The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, March 13, 1901, Page 4, Image 4

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(Je Scnnfon trt6tme
f'nhllOiPil 1'allj-, i:cepl Sunday. Iy The Trili.
tttio I'uMUIilnj Company, at 1 Illy Cent a Month.
t.lVV H. niCII.MII). Itfltr-l-.
0. I-. riY.XIlIX, llmlnea. Manajcr.
New Ycrk Office: l.'O NW'U "t.
S. S. VIIKf.tiANt).
Sulc Afnt tor I orclgu .cltcttlilng.
LnlrrcJ al (lie IVttnftVe al Sctanlcn, r., at
Second Clt-m Mall Milter.
Win n space will permit, The Tilliuna l atJ)i
Kind tu irlnt ahoit lotlcu Irom Its frl'tnls wee
in,' en currcM topics, hul lt tulo li that tlit'o
mid he fljiifl, for publication, hy tlic writer
real nmc; ami the condition ii.iw'mt to ac
icntancn Is that all contribution l.iH l ul.-.t
i editorial revision.
riii: ri, c uvti: ion advkutiiso.
Th following laMe rlicmj lh price per liicli
ravli Ititcrlioi ipjie (o l.j ucmI vvltliin one jcart
Mtune-f 'Millnsont IVill-"
IMM'I.AV. r.iiicr I Ito.ulit.K IWH'm
l.t m thin Mil In.Mral
.P. I
m Ii.ehc.
l.") '
,) "
warn "
I or catds ol thanlcs. rcsnlntle.iia "I conduit iica
nd s-ltnllm- cotilnlnitions In th-- nature 'if ail
I'Kikliipr llict lrlti.ui'..- make a thaifc-c ol 5 e-cnta
a line.
llatM frr,!Ud Adve-rtMnj: iuliilliril
I'pllculiuli. i .
f'ulonol (itilfoy'w vlllliit;iit'M t nlml
Vli the putty i-ln-li- In voIIiik recalls
tllf p.ltl lutlslll (if tin- lilt AltiMIIIIS
Ward, win wan willing Uiat llin unholy
irliclllott slinltlil bu HUpplOHCtl If to do
II took all Ills wlfc'h ri'litlluns. Colonel
iluffi'y doesn't rem- luivv nitiny ld-pub-lli-.tti
Mid--! lie fenders Invallil.
No Compulsory Voting'.
Illl. I, lias appcatcil at liar
rlFbiiiK to nuiKc the duty of
voilnir conipulboiy upon all
voti-rc It requires every qttul
lllrl oter to vote at all urliimry and i-lPfitloiiM. and lnipo.ii.-s for fall
in r to do mo a lino of ' or ten days'
Imprisonment. The only excuse' al
lowed by the bill Is or nbwcnc.0
from the county on election dny.
This nu-amue, of i-miwe. Is nbtuid.
There Is nothing In the nuturo of the
fr.uichlsio to cull for compulsion. Vot
ing Is a pilvlleKe. not a Unlit. It can
be exetclsed or ncRlected nf) tile? lndl
liluul citizen vvlllx and It Is proper tt should be po. The man v'lm
does not will to so to the primary or
to the general election has no light to
complain If lcsults In government do
not htilt him nor are his fellow-cltluens
bound to pay any attention to his com
plaints. To r (impel such a citizen to
vote would be to Invite a spiteful or it
vicious ballot, which mK'ht batter be
left out. Ignorance nt the polls Is bail
lough; but It Is far less dangerous
tlinii malice.
Compulsion In government has Its
proper placet-. It may lightly bu put
forth to pi event or punish the commis
sion of a rrlnie. But failure to vote Is
not a crime nor by any reasonable ar
gument can it be construed into near
kinship witli u crime. It Is simply an
i-xerclse of individual choice, whereby
the citizen chooses to disfranchise
himself and remit to others the selec
tion of the agents of government.
Some men meter to avoid responsibili
ties and when they can bo permitted
to do this without Injury to others,
they should be accommodated. The
muu who prefers beluga subject to be
ing a sovereign would make too poor a
soveielgn to watrant the count! y in
forcing lilni to wear the crown.
Ci'os.slp Is now crediting "William If.
Andrews with having his eye upon the,
(late treasurf-hlp. A campaign with
this an Its nurpufc would certainly
fi"t lack lulei est.
Trolley Developments.
I.N THU opinion of many t.iihoad
experts, the year liMl h to bo
ehaiaeterUcd by gieat autlvlty
In the- building and development
of trolley lines. It Is a curious fact
that the owners of steam road herur
Itles have been Mow In auprn-lating
the coinmureial value of the trolley,
and have In many instances pel milted
other iic-nons to get In on the giound
iloor wilh valuable liauehlses which,
when developed, drain from the steam
loads their local passenger tr.illle, and
ihieaten at no distant day to maku
Intoads'iilni upon local freight tiafllc.
Hut ir the lallroads were blow In up.
predating the Mgnllicaneo of the tro.
ley's rlvuliy, thr-y aie now thoiouglily
air it and in many localities are pto.
ciedlng to pUKhuce exibtlng tiolley
lines and to plan extensions, both lii
ouk-i- to protect tho steam lines and to
tuku advantage of whatever opportun
ity for money-mnklng may hereafter
(let clop through the growth of trolley
This lb peculiuily Hue along the lines
i fuelled by the Pennsylvania j-ystem
aiulalllllated roads, li, tlilet. as, n
othiSj things, the Pennsylvania people
uppiar to be ninny paces nhcad on ti.
pioc-jjssibn. One Inteu-tting new devel
"priipit III trolley building is planned
for tho coming sptlng and conteni
nlutMS n last lino betwteu New Yoik
andPlilludelphla. Hlghts of way, cov
ering; practically the entire distance,
have alroady been secured and the
Johiibons.of Cleveland, Ohio, are under
stood, to be furnlbhlng tho money.
Heavy mils are to be Juld and the
roadbed coiibtructcd to fucllltuto fast
tiavfj. A full faro of Jl is to be
churced, but In view of the fur.t that
the Clmc between the two big cities
will jhe ubout live und a half hours, It
1h pjobnbljr that travel will bo local
ratlijr than through.
Ail(jther enterprise In prospect Is n
continuous line from Mauch Chunk to
Slatlngton with branclies to Strouds
buigind Delaware Water Qap. Only
u sinll. link is icquhrd to connect
Harrlfcburs by the Cumberland valley
wlthHugeiHlown, .Md and It Is prob
able'tliut this link will boon bo sup
plied, Trolley developments from Am
bler to Uethleliem, und from I,ancabtei
to Lebanon and eventually to Harris
burg aie In prospect; and while noth
ing has -recently been said about the
proposed through line from Scranton
and C'urbondple to Wllkcs-Jlarre, with
posbsiblo connections, as far as Hazlc
ton and the- more Importuul cities of
the Schuylkill region, the completion
of this systPln Is only a question of I
Having lUHsod lift pxpoilmcntnl Ktage
and become thoroughly (tiinwrvlent to
tho will of man, tho trolley load Is to
bn the rout! of Hie futuio, brlnglnK
pverybody Into speedy cotnmunlcatlon
with everybody clee. And yet tho ex
perience of tho Heading company Miows
that the development of tho trolley
docs not nccessailly Interfere with tho
development of Meani rullwuy tialllc.
In the early dnjs of trolley building
'the Heading load sustained notable
losM's In Its local passenger trnlllc, but
Intleily It has been steadily gulnlng,
and it Is now the opinion of the Head
ing oillclnl.i that what losses they Incur
In local tiavel, covering u distance of
one, two, three and four miles, are
mote than offset by the Increased gen
eral travel brought to the steam roads
by the trolley radial lines which tup
remote lural districts and btlng the
Inhabitants of the country Into more
direct communication Willi the cities.
SIihp the medlcul authorities have
decided that yellow fever Is dissemin
ated by mosquitoes only, effort has
been directed to getting lid of the
mosquitoes. Two methods arc being
Used In tho vicinity ot Havana.
Onu Is to pour quantities! of Itcio
seno In tho pools of stagnant
water. This Is tntal to the
'vonng Insects. The second plan Is to
plant eucalyptus trees In marshy and
malarial dlstilcts. Til" odor of this
tiee seems to be peculhuly objection
able to mosquitoes, and they soon dis
appear fiom Its neighborhood. Still u
third antidote Is to be tried. This Is
the planting of castor oil plants. In
tioplcal countries the castor oil plant
glows to Hie dimensions of a large
tiee, und Is perennial. Its smell Ik ihlso
disagreeable to mosqultoc-M. It Is to
be hoped that these meabiirrs will not
be in vain. Should they piovi- ade
quate, the knowledge yellow fever
can be entirely ovetcome would bo
well woith till the cost of the war with
Non-Partisanship Ineffectual.
for mayor of Chicago, Judge
Hanecy, who Is making an
uphill light against Carter
Haiilson. Democratic incumbent und
uspltant for a third term, has added to
the Inteiest of Chlcugo polities by for
mulating a declaration of principles, as
1 An lionut, cion.iiilcjl ami business udmln
ivir.illi.n uf pulil Jllilr.
'.'. Public Mlmuls must, do om Jii'i Ml"
out ( pulltll.
!'.. Town", (ixlng and ctlur gnu ruing bvdlca
mint In- i-nnMbilitcil Into oni- crcat CIiIuro.
t. A faithful, fiir .md lu'intt infurc-ciiieiit of
the- merit .triii.
.'i Tha roinpUti- opaiation ol the pollio troui
politics and politliAl iiillnenors, and nialntcii-aim-
uf a liUhir cltU-loncy and tllwlpllne.
n. The rai-lmn of full and fair ioiiiprnallou
tor triiKhbi'i ami tprrlal prlllli'sc.
7. Kullral iIiiiiki: ill rn-elal. .i-om-inciit ih
paitmcnt. Money cutlcclcd lull Iks used only
fur (he Itniirovcniciit fr nlilih cullec-tid, and
the mrplui pmniptly iiluted.
s. I'ali 1 1 raiment fur ajl the people.
p. Trlhutc dull not I"- levied or collected Ironi
the rnmlml clawe.
ID. The liver must he deepened and mule ado
ipute lo (he demand of the pieint and futuie.
11. ltii-lin, f.ietoriei and imlu-liloa hliould
he cneourasid.
12. f-ticcls and allo.v must he kept clean,
pakaahlc ami ufc al all houri.
The professions of a. candidate for
office aie always worthy of attention
cveirtlioiigli they sometimes fall short
In performance. AVe note tho above
platform, howoer, less through Inter
est In the particular light that gener
ated it. than because It Ulustra'es a
method which should be more pievu
leiit in municipal politics. For a hun
dred yeaib tliero lus been theoretical
nilvoeacy of non-partlsanshlp In uiuri uffalrs and practical L-.hibItlou
of partisanship. Even the non-pirtln-aus
become partisan when tiying ;o
carry their Ideas into effect. The need
of parties, one lo niopusi- and another
to oppose, is established in the ground
woik of Anglo-Saxon civilization and
theorists can no more upioot It than
they can lly.
This being conceded, why should we
not hao municipal platfoims as well
as state and national platforms, with
p.uty lesponslbillty and accountability
as well established in the local us In
the broader Held? Tho dllference now
between a Democrat und a Hepubllcan
running for n local office, especially
for counellmnn, Is frequently only a
dllference between personal traits; and
the voter hub no means of knowing
when bo casts his ballot what piincl
pies of city government or what 'de
tails of city legislation he Is helping to
forwaid or hold up. The lack of party
lesponslbillty leaves the voter In the
ilruk and gives tho councilman flee
lelu to do as he pleases. Not having
betn pledged, the lutter i lolates no
promises but can, If hu wishes, be us
eccentric as a runavvuy horse. He does
not have to be consistent. Hu docs not
have to pay heed to public opinion. All
hu needa Is a personal following In his
own ward butllnleut to itnuio his re
election und he generally eousttucts
I this by metins not lilted to tho light of
If, on the contraiy, p.uty pudges
weiu exueted, they might be broken
but the party which should permit
them to bo biokeu would have to
reckon atterward with public opinion
Its leaders would be impelled by mo
tives of self Inteiest to prevent an ut
ter hiiciluee of public conlldence, Tho
Republican or Democrat elected lo
council f i oni an outlying ward would
not be a political guerilla, at liberty to
consult always only his own whims; hu
would be part uf tho general paity
column, subject to the general lcstralut
and liable to party discipline. If hu
broke away from a party pledge, tho
parly's Interest would calf for his re
demption or punishment. If he stood
loyal, the party's Interest would urgo
iVls continuance or promotion.
The tendency In cities to break uway
from restraint has brought Into tho
field of municipal politics a host of
quixotic Independent movements and
prettily lubelcd leform etiterpTises
which liavo occupied publlo uttontlon
very largely but proved absolutely In
offectlvo In fact. Tho trouble with
them Is that they lack tho cohesive
furco of long-established party loyalty
to hold them together and hiistuln a
machinery for tholr growth. Now York
had Its Parkhurst Und Its Mayor
Stroms; and today it Is worso In tho
inlro than ever. The reform movement
spent Its energy In getting born: it had
no icservcM of vitality on which to
druvv after It hud got Itself Installed
In office. Flint It torn down patty lines,
and that took so much wotk that none
wns avallablo to build up parnianent
now ones. Mcrunton Is In dangar of
having a similar pxpeileuce. Much
good energy Is helng spent to detect
and expose evil practices of long
stundlng and with considerable suc
cess; but, after all, this Is Ineffectual
unless It leads to something. Whither
docs it lead'.'
Not less but mote partisanship Is the
need In municipal politics; partisan
ship that Is honest and that has an
honest purpose,
It begins to look now us though tho
Philippines insurrection would soon
stay collapsed.
Hot Water Propulsion.
CON'SIDEKAnLi: Interest at
taches among railroad men to
the experimental lest recent
ly inuilo of tho superheated
water motor lor operating standard
gauge railroad cats. The idea, in
volved In this system of propulsion is
tho expansive properties of hot water.
Tito water Is hen ted to tho tempera
tude of six hundred or more degrees
and then kept strongly compressed In
reservoirs located beneath the car.
When a rmall quantity of tho water Is
liberated It immediately assumes tho
form of steam, and Is available for
use In the cylinders. The projectors
of the hot water system have con
tended that one tank full of superheat
ed water would run an ordinary ratl-
load ear at un nverago speed of twenty
to thirty miles an hour tor nn entire
day. at nn expense veiy much less
than at pieseut, and with much more
valuable icsults, one of tho principal
benefits being the avoidance of smoke
and dust. The test took place on Sat
in day of last week over the New York
and Putnam rallioad from Hlghbrldgo
lo Van Corllandt and return, a dis
tance of nine miles each way. The out
ward urn was made In twenty minutes,
and the icturii trip In about tho same
time. AW have not neon the figures
of the eiigineeis as to thu consumption
of water per car mile, although it is
alleged that to enough water
to run a cat a nillo would at Now
Yoik prices cost only about two cents.
Tho test, at all events, developed that
tho new motor Is feasible; that It
motes. The rest will bo simply a mat
ter ot woiklng out details.
Mr. Diyun seems to bo eonfionted
with the most difficult problem of h!s
llfu in the effort to cotivlnco peoplo
that ho can leave home occasionally tor
any savo the express purpose of talk
ing politics.
An ambitious vaudeville lady In New
York Is to appear as Hagar. Thu fact
that the disiobing lad has passed by
will doubtless pi event the Infliction ot
vaudeville sketches of Adatii'iind Eve.
of course Mrs. Currle Nation's pub
lication, The Smasher's Mull, will be
come popular with the gentlemen who
handle baggage on thu platforms of
rallioad stu lions.
Helen Gotild and
Her Noble Work
Willi HLAUT ANlJ sol I., Mm Helen Miller
Gould, our Anieilc-.ui queen of hearta,
ciiEtiria in the work of intelligent idill
.mthiopj. All lier clIort fun to be
productive- of good naulls, tor the lii tho Rviutia
o( usoilvting practical biitlncsi idea villi the
iiio of nioiiiy in jttcmptiiig to help others. Her
modikly, too, U ohon in her taklne (chute be
hind the coriiorato lianio of a dial liable inta
priso, rather than in iiiikini: individual dom
lion.'. Tha-, in tpcakini; of tho bplcndld ?UO,.)iI
liiilldnij; Jiitt siven by tho Women's Auxiliary of
the international committee o( the Young Men"
Uitl'lian association, MI3 OduIiI concials the
fact that a vil.v laro nopoitloii of tho cost vwis
iiat by hir individinl clink.
Tho luil .utlde MKi cuiuld ever virote tor u
IniRJilne appcaia in the Modi K-.UO of Suu.
It idlecta her hopia and atiiratioiii in full here
wilh: "Nowhere in the laiiue of uplifting ac
tivities" fclio vv riles, "docg there cxltt a better
lit Id fur uscfulncM than In the Impiovcinrut ct
the social i-urii'Un.liii,'i of the enlisted men ot
the ainiy and th" mvy. Thb Is the acnil.p.itriotle
woik in wlilch th- Inllea of the Women's AI'
ill.iry of tho e-ommlttec if the
ounj Men's Chrlaliin aesudallon have been cn.
BJired slneo 1S07.
"Ill thu cafe of the aiiuv, u flue example of
the woik of the annj- and navy ekpatmrnt of
the Villus; Men's ChiMlau asOLl.Olon, with
Willi li we co opcf.itr, Is rcen in the new building
on Cuwnni'rt 1-1 ji iI, Ncvi York Iliilmr. wluu'
M.hhci'h have .ill the- .ii'polnlnKUtti of a club
home and athlillo he.uhiuiter. It was pluu
bj Mr. pudire, and lh"io should be enc hun
dred such buildinss mattered over thid ioihiU,
lo olftt the hv tjpe n place"! now onn (o
tho men when they are ofl duty and oulcMc the
the ai my )mts.
-Wlnithe fjllor loiuea jrhuie, Ida unlfoim lillil a coiiikiiuu in uk, and, a alter a
hu.,- eruUc ho genttally ha- nioney In laisrc
MI1U5, he- civdy betoniet a piey to elealiiiiine; per
ton", while letpeetable boudiui plaeea aie clo6u
to him, I understand, 'flirougli our Women's aux
iliary, a tevcn-t'oiy t.tiucluie near thu Ilrook
bn bruUe U belne erected, w litre the bailors
will be piovided with a ictaurant, a titlo rJDS",
a bow Hut; alle,v, game rooms smoking and read.
ing ruoiiii, two hui.died sleeping roonii, and an
nudltuiium with a seating eapaelt) ol live liuii
ilud, the ineii I" pay u mull amount lor lio.nd
nivl lodging, alieady there are splendi'l re
(.'lit. ut that point. With u much sinalki out
tit, at the prctcnt buUdiiu,', thtro vvcic thlrtj-tive
Ihouaaul vhltuu in l'XOj ten thousand meals
weie terved, sixteen thou-and nun lodged cer
night, xevcii hundred and tilly hx leers rented,
and fifty thou.-and dollars in ch-potlt saved fer
tho Hit n. ArraiigcunnU have now nude
with a saving! bank, wheieby regular inteiot
will be giantcd on d.po-K. nvulc by the salloi.
"Ihe auxiliary Usuppljlng traveling libraries,
liuiilt-boxcs, stcicoitlron and gramophone cn
teitainimnl outlits, and tho usual supply ot
reading tiiattci lo both the soldier and the sail
ors. In tho Philippines and Chin i. (he work
is rspidally helpful to the men in the senlre.
Our society lueda the e-o operation of patilutlo
Auieilean women, -nd wc- hope many will uuito
wilh (hia nioicmint both by becoming nuni
bcra und in giving practical osiUtance aluna;
the lines indicated. Tho international com.
mlttec ot Young Men' Christian associations, to
which w-c arc auxtllarv, 1. doing jn intcreatiug
and helpful work umoiig ullioad cmplojci, col
lege students, Indians and negiora, bcldea Inv.
ing n number of seerctailca abroad. In addition
to all that is being done in the at my and navy,
hut we women bio at piescnl using our ef
foitj almost entirely lor the benellt of suhlleia
and sailors, aid for rallioad men."
Hcibeit W. lloiwlll In the Mircli I'oruni.
A long period will piohably rlapsa bctoio the
final veidlct of hittoiy Is aaed, on the jus
tice or Inju.tke uf die Uucr war, Hut one con
clusion U already Indisputable,-. The opponents
of tho policy of tho niltUli government liavo
r.ot needed to wait long for a complete vindi
cation nf (heir cl the- piobabld coui-se
of events. They luxe thuwn that they made .1 cr cstimato of the liiimedlate situation than
vas iradied b) vy cabinet inlnlttcr or any
The I
A rOPUbAtl Ct.EAItINO HOUSH for the
" llrntflt ol All VVhn Uivx llnUKl-a to .
Rent, Ratals nr rlhi- I'rnrKTtr to Sjll
or exchange, or Who Want Situation or '
Help Thca Small Advcrtlciner.'a Coat i
One Cent a Word, Mx Injcrtlont lor ITvo
wim a vvcril llxerpt situation wamcu,
Which ire Inwrted Free.
Help Wanted Male,
man; experienced preferred; W'elili deaccnt.
Address Shcps, Tribune.
three jvaiV ixix-ilcme In iltuS More. Ad
die I.ock Itox as, Jcrmyn. Pa.
Hplp Wanted Female.
ply Mhfritonc, I'.'l -oulh Washington c.
WA.STi;i)-Ai'i'iti;.NTiri:.s to ixaiiv irnus?.
maklnjf. Hlutidoiic, 101 South W'ashiiiKlvii
houicnork. Addim MJ Milr. street, I'eik
Agents Wanted.
am: or a ntTKAi.of Ar.r.STS wAvrr.b
lor olfielal button of "Order of JlufTalocs.
Send ten ccnta for fiinple. The buffalo hut
ton Co., Hot ail, W'llkevDarrr, l'.
Salesmen Wanted.
Country nork. $10.1 ,aliry and commtsslotJ.
It. O. Evans fi Cn., ChlcJiio, 111.
NAA(xAAi ,
Situations Wanted.
do general lioiiscwurk, ;ii Putnam street,
MTfATION W.Nn:il-llV A Olltb, 1.1 YBAKS
old, tu do light Address .IIJ
Tulnam Mrccl, North Kud, citj.
employed al pnaeut, hut vvho wWica to
change. Addrcsn K. 1". (i., caio of Tilbune.
r.n ofllee or eloio; rcfeictucf. AddiesJ 0.
II. It., this dike.
hiri'ATio.v wNii:n-iiy a ciiimi
nurse or housckeepci. No. 313 Harrison ave.
13 and 10 Jean old, as ihlver; can take caio
of a horse. Addn-si Manliy l'lhe, Itivcr streit
lug or any klu I of ilay vv-oik. lito Cedir avc
iii's'. Mm. Ilusiell.
and fancy cook and bib-i. I'.., 211 We-t
Market street.
M1TAT10N WANTKD-I1Y A Mllllll.K-Alll'.t)
vroniau n hou-eki cnci- In small taniily. Ad-
drew 221 Inlng avenue.
wnrtr hv llmrntt.-lile ri.lnnetellt OUtllT WO
man; excellent rrf-nnrc. State character of
v.oik and salary. I.'. 1. A., caio Tribune ofilc".
an k.p:iiii:mki) s-Ti:xonitpiii:n. willim.
(ii assist with bonks, desires nosltion wilh
icliable linn; lilgliest icferenecs. Addiess &. A.
(1 Tribune office.
housekeeper in a small family v.lth a gen.
tlcmaii that has got a nice home. Address Mij
P., 1101 l'roiieet avenue, city.
newspaper that cxprcscel a popular sentiment.
There la nuterlil here for nulte an iuteiesliiig
study in comparative picdietlon.
In tho first place, the tact that nine lias ncen
war at all testliles to the foresight of the party
commonly known as "pro-lloer." When pallia
mfnt roie in the summer of lsiW, Mr. Clumber
lain vvaa conlldent that (he mere ill-patch of !.
(J men would solve the problem, without fight-
intr at all. This display of (one was going to
overawe tho Tiansvaal into complete sunendcr.
Mr. Mead and his filend-. nvv that the policy of
blulf would be futile, .uid that it could only
cud in hostilities.
The action ol the Orange 1'iec Stale aflonlc a
similar contrast in luliilled and unfulfilled pio-
pheey. That In the event of "?r the tv sister
iciiubllcii wculd be- oiiiied. vas u fa.nlllir pic
didion of the mli.oilty, lonr befoio (to date
of the ultliiutuin. On the olher ,ane, Mr. Mil
four dediied that lie do moie dreamed of the
(wvilbillty of having to l.aht the Orargc 1'ne
Mate, as well as thu Transvaal, thin lie did
of the possibilities of war Willi SwlUeiland.
When the thing unexpected by Mi. llaltour
tctuilly happened, It vvai hailed with delight
by most of Ihe London papei. as f.icilitaimg
the task of tho 13ritb,h eununiiidciir. II would
be- u much ealcr tu niaicli diicclly luilh
through tho Flic Mate- in.tead ol having to that leiritory aa giound.
Hut It Is in the forecast of (he
two parties concrrnlng Hie nature, length, and
cost ef the war, as a whole, that opirlumty
U given for tho mest Intcrri-lmg compiifvm
When Mr. Meail said, in September, li'l.i, that
"fur (lie i.cxt six iiiunllii, al least, we shill
have to Lec) u iiiliilui'uu of 5(,VJi) men in South
Afliea," and that "Ihcic i iciulelciablc dutiiil
as lo whether we shall bo nble to iccll an) of
tl.em for a long dim- to cuiue," he veas thouvld
to bu raving in id. A hUlllelent inibcitloii ef the
f.ftlclal csllmatc it blven liy the snub jdmims (o (ieneral Wr William llutler. Sir Al
fred Mllner had Instructed lilni to put a thou,
lain) men lieiu and a thousand lueii theie. He
teplled tint, If theio w.n to bo war, tins.
thlriis would be ncee vsai.v : (J) the immediate
evacuation of Noithcin Natal; 12) the occupa
tion of the line of the Tucla by 20,0u0 men,
and (3) the preparation of an anny of lOV.OeX
men to march on Pretoria. The rejection of
this counsel led to Mr William Putter's teiz
nation, in drcuirstauecs that made it equiv
alent to i elUmbaal.
Strange) to say. Hie war pirly learned both
ing fiom the ilhvipatloii of ll early Illusions.
Though Its Hist predictions bad proved so er
loueous, It persisted in miking its-elf ridiculous.
The surrender of Cronjo at Paardeberg, on leb
ruary 27, 11AJ", was Interpicted as tho beginning
ol the end. Tho occupation of I'uloili, enly in
June, was eve-rjwherc regaie'tu a, the- Hid it
self. Hut those troublesome "pro-llucii," in
spite rf the justitieatlon of llitir oiiainil pic
dlcdons, hid (he audaeily to contradict tho
prevailing piophxlcs once more.
Tho pcpular lllusioni ic'ccting the seilous.
ncss of the war wein mluially aecompaulod
by miscalculations as lo its ect. Jut before
the war biokc out, Ml. Mead's prediction, (hat
"we shall get ofl cheaply if it does not cost us
moic than 10.0(10 lives and j:20.(ki.00ii sterling''
was considered as ridiculous as Ids othci wain
lugs. Hut seme- time ago the bill alieady ex
ceeded lue1,0ii,iinil, while a niodeiatc cstimato
of tho present cost puts it lit 2.msi,nod n wcel.
As to casuualtici, the nlticlal returns up lo the
end of December reported Bl.Cs. Including 1!,
lii deaths. It Is by this lime dear that in Ids
speech at Carmrvcn ("October C, IS'')) Mr. John
Moiley made the tight retort lo tho sneer that
he was a C'a-andra. "Caisandra's prophecies,"
lie replied, "happened to come due."
The sandwich Is culled for tno Larl ot
Walllo Is from watel, a word ol Teutonic origin,
meaning hoticjcomb
Mulllgatauney Is from an Kast India world
meaning pepper water.
Thcie aie really 20u bUliops ui tha (alhcllc
ihuieh witlilii tho FitltMi l'.iiipirc.
A centuiy igo the putato was a new and un
popular article ol tood In France.
The art of inar,lcuitf had Its origin in the
Convents of Franco many ccnttulck 120,
In the .'ear ending Murch, U00, the number
c' hoys and girls educated free in Ikillu uas
Tlie total nuuibcr of ice 1ioui along the
For Rent.
roit sni ami sai .imT.itsoN .wnxru.
Abo or) Olive atntt. lmpilio Idi (lllmm M.
ron nusT-nioNT ami piih: itoou run
rent al (111 Wadiliijlon nvifun.
R'lt iii;nt holiii.i: tiotx.. lmkst hi
provcinenli, lovely location, turmtiidcit vltli
trfr, 313 and J 13 Madiwn nvrnur, Oreeil lllilt,'.
ion iii..r-s-jii n:it month, mom:, ft
baikananna avenue. In'pilie en pirnibM,
fir tint i inodfrn Iniproveiiiintt. Apply to A.
Iliie, 'J-l.l Lackawanna uvmue.
noi nr, roit ui:nt i.vquiiu: or miss. t. i.
Jonej, Main afreet, l.i)lor.
roit iiKNT-iwor"iYorslP on hiiixn
HIiIro street. Modem liiiprovcnicnt. An
drew M, ITne, lull h.indeuon avenue.
ion ih:nt-io noon imt:st:, mopmin pi-
puivciiienta. CM Wyoming avenue.
res fiin:i:.v mihib stiii'.ct, ir.s iiooms.
modem Improvenienta; ttejm icit, lurnlhed;
drsli able; ifiS.o).
For Sale.
1011 SAI,K-(0-.MUY I'LACi:, MIAII I'bl.AS
ant lakj In Sii.chinni county: .'-'i .uies,
lOrooui houe, bain, fruit. .Soil, atlorno),
Mean building.
It'a home made; Al In eveiv vvav; an cv
eeptlonally Hup carriage; 12" for ipilik nalc.
Apply 83u Monroe avenue.
roit SAI.K-OMl. tlsTAllMMir.ll Pllorndll.M'll
bi'Miic; cnrropondcnip Invited m lo il
lalli and reaiions tor eelllnc. Addrtw II, II.
I.jon',, Pa.
For Salo or Kent.
ron sam: on tinsT-Tiic diiimnc pai:k
Hotel; el-gantlv fiimbhed: po!,)e!.sIoii nlvcn
on (he lln-t day of April. Apply to William
C'rals, care II. l!oblnon'a Soiu' brewery.
Wanted To Buy.
must be in cood otder, atate particular ai
to make and price, Addrca U M., general c!c
llvtry, hcranton, I'a.
Furnished Rooms.
U'ltMslIKI) ltOOM roll IIK.VW.KMVX. AH)
(ulncy HVtnue.
Business Opportunity.
ATLAXTK' CITY. . .1. Ton fc.MX W KI.I.
(stalili'linl and prtpoioua flitlenerv and
printing IuMiiom. Adddt box 7, Allmuc
Money to Loan.
estate. 1IKMIY JILT.IS. .lit.
iny amount. M. II. llolgate. Commonwealth
slraight loans or Pudding and Lni.i. At
from 1 to 6 per icnt. Call on N". V. V'.'alkcr,
Gl 1-313 Connell building.
Strayed or Stolen.
Los-r. rn.M:i) on moi.i.n-wiiiti; .-i;tii:ii
biteh; black ears and head; white (lc ,
antteiiug name- of "spot"; re-wtul lot u-Pini.
JiP! Sanderson ateuue
Recruits Wantsd.
unmarried nun butnecu ages nf Jl and TO;
citizens of United Mates, of good cliar.ict-r and
temperate habits, who can speak, icail and
write Lngllsh. nccrulta specially desired for
service in Philippines. I'oi information apply
lo ltecrultlng Ofrtce, 12J Wjmnlng avc., heraii
ton. Pa.
Miscellaneous. PL.MTi.ns ron sali:. ; ( knt; i ins.
mer price, ?1 59. Mrs MaePoiiald, WJ Wasii.
Ington avenue.
I.cttil-s testamentJiy on the estate of imlnda
Nccld, late of the ( itv of scraiilou, dceea-ed,
haw been graulnl to the iindcrslgnd, tu whom
all prtHOiis Indebted to .-aid estate .He- leipicslnl
to make payment, and those hiving claims or
demands', tu make known same without delii.
l . 1'. MXl.D.
II. V. m:NOI.lis,
II. C. MA.NOI.Ds Lxcciitors.
Altomey for L&talc.
in hi:: km'ati: or dami:l w. sci.livav!
To Whom It May Concern:
The Oiphans' Court of Lael.ananni County lus
granted a rule to show cause- why Mary Sulli
van, executrix ot the last will und testament
of Daniel W. Sullivan, should not be dUchaigcd,
Hctuiiublc to in M Aigunuiit Couit.
II. C. Hi:MiLP l.xeculiK.
Attorney fur L'si.ile.
to ttiu or no.Mis nl miii:i.s
seven (7), eight t-). fcrtj-unc fll) and
for(y-slx (IH) of (he Colliery I nghircr Conipanv,
being (ho bonds bearing dale October 1st, li?5,
and secureil by Oust moitg.ige ol that dab.
Please Take Notice thai in piiisuaueo of the
piovislona ot the said bonds and thn mist mule
gage given lei ficeuio (he same, (h- bonds as
limubeicd above- hive Ucn drawn by lot fer
payment on the fln-t day of Apill, irxil, and jr.i
aie- hereby tiotltled the same will be pihl
on the first dav of April, I'Ul, at the Lacki-
, Mlina Tiuvt und Safe Deposit Company, Tni-tee
i li.uned in the Hiisl inoilgage above lefiniil In,
I (iiffctlnr with Inteic't coupons atlaihed tlu-n-lo
I and remaining tmiaid, and that inteiest will
i cease after the said elite.
Tin:'itY i:nc,ixi:i:u company.
Scranton, Pa., I'cbruaiy 2Jth, luul.
Pff OFgS QO A q L.
Certified Public Accountant.
building, 120 Washington avenue, Seamen,
dTc. i.rKiLi:Niinncii:n, I'.vti.x
Spiuce street, snanton.
lilt. C. CLAUHACII, 113 WYOMIM1 AVl'.M;i;".
0. It. CLAllKF. 4: CO. sKCIlsMKV VXD Nl'ltS.
erjuicn, stoio 201 W'a-hlngtou avenue; gnen
hou,e, 1')VJ Noith Main avenue, stola tele--phone,
SCHOOL OF Till! LACK AW ANNA, sciiaxion,
I'a. Course priparaluij lo college, law, medl.
clno cr business. Opens sept. 12th. Send fur
catalogue. Hev. Tliomis M. Cinu, LL l) prlii
clpal aid propilctoi; W. H. ITumlet, A. M.,
Hudson is 113, with a totil torn ..gc ei-pa'lty of
Last )ear tho faimiis ol the I'nited Statia
ucelved f-lx3,cjc,0U0 moio for tlieir pi'Dducts
than in ls'J-'.
Dcatlis of chlldieii urdci- 3 eais ct ago In
Holson last J cur wclii 32.U UT cent, el tho
total molality.
Ohio hid tho laiifst li'nber of sli)lliux el.'.s
lait yefii l.CiiO, Tenncasco coming next Willi
l.r.M, and Minnesota wilh S73.
Seattle proposes In build .1 csnil right inilea
leng from I'ugct Sound to Lake Washington,
which Is twenty inileM lung to 200 feet chep and
will niako an ideal harboi.
Munltlsil ownership of eiectuo plains Is mi
the Inert aso in Cunida. Vood-ioek and King
ten, Out., aie tl.e latest to au pure tho tloetrlo
llsr.ts as municipal roperty.
Sonic seventy dllteicnt varieties ol olives aie
gruveu In Calltomla. Ihcio U no sptdllo variety
known as Hit "mucih" olive, hut anv laisr
variety may be thus designated.
The Hood is a colorless llimld, In v.hteli lltllc
rcd globules aio lloatlng. I'v-ry chop ot It
contains about it million of '.he gluhules, and
Hey are susceptible of division Into smaller
globvlil still.
riiANK i:. novi.i:, attohmiv-at-law,
HikiiiK, 12, II, id iiihI IS llutr liulldlnft,
I'. K, TIIaTyT" rr ."ToMMONWIiAbTII lll.Utl.
J. W. I1IIOWN, XTTOItNKY AND COl'XSKli-lor-atdavv,
Itoomi .11'.' .113 Meara hullilliitc.
- I'. MlPI.Odl.i:. ArtOltSKY LOANS M Co
llated on real estate ireiitlty. MeM hulldln-jt,
luiner Wohlns(on avenue and spimc tln-cl.
W II.LaTii), WAliui:VtNAI'l'. ATT01INK S
and roiinselliircat-law. l'epubliean bulhlln?,
Washington avenue.
Jiet;i'jJbVlTrAn()iiNKS AMI '"fN-aelloraa(-lj,
Cminionnealtli liiillillnff, Itoonn
1". 10 and si.
OlJ-WI, t'lh floor, Meara bulldlnj.
.- . ,,ul,lllnK' hcrantui, I'a.
imi:usojnrwi; cb'., tiiauiiiiV national
Hank liulldliii;
C. (OMI.OYS. 0 11 lHIPtlll.tCAN llfll.niNO.
A. W. MKimiOM-. AlTOItM'.Y. Mi: MIS VILIM1.
J?hy3lclans and Suigcotis.
mi. w. i:. ai.m:n, mi xouru wAMiiMiroN
av cnue.
on. s. w. L'AMomiviy.v.. oitkt: i wash
ington avenue. Ite-lidenie, 13H Mulberry.
C.hronlo disease, lungs, heart, kldnejs and
genlto-urlnary organs a specially. Hours, I lo
4 p, m.
Hotels and Bcstaurauts.
nue. Hates teavonahle.
P. ZLIGLLIl, Proprietor.
cn.ier depot. Conducted on Ihe Kim-pcm plan.
WCTOIl hOCH. Pioprieto..
Wiic Screens.
ivinue, Seranlou, I'a., inanufactuier of Wiic
DM'SSMAKINC l'Olt Clllt.llllHN TO Olllll.l'"
ilso ladies' waists. I.uuls Miocnuker, 21 J
Adnus avenue.
A. I). niitllilS LLL'A.N-i PMVV VACL1S ASH
cre tiool,: no odor. lmpioved pumps used.
A. II. Ilrlggs, pioprlctor. Ia:avc orders
Noith Main avenue, or l.ickeV chug store, cor
ner Adams and MulLeiiy. Telephone) lOI.
Jilts, l. t. Ki:i.i.t:ii, sci.i'Tm:iii:m'. .-a-.;
slnnipooli'g, .VS.; in.vs.igi ; inanletiilnt;,
2oc.; chiieiod. Jul (iiiiney.
ii.M'L'ft's ohchi:stii-mi'mo ron hali.
picnics, paitlis, lecefitioic-, wedding and tun
icit woik fiiriiMic-d. I'er teinn addirn It. .1.
Ilaiier, ceiidurtur, 117 Wycnilng avenue-, oici
llulbcrt's urn-It item.
Mi:n.ii(ii:i: iiuos.. pmmliis' siippi.his i.v
vrlopes, piper bigs, twine, Waiehouse, 10
Washinglon avenue, .Su-ntoH, I'a.
Till; WILMS IIMHir lILiOMi CAN llli II Ml
in Scranton ut the- news Hands of lie-lMiuii
Hros., lOel Spruce and CiM l.ind-n: M. Norton,
."'JJ Lackawaiuu avenue, I. S. Selmizir, 211
Sjiriicc street.
Lehigh Valley Railrond
In Llket XI nib I, l:m.
(laius irii.e -. i.iiiiuii,
1'or I'lilladelphia and Now Yoik vu D fc II
ft It., at li I,', and II V, a. in, ,ui,, i :
(llhek iJumond i:piis-). and 11 Ml p i:i. su-i-
I i.uns leave -eianlnu.
iiiut ii nn ii.ii iiieeiiiieiuiie- -.laciocis 1 1.1 -
It. It.. fl.l.-, 11. Vi ii m ; .-.7 (Ithil, ),
lliond i:ire), II Ml p. III. Nine'.!!, I), .c. It
It. It., 1.6s s.27 p. in.
. ..., ,.v , .... ,
i ..I rr. ...til 1. 1. ii. L 'I'n .,..1. i I...!.. t.i...
w. .(.ii..ii.iii..v... ..., ..nil,,,,, iinaea
Cciicta and prlnuiul lull nnnliate stations, v i
D, U k W. It. It., SS a. in ; I. ir, nil,i m ,j
p. in.
I'or Ceneva, llodiester, llnfl.ilo, Niagara l'all,
Chicago and all points we-t, l.i II. Jt j. It it
ll.S, .-i. in., :!.! (Ill.ii k llliimoinl Hxpre'sl. ; l
Id. II, 11.30 p. m. Sural.!, I). A. II, n. i
ll.tVj. S.27 p. m-
I'ullnun jiarlor and sleeping or Lehigh Vail
pailois cam on all tialns bitHieii Wilkes-Haiie
and New York, l'lilladclplil i, llutfdo and Sin
pirlon llridge.
IIOI.I.IN II. WILIllll, Hen. Supt., -J.J Curt.ind
htieef, New Yoik.
ClVtl.l s. I.i:i:. Ceil. I'.ks. Agt 'JO Coillmd
street. New York'.
A W. XONNCMAt IIIIll, Dlv. I'a-ai., .t , South
Helhh-hrm, I'a.
I'or Ihkets and I'ulliiuii reservation-) apple to
."O-l Lackawanna avenue, Seranlou, I'a.
Central Kaihond of New Jersey.
Stations In New- Yoik luot of Liberty u -tr,
N. It., und South 1 eny.
Tialnv leaco Snanton lm New nrli, Vewaik
lll7ibctli, I'liltaddi Ida. Ii-toii, tktldehcm, VI
butouii, 51 ins li I hunk and White llacen nt s ,-(,
ii. m.; cxpii, 1 10, cpie-.s ;:. jo p. in. iiinin,,
2. 13 p. 111.
I'or I'ltlstnu and W ilke-s-iliire, :,n ,1, m., 1 ))
and el..i p. m. Siiml.i.., .-.Ij p. m.
I'm- ballliuuie nnil t lslilugtnii, and polm.
South and We-t vie Itelldehcin, s..iO ,1, m. ; 1 10
.il.-l S..VI p. m. -undi.vs, '. 11 p. in.
For Long Uumli, Ocean Ciuvc, cte., al s,;d
a, 111. and 1.10 p. m.
Fur Heading, Lebanon and HauUhuig. i .
lenluwii, s.w a. 111. and 1.10 p. 111. sundae-,
2.1'i p. in.
For Pottsvllle, s.TO a. 111. and 1. 10 p. in.
Through tickets to all points e.i-t, toiilli and
west al lowe-t i.iles at the statlun.
II. I'. IIVI.DWIN, Cen. I'as. gt.
J. II. 01.11 l-i:.V, Cm. Supt.
Delaxvnre, Iiackawaima nnd Western.
Ill Filed lLe. , 1M0
South Leave Scranlon fei New Yoik nt I to,
.1,00, 5.30, S.00 and 10 01 a. 111. ; l.'.Si, J..U p m.
For I'lillade-lpliii nt S.esi und 10.U3 a, in.; 12 1
and 'J .!'! p 111. For Ml.unll.uiir at p. 111.
Milk accommodation at p. 111. Airive 11
llobukcii at, T.lN lu.-Jj, l.'O, ;:,13, Lis
7.PI p. 111. Auivc at I'lilladelphia at l.M. --',
C.W and S.2J p. in. Airlve fiom New York at
1.10. 4 mi and 10.21 a in.; I.Ou. 1 5J, fill, s.ta
and 11.40 p. 111. I roin stiuueMiing at S.03 a m.
Neil th Leave Seiautoii for HulTalo and liitei-inedlate-
stations at 1.13, I.Jo and i.l( a. 111 :
1.33, 5. s uud II. 3 p. m. Fur Ckucso ami i 1
ruv) at 1. 10 a. in. and l.uj p. 111. For Llh.i at
I PI 11. 111 and I.Vj p. 111. Fin- Montio-e at (ino
a 111.; I.Uj and .its p. 111. Fur Nn holson at I'M
and (1.13 p. 111. I'ui lliiuhaliiton ut iu 20 1 111. Ar
llvc in Sei.mtou fmiil llullalo at L.'-i, .'11. 1 3
and IC.CiO a. m.:'.1..0 and S i.0 p. 111. I'iulii (
wigo und SJiacme ut 2 sj a. In.. 12. IS and s.iyi
p. m. From Ftica at 2.31 a. m. ; li.M and 1..0
i. 111. From Nicholson at "') a In. and 0.00 p.
111. Front Mmitiu-M) at lO.Oo a. in.; J.20 and .- "0
p. ui.
Illouinsburg Divl.lon Lcavo Serar.loii fui
Norlhuribeilau'l, at 0.11. lucx, a. in.; I.M mil
fti'O p, 111. For I'lviimiiih ut I.113, J 10. flu p
in. For Kingston ut .-.In a. in Uritc- ut Noith
uinbcrlaiiel at fdij a. 111 ; 1 10, '.tie) unci S.r, p
111. Anlvc ut Kingston at s.j2 a. 111. Anlve at
I'lvniouth .it 2.00. 1.3.', 0.(3 p. in. Aniie In
Serautoii fiuiii Northuui'iiiiland ui (' (2 a. tu ,
12 Uj. l.M and 13 p. m I mm Kingston at
II do 11. in. Fioiii i'lcimnilh at 7.33 a. In.; .'u
und 3.33 p. 111.
Sniitli Lravo sunnton at 1 40, 3.00, 3.60, 10 03
p. in.; ;;.:t:i and J. 10 p. in.
Norlli Leave Seianton at 1 15, (.19 a. nt. ; 1.53,
3.1s and 11.113 p. 111.
Illooui-hi.rg Division Leave Scranton a- 10.01
n. in. and 3.(i0 p. 111.
I or White llivin. Uilctcii und principal polnl,
III the legions, via l .V II, It. n u, -,(
2.1s iind 127 p. tu. I'or l'ultsvltlr, I.-J7 p. ui,
I'er llelhlehem, Histou, Ue.idlng, ILirrithuig
Dclmvnio nnd Hudson.
In l.lfcet Nov 23. 13iVi.
Tialns lor Cailiondali- have -t rjntoit nt a 20,
7.GJ, s.3.i. 10.1.J n. m.; I-'"'. 1 -'. 3.11, ;i.b.', .1,211,
0 52, 7.5". 0.13, 11.13 p. m.. l.liij. in.
I'or Ilor.csdalc 0.20. lO.i; 11 in. ; C.CI and 12)
PV"r Wllkcs'llJIie " '3. 7.13. Sid, 0.3, 10 l.
11.55 a. in.; 1.25. S.M J-Ja. W. tUO. 7.l, 10. n.
11.20 P. in.
for L. V. It. It polnts-0.13, 11.55 a. m.: ? 13
1, 27 end 11.30 p. ui.
I'or I'eniisvlvanU 1!. It. points 0.13, D.,5 a.
111. 1 '-'.IS and 1.27 p. m.
I'or Albany ant all pilnU uoitli 0.9) B. m.
a,ut 3.W p. .,.. tL.snAV T( uxs
For Ciibondak-O 00. 11.".. u. ln. k'.ll, .13-.',
S.47 10.52 p. in.
I'or JIM 11. in. 1 1.5s,,
0.27, S.27 i. 111.
1 or Albany and points nvrth a,62 p. m,
I'or llonesdalc U.c) a. 111 and tl.W 11. in.
l.owust latts to -II ilnl in L'lilleel Statei and
J. II. IlimiHCK. 0 1' . Albany. V Y.
II, W. I llOss. D. 1'. A. hcriiiton, pi
Erio nnd WyoiuhiB Valley.
T.nie Table In LIVc-cl set. 17, W
Trains fui- lliwlev aial local poiuls, conned
ing at Haw Icy with Hlio lailieuiil for New Yoik,
New l-ui g and lutciinisilate points, leave Scun
ton at 7.03 n, in. and 3.i p. in.
Tiulisi aiibe at s-lanloii at in M) a. m and
C1 10 I' in,
We are displaying
our new selection oi
Every style is new
and all the patterns
are our exclusive de
signs. Our line em
braces: Dimi'y Waivls,
(In White and Colors.)
White Pique Waists,
White Lawn Waists,
White Embroidered
White Co Ueri Waists,
The "Senior" Black
Silk Waists are un
excelled in style and
A line of Black
and Colored Silk
Waists at .$3. 75, well
made and perfect fit
ting. A rare bargain.
re A WArrvl l
atti. vvuiji vu iiim
Wise is Safflclctti."
Tlio purt of wisdom Is to set the bes".
AVo li.ivc llif largest litu of statlou-i-ry,
nlllc-o supplies anil blutik books in
.N'cii'tlicastc-iii IVnnsylvatilii.
Stdtioncrs nnd hiijravcrs,
Hotel Jermyn Buildiiift.
ii.lrl fir
Schedulo in Effect May 27, 1000.
Trains lenvo Scrnnton, D. & H.
0.-15 a. m., week days, for Sunbury,
Hanisburp, Philadelphia, Daltl
moie, Va3l1Ington and foi Pitts
burg and the West.
0.38 a. ra.. week days, for Hnzleton,
Pottsville, Eeadine, Norristown,
nnd Philadelphia; nnd for Sun
buiy, Harrisbuifj, Pliilndelphln,
B lt.more, Washington and Pitts
burg and the West.
2.18 p. 111., week days (Sundays,
1.58 p. m.) for Sunbury, Harris
buiij, Philadelphia, Baltimore,
Washington and Pittsburg and
the West. For Hnzleton, Potts
vllle, Bending, tScc, week days.
4.27 p. 111., week days, for Sunbury,
Hazleton, Pottsville, Harrlsburg,
Philadelphia and Pittsburg.
.1 li, WOOD, Ocn Pass. ,et
J B. linnilMrOX. f!cn. Mgr.
Time Card In rffrrl Iter. aOlli, 11)00,
if nl f
I an aoi ail ss ahM
'Id iiii f-nnoss ' iab
i 1 I PH I W " "
. 1 ' 7 10 Vr VVVVeSjmjr 8 00
AM ft M PM
lOIVlOi.Vr. I uiloila I. 109(H) .
.. 101012 M " 1Iikik-Ic ' JlHsS
. lUJlimS " , SlalliKlit " .281(5
...IDH . HI " .1'lislon l'mk. " . HMWi
...IDIiUSs " WlnlH)J. . " 8i5W
lOWll. 1) " .1'nvllU-lle-. " . MSU
UJiill."! " . .Hi son. ... ' ,. ,18183
01011 1 ' . I-liiisAlit Ml . " .. sCI3!!0
u.Hull l. " l'iiliinl.ile " .. 3 0J6M
Suiian loicrtl'itj, " .. 1196.1
.... PM IIIIJB " t-aitiilet.itaVel " (MSSDSfl
....a 40 ulllUSi '- I'arbcaidale- "7 0)8 815 K ,
....6SJU0; . .WhlH III Mm-. TM
,...6SlV(UII II ' MrtUL-lfl Vil ' 7Cel(IU
... atul'inui 11 " vfoffiit t 01s tie ot
.. suHaniiM Jn 1. 11 " Jeau6ls
... ett H.V.11101 - Anhi.ielii "7naei6tn
.. gs-a)(, VV inl.,11 -7U8M6 17 .
.. n jj S11.H.M r.-Wiii!( "7catM8is
.. 6 , si.-iom 1 l 1 1 wit "7tae5t! ,
....611 ilOIOhi ' l-llirkuii; ' T tMi OTf tf
... 8 03 sajiois iiuui - T ai u f st 4
....0i iCK-,10 I'. IIucMmics- '-tanilHl 7
....801 "SJIOIJ I'aiUI'l e- . 7 .VI llflfa T
... 60C i WLe. Hciuntcili .11 7 41 I tolas
?l M tt IH P- ft,
Vaiillortl irflliislracf rtrbmnlali- Mavtittil Yap
M I lines, cit huiitlay, n,l 7 Fi) pen UMIayon!ylarlill
l iiavlislil 1 arel 7 CU 1 1.1 uii&OUrin.
Vil.litliius I trolnalraTc snanton at? fTpmbundair only
ati rt ntfatullltatWna t e'arl.maalr arriving at 7s lra
ai-.t irahelratea alaclialil aM for arcsiajale atdl aoa
dall, arriving at Cartwiidal, atcl,vaaiei,
littles " cc-nti pe-i- mile.
I.onont ltnlea tu nil I'olnts Weal,
a, c rNocrtsoN,
ho Y&iklity,
liar XtnX.