The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, March 16, 1901, Page 9, Image 9
THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE-SATURDAY, MARCH 16, 190T. NORTHEASTERN PENNSYLVANIA MONTROSE. peiil lo the Sainton Tribune. Montro'e, Murili 13. A voting pco ple'H xlnpltiK noclcty lias Just been oc gatilzcil In this place. Our first summer vlsltots, the robin nd blue blidH. aril vim! In Mont roue t v the- smson tliM wool;. MIjr Atin.i llimil cniiM-lulivd u num ber of lier frlcmlH nt 11 wry chmmlim 'nil puny" yo.slcrdiiy nft.'inoon ut Iv.-r home mi M muincnt Square, Kucli doll iccclvrd ii present. Hoi n. m br. and Mrs. It. V. Cmiiiii?. on 'I M.t-Mliiy. Murch 14. a ilullKhler. Mi. ninl Mm, l,evvln U. tfproiil on. tPi'tnlncd ii niiiiiht'i' of their friends nt a patty Riven n their ieslileiui. on Chestnut street Tuesday uveulii",. The remains of Mrs. .tulU Mill ivr. who died nt 1'lnry Woods. .Vorth Carolina, on Tuesday, reni'lutl Mont lone tills morning nnd the fuurial wan larsrly .mended fiom hei pur- lioiiir on South Main street this ufleriiiinii at 4 o'clo'l;. Hcv. A. 1. i:iituii. . n pir.ilor of the I'le.ibyterliin ihiiieh, otll- Uteri. The Immediate nrffunlrutlon ul a lu ihI bae ball team I tHns nltiitcd. It Is bellexed that tin unusual nutount of the vory best talent will -be avail nhl tlil.t season, nnd that a nine ran b" orRHtilvrd licre that will have little tiouble In si-uopliiB anytbliiK In the Northern tier. The boys will be ready fi-"business liefm-p many weeks hnto elaps d and In' the meantime all lenses will be placed on file. Pinfe.--sor I J. (.'. I'.iicU. ii sIiikIiic: evangelist, of Metiileboin. I'.i.. will. coiiiuiPiirlPK Sunday mornliiK. assist rte, 1J. H. Jlcnedlet 111 the lellval meotlnRs now In propri ?s? at the M. !;. ibtiri'b. Hon. I . i'. Tltuian lias purchased the W. II. Ruyd hoiiiostead. corner of I'lmrili .mil Hani; streets. Considera tion, Jsi.TC'J. Chin c It. Smith, a widely Known ih'UI'.iikc iiinn. foinierlj of ibis pliic. but recently of New York, hn been eppnlnt" 1 district iniinaRer of the New Tnaland Mutual Life Insurance com pany, of Hostdii. Mass., for the coun ties of l.uzeiue, Wyoming. Sus(iiehan na and Hradford, with headquarters at ii lilies-Hat re. i:-State Senator James Ttooney. of l.accyvllle, was a visitor lu town this week. Fithenry Kordhnm. of Montros Is seihiusly 111 of pneumonia nt the limue of bis daughter, Mrs. II, M. Culc. In PerHtitoii. Miss llaltlo lilsley. of Hush, was 'allliiRon Montrose fi lends today. Miss Addle Rogers Is visiting at tli" lu me of her sister, Mrs. Artlun O. Harris, at Montelalr, N. .1. .ludge Hanlel Senile and v i.V l'ftxe been visiting Philadelphia fiiuiiU fo:- a few days. lirooiiie county. N. v.. eredllois have Instituted proceedings in Involuntary bankruptcy against 1. Arthur Teed, of Rlnglianitoii and llallstend. a Ml-ent-d laiid"cap painter. There was a short-lived eclteinert on Public avenue todav, when a runa way bore and a stieet llglit between two youngsters weie rival attractions. Tli- "sirap" was just becoming Inter, elitig when a colt bitched to a sulky .did with no d-lvei- anie tearing down Lie avenue. As long as the colt clearing sailing it bad no deterrent effect upon the lislic encounter, but w hen It dashed to the Mile of the street, i"'n iiiioilici vehlile. Miiashlng a wheel, It was too much even for the prlnel ials In tin- tight, who at once ceased -"parting to glw their individual at tention lo the horse mix-up. I'.otli 0' ciirrenccs were over In a moment or so of time, and then life on the avenue iMiimrd Its wonted placidity nnd etiarin HONESPALE. penal to Hi- s(rJnton rnliurr. Iliini'MdnlP. March I.V-KIU.ibeth, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. (leorge Fin lien, died of grip on Thursday, her fifteenth blnliday. Funeral .Saturday nt m a. m. at St. John's chu-c-h. The (onmilsslonera mei ed $100.05 from tli old material taken fiom the old covered bridge. Whiter M, Fowler, of lie- flint of TWIcr Hrothers, millers, foil from . ladder on which lie was standing mil dislocated his light ankle, TUe Junior Christian F.ndenvo.- so. i " ty will give an entertnlnuient In H.-- Presbyterian chapel on FrUay eenhiK of ue.t week entitled "Ilnji-o'. My Thumb" and "The Mother (!oo,o Ui III." Hon. and Mis. K. H. Hardenbcrgh ninl daughter. Miss C. Louisa, ate topping at the Ibeniaible hotel, At lantic City. ' A movement Is being made to unite Pi one Freed mi lodge. No. SS. an I Movvurd lodge. No. 70. Independent Or der or Odd Fellows of llonesdaL-. Work haa been suspended on the Iron bridge at the foot of Second street on Hi-count ,,f iiio Ice In the Lacka wanna, which has paitly broken un, bat has not moved our. All wood (rest ling which had been placed lu the rlv ' to ue in the construction of the new bridge has been removed. Work v'lll probably pot be resumed until the lee passes oul of the rlvm. Freedom lodge of Odd Fellows have fhown their Intuiest in home entr pilse by puichaslnga Kingsbury piano for their lodffe room from N. B, Spen cer, of Ilonesdale. On Monday even ing next nil Odd Fellows aie Invited to the lodge room to enjoy a piano It Takes a Remedy of Un common Merit to Draw the Unqualified Praise oi a Successful Practicing Physician. Dr. J. W. Bites of Corfu. N Y states . 'A moil remarkable ease lias come under my hands of late and has fully convinced me of the wondeil power of Or. A, V. Chase's Ncive Pills over diseases of the ntrves, "A oung lady who wai treated (or over two vears tor epilepsy by two doctors was C'ven up to die. I found that her sickness not epilepsy, but netvous troubles, due lo menstrual derangements, and prescrlbvd four of Dr. Chafe's Nerve Pills 4 day, aftet meals and at bed-time. Since that tune bhe has not had a single bad spell. Her health hs rapidly Improved, he has gained about fifteen pounds In weight, and I do not hesj. taps to state that Dr. A. W. Chase's Nerve Pills have saved her life and restored her to health." See that the portrait and signature of Dr, A. W.Chase are on every box. Pi lee jocents a box. -I boe for, Manufactured bv the I.-. A W. Cnase Medicine Co. iuio. N V. rofltal and mnukei. It Is also the evening for the nomination of officers, "A Dauahtei of Cuba," by Conry, Mack and Hdwaids nnd company, pio nounced by the pi ess to be one of the b:st repertoire companies on the road, a clean blight lotnedy, ntlho Hones dale Opera lionise three nights, iom incnclng Monday. Mnveli IS, All the licence applications for the county IniVM been ginnted by the eouit. They consist of the following: Forty four hof-ls. twenty-three rsMnurutit.. one breweiy, four wholesale and (he bottlers. No remonstrances were tiled. The remains of Mis. Amelia P. SehiiPller m rived at noon today from Pittstou. 'flic- funeral servkes were held at the residence of Mrs. William T. Lobb, mother of the deceased, on W.vl Mieet. Itev. Mr. Johnston, of Pittstou. and P.ev. James P. Waie. lector of Urai- Episcopal cliuich. of I which deceased wits a member, eon- I dueled the ervb es Interment was made In fiin iyb--ir.v lenietery Mrs, I Sihuelier was In Ii -r tliltty-fourth ear and was the wife of Otto L. Schueller. She was bum and alwa.vs leslded In llouesdale until about one .vein- ago, i when he moved to Plttston. Deceased was highly est'enied. She leave a I husband, two children and n large cir cle of relailves and sympathising I frit nds j PITTSTOM. I i?iri'.il ii I In- vii,mlrn Irilmiin I Pltttnton, Mauh l.V-TI-e Welsh tlsl Young People's Fnion of Noitli liastcrn Penusylviiiila held a i .illy in , the Welsh Haptlsl church heio ibis I afteinoon and evening, and large aii-ll-! ences iiltcnded. Including thirty-four I delegates. The following programme vwiv lendeicd at the nftoriioon and evening sei-Mous- At 2 p. in. Leader. Willlnni Itobeits. Wllkes-Hairc: praise service, tlfteen niiiiutcs: devotional ser vice, HfUen inlnuli-s: paper, "Lookout Committee Wink," Miss Susie Powell, Taylor, solo. Miss Mary L. F.vans, Plttston: addiess. "Iteward of Faith fulness." Isaac Houghton. Howards Vllle. solo, Walter Itee-e. Forty l'oi t ; open congress, "Inteidenominational Fnliey." leader. It. H. Williams. Panons: social gicetlngs. T.".n p. m Leadei. President I). .1. Oavle.s. Hyde Patk. Sci.mton, Pa.: pralu- f-ervlce, llftcen niluutes: devotional sei v Ice, llf tcen minutes; address, "Power of Pia.ver." William Pile.t. Olyphant; Mil", Uanlel Jones. Liu kiivvanna, Pa., paper, "Lost Sheep and Lost Coin," Shi. ill S. Jones. Wllkes-Hane; duel, MIs.M-s Mary L. Hvaus and Lizzie Polly, Plttston: addiess, "SoAlrg und Ibap lliff." Itev. J. i:. Davles, Plymouth. The follow lus Laekawamia county delegates were present: Mir. William Itobeits. William Huberts. Mis. I. K. Jones, John T. Williams, Luther Lewis, Mrs. J. M. Kd warns, William H. Thomas, W. Hughes, Scranton: Susie Powell. Taylor; Isaac (Jrlltlth, W. H. Prlcsl, oiypimnl. (irowleis, schooners and free Inn, lies will cease to be an atti action to the beer dilukei In the saloons of tills city after today. Fnlonlsm has been the taue In bringing about this slate of affairs. The bartenders recently formed an organization, and demanded an In crease lu wages and several minor con veniences. The demands were compiled with by the hotel and saloonkeepers, who lu tin n organized a Het.ill Liquor Healers' association, which has shown Its hand In the adoption of rules, the substance of which Is as follows: The regulation beer glass will be fouiteen ounces; Ilipior glasses, thiee ounces; growlers shall not be put under the tap but must be placed on the bar and filled with a regulation beei glass at He cents each: no free lunches will be given, pretzels excepted; no pres. flits are to be given, nil advertising prohibited In pi ogra mines, calendais. etc., legitimate newspapers excepted; all mixed drinks will be tlfteen cents: bottled beer, ten cents per pint; the pilce of th" bottle will be collected at the time of the sale and refunded upon return of the bottle, Fines ranging fiom $ln to Xr.O will be imposed for the violation of any of the rules, A freight car and a coal cur lu a mixed tioith-hoiind tialn on the Dela ware, Laekawamia and Western rail load .lumped the track at a frog Just below the Luzerne avenue eiosslng, West Plttston. about this morning. The cars swung across the south-bouiifi track and blocked tralllc two houis. At last night's session of the select council, ordinances v.eio introduced and passed Hrst r.nd second readings, piovldlng for the Increasing of the .sal ary of the mayor from $600 per year to SI.OOO. und Increasing that of the street commissioner from VoQ per mouth to $60. IlumoM arc eunenl thai a n w brew ery is to be built In this cltv. A New York man of expeilence In the beer making business has been In the city for the past few weeks in connection with th mutter. Local consumers me thought to be behind the scheme, being driven to this court by the action of the bievvury trust In Inci casing prices. The location talked of Is In the rear of the St. James hotel, on North Main sliest, with an abandoned mine tunnel converted Into a vault. Water will be secured from un urteslan well. Kuthleen, aged two years, youngest child of Mr. and Mrs. John TUiie, or Oregon, wus taken suddenly III this morning and died In a short time. The funmil of Robert McMillan, the youngest of th threo victims on the Valley rond Wednesday took place this afternoon fiom the home of bin parents on Vine Htreet. The funeral of Hngl neer Wilson Albert will take place, tomorrow afternoon, with services in the Methodist ICpIscopnl church and In terment In Ilollenbaek cemetery. Martin Lungarlus, a miner in the Lallln mine, was slightly burned by powder tlame from a premature blast this morning. Mr. Sllvvra Feirls, who 1ms been sojourning in Sunbury lor the past six months, bus again tuken up her ies. donee heie. Kdw-ard Joyce, of Chapel street, I 'p. per PltlHton, wan committed to Jail by Alderman O'Brien In default of tiwi bull, having pleaded guilty to th chaise of mealing chickens. THOMPSON. - hrrritl to ili ir,iului TiUni". Thompson, Mnich 15, The g'od peo ple of Thompson rue contributing ensh, clothing nnd other useful things for the family of Oeorg? .Mead, whoas hotis? was burned last Sabbath, wit!) all ItH content:-, nt Mead Pond. If the one In Tuukhannoclc who telh In i-stci day's Tilbune of the "Plan to nedlstrlet Wyoming Conference" at IW next nejslon. will look In the confer ence minutes, he will learn that there are six dlsttlcts In the conference now, IntFcnd of five, n? he asserts. Maple stisnr making Is In vogue with our farmers who own groves of maplo tiee, i:. I'. Ctclutl started his saw mill to dny. with George Oclatt, of nckfon n sawyer, Itev. T. J. Logon, of Wllkos-llarre, was in town Tuesday, an ringing for the ehnnge of grounds for their camp meeting, which will be bell August 21 -US next. Mis. M. W. Messenger left for Nor wich, N Y this moinlng, railed theie by the dentil of Mr. Messenger's sis ter. Mis, Aylesworth. Mr. Messenger Is in Suiiotiehnnna, arranging for t lu bin lal there, which will occur tomor low afternoon. Ilt-v. It. I'. Lariabee Is one of th" latest victims of the gilp ami Mrs. P. Ii. Tower Is nlso suffering with It. Mtr. S, D. Ilarnes, who was called lo California In January by the death of her father, lettirned Imu evening. She bioitght her mother, who Is " years old ami veiv decrepit, home with her. The trip was a very trying one, but vvh are happy to icport that she has bieu -veil and comes home In her usual luiilih, 'and receled a royal welcome fiom Iter lamlly nnd friends. John Layton, of Hiiinellsvllle. N. V.. Is vitlug his sou, P.uigei's H. c, Lay ton. Mi. und Mis. C. 15. F.llfs left Thump sot. i-ifct-rday morning. He for his n vv place of business, llallstead. Sh- will visit her sister. Mrs. John Leslie, at SiiMuchitnuti for a few days, and l hen go to her daughter's in Fact-uy-villi- until they .secuie a 1ioiik- at Hall iteiid. Iluyniond. oldest child of Mr. and Mis. ,. T. Hrovvn, of Jnckson. dhd ,'istciday morning from gilp and Its nipllcatlons. Fiineuil nt the .Metlio. IM ibilicli, Ninth Jnckmn, Sabbath luoi nlug. HAWLEY. Sfiml to Hie . r. Hi Inn Inti-Jir Haw by, March 13. The Piesbyter lan Young Peopled Society of Chtls I In n 1'Jndeavor social at the paisouage Wednesday evening, was well attended the iccetpts amoiiutlug to neaily $12. Mrs. II. A, Plum gave a party Tues day evdilng to celebrate the twenty tlfth nnlnveisary of Dr. II. A. Plum's graduation fiom the Fnlvcislty of Pennsylvania, at which a huge iniiii her of the doctor' gentlemen frl"tids Wcie pie.scnt to share In the celebra- HllO riT Mm I, ,.,., . ..-.. ... ,.,- -. I-I'."- -'flll. ,ll piCM-IK enjoyed Hie evening very much, as j me (locior and .Mrs. Plum aic royal f nli-rtiilneis W. C Kiinpp was in Coeliton thU week. The fuiieijil of Hie hue M-s. Tavvley was held at the. Pie.sbyterlan chuii-ii mi Thursday morning. Mis. Cavvley was a very old i.-ddenl of tills plae Jus Daniel Koieher died at her In me bi-ip Sunday night. The fune-al was h'ld fiom St. Plilloniena's church at in o'clock Tuesday morning. She Is survived by a husband mid two Miiiill chililien, Mi. Hd. Shlpman. of NVw Yoik cltv, enlli-d on his parents heic last we-k. ' Mr. .Milton Stralton was a visitor in Scii.ntoii Tliui-Mlny. Mrs. William Shfpnian. who fr, put. Hug her hip out of Joint, Is now abb- to sll up. HOPBOTTQAI. Ppnial 1 1 I hi- iMtit..n Inliur.r Hopboltom, March I.I. Itoblns weie heard fm the ut on Thtir.-d.n-, an nouneing the return of spring. Dr. Longsticct. of Scrannm. was i-.illed on Thuisdaj to consult with Dr. A. J. Taylor In the case of Mrs. Tay lor, who Is critically ill. Mrs, (j. w. Simpler wu? a visitor at Iiiiighamtou Wednesday. Today (Friday) liul'shcs t)c. hxth month of school. Preparations for the i losing exeiclses are alieady begun. Chicken thieves made another uild on Chailes Kelluin's chicken house one night tills week, and made off with eight choice W.vandolto hens, besides a cock, for which Mr, Kelluni recently paid $:i. This Is Hip second time within a year that maraudeis have visited the same place, and as the Intruders seem to leave tracks leading to and fiom tin: railroad, the lellcetlou seems to jiidnl somewhere along that line. The Ladles' Aid society of the Fnl veisallst iliurcli will meet next Wed ncMlay afternoon with Mis. .Martha Hell. Mrs. William Wilbur will move Into town this Mining, occupying rooms In Hie house with Mis. Iih Hell. Nerves Like a riat-Iron. A woman who sulfcred for three veins fiom nervous piostwUiou says two bottlis of Llehtj's Celery Nerve Compound effected a complete cine. She hnidlv knows todny whether she lies nerves or not. as she never feels them It Is coitalnly a wonderful rem edy. Sold by Matthews J3ros UNIONDALE. Si" Ml die S ranlnii Triliune Fnlondule, March 15. Shepherd Cir pouter lost a valuable horse lately tluougli paialysls. The Mine Workeis of America en joyed a spiead at the i-otel last Frl- rl.,- ilrlit ...,j ........ ( Mis. Hllas AVe3tgalo bus bought tbfl buuso and the adjoining propeity for merly owned bv Mrs. Lucy Ann Thomas. Mrs. Westgnt-" ixpeets to oc cupy the house eaily In prll. Mi. McAvnr will soiiti occupy the 123,000 people are killed every year in this country by CONSUMPTION. The fault is theirs. No one need have consumption. It is not hereditary. It is brought on by neglect. You have a slight cold and cough. You do nothing to get rid of it. Shiloh's Consumption Cure will cure a cough or cold in one night. "Shlloh'i ii in un(iilini mre for roujlii, lhtot tod tun; (rouble. It rutr con luinption. It it a reniarkAblc remrdy." A. K. SALTEtt, M. D Buflili, N. Y. Slillnli'i Coutmnpllnii Turn In told Itr nil ririiggliU nl S.'ic, Clio, Ml. on a liiullr. A lirluteil niiHrnle rn with -Tr.v biilttt. If ron ar nut nutUfled gii (it jour tlriigcUt unit get yimr nnii.v liHik, Wrll fnrillnt'tcd lenV en i-rifiniptioo, Sfri wlvhoulc.ilto'iiu. S, i.Wt'.ti. tjUKv,N , house vacated some time ago by Isaac Morgan, Frank ltaydn nnd wife entertained the families of Carpenter, Lin wood Spoor nnd Israel Rounds at din ner Tuesday. ICIeven friends were entertained at tea by Frtnk Lewis last Tuesday evening. The scholars of the graded school are prepailng for the closing exorcl?e3 of the li'ini. Miss Hnlile Smith, one of our young ladhs. Is to I... mnrrltd Mnrch 18, to Wlllnrd Ci other, of Slmptoti. OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO s o . 6 OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO TODAY'S ATTRACTIONS. I.VII'tM "The New iMnlnlnh," Vlillnee i.nd nlidii. ('Mi:.MV Kruioiii liniinaiii loiiipuiy. 'Utiiife jihI iiIrIi". UMI'IV MjiiiIiMu' "(Nikrijaiki." Mit-iiifi- jitil night. "The Nc-v Dominion." A beautiful little play of roilthern life, "Tiie New linmlnlon," was pre. se.nted at the Lyceum last night by lis author. Clay Cln." it. and a most mil. elenl and evrnly b.iliuiecd conipnny, A Inigi. audience wltn-fsed lije pro diietiiin: which is worthy of two packed houses at the nialinee and evening pel forinatices today. The play teln a slinph sturj and tells It In a simple way. That Is w hy It's a great deal bettei play than man.v vvlilch have been seen here this eciiMiii. Itr author doeMi't pnsies.s the .ulriilt I'levern-'ss of Aiiiliur Wing Pin ero nor the f.i.-llc wit or flydo Kltrh, but be Iii-s put Into "Tli N'evv Do nilulnn" a deal nioie o( that thing called "heait interest" I'm want of u better term than ell her of those g -it-thnien lmve in nian.v of llielr nrtlllelrtl comedies, 'Mr. Clement himself ii the Huron Fran. Victor 'nn lloheurtiiilffen gave a mot artistic and finely conceived presentation of an Interesting chaiac ter. The Mippniilm i-ompuny was ex cellent, ".specially the lending lady. Miss llertrude O'Mnlloy. who gave a llnlshed representation of Hie glil from the mountains Keystone Dramatic Company. The Kevslone nranintii- emnpanv lllilsh their week's eligageinrnt at the Academy of Music tonight. ICai li pla they have presented has certalnlv been up to the standard, and they have well meilted the generous patronage they have been aw aided. Yesterday afteinoon thev presented "Kicaned fiom the Law," and last evening "IHjsI Land" was the . Fm the iiiatinee lnd.iv "The M.vsteiy of Wondlavvn" will be given, and this evening "Fuder Sraled iliders" will be the attraction. May Flske's Engagement. "Tiie (inrrlMin (llrl," the play chosen for the opening of the May Flsko en gagement at the Acadcm.v of Music mi .Monday night. Is said In be one of (he best military plays ever wiitlen. While "Tin- ilarilsmi C.lil" deals with nilll tniy life. It l not a war play. Theie are no murders or shunting, but a pretty slorv of gairlMiu life, full of heait Inteiest and stimig ellmaxes. Mies Flskc vvill be seen as Polly Tre vor. ''The Uarrlmn Oil I," and the put fits her like a glovr. A number of Kilei-l specialties will be given at each performance. Monday will be ladles' night. Ilescived seats now on sale, Kellar, the Magician. A good story came to light the other day In which Magician Kellar and Oe Wolf Hopper figure as principals When "Wang" was In the i our-.o of preparation Hopper determined that he must have a real magician's trick to lilt induce lu Hi" act wherein he mystl lles tin- king. He went to Kellar and vvaH shown a wonderfully mysterious cabinet or cage in which men and wo men were made lo disappear so com pletely and so Instantaneously that the Hpectiilriis couldn't see 'em go. Kellar .showed him the working of the cabinet as to Its mechanical features, but still Hopper couldn't fathom the thing. "It's a good" trick," .-.aid he, "but 1 don't want to take anything you are using yourself, tSlve me any old thing. Something that you've thrown away jcars ago will do as well an this one." "I haven' ued It for three or four years," replied the wizard, "and thought It would be a good one for you. It won't i ost you a cent," The nijsterlous cage was duly delivered to Mr. Hopper, but after a month when "Wang" was produced Mr. Kellar learned that the tiick was pot used. When he --aw Hopper be Inquired as to the reason, "Why. vou see," said the comedian, "the fact Is before I got home 1 forgot how to do the blamed thing and for the life of me I couldn't get Into the cage. I vvoiked a week on It and gave It up. Say, I've made up my mind Hint I'm the gientcst mn glclan that ever happened. You come and do 'Wang' and I'll go and do your tricks." The great magician will be .seen at the Lyceum next Tuesday night. Hoyt's "A Texas Steet." Charles Hoyt's masterpiece, ' A Tex as Steer," will be at the Lyceum next Wednesday night. When the press of n whole continent combine In eulo. gUIng a (day there must surely be a great deal of merit In the piece. And this Is Just what the dramatic writers of the country have done In regard to "A Texas Steer." Theie lmve been s?vernl comedies piesented by Mr. Hoyt since he wrote this breezy satire, but In none of them has be been so eminent successful In every respect as In "A Texas Steer." Its theme Is one bound to Inteiest a genuine American, for politics come more naturally to our countrymen thuu to any other nation, The machinery of capltol politics Is the target of Mr. Hoyt's satire, and none of his keen shafts strike an Inch from the bull's eyo. There Is a charming llttla love story interwoven, with an occasional touch of pathos In (ho mldbt of the lolllcklns tun that sui prises one al most to tears. The presenting com pany Is as nearly pet feet lu arrange ment us Is possible. I'LAYS AND PLAYERS. An-lm li tuts lor onr ot Hie inn.l nolahli- p.o. diii.tloiis ol Hie mnilne eiton have ju.t lii-n totiiihi(il by ,ii liter !.. or .a lea.t iom pktrd o far aa lo ilfpittiall) iriuovp uli mini lor douht, lullovvlui.- ihr puuliiao if Hi" .ho initio iliihti nf Staiilty M'evm-n'r iiiu.t fiimmH urn). "A (icr.tlPiiian of r'mree," IliU t,iiiu-ciliil fain Milricil ititn a eontr.ut wlili tli, IvmIi I'd lew Irr a (Inrlnir iiuivriiirnt 1'iat it In c.IpuI ever a Ktiif nt it'll", the main olilen p In; in H'nre liln mivI(p for t'.di pi ilin i."i, vvlilih will tin am o-t rliU-ritr ri ih I'h.-rp ait- Ifw ii un ii'innili i.i' 'i- lu tin ii. M.. v.'li CBtniiiir with K)ile Ddlm"! nun of mnlflecnt ptrtonkllty, ahd pftitmnl of lilctlnn ind cap MlitlM for a role of tlih nature tlnvt e "" pjuFttl. Vrry much. ImlciJ. un l-c Nic'f'l y pUy nf-jMntlly pewuued ol u(h tire IntrO!'" irrrlt i x propfr dranutlitlon of tills MJtwlovii vVojnwt Idle nhonM li.ur, and Hie cait lint Mob-li-r Co, will U likely to n-.-nd out !n tuppJit of Mr. Ilolleiv, M mi indication of the high charelr of till caul, It hfCil only (if tald tint MIm Llcanrr Rolisnn, lady ivhoe irelmloril future promises greater brlllaney than tbit ef any otlifr aeliex hi Amerleii, will Impersonate Hie IcJillne lemalc role. Li'il.r tt Co. Iiave, tor tlnee jearii. untlrliiitly toiitht Ili-J drarrntle rlgbts o( "A Denlleiiian ot I'ranic." No-v ttit lliey Iiave ut lal bc-ii ceiiir.-d, Llcliler K Co. Invc ulritrrl tlitlr iwn tlrattiatlst In 111? teii'On o( MIhk lUiriet Peril, rrally on cf tin' rrst rapalilc, ye, Prllllniit, ilnmatbts ol tiie p-ifent rinyi one of the nutliora of "Hie (ireatct Ihlnis In the WoiM." the play whleli Mu, Iz-Mejuo te-lei-tnl f.r her flr.t utarrlrs tour, and .1 drann. 111 lin ha. jnt inmpleted for Mr. McsOcM li-r pin; nf-"tpmhinrp." MIm Ford s- III rtder llnWeilUtety tlpnn ho.-, "A (itnllumn of TraluC' will av lis initial ire.entitIo-i ahiut the flr.t ef Nineliiln-1 rn-xl. -Mr. Ilellew l novr nlinnl In n (m an Ati.lratlaii lour, vv'ilrli he l)l (nmplL-te In tPiii- lo reach here the rurly wrl nl Hi lolicr. 'Ilie fail that iiivl Mi'Mi Arthur ,1., an tii-trlodue tiiiklmwii mlnr, v, III fniprraniulr Ih,'1 tool In "In 1 tie- Pnlmr 1 1 ilii. KIub." now ts-iiiit rcurtnl vvlih urml mi tttr M lb? VI da Mlfn si the lliralri tleiiinilli-. New VorV, nunlcl nr, -w .- ill, mi. Hut no nji n In vonnr M.d rutin lent liui Mnae .i.piutiK Willi nil NoiH, lm cirialminl tin- nil, ol Ailniils. v ill b edi In imelliii nf l.lclilir . (." prnluithn. Mr IImi'h niimliililll In pla m rHflni; .ind ill,' lit uli a i ile t aim nlm-it in I peuiliin v-.i . lie Jo'ni Vik v'len'. -tiiin",i lu.i -nt in it. m Mu of Hie imiitliK, hl lir-l sii, xpeilvtu-e, I'iiiIi Hi the (lei'on, wl. in tit in-n;uiy Wfl' itivliu In I hiian, Mr, Ni iri wa. lak'ii init ihn',1 PI hill ii fiv. t.iltitiliH li-feie the ieifrni nice v i. In iiea: Ii o u."lrri,u.ti 1,0 I li'it liimle ni-adi fm '.l.e rolr. Ih.vl knew tlii-i ,u.d hml illl(ll.l Hill (nn-filll! iMuriil '1st ,-lf lo unci tl. nl'mlld in,liitilit ir" -Phi llsi-lf. Ilnrllr.' Mr. Nmil. wn 111. l.e nllfrnl hlm.olf .1. . iti-lltnl -, ami In th" ii'nia.nii.1 v.r ii4 i,iili k! .ifiriip. Tn Hi" un ireii-rnl n' Ihe in mu. tn.-nt III- inpip.piit M i -i Hire n ul" rf cieil till .ml .it the cam-liHlnu I the nfiiriitilliii Ml AM. u i.HiH ill- om-fi.-lii ti'trellnr ninl ,"lmr tin tn .ill . nsralnlaicl Mr lln.M on lili an if";, in.. I lis. irulj line il is LI. Ii h" Im.I tneli- -uanlf-M. tlriHfllnii-l llm.. il nit .r.nn tutiin h fnrlli i- tt"ii imi,w il rnir.etlt -lilcli i vet nn nun i 1. It villi iniiiilier ahil lsnt,i penp'r and iiigi.tiuii. ii. ale mm pending with a number of "ttl-Hi- Itil" Itrml llr.r who rtlll he ti.iturrd. 'Mil ii finite a ihpirltire fm Hi ou.iliiir-t llie., in Irr.-nii.r" Hn-it iln-, "Wlui lji.rno.l to Jnhe-i." "Win "mill. Ij-ii llniiie." "The Wroni M'. vvilxtil.' !-., ii e h-ii xlra'shl inn'eille -illl lint I lie fcp-nlil.ili'-i- nf .1 yr,nz n "eill'V' lotllP W,llcl I ... - li-pn PI'Tagiil In ii'iile I he In.'lilu- mli in llinrty lleriv'-. ii" i.iiledi.inui, " r' IIh-," Ilie Hr.l prnilin tinti nf nhlili ,!ii- In Ma.v at tin- l.i at Nmlliem Ihrattr, (liiiacn. MathevvK ,t llulzi r. Hi" will Innvvii iniiioiliatei, I avp fcl(,t rd i ii.iiti'.nt i.lireli; Hip wp'I laiown 111 in nf Itinidliiii.l llin.. will h"re allpr tianuip iIipIi- lours, ll I. Inl-ii.h"l to Mir imiinl lli'in villi i thiiroiizlil.v rlr.t-c'a- mm pinj in ne iiiikii tl fane. -Imri" Milln--n. .ho had a hnij -Irrjp of li t,tip., is t.ow .it Hot -prlngs Un Vpill tie inniediati. silll play a -pi-ilal rntasfiiTiit at tin- s- nrk ttnatre nnd will opi-u in. .In tin- lli..H.lliiir..l i;i in.igpiurnt In Viiuii-i THE MARKETS. Wnll Strest Ileview. N'i V nl, VIih h IS -Tlierp v i. it.iira.pil u In il in Hie itiih markPI Imliy. Tin nuil-i', lio.-i'Vfi, -dill mntiiitii-i vir -p It und a until hit .ii -. Illl doitiHIit pill 1,4 VMIP 1-:UIII tiul I lL(il Mi'll.. n I. Hlr i-n i ,pn- .-u,, all thing i "iiMil.-ii.l, tn! Ii.-i-i 1 !,r- tt i ..t Inthi einp In nn. in icltu hlivllii: of iih,-i .o It iv4 liliid l.i pnltit. ntir larl mglit al mu lime In spite nl II.. iliiiaulnsr liiinrni of i.liiei im in!-, rs rl H.i fit maer croup, -ihlih i..ri- up i'pi prr.stiri' all li. flu nuhraiilp milpp. al.i. .tllTpird flout ptntll Iai5. ri-elp MU- a mid di) - iirt mi H. ;m,ii le, I In Hi" I'rif Imt thev fi-ll link ill -lippl tIMus IhP Sniithwr-lrni 1, 1 1-4 sluiiird n ml ih'p .1 ailinf. all di. Mir --t l.miU Hint -an Kriinl4i -ileiU. vtrp all iiditl'Hiii.i, In. lut from l' tn 'Ji Vmtiticr in iv points of Mn-i.clli di vplnp"-!! 1 lat , ll-itio.-, Ciiitnl vi I a ,oti-pli iioii fpiiurp, ri-au U?t. TIip nutkil iIomiI vlthl In- prlie iiiovrinrtil vir.v niui h intifiL-ed. imtip few Mm 1,4 Mlllntr il lln- top, tun Hip mijorii nf Hip list town itnd.r I'liMsiiit- et profit'. Iclil alP4 In lav, 1,1 ",Tii. I! i-ln.'.s iii 1 1 Ui o nl liom4 iiiiilinu. I M'l.V UIUP, II. P I-MI14 of I II l.lllHUih lotilimtitii: Hip f I .li dr. t'liltisl stat"4 liniiiN vm-ii- ill uni li.uiril on Ihp lat call. 1 bu follovvltt junlatirns ire ftl itMieil Tl." Ttihiu p h M. C Jordan A ( o . me.m Tn'i Wl Mrara ImilditiK, anant it, I'l. I ej,li ice MHi l);en- lllih l,mv llm ins. pI e-t in.' sljr in tiij I I'.i- Im I..I...H I.'l Un 121 l'." Viihl.ot. .Vi, I4I4 'isij v.-i, Mihisnii, P u. m .rv, )i't Hi-....!. I' .11 Hull 7'.e l' T"i -l II II. 1 Miln ''J-', t1i i, t-", (ott. Ii.Iiji o til., I li I.' ( he-, k liliin l-'a li I- l", I hlr. . Ill Wrst 'Jl -1, il'-: -iSU hie.. II. i. i) I.VJIJ lYO, ISJH l.'.l-i m. Paul .'.i.vni ivivj, uri7i 1 ri''. itoik hiai.i i.v.i; irpii ui y Pel. k lluduMi li.;'. 11,71 .. lfi,',; f,7 Kan. k Tev.. Pr .'i-'l .'is4 ."7' :.r'-; I1111I-. .1 Nasi o-i, n-, ii. I-,.; Mm. I.IpiiIisI liOH t-il p;n'J 1-JI Mpf. Trail Inn la, p,7 Irt. I'l'i't Ms4o. Pji-IIIi iri1 ni(, ii'i", (11 S. -I Initial 1.'. IV. l.'i ,',l Smtli.rn Pai-lic I.'.'i Vi, ll'i, V vei foil, k wp-t ,.:' .'i;"'. ."i'l .vi . Norihern I'ai ifie S'. -.', lt s.-. " Netlh. I'ailfie, Pr - Ss'i M ss N. V. I'entul III". 115 HI III Onl. k VVpisl.-rii :.i' Kl'i :i Ki', P.rna. P It i:,: l.yv, i;,i; i;,"( Itiadlnc Hy .",.".'2 ,,ia ill :ai4 rtraiPiig It . Pr. i:ii 7HJ M", 7r'i ntlriii II. It .'!( .-. -M'-i -.'V !-ntilh. It. I!.. I"r 7i'4 ' 7-i 7'i Tiini. Coal k Iron r, ;,i,'j :,i vv, I". S. Leather K II ", l.i f. S. Iluhlipr I9i IliU I'll, 111', I'nlnii Pa.lflr Iii4 i on; ni', I'nlon Pailfle, pr pi y, ". -.-, v.nliasii. pr a-.s, ii-iS, :.i'; avt W-lPll I'lllOtl P4lj l tj i- Col I'ti-l k hen 4Vj r,v, Va IV, IVrtple' CUs luV'J 10'ita t0l' Ul4 f-oittlipin SJ an s.ij ,ii, sojthim S,, Pr s-:", a't tU'J un, Tpvik P.nlhi. HI'; .'Uij :j si Im. ( nr Ki.ui.dry .'.I'l -.'l ,', il r. s sic-i m m, .lis-, i:,!, nsi4 I. s, .lfe r0, Pi.,., mi, S-p; Mi, v,i; ( IIICAGO OIIAIN MlKr.T. Oitn- IIUIi. lovr- Clm. W HEAT. Ins, ct. i. it,-. Miv 7;i 764 ;;,; 7,a, fOHN. Mjv It", in, ii4 ip. O T.. Ma.v -.'J' sjl, 2IT, .V lOIIK. M-J -. i:.!7 ii.UJ IJ 13 13,1.1 Mav 7.7(1 7.77 7.7U T.73 itins. Viy 7.11 7vi ;i'i 7.M MIM" MiIIK lilt.MN MAHKCT. Oni. IIIrIi. ,oiv. lllni WHRAT. ins, est eit. Ilii lsv ui; 'iiT .1, ,-:-N .lulv 7'd, fil'., 71. sir, ( 0I1N. ' Mj I'l'i In'a lil IH, Scranton Boaul or Trade Exchange Quotations All Quotations Based on Par of 101). STOCKS. ,-), A,Ucj Pint National UanU i,, fcciantoti vavlns; llan!. , 13a Third Nallotul llank j-n ; Din. 5 HrpOkii ami nitcnuiu llan.., ;,n , iuii 11 .. 11 i. 1 coiioui L.iaui, II. A. I'. V.O , ,,, l.acl. Trmt fafi) Dqioili Co ii Clark k Snovrr Co., Pr j.'i Scrantcn Ircn I'.-nco k Hfs, Co Scranton Axil Work l.aika'itir.i Daily Co., Pr County Savlnca Hank ,V Trtiit to,. Ml l'lrt Ivotlntial Dink (C'artoutialc) standard Drilllnc Co Iradpn' National Hank (4) bcnnlon Bull nnd .Nwl Co. ,,,,,, P13 II0NDH. Scranton TuiMCcr lUlhvay, Ortt Mortcmr". due 11)20 U Ptoplu'o Islicet flallvvay, rlril inorl. cait", dun 1018 ; Pcoplc'a Street ltallnay, Central inotlcaj". duo lOil )j ll'ikiou llanutn'turlni: Cu l.avk, Tiivnthlp bihool Z prr vent, 10) lJ 20 too 10 no w: Special Diseases of Men S MY SPECIALTY. Not &wkm, Scatter M Faculties wKms'f' If yotl are atifferlni: from any or londlllnn pivullar to men, or if jou htr ben dlMppnliitiil In not i;iltlnn 11 pi'-inuiient inre. I vvanl iii lo rrmc nnd have Melal ilut ivlth n.p. I Mill rplaln lo ou W MMI'M Ol' 'I ItCATMI'.NT. vvliii li I hive otlglnatid and d"vpeppd aflpr my vvliol'p llteV evpir.'pmp In Irratlus fpeiial dl.pa4P4 of men. I havn no hlu, apnlfipi, frep iiniple4, til it luainiriiln nr ileclro 1m1lU.1l enmlilnatloin or ultntl-ir di-vici-ft whi, ,n tint and latinol line ,IIit4 pm itllar to men. My piluo.tlioti. my cvpeil- MP, niv (.oiisvIpikc. mv leputallon ovilmn4 all hiiIi qwukery. If ou will piy in,- a 'I'll I villi sue vnu I'llfi: OP I'll 11HP. tlinrniiEli Pergonal i-.inilnalloii and an honeit ojilnlon of vour'ra.p. If uii hip inniMMr I will Uli ott ai, nnd ntlilso )ou o vou will not lie' I ttii.liiijired bv" misiriipuloii4 isattlttonrra who ilabu (o uiio all. If otter exim. "Injt vou, find jou itifahle, 1 will Imnrr ou of a euie, liin-murh ai I wilt Blip .ton a wilttcu guarantee to refund sou itiry cent vou lime paid me lu ac I fill In efTeit a i tire. I make no dintKP (or inPilidnet, an they nrp alvv.T,i Iniludut In (ho nomlnil fep, a.lpil, aid ton know lo Hip lent. l-fi re ton s-tarl what .tour whole trpitimnt tj iroln to mil. and I 'till niako no lal-e proitdM-ti a4 to the llm for M.o lkc of cclliiit juu M a pallrtit, at I promise only whit I ran il"; and 1I0 an 1 ptomlc. I IT1 II VI, DIK'lt 11lir-s ".topped In R to ID I.MIIONS ami Pralnt lnpp"d In ". lo li da.n. 1 (.( I'llS 1 tare not or Imw tetn: i-tatiilln, 7 vvill dr them up at onee. I Sl'lllc It III lured without uiltlne or illtatilijr. IIMIIKH'I't.r. or any nrlllnia nr t-nl imrnirnl.1 ledmed at onie. VIP01t:sCY hy ni' f.titini nf trealniTl U turaUe ine-peilivc of live time stindlnR or jour ace. ' Pt.Mllll H lP hlPM'V denngrmenti by mj n.iMnn of Irrilmenl hov-r !riu 01 im provetufiit fr-itn the trrv Peslnnlrc niir.lMA'IIMI. helns lam-d hi Impure rendition of Moml, i' tuird pernnncntly by me SPICIPIll Pl.OOn POP-OMNtl. imircntl ruled tinlimit- Ihe uv- of lodldo ot Totaih or Vtrtiui. Mtllll. if ton (annnl lall. Ml orr.fnetiilrnep Mrt. tit- iniiAiliniial and all replica sent In plain pnvp'opr. Inelo-p -i eent lanii" In inline reply Ol FKi: IIUl. IIS, -J a. ni. In 5 p m ind 0 to 8 p in , Sund.v. 10 a m, to 4 p. m. DR. MACKENZIE S 11 e renniuirntly Locntrrt at Fo3trn 208-209-210 Paul. Bulldin 426428 Spruce St., TAKE ELEVATOR. ytomsEKsxamsD nara a City of Sirnnltn M Imp. tl per 10J Siranlon traction ti per icnt Hi Scranton Wholesle Mikct. itorrntiil hv II. tl I -l '' l.ipl-ivtanna ie ll'illi-r trratiipr.v, H :'-' ' !. ?'!" ( h.p.r full tieain. liil'li. Ba. W n In. I, J.'i In li't-e iip.hI. i.ili, -.'s..iPV. ,,.. , IIpiiii Vr Im. i linli e inairnn, SZMilm I'm 111 at.. IM bu. til'.'..'". Vliilliiiti P r I .'iMj. Oerll P1.1-- Per l"l.. '11.1'Ul f. Otiloni Per Im.. -f 1. ! i. I'jonr ll.-t pilenl, per bbl,. t."'. Krd Itidnpi b'l., i.fjiIs Phllndelphla Grain nnd Produce. Pl-iladplrhla. Mirch f. VMipjI Mrntis. le hichii lontiait grade. Vlirpli, J'.'je. I em -I'iiiii. nil-. -Miadi; Nn. - white i-llppi-il. Al lium r rtnii, fm' tve.nin riF.imii, --'-: il". pilnis Vi'.; do. iii.ul'.v print", 2Ji. I.iik 'ie. lower. Ihiv-i- limii N. V. full uiaui". I-iuey Miiall, li4t-. do. fill in rh.ilir. in1! iP.'i - II' lltud H1C.H4 Miuil.l, Willi Nn I hve point lovrr. ( niton -- I ue'iai ted lillnvt - " '' lite pottllrt Hull and i.i.l.i; fowl-, Mill's' ; 1,'ik.t lit, PUIM-i- I ilil'h", l-.ll-IP.-. K(i, Ma 1-Je.i tllrkp., IMIIV-. DipsmiI ,mll!lit lllllll-r, nriil ileuniiid; unih meed. Iteielpt-. I'lniir, I .MO .ind l.iil'.mH pn U In miL; win-it. I.','"! l'ii-hel: i"rn. ri)(in., :i,iin slilpimiili lllnal. notti , null, 21,f; nil", .',wi. New York Grain and Produce. tw ..rl. Manh IV- llour-Aelive and limi ii Whpal fpot pIioiik; No. 1 nnilhrrii lil uih ."'Si' I ii. li. alloii. Optiuus dcvplep.l iiiarVed aillvllv .mil Mrrnulli all ilaj- .Much itW-l iii sc. i Mav, -sii'ai.i .Inly, H)V- "in "piil tinner: Nn. -.', ll'ii. phtatnr. iiptliint I'lillUhlt afliitpd In- ihp iIp in wheat, but bv IliK rtlhri itilit. inliauipd slowly; iloil linn at 'i,a'4i iipI aduniP, Jlauli cliw-il li'n' i Miv, I'i'i- : Jul, l'"."!i . : sieptcinbil. 1'jp. Ilita -,l tiiiu; No. -J, Uli . I No. 'i ttliltc, ,11 Ulai'.l No. II whllP, ,l' trai'a rnlvnl wpi-tern, oilija.l.'r. : trark while, virt-tcru, V.U ,li-. OptlniK ipilpf hut firm. Ilutler Ini-sutar and uniellledi fie-li irtaimry, lilrJiK.; faetoiy, piatlHi ; .tune ireamei, lliVi1!'-.: Imllallon (ipatnerv, tlal-x. ( hcepo I'lrm; famy larKO rolnreirand white, Itall'si.t fam-v wiall ol ornl, l."-.i-., fam.i mu ill vvhltp, r..iI2',p. i:iw Parily -liail ; IVnni ami Mate, l.'alle. CliIcnK0 Ginln and Produce. (Iiliosn. Vlanh IV Wheal led the other mar. I,rn in aiilill .ind streiuitli t"di.v, closing with n ml advanie of l'te. tindir a tilde rantto ol Imlli'li nn.. Coin 'i: oali, 'i, nnd pro. iMona ahout Itk. hiiilui. lah quotations iiiro ai follo..: I'loiit -Mradiir: No .1 piln iihpat, Cn'i 7-J'ji ; to. -.' tp.l, 7."'iii"7-si . ; No. '1 torn, 10.1,1 ; N'o. 2 oalu, -J'a'.'Vie. ; No. 2 rye, 6Ji .'...; h.irlei, lilalU-.: No. I tlav, $l.fi2 timo. I'n, YI.'-'V:' pork, II,1H: Janl. ?7 75; riht, 7.10: Klirnildpni, V : tld, $7.8Ja7 03; whU l.i v. ,-1.27. ChlcBfro Live Stock Market. i IiUjso. Manh l.V-( atlp--npeppt4. 1V); cenrrally rlioni;; (tcwh) tn prime M er. l.!lii.. pom- tn'tiHdlum. fl(Mjl."0. Im ki-rs and feed ii4, iholie, ilpadyi oihem, vviak: inlttw. ftrailv. l.j0a'i; 'leva l"d .teer, la1; Tesaa liijss'ttieH, t.l.."!JJl. Texa4 InilN. ,.'.'Oa.'!,7j, llojv IlirelptJi, P'.Oip); ittlimtpil tnniorroiv, l.",ii); aitlve, l.iili- ItlKher; top, SJJ'i, loiiali heaiv. 'i..-.Va3.H); light, JVJ3a5.73; hulk of wlr.4. I.VlaiiVTi. , , het-p Slioni;, .vearbl.Aa and Romt lamhs, 10e. Idalii-r: weileiii lii-ep, tl.lJal-.O: jearllngj, rl.7.'aVi; niil.e lamhi, ?.V10a5.lV New York Live Stock. pv ork. V n li Ij. -Ileifa Medium to rooiJ fliiii, hili- hi?her; lonimoii erad.a. Iiadt i ImlN and tow, t lead : tt"oi, i'l flu.i.1 13- hulU, .1.l3il,IU; i-xiiil. l-JVil.i): iow. W.nViltiV I ulna, ilea li : u'. 1 UW.M; Mile cabes, 1U.T.V ,-sii-rp and lamhi- 'lead : sheep, So.SOa.'Si i nil-, 3.'.0il.ej. Hog4- Nil" im -ale alln : nominally ltlBher. East Liberty Cattle. Ijt.l l.lliirl. Vf,i 13. I unit- MimiI.i . ex tia, iO.J0i'i.ii'i, pin-ie, iVJJaJ 10; ininmon, t-ISi il.fin. Ilnj4 IIisIit, hean .ti.ikm and niedlumi, tM- i; light vuikrik, irUi. Oi, lingi. WW mi pla-., "VNlaVKl. Miieii "-leiil! wethrit, ,Wa3, laiulu, j. 73 iii.Siii teal ultei, t0.Va".SO Catarrh Cannot Da Cured witli LOCAL .M'l'LK ATIOXS, aj they cannnt I mill lln- eat cf the disease. Catanh is a blood or loi.itllutlonal diseaac, and In order to cure it .ton must tako Internal rcmrdic. llall'a Ca. i.uili Cure la taktn Internally, and acts directly on the hlood and intuoiu turfacts. llall'a Ca tairli f'ure is not a quad, medicine, It uni prewribeil by one of the boat phjjlciani In thil tmintry for team, and U a regular prrecription. It in composed ol the best tonlci known, torn. Pined with the best hbod purifiers, aetlnc di rectly on the inucoui mrfatea. The perfeet rom. lilmtloii oi the two innitdlenta ii what pro dm ft null wonderful tetiilU In curing Catarrh, Sind fur Ici.tlii'onljl-. nee 1". J. IIIUNKV i LO Piops., Toledo, O M.1,1 l.i drusiibli, i'l Ve ,r, Halls lam'1 I'illa an- lln.- hett. , I Center Them on My Specialty II Ii SCRANTON, PA, 3 limii,'MZ.LMM&&2RZZmi FINANCIAL. r vv BOND OFFERINGS PAYING 3.18 TO 4.05 Per Cent, Central ft. II. of N. J. Gen, 03. Fin., Cent. & Pen. Con. 5k. Gal,, Har. & San Ant. lbt Bn. Iowa Central Ry. Co. 1st 0s. Lako Shore Hcfundlnfr 3 l-2n. Minn. Gen'l Elect. J at Con. 5s. Minn. & St. li. Con. 0s. Norf, fc Vest. Imn & Ext. (5s. Nor, Pac. St. T. & Bulutli Ah. Pooi la & Pckin Union 2d -1 l-2s, Rio Grande & West. 1st 4s. Complete Circular List on Application 1001 (Pocket Edition) now rendy. Spencer Trask t& Co. 27-29 Pine Street, 05 State St., Albany. NeW YorU NEW YORK HOTELS. WESTMINSTER HOTEL Cor. Sixteenth St. and Irvtics Place, NEW YORK. American Tlan, $3.50 per dajr and upwalrd, European Plan, 11.60 per da and upward. L V. CIUWFOUD, Iroprictor. Broadway, 3th Are. aod 271b Street, N cw Veal. Absolutely Fweproolf 111 Uie ceti. ter of thn h "I'pi il K nnil lhrntm d i 8 1 r 1 1 1 . l'lrst - rlatt limit Ittntv. tKilnlmrnM. t. n 1 1 r o I v new tluougli out. European Plan Foomi a In. vva . ...,....,.iT. e or riu tulle, with or without bath, hot imilLolil water and telephone in every room. Culalne unexcelled. -- -tv-f-f-t--f-f-f-f-t--t- -f - For Business Men In the heart ot tno wholcsala dlMrlct. For Sliopiicis t mlnutea' walk to WannmaVers: S minutes to Sleuel Cooper' a Bis Store, nany of acccaa to ibu b-reac Dry Goods Stores. For Sightseers One block from D'wny Car, civ. Ins rnsy transportation to all points of Interest. 4. Al!iV IU1UL. Cor. 11th 6T. & UNIVHKSITY VU "" Only one Ulock from Broadway. ROOraS, $1 UP. nTAURANT. t r - ir vrkB- f -f-f-f-f'f -f-f-H--t--f-f --- BEAIIfY, 251 GONQUStm BELLAVITA Arsonio Beauty Tablets aivl 11111. Aptr foctlyaafounii Kuanuitieiltroalnient tor all kita dUordors. Restores llm bloom ol joutli tc laded lacer. 10 days' troutment r.doi ) duj' tl.00, by uiuit tienrt for rlrenlnr. Aildro", vRVITA MfcDICl CO . riintmi & ,!s;ksM SIS., Cblcaff Bold by McQarrah & Thomas, Druc Cists,, S09 Lackawanna avo., Surauton, l'a. Prof.Q.F.THEEL,527?,,rS wrritM uviramm iu run iu uj pii riTSir , IHrMP,(fiTti (Iim llOl(dni)kirfir,ilia, SHImk pvUitB, NriBi lUlllllj. ti hH !. tlinal llim aLml f.ia ku.i.a f..llu,.UI. U tl.L I tlaUf 9iTf modi, d rlfflrlfil frm I M ml tan ppT ' J. S f(