The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, March 13, 1901, Page 8, Image 8

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W. ' W
Request fot the Reinstatement of
Discharged Employes Is Compiled
with Visit to the City of Grand
Master Sargeant Offices In the D.,
I,. & W. Station Are Being Re
modeled Two Engineers Arc to Bo
Assigned Each of the New Lacka
wanna Locomotives.
'I'h? tliicatonnl ("ttlUe nl ihr Leln
vie, hai'kjw.innn and Western Unit
luad I'ompnny's cm cliorx: 'onu befli
ioitPl, Htnl MnMfr far Hullilor L. 'P
f oilfield yeitfiiluy irpoilril tlint nil
illincultlen weio "iiccfHsfiill' tided
iier. As vhih statMl In y.'storilny'.
Trlhimt. n I'nmurlttfp ot thlitccn iivii
iifini the vecenlly ntcnnUed Car Hulld
i' nnlnn wullofi uiion Mr. 'antleld
Moiiilny, and i.rnti'd to lilm rottulti
fi levunrtv wlih h tliev d'v'lioil rem
.llr.l. f'liii'f 'ih'oub Hiew fin n ii'iui'l for
IllP IF-lllHtufDIPIlt "I lllll'f "1P11 ill"-
i hiirscd last v-nd, ami tin cummlHi"
iiifurinpil thp niHitoi vur Inilldcr tint
11' they Mt-ro not Kini a l'avoialdi'
.Hisuvr by ypslfiiluv nonil a Htillsc
would bo mil' it'll. A 111011111? of til"
union ii" li'ld .Monday - oiling In
'aipentPis hall, and theiP the nun
nilttpp inado lis icpoit uiiil the a 'M
I'litlon ,lmilll(il lis appuiviil.
Vpstrldiiy nioi ulii all liamlr K-poit-c.l
for uoik a:i usu.U at tlir ymd. ami
lownuls i oVlock the member of the
loinmltlpo btRnn (niiKifRiitlntr mound
Jlr. c'Aiiitrld't otlli e. loiiiiu? trom lln'Ir
railijiis dppintinonti, I'lnally, lid bv
'hail mail Mi Andrew, who Is also
piphldent of the union, they tllpd into
1Iip nilli p. and then ensued a cession,
t lit pioeuPdliiKfi of which were secret,
but the icsultK of which were vciy
sKtlsf.mtoiy. In answer to the querUs
nf the men about tho yaids, the eom
mltleo that tho matter had
been satisfactorily adjusted.
Master Cur Itiillder f'.mrieM was
t-t-c.n ypsteiday by a Tribune nun,
and on being .T-ked the terms upon
which thp tiouble was nettled roil-l
to give any answer more than the btlef
htatement. "Eveiythlng- Is now quiet
nnd pcreeful. and nil dlffeienreo nd
jnsted "
Grand Master Sargeant's Visit.
". V. SdiRcnut, of Peoi l.i. Ill . Brand
master of the Brothethootl of Loco
motive Firemen, was in the city yes
terday, and it half-dozen members of
the Lackawanna railroad grievance
onimlttee were also bore from dilfer
f nt points alone the main Ihi". and
fiom what could be learned Indirectly,
whatever grievances the men have will
be .-Htlsfaetoilly adjusted.
It was intimated by j-everal railroad
niPi) that Mr. Siuesant and the com
mittee bud a conference with "
Superintendent T. IX Olarke and Supei
intcndent of Motive Power and Ma-
ninny T. H. Lloyd, at the fonwt'H
olflce mi .Monday evening, but this
-latetiient wus denied at tho ceneral
-iipcilntcndent's ollke. It Is a fuel,
however, that Mr. SniKcant had a con
fereiue with Mr. Lloyd yesterday af
'einoon. but it was uuderstond that
the ineetliiK was purely Infonnal. and
ihat nothing- perlulnhiR to thi alleged
ailevanees was discussed.
Mr. Sai.geant was reglsteied at thx
.leini.Mi during his stay In the city
mil left the hotel after lunch yester
day afternoon, and the majority of tin
onimlttee had depaitcd for th li re
swetivu homes before 4 o'cloi U.
Offices Being- Remodeled.
Tin- ofllres of Dlstiiet PasseiiBei and
l-'ielBlit A cents Hmlth and Ten Hiook
lie undcrRoluir iniuh needed repairs.
I'aluter.s and papeihangeis ate now at
wmk beautlfylns the spacious toom
.Mid when this is finished the loom will
he dhldcd into apartments for the
Lackawanna representatives.
This room was foimerly occupied by
the eiiKlneeiliifr depaitment. but the
me now located at Tloboken. mid the
oflkes formerly occupied by Smith and
Ten Hioek nie now used by the iniy
nuMei's depaitment.
The mom at the extieme mid of tin
main hall, formerly ocmplcd by Sandv
Stlllwell. is belli;,- fitted up for the
Lnldk'e builders heaikpmrteis
Two Men for Each Engine.
AVIth the addition of the new loco
motives on the Lackawanna-tallroad It
will lie possible for eiifflnecis to l a
igned ipgular runs on the road, which
luis heen mi impossibility during the
winter, owing to a lack of engines nnd
-likness among the men.
It Is Intended that theie shall be two
men for each engine. This means that
tlii-io Mill be two engineers, one to inn
while the other Is off. Of course, this
arrangement will also affect the Hie.
men, and eventually mean that both
the engineers nnd llieiueu will have
what Is commonly called "steady run."
A laipe number of the men now enjoy
leuubir i mis., but this liiv.ulably ap
plies to the passenger and fast fi eight
It Is also intended that promotions
shall be made on the road according
to nieilt, and that lngih of service
will pol be consldeied unless the ap-
Timely Advice fiom the N. Y.
"Mngazino of Sanitation and Hy
giene." The New Yoik Magazine of sianl
latlon and Hygiene says that a moie
meritorious medicine than Krause's
'old Cum for the pievcntlou and cure
if La Oilppo has never come under
-he examination of the clumlcal und
nedlcal experts of that magazine. As
mui as you begin to take cold or feel
he Ill's t fcymptoniH of the Grip take a
Krauze's Cold Cure Capsule every 3
lours during the day and 2 before re
aring at night. This will insure a good
ilght'b rest and a fiee movenunt of
die bowels next morning, continue the
leutment the nest day and you need
mve no fear of thu Grip.
Krnuse's Cold Cure Is guuiaiilced to
hrc.ik up La Grippe In a day, ami to
.-mo an ordinal y told ovor night. It
s it new principle In mcdlchiu pie
.i.ired In sott, soluble) gehitlno enp
iujs. which nro easily (llrsolved by
ho vaimlh and fluids of the stom
ich. They are far supcilor to liaid,
uigar-coaied pills or tablets. They do
mt nffect tho head ns dees n,ululne nor
ipset the stomach. They contain no
Mlonifl. and can Iw taken with safely
y the mobt delicate woman or child.
Krause's (Vld Chip Is for sale by
rrlst.s at "3 tents u Uj.
&rir te. bZV i
L- L
Ilns been one of tho most important factors in the physical
development of women. It lias given her freedom of move
ment, freedom in dress and freedom of action. Tho wheel
has led her afield to enjoy the sports which not long ago were
the exclusive property of men. In the earlier part of tho
century past it was considered tho nemo of womanhood to be
helpless, clinging and dependent. A standard authority
upon femalo propriety nt that time wrote for his daughter's
guidance: "Should you be so unfortunate as to possess a
robust constitution by nature, assnmo such sickly delicacy as
is necessary to keep up the proper female charm."
To-day, the woman of naturally robust constitution is en
vied by women and admired by men. To-day the " proper
femalo charm" is not sentimentality of inind and sickly deli
racy of body, but the sound mind in the sound body which
for centuries has been the standard of masculine
excellence. For tho great Mridcs made in the
physical development of women no one thing is
so largely responsible a the wheel.
Hut there is one word of caution which needs
lo be spoken again and again to tho athletic young
woman of the new century, and that is, "Kemem-
ber tin- natural limitations of womanhood." " For woman
i not undeveloped man." And it is unnecessary as it is
undesirable that physical development s.houlil destroy the
charm that is summed up in that one word "womanly." It
I . "
i tho forgetful ncss of the natural womanly limitations,
which frequently leads young women to undertake exhaust
ing exercises at :i time when nature demands the least possi
ble exertion. The result is irregularity or some form of
womanly disease which may if neglected undeiinine
the robust, physical health which is Mich a source
of happiness.
For all forms of womanly ill-health, or dicac
curable by medicine, Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescrip
tion is confidently recommended as the best and
safest of preparations for women's use. It estab
lishes perfect regularity, stops weakening drains,
heals inflammation and ulceration and mires female
weakness. It makes weak women strong and sick
women well. Backache, sideachc, headache, nen
ousness and all the ills that grow out of disease of
the womanly organism, are perfectly and perma
nently cured by the use of Dr. Pierce's Fauirito
''It gives me much pleasure,"' writes Miss lilia Sapp, of
Jamestown, Guilford Co., N. C, 'Mo thank Dr. Pierce for
the great good received from the u?e of his ' b'a oritp Pre
scription ' and 'Golden Medical Discovery." T had sutl'ercd
three years or more at monthly period's. It secnd as
though I would die with pains in" my back and stomach. 1
could not stand on my icet at all "without fainting; had
given up all hope of ever l)ciug cured, when one of un
friends insisted upon mv trjiug Dr. Pierce's l-'nvorttu Pre
scription. Willi but little faith I tried it, and before I had
taken a Iwttlc I felt lictter, had better appetite and slept better. Now I have taken two bottles of
' Favorite Prescription ' and one of 'Golden Medici! Dn.coven,' and am happj to say I am cittuely
cured, and all done in two months' time when all other medicines had foiled to do any good at all."
The general results which follow the use ol Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription aie
well illustrated in the following letter from Mrs. Sauerw aid. Contrast her condition
before beginning the ue of ' Faiorito Prescription " and after her cure, and it can be
well understood that she "felt like a new woman."
"Your medicines are certainly a blessing to suffering women." writes Mrs. I-'lla baucrvald, of
I0J5 W. Pratt Street, U.iltimorc, Mil " I suffered witli letnale weakliest very badl. , was c.trcmiU
ncivoiii at all times, had indigestion, could not bleep, constant dull headache -hi fact, I was very
miserable when 1 began to .ike your medicines, but after taking them a short time 1 began to feel
lictler. My nerves were better; could sleepat night, headache ceased, digestion was imprmed,
I felt like a new 'toman, and could go around and attend to my household duties, which previous
to taking your medicines I could not do. Dr. l'scicc's Pleasant
relicts cured me ot constipation ot many j ears' standing. I
took c!t'cn bottles in allsix of l-'avoritc '1'iescription' and
lie of 'Golden Medical Discovery' and also two u'alsof the
' Pleasant Pellets.' I am sure if uiore women who suffer wn'ild
take Dr. Pierce's medicines thes would then lie cominctd of
the good they can do."
Sick women are itnitcd to consult Dr. Pierce Ivy
letter, free. All conespondence is held as sacredlj
confidential and the written confidences of women are
guarded by the same strict professional privacy ob
served by Dr. Pierce and his staff in their personal
consultations with women, at lh Invalids' Hotel and
Surgical Institute, Buffalo, X. . Addiess Dr. I V.
Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y.
THiS BOOK, Tho Common Smnme, Medlcml Ad.
. vlaar, a not for mala. It contain
over a thousand page; and la aent FREE to thoae mend
Inu mtamnm to pay mxpenmm of mailing ONLY. Sand St
ono-ccnt at am pa for the cloth-bound volume, or only
21 atampa for tho book In papor-ooverm.
Ad drome i Or. ft. V. PIERCE, Buffalo, M. Y.
plUants aie thoiouchly lompeleiit to
be advaniid
D. & H. Men Have Giievances.
It w.s i-steula h-aim-d on (,ood
authority that a onimlttee or ihivo
in-mbtfiM lepiesentlng the Mrotherhood
FiieniPii on the Delawur" and Hud
son rallioad have gone to Albau to
pieseut grievances to Vlce-Presldi-nt
Young, with a vl'-w to having him take
the matter under eoiisldeiulloii. What
tin grlcvaiiiesaie could not bo teamed.
The stallonuiy elisliieeis employed
by the Delawuie and Hudson lompaiiy
are also looking for an adjustment of
their wage scale, and hae called u
meeting tin next .Sunday ,u Carbon
dale. Tho rnustloii of wages will be
discussed. The men ussert that other
lompanles are paying a unlfoun scale
of wages, and that the Delawaie and
Hudson company pay dlffeieiU lates.
A lame iiiilltu in scale will he asked or.
Today's D L. & W. Boaul.
The make-up of today's I)., L, and
W. boaul Is as follows:
Wild Cati, VJj.t-S p. n.. Mill. itli lll.liliu'i
irrni ll p. in.. C. W, Dunn
WtM lit!, V.iA-3 a. l,i.. W. p. wjuflj U
a in,, A. J. .McDor.nelli S.iO a. in., T. J,
Trtnpeii: ID u. in., M. I'lnnnly, tl . In., M.
Ccilllyi 1 I', m.i .1. Mu.kri 1:41 . in . J.
PnrMurt; S p. m . ioirc hint; 0 p. in , P.
Snmiuttr, a. m, iati, ,li,ir -.mic-.
S . in., v,ta, U, l'louiifi' ; ll p, in, r.i.t, .1.
IU-linU'i.n; It '. in., inl. , 11 Milol;
In., init from Say Auk. Mow staple. ltll
IMiTinl Jli'MII'U-r' mi n i 7 i. in., rti-t tiem
Cnjiiua. " p. m. wot (iota,
Puller 10 a. in., I' P. S.inr.
Pittlin s ii. in.! lluimu 10 in. S. Pin.
nerlyi U.A) t. li.. Mmuii, 7 p. in.. Minpliy; !
)i, in.. tJiinpIng; 10 p. Hi. T. Viiniun,
PaMpnetr JaiKliiM ? n. at., (.jtlneji 7 , n .
bliiKtr: ""' y. m., Stanloni 7 p. in., MiOtwi-tn.
WI1J C'cti, Wii -I f. in,, A, -Wldr.el. Willi
I, :, Manli-i' men! S .1. m., 0, I'IIzkuuIiIs iJ
s. in., Khbv, Willi II, Polinly'ii iiicn; a a. l.i,,
.lolm i;l.Jtun: a a, in. A. lirlthim; in a, in.,
M. linlilru, nW V M. Il.illell'ii linn: II . in.,
.1. Uaxli ri 1 p. in., 'J, ltn,Uilplij ! p in,, I,
II. MiCi.ti; t) p. in, II, C at in i ; I p, in,, J,
p-.oti: tjii: ,ak,
n.( n c tucci co-j no
riuiiuiri i ncck,u i sixth
-hlla'lrlphls, r. Only l.tritiA hlMlnlN
4rrl.. l.uar.4lt.flArur. nl.ohr mill I rl
1,1. . a. a. I,.u.u .1..... It,..-.. tl..t &.......
". "" -. .r- ., ...hptb. a,,,...', , ., n. urn..,. ninbMKi.inri.vr.1. .SMrlil,irni.o
rutllncl, I ni..lunm.nU .V Mirunl.n llntta...
rcti rf rarfd 4 to III 4!.. Stl .rlr.Drlirllril L flftin!
hollilltl t,.rl. rr In (,.riRf. Start fnr bank "Trulk'-f 11
potlng ti.rjr pirdlrAl & fraud., M.nllon tbl litp.r.T
III Mln P III W A lllllllelullltn, 0 p.
, I I. l!,;u.
NOIK i:.
. II R, v i- will , ii, lili ( riiiiii, tor 'niewlore
Xaiiin. n' uivv leuiiUr, n. innriunii; net trl,i,
until fuillipf nolle-
llomd llou-ei l'lca-i the in it-gulir rneiue
.-ml limine uiw en ii .1. m , Wild lit, l.ji.
Maiili IS. Rnslno and crew tu ilmililo luil.
frnin IVrt Mniil.
This nnd That.
A largo number of local hardware
dealers will 'go to Vllkos-13uno Fri
day afternoon and there attend a
meeting which Is to bo held for tho
puipose. of amalgamating tho Haul
wine Jobbers' association of this city
with that of 'Wilkes. llan e.
I'uliie liTjJiiuiten 1i,i,i iein !ird to loiati
tlnce iiiIojIhk jieoidi" Mix. llulieil Tred, of
('jjtf'ii. N'. J.. I ImiMiie fur lirr liiiillnr. Jolm
KnnY, Mi. I'.llen IIoIkii, id lluiUujy. X. ,1 ,
tlilnl.4 hn' Irotliir, .Ijiik'. .1, rUike, ll Ik
ing lieie. Hid a m in ly tlm n.iinn nt W. .I. II. n
nett, ot llmtc ( lly. h vippccd to I" In tlili
A innnlier ot llio ilit iandy nn,vln-tlif-lot
inaeldnei on tlm lenlral illy ttirtlfviero lirnken
into tuid ii,Uii-i ot their piimli'4 Wmidiy nlclit
'J l,o inlptlu jio tlioutflit to tie mull Ui
jj. LGORDON" 1
Before buying, send for catalogue.
H. 5. QORDON, .V.Vvo'ri. .,,.
Li I
Manufacturer of
485 to 455
K. &iatb. Btrost,
Telephons Call, 23.H.
Tailored Suits and Skirts
The procession proceeds without interruption and every
day brings to the front some new illustration of dress
making taste and ingenuity. Stop a moment and exam
ine these two :
A Skirt of
Black Silk Grenadine
Made over Black Taffeta, with innu
merable rows ot Liberty Silk Shii
ring and ruffles of Black Brussels Net
edged with shirring, flouuce style,
A beauty rich, elegant.
A TailorMade Suit
of Blue Broadcloth
Blouse Jacket and Sleeves, beautifully
trimmed with rich Persian aud gold,
bands. Skirt finished same style and
in flounce effect, Silk lined through
out. Most distinguished. Would
you see it ? Come early.
Many Overgarments await you. Eton and Blouse Jack
ets, all top lofty in style good style. The showing is fresh,
today's differs from that of any former day. The styles are
exclusive to Connolly & Wallace's. Hvery garment is a reason
in itself why you should cultivate an intimate acquaintance
with the Connolly & Wallace Suit and Wrap Department.
127 AND 129
The Cheapest
Shoe Store
Myer Davidow,
307 Lackawanna Avenue.
The Cheapest
Shoe Store
0 -
At Less Than Cost of Making, for Tien, Women, Boys, Misses and
Children. All Styles and All Sizes.
130 pairs Ladles' 10-Inch Box Calf
Russet ami Black $2.50 and fp3.50
Shoes at . .1.09.
06 pair Ladies' Fine Vlci Kid, kid
lined and handturned Shoes, woith
3.00 nt 51.60.
76 pair Ladles' Patent Leather
Lace and Button $2.50 Shoes at $1.79
750 pair Ladies' Vicl Kid button
and lace flexible sole, Thomas Plant
make, worth $2.00 pair at !?1.40.
All sizes, widths B, C, D, and E.
300 pair Ladles' Dongola Button
and Laco Good-year welt $2.00 Shoes
at ?1.40.
150 pair Ladles' Dongola Button
nnd Lace 1.50 Shoes at 08c.
A few pair Ladles $1.50 spring
heel shoes at 50c.
500 pair Ladies' S1.00 Russet
Shoes at 98c. All sizes.
Ladies' S2.00 Sllppeis at 50c and
Ladles' Blue Sntln $2.00 Sllppeis
nt 50c.
mr- a
Kuj&Jti,iV.i r iJfjt f K-. , .tj. n.i' aWWWWWW
Wi-'!' l-fiAVaaaaaamm
JaWaw emWShaiWr
Ladies' first quality rubbers,
squaic toe only 15c, lound toe 35c,
Child's Rubber Boots at 75c.
Men's Arctics only 98c.
Youths' Rubber Boots at 08c.
Men's Rubber Boots at $2.00 and
76 pair Men's Russet nnd Black
Enamel 83.00 Shoes, nt $1.08.
150 pair Men's Box Calf nnd Rus
set, leather lined, rubber heel $3.00
Shoes nt S1.08.
48 pnlr Men's Ennmol $3.50 Shoes
at $2.48.
68 pair Men's Box Calf, Velout
Calf nnd Vlcl Kid $3.50 Shoesat $2.48
300 pair Men's Diesa Shoes, worth
$1.50, at 98c.
Men's Working Shoes 98c, $1.29
nnd $1.50.
Men's Mining Shoes only 08c.
Boys' Shoes at 08e.
Misses nnd Children's Shoes, all
We unite you to call and set. with your own eyes the best shoes for the least money. Fvcry shoo
guaranteed, and cverv item as advertised, and you will surely save money by it,
The Cheapest Shoe Store.
307 Lackawanna Avenue
Booms 1 aiid.2, Coui'llh B'l'd'g.
mining and Blasting
UfU at Mootlo and Iluili Jalt WoUi,
leolrlo llattertet. KlMtrln Kxplojari
plodlng blast!, Safety Kuiaui
Repauno Chemical Cos expi'iVo
Not in Nature
for anyone to alwayn feci tired There
u nn ,.ril in Atav out an existence
without ambition,
Weak nereare rejponslble for lan
guor, depreatlon, debility and varico
cele r!atd nerve, whether due to over
work, oer-lndulience or any other
cause, can be made ttrou as steel by
The v tone and I nvlgorale even- orRan
of the'boUy, aootlie und Ucngtheii the
nenea nnd traiKform broken donn
men and women iuto strong, healthy.
lgoroiix. ruddy-cheeked persona. If
you find this isn't bo, you eel jour
lnonry luck,
tl 00 per .MiTt (I boxes (with guaran.
tee). ".(. Hook free. Vzm. Medi
cink Co., Cleveland, Ohio.
For sale by John II. I'helpi, rharmsilst, torner
Wjumlnj a.cuue and bpiuce street.
Central Agent for the Wjomlcx
District for
Mining, Blaitlrg, rfllT. 5moVflts and th
ltrpsuno Cbtmlcsl Company's
High Explosives.
Ealety fuse, Caps snd Exploders. Room 101 Cos
Dfll Uulldiiig, Susnton.
iiios. roitn ntuton
JOHN B. SMITH & EON Dtmrnith
W. 1'. UULLIQAK Wilkcs-Btrre