The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, March 18, 1901, Page 6, Image 6

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Attorney W. F. Shenu Will Deliver
an Addioss on "The Aims and Ob
jects of the Young Men's Insti
tute" Whole Fnmllv Oveicome by
Gns Mis. Sheei ill's Wondeiful
IMnuo Mis. EdwMtl Hughes Tnlls
Down a Flight of Stniis Other
Notes nnd Feisonnls.
The ni'iiibiis of M. lileiiden's touii
cll. Youiik Men's liiMtttulu. niPUiniiiB
IliK fen mi elltel tutllincnl to tie k1 i 11
III tlii-lr hull ii"t Sliming evening.
XVIitl c Ii L't. Till" fe.ltiuu of tllH occnsloll
vtlll be mi nddiess by Attorney W. P.
Shetin n tin' "Alms iiml Objecls of the
Youiik MenV Institute." Vonil and In
Hiumcntiil mush will hi' rendered, iiml
othei p-atmes will lie eiiloyd Tlii'
piogrnniuip will he published In till"
ileriu liiiem Inter hi llie week. Mciu
lii'ih nnd H lends of the onler will lie
iiiullaltv vv rimmed nl tlie cute! lulu
n rut.
l'tcsiilenl Thomas .1 Mi Hush will
111 I "Ideal till" MSsloll. illtl the MIM1KO
ii.oiu.s me In tlii' hand ir a oiiuulttio
omposed of IMuanl Mcfl.rlii, i huh -iiiim.
.brines Hnilv, Tin inns riemliu,".
.Iillli V Din Mil .mil Will Vanstou
N'llle sctliMbs m now iiililiteioil hi
"oiiiik .Mi ii'h Inxiltute hall and ev
1111I otlitts me stcMmr to obtain ail
nisloii TIidm- now theie me tin
atl'iilli .Mutual l!i'itellt association,
Lriilli" I'lithollr l!t'lieiletlt assotln
llrni. St. T'aul s I'lonoe (tups. Irish
iVUholIc r."lievolcn1 Villon. Division 1.
Ancient Oldei of I Ilbei Illiins. Division
' Am lent Unlet of Hibernian!",
ti.iuslitcis of Hi In, Ladies' tiill.u. to
I la lliotlicilioiiil of linllionil Train
men, and the St. Un uden's coum II.
'the building Is adinltably located, and
tlii- store-iooni. on the ground llooi,
Mhlch is now belli;; fitted up for leu
nut', is the hurrest single Moie-ioom
ip Win Sei anion
Won mi Upright Finno.
Mis .Mb hud Sheet in. oT Kile-t-trcci.
foimeily Mi-s Jane Hit ding.
v mi the handsome uptight piano
banted off ostoitlay afteinoon In Y.
M I hall under the .inspires of the
Division No. 1", Auelent Older of III
bf nilans.
The ill, iw Ine was m hoiluleil to take
plan lat Tlinnl.sKivltiK. but was
pnMpoued until .vesttuliv. When Mia.
out for i ana culus
Underwear Sale
This is uot an ordinary sale of Ladies' Musliu Under
wear. It is au Extraordinary Sale iu every respect.
The Values Arc Extraordinarily Good
The (Qualities Arc Extraordinarily Tine
The Styles Are Extraordinary in Variety
The Making Is Extraordinarily Careful ,
But the most extraordinary fact of all is that we should
be able to give such wonderful offerings at this time of
the year, when new Musliu Underwear for Spring is
most wanted. Never mind how we got these bargains
for you. The unexpected happened and our patrons
get the benefit. That's all, unless it may interest you
to know that the Muslin Underwear offered at this Ex-
traordinary Good Value Sale is of the newest design,
best qualities and highest class workmanship procura
ble anywhere.
ial attention is called to the lbllowinu:
Ours as licinsr the best values we have ever otlcred :
Ladies' H us I in
Night Dresses
1 Handbomc Styles at '10c
1 Handsome Styles at COo
0 Handsome Styles nt 80c
5 styles Tine Gowns nt 1.10
6 styles Fine Gowns nt 1.25
1 styles Fine Gowns nt 1.30
3 styles High Clnss Gowns nt . .1.00
ft styles High Clnss Gowns nt . . 1.80
0 stylet. High Clnss Gowns nt . .2.10
4 styles High Clnss Gownh nt . .2.40
Ladies' Muslin and
Cambric Corset Covers
3 styles Tilmmed Coiset Coveis
nt 23c
5 styles Trimmed Corset Coveis
nt '. 30c
0 styles Tiimmetl Coiset Coveis
at 40c
4 styles Tilmmed Coiset Coveis
at "10c
5 styles beautiful Coiset Coveis
nt 03c
4 styles beautiful Coiset Coveis
at 08c
4 styles Highest Ginde Coiset
Coveis nt 70c
3 styles Highest Ginde corset
Coveis nt 00c
4 styles Highest Grade Coiset
Coveis at 1.20
iPlam Corset Covers, made from best muslin 10c
A broken lot of Fine Corset Covers. Choice . . 36c
Globe Warehouse
Shcerlnft purchased her ticket idle vvns
Miss Hardin?, nnd now her many
1 1 lends Intimate that her man Inge to
Mi'. Sheet Ins not only brought happi
ness tn her, but good luck also.
The winner Is nil ncconrpllshcd musl-
,elnn and her hush md also lomes fiom
u uitislmt fnmll.v.
Fell Down n Flight of Stniis.
Mt. Kdwind Hushes, foimeily uf
South Onrtlelil n venue, mother ot Mm.
Thomas rhllllpn, of South Main uvc
rue. nnd David Hughes, of niiNlon
street, fell down the slab way lending
Into the tellni nt her daughters home
last evening and was quite painfully
Injured. Dr .1. .1. Thibet lis-mud Dr. P.
P Moylin wie summoned and ie.
lleved bet stiflcilng.
About ii ear ago. Mi" Hughes was
t tossing the "tiiet fiom the Welsh
HaptlKt diuirh to hei 'litiiglitel x Home
when hIip whp inn down b u .stieet
(i.i and iiH. lined Inlurlrs fiom whleli
she never fully recoveied.
Oveicome by Gas.
'I he fainllv of Mis. Iiinli .Iuiiu h of
I.yiion stieet, ieioull bad a eiy mi
lov escape liom death by asphyxia
tion. A neighbor happnud to mil In
about "10 oVloch und found the whole
luuilly oven oni" by kiik.
V doeto,1 was .suuimoued Inilnedlatelv
and but foi hi" tlmel iiiilial theie
would lliuloubtedly have been lalal
Hiuill". The f.linlh ll eludes Mix.
I.enb .Iniiie", Mih Inwoilh and tluee
Thiee Funetnls Yesteidny.
The tuneial of the late Andiew (b-i-eteneker
mciiiied on Saluiday altei
nooii It nni the fanillv lesldenee on
Noitll Mlinui'l' ineniie Infiment
woh made In the fJeimau I'litliolle mil
eteiy. The U'liliillis of Ploienc. the inliilll
(hlld of Mi and Mr". Ileinv Kr.uise,
of 2M 111 o.ulw n. , weie InP'ned in the
Cathedial tenieteiy S.itut !: aftd
uonn. A reiUl'ln iiuhh was I'lrbia.el (it
Holy rioss I'hiudi Satii'div moinlng
oei the lemaln.s of the lalf Ml". I'll
llek Sheti In. Inlet iiient wn nude III
the Oithedtal eemeteij.
Seniles oer the lemaltif i f the late
Mis. ,lnlla Mollltt weie rolidtleted at
Holv Cioss diuidi Satuiday UHMiiIng
at fi o'doek Inteinieiit was ni.u'e In
the Cathedial cemetei .
Mi. II M Havs and vim. Unii.. of
Not lit Sumner avenue, are Mtln
lelatlves In KiiiRston
Mis. Phillips and elilldien. of West
Kim stieet, ale soJouinlliR In West
The nnniiMl olletlon for St I'.tt
tlik's orphanage was taken up at all
the luiiKK's In St. IMtihk'H eluiuh es.
Hde IMiK e.iiup. Model u Woodmen
of Aiueilca, will hold an Impoilaut
meeting In hoilte hall this pienlng
The Hleetrle f'lt Wheelmen's niln
stiel tioupp will ghe a peifoiinnnie in
Talor this evenliiR
Misses Margin et Cotei. anil Mav
Jones, uf I'lnike Hiotheis, together
with P .1. Toohey, of the mllllneiy
Ladies' Huslin
And Cambric Drawers
2 styles Ladles' Dinwers nt. . . . 15c
3 styles Lndles' Drnweis nt. . . 25c
3 styles Ladles' Drnweis nt ...2.20
4 styles, beautifully trimmed,
nt 30c
5 styles, benutlfuly tilmmed,
nt 40c
3 styles, handsomely tilmmed,
nt 00c
4 styles, handsomely tilmmed,
nt 80c
3 styles, extra fine qunlity, nt..l.lO
4 styles, extin fine qunlity, nt. .1,15
4 styles, extin fine qunlity, nt. .1.10
Ladies' White
riuslin Petticoats
4 styles trimmed Skiits nt.... 40c
4 styles tiinimed Skiits at.... 00c
5 styles elnbointe Skirts at.... 1.10
4 styles elaborate Skiits nt. . . . 1.30
3 styles elaborate Skiits nt. ... 1.60
3 styles elnbointe Skiits at. . . . 1.80
4 styles 'elabotate Skirts at.,.. 3.10
4 styles elabomte Skiits at. . . .2.08
Hlghor giades if you want them.
department, have returned home from
a week' Miiy.ln New York.
Hev. David Spencer. D. D of the
Hlahely Hapllst phuich, preached nt
the .TaekKon Stieet Haptlst ehureh yes
teidny morning.
Mlldu'd, the Infant daughter of Mr.
mid Mi. John T. Uendle, of li!4 South
Uiomloy n venue, died yenterdny. The
funei nl Heillce.s will be lield nt 12."0
o'doik tomonow Inteiment will be
made In Plttxton.
I. (I. James, son of Mis. Leah James,
uf l.yuon sheet, has returned to his
homo In Hostun, after spending a few
days with his mother.
Ml", tlaehel ('.Jones, of Dedliam, In,,
Is visiting at the home of her niece,
Mis, John I.lovd, ?2' North Hcbcucit
n venue, nftei an absence of thltteen
J en is.
The Jniksou Street Haptlst clillieli
was clouded to Its utmost capacity
last evening, when Dr. tie tlimhy gave
another of his famous lllusttated ser
mons. P.e. .t, U Sweet. D. D.. gave the
second of u seiles of .seiinoiis at the
Simpson Methodist llplscopal i lunch
last evening on "Some of llie Last
Phvslial Ptteunces of Christ." Ills
subject Inst evening was "Filial Love."
The uillle for a gold watch for the
benelll or Jumps It. Watklti". which
was to have been held iciently, has
been postponed to Api II :,'.
The dancing class which meets In
Meais' hall on Kililuy evenings will
hold a iiiasqueiade on Friday evening,
Maich L'O
Miss Susan Jenklii". of llonesdale,
who has been the guest of Mis. David
J. Davis, of South Hyde I'aik avenue
i etui ned home on Satuiday.
tins Nlebell. the singing evangelist,
talked to a laise assemblage tit the
, oilier of .Main HVenue nnd Jackson
stieet last evenings, The passorsby
could bete him shout, but they could
not see hint on account of the eleetilc
lights being out
Mis. William N Chase, of Not lb
Htomley avenue. Is sniffling liom Ill
ness at her home.
Joseph Helfiou, of " ip,
spent Sunday In Wllkes-H.uie.
Pugene Fellows, Ji., ot C'omell mil
veihlty. spent Sunda.v at his homo on
South Main avenue.
The Tabernacle diuieli choir ate pie
pat lug the cantata "Daniel" for pto
diutlon some time In Mnj.
The William comiPll fllce i lub con
teinplate visiting the I'.in-Aincilc.iii
exposition In a body during the suni
mer. A Japanehf musli ul social will be
held tomonow evening at the home of
.Miss IMna Iivans, on South Main ave
nue, by the oung people of the Ply
mouth Congiegatlonal church.
Communion sei vices werp held yes.
t ei day at the I'l.vnioiilh Congregational
elniiih. when several new membeis
weie taken into the chutch.
Tonight's Conceit at the Welsh Bap
tist Chmch Two Suiprise Fai
ties Given Filday Notes.
At a siand cornetl to he given this
evrnlns; In the Welsh Haptlst chmch.
on West Maiket stieet. the following
pioRinninic will be tendered. City Ho
ik Itoi A. A. Vnsbmi; will net as con
dm tor. ind Miss I.Uzie. Owens, as pian
ist .
Seleition, I)i. Tievei ton's iuai letlc:
selection on nutoliaip, William A.
1'ilce: solo. William '. Thomas: duet.
Mis, llhhaid II. Jones and Mi. Gwllym
IMvvaids; letltatlon, David .Ionn, solo,
Mis. Smith: seleition. Miss Blanche
llnllstead. leeltatlon. "Best of IIus
bandF." MNh. I.en.i Webstet : .selection
by dioli, D. P. Davis, leadei . solo,
Illlain .1. Hopkins; solo. Mis Jllchnid
I". Jones, (iiaitetle. V. II Leonlon
and p.ut; .solo, William J. D.ivIh; t.olo,
Mis. D. D. Lewis, (-election, John Stat
foid; .solo, Joshua John: selection. Di.
Tievei ion f. quai lette
Suipiise Faity.
A suipiise pam was tendeicU Mas.
tei David Calnes at hi home on Wni
ien stieet la.sL Kilday evenlnK, The gaiiKs weio indiilRed In until it
.seasonable hour, when tefiesliments
weie reived.
Those pie.sent weie Misses Mae
Davis, Mamie Uvans, Anna Ilhule, Al
ma lllchaids, Moillla Moig-.ins, Bello
Ctosby Coilnne Cioshy, Sarah Henr,
Coin Matthews, of Olyphant: Mae
Baker, Ihnelle Lan.von, Irene WIIIlaniH,
Iieiif (laincs, Amj I'anv, Hlodvvyu
ItlehaicN, M.ssi! Jlei t IJvans, John
Itli hinds. John Slniins, Tinnl; Jones,
Jami'S l..injo!i, JJvan Thoma. David
(Jalnes. Jor Danveis, Oeoige Mai key,
Mnii'.s WntMliH utld O'lateme lleniy.
Flensnntly Surprised.
Miss Ilva Bojee. of Dean street, was
pleasantly smpiised b.v a number of
ll lends last Prlday evening. OnmeH
and other amusements weie Indulged
lu until a late hour, when a was
sei ved.
Those piesent were. Misses U.An
Klkeily. i:ir Boce, Jleirha Jenkins,
Ui.iee .Mooie. ibnmn Miller, Amelia
KIKi'ily. Ida Miller. Caiile Xnitou,
Minnie Bcllu, IMyth Miller. Oerlrude
Kaltose, Dais) Jenkins, Blanche Wil
liams; Mcssi. Plovd lloyce. lliuiy
Jio'e. Thomas Davis, Xounnn Wil
liams. William Bice. William Mann,
(ieoigi- Miller, (icoige dibits, Hugh
.Moore, Itlchaid (Tiny, Hniry Swart.
i:ilsw-oith Thomas. J'ljslillghls weie
taken ot the pauj
Nubs of News.
Tlii' membeis of the Sunday sdiool
or tlii. Xortli Main Avenue I'hilstlan
diui eh aie having nightly reheaii.als
lot the cantata which will be held In
tho near tutuie.
O. V. Palmer, of Xoi th Main n venue,
N attending the tuneinl of her biothei.
In-law at Windsor, X. V.
All news mattei will receive prompt
attention It left at Davis' ding stoie,
loinei ol Noith Main nvenueand Mar
Iset stieet.
Miss Mamie JIlilKe. of PecKv llie. who
has been visiting Miss Mamie Malier,
has i etui ned home.
This ovi nine Divisions No. ii ami pi,
A. O. J J., will hold an eulei t.ilunienl
in St. Maiy's hnll
John Uesofski, of Plttstuii. and C'ail
AtsolkovIcsU were jrrested Satuiday
foi being diunk and righting nt J
hoaidlns house on Hteakcr stieet.
AlsolkuvlizK leeched a deep gauh
nbovo the eye by being stint k by u
chair They were both analgued be
fuio Alderman b'ldler and lined $10,
.hldi the paid.
,M!un a coiikIi to tin umll It, grit lifjcn.l tlie
rt hi Ii nl iiicillcliu. 'Ilicv nlicii jv, "c)li, H ul
vur mil)," Imt In mo.t raw It will -mur
tliim uuj. Could tlicy tin liiiliupij to trv tlio
Miicitkfiil mrdlllnc l.lllrd Knnp'ii lljUam, Hlilch
U oM on a tultlip .Miaiiniip to cinr, ihrv
woulil inuiirillalrl) nt tin" excellent effect ntlei
Ul.iiik' llie lini ilior l'rlii JS. .ml ,'A Tilil
(llu lit 0 At all Uiusjlllt, 1
Shoiild Conuinc? the
Greatest Skeptic
in Scranton.
Betause It'a evidence In feinnlon,
It's from n citizen, peihnpn n nelfih
bor. Investigation will conlliiu It
Mr. John C.iviiiuukIi. of SIT Ouhaid
sltcet, South Side, employed In one
of the largo Hteel mills. nay: "One
boc of Doan's Kidney l'llls t tired me
of a pnlu aitoss my kldtie.VH, which
I sulfeted fiom, for yearn. I have been
so bail that I cntild not bend over
without gient pain. If I took cold It
became ninth mote severe. I us;d all
kinds of lemedles and wote plastei.s
for weeks, but without glviliK llie re
lief, until I piouiied Doan's Kidney
I'llli from Matthews Hi others' dt in?
stoie. I had only liiUen a few
when I began to feel better and I
steadily impioved until I was lotn
pletely cttieil of my lung .standing
Tor sale b.v all dealeis. 1'ilie. Vl
cents. Kostei-Mllbutn Co., Bttftalo, X.
Y., sole agents for rhe t'nlttd States.
Itemember the name, Bonn's, and
lake no substitute.
The olllce or blaster Mechanic J, 15.
Hiinron nnd Master Cur llullder Miller,
of the lle nnd Wyoming Valley Ilall
road company, will today be moved to
the iiuarteis fitted tor them In the
new 8hoH, which ate rapidly Hearing
1!pv. Mr. Punk, modetalor of the
l.nckaw.inna Picsbytery, occupied the
pulpit of the Picsbyteiian church last
Tomonow night, at the I'icsb.v teilan
church, 15ev. I-'. ' H. Dieyef will
Mjcnk, under the nusplcer of the Vouiik
Ladies' Mlshlon elide, upon his ie
cent experiences dining the troublous,
times In China.
On IMday nlgltf. nt the Methodist
liplsropal church. Krv. Mi. Urndshuw
will deliver the thhd of the series of
lectin es beliiff heM theie. taking for
his niblect. "American Patriotism"
The Woman'" Missionary soeletv ot
the Presbyterian church will meet n'
the home of Mi. M. " elope, on
Thursday afternoon at 2.10 o'clock.
The degice team of Dunmore lodge,
Xo. 1T. Knights of l'ylhlns. will con
tcr a degice nt Hecuc lodge. Provi
dence, Tuesday night All membeis
plcns'e b- In attendance.
Mr. nnd Mis. AV. M. Houghton spent
jesterdny Willi fi lends at Pltt?ton.
It Was Veiy Quietly Obseived in
This City Yesterday.
St. Patilek's day amis rpiletly ob
seived In this cit yesteiday. At the
T o'clock mass In the Cathedral the
llev. lllshop Hoban deliver cd a shoit
sei moii, In which ho referred to the
great life woik ot St. Patrick and said
It was the duty of Irish people to ion
tlnue that woik.
Bishop Hoban, also dellveied a sei
mon yesterdaj morning at 10.30 iu St.
Patrick's church, In West Scianton, lu
commemoration of the day. A solemn
high mass was .solemnized by He v. P.
13. I.avelle. assisted by P.ev. J. A.
O'ltelll.v as on and P.ev. John Mc
C'anir, of Philadelphia, as sub-deacon.
Rev. J. J. Or Win was master of ceie
monies. The bl-hop spoke of St. Patilik as
one of the tew men who stamped the
Impress of their lives upon a whole
people. The faith which he Implanted
lu the heart x of the Iilsii people ilfteen
hundred years ago has never left them,
the bishop said, despite the hitter per
secutions which they have suffer cd and
the temptations which have been of
fered them totenounce ll.
Last night entertainments of a p.i
tilotlc natuie weie given In the halls
connected with St. Paul's chin eh. ot
Gicen Hldge and St. John's chinch.
South Scianton, St. John's hall. Stone
avenue, and St John' hall, C.ipoiixn
Recorder Moir Favors Pnssage
Such an Ordinance.
Ri cnider Moir has announced that
one of the pilnclpal measures which
will have rhe suppoit of the admlnls
ti.rtion dining the coming flscal year
will be n licence tns ordlnnnco ftamed
nlong dlffeient lines than the one In
tioductd dining the llsenl io.w now
diawhiij to a close and which will be,
It Is feared, nllowod to die a peacc
fu' death In tho select council. In which
brand) It has been pending for the
past seven or eight months.
The power given to cities of the sei
ond clni.s to levy nnd collect a license
tax Is exceedingly sweeping. Recorder
Moir says he bellves tho city should
icallze between 510,000 nnd S.".n,000 per
eur Irom n license tat;, nnd the oidl
nnnce which he would favor would of
necc-Flty ptovlde for n ln hl?h
enough to icallz" that amount.
John B. Get mid.
.liliii U (.truii, tnnneily a itsiilml uf ili
cllv, ilicd In t.m rumltcct on ! ltc.itil
js toin In Vermonl rlsht)-rrn .uun ofro, jinl
jm in lliw city In l it', l'revlotu te hli it!
ii ,aj to tlie Wttt lie u .1 comluitor ou tlie
IkljujIC, l.jlkauani.a unil Mi.lein lOul tut
icily jtam mul was well known lieie.
A witt, on .mil lvo .1 jugbters. Vunk S fiei.
uiil, vin. l.'lwjnl C. Icmlri, el Sjii 1'iancl.i.o,
mill li Kile lcrwool, ot tlil citj, cintliiS
in t J
JeiF.. tin. I'teioM ni At Mi tint Mn
I'laiik W Intel, el .'i.'O JlJplo tlucl. ilitil jeitri
iljv niomlni; ftllei a lom1 tlnjV lllnots u ln.ilu
level 'Die inneril will Ukc plair 'linsuai all i.
nnoii at .' u'tloik. rilir over tlie rtnuiii,
will be tie-l.l in Si. )lr'i C.itliolli cliindi, nml
Iiiteinient will lie inaiU in the Twentieth wjhi
mi tci.t.
lill on;, I uc 0 tiibnlli. olil mii u( Mi J rid M
Ilkh.ild t jguiurlim, of lli(; ktmic, Ulnl
Ui riinliu, alter a l.iiel IIIiiwji, Ihe luneial
uniioiiiireiiiiiit will lie publitlicil lalcr.
'llie li.niiil ol Menett V, .swinnle. tlie l,rl
in id VVjonilivr comlirtoi who wa, .tttick .iml
I.lllnl Ii a l.ickawMiina Italn I'udav night, will
he held. TiieVlay afternoon hem lili lata rclilen.e
In Hunker 31111. 'ilio hod) will leje over ill
Tjckawjniu at 318 p. in, lor Klrci town, 'a
wlitie Inliriiiciit will ho niwli
Enjoyable Musical Entcitnlnment
Was Given at St. John's Church
Hnll Funernl of MIsr Rose Engel.
St. Fntiick's Dny Entertainment
of Division No. 22, A. O. of H.
Endue Gnme Between Marquette
nnd Columbus Councils Other
News Notes.
The (list conceit of St. lien's aocl
ety, held last night In St. John's
church hull, was very largely attended,
the hall being unable to bold all who
desbed to sain admission lo listen to
this really excellent musical treat.
Uatiei's oichestra played as an over
ture Iiach's Tantasle In splendid style,
nnd Knoll's "Doan Ye Ciy. Ma.'
Houev," was splendidly sung by llie
I'liM voiinno linj Win Ian, llrlla I'liufll
Vcond joptaiio Sua titlmi, Kllzilnlli llur
I'lrtl alii, Mici. t,lilnii, llclui HrJhl.Mi
Scionil alio-(filmic Mdifc, WlmlilJi lini
Miss Kllabcth Duikln's line sojuano
vohe was heaul to advautago In
Cowen's "Tlie Swallows." and MSs
Kale Itenrdon gave n splendid piano
solo, playing Pope's "Haip That Oucn
Tlno Tata's Hnll." The St. Itene's
society sang Iu excellent chums Pln
siitl's "When Life Js Brightest." and
the orchesti.i In sttpeih style icndeied
I'aure's "Lest Uciuciiiix."
The second pint of the pi otvi amine
was oieucd by St. Ii cue's society sing
ing two choke lilsh melodies, l.ailv
Ditlfei Mi's "Tei retire, rnrewoll." and
Mooio's "Tho M Insli el Boy." Costa's
"I Will i:loI Thee" was sung with
Hue effect by Mis. Joseph O'Brien, and
the following voices constituted an
octette whose rendition of Troteno's
"In Old Madild" formed a melodious
and bautlful chorus:
liil opr.ino-Mice IJlbbom. Holla 1'iinill
hoinl vopuno -Vmis IVIirUn, sjh Aaitslui
1 irit alio i:il7.ibrth DnrUri. (irrlrudr Mcdre
Soronct nllo-Wtnifrnl PurUn, llelrn Itrjrdon
Miss Theresa Hanaw.iy scored one of
the night's distinct bits, her pine
sopiano olce sounding out clenr nnd
silvery In Masmgnl's "O. hiving
Savior." A line baiitoue solo, "Sun
set," and the singing of l-acume's
"IXudlautlann," by the society, con
i hided the piograiume.
The membeis of the clioius aie
Vlr VJ I o'liHilc, V.M li i llui o. Knit
nine McCaini, s,j0 Ml,, t.lir jliaMIi Diirkni.
VViiicfiidr Dial In. Il.lh Pinccll. Vlln- Cililiom.
-ara aiili4ii. Anna Mliclin. Katliiilne Wli-In,
VLugsiiit Vlji.nlns, llrlrn Millii.ui, Vlaiy Mcl.ii
finfin, iiiu MiCitj, Vl.n ( (K I., ntie (iiMiona,
Vlrs. J'difjr 'omrll, Mm. ,1 I. MaUh, MU.
Vtn.laiii Cllilcrd, I orctt i runout. katl.Tlno
(mie, Holm ItMrdcn. Vnni Tliwltngr. llclui
VIrOtiinncw. Vdrlnie 1 ilw uc, Helen Cnl, KMIi
nine .IokIjii, Ocrtiiidc vuttcp, llrid;ct 'luiri,
nim riaik. lutlicrlnc Uitinin, Margaret llroue,
Killieilne WaMi. Vjry VliCuhr, Mnj letter
Funeinl of Miss Errgle.
The remains of Miss Itosa Ihigle were
i oiHgned lo their llnal resting place
In the Mlnooka cemetery yesteidny af
ternoon. The .services, vvhldi were held at the
family residence on Kim stieet In llev.
Alfred llallhorn, pastor of the Chun Ii
of Peace, weie vei.V laigelv attended
by the many fi lends and l datives ot
The pall-bearets weie. l'uiiik Mill
er, Andiew Kllllau, John ITIden and
Ferdinand Tllrtley.
Euclue Contest.
The Columbus council and the Mar
quette council plajed a game cjf endue,
In Pharmacy hall Satuiday evening.
A large number ot membeis of both
councils were In attendance. Aftei a
lively contest the game wns ended with
the Columbus council ahead. Their
si oto was VJ! to the Maiquette conn
ell's 1 13. illefieshmcnts weie set ved
litter the ffatne
Enjoyable Enteitainment.
A ruoht enjoable St. Pntilck's day
enteitainment was'liplil last night at
St. John' hall, on Stone nvenue. under
the auspices of Division So. 2.', Ancient
Order of Hibernians. It was veiy well
intended and a splendid pi ogi amine
was cat i led out.
A number ot luteiestlng recitations
nnd vocal and instrumental selections
weie heal d, and a sibling address by
Hon. John P. wuluiian was a distinct
featuu! of the night.
Camp "o. 410. IMtilotlc Oidei Sons
of Ainellc.l, will meet In legular se.s
slon this evening at S o'clock at ll.nt
nian's hall.
The membeis of the St. liene'fi sod
ety will meet at Phaimacy hall this
Misses Anna Waid and Theteha nine!;
mo visiting Mis. Y. J. 13iirns, of I'ltts
ton avenue.
Dr. It. J. P.ltz nnd Dr. M H. Quinrr
porfoimed an opcuitlon on Henry Mol
tcr, of 42r. Alder stieet, jesteidny. The
patient is now lestlng easy
Joseph Klein Is conllned to his homo
h a seilous nttuch of the grip.
Oeoigc Bums, William Cool,-, Thomas
Uohau and George McAvoy have re
tuined fiom AVIlkcs-ilane, ivhuie they
have been vltdtlngr friends.
Miss Mary Donnel. of Din yea, is
tho sue-t of Miss Kdllo Collliis. of
River street.
John Huchtn, ol 111 IJllii stieet, bad
bis light side finctureil Satuiday,
while working nt the South steel mill.
Division Xo. !!.', Am lent Order of
Hibernians, met In regular session es
teidny In Pharmac hall.
Returned Misslonaiy fiom Chinn
Told of Hla Thiilllne Expeiience.
Itev. K. C II. Diejer. who recently,
In company with his wife, went
through such n terrible experience In
China during the, Huxer iipiNlug, de
livered tin Intensely Interest Inr,- nnd
Kraphln address nt 0HteiU.iy aftei
uoon'H men s mtvttug In Ihe lenrpoiaiy
iiendfiti.rr ters of the Young Men's
nulstlan assodatlon m Noilh Wash
Ington nvenue
lie lecoiiutcd the sloi.v of his llulll
Ins adventuro In far-ofl t'hlna and if
the long soul and body racking ride
which tho party of which he and ills
wife were nroinbeis mndo fiom tin In
tcrlur piovlnce to tho coast, all thiough
n hostllo countiy Infested with nur
lauding bands of Boxeis.
In concluding hl.s talk he made a
plea to the largo number of young
men present, asking them to lend bel
ter Clulstlan lives nnd do more ener
getic and enrnest servbe for Christ.
lin snld that ns soon ns his health was
siKllclently lecovcred, Oiod willing, he
Vs AVSSw'' vw'XVxSH' J'NVvvsN vrWvHyvvAA
Day of the Week
Is due to the opportunities given to buy the best
kinds of merchandise at the lowest possible prices. Be
here today, if you want to reap the benefit of the price
shaving. The offerings in Dress Goods and Silks are
especially interesting, because spring's newest is coupled
wiui lowest prices.
Dress Goods
17 pieces 32 inch Plaid Dreis
Goods, in bright and dark color
ings. Regular price, 100 3
Monday O-lC
25 pieces 12 inch Wool Serges,
a last colored, good wearing
fabric, in all the latest shades,
old rose, rcsedj, cadet blue,
brown, green, red, g.unet, tuvy,
grey, purple and black. t t 1
Monday 1 I C
23 pieces V) inch All Wool
Fancy Checks, in plaid and plain
mixtures. This is a splendid
line for children's school dresses
and is considered good .-
value at 59c. Monday.. ZoC
For This Week
An extra heavy Frieze, 50 inch
wide, suitable for walk skirts,
Needs no lining m its make-up.
Blue. Oxford grey and medium
grey. Considered good value
at $1.00. On sale this
week toi y5C
Important There is only two items
in the above that can be bought at the
pi ice quoted after today.
Jonas Long's Sods
would go back lo China to take up
mission woik again nnd would endeav
or to secure a post in the same town
lu which he was limited befoie the
Uoei uprising.
A St. Patiick's Day Enteitninment
Given Lnst Night.
An e.Mdlnt enteitainment was con
tinued last night lu St. John's hill,
on Capouse avenue, under the mis
plies of St. John's Total Abstinence
society, ll was held In commemora
tion of the festal day of Ii eland's p.r
tioli saint, St. Pntilck, and a spi.ndltl
iiddics upon the life and woik of
that apostle was dellveied by Attorney
W I Khptin.
The 1 est of the pi ogi amine was glvi'ii
under the direction ol AV. P I Mike,
who himself sang m-vciaI .selections.
Vcenl holos weie ifiideiul by Mls
Hannah Maghian, Mlsi Teies.i llniiu
VMiy and Miss Nllaud. while Mlt-s llow
atd crintrlbuted a piano solo.
The hall was ciowtled to nvei Mow Inl
and 11 number had to be turned nwnv.
A gold badge hml been ofteied lo the
member -eillng the largeM nuinber of
tickets, nud Ibis contesl piovoked a
spirited rlvalr.v. The pile was cap
tured b.v I'huilcrt Oulnn. who bi ought
In MS. Two were thd for
plate, Joseph Campbell and
Dnvvfcin, r.. eaih of wlioni
worth of tickets.
se ond
sob! i'A
riist Regimental Examination Will
Be Held Mny 1.
The inspictioii of tne Thirteenth
regiment will be held May I. in the
new tumor;. The follow Ing regimen
tal order, governing Inspections, has
been Issued
llrmlqiiiitjit Tliuitf mil Itt-.iii.'iii,
-ailt. X C I'.
sninitoh. MjhIi
I .. t.J in
11. 1 ft 1
K.Viiiiciilnl "nl. r So. 1"
'tlie li'M mil klin. lions miiii-lii"l "'J1'
lnml nml C'omiiii.lo. A, II. f. 1. I". " k I
will nwrnlil nt the miner, ttinrr ol Vili u
r.vcnue anil Mtrll"' llct. on Mfilncwli tnui i
vry I, lJiOI. .it e'llnK. lor ioi' In lliluJ'l
hisicctor . . Mi In-.
'llie itiMcnl tniniMiiiri ul I'iIi toiiiniJiul ttill '
liiicctul ai tdliiM: (mnpjiiv II. snjutoi',
MiJniMl.iv rifiuiij. !' 1. Iniiiniiiv l'. -
ton, riiur-ili rri.ini;. Mjv ! (V,in lli.i '.
si union, I'llh tMiilue. VI it .1. I oiiiiiiu V,
Siuntoii, v,iiiiU,t Hn'iu', VIj ii. iuiiiiiii t
Spi.mlnii riir.ihl .vilnnir. VI It 7. ( 011111.111 I
Si uiitoii. 'Iiipsln o'liili,', V u ;
Tint .ii. Mrdii(liv ptrniii;, Vn
J'. Ili.iitlilc IIiiiimI.1. (triiin:,
iurn K. Mait'i" IrIM rtfiilns,
I oiupim I.
t; ( oirpai t
VIjv Hi Coin.
Vjj in; t om
pirn 11, .-trillion, lunlii;, Mjv II
( cnipany fl, MiiiUKM, Mni.d.ij iicnlriff. Vln ll
'Ilio iKintlon if milium coiiiiiin'hiit U iilli.l
in V ( ci, Si 'j.'. IJ miih, n In irnmie
Hit tit- IOtrili; lllfi Ill4ll0ll.
lit oiilrr of I Wjlifi", (Vilon'l.
ll II Mhn Ion Vihiiunl
Chnilcs Hill Seriously Injuied nt In
dinnoln, Fin.
l)i. i'haile Hill, of this ill met
with an act Ideilt recently at liidiauola,
Kin . wliltlr mil) result lu ins lontuR tlr
entlio use of Olio of Ills Icrh Mr. Hill
Is with Ills father. Di (!. L' Hill, ar
tho latter' ioUiiko and on ThuiMla.v,
Maich 7, while out in n Htcam launch,
seilouMy Injured bin knee i up,
Tho eiiKlne nt the launch was out
of order and ltn inaKlns u inpid
levolutlon, strncK tiRiilmit Mr Hill's
K and loie awny the Knee cap. Al
though almost faluiliiK wllh a leirlhle
pain 'he mailo his wiry to the aliote, and
medical aid iwrs Inuuedlatiily hiiiii
moned. The Knee In now In n plaster
east und the doctors enteitnln hopos
Dress Goods
A splendid assortment of fab
rics especially adapted for Shirt
Waists and House Wrappers.
In the lot ate S inch All Wool
Flannels, 38 inch Satinette
Stripes, and 40 inch Figured
Pierolas. They come in all the
newest shades and colors, in
cluding light purple, grey cas
toi. red, old rose, reseda, na
tional, blown, navy and black.
This is good value at 30 cents.
For one day only Mon-
day 29C
For This Week
Beginning Monday morning
will offer the best value in Silk
that we have seen for some time.
2,000 yards of 24 inch Satin Fin
ished Foulards, beautiful lighC
giounds, with dainty colored
liguies and tloral designs, in
shades of old rose, reseda, pink,
blue, purple, castoi, navy grey,
and cadet blue. Not a yard ever
sold for less than $1. On
sale this week lor 75C
- iins .v. tu'rhiindi n, i nun
A J Plil'lV.
OM Mf.lll' OVI V x
Tuesday, March 19.
mi w
llie triinii,i it VII Sallow l'iinllnt Inanj
oiijonllnjr iiotoliii In llie nuplt art.
V iriis of mw .mil ttrtlinpr Illusions in
trnli il In tlii- I.III.VT KM I. Vll ami Mnpawtn
lillilii-- lililifiln jKomplMiril
Srt VIKit. Si I onrdlt. Si" lllu-ioni,
Si Vlninliy, Sow .11. ii lliikliul Illi.onciiM If
tlio Hr.itm ol ll'i VUittlou
rnil I ' nil to l no
jn on ulr- sjiimlt ji n a in
oi sir.ur onia.
Wednesday, March 20.
A Texas Steer'1
vnmv vuhi's mi nviti r.o
l.oitci tlian ttci Mitlt an oxcrllent ut, hlih
'iilmlM Ja Mrt ami ,i llrniilcr," Ml lvarl
lUkltt n "lls.t. ' loiinoilt ttllli VtiRiMln Halt
Sitt otl toinpiiit, VV ill II lint ,i llie "Mm.
i.Ih limn Kiloinot " llu oninil rttator ot I'm
1 islitlilf lull' llf oil i iiiinilui-me vm l.l
rr Kniilill. .nl no N. it ill. . Hail V. lcI
( it nlo I colon iimI oili.
Hie oinrliiil '! . iwi iiniilntp
I'ltlt I . ' io s oc s, i, , i, .ale innU)
.it 'i a m
i:aiugn and Usittt Local Slanager.
In Repertoire. amputation will not be npcessnry.
The limit will be htlfi however, as lona
as Mr. Hill lhe
Delegntes Will Report Upon Mer
cnntlle Tnx Reduction.
Ii. ll Atlieiion and A. I1'. Duffy will
pnr-eiit a lepoit at tonlKht'H icRUlar
meeting of the bii.inl of tmdn upon
their leieni iippeaiaii' e befoie thn
ways and means committee of thn
hniii-e nl tepieseutatlven In favor of
rhe bill now pendlmt niuendlnir tho
meicalilile law
The bill will mean, if passed, a ie.
tluetlon by Just one-half of Ihe pieHenS
meieantlle tas nnd hdicuty Athettou
stated to u Tilbune man estetday
ill, n theii. vns eveiy ion-oil to bellevo
thai It will Kei ilnoiish without much
Couesnonde'nee Schools Employes to
Maintain One.
ll it .me ol the piuposes of the nsso
i latum leteuilv oi5rnnl.ed by the em
pIovph of the lniunatlonnl I'one.spoua
fiico scliools to puiehimo tho Terincti
and transmit It Inm u club bouse.
The property, ll In understood, Is
held at $i'i,oni). but this does nut daunt
Ihu enthusiastic membeis of the nsso-clatlon,
1 1