
Funeral hervlees were conducted by
J!e. II. A, (ireene. Interment was
made In thu Matey cemetery.
The Liiwienrovllle young men have
oiRdniml u literary society. Their Hist
meeting w-as hold last evening at
Lane's coiifcetlonciy parlors. Somo
time ago a similar organization held
their incetlnss iu the High school
building, but on account of the begin
ning of the night school term weto
compelled to find other quarteis, Tho
programme rendered at the meeting
wins a complete success, After the
meeting, K'fieslunenlH were served by
several of the members. It Is iiimorod
that they nio about to prpaie for an
Mrs. Fred Dennis Is cilticnlly ill of
measles at her homo on Grove sheet.
Mrs. Hoylc-of Avoca, visited at the
home of Mrs. Thomas Cox, of Grove
street, Satutilny.
Mcsdume W. G. Kvans nnd K. K.
Conrad visited nt tho home of tho for
mer's) mother, Mrs. Detijaiuln Richard
son, Ftldny.
Mesdamea John F. Dills nnd James
Holies nttended tho funeial of the late
Mnrtln Smith, of Plains, Friday.
Mrs. Joseph M Campbell Is ill of
powder tu Im klukra into tlm lioci. nir
tut ct 1 tiicdlm, iipmiu .mil damp, jihI Kit
tlrrtl (jtlly. If jnu uh at Mm: In-1, try AIUiiSj
Font l.iic It roH tlir fill mid in-ikci lieu' er
1 lit rliyn tJv, t uira C'lilllljn, nullni,
niallnc (id, IdUtcis uml (alien tpoU llr.
Ilriri i ci li jii'I Iiinili'ii4 of all ilu mill Bin'i
r vnil iimiluil 'liy lin.l.i), holil by jll iIiim
hmk ami Miu il.ilii, -'. iiiit, i.i(kui'
lltl l .ihlu t, Alln . Olimtcd, l.o lloj, ',
pneumonia at her home In Ltnwencc
vlllo, Dunne Dills called on friends In
Scranton on Saturday.
Itlehnid Naylor visited In Pittston
Messts. Fred Naylor and Cllullos
Cluck hlted ftlendi hi Luzerne ic
tently. Seveinl of our young people attended
the entertainment nnd dance Riven by
the Junior Older United Ameilcau Me
chanics at Dymond's hall. In Moosle.
Mls Veuui Schoonover, of Moosle,
was the Rtiest of her eouln. Miss Kttu
losteller, of this place, lecenlly.
An InteientlUK hlstoiy contest was
held In the High school on Friday af
ternoon, bcli, cen the LexltiRtou and
New Orleans: Hlstoiy societies. The
contest was declaied In favoc of the
Several of our soldier boys who
served In the Ninth icRiment dining
tho late war with Spain will be pained
to Iiohi- of the death of Captain John
Colvln, of Parsons, who was eaptjln of
Company H.
Sill lii the .vrantnn Tribune
Pittston, Maieh 17. Hobeit C. Milch
ell, one of the most prominent men of
this county, died nt 7 o'clock thl-i
moinlng at hi-" home at Philnsvllle
after nn Illness of diabetes covering a
peilort of four years. The direct cause
of (lentil, however. Isattilbuled to gan
giene, which set In from an Injury to
his foot a few years ago. Dei eased va
sixty-one yeais of age, and was a
native of Nova Scotia. For many years
be followed the voiallon of a railroad
and sewer contiactor. and had com
pleted many large contiacts. not onl
In tills valley but iu other parts of the
euiinh. He enlisted Iu the Pennsyl
vania Volunteer Infantiy and was at
C.ettysbuig and Autlelnm when the
militia was (ailed Into at live duty.
Mr. Mitchell's father was among the
aily coal opeiatois of this valley De
ceased Is survived by two daughters
Mrs. Irene Hamsey. of Wilkes-IJaire.
whose husband Is an agent for tli
Mlner-Hlllaid Milling company, and
Mis. Savie, of Glllettson. Pa.
One of William Druu's deliver;,
wagons was shuck by the wiecklng
car on the Scranton lailwny. Just bin It
of Hnintown. Satuiday. The wagon
was overturned, nnd the dtlver. Tluiin
.! Havard, sliRlitly injured. Several
mlneis who weie ildlng on the wagon
wote tluown out. but escaped Injmy.
The Welsh Cnngiegutlonul ehuich
yesteiday iccelved two $100 checks, one
each fiom Mis. C S. Hcb.ird. of
Thomasvllle. On., and C. P. Kvans, of
Cleveland, both of whose patents were
cat ly members of the church. The
money Is to be applied to paying the
.expense of the newly erected edlllce
of this congregation.
It Is rumoied that i datives of tin
three victims of the engine explosion
on the Lehigh A'nlloy road last Wed
nesday will hi Ins suit for damages
against the, company. It Is said the
men objected to making the tiip with
the ciiRlne.whlch was said to be faulty,
but did so under threat of suspension.
During the tilp F.nglneer Albert Is
said to have telegraphed to headquar
ters that the engine was "balky," but
he was told to proceed, anyhow.
Diirlntj the past week a New .leisey
Lithuanian was here looking up Infor
mation in regard to the death of a
relative, William Masonis, a twenty-two-year-old
laborer, who wns killed
In one of the collieries In West Pitts
ton. The gentleman claims the victim
came to the coal regions lecentlv a
greenhorn, and was given a position
upon the payment of $-J."., and that his
miner also received a chamber In u
similar manner. The visitor said ho
Intends to bring suit against the com
pany. John T. Pike.nged twenty-one yeais,
a dilver hoy nt the Floienco (olllery,
while attempting to sprag a car yes
terdav. missed and fell beneath tho
wheels. His right leg was so badly In
jured that amputation was made at
the Pittston hospital.
William .1. D.ivies, of Haiiisbiirg.
spent yesterday and today at the home
of his grandmother, Mi. Catherine
Anthony, of High street.
WYOMING SEMINARY. In the S union Tiilnii
Kingston, Mai eh 16. Chailes I!.
Law, of Scranton, lecited several se
lection on Wednesdny night at the
Plymouth Hand conceit, given In Nel
son Memoilnl hull. Mi. Law has at
tained a very artistic, manner in liU
rendition of diahct recitations.
Miss Hazel Messier, of Green Itldg
sheet, will not retain to the 'icinl
nuiy for the spring teim Miss Hess
lei hu been specializing iu music.
Tile spilng term opens Monday. The
enrollment of students for the term
just closing Is the laigest Iu the his
tory of the seminary. Then are ".n?,
gills and 2JI boys, making a total o
4'J" students. The coming spilng term
will have n very largo eniollnienl.
The following Is the )il of the
gi initiating class: W. F. Hrandiimoie,
Sciauton; Kdwnrd G. Dobbin, Shenan
doah, Pa.: Iivln HIakslee, Coal Glen.
Pa.' Fted S. Hock, Maryland: F,rne-t
Hennett. Nanticoke. Pi..; Frank C
Heeker. Plymouth, Pa.; A. .1. Chapman,
Pickville. Pa.; W. Hurlon Davis.
Shenandoah. Pa.: George W. Kills.
Dunmoie, Pa., F. A. Johnson. Not
way, N. V.; Claude L. Klmmel. Or
wlgbburg, Pp.; Philip Myeis, King
ston, Pa.; Charles C Monle, Went
lilhon, Pa.; W. S. Obei render. Drif
ton. Pa.; F. A. Pllkorskl, Nnntlcoke,
Pa.: A. K. Potter, Foster, N. Y.: AV. L.
Southwell. Kqulnunk. Pa.: Stanley
Schooley, Doiranceton, Pa.; Charles L
Schutch, Ocean City, N. J : Maris Tut
tle, llawiey, Pa.; Rex find Wrlgley.
Raid Mount. li.; F, A. Whltlock. Raid
Mount. Pa.; Carolyn Rctz. Honesdale.
Pa.. Mabel Hradshavv. Nnntlcoke, Pa.!
Lucv m. ciiubbuck, Mnrilsburg, Pa,:
Maude Davenport. Plymouth. Pa.:
Lllla M. Mullock, Wyaluslng, !'..: V.
JoRephlna Moff. Ludlngton. Mich.:
Hnrilet ItaiiKJiu. Dorrnnction, Pa.;
Hessle L. Rose, Wllkes-Raue: 'iiry
Ross, Doiianceton, Pa.: Katluyn
Shoop, Shamokln, Pa.: Anna Tunell,
West Pittston, JM.i Kdlth L. Wilson,
Mcshoppen, Pa.
On Thin sday, Maith 2S, the Indoor
track meet will occur In the gymna
sliim. Already many candidates iro
practicing for the different tpu-.tP.
This piomlses to be a veiy Interesting
The base bull schedule this yon will
rontaln n list of gameu with n:hoos
with whom Wyomlnot has no- Ji.Telv
fore rntnb.ited with, Dleklnnon i-eml-
The crowning bargains of this sale have just commenced, and by the way they are going they will J;
not last long. We are anxious to open with our NEW SPRING STOCK NEXT WEEK, and we have
gathered together in lots, the balance of Men's and Women's Fine Shoes to PUSH THEM OUT. $:
THESE PRICES will help us to do it
Calf and Vici Kid
300 pairs of Ladies' Shoes, button and lace, regular price
$2.50, all good sizes ; while they last
Well, we are so busy now, we cannot tell you about the
advantage of this sale it is your own fault.
I Ju VI O9
rary. Hueknell. RloomsbtiiK. Cuban.
(Hunts, RankM's, are omi of the learns
villi whom sanies have be-tt -it tainted
Manager H. M. .lone" Is a hustler and
will make the bao ball season a mi.nd
The Sc Hints and Junlois will plav
thel rauuunt Kiime of b.uket ball to
night In Pettebone gymnasium. This
is a contest, hotly tontested for an 1
always Is Intell'-clv Intel est lug.
"IH l.ll I" II 0 Nt llllOII IllliUllf
New Mllford. March 1C MN I-'nniiy
Howe, of Monti iwe. was a guest of
Mrs. S. '. Tinmbull one day this
A. '. P.inie'l was iu llopbotioin last
Satuiday on business.
Mips May Sevniour Is a guest of
Alis. Krank Kvoiett Iu Sciauton.
Miss May Rose spent last Sunday
with fi lends In Rlughamtoii.
I" J. iinglty, having leased his saw
and gtKt mill at Suiuniorsville, will re
iiiovp his family lo Hallstead In the
near futuie.
The X. K. Sutton piopetlv. on Main
sUeet, occupied at the present time by
L. W. Hiundage. wns recently pur-
based by Mis. IMwln Adams.
Mis. I". T. Austin nnd Miss Mab.M
Klbrecht ate In Xew Yotlt on busi
ness. Mis. A i' Rlsley teietitly enter
tiilneil Misses Mnrgaiet nnd Hisle
Sttaisht. of Rlnghamton.
Ftank Moxley, of Oalton. was calling
on old friends In town this week.
The second session of the summer
school of review will open In the New
Mllfotd giadcd school Tuiildlng, May
1". and clojp June II.
Mis. Laura Radger has teturnel
fiom a visit with Scranton ft lend".
Rev, Charles Smith nttended the
niughiimtou- district Mlnlstetlal and
Literal y association lint Tuesday,
SpOUil lu till' . t.llltOIl TlilMIIII.
Oibson, March 17. Mis. N. II. W'll
mlitli. who has been III the p'isl week,
Is improving.
Will Sweet spent last weik with
Scianloii friends.
John .Muiqan and
South fllbson, were
.Illd l!es-eiilo, of
In town last Sun-
Flunk Holme-', of Ja.on, was In
town on business Tuesday.
O. !'. Sweet visited ftleniH In South
(jlle-on a few days last week.
V. M. Wei-cntt has moved In the I'.
S. Ralle.v house. He will work for 1.
A. Sweet this summer.
The Ladies' Aid of the fnlveisallst
(lunch met with Mis. R, M. Tlugley
Thursday for dinner.
(Jeotge Tompkins and family, of
Klngslu.v, will move on the .s'uggaut
MI'-s Hese Wheaton, of Jackon,
visited Itei ft lend, Miss Maud Lupton,
hist Siititulnv.
Tho enleitalnment wblih wns given
by Jnck'.ou ttilent In the I'nlversallst
i hurch last Friday evening, was well
nttended and highly nppi eclated.
Owen Sweeney Will Be Arraigned
Before a Military Court.
Owen Sweeney, the deserter fiom
Company 1), First atillleiy, will bo
taken to flovernor's Island tills morn
ing. Sweeney went Into the icci lilt
ing oillto, on Wyoming nvwiuo, We I
nesdny and surrendered himself. He
deseiled two yeais ago, while lu Cuba
with the artillery. He has spent tho
gieater portion of the Intervening
time In this city and vicinity, being a
itildent of Olyphant before enlist
ment. The sirgeaut of the ieci ultlug sta
tion here has iccelved llistntetlons lo
lake hliu lo floveinoi's Island today,
whete lie will ! niialgned a
military mint for desertion.
They Gntheied nt Wllkes-Baue nnd
Elected Officers.
The Pennsylvania Wholesale Hard
ware and Supply company met In
WIIKcs-Ilarie last Fildny with a lingo
attendance, rrpicscntlng tho hugest
and iiiui o tliiin live million dollais lu
Ollleers weie elected as follows!
Shoes, worth $2.00 and
Piesldent, J. M. Kemmeiet. Si tanton,
fit st vlec-piesldenl. A. .). Roat. Kings
ton: second vii e-piesldtnt. M. S. Raul,
Reading: secretary nnd tteasutet, 11.
R. Raul), Lancaster; executive commit
tee. Cieorge V. LewW, Wllkcs-Iliirre:
M. U. Stein. Reading: L Thontps-on,
Pottsville: H. H. Franklin. Lancaster,
W. A. A very. Scranton.
" The noM meeting will be held In
June in Reading.
Supeiintendent Davis nnd Valentine
Bliss Expected Back fiom the
South Tonight.
Supetlnletident W. 11. Davis, of the
Saiuiuoli Silk Manufuctuilng com
pany, and alentlne Rllss. owner of
mills In Dimiuoie, Not th Scranton and
Dickson City, nie expected to lelinn
to thl clly this evening, after theli
thtee weeks' tiip tliiougli the south.
Tomorrow It Is expected that the
mining point ol the sttike will be ar
ilved nt, as the utinii of the mill
owner and supoilnteiulent will decide
the question whether the present d!f
llcultle.s bctuctyt the employets and
stllklng gills are to be decided bv
inhltiutlou, or nre lo roiithiue Indefi
nitely. It Is verv likely that a iiiettlng will
be called tonnlnow of all the mill
iwnets of the xiiiki region, and caie
1 ii 1 consideration be given the piopo
sllloii made by the striking gills. Fiom
the attitude manifested by seveial of
the local operatora, whom a Tribune
man sounded upon the iiietlnii, the
pi aspects aie decldnlly favorable to
ui Miration
(boige Kloiz. of th" Kloti Tllliivv
Ing company. Is at pieent In Virginia
looking ovei the mill at I'redetlcli.M.
burg, but b Is expected home this
week, In time lo attend the confet
ence. Alfred Harvey, of lltrvey Rro..
who opeiato mills on South Washing
ton avenue and In Fotesl City, Ii, fa
voiable to aiblli.itlon. as wes an
nounced last we '1; in rut interview
printed In Tho Tribune sttpei Intend
ettt Haihofen will, in all likelihood,
ivit In the iuntl'r lor Rclllug, D.ivld
; Schocit, who" the I'eti rs
burg mill.
The strikers obect si-iii,uy to t imt
pot lion of die letter of Superinteiidcnt
DnvlM, printed In Saturdrtv's papers. In
which he objects to aihitiatlng with
the strikers, on account of the extreme
youth and eense.uuit Itiesponslhlllty
of some of the girls. They utgu
that the ntbltrntlon proper will be
done by peions finitely separate
fioui their organization, and suggest
tit her Hit-hop Unban or a noard of
thtee, to adjust matters.
Today's D., L. & W. Board.
Tho mnke-up of today's 1"),, L, and
W. board Is as follows:
M M. MAIll II 17
Wild l'.il i:,it S p. in, A. II. ItOMP: 11 p.
in., VI. rim.irij,
V.ild jt 'j-.i a ,i. in., r. p. inrn: "i
in, .1. W. J)eiiic; b.Wl a. iu A. I,.iliniii, .,i.
kin' inoiii Hi j. in., (i, r, Ki.uni.t ; 1 p. in,
.1. .1. Cu-iiiio; I i.i p, in., I'Link Wall: ." p. in ,
T MiC.ntlo: I. p. in., Jl. .1. Iliiniliran.
-iiinnillf. i:ti,-il a. in.. A, Wlilnrr, with Jjihm
imrUu'ii men; s .i. in.. uil, liiuico I'loiinirl
Lu, !i i. in,, wr.l, MtliuN; il p. in., r.i.t, ,1.
lloniils.ui: 7 p lu., i.u.1 Hon) Nut n;, Ijlnj,.!
VIi'MImct; 7 p. in.. ! Hum iiii',M, .Mil.jiu';
7 p. in., wtkt I ruin Ijjii.'J, J, tiiuliM.
I ullor -III d. in., I'. I', Sfinr.
I'luhoi S a, in . 1I(puci i in u. in , S. I'lMioiti .
11. .a ,i. lu., Moi.hi; p. in., Muiph,,
p in.. LuinpliiKi lu p. in, (1. 'Ihunu,.
I'jui,'i',iir 7 n in, (ijfliicv; 7 p, r i ,
siiiL'ii; i.M p. in., Million; 7 p. in., M.uouin.
Wllil I'uti Wmi-I ii. in., V. . Itirllinlnmru;
.' ii. in., V. Cjnnodi ; I, t. m, , (i.)jr, I.
I' M.ntuV mriii u. in.. O, . I'llairal'l: ii
. in . hlilit, ullli II. JMiulj'i liirn; 111 a. in.,
'I' I'lUpjtili'k; II .1. Ill, II. I IjiI.c, .IoIiii (,.i.
Iiiuiii'm nii'ii: 1 p. in,, V. liolilrn, I). .VI. IIjI
tu'i. men; 'J p, in.'. A. Ktnli.ini! ; p, m,
ll'l eiiiiul, .1, lliMi'i'. nirti; 4 p. in., (). IIjii ; J p. nt., I, hliu-lej j 0 p. in,, Il
no I it u.
( (I Hurt uml ctriv "111 lun n p. in
nlhl ut ui.t In pUtc uf J. W, llcvliw aiul new,
Vluitli K.
1'iiink ( am "111 inn train M ami Hi utilll ( mi-
ilutlnr VIjiih ti'pnl.
Meeting of Control Labor Union.
Tho Central Labor union held an
unlimited meeting yesteiday nfternoon
mid disposed of a large amount of
IniMiiess, Applications ft out the Car-
(if you dont). About
$2.50, all sizes, take
330 Lackawanna Avenue.
pettteis union to bojiott certain poi
sons electing buildings on Lackawanna
avenue were dismissed nnd a ptoposl
Hon to estnbllsli an ollkinl labor organ
In the city was also ft owned down.
A weekly paper was proposed as the
olllclal organ, but several speeches
were made by members, who declared
the tie.itment nlfoided the union by
the dally press was all that could be
dclred. and thete was no necessity
lor nn olllclal organ
The committee appointed at lust
weeks meeting to Investigate Hie
chaiged against the mine workets by
the Strantonian reportetl ptogreis. A
session of Investigation will be held
tills aftet noon at lltllhet t's hall. Pies.
Ident John Mitchell will h'e pi cent.
A toniuilttee was appointed by Pies
ldent Walter Jones to devise means of
telebnitlng Labor day and the reports
of vat Ions committees ab.oibed the
rest of the meeting.
Some Persons Want to Leap When
They Look Down fiom High
I'miii Hie r III Ii. iii. Inn,, IIuiiui
"The sti.iiiEe temptation to east
themselves Into space which ass-alls so
manypeople when they look down flout
high places Is veiy hard to account for
stlentlllcally," said a well-known neu
rologist of this clly. 'it has undoubt
edly been the cause of hundreds of
i uses of self-destruction, yet It cer
tainly tanniit be classed as a suicidal
Impulse, because those who experience
It Invariably icslst with all their
stiength anil hang In nn agony of and repulsion. They don't want
to kill themselves, but some power
sttonger than will, stionser even than
love of life, dtuw.s them Ineslstlblv
over the blink.
"People with this singular Inllitnlty,"
t ontlnued the doctor, "should never ex
pose themselves to danger, becuuse the
Impulse aits autoniatlt.illy and may at
any moment pass beyond cnnttol. On
one occasion, when I was cnnsldotably
younger than 1 am at present, I under
took lo cure a patient v lit couldn't
look fiom a lu iglit, ami the expeilettce
bit an i U'lhiMlUK Itnptesslon on my
mini!, lie was a big, strapping fellow
of thhtv-ilve or so, a cabinetmaker by
trade, anil the last man, appaiently. to
be bothered by netvnus fancies, I had
an Idea that by making him look per
sistently Into space for a certain length
of time each day 1 could drive away
the dread and the Impulse. So T took
hliu to the top of a six-slot y building
that had a Hat loot' and told him to lie
down on his stomach so only tho upper
pait of his luce piojectetl over the
edge, and look at the street. He was
very teluctant to tty It. Tin aftnltl
to, doctor.' he said earnestly, if 1 do,
my legs will fly up In the air and I'll
go over sine.'
" 'Oh. nonsense.' 1 said, laughing.
'How In the world could our legs fly
up In the nit'.' How can you possibly
fall when your whole body Is stretched
out Hat on the roof'.''
" i tlon't care,' he Insisted, doggedly,
I know my legs will liy up In the air
If I try to look over the edge.'
"After a great deal of persuasion I
finally Induced him to lie down as 1
had tlliected, telling him to shut his
eyes until he became composed. As
soon ns he opened them and looked
Into the stieet a strong shudder lan
tluough his whole body and I knew he
must be suffering moitnl agony, but 1
was determined to go through the les
son, nnd urged him stiongly not to
draw back. Possibly a minute elapsad.
and then a shoiklng thing occupied
Suddenly and without the slightest
warning he seized the edge of the
parapet with both hands, tlt.vv his
body violently forwnid. at the saute
lime llluglug up his legs, ami would
undoubtedly have gone oel lite ledgt
ir I had not tluown myself lnsuintij
on his back.
"The movement was puielv i omuls
Ive nnd Involuntary. He could no mote
help It than he could help breathing,
but It made my blood tun cold to think
what might have happened. How could
I have explained myself had he fallen?
I might readily have been suspected of
murder. 1 diagged him back and wo
went tlownstalis, a ptetty badly agl
tnted couple. Since then 1 have tried
no mote expeilments ulong that line,"
240 pairs of Men's
from $1,75 to
others just come, and
. '
0 0
.'( MII.VIV Mjt I i.l... tin! I'lmp-m. .n,li..
May riske Company.
'I In- liulllttlllirlil 'f I In' Vl..ililllt ill
pleltltM'-. Ilicil palloll. nil) nl lilt lit'l Ii pi'llnlli.
in. I p.ini - en I In- iii Hie .'linn Hon .it tiui
tin .tin iifM mik, Tin iitTuliu, l Ml-. .VI..I
I'!!.!', -iippnitiil li,i In i nun i.niip.ipy nt inV'u;
nvi'il ,lltll. p'l-ililll'K ,t nptlliillt' el new
.ihil up lo ,l.ip loini'illi. i one ut itlinlt line
tin turn pii'fiiltil iu iln- i it tttpt wliri
liluli pilteK nf ,ii1iiihiuii ut it' tluifiril.
'llir ilj.i ilftttil foi iV ukiiIhl: pt'ifoiin.ti.n
ii'i.ilil i-. "Ilif liaitiMin (ml," a turn. Ii
tli..iu.i ! ittn itluir full el liiiinur, Mi-H Mil I i.l.i
t. ill lii .oin In llr lull- lult ami lit-t I'l'ilut il
ur Iln tun N -ilil In .iiillioiolf, to lit1 ttiie nt iln1
l.i -1 I'li-tt, nl tvmrili .nk eii't -rt-n on Iln1
i.l. Uf. Ml ri-ke U lllloumlril lii J tnlilpjll,;
of pcopto inill'l il.i l.iir 10 jiii pi-iv
t im I'liiJmi-'l. Aiiiniia: il"1 tlllliivia pl.i.i tu
le elifti Jl" "Mi Pi It ml Horn Ir.ilu." -iiiidiliii'
nt llmir l.ntk," 'i.nlli' I'trrll," IMirin I
ptiv" ' M.iltl ot tlio Villi," " Vn Viinitt.111 Pine
IK..." '0l Htlll'" JIHl -Iteill iiltil'U lit Iili
A Marvelous Bit of Mngic.
In one of hi ni'ii tiritnljl illiiluii, iiliim
nlll In- 'li -i-iil imI in tlil illi (oi I lie lu-l t m.rv
ll.l- mm. on ihnlnu: Mjijuhn IipIIji'ii rntnUm
infill. In' mil lllu-lulo Iln- llluiloo lliiinl ot
iln- iiiiKjin.illnn of miuK lit' ulll liiir In full
lltlit, iipnu .in uliiio-i utMlil Unt'. Iiuw t'j.ll'
lie an in.iiill.illi' u licir.lllul, llilnz iioiiun
Iimii I In' all. liiiil. J'.t ol it llimloo lu
i.inl.illi'11. oiluliiill.i, Il i ji. litinilirti-i
of i-.ii-. .inn. liy .in tiM .tlt-i In oni ot iln
lllllili'O IllllplO'l.
l'i Hie li'llil.illi.lli'tl Iiilll7 Hill "nil. ItJIll, lo ttto aiiillrntc, to 1.I1011 thai i.1ii I, 1101
.III lllHKI' HI .1 II Hl'l ll'lll. Ml Kliljl'n IIIU I plot o anil .1 ho. I of tnnollin In miuP
ii'iuit ulll In ptiriiui! at tin l.wriim totuoi
nm nlslit.
"A Texas Steer."
'I lut pli'.i.llil1l .jtllttul llliP'toinril.t, Unit'
"A 'le.i Mtt'i," lull lu slirn ui III. I.11 1 nm
W ciIiu'mI iv t'ldilnt:, li uliai I, ptoiniMil a lit"
lit.t toiiipin.i tliat Iiii4 1 1 apptuii'it 111 tin filat.
lln.vt lun a tjiulli nt gnlii;: fiom tlio Mililiiiii
to tin' 1I1II1 tiloti,, anil inorp liiiUnit mo liioimln
ut in lii-. uoil.o llun lit ant ullirl iiuiii l
I lie Mjst'.
In "V T. i Ipii" Iln" Moil ot Hie l.o ol
oilirr.t-tik'i'iM j telil li 11 iiiloit'tl iiln.iiit In in
1 1 n- newly rli'ilnl lanicn1 in..n iJUhlii, i- mn
Mtli'ii'tl oin' of I lie ilrit'ioi llln: tli.ii lu-.
bun mtii on Iln' .Ukp 111 ir, flit ,it..i.
V iniiqiit' Ian ti'ionllt t'liailfi! lit tin' Mom ia
Irsi'litini' pioililf, llial ii. III. Hull ol 111111111..1
I.l.i 1 1 if jmlut's haiKf 10 Iln Jin.t -lull pli'mk
ilif iiiiinicnl ot t utii ,tl
Catnrih Cannot Be Cuicd
Willi int'VI. ITII(ArinN. tlio.t tai.'i 1
uatli I lie ol the ili-uet'. Jl.mli 1- j liloml
or tli.daM. mil In oiitu to 1 iii It
j oil tuiiil taki Intriiul ifniitl.fn. 1UIIV I 1
I.111I1 ''me l ijI.hi Inti'inalli, alii J'tt illtn.ilv
on Hip lilooil ami liuit-om -uifui.', Il.ill'-. 1 1
tfiuli Cine it not u ttuil. iiinnliip. Ii .iu.
pirMtlbtil I'.v one of tin b.'t plitfii lai.. In tin
iinintry (or jfat. nnd 1 a ifjiilur piiw lipiltm
It it iciiipottit ot tuf '"'I lonif. I. now 11. , oin
I'llieil wltli tilt Lett l'l "Jil piii'lii'in. jillnt; 'Ii
ttctly on the iinuoii. tnrtjif- 'Ilif pnilut ioni.
lilnallon ot tlio two ingrnluiiu 1. wlui pi"
dtiiri nt It wotitlrrlnl tfiilt. In tinins: (aianli
Sntl (01 liniinionliN uu
I'. .1. (IIIJM'V .V It 1'iop. , r. I..I.I, 11
Ollt III llltlffQi.ll.. pll. h
IUU'4 rainll.i Pills an 1 .. li.'X
nn PIVS1IS -III spuift .trrn i raintn.
In, Ml Viiiip mnl I lironli Pis.-j.p of V n,
tVomrii .lid Chllilipn f'mitiillitlnii mid p
miliiatlon Irff Ofrttp Hour. Ditlj uml Snndi
I i. m. to V p. in.
Z"KY 'Si'c- nVWX
fm IrtWTlUuni,J -iWEAwmwi
Fine d? aa .
K Jl J3 ;
50c and 85c -I
if you fail to take &
Ilif follo.nlit; ri,oljHioli
Trilnii i I1.1 VI. "- JoiiIjii It
ro (iL-n'rhei! Tli
Co . room, TilVTHj
llr.lis I111II1I111K, Siianllll, I'j,
It'icpiioiip 0UTJ
llliili- Low fill
et, Cil. Htf.
I nit, llii?, 1lint
ut', txu tr,
,'isli V .Vjli,
1 i.e.
iiair Iln
Tolutm .....l'o
Vln. 1 11.111
.Mil- liuili
All lit-nii
.... .11
.... -Ui;
.... si",
.... W'i
.... I'.
..:. i"
.... J-1,
Itiook. 'I lai lion
II lit. ,V Ulii'i .
I ol.t. 'loliJI-IO ,
I 'III.. .V llillo .,
lin., .V tit. W,
2 "I 11
iniU, P't'.
I'lli'd 1101,
t.tTW. ir.r
'1 11
I lilt., II. .V l,i ...
M. I'.llll
I, '01 1. .,inil
P' I. . llnn.on
Lit I. 1111.11IU U It.
Kan. , Te . l'l. .
I.' nl- , Nal
Man. I lit Hoi ....
Mt-I. '1 1.11 linn ,,,,
Mi -ii. I'jiII
N. .1. I V11I1 il
s. 'ill., lit Pa. iih ..
Nnifoll. c Wi'.t .
Neltliilli 1'iltilli
Vnilli, I'm il.e. IV.
N. . I'fiiirul ...
1)1. 1. .V Wittrin ..
I'i una. II. II
I'.i. id.- Mall
Kimliiiit lit
Itiuilliig Il.i.. I'r .
smtlii'iii II. I! . .
"0111I1. I!. II . IV.
IV1111. foil ,V Iron
:.ii .
1 1 Pi
ST i
si .
1 Vi
1 '
I.' t
' 'i
... HP.
... I Pi
... SP,
... s-vti
... 'v;
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... :r..
".". U't
... IT
... Wi
... !-J
... H
... Ill'n
. . . N'l
y. . la-all, i'i ,..
V. S llulilitr ....
Pnton I'ai'iiit- ....
I nio 11 I'ailll. . IV.
V. utijili. IV
VWntPlll Plliell ...
1 ol. Put I ,'.- Iron . t i'1'i'Pi- ,,.,
1'ioplp'it Ha ,.. ,
... .'.
... IH
. II. IV. t'.
j. intu jikii, 101
in".i' i'ip, pp.i;
;ii, :its .tu j
- i.P. it;' t 1.1,
- IP, i", -IP,
V II I lil'l"!"
... -'ii
IV. . .
1M, ill.
... 1.1'
... ::ni-
MA II ki;t
I"' I
IHkIi- Lo.v
Mn . .
.Illll . ..
t OILS'.
Scranton Board of Tinde Exchnng
Quotations All Quotations Based
on Par of 100.
STOCKS. 111,1.
I'irtt Vatloral Hank ljoi
Sri Jittoii .sjuns-i Hank jy)
Tlilul Nation il Hank I'll
lllmp and Uitmiint Iljnk.i SMI
Kronor.i) l.lfjht. II. -V- I'. Co
I.itkj. 'flint safp Pepoilt Co .V
Clink A. Snoipr Co, IV. iy,
Scranton lion 1'cnio k Ulg, Co
Stranton A.lo Workt
lail.j'ijnia 1'aliv Co, IV
fount' .iui'E II ink A. 'Iint Co., ;ir.)
I'lrit National Hank (CartonJalc)
blamlirtl llrllllnc '"o
Tratlri.' National Hank In
SLranton Hop and Nut Co 1113 ...
Srraiiton Pa nstr Italliuy, first
MottRaup. tliif 1W0 115
I'roplc'J stint r.illwa). flrt tnort-
5ic. iluo l'Jlii 11. ...
I'tcplf's slicct llalliia, Ucncral
inortitasr, tin? lu-l 11J
ll'ik-oii Mj'uifit tin Ins Pi IM
Jjtl.j. Towii.ii. Sthool ." pir tent. ... 1
Clly ol Stron'.on St. Imp. 8 per
tint Ill
Sainton I'laclion ii per rrnt 115 ...'
Scranton Wholesle Mrket.
rtoiu'tti'il In II. If. D.iIp. i" Laikawaiina f
lliiiin -iipinifn, 'P.-i'.'t.: ilalry, '1TJ .
1 I.PP.1 Pull in. 1111. liilc.
lll!!S- Wl'-lflll P. to JJ'-i.r 'llt.thj
nule, l.'aali".
Ilp.nn IVi lin , ilioiit' iiiailow, 'ij i'ni.M.
IVi Ileal 1. I'D lin . i-J.I'.i'.'..'.i'.
Mi'tlliiin npiii.-l1 r lin. i.!ili'.l.5.
I.irrn I'fj-- IVi l.u.. H.t'ul (.
Onion IVr lin . l.iiil..'ai.
riinil - ltd pan nt, pot Mil,, MU'..
lliil lililn.'i Hi'.iii.-lSr lin . 'JJ.IJ.r.'.iO
Buffalo Live Stock Mntltet'.
' ,-i Hi 11 il . Vl nl. 1; lL'tuptt f an le, IV
- -Imp anil lanil',. 1. ul: hog), 10 tam
i in. i I . iiih, IT-' in-; -Iirrp ami Ian l.
i ..o. i .i ".it. ( I'i'i. IIpiiiiihI iniiilpiai
'' - . ii. i . i. 'Vita h7 i iai iiaitipii. cno
tp-xiriiTiii: SAVIK.
gmX?jUKB2i slh!
man t vmufiVMii, is. iiy nrrai bbmiiiui til
in-rir'Di 'iiiiirif imwr nw tj rial) I rl'Blf t
11'Wifi, rifff, titHw, iiinoq I'olMt, Krf-iaii,
Mrlilllty.Uktt HtnhttO'MHr.rofftrt.tMrlrtart'an4
it). IndritltfpwfMU A kHriittk Orcait.
Ifrnh nt tutt 4 4 U 1Ht,?t, 31 jpin prirtlrl A;frtt
I'kfitltt ripfrtoirf Ulifrmaaj, Putfl furliiMtk ,Tr1kMii
pmlnTirjr unHlfil tlHrtlfri. HitlU- lliUr.T
i i i . i , .ii
' iu r ia . Ill
I! II. t III I'-il-. MiU'mIi 10