The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, March 14, 1901, Image 8
?V"' .(WfjnSi-V FIT." w ; " THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE THURSDAY, MARCH 14, 1901'. "V- NEWS OF THE LAB0RW0RLD SETTLEMENT OF CAnFNTEItS , STRIKE IN SIGHT. Meeting1 Will Bo Held Tonight In the Office of the Secietary of the Bulldejs' Exchnn&c to Discuss the Matter Condition of the Anthia cite Coal Market Action Taken by the Building Tiades Council The D L. & W. Boaul for Today. Oeneial Notes. Piccnt liiellcntlons )olul to :i !N)'f0y rtllciwnl of the cnrpentcin' Ml Ike. which hiiH hem In proRreM for nlnioi two .veil?, iiiul a inoctlnpf will tonlRht he held between the nieiiibcis of tin Ihillilers' Cm limine mid 'he HtilUpr. tit which It lr hoped '11 mutual tin lieiMunillns will lio uiilvcel at. It t evpcrtrd thai conic, of the uu jifnletV cNt'ctillvo ollleei will arilve In the I'll.v till" afternoon and will at timl tonlirlil' meeting. The ftiike has now heoii on for twenty-two months, rernl Imffcetuul efloltf bolus made 1o settle It. Allien It was tailed ni hundred and twi.nty tati.enteis stopped woik, but ol this miinlvM onlv two hundied and tKty i main In Snanton. the tii.ijoiil bavins dtlftcd to other HelcK and thnr now belnir nanely a 'tate In tin- I'nlon whole thete are not ,oni" niembef ol the local lodK". The loinplilnti whtth ratweil tin1 mi Ike havi now slnuiHied down lo two jjili-vanrcM. the cl"tiinnii lot an dubt-honi day. Instead of nine a lien tofoie. and an of llvo rent pel- liolll. wlllrh would Klve all Itntirlv v.ttj.. i.f thllly I'eiitH. Seveial meet ItiKs haw bn held icretitlv between the xlilkm' upt. ei and the l'.uildotH Kvlmnirr. 'iMr.lKhfn srs-hui will he IHil In (be nlllco of .MviMni. li P. 1 audit;, ot the evehaire started on Hunday. It leaves bete at B.OJ In the nioinlntr nnd la due In Car bondalu at 7.50, The train Ih In thai bo ot Conductor .fames Waul nnd Engi neer Jael Arnold. Wllkes-llarre f'.ecoid. A cpccIhI meeting of the Delawaie and l!udon ltallioad stationary en t,lncpr will be railed at 1 o'clock Sat urday afternoon In 1). I. A. hall. Wllket-tiniip. The object ot the nc hIoii N to foiiiiulate a wage ccale olnil lar to thai ot the other toinpanlc. All Delawaie and Uudoii oiiRlnceiH fiom Caifiondiil" to I'lytnnttth aic expected to attend. Condut'luiH of wc.xt-bouiid l.auku wanna piiipiiRcr tialiiH that have ion npctldiiH with Syiaeusp nnd I'tlcn illtl hIoiis will leave at train dispatcher's otllee. Hrianton, lepoit mIiowIhr- the number of pasjeiiBPis they may hno for these roiinectlons from either New Voik or Philadelphia. rIvIiir destina tion. For Instance; Tialn No. 1." may have thtce passeiiReis from New York for C'oitlaiid. three for liieene. tluee for Syracuse, two fot Oswego and live for Plli a. Ill addition to all the liapiovemeiits and i haliRes already made In the local yards, the U I.. & . proposes to still fuither liupiove the fadlltles for hainl HllR ipavsellRer and fieiRbt tiallle. It Is now announced that the old freight bouse will be completely lemodeled, the delbeiy Riounds paved, a tracllliK derrick Installed and other Improve ltienta begun that will tesult In the ex penditure of at least $3n,0oa. Till will make neatly JiOO.000 that the D.. t. & W. will hnt spent at the local station. IllURliamtou lfeiald. I SYMPTOMS OF INDIGESTION. I B ---- - i GEORGE M. STANLEY GUILTY. Action of Building Tiades Council. The pic.vs committee ot the Itulldlnt; Ti .ides council, which oiiImk of IfUBli Pia.vne. t:. Sulphury, A . Itrown, N. P. fiostnii and M. Staff The ieso lutlon follows- "At .1 leijuloi nifPllliS' ol the lllllld Pir Tiades i nunell. le'ld al lis hall mi Spitiip stieet. Scraiiion. .Mcinelii iverliiR. Mnnli fa. l'ml It unanimous 1 dot Ided thai on and after Apiil 1 all weak done on hulldliiRft or lepalrs foi any iceielvint oi flim. unless done by union labia, will be declined un fair, and wi will do all In our povel iIiioiirIioiii this alle to make ifMilutlonsv effective. The ortraiilyii tions In Siiautoii believe It Is Just as linn li bencllt lor nut chants, bulldeis .uai the public at l.n Re as It is f.n niB.iuls.atioiifi all work Miould If lair and done by unluu laboi, and In a dei to avoid tiouble we lespectlitlly n.k business nun and tmlldeifr lo have all woik done by union l.iboi Condition of the Mniket. ! The MhuIi letter of the ntluaili t' Operators' assculallon siys of the uiailiet. l'inltie ibe p.1 iji.itii.i i'io ii.tlii.i in1 tu.iii." l'.H lifdl tjitl nun I'm. Ill (111 .ill 'it in '.i I ui": ici.inl Mia iiiuiuilliiih hiio tin iiii-ii!!ici" cIIji In tin tlipuuir lur.ct Kits tU'Wiiiiint lii" t'Cili tin ic ;l(i ut lit thai jloiit. It i lil,(.. .it intriloi pnliilv Ml. in il 'ii Ihimi i i. M blc to cimc moie I'lompt dillvrr. mil lo t.irn linger Iccil Ick K-. hi hutii tin W.lnn ml il.c Nnv Knrljiiil iiiiil;d tin- '"IJ vui'lin h- lll.llrll.lll; ll-dihlil luilo III llllnl 'lnl if llu iM- aiiitlou iliirlus Hi' ii'inliL. m.iiilli ! In i'' line irOMiitlvii thfte ill In .1 itfcnip on tin. inincH tor )iicniii Mil.iiitnli o imirnt . 1.11-.1I1I0 stiottge. 'Ili' luuri 1 iiiiim. s ! i. ,.1.1 n In n jl'l lu til tlirir .irl"U f ti.i.iu .i.' 1I1 .u'li iwn Mull llll llf-ll IIUllo 10 tin n III' leUl IWII11 MCiki mi hiinl, holh al li'l mil iiiU'imi ioinl arc iins fil!slil. lirlo (l.e .in ;p. iuiii iiiiiiitb, imy rin-isuiiv ull, mi h s hiIkIiI iriili ti'iiu lllml llbtUlbllilCt, Wo'lhl IJiilll.l isluiut llll tuiplj :iinl lur lon-'.l nfi wllhuul lrvjuiu I hit lu 1 .ituihli,; ( .11 llni lnn.H 11-' ally hiijii;i thrlr " m ,h 10 iuiiiulh ilbpo-o cf jll ,iwk In hi. w. .mil Ij.i' 1 ' ilitito m Ihe lonii iilci then rulMu'. I lnU prcMiit luinlitiiiiis 11 I. linn 11 an Mm tin 1 !i .ml l'C inot .nhN.ilil" to fullnn tiiH ioiiih hi i ld' III II full nlulk ill ,lllllililln n nf u IsllOlllS' llifir j'kjii lo l.e a iiniIriiM in llu lnor 'It in lion, villi li. irn ihnncli it ,i tin tific.jit, i .111 iiiii mi tin. -ih ni r.iiHi roimer Building and Lonn Assocal tlon Treasuier Convicted. llj l.ilil.i Vac from 'Iho Vi'oilJlnl I'll f.eb.Li'Oii. Pa.. March IB. P.eoiRe AT. .Stanley, loinier lt usurer of the de. flint t lonoiny nulldiiiR and Loan h boilatlon. of tliii cltv, was found Riiiltv lids moiuliiR of ombeyzllnt; $I.131.S'.i of the funds of ibo institution. The tase wari on Itlal for over sl davs Stanley had been tie.ibiirer of the as-.-iit lati'in since Its niRauixntlon. ten i.-ns nso. The shortiiRe In his ac counts was only taken since the an nual leport of l&PO up to man and did not include the diortiiRO in lor to that date. The most liupoitanl books of thu association ntc inlsslntj and cannot b' found. Tiainmaster Baulo Piomoted. 'h.illeh I.. P.aiclo, tialmuaster ot the AVjomliiB division ol the I.ehlRli Val ley lallioad, will, al the end of this week, take chaiRe of the New Vnjk division of the same m.ul. with bead iiiaileis .it Jei-cy c'ily .1 veiy ipspcm-i-lblf position. He will take tliaiKC of Ills liew ulllee 1,11 Mine II IV, and Will lliake his bume at .len-i-y c'ity. Mr. Il.nilct lit st went to woik foi the .. V. It. is. iii 1SS7 as ojiiiator at tin Tompkins bieaki'i, neai PIltMon lie waa appointed avslsiant liaiiuuiistei in .llllio. W. and III Hepletlltiei', l&'IJ, he was madii n.ilnmastei' of this division Today's D.. L. & W. Boaul. The make-up of today's li , I,, and AW boaul Is a follows: WI.IIMMIW. VIMiUI 1 W1I1I I .il. U.I--1 i ii.. I V Hum , 11 p m, I'. I .OJIUIill. 'llll ll-ll.VY. i.MK II II Wflil I Il.i'l I .). in . Il Hlll.jf, 1, j. ,, , .1 II. hUli Sl.VI .1. III., C 'I. S(,,ln; jy , iii.v- l.iilnur hHIi II. ,1. l.iKln nun; 11 1, tl , II. CUlIm; 1 1 1. 111.. A. II. lluuo m ill. J'. l,i. man' men: I I.' . 111. . V 1; llnninltl; j p. m , .1. liuili; . III.. W. i. lilltliolullll-h, wi !l P iiilli.inV iiihi uiiiinlti. tile (1 . in., u.l. .lamr (nii;; ." n. in. nut. tJ, l'lviHiMkri; n , in, i,sl, I. llu It'Jtii HI -i. in.. 'M'l. U. II MilioN: 7 p 11. iit (10111 Nji' ub, 1M ml Mi Vlli.tu; 7 .1, 11 , .( fimii Ojinai. Mt 1. me: 7 p in, writ dutu 1 rtvusj, dliiliv. i'liller 10 1, 111 . I'. K. sfl.ijr. I'kaliru-S d. in., 10 j m . s. Tat. licili: ll.yj j. in.. Moun; 7 i in.. .Vliuphy, u p. 111,, I.jinplii, JO p. 111, '1. Ninmii'i t'at;ii'r l.iilnoi 7 a in. luflm; 7 p 11. Sinter: .3'l p. in.. SiJiilrm; 7 p. m, MeCovrui. Wild (j., WVkt I a. 111, Klir.ln; o 1. in . 'I'. ntzpittUk, 0 n. iii., I), ll.nvirl.v; 7 u. in , (I, 1 :.-.!!; "llll M. l'Jiir.udi' mm; U j. 1 1 , .1. I Mullcm; 11 a. In., V. W. I ll,-clnlilj p. in. lilihy with II, Dol.ciljV i.iru; 'J p, 111, , .Ul.i f.u?luir, ,1 p in,. A. kenl.jiir I p. 01.. (JoMi'ii with II If iIIci'm iiici.. 5 r ' IU' ttli 0 p, Ml , Ur lMnlclili. Oll( I. riraUrtuaii Minuaii icpu'it (or duty vmiIi II T 1 ail.ln'4 cirn. lirntcinii II, J, lluil.i urn! DliImiiiui Pre.. Mctllonc will rcp6rt .it 'firflnmattri'ii oftuc. I'un'ltittor I'. Van Wouiisr .iiici inn cull repnt it I'lalilnutln' oftit e. This nnd That. Tlie hew fast frelffht b-iween this clt- and Caibondalu on the D. & II. Maiy School Gtiildfen Ara Sickly MMlrr hurt W fl I'Hillcis lnl' I llll.hdl, IHf 1 I,1 Mnlhd I.IJl. a iiiii-u In I lillilrui'x .ih iil., II1111I. up I ol.U In "l 'kiim, iiiip V. vi rltln , lli-.nlailil. Sldtnuli 'I rouble, Tirlliliu Hi'oiiIrM, ino'L J I'll rrciil.iti the lluwcl', .iml Hftriiv Umnu, Vi, 1 : 1 11 1 1 - Mdroiin, Jlcthl 11. 1 t., mil "It Ic the heel incilklnv In the mul.l in hllijic'ii whin O'filkh nun cninplnlnliic," S..I1I hi nil Iiii;.i:Uih ni la mall. .'V. simple will l'l!i:i:, AMici Allen 1. (Hm-lfil, Irlbu, -N. V. BAP BLOOD Reveals itself in many ways Some times the impurities in" the iilood mark and mar the skin with blotches, pimples, boils or other eruptions, Sometimes the lesult ot bad blood is rheumatism or a debili tated condition which is popularly tlesciibcil as ''feelinc pi ay eel X out, hardly able to drag myself around." The impurities and poisons which corrupt the blood, cloj; the ltver and cloud the skin are removed bv the use of Doctor Pierce's liolden Medical Discov ery It docs more than eliminate the poisons ; it increase"; the a c t i v 1 1 v of the blood-making glands so that theie is an inci eased supplv ot pure, body-building blood. II brightens the ejes," cleanses the skin, and gives new, physical energ) Accept no subs.tituie for I)i. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovcrv. "I thanV. c'.o.l lor the gn-jd jon- incJicIn h.ivr ilonr me " writfi. Mr Jniiii". M Slzemorc ol Mitchell .awreoie Co. Inch. Ilox m "I not well lor two eari. My throat va aln-aj ore, head adied atirt Kiel, ached nearl" all tfie time Mv weight wa ij pound I vmi taten sul. with IjpholiJ fcer. mid when the lever left me I had mic. a pain iD m tell side I could not breathe without paltt r thought I mtit die Mv wife went to th dnur store nnd procuted .1 holtlenflir Puree Golden Medical I)i-coerj jnd n of I111 ' 1'le.nant lJellet I diieontiniied the use o mv doctor- medicine and be Ran with the 'ijoldeu Medital Discovery and Pellet tat cince beiran to feel better the pain ooit lelt mv dide and I could breathe wltheav Inn week or to I lelt o pood I could not May in the room I tiiw.01. about the streets t felt hitter tacli mnrniiie Mler a month'i. ue of the medi cine I wj well I'hat was over .1 jearago Now I n civil ii pcninils and teel belter than ever in iu Hie ' Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets cure constipation. I XDianSTlO.V or DspcMlu. shows Itself by fcellnj; of pain, ten derness, weight, fulness, distension, opptession, or senctal mi easiness after partaklnr; of food. Heartburn, Flatulence, Drowsi ness. Xitusca, Vomltliifr, either nftcr meals or In tlic early iiioipIiik: flushings of the Knee, with icdness about the Nose; Hick Headaches, funcd, dry. or white-coaled' TotiRiie; foulne,-' of bicath, acidity, frequent HsIiik of a wnleiy, acrid, sour flttld In the mouth: Joss of uppctltc (moie especially after bienkfast)! (ild illness, Knlntnes. feellni; of LntiKiior pud Kestlessness with dlln cllnatlon to move utler eatlnK: Inltiiblllty and Mental Depression, honietliiiea amoiintliipr to Melancholy: Feeble or n Torpid condition of the Ho.eK Nothing: act so leadlly upon these slomaeh derange incuts as Winner's Sate t'ure, Jl Increases: the nuantlty nnd Impiovct: the iiiallty ot ibe (fas ti lo .lulct and the hlRhest dlfiestlvo tfllclency Is thus inalntnlned. The appetite ietnin, Dlirestlou find Assimilation aie rendered perfect. The most acute tiuffci Inc fioin tliu abovo wymptonnj l iiulckly sub dued bv the use ot Watnoi's fafc fure. 4 , Don't Go Hungry Niw M.tiiirjpi-ill, Minn . Scv '.'0. l') hi in 1 - site Cure ( : (iriilliiiirn i a cine fnl iii'l u'-ilm eir kIiiIiiiuIi trouhlrf, I !' Iliwe Iheic i Hi'iie llnl Is eipiiil to V imri's site Cure. Sum' iii"iitti nun i w.m M.iferimr (roiu IihHc" tliin, Inn W ami's Sale fure ih nlul( Iv 1 ureil me. K. . llipuit (iiiuilv Auditor, linn. i pin ( UlllllV 1 Can Eat Anything. New oil, JJS Wrecker SI . .Ian !l. l'ml Wanur'ii sif Purr e. IJrntlrmttil l-ite lioun and ir leptiljr hililts raiwd IndlResliciii ami tkrilisKii(s. I found War iii'i's .Sale t'urr in licnest rcninl. II cured me wllliln lliree wrcl,, te.riHl i.p mv inthe nileiu, built up mv nnd nirntil facnb lli-s .mil rtlniuUlrci mv appetit.-, (lion) I'ATIHt'K Ki:.SHI 4Send today for tree sam ple addrtsslnz Warner' Safe Cure Co,, Rnchestir, N, V. i HENRY BELIN, JR., General Agent for tlia Vjoralnj District for OUPONTS POWDER. Ulnlnf, Rlatlns, fportlrc, ?molidf and the Itcpiunj Chemical Companj'j High Explosives. Eifcty I'ihc, Cap. and Enplodrrs. Kcom 101 Cod Dell Dulldln:, tmnlcin. AUKNCII.S: TIIOS rORD Plttston JOHN B. SMITH li SON Plymouth W. :. MULLIGAN WllLci-Dirrt LIVERITA THE UP-TO-DATE LITTLE LIVER PILL CURES Biliousnoss, Constipation Dyspepsia, Sick-Keau -acho and Liver Complaint. SUGAR COATED. Bold by all drucclste or sent iiyxnuii. Nertita Medical Co., Cblcixo (V Ihomi', Diujsistj. 200 WfbTTitHMl 100 PILLS 25 CTS. Fast Trains Chicago & North-Western Ry, The Overland Limited California in ttlay The Colorado Special One uighl (o Doner The Chicago-Portland Special Vrrgon and ttathinytor in 3 day The North-Western Limited Kttctric Ulhtfd Chicago. At. Paul and Jfinneapolit Duluth and St.Paul Fast Mail Fait train to Aa! of lak'H The Peninsula Express f'att time to iTarqu'ttr and Copjitr Country MO change of cars. The best of cv cry. tiling. Call on any agent for tickets or address 461 gr.arftfuy, hta Yet k4t3 Vint St., C.(l.all 50 smiinria St., riuttara 234 Sufrhr St., Cllxillard tlCatnpu matUvt, Dttrelt lKIgat..Catt,nrnt,Oit C0I Chit't lt.,rHladllpHa (8 IValMnotOn St., Billon 301 Main St , - Buffalo 111 ClarJf SI., Ufealf.1 SORANTON'S SHOPPING CENTER. Tailored Suits and Skirts The procession proceeds without interruption and every day brings to the front some new illustration of dreSs-1 x making taste and ingenuity. Stop a moment and exam ine these two : A TailorMade Suit of Blue Broadcloth A Skirt of Black Silk Grenadine Made over Black Taffeta, with innu merable rows' ot Liberty Silk Shir ring and ruffles of Black Brussels Net edged with shirring, flounce style, A beauty rich, elegant. Blousejacket and Sleeves, beautifully trimmed with rich Persian and gold bands. Skirt finished same style and in flounce effect, Silk lined through out. Most distinguished. Would you sec it ? Come early. Tlic Dickson Manufacturing Co. tcranton and Wlllie.-lSarre, I', Manufactuieri o.' LOCOMOTIVES, STAT10NARV EN0INES Uollers, HolstlnsandPumpInc .Machinery. Many Overgarments await you. Eton and Blouse Jack' ets, all top lofty in style good style. The showing is fresh, today's differs from that of any former day. The styles are exclusive to Connolly & Wallace's. Every garment is a reason in itself why you should cultivate an intimate acquaintance with the Connolly & Wallace Suit and Wrap Department CONNOLLY & WALLACE, 127 AND 129 WASHINGTON AVENUE Pierce's Market, Penn Avenue We tnalc specialty ot lancy Crcamrry Bus ier and strictly fresh esei and the pclce it ai low ai Hot class icoodj can be sold at. We do not lute any tpcclal sales or leaden tut at all times cairy as complete 1 line ct Market Coodj. fancy Groceries and Table Delha. tics as can lie found In the largest New York or 1'hlladclphia Markets which wc till at light pnees. W. H. Pierce, 19 LacVananna Aie. Troropt delivery. 110, 112, lit renn Air. 4. ror one week only we otter a limited number of beautiful high pile Special Rug Sale 1901 BICYCLES New models now; in. Spaldings.Cleve lauds, Iver ohnson and Crescents. Xo better selection ever made. Call and see them. They're beauties. S-old l.y Mc.Garr.ili Uckattjima avenue, icumon, li J uenera.1 uracr. ocranion. rsu j n jjiPfJ -An oM bird isn't caught With "' '"" JfcW'' chaff, and a Wise man isn't I J$&'' fL tempted With a cracker bag Cv after he knoWs , ! ''BJlF Uneeda M BlSCUIt 4B I I (InlIrT l j&r the kind lliat come ill the airtight jiacUage. f vwk I N iJ,1l V Jwm&r '' ,!"" NATIONAL BISCUIT COMPANY. fjlratti I aW ya'riM- . ,- - ?r!3L f toeiHLI 1 1 ii 1 1- ' ' At 1 i iiii1 ROYAL UTOPIA RUGS Size 9 Feet by 12 Feet. These Rugs are positively the greatest bar gains ever offered in a high class, well made, up-to-date rug. For One Week Only Your Choice. Fifty Patterns 3Z5.UU, SZ5.VV. $Zi.VV. WcWIll Ucser.e O'ooils Until You Want Them. WILLIAriS&ricANULTY 12P Wyoming Avenue 4. . H4, ,, 4,,f NEW YORK HOTELS. WESTMIjSSTEI, hotel Cor. EUtecnth Et. and IciIdj Place, NEW YORK. Aratrlcan Plan, $3.63 rr day and upward. Luiopcan Plan, II. M per day and uptrard. I. D. CRAWrOKO, Proprietor. Hotel VICTORIA 27tli Street. Broadway and 5th Ave., New York European Plan 211 Washington Ave. , The Cheapest 1 Shoe Store Myer Davidow, .107 Lackawanna Avenue. The Cheapest Shoe Store DR. DENSTEN l'liiiuii jihI Nircon .'111 spnice 81. I mint Luiiu lluiMlin., StiKANTOX, PA. h id me1 and 1 lueiiiic e. ic !( uf men. j' ni'ii and 1 hlldien. ( IIIIOMc. M,llnt. IIII.MS M MIMi IIIM'sr.S '.PIC IM,T Ml ellpai. 01 Ih. Liver, hldnew, llladdrr 'Klu.' Ilhoel,, Wotiih, Hi,., .ir, Seine, TIiiojI, Jtnl I,una (jncern, 'Pumori, Piled, Huptiiro, liniiri', lllieuiiiillcin, .sllmri, t'tlairh, Varkocrtle, l,(t MajihfHu), Nishlly, all IVmile Dim'.w, U'licoirhoe-a, etc;', (juniicrhej, MplillIU, llkmil I'nlwn, Imllirip Hon and j ontlifitl hahll .nhllli ruled, SuiRerc, riK. I'pllipy. Tuii siiil Stuiiinili Morni.. (A T.MIIIIIOIIM:, 'peclP.t tur alaith. lime innniliV iiealmcnl cnilj v"i.(vi. ' rful tut 111 olflcc, CuiMiiltaMon mnl raiiiiiMtioii (11c Of llco hours iIjIIi nml hnndiy, S u, 111, in p. in, DR. DENSTEN. Big Sale of Shoes and Rubbers At- less than cost of making for men, women and children. All styles and sizes LOOK AT emit THE BIG l mo' Hi. I 0 uliic inlileif, toe L' .. i Mid It ( . Lu . I hlM'4 itnhhci lludlk 1 T' Men' .SitlliK cmlj In 0n1U' lluhber lloou .11 lix. Jliii'n llociN 11I 2 and -' ' l.m 11 1. Lull.' 10 11(1 li ho ..Il Hl.-Mt 1.1 1 hluil. i.'..'iii .iml M.:j) .hone at I.K cl uh Ij'lk.'n I ii.r id Kid. t-W lined ud lalldtuineil 'hoe", wirili '! jl I ll 'l pjlic L.tIIi' Patent I,i Hue 1 l.jrj aid I'.it ton i.V- Hioc il 1 T'l. "Jd pain l..idlei.' Viol KM l.uitun ami l.jee 1 hxlhlf ixilc, IlifiiiUJ I'liiii liul.r. ctonh hJ pali, at M pi. .Ml .tiu, wldthc II, ( , 11 and I. M pah I.adlo' JJoniroll Hut ton and t.oodjear clt 'i Hio" ai il V V1 pair l,adie' Dongolj liiiiton jihI tl ul Slioc at Hc, Ic pain I.adi".' M.."0 pninr hor ar ,'A ."(1 paliH Ladick' l.'di Ituvet Miixa al i-e .Ml IjiIIpi.' (J SHppcM ul Vie mnl 75.. Ladle' Uhio fatln ' tllrpcr. at Sin BARGAINS : Men's Absolutely Fireproof 1 1 MS la tbecentreortheibopplncond theatre district A lo-lem Vu Ui l!otl Co iplete In tt ppoli.u tntntft. 1 urtiiihliigiatut'JtvOTttiua n lliroufhout. At com iutUtlout lor fr k'tie-i.i 1 o iultti villi l itl.s, Hot tnl a X an 1 trlejlionj In eery room, CiUlnt unef llei. GEORGE W. SWEENEY, Prop.? f-f-f'f'-t-'f-t--f'--t----t"f-- For niisincs Men In the heart ot 111 wholesale! district. For Shoppers t minutes' walk to Wanamalcem: S minutes to Blcvel Cooper's Blc Dtore. Vnsy of access to the cleat Dry oooas atores. I For Sightseers Shoes. .inn UlrfCk n.-l IJ Iruihci 7n pju Men's lln.ct Mine., ui 1 u. lin palm eu' Hon ( u and lliiii lined, rilhhir heel. l ")hrK'4, ul l.i. I pain Men'ii l.namel M M) Hioe. at iJ.I. i pail Mill's llii ( ill, Vehmr tall and Mm Mil fclal Shcoe at .M !al iijlri. Mm'a Ihr- Mich, unnli ,1ii, al ". -Menu Woikimr Mine., ii( l '."i and 1 ."m Mm' Mining Mioes, onlj li llci" Mwe, .it '((. illuci ami Clilhhen's -lior, at pima We invite you to call and see with your own eyes the best shoes for the least money, gunninteeil, .ind everv item as advertised, and you will surely save money by it, lh'cry shoe Ona block from B'cvay Cars, riv ing easy transportation to aU points of Interest. HOTEL ALBERT NEW YORK. Cor lllli ST, UNIVKKSITT PI Only one niock from Brondway Rooms, SI Up. PIJMAURAM Prices Krsionsbl: ? - --f P ZjJ r(ill.J.lrll.. I', (ul; lirrotii hpMl.11.1 i.1 MYER DAVIDOW. The Cheapest Shoe Store;. 307 Lackawanna Avenue liifflr. (tutriilrY torur klutb all I'rliitr. i lifkiM.(rr(bri4 tolOrltjttf iriM,4liiafal4 - I y r " v vipofl, prr (! V'ra'.i.ti S"" reinn."ei VJWiN rlrnU I MrUlurM fat rulMc ' 4oilv .KhhrjltUrBt,iH.r,riiTilltiHJi cBi t4 - liO -4J-4J SJ ,i t i s Lager Beer Brewery Mnuutocturcrs of OLD STOCK PILSNER 48D to 465 N. Ninth Street, Telcphna? Call. 2333. ,PA THB 10SIC POWDER CO. Booms 1 and'2, Com'ltli BT4' I0RANT0N, tJL. nininp: and Blasting POWDER Itsct at Mooslo and Ituihjsts Vorks. LAPLIN et RAND POWDIJR CO.'S ORANGE QUN POWDER" Bretrto Battsilrs. ElsatrlaRxplodsri, xplodlng blasti, riKftty tfmsnal Reiaum Chemical Co.'s .IIIOM EXPLOHVB"