It. ll THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE-MONDAY, MARCH 18, 1901, Je Scranten CrtBime I'uMMied Dally, Hvept founds)-, by Tho Tnlf io I'liiillslilnj (V'tiipan), at Ully Cents a Molilh. lino t MVY ?. IIICIIUII), lalllor. U. I'. UYMini', Business Jiaimser. New Ycik Uflnct lfo Nassau St. S. S. VtlKH.AN't). bclg Ajint tor lends" Advertising. l.ntcnd at Hie IVulollirc t Fersnlon, Vt , ai fcciolnl Clas Mill Matter. VUicii spacn will icrnilt, llic Trlltuno Is altvsjs slad to print short lellets Irum Its friends near. In en iuirrt,l tuples, Mil Itn tula Is tlut tlieti must be flgncil, (or putdliatlnii, jy th writer t iral nsme) a in the eondlilon primi-nt tn . uptsiici- l that jM coiitilltutlonj slut' I'O sulject tu tditcirisl leilsleti. Till: II. ST It Ml 'ilif following taMc each Insertion, space I IOH AllVKItfTMNG. stion t tic price per Inch o ho urnd vtlililu unc jeart Ilmirl ldrui;rTil l"iuT liper llraditipj IVMtlen .-. '.m f ..10 ..1) I .?! I !! ,li .175 l' .I.M I .1 I .lei -'.'L. M i - , lesoliitlons of londiiUuie .JHM'I.W. i I.' w Hull M lin'ir . I111I.C1 JI ' . IO) .' irtri IVr cards el lliml "ml slmllir uutlrliiiit Inin In th nature of Hi 'illslmj 'Urn Tribune.- nukes a iliarge uf j iciiu dic:tl'iiis (uinlslied on uric. Hates fir ( lamMeM I plication. SOHA.VIUN', St.I.l'II !., lHUl. In their uiiNluly tn lm u lilkc tl-el.m-il, mjiiio nf iiiir cMit-nicl rontPin li.irni Irs iiiiem- to linn- linen u tilHo iiiiiittuit In imiMtin Ins wlmt the mine w ni Kits win ,. Important Question?. X TIM- tliult tun tPNululhiiis eon tepln puU'T mi the. exreilllve nllkl.ilH m thi inlliet.V union lu il-'hiit' uiiuilii-r nttlkr if 'within tMi vvh-Um the untluueim I'liiplojlniT liilctc.Ms do nut met t ihu nilneiH In ii Joint rnnffre tier, the ptenmbln ptn Jul 111 the ol'Jfi't of the tle-liLil lon li lrnee. It U "to mutually iificc on Mid cutiiljIIMi u M.ilu of wanes ami loudltloiis ol eniplu.Miii'lit for the term of oim year." Alicmly, liuvvcvei, the operaloiM hae iio.sleil iintlceH eonlluu Intj fot one t lit basis of uais p.ihl ."ineo last XuLinhcr ami luc tilth' liitctitliin in tn!,)' up wlih their iu ii mrii the i Ion of pieseutetl ri icvancc.t. The aiilhois nf the lluleton ui-olu-tlolis ,va. : "We bi.lieo that we ale (iitltlctl to niueh mote t onHilcratlun than wo leiclve, and me I ully cntitletl io meet wlih those who employ us ami are our, under the law and t'ou MltitUon of our tmintiy, and with them illtcm-H and ikelde muttetri of liiUttlul Intel" The leply ul the opciutois In effect. Is: "- aio le.idy at all tlmcb to discus with our em ployes and decide m.tttus of mutual liiteicsi, but we 'as a body will not tuat with the oiKaiil.atlou Known as the 1'nlted Mine Woihers ot Ameilea." Hue, H would smjciu, Is a luaigln of nibHtantlal (llifeienie much too Muall to foim the hauls of a lustlllable HtrlKc or even to tin Mta of u stilhe. In the past four mouths tho?e of the men who have been indiistiious and pf-UiCVi'iIiig hae taken home moie pay than for je.un past. Their wages have been liteteajttl both by a ten per rent, nlvauee in the late ami by the full lipio woiKed. They aie t'tijoj intjf not illy the eietllt but also the mibstaneo if laul faU'.s vletoiy, and this Mlli hlanee Is as.suietl by tin. olf-r of the opt ratotH for an cnthe year moie, whcthii the union Is ieeoi;iilzeil ex plicitly by the opei itois or not Is the unulllluciRs.s of the wpeintoij to utter a Joint tonterenco uillelent Kiotiml ftu lliioulng th'.-o substantial milts of vktoiy back iipo the ha'anl til another lnduntilnl wai, whleh. If begun, will this time undoubtedly be toushl to a finish V Would pub lit opinion stand for It'.' Would tho miners' t.ulou Itself .slit he It? Huston has tefUf-td Andlew C.u lieglo'ti ofter of $30,i'U0 to elabllt-li a Ilhr.iry hi that i-lty. II the temler hint been for a biewiry It mlKht hae bein dliterent. Tlie Ripper Upheld. "-y-VJi: 1'IVOTAI. point III tho jj opinion of the emu l JL upholillurr the t onstltutlon- ility of the "ilppet" .iel, is the fact 'hat tin subjtet ol legislation In that act Is puiely municipal. The tout l win no'. tltthiK in Judgment upon ihu espedlouey of the uieasuie, but upon the question of Its tonllltt with lOliiUltUllnual lestilctioiif. The Hu pieme eouit havlnt; alirady held In elteet that the municipality Is ineiely tho iiftent of the stale and thai the olHee of ma;, or Is not a constitutional oillre; In otht r words1, that It Is puiely a creation of statutory legislation, ami. an mill, alwa.wi amuiablu to IIh eica tor, the leglelatho power, theio alteiuatlxe coutse open to the lower trlbiinnl than to bow the opponents of thi. "ilpper" out of i otii i. That the higher tan be Imbued, at this late day, to icuise, Itstlt Is peislble, but 'Ifn'iuobable. Ill the meantime tile ptihiTu will do well to bear in mind thesa- closing winds In Judge bald's luminous opinion: '"i-hls bill may bo good or bad; time alone, x 1,11, ilcmonstuite, and none ot us inn antlelpalo Its Judgment. The ob servations which we have iven called to make havo been nddiesefd to Its Kgnl validity only: does It olfend against the (oiistltutlou In the manner claimed by Its nftsnllnnts? That Is all we have to pass upon, U will not do to chat go In vague and general terjns. that It violates the spirit of thtij. Instrument or that It infiinges on till' ptevalllng pilnclples of popular KoK.rnmcnt. The cuiiHtltutlou nf. It Is wij-lttn Is the only gauge by which It jnn ho tested, ami the exact pattleu larsf In which It Impinges upon it must be pointed out. If It stands this tcet, It valid, and If It does not It Is not. " ft Wo have but to add that It it our unanimous Judgment that tho 1jU is constitutional." The most popular movement tho new director of public works, when ap pointed, can make, will bo to devise effective ways nnd means to have tho cioHsw'Alks cleaned, at least In the cen tral city. Tho condition on tho Mill Ik simply terrible, while In many places the asphalt Hrocts gle no Indication of bchiK nnything better than dirt ronrR With the Morch winds blowlng tills ir-tttre nbuitt, tin- Military condi tion of the city promised to be mennc Injr. Steps should bo taken itt onco to remove the ncriiinulnted filth of tho winter. i When the Chinese lloxers killed de fenseless mlsslonniles the nflnlr was termed "butchery." Hut when Von Wuldoifee'if tioops round up and slaughter u few hundred terror-stilcken natives the wanton ctuelty goes upon leeortl ns a "glorlou victory." Un happy, Indeed, Is the cotitno that has provoked the righteous wrath of it Clulstlan at my! The Nicaragua Cnnnl. IT IS entoui aging to know thnt the III si reports concerning Clreat Hi Haiti's reply to the amended llny-l'auueefolu canal tieuty weic Incorrect In asotlblng to Great Hrllalu an unwillingness to enter Into any flintier negotiations upon the sub ject. While the text of the Ihigllsh leply has not yet been mude public. It Is asserted upon good authority that the most objectlonnble featuic of the amended treaty, from tho Kngllsh standpoint, was the suintuary attempt of the senate to forco an abiogatlon of the Clayton-nulwrr treaty. It Is as sumed ftoin the cuucnl repoits, ami the assumption Is certainly credible, that Gieat Uiitaln Is less Insistent upon maintaining the original tiealy than upon being decently consulted In lefcience to Its abiogatiuu. If asked to ablegate in a toutteotts ami ton tlllatory manner, the piobnbllitles are that his majesty's government will meet the I'nllcil States nl least half way. That government piopeil.v ob jects to bi lug hit on the head with a club as the stinting point of a filendly Decollation. On the other hand, now that the United StnUs senate has uudertaktu to tear to pieces the one fill woik of the executive in this mal lei. It Is Io be expcilcd the piesl deiit will not begin the negotiation of a new licity until he call scenic some iutoimatlon fiom the senntois us to what kind of a tiealy command the mippou ul the two-thlids m.ijoi Ity when It tomes to the st mite lor ratlikatlou. This will give the tinus-conliueiital i.illwny Intctests an oppoiluiillv to woik upon sennturs for a still fuither postponenient ol the building of the canal. Nothing shoit of an Intense piessuie iioiu public opinion biought to bear tliicctly upon cery senator who gives signs of palteiim;- In this impoitant matter will bting the canal within sight of tho piesent geiiciatlon. The initio woikcis do not want u strike; the labor leatlcis do not want a. Htilkc. the operatois ilo nol wanl a stiike. It now seems to be up to tho ellow papets. The Philadelphia Ripper." PIIIbADUUMUA Is also ex peileuelng some "tipper" e titetneiit. The lipping which It is ptoposctl to do there H not riulle as drastic as In the second i lass cities, but, as is pioeiblal, any thing of ii milling naluie is magnified in the somnolent City of Brotheily Loc. At picient In Philadelphia, the boaid of tax levNon ami appeal Is appointed by the eouit. The Itlpperltes want to take this power away iroin tho imiit and place It lu the bauds of the peo ple, by making the olllces elcithe. The Antl-Ulpptiltrs deel.ur- that the pur I ose ol this is to give the faction now lu power a big additional stllng ot pattonnge, which It is now depilved or because of Its Inability to control tlie eouit. Tho Klpptiites find their wunant for the lontemplated lipping in the claim that the selection ot the nun who aie to pass uj on the ques tion of taxes Is not a Judicial tunc lion and that as the people ate direct ly concerned It is most apptnprlate that they Hiould h.i o tlte direct say as to who these melt shall be. The bill was sent baek to committco lest week, to give the people an oppot tunlty ot being he.itd on It. A lutsre delegation of cltUens appealed against it, and some were on hand lo mippoit It. AVhcn it conies up in the houso a lively time can be expected. It Is said the administration favois the bill and (bat the majoiity faction will leave no stone unturned to put It thtoiigh. It begins to look as though the wot Id's lair at Chicago was a very small attalr when lumpaicd with what will happen at nmfalo. Chances for the Poor Uoy. fT 1TTL1J is heard now-a-tlays B of the young man who M wot Its Ills way thtough col. lege. The athlete, the Hell man's son. who goes in for practical purposes to bo Identified with great business Intel csls, which ho will in hcrlt, ami tlie jouth who develops lltciaiy ability thiough the medium of u college paper, uie the- ones to te telve the most attention front the pub lic. The man who woiKs his way thinugli college seems rather general ly to be relegated to a past geneia lion of statesmen ami llnauciets, of whom their descendants ami tho woi Id at laisc aie pioud, but who do not belong lo tho piesent. In this ago of stowing piosperlty, the opinion seems to pievnll that tho colleges me filled with the sons and daughters ot men of meuns, or at Joust tho-e who nio In comfortable clicumstnneTs, who nio willing to make a tew sucilllces for tho sake or f.lving their orfspilng tho best ad vantages to bo obtained. Tho fnct Is that at no peilotl In Amei lea's history have so ninny young men been paying their way through college by their own effoits ns todny. At no time has thcro been such a mul titude of openings for tho student who has ambition, ordinary Intelligence and physical eiidutnnee In tonio col leges n fund Is peipotual for tho bene fit of those handicapped students, who must help themselves to an edueutlon. They dinw ftuin this souice of supply only sulllclent for their most pleasing uetds. and, of course, must repay it a, soon as thoy aui able. In other Institutions of learning, and, Indeed, lu most, avenues of employ, ment connected with tho collegi 11113 open to Impecunious students, but In certain localities as, for Instuuee, In tho vicinity ot Yule, the tnwnspcopla tire svvlft to employ the students In a variety of way. They keep grounds lu order about tho icsldenccs, occupy extra hours in keeping books for mer chants, lake money nt the, doors of entertnlnmcnts, distribute Invltatlont to social nftalis, canvass for business films, act ns caie-tnkeis for the homes of families leaving town, collect bad debts for professional men, catalogue llbmrlcs, act as guides and even bul lets on o caslons. Those who have a know lodge of typewriting ami steno graphy, pick up ninny dollars In a col lege town In tho couibc of a year. Othcis, with musical talents, find posi tions an organists, while still others tlntl work In doctor's olllces nnd under tnkets' shops, to answer telephone en IN. The boy and gill of today havo op portunities which to tho student of twenty-live ears ago were not even existing In imagination. The wotl; whleh they can do Is less nrduous, less dlstiaetlng, more lemuneratlve. Poverty Is no bar to the toad of learn ing. Audiew Carnegie, It Is said, now re grets that he did not enter the news paper business years ago. If this am bition had been grntlfled It Is .feared that today Mr. Carnegie's contributions to llhraiy funds would necessarily have been tcstrlcted to amounts less than a million a week. CJeorgln has become so greatly alaitnetl at prevalence of the cocaine hnblt among negroes Uinta few lynch Ings may be necessary In order to calm the pubjlo sentiment. The Hauna-tor-picsltlcnt boomers have evidently started tho ball roll ing In hopes that the boom will wear Itself out befoic next nomination time an Ives. The "I101101" of De Castcllane. and Lie !odas has been x Indicated, bill they still appear ridiculous In the eyes of the world at huge The tiahcr-IIowurd feud ot Ken tucky has been tlcclaied off, whhh, of coiuse, may be taken as proof that all Intel cstcd .ire dead. Hawaii pieseuls sentiments which reverse the piograinnio in the sunny South. In llnwall the ety is "Down with the whites." Xe.xt to the man who delivered the message to rSaicln, most ot us would ptobably ptefer to be Mr. Schwab, of Plttsbutg. m Mis. Cat lie Xntlon has finally con cluded that It is better to talk politics than practice war. Ptof. Hadley now seems disposed to lay it to the ptoof-tcader. "Ke"i ort the glass" signs will soon mean something. PiCHire ol th? World's Commerce W j.liiiiston, Mauli IT. A I'll 1 1 III, uf the Morld'c roinmeiic In I'M) is prcstiitcd in some IIkuic3 Jtiot published by llic truury biiuiiu of statUtlis J a pill of (lie moutlil.t Mimnuiy ot cone meric and lliuiiie. 11 bow the impoiti jnd ipurls of tnenly ot the princlpil countries of the- umld dovtii to the litest att.iliublc date, in nuny ciM't iniliulinc tho tbul month of the tear r'. Tlie- llguics In ine-t ucj aie for that portion of llio IimjI cjr wliicli lud evplicd at the I tc-t date tor which thu figurm ian be ob l.ilncil, .Hid iinnpirc I lie imports and exports of this Ijtett teim In question with the ioircpond. in,; inoiillis of the pieecdlni; rUial jeJr, show Ins the Imrei-c oi dccteac ot Impoiti or cvpotts in cull 1.1-e. . u - The I1;incs .no cpeilally iutercstiiig in the oppuitunit) wlilih llioy otlcr to lonipare the pictent londitlou of tho louuuiitc ot the vail otu luiiutlie; willi that of one ejr ago, and to loinpiio the growth of our own lomniene with tint of other lotmtifcs. In the latter oppoi luniti the figures aie particularly gratltjing, They how that the exports of the I'nltid Stiles in ilia teveu months ending will) .Ijinury, 1001, iiuiiaseil jut 1uJ,u),0hj over tho lortcfpoud. In; monilis of the pieccdlng ti.CJl jcir, while th'je ct llio I idled Kingdom, in tlie tamo iimiitlK. Incie.ied ju.t -VJ,OoO,(00 over tho tor rcpondinj months of the preceding jcai, Her luan.t'h iiKie.i.-o in evpoits (or the tutlvc months ending with IKremUr la $19,1)011,000 over (he vcar lsW, while franc e fhons a docre.i,o of $11,. I i.Outl fu l'i"0 ih cnmnaictl with the ear UV Vrgcutlni, during the nine mouths ending with scptiniber, r, hliona an of j.OOOx") lu exports oui the jine luoiiths of the precid ing; Aiutili llungaiy, In the calendar lyt't 1ioh an Innea.e of 0,noo,CiOO oter ISM; Belgium htivv a decrea'c of i;,0uil,0o0 in the ciltiidar jcar l'Jt0 louipared with lsWi Can id for the lite month) ending with November, ho an Increase of flj.oon.uoi); Mexico, In the fmir months ending with October, an Inueai-e u( -rt.jixj.tXHJ; Kiisilin, lu the tin months ending vvlih Orlubti, an lucreaiC of Sja.uoo.oot); Bilthli i. in the i-cun iiiuiuhi ruditig with Octg ber, ,i ilecreate ot; Itali, in the ih'ctu months tiiding with N'ovembei, a de crcae of $iri,non.fKHi, ind Spain, In the eleven mouths ending with Xoutnbcr, 190D, a ddrease of il,000,OijtJ. - 0-- riunliig to the inipoit hide, Hie mines alao how a MfUfactoiy condition, with telircncti tu thn I ulted stiiC(i, a toniptrcd with that of the tlhcr coiuitiles piecnttd. In tin seven months ending witn Januii.t, luul, the Inipotts into the I lilted sljtes were iSM.fiuO.ouO lef than those of the nnc inmitlia of the preceding fiscal jcar, while tho.,0 of Hie Culled Kingdom In that time r.hocd an llltrtae of sZr.OOO.onO. AudtrU Ilun guy thons In the lull ,vtar !' un iiKitate in luipoits of ot er .ti.oW.OOO, and in evpurls of of i,,0tx,iio0, as compared with the Mine inontni of 1S99. for the erll inniitln ending vclth July, I'ioO, the Philippine blanda show un increate In Inipotts nf n.niM.OOOi Belgium, for the Mine ptiiod, a clccieasc of fl0,00i),uuu; frame, in the full jeaf lOttO, ,i detrca.o of J.'.'.OOO.OOOi fler many, in the nine period, an Increase of 1R,. ()M: llalc, III the eleven mouths ending with November, un inciiue of l0,uno,i)00; Mexico, in tho four months ending with Octolier, an in. cie.uo of w,(i(k),(h) over the corresponding months of tho preceding ear, and t-paln, in the eleven inuiilhs ending with November, a decrease ncaily il,0u0,000. n The tables of the buieau of tallllcj are as follows: imi'oiiis nd i:i'our. or meiiciiandisiE Of PltlXCIPAl, rOIINritlEK IS'M'jOU. 1000 UiOl. Cuiiulriid. Holluri. Dollars. Algentlua, 0 months ending September ... 113,501,175 118,10,153 Austria Hungary, li months indlng De cember 317,00.1,173 S5,1 13,070 Belgium, 1J months i luting December ... 35n,13llQ0n 3iil,M000 Bulgaria, U months ending .lune 5,5c,0v! .I.CIXi.siCI Canadi, 5 mouths ending Novimbcr ... T7.004.31 1 !.o,7$3,0:3 Cape of Hood llopi, 11 mouths eliding No. milliter 10,7l,S5n S0,i33,15i r.g)tt, ! months end. lug Deceinbei ,, . 70,t7't,j.W bJ,ST,349 (icriiuii), 1,' inoiithi OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO The S Peopfle's Exchange., n luiuij.iit v,l4rAlllu liuurr ivt vim KMilll t r 1 il v HiMfAD t.m il.. ' uenem 01 an ho ut moium io, , nrr.i, urn time or uincrj'rnPvTrij- io cjcm TWn Thr S'maU AdvfrtivmenM Cu 1 On Cfnt Word. Bin Insfrtiew lor lira ' f.l. . !. ." . nl. li.. l'..t.J 1 U'klk i... A- W ..M.wi mg tnanrQ rrc. OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Help Wanted Male. ACTIVK MAN IV LAIIGE MAM't'ACTrrtlNO koine; J-wno n rah paid for 12 ityn" trial, promotion ind pennanent pnslttori If t bfailory. Aildrtfs O. If. V, Co.. tlox 50:7, I'lilladrlfihla. I'J. Help Wanted Female. WANTED-ninii roit t.icinr nor.r,wonK. iv family of two. Call accond floor Utl Adaina avrnuc. llAltf) MI.K UM)Ens AM) uotnu.r.S; Mcidy ork and I'atrrron cale 1 w-agfi paid. Apply to Talace Illbbcti ManufaCturln,' te.. Soiith AllcntotMi. I'a. Wanted. WANTU-SKf'ONDIUND IttON PMOhF.iTACh. SO er 8 intlita in dltmrtrr, about .15 fret !un. (iitrn l(d(r Lumber Co. Situations Wanted. SlTt'VTIOX WANTEn I1V A W05IAN TO fiO out by the day uadiliiff, ironlnR or eleunlne. or t.iko nashlnc; home. fall or addtCNi 1119 Ctdar avenue. A I1EI,KCT.V111.K (iinti WOULD LIKE TO PO tookliiRi can (live bet rrferencc. ricaie ei at .V)f Itibecia avenue. Il.vdo Park, city. WANTED-A SITfTtOX IIV AN' EXPERIENVKD (tenogupher jmi lvp.wrlter, beat rcferencea Sit en. Addrcai K., Tilbunc offlce. SIT1A1I0.V WANTED-nV A iOPNO nint,, It .vcjra old, to take cire t children, or to do IIkU liomcuork. Call 111 Throdoio street, Piotldcnrc, Pa. sh CATION" WANTED-BV A YOfXn (Jlltt, TO d.j Kdicial lioiaeuurk, 'MZ l'utium tlieet, ill. SlTI'VliON- VVANTI,l)-nV A tlinL, 1.". EAI!S old, tn rlo light liomcvvcrk. Addrc- -W Putnam street, Xoitli End, eit.v. Mii;.vnox WAVTKD-nv r.ooKKEEi' eniplojed at present, but vho wlilies to ilwnjcc. Addiesj V. V. (I., uie ol Tribune. MTIATIOV WAMED-BV EOV OK 17, tV n olfiei? or etorc; lefeuncc. Addicts O. II It., thU offiie. ending December ....l,001,27S,O00 1,030,411,000 Irante, U monlhs ending December . . S0I.Ij9.0Oi) 77,000,000 Gnece, 0 montlu end lug Jun- 6,975,000 7,2lO,tijO luilii (IliltUh), 7 month,, ending Octo ber 190,7J'',Olt 131.8TP,OiO Italv, It montlis cntb ing November 2V),31 1 ,97.1 2Jf,31S,W6 Mexico, I months end ing October StSlti,sa 2t,9i5,(t7 I'ortugal, G months ending .lime l,2il,0(rt 17,261,000 Russia (.Euifipean), 10 monlhs Hiding Octo ber 2 V,, 190,000 29),517,000 Spain, 11 montlis end ing November t,073,00t l.'J.STP.OOO Switzerland, 0 months ending Leptember .. 111,037,1X10 11? 70tJ,O0O United Kingdom. 7 months ending Janu ary 7t,2o;,.v:a 8:3,201,317 I'nitnl htitiit, 7 months ending Jauu arv 7ST.39l.T02 S37,702,:j7 I'hlllppliic fslandi, T months ending Jul.v, 8,3l5,55t 14,2U,J13 Torto Itico, o months ending December .. 2,24."i,O!0 2.274.S39 Uukuj.v, 0 mouths ending Nptrmbcr ... W,0i:,05l 21,207,181 Impoited into Aigcntlni, 9 niontln ending September ... ?l,l()7,09i Sf,40O,2J3 Aibtiia-llungarv, 1.' months ending De cember 3i,fiOO,571 311,74.6,003 Belgium, 12 months ending December . .. tio.277.000 401,110,000 BulgaiU, ii months ending June 6,4t0,.-7J .1,051,371 Canada, 5 montlis end ing Notembcr 71,301.117 7l,9is.79i Lapo of Good Hope, 11 months ending No vcmbci C,012,iai 70,694,317 EgJT'i W inoiithi. end ing Dceembcr CtJ,j30,S:7 69,757,110 fiance, 12 months end ing Deicmber 872,033,000 S50,fit,,000 Geruuii), 12 months ending December ....1,301,977,000 1,322,550,000 Greece, 8 month end ing June 11,916,S37 10,9o,1,a:0 ludi (British), 7 months ending Octo ber I1l,92t),il( 130,910,460 Italy, 11 months end ing November Stll,55;,ll 274,766,032 I lnVln t .......II.. ...1. 1. MSU, . lltUMMI. .11',- lug October 17,260,5.11 19,Sfj,35J fortugtl, tl montlu ending June 21,103,000 31,139,000 llussl (European), 10 months Hiding Ovlo ber 2),105,0OO 2'0,s3(,rjO Spain. 11 months end ing November 153,(k!0,0i 1IS5S7.000 PnituTland. 9 months ending September .. 16l,f0'i,(mO 137,107,000 tnited Kingdom, 7 nioiitlm Hiding Jinu nry 1,123,177,013 1.352,2Js,321 United htates 7 months ending Janu ary lS6,fl9,3jl 4V,ll,o;i Philippine lland. 7 months ending Jul). 0,310,010 II, 704,173 Porto lllro, 0 months ending December .... 5 231,712 4.733,16 Unigua). 9 months end ing heptembet l(i,91l,21 19,251,2J9 Domestic exports onl). NUBS OF KNOWLEDGE. iluiday is ronndcred an urlucky diy for the i0)al family. William III, Queen Anne, George I., G.orgc II, Groigc III, Gcoige IV, the Duchess of Kent, the Pi luce Conoit and Pi luces Alice died on aturda). The Mate government of Pin bio, Mex , has prohibited faint and local iiej,p.ipci unplunl Its action. Ot of them savs that the old Jolly tlestaa have elcgeiieiated into mere drinking and gambling prccs-"a public leptoach." A bird never before seen at the London Z,'0 is the open bill, and It owes Its rsmc to tin fut that the two hihes of it beak do not meet for come dittanco firm t lief r lutes, 'the open-bill is tall, with long legs, ptetumabl) for wcdlng, and halls from Africa. The Co optritliK iiibociaticn of llasd, Sw ftzer- hud, contains 19,011 incnibcis, who bouhht neatly 2,00,OiW worlh of provUlona. c, lait car, and got back 0 per cent, of their evpendi tuicd. This Ins led fu tho fouuatlon of an op. l.ltlon ns.ocl.itlon of nnall dealers. W, J, While, inspector of Canadian linml giant ngenclcs, states that tho American settlers who went Into the Canadian Northwest last i car took with them rath and efleets valued at ifo,0iX,0iJ0. Between 14,000 Mid 13,000 hcttlers 1 1 oni the United Mate cncd the lorder. The Kent County Savings bank, located In Grand Itaplds, Mich., will in fuluie be con Uuiled on tho pront-klurit.g plan, according to in announce nit lit Jul made. Each emploje is to become a member ol the firm and a S per cent, fund of all ramlngs Is to bo divided )carl). 1 indlng that it has nn;ilis nf AO(iO,noo In the treasury, tlie Dominion of Canada has de termined to take over the telegraphlo ttjitem of tho rolopy Into government owucrohlp an) will operate it, as in England, ts part of the Cam. dim potal )t(iu. In England this plan of government ownership has. been a luecc, and Tor Rent. irfwwai'wA ojj (ini:ES niiifii: Miuxr. ti'n uooms modern Improvement; ttcam bet furtil-liudi tKilrablcl J-.'.VW. I'OK IIKST-FI.NOLB HOl'SK, WITH lMiMim't'. ment, in cllyi price, $:.. Apply n W. ,. Hlnlner, Tcxs Mirroe atmte and D, 1.. fc '. dipot. v ion im:nt doi'dm: norsn, i.atit im- rrirtrmrnta, lovrlv location, lurroiiinleil Willi trecu, 215 and '.'13 Madlwn avenue, (ircen Ulilc'. ion iiK7r?:n rKrt month, mom:. ai bnekawann avenue, In'inlio on iiiemlce. DKMKMIU: IIOl'sB o.V MAW'-OS AVI'.M R for rrntj modern ImpiovemetiU, Apply I" ' Itoee, '.'JJ l.jtkmvjniii avenue. iiotkij roit KENT-iNsifini: or mhs. ,t. 1-. Jones, Main street, la)lor. Tor Sale. jX KfS S. "K W rort svi.i: ladies' niAtnox. ai in i.vuiv wav ; high guile: Scranton makej almost Iran new. Apply at W1 Montoe avctiie. hEDUOOM SUMS AND OTItEIt ftlnNITl III, cheap! must m1I, Si! Mulberry Mieet. I'AtiLon ri'ttN'nuti:, 11 r it.(i and au, household Roods; taigahi. 623 Mulberry sttect. 1011 SAI.E-10 IIEAVV DRAVT IIOR'-IS M 4 good riritcrs, at 221-22J Oakfotd eouit, J. M. Field. nN0 1011 SAIJ' -GOOD MAKE: tTHIllllT. very cheap. Apply to Y. Hlwlnger, 70S Monroe avenue. IOH f-AEE-lOUNTttY I'LACK. NEAIt I'l.EA- ant hka in Suinuchantu eountyt t'"j acru, 10 room hoiHc, barn, fruit. Scott, .tltoiney, lira is building. For Sale or Bent. lOIl MLC OR BENT-TIIE DIIIMNO PVUK Hotel i elegantly liirnUbcil; ptiwession slvin en tt-e first clay of April. pply to WllllJtn Craig, rate J'. Boblnjon' Sous' brewery Wanted To Buy. WAXTED-SECONDHAND SLOT MACHINES; mest be In good order, state particulars as to make ind prtie, Address L. M., genual de livery, Scranton, I'a. Business Opportunity. 3,000 00 WILL BL II LK INTEltEbT IN I.S tsblUhctl business in ixrniiton, and. If m' drlre, will ln-un month)) saliry ol S75 0) besides equal sluie in pronU. tall or addrcs (,'eoigp f. Vcieitm, 108 Conn-11 building Money to Loan. HONEY TO LOAN OX IMI'ilOVEl) CITY BLAL estate. HENRY 11ELIN, .111 ITIAX. II. WI.Ll.Ls THOMAS sPIIAC.IJE. MO.SEY TO LOAN OX BOND AND MOltlGAOE, any amount. M. II. Ilolgatc, Cummcnwcalth building. ANY AMOUNT Of MONEY TO LONN-fjUtCK, strsight loans or Building and l.oi.i. At from 4 to 6 per cent. Call on N. V. Walker, 311.315 Connell building. Recruits Wanted. NNSV- WANTED JOB V. S. ARM t ABLE BODIED, unmarried men between ages of it and ."3; citizens of United States, ot good character and temperate habits, who can speak, lead and write English. Recruits specially delicd lo, service in Philippines. I'oi information appl) to Recruiting Offlce, 123 Wyoming .ive., Scran ton. Ta. Miscellaneous. jK NXsww DREss' P1,1TERS l'On SALE, 7.3 ( ENTs; 1011- mer prlie, ifl.50. .Mi MaiDonald, 3o9 ah ington avenue. ITCKMI.LK, P. MUtt'H 1), 1901 -BY THE undersigned, applications will be lecelccd for the portion of engineer at tlie eleclrie- light plant of Blakely boiough. All applications must be in bv March 2). Address conuiitinitalloiis to funk P. lienjimin, Secietary, Peckvllle, P.i, ny order of Geo. W. Williams, Pre.ldent Blakel) boiough council. LEGAL. TO THE HOLDERS (If BONDS M'Vllll.RS seven (7), eight ($), foily-ono (41) and forty-sl (16) of the Colliery Engineer I oinpany, being the bonds bearing date October lt, 113, and seeurid hy tliist moitgagc uf that clati, Plcsae Take Notice that in puisuanco of lho provisions of the said bonds and the titist moie gigc given lo rccuie the same, the bonds as numbered alove have been dian-ti bj lot toi pa)Tiient on the tlit day of April, 1901, and )ci are heiiby iiolillcd tint the same vtill be pud on the first div of Apill, K-01, at the LacU wanna Trust and Safe Deposit Couipaiiv, Tnutce named In the trust moitguge uliove re foiled tu, together with Intciett coupons attached theieto and lemaintng unpaid, and tint lntcical will ccae after the said date THE COLLIERY ENGINEER COMPWV. Scranton, Pa., febiuaiy 23th, 1901 PROFESSONA L. Certified Public Accountant. E. C. SPAUIDING, 2it BBOADWA1, NEW York. Aichitects. EDWARD II. DAMS, AltCHITl.Cf, tONNILL building. l. brown, .Mtcuni.rT, price building, 12G Washington avenue, Scanteu. Dentists. D. C. E. EILENBERGER, PAUI.l BLILDING, Spruce ttttel, Mranton. DR. C. C. LAUBACII, 113 WYOMING A ENCeT Seeds. a. R. CLARKE i. CO , i-EEDSMKN ND Nl RS er)mcn, stoic 201 Washington avenue; grtn bouses, 1930 Noith Main aenue, stole tele phone, 7b2. Schools. SCHOOL Of 'HIE LACKAWANVv, SCRAN IOV, Pa. Course prepaiator) to college, lace, mecli clno or business, Opens Sept. 12th 'cud for catalogue. Rev. Thomas M. Cum, LU I)., prlu eipsl nd rroprletoi; . E. riunile), A. M, headmaster. has secured not onlv levenm- for the govern ticul, but mcic clttclent and iheajier nrviee for the pc pie The Bukhara bunch of the Ceiitnl it ian nj), which has b-n conslnicted at the tvpence "f tlie Amli, fiom BuMiara t,ilion, em lint lni". to the tapital of his dominions, will be cpuitd for tratho in May next. Tin ts I si toil ot His line, which is twelve Kiloineiei font, imouuied to about 600,Oj) roubles. The sum of 7,500,tKI is to be cpcndei) be tlie Count) Ctiuneil ot I.ordon In luipitivliig the dwellings of the iiooier classes. 'Hiiro will hi a icbulldlng of homes cm a v,it scale, Willi .in linproiement of siultaiy londilfons. The king Is gieall) inlerslctl In this prnjtst, which h.i. long been under cotuddeiation. Every lobe-mukcr ill Londui alwacs lnps tomo of the inoit evpennvo robec ot rlitp thew of a registrar, for Injfonte-icndt, ami lemU (licni nut when oiliclals bice to tic Hum at auv great icremoiiy. Many a pcci. chin his poitult is to bo added to Hie fauillt pnlurs galler), has obtained tho criuuon nnd cimiiie Iioiu his tulbr for a small eu;i!dcratlon, hi Belgium the canal trifPi ifpircrnls on one-fouitli of the whole tial'lu tf the loimtn, averaging ton klloineiers unnualli, agaltut 2,2S0,ik,000 ton-kilomeltis of lallway tratlle s tie aiciagc frelgtit U It, ceiilimcs per ton kilometer for tianpoil by Inlind cngo, as against 41 riutimct by rnlh.ij, the total saving Is nearly To determine whether the hoic line has not been shrinking a corps ul eugiureis In Luiumg to tho 1'nlted Slaeg Coast ami Geodetic -nitty iltpirtment has been at wmlc cm llio 1'atlilo coj.l. It Is liiilc'H'il that the reulls of lli'lr labs will shove- lu I'ailifc lo hive- sunk cv eial Inches within the iinlui) nnd tu be gu'u down now inutli lllolr tapldly fhau tho Atlantic, It appears from Pusideht hi lot's uport ul last )eur' woik nt Ilinaid that lo)s cnler tol lec a tilde lounger than they did n ctnerailin ago, and tcwrr of them iiopoitlonally aie uuv prepared by prttalo tulms. The number eu terlng from publlo schools Is steadily Imieuiiih. Pi, Eliot think tint tho excellence of llio pit. pa rat or)' schools ought still luillur lo udiice tho avcragn age of inliam c. Lawyers. fnSK li BOiM.. noiiM'.v Vl'-LAW. Itooms, 12, 14, 10 end 18 Bmr building. r.K.TRAOVnTT'V, COVIMONWEAETII BI.DU, J. v. mtovvN. vrnmsi'.Y and rnf.SEi- lor-sldavv. Booms .112.111 Mears building. . ii. ni'.i'iotii.E. .vnoitxr.v loan1 si-po. tinted on real elte steuilty. Mesrs building, corner Washington acenue and ypnno street. Ml.l7IID. WAllltEN- KVM'f. ATrOltM'VI nnd rounsellorsnt law. llepubliean liulldlng, Wnsliingloii avenue, ji:svin,-ivJEh'si'V, a nonE s and cmix- sellers atdaw. Cjiinnonweallli building, Booms 19. 20 and 21. EDWA11I) W. 1HArn. AITOHNI'.V. OulOOl, on, ilo,.r, Mtars building, ItOOVtS L. K. WVTIIIW. .VnollNI'.Y-ATI,AV, HOABD of Trade building, Scranten, I'a. PArrEiTsov "1eoox. TitTt)iTitV nation Mj Bank building. r. eoMEovs. o-n ni:rt;ni.n w nfiU'iN" a. v. Bi:nTiioi.r. ttoii"i:y. meah m-""' riiy3icinns nnd SurRCons. PB, W. E, ALLEN, 513 NOItril W H1N010V itenne. DR. S. W. L'AMOREVUV, Ol I'H P. 339 WASH ington avenue. Residence, Uia Mulbetry. I hronle tllseases, lungs, heart, klduc.ia and Bcnllo-urlnary organs a rpeciall). Hours, 1 to 4 p. m. Hotels nnd Ivestaurnnts. THE LLIC CM E. lit. AND 127 I'ltANKLIN AVE nue. Hates reasonable. P. Propiietor. SCRvN'TON 1IOt"i:, NEAIt D, L. k W. IS. enger depot. Condiiclnl nn the European plan. I;iOR KOCH, Propiietor. Wire Screens. JOKPIl KfEITIL, REM! fill LM'KAWANNA avenue, Scranton, Pa, manufaetiuer ol Wire fc'uceiu. Miscellaneous. DBfrtM SUING IOH CHILDREN 10 0111)1. P; also latlkji' ualiH. l.uuls Shocmakir, 212 Adams atctiue. A. B. I1R1GHS Cl.l.VNrf PRIVY Al'LT-S AND icm pouls; no odor. ' Impioved pumps Used. A. B. Ilrlggs, propiltlor laave oidei ll orlh Main atomic, or EliU'rf tltug store, cor ner Adams and Mulbeiry. Telephone o-, Jilt. L. T KELLER, SCM.P THE VIMENT, Mc.; shanipoolig, 50-.; fvclil masjge; manicuring, 25c.; ihlrcpody. ,ol Quiiic). BAUER'S OHCIIEsTIM Mt'MO foil BALLS, picnics, parlies, letcptioivs, wedding and ton cert woik- furiiWicd for tenns address B f. Bauer, condtutor, 117 W)oming avenue, over Hulbert's urn-do store. MEGMttll.E BROS. PltlNTfRS' SUPPLIES, E' v elopes, paper bigs, ttviiie, Wanhoiise, 1..0 Wasliington avenue, Scr.'iilon, Pa. THE WILKES II VIHIP BECORD (AN BI. II 1 In Scranton at the lnws stands of lteimin Bios.. I9i) Spiuce and 303 I.lnilen, M Noiton, !22 Lackawanna avenue, 1 S. iihutnr, 211 Spruce street. RAILROAD TIME TABLES. Lehigh Vrilley Bnihoad In I.ITcct Vhrtli 1. lofll. Trains leave -Vianton for Philadelphia and New 3 oik via D ,V II B It,, at 0 45 and 11 33 a. m., and 2 IS, 4 '7 (Black Diamond Espus), and U,o) p. m Sun davs. D k II R. R . 1 1W, 8.27 p. in for White Haten, llazletou and piinclpil points In the coal regions, via I) k II. It. It., 1. 13, 2.18 nnd 127 p. m. foi Pottscillo, 1.27 p, in Por Bethleheiu, Ea.ton, Reading, Hirrisbur ami principal tntermedltto stitlous vl I) k II, R. B., 0.43, 11.53 a. in.; 2.1S. 1.27 (Btick Dia mond Kxpros), 11 0 p. m. -iiiiL'a)s, D. i, II. R. R., 1.58. jt.27 p. tn for Tunlihaiinoik, To.t.uiil.i. ITinlra, Ithaca, Geneva ami principal intermediate stitlons, vii D, L. i. W, II. It, S S a. in , 1.03 and 5.10 p. tu. for Geneva, llothester, Buffalo, Niagara fall, Chicago and all points west, via I). 4. If It. 11 , 11.53 a. m. 3.3.) (Black Diamond Express). 7. H, 10.H, 11.30 p in. Sm.d.i)s, D. A, II. It. K., 11.55, S27 p. 1 1 Pullman parlor and sleeping or Lehigh Valley parlors lars on all trains between Wilkes Bine and New 3 oik, Philadelphia, Bulfalo and Su-v person Bridge ROLLIN II. WILBUR, Gen. Supt., 20 Corland Mitct, New Yoik. CHARLES s. MX. Gen. P.t. A&t., j Coitland street. New York. A W. NONNEMACIIER, Div. Pa-s , Agt South lltthlrhcm. P.i lcr tickets and Pullman re-eivatlons apply to SO1) Lickawanna atcnue, Sei.intou, Pa. Delaware, Lnckawnnnn nnd Western. In Effect Dec, 2, 1900. Soiilli Leave Sei.intou for New Yoik it 1 10, 3,00, 5.50, SfX and 10 03 a. si i. , 12 35, 3.UJ p, in. Por Philadelphia at SIM and 10 03 a. m ; 12.33 sml 3 33 p. in for StiomNhuig at 0 10 p. lit. Milk ion at 3 10 p. tu Vuhe at llobokcn at 0 30. 7 ), 1U2J, 12 IW. 3 13, 4 4s. 7.11 p. m. Arrlvo .ct PhiladelphU at l.Oil, Ail. (Ol and S.22 p m. Airlve fiom Ne 3oik at 1.10. 4 On and 10.2! a in ; I (, 1 52, 3 tl. S 13 and II .",0 p. m 1 rem stioudbuig at f ill a m. North Leave Scranton lor llitflilo and Intel, iiicdiutc stations at 1 15, 4 10 and 9.1") a. in ; 1.55, 5 4" ami It 33 p. m for Oawcgo and t")ii. cum! at t.10 a in and 1 53 p in. for Ullc i at 1 10 a. in and 1 55 p. us for Montr jso at puil a. ni : 103 nnd fi.Jf p in. for Nicholson at I no and 0.13 p. in. foi Blnghiiliiti n nt 1020 a in. r live in "-ci inton from Buflilo at 1 '5, 2 33, 3 .3 and 10.00 a in ,1..iO and SCO p. In fiom Os wigo and S)riiu-e at 2 3.3 a, lu., 12 Is mid MX) p. tn. from l'tlta nt '2 53 a. m ; 12 3s nnd !,:') p. in, front NlchoUoti at 7,fal a in mid n.OO i in. from Moiitioo at WOO a. in. , .1.20 mid '.00 p. m Bloonisburg Division la-uco "-. uilnii f,,r Noithuuibillanl, at i.t", 10 0, a in , 1 i, md 5 50 p. m. for PI) mouth at 103, :, 10, p in, for Kingston fct S 10 a. in. Virlce ut Nurtli uinberland ul 0.13 a in ; 1.10, 5 On and H'i j, m. Airlte at King-Ion at s.3'2 a in, Airue ai Pl.vmouth at Sou, 4 :.2. 0.13 p. m nite sis Scranton from Nortlumibciland at 9 42 a. in; 12.33, 1 50 nnd i 13 ii in 1 loin Kingston r 1100 a m. Plum Pi)inoulh nt 7 53 a. in.; .! "il and 5 35 p. m. SUNDAY THMN South -fa-ato Sci,.nton at 1 III, ...fs, ,3.5t), 100", p. ni.; A3.) ami ,: 10 p nt. Notlli Leate Sciauton at 1 13, 1.10 a m , 1 5), 5.18 and 11.J3 p m Bluonibi,rg Diviriuii Leave Scranton at loo, n. ni. ami 8 50 p. in. Delaware nnd Hudson. In l.flect Nov. 23, Hjssii 'lialtis foi I'aib'indalo leatn Si.iiiIoii at il :i 7 , S.5.!, IO.1 1 a ns ; 1 ' t'. I '"'. 2 II, .1.52. 5 2't, 0.3, 7.57, 9.15. 11.15 p. in ; 1 It, a. ni. for Hoiicedslc -0.20. i. us ; 2)1 and 5 2) 'Vol' Wilkevtltrro si 13, 7 t. 8 11. 9 :s, ion, 11.5.3 a. in ; I.2-. 2.1" -T J'. I -'. ID 7.1s. m.n, for L. 3, ". R point 0.13, 11.30 a m , 2 U I 27 and 11 0 p m. for Penns)lvnU l! It. puints-1),43, 98 ,t in.; '2.1 and I 27 p. m. fur Vlbaiiv and ill wints 11011I1-1I20 a tn """'"'''"sfSDVY 11MIN- nr (.tibomlili; 9.W. 11 w a. 111.; 2 11, i.52, 5.47 10.52 p. in. for Wllkc-Bario13-, It t3 a mil 3j, I :, t -.'7, 8 27 j. lu. leu Mbaisv .ind peilnts notlli -.1. j) p in for lloiiii-ililt 1" " " '""I -1,52 11 111 lovtest talcs to all points in Unrttd States and C'"'.T.'ail IIUIIDirK. .' P M'un.v. V. V. II W. i l0s. D. P A. Sciauton, Pa. Centinl Knihoad of New Jeisey. Mallon in Net. 01Ulu1t of Liberty sUct, N It . sisid Ccatlli Peiri TIMi: '1 Mil I', IN I fl I I' 'V'Y. 21. I'iM. Tialin Itate 'winnlm ' ' "t York, Nch 11k, lllibtth. Philad.-liilila, I astcui, llelhlehein, M lintnvvn, Maiuli 1 luml. "'"1 White Hivcn nt S..'a, .1 in ; expire, I to,, J 5u p. 111. Miud.i)a, "I'or'V'l'itsliiii and Wilkes Itsiie, S M) a, 111 , i.) and J 50 p. n. Minda. ;. '-' .' P 111. Pol Balllmoie 11ml W i.hlnBtnn. and points South and West vll Bethlehem, H.M i. 111 ; 1 pj and J.M p. m -uml'). '2 1 p 111. fur lanii: llianch. Ocean drove, etc, at 9.50 a in. ami 1 lu p. in. lot Ri.iditis, Libainn and II iriUbute,', via AI. lentiivvii, s..u a. in. and 1.10 p. m Suudajs, " for Viiltn llle. S SO a. in. in 11 111 p 111 'Ihiouth tickets lu all polntx, south and iul at lowest late nl tin statiuii. II P. H M DWIV lb H. I'-"'. it. J. II. OLIIALMLV, en. Supt. Eilo nnd Wyoming Vnlley. '1 mm Table in Hint Stt. 1,', 1'ttm. Irabu Id llivvlcv ami local H,lnts, cuniiei-l In; al lluvlry wltli file liilllond for Niter 3ik, Ncubun; and iiitiiiuctliatt points, have Sun ton al 7,05 u 111 and 2 25 p tu 'Italr.i unite at snautttii at 10 ,0 a, in. an I 9.10 p. 111. IT k 1U We are displaying our new selection of 'prilug Shirt Waists livery style is new and all the patterns are our exclusive de signs. Our line em braces: Dimity Waists, (In White and Colors.) White Pique Waists, "White Lawn Waists, White Embroidered Waists, White Corded Waists, The "Senior' Black Silk Waists are un excelled in style and lit. A line of Black and Colored Silk Waists at $3. 75, well made and perfect fit ting. A rare bargain. 510-512 LACKAWANHA AViEK Our windows full of odds aud cuds in Box Stationery that will pay stationery buy ers to look at and examine. Mostly all Whiting's finesf papers. ReyeoldsBros Stationers and Liigravers, Hotel Jcimyn Building. RAILROAD TIME TABLES. Schedule tn Effect Mny 87, 1000. Tialns lenvo Scinnton, D. & H. Station: 6.45 n. m., week dnys, for Sunbuiy, Hnnisburg, Phllndelphln, Bnlti more, Washington and for Pitts burg nnd the West. 0.38 a. m., week days, for Hnr.leton, Pottsville, Rcatllnij, Nonlstown, nnd Philadelphia; and for Sun buiy, HnnisbuiR, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Washington nnd Pltts buig nnd tho West. 2,18 p. m., week days (Sundays, 1.08 p. m.) for Sunbuiy, Hauls buip, Philadelphia, Baltimoie, Washington nnd Pittsburg and tho West. For Hnzleton, Potts ville, Reading, &c, veek days. 4.27 p. m., week days, for Sunbuiy, Hazleton, Pottsville, Hnriisburg, Philadelphia and Pittsburg. .1 B, WOOD. Hen Tass. Azt .1 B. IIUTPHIN'-ON, Gen. Jlcr. Time Caidin rfficl er. 30fi, lOOO. SCRANTON DIVISION. IE HAVE I W! TO I Ml 203 806 OT ? 5 ikfr MVTIOSS ' frf--' 2 &; r. v f. " , pci "" "M r ' 7 lQAr V .VVItdWI I.r S U) , MI.-fM " , , , M"PM lOiVlrolr t' L ,.105 4 30 . 10IUUM " llsniHxk " Jlliss , 1011 J tS NticrllKllI . " I- asi46 . IIIJI 31 " IWnn l'srk. 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