'? ,w THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE-MONDAY, MARCH IS. 1901. i 'f t . O.tlGG: BURKE BUILDING THE PEOPLE'S EXCHANGE A rort t..n n i..inn iini'.si: (or ihc nem. v lit ot All Who Have. House to llcnt, Heal 1'jiUte or Othfr Piopeity to Sell or K.ilintc, f Who Wont Sltiiitions or Hclp-Tliem small Ad. vcrtbcmentii Cut One 'ml u Wi.nl, -It Inset !! na lor lice frnln a Word -1'Aiipt Stintim Wanted, Which Ale Itucrtrcl 1'rcc. io-r i.rM i s it i.hniM)N" mi -i( mum: mil prliiir tlnil, 11 iialih I "I', llus-i m mill pendinl, re mil II x , ( aili tidale AN INQUEST HELD. Coioncr Kobcits nntl a Jmy Invtstl gatc McCnnn's Dentil. Coroner l)r .lohu .1. Kohoits. of S tuntnll, i HUH to this ell oil the llisf. tniln nil S.I till (In v looming to imiulio Into the ciiciunstttnccs of the death of IV tor Mcf'.inu. who (otninlttrd mii Ida, by hanging himself In a mil In tho lty J. ill on I'lldiiy alii moon, llo wont at miio to Mollnh's inoigue to lew the leninlm. iiiid thou Inipauolkd a Jill, composed ot the following citliif !. Uvniis. !. It. Van duplet, .1. r. Miiliulou. .latin s Hell, i: .1 Mcllulc iiml Wllllnni (ii.ibiiin. Tin July lcwid iho bod at the inoiKiii! mid i N. indued M'ii,il wit nesses, among Hi in John Mutray , I'uhb, fui whom tho diooii"oil in, in had wotLi.il, and fioiu whom bo hud stub u ' tho iiiotuj. i ml who in iilo tho com . pl.ilnt which lod up to Mol'ann'.s nil est and lniii imiiiiiii til. Constable I). .1. Ni'.ii.v. who hiuoght Mi Tann Mont AVIIkos'Uilllo and dcllvcltd lillll at tho i Ity jiill n fow boms In fui o bis death, fllltf of l'oll. MiAndlow. who tlls iooiol iho bunging body in tho i oil mid whu tut lit in duvvn, William Kil Icpii, i tisu.dLui ot the t Ity Jail, who bad bud two i onv oisatloiis with tho pilsouei' dining tho .'ifloi ilium and who Mid that ho wits" Moiiiinulv In good spltlls, mid two In ol hois uf tin1 dead nmn. IJ.nli of those witnesses woio c:.nmluci1 can fully by tho coiomr and IiIh Jin in s. and then the Intiulsltois wont to tho i. It piKou. whcie they lowed Iho poll and tin? fiuginents of thoKVoiod suspciuli'is, which woio lift ImiliriMK by the tllv polbo alllbotltlos tor tbl.s puipoo. Tin n tho Jm y went to the loom of th" lfu.it l of health and In a Miuit tlnio loiub'iod the lulluwltti; Acrilict. "IVter Mi (.'aim camo lo his. ihath by baiifjliis blmsolt In tho illy Jill. I'nr boudule, Mutrh 15. botwcru tin- hums of I! and I p. m , whllo ilospnndoiit ' Thr two biothois ot MiCimti uion Honcd abuxo mo M.ullii Mirnnn, a (iioenllvld fanner, and .Iniiiey MiC'iinn, of I'llffniil Hesidos thfM MiCann Is tiinlvtil bv a hlit ir. Mi1- l'lanl; Whlto. of .Vow Ouiiwi N .).. and a balf-hlhtor, M:t. Mlihuid JIart. of this Ut. ho far as Known thei-e aio bis only roUlhe.s. ho beliifr iinm.uiioil, .tint hl Jather mid mother being- dead. After the inqinst tho imoncr Rao the two btciibus poi mission to icmove the budy mid It was taken to the boine ot libs biotlur Mai tin. In (iieoiillLld, t-.ituiday iittoinoon. Tho funeral hi-i-U-en woio In Id tlii'iL jcoti'iduv nf tor noun at 'Z oVIoek. U.-v. II .1. Whalen, V. V pastor of tho lleiean DaptNt oliuieh ut HiK iltj. olllolatliiK at the ob-o(iiilo.s. Tho Hin.ihih woio intcired In hoe's ie mi toi In ilioonllold. REV. PEABODY PREACHES. Special Setvlces at the Congiegntion nl Chuiclt YcRtculny. The Fpi Mtil inuvii londoiod bv tho ibeilr of the Tlisi ('onKieg.illoiml ilureli K.M pii!'ii; was the hett that bus boon j;lfii ot The anthoni, llntk. llaile My hi.iil." In which Mls I'.enson saiiK tho tmllirnto, was a lbh lioi.t. She was wll siiin)itod by the otbtr portion tC tbr ilmh. i:o ir. I. IVnbody, luntr tifhocl iteil with lo 1? 1'ay Mlllr, tho lamuiie e'miffpt. was the ipOHl, r (ind dolhoiod a uy foi -t Ible bcininu Tho p,iioi. l!ov. M i". i:i!lott. pitaihoil on "Th" l.lii- link oil1 at the tniiinliit,' hcivIco. Those who boniel him prnnoiiniod It H.o must mo. lottiul oik. tn llnp illKi-nurrp be lus .sot rIviii troin that pulpit The musical 1 roj-tamio. nx gnou last nhjlit. fol low: (T.rlci ii If mine i, s, ( mlr V. ,, I'.iloujnl lljtUu Sir Vikr ,,utbcm--"rin Tliii lui-f .. .. It lllomiulkt lUet "JJ t'ultlt 1hU t i In Tliri" ..I. Uituu'i Ml4 licmim, Mr. UuOt .Mithfm "llaiU, Hark Jly soul" II IIM ItOtto s,l, c Mit. I-inJt anil (tiuiun f-olo "Tilt! llmiwiilj IlKiim" .. Iitluiic )tl llnnfii lolln ml" 'Iriiuiiidln ' . . Nlimiun "uctluUi1- -"Ilulli Iiij.iIi I lioiu. .lUmlrl Mi N.o lui A Now Pnslot. TIip l!- William llnllliiKhlii'il. of MubukL'li. N. J., bus ii'iMiled lb" call to tho t'toslo terlan chuiih In Koiest i'lty. lib- loiin.i . Mini, k in i jiiik'i -t tan with llii.s pasmi.iti will alfio im braop a hiinilay aftoinoun mmiiioii In the Hcooiid l'u sbytoi Inn oliuioh ot this olty. .Mi. UollliiBtdied Kpoko In this ihilich cstiiday nltPiuouii lur Hip thlid iniiMiuitliu Siindii. and Ills io niui kn weie well locoUed by a good tiri.il iiiidleiin,. lie Is m oauicM. juioo Jul hpcuK(.r. mid loniblnen depp htudy with a pleusliiK ibllM'l He will be a w'clco.1111' addition to thu i Ity ilHInos. .iU'1 aUhuiigh bin woik will lie piln t'lpally In I'uu'st City It Is to bo hoped tlt.it h?.w;ill luuke uuiiy tileiuU In the Pioneer Clt. Funeinl of Helen Golden. The lemulns of little Ilplen Coldcn, tho Infant daughter of Mi. and Mis. Hut L Oolelen. weie bin led on Satur ebiy aftcinoon in Mapluwuod cemetor. The funeral tet vices were held at J.iiu n'ceck at the p.u cuts' residence on IMik stteet. Ilev. A. F. Chafteo, pastor of the Kltst Methodist Hplseopal chut'ch, lOiiductliiK them. A number of Jloral offeilngs aduincd tho casket. CIij' Chiipnuin, Win ion .Swingle, lhi. gebo Haines and Clcuigo AlcNiindcr woio lhi' pall-beairis. An Increase Should Bo Given. The iit' n uf Llbiailan Yarilngton to the It uiiiK'Hs for an lueieaso In his salni' Is a matter that should bo inlfs Curos a Cough op Cold at onoo. e.ilntir mid Coonimutloii. Q tl., ''""; nil- "iMIIscureConstlri'tlfn' SOplllilOu COUGH Cat bond ale Department. ncted upon lit (Hue. It should not be (luliijod until tin tippiopibitloim may bo innile for tlm setting uslde of u Mini fur the inulnteiuumj of a now llbiiuy building In iiccnidunco with Mr Cur iiirIo'h offer. Tlmt mutter will nut eonio ui lor some tin. Is. Ihc date mi whlrh the uppiopilntlon would lio 1 1 inly to be tliuwn upon will possibly In a eur or nunc Iipiicp, It the llbiury I ucceptod Willi Hh attached condi tions. Tho llbiailan'H subtly should lo Inctcnscd at once. Ills picsonl pay Is ii ildkiilously liuiilenuutc mini for tliu woik liu peifniins, and the aniounl of Intelligence lic'eof-saiy. Not only has Mr. YatiliiRtnii to keep In order spv cml thousand volutin, uiuuigo tluni for Instant handling, ami do innsldoi able inn mm I labor, but ho also has a gloat responsibility, and for the tit bonis a day tlmt ho devotes to the public ho Ik given a al.iiy lower in Piopnrtlon tli. in that of any city cm- lloC. THE CONVENTION. Many Fiominent Welsh Cletgymcn In the City to Attend It. Tho coineution of tho AW-Iuli Mollio dktf oi I.aikawnnna and l.uzcni' louuiirs wa.s opeiiid nt " o'clock on Siituiilay pvenlng In the Wolnh Motho- dlsi, chinch, on Kouth Chuirli htrcot A In i go number uf delegates, eleig nicn and Inyinoit. wcip In attendance Aftci th" omanlatlou o! the eoinpn t ion bin', boon loinpletoil scilcos of a n llglous iiatuie woio londiuted by lb Million Hughes, of Koine, N". Y, mid Ki'. JJi Wllllnni Drvlcs, of l.olk lllo. yeatoidnv iiiuiulug thi'io woio aNo two puaihcis In ihuigo of the hm i Ici s, ai'ilussos being made by l!e. William I). Jenkins, of YVIIKef-njiio, and 15m. John Morris, of 11 do I'aik. In the afternoon at 2 o'clock. Ilev Hi Itoboitfi, or W'llkps Itarrp. iklleiPd ti hii uioii In tlio Kiikllsh lan'ingo. At tho e oiling mm vb e. Hvv. luild ltob fits, of W'anlors r.uu.mid Dr. ISobeits, of Wllke'S-Haiio, bad cbiuge of tho sol Ices A huge- uuniber of local ihmtli-goeid, augmented bv tho dole gates, tilled tho e lunch lo Its capacity at till set t ps M'stoula. OBITUARY. Miss Elizabeth Nealon. Miss ClUabotb Nealon dbd call on Mtuula inoinlng at tho usidenio of Mis. i;ilon Koll. un South Chunh mii ot after a lltigeilng llhnss of stom al h dlsea.so. ageel about r,u jeai.s. Mls.s Nealon was bum In (.'minila She bad ni.uk In-i liouir with the Kelly family tui about tbli l -loin eaih. She was the daughtoi uf the lute Thomas Xtnlou and Mat Nealon. She was a member uf Si. rinse ihuiih and was of ,i quiet, retlllllg dlsposltluu She had been In pool health foi a num ber of months ami for tho past ten weeks, had been i oiitlued to her bed. Miss Nealon Is hum hid b her mother, Mis. Mmy Nealon. ot l"i! South chin ih mi cot, one lit other, o Seleet Coimolhnun Thomas M. Nealon, and thieo lsleis. Miss Ilatbar.i Nonlon and Mis. H.utlov niglln. of this oil, and Miss Maigmot Nealon, of Holyuke, Mass. Tho fmiernl will bo bold ibis inoin lug at "J HO o'clock from the homo of her mother. Intoinnnt will bo made In St. Koso cemeti'iy Mis. John Stech. Mis John Stech, of Ma.Mield. died on Satin day niornliig at her home, ut ter mi llless lesultiug fiom blood pois oning, aged III oars She was well known In this ill Slip Is surled by her husband and eight chlldien. May Be a Smokei. Mime of the inembois uf tho Ciubon ilale Cycle ilub me contemplating get ting up a smoker as a sent ot fiuewell testimonial to Joseph Hoole, one of the club's most piumliicnt membeis, who will lcue for Seattle In the nenr fu tuic. Tho piopospei smoker may If hold this week. Mr. Hoole is one ut the boat d ot gocrnois uf the club, a member of trie' house committee and peiiiidical committee, and has elone a gtoat deal to biing the club up to Its piesent high lepule and lutluencc. Court Lily Piogiesslng. The iegul.il' meeting uf Couit Lily, No. SO, I'oiesteis of Anietka, was held on Sutuiduy evening. Tills lodge Is making l lipid stiides In piogiesslve-. Hess and at the piesont lute of growth will soon be. If It is not now, one of the luigest eomts in the county. On Sat urday e Piling eleven new membeis woio Initiated, making tho incinboishlp now HI".. Soldi pioposltlons fiom candidates weie also u celled. Thhtecn New Membeis. At the Flint Methodist Uplscopal i Inn oh esteidu moiuliig, the pastor, the Itei. A F Lh'UToe, leiulved tlilr tci'ti peisoiis Into lull membership with the e Inn ih. Hleieii of the number Joined by letter flout othei I'lillches and two by lonfesslou of f.uth, i fter the usunl poilod ot probation. Meetings Held Ycsteiday. Cii'imunla Slnplng Miclety. Knights ot Father Mutbew. H. U. Heudikk lodge. No. !H, llioth ciliood of Hnlliuuil Tinluinen. Centtal Labor union. Clgainiakeih' union, No, 131. s. II. Dotteicr lodge. No. hits. Dioth eihood of Locomotive Engineers. Meetings Tonight. Solee I i iuiih'II. School boaid. Ullie Leaf lodge No l.'.il, Independ ent Older ot Odd Fellows. Fodeuil union. No. TMI Yuung Meu'w Institute. Pulilotlc Onloi Sons of Anietka. liaibois' unluu. Elected Repiesentatlve. At the lust stated meeting of Luue tin lodge, No. 101, Daughters of lie. beknh, Mis. Homy Kiantz was elected lepiesentatli'o to the state assembly to be held ut Oettjabiug In May. Epwoith League's Reading Couise. On Tuesday evening tho rminih'Mn of tho Dpwoith League Heading com so will hold theli regular incctliiir oi th paisonage ot the First Mctbodlil :U. copal (.'(until. At the Opera House. Today -"The Pi line of Husola," Tonight "Fallen Among Thkves." Phone : NEW, 286 OLD, 0423 A NEW LODGE. Italian Citizens Otgnnizc a Couit of Foresters of America. A new court of the otder ot l'oiest- pim of Anicika bus Just been organized in this clt. The lust of thu picllm Inary inoctliigH pi lor to oigaulziitlou was held with Point Lily ot the snnio older on Saturday evening, and yes tcnbiy afteiiioon the Italian court was foinuilly stinted with about forty ihni ter inembois. It was decided to honor the maityted king of Itiilly In the title of the new lodge, and It will henceforth bear tho nuine "Count Humbert tho Klist " A committee to senile a hall and make all necessiiiy niiangpinent for meetings, etc., was appointed and Is now actively nt woik. The woik of the eoutt was emefully gone Into and the nicmbeis Initiated by Deputy Past Chief Hanger John .1. Kininet, assisted by Past Chief JlUinger (Jcoige llobbs, Past Chief Hunger Itlchun! J, DeleViin and John Me Council, all of Coin t Lily, No. SO. The new couit struts out under most fmoruhlc auspices and It will piobabl soon be i;omo one ot the Influential oiganlza tlous ot the city. A Flashlight Fatty. On Pilday conlng Miss May Ilulan enlei lulne'il a laige number of her ft lends ut her pleasant home on Lin- oln avenue, (lames and luusle and other social featuios kept up the nier i meiil until midnight, when teficsh r.'.ents weie served. A llnshilght plc tuie taken by On Io wii one of the Incidents of the evpiilng, Tho3e pies Plil wpip Mr and Mrs I'"ieilorl"'k I. man. Misses Mabel Keuwn''thy Cat lie Staples. Ilosa c.u nail, Tlllle She.r--er. Lizzie Wise. Minnie Martin, Hnttlc SIpk'.s, JMellne Tiavlze. May Hutnn, Maude Collins'. Minnie Sampson; Mpssim bled Cileas.in, Alva Morgan, Comail Wyble, Cm lis Lee Fred W'lr bold, Oia Lee. Thomas ITtle, lohn Moyles, Matt Do'ph and Thntvas L man. Amusements. Commencing with special matinee to day at J 15 the Lestci Walter Slock lonipanv will upon a wepks engage ment at the (ii.iiid Opera House In a lepeitolres ut eomedles and lomedy dramas, all news plays to our theatei goets. At todav's matinee they will piescnt the romantic comedy diaiua, "The Pi line of Iiusslu," and tonight the sensational comedy drama, "Fall en Among Thieves." Pleasing special tics win be lutiodiiccd at eiy perfoi m aiue. making no liiesoine waits. Mati nees will also bo given Wednoselny and Siituidu. Shetlff's Sales. The sheilfl'H sales of piopeity in this itlnlty were -us follows: The propel ty or Anna P.obai t, of Foil, nilmliilstiutilx, was .sold to the Sufet Investment and Loan compaii for $M.S-;. The piopeity of IMwIu Moon wns sold to Ciertiude Kiuntr, ndmluLstrn til, for $!,7v0. The piopeity of Jusoph Dosslpk, of Vmulllng. was. sold to John Armstiong. for $ll..',3. Other writs woio stayed and laid over until next Fildn. Quaiteily Confeience. Tho tegular iiuaiteily conference will be held In the First Methodist Kplsco p.il chin ill on Wednesday evening. Piesldlng Hleler Warner will preach a sennon, which will be followed by the conioioiiee. On next Sunday moiuliig theic will be a love feast In tho chinch at n o'clock mid .sacramental sendees nt 10.10 o'clock. Wedding Announced. Friends In this city of Mr, and Mis. 11. J. Dlnlnny, tomieily ie"ldents hero, huie tecelved announcement of the inaiilago of their daughtei. Cnnstance, to Mr. Sowlos, a oung business man of Salt Lake City, rt.ih, wheie tlic Dinlnns ate now located Cut Off Two Toes. Louis tioodwln. the sou of Dutlor fioodwln, had his toot Injured while at woik In the Wilson Creek mine. On Satuid.li ho was operated upon by Dr. Mnlutin in Dr. Wheelei's hospital, It being necessaiy to amputate two toes At Tilnlty Chuich. It was annoumed at Tilnlty chuich ycstenbiy that lie v. Dt. Johnson, of Pittston. will preach at Tilnlty chuich Wednesday oi cuing, and Ilev. i: J. Haughtou, oi St. D.i Id's chinch, Scianton, on Fiiil.iy uttoinuon An Opeiatlon. Mis. William Sujder was operated on In Ihuoigeney hospital the latter pait of tho week for a decp-sented ail ment, but Is now much improved St. Patrick's Day. CSiceii was tho piedmnlnatlng color estcnluy. Nartow snips) of emei.ild eoloicd ilbbon adorned the lapels of mtipy a man's coat, whllo nioie liberal sections figured In the millinery and In tlio hah and aiouud the thiemts ot the HAVH TO GIVE UP. Its All Over When Nervous Sick Headache Comes to Young or Old. Everything Stops and Nothing Goes on hut the Nervous Sick Headaches. If anything will engender a dlsie g.ud for oven life Itself It Is continued or oft-iopcated ultacks of sick head nrbe. You may bo able to p.utkilly den rlbe It. but the- Lugllsh hingllttg. fails to fully do It Justice. It's mlsciy so coin initialed, so condensed, so pios tiatlng tlmt all else Is enveloped In Its meshes. Mi. Thomas Siiuuueis. of No 1019 Jackson stieet, Scianton, Pa says: "Dr. A W Chase's Nene Pills me a splendid cmo for notvous sick head aches. Mine weie tenlblo nt times, I was nervous at the same time The netve pills wpio iicomuicuclcd to mu mid 1 got ii box at Matthews Hios.' ding stoic, ,o. 3J0 Liickawiiiinn ave hup, and they eompletcly mrcd thu headaches anil iHriousuess. Tills, I think, Is itioninicndutlnu f.noiigb." Hi. A. W. Chase's Nerve Fills nie sold ut cWe. u box ut deulers, or Dr. A, W Chae Medkin Co, I'.uiialo, N. V. Sic that pni ti alt and slgnatuio of A. W Chase, M. i., ate on pvci.v pack i go. falter eek. One Rlroller obseived In front of the city building yesterday hud a cutlotis combination. It was n long niece, of grass-green ribbon on tho Inpel of IiIh e oat, held In plaeo by n ;, ellow -htaded pin mid m mounted by a red rai nation. The Individual thus Htrayed w-ustaii ollve-hued won of Italy. It was engy to guess that no loal sou ot Erin would pose on the strtel or In private with such ntt ornate get-up m lids wan. Linn's Second Offense. Albeit Linn, a solldly-bullt machinist of Uoimun nativity, faced Mayor Kll- patilulc cstenlay afternoon ror the second time In two weeks, cluuged with being drunk. The (list time Mayor Kllptitilek let hhn go on bis pirmilso to not fall n victim to In toxication again. On Saturday nftci nuoti Chief .McAndrew s'aw Albert on North Main rtieet In an almost help less) slate, but the machinist assiued tho chief he was on his way to catch n train for Scianton, and he was not arrested. Tho rhlet followed him, how pp', to hoc that he enmo to no harm, and ntter the machinist hnd gotten a few blocks along on his Journey, the elder taw that he did not know whore lie was going and was not capable ot caring for himself. So he took him Into the city Jull for safekeeping. At the bearing yesterday, the mayor reminded Albert of his promUe of two weeks ago. and Mr. Linn acknowl edged that he had erred, lie ills plued a paste on the Welaware and Hudson and said he wanted to go to Scranton to look after his motherless i hlldren. The minor Indicted a tine of 2.W. with a warning that next time he would not get olT so easily. The man paid the line and thanked the mayor for being w lenient and said he would not Ret drunk nguln. Officers Installed. The ofllceis Installed nt the public In stallation of Lackawanna encamp ment. No. 15, Independent Older ot Odd Follow s, on Filday night, by the gland lodge otllcers. weio as follows: Chief patl latch. Frank Love, lilglt priest, 13. II Stone; henlor warden, (ieorge Datey: Junior wmden, Charles Whltclnck Inside sentinel. Trunk Lud wlg; scribe. Harry J. Hall, tieasurcr, Chailos A Kasc: Hist watch, Flank Wells; second watch, Thomas J. Tut tle: third watch. Joseph Horn: fonith watch. Hugh Atkinson, fust gun id of tent, Isaac Singer: second guaid ot tpnt. IMwmd Hall; guide, C. II J. Sontng A Strike at No. 3. A number of the mlnctr onip!ood at No. 3 mine quit woik on Saturday tncunlng because, as they ray, they weie compelled to woik In foul chani bois and nlso becaitbe of some hitch In ipgnrd to their pay. At Hip time No 1 shaft was burned out. loom was luaelc in No. 2 for a number of the men tin own out of employment and they weie sent Into the old workings. Seventeen chambers of the edil work ings were eleclatcd by the men to bo too foul to work In. The Passing Throng. Willie Jones spent ye.'teid.i In Scranton. William Matthews Is out artor a fc veto illness. Hcniy Wilson spent .vesterday In Wllkes-B.wie. Miss Uniiua O'Neill, ot llonesdale, is visiting In town. JERMYN AND MAYFIELD. The icpoit of the pi oe codings of the special meeting of the borough council, which appeared exclusively In Sntur ela's Tribune, came as a considerable nurpilsc to the people, and has since turnlshed tho topic for locul conver sation. Whllo the oouncllmen ato com ing In for a shuie of criticism for de ciding the matter on the spur ot the moment, ns It wpk. theie appeals to he sonip .slight leuson in their argu ment that the Jeimyn company made no proper otter alter tho Crescent com pany amended their otlglnal offer, n i reaslng the amount they would pay Into the boiough treasury to $1,100. The Jeimyn company ulllcials mi-rely stated thev would "do as good as that or better." Theie was all soils of Illinois allo.it yesterduy to the effect that the bursess and ulllcials had been seived v. itli an injunction restraining them tiom executing the contiact tor ten le.us with the Crescent company. Theio was, however, no truth Jn the repot t. It is inoi e than piobablo some thing of the kind Is In contemplation, and the citizens of tho borough will watch with much Interest tho light be tween tin two companies. The home of Mr, and Mrs. Wallace Oakley, uf Fifth street, has been doubly blessed by the aiiivnt of a pair of little twin gills. Dr. and Mrs. W. J. Daker, of Cat bondale, spent esteiday heie with lelutlves. The "Llllputluns in Fall. viand" was again piesented in Assembly hall on Sutuiduy afternoon and evening by tho children of the Church of the Sacred Heart, to ciowded houses, the chlldien again scoiing great success. It was one of the most dllllcult, and at the same time meritorious, chlldien's en tertainments held In the boiough for a long time, tend those In chaigo of the ati'alr aie to be congratulated on Us sui cess. Mis, John Uiuke, of Cjibondale. was In tow n yesterday. PECKVILLE. Miss (liaee Ayres, who Is attend ing the Noimul schol at Wert Chester. Pa., Is home to spend Haster vaia lion ,'ih her patents, Mr. and Mis. A. A Avion, of Main stieet. It. J. TaIor Is very ill of pneu iimnta. Main stieet Is In nn almost impas sible condition. The mud is about a toot In depth, Miss Maud Finch, of Serunton. vis ited her mother. Mrs". Lucy Finch, of lllekoty street, yesterday. The Indies of the Daptlst ihiireh will bold a lummagc sale In tho near fu tu in? Miss Tlcrtha Pepk Is i (siting bee sls tei. Mis. Delia Kiug, of New Yoik Ity. Mr. and Mrs. Thoodoie White, of Sciunton, pent Sunday at tho home of AV. F Ketchlini. H. II. Tlaiber, who has boon danger ously 111, Is able to bo around the house again. The special evangelistic set vices at the Baptist church hnie boon well at tended. They will be continued this week. Nelghboilng pastors will preach. Ilev. M. It. Thompson will preach this evening and Ilev. P. V. Dotzong, of AVuMjiiy, tomorrow' evening. All are eoidlnlly Ir.vlttd to hear them JESSUP. The Ancient Order of Hibernians have cumpletcd arrangements for their social, which Is to take place at the St, James hall this evening. The In tel lor of tho hull Is bcuutlfully decor- Scranton Guernsey Hall IS TUB BEST- PLACE IN SCRANTON TO BUY A PIANO OR ORGAN Don't (all to conic an J sec as Rrc.it barnains are waiting (or you. J.W.GUERNSEY, PROP. 314-316 WASHINGTON AVE. SCRANTON. PA. In New Guernsey Bulletins. DAVIS STEAM DYE Co. 3W PENN AVE. Good called lor and drllerrcd. ClciniPZ, Hieing; and Pressing. ALL WO-K GUARANTEED. PHONE 373B Golden Gate Dining Rooms. Dot 23 rent med in the city, flee MjI IlclscU. M 00. Sunday dinner 'reel"' Home nude I'jstrj. 244 ADAMS AVE. W.J. Barriscale. MANTELS. 1 lie-place trimming' ELECTRIC. COAL AND QAS ORATES 1111ns tor floor" TELEPHONE. 312 WASHINQTON AVE W. A. HARVEY. Kleclrlo Wlrlnc and I'htiirn Klectiic Hell and Tclrplione Wotk 309 COMMONWEALTH BUILDING. J. B. WOOLSEY & CO covr?iC7"o?s AND BUILDERS. Dealers In Plate Glass and Lumber O" ALL KINDS. Kingsbury & Scranton, Manufocluren' Atcnti MINE AND MILL SUPPLIES. Dittriet AurnU lor .lolm V ItoeblliiE's Sonc I o, Wlic llopi .Hid Hcctrli.il Wire, flull.i I'eidie and ltul.liei Mfk lo'e Ilfllinp, PaoKinc, Iloic and Mcelimlial ItuMier CiooiU. kiiowlton PacKInc Caitei'a Oil Clotlilnir Itiwm .110 Panll IIMir W. H. GORDON & SON. Hoic Shoelntr anl fleneral tlUclinltl In J Wagon and Otrlugc liiill'llns,' 339 ADAMS AV-NUE, ntcd for tho occasion The committee In chnigo has left nothing undone to make this the greatest event of tho season. Music, will be furnished by ,i lull otchestra, Tho Mt. Jcssup and Sterrhk Cieek eollloiles paid their emploes nt this place on Saturday. The Jcssup Diamatlc company will moot for loheai.sal ut St. James hall, Tucsdny evening. All membeis me io eitiosted to be piesout. Mpssis. Mai tin Sweeney mid James Collins, of Scianton, weie calleis In tow n yesterday. Hnny Cuitls and Muigatot Mullen were visiting filcnds In Aicbbald cs terday. Messi.s. Peter flaiighan iind Hdwmd Judge wore calleis in Aicbbald on Sun day. A lingo numbci of our oung people attended the pioductlon. "All foi Ciolil,-' at the Father Mathew opeia house, Olyphuiit, Satuida evening. C.inW are out announcing the com ing maitlage of John Phillips and Miss Loietta Lynott, both popular joung people of this place. The St. James hull wus beautifully decoiatcd yestenlay in honor of St. Pati lik. A green, and ted, white mid blue ting lloated tiom eveiy window In the hall, which made a grand appear ance. Miss MpUoipiii, of Dunuioio, Is ,ls Itlng Miss Agnes Foul, of llildgo stieet. The Misses Mi'OliinK of Pittston. me visiting their uncle. Mr. Noaiy, of the Neary hotil. on Uiidgc stieet. 0LYPHANT. The loral tcailiers' in titutei v J held in tho Teiilul (-rliool liuikli'iK on Siliuilao illcuui.'i Their a a rfowl .iltendjuco f Uiclicn Ircm the ditrcieul tcliooN m the dUtiiit; .il- i niimliee of thu fln.ol dliectois l'iof. M. W CinniiiiiiRi ji iliiliiiuii. rim fe-'.loii i.piird e ilh a Mini bv the institute, l'iof II II liu c. of llajfleld. leid an eulleiit paier en "Hi" Pecclupment of llllU'Ui." Ho etalid that o lonpr oi we lannot fine compuKoi.i tchool lau and ol.olMi child lahoi lllllu-.ii would ivbt ll May Kcniiedv sung a oo cntllled "Molllc, I I,oo'a'oii" iciy iiitriKlno papir on "suntmv llcsul ilk 114 a. l.tlictlns Public schools," wa thiti lead bv IM V 1. sukle. Prof M J l.l.iid, of Dickon, tin .i ir. plcailrc t.olo on the either. I iciltiiloii lillowcil. In Mls lle Polleiuii', Mlilcli il'lUhi nl the iiitdtenie. l'iof. Ilo.d Rice i rlmrt 'ill. cm "s(,oo Vttendaui'i ," which contained mm, pioellial point) fm Ihc leulms IMi .i4 fob Incvcil in a on, "ll,iaiic t I oio A on," by Ml4 Annie Jones, Vil nldirn' nil "Mhocl DUilplllu" deliMicd b Z. T line, cf Moiitdde Mr I inc in an cl pient tpeak.r, and the Ink idling lliaiimi III which tho addresa wan delbind i"iu n.andid th' closett laieiiuon fit the ainlluiK suiHrlnlendiiit .1 ( . lajlor irid i laiclull.i piipmil papii on Th" Icacliei' 1'iofcjjloii ' Tlio lnlilnlr wad bicught lo a ie hv tlnRilic Am, i li. . Amine theo tiom out of town weie Count M.pe-rlntendent J, ('. T'avlor, Miperln tendilit Ilonrd, l'ioleiois It, VV. PacK uf Dili tuore; 1. H. kibe. ot Ma.Mlcldi Dclaiie, ol Cotbondalei M 1 t.lPjd. of lHiknoti; .Malum? and O'ltaia, c( ihr"C.p, and Ml heujon, .1 rirkvillc. Toiiioitow eveiiliu Dr V. ( SlnfTer. of Ilu rlolnrp, will ikliier u lccliiie at the lalhei Malhew Opera houe. Ilh nihjitt wilt he "In Money A duo of Higher LUuiutloti" A fiber oirfrlnir will le leeeneil at tho dooi for Ihe hiiiClll ol die pnlllc nhonl lihuiy. (hllijiui under b vena f age will bo adiiilllnl ill tlik If, will. ll can be obtained tiopi Iho ti.it I' .11. Mi'f.i4 Molllc ami ..iti- tliiiulik, tnc lal ent'il j pung daiihlitua of Mr. and Mk. P. II llinnld.. of Dilaiian tiul, will partltlpatf In an inlrilaiumiul lit llawli IliN iiculni,'. Mln MiUl ( iiiiU..uuIi, of Wllko llairc, K Ilu IIUmH of MIi Jennlo Patten. ill. M 1'. DjhIIi I cblt::. icuiicca at llonerdale Mltv liu.le I'.iitui. Ii.tiu tli luiis.lei ami Maud fiJibilt uic home tnun llliaiimliuiK st1(,. .Soimal ncliool fui tho prlnt vaiatlon. Mr. and Mtk. John Waltlui:liiw, ut W liken flani", fpent ulrnla wll'i Mi. and Mm. '.". I' .luiun, of baikawanna tticit Mio. Mary Steepou, of Piovlih-me, un u idlor lieio ejteidJ. ilitui llcatrlco linden, Helen, Molllo and rimlotlt biniicd.v, ef (iicin lliiUe, fpcnt elei d3 with fileiiild heic. ll(.i Mamo hallr). ot .Soldi Scianton, i the tfUft ot iclathca in (own I lid (. 1 ifwsr-tti ..Hind home fiom the Philip pipi Uleirib un SiUmlii. lie wan a tiwiuli cf i the I'lfleiiilli rtalnicnl, Voluulcci inlanli, am. Business THESE ENTERPRISING DEALERS CAN SUPPLY YOUR NEEDS OF EVERY CHARACTER PROMPTLY AND SATISFACTORILY. Brotherhood Wine Cos I iiic 01,1 I'm I. Iturftiitiillcs ami jiilfitipi. I iiinll 'link! Onl. P. H. FRENCH. 40 O OONNCLL BLOQ. Breschel's Great F'ire Sale 124 WYOMING AVENUE, m (loins (In line line mill all Mucin nt Vcil.Mr.ir BRESCHEL A CO. Scranton Laundry. 322 WASHINQTON AVENUE. Call l'y telephone lecelio prompt attention WILSON cS WASBERS, Spectacles. MADE AND REPAIRED. "lint's all" S, H. TWINING. 131 PENN AVE. DIAMOND SHOE SHINING PARLORS l-'or bull". ami (!iiiIj. All Milne, .h 433'SPRUCC'433 Hanleys Bakery, 420 SPRUCE ST. Sutccswr lo. HUNTINGTON Wo mase a ipcildli of fine liread tiin Oiderit for Xdidj, 0;jtci, (roqiultii eti pruiiiptl flllecl. A full line of !.n Cic.un mil het Eurek Plating Works. blbei, (lold SkVel, Cupper and Ilra-n Chanilellin Iti-finklnd 321 DIX COURT. REAR BO. TRADE, REISMAN BROTHERS, Leading NC'itdeilcH 40B SPRUCE ST. B03 LINDEN ST. GORINA Qt'iiHN of ki:y ai:st i niAits DEAN, 40QCONNELL ELCG, Two Photic. SHOES Jl'T GoiHlman'.c lteinov it Sale 432 LACKAWANNA AVENUE. Th scranton Vitrified brick and Tile Manufacturing Company Makers, m I'iciiis llidk in V i),,r (.icernl sih' trrnt Ullln IJO W.ihlnmon i ' Woiks at Na Vine. IM I .. W 1! I! wac iiijuicd in an rn.tcnncui with Ilu iiout I.i'iiH w-iiui iiifinlhi uitu, nidi Ii in i i i' It.lti .1 the .iinputitii.il it I1I1 ll,-lit lei. VI tho linn of I In billle the telueiiph lipnil elated th il he u. .iiiiong tl who wile kilkd, whlfh firlunilili l.iucril ti. bo luitiue. TAYLOR. Ilif Sti wart Meuii.ihl Miilmili-t Ipiv.ip. ilmo.li will In Id Hull .inniiil tin and fun) J, fouimruclni; tide ilunl', lo n.iillniic mild li Jil In-t 'Ihcri will bo. .1 imi'ii il luorimr ! cult in ulna; 'I hue linnlln I an been imlnl, up fur tl.e ItIIij.' Vid foili.li, ma fu tl. iholr .ml chic fm' tho Willing Woikiis' mhhIi. fmiii whnli Iiiki iiluli , eiih ;w In .ml mil ipilltK, , iihioti4. apiiui., do., will bo lor Mlo licfii hiuiltt will lie wmJ cai h Minim; In hi i 111 hut nrp uf walluoih. (.mull . i 1 1 1 1 1 -s-1 ' i f .1 ciiitt, with a (Inoi pi Ii i nl. iiiniuic 1 ukiwaiii.j ifi'iiull, No. 31, Di.'ieo of I'oi i limit ii. will mill in iiupoilant cit-Ioii thl' iMiili'ir, whtn Miiial aiiplhauU villi bn u niii.l Into the '.l.lii. and i.iilni ihrtfd lor (In fining tenii. il iikiiiIkik in leqictcil lo In I ici.enl Mi.til .liuna 1 lnil, fun of DiUd Moid, ot I'lilon Kind, who li id IiIh light aim i i!iht bdiviiu hunipcii' of liu at tin. l'.H.f mine on Kildu .ind bully iihiJihI, li iiuproiln n w.ll ji ill I"1 rxpiilod ill ll.o Mums Tailor bo.pilill, vliiic ho w is (akin it I ho idiitn ol Dm. llouxer .Hid . i il 111 li. who wile .uuiniouii! U was lui llniubt Ih it .iui ill itlon uf the .inn woiil I i luinid in 1 1 --hi, but eliir an f Xuiulualion hi ihe lii-1'llnl Miigeuu it la llioiulit the .urn .an be Mini MK-irt Monk I'iiikI .iii'l I. nun linns, mu ilfi Is if l.l(('iii'liit' lal( Noiiud nhool lie hi mo In fpend Un I'nlu v icollou I nitdciii ilnblon. No fir. um of Tiiupciaiin'. will Hint in n'iilir Kiuii Ilk cnnlig. wb n hiFiiiieS of imporlauce will bu tiiie.idul VII luimh is nn iiiunl lo ainnd I'lufuMU II (. link, the mijli', eiaiueli I whu his bun giiiug fiaiigelielii miilin.'s it tho M, lliuilkt Ipi-ii.pil ihiii.li, Ins loll f MoIiIiilm, when' he will ai-t l!ei II I' ll.'licdut in uiliil 'ilfi lln-. Mi iind Mi Him i i lp, if liioi. li.il, gtiihls if nlilins III Vuuln.i.i co-tiiiln Aln. Ihalis luiliis in. I (litiahlii li-n. I rel . tin in Nn i Hi sii.HH.xi jc.lil.li.l A laigc mauls r of lailor peop'o ci-itnl i n l.ke 'liloi hwpllil vistinln 1 no eiipb.na of the .Inn m (oil miupim . eiiinl Hull Mini niuiillib tniuiu,;-. on sJlM Vliuhiiit Hold V. Willuan-. ol Mnn ti i null po'eil Vlr. inJ Mra Vf 1 MiHuiulu d M in n il.llnl nl.illm in liihbil.l ii.i.iil.i Mlfs IMilli lloiiser, of M lin -lini i i c giifl uf fitcmb in Wtt siroit ii ii iinl PRICEBURG. Vu ci li iiitmiiei t )ml m i.il will hi Ihe Soil of Pen, No J I i ip no I lout.' hall this t'cuiuv. I n ki i il nUiiu rid, 1" icul Whllo w liking en Ilu Klin no I .ml Wiftlcin links, iir.n I .im- ti s I ihliy liu.liiilig, Vrii. Ilioiiu- Ihoum anmic, i. ellil.k b a tl.lll1 mil ki im iniii. i.l I hun latill l juicil s)0 iit in,!., nil In lit i homi win c elii ivpiled ooii ailiriiaul I In fi.m ral il' I. In' pi in' at 2 ii'ilnk Ihw nil. iii'h.ji. im.l i leiiiirut will bo nude In llo Wa l.buin mi ccuidci. Mia. lolm lliiilham. ot Mih hril, who I i,i n most M!firful ipnalii.ii tierr..inud it il .sfi.inlfii 1'iliato lio-pll.il lj-t wnk, la inii, liin li I III I C will be Ipichl uiei'llliLs tin) ni ,t this wrek at tho I'llmilhe 'eiho.ll thunb ihe public is n.idiillv Imllrd in alliml. Mn. sicln mi. I -on. l,roge, if Ml Ilewe , icio iMIIn." it lhi' bumi ol Mri. DiriU, nn I a mult Html, in In in Im liu. lies Ina nliiuinl In hi hoim in l.mii lli.li.i. aliir eiic'iilim, . iir.,1 .In. wuii i uiid Mi. II. ml. .i. on I hmih atiiiui BENEFITS Or CONSOLIDATION. Pioductlon Cheapened, Inci cased Snles, Stonily Woil:, Higher Wages. Ill the euiiciil nuinboi of the Nenlh Aiuoikaii Itevlew Mi. I'harles It. rilnt, tieiisuur of tlic Vntteil States lluhber coinpuny, sots forth some c. tinnullnaiv fails mid llguivs llliihtta tlve of the piiseut iiboliudlug piuxpu It of Iho iiiunti iind to whut. iipuit fiom mu Mist lesuiiicis mid the hi.. chanluil pel fee I Ion ol mn iiiiclilui i, this piospeilty is nttilhiitod. lie s.is "Tho s.vstoin of i ontiall.eil uuinutiic miming on lull time, on huge volume, tut r. that bus touiui mi Hun u pi. no with us, penults lur niiiueiinis leavous the highest )oiloetlou ut spoilal ma chlniiy iind piocossis, The tiielory Houses. I nillt ! If not, udl upon F. L. Hitchcock dS SOW, FIRE INSURANCE AGENTS. S'M ind 507 Commonwealth llulldint, KltASTON, PA. Only Dnvt'iliiM companies lepieccnted Clalmi promptly pjd. O. S. BLOSS IZZMe THE SMITH PREMIER TYPEWRITER. IT LEADS THEM ALL. L. SOMMAR, UiilMiiiR tontMUnr. liniln4 union men IMInutci cheerfully Chen, rtenindcllnir and rcpalilng a rprclally. 320 WASHINGTON AVE. LACKAWANNA UNDERWEAR STORE will t.ell all thilr (ampin ol fine Imported V!adra Shbta for mrn at Tic; wortliM loi .'0, (loll Medal l5 I'hotographer X Chlldien'a Vts, ArtUI. Moorz & Foster. INSURANCE FOR SALE HurkIci and ciie ot all Uimb lloum and building lot! at largalin M. T. KELLER. 113 Vdatni .Vie. I aiLauaima Callage WoiV.1 IP2 WYOMING AVE. HAVE YOUR WATCH FIXED RIGHT WE ARE SATISFIED WITH A SMALL PROFIT. BERNHARD, jeweler. Hi I..UKVW VNM VMM I. EDWIN S, WILLIAMS, CONTRACTOR, BUILDER ROOM 2CCOAL CXCHAaC, SCHANTON. PA. THE SCRANTON UMBRELLA MANU FACTURING CO. V laiKi uoimrul ji line liiibnlla. anil l'jr.i,l of 1'IM sll.h I p tnillle piltcili Prim tic nlieli IOW1K ilian 1111 lioino In I in u Mi t.i.r I. I.ipl in 111 I'Vlli lice of ilulSl (ol Olr ...II III l'VIIIIM. and III. CUM. KIM. ,i pcii.ilu 313 SPRUCE ST HISTORIC Places in Virginia t an be couilurt.ibl .iiii ctsily reached b the OLD DOiNiON LIN!: Sleameii tall dall except 'unday from Pier "t', North liner im t ol Urn tt -trici. Vw V..rk, for Old Point Comfort Norfolk Richmond, Ua. and Washington, D. C. ConiiCwtuu for All Points "soatli and West. Through Tickets returiuiii; Irom Washington bv rail or water. t'or full Information apply to OLD DOMINION STEAMSHIP CO. S1-8D Beech St., New Yoik. II I! MAI KUIt.Traf Mgr J J IlltOlV.V.ej 1 . SSCfffRSrVHfffffl Failure In lite Is more often due to exhausted nerve force tlmn to lack nf eipitil. Strong ncrvis nre Hie capital that helps men compter conditions. Mlieti people losctluir capital they set to work to rcgiin it When wc -e our nervo force wo otighl to ,eek ic jiiniis of getting it baik There is n way, certain and scleulific feed the nerves, making them steady and stinng. is steel W'o do not believe they can foil to cure Nfi-vous Debility and phvnlc.it ex. hiii'tlon that's wh we agree In refund oitr money If sle boxes do not cure ou. $IC0 iter boi fi boxe MOO, mailed securely sealed upon receipt of price. Hook free Address, rcAt. MtPICINE Co, Cleveland, Ohio. lor file by John II Phelps, ITiarmaiUt, corner W 3 cmlns aicnuc and tpruic itrcet. iodines tlio pnceiitasp of ivoiklng charges. Dheit sulm on a large scale miniiuli'.o the tost of handling Theie is mi Impioved system of dlstiibutlnn ivhleh lodiiies aggiegato steuks, and thcii'hy saves sbop-wp.ii, stoiage, In siiiaine and lutoiest. Consolidated mnnuticmiiit losults In lllng tin stmidmds ol iiuullt.v. tho best stand aids liolng adopted. In avoiding waste and liuiiuchil embmiassmont thiougb oveituodui lion. In minimizing loss In bad debts tlliough coinpuilsolis of ei edit, and In nee tiling the udvantages of loinpauitlve iiccountlug mid com p.uatlvo adinlnlstiatiou, 'The lhuopcan waso-utner. Instead uf wch inning luboi -saving michluei us our woikmeii have done, has pei slsteiitly tiled to ntiinl Its geiieuil uho, mid the loblllt has bom tlmt wages have boon lower in lain ope, Tho Aim i U an woikinuu bus iccplved mon b"iause lio his luodiKcd no i.e. mid tills Is the glial leason wh, nolwllli stiiudliig our high wagon, we me sn lapblly PNtoinliim our tiudu with loi elgn iiiuikots " To Cuio a Cold In One Bay lake l.ivallie lliinno If iiiiini lalhti i'l ' ' I