1r J' vVUti ftn' .' 't'w'r-'f-n' "r'Ti,tjrTpT'BV)? r f--. -i, I'wi1 "' r - THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE-WEDNESDAY, MARCH 13, 190f. s fr Usnd'ft Phosnhaffld I Condensed Milk i the riches! milk from field fed routwith the water left out. All the goodness of the unskimmed flesh milk l there with tirosphntes and hjtiophostihitcs nildcd in quantity to make it equ.il to a whole wheat diet. Jt nukes children healthy with .strong txines, tine teeth, steady nerves, active, brain; jt give strength to the aging and invalid; for the tnble it is better than fresh milk rich as cream. I'tee booklet on reqnfit, DR. HAND CONDENSED MILK CO, Scranton, Pa. I J Ice Cream. BEST IN TOWN. OC Per J)c QuarL LACKAWANNA DAIRY CO 3 elepbone Ordira Promptly UU verel 3f "37 Adam Aveou. Scranton Transfer Co. Baggage Chei ked Direct to Hotels ind Private Residences. Office D.. L. & W. Pascugtr Station. Phone ."I'D. Dr. H. B. WARE, SPECIALIST. tU, LAR, NOSE and THROAT ciw lii.v; lot ii wit.i lAMint.ii" , ' 1! Oa. in . 3 4 p. i flpp, I'lMoftiec. ttttttttftttt ! CITY NOTES I -! -t MllMH, llll. 1,T PWMviidav- will li ih last day lor filing appeals in tin1 piothoro ji nttii in tin Man U turn. llilirii IMXU.UIOV buiit forl.s-tiic r 1 1 -cut dives of tlic loul Mliii Wiikers' mil 'in I t' i r llilcton .sostenliv nimnlng nn lli culy Pi in jii'i Hudson tiain. lil I LW.U KIIOM .1 Ul.. ".tames hilars w n n ised horn the county j i II jcsterdi.v. Kaino vd umiultiril 1'ibm.iry 27 li-t ti luecin, but 111 II c III. llOCII VvlllldtllSlll. MII1IM. M M. 'II o cab. fuili ami , ililiimn will mill -iinday nUht, Much, IT, .it 1! -uij hall at S o'cloi I, feharp. All nu nibns S' ririrj-irrj lo ho jri-iiit. a. hu-hti-s if im- I ami m11 lie tiJUMitiil, IHIMI I! H0 MI HIT) lllc hard Mllighei, 1, eais old. IIiIiij on .lamm i-ikiI, tin his In t i! hadlv in'iiird .soteula) b.v In Ini.- tun over in a Ham "I empty ioal fan in tin' Mnivlllo ii M Hi w.is tiken to llio )Imj 'I ij loi hos. iii-nvi) . wirr-itiiiiiiiu.ii.ii mi m. iif i uj finny itticrl, weie pieisuutuis ijiih-t cadi otlm in Ahlciman Millu's coml jctculav, nnil both weie litlil mull r Nam lull (or ippiaiimc In uiiirt in tic" thai go ni thieal- mug io kill. I'i 1U -I lie liil.iw.iii. Lukiivatuia iii'l Witrni unipim lompldul the IMniuij uvs firiili. win ii tin- lialanii' (if tlm imliiincn i" leiiumeiatrd loi their 1j1 month's ssoih, Ini' llrlaaro anil IlinWin lonipany pjl.l .Mslrr. m at Hip Oulbiook walur, rarlionOili', and ii Clinton miiii'i at ainlliiiir ( rilO, lIIsTOHIL U. soill.lj t I,. liilflil ii IiicflliiR ul the I utlicili HUtmlial n 1'irH 1'rofpv.nr I'dnanl I liiod sin a inu,i Intti "tine talk on the "Catliulh ( hunli and (.i'i.ui i ph ' lie stoutfd Hie idoj that llir f itholli mil' h Is (Iir piipiny of m iriici-, ami ald Hut when gcosra phots dtln In go In a rftiiil uf lit tffftt - BOND OFFERINGS. Spiing' Biook Wftter.lst Mtg-.Os Lacka. Vnlloy Elee. Light, lbt Mtg. 5s. North Jersey nud PocouoMouji tain Ice Co., 1st Mtg-. 5s. Standard Gas Co., 1st Mtg, Gs. Xehightoti Water Supply Co., 1st Mtg'. Ss, New Mexico Railway and Coal Co., 1st Mtg1. 5s. Descilptlon and ptlce on Appli cation, -f M tlroaOsvay, N, V, Allies llarre. f Caibondale. -f f 4, 6 and fl, Comnionnealth Illjj., -f s Seranteii, -f -f-f-f-f-fsrV-f-t't-f-f-ft I UNlOJLlfcgLfi0,E:C appeal to Mltlc a ctOKMphlfal disculon they hae tn go to tho Vatlran library. A piper en Hi "Knglluli Citliollc roeta" wa tad by Mm. A. I'. Huffy. CnilTIN' INQfKST. The InqJieal In the car cl tho late llcnry Orlfllu. Mlio dlfd without meillcal attention, us to have been held in Ilia Khool Iioiue at Orccn HIiIro last nlglil, but Coroner lloberls aa unablo to get I he iiereiry ltiiceii to the l.inlnf. Another effort will bo made to bold the inquest tonight. I)liTInili:P llll! PATIKMS. Mounted Officer llloch atrested a liVjeai-old boy by tlin riaino of funk HarloU clerday for plajlnif maibles in front of tho I-ackawamn hospital. DartoU Is a member of a gang of lailt who eangiegats at the ho'pltil dully and they proe u ourre of mufli atiiio.ianc to the patlenla liy their noly eonduct. tlltr.MU.'K ItKI.ICF AStOCI VTIOX. The nutnbeii cf llio I'lrenun'ii llollef .iseoflallon held a ffnli)ii last night behind elowd doors in tho lecordei's olflce. Newspaper men were barred out and at the conrluriun of the meeting l'rel deut John Molr refimd to ny nn.lhlng about tho limine, transacted, crept thit it was of A routine nature. PMSOXKHS OP W.MI. Tho I'liion es I'linoncn of Mar oinoi lotion will hold It, nunual meeting tomorrow afternoon at the rooms if V.na (iiiflin post, (I. A. II., tonunenclni; at 'J o'tlnrk. tiinqiiet Mill be scied In the ening at l o'dofk, to be lollimed by a camp-fue. An addies is to be made by Captiln J.iine lluw Iran, of Milkendlirre, on "SalUburj Prison" HP.t.D A SMOKKIt. After da lit la.t pjenlng the number if Company C, Ihlrlecnlli icgiment, held a Mnoker In the jinnory. Itccintly Captain llelriegel lecehed a tnc of cigars from I'alwaid Itlchard", formeil) a member of Company C, but now utalionid In Culu wllh Troop fi, sinth tjlry, and the.i-horl netting last runing was to (onsunic the mine while promoting a li'llcr feolliiic of fellow Milp. TWELVE MEN ARRAIGNED. They Wete Charged with Various Offenses Against Peddlers. Fined and Held in Ball. TeHturdav iwolvo of -the barn inen nnd drivers tti the wiikoiih oC Cukcj1 fi Kelly's blow ci y ijoie wralmiod In Alderman Jllllar'n rouit on various chaises pie fet red by tlvv pcddlets. Tim case ntiraiti-d much attention in tho nt'igliboihoori of thi' brewery nnd tho whole fommtinlty tucked Into the alderman'h otllce lavt night. Tln drlwrs nncuti'd r;avi their names and nddusos a:: follows: Thotnos Kcniioy, Aichbald; J'atilek Jlahon. Mlunoldt; Kdwunl Ifarilngtou, III Palm street: John Kofiran, Jpmcg ManRim, lltd 1'roipeit avenue; Iat itek Kymtm, T37 Vc ytroet: AUchael o'Uoniudl, 1113 New street; John N'al lln, John (.llbiide, 11 OS South Washing ton avenue, l'aliid: F.idden, 111S llrlnker street, and Jlk'iael I3vtona, l Vie: street The peddletH who appealed aR-alnt tlin: weio Iguatz Altninn, 409 South AVyoinlns nvetiue: .faints Allttlenian, 216 KinniPt street, l?ein.sttln, 209 rifth meet; ivter SMnberffcr. 30." V'lrnt i.tiiH't, ami J iu oli tliosiner, 3I'J 1'li.st itioet. Dlfterent tales of the t lilts jilaycd upon tin- peddlerh, such us confining thtni lu the b.un for several Iiouih. liposii!r of the hoi sos and wagons, disuriangliit; tho harne.t stealing hvns-i and ..upper and feeding a hoins llnir, weie told. Tho aldennnn dl chaiged the men on tho chaisfi of as-f-ault nud battel y, anJ lined them 10 each fur illf-ouleily conduct. They weie also held under 3300 ball each for laieeny and ruiclty to ai.liualx. l.omr and loud weio the irle of in iliguatlon that succeeded this dei Islon, the nji-n pioteMlng that It was nil a i.'tse of mlaundciftandliiK. Jn tin heat of the cM'lU'iupnt Putilck li'adden managed to make lilt voice hoard ,iboe the babble, and swore out .l warianl af,ainsi Mlniaii for uerjury. Altman waived a healing and tntcied ?."i00 ball tor his pppeaiance In eouit. Wl-.ile the uldennau wb makinr," nut iiJiiiPiltmeiitstor the entlie crowd John t'. liochp and Htnty .1. Uutl'i, col lectots tor Casey & Kcllj , entsied -inc? paid $110 in tines and furnished $?,20.1 ball for the appeal ance of (he men l'l ctnut. WRESTLING AT THE GAIETY. Patdello Will Meet Chailes Zang on the Mat Tonight. Cluii lis Zancr, the well-known ama teur ba.se ball, tot ball and basket lull pl.ijer ot Scianlon, will wiestle f.eo 1'ardello, Uoebor's wioslllnp palt lit r nnd James J. Corboll's tuiuer. m tin- new ("iaiety 'J'htatio tonight. I'ai dell'i offiH to fin felt the sum of llttv dollais if lio does mil sccuru a fal' lu ill teen minutes from Zang. T'ar dello will aUn wrestle William Joliu-t-on, of Plttsburi;, the same loudltlons prevalllni.- ifKiuillng the tall. William Lestei, the llKhtwdglit, will wiehtle Haniuel HixIr-Ius, of Jesiup.imd oilers fo foiloll twonly-i.ve dollars If he docs not secure a iall tiom UocIkIih ii. Ill teen minutes. f'ariloPo nnd Lot ti r aie both memtvis of West's Twen tieth fen tiny funis mmpany, iiov pU'ylliif nt the Nc. Oalety Theatie. The Clausen sistfis aie also fnatuie of the show. KOONS INQUEST. Cm inn ,1, ,1. Ifoberis iflirdai i udmuil an Inquest lu thi c ike of (hark, Iwoiia, of Ninth Miauiiin, wliii cuhimltti'd tulclde Mondas Jllir mum liv hwallnwlng a do-e ut ciiliolk .aid. The jnrj, nlihli imui-tisl of Kicd oiuiff, Oitige .Nelu, .Iui'it ...luichl, .Icivph Woellii-, ,1 icnh Sindsilfiif ind Jalwaid Connolh, ileelde, thai Ki't.iif in. I iliilli al his own hind- WHAT DOES JAR CONTAIN? The iait iialiue of the cr.ntinU of die gla.s jar ' niitciioiM,r lound Mondas urnini; en the ,li dump in the lcai of the IImiMoi club houe, on Wuhlngton avenue. In mill a putilr. The iar was taken to pollio liridquaitet,, when lmiij curloiu peiirfin, esanilned U at .i peel nbU' ilUtainc, the dlcncli biliiff oveipouctlnu, 'J lie toiomi Int. bieii noilflcd ot Hie find, TO WIND UP BRIBERY HEARING An efluil Is to b made liy the Mullcipal league to fonduet . linal healing in tho bribery raie now pending lo ruing them to lha attention of the jriand jury now In f.e.,lin, 'tho heailng will probably be conducted today or tomoiiow. Yesteiday's Manlage Licenses. Janiea V. Ilai.U Wllkes-Ilane (iraee bowsri ill,e.Bjrre lllah II. Cole ortli Ahlngton I iiiiua HaiiKliu South Ahlngton nanl, rundjcl Suranlon llota Novak S runt on Willie 11. Davla Scranton fcman Price rcrantwi ' Schrlevei's Three Dollar Portraits. To effectually conect the provatllng Impression that the Gold Medal Studio produces none but e.vpcnslve plctuies, Schrker's three dollar poi trait is spe cially offered, AUIstlenlly well, wo shall say noth ing f their merit. See them at the studio. ANSWER OF MOjR FILED DENIES THAT HIPPER IS UN-CONSTITUTIONAL. Goes Over in Detail the Allegations That Are Made Against the Vari ous Provisions of tho Ripper BUI. Declares That Scinnton Is a Sec ond Class City nnd That the Ripper Is Now Effective Here Caso Heard in Equity Court Cottit House News Notes. The patties and attorneys to the quo warranto proceedings directed against James Molr to compel him to Bhovv by what right ho holds the olllee or ie corder, yesterday went before Judge. H. At. Kdwnrds, who Is picsldlng In the main court loom this week, and made an application for the advance ment of the nigument of the caci! fioin Tue.sd.iv of next week, the date oilg lnally jlxc-sl, to tomorinw morning at 9 o'clock. Court allowed the change. l.ule yesterday afternoon Mayor Molr filed his teply to the petition on which the writ of quo watranto was granted. The answer follows; The reponilent, .lames MMr, cMfpllig and re cits Invr all tu inner uf exception to the ein, both in form and aiiMance, iniikis answer ti llio Infnrrnillon or sump'-dlnns rilft He admits that an Hi uf the generil a-sembly uf Prnnnylvanii, enlltled "An ait for tie government of titles of the n-conil clus, ni approved on thcreienth daj of March. 1'HtI, and is now the law lejiulnllng tho government of Mid clticaj but he denies tint the mid not 1, in any piiticnlar inopeiatlvo or tmcoiislltu lional. Seiond He admits the facia nlleged in the second puagraph of the niigmntlcn m infuiiii.i tinn, except the list eluw tlurcnf, to wit: "And who, In addlllon tn liU otlur fioum. Is aiitlmitrril tn iicrfoini .11 the duIkH hcielofme pcrfonned by the maior of wld Ity." He does lot admit that lh" fact is a, vtited iu the wouls Juki quoled, but alli'uea that the duties o( re- i-order, ns ileugnsted ami llseil iij tin- aci or March 7, 1001, aforesaid are mieli an .lie hpeeifled and dcwlgnated In the said uit, a bv re feieni e theutu will fulls- appear, and that he has no other powers or duties as recorder, ac Mich a aie npidlliallv veiled in liliu by the said net, a duly authi'iiticatcd copy of which act Is at taclud heiclo and nude a put of this answer. 'Ihlrd-lle- admits the ulutemcnls ot fait con lilned iu the thiol paiagi iph uf the auggrsiion or Inrormirkin to be tnm as Unrein .t.iif iJ. a uiMAir.tilAi.p-r. I'ciiHili tie respondfM is advind aud hillcves that the allcgationx of the fuuith pnagiaph of tin- infuimatlou or tuKgielion are Ilidchnlle, ini inaleilal and aigumrntatlvc and that he is not required In law to .uwwn the tame. o fir as Ihe ild allegations iim.i be unmleit as material, it is admitted that the petitioner, ns -i flllni and laspajer of tin- cilv of N.ranlo, is propeily inleredled in having a rt.ibla and legal fuim of luiiiilelpal governnienl, but it Is not in am iy admltled thai the IfgMatuie has not tin- riKht to enact a law which will deprive .1 municipal olfletr, elected by the people, fluni ecrrl-ing the dullei and trccivlng the emoluments if Ihe oflho dining thu teiin for whlcli he was dee Ml; bill, on Ihe contiai;, the legWatuio his lull power to do and perform tho act which is com plained of iu this paragraph jo fir as uch ait refills from the provisions of the f.ihl Act uf llauli 7, l'JOl, and having uih tull powir, the ct of Assembly nf Maicli 7, loul, rest on no doubtful lonstllulioiial authollti liflh Ihe ir-pnndirit Is advised and believes that the allegations of Ihe fifth paragriph of the urgesliou oi Informatlou are fulls- irieles cut and immitirlal and aigunienlitisc, aid that it fi Is feu th no tails to which ho is called upon to nuke aasssu. ."sj Ui as It mas- be laid that hJih allegations mc in ans Manuel piitlculirls nnleiial, he alleces lhat the legulituro ha, full puwerai.il authorils 10 miner upon the gonriior all the power sested n him under tin- terms arid usi!nm of Mid Act of Manli 7, pill, not vsitlislaiiiliiig it prodiicea ihe lertilts -pultlul in the said piragiaph. Mth The iispond.'iit i jilsi-ed nnd bdicsis that the allegations oi ihe itli paaferaph of the suggestion in Information aie fully Irrdesant and immalerial and .irKVimenlatise, and that.it fel, tenth no fiets to svhich he is lalled upon tn make answei. s.0 (,r j, )no allegations of the said paugiaph iniv be comidried in .inv m inner ma tcrUI, It l, alleged tint no evpriM constitutional piusisloii Is uted iu Ihe Mid paragraph, which the id complained of in .my manner viol.de, and it is alleged bs- the iepnudcnt lh it the leglslntni,, ha, full pnssir to eonfer upon the irosniioi jnd Ihe governor his tull nulhcrils to perfHtin the ills complalnid of in the nld pin graph. Nor i vro.NsrmjniiNAii. Mrveiilh -lu aiiiwcr to the alli'gatioiH lu the fesenth paragiaph of the .nid migge,tio-i oi In formation, it , denied thai (he act wken of is uuionsllliKlniial and void, and tint It is in any le.pect in tin- nature nf epeeial oi loial legist i II in pmliiblted by the constitution. It Is fur thei denlid llul thefedloii of the act Willi lefn ctice to the illsiiijh.il of policemen and firemen refund to In the Mid paiagiapli Is in conlllct with tha eonstlluljon, and It is fmthor allived tint evin II the said see Hon vsero in conrlic t villi the LiiiudHutloii in the- pirlluilar mentioned, it would not have (he eflict of rendering llio entile act void, but Would only prevent the evcr clsn of the power therein- gi Intnl. I.lgiith lu jnsswt to the alli'ifuluiis of the eighth pitagtaph of Ihe niggcuttoti or infoima. tmn, it is ilirilcd that the appointment of n Hiondcnt waa void bivausc Ids mine svxs not sent tn the f.enato iot ninllinMlion, and It is alleged tint such fiiiirlmiatlmi was not required bj .ins piovlilon of the eonstllutloii or nf ihe hss, and that the pimlslorn of ectlon ', artlde t of the constitution, cited, iln not apply to iiumiclpil oillics sihIi a, that iljlmt'il and excrdprd hv (he respondent. It Is tuither denied lint the leKls lalure and the governor c-tc ceded their constltn. Hunal authoiaj bs the act, oi the liglsliture In Ihe elld pnaglaph Ninth for answir to tlm aiiegitlons of Ihe nliilli paragiaph of tin- Miggentlon ot uiiorma- lion, respondent denies the irgumnils, uj fentallon, and coinlusloii contained in the caM piragnph to 1m- as tin rein stiied and N nlsi, mid belleses tint the Mine aro vvlinll) Iridic mt and Immalciial. 1 1 nl li It 1, ndiniited li.u the said ,n I of a- AN UNEQUALED RECORD Theie Is a Rapidly Increasing Vol ume of Scranton Evidence Rolling Up for the Gieat Medicine, Dr. A. W. Chase's Nerve Pills. It would n'cni that haidly anion can tako Dr. A. V. Chase's Xeive Pills without receiving marked bone lit. Tho wonderful action of this meell elno lu putting people on their feet who aro In a weak, mn-down condi tion Is tho talk of every place they aie known. It Is only u shoi t ilmo since they flist canio to Scraiuon, jet lodiy they are mote In evidence for ineii't with Hcunton people than all other medicines combined, Mrs. John Penatei, of Xo, 4,jn r4eo court, Botanton, n i-ays: "Di. a. W, C.'haso'H Xeivo Tills that 1 got ,u Matthews Titos.' drug stoie, No. y.-o Lackawanna avenue, are it lino medl elno Indeed. I was suffering with a lot of pain In the left bide, o-er tho spleen a, gnawing pain but nothing seemed to stop It. I was icstless and nervous, ns well as iuii down. The norvo plllrf, however, pioved junt the thing, stopping the pain and neivous ness and giving me stiength and en ergy. I can say this conscientiously, and am pleased to think I can " Dr. A. W. Chase's Nerve i'llls ate sold at 50c. u box at dealers, or Pr, A. W. riinse Jlcdldiio Co., lluffulo, .v. v. Sen that portrult and slgnuturn of A. W. Chaise, M. D., arc on every package. SICHEL'S "MADONNA." How to Obtain a Platinum Copy 12 1-2x10 1-2 in Size Free. Theie Is no painting among the mod em masterpieces of ait trmt appeals so stiougly to the hearts of mankind as Hlchcl'fl "Aladonnn,'' It Is ald no amount of money could buy the origi nal. A platinum copy of this painting IS'i by I6V3 In size, would cost fioni l to M per copy In any llist-class plctuie storo In this city, but owing to the lib eral oner of tho Xorninn Llehty Alan iifncturlng company, It will be possible to obtain n copy within a few days absolutely fice. The firm recently secured C0.000 copies of this famous painting for freo dlstil butlou. They uto 123 by Wj In slue and have no advertisements upon them whatever. So gieat 1ms been the de mand for them that the company has been compelled to allot a definite num ber to each city. The allotment for Sin anion Is now on the way here from the publishers, and ns soon as they have been received. It Is the Intention of the Xoimaii Llchty Manufacturing company to allow one copy, until thu supply Is exhausted, absolutely fiee to each puichuser of one 21-cent box of Krause's Cold Cine or Kiause's Head ache Capsules. This Is eeitalnly the most llbeial and expensive offer ever made by any manufacturer. In the cities of the east, wheie they have already made a cllstllbiltlon, so great has been the demand for them, that the supply has been exhausted the first cl.ty the plctuies were placed on ex hibition. Announcement will be maele as soon as the allotment for this i Ity in leady for dlstilbutlon, but to make sine of receiving a copy, leave your name and addiess with your cliiiggii't at once, as the supply Is limited. eiublv and the proceeding under it aie of ven ereal impoitanci', not onls to Ihe eitv of heran ton, but to ntiic r cities if llio (.eeond clats and to the citizen, of the cormnoimi'illh geneiallv, and it is al-o admitted that n speeilj dtleimlni tion if all the iiiifstiont involved in the piopir ci n. million of Mid act vsould be desirable, If the same, wire in any pirtlcular open to the question, but il is denied that there is an) lei son or neiissln for the confusion In Ihe .nlmiu tratlein of thu municipal allails nt the fllj of Mr.mtcn, or nihil cities of the second dls, to vvhiih lcferenee is nuile lu the tenth para graph of the Miuirestlon or Infoiuntlou. 1 A UIT 01' Sl.(O.M) I.V nd I I further aiissser to Ihe liifoiiualion and siuiscllon lilnl in tliU c.i-i. till, ic'spondent t iss tint on ihe M'senth div ot Much, A. I. P'l, the utv of "lunlon ssas a dlv- nf the second class and has esei time been a city of the sec ond cla-a, and thi-ietoie Mibjn t to the provi sions if the Vet et Wiiiulils of Mareli 7. l'01, rem rid In In the Mid bUggcMiou, entitled, "Sa ait tor Ihe bOliumiehl ot ulii.s ut tlie second i la-s " lint the Mid ail wis dulv pas,ed hv the lii-lituic of I'cnusslv tma and appiovid by the governor Iherent mi the Mid eviiitli day f Marih. I'iOI, and is not lnopciillve oi un eonsliliilionil in an.s paitlnil.il whatever; tint in aicoidime with the piosiions nt ejjd act and after its appmsal, as aloicsitd. bs the cos einor, the lespondmi vs.is duly appointed under tho piiislsious of Mid ad leeoidir of the said illy of -si union, and tiled his bond, duly sp f Hived In the giwirnor, and took his na'tli of eifini- Js pi escribe d bs- jil ad, and has esir line cxenised the ilulles eif and enlns'fd tlie enmlumiiits of aid nmie, as Ihe rcsiundenl is advised lhat In lus Ihe rluht In iln. Ynur li ipoiiilint tlnii fore di nies lint he ha, in any wis u-uiped upon the slid nfllcc, all of which lie is nulls nnd able In prove upon the trill of thLs proe cedina. June Moll. Suit Over Word Quaker. The suit In equity bi ought by David Spiuks to restrain J. li. Council & Co. ft inn using the name "Quaker Girl" for a ripar which tln-y sell, was heard yehieiil.ty by Judge Kdvvaids. An-. Spiuks nmniifaetuies a cigar named the "lVnnsylvanl.i tiuaker." and con tends that C'onuell .V.- Co. have no light to ui-p the name "Qual.ei Cili,!" for u ilgar. Smokeis an- apt In call for ii "Quiiker" clr.ar, he says, when they want a "Pennsjlvanla Quukei" and be fuinlsheil with a "Quaker fill I." Cou ncil eC- Co. contend that the plaintiff has no ilfiht to nppiopilate the single word "Quakei" for his own especial use, nnd point out that a dealer In New Voik Is selling a clgai called Hie "Quakei (lentli'inan." The Liquor License Fee Case. On Thursday morning aiKiit'cnt svlll be lieai d in the imu of AI. i Flynn against County Tiousuier J. a. Scrap ton to compel him to Issue a license for $."0. Attorneys Hums, O'Hilcu and Alurtln will appear for riynn, and At toinev S. It. Price for the Measurer. Tho latter yestciday filed his answer to tho complaint of the county tieas uier. It sets foith that he lias de manded $1,100 fiom Atr. Flynn because Scranton Is possibly a city of the sec ond elai-s. At all events, the license granted to Mi, Flynn will become op. etatlvci on tho Ihst Monday of Aluy, and on that day Scranton will nigaiilze as a city of the second clas. Suit Against Miss Snovei. A. H. Uaun, adnilnlstiator of the es tate of John V. Uitub, deceased, yes teulay began an in Hon In trespass aalnst AIlcs AloteUa Snovei, through Attorney 11, 1". Akeilej, Ilofoio tho death of John W. J.aub, ho boarded with AIls Snover and her slstcis, 111 West ricianton, and J2.20O of his money, his gold watch, valued nt V.'i, and fuinltui-o wciith $.7 fell Into her hunds. Tho evoulor tnado a de maud for the pioperty, but It was not turned over. Some tlmo ago tho court made) nn in dor chaining him with this pioperty, and ho has consequently he gun nn action to ietovcr It frum Alias Snover. " For Rent. $13,00 Lingo tine single house, t.,S5 Adams nvenue, C. Schluger, Trice Uulldlir-'. Ask for Kelly' union crackcis. r"1, sBilHMl's rs 'aa CHURCH WORK DISCUSSED MEETING OF METHODIST MIN ISTERS AT ASHLEY. It Was the One Huudred nnd Fifty Eirrhtlt Session of the Wyoming District Ministerial Association, Opening: Session Was Held Monday Night and It Continued Yester dayNumber of Very Interesting Papers Were Read Next Meeting Is to Be Held nt Ashley. The onehundred nnd iitty-clghth ses slon or the Wyoming District Atlnls teilal association opened Monday oven. Ing In the Centenary AI. K. church, Ashley, nnd continued yesterday, Tht opening ndcltcss was delivered by Rev. llcrbeit Kllsworth, of Alderson, whos subject, "Pack to Christ," was veiy ably handled and favorably re ceived by the minlstcis precnt. The session of Tuesday morning commenced at 8:"0, Kov. Dr. GrlfTlu. the presiding elder. In. the chair. After devotions, the regular business of the association was taken up. Dallas was selected ns the place In which to hold the spring meeting. l!ev. Dr. Simpson, of Asbury clnuch, Sei anion, was elect ed to deliver the address, and Rev. O. A. Cure as ulternate. Rev. C. 15, Henry, of Taylor to dellcr the scnnon on the second evening, Kov. C. Rey nolds, nlternate. The first paper of the Ftsslon wan lead by Hew AV. L. Thorpe, of Ply mouth. Sublcol. "Best Methods of Kevlval Work." It was an excellent paper, full of suggestions nnd very helpful. The discussion which grew out of 11 revealed that where there ar manv minds I here ni ininy methods, and yot that In the use of means the) one purpose Is sought, nnd that the conversion of men. THE PRESENT OUTLOOK. Rev. C A. Cure, iof Providence church, read a splendid paper entitled "The Present Outlook lor the Conver sion of Two Million Souls," and was highly commended for Us optimism. llev. "!. C. Jacobs, of Courtdalc, was the next essayist, and the last of the moi nlng session, hl? subject being "External EvIdenwK of the Now lib th." Air. Jacbs wiites clearly, ready distinctly, ha, convictions! and -the courage of them, hence n gcod, force ful and piactlcal paper, spicy, attrac tive and out of ruts. At the afternoon session Dr. Grlftlu uiged (he need of an increase In benevolence, especially for missions; and superannuates. Dr. Alogg made anuountemoiit con cerning the coming dedicatory service- in connection with his church. Rim . At. S. Godchall, of Waverly. Pa., was tho titst leader of the aiternoou, his subject being "Why ("aje for Our Superannuated Preachers." The paper was caiefully pictured, was well icad and highly cmniendod. Iter. E. L. Santec. of West Nantl toke, lead a toicoful paper on "Les sons fiom ATis. Nation's Crusade." It was a delcirvj of the hatchet and its work. Rev. "!. ('. Lyman made n vigorous plea for Court street church, asking lot each pastor to give at least $10 lovvHid liquidating Its debt. Rev. 11. Af. Pascoe, of Avoca, road a. well-written paper on "Loyalty to Our Denom iu'itional Litet.ituie." and he was fol lowed by the closing essay of the con vention on "Novelty In Preaching" by Rev, Frank loung, of Dallas. EVENING SESSION. The evening session was an exceed ingly pi oil table one. A largo congre gation greeted Rev. .1. N. Bailey, of Alooslc, who was Introduced to preach the association sermon. His text was taken from Job 2i. 13 "What Is the Almighty that we should s-ervo Him? And what profit should wo have if we pray unto Him?" Air. Dalloy Is ,i young man of excellent nddtcsp. His s-er-mon was- eloquent, practical and In spiring, making a fitting linalo to a most printable meeting. The association was well taken oaio of by tho chinch and people of Ash ley. Those present wen-: llrvk. A. (iilftln. H. b I'.llswoith. II If Pirsser, .1. It. Wigner. It, JI. l'aseoe, Clark Callendar, liank Junes, fi arils Veiling, l, II Jle.sriolds, (J. ('. Jacobs, (1. A. Waibmlou, K. V, Armstrong, It. 1. Smith, P. A. Wagner. T. J. Vaughn. J. . Ililley. T. M. Fine, John llradidiaw, C. M. Sul ci un, P. i Hurtsork, W. I., 'lliorpe, J, I,. Ilaie, W. O. Simpson, V. I'. Doty. (I. P. l.junu, (i. A. lre, .f. II. hvsxel, Philip Hcnick, (!. II. Henri, 1' 1). Cornell. Jf. s (SoiWull, K. I, Santce, C 1' Mogg, W. II tV.iiec, W. II. Hlller. II. Kellj, V Homed, Jon.es I'ndenvooil, N, ,1, Haw ley. - sH COURT HOUSE NEWS NOTES. Iu the- ease of J. S, Miller against V. V.ii'y. a rule vvj.s uuntcd yctterday to show c.iuie why judgment fchmilil not be opened and the defend nut let into a defcu-e. It i returnable on March n I The nliiv.1 ili'triit f f Mooslp boiougli is deir cus of inning bonds in the sum of .1,000, and iia.leida.v- liled a stitcment wllh Clerk of the Courts Daniels Mum Ing tint the value of tho laible propeily of th dltrltt Is J-i",:01. A hearing in oiiou couit was jeslcrday fived bs court for Saturday morning:, in Ihe matter of graining a licem-o tn iho Hotel Desrcy. The tppllcallon of Louis llorio fm n, llcenro for tl'o place, which lus been renamed the "L'nion hotel," was icfiiscd halurilay, on account pf tho uns-nory repiilallou liorno by II, ns a lesult of Iho man) brawls which luv cceuircd theie, and tho murder of limy Oavl last Junius-, vvlui li look phee within Its walls. ttomey .Iiftiics julerdav rplilnd to court tint the hold has ehinged bands, that the new p-rpH-elm' Hon o beais a good reputation, nr.d i.skcd fo, .1 1 earing to detirinllie Lis tltues tn r-relve a lheiie. IIOPBOTTOm. Special to the Scranton Tribune. ' Hopbotlom, Much U. Mr. J. II. -luiaiis hu been bpendlng the pat few days at Montiose. Mr. (Jwnt, who is operating the fanner' cieaiuciy. lias moved lilt family here. They occupy a pait of Charlci Kcllum'4 tenement IlOUrC. Mrs. lie? li lias rrluinecl hoinu ailer an e v. tended visit wltli liei daughter, Mu. Hairy f-mlth. Miic. j;iM Tesulviry, who has been Ecr!ouly HI for tcvcral weeks, nniam In a critical con ellllon. with flight hope of her lecovery. People vvcio elUappointed on fcunday to learn that the services at tl.o Unlvci-sallst chuicli would of necctdty lp omitted, owing to tint lllnes. of get-. Tllllnghast. who had Imcii labor ing under physical ditlleultlm duilng tho cntlio week. Ilev. bevvls, pastor ot tho church, was aim m able to bo present on account of Illnci. Mm i:mma (VvoU, of lllnghamton, baa been slvltlns her hrolher, (i. O. Ilille), for a few ilav, Mn. Ilalle.v loturncd home with hci Mon day evening. MIXING THE COLORS. A mairlagp lleem-i was granted at sllkc-.'l!aire et,tcrday to Charle IJ. Smith, a negro, of this illy, and Mlfs Maud Muruy, a white woman, of W'lHej-Ilarrp. Smith U a coachman. Mln Mur lay it a dresa-maker with a piolltable baslneas. iivywywwwwiwywwMwwwwwwiWMix. LAMPS HALF PRIGE Jt'n Jiot often Lamps, stuh as these. nt sold at a leductlon. They arc HatnnJes or the latgost mnnufacitois of Fine Lamps In tho world, no two alike. Mountings arc cust and gold plated cminwl or haml-tllloct decoration, some nro plated Kluss, that Is, a. layer of Opal on the Inside with n layer of ituby, Canary or Kmernld on tin. out side, which gives a. beautiful eft'eel when lighted, with best centre draft burner made. Prices, J.t.RO, $4.30, $3.00, $3.(10 und $. Wo will Kuarnnteo that If you look them over and have any knowledge ot lamp values you will say they aro worth moiv thnn double -what w ask for them. Tliniti: AUK N DUPLIOATICS. I Geo. V. Millar & LEWIS & REILLY ALWAYS BUSY. Nos. 1 14 and 116 Wyoming Ave. WHY WE GROW? BECAUSE Our Shoes Are Honestly Bought Honestly Priced Honestly Sold That's why you get more value in our shoes, and the truth of the matter is it pleases our customers. We Place on Sale Today AND WHILE THEY LAST And you should come to this saeh You will not be disappointed. 500 pairs Men's Workiutj Shoes 75c 100 cases of Ladies' Rubbers, pair 25c 200 pairs Ladies Vici Kid Shoes, $1.50 kind 1.00 00 pairs Men's Rubbers, a little narrow 25c joo pairs Men's Double Sole Shoes, the hind that made our store famous the $4.00 tA and $5.00 kinds. Why We Grow Price sJU The balance of our Ladies' Laird it Burt's Fine Shoes. Your size inay be iu the "1 C A lot. Why We Grow Price 6.JJ And Last, but Not Least, 200 pairs Ladies' Comfort House Slip pers, solid soles and grain uppers, worth 7;c. AClr Why we Grow Price LEWIS & REILLY Nos. 114& 116 Wyoming; Ave Telephone 2452. Free Dslivary to any Part of the City mkumosuojoiujco:,,: We Carry the Only I Iron and Steely cS iu this section of M make any mistake A. ket for same, Bittenbender & Co.,M 126 and 128 Franklin Avenue. s MOSCOW. Vtt. U. Biovm returned home fioro Hangar Satuidaj, aflei spending a fesv vvcJ, Iheie at the home oi t.er ton. MU Herllii Van tlrunt eiileilalred the .voutg ladles of ler Sunday (.chool elns futurdav even ing at ber lioino em riuuili aliiet. (James were played thioughout the evening, interapcreed with imite, after which mippei was kcitciI and all lelurncd home, liavlns Fprnt an rnjusable even ing. Ilev. Artli'it fetaplef, of Heaver Colli gr. vlled at fh- liomc of l.la kUlcr. Mrs. r li. (ludiier, on Isiinday, The W. C I' l' will bold an evangelistic wr vlcu Jt their looms on Thureday altuiioon. Mr. P. H. I'cvsten will be tho leiihr. MrsiM. Iselly will open a stoto In S P. Veag. rr' building, on Mill ulieet. April 1. MU Ruth (iaidtiei lias been tpcndlng tlie pait Icsv daji, wllh frlinda at Klngnton. Itcv. Arthur Ktaplc, picldcnt of heaver col lege, occupied the pulpit of Ihe Mftlindlit (liuirlt f-umlay evening. Mr, P. K I'ostcn gave a eiullllng piil.v at tier homo on Spring darden street lat Thuinlas. About J was t rallied from the cnlerlilnment and nipper of the paughlem of ItebeVah Momlij evening. Mm. 1'ultz gave a quilting paity jejterday afternoon at her home on Chureh iireet. The VvsAsCVlaeXV. I Co. 'OSSSZSP Complete Stock of g the state, Don't wheu in the mar- i fnllimltiar guests were picseni Mi, Conbojr, vik Philip Mvaitf Mu M s,jil)lon j,r , a)le, Mis. Crittenden, Mr. Henrj Tiivis, Mrs. Vaughn, Mr Watt-. Mr. Kale Waulell. Ml. Miner Moat and 1111111)1 are musing c, Scraiitcn. I'lank arJell lus rrtuilifd from Nichols, V., wIkib ho In been vlsillm; ilev. S. flny pnosv'diii for a few vseck, IwoosicT " -s. l.- tun al oi Patrick lluin.c. oi aih Moose, oceuirnl veslerday al .. u'elnek in M. Mal.v a f.ii.Tdi, Asota Jnlriiiicnl m st, Marj's eenn teij. Tin otng l.adlev' Milon circle of Ihe I'm. byteiiaii church met last i veiling at the. mamo, MI'S lljlo Wutklni, nl Main it t f et, is on the Mel, Hot Mis Amy lUn., of Moscdm, Is vliitirg lv r bister. Mil. lelward f-avie, of South Main utieei M.. and Mr. 1 .1 Xrack fpent Mindij 'fitli the tounei'ii sue nl. at Mofcms. Mls lllinelio Tugellu visited Scranton s terday. fr.s. I K. IMce Us iituinrd alter spending f-sv week in rietoisvllle, if. I'.lit.i Rrilnih li ill with pneumonia, The funeral of Mid, Wlaou took place . teulay fiom her lato Iiome on South Hun itrcc'. Interment In Many ccnicltry. i ' I . u i u J?w i siL.M--'
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