The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, March 14, 1901, Page 6, Image 6
yjf -- 8SBS3 '7,7' ti h , 4-- ' VtSVi IH - ,, l MCtf" rf THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE-THURSDAY, MARCH 14. 1001. : WEST SCRANTON DOUGHER TRIED TO KILL WIFE CUT HER THROAT WITH A TABLE KNirE. He Also Neglects His Family nnd Heaps Abuse Upon His Better Half Hobo Smith Sent Up foi Thirty Days Foitleth Birthday Annlveisaiy of Oiifflth T. Davis. T. H. Dale to Speak This Evening. Wlllaul Howe Will Entettaln. Other Notes and Peisonals. J'attlik Dctmhvi. r l-'.'i'.' Aswell iutt. Incline diiiuk and illordPi!.v f xl'-nlii.v nnd li u lie i".i'hed honi" Itlfil to rivl Ids vli'ei cvNti-iicj hv s'.f.lilnt' lid tbto.'t with u tnl If knife. Ho pntilally stici "oilnl, nml tin- Mood Hoiifil fifi'"y tioni ii sllpl.i Ik'di vv mini In ijio woman's ur I.. She won I befoie Uiloinian Moi .Hid caused ii win i ant to be tsu il tut hM nrio-t on lllo oliniiH of neulllt and Vitleiv, ntclcil ninl (bleats to 1:111. and T'atmlnien l.owi) mid limes inni'e the ntiest. Uii'ikIki l'"iit Ik" nlsht III till' St.ltlCIl llOll'e .ml v 111 li filvett ii Iio.m Injr t hi- moniini. JFoitlcth'Annlveisiiy. I'llllllli T. U.ivH. id Nil 111 M.illi avi uii', vm toily nf aire vertetdny iniii the event was the mcaslon tor a niilili p.dhi'iliiK "t hi li'ind'oni" ww liinnr 01. Sin 111 lnlit avenue In-t wiiIiib. 'I'll! .lfP)llblV Wlls ill ll III till 11)111' 1'Ojotl "f tinvelltnr mi'ii. whn lm ft v 1 1 1 1 Mi. Davis In a bioliies sinil soelal wtiy. juiil llii'.v well- iiiv. illy fiiti'i tallied. ?.lt Oavts is tli" efllelent intiiUKiM ol tin Old linnod Stote i onip.iuv s 1iiliio4 nt (.iieenvvood. mid liy tnrt mid sinew liii . Ii.'-. niiidc un enviable I'l.ifO In liii- Iniilni vi) Id Tlio event 1 .is thmuiiRlily iiii fiUI"1 In tvoiv io- MCI I Tllllll' Willi lltti'WKll llic CVOUt IICK' 5li. nml M"i Daniel l'nwell, O'liininro: Mi. mid .Mi". Samuel r.or;eis. Hi. anil Alts. K. m. Junes. Mr. ami Mu . . Tho'lias. Wen I'tlt.-toiu Mr at, it Ml. n. .1. Thomas, i s il ondale: Mi. and Jlii, .lnlin Wilklnx -Mi. and Mi p. I'rpnk tlajseii, Inrnli It. Sehl.iRPl. Geiii(je Ihooks. Wlllaul Matthews .Icnkln T. I!re-i. Kilns i: Uvaiw, Jaioli I'felffer, W. ('.Van P.laiiom. t'lintb s I'tothnniel, Tlirmloi, White. W 1.. l'..n. .Mlsn lliiniliili Thomas. M.iiirnict "Williams. 1-iiji Tl.fiin is. W D.iv Is, Miss Maine .loins, lil.niiiu Mu ,iti 1 Maij Davis. ABOUT THIS TIME LOOK ( COUGHS out for i anacuLUb TAKE DUFOUR'S FRENCH TAR. An Exposition of Correct Fashions In Ladies' Spriug Suits, Waists, etc. opeii to Jay, which should attract much attcitiou, as it is replete with everythiug that the best pasted buyers cau think of, and displays a class of workmauship and careful fiuishincr not to be iouud elsewhere in this citv If I Can be seen at their best in our comfortable show rooms, and visitors will be welcome although they may have uo further intention thau merely making a tour of inspection. Some Very Striking Values - Will be found in Ktou Jacket Suits, with and with- out collars, and while BixButton Blouse Suits Aro also popular, and shown here hi endless variety, Laiglon Collars and Bishop Sleeves With flouuee and flare skirts, are considered top notch ideas, snd there's uo end to the selection, as well as a score of other fashionable ideas just at baud A Very Extra Bargain in Fancy Silk Waists at Globe Warehouse John J.ovpiIiirv Thotnnr Mnfelmll, Tliotnns Leveling. HeoiKC )owd. 1, . .Mathews. I'oitlnnd, N. V : Kinnk Amen nitiKliiitnton: .1. It. line. New Votk. .1. II. stalls. New Voik; V. 1, Stt'libs Spilm-nelil. Mas. K. .f. Pillion, Allcnlown, I'u.: t'mnk Hoy. t'eckvlllo; cUotjre Ainntiotitf, Plillinlel-l.lilit- .1. W. Ilusnll, Allentown W 11. Svldc. AlUntown Mifi. 1M is Huiftl ipfiPflinu'iiiH, as tinted In Mih. I'. X .lams. Mih. 1'iniik MfiRpti, Mis W. CI Thunuis, Mis ttllllps. The Alpine lilo ftnnhliPil oml and liitiumentnl su'lrctli'lin. and othi'i fci tuiesi wpii? pnJn.M'd. i Mr. Diivirt was litf-intod with a linndhomc lp.itli?r uidinNloioil tliili. the presentation -ip'tili IipIiik: Hindi' In Mi. Patili'l Powell. MtH ti Vile" was lllP tlltiMl'l . Blithday Faity. On 'l'npd.iv opnlnpr Mr ami Mm. William MiiimunhiK, of l)mp.i. wen nKH'p.ilily uiprl'd by a party of West SIiIp ymnij peopl". tin oicumoii IipIhk Unit if Ml. Malnwailnu'H lilitliday. Muhlo was Hip I'lilof 1'iMtniP of th' indiiK. A dup' was siiiik hy Mi.- Mulnwiiilim and Mls .Vottna William and kpvpi.i1 tkllKhtlitl nolo- wne Rln h D.i.-ld .1. D.u-Ip". T!n ciillip i'iiil iclldciPd a ntlinlvr nf ihoiiisOf. Iti'-fiij-hnu'iils ."ii scivi'tl nl a etiltalih hiiin. whin the Kticsts lift for Spiiiii ton. all liming- pnjo.vpd a piv iU'aiiiit vonltiR- The follow Iiik m'ip pi i'n nl Mi. mid Mis. William Malnwailnn. Mi- .Mulii mii1iik ("i ). Mt-'. iii'. Ml-s s i:inli' Mnhiw-mliiK Mmy .Miilr.w.niiiK. Jin -rut Hivmii, Kal" Willi mi- Annie Uolirtl... N'iini.1 Williams, Mm-niirl llunlc. Man A. 'I'lionnifc Annli- P.ulis. MaiK.iH' l"'Mllt-. IllotlwWi .1. lines, IC.itc Aliinni. Aim KpmiuIiW nnle T. Iliimpliip.v-. anil JIoj-i, Ait Wilson. Juh'- II., p.nld .lolniMiii. Hull .1 I) il s. 'r' Ioiipi. Ii-nl.ln lle nolil". 1J( nM Iiaxlps, Thniiias I'.oIkiis and U.iae ilavles "The Ship Subsidy Bill." A si.(nl mcetlmr of the Wiel Sid Cent! nl Ilepiibllcan elnb will be In Id till i(lllllr, When Hon. VIkiiikIm 1 1. Dali vt deliver an uddi--s on "Th Ship SuhMdy ltlll." The nieetltnr ill iiinvene proniptly at o'l'oik, ami will be pieslded uvil b Altoili" W (i.iv loid Thomns The f;i't."ial pnlilli i" inlill'i'lv 111 lted to alund tHi'l pai tleipr.te In tl meetlnc- The t emmltirr. in chaiKe niliniRed fur a -inuM'r aftn the Iielllle. A lilisre as-.embllUTe is .ppet en. and additional ihali.- will luied to in lonmiodiit" nil who dp ' .MtPtid Howe Enteitalnment. A i.ue Is aMiud those who .itteml the i liainetu iletliHiitlons Rhen by Wlll.tid I). Howe tomomiw i-miiIhk in the Win-hlmin Stie, t I'lo-lnh ihnnh Jli. ilowi'hasn wi ll-di -piei lepilt.itloll as" n llist-il.iss t nteitiilnei, and lie will le a ptot;i.ininie of suns nf bin hOlcetlon. The inilsUnl fe.iHllfs ol the entil tMlnmplit will of solos l Jli. Horatio Kellei and Tom Hall. e l'.laikwood will r1o a "i ello All the New Weaves All the New Colorings All the New Styles All the New Combinations $3.95 Hcleitlon, nnd the orchestin, under the (lltcilluti of Oconto Wateio, will ron dpr the oponlng- and rlosltiB nnmbpi. The in weeds will bp for the liuncllt of Hie Vi Sri anion Yoiiiir- Women'M i-'hilstlan nxiinilntliiii. Ticket ate 'jr. lent". The Abscnt-Mltuled BegRar. .Tames Seilth hi i r jttoil jpsti'lduy nt bin fnunlte npfiiputlon of 'linlnliifr beer Uobs. The thnmoof IiIiik clitink nnd iflsfii dm ly was al enteteil on the pollie docket and Aldeinnin K-nt liliu tip tor tlililN iliiyn In dcfanlt of n line of J.". Smith Is the tello v who nhpiit inlndeilly t;o(n about licgpliiR- for nny- tlihiR he tan Ki't. limn a hnndmit to nninev. lie ban ihhmi wmkhm In West Hi i anion for a Imut lime. Denths and Funeinls. Ml!. Jilehael Jloffat. iirciI Ilfl-HK .caie, died at noon yestenlay nt her home, irn ttalltond inenile. She Ih hui' led by one son, Jim tin Jloffat. The fnnetnl spivliet will be held at llolv ('loss (lunch nt ti o'elodf Sattl'day moinltiK-. T ut oi men t will be made in the (.'athedial (cmetery .Tames, the hIn-vo ir-old thlhl of Mi. and JIih, .lames O'llojle. of ,",ns I'mntli Mtioct. died on Tuc-dm. nnd will be bulled In the I' lemetety at -' o'elixk this afteinoon. Paul, the Ihe-mijiltlu-old elilld or Mi ll ml Mi". John .1. Thomas, of li:i Ninth .Main iHenue.dled Tuesday. The fniieial will take place at ' o'clock this niotn Inif. Intel incut will be ninde at Dal ton Geneinl News Notes. l- Pi auk J. .Mllmnii. sopplj pas- tor of the Suniucl Axeiiue Piesbv tetliiu chin ill, will rii to Pottsvllle to day to conduit a pinyer meetliiR In the Second Piei-1) teilan ihuich. to which he has nc(cpteil a call to become pas tor. He will .iei lib. connection with the Siinnici Aenue Picsbj tei lal liuiel. on Apt II I lieoim- nietor and Aitlutr llnldi r ni. in. the ouiir men who weie at lested for the l.ueeny of n watch, weie bound over liv Aldeiniali Jloses yes teidiiv lu WJ ball e.n h for tbtil ap pearand' at (onil. If the can not tiiinlsh the ball today, thev will lime to ro to j.ill to await tital. Lackawanna (iiiuull. No. 1 Kit, P.o.val Ak.UUIIII. will iclebiale the twelttll annlveiMiiy of llieh iiifinnli.itlon to- liioiinw evinliiR In Jxorlte hull with a Miiokn. social and enteitaliliui nt At torney Coinellus i'(iiueKH will deliver an addti'ss on an linpoitant stiliject. Thonias Shepheid and Jits. Owennle Das, both of Hampton street, were united In inarilaRe by Hev..T.nncs Hen iiliiRer, at the p.u-onaRe of the Hamp ton Stlect Jlethodlst church, Jlondiii eenhiR-. Jlr. and Jlrs. Shep heid will hnniPdl.itelv ro to houfe-keepliiR- on Hampton stieet P.e. H It. Henedlct. a foinier pastor, will ouupy the pulpit of the Hampton Stied Jlethodlst i lunch In the moinhiR- of (onfeience Sunday, and P.i v. J W. Pike In the esenlns Divld Molan, of Wniniiit. Is lslt Iiir at the home of his ( ousln, Jlis. P. .1 Nulls, of Chestnut stieet Lenten spi vices weir held In St. Pat i UK's Catholic dun ih last ovi nltiR. Itei. P V.. Lmille luoihed thu ier- i non and pionoiinied the beucdlctlnn. Jll-s Susan .lenklns. of Houesdile. It isltlin.- Mih. 1m Id J. r).ils, or South llvde Pin U ai nue Attoi in y Hai iv S. K'iiIkIiI, of Suii lim , (iillnl f)n fib nils in town ester d.i He was a il.issiuale of ltev. James Hi nuluRer and In OieniRc It. 1 :- tuild- ar WomliiR seiulnaiN I! .1. HurIiis, of Ninth llioinley ae nue Is nlile to be aiouud iiR.iln, after a two wi eks' Illness A (lain cliowdri supper will be si i nl this (ncniiiR at tin home of Mis Pi. ink Ilijant Ul? Ai.ulomy stieit, li the ladli s" alllllaiy 10m tnlttie or the Simpson Jlethodlst i;pt- (op.ll (llUK h NORTH SCRANTON NOTES. Mr. nnd Mis. Thomas Luke Enter tained Fi lends Seveial Other Social Events. Mi and Mi- Thom is Luki . of Dt.i (nn stiiet. eutei mined a number of Huh 1 1 lends Tuesday eunliiR In honor ol th, It Riiest. V. muiiruI or Sintl.m.l Siliitlons weie tendered hv Piole-soi Wakiiishuw on the lolln nun by Miss O ilsy liiown who Rnve a Ii w Si ottleli dames Those indent wile .Ml and Mm, lliiie. Mi nnd Mis Sani iii'l .Snilth Mi nnd Mis. Henderson. Jli and Jlis AM'is, J'i. and Jlrs. Ii. I!.u low until. Jll-ses Anna Luke, Lll Hal lovMliali, Mee lioblilR, Oalsv Daw son. Ariics Hiim'.v. Jlessis. John Al II) on. fiiome Slanlliei, John lauthor, II. i: J(llu.. Mi. Wakenslmw. John L.iiiiiwnmn. IMwiiul Hae-, AVIlllam I.eed. KlasbllRli plcllliis wile Ink-ll by Jinny Jeffeiv. Other Social Events. A mini p.ut given In honor nl Mlti TUi s vlslinl the Pnmoasl mine JIou da mining. Thoe in thu party wete. Misses Minnie Kkes Jlollle Williams, (ieoigle Haviily. CiU'tehen Law, Uob dt lllc'iuiilMMi. Asa and Jeny Stan tun, IMwnid Kopper and Alfied I'llglil PlashllglltH weie lnlieii ot the pm t.v. .Mis JIiiuii Watklns. of W.iyn i viiiue, c'Uii li.ined In i Sunday si liool il.s of the Pinlinu ConcieRnllonni il.i, un Ttusjay evening, t lames ntul siiiRlng wtie enjo.ved by those pieseul until a m'iisi liable honi. when icfiesh llielils Will seixid. 11 1'sonl wet' Mi. mil Mil-. i i Joins. All and .Mis. J II. PI. Illlps, Ji. mid .Mis. M .1 Watklns, Jli and Mn lnlin Jleet,.. Mi .Hid Mm I! n Lloyd. Mr. and Jlis. Daniel .Mm gun. Mi. and Jlis. John Hi In. Jlis. Oilmido Jones, Jilt Anna Iluinpluevs. Jlbses Jluitha Itetfc and Jlaty IMwaids. Mbc, liailul Piihs. of -.'Sul Ninth Jl Un aviinn. will give a f-oclil at bet honi tn-st Pilday owning for Hie benefit of tin. Clulstiiin UiiJenvor window, A led'ptlon mid soilal will be Riven to II, H MiKenan by the- social cum Hiitlie of the Piovldoiiio Piesbvtorlan Lnueuvor socletv at thu ihuuli jur-loi.-, next J'ildii (ViiiIiik. .Mi JIc Kcehuii v 111 make an ikMu-ss at wel (oiae to the KudeuiniYis Thtle will In miiMi and i ligln liimli will l ..v.d Told In u Few Lines. Mn lia-1 '.ubotkl va analKlu-d bi lniu Aldc'iinau Myeis on a c-liiuue of THE HOMLIEST MAN IN SCRANTON ji Mill n llm li,iii,,miit, aii'l ollicu in uoilnl lu ii.IT n an; ilnu'sUt anj u'. t In-" ,t 1 1 i jl liottlv nt Kcnip'ii lljluin foi tin. I In eat uinl I.unK. irniuly tlul K KUJUjilinl lu dire nml rrlliir jli Chronic I'li'l ViiiIii I oiiqIk, V.IIiiiii lliisiclilllii .ili'l ti'ii',liiiiliiii I'llu i' ml ,V- Effl I Ii. This Question Should Be Answered Easily by Scranton People, Which Is wlsei . To hnVJ conlldenee In the opinions of your fellow ( itlens or depefnd on statements nude by utter stiiuiReisV Ulead thlt? .Mr. Imiio Snilth. of HbO Sadlo place, Hyde J'atk, employed by the I), L. & W. ut the Aiehbiild mines as a miner, says: 1 had a dull pain In the small of my back. If I turned uboiit nulikly n. slltch-Ilke pain eatiRht me ncioss my loins. In looking over the paper t had my attention called to Do.m's Kidney Pills nnd I read a statement of n pjison lllnff In Scianton who was tioublcd just as I was. I Rot a box of them ut Jlatthewt iliotheit' diiiR stoio nnd they pimed to be Just what I needed, and befoie I had tnkeii the whole bo tl a palu left me and I have been flee tiom It ever since." For sale by all dealeis. J'llce. :,0 i-eiils per bo. l'ost'.'r-.Mllbuiu Co,. Huffalo, N. Y , sole iiRenf for Hie Pnl led States ltcinelnbet tin tialiie, Uo.lil s llid take no suhstllute. dlsoideilv conduit and ll'ililliiK, Hie chaiRe beltiR pteferied by John '.n oskl. hli biolhei. He was lined .fill. .Miss Mm J Hull, of Jlilnit .iventie. who 1ms been 111 foi mine lime, is convalescent. "The Cttise ot a Puttv Pace," ti sour- lomposed by Ylllliiui F. P.uike. ot Jones utit-tt, Unr Just been published by the ("iljinpla Publishing eonip.inv. .Members of the Ullss silk mill woik en c.Mi'iid I heir he.itty th.inki to JL .1. I.eonaid lor the use of his lull dur ing the slilke. Stanley Sllknun of lluflalo. N. Y is Nltlm- his intents, "Mr, nnd Mrs. J-' H. Sllknian, on Chinch aviiiue. SOUTH SCRANTON NOTES. Serious Accident Which Happened to Little Chailes Roerlg Funeial of John Lynn Other Notes. Chailes, the S-),cjr-olil son ot .Mr. and Jlis. Peter ItoeilR.of Willow street, was seriously It not fatally Injiued yesteiday noon by beluR pinned against ii building In a passing wagon. The boy was on his way to sihool when a team ot horses came up the alley in the of l'lttston avenue at u lively into. The boy tiled to gel out of the way. and stood against an emp ty wag-on lo !e.ic the- team pass, but did not get out ol the load far uniigh and was i rushed against the building. Hetcinalneil in that position for se -eial minutes until th" driver lemoved him. He then stalled on his way to school, but befoie gittlng ety Mr fell uncotisilous to the gioiind. He was lemoved te his home wheie Dt. It. J. P.IU wus sununomd. The latter made an examination whlih showed that the lujiiilcs weie Intel nal l, to what ptent i.innot be le.uned. Then? Is very little hope for Ids te covei.v. however. Funeial of John Lynn. The funeial ot the late John Lvn:.. who died at the Jloses Taylor hospital on Monday, took place at ! o'cloi k yes terday morning fioni the tanilly icsl denee on llm stieet. Scivlcs weie londuetid at St John's (lunch, wheie a lcqulem mass was eelebutted by Kev. Jl. J. Fleming, assistant pastor of the e hutch. Inter ment was made In the Cathedtal i cine, teiy. Th- pallbeaieis weie. Jlli hael Walsh, Jlr. Caiey. Patilck Heffum. Pnttlik Lott'us. James JlcOaney and Jilehael Langan. NUBS OF NEWS. Jlis Thomas JIcTlgue and Jlis Pat ilck fillboy. of this side, ate vislthiR fi lends in Plttston Potch Hughes was nne.sted by Olll cer Saitor last evening on the clintge of being helplessly diunk He will have a healing this tuoinlng The membeis ot the Scranton Ath letic dub will met In tegular session at s o'llmk this evening at Athletic hall GREEN RIDGE. i)r. W. (!. Ient will speak to the membeis of the Young Jlen's club of the Chuuh of the (Jood Shepheid at their looms, Kilduy evening, upon the benellts to lie deilved fioni the gym uiishim. Pndei the dlieclon of Jlis. AV. U.-en-Inugli and Jits Penell, the Ladles' Aid soelety ot the Asbury Jlethodlst P.plscopal church will seive supper In the (hutch p.ulois fioni ti to S o'llock toinoiiovv evening The Amity Llteiui.v soclet.v will hold Its legulnr meeting at the home of llniold Kennedy. ITJh AVashlngton ave nue, on Tluiisday evening. Match U. The lollowlng pi ogi amine will be icn-deied- Hssay. ' King IMwnid AMI." William Lindsay: "Our Lnke Trade," Jlonioe AVhitney. "i:pansluu" Lewis Williams "Cotton," Chillies n, Tobe.v, and sonic extempoinneous spec i his. PREVENTED SEKIOUS EIBE. Rug Ignited by the FalUnR' of Swinging Lnmp. While lMliolinau Johlei was lopnit lug to police b,-ndiUiirter.s tiom tlio putiol box at th toiner of Jlonioe iiMiiue and Olive uivt nt ten o'clock list night, the Hln III feminine dies of "Help! Help"' iniig out He huriled in the dliei Umi of th" shouting and ni lived at the lesidence ol eharle J. Welchcl. at Kis Quliuy avenue. Just in u blazing nig was be. lug tin own fioni u window They weie making candy It' one uf llm ruonis, ot thu houte. when, in i-oni iiiunner, u laigo hv IiibIub oil lamp sus pended Jioni the celling ovei turned and fell o Iho floor with a eiash. The oil was scatteicd in all dlieitlon-, Ig niting a big rug on tho floor. That til th le was toon a mass of tinmen nnd foi the moment a serious tonllagiatlon was threatened, of tho gltls tainted and the excitement was stent. Jlr. AVelthel bravely seized the nam ing rug nnd cnnylng It to a window tlueivv It out upon tho ground, pi event ing "the setting the to the house. Jlis hands weie Bijvorely buined by the llanips, Tlidc was no olhei dimagi dope I DUNMORE DOINGS M12ETINO Or SCHOOL LAST NIOHT. BOARD A Lai go Amount of Business Was Transacted by tlio Borough Con trollers as tlio Session Was tho nist Held in Some Time Rev. Lyman D. Weeks Will Deliver a Lcctuio Tonight on "The Passion Plnyi'Jopnuese Wedding Will Bo Repented Other News Notes. After seveial unsuccessful nttempts the school board met last night with Jlessrs. CoMello. "Webber, lrwlu and Haggeity present. Jlis. James Oolden. .Mrs. iatrlck Doud, Jlrs. Ollllgiin and the William JteUonough ostnte wcte eonerated fioni tliclf taet. A huge number of lillln wen; ordeied paid, mid the pay-ioll for month ending Jtnrelt T. mnountlinr t .', 11.30, was ap pt ov i,'d, A lesolutlon was offeted by Jlr. liwin eninov.eilng the olllccis of the bojid to demand the books i elating to the business of the boaid, of nny previous olllcer ot the borough, and providing for the put chase of such books as may be requited to keep lu the ftltuic a ptoper lerold of the boaid's lluauclal condition. This Is made necessaty fioni the fact Hint the boaid Is eonftonted by an In debtedness of nearly $JO,000, and tho books aie In such n muddled condition that It Is Impossible to unlve at tho exact Miindltig. The bo.ud contem plates an Issue of bonds veiy soon, nnd bi'lotn this can be (lone u statement of thu financial .conditio!, must be certi fied to and filed with the cleik of the i out Is. The supeilnti'iideiifs lepoit showed mi tii-ollnieiiL for the lust month of i.t'O; avcr.iRc attendance, !.W; pei (OiilaRe of nttelidnnce, S"). Superin tendent Hovaid, who recently attended a slate meeting of superintendents at Hariisbtug, infoimed the boaid that our schools compare veiy favoialily with thos-o in the Capital dty. Tonight's Lectuie. Tonight the ticond of the seiles of lectin es being given in the Jlethodlst Kplseopal church will take -place The ltev. Lyman V. Weeks, of S.ivie. will deliver his famous lectuie on "The Passion I'lny ut Obeimneigau In 1P0O." Jlr. "Weeks has tinveled over 100,000 miles for tin especial purpose of study ing people and things connected wttti his subject. "Wheiever he has given his lectin e It has been lccelved with much enthusiasm. It is expected that a laige audience wilt be ptcsent to night. Will Repeat Wedding. The Japanese wedding nnd enter tainment iccently given in Hyde I'.nk with such success. Is to be icpcuteil at the Dudley Stieet Baptist chinch on Tuesday evening, Jim eh 2ti, under the auspices of the Ladle' Aid society. It Is expected that this novel enter tainment will be one of the most siu (isstul affnhs of its kind held lieio In some time. Rev. Dieyei's Addiess. ltev. P. C. II. Diejc-r. who has Just letutncil fioni China, when- be was In the midst of the icient tumbles, will uiJdiiss a. Dueling In the Picsbyteilan i Inn ih on Tuesday evening next. The meeting will be under tlio aus pices of the Young I-adles" .Mission i lule. nnd without doubt the capacity of the building will be tested at this time, the til st opportunity of heating about things in Chna tiom one who was toimiily one of us. Boiough Dievltles. Jlis. Willi, un O'Connoi has ineivnl her draft ftom the ltoytil Aiianuin for $'.',000, the amount of the policy held by hir husband, who met death on l-'biuaiy 11. Although holding seveial policies, this Is the lhst one to be paid. At tin eongit Rational meeting held in the Piesoylerian ehtiieh last night foi fhe election of two eldeis. Alessi. Oeoige Kaught and AVIlllam Itoblnson weie chosen lor a teim of tlnee A. J. Jluirny nnd son, Chailes. loll jcstcnlay for Lopc-7, the scene of th" new mining vcntuio in which Jlr. JIut in Is liigely Inteiested. Dr. J. IS. 'I.uvey has ictuined fioni a shoit 'ilslt at AVIlllamsport. Jhs. Chillies Itahei and Jlis Heniv AVhei'ler. of Jeir.iyn, weio guests of Jlis. 12. D. P.ovm.l ve.stenlav. Thomas Young Is Indlspos'd at his home on Blakely stieet. J'eler Slegle. who left a shoit tl.ue loi JleNlco. has leUuned. being unable to stand the climate. The family ol John Stew.ul. or Chony stieet. left last night lnr Xew Jlaniheslei, I. T., iliete they will inakft their fiitine home. Jlr. Sl"wmt holdii a lucrative position Pieie, where he liar been fn sonn lltm OBITUARY. Mis. L. E. Buigess., Mi- I I. Ihimi. iui'1 fit Mil., ihul i teiiln it I er In inc III NJ urf. JftT m I11ii'n of oiilv time ilos" tluutluii She vv u tlui iljiirfhiir ct mo if liii siiinb Ml Ik r win) opi mil up tlilh gie.ii will), the Ijte Ijnin W llil-r, of Nullh s, i mi, ,u 1 i mi with Inn vhen .1 i Ml I li"iu Vim llamp-liln , lu the 'in- she ni SilJlilmi ki"W to in .i little setlliuieiil on a null mjiI to i sou ml ila-s ill) ullli a popu jil,m u( mil lOu )ii she 1- -iiinIm'I In i IiuIhii,1, I. I'.. Iliuu'i", u pet I nl i in lent ot the iinniitdi tmliiq; lint u! the siuntou Mtilflnl llili I; (oiiipui)', .iml Iwn iiillilien, Mi. .1. . 1'ike, ot W.-i.iliti,u, l C, jii'l lUm llciiiiiiiui', ninioi- hoour i( the llihttinlli Kklniiut 'Iho Iiuh-i.iI ,iii umniiiiiU ii, o imt it him itimplttnl. Mis. Maggie Sheet in. Mo.. MjusIi' sheeilu, Jjisl .! )cat, died ie tenia Jl I hi Until) lioiuc, old sirntou itnu, jtter J. hrlit lllne. Sie , mubid b) .i ku. ImiiiI, 1'ilrlik, in, I one iljiik'htii, Vlar.i. I la (uurial jiniuUiKiliirnt "III ho mule lain Mji.v, the V muiillw old il.ulilir of Mi .ili'l Mm. I I lte'.uikl, ot nil Muiiico .iiciuio, dint u.nnliv. Iho will lie lirM loni". Iuh iideiiewn Jl J.,JI wMnk John Beese. lul. li l!,,e. nf 1 i-, llliil Mltl,j,' iiioiniii .it tin' I.jcUju inn i uf i outer ut Urn utoiniih IKiraxd" vj Jkdl U )cjm mul foriiierl) un uhl rn-hlc'il ol tho Wft nlile. He U .iintvid I') ine . Ill tumul "111 he I" hi l'e;')l the lidileiin' ct Mi. Ijtheiliio ItiOM', loinef oi I'llu Mr-ot uiul luillehl ni nue, iu l'lhlj) at .'I p. in In tiuiKiii In the Wjuliliuin tiert coineter) Mis. M. T. Loughney. Ml.. M T. boujiniv, ui Mllluw uticil, illdl nl lm l.oine )ftenlj). liter a liort llliie s)C U wiMlvrd by Int. huduinl Jul two (lilhlien. I'uurrjl rollti later, Mib! Julia Moflltt.' Mr. Julia M"llilt, ol IV) ltllrual aicnue, JONAS LONG'S SONS. The Reason Why The Annual Sale of Carpets, Furniture and Upholstery Goods is attracting more than passing attention. Price is not always the first-consideration, and so we find that there are two reasons why this sale is of more than passing interest: First the prices are the lowest the present market will permit. Second -the styles are the newest that money can buy. What more can we say ? Furniture Sideboards An elaborate buffet size sideboard, genu ine golden oak, French plate mirror, ornamental, stand-ard,'bric-a-brac shelves and trimmings, silvei waie com partments and linen cabinets of generous tO OQ dimensions. pvj07 Extension Tables Six foot extension tables, solid oak, patent slides and bolt construction, heavy lluted "2 Of legs. Choice of lound or square top OOD Bedroom Suites 3-piece Bedroom Suite, dresser has 44 inch top, 22x28 bevel plate mirror, wash stand has 2 upper drawers and a lower receptacle: bed- 1 A Q stead is ( ft. 9 in. high and closely paneled... . It- Hattresses An honestly made mattiess, with extra cotton top, closely side-stitched and tufted; any 1 OQ size of one or two sections 107 vdructbtM Washable Ingrain Carpets that aie worth lt7n 35 cents the yard Zrt v Best All Wool Ingrain Carpets 50c Tapestry Brussels Carpets 45c Best Body Brussels, including the newest 1 'JC Biglow and Lowell designs and colorings JU-J Best quality of velvets, endless variety of AA patterns 1-VV donas Long's Sons illui je-triiln dttcnmoii it 1 o'clock, il thi" nje il ."H. ji.irj. Slii! Ii MiitUeil l.y om -on, M.irtin Mnflitl. Tlic tuner il will taKi plicp -it '' o'llmk sjt iiriljj iiioinliii: tuiiii lluli I ius iliuiili lnlci inenl ttill l,o nude In tie ciliietcn. Mis. K. E. Weed. Mi It. 1. tlml, .ifeil il jcr, ftfimerly ot vt.i.wnjrt, ilinl .it tho Imm" of Iiei n.ii In li, (ieiiicc ( otili, WM I'.iul .-lncl, I.Kt nislil she .is strlikui tli jpiplew anil llnl with In m hour sl,e Ii sun boil by her husband mil tho fnlliiniii!; dillilreii! VIh, (oiko ( oMi,! Wed and Mi I Link Corn. ,f ir buti.l lie Andiow Geistenekei. Vmliew (.eiflimkir died .ietenlji it hi li,,ini on Nmlli Sumner .ooimo. He h him bed I iilr aw! oleht thlhlrcii. 'Ih" tuner il "ill ho hi hi Jl Iho hum ill sat. lire ii it 1 in THE ASSESSMENT MUDDLE. City Solicitor Vosbuig's Plan for Avoiding It. The assessment inudille, which nianv roiinrllinrn weie afraid would eijs-ue when It eamc to collcctiiiR the full ten mlllH !ey on all classes of ptopetty. may be avetted for a year, aeeoidltn. to City Solicitor VfislniiR, innvlilliiK (ouiK'lls Jiaf-i. bcfoio Apill I. the tax levy iitillnani'e Intioduced In sib'et (ou'noll Tuesday nlffht. The elty sollcltoi'w eontentlnn In that while Seranton Is a city of the second clnfcs, she will nintlnuo to oneinte under ill) laws until Anil' 1. Theretote If the ta oidlnanec levy ing the lull ten mills is nasM'd befot" th; seiond-il.iSH dty laws bet omc op erative. It will leniiilll eri'eetlve until the next Ihial ye.ii. Next )e,ir. he thinks, the assessment will have to be (lassllled and a kuuIii ated lev) of full i.ites on built up nmiifitv. ivviftliiids tales on lesldence ptopett) and hall rates on uKikultnial piopeity collocleii. Tno poshiniiii)' oi colli t deeldlnu that ' Kiadnntdl hyvv would have to be iidleeted tills )ear will be ledmid to a mlnlinuni. he be lieves, by the Immediate pa-yage of the oidlnance THE CHAMPION EATEft. Daniel Costello Makes Away with Thlity Sandwiches nnd Two Pies. Daniel L'osteflo. ot Hellevile. pel lot Ill id the .wdio'iomlcil feat on Tuesday ulRht of citlutr no than thirt) Kixid sUod hum Miiidw h lies and two cust.ud pies. washliiB duvvn tin- with sf.,.i dips ul iniic'P. Ill" iei win pei loi ui d lu Just thiefiiiaiUM ol un honi by the cluck Costello nnd a uiciid weie lu a lunch vv.iRon nt-.u the Kullio.ul oung Mcii'd ( hilHtlun ansocUHoii bulldlna at the time and lie olToied to wager ."i that he could the Uivo niciitioiicd iUiin tlty ol tond In nn houi. The ttlend bet him ) Hint he couldn't and a Mo ngieiil to pav toi the food consumtd. I'nttellu won b . (unilir of un hour und hlb tilu.d was out Jutt $7.L'J. The lunchnian went betoie Aldeiniali Millar jestuiday find swore to an ai llduvlt setting faith the lads outlined nbove. NIGHT SUPERINTENDENT. An Innovation nt the LncUnwnnnn Hospital. .MUs Kdlth llution, of New Yolk rlty, bus enteied upon her dutleh us iilsht ntpeilntendent nt the Jiicku wiinnn hospltul. About thiec weeks tiBo, as eehisvely announced In Tho Tilbune, it wan thought advisable to mBiiBf n iiIbIiI Hiipeilntendent at the JONAS LONG'S SONS. AMUSEMENTS. I YCEUH THEATRE "- mis . nt nut ndu: ieee. J lit Ut, DM, Ml. Ill OM V. Thursday, Tlarch 14 TII0Ms M IllidVUlll llsfs VIssVi: Mil I'l.'illll I HON JUSTIC Vn Vmriii 111 Din M th Vuienun iop lin nl hpeiul i.iin Hie oilRllul llcul llnllo nuirtelli I'liim .'V . Vk '. i ami i seali mi isile IiiomI.ii it n I lu ii:inv M) fvintiuv ami sTLnn1 MMIMI.. MMIi 11 1) .M1 111. MR. CLAY CLEMENT li lbs l.duitl .hi l'rioi'dtlen ot Bnioy Hohenstauffeii. In li i lull I'bllu louiiH), th I NEW DOMINION Willi ill i!i"iM!" supportlui; I oinpjii). I'lllll-s KmiiIiu 'k . V)i' . "'( ami ll iihiIim. In -nil ''i' ihllilrru In anv paf ofl the lions. I , s,,a, in si, M(lii(si)i. at li a in ACADEHY OF HUSIC, REIS&llUKOUNDUk llRRV A. BROWN Uniiageri anil Icisecf. Local Mamser. Vl.l lllls ttl.l'h MV1IM.I 1IMI.Y. The Keystone Dramatic Co in ni'.pi.inoiiii. llmrslii I umi, l.sciie, Horn the t-iv" 1 itdiv l.uiau. Dixie Laiul'! sjiiiiil.iv I iiiimii i lulu sulci Onlcu'' I M. N. l Wl.t.k MAY FISKE COMPANY, IN lli.l'l.l.lolltl. NewGaietyTheatre AM ti Hl.fllilNoriiN Manajcr Tluee Days Commencing Thursday Matinee, Mnrch 14, Manchester s "Crackerjacks," .Mis Hutton will pei foi in thel same itnu lions a.s .Miss Ktamcr doei dtiilut: the dn.v. lm in?? cntlic tontroU of the building: allci ulghttall Jliictofore It hus been found necesj iu awakdi .Miss Kramer ut all lioitis of the nlBht tm various cause.'l and the Intrndui lion of the nlBhl supc'ilulendent will do aw a) with al tlll- MIs- llutton was In chaise of v' hotpltal last Humiiui while Jft Kiamer was uwa.v on hei v.icitlou. A LITTLE SNOW STORM. The Inch oi So That Fell Was of a1 Nnsty Vniiety. What 11 Is to he hoped was the last snow of the siason hegun falllnc lust utelit about 11 o'do(k. ami continued until after 1 o'ebn k. It was wet nnd of a peeullaily nasty ailety. and when It had rensc-d falllliR theio was nhout tui Inch and a hall of Vlush ot the slush- lest kind on the sldevvulks The icmpeialiiio didn't ihop at alii lenmlnlttK puietknlly Htatlonary at 41 tU'Biees, .,