The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, March 16, 1901, Page 8, Image 8
.- - ' - "' nv w ' ) - " ' ft i THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE-SATURDAY, MARCH 10, 190T. t r " U i , " WEST Y.W.C.A.GIVES A RECITAL WILLARD THE HOWE WAS ONE ENTERTAINERS. or Well Known Impel solicitor Was on the Propininme nt the Llteinry nnd Musical Recital Wnshbmn Stieet Cliuich Meeting of Given at the Piesbyteilan Odd EcllowH, nnd Organization of Olee Club. Royal Arcanumltcs Celebiatc Their Twelfth Annlvcrsaiy. Ul.lllg to till' ItlC loilir-nt WiutllU. a small attendance miii pipHfiit "t tin- AVnshbtilu Stieet Piesbyl.'rluli ehutcll Inst evening at the iniislial ami lltetniy ifcllnl lor the bcnellt "I' the Young Women's Cllllltlllll 'ISSHl'lUllOH. T'llOsl Villi llltl'iulld Well well lep.ild. Tin' ntti.ulliui win Wllluril Howe, tin- well-Known Impeisomitor. who ui ..ssbt-d by loenl Inlent. l lio chUK'li milKHlHi ri'iuli'inl us an opening oiottuie. 'rii liililiil IMrly" in. I.llllini .losnph Kellnr. a .soloist I ,,vj-,...v...,i df a kwhI voice, which ha delighted many Veil Mil" audlotn es, sang. "Who II W M l.uv. nd'i." Sh" whs f omi'ellnl In tcpnlut to an fin mv iinil sang. "I. till- l!nv l.lue" Mr. HoWC follow, ll With sovfllll llllllllOUJ selections. Tin' .iiiI.ium ami laughter win' frc(iint aii'l lieu it. v. 11U stoilos mill linpeisoii'itloiw were I'M'i'lli'iil. Ilinve.i .1. IHiicitwowl delighted t lt iiiiillcm i- with a ii'l'it miId, "Simple AVCI1." II ll I'M'l'lli'llt. "I'doW, P.loW. Thou W'lutei Winds" a li.ii-- "o by Thomas Hall. "I Wnvcily. was a num ber th.'it wad greatly appreciated. Mr. Howe liiipoisoiiatod th" diainc Ms til the icheni.sal, "l'yiamus anil Thlslie " llli decilptlvo pmvpiK ate w complete that vci.v diameter de pleted or Inclih'iit niuiatnl -pi in to be rietutllly befciie tin- audience. Ills i f fotts weie greatly nppteeiuted and he was compelled to !".piintl ' nunu'ioim Pill 01 CS. Tin' piogininiiio i nurludcd with a . l.Tti.m by tin1 (IiuipIi on hi-'lia. Siluilan Olee Club. Slim Inn lodge. No. 7". Independent ider cit odd I'Vllovis, nn-t lust f oti ng in I'vaiis' liall, on South M'liu avenue, and ti aiis-ait il eotisldurnblc iMihlnovK. A rIp i lull was oigunl.ctl to pjitiiipalo In tin .so.slsons ol the Pnlsr- at liiMulhitiou and when the wmli of tho vailoit" degiees hip be ABOUT THIS TIME LOOK ( COUGHS out tor i anu wlw TAKE DUFOUR'S FRENCH TAR. TWO RARE Today and tomorrow you will find a wiudowful of Gentlemen's Hosiery and highly finished Suspenders that arc really worth attention. The Hosiery Consists of line imported goods, in colors and black, and the famous "Shaw-Knit" line, which looks well and wears better than any hosiery that ever comes to market, All Sizes in Either Kind The Suspenders Come in a large variety of styles offering a more than sufficient choice for the most fastidious buyer Any pair in the lot is worth more than we ask for them iv Globe Warebodse SCRANTON ing woiliPd. lltlKh .i'iik i linn In I'll fl leeted uh Under The, cluh Is com posed or excellent iiinteilnl nnd him a In-lBht future III Morc'fnr the piuty. The pcironnellp nl' 111" lull Is us lol- loui KltM tPiiors HiirIi IvntiH, W. J. Thoiiiii", .1 .lolies, Itoger M. I.och, John TlllM'lC. Second tenuis W. J.iaN David .Mnrmin. T. J. Thiunae, I'ht baMi-W. I.pvls, Walter Wil kin. Second ImcMi Uuvlil I'adWK'.in, .lohn AVIiniuy and John II. Kplley. The club will lnaho Ihclr Hint ap IciiraiH" nt the next t'slnn of the lollop, which will he held on I'l-Iday, Mm idi :.'. A Pleasant SurpiUe. .Mik. IMward ScluocdPr. of l-Vlluwi' ."Illl't, Was pIPllMllltly HllipilSLll lllKt I'VPiiliijf bv a nuinhor of hur fi lends. The time- wan pIcaM.iutly Kpent In phiy Inu iraiiies and vni Ions othor dler clony. William Watklns niimf seieial celpctloiiH. which wcie highly appiccl- atnl. Spivral selections wctp playpit on the :;raphoplioiii. At a vonsinuilili hour dainty lefreHlituents iie hcim-iI. Those picsciit wcip' Mr. and Mia. 1'ilwanl Silnocdcr, Mr. and Miu. John D.ivls. .lr. nnd Mih. William Williams. Mr. and .Mis. Thomas ,. iMwaidc, Mr. and M's. Thnimm Tlnnniis, Mr. unit Mis I'haile.s lli'llerphluii', Mr. and Mis. Thomas Wlllllntns, Mr. nnd Mis. David l.iidult;. Mi. and Mis. TIidiiuih I). IM wards Mr and Mis. Joiips and the Miss, i.tzxli' I'imIko, Han let Mow en, IMItl' .limes Ihiiina l)als MaiKaiel Schioed.'i. Maiy Davis, and Maiy .limes Koxclla .Ioiips, ol' Taylor, Mems William riiilst, William Wat klns, (Mimics Wiiijstiiff. Jumps Smith, (ipoiKP, Wllliiul Il.iils Anion ndixiii'iN and Thomns P.i I. Celebiate an Annlveisaiy. l.atkawiinnu couiull. No. US'!, Uoyal Aicaiium. ii'lebrated iheh twellth nn nlveisaiy la-l cvenlnK' In nu appropil alc uiauiicr In Uoiltc hall, on South Main avenue, c. CnmcKys the well known lawver. ilellveicil an ahle ad dress on the late I'cujamlu Haiilsim, He spoke III eiiluKlstlo let ins of the dupiispit. Several other ineinl rs of the order spoke. It was it most en joyable session. At the loiuhislon. sindwlehcs, ,orf.-i and cliMiri weie passed niiminl. sind a -oelal .e-slon pusilcd. The committee in ihaipe mri'i W, llevan. K. W. Thaei, W. A. Ill owning, W W. DaMs and T .1. CosBtorc. I'uneials. Tin- fmeinl of the late Mis 1'atiick Shisiln will be hold at l o'clock this moinlni; irom the family u'sldcncc on Sim anion slict Sci vices will be con ducted at Holy Cnws t lunch, ami In tel ment will be made In the ceniPteij. The funeral senues of the late Mrs, .lulla Motlltt. of I'.nilioail avenue, will take place this uhmiiIiik at '.i o'clnik at Holy Cto-s chiin h Intiimeiit In t lie Cathedral cnipter The fulifilil of the late Andrew (ipis timk"r will lake place this alternuon 25 c CENT LINES Your Choice of the Lot f&. pro 25c fiont the family Hinnnrr avenue residence on North GENERAL NEW3 NOTES. Mis I'ai tun, 0f Acudumy stieet. Is ftMTeilnir ft om a sevcto attack of the t lp. The wuiuen'n class of the Simpson Methodist Kpl'copnl ihuich IU"t yes. tiula and transuded much lmpott unt business. The West Side Prohibition club will hold a public sfstion lp Morgan's hill on Tuesday evening. The public Is In vited. An 'iellent pioKranitiie has lii"ill plep'lled. Hyde I'aik caiuii. Modcin WoudniPii of Amci lea, will mecl on Mondnj cicu Iiik In loilto hall. The lillll'itiel tiiiitpc of the, In City Whi'i'ltiicii will Joiliney to Taylor on Monday evening, whom they will Klo one of tin Ir enjoynlile cnteitnlu mellls. The l.oai CiiisaileiM will nii'Pt this evenhiK In Co-operative hnll. The pies pine of every member Is, deshed. Hvnn Thomas had the ilnttcrs of his iIkIu hand mashed while coupliuR tais ,il the Dndco liilur yeMCldny moi ultiK- Pr. D. l)als. of South .Main avenue, ihossed the Injuiles. The West Side Dancing lass held a laiKely allend"d sisslmi last pvenltiK II; .Meals' hull, ii was an cnJiiMiblo event. The Dollar i lub was entiitnlned es leid.iy uiteiiiooii a ml evening by Mr. and Mis. Claience Slnyer. The Casey .v- Kelly Culim Itorl: Ucer will he nu tap today and all ni-l week. DUNMORE DOINGS. Condition of Boiough Stiectb Reso lutiona Passed on Death of Wil liam O'Connor by Royal Aicnnuin. The i oiiiliiioii of the slieets In Ren pi ul. and South Hlakely str-ct in par ticular. Is the woist seen in s.mie tlm-. That jiiri of Hlakely Micci thn v ih lorn up by the kus and water rum pa nv hist fail is In nn linp.iKs.ibl con dllloii, It hpliifr necessary to have It miarded by a nlKht watehiuaii. As peilestrlnns plod their wvary way over ei oss walks coveted by three lo six inches of thin mud they try In fathom the nothings, of the master minds that decldul that the pioper pl.u e for a sidewalk Is seveial Im li s lower t lut 1 1 the load level Resolutions Weie Passed. William 11 o Connor, who was killed some time ago at the Hunker Hill uo.TdiiK in I milium e, was a member of the Koynl Aicaiium utiiicll of this plat e. At a lecent me-tlni? of the louncll the lollowlny: icsolutions vvcie paused: Uluii.i-. Willi. un IP jli O Cuiiiioi, .in lioiwr il tminlifr of llniimuii' mvi'iil, N". liV, lioul Vu muni, Iih l.ciu irnmxrd limn im la '1.ah up ilocin II lltlliii? tliot c uiiulil mike i.m.' pnMIe ri,iOH-.lon ol Hi.' r-Uim In wiilcli lu' v.ii In M I iv M? Iirotlier liiMiiluini tlicrofi ir. ! It llon.lwil. 'I lilt In the iUmUi of Wllll.nil lli'sh il't otmor itiU couiull In miujIiiiiI ,1 s.'tIoik le.v, .u In' vv.H u lillliful riltrmliiit nt llio iur. in.'- ef tin- iuiiiii il jiuI ju .in'iiit jiK'k.Ul' nf Vu, l!i,..hiHl, 'llwl ui rt, lid In I lie tiiit-uicil (nuili inn IikiiiiiIi fimpjiln nut immii' twin III IllO lilllll "sllflll III Ulllcll tlP Jcr MCil ! litM In lln of IliU (ouni II. 'Ilui .1 toil) ul thwp l'" tlinlli if IupmIiKiI t tin tuinlly cl iiuf .1 i"."i f I I'pulicr ail otli'tod to llir iliil.i ptpoin if s, ,i'noii tri lnlih .itieii II. I'. Vllimo-r, Vit1!!'. lii'iti I! ,i .1 T.ilt. s, not in Boiough Funaials. The funeral of the late Mii-. Mai tin I.oilKhney oicuiifil flom the home on Willow stieet e.steiday aft'-'inoun and was laiKely attended. Interment wan made in tin. Catholic cenieteiyi The tuncial ot the late Mr. H.iirot A. Weed will tak place from th" h uue ii her dnUKhle. Mrs. .i.siifr. C.ilih, lo'.O Paul sttect, ilils moiuliip. Ilev. M I'", till) ii i. ) ' the P '. -Iiyleii la Cll'llell. w''. oll'i 'ate ,1,1,1 il.liilTnilt will be uiailo 111 tt'iij limit, wheie de. censed foinieily re.-ided. At the Chinches. Hndley Street cliim h PionchliiK by llev. CJ. W. Xoith at lO.nn n. in. and T.r.O p. in.: Sunday .school at IS o'clock: prayer mcetim? Thiitsday eieiilii ni 7 :;u p. m. Dilllllliiie Methodist chltuli Kev. A. .1 Van Clett. pastor. Ser vices lonioiiow v ill lie a.s follows: I.ove feast at ' .:n a. in., .sermon nt lO.Hrt by It'v .1 !'. Wainer, piesldln.'; elder, follow ul Uv the sauam -nt i f til l.oi d's Supiu. The pastor will pi each In the eveninir. subject, "Noah ami the Ark." The other services will be held as Usui) I. Seats five and nil welcome. E. Robinson Sons' Celebiated Bock liter on tnpPatiiiduy and all next week CIlEEN RIDGE. The Athinaeuin I.ltciaty s(.0ty was tin Pled by the scliolais ot lliain n ar A grade m Si lion Xo. 2 ister dej afteinoon and will meet oveiy WnincMlny afternoon nt the close of uhonl, The following ofllceis weio eliitiJ: Pieldenl, Crover Seais: vbo president. Stanley Siviulz: f.ecietaiy, lliuilct l.ludr.i.v trciisip !. lienn I.a Tom he. assistant siuetniv, William .lltcliell; coinmlltep m stilijctts. Ann.i l.uce, Jessie Sho"inaker, Arlington, stanlev Swailz, coimnltlrp on niusic. rim tine Mutty, Kdlth Ininii, Kail Kvans, Thuisday ivenlmr. Maich il. the flieen Uhlge lodge, tpdcpPiideiil il"r of Odd Fellows will noinlnate olllier.s lor the ensuing term. Mies Kllle Lee. of Mjleit avenue, U visiting friends in I'albondale. Piovldcnie (ouncll, No. yvi. Junior Oiibr 1'nlti'd Anietlcan Meihanlcs, hi Id an Intel 'i.tliu ni'etlng H't even In.'' In .viatfoiilc hall, Dickson avenue. .Miss i.nictla Mown, of Ihcalto, i-ticit. lo visiting fileiiilb in Kaptiin, Pa. Miss Tannic .Maiviii, of Sanderson iiMiiue, Is 111 timn tho grip. Jailii-H I'-nllei, of Hi ecu Itldgy stieet. l.ii h puichriscd tho lot .m D.dawaie stieet ndjolniiig the ieiin.ue, of J. 1), r.vun. .ml will lnillii upon It In th I'.ai tutiiip E. Robinson Sons' Celebiated Bock liter on tnpSituidnv and all noxi week THE HOMLIEST IWAN IN SCRANTON it well j tlir lumt.oi.icAt . ami olhcu no ImIiiiI lo ull on 1.113- iliiissUt and tit (in a Hill lu.tllu nf Komii'4 llilum for tlig 'fliiojt anil l.imii), remedy I, tiutantci'il In turc ami ulli'ip all I liii.nlo ami Atutc CouijIiii, A.tliini, Hion lilth 3i"l l.iiniiiiptlon. I'rko -i, inn 50c. AFTKK KFFKOT OF UIII1. Ate Often Moie Seilotis Than the Clip Itself. Plnsklans and Kilp stiffcu'iH alike me iiricpiI that the ntter effeits of the disease nte more to be fcaied than thn acute attack; you can never be stito that the disease has left the p)h t"in completely, LafJilppo mutually jtliuks Iheweak est organ and leaves It Htlll weaker. Not only pneumonia, consumption, bronchitis and tin oat trouble follow the grip, but kidney, liver and Monineh am troublcH Just as liable to lesult, ptovldPil'any of thpse oiRnns should happen to he In n weak condition at the tlino of attack, To net lid of tho fiilP Koi ni, to get It until ely out of tho syrt"in and blood, few iPinedieH uro so good and none safer that Htu.nt's Cntiurh Tablets; they nte not a compound of powprful and danReinus iIiuks, but a pleasant, palatable, tonvpnlent ifinedy in tablet form, (omposeil ()f the wlinlesoine antl scptlo piluclples of lhicalyptus bark, blood root and similar Keimlclde loiue dles which me pcifectly vvholcRimie and hatml'ss to the systPin, but death to tho nerms of grip, catairh, consump tion nnd diseases of the and air passages, Mrs. Charles (ionntcy, of Memphis, says: "Last winter an attack nf Hip grip left me with weak back, a per sistent cough and loss of llesh nnd appetite and aftr using- vailous icme dles lor icveral mouths with little or no Improvement I lltmlly bought a M cent package of Stuart'.s Cnturth Tab lets at my ding store, and as they were pleasant and i onvenleiit to Inko I us3d them at alt times of day or niRht ami I was astonlshpil to secitie such line lehulls fiom so pleasant and convenient a medicine. In two weeks my cough disappeared, my appetite ie turned. 1 Improved In 11 -sh and rolor and no one would now think that I cvei had siuh a tiling as the grip. 'My iliugglst told me lie sold more of Stuart's Calm lb Tablets, for the tare of Kilp, colds and crtaith. than any other slmilai iiicdlune ' SOUTH SCRANTON NOTES. Entertainment Touionow Night by Dlvslon 22, Ancient Older of Hibernians. Ulv son No :;.'. Am lent onlei of Hibernians, will elve a gland nlPr talumcnt tomorrow evuilug at St. John's hall. Hon. John P. Qu.unaii will be the speaker of the evening. The pro gramme which has hepii arranged for the occasion Is as tollows; Piano solo; vocal solo, Miss Margatet Ormsby; vocal solo. Michnel Heap: lecture, Hon. John P. Qulnuan. duet, McCormnek biother.s; lecltatlon. Miss Hannah Cal lahan: Itlsh .specially. William I'.eap: vocal solo. Master lilttcnhouse Fnlse Alaim. The alarm of Hie which was tinned In last evening fiom l!o 5T ivn a false une. The Centurlch and Ncptuncs re Mjionded and lounil that thcie was no lire In the vicinity. News Notes. .Mi. and .Mis Michael Hum.- and Jlls.s Ciithcilm- Puiecll, of Piospccl avenue, lot t for Plttston otciday to attend the funeral of a lelatlvo. i'Vidlliand Mueklcy has letuined lioin KIinhur-1, wheie lie has been eii gaped for the past mouth at the icsl dence ol Jleniy Wvliiuiii, geneial mail ngcr of the Lackawanna ii on and Steel iniupntt), wheie he demented scvoial looms. The St. Peter's mhIoij will mecl to inoiiow afttinoon in St. Maiys hnll, on Hlckoiy "trcet. Division No. .'.'. AuiUni Oroer of Illbeiiiliins will meet Sunday after noon at - o'clock In Phannacy hall. (iciiprnl (iiant conunandci). No. 2.W, Knights of Malta, held a largely at tended meeting last evening nt lint t mnti's li'ill. Tho .lunger Miunncuhor will meet for Sunday afteinoon at i u'clock In Ocrmanla ball. Tho Caiey & Kelly Tnlon 15. ; Beer will be on tap today nnd nil net wrek. ALUMINUM HOUSES. One ot the Uae3 to Which the White Metal Is Put. Two yens ago when the Klondike fever was At ItH lilgliest point, one man saw tho necessity of establishing living plaies for the ninny who ware bound to thiiM gold-laden regions. lie coiicelvctl tin idea of making small houses of aluminum, and can led out his idea by having Hhcets of pioper size made for shipment there. Possi bly that was) the time aluminium enletcd Into this way of house iou structlon. The lightness of the while metal; lomhlneil with tho maimer In which It could be suited away, had i 'iiminieiiilcd Itself as being supei lot to nny other maicilal for the puipose desired. At the Pan-American exposition is tois will have tho oppoitunlty of sec lug a small building made of aluminum. Aluminum is manufactured at Kails with the use of the electricity generated thcie in huge quantities. Niagaia Falls Is the piluclpal alumin um manufailuilng place In tho world, and the white metal Is a piodmt ot the two principal facilities hxuUil there, nit lent being taken fiom botn of the Blent power companies. The Pan-American struituu. thai Is lo be mnde nf aluminum will lie lo. catcd In tin Mnuufuctuies nnd I.lbeial Arts building. Ju Minpo It will bo oi - tagonal, and It will bo as large as can be built In a space fifteen ftet sqtmie. The height will be about iwen-t-tvvo tect and It will 1 made of No. .'I sheet. The nu hlteetuie will resem bio the Spanish renaissance, piactlcnlly tho same stjl adopted for the bulld liiKti of Hi . gteat expesotlon. It.s linos will bo grateful, and thein will be a beauty about it tht will win now ad mliatlon for aluminum. No doubt the PiPKcncc ot this building at the expo slllou will suggest numeioiiH ideas to Invintlvc minds wherchv alumlnuiii in slmlliir .duets may In ined to add to the lightness and beauty of the v.trloua stiuctiics. Pure aluminum is so white and flllvciy in appearance that It will be hard for many to bcllevo that the building Is not u genuine ullver palace. It will he a now spectacle In tho atchl. tectuial lhu. and old an well as young will be lutcieslcd In It. Dining recent 5eai.s tin print of aluminum has been so reduced that It has now reached it point where II conies In doso nnd sue. icssful competition with soverul of tho other cheap motnls. That Is why It enters into tho iiuinufnctuto nf ho ninny articles, tho display of which at tho Pan-Ainoilcau exposition will ex dto much favorable comment. NORTHSGRANTQN ENTERTAINMENT GIVEN BY CHRISTIAN ENDEAVORERS. North Scinntgn Society Enter tallied Endeavoicrs from All Parts of tho City nt the Providence Pies byteilan Cliuich Eticlne Contest Which Was Held Thuisday Night. Coming' Basket Ball Game to Be Plnyed by the Stars Other News Notes and Personals. A snrinl nnd cntPrtalnuiciil wcte given lust evening: by the Christian Kndeavor society of tho Provldeuco Presbyterian church to the Kndcnvor ers from different partH of tho city In the c hutch pat lots. A lnige number of d.legaten from different Kndcavor Kocietlcs were pies cnt nnd had a most enjoyable time An excellently nrranged programme was i end Ted. Mesrs Culld and HII lesple sang n vocal duet In a very pleasing niaunei', while Miss Lulu Constantlne, the well known elocution. 1st ft om this section, icilleil one of her favorite plecs. Misses Kicas and Smith rciiilcicd a piano iluct. and after the enteitaln nient a veiy ideasnut and soclnble time was spent. leucine Contest. Th" Manillette collndl, Young .Men's Institute, and the O'Conliell council, nf Uunmnte, played a game of endue In the MuHiuette count il looms in St. Maiy'.s hall Thuisday evening. A huge numbei of members, of both societies vvie In attendance, nnd a very lively contest was seen. Until teams woiked haul to mptuie the ptizc. but the visiting team was .successful, the seme being. Mauiuette, l.'iO; O'Couuell, 171 A smoker uust given after the game Basket Ball Game. The Notth Ibid Stats' basket ball team has arranged lo play u game of basket ball next Monday afteinoon and evening. In the afternoon they will plav the well known John TigiM's gymnasium team. Mr. Tigtle hits one of the sliongcst teams In this part of the stale, all his plaeis being well known In ath letic (licles ibioiighout this seitlon. in the evening the Stars will meet Wjonilns Seminal y team, the undis puted i hnuipioii team of Northeastern Pennsjlvanla This will be the I hint time the Stain pln.veil the seminal y hoys and attempt to take fiom them the championship, which tliay have held so long. The game in the afternoon will be called at .:!0 o'clock, In the evening at .: o'i loi k. Y. W. C. A. Notes. Sewing school Satuiduy nit'Uiiooii at I'.HO o'cloi k. flospel meeting Saturday evening at 7."0 o'clock. Subject. "The l.ollovei'.s Joy." All aie welcome. Jiiulois' meeting Sunday afteinoon at o'.uO o'clock. Monday evening, sewing and eni bioldery clastis. All who wish lo Jolt, thes-e classes may do so at this time. A mlllliieiy class will also bo foimetl at this time. Tuesday afternoon, lllhle studv by Kev. A. K. Alildi at 4 o'clock. We take up the "Hook of Daniel." and mist inanv will Join us In thN most inter esting and Inspiiing study. Miss Westcott'f cinbioldeiy dais on Tuesday evening at 7.3U o'clock. We would like liu'ire to join this ehim. Motheis' meeting Wednesday atter nocin at .1 o'clock. Subject, "The Itlised Coiufortei " We especially In vite motheis to attend this meeting. Kitchen gulden Thuisday afteinoon at 4 o'clock. Thuisday evening. lllhle study. Sun day school lesson fiom .'iti until S.Si) o'clock; C. L. S. fioin s.:sO until !i.10. All aie luvlied to this meeting. classes In painting and embroidery arc being fotmed. All who wish to Join nny of our classes may Inform the. sccictaiy. Tho Young Women's Chi 1st Ian asso ciation looms aie located at "CIS Xoith Main avenue. Wo Invite you to come and visit the looms. Kellgious Notes. 1'iovldence Methodist KpK-upal chinch, Kev. fJeorge A. Cure, pastor. Hrotlieihood of St. l'aul meets at 10 a. in. All men and boys aie invited. Pleaching at 10.20 a. m. and 7.30 p in. by the pastor, Subject of evening fer nioli, "The Apostle to India." Sunday school at - p. in.: Kpwoith league at C.13: topic, "flu 1st Our High l'tlcst," Alice La I nl, leader. Christian chuidi, Xoith Main a venue. Pleaching at 11 a m. and 7.IS0 p. in. At the motning rervlee the pas tor will exchange pulpits with Kev. Pr. ("itillil, of the Picsbyterlan i lunch. Kienlng subject of pastor, Kev. K. W. Clymer, will bo "The Grace of Suhmls hlon." Sunday .school, 10 ti. in.: Young IVoplu's Society of Christian Kmlcuvor, .15 p in. All aie welcome. NUBS OF NEWS. Mr. and Mis. Kvnn flubiiel.of Chuuh avenue, aie eutertaliilng their daugh ter, Mrs. Lizzie Tliutuat., ot Vouiig. town, Ohio. Miss ticititiile Norton, of Petty ave nue, Is slightly Indisposed. Charles 11. D.ivls, of Summit avenue, Is suffeilng with tho gi lp. An Intel estlng piogranune lias been nrr.ingcd by Divisions No. fi and 10, Ancient Older of lllbctulans, for St. PatlleU's day, to be icndeieil in St. Maty'rt hall. The Casey .v Kcllv fnloii lloi necu will be on t ip todny and all next V.vcK. OBITUARY. Mis. X.. E. Buigess, K. K. Kurgess, whose death oc- Mis c in e nl nt Nny Aug. Pa., on Wedues- day. Match U. utter a bilef Illness belonged to n wdl-lnown Piovldelice family. She was the daughter of James Wilder and was bom In New Unnipshhu sKty yeais ago. Her father settled In Piovldence between IStO nnd isr,0. Ills family conslstetl of four sons and two daughters, .lohn. Samuel, Charles, Ueoigo W Krutiees and Kvallue. I.'runces nun i led IMwaid Allniglu. fieoigo W. AVIldcr was long the well hnovMi supeilntendenl of Keggifs Creel; colliery lor tin Delnwaie nnd Hudson company. Kvallno man led, II rut Hemy Oluy IlcerinauH, son of Henry lleotmuns, one of the cat Heat and best known men hunts of Provl denco and father of Mih, W, W, Win- REJECTED! Ifirn T IS but a few years since Insurance Compa nies insisted on a chemical analysis of the fluids of tin body of applicants desiring insurance in large amounts. Now, every applicant must undergo such cxaininai tion, no matter how small the amount of insurance asked for. The Insurance Companies have learned wisdom by experience, They know tor a certainty that the only sure way of detecting Hright's disease in its first stage is by a chemical .iiulysis and they govern themselves ac cordingly, Many men applying 'or insurance and finding themselves rejected, are dumbfounded when told they have kidney disease. Why? Because tliey look and feel well, stiller no pain, and have a good appe tite. But the unerring microscope in the hands of the intelligent phy sician, has unmistakably shown the beginning of the end, unless re paired, of the breaking down of the delicate tissues of the kidneys. Happily, if taken in time, there is a cure for kidney disease. Wa say this with entire confidence, because thous-inds have so testified, and hundreds have obtalilcd life insurance following a couisc of War ner's Safe Cure, after having previously been t ejected because of incip ient Bright's disease. Men, do not leave your ones dependent through your own carelessness! Cr"Write Waruor's Safe Curo Co., Rochestor, N. Y., today for fre snmplo of Warnor'a Safe Cure and full particulate how to proceed to socuri nn absolutely correct microscopic oxaminntion. AMUSEMENTS. ! YCGUriTHEA'rRE - iilis .v. nrnncsiiKR. itw. A. .1. Dll'l V. Muutcr. riiinw vi svii iiiii ami sviinpu uvriM.r. mvwii r. vn m MR. CLAY CLEMENT In lli' KiniittaMi' IVi-uiiiitlnii 'I Union HohenHtauffen. In il Oaii lillllo ('uim-il. il)" NEW DOMINION Willi an Vil(ii.ili NippitHm Corapin t'llll l.S lrMtlur. i Hip house. I.v.nlhl. J h . and r'ii ilulili ii JV i sjN on Kilo V OniMi.n ji or Mi.iir DMA Tuesday, March 19. un t.iii.vr KELLAR Tin Utnnnclir it III NiIIoil" I'resctitinn in in. rvlrunrilinjo noicllifii ill Hi" tn.ii.ii .ol V Miles of new am! M.utllni; ltliMm in nil i.l li ltii :ltl:VT Ul.l.l.VIt ami Mil.jiii'x atntlilliL' liltliiltn Jci ompl i-bt il. New Vhtli. New I unreti. Neu tlht.intw. Ni VItnnlf, Ni anil iliiaiiul ll.ii.a.iu. .11 tin' Itealni nt tin' Vliiit'lm. ITtltl."--', miii P 1 'i Vim in al batiiul).v it 1 1 in OM Vlfilll' OM V NN'ednesday, nlnrcli 20. MOVT'S A Texas Steer 11 ii 111! MUM V MVI I'- I UK VIVltl. I O" llfllet iiir Willi .111 iMi'lltnt i-it. wliui, i.lmk-s .Ii. M.t.nm as "'1." Mi" I', nl lUltlil .1- "ll.i," liiineily with Aiki.i1ii lulv t t Y.iil. Will II. Ura ,i Ilio "Vlin utir fimii lid oinei." i ! onaln.ll m ilnr ( i m 1 i.cliilili' nilf 'I lie t lit inemliTs mi V. .i Ii hiiitlall. I.ihijn. N iv illr, "-lull I. J is I li ulis IVnlnn anil iln r- I'M.' oilu'inil "l.a- si,ri ' ni nt. Iti I'IIK l. -l i s m, , t, ,i, si, v .ml. v at .i a in ACADEHY OF HUSIC, ttBIS&UUKnUNUUU IIARRV A. ItROW.N lInr.aucM and Lesser? I.ocil Maiuccr. VII. Mils W! Ih MMINl'l DVIl The Keystone Dramatic Co. I I mo - l.i 1 nnin I tid n I.M'i am iaturJj,v l.ulinv r.i.iTinonti . I "l Ipsl 11 'In t .C l-l l ' ' lll10 I.Jll'1" I llJil Scalul Onli.1-. ' l I NLl Wl.'.h MAY FISKE COMPANY, IN lli.Pl.l.roiltl NewGaietyTheatre AM' 0 lintlJIMilON VI nu Tluee Dnys Commencing Thuisday Matinee, March 14, Manchester s "Crackerjacks." ton. Mis A. K. Dunning and Mm. f suite Denii, who were half-sinters of Hemy C.lay Hfeiinan. Hi till- hus band she had ivvo children. Coin A, who mar: led J nines W. Pike, a native of Factoiyville, later a inei chant and inniuifut tmer of ProvidiMn e. and now In Kovirnnient employ in the depait ment ot public printing at Washing ton, and Many .1. Iteeinians. of this city, aunorer for the Thlileenth ivgl- llll'Mt. Her husband having died about lT.l. she uiatreld uniie ,vear. later Mi I. K. Killgess, the lilg'lly ellielctit suplin teiHlent or tin Sirailtoti V'ilt'Klid 1 St it U eompnnv, In clmigo of the umipany's vvoiks nt Nuy Aug. The funeral takes place Fatuiday. Murch 10. at i p. in. fiom tho resilience of hoi son. Haiiv J. Hoernvins. USD Wvomlnt; avenue. In tel ment In Ditiunoie cemolciy. Kloioiue, Hie throe vvpjUh' old daugh ter of Mi. and Mis. Hemy Krause. nf I'M Hfoailway. died yesPMilay iimiu lug at ." ii'iloel;. The ftim-tnl Will t .Iv place tills lifteineoil nt 2 o'clotK JUchaid Gnllaghei. Itiiliatd Uallaghii. th young who was injured ul the Manvllle mine 'J'UOMlay lam. died tit tho Moses Ta.v Im licispltal Tliui'Mlay night. IK was 15 j ems of agn, and was tin oldest son of Mt. and Mrs. Anthony Ualltight'i, of .lames stieul. IK was an active member of tho C. T. A. and It, soduty of Sport 11111. Tho lunewil will take pl.. ' from his Into home at j.tio o'i lock today. Howaid E. McKinney. llovvaid' 1.'. MiKlnney, is yeai. "i age. "vviui resided In Dtlliliiuie boiough about six liionth'. died esterilay afu'i an illnoss of two WHuks timn pneu. nionla. at the home of J N. swlngl . oil Tlllld stteet. Ills homo vvas at South I'aiij.ui ! being heiV taking a at the Scranton llttslness tolloge. Til. i in.iiin will be sent by Club rtalter Me Mllliin lo South Canaan today, and set- vices will be held then tomorrow nf teitioou, Mi 8. Nation Ariested. Ki'-x til) i Mo, ilauli 15, Ml. Canic a- PROFUSION AL' Cei titled Public Accouutnnt. :. C. Yoit., fel'.MLIIIMI, lIltOVDWAY. SKW, Aichi iects. i.nvv vim ii. n wis, .fiTniiii.rr. ios.wiJ I'liilihnir iiii.niiitKK i. iiiioan. vnciiiiKi r. rnitn liiillillus;, I.''' Welilittuii jiinue, sCJInon. Dentists. II ( I'. kll.l.MU lll.l'.lt siitiico lnl, sifaiiuiii I'Vl hi llt'll.UISO. 1)1!. C. '. I. VI 11 VI II, IIS WVllUIMJ AVCMT, Seeds. o it. n,.viu;i; .. m, m vpsmi'.n xn mmw ii.Uirii, s'.uie '.fll W i-liiliKtun avitnir: RH'i'.l Imu-iH, l'i Nuiili Main aii'iiui , ftore tele pliuiir. 7SJ Schools. fcuuoiror -lift: i..kwv. stitwios, Vi l'mii-i inpiiatir t' I'llleac, law, mcilu rlne nr liiiilni. Upnw vpt. l.'ili. Stud In latalefciip lliv Tin in ii : M t'nin. 1.1 I) . I'm clpal and mirl sui ; 'V. 1. rinml. A. VI.. lujitma-ltr. Lawyeis. ntvNK 1: nour. vnoiiMV VTbv, nnnm. 1-. 11. In unil Is Unir ImllJIns I'.Kiisvn. vit'v. ()vivit)wi:vi.iii i w iiiinwv, vrioitM v vvn (nrhH'. Ilcwim Mi aU Mnir bnlWinit. I) It UtTMw.U. At l(iltl'V-invss NiT.o. liali'l nn ml ,-uti .rniilli Mean hiitlrtliUi ininrr Valilnut.m aienui -iniS .smii( liect UII.I.VIII). W Milll.N .V. mul cmin-illniNat lJ. U.i.Min;t(ii ait line livti'i. vTronsrA-1 lii niililicin biiltiluiEi ,ll.s.fl s .Ihssl p. VIUir.MAS ANP mlloisat-lan. ( jiuiii.jiinri.llli bulWIns li. '.'i) nn I '.'1. I Ot'V. ltoonw I IIH VIM) . Ill N I I!. riORN-K. tV!'ii, 'ill, floot Vlci.i l.nllilini: i. wvnti.s vnnttNi.v vi .s of frailn Imllillntr, sof.nt.n. a. tio Mill Pvni.rtstiN ,v wirru Hank Lull. ini ii'vni'.ns n'vtion'VW C (OMK.Vs. nn in prill II VV Ill'liniN'O A w'lu'ii'i not r. v nniisn . vu vif ni.n- Phyalciniis nnd SuiBeons. IV I. M.l.lN. -.1! soiiin w vsiiinoio; ni: irn'Jt. Ml. S VV 1.' VMOtll'Vt (II I'll I' 30 N s.ll Incton .iionn'. l!..ilrnr Ul vtubir.i ( lironli i!I.i.i. t itic. V.iilnr.i.1 iml ginlt.i 1 1 r i 1 1 . i inam a niialtj llnui, 1 to 4 p. ni. Hotelh and Bestaurants. 3 III: I.IK I VI I'. IS". VM u; i uvm.iin vvt:. Tine ltnti4 iiannilite P "I'llil.l It Prt pttetor. scnwinv not si. m m: d, i, A- w. pvs. fntir Jcpol. on llir l.iirnin iilmi. Mil OH hOl II. I'ropiifto Who Screens. jorpu hn.rri i avrniit, Vrjiitan, Kntas 111. VI! ."Il Mlh.VWVNW I'.i , manufacturei ot Vlt Idlscellancous. nut snjiviiIm. ion i iiii.uitiA' 'in (lUt)Ki': al-i laill.i.' Udh'.s. Unii Mioiiuakir, SI J Ailamj uvilioe. v.n nuifais u.i.w. ritivv .vt' su ii.t pouN; no kIci lniiiineil pump) hI. A It lliluc. prupilelor 1 un nnlirt II") Nuitli Main aunu. ..r I.UkrV ilrue etoif, cir ntr Vilinw uml MulU'iii I cl. pliiino 'iVI juts i. t Ki.i.uiit, m'mp mi i vtr.N r. m. i klninpooirs. 51.; facial iiu-tagi, uunluirlni;, 2ii.: ililtrpftli. '.01 fnimv jTmiTTc-T oltcln iFiiTMi rou sw. pliiilm, p-rlli . Kiepoon untiling anil con. iiil ttirl. (uriil.'n J I'm teiiiu aOdren 11 .1. Itain. '-oii.ln.-t .1 . It: W). Willi,, aviMiuc, 01. t MllllitltV 111111.' ktnll vTiTlviu.hi: m.oi . 1'iiivri'it' si wi u s i ' iilnpei., pipei tng. ltnr Waiihou.e, 1?) VI itiitntften ieii.i, t. union Pa 'INI. w ii m ii Mini nrniiin i vs m uvi in v - tdinl. nl llilimin nl Ml l.niiliii VI Norton, ,n ip, I s s, htitrrr, "It n s, ! tno.n ul i It. Pro. . -tOn Sirurp l .: l..n l.ii om i ai sprin o ftttcci DR. DENSTEN I'm in i in ami ?'irgion ;UI Spruce St. 1 inpii Court IiulIilll'ET, SCRANTON, PA. fV vu mile and ilironl.j Jj! ui v.ajirt of iiiru. v i i """ ami ilnldivii. f ( llltDMf Nl'llVOtS. W IP! VIS VNI) VV.WIINU Jll i v rti.i III., r .1 'III' I.IM'l. KlJllCIS, PI . a, Nui., Wonili. l.'.ie. Kar, ant I iiiiK-, I unieii. Tnmnm, , t. miu liiiiunuiiMii, kthmt. iino. cl.', led MjjiIiooiI, MRhtl.J all liiiial. ills i-,' l.i'iiiotrliocj, ft'., i.mi.iI.u. siphillis. III. .oil Polsnii, In.lUcrc linn aii.l luiirlidil lulii'.- obtlteiattil uigvr, In., I pilip.i l.ii mil Worm, f . 'I VIIUIIOAIM., "pcili. .ir launti Thrct ' in ltitliV nraimtiit nil m rtul tree in I i Iti. i (. ntuli a n.H .ml 'uiiiination (rre Of. tl I. .in-. Idi i nil ""in. la t a in to U p, m. DR. DEISJSTEIIM. lion nl li v ui alii' ml .1. pot. tenia) iiren v .in iu lici' 'or to ilaji, ill I Hlon -'inn near the I nlott fir nii.iiiKtlna; llio rldvahc Wlwri Kill! tlnppiil in liaianitue a rioivd. S'.ie at rclivivil in lir promi- i apir; lliv next, lialn fn 'l.H'l.a. f?7 W .'.'. iSJ'VW ' I IVl.l'. Ml 11 nl If slim N.m. tin il PH. -. lllll. I li t .tan 1 llllfc..! Ii BklTTheHn liny Oiiruuij- nr- j a9fiiJi'it In -l h"f V'l'!outMmvll KSs ceoni oiilcnj't', otlrrllanvl MITW 1 1 SEJIii Wtti.Cnni b.u 'V,uuVl tbelmitiiil liiluciluin fait. V I