The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, March 16, 1901, Page 6, Image 6
f w--' G THE SCRANTON THIBUNE-SATL'KDAy, A1AKCH 1G, 100.1. MVffik AtrMr "-sit An Excellent Combinatiun. 'I'Jio pleasant mi thoel und beneficial effects of the well Icnown remedy, hvnt'i or Ficih, nuinufnctitrcil bv tho (uroiiNi.v I'm Svnui Co,, illustrate 11ic(ilmxit obtaining' tho liquid laxa tive principles of plants known to bo medicinally luxntlvo and prc&entintf tliotuin tho form most refrcshhitftotlio taste) and aceoptublu to the s.vntctn. It istluonii period htrenffthfiilnp laxa tive, I'leatihitiff tho h.Vfctem effectually, dlspclliiif colds, headaches and fovcrs gently yet promptly and enabling ono to overcome habitual constipation per manently. Its perfect freedom from every object ionalilo quality and sub stance, and Us acting' on the kidneys, liver and bowels, without weakening or irritating them, make it. the ideal laxative lu tho process of manufacturing figs nto used, as they aro pleasant to tho taste, butthc medicinal quallticsof tho remedy aro obtained from henna and other 'aromatic plants, by a method known to tho Camfuiinia Via Svnui Co. only. In order to get its beneficial effects and to avoid imitations, jileaso remember tho full name of the. Company printed on tho front of every package. CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. SAM FKAM0I8CO. CAIi. i,ouisvixi,e, ky. irew york, n. t. rorBalobyallDrupKlst'!. I'rlco60c. porbottlo. Ice Cream. I! EST IN TOWN. Per )c Quart. UfXAWANNA DAIRY CO SeJepbcne OreleriPromntty 0llveral ;7f!3j Adams Avcnua. For Rent. o. 2J l.aikjwjiiiia atcnur, next tlnor to the Srotcli Woollen Mill?. fcpleiielicl location tnr hatj cr suit's turnlvliliiKi or other elciralio limine. Apply 1551 binilirMin aoime. Vlvj second Hour, Mutable tor dental otfln's or otluT liu'inc). Villi I" put lu Itrct etas (.audition. Scranion Transfer Co. 'Jagpage Checked Direct to Hotels and Private Residences. Office D., L. it. W. Passenger Station. Phone XVS. Dr. II. B. WARE, SM.CIAUST. bYli, HAR, NOSE and THROAT fiiv.umiN'5 noun. !i l'..i0 j. in.; i; 1 p. in. wir.u wis umv;., Opp. l' XgOv f 'f -t--f -f -- -t-------i--t- CITY NOTE --' U03IUV3 Sini.llMi.lho Uc.noniu henlon rt tho Green Uidyo Wonun'a iluli Mill mrct Monday, Mjich 15, nt .UU p. in., in tho 1'VV I.VY. llic PoliHjii- .ml Ilml-on Kul. rojil company jc-.ttid.-n pahl tlio imn at the l ai uopdalo (ar thojia und tho jaid nun, r.VUi: AI.AltM. Tho alann cl firo turiinl. in last night from bo M, at Hotl.wcll (.late, Nurth bcraiiton, was a i,iIm cue. 'Jhe alaim foiimtal twice, Imt tllorM to lccata tho litmtoift vliu turned it in wero imn.illlni:. ins .vr.M cursni'.i). ijinns i.iojei. i' ur M age, Hilty." ut Aulibald, had liN liclit arm rauglit between bumpers uf cats in (lie 1'mo fchalt ywtuday and badly cititliret, llo Vuj taken to tho Mevtvi 'Hijlor liotplUI. 'OMMITIUU '10 J.VIk-M.iry Noodrliuele, of Austin Ilolglitr, wa cuni'iiliirel to tho cuiinty t.ul by .Vldetiiun Millar jt.tuduy in default of '00 ball on tho clianio of ketpius a ilHordiily liouc. John HomioiU i Hie pri.i'utor. (1TV ClilIH:. 'Ilio Seuiiton ( ny (.uido iu lur-n Ijvied fr thl month, nt.d li now icudy ir dijUibullcii. The (.uide uf Mareli contain c Utter fryili Scnttuiy Atnerton for the bujiij rt tridi'tiiil.ini Mm pnbliatiuii. It .ilo e-on-itinj the; tli inso in time tildes of the aiioui raihoads. t.rTICUIW 1.M.C-II.H.- riie annual tlruimi c( K-lit, .. u-s KniuhiK icinphr, ai. IjeJJ Th'frd.iy vtfnliu', liiu (lie follow ins Spiins' Brook Wnter.lBt Mtg.Bs Xacka. Valley Elec. Light, 1st Mtg. 53. orth Jctsey and Pocono Moun tain Ice Co., 1st Mtg. 5u. fitniidnnl Qas Co., tt Mtg. 5s. liehifjliton Water Supply Co., ' 1st Mtg. 5s. Jlow Mesico Railway and Coal :;Co., 1st Mtg1. Os. Inscription and price on appli f cation. M DroiOwiy, K Y. VYIILt Dtrtc, -f Curbonjalc. 4- 4- 4, 6 ind t, Commoiiucalth Hid.'., -f , . tcraulou. f f yjMMaj oineem were fleeiedl Tred Watrrr, einln-nt miiiiat.deri flitilni II. Aikcr, Kin'rallwlmoi Allirtl II, MiopliW'l, riplaln cenrrali .Iwiiili Alivandcr, Jr., litajurerl Alton I'. Klr, t i order. MI'.N'S MIIirriNO. The nddre t tho ounB )len' thrbthiu itMoelilloti nun's mectlni; u' (iiH-itwty ball, fcundjy ut S.W lll be made by lltv. P. V. II, Dnytr, ho ha Ju.t reltimcil liom China, there lie bal bem for le ratl,n tnlHonary. lie a present during tho rceent uprWtR and will phe oifattounl ot It In Ids addrew, in Mr.MoitY or rA.pHiinr.NT UAniiisoN. The rerlee Iwmuirow mornlti(r in the l'lit I'rcMijItrlan chureli of thin rlly v. Ill lm in mtlii oiy of exehIfnt llinlon. lr. Mcbecd ll Iteaeh. The tliulr lll ting TmtijtonV "CroM. ing the liar," a pletc that Ming by tho iholr of the Pint 'liuttb at the iitlec that wan held in honor ot tjaetn Victoria. DONATIONS ArKSOWM'.IMII.I) The tlr.iil.r cf the Home lor tho I rlendl'M ntknunletlgei tl.c folloulng donalinin for January and I'eb rtiary: Mr4. S. lllalr, Mj Mrs. .)opli Com- lock,2; Mr. Alinni Uiiiming, HO; MlMMeniile tlfjnnlih, ?"); Mij. IkhiI Lohni.n, tf$; a irliiid, iU), Mic l.eali Joiim I)jI, i; Mrs. Atatsou, $2: Mil II. . Klnsibutt, '10; mtli, 5: ij, I'M.' TO (IIMIO0r,.-A lonunlttee leprc untlng tho L'etitral Iilmr union liat night ion. ferreil with lleiorder Molr and Chlcl of the I'irc Department Zirelnnnn and irotted afalnt tii o:l. belni: awarded to . K. fiilhool, en the gtctind tint (ho litter ronecin emplod non v.n'on help, (illhool uld that be ai willing it employ union libor. Hit el'y ofrieial r-plt'd tint a they 1ml to etpend lipa'rr' menry tluy had to luu the work dine vlitrn u lould be clone rhe.iie"t and to the K-t ad i.mliye, and hud glMi it to Mr. (,llp,ol. SUPTJ.M.DAVIS RESIGNS Will Take Charge of Union Steam ship Lino of Erie Company, with Headquarters nt Buffalo, Superintendent J. M. Davis, of the Krio and Wyoming Valley railroad, hart resigned his poaltlun, and will leave In u few for lluffalo, where he will liscome the superintendent of tho Union Steamship lino, contiolled by tho Hrle road. There aro eight htcaniMhiprf In the company's aervien plying over the great lakes betwran Huffalo and Chicago. Mr. Davis will have his headquarter) at BulTalo. Tho duties pertainlnt," to the position which he leaves will bu taken care of for tho present by Oeu cral .Supi-rintciulent O. T. Slade. . Sir. Davis came to this city about a year ago fiom the Great Northern railroad, on which he was n division superintendent. He lias made many friends In this city. That Ills rare exe cutive ability is recognized by tho high oillclals of the Urle company Is evi denced by his promotion. LETTERS PROM THE PEOPLE. tl'mlcr thli heading short letters of Interest lll bo published when accompanied, for publlca tlon, by the wrllcr'9 name. The Tribune docs not tuunie rciponfiulllty for opinions here eipitticd.J Christian Science and Osteopathy. Uditor of 'Ihc 'lilUme Mr; We h no M-en .1 t, lejl In the piper of laic of eoroncr's jiirUs and the p,rplf at Urge londtniiiln nIiihi liealcn and ucLihin; thct.i of nubpractlce and criminal i.ig- llglll'O. Wo aro ovare that in the iiiIihU i many 0-tiop.iti.v is ilaed in the tame i,itegoiy as C hrltlaii .'cienc e, and it is to diabiiM 1..11 li mlndi nf tlr errjneous impriion that wo submit this statement to tho public. Sloft people are awaie that Christian Silence Is j fowl of mental tieatinont. As tuih it has an CMiiw tor tti existence, but it al has In llmltatlonii and It U when lliou projK-r lim itations jro diarcgirded by its eiloiu follower.', and tho attempt ii made to employ it as an til lhtlmio tluupeutie a,'enl, that il bilelul in. tint lieu is felt, Tl.c grialcst fault with the pricluc or Chris tian tt-liiue Is that Its heal. r aie ful fil iently or properly trained. 'I'hey do not tti'.dy, as the j thould, the aiuloiny and piiIulegy and iluniittry of the liunun body whb li they proiwii to cure. They do not iidy dlagnou and bjiiiptouiatologr. They appear to tmly nly that inLompiehcu.-iblo and uuiulnpt;ota'jlo biek of the founder of their faith. Tho icvilt of this training -or lack of training of their healers is that they arc not able to dilleuntlata Ivtwcen ilwa tint aro umeniUe to the mind-tratiuent, and those that arc not. They take, evciythipg Hut ronii to ilieiii-lrim the olightent to tho mo.t fciious ailment and arply the tame treatment to all, and mturally in mch a course, in their Ignorance of the iaet pathological londitlon that obtains, they lie untly onrlook and nrglect oiuo phase of tho patient's malady which brings on fatal iin'ilts, whereas a timely operation or proper fomi cf treitinrnt would hie cfteited a mre. With tho conscientious and pioperly educated (Mtopatlne phjsklan this would bo impossible. We admit that "to err is human," and Hut Osteopathy is not infallible and Hut pceplo ,e btm known to oiiiier and (lie under the cry beet medical uul mrglcal tieitnicnl. Hut the point wo wih to emphasise U thl that Ostcopjlhy has tioUilng in common with Cliiistian tjiienee, neither linulel it ho e on founded with any foim of faith, or mind cure. The- cuiriuilum of the Osteopathic) college i ery (similar to that in tho best colleges, 111 fact wo rtudy tho aiuo uullmnliia and U.t boeks, lakliirf lery thorough luuioi.t in uiiatuuu, ldijioIogy, eheinislry, hiitologj-, dloeitlon, puih ology, b.ulcrlolcgj, hjgleue, dietetics, clc, etc., but III place of the mateih niedie-a and pluun-i-e,opla of the course, we cubstltiuc fur ihfK! thu principles nf Dsteopatlij, Ihn jpplin. Hon of whkh piineiplct U tliuply mi honest elioit to aukt tnture by iui-i hanieal, lather 111 in elicniUal inejiis, to letluro to the imuiiuI a ellstuibed rcjulllhrlum. Very truly .M.ut, A, U, IShrivvood, 11, J. Purunii, .1, T. Downing, tiilropitlik, I'hjuiclanj. c union, Pa , Mauli ill, IWI. Organs. Organs. Organs. You can buy Him r-ccoml Iiand Organs in food condition, unyuhcic from ftfl to .:''. and S30. with book and titool, at iitieniHOv Hull, .'ill Waishlngtoti avenue, Keianton, la. .1. AW Ounusyy, Prop, IIouM'hold Furniture at private rale, commencing- Tuesday morning, Jlaich mth, at 10 a. m. Chrencc U 1'ryur, 'J! Olbsou stieet. If It Is a Shoe for Youiself, Your hon op your daughter, attend Ma lion's rc' rule, tus XHckiivvaiinu u I'lnie, E, Koblnson Sons Celobrated Bock 'Uler on tapf-'aturday and nil next week The Casey ci Kelly Union Hock Deer will bo on tap today anil all nct week. Ask for Kelly's union crnckeis. E. Itobiuson Sonu' Celebrated Bock Uler on tapFattudny nml all next week WEATHER YESTERDAY. (.oral da la for March 1.1, 1001s llightt leniperatuici tl dftrees Uwcst Icmperatura ut drbitcs llumldltji f ' m K, in nut. fc p. in pi rent. I'leclpiUHon, 1 h"un ending 6 p. in,, ,U0 inch. CRUSADE IS CALLED OFF Gowitu Commissioners Give Ud tlic Idea ot Proscciitlnu Aldermen find Justices ot the Peace. WORK OF AGENTS NOT SATISFACTORY Rather Than Make a, Few Mogis tiatcs Suffer for tho Many Who Have Offended, the Conimissloncra Htivo Decided to Let the Prosecu tion Go by tho Board Witnesses Ready to Testify Before tho Grand July Against Two Aldermen Wore Sent Home Other Court Matters. .The pioseeutlon of lite nldermon and justices of the peucu charged vlth Il legally collecting fees Is to bo squilchcd. The county commissioners, who instituted It, arp not satisfied with thu manner In which it Is being con ducted and yesterday determined to call it off. The Inability of the commissioners' detective to secure Incriminating evi dence against more tlintt a few of the offenders Is the primary reason of the determination to ulloiv the crusade to go by the board. Tlu commissioners went Into tho matter with the expectation that It would be u thoiottgh and Impartial af fair. It seems they aro not satlsiled thai It isas such and rather than be mixed up In something which Is ap parently unfair they have decided to draw out and take some other tack. The commissioners have been com plaining all along that the crusade was lu danger of being turned into a "liz zie" becauso of the fuel that only a certain few magistrates were b.-lng brought in, and tlu agents were urged to exert themselves. The urging did not have the desired effect, and after a consultation yesterday afternoon tho decision to call off tho prosecution was arrived at. Witnesses were on hand yesterday to appear before the giand Jury In two cases against Scranton aldermen, but heroic the cases were reached the cotn mlsslonerh' decision was arrived at and the witnesses were sent home. The Shifter Case Again. Court granted a rule yesterday upon Jui'ob Slilffe'.' to tliow cause why he should nut lie ni judged guilty of con tempt of court. Tho rule wi?s granted upon the- petition of nullding Inspector Ja ks'in, who contends that hlfler Is violating the petmanent Injunction granted by Judge Kelly restraining him from constructing a bay window upon the ten-foot lescrvatlon at the corner of Kranklin avenue and Mul berry street, where a building Is being erected. The ease will be argued this morning by City .Solicitor Vosburg for tho build ing: Inspector and Attorney C IZ. Hul lentine for Sir. Shifter. In the Register's Office. The- will of David Hopkins, late of Hansom, was probated yesterday by Register Koch and letters testamentary grant -d to Abrani Ucdell and Wlnteis. In the estate of N". U. llrllllu, l.Ui of Cilunburn, letters were granted to Mary :. (irillln, and In the estate.- of ICdwaid J.tmes, late of Hcranton, letters w ore granted to Magdalena J.unes, The will oi "ted Feliimcr, I.t'e of tjcranton, was limited tot ptobate. Perjury Cases Not Reached. Tho perjury cases, which niu being prosecuted by tho Municipal league, wore not reached yesterday by tho grand Jury, as was expected they would be. Whether or not they wilt go over to the next tPrm of court has not been decided as yet. The- grand Jury will probably con. tlnue in ses.-ilou until next Wednesday. District Attorney Lewis will today ask Judge lMw ards f( Usuu an order ex tending the session. TOOR BOARD MEETING. Only Applications for Relief Were Considered. Yesterday afternoon's regular meet ing of the poor board was entirely f-onsumeil In listening to appeals for aid lrom a number of persons. Mrs. Jacob Kllman, wife of the ex-deputy constable, who Is now serving a term In thi penitentiary, said that she and her child wem starving and that she was too sick In do any work, Her case was referu-d to Director Fuller for relief. Thomas .1. White, of North fe'eran ton, who said ho had lived and paid taxes in rscriiuton for the last foity llvo years, was udmltUd to the home. Ills wlfu and all his children worn dead, he said. Patrick Rudely, of 2001 I'rico street, was to. admit tec! to tho home. Tin- t'tuoy ,t Kelly t'nlon Hock Beer will be em tap ttidiy and all nest week. ft 77 99 The Symptons of a Cold and the Grip are Coincident. Tho Grip begins with Influenza, pain In tho head, back and chest, soreness all over. Colds began the same way befoio Grip was over licuid of. Grip runs Into Pneumonia Colds have been followed by Inflammation of the Lungs ever sluco tho world began. Fever und Soro Throat ara equal symptoms of both so lu a Cough so Is Dioiicliltls. Hither may result lu Catanh. Tho cardinal point of difference Is the gTeat prostration of Grip. Tho usci of "77" will breuk up Gilp and Colds, and Its tonicity prevents tlin prostration by sustaining tho flagging energies. At all Drug: Stores, ijc, or mailed. Dr. Humphreys' otk mailed free. Iluinplirfs' icallilo Mrdlc-inr Co., Cor Willi jm JieJ Jvliu tt., .New uik.. GRIP TREATMENT Oh A COLD. Some Good Advice by a Well Known Physician. A veil known physician says that a cold can bo easily treated nt Its outset, but it ncRlccled may load to la Rrlppo and pneumonia, lie says that tho best home treatment for tho cuic of colds and la Brlppe Is Krause'M Cold Cure Capsules. Ho uses thnin almost ex clusively In his practice as they do not affect the head as does quinine nor up set the stomach. This remedy Is preparttl In soft, sol uble Kdatlne capsules, which ate easily dissolved by tho warmth Hnd fluids of tho stomach. They are much prefcr p.ble to little, buret, sugar-coated pills or tablets that always offer objection able resistance to assimilation. Krause'H Cold Cure positively cures cold In the head, cold in Ihc chest, cold in tho throat or cold In any part of the body, and it will prevent tho en velopment of bronchitis or pneumonia. It is for sale nt nil fitst-etaM druu atotes at 25 cents a box. SCRANTON BOWLERS WON. Defeated Wilkes-Barro Wheelmen's Team Last Night. A large number of Wilkes-Barro club members accompanied tho West End Wheelmen's bowling club to this city last night and watched them roll an Interesting match game 'with the Scranton Bicycle club team. The lat ter kept up the speed which It mani fested In last Tuesday's game with tho Commercials, and the end of tho three games found them leading with a total of 2,445 pins to 2.2SS. Captain Warden, of the Bicycle club, had high average of the night, 187 2-:t, and Green, of Wllkes-Barre, was high man with 225. Wardcll also reached tho double century mark with 20.'. Dr. Bull, the famous University foot ball center, rolled on the Wllkes-Barre team. The detailed scores follow: V!i.Ki:..nAiitir.. W runnel Ill 10 IV) null in ivi iv. Wcclenwr l.'d 120 K'7 Vot VJ'i KS lTt ciin ui i.v, :; Tl 7M s-W-JJM Kit VNTON. Vfrrdi-ll ito is ar, Tijlor 172 Ut ll'i 1i;a 1.11 I.Vi Ijl Ilopor Ill 11 l't Moou m i l TO'. KB S.t L'll KILLED ON THE RAIL. Merritt Swindle, of Peteisburtr. Struck by Engine at Nay Aug Falls Last Night. Merritt Swingle, of Matk street, Pet ersburg, was struck and Instantly killed by an engine on tho Delaware, Lackawanna and Western railroad at 11.30 o'clock last night. The tragedy occurred at Nay Aug Falls. Ills remains were taken to Cuslck's morgue, where they were Identllled by Patrolman Fred Karlus and others. Letters and papers found In his pock ets also proved bis identity. Swingle was employed os a conductor on the L'rle and Wyoming Valley railroad, and was evidently on his way home when struck by the engine. His left arm was almost severed from the body and his skull was frac tured. A watch, keys and a number of papers were found upon him. Cor oner J. J. itobcrtH was notified and will today Investigate the case. Swin gle was about 40 years of age and well known In Dtinmoro and Petersburg. A wife and son oral children survive him. NIGHT SCHOOL EXERCISES. Close of the Term nt No. 27 School Is Commemorated. Tho closing exercises of No. 27 night school last evening were of a Interest ing and elaboiate order, and were at tended by a number of interested citi zens, some of whose names appear on the programme. Tho past term was a most satisfac tory one to all concerned, and tho at tendants made marked progress. As an Indication of the Interest evinced by the pupils, it is stated that seveial have made a commencement In Latin and German, and all have determined to pursue their studies Independently until next term. The following was the order of exeicls-es: Ti'lllng lonteM. Vocal beilu, titli iolin and plain) jc-eonitrtiii- ment Mr. and Mie. Harry I'ro.n N-iiff, "Mc-riy 6uii.liliir'' fclioni lieiitjllon, "The Hero" N'cttio Arnold Itedtation, "Little 'lot" Pearl Willlanij Jlanju and liarnionir.i duct Mewre. Alfred llalloway and Krven Willljnu. Concert rteltutlon, "The Way to Sueie-cd'' Wlllani Itcllly and Hnnwn Hall. IrtciiiiLssloii unci irfroliirrnM. CIcln: mlclrcc Prof. .1. U, Hawker and J. Klliot Map,, ci. Ciaphcpliono wle-ctloiii . . . Mr. M. 1'. Itjlcy DID NOT RETURN THE RIG. James Lavelle Held Under Bail for Larceny. James Lavelle was arrested at 3 o'clotk yesterday morning by Patrol men Walsh and Fen-y, on a warrant It-sued by Alderman Howe, charging him with the larceny of a horso and carriage. He was arraigned before the alderman and held under $300 ball for his appearance in court. On March 4 last, Lavelle hired a hoieo and cairlage from Belles' livery. That was the last seen of Lavelle or tho Uvcry outllt for several days. About a week ago the horso and buggy were lecnvered In Avoca, but thero were no traces of Lavelle. A wanant was Issued for his arrest, but thero was no opportunity to serve It until yisterday. JHOOSIC. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Johnson, of Ml nooka, entertained a few of their friends last evening. A birthday party was tendered Miss L'dlth Snyder yesterday afternoon by her Sunday school class In honor of her tenth birthday. Thoso present were: Ruth Toe!;, Dorothy Brodhead, Lucy Hjssler, Katie French, Myrtle Mostellcr, Loretta Goldworthy, Jennie) StutUhcr, Lavlna Berlow, Verna Hook, May Jenkins, Fthel Lancaster. Mr. Daniel HesIer, of Wllkes-Bario, was a caller In town yesterday. Mr. K. D. Caryl, of Scranton, visited town Friday. Attend Mahon's Removal Palo tomorrow (Saturday). Lots of good bargains, E. Robinson Sons' Celobrated Bock Bier on tapSatutday and all next week MUST PAY THE LARGER FEE COURT'S DECISION IS AGAINST LIQUOR MEN'S CONTENTION. Licenses This Year Will Cost 31,100 Unless tho Supreme Court Can Be Brought to Reverso tho Local Judges No Opinion Accompanied tho Decision, but Ono Will Bo Forthcoming Shortly Will Have the Effect of Reducing the Num ber of Licensed Drinking Places. in tho case of M. P. Flynu osalntt County Treasurer Scranton, brought to test tho aueatlon of whether liquor dealers In Scranton would pay $1,100 or o.'0 for their licenses this year, the court yesterday decided that the 1st gov fco will have to bu paid. No opinion accompanied tin. decis ion, but it wus announced by Judge Archbald that un opinion settlnu forth tho lino of reasoning followed It) i cach ing this decision would bo forthcom ing In a short time. The liquor dealers will take the cam to the Supiemo court, and tlnso of them who propose to take out their licenses, will pay the additional ir.10 j under protebt. I As it Is highly Improbable that n. decision can be secured from tho Su- premo court before next Saturday, j which is the last clay for taking out licenses, and os It Is also quite Im probable that the decision of tho lower court will bo icversed, It can bo expected that a large number of the licenses granted a week ago will not be taken out. Those whoso places aro In tho suburbs, and ninny of tho central city saloon-keepers eluclaro that thoy cannot afford to pay the $1,100 license und must ictire ft out business. There wcio 2S0 licenses gi anted for tho city, an Increase of neatly forty more than were granted last year. Those new applications were made, supposedly, with tho expectation that the license? feu would not be Increased, as most of them ramu from tho suburbs-. Last year there were eighteen licenses granted tor tho South rldo wind. This year the number of forty seven, an inctcaso there nlone of twenty-nine. Some hopo of the license IVe being kept at $3:0 is bated on the bill in troduced by Senator Vaughan, which provides that In a city of the third class passing Into the second class the fee shall remain at $.150 for the three years following the transition. A stienuous effort will be made to get the bill to the governor before April 1. TUNKHANNOCK. i-ie-ilil to the! Stranlem Tribune. Tunkhannock, March 1.". Mis. Jos eph Houek and daughter, lhtlallc, of Plttton, who have been tho guests of the lormoi's sister, Mrs. Augusta Slck ler, on Erldgo street, the pest two weeks, have returned home. Mrs. i:. 13. DcnJ.imln, of Scranton. 1. siting ft lends and iclatlves at thlj place. O O. Ksser. of Payre, cjc-supi-iln-ttendent of this division of the Lehigh Valley road, has rented the J. S. Swisher hous,e, on Putnam street, and will lomove here be-fore April I. The Monday club will meet next week at tho homo of Mrs. Tewksbury, on the corner of Tioga and Putnam streets. Mrs. F. II. Jarvls, who has l-cen the guest of li lends at Scranton this week, has returned homo. The tie vote for superhor in Tunk hannock township, between David For lis and Edward Shupp, is likely to be settled in favor of the former. Mr. Shupp does not desire tho utlko and has endorsed Mr. Ferris for tho posi tion. The court has the dispo-al of the iratter und doubtless will appoint Mr. Fouls. Music lovers aie looking forward with plcdsunt antieipatlnti to the con cert to be given at Piatt s Opera lloipo on Thursday evening, Mau-h IM, by tho Lafayette College Danjo and Gleo club, under tho auspices of the Presbyter ian church. This club has been here before and tho?e who heard It were de lighted with the music. Pi-lees, jo. served seats 50c, unreserved, 35e and S5e. A marriage license has been Issued to Charles A Conrad and Miss Ruby IJaiher, both of Glenwood, Pa. Ex-County Commissioner Andiew M, DeWItt was in town on Friday. Sheriff John W. Gray sold thu per sonal property of, T. S, Kurt on on Fri day, consisting of bicycles and uphol stering ftippllos, In hla shop on War it n street. Mr. II in son will remove to Now Yoii' elate, Mrs. AFa S. Kcelcr Is recovering from a sevcro attack of tho grip. The borough poor nmsteis have made arrangements with Samuel Hums auJ Hat ley Fosh to boaid tho paupcis who are a charge upon the borough this season. Heretofore tho practice has boon to pay the rent of such perrons and to furnlth them with groceries, tuel, etc. The question of building a county poor house Is being agitated throughout, the county, and a tolu may possibly be taken on thu piojcct ot the November election. A similar proposition was submitted to thu voteis of this county j-omu twenty years ago, but did not cairy at that time. Tho cast of characters for thu enter talnment to bo given for the benefit of Triton Hose company, at Piatt's Opeia House, on Friday evening, March 29, has been arranged, mid tho persons who are to participate are en gaged in practicing1 their pints. The title of the piece Is "An Old Fashioned Husking 15ee." . Charles A. Slsk, of Factoryville, was doing buslnessjii town on Thursday. SUSQUEHANNA. Sjifelil to the Scranton Tribune. Susquehanna, Murcli 15. The funeral of the lato James O'Connell, who died In Cleveland, Ohio, was attended on ThuiMlny nftornoon from tho resldenco of Mrs. Edward O'Connell, on tho Oakland side. Tho remains wero In terred lu Lfiurel Hill ceunteiy. William Smith, lecently of the Oak land side, and a populur salesm-in for a Ulnghamlon firm, Is seilously III with consumption ut the homo of his par cuts In Ulnghamtou. Tho funeral of tho lato Thomas Fitz gerald was held und largely attend' d this morning fiom St. John's Cathollo church, where requiem high niass.was celebrated, Interment was mado In Laurel III11 cemetery. Tho firm of Brush & Tllf.tuy Is dls sclvtel, Mr. Tiffany tetlrlng. Mlbs Loulso Strong, of Sluiruccu, MWfNWi&W rjs Iliese unci spring: 55 nights the studious person spends at homo rending, and what moio comfoitablo picture can yolt paint than a cheerful room and a good HghtP What makes the good light? A STUDENT lamp. Thero is no light equal to It, ntid the price, complete with shade and chimney is J3.50. that is loss than you can buy will have to get if you persist ita- ii VJvU. V. IHIUlcll tfc. MTBsaoasKsaEKCcjaaicsniHrj Alvvavs Busv. VA n I w kn. a 111 ill B 1 &W i Xiv JL BtT R" 111 W n 114 and 116 Wyoming; Avenue SCRANTON. Oenlee! Shoes -For Gentle Spring This is the sprouting time of life. We furnish shoes for humanity the noblest of all life. For the Ladies. We have four of the most perfect creations in the art of shoe malcing, They are : The Always Busy $2.00 Oar Special - - 2.25 The Kay Au - 2. SO The Beautiful Melba 3,00 These shoes are all the feet need.and all the heait desires. In style they are in perfect good taste. Our guarantee goes with every pair, ALWAYS BUSY. ALWAYS HONEST. 114 and 1!6 Wyoming Avenue, Scranton. ESTABLISHED I iJ 1S8B, 1 Is Your Bicycle o tfst In good shape for Snow ex Is the time to have it propevly. ft ft ittenbender & Co.,g 126 and 128 Franklin Avenue. J Ii.ih comu Intj io. hI n of S7I000 In tush, vlUee-l liur m ytam sliifc. 1U': I I'. rUeclman, who nt ono Unit buif.ili il tlif l.ttptljt eliuttli iiul jilt in Siifqufliuniiti lor a tow months, Iiub ncroiiteel the iMstorutu of the Slii-m- (N. V.) UnptlBt I'hmch. 71. C. Pjyr.f, 'C Jackson, I ciltle-ally 111. The lamains of tlic lute Henry Jier, fi, of rf.ihontlnlo. this innrnlnR ar lived here nml wero lutotred In tha flrand eueet comotoiy. Tho Knights of llonoi- and a larjre nuinhor f ivliv. tlvcs und frluiidH mt tht funprnl iir ty ut tho htutlon unci etcortc'ci thuiw 1 1 tho ronu-tfrry. JIr. Mai'KimH OttliiKe-r nml elai'gh. te-r, Mrs, I'ctur '.eluUv. ot Scranton, uro KiHiti of Jit', and JIih. tJhui'luj OtlliiBc-'i'. l.Mii'fl mrt'ci. JameH CoHtollo, of Tottandit, h.n tcihen n poHltlon In tho rhitiiohcinnu ttiiMiu l.ttindry. AiflHtimt Uric Truck I'oi'onmu Mlvliiit'l VUU. who vim strticl; ntnl ery He'rlonsly Injured on AVednendity iifteruoon, in tho railroad yard, by h; linr wtiuelc by n swltchlns engine und n pair of eye glasses, which you In reading by n poor light. 2- " iiiiii imrf : ttaU'. Wlklnnd Look Around Alwavs Honest. ' I For the Gentlemen. We have styles that are comfortable to the feet, and beautiful to the eye. The prices are : S2.00, $2,50, $3,00, $3.50, And $4,00. These shoes are in the prevailing leathers Vici Kid, Valour Calf and Patent Leather. ILLY J$23SSBEZXE5ZSHR&gmiaBBBZ K the ridiug season? your work done. We do Tlio Dickson Miiiiiiructiirliij,' (Jo. , i cruutou ami WllUavlltrra, l'-t, .Muuufaeiurori o.' LOCOMOTIVES, STATIONARY ENGINES ISullcr.ic KolitlnsanJ Pumplne Machinery, General Office, Scranton. Pa. throw n riKiiiiiht u ii.is8lnir frclnht train, Is in a eiltlial i-oi.dltlon. His jeji'ovciy In liuprohahlP. Mr. unci Mrs. .stanle-y Mitchell, oC lilnrhaniton. aro cncKti. of Pr. ami Mit. W. S. Mitchell, est .Main .strcl. A furliomlnlo ekIo(ratlon itccotniiun Icil tho rcnialns of tho Into llcnry Bj' ll, til'., to this lilace'. lioheit I.tiniH, of Florcnre, X. .1 , li the jjm-'Kt of his ilnuKhter. Mix. Chmlcs lli'itij Ne liter, ut the Methodist pur hOiacge'. .Mr. CieorRA II. Uowtilmr und e'oni pany, of J3lmrliiiniton, will kIvo a eon cert In .SuMiuehunnti in tin fit-, tu re A Inrge rtuuntity of le is this nM: helnff stored ul Hrnnd'