The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, March 16, 1901, Page 2, Image 2
''X ' 5 H" y THE SCRAjSTON TRIBUNES-SATURDAY, AlAJLtCH J.G, 1001. V V r V CC : i BURKE , B13ILDIMGH L IHE HME'S EXCHANGE A rorrbui rt i aiiisci iiovi: for tiie nm v Hi nl All Who Hue II um I lt( 1 1. II l IMili ol OUifr I'rinly In svl or t'xcluuid, or Mlu Wniit iiiiu'loiH oi llolp TIipm "null W. v" ttljfinclitn (ml lino t lit i Wunl M 1nr t; ii for I"l (rut, n llm I In t bitiuti'ru Watte I, Wli rli ic Ii-imI I Irt WANT IT) N I vl'Hill t I 1) M (.0(11) IO0K nt I mrrKfiiiv 1 1 il il HANGED HIMSELF IN JAIL PETER M'CANIT, THREE HOURS AriER BEING PUT IN, COIIMITS SUICIDE. Ho Was Ane&led in Wllkes-Bano nml Brought Hcto nt Noon Yes tcidiy on a Chaigc of Lnreeny. I-Indo n, Nooso of Hio Suspendeis nnd Slowly Strangled Was Dead When Found. IV tor MiCmin, thhty-two (uis old, of Giecntltld township, (. niiuiilt til sui cide vesteidiy ufti inonii In llm city Jail liv hanging himself with n hij lotniid of his suspendois and lustiu lllg It to til top (-1 UlllgS of hlii tell. II wns discoid id by Chief of Police Mi Andrew i Ilttlu uttci I o clock, who 1'ioniiilly ( ut him down, but the dls niuri came ton lite to uo McC inn's llfi How long ho had horn hanging If. n mutter nf eonjcottiio, hut his dtiith uit have In. on slow, as the nooso was slmplv puusid utuli t tho Jaw and tip h hind tho tais, nml ilkl not go mound tin throat. 'ihopnoi follow must hac broil (lcspci.ltt, llldcoll, llll Ills Slllfcl- Inss must lime hi en uoutc, and he could hao tuvul himself .u nn time hy leaching out with his loot to his hunk or grasping tho bus at tho top ! the cell. little nftLi t ocluiK Chlif Mt Au di cw was pissing out of the ilty build ing when ho thought ol Mtlmn and wont into the Jail back of tho building to speak to him and to sec If In wnnti 1 tun thing When ho pooled into tin Ml, the bCLOiid fioiu tho end, In. at ouec saw n llguio hanging f.oiu tin. middle of the oil. with tho head close nil against the top bai. lie opined the coll door quickly und taw that the l'U swung clear of the lloor. Ilo took out his knife, nit the body down and (amlned It to see If thoic wa1 lite in it The body was wfiim, and hi hast ened up to the major's mom to ttlt -Phone for a. doitot Maoi KllpatiM; was In his loom, and at the chief liui iledly told of hi" ghattlv llml he enlli d ov.r tho 'lihono for a cloitoi. 'the nuivor i an up Main s.ticct to Dr. Nllcs' olliie, hut tho doLtoi was out. Then Hi Kelly was tilled on tho 'idiom, ttti(l ho icspondcd ah qulckl. us pos sible, vbut when ho i amhiod the budy he louYul that llu was extinct. Tho Causes Radius up to the suicide 01 substantially as lolluws. Mii'ann ha 1 bit mi omplujed on tin laini nt John rjUitiu.v Cobb, of Gicenildd. foi i-oin time, and fiequmtls the twain had depute. Mi. Cobb has been Mm,' mmiiy foi quite a little while. ulriff It away in a lainaa hair and I luis tho baj- in a ilusn in hu bid i 'oui. Ak'-OKllin; to Cobb, he had iic- uni'iliud ?ju In iiia uuiMiB bunk up t Tliumlav in.iiulng: At that time "Mwidiin imndtd tho In d-dminhei, oe- iik I ut tin tlnn. bv .Wis t'nl 1, am i Uwth&tandiiiK hu pu(iiio, biuaii to i iiradj the loom fm the ticiMire. H found il und ti.ui-ft.iiert the (.on ' nt- or th.. hinu to hiw ovouoat ' iwlets and si.uu.i tnwuid Clltioul (' Jth was away ftoni homo at tho time il did not i (tin n until cvonlin,', when wife InfoiniLil him oi tho excltlnu ' j,ii- r tin. dm He immoillatelv - i-i d i r i his ui), leaihlni,' Inn u i 'I hof no mldiiigiit. and tound Con sf iule i; ,r Ncaij' Th" oonstublo .sur- i T i.ii it Jli( aim mislu r0 tm.aid l' -!kJII ind illlOltlll'll tho tifillrn 1 that iovmi, .sumtoii ,.,.,1 liinirbimi. ' in b on the lofikmu telilihynllli? ii di'uijjtion oi thi mun tu tin thie ( IU- U 7 o'eloi k .volorduy moinlii? tho 1 a of Wllkos-Uarii (.Mtheied 51c ami ah ho was bulnK a tlekot to J- Ki tl8 and t lophoned to Constable N " y ui the mrest Ho took the m.M tialu down and tho police' handed him ("I to N'euj Tin onstoblo and jifiu-r le.uhrd hero about : il) und V.yim, w, loli,, I , the elt Jail On th uuv Vi on the train ho hud I ' I N'. i lor th. Unlit tlnn had n uikni fmiij him In Wilkes-Tlnn o. i Xeaiv iiliihid l'ii requosl It M 1 lolablo ilmt Wil'nnil'B thouqhls W010 to o mi nuii In a in ody eln vhon MiCnnn uim sMiiehed nt Wilki'S-Uatro i,v i U. pollio they lound a little oor $50 on him. besides n now v The nnstabl. n that when 1 ' put him In ih. ,lt Jail a Uttlo bo l.ll ncloil. ui liei inlugly ' U?u,ja MI'.iKo Wllliiitn T. Km ,n lurki ,u ,f the dt jail ..poko t bim; i i nipl, or tin i limine, tin, ut tiiminn. m I "Wcf'unn wnh appiieutly jal'au I t, Ntiimi tin .iinsaiutiiceh of "jtnim. if, hud admitted taking 1 " - IF YOU : OR m . IT'S Y.UR OWN FALLT BREATHED DAILY WJLL CURE YOU .r vc refund your money. trE31iii;'iiti or irnt by niaili dmiltc Oil. Ir ."0. Tilal Oi iftj ',5c, ICR&I tlv l)i' Treatment rorPI J$W& mil Aleillcal AJu.c 'WL? ThotR. T. BOOTH CO., Ithatn, N. Y. COUGH CATARRH HYOMEI Vs (fjETiJjy 9 I r - 1 Cadbondale Department. tho money and told how tho police In W'llkeH-Iljtrc had cuuglit him. Peter wns one of n fuinllv of llo boys and way botn In Carbondnk. HH niothor died when ho was eiy youiiB and hlH fiithcr mauled ana In. Soon nftciwiud, It wan nald, tho bon wcio tuijicil out to nhlft foi thtniH',los, and ho wont tn woik as a farm laboici. llo w.ih n haul woikor most of the llm but (Ko.iHloimily ludiiiKod in xptccs and was noiial times an iiiimilo of the city piImiii on ai i mini of this falling It Ih (.aid that his father committed sulilde by drowning soveial years hko. Peter was unman ltd He wiih about 5 feet T inches in helRhl and weighed about 1"0 pounds. Ho had a sandy moustache, Unlit eyes und blown luili. The marks of the noose 'W'to plainly discernible about his Jaw and up under his oai.s lust nlKht, n buckle Imltiff cut Into tho Hi ill, but his faec wa.i as peaceful iih If ho had had a pleasant dream at the time his foul tool; its lllfilit I'oioner Itoboits was notified by 'plion', and lit will piobably coinu to this ilty this moi iiinr,. The body wns u moved nt about o'clock to McIInlc s liuirt'lle. At the time it wns leadv In be biouht out fiom the jfill to thu uifjim In waltlnif the sticet In front of the city bulldliiK' was consested with the cm lolls eiowds, tho majoiltv of whom weto school children and it was ncresunij tn diho the wagon mound to the loar of tho hulldlnp to osiapo tho elled itiiwiI1 An far as cm hi nscti liilnod this Is th Hist time that n pilsonor has eu committed suicide In the cltj Jail. An attempt was niado several jeais ago bv a iihonor to hang hlmsolt, but ho was cut down In tlmo to no him. POOR BOARD MEETS. The Bonul Deadlocked on AwauHnp, Bids and No Action Taken. It was S JO last night vlitr f'hiili liuin JIif'abo talli d the pool ljo.ud to oidii All nnmbeis, wok put.eiit. 'I he mi .ting w is u speilal one for the con fldeiallon of the bldh fm steuuid and matioii ol the film, uttoiiuy and do -tor. Tho gathiilng, howeu, wound up in a wi.uigle mi p iillaiui ntmj law, and no ai lion was tiikrn M( -'. JIc Cabo, AVIlllalilh and Thomas toinied one side and I.Miih, Itlvenbllig and r"ook who the Instil gents At the last liuetlng Mi l:tonbU!ic i.illod tin loll. 1" ginning with tho dlteitor tnmi the HI th waul To this Chalimm Mi Cnbo objected, but wahed tho question In the meantime, he Ins postod himself on pailluinentaiy Iiw, and he an nounced htbt night tint tin toll must he called Ike Inning at tin i'nst w.ud and (onlinulng In ordei A doyon lC'oIutloiis wcio qub kly III tioduced .mil as quickly defeated, 'there were sovciul clashes between the i liuhiiinii and niciiihei, and llnally the hoaid adJouiiKil 't meet at tin (all of th majoiity of tin dhcitoi." Sunday Sei vices. SI Pauls t.utheian i Iiiuoli-Ilcv. I HhiUigit, pastoi Kouith Siindaj In I,i nt. Hibbath school, y.yo a. m , sor viie", lf 30 a. in Piom now teuton scivIks dining tho week will be held on KiUIn. evenings, lutoad of "Wtd ilcsda.v, and till shall piepiio for com munion i elobi.itlon on (Snnd Pildliv evening at 7 30 ocloik. All me wel coino to attend Ilncaii Uiptlst ihtiich ltev. H .1. Whaleii, V r,patoi Tho pistol will puuih In tin moinlng on the themo, "I'lfti 'Wins In the Chili eh and PKU Vons In Publli I.lte," a ll Unite- In the lute Hon Heniamin Htiitlson In tho evening lie will speak- on tho subjoit, "Tho Public as a Pot.- " i A Slight Blns.c. An ahum of flio was sounded fnun Un r.s at lo oj hist night Thu (lie wns In I he MtthMi ol Can oil, m Pike stioet Tho Columbia Hos eompau pitimptlv lctpondid, but iiuno ory near gitting ttnlkd in the hcuv mud on tho stiop hill gnlng up PIl.o stieit lust utter they had it-mhod tho sunnnit and the hmscs git hw..y on u gullop down tho Incline, tliv woic slnpie'l bj tho infill lillitlou that tho Hie had boon put out by a buikot hi Undo ot tho nelghbois of Cm i oil The damage was slight. Installation ot Ouiteis. Tho new 1; -elected otllceis of I.iekn waiinii oiiiampment, No lij, wero In ilnlled bv tho following staff of Scian tilda canton, No. I pist evening; DIs nkl hi puty Chid Patilauh Philip I. eitei fcinnd high priest, Gcncial Kd i' Dcmiia, gland senior w.udou, J, n. Hauls, ciand iutiloi' mmhI,h t. ir Ntihkap, ciund suIIk, 51. V Jthoilcn: Bunu tnahiiiiir Philip Gllbeit: giand KiiaidH, H V. Pliidlemmi, 1 o. "WH. Hams To Be Wedded. On .Monday next Willaid Ci other, of this cltj. will bo united hi niniikigcj tu 5IIes Hattii Smith. The eeieniony will he peifotmed at the home of tho brklu's parents In Unlnndulo by Huv Cinm ot that plnco. A iiception will follow the ce lemony Uoth vouiirT iieoplo mo well known. They v III loslde in this pity. ' In the Lockup. A man named Walsh, helnlosbly diunk, was nuiklug n nuNumo of him. sch on Klvcr .stieet last nUht, and word wiib sent to jiollco heuduuaitois Oincer Caidcn was ih tailed tu take caro of the tellow, and ho was soon landed In tho city Jail. Ho will be litai d hy the muui this liioinlug An Old Resident. Mis Jesslo Thoipe, of Canaan, Is oiiu ot tho oldest ie,hUntH of Wayne coun ts., being In h'l ntnety-thltd e.u. bho has be n contlned to her I cd for nearly llllto etits Mio is ho uinthei of Mis. Wlllhiui Mi Mullen, of this city. To Elect Ico Machlno Casing. V J Illy left ycsteiday morning to: Philadelphia, when, ho will elect the oak tubing tor the liugq ico machine elected for th'o Ofoul maiket thcro hy the Cuihondalu Machlno company. In Houetdale. Jt(V It A feuwyor, oi tho Tilnltv P. H eliutch, pleached in Ciuico chinch, Honcudalc, liibt evening. Bom. To 5Ir. und 5Iih. James Smulovnl, of Pllte sticet, n son. Thonc : NEW, 286 OLD, 0423 TIFTY YEARS OLD, Goveinor William r. Johnston Signed the Incorpoiatlon Papets Maich 15, 1851. Yestotdav the city ot C.tthoiiduli' reached Its Uftloth ulithdoy. On 5lai(li IS, lsSl, Governor William P. Johnston signed the net inioipontlnB tin- Anthiaclto city nml the township advanced In one stop, without m In tel medlato borough govjrntiu nt, Into the fouith cdty of tho stut' U ul tint time wns not ncirlv so far mi d oinlzed ns it Is today, hut It stoid we'l nhioast of tho other cities In legal d to piogrcssho method", puhllc-splilted men and hnd as brilliant a futttic be foio It us any municipality In tho state The lower end of the valley wns unsettled, or neatly o. The city of AVUkcs-nniio was undicamod of, and the grout city of Scrnntnti was deMg. nated by the title of tilocum's Hoi low Vtt these communities have ex panded nml become cities, oul-i-tilpphig the Pioneer City in many things Thev have diavvii upon us for the mutoilal to dhect that expansion, our ottth have gone tiom their caily homes and hotoinp the foremost i 111 7eiis of tho grontci towns, mid Cni boi.dulo Ins but a few thotisiud moie Inhabitants than It had ilfty eats n go (ine teiiFon for this Is pot hups to h lruiid In the fiut that the city has loaned too stiongly upon one gieat In d ti spy, Instead ot reaching out attor "thi is. as out nelghbois have done Yet this Is the nutuinl Hold for maiiu fuctuilng iiiteiprlse, with Its cheap eoal, its mill oad facilities, and Its In-(hifcliiou- population. A hustling tom mllloo on ttnde and tiauspoitatlnn, with the co-opeiatlon of some ot thi hading land owneis and taxpayor". could pi font arguments to prospect ing 111 ins that would Induce them to come hue and make this bcnutltul val ley tiansfoimed Into n teeming bee hive of indiiMtiy, This will have to b iloiu boloio many cuis, il the Pioneer Cltj Is t (ontlnuc to glow The mi ihiaeiti veins uu not Incvhuustlhle; some of the on Host woi kings hat bun abandoned nhmd.v The nilhoad i oiiipany that furnishes iinplnmeiu foi ,, irany f our tolleia may extend Its tei mil, ils mid move Its shops Hut a iiianufui tilling i outer would hold tho uillio.ids mid induce otheis to o.xttnd their lines, Todaj this city stands wdl nbicust m the spirit of modem times mid thought, and thoie Is much fm its citizens to he pioud of. its police and health statistics show It to be a eleiiu and onleilv plae. Its schools and hiu dies mo Institutions that nm hj polntid tn with fee lings of dustlllablc esteem Hut Ameiloa. Is the gieatest mmiiilai tilling eountiy in the woild, and Ihcieln llts her pit-einlneiipe I'mboiiilale should have her shaio ot II i so Intel i sin Tolu shu Is not gel ling It tsoine cities have moio tlnn tluli sluti": why not thH one' X" public loloumtlon of th- dt.v's little th blithday was hold vostoid.'iv. this oveiil being dofened until tho llm loin davs in Seplimbei, when a iniunmoth jubilee and demoiisti alien wll' be held, with fcatuies that will fmbi.ieo evoij depaitmont of the dvil, idlgintis. munklpil mid social life. The Tilhiim (oilk'Kllill.itos tho oltc- on atlahlng lis gulden Jubilee -ind ho.utUy CNtonds Its best wMios tor its Plispeiily am' lutuio welfnio ON ST. PATRICK'S NIGHT. Tine Ptoginmme to Be Rendcied by St. Rose Singing Society. A musical and llteiaiy entertainment will be given In honor of St P.itihk's least under th auspices of hi. Hose Niiglug .socktv. Monday evening, Mai ih IS, 10(11, at St. Kose hull, loi the boneilt ot the pailsh funds. Doois "Ptn at 7 o'clock ontei talnment nt S Tho lollowlng excellent pioginmme will bo icndeiod. 1'MIT III!) I skull uliliw m Itn r 1 follov Pmlilo iiiiilill(, suniii.n, W,t," st Ilov hlnciiirf mli-ti S pwiiu nli, nili lioni "suliuinr I! r.a". (.01110, 'Iim Alnc llrlUitt Miilln iblleato Iv vii Ivni-tt. lliiitltlon "lllBir" Xliliol, n Mln 1. 1 l.i IIiIjihI, with plum miinipjiilniciit ( iilrallu tuk, lorl.lML' IIjiK" . . . suii(U MI- Vim i brown ouI tuo, "riio Mcnniiir Soiu" . Olovu MUms Povilcily nil V,si (jiimii crnn, "Ihe Njic lliat Uciclicrl Mj hut" BdaJ Jim IIU I'owiluh. 1'Altf s.LOMi T'-i'lllH . Hcnrj utt!c sijijiu .cl.i, "I lower Son," Mulkn Ml itlo 1 Ijiindh iliift, "si, the pj0 jioon" . rimpiiu War; nml l,mc puwilcrlj. Sopuno folo, "VI ivomnieii" MI'i Mji Mifllll Mollu solo, III limiore" .. . .slnuelnj W. I. Ivnott with (lino accoinpinliiinit tonii iito olu, lnitlns" Mlllanl JIU Mn.ic Piiirr. I)un!io niiiilrlU', "CiuUkisn biwii" llcnuliil st. lioo snKljr nct,( W,, Ep0 )l1t bv lr llittlc In (o,tnm, llu uiciiiIkih o( s nofp sm-nj Mulct) jrr- llie NhM Allm Hridjott. Miy Mointt, J,uc I'owilcily iii'l Katie llannrll.i, biipunta, nna llown, ilaij I'owiluh. Muiy Mc(iarr), Mum raniiiii. Millie liuflv diul Jlan I'uwilttlj ilio Mti I nun I. IiIIik, illrrrtrni Meetings Tonight. Division Xo V' Ancient uider III boinlaiib Couit Kll, No, CO, Koiestois . of Ameilca. Diamond lodge. No t'i!. Shield of Honoi. At the Opera House. .Monday matinee "Tho liluc of rtuscla " .Mondav night "Pallcu A.aong Thlovfs" Anuibements. oi tun many icpeitoiie tompanle tiavellns none Is, spoken more highly nf then the Lester Walter Stock mm. ranv, which conies to thu (hand Opeta House all next vv(ok, opening with, a special St. Putilck's du.v rnatlnoe on Monduy at whuh tlmo thev v.-lll pit bnt foi the Hint tlmo in this ilty the fittna nil Ptttnnf nml lunrr iflrlliMot COUGH SYRUF Ik Cctllicgeuulue. Kcruscrubslltiitcj. A Vss SURE .SuhuitonOII core; Kl'aiiiiatU-:. $i i j rti UrBiHirsft beautiful comedy drama, "Tho Trinco of Russia." Monday illicit they will produce tho sonsatloral ciomcdy drama, "fallen Among Thlovvs." Jtatlnces will also he given Wednesday and Saturday. Chnngo or play nl evciy performs ncc. 1'loaslni; and up-to-date specialties wilt ho Introduced at t'ach perfor mance. L lilies' tlcketH will ho hon ored In exchange for 15 cents openln? rlKht, If rcstni d hefora U p. m. 5Ion ihiy. Seats on sale Saturday moitilnij. Mntlnec prltos, It nnd 20 cents. Night pllccs, 10, JO and HO ernlp. HIT WITH A SLEDOB. Blacksmith Jones Got His Head in tho Way and "Was Badly Hint. While John W. Jours, of South Churrh street, a blacksmith employed ut the Delawnro mnl lludon North 5Ialn street shop, was vvoiklng a piece of Iron on his mull on Thursday morning, und bin In lure. f'lnilAa tTnl. I.. '" -.,..., ., Wl- , iis, was sinning, jonss got his head too far over the unvll. The fomtocn pound sledge wielded by Hollln came down on Jones' skull, knocking him almost senseless mid Infllctllng quite a (hop cut. Pillow woikmen lushed to I his nld and made him us comfortable ns lofislblo. nnd then took him to Dr. Whtelei's liospttnl, Tho doctor dleos. od the wound and then Jones went nome. ine iiocldent will coniluc him to his home foir flne. Funoral of an Old Pastor. To the Hdltor Tho liov. (i. A. Hlnterlelttur, pas tor emeritus ol Tilnlty Lutheian church, Pottsvllle. Pu died Mai oh 13, WOI. Kuneral 5Ionduy, .Maich 18, In Trinity (Jerman Lutheran church, at 2 p. in. Intel ment nt Charles r.aber cemetery. The above sad news wus iccelved heie yesteiduy moinlng and the pas tor of the Lutheran chinch decilVi to attend tho funeral, as he held tl de (cusmt us uiie of the most fuithttil nnd stuunch old hemes and defenders of the Lutheian chut eh within the boun dailes of the Lutheian ministry of Pennsylvania and the general council a man with the "tiowel in one hanl and swoid In tlu other." an Indoninlt u bio foe against every and nil latltud inarl.inlsni and compromise in docttine and practice of the churi h. Hut another citizen of this city will fiel aggrieved with me, one of his sons, (! A. llnterleltnor, assistant foionuin or Coiibiook colliery, housi, PO Ttlver sttoet, nnd In so far I thought it proper Ir, nient'on the sad news In tho ixul Paper F. Hhilnger Pastor of the Lutheian Chinch. Special Music for Sunday. The following is the progiammc for tho .special musical services at the Fhst Congiegatlonal church tomorrow. Thsre will also be a special sermon In tho moinlng and evening: MOItXINH SLr.VICK Mithcin "We Hill the Piy" A Bclrly nth"m "llicjk I mtli Into Jot" ..R. HluniiiiUt KM Mf! SLRV1CC ODcrtf'iy in n mmoi, M. ( rrele No .?, h'Jouiril Hitlstc. "Mr 5alor nlhctn"riicv That 1mt ' U Illoiflqult Duel "Mv 1 ilth l.fKilsH I p tn riirr". I. Tiilincr Anthem "link, link My Sml'- llairi Ilnwc shclli. Solo "Tl p lliavrnh hirim ' . siiul0 VIi- llui-ui Pi.lhiile, "Itillclujjh" chorus ... llaiuld Mr. Nnjloi runeral of Mis. Oichaid. Tho 1 uncial sei vices over the re mains ol JIis. 'Iliomas H. oidinid vveio hold esteiday moinlng tit 10 o'ohek at Tilnlty Piolestant Eplsi opal ehuidi, they being the flrt obsequies to be lit Id In the new odlthe. Th" stivleo was bilef and tho lemnlns were taken to Salem, Wayne cnitntj , the native home of 5tts. Oi chard, and whole her daughter Is hurled, The pall beaiers woie Climlos Hoiton. U. II, Itejnolds, John Oichaid. William 5Iois. Fi ,111k Hubbtid nnd (Jeoige Daw son Diaymen Organize. 'Ihe Draymen's Piotcctlve associa tion oiganled on Thursday night, with about a dozen membois. 'the object of the union Is the itgiilatlon t f prices. A number of new mMiibeis aio expected to etitoll In the nsir lutuio. The oillcors dcttcd weie. Piesldont, A. I'. Thompson; financial secietary. William Heddi ir cones, ponding secietniy. Hemy Pludlen: tieusuier, Samuel Vnll. Contract Awaided. Voti Heck Hrothois have boon award ed the tontiaet for the plumbing wot I: In the new hmtiO to bo elected by .Trim fnnioion The fixtures will bo of the ltitist design, Pay Day. The Dclawaro and Hudson company paid the einploes in their shops and on the tallroud jesterdnv. The Passing Tlnong. Piunk Conuuughton Is on the sick list. 51lss Llzlo 5Ialone, of Pike stieet, has tho Blip 5Irw John Kaso spent Tluusdu with friends in Honesdule. Architect r. L. mown, of Siranton, was in town .otetday. WIss Ella Penwutden, nf Honesdule, Is visiting friends In town. 5Ils Allto McNulty, ot Susquehanna, Is lsltliig f 1 lends in town Mrs II J. Wlmlen Is confined -to tho Baptist parsonago" by Illness. Mis John Hums, 01 South Canaan, visited fi lends In town Thuisduy. Dr J R. Sltterly. of Stranton, a tormer icsldent, bpent jesteulay In town. A son or Counellmun-elPct and Mis. Roboit Whltlleld, of south Washing ton stitet, I1 ll. JIis Michael Cannon, lof Pike htieet Is confined to her homo with un attack of thu gtip, '.Wlss Clura I'. Speleher, of Scrunton, who has been visiting her cousin, 5Iss 5Iolllo Nolan, on Pike stieet, for the past two weeks, leturntd home today Mrs A, W. JJeiiHcoter, of Caibon dale, visited telatlvcs In town j,cstPi duy. 5Ilss Anna llllhool, of Carbon dale, was the guest ot her filend, 5Ilss L"vu Kell, rseently. Olyphunt Hec nid 5lis James Lindsay, of Curhondale, Is enjojlng a few dajs' visit with her husband at "The Onto" Mi. Lindsay Is u Dc'luwatu ami Hudson tnglmer itmplojed In tho HonesduU yuid Honesditlo Citizen. How to Cuie a Cold. Don't go to bed. Don't slop woik. Don't tnku u Tuiklsh bath und render youiself liable to an attack of pneu monia. Kiause's Cold Cuie, In con vtnlent capsulo foim, will ouro you In 'il hours. Thev uio pleusant to take and cuuso no ilnglng In your hend 01 other dlsagteeablo sensations. Pi lee 'JV. Sold by 5Iatthews Ilios. AFTER EFFE Pe-runa a Specific Restorative the Test of Time. Mas"''''''' '' "''$ -5-:r s::.svWM HON. .FAMKS II C4U1LL. OMAHA. NEB. Hon James H. aulll Is one of the oldest mid 1111 t t'lteeniPtl moil of Omaha, Neb. coming to that city In Its cail d.ijswheu It little die lined of being 11 metiopolls. He has done much to make It wliat it is, tuning on public boat ds a numbei of tinicj A leeont letter wiltten lo hlni to The Pel una Mcdhhie Co, of Co lumbus, O, endotslng their leinodv, Peiuiiu foi cutailh, 'opseqilcntly curies with It ionldeiable weight mid lnipuitunce. Thu following Is his letter Omaha, Neb., Jnnumy 20, 1000. The Peruna Medicine Cmnpinv, Columbus, Ohio: Gentlemen "I nm 08 years old, hnlc nnd heaity. and reiuim has helped me attain it. Two j ears ago I had la g,ilppc my life was despalied of. Peiuua saved inc." J. R. Guill. Without 1 .Using the discussion as In whether la gilppu is pi minted bv a specltlo inleiobo nt not, at least this much Is peitaln nnd admitted bv nil. that it will pioduce chronic e.itmrh If not promptly and piopeily cuied It leave, 11 person haggnul. weak, sallow fruzzled-out, mucous luembianes all congested, appetite changeable, dlges Hon capilolous, and Just about oinptks Ufa of all moaning or (leshublliij Theie Is no remedy In the woild that meets the conditions pioduted hj, la gilppe bettei than the leniedj, Peruna. Peiuna strengthens as It icnovntis, soothes vvhllu it stlmulatei, heals as it okpui gates. Peiuna is not a pui na tive, or cothni tie, 01 spiIiUIvp 01 stimu lant, 1101 a egetublo or mineinl pc'sou it leaches the somen of all diseases of the mucous membranes by Its action on the ssteiu of neives Hvery pci son who has had la gilppe dining the last eai should take a com so of Peiuna No one need expei t JERMYN AND A1AYFIELD. The Jeimyn boiouth council held .1 special meeting foi the puiposcs of granting a new franchise tor the Cii'sient lllectilc Light tompnn Tin nieetlng was quietly planned and suc cessfully eaiil"d out The now tnm p.ui was lepiescntid by J D Stocker, Attorney Piunk Stocker und William Walker, of May Held, Thu Jetinyn LTectilc Light, who got wind ol tho meeting, weie lopiesent d bj. W. II. Hutehlugs. Attorney W. W Hand and Superintendent Gebhnul, and tho meeting was notable as one of tho stoimlcst sessions ot the council foi many jeais. At Ihst mild Insinua tions were made, but as the meeting piuceedcd slioiiif peisunalitlcs wcte In dulged In and theie was quite u seen." foi 11 few minutes alter tho meeting was ovei. Tho Ihst pioposltlon was made by tho Ciescenl company, who olteied to light the boiough on 11 teu car contract lor T7S per light and pa Into tho borough tieasuiy thu sum of 51,00 for the privilege. Tn this the Jennjn company made u countui piu pohltlon, oifetlng tn supply tho lights lor ten at $7J "0 and pay $1,'JS0 In to tho boiough tieasuiy, Thenupoii tho Cleseetlt 1 'Plesoutatlves raised their original offer by lowering the price of the llghth to $72 SO mid pa lug into the boiough trcasuiy the bum of $1,100. Tho Jcnun loinpunv weie piepaicd to make nn additional olfei, but it was not entei tallied and a mo tion to luy the mutter over bdng de feated, the second otter of the des cent company was can led by tho tol lowing vote I'm the motion, Thciun 5loon, Davis, Sullivan, Hadgei, Albeit Moon und Cuhmittj , against the mo tion. Hauling and Whcelei, Thu opening of the Debt 1'und Lco tuiu louise Thuisday evening wiih most atisphlous Henry J. Wlmlen, D. D , of Caibondale, dcllveied in thu riist Baptist chinch his popular 1. c tuie on tlu "Wit and Humor ot the Irish People," to a huge audience, 'llu ordinal. seating 1 up iclty nt thu (hutch wus taxed well nigh to llu limit Dr Whalen moro than tulfUlid the high expectations of his audience nis picsantatloii of tho glorious euily his tory und of tho genius and posslhlll ties of the Irish lace wns convincing nnd poweitul nnd levelled a chop and powerful love foi his peaple. Ills por of tho Irishman In his woild. famed wit and humor kept the audi eiieo In a toar of laughtei This Hist evening demonstrates that tho people of .Teimn und Mn field enjoy thm oughlv a flrjt class eouiso ot leetuicj und the Haptlst people me to bj 1 on giatulated on their success lu pldclng befoio tho piibllo such an cxictkmt course. Thomas do (iiuihy, 1. D., of Seianton, will glvo tho seituul of the eouiso on Match -9 on "Tin Pilgrims' Piogisss." The Crystal Kite eompnny held 11 meeting lust evening foi the puiposu of making iiiraiigemcnts for holding 11 clam bake ut Lake Chapman on Deco. ration duj. John W Jones, of l'muili stieet Is III of neuralgia. ARCHIBALD. Mrs. Peter Gillespie, an old tosldoiit o( this place, died at 8 o'clot k jester day niuinlng, aftci n short Illness. 51 in. Ulllctiplo tame hero from Iieland when OF Ih ym petfeet 11 cnveiy null ss Ihey do so. The grip bus pioducod t itniihul lnllaiuinu tlon of tile wholj mui'oiiH membiane, and good health Is Impossible until these aio u dined In a nniiuul condi tion. This Peiuua will do. A manv tc'iucdh 1 hive been suggi sled lni this inndltlon fi um tlmo to time, but l'eiun.i appeals to be the only lemody that bus any value ill lll'sc (uses It lius stood the tost of lot ty cuis' c cpoiloiiie and still occu pies the unique position of being tho li tiding (If not tin only) specific lemo dv for the ulti l-t Itec ts ol It gilppe. Among the 111 mv piomliieut people who lutvi Km clued of the altti-et-foits nf gilp aio tho following Congiessman Howatd, of Alabama, snys: I have taken Fmini foi tho nrip and iccommenl t .13 mi excel lent leinedy to all fellow buffeieis." M. W. Howaul, Congiessman fiom Alabinm. she was quite young, and she Ind lived in Auhbald i.e lib flftj yoais sho was the inothii ol James and ruiul: aillcsnle and 5Iis. August Wilt, ol this place, and Andiew filllesple, of Si Paul, Minn llei tuneial v.lll take plat e Sunduj. afteinnon at L' 30 o'thx k fiom the homo of her sun. Prank. In tel ment will bo lu Aichbald 51. T Ilutlci bus moved his fuinlttuc and uinlt'i Utkln.f estahllshment fiom the 5lcllale building, on Chinch stieet, to his own building on P.ildgo stieet. Toiuonow evening Ihe (nngiegatlon of St. Thomas' chuiih will conduct a grand sailed (unci it hi ihe rather Muthew hall in this place Peter A. O'Hoyle. esq , of Pulsion, one of the most eloquent cnatois In Noitheastein Pennsylvania, will deliver n lectin e. Piof. J. H. Hums, of Wllkes-Hane, tho well-known baritone singer, will also put tli Ipute. The following pi ogi ammo will bo tairicd out Oveitiue, Glhnj's oidiostia addtess, Chilrmaii J. I' 5tc Audievv song, Heithu llovcis: duet Tiisle and Nellie Caw ley. lecllutlon, Hliindie llkllj, ilolln (uiedlej 1, James 5luip'ij, sopianosolo, I.'athai vii 1'oote, baritone solo, Piof. C. A. l'.iuke, inun dollii selection, Ttlchuul l'ooto solo, Cecilia Swift, lemaiks. Hev. William 0 Hum bis'o sohrtluns, 'Tho limp Thut Onto Tluougli Tain's Hull," Tatlur OI'lMui, ' Piof. J. p. Hums, Wllkis-Hnne, leiltiie Pctei A.O lloyle, esq, 1'ittston; belectlons, Celtic nli, LUxlo White, basso si lections, "Nil ltuiiev." ' Otf to Philadelphia hi the Moinlinr. ' Piof. .lujeph P. Iluins, uc cmiipinlst. 51 It's Mmy A 1'ooto. tin tlu, Glli o '11 ok host 1 a - OLYPHANT. Th" Hi st ntuilvci8iry of Kej stone camp of the .Modem Woodmen 01 Ameilia was he lei at their tocnis In IMwaids' hull 01 Thuisdaj. and It Piovcd tu hi one of the must in lov able afialis held hem for sonio time. About uno bundled gin sis weto pies, out. Dm hit," thu evening a prognnimo ot Wile excellcllie was itmlfied J. H, I'ummliigs was thahmnu of the tun ing 'Ihe unenlnc numbei was a solo by 51lss 51aigutet l'vans, vvhldi was 1 curiei id in her usual dimming lujn ii! r. 'I ho ehalnn.iu then inisuduccd H H Hobithan, of Stiautuii, n former ui pliant young man. dm diliveicd 1 short iiddii'ss. Tin 11 xt nitmboi was a snjn bv .Wis M H Diidls wblih was well fxeuitcd A 11 llutlou bj Wlss .Way Lvana was huppllj. leielvel Piof (ionigo Hiiuill ol fi i.intiin, ib -Ilvend un eloiuuit uddn ss, aft 1 Willi ll the lUdglimimi was bioughl to u Willi a hdictlon h .Wis. John .1 O Malic) ivhli h was exoiitUnglj well loiitliud A dainty ltiiuh was then sonetl by the lollowlng commit teo. James II Lall It N Hi Ink, William Kdl C 11 Ostiandn and A ll lloffiumi. The lorul camp of Wood men, tllthouich only it I'm old, Is one of thu most llouilshlug oij,anlu(lnns In this place, and i eomposid of some of oui mod luiliu niliil dtlons A 11 ininnhip ofSnantmi will di llvir uu uddiihs at tin Pie divtnlaii oliiii.h u mot low ivitiliiR in the Ymm ? Pcopli s toelilies of the different chill (lies, IMwmd Uiiike, ot Phne, was a visitor lu town i vtiiiluv. Thu thlld of a soihs of seiiuons on tin "Life of f'hllst" with sluenptlenn Illustrations, will bo glvui b A V QRIPPE That Has Stood Congiessman While, of Noilh Carolina, says "I llnd Peruna to b an excellent lemcdy for tho grip. 3 liiH'o itbod it in my family and thoy all join mo in lccommeiidlng it." Georgo H. White, Congtesmnn fiom North Caiollna. Miss J'lancls M. Anderson, ol Washington, D. C, datiRhter ol Judge Anderson, of Vhglnia, Bays! "I was taken very ill with the grip. I took Peruna and wns able to leave my bod in a week." Mis. Hiuriot A. S. Maish, Piesl dont of the Woman's Benevolent An soclntlon, of Chicago, writes: "I suffered with grip seven weeks. Nothing helped mo. Tiled Pciunn nnd within Unco weeks I was fully icstored. Shall never be without it again." The following letter was toeclvcd front 5lis. 51. Wright, stciutaiy flood IcmphiiM Lodge, No. 17, ami Lady ol llu- 5Inocabics -'.111 Fllhnoic Stieet, N li, Minneapolis, 5Ilun. "I stillerod this winter with an at titck nf thu la gilppe und having heuid of Pciunn In such cases 1 decided to tiv il, 1 tun still using Peiuna and Und that It hdps me gieatly "I have lulliti need icvetal ft lends af flicted with chronic cut. in h to tnko Pe ituiti and they till show woiideiful hn plovement. I b'llevo g to bo the best medicine bclon the ilille." 51is. 51, Wilght J33 -f -f -f -f -f 4--f -f 4-4 .Mrs 51 Wilght. At tho appearance of the (list smyip toms 4if gilp people should stu Indooig and take Perunii In small doses (toa spoontul cveiy hout ) until tho .symp toms dinappeui Thin will pi event n long, dlsustiotis siiicnns and perhups tatil losults Il ou do not doiivo piompt and ".U-l--tactoiy lestilts tipm the uto of Peiu na, wilte at once to Di. Huitnuui, giv ing 11 full statement of jour mso and he will be phased to give ou his valu able udVlcO JJlMtlS. Pei una is the mkiiovv lodged cntuirh lemody of the like. Dl. Haitmuii, tho eoinpoundei of Pel una, bun wiltten 11 book on the phases of eataiili peeull'ir to uumen entitled ' Health mid lSeuu iv It will bo si'iit liee tn aiiv ad dioss b Tho Peiuua Midlclue Co Co lumbus, O llovvi r, of Seianton, nt the Congicfra tlotial diiiidi tomonow ev(nlng, W IT Priest and Isaac Cillllths at tended a mooting of the Haptlst Young Peoples union, at Pittston, last even ing 5U( Intel and 5Imtlll 5It,iiloj. of Avoca, illumed home jesterdaj, after a visit with their lster, 51is John Lally, of Willow stieet. 5llss H., ol Iluffalo, In vlbltlng at her home on Duniuoie stiett William Loftus, of Caibondale, was a callei at this plate .Wis. John Oilei, or Pittston, Is spending a few dtijs with lelatlvos heie The lummage sale in Hdw aids' sloro hi Hlakely. which has been attracting huge 1 row d for the p it two das will dose tonight PECKVILLE. tin s,ahbith moinlng at 0 M tin qutir. terlj inei ting son lees of Ihe Metho dist llplsiotiii 1 hm di will hi gin with the I.ovj Poast t loco Hi. pusioi will piiMih, and .11 llo wdl adminls lll' the saiuimeiit ot the Louis Slip pei. In the evening Itov T I' in ner, pic siding olilei. will pieadi c)l!l er sen Ices 01 thu daj will b as usual Tho foilllh quill toil) 'Uliloien. 0 of the 5Utbodlht HpK'opul iliunh was In Id hy Piesldliig Lldi r Wiuiur on Thuisd.i evinlni; The niiotnig was hatmonlous thioiigluuii and th ie. poits shoveed a giallfvln-? piom ;, 1 most of the di pui tini ut4 du " t!i e.u (1ei llv hi'lidied doll 11 hav been raised about the tun on 1 x ponses and pippuuitlons uu being innde for the paviuenl of tin ihuiflt debt In the ik.u lutuio it Is ptobabl that tin ie will bo no 1 hiingo In th pas torate this e.u The con(elt ot the Sdiool ol Song will ho held hi Ihe 5!ethodlst I pis u pnl cliuteh 011 WodnoMluv next an I will fuinl.'h out people with a gn it siltpilsc. S'lvhes In the Piosbjtoiiaii ( hiii'i h Sundrtj at 10 30 a 111 and 7 30 p m ltev S Tl Mo in D D piibtoi Sub 1oi t 111 ( 1 nlng AM'pnmi (.J11 'ion All wi I uio To Pievont Fneumonla and Grip VITA PILU Ke-itore Vllollly, Lost Vigor and Manhood Cuiolmpotencj Mftht rmsiou Losso(Mem ""Hjesvoij 1111 wniin auentM Ll ' si.. rliook nnd itstoro tlio WWivlIro of 3011th H mnll XOOo p'l box, 0 boioa for J52. 150, with our banlrnblo griuranteo to cure or refuud the monoy paid, .send for circular find top) ot our bjukablo gum initio bond. Nervita Tablets (u.ei.ow i,tn:M nTRA STRENGTH Imraedlale Results Poiltlrely rnariuitcil euro for Loj of Power, iiicncoln, I'tnlrvelnpnd or Miritukon Orsm, I'nro-li. l.oiomot ir Vtinlt. Nervoiu Protni. lion, Uv. tul i 1 il In iinltv. Piu.iljjlsund tlm Id ulti of I'scudvf. L'.iot Tnb it en Dnluni 01 kl'iiioi. By lr.stl In nbiln 1 nrkniin, 151.00 11 liox, 0 fur SS.00 with our bankable guar emtio bond to euro in dO days or refund money paid. A del 1 0 1 NERVITA MEDICAL CO. Clinton A JTitwi ri ihicago, IU. tolii by MiUjruh S. llionm, Piiigjluti, W 1 ami. 1 41 11 , siMUUiii, p, ftt-f -rif t -. --iii mWM (giijlr nil cilects nt oir-oimo 01 VjiC- Jcxce s Hnd InJItcrotlon iS73,Orv',A nerve tonic and k ttfU'dood builder. Brinci 1 V-Jrtlin nink luw to nolo 6O PILLS CTS. V