The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, March 13, 1901, Page 5, Image 5

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ft rfliiisn, U make, no dlficrcns!
where, the Muling ltjri,c leads Urn
world Irui mii nt oven iluor jinl
patent banning health urn two eooi!
mill iwful fMlinri uu grt with no
other ungc-
"Hi. Vo rint "
Foote & Shear Co.
I19N. Washington Ave
Capital 5200,000. Surplus $500,000.
United Stntcs Depositary.
Business, personal and sav
ings accounts invited.
t, per cent, interest paid on
savings accounts.
Open Saturday evenings
from ci to 9 o'clock.
W'm Cosncll, President.
Misry Bn.iN', Jr., Vice l'res.
Wm. H. Pick, Cashier.
Repairing Done Gratis.
I ii.ii In . I i 1.', 1 ill:
lli'hii I. ni i iiiuo ,
Ian t r iiipi i iiur
330 l'lfll ,, t '
330 ' ''hi ' I I I
li) iUkicci
. .iO dimics
70 jici 1 1 lit.
d7 "l tint.
.. 0 2 llllll
I ll 'UK (inline S ! ix-
V 1 ih I JIlK'HllC. Ol 1'llllalklpllia, In vil
li nj, i.tri, Mis. Jfilm Huike, of Ciiceu llliUe.
I. ii mini, f-Lif,cint I dwuil I lojil, if the lnul
niii satimlay und part f Mindr in
N - k iltl,
I) W Miiiimiii, rupcilutcii Kut of tlic Pullman
m i.ii. on the Lailiawaiuu rilhoad, was In
t cm i idi.
IIi I itlur Kill, fnmiil of 'lonaudi, who
ini:ml i haulta .i li.ii time ni.0, ami who liu
lit ii .p i Iiiir a few ilajs will. WMiop llobin,
i( i i iJji tur 1'liilail Iplila.
Mm V Mimtll h,u letuiiicd in liu homo
0 iliin-. mume, alitr -i wcd.N vhli in Niw
Wl. no Ml. Mlliu Nliiiilin, of Will,uc,
1 i i-btir ot Mi. Mniull, U liu litter's
C i-" as is alio Mi. C. I!. Cuhii.ii, of .Nm
V i
-c i Nuntuii vuiilli. have di4iii';u-lcd
1 1 n 1 1 1 c i v t iii tin rilnc itlonal mini ,1 1'iln c'ou
iinitci nt, ind In tin list ol Hut 'irm i'uiiur
ii n lu-i puhll-hid I lie tulhiwln,; iiiuin appear:
s in i, II A Wall,-, ut sciauUiii! II Ii.
, n, if Witt I'lltiitoui M'liliom ju , t:. 1',
1 lii liiiimi re, tioihtncn.'P II. Heine, if
Siraniun It I) Mum., nl i'ii'.tu. Mi
( Iom. wa. ont ol foni in the Sy'iomui l t u oblaimd litylt lit 1101
High Mass of Requiem Celebi cited
nt St. Paul's Church.
Tho funeiut of the late Michael J.
fiurke wan held jestjiday moiniug
from .31. I'uuI'h chutch, Utoon Itldge,
and was uttcudoJ by latgj dolegatlons
from tho Catholic Mutual Uencvolent
association and tho Imptoved Ordor of
Heptasophs, of both of which oivo-ui
nations Mr. IJutko was a mombor.
A high mass of lequlem was solem
nized by tho jinstor, Ucv P. J. Mc
MumiF. who also preached a btlf
funeial fit i num. Tho'actlvo pall-buuv
cm wcto Dr .inniLU Stein, Otto. Duob
lor, Jacob A M.llTtr, M. H. ITlgBlns,
'John J. O'lJi-M' uiul J. O. MoAndiow.
The honoiaiy pall-beaters woio .Tumes
O'Urien, John Neaiv, Finnk 1 'dweller,
Michael Claik, Martin Gcnlty, P. II.
(olden, Samuel Koberts und J. .1. Ma
ghian. Cleailng Sale of Framed Flctmes
To Mako loom for Kiutcr CJoods. A
Manco at our window will rIvu you nn
Idea of th" bai gains Jnulde. The Oilitln
Business Is Lagging at the Reciult
ing Station.
lluf-lucss Ii not very bilsk nt tlio
United States nimy iceiultlng ttatlon
on M'yoinliiB.nvcnuo thce tiny, ttiul
o far this month but two msn linvo
been sent fiom tlio city. They mo
Hoibert I-. Spaihc, of IIonrBilalo, nnd
Albert L. Hoffman, the latter u cet
linl city barber.
Doth men vers itnt to tho batratks
at Cnluinhut. O. Nowa ban been to
fK;d at the fallon that lMwnril L.
f"t)hal. of this city, who enlisted
riming I'Vbniiuy, Ikih cotniilclcd his
t'our.( of ti.ilnliih'. and W now ii mfin
btr tit Ttnop A. l'ouitt'nth Cuvnliy.
Ills lottlmoiit Im at ptcK-nt ntntloncd at
I-rt I.(.acnuin til, Kmii., but H soon t'l
Kmvo for the 1'hllipplncs.
Bonul o Revision, of Taxes Assured
by City Solicitor That They
Can't Serve After April 1.
The mcmbcis of the boatd of icvlf-iun
ol taxes nnd appeals reallz"d eitcrday
that they would not huo tho woik
if heat In? tippcal.s on tho ttlonulal
iissof,ment ronipleti1 by April I, and
they iiei'oidlnBly sent In u request to
City Solicitor Vosbuis for nn opinion
as to whether thoy could not contlutio
to hear appeals after tjiat date until
they completed tho assessment.
H didn't tnke Mr. WsIhuk mom
than llttcen minutes to i-oinpllo and
stnd up stairs the follow Inff opinion,
which mine as rather a rudo slunk
to tho members ot tho bonul:
IK. in! of ltcihlon nml Appeal:
Gintlcinen: In iepono to jour rciust of
tlic 12lti la! , I mciiM my tint on tlio fn.l
Motiiliy ot April of thl jph, Hie laws applkalilc
to tillcs ti tlio fiii'ti'l dm will apply to tli t-t
Ut ; ami ni thrro is no protMon in nidi iiwi
for a lioaui of tt lcUion ami appial, uii
cannut legally continue to net in tuUi tiuaiil
for any purpiw, alter tliat ilite.
I'nJer tlic second Una city li, the clly
asse-vMjM liear ami illsnosc ol olijcitlons mulo
to awevfinenK, tlnlr number bcinB inercascil to
flic cty Imly jonr,
A. A Wlmrg'. rity 'ollrltor.
Tlio iisstshois hao co far completod
the .ib&exsnuut booKs of onlv ten
wards), and aro iclalnlnt' for further
altt't.itiou anil amendment tho bouKs
of the otlior cloven wauls.
Commeiclal Bowleis Defeated on
Homo Alleys Though Downed,
They Ate Fiactically Assuied
A hit go delegation of Set anion 111
cc!o club rootets acLompanlcd their
bow Hue; team to the HIK alleys li.t
nlKht and watthed them defeat tho
ctai'k Commeiclals In three mtilchcx,
m.uked by splendid lolling. The 111
cclo club men attained a total ot 2,iilL
pins to their opponent!)' 1,514, but tho
latter, though defeated, piled up enough
phib to place them about four bundled
points ahead of tho Iiiickus team, their
ntaivHt competitor In the Northeastern
Pennsylvania toitmament laoo, and
the silver ttophy is now piaotlcally as
hiuvd them.
l'our doublo teutuiles weto lolled
last night, the club men seeming tlueo
of them. AV.udell was high man with
.'2n, which ties the hcoio of Hull, of the
Klkt). w'hleh has ttood as high matlv
tluoughout the tournament. Jlltchio,
of the Commercials, had the best bum
ago of tho ten rolleis, making VjO.
Muoio'h aveiago ol ISfi was second, The
detailed scoies follow;
I ital
1-1 111
jl -,;n
1 Vi 4i.
IV) t: I
U'l 4VJ
x'jO .'VI i
117 "ll
V'l ,ViJ
I7n- l".t
.n.1 "till
1" "n
an Wonncr
rot iii
w n. u II
tailor .
stilr ..
Ituptr ..
Mooie .
nifAd.r. n.Ln
i;o 'j-j
17 i
Tolil .... x.,1 mi UK" Jolt
Last night's match biings to a closo.
the ConuneiclnW schedulo, and gives
thorn a tolnl of 10,0u2 pins lor twenty
lour games, compatod to tho Uackus
total of is,3t. Tho Ulcycle club must
bowl anothf'i- g,m" to completo Its list
and the Wist I-iul A hcelmun, of
Vllkes-liaiie. and the KlUs have two
mote matches to bowl.
As things tit piestnt Mand, tho Com
moiclals aio about as,suicd the cham
pkuiililp, and Hopkins, of the Uackus
liim, Is ceitnlu ot the pil?o for high
IndUldual .nciago. As elated aboo,
AVaulell and Holl am lied o far for
th'j pilze tor th highest soto.
I.i.t if IitltM inniliiins inaallnl for at tlic
S union l'u.tollltc, Laekiuanui luiml, l'j ,
M ii tli l , pm Tenon railing foi tluse letleis
will pliui-c ay adiiTtUcil ami gin tlatc of Hit.
l.ia II Itlppli, PoMnusttr
11111 Mini, Mln Joule Vilaiiir. Mln Ida Aim
6tioiiB, Horace II. AUirfht.
J, IliiuMi, rtlnn s Illil.o, (,(oikc t. Illue
OilatUmitli), . II. niili. 11. II llinliiin, 1). it.
1). Iluiton John llurkc l.niini llcaslc.
Mi. Willlim Cuminlngj, Mis. l M CVuktr,
A. 1'. tampliell, Irfdtritk 11. Crawford, l. U
Cralff, N fioit, Jlaicett C. Coiichlf. 1 lie
Ciltlt, . M. CaipenUT, Patrick Tolllnt.
.1 1. Dean, William DUhei, (ieorge II. Piiiiclj.
MIm M.irtlc l.ldretl, J. P. Kiam.
T lloon. Ida rUlier, Mi. aaia 1'ield, MU.
I.ulili link.
MUii I l.icni. ( Orazlci. l.lmcr f.ardncr.
(. A. Hairs. John I Into, A. M. Ileinun
JniKi It Juiiii, Janice 1). Johnston.
l.niiiu Kulillirrg. l'lanl, Kilmci.
Jerry IjikIo, Ml.s Dilla Logan, MUs Lillian
K. IawU, Me. Losti,
1' M. MoCaulei, Ml.. Maiy MiPnnousli, T C
llolani, Mis. Miry MePninolt, ficoigc Miller,
John II. MoirUon, 1'ieil I-. Mtrrltt.
II, It ortliup, John Nunc.
J. T. Tleicc, OroiBO Pennington, frlanlej
Price, Ticaturcr of 1'iotcrtcil Hoiue Ciulc
Jiniilc Itapp, l'icrco A. Ita.tniond, 1'ctcr llalpli,
liohcrt Itecil.
II. II. Mringfellow, Mr. Iloe Stciducll, Mr
SlinCnce, Mr. A II. Spuck, II. J. Selull, Mr
Lillian -t,cl,, Mlu Ldith Slimnoiif, l)r K. A
"In. Jolc Thoina., Hairy C Tiolcr, Jjines
Mr. Mark wllcc. Mi ArIIla William, (!
W. Wc.ltv, MIm l.lule Walthcm, It. 1). Wood
waid, I. 1). Wll.on, (,'trlrude Wll.on
West Scinnton Station.
Lnunucl llodlne, HIS Srianlon Mieet; Joerppo
pe M)o, thdtinit trtctj llatika V'cdir, W. M
Hall. MIm LUjIo Junii, MUs Horn UU, Mii
L. Mlnhan, )t .Kan lloieti.'rani, Ualklni, Ucc
oialon MU. Lcoia iickc.,
Sentenced to Be Hung.
Tho Juty In the Couit or Publlo
Opinion deciding tho meilts of
Fchrbntr'B sepia plctuiev, enlurged
fiuiii phologiaphs havo rendqied tlm
nben c M'idlct.
The hanging eidnco Is nn lc-w at
the studio,
At Yestciday Aftei noon's Meeting
They Piepaied a Scalo Which Will
Bo Put Into Hands of Aibltintois.
Meeting of Mill Owners and Super
intendents Will Bo Shoitly Held,
nt Which Joint Action Will Bo
TnUen Regnullng Matter Hnivey
Willing to Aibltrato.
Tho sulking ghls fioin Haiicy llin",'
.'Ilk mill held a meeting ontoidny af
ternoon at Caipontois' hall, and thoto
appioved tho action of the oci'ittlvo
lommlttoo In parsing tho i evolutions,
Pi luted hi jrstotday motnlng's Ttlb
tmo. signifying tho willingness of tho
sttlkcts to settle the present dlllltultlos
by nibltratiott,
A committee was also appointed by
the i halt man to diaw up a seule ot
wages, which will bo put Into tho
hands of the ntbitialor or aibltintois,
as tho case may bo. This aetlott will
bo followed by tho locals of all tho
mills. Tho Fcalo adopted by Iho Har
vey ghls Is tho same tis that which
was diawn up by tho genet nl soalo
touuiilttcc six weeks ago and picoutod
to tho mill ownois. One hnpottnnt
(oncesslon m.ido, howoor. Is In tlio
matter of lines.
One- of tho olllclals or tho llanov
woikots' union ycsteiday lomarkod
Hint tho mcmbois of tho association,
far fioin objecting to tho lining ss
tctn, on tho nppioxod of It as
a matter of necessaiy illsclpllno. She
fuithoimoro anuouucod that tho llnt
vey girls onteitaln no other gtlovnnces,
and that tho only inattci In which an
Impiovpincnt Is askoil Is tho wago
scalo ptevalllug nt the mill.
mi;i:t5 this MOitxixn
Tho oxecittlvo conunlttoo will meet
this moi nlng nt Cupeiitcis' hall, nnd
will further illscus Hie mattti of ni In
flation, and decide on tho number of
atbltiatots In whoso bands will bo on
ti listed the ,stt Ike's futttio. No action
will bo taken bv tho mill ownois ro
gntdlng tho fiuostliui of arbitration
until tho letiiiu fioin Iho South of
Valentino Ullss and Supeilntcndcut W.
11 Uals, of tho Sauquolt mill.
These two gentlemen, as tlio pio
piletor of tlueo local plants and super
intendent of tho laigost bilk mauufac
tuilng ostabllslnnent In the country,
mutually tontiol the situation, and the
smaller mill ownois am unwilling to
take any action before they aio on the
scene. Messts. lillss nnd D.uIh aio ex
pected homo within a week, and
Midlghtuny on their imlvnl a meet
ing will be called of all tho ownois of
local and l'lttston mills, at which ih
sttlkors' pioposltlnn will bo seilously
Alfted llnivoy, pint propiletor of
Hnicy I'.i os.' South Scrauton silk mill
and I'ot est City plant, yestoulay do
clated his willingness to nibltiate, and
thus oxptessod himself to a Tiibuno
"1 i-oitninly would bo willing to have
this stilko settled by atbltratlon, mo
ldlng It could bo left to Intolllrjent
poisons, men who ate convotsant with
tlio situation and silk business In gen
eral. In this matter, .is in exeiythlng
potlalnlng to a settlement pf tho stilke.
we stand willing to follow the example
ol tho Sauquolt mill.
"As tn tho details fur choosing a
boaul of nibltiatlon. wo would bo
willing to choose one poison and lot
tho sttlkus have thcihohcot auotlu-i,
Iho two to select a thhd aibltiatoi."
Opening of New Club House In
Oieen Ridge Last Night.
The ("Sicca JMilge Vlictlmcn opened
their fair In their handsome now club
house at inn AVjomlug numito under
most f.uorablo c licuini lances. Tho
amusement foatmo ol tho evening was
the mlustiPi iicifotmancc given by
niembeis ot tho I'locliic City A'heel
ineii, which vas enjojed li u Hige
audience. The Oiphcus club n'o gavo
many tuneiul selections,
Fioin loof to cellar the house was
thtonged by the club's fi lends, i ho
oted the kitchen at tho top of tho
house as much ot a model In its way
as the bowling alloy in tho basement.
This alloy Is consldoiod one ol tho
best hi ill"1 section.
The ailouH booths aio veiy piettlly
donated, nnd nro ntteiidt'd by the
hollos, who u ko gicat h'teiest In tho
dub's atfahs. It Is needless to say
their wuies went with aslonlshlug rap
idlly. A Ith such nu opening iho lab's stu
ccsa Is assuied, A dlffcient pin
gr.imuio In tho way ol cutoi tnlnment
is to bo glcn each evening.
Tho following is tho piogramnio foi
this evening: Ovcitiuc, "Nounn," llel
llnl, Diiihous club Mr. I II. AVId
maycr. vlclln; Mr. C. C, I'niuad, clail
onct: Mr. AV. II. Stanton, coinct. Mr.
Chuiles 11. Dooih.ini, llano. A'ocal
i al solo, selected. Miss CI i ucc Spencoi,
Delsaito work, Mlsd Jennie Okell; n.
tul solo, selected, Mr. Itulph AS'llllams:
nituch, "1 and Itoss-a," Son onto, Or
pheus club.
"Nntuml ns Liie."
Tho eustoinniv commont that dis
tinguishes Sclulevci'H pbologtaphs.
Cigar Sale
Finest Key West AA
Cigars, per box VIB
ofjo WV
Fresh Cigars, all light colors
All 10 cent cigars.
429 Lackawanna Ave.
Who Can Write theQ
Best Short Story f
'fill llliniM Hi I'l.l.S C -ll PIUI.S TO
IO( U MIIIH15 III- t.Ol M, tlC'HOV.
SaO.OO for tho Best Story.
$10.00 for the Second Best.
S5.00 for the Thlid Best.
a t.iriiiwtv (OMi'i.iiriox win nn i.x-
Iii inn of the fact tint rniidilnalilu lime
In clipM-d idtiio then- lias hi en mi ptiulh
conipetilliii tliroiuli the loci! prisi fur tin
putKc of jtlniiihtlng the literary anllil)
latent anions tlio people of Northculun
l'il:iuli.inla, Ihe llHiun.l ha. ilechhil to
rflir ft Firiii of prim aa n rtlnuilut in thli
tlluitluii. It Ii dttlioiii of nrcuriiiK for n.o
In it. toluninj a iiuinhc of nhort ftorlr.
trailing of In il tinmen.. In outer to turld'li
.in Incentive It proposiii to pi
Ji tor the ltl loiv of not to c.rtcd
.t.nno ioidi in length;
I0 for the eteond but stor), and
. fur the thlid hc-l tot.
Manuirripts not S'KCcudil in se urlns o'e
of lliej prl. Mill lie published and duly
ciedllid If the nulbolA i tlciiiip.
Stories Iriidine to In lug out the lonianec
and legrmlaiy loie ol the anthricltc mining
mdu'lry villi hue prcfuiiice. In tonncctlon
villi ctriy mine In the valley theie t n
hum of Ir.nllll in. iiitluillu Inlr-brt nltli c.
i ipii", nirrillies of hkhiI, happening and
other detail. Inclining nu the wilrd or hiipti
natural which hai ncicr been galhcnd to
gethn- in llteiai foim, Tliii open, a Held
vildrli U praetlcrll lnexliaiistlbla nnd which
should fii ptv the material fur lome cxiccd
inglv Interesting Iklluii.
'I he tuU of pawing upon the merit, of the
iiiiuu-trlpM fuhmittcd will be aligned to
ii ilMntrrrtlcs Judge, whoe namo will noon
be annniiiient, end who will read the muni
frrlit. but hale no knowledge of the Id'n
lit ot tin aut'ioi". Ibe envelope contain
oiig I lir- ical naniti of the mtlioM will be
piLwrvcil iiropiiiT'd until alter the awanl.
line I ecu ln.iiK.
Should llii. Inlli il eoiiipctition pmic en
couraglng, it miv lie fulloiicd b oilier
prize oiler, of slmilir tcnoi,
Ml iinmiirlil inavt be submit trd not
later tli in Miuh SO.
VII lninii-nlpl. inmt be flt,ued In a 1
lit inu mine end nl-o the willci's revl mine
and po-lntllic nddit.
I he fieii" nf nih ftoi mn.t v laid i
Nurthiaslein IVnii-i h.inlj. but the name, ot pi ron. nui-t not be ned.
line fill tin 1 toidilioii imi-t be undei-.tood
runtrlbutlnii. inleiiilvl tor thli loiilest villi
In iirirpleil onl lioni pieirnt mliscriber. to
'I he lilbuno in frmn lhoe who nut, dining
the 1111111-11, hffnuiu Milm libel. In pivment
if at lial cue inontli'. muV iiption in ad
vain AiIdLife,
.oi: com i.T,
eumion lilbune, soranton. Pa
If He Has That Power It If of a Re
motely Infeiicd Chniacter in
the Ripper Bill.
It is not f,oueially known that the
ripper bill contains no piovlslon what
ever for the .etolng by tho lecordcr
ot any oidluanco or losolutlon patscd
bv councils.
It was at Mist thought that thla
was an ovei.sJght on tho pail" of Iho
fiamoM of the bill, but City Solicitor
A'osbiug and otheis who have tnlked
with some of the mot at dent llppei
ilcs at llairlsbtitg aio convinced that
It was an Intentional omission, the at
guiuent having been advamed that on
account of tho i out i. lou of so
much cNCctttlvo power und losponsl
blllly in tlio h mils of tho lecoidor It
would not bo wise lo give that oll'clal
any legislative power.
llocoulor Molr Is liu lined to bollovo
tint complications will ensue lu nso
he i of uses to &igu an oidlnano" or
ic'Milutlon of councils. Ho believes
that to bet nine opeiutivo thoy will
have to tccclvo his slgnatuio, nnd ho
asscitn that If any tmasuie tails to
moot his approval ho will h.ivi ar ii
mallei nf cotuso to Mini It.
ity Solicitor A'osbuig stab d os
teiday to a Tilhtuic 'nan that as l w
as lie could see them U no jitovlslon
wlmtcver In the bill piovlding for tlvi
signing of .iiiv ouliiiniif'C or losolutlon
b.v the ice oitler. Tho to sign Is
Iniplloil, ho thinks, but Inasmuch as
no provision Is made lor n olo It
would bo moi ol.v n f 'it mat act. Ho Is
inclined to bilcvo that If tho mcoidcr
i of uses to sign a measuio that it will
bo poifoctly valid without his slgna
uii .
Tho bill, hovvovci, contains ono pto
vllon which leads mary to bollovo
that It was Intended to Include a pin-
ivlslon foi a veto. This piovislon li
contained hi Aitlcle 1. Section .., and
mads as follow.
The city lccoulei may dlsappiove
of any Item or Items of any bill mak
ing appiopihitloiis, and tho pait or
pails of the bill appinved shall be
tno law, am! the Hem or Items dls
appioved shall be Mild unless icpasscd
accoidlug l the lidos ami limitations
incscilbel bv luvv for th passage t
bills over the cltv leeoidei's veto,"
Them Is no piovislon In Iho act
which pi ov Ides f"i any veto, as men.
Honed above, but It is said that tho
Inset lion ol tho clause quoted above
show 3 that It was Intended to Include
tin h a provision.
Lncknwanun Telephone Company
Putting Ten In City Hall.
Tho electricians of th" I.ackawanni
Telephone company have been In
stalling during the Post two das the
tin telephones which .ho company by
tint tonus of Its ti.iiirhlMi ugieos to
furn'sh ftoo of chaig in the Municipal
The 'phones nm being located In tho
following ollleos- lily Measmei's. city
solicitors, city contiolloi's, lotoidoi's,
police headquulters, cltv deik's, city
onglnem's, stieot commlsslonei's,
boaul of health und chief ot tho the
il paitmoni.
c'ouiiclhnen with nn ooiiomlen! nun
of inhid Ileum on savins between SI 000
and $1,100 a oar by cutting out tho
appio' llutlun for tclciihone.s. Tho new
company agieos to put 'phones Into tho
ho.o cunipalitus houses nnd at tho vnr.
Ions jiollco boc stations also.
Tor Sale.
on account of leaving town, iho
household goods, consisting of hall,
pi. i lor, llbiaiy. dining loom and bed
loom fuinltuio und caipcts, will bo
told at auction, tomuieming Thuisduy
moniltiB, March H, at 10 o'clock, at
No, u2i .lalTcrson acnuc,
si for Kellv's union crackcis,
It Was Veiy Much Amended but
Nono of the Changes Aie Import
ant Except tho One Outlining the
Duties of the City Trensuier The
Resolution Explaining Dockage
Clauso in Light Coutiact Passed.
Tax Levy Will Be 13.4 Mill or 7-10
of a Mill Moie Than Last Year.
Tho oidinanc'c piovlding for the car
lying Into eftoct ot the ptovislons of
tho tipper bill was passed on second
reading by select council last night
utter n number of amendments had
been adopted, nono ot which weio ot
vcty gtoat Impoitancc.
AVIth ono or two cveoptions thov
wem all lutioduccd by Mr. Hocho, and
lu tho majority of Instances ptovlded
for the collection of typogiuphlcnl
and clrtical cuors hi tlio oidl
uanco. Tho mom Important ono outlines the,
duties of thu city Measurer, making
many ladlcal changes in tho manage
ment of tho affahs ot Hint ofllco. It
provides that tho city funds shall bo
deposited lu banks to bo selected by
the city eontiolter, and that all Inter
est o.u nod by tho ninueyn deposited In
thoo banks shall bo coveted Into tho
liy tioasuiy. Alt chocks unon these
batiks dtwn by tho trensuier imiPt be
countei signed bv the conli oiler.
Another amendment clonics a now
police lieutenant. This was londoied
nocossaiy. Mr. Uochc said, because of
the fact that the city will bo divided
by necessity Into live dl
tilcts, and the ordinance ptovides that
each of these dlstilcts snail bo com
minded bv a. lieutenant. Theie am
now only four lieutenants, he said, and
tho creation nf a fif tli was neccsaty.
Tho section piovlding Hint tho cltv
cietk and his assistant be the cleiks of
councils and abolishing the olllco ot
cioik ot tin common council wis
stiickcn out by another amendment.
Mi. Hocho explained that ho would of
fer another amendment tomotrow
night establishing n buieiu of licenses
lu connection with Iho clly cioik's of
fice and Hiving tho eleilc of tho com
mon council txtia woik to do lu con
nection thcicv. Ith.
Mr. Oliver offoied two amendment?,
whiili v.eie adopted, Inci easing tho
p.i of bunk men In the tlio dep.utment
fioin fifty lo seventy cents per hour,
and sulking out the piovlio at tho
end of the section piovlding for tho
dlsbandment of the volunteer dep.ut
ment within thli ty ilajs after tho piss
ago of the ordinance, Tho pioviso
stilcken out was to tho effect that
no company having less than two per
manent men shculd bo abandoned,
AVheu council adjoin nod it was un
til tomouow night, when tho oidl
uanco will bo nassod on third and llnal
About a year ago the Scianton Klec
tilo Light and Heal company enteiod
Into ii ten-ear conttact with Iho city
for olectilc lighting. This contiact,
which was signed by the company's
otllcois, contained n clauso leading,
"whete lights aro mpoitod out. shoit
ngo shall be c lunged for oveiy such
nnri.s'ixci avhat siioitTAOn is.
In the laco of this, what Mr. Chit
tenden aptly tripled "willingly Inclined
obligation on the pait nf the company."
count II last night passed a losolutlon.
not without vlgoious piotesl, deciailng
that the clauso above quoted "does not
apply to the onllnniy stnppngo foi
In (of pei (oils usual and incidental to
the w m king of am light machinery,
but only to such stoppage as may bo
caused by defective miehinoiy oi neg
ligence on the pint of tho company "
.Messts. Chittenden. A'aughun and
Oliver led tlio fight on tho resolution,
wiillo Mr. O'llovlo was its main sup
poitcr. Mr. O'Bnyle contended that It
was unfair and Impinper to dock the
lompaiiy lot u light If It was out lor
only live minutes.
"That's all light, Tommy." sang out
Mr. Vaughau. "It was only a few
mouths back when you couldn't buck
tho company hard ninugli, Roniiii li
able c hniiRO of hoait."
Mi. A' offoied a ilder to the
lesiilutlnn, dlieellng tlio company to
lalse Its stieot lamps to n height of
twenty-nvo fett, snlng that If tho
company was to be done a lavor they
should do Iho city a favor. The amend
ment was adopted, and then the leso
Iltllou us amended was approved.
Mr. ('lemons intioduced tho ia lev
oidlnaiuo fur tho coming llscnl je.u.
A letter fioin City Solicitor A'osbuig
beailng nu this question was mad. Tho
illy solicitor stated In this that In
nidor lo avoid compile utlmis It would
be advisable to pas the oullnnnce ho
lme Apiil 1.
Tho me-asum was mimed to com
mittee, u polled toiihwlth and passed
on Hist and second mailings. It pto
ides tor a levy of VI -i mills. The levy
for the fiscal year just di awing to a
t lose was 12 7 mills.
Is the Candidate of tho Republicans
for Chaiiman of Select Council.
The cloven Ilcpuhllcnn mcinbeis ot
the select council caucused last night
Negligee Shirts
An nssoitmcnt not of
the usual kind, but an ex
tiaoidinaiy one in which
effects that make happy
mediums piedomlnate, is
tliown In these smait shim
$1. and $1.50
"ON THI$uAltr'
"i i ---rtJtilLffiMS-iSAaABLfiK
i Vi rax jPP , L H-ill Wi JMBBTWr
Wholesale Liquor Dealers, 216 Lackawanna Ave.
In ono of the committee looms In tho
city hall, and agtced unanimously to
twppnit tho candidacy ot AVado M.
Klnn, of thn Second waul, for chair
ninn. As the llcpuhllcnns mo lu Iho
majoilly, Mr l'lnn will bo elected,
itnlesH snmoonc goes back on iho cau
cus pledge.
The pmsont ehniimau. chatles r.
Wagner, declined to bo a candidate for
m-oloctlon, pieforihitr lo lei his voice
bo henil upon tho lloor dining tho
coming j ear.
Death of Geoige Glnncler.
AVest Scianton Lodge. No. l'i". .Ii o.
1. A. M., mot In sessiuu lint
Sunday and took action upon the death
of their late biothcr (Seotgo CSIu.idcr.
The appended resolutions ot condol
ence veto tli lifted
AVherens, It has b"cn the w III ot Al
mighty Clod to remove fiom our midst
our csteonicd In other, rjooige CSIundcr,
AVhcicas-, In iho loc-i of oun biothor
we have sustained a gieat loss; ihom
lorn, bo It
llosolvod, That wc fteltd to Iho bo
maved family our he.utfoll fvmpnthy
lu their hour of boieavomont, and com
Miepd 'hem lo the Hupioino Hub i of
the tniliei sc. Ue It tin the
Ursolveil. That our ch.ut"i lc din pod
for a peilod of thiily dai'. th I thco
icsolutloiH bo sptead upon the ni'i -tiles
of tho council; that n copy b pi -Hontod
to tlio famllj : that thoy be
published 11 the dully pnpcMH
Abliet J. Shafer,
Jacob Schtooder,
A. 1'. Spencoi.
' Conunlttee.
Wnldion.the Canadian Hoise Dealer,
Is at Cusick's Old Stable on Wash
ington Avenue.
(lo nuivod osmdii.v wltli t.vo on
loads ol the ihiest lot of hoises over
shown in Lackawanna county. Manv
cotumonls wore made yestoulav as
thoy passed thiouch tho slmots fioin
the cats ar being an eslia good lot.
AH loniainlng unsold Thui'dnv noon
Will go to til" hlulicsi bldil .it Cu-
lck" old siablo, Wn lib "l m avenue.
Ask fui Kelly's union ciaoheis
The Scianton Gas and Water Com
pany and the Hyde Pail: Gas Com
pany. In necordinrc with tie pollev o thee coin
pinle. to lediite rales linm lime to time a.
inav be wan mini bv Intiea'id eoimunpn n
notice If lien be rIiui tliit. on and alter Apill
1 nevl, the price of gns will le one dolhi pi
one thou and cubic feet lotiMirucd. stiliji 1 1 to
the following IImoiii' I be ptr tent on ill
bllU where the coiimiiiii tlon fur tho moM'i
ninoiintn to leu tli in twrnt the ilollir-., tin per
cent on nil bill, wheie Hie imi.tiiiiptlm lur lh
inontli aiuciinl. In llii dollii. aim no
w nd-
Provided the bill U pihl on or beloie (lie
COIh day oi the month In which the bill i.
lendered lit ruder if the bond.
f.' II. IlM), tielit
llulo I '.ill. I.H ci iiniim III rmhi in en "in
age tho liv oi gn foi fuel pmii-i-. ii'n e
berth glun lint nn aid liter Vpiil I 111 t In
priie ef ga. fo ti-id will le one dolln pu i
thousand fiet t on-umed, slibjul to the lillnvnn.
special (II-(ounl 'le.i pi r cent cm all lulNwIm
tin lon-iuuiplioiifoi- t' le-ilm
!wiiille ih Haiti, Iwenlvpii tint in till bill
viheie the ccuuuiptliiii Im tli ui'Milli .mioiuii
1 tiuntv hie doll ii. ami npwaiiN
Pinviihd the bill I-. p Id .u m lufm I'e -in
di of the inontli in nth tin bill i- I . lie 1, . I
V I'epiratc inelei, fuiulihed In the ciltipiui, I.
lieiesialt II; ordei ol the In inl
(i II. II VM). 'Jeeieijii
New Spring Styles in
and Draperies
Our showing of fine lace
curtains is now complete iu
every detail, We here nicu
tiou a few special values
which wc hope will interest
Nottingham Lace Curtaius,
2j yards long, new designs,
worth 65c. Spe- AQf
cial nrV4
Nottingham Lace Curtains,
3 yards long, beautiful et
fects, worth 90c. Or
Special UV
Nottingham Lace Curtaius,
haudsome aud new patterns,
worth $i.2. Spe- Q&r
Clarke Br
Pierce's Market, Peun Avenue
We InaUc 1 pr iall.t of faliev (nan n D
ter and ittUtly ei and tic uu i
Ici'T ai fli.t 1 lad gooda can b o!d at.
Wc do not liavo any tjicclal talc or leidin
but at all timia cany ai iuiiilita a lino it
Hnkct d'ooilj, 1'auc Uroceile-i and lable llelki.
ilea a. inn bo found In the lurrctt New or!,
or rhlUdclphla Maikcts whiili wc .ill at n;nt
W. H. Pierce,
19 Ittltwanna Art. 110, US, ill Tcrd Aid.
rrempt delivrry.
Appeal lor help does not seem verr
succcsslul. Our lo you to
t.tkc our
U just the opposite. Why? Be
cause we have something von
want, and you help yourself, help
ing us. Lose no time in calling,
take your time in buying.
I'o your cash uutil you
get to
305 Lackawanna Ave.
Then buy a Spring Hat,
Spring style? in Negli
gee Shirts now beiug
"IS 17 Itogris Hi'On." d'oiiils.
Knives, Forks
Spoons, etc.
No ciiettioti about the quality; we
have all the newest patterns at
lowest prices.
Also the celebrated Sterling In
laid Spoons and Forks. War
ranted to wenr twenty-five years.
Immense stock of Sterling Silver
Spoons, Forks, Knives and Cased
Coeds tor Wedding Presents.
Mercereati & Connell,
132 Wyoming Avenue.
Heating Stoves,
Oil Stoves,
Gas Stoves,
M Heaters,
A Short Talk
About the New
The lesult of oui buyei's woik
at the iuinituie markets
moiitlis at;o am now showing
up in the shape of car loads of
iuinituie the well made soit
that is always found heie.
Them lh n veiy complete
showing, of new chnmbcr suits.
raiticulni attention Is called
to those pi iced between $28.00
and R30.00 notice the stock
solid oak; see the high polish
and notice the lnige fiench
Just n woid about the mat
ti esses we sell. Theie's noth
ing too good for our mattiess
man he is over paitlcular
about the quality and woik
uianshlp of the goods he
handles, but he always gets the
pi Ices light the lowest.
f 9 fc. ( ATe