The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, March 14, 1901, Page 2, Image 2
Is J : o THE SCRANTOX TRIBUNE-1 THURSDAY, MARCH 14, 1901. 1- '-' ir 1, I I ,, Oiiicc: f I burke at bona ale uepattment, BUILDING - , OLD, 0423 L-- iL J :.z THE PEOPLE'S EXCHANGE a roi'n..n ( i.i.iiixi notr. (or tia ine- " tit ol All Uhi ltie llouu to llcnt. Ileal Istate or Property to cll it K.Mhangc. r Who Want Sltuitlons or llolp-Thcsc i'mall Ail. xertlictnents Cost One (Vnt .1 HorJ, M l'v"tr" tlons for live Cmts a Uuul-Kxeipt Mtuatlcns xvatitcd, Whlih Ate Inserted 1 roc. t 1 OH HK.T Till! (OlltlY IlLslPKNCK, NO. 10 llchnunt ituct Moikm linpiovcinchl. In fjiilio of I). M. Schoonovcr, VANTH) AN KXt'Cmr.VCUD VXD COOP COOK at l'mergcticy hospital. sioiii-.mniii:.vro? .m:m .utmu-is- quliei ul N. P. Stephens', "LUCKY JACK" ALLEN. lie Mnken a Flying Visit to Town, nnd Escnpes tho Vlgilnnco of Woulb-Bs Apptehenders. John Allen. I.nottii 111 "Lurky Jiuk," for whom warrant's xieie nwotn out ten ilnyn tiffo for tlio l.ireony of 5100 from his Mater, Mr?. Wuiftier, of Ilel inont stieet, rind lm escaped the vlpl of half n tloion detectives mid 1 unstnbltsi. jctuined to thin eity on Tuesday nnd got uw.iy nKiiln wifely, nnd liy this time Is ptobably nut ul it mwr of Tk-Iiik inptuied. Allen wes cmploxed In the 'Wilson ('retls mine ptlur to bin fall fiom uruce 1)11 Tuesday tho inltiois xxeic paid olt there nml Krcatly to the Miipilse of Mr eei-laborcrs he ennie around and tliew li la elixclope. As the huldeis of tho w ait. int for lilt ui resit did not dream ho would he ho hold, no action had Iitii taken to i.iteli him. Allen drew hist pay, and then made 11 visit Ills wife, and It Is said that he told her he hail tfi reiualnlnsr of the money he took with hlai. After seehip: Idii wife In slatted to tiHiku 11 teeond depat tine from the illy, lie was noss-lncr the foot-bildKc oxer tho tler, near his home, when "everal men who knew him eame 1 mi ni tiff after hhn. He ci oiscci. In p.ifety. hut as- bin piiisuera weie gaining' he Plunged Into the ley water and before thu ehas-ein lould make up their minds to follow him ueio.'.s he had dlsap peaied, ami he has not been seen ulllee. A DELIRIOUS miSONER. Jailer Kllleen Has a Boaidei Who "Sees Things." A man Miftetlni; with the jlni-jams Ii.ih been the only oeeupant of the 1 Ity bastllo for the past loity.elKht hours He waa put In Tuoduy nlKht, and at that time was in a veiy had condition. Ho was subject to all kinds of hal liielnailons iluihiB the nlKht, hut he eatno quleler yestirday inoiniiuv and hpent 1110-t of the day hi sleep. The man had been mled up In a scrape .1 shoit time .iRo and took to drink. The pieed on him o, that in eon neetlon with tho lhiuor It boon turned his head. It Is thought he will be nil llKht today. If .so, he will he given his liberty, but otherwise will probably be sent to l'nierjjenry hospital for tteat nient OBITUARY. Mib. Thomas B. Otchnul. JI1.1. Thomas K iiiilmrd, whose homo MiiS ut lk rolumlila avenue, died ye truhiy moiiiln at n o'iuek In the JmerKetiey hnypttnl. whete tho was operated upon oil Paturil'iy lasl for an Interna! trouble. 1 b r hi nrt was not Mllllrlently MttfiliK to belli the shot k f the i.pctatioii and attir a line; f iilt; slnkuic spell she sin eumbed. Shs bud been III for about two months, and bad been In lulling; health tluee last April, when she loyt her daughter. Mis. Oiehnid was the tCittghter of Mr, and Mtv. .I0I111 Klllntt. of Salem, AVujne ioiint. Sin was thiity-thie.-years old unci .ns hmn ul Salem. Shu was inatrh'd to Mi. orchard on Dec "). ISOo, nnd llij 1 mil le i-iiue to this Ity to live. She was a eonimunleatit ofTtlnliy parish und an nvtivo weaker in Trinity Oulld. 1'ievloiu. to her liiar 1 lai;u she was a sehool le.iiher In A'.iynp eouiitv. Het iuiiM)ts an her pinents bt-r husbund, her dutiKhtir, rrames. lined 7 luo biotleis. .loim V.. Hlllott. of Holllster. and ! Elliott, of Hani Union, and a 1 lloi Mis. Wlll.ud Holllbteivllle. and 11 .11 y Hlllolt. of Hnmlluton, und .1 slsiei. Mi-, Wlllai I i humi id. of Holilstervllh. The ""ih"es will he he'd In Tilnlty l'tl'itllive Hpls"opal ehuKh to moiiow iiiornir.i; a' '1 o'clock. Tin body will then be taken to 1 1.lllllltl toll. Vuiii 1 mini, wh'te It will In side Mini i.f I'M little daughter. ;czema ears. The Unqualified Statement of a Well Known Attorney, St Ignace, Mich. . Some of the rures made bv Dr. A. W. fluke's Ointment ol stubborn at.d long con turned eczema and tkm diseases, ac causing mucli comment. People arc bigin. nine to lealiic that this Ointment is a Tior.derworkeruiti; all kinds of skin trouble. Attorney Jas. J. Hrou,n, St. Ignacc. Michiuan, writes as follows: Dr. A. V. Chase Med, Co. Uullalo, K. V. Gents I cannot refrain from expressing my acknowledgment for the relief I hac felt from Dr Chase's Ointment. For 40 years I was aflllcted with a skin disease which was located in one spot en my leg, I have spent at a rough estimate hc hun dred dollars trying to effect a cure and not until 1 applied this ointment did I get telief. You are strangers to me and this letter Is prompted directly because I want to say and I tee! as though I ought to say it. That Chase's Ointment has effected a complete cure ol my flllct!on. Three bo.scs did the work on my leg. I was also suffering from Itching piles und applied the ointment which gave the best of satisfaction by affording mc rest at night and rapidly causing the disease V) disappear. I have received such relief ni comfort from the ointment that 1 cannot withhold expressing my gratitude. I wns to long afflicted with the tortures of eczema 1 ltd iof that I am cured, a word of reccm. mrndation i due from me. Yours truly, JAS. J. BROWN. Dr. Chase's Ointment Is sold at 50 cents a not at all dealersor Dr. A, V, Chase's Medi. cue Co., Uullalo. N, Y- -"-s TOPICS OF THE TOWN. IIOU.N To Mr. and Mil. Ili'tioii Diltf, of Hoi. I'li'iil tliect. a dauglitn A HAIt.V IH'IISHIl.-A li.irn the property of a llun, IHinnr at "The stump," burned Int night. II. I. (. I Mill MKi:rs'. Mlii mace lUrvey enteitalnod tin- II. 1. (. club .it licr homo on lanaau sticct, on Tncsdiy evening. A TIIIMIII.i: Ti:.. Mm. Mir) Cmiic .iml MIs Crjnf, ol IfJ Lincoln auntie, lll )e 1 llilin Lie tea till nltcrnooii Irom 1 to 7 o'tloik. Ti:MSli:ili TO OltnAMZi: The ilraincn and lc.itntcis of thl rity Mill hold .1 meeting hi M. llo-e lull tliU eenlng at 8 o'llock for tho purpoe ef mi,Miilzlng a total union. MhiniMlS 10M01I1. (feorKO K. llandolph camp, No. IS', Son of SO, I'alhollo Miitml leneilrnt astoilitlon hondalc lanton, Nn 40, Patriarch' Militant. II.I.T lb llfsl.VOS KM) .lames Mtl)r,. nigli. 1 )oung man einplojed at llir l'.rin iidne., w klikcd In the nbdonien by 1 mule jetterday mternoon. lie vat painfully n ured. M.sK.M.Ii 1II 1'OMIIO.N -Jew jih Han ion. whij hi hin S'toii at Saint ltoe Iniiili dime the mlgnatlon of Andrew Moelnii, ban rolsned his pevlliui. Ill mkiu 101 n nut Ixcu ll)STIONi:il.-0ttlng tn the mloui III. 1 si of lirmlon, Hie little sou of lio. Clmles Lie. tin Irituie ulilili a to liiie been diliieH I by U l.e l,il nlslit at Son ul 'lempciancr lull, h.n In 11 itidcLnltily nitporcJ. M.ltY II I.. ."a'". II. Vc'llgm, iiuiinlni if tho rentauiant uu huuth M1I11 Mnrl, U aci ill uith I i.f ninutil 1. His rmiditiou li to illi il lint it n mI'I .Mstenl.iv Hut his pliiplilaiH '11 I limit almiidm ril ill hupp for liU lfcrier,. p-roit io 111. iNsrAi.Li.P. iin. i:dui I IKu.illli llcilh will be Jn.-l jlle.l palm id the suquoluima PiPfbttiliu ilitmh on M111I1 . nn ng the ilitini iihn will I iki put Mill be the lte. (lurlii, ol UiIh illi. uho will lellin the imi,e to the pator. SU.Ns Of M'lllMi.llie Iiojh an- plajiiig maiblis riii the unpaied piileM ilk on their way to and hum Mhuol. lubin wji urn on (.jiiun slit rt ei.tirdiN. The pitint lmdhliiu man U tilling the nulls with lurid ili'-trlptlotu of the turible itlCLt id "tint tiled foiling." n imiii:am: nut ini: iow.s-nip.-ihe Wji in- county court ln eoniirmcd the onkr to iiniuie Mi Collins from the puoi dl.irlrt of I. iki tonnship to the pool dUlrlrt ut (.arhuie 1I1I0 tnun-lilp. holding lit it lm ri'ildoiue must be tint rf her hibuid 0 long as Ihe oouple .lie nut diiorcid. lOMT.Itr l'OsTI'H.NKIi. Hi' entutilnniint an I lonci'it whleli nj to Inve I cm lu ;l in tile l'ilri '011g10gatlun.1l 1 Inn 11 liunorrow eiciung by Oiganl-t Vailur nnd tome iMidtcnt I aibondale and strmlon tab irt baa Ikiii po-tpunii until mine night not ink, the dite to In later. I.HT1 UK l'Osll'OM.P 'Ihe Suns of Uinpir anci', wlio were to hue opinid their s.-rlos of In lutes last night, wire fuiccil to postpone Ihe licture until wimo ilitei In the near future. Itrv 1'h.nlis Lie iiihI Jtei. . I'. ( lnflie, who wue tu lue Hi in ir. 'I .ulilrii-sis l.i-l 1 lining, wnc Imlli preientod fiom .ittrndiug owing lo unfor- Mill llltHll' jo rninoN Mit. I'liiiiu.v m the last muting of I il No li.'ih, I n!t t it Mine Woiktix of Amerli 1. of till tin, the minibus iitnnl niniisli decided to .itlion lion I'. A. riillblii. the npriscntatlio fiom this ill'tibt, to 11. e all iflorts it IhnlMiurg tor Ihe idiaiiiiincut of the billa iiitroduied in Ihe legMitiue in the ililin-t of the niln, r-. jMPiuniM. 'i in; wtiihu hi:. - wnk tin 0 bigiii puitltia up the fi.inieivork .lis tililiv tor the big 1 I tu. clis. Hn.n Mllldmn whii II will ..tloru the uthiuiilt lnuhling on the sixth amnio Mo riie mIiiiIuiis will bo thl e ' ol il. 'ii mid will bo an ittuctiie addition to Ihe bulbllis." a will .is to th' i.eiv iloihin und niiul'hliig rtoii ol Vlilauu l.rothoii' 10IMi:it lll.sinV.NT III sv.l,.i,i,. .Mm,, who ii-ed to Hie hire. Is now cAttuMu tn. gaged In the luiiber lni'ines. lie is ninning 1 ingi uw mill in J. ike towihlp. in 11 smd I aki . Wajne loiuuj. lie Iiaj Jiiit puuliisnl 1 trail fiom W. li. liuii.o'ly und nnoHur fiom . 'irtinidi in Muuiil I'h isini touiu'lilii, wluru he will riiet 11 pun il il Menu mill the cinilng SI11111111 1 MIJMII! IV 111(11 IIM: V (hiiry Itidge farimr. wlm wis i.iitured by Olhcei Hud ly un 1. main rtiut hi loudiv citnlug, while In .1 iiindltlui of "How laiiio iwi n," and who pent the nuht in Ihe ilti (ill, w i iutioduied fm ir lib lo Majoi Kilparlik jcMciday morning. Mix honor liMituil t.trefulli in an ingonloiii tile of "moiling friend,." cli., und alluwed him to depot with some "Hind adiiu. ijt itii:iiiA row i:nov - The ipunei. b luiiwuthiti ot tli WcMi Milhodi't ihmih of thi rllflikt of Noitlirattern IVnie r. 1 lll be held on sunda)' next in the 1H1111I1 ut that deuomliialiou on South Cluuili liei-t. Ihere will le 1 iiuinber ot inurnment Wii-h ni icliers In ntliii.lnici; and a lonlial imitation will be rlrndtil tu tl.o Welsh fieo I'V throushout tie) town und ikinllj M.I. MAT WI.KK -'Ihe litn , ,ller "ink oinpani' 1 III be at luo 1.1-nJ "I'd. 1 1m ill ill ut next witk. flu. com .ni is lilghly iccciiiiikii led and iluiiiig il, ci;.lt pirioriuauiiii .11 tho lrail theatei will pmhiic 1 line of liluleilas. plaja, i.eiily all u lilih will I m It iml new 10 our thealei goei. Ninoiig the 11 will be "Oil tho 'Jroll," ."bmlo sun in t ulna" and otlur up-lo elate ilrannj. PIIAsANT I'MtlY. --Mr. and Mm f li. cntertilmd a pailv in honoi ct tl t ci bih birthday ul their 1iau3l.l1 1 , laaie Thin- pristnt wire: llowlo and Uluin. 01 DiiiKiik, Itiith lliiiK, ltuth uv.t, Ai Ab. 1, .ii rial 1 l.oniiiul, Nitillc l'ulkt ron, .lain) llru.k, Mildied Olicr, (.lads IMnanb, J.dwin ruiple. Ncie Abbcj. Hun) oil Wukwiie, Pill l ai... 'luni Dwin. la' i:iy. Wclb Loieland, I.. uiuii l.oM'lad. Jill. I.IXK Hi:COi:illMJ -Sonic of the ic.i dents cf this fit) must rtmcmbir Chapman A Lcik, win peddled liuat hire several )cars acn. About three weeks ago Mi. lels got tangled up with a circular saw at Rowlands, and when he xias taken to the Port Jetvls hospital it xuis found neeessjry to tin ts.Ii the saw's woik by amputating his aim. lie lias irioii'icd so far a, to baio the hospitil, which is a quick iiue, combining that he mar!) bled to tic nth betoie being taken to the hospital. NO "(Xl'illt MM?" Hl'.ltl'.-Moiher Jones, who came to town a iliv or so ato to imisilgato the stoiy thai the employes if the Mots mill at S'lmpson ute haudliu; "unfair silk" fioui the scranton 111IIU, wis uon satlsnnl tint time wa, no truth in the allegation. Tlie mauicjtiuint hniuil her excry eoiutisy while she was at the mill. She adxlstd the silk woikrrs to .tick elo.o to 1 In Ir union and to bo faithful to the It em ploxeis. she; promlied 11 return in a shoit time and addiisi a mass melting Mil. spjim.'S JTM'.IIM.. -The funeral sullies oxer the lato Ilcnrj John Spell, who died ou Tuesday afternoon, will bo lie Id at Ids late rub iji nee, S Diuuuuoud axrnue, this allernooit at il u'tloek. The Ilex. A. 1 Chaffee, of thn l',t Methodist KpUcopal ehuiili, will pit,ldo at the nliwpitic. The b"d) will be taken lo buseint hiiuia tumotiOM morning on the Erie 11) er. Time tho Knights of Honor, of whlih order Mi. 8p?rl was a number, will take ehaige of tho lituiln,, Pnrial will be made In usqiiehunna HUM HUM I'MirV-Mrs Jo.iph Ixlidr Thonc : jr.tu oo I I1LII, iOU wji ttmlcrcil a blrllMjy (urly on Tuotlay crn hifr liy a laixe mimlicr ol lor friend. They met at her homo on North W'jomlng Hi rot early In the cuning uml It ua early In tho niornlnt; before they look thflr departure. The hotei rcciheil a number of ho.iulliul clll. among them a roM w.ilcli from her husband, her little daughter, Claia, making a rute little picscnU. tleti tpcccli. (iamrn and dancing took up "0 major portion of the eenlng. At midnight a bountiful, honiedlkc nipper was pencil. Among thoKe piifcnt were MIm Helen llittenburg mvl Harry Miller, of Aichbahl. LUIXr. (lUIMM)N I.n. rirK.-(.orduii bee tho joung on of tho Itcv. luiles, of the KaM. Prtb)leilau chuich, U f crl ouly ill vlth I rain I'icr, Mippcnl to be a lo Milt of a cointliig auldiiit which happened un 1'ebru.irj to. (lordon wa run Into un Llnco'n aiitiui: by u bob ded containing eight louni" tm and liuiled ome iIisIiiiko. Whin he wai pHkid up l.c vai uucoliM loiw, and hi" c.ielid ai turn cp n, ie.Uirlng jonial elite lies to iloo Ihe wuuiid, 'mral ul the coalers wnc alio hint bv the .iicidcnt. About .1 wnk latir Cut. Ion wint to Mhool ngalu, and lunllmiiil going until a few till ago whrn he was tnkrn no III tint .1 trained niirrc had to be engiged. lie wai ICinrled to bo romewlnt iinpruinl wtitliv. WM.KCK A CO ON M'ltll. l.-Thoina Walker a tul I rank H. ( lillotd ate the partner In the newest llrm in town. On April I lliey will open a groecry store In the .Seilon building on South Main ticet, which ha, been in process of le building ior fcieril week". It being especially titled up for their ujp. Mr Walkei ha In en in bii'lnCM on Cottage trict for a long thuo ami ktiuttii the detail, of the grocuy trade. Ml. CUltoid I well known about thl, rity and ur lounding towns is u piogim-lin and ambition, )oung man. He wis foiineily eltv clerk and now Ins un In-tuaiue buslnisi in the lluikn building. Mi lllirord will continue to deiote Ihe maui pottiuii of lil lime to hi, InMirame liiislni.s, the othet putnir looking allir the mwh itablllioil groeei). The new firm will le known 11, w ilhrr i"c l"o. V lllli: sCAUi; Ilt'T Ml l)AMfii:. While 01.1 of the wniliiiin lion the Taiben ilile (.is coni in) was tijlng the ga, llxtunsi in 111-' lort! Ining hllnl up for MiCiuu lirotn 11,, lit 1 lining, to 1' the g i was tinned "it In iiiebiil 1 MirpiiM. He Was not ,tho only en He hid in idu the 1 limit of tin i-torc with .1 1 it.ille mid ull Mciueil to bo right when he knoik'd (lie eup oil .1 ism lube, and the caiid'e and pi. In 1 aim1 mixed up. x luel of flair mr two till long flmt 101th. Ocolgo Itobiu Mm eas st.iniiing on n lij-in in irour of ihe pipe and bis hill und eiiorown were badly tlngul I'attlck Mi faun, cm of the fitm. Kiw the bluze from tin itreit, and Iniigln'd his plan' was rn lire. Altu lon'iiioiable ex 1 il. indii tbi' II uno was quiiichcd without tailing out tin tinmen. .Nothing In tho stock xi is itaiuigid The Passing Throng. Mi- Jennie Mlhhiu is cm the slek hut. W. It Poster made a trip to Pltlkton John Kennedy was .1 Sirautou xi.ltor jester- d IV. U) Ilex. 'J'. 1'. tulfiy fpent lucday in fciunUli John .1. O'llo)li. of Siilitcu. was In town iietirda). Samuel lliimis lett on Tuesday night for New Yutk citi. .lo-ipli lliii-en lias lesigncd a, .sexton of tl. I'o.e chureli Mar) Wood), of Vine utieet, was u scianton xi'itnr lutMla). siuiuil Slngei leliuiiid licun New Wk )c tudi) .iltrrnuon. John 'tool in has ir,lcniil his poiitiou al the J'alaie lunch loom. Miss Itu.c CnnpWll is xi.ltiug in ("'Mi. Ibr humi' Is in llazlctuu. Mrs. Anlhoti) Hinnigun, ot 'ciatiton. Is isit. lug iil.ili'iin in town. Miss i.i.Ki llumpluci is Liuhnod to her home on sali 111 .111 nue by illni.,. .lu.rpli (ialligliu, of Stianleii, was logislried at the tlariison house .xestordi). Mrs. V.llrilnth Moomy, of Pittslou, i, iitlng Citbiiudalc frbmls foi a few da) is I. Val llolleiibiik iiturneil lue.dai' night to Ilellonie ho.pil il, New Virk 1 ity. Mr. und Mis p b. f'l.ini' hue rt tinned fiom 1 two weeks' trip lo tho Mi troiioH. Mi find Mrs. Jlwight 1.. Ciinc haxe been spending some time in Niw Yoik illy. i.ioigi i:aiu., of South Miin rtnit, wa in .In mill ruesdiy cxenlng, xl.itlug trii nd. Matin O'N'elll. of llinokbn street, ha, resigned his poiitiou with the s.unton 'Jraillon rum. piii) Junes Milioan, who b.n been seilomly ill at hin homo on llinokbn stnel, i, row out ut Uaiign. Miss Prunes riaunuy Is serluuih ill xilh piiiiimonii at the home ot 1. W. Iluinphiey, on S1I1111 .i 1 nue. . W. Ila.lam and (i. W. (illllis, or the In tciiiiliouil Loui.poudtncc school, weie in llonii dale .xtstirilai. Mbs KM 1 I.) mil and Mi May Kiuuidy, of sciautuu, ate xisltlug at tlie home of Authon) llaiiett, on C.mdoli incline. XI 1 . and Mr. II. t. Ituinitt. of llmghaiutoii, who haul been the truest t Mr. and Mis. W. T. Moigjn, of silcui .ixciiiii', rt tumid to tho Parloi 1 Itv .xi-terdi). It. I). Miur, tJ-hkl ef the National bulk, wint to Caibondale satunlay, and leturnid liom Monday afteinuuu with Mr'. Muir and her Ino ihlblitu, wlm hue bein spending 1 few da)i ihuc.IVrl JeriU Union. i:. J, sptttiguc i, lisltiug lil.s daughtci, Mr. Julius S 1 1.1 1 tli, of I arbondale. He will also be the guist of sorjnton fiiend,. Mi. Ceorge Van Haisen, of Hiberi). leturnetl luesdiy from a xieek'n with her sistei, Mr?. IM. Smith, of (atuonilile. Mls I.ail,u, daughter of Hex-, fj, A. PI ice will leac on Sitmday lor Kingston, when, she will ml. nil the spilug turn ot W)om ing tiinluar). Wa.ine bub pendent. JERA.YN ANDJHAYFIELD. The lt.'i llunn J. Wlnlen, 1. P. of (atlxn. dale, speike tonight lie will elrliicf his la. ilium locluie on the "Wit and Hunioi 01 the liHi Peoph" in the 1'irsl Ilaptist ihuun at 8 o'lloek. Hi, Vhahri Irlng lilu.sell .111 Irish. 11 in by biith, is well c,u illtliil to speak on thlj entertaining subjiit. Maty 01 Hie working reo pie and oliieu who he.itd his pi.l lie speeches lait ) tubir 110 familiar and will mjoy the present oppuilunit) of icon the popu lar luturer. A Jiigc number o( tliLcra hava been sold bit Our' aie still a few xaiant seat., George Williams, a well known ) mill For 50 Years mothers have been giving their children for croup, coughs and colds Consumption Cure Mothers ha.v u j'ou Siiiluii in the house at all times? Do you know iust where you can j find it if you need it quickly if your little one is gasping and choking with croup? If you haven't it get a bottle. It will save your child's life. "Shiloli always cured tny bsby of croup. roughs and colds. 1 wo ltd not be without it." MRS. J. II. MARTIN, llunlsxille, AU. Millnti'aConaiiuintlnii Cure Is sold by nil druggists at Kiln, OUr, ttl.OO u liotlle. A printed irtmritnlrn kihh with 11 very bottle. Jfyuii HrenotsHtlsllMt go to your elrnBtl anil get your money liisrle. Write for Illustrated book no. consumption. Sent without coit lo ) oil. h. I .Wells Ce.,1 sRox.N 1, of tliU boronsli, and MIm I.lnla Wendt, of Artti bald, will lm united in Intrrlago at Beranton by ltev, 1). T. Jone toda). They will take up llielr roblcnee In this boreugh. Ontailo and Western Ilnglneei' Alvont had lit leg I'llnfnllv tealdeel by ileitn jwlerday. Iho rmplojta of the (llenw ckkI, Uric am! Key. ttone colllcrlfl will ticeli their pay toda). Mist lluek, the Instructor nl Ihe play "Tho Mllpntlan, hi Falt)ltid," or the "Cruise of tho Polar Star," arrhed (rum Nixv York Monday afternoon and his tlnco been buy rtlieanlns the thlleltcn each alternooti and eietilng and irlll rontlnus to do to until the irodt.ctlon of Ihe play. Kxtcnilie prcparallona haxe been miele and a luge number of tlekrts liaia been notd In this and indghboilne towns x;hlcli udli greatly tu the encouragement cf those (aitlci. paling. All not alrealy havlnj secured llekrU i.xti secure thetn Irom tho ehlldien or at Hem drlck'a furnlturi' establishment. The Hist pel forrr.anee will tukc place I'rlday txenlng. Ths Twentieth t'enturv Sowing einle will meet at tho home of Mrs. John Mellow, of Cemcliiy ftreet, I'rlday ulteinoon. The) lecture by Dr. Vhalen xxlll lie deliierrt! In the- baptist church tonight and not In As isnihly hall a prexlnusly uunnuneed The f ongregatlonal filr again attraetid o lium'ier of people last ennlng. It wilt he open agtlu tonliiht. In all probability eicrxlhlng will lie dlesed of this rvenl'iff. John I'titihaid und sou, lliomaii, and I'red lljourk, of West Majfield, were beranton xisltera on Tuifcli). Ilim Ilatllti s,.iitf, who lu, been spending 11 few eht)ii with S'craiiton Irlcnil, Ins lelutned home. A meeting rf th" holikii ot the water bondi wu, held list eienlng to take steps towait'j joint action to secure t lie redemption nf the bond, or tlu paiincnt ol the accrucel Intetest, m i. OLYPHANT. Ihe teaihcrs of the Third Institute distilct, tontprlsing the boroiiclia of lllakelv. Thioop, l)iekon, Ob plant and Wlnton, will hold a loeal institute In the central school al this plaee 011 Saturday at l.Su p. ni. The following progiaiume has been prepared for the oe'casion: Openlnc eng, Institute; address, "The Pixel epment of Illiteracy," Pi of. I). II. Krlse, Ma), tlcldi solo. Miss May Kennedy; addiess, "Sani tary llcgulatlon, a, Kftectlng School,," Pi. 1'. I. uu sickle; ueitatlon. Miss Cora Matthews; ilhcr solo, I'rof. M. J. Llo)d; addles, "The Tc.uhets' Protessitiii," Siiperlntindent J I Tay loi; 11 1 Ion. MIm IXic Pollnineu; solo, Mls Ani.le Jones; iiddris?, "School Diseiplilic," '.. T Oire. 1 losing ode, institute Vatlnnal President f. Moiton. of the Jin tlonaiy Klnmen'i, union, of I hlcago, was in town yesterday and iddrescd two mcetlnKS of the heal tniou. The meeting, were held in th icoin, of the r.xeelnr Hose compiny. t the cloiT ol his address la't night an enjo)oblo smoker xia, held. Tlie member, of the Moduli Woodmen xilll bold .1 banquet in their loom, In KdwauU' bill thl, iicnlng, In honor of their first annlxcr sary "Hie Diamond King" will be the attraction at the Father Mithcw- Opera home tonight. The Mltecs flrosunor, of Scott, spent )ester elav with friend. In town. Joe, of Duntnori', was a xi.ltor ut the Mahun houc .icteitliy. D. (.. Jones, of Lackawanna, stteet, is eountud to hi, home with Ihe grip. Mis'. A. W". Iteiistoter, of Caibondile, spent iteiday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J, W. Kennedy, of lllakel)- MUs Alice i:wn,, of Hide I'irk. ,l(csl loll thes heic )e,tinh). TAYLOR. Ihe 1 lioir.s of the xarious cliuuhi, in this botougli are already unking preparations for Kuter muic, which the members xxlll render 011 Iiistcr sunda), April T. The choir of tho C'abary ItaptM church is one of Ihe flirt to make know 1 its intentiorrs, an 1 will meet for rehearsil tomorrow exenlnz at tlie ihurih ut S o'clock. Chorister Prof. Dliid 1. Jones ill haxe charge. The members of the Hen nil k Son Silk Mill union will hold a meeting thi, atttinoon in tlie ir iisinl inietllig pi lie. The new hiaiuh, which hi, Ikiii for some time in ionise of construction bv the Latka wannt e-onipitiy at North Ttilor. wa, connected with the hi)ier branch the fore pill ot tho week. It wait eiioneously stated lu )etcnliv'H issue that Hie tunc! il of the late V. II. Dili, was to bale orcurred xe-lirdiv (Wediusdi)). The seniles will be conducted nt the fainilv tesl denee, near the xrchbjM mine, thi, aflnunon it 2 o'elotk. Ilex, .lames Walker, nt the I'liml the Methodist chuich. will olfteiate. Inteunent xxlll be inide in the Washburn street ecmeteiy. ('. W. (iallaghei, foiineily cmplo.xcd nt the smith C'a-li store, Scranton, his aicepted a position with Judge & Co., of this town. I'rof. and Mi. T It. Dili, attended the (uncial of the lattcr'ii lathi r at Parson, xisterdiy. Htt. Janus Walker, of the Arihliald Piiniiliie Methodist church, attindtd the Mini-monthly couientlon of tin Wxoming distriet, held in lllakedi, on Tuosila). Hex. Ml. Walkir picsldcd oei the afternoon sev.loi. MI'i 1,1-1 Sprrber, of T.i)lor street, hi, te tiiined from .1 week's xisit with telatbe, in l'eckxllle. Jekawanna lallex eounell, No. M, Junior Order United Aiuerleau Meihauns, will meet tin- ennlng in tegulai se'or. Mr. and Mr, .lames Utile"), of Main stieet, ale xisltlug In New oik. PECKVILLE. Tlie tiaiigeli'tle virikcd still ionium.' at the Daptisl eliuicl. The ettiudamc and spnit aic exnllint. Itci. W. II. Williams will preaih tonight and tomonow night. It is expected tint Mi.s Hall will be piescnt al theso pel I lee?, r.xangili.t Williams lias been a ble-slng to many in these meetings. iut only line a number decided to lollow Christ who nexer made 1 start before, but the Clulstlait people olsj haio been arou'ed. Ail are cordially invited to thisc seniles. In udopttng the jjinttll set of ICkolullnns couuell xilll luic acted for the beat intetest of the taxpi)crs. Heretofore there was nothing to goieiu that body in regatd to expendltuie., and the load commissioner figured in getting in all tho time possible during his let 111, The smith lesulutlon xvill regulate all expendltuus ot moiie). It has been highly approved b) tho eitlttus who hiixe listened to Its leading. I'or the benefit ot those xxho haxe not, wo gno it xcrbitinr "Do II iiiobed by the town tounid of lllakely borough, iu ttgular ses.lou met, and it Is licit by resubed by tho authority of tlu tame. "Itciolicd. That tho tegular Meeting of councils shall be held in the borough building 011 the tlrst Monday of each mouth at 7 0 o'elotk p. 111. "Resulted, That tho president shall, upon tho icquest of llxei meinbeis of rouneils at an) time, tall a special meeting of council, all members to luxe nottco Horn tlie secretary liy oiuei 01 Ihe president. Mandlng committee shall consist of clcelrio light committee, composed of three members of tlie boaid, one member from each waid appointed by the president and approved by council. Hoad committee shall consist of three member, one from each ward, appointed by tho president and approved by the council. It shall be the duty of said committee to In struct the load commissioner in the duehaige ot his duties und cany out tho Instructions of j eouncils. j '"I hit appioprlations lie made for rarrjlng un tic work iu tha llit, second ard Tlilul wards. I nder no consideration shall the load commissioner, without tlie const nt of 4 majotlty of council, exceed the appioprlilloii so provided lor each waul. rinaueo committee thall conibt of three membels, one from each ward, to be appointed by the pitsident and approved by tho couuell. Ml exhorinatloiis of taxes or Hie collecting uf mom) due the borough shall be le (erred to the eoinuilttri' 101 consideration and bo It pott ed by the committee to council fa be approved by the rami. Judiciary conimilleu shall consist of thric members, one from each waid. All nnlleis of law shall be refened to them to ba acted on iu conjunction with tho hoiough at tOIIll'). "Itcsolvtd, 'I hat the puichailug committee shall consist of one person, who shall have power to purrluit) supplies for the running of the electric light plant and the vtidng of tho amr. All purchases shall bo tepotted to the council ut least ever) tegular meeting nigut, and cs of tin a the president ot live members of eouuu'l shall deem it mtcsiaiy for the Interest ol the boi. ouch. "Itesobed, 'Hut the emploies shall consist of sutlultut lueii, appruved by 1 toad committee, to economically woik and icpalt borough stteet and bridge, and niche for their wages a sum not to eieeed 15 cenli per hour worked, and employ so far as practicable icsletint luxpa)ers. The committee; atull, on satisfactory eildciiee, dlsehargo the road commissioner or other etif plo)c for negleetlng their woik or for trc quentlng drinking house during working hours. Under no consideration will 'tho use of Intoxi cating elrlnki during working hums bo tolerated. "Itesobed, That the einplo)es of tho ilccttlc light plant thill consist of two engineers ami ono Human for tho rnonlhs of btccniher, Jinu ary, I'ebritary and Much; for the remaining elerlit monthr the) borough elecltlo light plant shall bo operated by the two engineer at .1 sanity agru-tl 011 bv it majotlty of the town eounell, Shall additional help be leqiilicd at any time for xilrclng or ttnloidlng coil or le pairing the plant, tho electric light committee shall haxe power to furtililt It until ihe tn-xt meeting of egttliril." PrMcnted by Jarrea V. .'nillli. JESSUP. Tic nexxlx rcoiganlml liormigli council met in alouriiel sission last eirnlug with all lucmbits pifsctit exetlt two. Tho billow leg police wcio elected for the eniulng xearsi John bally ehlif-. first ward, Anthony lleston and James Hell- Second xranl, John llronii; Third wnid, .hinta Mullen mil I'atrkk Jcimlng,. The tat rollei. tor made a report for the past )car. Mr. Nil son, superintendent at Mount Jessup collier), offered to hit flu streets xiilh ahe, free of charge, which was apptoxt-d of. A committee Irom No. 2 lire c .111 piny was present and stated that tlcy had not had water hi tho hjdrants (cr iiioie than two months. If a tire bicakj nut In the community of thn piteh the whole placn will go owing to Ihii seirrlly ef w iter. Tlie newly elected walcr rontniHUu will take u Iho mitlcr and if no water eau bo friuied Initio hielrant on Conncrs' line they will icmoio tl.c h)drant to the Oliphant line. The street eoiu nilssioner w is otdered to grt to worl: home ellately 011 l)tiot stre"t and get tint street n, good cemlitlcu. II. V. btetler was a ealler in Siranton )ei terdi). The Anciuit Older or lllnemlan., ate making great pteparatiom for tehlr coming seclil whleli is to tako tdacc at the St. Jainm hall Monday eienlng, March s. Messis. Pirn ml (.'olden, Mike It unit md fienrge Mandley inu builntsn catlira in Scran ton )cstcrdiy. Word was leeched in town )cleulii tint John CuniinliiEs, ol ll)de 1'aik, lormetlv of tills pltee, had been pitmoted lo itieriiitiiiditit lor tho Scranton Coal lompany. Mr. ( uiumliig, hi, numiioiH file ml, in this town who wl'h him sueiess In his new position, D ALTON. Stanle) Mini .mixed home on Iticcla) ftcm .1 six weeks' xlslt In Herman). Mi. Allen ix petienced tho seieicst 0).ige he his enr taken on Ills homeward trip. Mary, the little daughter ot Mi. and Mis. Stanley Allen, who Ins been quite ill, is Im posing Miss draco linker i, seilou.l)" ill at ike home of her mother with pneumonia. Hex. 11. J. Whilcn, D. I), of Caibondale, g.uc his sterioptlion leiture Jir the lliptlst ihiinli 011 Moudi) evening on ('The Life of Christ," and on Tueidav eienlng he lictured on "rim might and J. irk sjjo of Life In Xcw Yoik " Mr. Wlnlen I, 11 pupuhi lectmei, elotliing III, ninarkn in elnqui'nt and witty language He I, un excellent storv tellir and delights his audi ence with the miration nf uiuming incident. The audit ni cs were not xery luge, owing to Inclement weather The funiral of 11. Webster l.ituTu was held at his lite homo in dleuburn .xcstciday morning at 10.30 o'eloek. Hex. .lame., Uichling, of Stranton, had ehaige of the tcrxiee and ltev ltobert It. Thompson assisted. A hrs,o number of 11 la thes and friend, wete in ul tendance. The c.i, kel wis eoierid in the biuuliful lloral plies. The body was takin on the noon train to Scranton and xias burled in Diiiitnoic icinituv l'tcd Siott was a xlsilor ill Montioio on sun day. Mis. Ultima Mllea and daughlei, who icuntl) ictumed from an extended x.t in Wilke, llirre. are quite ill I John Dirshlmei I, confined to Ids homo with a si lire attack of grip. Uriah II. Cole and Mrs. Kuuiii I'lankliu 111 le united in marriage at the formnV home )isttr iliy luoiuiug at Ul) I-iki Tiny left this pl.n u 011 the l.'W l.ack.m una train for a shoit wid cling tour. Un. . W. (xiopu' In, beui uninliuiusl) i.illnl to ti'tuin foi motlier )i 11 an pa-tni nf the Methodist rhiiith. l!ev. (Vsipei' bis iloue excellent work Hit' pist )oar and is highly is teemed by hi, people. letters flout Ml. Htnrt M. Iw.s and Xi,i Jessie Hill, who ,m- sojourning 111 Southern (all fomla. Flute tint they are lining a time and tint the thiimonirlci itgisteis !s) degrees Uilnaid Niitthup In, tented hi, film lo Hilbort Johnson and he will moxe hi, fauiili to (.leu burn about ptll I A100SIC. lit 1 Mi. .mil Mi. .1. N. Ikiihv atuudid me ministerial eonxcntioii in Ashley lucsln Mi's. Tot pic is ill at the home of bir eliiightn, Mr,. Illiker, of Minouka aictiue A fuewill suipii-e puty wa, teiuUietl Mr and Mis. Joint Williams, ot Minooki aunui' Tnesiliv eienlng. o Mi. and Mis. Wtlllains e peel tu ten. mo to lluiiiodale. Their mini Irlcnils iresentci thetu with a beaullliil th.ur u, .1 numento of their Irlcnd-hlp Rifusli. menu were served at a lato hour aftet whleli the giiiets departed to their homes well plea-cd with tho eienlng rnleilaitiiuent. MUs .lcs,.ie lleeel i, ill will pneum n a Kxamiuatiun xvill be In Id toda) in tlie- eighth, ninth and tenth grades of tho high school. Mi-te-f Itlanche and hlh)l 'liegilla, atteniled tho licby & Dottier weslditig at Patsons Ti us day. 'Ihe 1.0) al Tnupuatii 0 legion meet in ilie Methollsl Kpiseopat church la,t cxttiint, .ml was lirgely attended. A ui) iiittiistini. pu grammo wa., arranged by tho niilrittlitnieiit committee'. To Prevent Pneumonia and Grip,tiie Uiomo Quinhio icinovii Hie eau-e ' CLARK'S GREEN. isuphio tjud'hall, a daughter of Willi an (, (hall, who lias been .1 sutleier irom diphthiria, is now cunxalesclng. lienlamln Mead alteudod the fuuetal of bis brother, EzeMct Moid, in l.eiuuii, V)onuni count), on sjunda) last. Mrs S. I.. Wills will oct'upv tic houic ic ctntly iiijiIo vacant li) Chester Miller, am! belonging to N. s. DnK on April 1. John I. Smith and taniily will uinovc 'rom Nay Aug to this plaee, into the liousc belong ing to W. II. Smith, suoii. Mis. A. L. Courtrlght xlsllul icljtlic, i'i Wilkes Darre over sundiy, rctiirnlni; home 011 Tuesday afternoon. A largo party of our towns folk a,rmhlcd at tho homo uf Mr. and Mrs. t'.uus Newman, on Tuesday evening of this week, to do tho rag ait. They we'io ro.iallv iiitntelned by their host and hoiiess, and returned to their hemes In tho wco ipia' huui. M II. Coon lu, tented lus larni lo Willi tm Doty, who will tako pot-esslon on Apiil I RUSSIA'S BIG BUSINESS. Largest in the Woiltl nnd the Strttc's Profit Is Enoimous. "Tho ltusslan wtatu 1h by far tho Exeutest etonomlo unit on tho laLf uf tho globe." To ninety-nine leuiJeiH out of 100 this tstntenieru will doubt. less be Httirtllng, na'n llciuy Nnnnun lu Serlbner'a Magnzlne. it ceitnlnly xviift to mo when I Hint met with It, but Iho facta to Justify It ate not far to peek. Tlie IlUHsInn mute iIiuxxh an annual net proilt of 4.tvo,("jo uihlen irom IIh forcHtH. mines nnd agrleultuutl ptopertj-. It lecelxeu unnuallj SO.OUU.tMiO rubles fiom Its communltleti of i).-.seii8 lor tho use of land It ceiled lo ui ptu- fcfc. Gctlhcirenuise. Refuse substitutes. is syE Mlxotlon Oil cure kheumitlm. is S VeBuUVN ' Cute all Throat unJ J.unB AiTcctions. xCOUIS SYRUR Duffy's Cures 4llBllK NO FUSEL OIL. The World's Greatest Medicine. Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskey cures; cons,uinption, coughs, colds, grip, bronchitis, catarrh and all diseases of the tin oat and lungs. It also cures nervousness and indigestion. It gives power to tho brain, strength and elasticity to the muscle, and richness to the blood. It is a promoter ot good health and longevity, makes the old young, keeps the young strong. It will cure almost any case of consumption if taken in tune. Mother (licit of Consumption. Daughter kept stronp; and well by Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskey. 'Gentlemen: In icfercnce to )nur Malt Whiskey, I intist say that it is excellent I have had it 111 use tor nearly one year, and in that time my family has been greatly benefited, esp.'et.tll) nix eldest thnejhtcr. who was always in delicate health She is oxer sixteen years ol rteje, and ts strong and neatly I have pixcii her three lablcspoonfuls atl.tx It was for her that I wanted the consumption cure. I think it was lucky that 1 got it. (or the mother died of consumption when the daughter was ,in years of age, and the physician s.ud the child wottltl not lixe to be otr uiurtecu jcars 01 age Now she's out sixteen and the doctor is tleael lie died nf consumption of the hums In cott- elusion. 1 will say that your DUFFY'S PUUIC MALT WlllSKKY will save many lives if the people will take it It is deenlcilly the most strengthening stimulant that I have ever seen, anil we have tried a great many before xo came to you. Very truly jours. Mr JOHN PFLUGFELDKH. Ss8 Master Street. Philadelphia. I'a. OVKK 7,000 IJOCTOHS PlinSCRIMJ IT. AM) L'.OOO HOSPITALS USE IT IIXCLl'PIVKI.V. Guarantee: ' We guai autre that the most sensitive stomach will retain Duffy's Pure Mall Whiskey when it will retain no other stim ulant or nourishment." FSSpS? We will send free tn anv reader of this paper 2 of our patent Bitti&a iratite counters, for whist, euchre, etc. on receipt of cunts in stamps to cover postage They are unique and useful DUFFY'S PURK MALT WHISKEY is the onl Whiskey taxed liy the Government as a medicine This is a guarantee 11 druggists anel gro cers, or direct, $1 00 a bottle. Ketttse substitutes. the ate injurious Send for free medical booklet tv '-,- '(" " ilNKi'V ''0 noniKSTl't, N Y Closing Out Safe of Phonographs Records and Supplies We are going out of the Phonograph business, aud arc going to get rid of our slock quick. With this end in view we have inaugurated a great "Below Cost" Sale of Phonographs aud Supplies. Now is the time to buy. J. D. WILLIAMS & BRO. 312-314 Lackawanna Avenue. 1 tft K It k V, t. . V, V, V, V. Dt Vi K V. V. V. mwpmrmwAVMmtMWjmMiLwmrBKirBmmwivaMMmmttfi. 5 Hayes & Varley,s i'.'l-l'iti Spruce St., Hot u con Spring and Summer Dress Fabrics s Wash bilk Gingham, the handsomest .iml most .1 fabric shown this season foi waists, dresses and use. I he union ol silk and cotton gives exceptional stiength. All , the new pastel shades in stripes; worth soc Our price. 40C White Goods ,.. -11 . -i.e. ....i. .....t ..m ... H..11.. 1- Ill all COncciViTDIc styles, cutiMsiuiy in tiiiiinc-a, muita, i.axx us, Hemstitched Hfte'cts, Meicened Stripes, lite, lite. 1 UP Pi ices r.tnge fi 0111 I jiC Wash Silks S In raised corded stripes and beautittil combination , j colorings. Special price 4vC I Foulards 5 'I his will be one of the most popular silks worn this season We have an exceptional line rzfr 7Cr (tl (( , popular prices DXJi,. , ?.., pl,UU x TiSrWe open today our first installment of Wash x Waists. They are worthy your attention. cluiHcd lor th-in. It Ix building by fur the hmRpHl and nuM c eilly rallwa) In the world, and It nwim nnd wot Km oxer 20.0U0 miles ot iailwaf. the net le Ve llUC on whleli l to one-.seii-iuh of the net lexeiiiie uf nil thu uilUva.xn of the I'nltetl .Slates. In n,'j.s it tueheei j;tsi),iji)0,uriii into its infleis, nenil) oin-llilir or whlih Hlllil wan not piodueeel by tii.Mithm. lt bud iret Is Bieitlei than that of Fianre b) ttioie than tf.'iiii.iiOU.OHti. Ill 1MI0, when ollii of Ihe li.lllKh of lscjiidtin was untlble to llli el I trt (ibllsT.t tioiiN. the Uti'Hhtu K'lVeiniuettl had with it on ejuuetit iieeount n bahtuee of no many million of pouudK thui when Ihe Hunk of Ihisrl.llld tame tu the leis .IP u leciuiHl wai Iminedlatel)' made to ItusHia nut to dlHposo ul her bahtiiio befote it tt'llain dllle, slllee In tin so Consumption. -5 V.f. . , , K l V, U D. K J. W. WasliUiixion and VVjoiiiln: s .V Goods. s ft J ff .f woiihl be to piet ipltnte a lluain lal etlsi-, ol th. tituiiisi triav Ity 1'iuallx h Hlilc'H beluit a taiiltallMt and it bank'" of this niastnltudi , flu- lliiH.slnn stun Ik aim a met illtifKlst and n spuit met ilianl In a went, the pioucl ilium is made tm It thai It In the gieatcst laiul ovxiiei, tlie Kieatest e.ipltaliHt ami .al lien cut tile luiKi'ril biislntsfti ii lii wot Id. How to Cine a Cold. ' Don't ;," lo l'd. Don't stoji work. Don't tahe n Tinhlsh bath nml lender .xiiuiwcll liable to nil iiltat K ot pueii mnnlii. Kraufow Cold fine, In eoi -Xililellt eapsule loim, xxlll clue you In '.'I hour The)' inn ple.ifinit lo f ilie and i-iutse no ilunliisc lu .Mini li'iul or nthor dlKMKieo.ihle su'tivailnnts. 'ib t .'.".'. Sold by .MatlhoixH IHof