; l fTf Vt i& '7Sp5 irTHpr1 " nnyTTi ' M i"'"' vi fj-to ? - w -, i " lf ""V v 1 the sckantox 'riUBrwic-TiirKSDAV, MAiteir ji, a nor. 5 PyryV.' "TiUVf liftifrSTWS7 ;xxxxxxx: tin: iionun.v itAnmvAnn stonn. n nhojil, it tutli in iltifntn e itl.ru llit Mtrlli.j; Hume lomU the mrl'l Twiu'iunnt iiii iloor nn.l patent lutiRlnir linrlli mo two guo Mil iKtful fr,itnri( 5011 tret Willi tin cllier ruiRO l.t No rital ' Footc & Shear Co. JJ 9 N. Washington Ave cS :xxxxxxxxxxx 11 OF SCRANTON. Capital 5200,000. Surplus $500,000. United States Depositary. Hustncss, personal aud sav- rin$rs accounts inviicu. 3 pei cent, iutercst paid on savings accounts. ( )pen Saturday evenings from s to 9 o'clock. Vi Consiu., President. Him Hi i.in, Jk., Vice 1'ics. m. 1 1. 1'i.CK, Cashier. t'.l1 Jii Repairing Done Gratis. LACKAWANNA "THE" AUNDRY. WEATHER YESTERDAY. I... j. MikIi IJ, l'mi I. cliHCI L5 llo.'Ke 'IT flllt. Ir rut. , lini" II.OVUH lluiimi" 1 Hum mi t'lt.llnj; p PERSONAL. l IIliIm 01 Wt.iiiilu" .ttiiiut. li.u 1 ha-liii'.i nip U. .New Iclk nit I ou'- W. 'Iiil.illl, of III Mill. ni-i 11 1. t Mr -im .11 u- 1111 M at- .pcndiiii; a lew ili,f at their t.i. a lleml, l'.i. illlll.lt I lll.lllK WlIi' llllill tliiul ll Id iioiih HIM rthp Ml r- I lil-iiillli, t.l W.ii.inlUK utiiiiit, l.i I lilulit tn tn 1 r of tin ir tnei, Ml. Iivetlith., 01 I'luljdi Ipi V C.ll. III, ho h.l. l.illl Hit Ill.lCv'lltj fl in loi .oiiip time of Hip ttiioii-iniir-uni, lilt Jfilciiliy tor -tj. w.n tu llutljlu, win 11- Hit- loiupiiiy 1 nuinlior of tleitric pUnti. r II 1 1' . -.Ill 1 11 M P (.1.0. ilK ritltPllilclit t.l ill -illln; 1 M U i iIImi.hi riiperintciideui, ,nnl M , -nit. (i .. nt .i.Mi..:u nicent, jII ot the I -kjt Jlllu I. ill. .III. VUIC 111 lllliulljlllti.lt ;i). 11U1) III ..ion I night Vm 111 liu Hi, . 11 1;' 1. "tied n N 11 M..itiij.v .ill. n 11 U..111 1 - - ti. - riUE ON ADAMS AVENUE. Home of H. J. Coons Damaged to Extent of S350. Hit 01 most myriteiioiis otlgln hioke out jisteiduv moiiilng about Pi o eloek in u clothes closet cm the use- Imid lloor of the double name building nt u.'j-jL'7 Atlaiils uvcinte, on the sltle lorcuplcfj by II. J. Coons. The cential c it v cuiup.iiiles icspuiuUtl I'o nn ahum tinned in fiom liov 5, Imt only the I'hoenls chemical com luiny dltl any active woik. They kept llio Ilamo.s confined to two rooms. The imago done amounted to ubout $350. ifivered by instirnnce. The house Is owned by John Lddwlg UNITED STATES DESERTER. Suirendered Himself In This Cliy Yesteiday. Ovun Sweeney, who gives Ids ad dim nt Ulyphant, appeuied at tha Cnltctl StatCb lecruitlng station, on joining avenue, yesteiday and sur I'tidcred himself as a desetter, Sweo- ney was taken to pollen henUqiiatteis, lireparuloiy to being taken back to U , utatiuii at I'oit Coluiuhus, 8wreiii Is u piivMtu lii Company I, IKIrst iirlllleiy, and tlesoiled several venks uco. . . - Lfjsumiiii II' ',,1 ' VJ 111 iiin t'l u u p . - uix nyoorwcv 330 I'Mll ,1, , :(' 1 4lu HAD BUnOLAH TOOLS. Patiolintm Conneiy Auestod Mnn for Stealing Gum Machine. .lopoph Walsh, thirty yoius nf hkc was arrested by Patrolman iVmnery caily yesterday miiinliw, whllu tiylnir to tnako way with 11 ruiii plot tmicliliit at the coiner of Olive utteot mid Adam avenue. Walsh Wat nrralRiicd befoio Jtecoider Molr In imllcv remit. IIo wnlved a henihiK und cmteted S00 hull forxiourt, and Ih beliiR hold ut polled headquar ters In default of the hiiiuu. WuIhIi and another liitin, unknown to the pnllce, uero tiyltiK to i!I?1oi1rc the ma chine from ItH ftiDtcnltiKK lit front of Kverelt's Rioceiy Htore, when some one ImkhIiik' filfihtened Iheni away. They succeeded In IdiisciiIiir the nmciilno and Marled to i mi down the Htieet, but befoio pioceedlliR far found It to he too bulky for a micccpsful lllght and tluew It over a fence. When l'ntioliuiiu Conneiy anlved there was no one In Bight, but he found the machine behind the fence. Ilellev liiK that the thief would lettun for hli plunder, he quietly placed himself In the tdiudow of a filendlv tree and waited developments. Very shortly the two utuitied.peeied cautloiudy aiouud, and pulled the candy contrivance from hack of the fence. Conneiy mopped foith fiom IiIm coticcultnent mid nabbed Walsh, but the other man 11111 away In the tlailuit's.x, When searched nt oce lietitltitur teis a fairly Rood lilt of burglars' tools weic found In hli possession. A steel lod, two feet In length, commonly called 11 jimmy, two eight-Inch lilts anil four squibs fell Into the hands of the police. Walsh halls fiom Johnson's patih. and this Is by no means his Hi at up peiuance in police circles, having been 111 rested for arloun olfenses. Itecently he completed seivlng a two years' teini for burglary committed at Schlagei's stoic, on AVnshlngton avenue. TREASURER'S SALARY. Says It Can't Be Reduced Thinks Commissions Allowed for Delin quent Tax Collections Ahsuid. "lt Tic.i-iner !;. J. llobiuson .stated Jisteidiiv that If (ounclls i educed his railaiy for the coming (Iscul ear fiom $1,000 to $2,500, as proposed by the gen eial leiitgnulzatlou oidinanie. he would bring suit to recover the lemaluder. .Mi. KoUii.miu contends that while councils can fix the Milmy of th" nect iily tuasuier at $.''0o ithey inniiot mime his dining Ills term of oilke. The constitution distinctly piovldos, he says, Unit the salary 01 emoluments of no public olllcer shall be reduced aft'! his election op appointment. He will nuiKe no cll'oit to huvi the oidlnan-e emended in comulls, but will light lor his salai." if it pascs as II now stands. Mi. Itobinson Is lueliued to the belief that councils nio Indulging in a loK. v, heie the i ouipeusatlon of delinquent tax collectoi Is lived In the oidlnanee at a Hit oe p"i conti lomuiUslon on delinquent real estate t.ixet, and ten pet ct nt. on delinquent pethon.il ta J. The ordinance, It must be imdotstood, combines the olllces of city uea-iuer and delinquent lax collector. "Why," ho said, yoMeidaj., "you cm baldly get delinquent tax collector- In the sevcial wards at the piecni time to collect all ilelluqtient taxes at a ten percent, toiuiuliyloit. Uo coun cil!, expt ut lorn nioment that the eiiv tieitsuie. will lie able to employ col lectors to rollei t all llieso taxes for an thing less tiian ten per cent'.' Yet it iiitiM hi less than ten per cent, and 11 meat dial less II the troasmer is to make .my little commission for lilm- Sllf If tlie oidlnanee goes Into effect as it Mauds at present the collection of 1 mi. 11 pei-onal ta::es will have to b neglected .is n matter of coutse. There.' no man to be tound who will chase way up In the Notch mnb thite or lour times', to collect lllty-threo centi fiom soniw1 one up theie, with the pios p v t of bring able to only gel about IK 1 pop rent, of th it amount for his llollble " SUICIDE AT THORNHURST. Faimei Woikhelser Hung Himself fiom the Rafters in His Barn. The lesldents of Thoiuhtitst, .1 little village twelve mlloa tiom cJoulilsboio. weie startled vesteiday lo le.nn that F.iinicr Woikhelser, one of their most lespectetl residents, had cummltted Mil cltle by hanging himself Horn the tatt ets hi his bam. No cause is assigned, anil It Is believed that ho must have been tempoiailly insane. Deceased Is suivivctl b his wile mid syvcial t-hll-tlien. When the bodv wu.s louuil, Woik helser was In 11 kneeling position, the noose aiouud his neck being quit,, loo-e, .mil the supposition is that lm strangled to dentil. 'iltilie lit Her held an hnpiest on the botlv, and the Juiy itmlfieil ,i verdict to the effect that AVoikhelser canio to his death bv his own hands. Tha nesws leaclittl tills city yestetdav, wiit-u the above facts weie leltii.-tl bv Jacob llajliir, who n sides .ti 'I'lioinhurst. CLOSE Or GOSPEL MEETINGS. Rev. M. E. McLhm Will Be nt Gmce Lutheinn Church Tonight. I'lie gosptl meetings thai have been held in Craee ihigllsh Lutheinn i inn eh. coiner Mudlson avenue ami Mulb.-uy stleol, foi the past two wet-ks will be bloilgllt to a cltiht- this 'culUB- Itcv. M. i:. AlcLlmi, of Hloonisbuig. ptcsltlcnl .of tills confei 'in e, will pieaih tonight. Next Sunday moinlng ami evening, Rev A. Stew in I Haitmaii, V. V., of Ilaltimoie, Mil., geneial secielary ot Iho home mission boaul, will picacli. After the moinlng service, a congiega tloual ineetlng will consider and de li inline sevcial impoi'taut steps for the tutuiv ili'velopment of Its woik. CHARGED WITH ASSAULT. Waiuint Issued for the An est of Cluules Tierney. Chatles Tlernev. a dilver for fMiul"'1 & Scott, tobacco iunnufactuit"", was mrtstetl yesterday, dunged wll'i a' saultlnt; tun twelve-year-old son of ' II Jleers, of Meirillc-ld nveiiite. Tierney went befoio Aldennan Jill lar, wnlved a lie.tilnc und entered p'O bail foi Ma appearance In com; FOR LARCENY OF CLOTHING. William Lynch Locked Up in Center Stieet Station. William Lynch was locked up In Ihe Center stiout station last night on Iho chuiEc of hincny of clothing, pic felted bv Clil-f of loe0 Holding. lit" wllj ho given 11 cm lug heroic AI th rniiin Howe today. JESSUP MAN IS A STAR SAM HODOINS DESTS WILLIAM LESTER. Ciack Young Wiestler Appealing nt the Gaiety Was Easy for Snm HodRlns, a Seml-Piofesh fiom Jessup Bout Only Lasted Trifle Over Two Minutes Leo Paxdollo Downed Cliniles Zanp and John Xaiignu Lntter Was Too Light and Foimer Too Heavy. The wrestle-loving Scianioii popu lace which was diawn to the (Julety theatio last night bythe piesence thoie of I.eo IVudello and Wlllliini, also known as "Kid" Lester, was ulfonled a tilple tieat, ns lardello met two men, while his companion look on one. Tills one, however, proved mole than enough, as at the end of two minutes and forty-two M'cond.s Sam llodglns, of Jessup, a stocky little Ihigllshinan, had put Lester on his back, and the linnets or "(he lightweight champion wiestler of the I'nlted Suites" weic witheied and diy. llodglns Is the same man who met Lester Monday night and seemed u lljlngfall In four minutes Lester dis puted llils fall, and claimed the lef eiee's decision in granting It was er loneous. Theie wart uo question about last night's fall, howevei, a deadly half-Nelson doing the business eiy eltecttially. 1'ardello, the big (Jr.ieio-Uonmn wiestler, who was lecently defeated at the Sctautou lllcycle'club by JI. J. Dwycr, last night dlspo.-ed of Chillies Zang and John Laugan. The latter, llko llodglns, is fiom Jessup, both men being employed In the mines. I Langau was the llrst to meet the sum thy Italian. When they shook hands, it took but a glance for the spectnlois to see that the men were totally unequal physically. I'mdello. deep chested and fleshy, easily weighed two bundled pound", while L.ingau did not look to weigh much over one hun ched and fifty-live. rONDITIO.VS 1)1' MATCH KS The conditions of all tlnee mati lies weie that I'.iidelio or Lester was to thiow his man in fifteen minutes, or fol fell $,"ii. Laugan f-oon showed that, wiille not po-.si"-.sed of niMily th" stiengtli of his opponent, lie possessed a laige amount ot Knowledge ol Hie game and was t lexer at headwoil; Tlnio after time he wilggled out of strong holds which the Italian s-eciued. and when the refeire nnuottuced tluu IH minutes had passed, and the spec t.itoin saw Laugan appaiently as fieli as when he staited. the lighter man ii eched 11 henily buist of applause, IMulello liele began I he use of tac tics which the nowd didn't appiovc of, as he taught Lingan's aim In a vice like gtlp and began twisting it in ! manner which was suggestive or a hi oken member and a speedy tci initi ation ot the bout. Hoots nud hisses gieeted the-e methods, and I'.udello then abandoned them. Seveinl minutes passed, however, and I'.ttdello not be ing able to successfully use any halt- Nelsons or neck holds, again icsorted to the genial aim twist. Another vol ley of kisses ensued, but tile hold was peifectly legitimate anil Leowas aware of the fact. In the midst of the tumult Langau grunted something, and the lefeiee announced that the Jessup man foifolted the bout, after w n minutes und thlrty-thiee seconds. l'.irdello then came forvv.ud and apologetically lemarked that his hold was a perfectly fair one, and in Justice to the people putting up the forfeit he availed himself of It. "He one oT the eleven's" lltt' bovs I ever wieslle," he added, as an honest compliment to Langau. ..'i! AM) rAUUHLLO. chillies Zing, ti well-known local fool ball and base ball player, was the i.it to meet I'aidello. H- had a stipei abundant e of iho weight Hum Laugan lucked, and the whiti-nos and ti-.thor flabby nppe.itanee ot 111 -t skin shewed him not In the best conilltloii lo meet the haul I'aidello. Thj l.u tei lugged tlerpei.itely nt his heavy op ponent for s.-eial minutes In lutllo tfforts to move Hie big body, mil final ly sccuihig a leg lock pinned Zing to the floor Time, seven uiiuutei nud thirl y-one 'ecuiiils Theie was eoiisldoialile delay In ar l aiming- the Lester-Hodglns match, as iiu- foimer Insisted on imvlng the stuinglt l.old hit luded In thw aiillable gtlp allowed. A Idle the little Jessilp iiinu stubboinly lelusetl to go on iinle-i it weie Pulled. Ho dually wlthdtew hW objei ilnns. however, and was loudl.v applauded its 'he appeal Oil on the stage. Lest u- out weighed his opponnit by at least il' teen pountls. nun appealed to b.. fir th" h'-tt"r liulli ii'nn. .istir is m.-gidllieiuly ptopoi tinned, hut Hodgiiis Jus a why, leatheiv link about his plnsitiiie whieli iludl- tales thnt he is anvllilnir hut Hie easltst pi ..position In the vvoihl on the mat. lie stalled Ihe limit with a lush. tumbling I.e.sler In the Hist few si c- mult, by a vicious pliiuso at his thigh, and dining ihe slum 111111111011 of the match It war full ol ginger. Los'er tiled lor the strangle liold with winch In- almost tlnew llodglns .Monday mght. .111 1 ai lust t-etuied it. Hack went tin- millet's head, slowly Order Quickly You cau save from $J.oo to $3.00 per hundred on Key Went if you enter your order now. This cut price cauuot last forever. Selling cigars at less than New York wholesale prices ought to be au induce ment. Imported $5.00. cigars, 50 for RS 429 Lackawanna Ave. Who Can Write the 1 Best Short Story 1 1111. iinm m: o.h.Ri vmi piiih nt lot vi. vviurr.ns 01 t.oi vi, Hcunv. $25.00 for the Best Stoiy. $10.00 for the Second Best. $0.00 for the Third Beat. v i.nnivitv touii iiiio.v wiii'.in, IA PlillCMi: i sor M.llSVIIV is tlllplil '111 WIN III lt ..I Hie In tint un-liUT.iliIr lime In l,iial m.u uitiu Im bun '") litll ii'niK'lillrii llimmli Hip loud pies f" III" P'lipiwo ef lliuuljtliu tin llti-ury uUliti Lilrtit aiiimu tli n.oiu i'( Xirttliiulcrll 1'riiiwvb.iiili, 'tin- ItlliuiB' lir.i ilulilil ti I I'll II mi im el pil?" n flllllllllW In 1. Ill illirillon II I. liiini- ut KLinrliiff l-r n-i-Iti ll tnluniH 11 iiuinlit- o( "lioll ilntlci 11..1II11!.- nf lead lliiint-c In oiiln " Imnl'li 1111 inti-iitlta it pioiOMx tu pi -JI fin (lie lift Mult nt li"l I" i'v -"l .UmJ uortlt In knylli' 'III fnr Hit irmt-il In ft flint. .Hi'l -i-i lot- Hit tliiul in,t nUni I MjliiiMllpU nut niirt'liil in Mttirini; mi tf Ihrvj prl7it will l.o iiutili-lmt .mil iltih iieilllnl It llir- .n.tlioM nt ilfilir. stniln trmllnit In lnlnt( mil Hie rutiuiiti iiimI liKUiility line nf Hit- ..iitlirii lie milling imlitstit will hate pttlnelitf. In romiu lion ttllli tttij iniiic- In lite allt-v llit-ii' ' a in t-s rI u.iillil in, 1iH.l1.tll1 lull lnt-iiHIi c 1 .1 1 s, tl.ll IJll t -t if .pmil.t lilppclllli4 Jim ollirr ihUII lioi luliu " llir.wtlul 01 Mipri 111lur.1l wliltli lui lictti In-ill itJllit-nil i" prllur III llltui.v fol 111. Mill" cprm jl Hi Id wlilt h it pi.Mlull) inf .li.iuUulf niul vtliith M olll'l Mlppl.t 1 110 ill.iUll.il Jul fonic rxrcil. Illicit Intel 11 lui; intlon. Ilif- f.1, nf pi-lliL' iiimi tin niiiili- 01 Hi' liuntL'tlplH Milmilllcil will lit- xnlcnoil lo a illolntiiPitt-il jU'l.-e.' wlio-t- iMiiit- will smut In- iiiiiuiuiitttl, nil win) will le.l Hip luinii sulpls Imt li.itp mi Inowlitlui' of Hip IU'-ii Iiij if Hi- .nit'ioih 'Hip envelopes conUln mix the ipal iniiit. of IliP .inllini will In-pn-.rrMil uiotunttl ni.lil ulift Hit avvjitls li.ivp hull nuil.. Hk.uM thin lnlllil (Oiiipctltion piop n .nil jgll.tr. It 111 it lip tullouiil I" nihil pilp oIIpm cf ilnilbr tonoi, MlSDlllONs I'l' 'IIII' lOS'll M' VII IIMIIlKtrlpW llltll In' MlljIllillPlI liul ljler Hun Mmtli 'M. Vll ln.ilia-iiipU iitii-t In- Mhiieil ' li lilluiM lump .will iiI.ii the wtlli-1'1 lul tuiiii ami pontnflUp .iililu-vi, riie Hen- ( pjiIi -.loit inti.i l laiil H Niirtlip.iti-iiil,itnnjhanii, lH Hit! lunu-t "I le.il petotH lim- 11.1t l.e tl.til. Hup fmilici 1 01. (Ill Ion nin-l l.p tuiil.-i.tooil (oiilrllnitii.il In. 11. 'lul for Him ioM.m. will lip juiptttl cub I10111 piciiit Milxuilipis to Tlie 'lithium 01 fiom Hiiip who nut. iluriiu tin lolilil, liiivlue Mlh. 1 llln t. lit .JMlleut (1 Jl 1. .1-1 np iiiuIiiIi'm hiiIi-i lipl nil. 111 i.l .IU.' VlllllPvl. st)lt fOMI.sl . r nioit 'InhuiiP, Vuiiton. Pj. Iu' suiely ami for an Instant It looked as though Lestel would secure a fill. Hut a. shaip twist anil llodglns was fuo, all.-r which ensued about a min ute nioi-- of lleiee vviestllng -intl then t,anie a half Xel-on and one of Lestei's rhoiHtleis was on the lloor. lTodi.hu hew put lo' ih all Ids ii-fcrve sttvngtli. and within a few seconds the "kid s" .diouldei t weie both down, and the match wis ner Hotliu leceivctl the tlet isioii, puisn and unstinted ,i-pioba-llnii of lit" big 1 rowd ELECTION OF A MAYOR, The Scheme Pioposed by Demociats Has. Appaiently Fallen Tlnough. They Can't Get a Candidate. It Is gent Lilly lindelstootl that the llennii mile members' of councils have niir.ndiincil their idea of electing u mayor to mmvp until Sci .niton's city goveinnient Is leoiganly.ed under the ilpper bill on Apill 1. Xone of the iiiruiheiH Ihemselves will .idinlt tills, but it Is pretty safe to asuine tli.it it's tine, ui-veitheless. Two leasons an assigned, both of tin m veiy good one" Tlie lltst Is that the committee has been unable to ob tain a candidate. Tlie men they h.ivv itsked to at eept the place have ail put t In in oil', gently assuiiug Iheni that, w Jlllu l hey appreciate Hie honoi, It leally wouldn't be woitli while lo elect a mayor. Tin- second is the belief I li.it It Would be impossible to sec-uio a 0.110111111 of the inombeis of stoct council in 1 use n joint fcesbion was called. A pioiul nent Kepitblli.iu membei of the selct t council slated last night lo a Tilbuno man that at the c.itii us heltl on Tues day night It was decided by the eleven uiembeiH pic-cut not only to suppott the rnudlihii y of Watle .M. VJnn lor ehaliiiiau. but nlso to sta away from any Joint session callet to elect 11 mayor. K.icli of ihe e-iiiiimltiee mi'iuheis si-en esteiday by a Tilbune mun vvoultl refer lilin lo one of the other memlM-ls. remaiklng: "I donit ltnow the Hist thing ubout It ' WILL GIVE CITY TWO MONTHS. Volunteer Til emeu Will Then With ill aw from Seivlce. The tl.'legatts fiom th. vitilous m.1 uiiteer Hi 1 companies, at Hie meeting of the l-'lieinen'' Keller asut latlon. held on Tuesday l-lghl, dlt-cllhSfil tit some length the tiuestloii of wlthdi.iw lug Hum Hie tit-pai uncut in 11 tvitnln tlelluite tlate hi him- tin rcoiganlza tlon oidiuaiiee piov tiling foi Hie dis banding of Hut Miluut. ti iiimpanlei pasf-es count lis Willie no ilellu!te at Hon was tiiktn on tlie matter, It was tin- pi.. ailing sentiment t licit ilm companies should give the 1 Itv two mouths, m- until .luno I. to H-oiganlze tlie tli-pai tin. in .ml then wlthdutw Tin- oidlaaiH'- Itself as uiuendcd ju'uv Ides loi ihe tlisiiaii 1 ing of all the cnnip.inlis wunlii tliiuv tiays after Its passage ,, That Hie nienilieis seem ioufldi-111 It will pass may In- t.iken'as c.-ittilu wln-n the fail I" taken into lonsideiatlon Hint amendments' to the lit, -laws ami 1 (institution weie iigiecd upon, chang ing the Htlo fiom that of "rellei ' as soelaHon to "exempt flieni.ii'" tn--o-elation. This Is done with the I. w of letalulng the fund width now cues lo the relief itnoi'lulloll nfiti the ..l-uiil.M't- foico Is illsb,indi-. Kiause's Cold Cine, l-'oi toltls in the liead, thesi, tin oat in any pen Hon of tin- hotly, hunks up a told In H bouts without lliteiiiiptlou lo woik. Will pteveiil i olds It taken when Hist symptoms appnu. l'rlce 'jr.e. Hold by Matthew's Hum. " Slenrn Heating and numbing. P. V. &. Si. T. HoivIey.SSt Wyomlns ava. AK fur Ki'lly'u uiv tteKla'ia, PRIZES FOR BEST BOWLERS TOURNAMENT AMONG BICYCLE CLUB MEMBERS. roity Membeis of the Club Eomi Association Which OiTcis Three Filzcs for Best Bowling nf Ench Month Biff Match Will Be Held nt End of Month with Twenty Men on Each Side, to Be Tollowed by n Banquet. The howling lomiMiueut of the Xoiiheaslein J'onnsylvaulii le-.tgie- Is now rapldlv drawing to n clos ami Willi th" llnlsh of the match i;.imes I11c.il lolleis aie aluady prep.illlig for other contests v hlch Villi supply the league games' place. Tlie Soiahton Itli yele club, width nuiubeis In Its lnnfs some ol the most ontliilslastie knights of (lit- pin in this city, takes tlie lead in Hie aiianijlug ot new tour naments. An lnlel-lhlbluenlbclI, contest It at 1 fiith" In full hkitit, nnd gieat Inter est "is bi-ing taken In It by nil those belonging to the club. I-'mty of the whchiien vvlio'P ambitions oar low mds tl- top notches In the bowling woi id, at lnesTilt occluded bv men like (hill, of Chicago: Slnrr. of N't vv Ymk. and Uugenbicli, f IJiillliuor'', hnve loi'iici! an nssoelallon whose putpos. Ih ihe general luipiovement 01 club howling. Knell of Hie foilv eoutiibutes Ills Bh.ire towatils a pool and pint of tills Is titllled in llie purchase of three monthly prizes. These will l-e awnided 10 the- man making the highest In dividual mile, the bowler who 10II" the best nvoiage. and also In yinpatKv a consolation gueidoii 10 the unfoitu nate who makes llie lovvcl score. It may tic well be added ueie that the compelilion for the last named prl?e is veiy In lul:. a number of the meinbei.s being hunch'-d with It uutifill two-llguie scon i. 'lowauls the end f f the niontli. nbiuil Mm ill "V. a gieat nialcli game will be played, li- whlcli ti,i efl'01 1 will be made to hav" Ihe entlie foity men p.u-ltrl-pate. Iwentv players to be on eai h side. rollowlng till, j.ame a bjiiitiet will lie j,lveu at the tilth. The mi'.e for the high M-oie man will piobnbly b a slk hut. An effoi t !k also under way to airtnge for .1 tournament of the slnr how luis it the N'oitheaslern IVniisylvanla league. In which matches will be 1 nihil wltli but two men on a tide AN INGLORIOUS VICTORY. Elks. Bowleis Down West End Wheel men by Small Scoic. Tin- I 'Ik bowling team went to Wllkes-Harii- Tuesday night und on the alles of the West l'nd Wheelmen tlele.itetl the hitter's lolleis by the total ot L'12'l to 2nb" pins. The seoiing was oiy light mid tlie night's general wotk pool-. The Klk.s talk of pi westing the gam-, oil Urn giounds tluu they weie fol red to mil with pins which weie not tlie legulatlon kind. AVelehel, of tlie Kn, hail high seoie, 1S, nnd Jiigli average, ir; i!-::. Tlie detailed scores v. ere as follows: I'l.h li.lllr liml lu. ill III- ill Hull 1:0 in, 11.1 .,(: Wtltliol U". Iv! Ill IJti llit-lil Ill III 1 1'l J'fi rhinii's n in l-i 4i: Tnl-iN v W7 T-il Vl-2l."l ii:r I'.s'ii wiiixi.mia. Ii.i.iN .Vitet no it- t.".: 1:1 WkK.w.r 1IJ 1..H Hs III Pi-, li'ill lt'i li- ii')-'li lltmtrr Ill III 121 Iiu (arm (in ir, .;n-i-, T..I..N :-:i ikiI-ju; The lllks howl their l.il game of tli seavnii tonioiiovv night, when the West Ihidcij, will play tliein a it-turn match. FAIR OF THE WHEELMEN. Piograinme That Will Be Rendeied Tonight. The fair of Hie Green Uldgp Wheel men, bi-lng hehl tills week In their magnificent new club house. No 1CI." AV onilng avenue, was nttcuded by a large i-iovvtl again last owning. The piograumie for tonight Is as follows: . lcillon Hun 'I no Vlr I'.nr 1 1... in. giiilm . MkUi l!tl.i II.1.111. ti .I'ti. M1-I11 Hut ll.ui iiiili.loUii li.cll ttloii, (!-t I1-1I . Voctl ul... t.(lci It it. . Ml-i MIMitil (ir.t. . W. II Vim 11,11 "li. ililto" Inr.iht I'ioiIiij.v. ..l.ll(.l llll Klf.lt -ue.f .11 Kutl,' Hit .tin, I'ltllj.tiliiliii Voctl solo, i In lul . Mi It'- ir Hi 1. I liicen llldge Suhutban cms slop In fic.ni or tin bull. II ig. dinl-sion 11 11 c nls NAVIN MUCH ACCUSED. He Wife Makes n Seller of Clnuges Agninht Him. William Navlii, of l,lod stie.-t was comiiillliil to Hie county Jail by Al tietniau Howe last night. In default of $7)ti ball He Is chttig.-d Willi Hlleats. .ihsatlll anil batt-i.v, iliuukcmres.-. and unu-sup-poit bv his wife Dele, thf v, p. r'jif. f..id hi n-si.'d him ring- Negligee Shirts An nssoitnieut not of the usual kind, but au ex tiaoi dlnary one In which effects that make hnppy mediums piedomlnate, is howu In these sin rut ulilits nt $1. and $1.50 I bp on T!JwUAr I KRUGER'S CASEY BROTHERS, Wholesale Liquor Dealers, 216 Lackawanna Ave. ONE MORE RUMMAGE SALE. Now the Ladles of the Temple Aie Conducting It. Another iiimmnge sale hits made Its appeal mice in tlie city, as Hie ladles of the Linden street synagogue am now conducting one of these plctuiestiuc bargain dlspo-als in the l'rlce building, on Washington avenue. The sale was open pan of yesterday afteinoon, and will be continued today and tomoitow-. The sum icallzcil will foun a con tribution to Hie uipltlly glowing build lug fund of the new temple. The mer-chnntll-e accuniulatcd lunges all the way tiom Kail & Wilson eollius to ancient furniture dating back to the llrst einphe. The tattles In chnige have winked haul lo gather a desir able collection nf saleable propel tie and luive mot" ibau succeeded SERMON AT CATHEDRAL. Rev. P. J. Gougli Spoke on Mortal ' Sin." A huge longiegatlon lait night list ened at Si Peter's riithcdinl to an eloquent sermon b.v Itev J'. .1. lough on "Mm till Sin." l-'ather (lough ex plained ill length tlie vat Ions evil ef fects lollovviug the commission of an act 111 wilful disobedience o the laws of iiod, and urged the necessity of Im medialely M-eklng Ihe Divine p.uilon. Benediction of the Jlost liiesw-d Sac lament followetl the set-iuou. TODAY'S BIG AUCTION HORSES. SALE OF AValdliill. (lie hoiM- shlppi-l will -ell today foi iv head of the llnest biases he ever In ought lo tills iiuitket. Among the ill nve ate hoice.s ol evei.v destilp tlon, fiom a t lilld's pon lo a diaught Inline welglilng lTi'd ptnintl-'. Sevetal black heaise team-, suitable for mulct -takeis woik. was shown and greatlv ailmhed. The balance consists of loatl eis and liusln -ss cliuuks, singles anil in matched pahs, and two fast pacers They me all ihmoughly In oken, leatl.v lor Immediate ti"e. At I o'c lot k today they will lie biouglit under the ham mer and Mild to the highest bidder. Am one In need of a hot so should at tend this sale at l'ulek's old stables Ask for Kelly's union cuickeis. The Scianton Gas and Water Com pany and the Hyde Park Gas Com pany. In acioiilaii".' with 1 l.e i.Ihj lltct .out p 11.14 to ir.ltirr- ittt finu tiliti t.. Itnti- a iiuv lit- waimntc.l li In. i.-.KC.l ctiinnitl 1 notitc m lit-tcl.y kbi-n tlul. cm anil .tilir "il 1 next, tlm pilie nf na will In- mie ilnllit pel ent- tliotiainl ttilih lot nti.iiiin-il, .ul.jfi I n lilt- following ili-.ouli!. I'lte t icnl II lilIU t.lioie tin con-iii..itiuii l"t tin in 1.11 anif.iints In Ion llun luiiitv.ftti- tlolln In per fin!. 011 all I ilN ulicrt- the tomiinipl.nii fin llu month .iir.uniU to Iwrl.t.t lit. iIoIIjih .111.1 ti vtanN. I'lovitlcd lie Mil Is piitl mi in- 1 (.-. f DOtl. till nf llu- nioi.ll. in wliu I. ti- lull .1 Totnloic.l lit iii.lft nt llu- I.n.ii.1 li II II VNP, . 1 mi SPECIAL. MIUMON .s AM) U VTI It U' wn nO tin u( of K tttl fuel lUHpuHr- imiin it IkkI.Ji ttlvoi Ili.il on ami nltn ul I u"i it jirito ol u4 t( umM uiil 1 c mo lolUi C) nii thou- mil tei t toiiMiimri, niihjcr t to tin fulltit j-pii.l 11m aunt i 'Jn u Kill on ill IiiINwIh llu' oTiniuilinnni (lir tinTitli iiiumnl-!'! ht) iwn1 fln il ll.ii- tiunu ii (tin en ill liill wluru ,o i oi.s.mniHon lui iti niotitlt aiiuxuii t tWfUH'iHt' tlolt.iM .lll Up.l il I'l0iil.il (lit Mil t pud (in oi lirfon iN 'irh hy nf tlio Hiontli in wlilrli li ntM i- 1'imn ' wjur.ilt' iin(r). iinin-liitl l it'tr i.tntMi i Iint-JM. t rni(.i il il ltti.iiil O It II VMI. r. i-i J. A LONG DISTANCE TELEPHONE 1 be fcro.itest commercial economist in the world today. Compared to any necessary Investment in business, theprontfromaTkLEpHONE is Incalculable. Residence and Commurci.i' rates at a moderate cost. CCNTftAU PENNSYLVANIA TELEPHONE ANO SUPPLY CO Jljiugct' otr.ip, 11 iiain a-'nie. ALL WOOL Ladies' Talloied Suits to d; i -j rn oidei pl J.OU Gentlemen's, Talloied Suits to older $13.50 King Miller, Merchant Tailor, I till I Mill 400 Spiuce St., 1 '.I M Scianton, Pa, Special Notice Ke't-flit aiul .iJv.UKctl scientilie principles ot construction lender the Mason & ilnrnlin Puiuofoile insliumenti par excellence. This statement is borne out l musicians whose lecogmzcil loltv positions icndct to (heir words ,n ex-cathedra force. A full stock of these instruments may be seen at the wareiooms ol L B. POWELL & i:tl-i:!:i Wnshinglnn Aie. Appeal lor help does not seem verv successful. Our appeal to you tc take our T0-K0L0N WINES h just the opposite. Why? Me cause we have something you want, nnd you help yourself, help hit? us. Lose no time in calling, take your time in buying. M: Sfe To your cash until you get to CONRAD'S 305 Lackawanna Ave. Then buy a Spring Hat, Spring styles in Negli gee Shirts now being shown. "ISI7 Rosjcrs lli'iW (,'omls. Knives, Forks Spoons, etc. No iiitstion about the quality; v have all the newest patterns o lowest prices. Also the celebrated Sterling In laid Spoons nnd Forks. War ranted to wear twenty-five years. Immense stock of Stet ling Spoons, Forks, Knives and Goods for ycdding Presents. Silver Cased Mercereaii & Connell. 132 Wyoming Avenue. Heating Stoves, Ranges, Furnaces, . Qi! Stoves, Gas Stoves, Steam a.iii Hot Water Heaters. 5 Mj.jn PENN AVENl'E. Look Around and Compare There's a Difference We keej) the fact In view, that to lead we must show the lat est styles we aie Never un dei&old wheie vaiietles and nualitif- aie equal. The bluing display Is an other substantial rnoof of the ouwaul stikles and the unpre cedented develojjeinent of this buslnebs. We set the pace make the pi Ices do the busi ness do It easily, steady, suc cessfullydo It ns no other house ran do it. We cut the pi ices fli st we never wait for otheis. SEE OUR SPECIAL GO-CART. $7.98. CREDIT YOUf CERTAINLY: QCGNOMY Ave IM v"Ml
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