'4 THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE-TIIUKSDAY, MARCH U, 190T. Clle Scnnfon &ri6ime I'ul.lMiol Iiallv, llvo-iit Sunday. Iy llto Iril" tiio I'litilUlilnj loiiir.iti.v, nt lltly Out a Mouth. I.IVV S. llirtlAItt), lll(or. U. l 111 MUX, lliulntu Marnier- New loil. Clhci:: 110 .a.au M. h. S MtrXI.XNP. tolc Aiiit tor tore lull AclitrlWlti. l.nteitil at tlu I'ustolfiiis at Srantun, I'J., at Kiwid Claw Mull Mattel. vlini fparo will cimll Tlic Till'tine I alwar Klatl to print thou lelUn (torn III filrntW ly-M-In? on rurt'i.t (oplr, lull I In tulo li tint tlio?o in lot he algiml. lor iuUlratlin, by the miter a It al i.jiiic; nn.l he niiululon iff Vnt tu e- iliHticn Is id it till cintiiliutliiiu lnl' ho fiilJM to iiHtoiial tuvbioii. 'run n,r it ti; ion amt.htisim;. 'Ihc tollovvliij; (utile fliOM , the pilro per Inrli -cn ihm rtiou, anc! iu no ijicii iviiiuii one jcar; Ititnif MtllngcFi" "I'titl I'.iper I lli-ailitor I Piultlii ....DISPLAY. ! law limn sm iiiilui. ' IlilliOlV I.io " ,.nl " HDf " "' ,M it . 17 J IV .Mi 01 .l'i .10 .IV, I 'or i dnb 'I think, moliilioiw ol cmuIciIi nee "tu! sli.illir nuilrlli'itlniit In th" ntttiif f ail "IIMlitf Hie Tillmne tiiaku .1 tlurge ol ." iciiU o line. Halm for ClauiiVtl AiUctthm.' tiirnUhul on il'plleJliun. St'IfANTO.V. .MAIH'll II. IP'U. Tiio Caiiii'i' bill to nit tlin pay (if tuliii' In'e-t(HH ami m.'tl.e Ilium dec tiio hilirlit vvoll Im rtitltli.il it Mil to DfipQKo (ho jifflla of minimi, it li.it) not ini? leileeinlncr fvatiuc. I3e:ij;iinlii Harrison. lJOU I'l'KIMSi:. ck'iui thur- in-tiT anil Ricnt ability won; ljicimht toKttlic-f in tliu iid. xi'ti.illty of tho illf-tiiiKiilslioii iltiztii of Iiiiliaua wIiohc death Ih Just I'liiiotiuci-d. Tliat ho Licitutt the nmir liello iinallty which attracts pui'hunnl alfuctlon inw tt tcinpuiaiucutal nils. I'oittuif that lnvvcntod him fiom lie coniliiir nnu of the foiemust lenders of men. When nominated fur the presidency in 1SS Genci-al Hunls-on. while not tin hnovvn to the country at I.urc, was Mully but little Uiilvwi. lie hud been a irootl huldkr In the war for the pres trvution of the union, a successful and icspected leader of lli, bar of In iluiiii and for one tcnu a t-riintor of the United Statu--, hut defeat lud over taken him in his ainhlilon for m-elcc:-tlon, and it was generally s-upposed that hl.t political life way at an end. His defeat at Indianapolis bad been duo to a notoriously unfair ledistiict UK of his state by the opposition patty. This invited sympathy and led to tho presentation ot his miiiu as a prof I -delitlal candidate, with the object mor.i of compliment than of expected sue i K3. !tit an. Maine's peiemptory ro ltisal to permit the use of his name; tho Gtanuer lcelliiK in the West which manifested Itself In strong hos tility to the (audldaey of Chauncey lepew and the wlder-piead stalwait opposition to .ItidBo Circhliain made a (onipifimlsi- selection essential to paity harmony and alter deliberation aiuoiii; the national hadeis the eliolee till upon llunlson. The cimpaiKii which followed was lendered notable by the wondd fully clear and cogent presentation of pend ing issues made by the Indiana cindi dute iu liout-porch speeches to visit inn delesations. The history of Anieif un politics up to tlut time had seen liutlilnu to couiiMi-e wltlt his marvel ous command of Ionic. Iuiikuiirc and discretion. Ills words cut thiotiRli error llhe r.uofedsed hnives. but niaile no personal wounds. The countiy learned to view In him a nun im-eniiiiontly 'alio and sate; ami his election was la huge jiait the couseiiuellen of its iiulckly-established iiiiilldence: al tlloni;h tin- Mr.ilOKV of the contest was supsrbly looked after by tho nntlotun flKtirman. ('.Ionel Quay. The aihitlnlslratloii which followel. if not btllliaut, was piosreyslve, well b.ilanced .mil tree fioni serious ic proaeh. Under It tho country puis liorcil. It jui-stle ki-i'W and the start wan made towaid that v.ldo expansion of trade, IlilllPliei and suceii'lKiity tliiei- loiiKiimmitleil iindei- tleneral llnri'Isuu's l!epiiblcun sutcpysor. Tho lounlrys dcni'il of a ii-electlon will always lemulii one of th,. i-nlKinas of elective Koveriiineiil. Imu- no leasoii other than the meio r.i t ol piospeiily. with Its natural tonseiiuciKe of labor Htrihes. to wlili li inny, peihaps. Do added tint ipathetlc attitude of paily lonilpw chilled Dv the funeral's uni -tpoin-lvuifSB to political demands, tlv (pIelidl(lrLBUllRof four ye.tts ol elllcient Mill' wile brushed usMe nt Hu, (jig and llnirlsoii was sieii out ol ollli o by tl Demoi ratio tidal wave. Ills demeanor irom that tlm, onvvatd was dlKiililed and calm. but Inh Is heart the unjusl repudiation evidently rank led; and lit some of his later speedier, and wiltlmjH vvvie plainly visible the WdikuiMif a mind III at ease, lie this as It mav, 1ih caiecr was Illtctrntlvti id' much Kim, wan pur and noble and Insplrltinc; aniltlni country's cBtomi of Dim wlllj be shown uumlFtnknbly In th liunoiji piild to his memory. 1 Jlcpott., of ti. proieodli'tfs of tho llawallaiCiu'iiate indicate lluit our n vv liibular iHtiKviM aro Keitlnn topeihor In truo .jneij(an t.tjie. Joint Vs.. Individual Conferences. OTW1THSTAND1NO tho em i phaslb pi. iced by I'tesldent i .Alitchell upon tho .ulvan- jjtageh of a Joint conforeuoo between the anthracite opermor.s and tho leprrFfiiitutlvos of tho ITnltcd Mlno WorUers.fjt Is not yet clear to the liver ago man'Jus't what Hioko advaiilaKeg mi'. They lifted to be fin titer ex plained. . Conferences between omployeis uml their oniQjnycs nic valuable In leniov Iiik nnuil misunderstandings and In effecting inity of lntotvsiy, and theso M'tj Invited by tho opoiatois in their notices exttndln the presint vvagJ baals until Apill i, W2, nud usreellnr In vccelv'i committees of their own om ployen at uny tlmo for discussion of fllfi'oroncew. Httt.li I'nnfiU'Liicot ato nd vlfable hecattbo lliey bring together tho purtlea 'directly In' Intortst and luop out (piUsliJo'artluH whoso lldel liv to UiU in" n" litfiv or iiuin not b all n N thai they piofesS It to Dp. It l tlino tnotiith to hrlnp third parties Into a conference when thn ptlnclpaW them selves fall to agree. Hut n Joint confcienrc pf all the openitois with icpivxcntntlvi'D of thu iiilntTM union, huwevor Intorestlns It inlglil he iik n Hpeelacle, would now have no pitu Ileal value, fdnco the wage sculp apceptnt by tho union l.tst fall has already Detn Krantcd by the oper atoir. for tho ensuing year and since every other material grievance not local In chutaUet' hast been removed or put In tho way of adjustment. To bo mil . President Mltehell thtllUd it Joint conference would avert many petty local ntilhiw. l;ut tho operatois do not seeni t( bo of this opinion and It they me, willing to lake the tlsk It 1 thclr's to lake. In other words, the lltltlsh answer to the Iliiy-Patiucfote unity iimeuil tiients may bo taken ns ti polite Invi tation to como again. Settle the Strike. ,-Tr-AHi: MOVHMHNT to atbltiate 1 a ii. n ..lit. ..i.n i.. .. .. ...., iiii; cinv nil iiw in li. iiiutu" ment in tlie right direction and tho ptibllo generally will bo glad to see It succeed. Wo are not faiulllar enough with the conditions of the tdllc Industry to express any opin ion on tho meiit.H of the points In con tmvpisy; but one thing Is vpry tip paipiit. The strike is beginning to weigh heavily upon the sti Users, upon their families, and upon the comiuun li v. It is to the Interest of all that It should be ended as quickly ns pos sible and upon such tonus as will bo likely to lead to u long period ot iiubiokeu Industry and activity. Tlila strike Is a conspicuous exam ple of how zeal may outrun Judgment when sentiment takes the plnco of rea son. It did not come as tho last des perate recourse after long argument and earnest petition for tho adjust ment of dllfoienccs had failed to maUo any Impression upon the employing In terests. It gathered and burst llko a thunder cloud in Apt II. sweeping along with It those who had no gilovances and literally paialyzlng a prospering Industry befoie half of thoso partici pating In the sliuggle knew clearly what It won all about. When they saw the still in coming, tho operators grant ed such concessions as they could but to no avail. There was a fitlike bacil lus In tho air: people bieathed It and caught the Inteetlon, and It has had to run Its couise. The strike has Impoverished many of its participants and biought want within tho family circle. Nothing in tho shape of a gain Is In sight to off set this loss. In many lnstancei; a sphit of lll-feellug has appealed be tween woikus and cniployois and among the fellow-employes whose lola tlMis previously had been most fi loud ly. Nothing Is likely to Do wi ought by tho btrlho In the shape of material benefit to the strikers which can coni pcrsato for this satiillce of the old time cordiality and good will. It will take years to legain what has been lost. If. Indeed, It can ever be wholly i egalncd. Hut more slgnllleant than all e'se. tho foundations of this industry have lnvn unsettled; It may bo divert ed to oJier loeulitle. Alieady scouts ato abroad Mcking sites where there Is less likelihood of hasty Intel iiiptlon. AVhat it took you id of patient negotia tion by the Hoard of Trade to establish In our iltv. so that its golden stream of wage disbursement? would bo aall able to keeji active thp rurrenta of local enierpiln when dull times pievailed In the mines and when the steel mills hail depaitcd, may bo lost In ;i day through the prompting- of Impulse which weie olieed without taking due time to reckon the costs. It Is vciy vroper that a misfortune of this kind should If possible bo tcr mluatid by uibltratlou. liut It Is necessary also that the lesson of It should bo thoioughly Impressed. Our ilty can 111 allord to havi. the piosper Ity which is just beginning to conio to it after ouis of iiepresslon halted by prei Ipltito action iu tho ranko of labor. All parties In tho community must leai n the virtues of icason, cool judg ment and patience, Tho l'orio Illco .leioniluhs appear to have ililnl their eye.-. For Aledical Attendance. FOil MEDICAL attendance upon the late Father John Fln neii, of l'ittstou, covering tho period from October 18, 1SUS, to Febnmry II, ls'.i!. Including two hundred and llfiy-three lulls", twenty two analyses of urine and seven con sultations with other physlcluns; also ten operations, such as cupping and tapping, a physician of that city presented to the executors of tho es tate a bill amounting to JJ.STj. Tho charge was at the rate of $10 a visit, with extra chaise for the extta ser vices performed. This bill the exeou lo!3 have refused to pay, although tes timony was nffeicd befoie them by another physician of Fitttson that the cliaige of $10 a vJsIt was ,l reasonable charge. These visits required the at tending physician to travel a distance of two hundred yards each way from ills otllco to tho patient's residence. This was the original claim at tho hearing of tho audit, hut when the ex ccutois asked for a copy of the claim a bill was piesented for three hundred and forty-seven visits, for forty-six analyses, seven consultations and one hundred and eighty-one operations, amounting with Interest to $5,'jiL'. This bill eoveied u somewhat longer peilod of service. Tlie auditors have rejected ull of this claim on tiio ground that no proof came to them that any such service was ien deied, and because they alleged that the hook fiom which tho record was compiled was not a book of oiltrlnal record and that the accounts In It were so kept as to render It Impossible for them to muko an intelligent Interpre tation of them. The Orphans' touit of humane county has confirmed thu audit, thus disapproving thn physi cian's hill. Here Is evidently a case In which Christian Science or osteopathy I I eat me nt would have been possibly as effective and very likely much cheaper. it the foielgu envoys nt Feklll would III lS- 1 'l t Ml'- III t"l,' f'Ul.'l till-'' Is no doubt that theso occasional de mands for u half dozen hearts or o would he clipcrltilly compiled with. Tho Texas pyelono was on tlmo this yiur. It the robin nnd blue hltil will bo eijuatly ptompt there Is no reason v hy spring should not open at once, Mr. Ihymi seems to bo willing that thoso who havo the pi Ice may precede his best literary clfoitM In tho adver tising columns of The Commoner. The Jeo crop of the Susquehanna liver appeals to havo itttctuutcd for the last time this reason. EPr?sidenf Harrison Dead (.Coiicludeil (I oin l'.ue l.J pniunn i.isi-i uml no laiuwlwlw ol poivm. He i.illid tu Ms nld Dr. T. I'jiUii (who lu iintc limine illstiiiguiihiil III Ilk prolimloil JS (irn ml IhrrUon Iu III hliOi ami tl'C ttto JOUHK mm ipciit the whole night in diligent nrk on the polnn ra.se. The nc.M lUy t' the astonMe limit and liewllilonnmt ot the delcnse, jouiifj ljrrloii (ippcaiel iraily (or the trill, lie ion iliKled the proieeutlen vii?oiousy and ruicccdtd In havlnjf tho prlwnrr lonvlitid. A Match for Hendricks. Ccnorjl lljrri'oit Ik (tan his woik a a llrpmV lkuii nieaher In the i inipalirn of 16.VI, nnd evrr Iiko he his Inrli a ronpliuoin figure In every lainpalitn in Indiana, and on many occasions he liu jppejud lor hU p.uly In othci tatc. It it, Kincnibcrid lint In the Lincoln cimpaltin of I'M) he and the late Vice I'rculdctit Hendricks happened to hue appointments to fpiak in the nine town en the mine diy. It vv.is arransed tlut they thmiM dblde time, and Mr. line ilrKK rvpcilnl to ainue hliiifelf by devouring the nhitc-litlnil jonin mm lm thin tincvpect cdly liu line his pre v. lie did not do It. The rcMilt of the meeinit? vv.is a urprlsi' to both ldrs. Denioci.its ailnuttnl tlut Mr. Hendricks had met his match, and Hepublluns thought he Mas badly worstid. The chairman ot the nuctlni; nltirwaul mid: "I lino heird a good many political dthatis in m day, but I never hianl a nun km an opponent as quickly as Bin Ilanlseii did Hendricks that day." In lVO, at the nue of 'J7 jearn, he was elected repaid r of the Nipnme court of Indiana for four years, and ll was during the same car that he foimid ajurtncrolilp with W. t'- I'Wi hack. Ill 1'ilJ, when the I nion arniirs had met with uvertcs iu the bouth nnd volunteers lnd in a ineaurc ciaed to offer themselves, fieneral llairl-on, leaving a jomi wife and Infant ehll drcn, nlitaliiu! a lieutenant's conmilloii, went Into r niip wlin Cumpany .V, of the secnlletli Indian irgliuent. and In lis thin thirty ilijs lnl t" the tiont a U'Klnient ot 1(110 fight trig nun. The icgliiunt semd In Kentuck) and Tenne-ce with tho .iniy uf the Cumberland. During the Alliuta lampaign ii was attached to the Twen tieih aimy eolp. "Fighting Joe" Hooker's innuniiid, lieneral HirrNoii taking the place of (iiiicral imttcrfleM as lnlgadc cominander. The leports of his superiors hear iccord of his couugo and lighting qualities ot (he battles of ltesara and Peach Tree Creek. Promoted on the Battlefield. Goneul Hooker lode the llius the clay alter Peach Tuc I'rcik, and, as he thook hands villi the joiiii? loiiiiinndir, raid: "Harrison, by , I'll nnke .ion a brigadier general for this lljht," and Ills wold of mouth on the battle Hold was nipploiuented 1'' a heaity letter uf loiiimeiiditlon wriltdi to the i-ecretary of war a tew montlis later. The fact that he had alwajs been highly eitumed by the efliceis and men wlm nrvid imdir him is high testimony to Sen. ual llairison's diaiacdr as u toldkr ami com iiiinilrr. While on tcinpoiary leave to vitlt his tainlly timcial llaiii-on was cut oil from linmc diite lcturn to atlanti by the libel Invasion of TuiuiMtfc and Northern (Jeorgia. He took command of a brigade at Nashville, hovvenr, and lid In the bloody battles about tlut place, and under (iemral Ccoigc II. Thomas mio of the linrst llgurcs of the war aldul In defeating Hood and putting his aimv to (light. failed home In the bedside of his two ihlldien, who wcie ttiickiii with narlct tcver, Ccneral llanison was attacked hy I lie dUiafu ill a indignant lotui. Alter barely en aping a latal termination of the fevci he n joined his regiment in North (.irolliii and remained with Sherman's army un til Ihc i lore of (ho war, returning to his home ,i bievit bilgadier general. In the fall of Ivil Ccneial llairison was re cU'Ucd u porter of the Indiana supicmc court, and iu the name ,e.u became a member of the law tirm o( I'oilcr, llanison & 1'Uhback. Por ter (Albert (!.) wis elected governor of Indiana In lxfl. In lbTil (icncral Harrison was (he lie. publican candidile for governor. He led his (icket by S,tX votes, and, (hough unable (o withstand the "drove of mults" which Ccneral llaiuuui Miit into the state, he won more fame in tlete.it than many leadeis have gilnul by vie tell j. Becomes United States Senator. In Januny, IS'I, (ieneral llanlton was elected tu (he L'nKtd Sta(cs senalo (o succeed Joseph L. McDonald, Democrat. When tho contest (or the seuiatoiship opined, late in December, leSO, there were three leading candidates besides Gen eral llairb-ou, 'Ihey wcie Will Omiback, (iod luvc S Oi tit and Walter Q. d'rcshaiu. Judge (Jresluni was the lint to withdraw; Orth vir tually letlud souii after, but did not withdraw ills name. On Jan. 10, JSsl, Cumback withdrew fiom the! cauvais, having convinced himself that a majotily of Ihc Id-publicans In the legialatuto (.noted (he nomination of Ilairison and would vole lor him iu emeu.. In announcing his tic- I. ion to llirrisou he wiotc as follows: "DV lKviug ii possible for a disappointed candidate to render to a ucccsul ilval since re and hearty loiigi.tlulatloiis, I l.nuw von will aecipt mine." deiieral Ilairison received the caucus iiomliiatlou, and on Jan. IS ho received tho full Itcnubllran vote in each house of the legislature. The election was completed on (he following day in the joint convention. He took his seat In the senate en March I, lv-l, the I . i upon which President fiariield was inaugurated. Tho session was an cha one, foi exctullvc business eiulj, and be (Imply attended and voted whin occasion arose. When the senate reassem bled in the lollowlug December, at (he begin ning of (hi l'ort i seventh congress, and oppor tunity olteitd, he a-suiiled his shire of lha dudes of Ihc bod. One day iu July, l"""., (lie senate heard him at Ids best. Hi, colleague, Sremlor Voorluci, in dl-cu-slng a levmue icductlon bill, bad made it c h ii.ie.lt rlttlejlly loo-o and iccklcss orallon, l.i lug stiess ujicu soino phrases iu which he had ililkiitcd the Kcpiibllcan. tor taking tho tat oft perluuiery and eo-nietlcs. senator Harrison had w.iiied (or Ju-t this speech. When Senator Vooi bees coniludctl i-'uiitov ll.urlson began, and, slipping don n Into the aieni In front of the ile'-kf, and approaching the Demociadc side, he went on, without nolts, to belabor his colleague most vigoiously and tinmen Hull;' for nearlv an hour. It was (he most biilllant speech delivered by Mr. Harrison dining his twin in tho senate. iMiiator Voorhces never sought occasion again to piovokc him to aitswci! Iu tho second session of the ruilj-kevriuli con rum Senator Hanson's principal siuechcs were made upon the civil service, the lllilr ithiea tlonil bill and on (ho Mississippi liver scheme ol impiovcmcul. Nominated nnd Elected President. Gciie'ial ll.inl.oii was a delcgilc -t-largo fioin Ms slatn ( (he ludoiul Ilrpublican loiivciillon held ii Chicago in t s- I. lour cais later, when his name had bun ut nn eirly slago brouaht into proiiilnenco as an aspirant (or Ihc Iteptib llcau iicinlnitlon to the presidency, he irmalr. 'd at his heme In Indianapolis, cut lolly ufral big from taking too at tlvo a part in cumnt 1 i.litlcal discussion, Tho Ilepul.bean li'ideis In Indiana, and almost tho tuiiio ltept.hlican nti of the slate, had pionounccd Iu favor of his nomination, ami his turn; wis pirseuled by Hie solid iMccaticu to tho convention al Chi ctgo. On tho dual ballot Ilairison inched lilt voles, or over KB mcro than were ucccsiuy for a choice. Simmon leevlu-d on this ballot lis votes; Alger, !; (iretham, i'Ji llUtne, .", and MiKlnli), I. Ux-Ooveinor Levi I'. Morion, o Niw York, was iioiuliutcd for vlic picslilent on tho lint billot, It cannot bo said that the neininatlon ol liar ilson was icceivcd wlih great emhuslaiii, either In the convention or rlsiThiro. After an r tiling campaign, in which (icnervl llmiison re t.ialuctl at his home In Indianapolis, but ilellv neil mill speeches, fldfUy tioin his ii.wi iloor- I ,' ' -I " . I '' 1 t llU Hi 1, ill XX000000 THie People's Exchange. A rOPULAIt riXAHINO tlOlISH for tho ' " lleneflt of All Who Have Houses to , Iter.t. Itesl I-tstc or Other Property I o Sell er Dxchsngc, or Who Want Sitnstlons or lleln TIiia Hmflll Ifli'sttUeinrn'a Cost One Cent a Word, Six Insertions tor Kiwi Cents a Word-Kveept Situations warned. "men Are inscricci cicc. 000OsCsOOOsCC Help Wanted Mole. I.ONO USTAIILISIIKtl ITItM WISIIKS TO f.N' gage .i manger lor branch In Scranton. vvlio tan invest wl In 1.UX. and give utCTpcedonil KlcieuecK. hdaty for I'mt .sear, iflOu pir inontii. Aihlrrss Managei, llox VS, 1'hlladclpVla. WANTKD-A lOt'.V. MAN' Willi TWO Oil (luce yosrs" evpcrleme In diug stole. Ad dress Leek box 38, .fcrio.cn. l'a. Help Wnnted Female. WANTED A GOOD (Tilth TO DO (SlINLKAb housework. Address SU Main, street, I'eck vllle. Situations Wnnted. .vi:ki:ctAiilk oiiiu woi i.d liut. to do cooking; ran give best reference. Please cUl nt MJ llehecca avenue. Itde Park, city. WANTLD-A sIltrATIOK IIV AN IIXPKiMI.Na.D sdnographerand tu writers lt rifcrcnccs (.iviu. Address K., Tilbunc olAec sill'ATIO.V WA.Ti:i)-liV A YOUNT. Olltb. II vcmis old, lo take cire of children, ol to do light housework. Call 101 Thcodoic sticct, Piovldcnce, Pa. SlITfATlOX W'ANTKD-IIY A lOfMI nlllf. 10 do general housework, 211 Putnam street, ell. " Mll'ATION WANTi:i)-llY A GI1IL, IS VIIAVS old, (o do light housework. Address JJ Putnam sliced North lliid, city. sTrUATlO.V WANTLD-llY A IIOOKKLLt'i:!!, implonl at luxsent, but who wishes to chingc. Addicss r., V. G., care of Irtbune. MlTATIO.V WANTi:D-ltY l'.OY OF 17, IV an olflea or s(ore'j lefercnces. AddrcM l. II. II, . (his nltlce. Mni.YiioN" wanti:d-ii A WIDOW, AS CHILD muse or housekeeper. No. ilS Harrison .no. Ml CATION W'AN'l l'.ll-HY A HOY UUIWT'KV IS and 1(5 .veins old, as dilver; can lake cue of a horse. Address Msnlcy I'ricc, lllver etrci't ulhy. SITL'AIION WAN'1I:D-AT WAhlllNG. CLHAN in,; or arty kind of day woik. 1210 Cedar avc nu.s. Mrs. Itu-eell. SllUATION WASTKD-I1Y MAN, GOOD l'MIS and fancy cook anil baker. E. -U not Maiktt street. SITUATION' WANTKD-I1Y A MIDDLn-AGKD woman as hoiisekccpc,' in small family. Ad diesa 221 Irving avenue. WANTI'.D-l'OslTIO.V AT GKNT'.nAIi OITTCI' woi I: by thoioughly coinietcut young wo man; excellent refennce. fctate chai.uter of work and salny. K. V. A., care Tribune office. ax i:.tkhii:nckd stknogiiapheh. willing to assist with books, desbci position with reliable tirm; highest iclerci.ccj. Adehcss S. A. O., Tribune office. blTDATION' WANTKD-IIY A YOI'XG LADY. S housekeeper in u snnll family with a gen tleman that ha.s got a nice heme. Address Miss P., llOt Prospect avenue, city. favor of tho llipublicui undulate, who icceivcd IK:' votes in the clcctoia! college, against 1(S for Grocer Cleveland, his Democratic! ricdccesnor iu office. Hist, (ho finaiieU! hituilion and the letluc tion of the i utile revenue, of which he said: "Pie existence of ,i laigc aetuil and antiri p..ted suiplus should have the immediate at tention of congress, with (he view of leduiiug the lecclpts of lh treasury to tho needs of the government as cloely as may be." Second, and as i scqueiieo of the above, "a icvlsion of our tarllf law, both In Ihc administrative fea tuttH and In the schedults." Thlid. the sliver nnislioii, coneernlnif which the mesnage wa non committal. Fourth, the reroritnictlon of the navy, on which the puldfiit tcols decided stand in favor of greater activity. VTfth. roast dcieiise. Sicth, Chlnero c.clulcni and the ic slriction of Immigration generally. Seventh, pension legislation, on which the message con ve.ved tho recommendation that "ccrgriss grant a pension tc such honorable discharged soldieu and sailors of the Civil war a, having rendered HiUtaiitiHl scivlce during (he war. are now de pendent on (heir own labor for maintenance and by disease or casualty are Incspacilatcil fiom earning It." Defeated for Re-Election. Three das before (ho assembling ol the lie-,-utllcan national convention at Minneapolis, in Ji.lie, lS'"i, Jimes U, Dlaine n-slgned the pot of sceretary of stale. In order to compete with his chief (or the presidential iiomlintlou. The contest in the convention was mainly between the supporters of these two aspirants, ami on the llrst ballot Harrison was renominated. leeching 5JS voles, or a clear majority ot 1M over all reii'.petltor?. Ills plurality over lllalne, who le eched sj voles, was 3V, Mclv'inley alo re. ci'lvcd 1S-J votes anil 3 wcie scattering. White, law Held, of Xev- Yoik. was mado the caliJi date for vice president. Grover Cleveland, who became the Democratic! raudldato for tho thlid time, received 277 votes Iu tho electoral iolln.c, to 115 (or llnrls'ii. and '.'' for James II. Weaver, the IVpulht candidate. His Family. (uiiiial Hairbc.li had mauled In October, Js'il, raroliui Lavini.v Scott, the daughter of a pi. fessor In Miami iiuiierslly, where both ho and his wife were educated Mrs. Ilairison died a few (lava bcfoin the piesldintial election of IS''.', tuls ceent casting a shadow- over the closing c'a.is of PiCsldenl Harrison's official life. To ihlldien were the icsult of the marriage Lieu tenant Colonel ltussell II. Harrison, a mining; in?iiiucr, wh.) scrvid In thu volunteer army sin c (liu ou(bical- ot the war with S'pain, and a daughter, Mary, who is mirried (o James II. Jlc. Kee, fonneilv a piospcrous merchant of In dhuapolls, hut no'V a resident of N'cw York, bi April, lfOfi. the e mesidciit mijed Mrs. Mary Scott Lord Dlptmick, a niece of his best v.lle. since tellurite bom Hie pictideiicy General Ilairison has studlnuily avoided taking an ae. live pjrt in political iftalis. his most uotabla dcpaltuic fiom whl'h beirt hl implied ilitlcdiii of the so-called colonial policy of l'lesident McKlnlcy Iu an addicts delivered bclorc (ho s'u-leiils of (he Uuivculty of Michigan last win ter. He has, however, continued iu the active piactlce C'f his piofesaioii, ficqueutly appearing in Important rases before tho Supremo couit of the United Stated. He also acted as counsel for the Venezuelan gov eminent before the aibl tiatiou tribunal whdh met in 1'aris iu IVM to settle the disputed boundary question with Great llritain. Gcurral Ilairison was occupied for many ipcnllis in the pupaiallon of tho Vine zuelan case, and made an elaborate argument befoie the tilbunal. his professional fee for Ids seivlces being, according lo iiment I'port, (ho large sum of 'Oo.nno. -FACTS ABOUT HARRISON. Twite uiarrlcei. l.oved public life. A brilliant speaker. f-U years a senator Aiwa haled a row. Approved ol McKlnlcy. Twcnly-lhbd rrrslileul Kutired politics in tsslo Head much and rcmeinherrd it. Had (sou whin ho was first man led. Earned his first money as is eoutt ciier. Held office thirty-four out cf his forty years In public life. Ivliul-hcaitcd, but bnpcrvioui to argument whfn his mind was nude up. Loved dilving, hut could never nnnage IiortC.', and had many accident... Willi Muist ilallstcad he was s ilng leader in liibchlif when v school lioy, die tltiic t cm one of his relative', ix. For Rent. 1011 ItL'NT-MXeUt: HOTsT, WITH IMl'HOVI". niclils, in city: pllce, J2S. Appi' in W. W. Illnlnger, T08 Mmroe avenue and ll., I.. . W. depol. roit iiKNT-fiToin: o.v sput'ci: stiikix of- posltc Hold Jeruiiii also stoles on I'ciin and rranklln nveniiesj odlees In Coal Exchange and Liberty Hall, and dais suitable for small families on Washington and I'ratiklln avenues. Apply lo John Jctinii, 113 Wyoming avenue. I Oil MINT-MI AND S0.1 JI'.I'FKIIMIX AVKSl-U. Also COO Olive street, ltnpdre ill. Gibson t. rou iiLM-Dot'iit.i:' not si i..vnr im- provemcnls, lovely location, surrounded Willi trees, 213 and 21.1 Midlson avenue, Green lll-lge. roit id:ni'-.i im:u .month, sioin:. ft fairkawanna nvenui1. Inquire on picinhc. DIMltAlll.i: 1IOUSK OX MADISON' AVI'.M M for lint ; motlern Inipiovrmenls. Apply to A. It we, 221 Laikawaima avenue. iiotiil ton iiKNT-iXQi'inr. or Mils', t, l. Jones, Main sticct, lalor. km (iih:kx niDnr. ,stiii:i:t, it.n iiooms, modem Improvements; steam beat, furnished; desirable; $2J.uU. For Sale. i K VWVs, sNsisv 1'Olt SALII-TKAM, WAGON' AND SKW IN'U MA- chine. Cheap. 310 h. Main avenue. ITAXO 1'OIt SALK--GO0I) MAKIh Ul'IIUllir; very cheap. Apil to W'. W". Illwlngcr, 70j Mcnrou avenue. 1011 SALII-lOUXlltY l'LVCL'. NIIAlt I'LLAS tnt lake Iu S'usrpHlnnn.t county; Mi acicj, 10 loom house, barn, fruit. Jscult, attorney, Mears building. 1'Olt SAl.L'-l'IIAKTOX. ALMOsT IIHAN' NI.W; It s homo made; At In evcrv vvav; an ev eepllonally tine eatrlago; $12 for quick sale. Apply S3I .Monroe avenue. roit sulk-old, i'srm.MiiTi piioior.itAi'ii hnsiness; cui rcspundent p invldd as Id tie.' fails and reasons lor selling. .Mdrcss D. It Lyons, Montrose, l'a For Sale or Rent. roit s.m.i: on uem' iiik diiimxg pahk Hotel; el?gantl) fuuisinl; posveslon glvin on (he first day nf Apill. Apply to WTIIlJin Craig, (are V linblnson's Sons' breweiy Vanted To Buy. W'ANTKD SLCONDIIAND SLOT MACMINlia; must be In good order, state particulars as to make and price. Address L. M., general de livery, Scranton, l'a. Wanted To Exchange. TO r..CHAN'Gi:-A MANDOLIN. ITHVI' OltAlli:, for a hand camcia. Uxchongc, caic of Tub. une. Furnished Rooms. ltllNTslILl) IIOOM 1'Olt U12NTLL.M N. ulo iullifv avenue. Rooms Wanted. VANTi:D- Ft'llMSIIKD IIOOMS, WITH Oil without boartl, by tvvn gintlenieti, nnli.ii location. .VI. L. !(., Tribune oliitc. Money to Loan. JIONLY TO LOAN- OX. IMpfiOVKD C1IY ltCAI, cslatc. IICMtY IIIM.IV. III. riiAH. ii. wt:li.ks. THOMAS Sl'ItAGUT:. MOM:Y TO LOAN OX BOND AND MOItlGAGi:, any amount. M. II. llolgate, CommouvvcaUh building. ANY AMOUNT Ol' MON'CY TO LOAN-f-UlCK, straight loans or building and l-oi.i. At from 4 to 0 per cent. Call on X. V. IValkcr, 3U-31S Connell building. Strayed or Stolen. LOST. MltAiKu" OU Sldl.LN -WlilTL xll'l lllli bitch, black cats and head; white ftce; answering name ot "pot"; rtwnrd foi tctuin. lill I s'ltidrrson avenue Recruits Wanted. SSSStSSSS WANTED FOK IJ. S. AltMY! AI1LI! UOIHLD, unmarried men bclvvccu ages of 21 and i'j; citizens of United States, of good chara't-1- ami temperate habits, who can speak, ien! ur.d write Lnglbh. ltccruila specially desired to, service in I'hlllppines. I'm inhumation apply to Itecrultlng Office, 12J Wjouilng -ive., Scran ton. Pa. Miscellaneous. 'N'VSl-s'siV AtJSlsWt. mj DIIKSS 1'LAITLIN I'OP. SAI.i:. 7". ( lATs; I'OU mer price, jl SU. bs Mae Donald, oii Wash ington avrnue. LEGAL. IN" lib: LSTAli: Ol' I AT1IA1I1NT; WILLIAM?:, lato of tho citv of scianton, l'a. Leldis testamentary upon the above estate having been grantctl to the iimlcislgnecl, all pei ons iudeldd In (he slid cstato -lie liquestcd to nuke imme diate payment, and thoaj having claliua to pic sent them without ilelav- to L. N. HOllLKTs'. i:ecutor. No. 170.1 Mmnnlt ave., Scranton, l'i, II. .-s. ALWOItlll, Attorney. TO TDK IIOLDLItS OP IlOND-s N'I'MIILn.s seven (7), eight (s), fort -one (41) and forty-six (10) of the Cullifry Engineer ( unipany, being tlio bonds bearing date October 1st, Is!, and secured by trust mortgage of that dale, Please Take Notice tlut In pursiunco of the provisions of tho said bonds and the trust moil, gage given to K'cuiv the Mine, the bonds ns numbered alovc have been diawn by lot tcr pamcnt on (he first clay of Apill, PXil, and u aio heicby untitled that the same will be paid on the (list day of Apill, It), at the Lacka wanna TlUst and Safe Deposit Company. Tiuitec named In the trust mortgage above rtfcrud lo, together with interest coupons attached tlieielo and remaining unpaid, and that intno.it will cease alter the said date. Till: COLLIKHY lAT.IN'LT.H COMPANY. Pcraiitoii, Pi , Fcbiuair 23th, 1001. PROFESSIONA L. Certified Public Accountnnt. K. C. bPAULDING, 2.1. 1HI0DVAY, M'.W York. Architects. LDWAIID 11. DAM'S, AI1CUIT1.CT. I.ONNIXL btlildllig, ITSLDLIIICK L. IlltOWX. AllClllinCT. PIllt'L! building, 12b Washington avenue, Scaiilou. Dentists. D. C. J.'. LILlINnnilGKIt, P.Ll.t l)t'H.l7lN(L Spruce sticct, Strantou, Pit. C. ('. LAV1IACH. 11.1 WYOVllMi AVKXI'L! Seeds. g. n. CLAitKi: A; co.. fsi:.:psM,:.v and nl'H- crymen, store 201 W'4.liliigloii avenue; gitci houses, 1030 N'oith Main avenue; sloro tela phone, 762. Schools. EcnooL or Tin: Lackawanna, sciian io. Pa. Courso preiarator to college, law, medi cine or business. Opens Sept. 12th. Scud lor catalogue, llev. Thomas M. C'anu, LL. D., prin cipal and pieprieitoi; W. 1). ITuuihy, A. M , headmaster. (ept one, who was A Democrat, and lo t-veiy Klattvc ol his Wile'. Gradnson of a pieshhnt; gieil-graniL-ou o ;i signer of tho declination of !mlev.uUiicc. As piisldent ho passed on nraily evtiy e' 3 hcfoio him as if ho had been a Juelto on tbo btnih. Descended from Colonel llair.sou, who signed King Chailes V dealb v aiiaiit, and who was beheaded a; a tegicide. Dkstlligulshtd hlmvMf at the bailies ot I'ea.li Tree Creek and llesaca, and was made a brig adier general on the rtdd. Of medium height, with a well-rounded figure, a missive head, a llncly-exprcislve face and lour, lious and dignified address. Murder of a Womnu. n.v Lvibulve Wlro bum Tho Associated Pics. liuffilo, Much IX Nicola (.ubgi.lli. a ..botcr, was stabbed lo death today by Moll.t He Moiruo, tho iciult of u iiuaiicl uvcr a wom.ui. Ibo ntuiikicr was anest d. I.awycjs. ITIANK L. llOM.i:. AT10l!Ni:-ATLW. booms, 12, If, in and 18 llurr building, r.lv.lllACN-.AIT'Y, (sj.MMONWri'..lTII IlLDG. J. W. IIIIOW.V, ATroilNT.Y AM) (DltSSI'.l- "i-Ki-iavv, icooms hi. oil .itcara intiiuinn. 1. f. IILPLOGLL'. AiTOIIM'.Y-I.OAN't NKOO. iiti..i .... . . ... ...... ,.... I...H.II.... .im.iii mi r.j 1'iiaie seiuiu,!. mini. i,uioii,., isiimr Washington avenue and Spnne sliced WII.LAIID, wXllllilX " KVAIM. AinoUXKYI and loimscllors-alilavv. Ib'publlcaii building, Washington iivenue. JL'ss.tp k ji:sViTTinl)TTNi;s and n:v- scllcirs-at-law. Conimonvveullh bullillug. llooim PJ, 2 and 21. i:DW'Auirw.iiTYr:it.'Tn(iM:Y. "nooisi .w-WI, inh iloor, Minis liiillillng. '" ,A'n-W.V'n"''S' ATToiisi'.Y-ATLAW'i 110 MID Jrjrailo hulhlliig, skutidn, Pa '''"JNvTw li.Ctl", TUADvTllS'' N TIOVT, IlJIik blllldllig. ''( .Vili'nH' "''' "bl'lTll.U'AX IIL'ILDING. '1'" j,i:,lTno'.r, .UTrniSKvT Mr wi" hldg . Physicluna nnd Suircoiis. DIt. W. II. AI.I.LN. Bl.1 NOIiril WASHING ION avenue. Did H. W. I.'.WIOUIUI'Y. Ol'ITl i: iVrwT'sll ington avenue. Ileldcinr. HIS Mulhctrv. tliroiile diseases, bmgs, heart, kldnevs and ginlto-urinary cirgins u sHilalt). limns, 1 to 4 p. m, Hotels and Restnurants. Tin: i:i.k cit:. 123 ANtri-riiTNvri.iN '.WtT. lilies Hates Icaaonahle. P. ZLIGI.I'.II, Proptlitor. iciiAXiov iioiisiTTni.'ai: D,.AvrT'.s mger depot. Conducted on the Ihiropc.m pi .11. VltrtOit KOCH, Proprlcto. Wiro Screens. jo-i:pii Ki;i:nri,r hi:aiT "nTi" LrKr"v wvC avenue, hciaiiton, Pa., inaiiiifactuier ot Wiro Sciccns, Miscellaneous. DM'sMAKINU I'OK ClIll.llULX TO OllDI.I! also ladles' waists'. Louis Shoemaker, 212 Adams avenue. A. It. IIKIRiM CLIIANM PHIVY VAI'LIS KM pools; no odor. lmpinvcd pumps ii-eil. A. 11. Ilrlggs, piopilclor Leave nidi-is 111 N'orlh Main avenue, or l.ickt's ihita; stoic, on tier Adaina and Mullcny. Telephmia tKVI. !. L. t. Ki:i,bi:i:. scalp 'jfi u :TFiiT rri .": ilnnipooli'g, ,7V-.; l.n-lal ma-sagc; luniiicuril, 23e. ; chilcpod. 'M (Julia-. IIAIINU'S 0I!CIII'.SI1IV-MISIC iliiT iim.m" plcuiis, pirlic-s, luci'llolM, wedding and ion icit woik fiiriilshcd. l'or duns addiiss II. J llaucr, rciiidiii tor, 117 Wyuiuing avenue, over Hulbcrt'H inusle stoic. MKtiAi!Gi:i: iiuos.. pi:mi:i:v si pplii. i." velopea, paper bags, (wine, Waichouse, 1JU W'ashliigdiii avctiuc, Scicnton. Pa. Tin; wiLKLsiiAinir iiihoiid ( mT ti vi in S'eianlun ut the nev.s stands id llrl.tn.ni llios.. li Spiuce and ftu Linden: M. Nuitii, !12J Lackawaiinc live nut-, I. S. Sthutur, 211 Spruce street. RAILROAD TIME TABLES. Lehigh Valley Raihoad. In Meet Mauli I, l'sJI. Tnlns have Stianten. I'or Philadclihia and New imk vit 1) ,t II It II., at CIS and 11. v, j, m, and ; Is, 1 7 (black Diamond Lvpuss), and 1 1.. Jo p. 111. Stut da.ts, D. k II. It. II.. l.,r.. s.27 p. in. I'or White Haven, IIih(ou 11 nil prim ipil polnls in (ho coal regions, via D .t II. I!. I! , i,. 13, 2.1S uml 127 p. in. I'or Putlsville, 1.27 p. in. I'or IMhlchcm, llaslon, Heading, llarii,l,'urg and piincipal inleriucillitc slitions vii I) , if II. II, 0. 1 ".. 11..'.-. a 111.: 2.1S. 1.27 (III,, k 11,,' inoinl Lvprr-vs), ll.) p. m. Muii'a)s, I). ,v 1!. II., LSS. S.27 . 111. l'or Tuukhauiioi k, Toei.iiidi. Llnur.i. Ilh.11 lt Geneva anil principal bid niinbate stations, v 1 D, L. .: W. II. 1! , Me a. in, l.n, jm 1 pj p. m. l'or Geneva, lloehostcr, buffalo, Niagara Palls, Chicago nnd all points west, via I). ,c. II It It , 11.53 a. 111., M.3.1 (III.11 k Diamond I'jn-v,i. 7 11 10.41, ll.tW p. m. Sui.d.is, P. A. II. u, j; , 11.53, 8.27 p. in Pullman pallor and sbrplng or Lehigh A all parloiM cars on all (tains between tt ilk 1 11 m. and N'ew York, Philadelphia, Iliiir.tlu ami su ptlslon Drltlge. llOLLIX 11. W ll.lll.'i:, Gen. Supl.. 2d (oitan,! sine I, N'rw Yoik. CH Mll.lls s. :i:. Gen. P.i-s. Agl , 2u Cu II.1111I street, N'ew- York a w. nonm:mchi:ii, div. p,i-s., asi . s..mii llelhtehem. Pa. l'or tic kits and Pullman le-ervalious apply to MX) laiekawamu avenue, Scranton, Pa Central Railroad of New Jersey. Stations hi New v oik loot of Liheilv stfet N. It., nhd South 1'iny. timi: tmii.i: in i:iTi:cr nov. .-,, ph. Tialns ltuve Suaiilon for Ntw nik-, Nt-wark lhnbclh, I'hllid.-lphlt, I'aslnii, l!i (hlchciii. VI lentown, Mauch (hunk and White llivcn at s. '(, it. in ; expiess, 1 ID; ivptis , :;.V) p. m. sundits, 2.13 p. 111. l'or Plllstuii and Wilkes-niirc, s..;ii a. 111, 111 and tt.oe) p. in. Situila-, 2 13 p. 111. l'or li.iltbiioif and W i.hlngtou, and point , South and West vii Itelhlcliiiti, S,.u a. in.; l.i) ainl :i.30 p. m. Siiudi.is, -.'.I', p. in, l'or Long Itianch. Ocean Grove, ill., at .',0 a. 111. and 1.10 p. m. l'or blading, Lebanon ami llaiiMmrg, via l leiitovvu, S.tiH a. in. and l.lll p. in 'sundav ., 2.1.- )i. IU. l'or PoKsville, ..(0 a. 111. an I 1.10 p. 111. Through titkets to all points east, south and west at lowest tab's at tin- station. II. P. ItU.nWIV, (Jin. P.i.s. t. J. II. OLllAL'SLX, (i(ii. Supt. Delaware, Lackawanna nnd Western. Ill Libit Del. 2. 1'SJO South Leave Sci.iiuoii I01 New nl. ,t 1 in, ",00, fi.oO, S ) nnd in Us a. 111. ; P.'.W, o .sJ p n I'or lTilladedihia at 8M uml 10 0.1 a. in ; li". 1 and u,.U p. 111. l'or -.(loinMiuig al Mil p. lit. Milk iiccominoditiuit at il.Hi p. lit Viiim' ut Ilobokcit at (i.:o. 7.s. lii.2, l.'ns, j.-,. 4., 7.1') p. in. An le at Philadelphia at l.lio, I.I, ('..00 and S.22 i. in. Airhe from Si w olk .it 1 10, 4 0) ami 10.2.! a in.; 1.00, 1 '..'. 3 1 1, . Ij and II. ."0 p. 111. ITom bliuud.buig at S.II3 a ui. N'oilh Leave Suantoii for llutf.ilo and uiiu mcdliilc stadons al 1,1 1. 1. 10 ami ti.mi ,1, in ; 1.33, 3.(s ainl 11. J) p. In. I'ol Oswegu und sl.i-ru-o at 4.10 a lit. and Lo3 p. In. lor tin 1 ,n 1.10 a. 111 and 1.51 . 111. l'or Monti w .11 om a. m.; 1.03 a i.d J. b p. in. l'or Niihodm ut 100 and 0.13 p. m. l'or lllnghiuiton .it 10 JO a. in. i- ho iu Scranton from llutl.ilo at l.!3, J , 1 i and W.i) a, 111.: tl.ui) and S.00 p. m. liom (-. vvigu and Sijcu.o at 2.33 11. in., IJ.'.s iml s.tn p. 111. 110111 Itu.l ut 2.33 a. 111.; 12.19 ami ,.Ui p. 111. I'rom NTcholsoii at 7.30 a 111. and 000 p in. l'i tin Monttose! at 10.00 a. 111.; .1 .'0 and - 0, p. m. Itlooinsbiirg Division Leavo Si lai.lnn fm N'oKliuinbeilau'l, ui 0.13, 10.0.) a. 111.; l.Vi uid .3.10 p. m. l'or Plymouth at l.uv. ; 10. s '.u p in. l'or Kingston ut S.tO .1 111. Vnlve at N'mtu nmbrrlintl at (i.S.1 a. in.; l.lu, .3.011 ..n.l s. -, , III. Auhu al Kingston at s.3J a, 111. Anno .,1 Plymouth at 2.00, li.', O.l'i p. 111. Anive In Scianton from Norlhuiuheilar.tl .it f I.' a, m . 12..I3, 1.30 and S.I3 p. 111, 1 10m Kingsion ut 11. (M a. 111. ITom Plymouth at 7.3 a. in.; J.'.M and 3.33 p. in. hl'NDAY TiniSS. South Leavo scranton at LID. J.(. 3.30, 10.03 p. in.; 3.U.I and tl.io p. m. North Leavo Scianton at 1.1", L10 a. 111 ; l.;,3, 5. Is and 11.33 p. In. Wooni-liuig Division I.tavo Seianlon at p)uj a. 111. and 3.30 p. m. Delaware and Hudson. In l'.fVcct Nov. 23, 1WX). Tialns for Caiboiidale leave Scranton at (1.20, 7.U. S5t. 10.1.1 a. in.: 12.(), l.'.". 2 II, .1.3.', 3.21', bi.', 7.37, U.I3, 11.15 11. in : l.lli u. m. l'or IIoi.CBilalc-tl.20, 10.13 a. 111.; 2.11 and 3.2) P. in. i'or Wilkes'Haiie-ll 13. 7.K ? 1.1. 0.'l, lft.1.1, 11.55 a. 11,.; 1.2.S, 2.1-, 1I.3J, l.'-T. all), 7.H. 10 ll. ll.uO p. m. l'or L. V. II, It- points 0-13. 11.53 a. m.; 2.13 1.27 and 11. SO p m l'or IMimvlvanla II. II. points an, p.;,s j, 111 ; 2.1S and L27 p. 111. for Albany aul all points noitlt-asn a. in. nnd J.52 P. in. Per Caibondale O.nO, 11 'w a. m. ; '. ((, 1 ,-.', 5 17 10.5-i i. lit. l'or WTlkei-llaiie-O.S. 11.35 a. HI ; 1 3S, a.', 0.27. S.27 p. 111. 1 or Albany nud points 1101th 3 31 p. m. l'or llnn.wUlc ''.() a. 111. and H.5J 11. m. LovuHt laics (0 ull points in L'uitcd state an I Cal ada. .1. II. UfllDICK. G P. V. AllMiiy. N V. II, . tll(1, D. P. , , Scianlun, Pa. "rEiio and Wyoming' Valley. 'Line Table In Libit Sipt. 17, 1Mi. Tialns tor lliwley and local points, conueit lug at llawley wllh L1I0 1alb11.nl loi New 1ml. N'cvvbuig mid Inleinicdlale points, leme Seiaii ton at 7 03 11. ut. and '-''-" I1- m. Tiaiist all he at Siianlou ut 0 .0 a. 111 ind !.10 11, m. TT5 Yryon k iliLd We are displaying1 our new selection of 'prinw Sllniurt Waists livery style is ne and ail the patterns are our exclusive de signs. Our line em braces: Dimity "Waists, (In White and Colors.) White Pique Waists, White Lawn Waists, White 'Embroidered Waists, White Co'ded Waists,. The "Senior Black Silk Waists are un excelled in style and lit. A line of Black and Colored Silk Waists at $3. 75, well made and perfect iit ting. A rare bargain. 510-512 LACKAWANNA AVNU $m iMffl Waft a mm u ih: c Wise Is Safflcleisl 97 Tlio liiiit of vvlstlDlii Is tu gut the lint KolllB. Wo havo tlio laitie.it lino of tit.itbiji ci y, ollli'i hiiiiplios uml blank books in Xui thcustci 11 I'ciiiisylviiiiiu. Rey molds Bros Stationers ami Lingravcrs, Hotel Jermyn Buildinc RAILROAD TIME TABLES. Schedule In Effect May 27, 1000. Tiains lctevo Scranton, 1). & H. Station: 0.45 n. m., week days, for Sunbury, IlnuisbuiR, Philadelphia, Balti more, Wa&hhiRtoii and for Pitts burg nnd the West. 0.38 11. 111., week days, for Hazleton, Pottsville, Reading1, Norristown, and Philadelphia; and for Sun bury, Harrlaburg, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Washington and Pitts burg' nnd tho West. 2.18 p. ni., week dnys (Sundays, 1.58 p. m.) lor Sunbury, Hnriis buig, Philadelphia, Baltiraoie, Washington and Pittsburg nnd tho We3t. For Hazleton, Potts ville, Reading, &c., week days. 4.27 p. in., week days, for Sunbiuy, Hazleton, Pottsville, Harrlsbuig, Philadelphia and Pittsburg. J n. WOOD, On. I'ass. .-l J II 111 'fnil.NsQK, Cell. Ur Time Cant in effect Dee. 30 th, 11)00, SCRANTON DIVISION. iw.us an 3 C .' C3 IK.tne, .M MVTIOVS 1- a2," I '..I.Jj I PVI ! I AM I a oc 1710 Vr N.V ,W(3dHt l.v. . CHlltlFll . l.v, llaiiceii-k bmrliKhi " I'li.tott lnrl. VVInvtunl, . " 1'ujlllvllc... " . .(Si.on " rinLsant Mt, " L'nfiiuelHle.. " .I'orckt I'llv.. CiirbiiiiilaleYel M c'aititiiiilule . 4 .VVbllnlliMir. " . Mavllilil Vi, " Mav Hi III . " J. IlliVtl . M I IMI PM ..10 4V 103 Al io 1012 M " ..11)31115 " . 101 13 tl " ..IU If. i!S ' ..lOWUlU ' .. DSOIIto " .. II III II M " 11111(1 ' I Mil li M Pvt . a cjiso a n j m .. a si i u 4ltU . 8M5 11 ... Ma ... a 01s so lev.ni 109181 I US (3 lUlSM ,. 91UB .. s 1 Hi si ,. PM 1 1 II J1 I RID II SO ' i mil .. . VCIIII II ! 111)111 11 .040 .USu 7 i" 8 sis 61 7 0.1. 7 1V.3 419(8 ih I u.j I.ICUI 7 tJ8(S6l. 7 13 516 7 !SH6 1i 7 a.13 WU 6 i7 lti 036 11 6 2) H al 11 UV) Itl'l .UIIU 8 III 4)ill Cll ' 6 14! H In It) M 9 ill HI 1 10 M ' .611 ltllM ' ,8W H:i10. ' Hill1 HILM.l IV - An lilmlel VVInloil I'liLlllla . Ill).liaut , .. rim uuiir . ri11iK.11 .. ' l'teitl'li lll-l I ',11 1. Hair . " . bc'iAii(cm Ar 7 1M 07 f ll 7 HI 7 XI 7 : 7 ll) 10B7 IFi ism 8 0 . 8 (l Itj D1II0II lid a m 10 iu 'll -V tut 1 l.i. west Additional Iratnaleam CarbonJalA feir 3IavbrM ai,l 6 l.v piiiKrrnt iTitav,aii(7 50 pin buadaycinly.airlviu al M it n.'i.l V r.l 7 OU i lit ami 8. 00 pin. Vri.itliiiialtralnaliaffpNrriilona(7ei)piiil!:uiieIatroiilv lloiipitiaat nil station In CnrlKinclal. anlvlna at 7 IS c.iu, nh.1 iialn tratfa vi.vlieM a ard lor I arboneialQ aV6.iiat9 ela.l, arrulur nt ( ailumdalo a( ,U aut. Halt's a cent jut nillr, T.oTTOt JtutcB In nil Points mt. Y BBKwnflffli WmWSL IBB a. c cndcrson, Ctt'irin'rAciit cw YoraUtj, l. VVtlSH, 'J" Vfnl, bciaalviiula. f ..) at--
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers