The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, March 16, 1901, Page 12, Image 12
'y ' :.- ny f . t . 33 THE SCRANTOX TMBLNJj-SATURDAY", MAKCH 16, 1001. - in s NEWS OF THE LABOR WORLD .PRESIDENT MORTON, OF TIRE MEN, IN CITY. Industrious Efforts Ate Being Mado to Secure Passage of Legislation Licensing Stationary Fliemcn. Improvements Being Made on Main Line of New Yotk, Ontario nncl Western Railroad -Ordets Issued by Supeiintondcnt Sods, of Cen ttal Ralhond of New Jersey. National Pionlilfnt .1. V. Muitoii, of tlu IntPinutlonal Asmiclutloii of Sta tionary Klrciiicn. tettiinoil to the i-lty flci rl.ij- fioin WIllu-i-Hunv. wli-ri In1 luis bevn t'onfeirliiK ".ltli tlir Lu st i no nxioclntlonV iiii'iiiIkms. Profl clout Morton nrrlv-d In tin city WVil in ulny nnil lias snl .mHili'mlili tlmo i-lnc-e then In vlslllmv til" loiljii'S In tills legion. Hi1 iiiiiu on from I'hliMKo In order to .itleml the xtuli' i (invention, wlilcli was lild liint Siiud'iy at I'l.Mnonlli anil lip may stay In the ilty for a few more ilays. The aellon ) tilt eullVelitlnll ulislsti'il III ill doi'POiiiPin of tlie ai tlon of the ns-tru'l-allon's delegates to llini'Nliui'f, who are endeavoring to mmiiio tin iasat;e of an nt IhenshiK .statloiiaiy III omen. Aliollt t-eveiity-tlve ileleal's from all jiarls cif the stat'- at tended thf van .ontlnn. wlih h was lu-esldeil over by I'lelilent ('. W. llaMrr. of thin clt.. Thp two doles, ill's at HimlMmrt have iippomcd iH'fuio the Judiciary commit ter, to whom tlio hill was referred III the .iniip, ami hae prespiitpd si i one arsiiments for the immmirc of the mcasilrc. l!cprisiiilutlvo I. .. I'hll litll pU'SPIileil It. (.nice the hill Is out of the (Oliimll ter'n hands a body of I' more dnle cntcs will k-avu the city to telnfoive ilio motl at the capital. It Is likely that I'icsUlciu .Moiton and state 1'ies Ident Maxtor will he In this delegation mid buiivcr-llko ( ncrKJ' will he used In lmshltif: the ineasme through. II Is lccounl'.'d by all the stationary llieiiicu of I'onnyylvanla as halm? a vital bearliii,' on the piotd-llou of tli-in. ami no stone will he left unturned to se 'lll'O legislation guaranteelm; ii Improvements on 0. & W. The N'cw Yui k. (Jntiirio and Wcstci n railroad .mthotltlcs are lilannlng ex tensive linpiovemeiitH on their main line and work will be staiteJ within a few days by the company's hccMoii hands oil luiinitaut RradhiK Jobs. I-Yir ihe past year the lompaiiy has been Industriously eiiRaged In making lin nnivcnients of this sort on all of It-, lines, and lluiko Hrothers. the local contractor"!, hao done not a little HUch v. oik for the Ontario and Western. The extensive changes now being m ranged for will be made on the road from MliMletown to Norwich. The company olllclals an- aiming at doing away with all the sleep grades and -liur curves In as neatly a complete manner a possible. The ehlef point of the leeouslructlon doing; will h .it Wlntortown. whetc it Is expected that woik will be started any day. In order to do away with the grading there It has been found necessary to lay about throe miles of new track. This will necessitate cutting through a hitherto untouched portion of land thctc. SfM-ral miles of new Hack will also have to be laid at Kullhhlli'K. The task will prove n long and milli ons one, but when completed w 111 have ltmrilli'-tl n. Hiilnmllil limit ni-.-ii.nnl It. the main lino facilities for travel. Jersey Central Matters. Assistant Superintendent William r. Dods. of the Central llallrojd ot N'cw Jersey, has Issued a bulletin to central trainmen announcing new rules to bo observed at the 1'cnn Haven limit lou. The new oideis were infective at T o'clock yesterday njornlng. Hence forth nil cast-bound trains will run through the middle track at Penn Ha ven Junction, and use tin west-bound track and crossover switches at the Junction station. All east-bound tialu. must approach Hie west end middle ttock, Penn Haven Junction, and the west-hound trains must appioa"h tin eioshover switches at the Penn Hav m Junction station, all trains being nn der control and ed to stop. Air Brake Institutions. A bulletin to Central P.allroad of iN'cw Jersey trainmen annoiiiices that tho nit brake Instruction car will be stationed at tli Ashley yard until fur ther notice. It will be open for In structions, Monday, Tuesday and Wed nesday of earh week fiom ! to U o'clock In the morning and t to I In the afternoon, Thutsdays exainlim i Ions will be cundll'ted and on Pililayi. Saturdays and Sundays the car will be clos 'd. Next week the eiiKlncinen will ic ceive their Instructiotw In the morn, lng and Hie trainmen in the nftet. noon, the following we-k vice versa, each sin feeding week the men .iltei natlng In the hours. Today's D., L. & W. Bontd. The make-up of today's 1)., L, and W. hoard Is as follows: ruiu.w. iiAitcu j; Willi . j. D.i.t-!- p. in . . l.jlor. II p. iii , 0. Km lit',".. S.VHIII'W'. JIAIIl'll Ii. WIIil Lit. IUt I'.'.oO j. in., M. .1. I li-ntiipii , :; .. in,, P, C'.ojiuiiiili; : n. m., AttlU, niih III-. I'liuV til. 1 1 ; i.'M il, in, W. I). U.lllrl, l . ;., ('. V, Dunn; II a in., '; t p. m., rll.llll.VJ ) Ii p, III., ,1. Mor; ," p rn.. I). W.illJir; ii p. in , ,1. Ccuily. Miuunlt., lilt. -6 a. in., A. Wldiicr. iti .l.uue I'taili'B' liciij j. in., vel, (Jioio Knmiidl. kPi; ti J. in.. wt, Mclir.; fi p. in., c i-t. .1. lltnnlSJii; 7 p. in., Jt pern .N'Jy An;, IMwtui Mc.MllcUli T p. in., wtft nam C.i.uig.1. Ul..ui', r p. in., wet iifnii Cjui;j, (ihilc). Puller 10 . m., V. V. N-cor l'ushcr Si a. ni., Ilmi-tit 10 u. m S. I'm iitrlyi ll.JO a. in.. Mniiu; 7 p. in, Muiplu , u 1 in.,; 10 p. in., it, llmina. I'amiiii'ir l.nulno 7 a. in, Carney; 7 p. n, hlligfr; .'iS'l 1 1. in., Hantnn; 7 p. in., Mcfioicrti. Wild Cjtt, Vt-i a, in. T. nupitiUki 'i i. in.. John fiJlusan; 7 u. in.. A, Kilt'huui; I . in., Jl. fioldfii. lti t:. m. Iljllett'ai men; 11 a, in., John HjxUi ; I p. in., u, lljndulpli; .' p, in.. Kint,'lcv; :1 P. in.. I'- Ilasccrty ; p. in., .1, II. Mrl'unii; o p. in , II. C.i.Iiht; i. p n, , 1". I.. Itoffiii. M"HK i:. lUikiliiuli .Iiv.'l'li .Mjtlicu-. i,n noli lii.lun;, upmta fur duly. The Cat venters' Sttlke. The conffrenco i lilcl was to h.iv been held Tliuisd.iy night between tho Hulldeis' Kxehmme and tho executive; (omuilttet) of thu cuipcuUrH who liuv been on stilko the last twenty-two nioiitlis, wiih postponed until yestorday noon, when n brlof fcshIou was held In the llulIdurR' Kxchange. lluslncM Agent O. S. I.utz, of the c.ii'peuteis' union, yeoteulay stated ti; the it nulls of tlio meeting wero of a sutljfnctoiy nature, but could not bf yet announced. Tho proposition of tip builders will be considered at a nieetlinj of the union, . MUSICAL GOSSIP. Mr. II. i,rv P. linger, ol Si iiiiton, wlio Vli tlil (.oumij IjII In (onlliiiie liU ktullcn In lt.ilv, mi b r Viiiuiidiil, I. incitliii; with Hindi -Uiof, li.nlnif iriYlitb' liffli lIicui ai the iiiikI (ompclinl out ot llll.v uilt.inrl pupil', to lnz the hint,'. Ilitere Icitlng Sfjliton Mr. Piijir Hi.tlliil vi.lrc inltiire nnil niiBlnit for urn )nm iiiitlor Mr. vlfuil Wootir, the Idior l.t Mm I'.lll. ililltrli, tliU tll.l, ' ' !' II 'llic fiillmvlm; piouraiiiini' will li remli red hv Iljir' Tlililuntii llruiiix'iil liand .it tlm l.tcmii tin .iter, on 'Ihmadiv cvriilnir, Aptll II: .MjTit'i '"l.lei tile fit)' (', i:. Kmracis (t)nlli.ilrd In llaiiM-'s ImihI.) 0rrlir---"Port mid lV.litil" ...uiippc VwjI ulo "Pin Po.trti." Vr. Punk l.ilnn. Mrfllfiii "Hie Amfci" I'Mlici ndt -"Willi IhImI PoR.i" lr. TlioiiiK Jllli. Iritiriuiiiiiiiiti tt'ti i'iliiiitc. iiciluu livliulll.iu llnWriilriip".., (Ilifcrlpllu-.) (mute TriliMilioir.ui Init Void win "TulrJiliMu Mils" Cf loin mini Ml. 1'iaiil. Kalwi. ...liounnd .. .Itrrtjctt '-", ..I.lloilt .rx-lkrr r.u- ....lll't ltilrriiir-7o "Pji )c ricnrs" (fiom Jlallj) llililir. Ouiid Vliioilcju r.iiila.l,. llnlttrt II II ,i M loiiioiiim'N vnliM In llir vrond Pir-liv-Iciljn the Wluwliirf nusloal win Hoik v. Ill In- iiiuUtrd: MoltMMl. OrMii Plilinle Al.thini -".liilill.itr lid," Ufti'lti'iy Mo--"'J lie VNn of Aiimns' ..f jpot 1 1 ..."lirlloy ...AlllllH .Mr. (ilpl. 'Mini- I'ti-lludr (iounol r.VIININ'C. iU.iii Pnliitlr (Iiillinnlit I linn -ltf-p.,nr. "I,w 'ILv ilinv" tin. In i.'i Jiirttt "Piaw Xluh M j,. ,. ,.0rj".i oiiicil V o libel; ami (I.n.ii.'iit, MrfK. tllppcl jmI Jliiiir.m. (ifli'il.n.i --olo, "Itoil. n Aacs" l'.irmrr .Mi-.-. Ciuirnu. I-Sill -I'o-lllttlr Mrli.lliuiliti .Mr. .1. Jl. (Iijiho, crganUl ..ti-1 dluilor, i ii ': At Ml. (Illliu'jl Alllltul ll.l. fAllHlfu I.IA. (.Limine n.ii limit ud Lot Witli,ctlj altruuMii l' Mi pupil, .Ml.. .Mabel lEit.ule: PIANO. toifuto In 11 minor Mi iiilrlolui I'lltl litld Art Olltl lilill. In, til. . tdiintuiilincnt liv Mr. Hinmn on mfitnl jihnu. ul Xottunip In II nujur Miopia tli) Sinfonl.i in 11 m.ijoi lUch (o Impioinplu, Xo. .' Si.hiil.iU (.1) I'ftlka Nolilc I.urllr llil V'ul.o Auliviit! li.;, "on.ili In C fli.iip minor iti-rUini-i, Atliflo, Alliimttn. Pnt.. Vsluto. Vli-4 A1111.1 ilinon wnir Iho -i.t, "llirip I. a ll.-.l 111 I till l..1tid oil llluli." I, iv rR.-, it tho llttf'linoll n.i,n of IIir W.tirrnV Vllxlt... ji. lonii'iitlon, Iii 1.1 In Trinity I.ntlioran ihuuli on 1 imrMl.1) altiiiiimu. 1 11 : n.r falTnM ins f'MiIlflit pioffi.inuur van trli iltiotl .it tho nii.'iiiii.nv inr.tliK- l.r.1.1 I,, 1.1 llltllll.lll Oil TlllllitillV irt,ln.-! UlUJn- Plllmlf l,itt..ln '.Wation , 'iiw;.lll. 1 1 io "rather, I.i ,n Mo" (Ironi "lli',") Mi.t iii.KK, liiia-rm, Jlr. (ilppcl. Ihirt-'-ll Clip Vtiur Hindi" ai,u V..-ci lll.ul. Qii.1 r,.ir.iL'.ni. 1 Oin Pfiilnile tn.. H.U Mr. .1. Jl. t , I ', Mr. IP my Woli.t'liit .imumi.i ., 1 1. i. ... r.nikril wltli Jtinc. ixhunumolliliu,. tho lonlrillo of tho JtotioH.!itau opria ft mii.iiii in nun nuiuiiy until tin. lain ,,,( of Juno, fur .1 nuiiitior ol mkillitnn. (.....i. and tho liruor niunnl fistlial-. Vlmo. Siliiinunu. noun, h nun to In- tho pillllipil K.loUl ;,i 1 1,0 iomii' Mi-upiftM, vli'rli I. 1.1 1,0 holtl In llutlaln, '. Y., ilurliic 1I1. ml, 1,11- of .luni, Ini,. In In 1 cMrnilcil -t,u In lln. nn Vli w.1-. nihil Mill lulo m.Ic inutt'l o Vlim . huniinii. Ili'inlv'fi hu.luoss. Ilin-.f ion lithinmi. 1I.0 Ifm,,. .. , ... t iiho Im Itron iiniin,i muih tiitiv-.n ,u .1 ioiiil'o At the Old M. D. BR A I JLb 7 7 IIsbh tJr 1 New TailorMade Suits and Dress Skirts This Sale Surpasses All Records antl Outclasses All Competition. Keen judgment to plan and courage to execute are qualities which mark the successful calculation of every great undertaking in history. Noticeable in war, in peace, at home, or in business life, the same qualities blaze the way to hap piness, glory and success. Have they to do with the success of this sale? Read the storv of the planning we have done ot the courageous buying; of the fearless under-price selling, and then answer the question to your own satisfaction. ' - We bought thousands of yards of finest fabrics: ordered over twelve hundred suits, and then marked them from a quarter to hull less than equal quality is bringing in other stores. Fact is, other stores are not showing styles quite so at ractive and woikmanship and finish so perfect at any price. It's a Breschel idea to buy materials far in advance and have work executed to order under careful supervision. It took- courage to execute the plan, but it's meeting with "rati fying success. I his is, beyond doubt, tho ' Greatest 7 1 CT for LADIES' STVT.TSTT -, VnllAtlnn ,-lnfli 1,1 Mnnl ., ... -- ."':' " "- lined n flno satin nnil finished with mi it. 4 , 1 Full 1h.a n.l .... j. .., .-.iii.uii uiuc, mime uvoieiejjiun, 9 75 fo-',--ABIES' STYLISH btnld, beautifully talloted. Also a Zt,0" ncl tlRht-ftttlng-, full fiarlng- value, cilu.oU, 12.75 f0-', -lABIES' FINE TAILOR-MABE SUITS, iu rough cheviot . i i ti. -,v-"" ,-",, j-u tiimmed with taffeta bands, black and r,-. ..... ...... ..,.,! uii. uuo -'ctv-iiiuiu; iiciuaj vaiue, rtU.UU. 5,000 Spring- Dress Skirts in Handsome Style . iiuii iu i'ies-i nnu ijurprisc20 styles, All riati-Tnllored. SALE BEGINS TODAY--AT 8 A. M. 3.95 TOR LADIES' FINE ROUGH CHEVIOT DRESS SKIRTS, full flare, beautifully trimmed with bands of taffeta silk. Regular value, f?7.00. FOR LADIES RICH BROADCLOTH SKIRTS, full flaring and flounce, richly trimmed with wide taffeta straps, made 4.95 w,v . i-t-vitttt-u, icujiu All tho Furs find Neck-ciirfs lfift ... ., ... , .. ", , til then wt, will -laughter tho goods BPESCHEL'S NEW CLOAK STORE, Duffy's Pure Matt Whiskey Tlit World'i rmou5 Medicinal Whlikty rCouRhs, Colds, Bronchltk, Asth ma, Consumption, Malaria, Fevers, Chills and byspcp.sla of whatever form, quickly cured by taking Duffy's Malt Whiskey. A teaspoonful in a glass of water three times a day. lintltnm I liiTt, linl nrrrnu. nrHTl fer over ion jtt I wis to rtil, I iuiiM turdlT wlk, u.l nluM nrixr l,ilit rouM not tlrrp. 1 v,. Jl.. t'iiinjf.1, nn. I I took my olio In my own Mini., MtlitU n.tiltiiij; to kpt mil., mill biin iiilnn DnlTj'i I'uru .Hull IVhl.Loj. I tinro l.krn lh llur.t 1kiiIo or it. I hive nut boon i.i ir-ll In Toari 1 im at Iho prtvtu uui", mill my irriiael llrn Ul.l. I fo-l I rati neirr .r onoosli In priif of IliilT)'!. I'llrr Mnll Will. to,, f l.1lo tt in hot niiii-rnfiirlyiivorTni rnl.iK It-f it hroi.fait. VVhrn 1 .iil.l Ullnj 111 iinlr moislio.l loTeuty flvo oiinitii, aQdalpreicnt I vfljthon.i liinolro.l uinl tlTe imuuu Vory lull yonrn, M lliRtTKRITl. f IIKIcnV.lir. Votikon.K.T CAtTlOS: Imrty'j pure Mnlt WliliVcv ImoM la denied buttluA only. It offorcd in bulk II ) n fraud. He inrn jmiecttlio qcniilnc. All rtrncsliu nmi crocer... or Ulrrit, it.dOa bottle. Wnlh'nl Imoklot 0111 trie. Iljfl) Mall Whiikey CoRichettrr, V. f. of I.ito, i. 1. 1 Itiii.v 011 .1 'j niplwiiy, viliku ho ivikiIh In in .lul iiim. It i to Im li.inl ,tl urn ot tin Hi,.t luni 1 n to uliin l.j' tho lln-loii jinphony itilu-ti.i novt H'it,oti. villi iititrn In I:uioh oh Apill 'J, alter it tiuvt piivpnniM and uniovfiil hmw.ii lifir. lmo Ids In to In N'nvriiiUt U llnliii.iliji l.i. pliud :illj s. 1 111 louoi'iN. d II II 'Iho 111.1111- lih ml. ol Pint. Cioitii- II. C.nlfi, ti'iimlly ui'-Miii-l of l.lm I'.nk ihuuli, villi l,o ' to l.'.iru ho Mill ciic nn oiK.111 ticlltil lit the ilicon Itlilirr JhthotlUt dniiili 011 'lhui. d.i.i- lutilmr, .VI mil 21. a.-Utnl tj- Mr. All'iod Woolir, f 1 inn in Mm, nlto will proh ilily .InR for Iho lu,t tlmo hl tiiiv I'ittir -olo, KIV tlloiloii- Coiiiiinior!'' I. I .Vlmo. l.'ii'4iuli M Hit.'ll, uho nj Im rt' JV.IIH iiiiKitod wild tho Jl.nalio ituii (ipiii toinplii.v a I1I4 Icadliis lOiilnltn ami who, for tlm pjt ooason, la liecn sliv-liu; at the l.ti.i' dpri.i nt I.Mhii, U to lcliuii lioro mil mniiHi In till a manlier of tonroil iui,'.i.ini'nt- uruir,iO fur her l.j Mr. Iluny i,l!,ihu. , II , Tho ioiiiiiet;.itl..ii ,if tho iliovti Itld-.'o PukIij tiil.111 ihurili lud a nil iiuiIimI tioat I.1.1 -uii. ill) rirulni; in Mr. filling's irtiilitlii of thu 10I1) "lviii lij iho Tonijiol." I'rnf. V. p. . hillliis'n now inu-Ual eilic i, lllOclllli; Mltll lll-.cmil MK1I-.1. TtrlilllOllIlN of llw lilj-ltrat iiii'ii air cont.intlo cumin- In. I 'i 'I 'llti (.111 too. of VIfu-,1 Wotdtr' Mfllil nni:, "IIiiiicii I. .Not I'.ir 11.11." I,.i. taiMtl llu- to Niur II for .tlto 01 luiitono. 11 .Mr, Alfictl Wooler-- now Iii, In rol.i. "Itl-r. I.loilous Coiiqmior!" is out .al pionouiifod ft) (Onipetint nltks to ho of (ho mj- h'pln-i-t cider an I .-houhl I1I111 fiiimui. II " P11 Ions ait- helns mnlo fui .1 sund n,n nit to ho ulwii h.i- .Mn.. ( lu.lii.o WolIT Woitl'-ii ill (iiuiii-r)' lull, on M.nrli 'J-i. She will In a., il'tril 1 1) 1'iof. .Itilm T. W.itl.lii'i, kis-o; Mr. Alfnsl VliKtlu, Irnor: 1'iof. Vandiiirheu, ioliti. In, and MliiIis li.toiMiii'. pi ml. t. 'Iho pioi;r.iniuio 11III liu of .1 hlcli i,i.,.. Mis. Wouleii will .ipp..n in four inuiilici.'. inn itl., iluoi mKIi Mi'. Woitler and trio ullli 'n,f. V.ikIH ,n i, Voohr. This pii'ml"i". lo lie one ol tin- tori conn its ut tin- sr,ioii !u'.- niiini.ii of tli l.i Is Inn. .ilir.idt hern ,M 'Iho s.ilo if iiikrts f,,r iho 1 1 1 . 1 1 1 t . . 1 ( . in nal of (.ol r.iillrii. llu- riniiit'iil II -I .11 pi.mlM. i,.is alii id) lii-sun 'lhis, m uii will I.i nil(. leader Store, Suit Sale That Scranton Ever Knew PflT.T atjt.tco TrpnxT cttt-tc- .,..,.. n...l ...... 1 i-..t.. . . " new tjiiui: coior-ucs. jncKCt. bnnds of satin, tailor stitched, skirt ..-,- . . (-uttuxy petcaiiite; nctual vnlue.lS.SO ETON SUITS, fine pebble cheviot, lot of fine Venetinn Cloth Suits in tklit made over flue iietcallne; actual iiBni-iuung' jacKec oeautituiiy new colotincs, skirt made seven- vmug. po. IU, nvnr frnivt dm flfo ,t. in i, .-i.i ....... : , ---- "" -. jruui uwu inm, uui urnnu uponing wm right and left. You are cordially invited to atten d this great sale. of tho brrt ritr phpn In thl cltj". will orrnr on Tuesday, Apill i (Kfl'ttr week). In 5-t U.c' P.11I1I1 liou-c, nndor tho ju.plcos ol the S union 1 miwrialnry of Muli. l'or tn.ny jearn Jlr. r.cltcn, Mho Is It- tilrth a liirinni, his brn 0110 of the hulling puiil.ti of America. He vmii for a niunlter of jrjri illiclnr if the Nc.v ling. Uinl 1'uiiitnaliir.v ni Muilc. Ilo-ton, tin larcc't hi.tltiillon of tho 1.1ml In thin counti), trnd 1. now dlii-;lor t-f the I'adltn Pl.niolorte mliool, lloilon, Mhldi iiuinlteM huitlrrd.s of ,tinUnt'. Mr. l'ailtrn 11III pit) thr fillonliu rpleinlid pio. ia-nuiic! thacoiiiic llpui .".1 Ilrdhoien AIIokio (on lulu. d.Kl). Ilomln AllfBIetln-l'ro.lo. Jllmiet, tlpiK T8 1'i.m- ihiiK't linproinplii, Opiu fit), .'o, Krani thubotL Mitiiiku, lipiu .".. No, I Chopin "loittiiiie. Opni 11, o. a Chopin sch(ri, Opiw til Minpln Prelude, Opni 'J.1, n, 1 Ruhinsleln llirejrollc Opu. f, ll11M1nl.M11 I'lmle do (,'niutrt, Opu l. No. -'.... Iliihlnslelii 1, i: 1 TUrr 11III bo 11 lonctrt Rliru b) tho .tiitlenli cf thr N.r.iiitoi nineruloty of MimIu In M. I.nke't. pat Mi hon.t on tho riiiiln-.- vl W. Tlrkili 11III on be In tin lundi of ilii ilrnla fur free di-trlbutlon. Ill Older to cst.ll. II, h a uliohr.ldp fuml for tired) -tudetiM 11 Ilmllril liuniUi of rati lll lie trivn at tin en, In e-'li KNIGHTS OF MALTA. 'I bf uiriiibeis of Jl.dta and oil gthir futinul luilollcs in IVnmjhanl.i ,110 derpl) liuciojtul In is known ns thr "llindiii-on 11111.' or lliuir Illll No. tH', Mhli-'i Is iimv before tin liiilsljlmc. Il plans all fi.ilerul benofli mtiitlis or utiK-iH iiii.Jc r tin iihtit.nue (oiniiil. hlOllll', Mho ..111 K.-lltl ilt-pillli-H ul his pll'IMlll to In.prit Iho bttoks of any undely, ainl rvrry time sitdi an liii-peillon Is mid,- tin- UKhiy nnit p.iv -MnO, antl It Ihty hue .1 imuo liiml the ft i- Is (Jimi. ' in. hill ,.i, horn repoited turn tin- loiiiiulttic, but bi .1 1I1 Iciuiiiii'd (Hurt on tho p.ut of a few it his lefenoil lu.-l.. Hie luviiri- of this bill Mould ill.- the fxl,t inci of dery ..ild) In the Hato. 'it Mould pioio of Inviliiilildii to day old lino, but Mould liiiobo .t eiioiH ltt to eui) one of the Imndriih ot tlit.ii-.iiii.L-i of nieiiiUeis of fiatinu beiirflilil -i ilttlis. On Muih s.'lhi' Mint nock-tlrd lepie en(eil In ll.111l.bur-- lied .1 public- tnrclln-- ,11 the mint lmue, 1111 1 protnted il-rurnusly airaimi tin p 1-' iri of Midi .111 inltpiitniti inciiiiir. t'oni pinions of iho Oidrr of M ill 1 b.uc sent In 1. 1 tirs ami pctlil.,m In the IrgMitm repie.iiitlui Ihilr di-liielH. .aid a.ketl that Iho bill bo ilift.ited, u.i the Bit-mid lint it i. .1 iliaih-lilnw liniul at fiatoinli). As liiu-thlid, cf llu- nun ot Pnui-.ili.inli an potson.illy Inteie.titl in frj. leinitiis it I. prob.ibk tlul any leslslitor viho volitl for this bill iituilt tlilic ,1 n.iii I,, , (ollln. It a nportid that this bill Ma. pie.entiil to llu- liuMatiut- of im .b-i-ey. and oirlHhellulliKly dcfe.ited. 'Iho paid' Jnltln .it Haiil-hm-' must be met at cm, by 1I10 e.uu e.t piototi of (Viiy oltlot in tho suir. Impel Ul (ouiiuaudiri, No. 2i", at ( hoitoi, p.i ilillclitH in Riilnc Jiiuls and boii.iiet! white Hi, rompinloiH arc liilnc to enjoy tliipi, riicj R110 a liaiidsoine atdi rliarm on Mirdi 3 l-i their riiorder, .lr. II. II. Murray, In romi-iiiii.n of his tirelen. devotion ami Mork In behalf of ttie oidir. On Mardi ,i, duraiK a tmiioiatluii, .1 nuld natdi iliarin lias pie.ented to P.i.t ('nmin.indoi W. II. II. Masuill, Mini pri)to'ct l-ielie lpplli 1. lions (hirlii-; Hie la-t term. A lieautiful put coininiuder's jciul ta nl-n presented to Mr 1' .1, jiiioii.., the irtlrln-r hlr l.iilght ecuv ni.inilir. lM.iiiiuiilh (i-inmandeii. No. -.'Il, at 1'lj n.oiitb. Pi . Mill KM lie a do., by , .t dispells Itiuli on VI nil, -J-.', 'llu- ileal,,- .tail f ,tnhn Knok mmiliri. So. . .11 Wllki.-llino. wilt .1.. .Isl ill llll 1 Orel, lollies, ulilili Mill l,r In ,1,,,.. 01 (.rand N-nhu U.iulrii Ni .lohn .1. lie .ol. m.i cr.ind i-ttumiiitiei Kins lltdiini 1 - -1 1 1 1 1 1 1 r 1 K 1 .. . r. ,1 d,,,,, ESC HCI 'C JL Jl EL4 M.- 4sJ naa H Mf vkv 3 Sil IS iii SI ui im wL Isv 111 Ifcwr i838 i Em ram Asa 13 M I a a in m m m i m -3 m -i m W- 1 24 Wyomiii 1 4 7 ? f01' X ABIES' HANBS0ME SUITS, iu Eton, tight-nttlntr, -r. j xj pain tailored antl richly trimmed, made of rough cheviots Venetian doth and homespuns, most beautiful effects, full flailnc- and llounce skirt, prettily trimmed to niiUch Jacket; actual value, -J22.50. lO 7? for IABIES' STYLISH ROUGH CHEVIOT SUIT, lined ., - . tluoughout in fine taffeta, richly tailored, tight-nttiug jacket full fiarlng skirt, we also show a handsome lot of line broadcloth and Venetian skirts at this price in Etou effects. Actual value JJ2G.50. 24 7" -'or LADIES' HANDSOME BROADCLOTH SUITS, Venetians " and choviots. Eton and tight-fiitting effects, trimmed with taffeta bands, panne velvet and braid. We show six styles at this price and all are licit and attractive. Tho sklits hang beautifully; ato cut uni titc iiuvat x tli l Pi (11- WIUUC13I 10 7"? r0R BABIES' f?10.GO HANBSOME TArFETA SILK SKIRT. v" most beautiful effects, ilchly tiimmed, full flare, perfect hong, exquisitely tailored. 14 TCJOR 920.00 STYLISH TAFFETA SILK SKIRTS, bcautt " ' ' fully tucked and appliqued; other handsome styles, full flar inc. and rich effects. ..,. ...., ,....,... (Formerly The Leader S(ore) ConnonjSilDallac SCRANTON'S SHOPPING CENTER. The New Hosierv Men's. Women's. Children's. The preference is clearly for the fancy sorts more of them sold already than in any previous season. Upon their predicted popularity wc planned for and gathered ex ceptionally large assortments. Wc believe ours to be the leader among hosiery stores. Simple, plain, quiet sorts, iu plenty, too prepared for all tastes. And every style from gravest to gayest is of good quality, and prices are right not fanciful, nor just about even with the market, but mostly below the prevailing prices for equal grades. Here ara some splendid values iu plain, serviceable Hosiery. 19c 25c 25c a Pair Of cotton, iu black, tan, blue and red, printed in white designs, stripes, etc. Seamless and fast color. . a Pair Fast Black Stockings, full regular made, iu three weights, light, medi um and heavy. Positively the best value in 25 cent Hosiery ever ofTercd. Si -18 per half dozen. a Pair Fast Black Lisle Stockings iu drop stitch and lace effects. Some of them are very light and fine. $1.38 per half dozen. 19c 25c 25c For Men's Fast Black money can buy. $1.00 'for half dozen Fast Black Hose, all half dozen. Men's Half Hose in drop stitch and lace effects, very fine and entirely new. These colors tan, black, blue.'grey, red and purple. $1,38 half dozen. 12Jc a Pair Boys' and Girls' Serviceable S2I100I Stockings iu two ribs narrow and medium, fast black and se.imle.csi ;- A rr ni. 25c a Pair Boys' and Girls' Iron Clad Stockings, the very best made for hard scr v cc, in two sizes rib, narrow and medium. All -;r ft tn m Misses iMne Lisle Stockings, fast hlnr-1-. wiMi cnlinorl exceptional offering in hue goods. ;? Price.... 18c CONNOLLY & WALLACE, lit-ri-liui-.'. I'l , on lilt 1, 'tiiiitintl (In- Hod t'roin .Hid eiiiIelno iloj-nv upen thin Itiuhis lirimis, .ill df Mhoui moii inn ier irnt. Iu ilie' exiniinitlnu. this is .1 (iirllt ul nil I, no lotoiil. 'Iho (ommind Is iein,u' to .idtult .1 dj-s in tin- 11. .1 r tiiiuro. -im 1 oniiu.indir). No. 'fi. ji l.iuu. tir, h.i umiKril Munuerilior lull for till ', Mln 11 llu li.'d ('1 mil .t pull Im dour Mill I" u'liin iu moie il.ilioi.ito f,,n,i tlun on former "t'.ivniis 1 lu of the 1 hnlr jimI ..1 tlurii.1 piiunKe tiiti-i, ..I fi-.itiins .if luh i,n. I, ii- . kUtUUl VUillc J-OiC,UU. ... . . ue wetinesttay, March SOth. antl un 124 Wyoming-Ave g Aventseo Women's Stockings Men's Half Hose Socks, with unbleached feet, black, in three weights, light, Children's Hosiery ?Ji 6 6;; 7 71; 20c 22c 25c 28c 30c v v : I -fr 4 Special Rug I For one week only we of beautiful high pile ROYAL UTOPIA RUGS Size 9 Feet by 12 Feet. These Rugs are positively the greatest bar gains ever offered iu a high class, well made, up-to-date rug. For One Week Onlv Your Choice, Fifty Patterns j $25.00, $25.00. 1 We Will Reserve Goods 1 WI LLI AHS & ilcANULTY I ... j 129 Wyoming Avenue r J. .. .. .J. .-. .J. .5, 4. .j. .j. .J. 4. , .j. .j.. . 4. 4. HENRY BEL1N, JR., Gcncr'l Asent for tin Wyoming District for OUPONT ltlnlcy, niullni-, fportlntr, SmoLelMi n the Itrpauno ClicraUal Coinpan'. High Explosives. S'fct- I'ujc, C.pi anil I'xpioder-. Itcom 401 Con ntll IluUiJine. Reunion. AUUNCIi:9l nios. fonn rutiton JOHN' II. SMini ii SON Plymouth W. I. UULLIOAN WilltM-Darrt JL. 2rar Jim. BICYCLES New models now iu. Spaldings.Cleve lands, Iver Johnson and Crescents. No better selection ever made. Call and see them. They're beau ties. II S 1 211 Washington Ave. POWDER 0. the best wearing Sox that medium and heavy. $i.3S t-t-a 1,ol- o-.,l . a S S 9 .3.3c 35c 37c washVnqtoR 129 AVENUE v-pT-rTwrvfPwrwr , Sale offer a limited number $25.00. Until You Want Them. -r ,j. 4. 4, . 4, .j. . 4. -fr . 4. 4, .J. , ,,,, ., , ,. iini. Ms Lager Beer Brewery Manufacturers of OLD STOCK PILSNER 48S to 4S6 N. Ninth Streot, ,Pft Telcphons Cull, 2:133. THE K! POWDER CO. Uooms 1 niid'J.Coni'Kh D'l'd'f. SCRANTON, PJL Mining and Blasting DWDER Ut da t Mooilc nd Ituiblali World. tAPLIN RAND POWDUK CO,1 ORANGE GUN POWDER Kl.ctrlo IUttarlii, nUolrlnKxptajtr rlo IUttarl-1, nUolrlnKxptajtrv -plodlng bltttU, bu(tf fata uii K Repauno Chemical Co.'s v.xvWl