The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, March 12, 1901, Page 8, Image 8

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    "jW-l '
"RTf .TFt-
.-vr yif&r-
Important Session of the Borourfb.
Fathers Held, In Addition to Bond
ing of Burgess1 Letter, Much
Business Being Transacted Com
mittees Appointed for the Year.
Sundny's Stoim Played Havoc
with Duwnore Wires and Inter
fered with the Fite Alarm System.
'flit council mot In icsul.iv session
uiM. night. Tho burgeei read Ills an
nual meiMtKc, which Is aiireixleil.
Dm more li-irotiah liuinll.
Centlcinrn: In mlnnltlintr this tu'-'apc. I
iliflio to .A)ifi in itti if. wlili li Ii.r 'in "if
ilr iiij ohviwilleui. rii.)i,iiii'Mnlliii mily "
inipiouiiicnl a- II"' linp.'il dulrc and l1
irsciiin 1 1 tin lioimixl' will w.itrjnt.
Ilic pcpiiliillm ol lliiiiiii'irc. auiifiilPB I" i'l'"
l t ecnu (tiwU 1J. '', nn im erase nf 11 P'T
.n't. iliirliiB ill.' last, and ltom I'lW'i'l
liiilliatlniH 'i li.dl Inn n piytilitlon ft Wf"
within tin- in M tin iMtf Hi .li.itnoiml '1'
l inn vlileh fn'iticilil n l. Ilim i " ''' I""
jn to tut- nr this Imri-JM. 'tuny thc"il"
niivlit lis advanced. Iiil the piiip'-r on- In H
.iiM!,'- eilliiiitinii Is ii.jK.- iiiilmi lii.pii
1 1. nU al thl time, mIiMi ahall '"' l'iraiiiiii.iit
.ml tr.rct ill tviiiliiniiii' , lwiit. On.' 'it
i'.r ttil.Ukis in nil' ilmlnit II"- "tin' pcintn.-iit
t tin- 1...iph,-Ii hkh In 1. 1 llu I.HRI- "lli f'l I"1'';
Hi HOIK HI'llll ICIIl'" Hint llp.lils .H"l
nlnr piimm of Hint H.tiiii'. Il-'l tl' ifiMi'i"
.'llwd llliUl Lite's In Ml JUllllll'lflr .111.1 IlilllOI.I.
Inilly app'ldl .iinl I'M'cMlul fur rutul ripilrs (lu
inifcnt lllitnrl.l in'iillti. ti i't tin- li'UOUKll tru
mi1 Miiiil'l let hlurn a il. lilt, ami tin' IkwoiiiiIi
V.Cnlld I'lllpllP II" 10 HVor.llllj- Ultll lint') lilIM
III the iMiiinonn'riltli luiiiii. linpii.'.r-
II") lin"jiliiiit fi ti.r in pmvi'liiic li't II.
rriOuc tloli iiml Roienm.".! ( .i iiiiuiliipalii'
llu ii'iriitic il' tji.lli'ii. uiul In
i lit hoioi'-tli I .ii'i tun ill to stale caiictiill it .
iii'iilliclciit to met', all ri'iiilrcuirnti. Iin.nM-.ol
i iv.illon is lu.t t'.ipiilir, luit npiul ras'llur. 1
jiM, ILull.c in ill ilillcuil li'.Mtlitatlnii ft -Jiir
uellii.d cl luMtinii, I fi'imil tlio .wni
a i.-.i rre in -limit In tlulr iliitln nnd In
"iiio instance Itiiompetei.t. II a piopr aid
fipiil n"w-nunt iito nml" wo would luw hmi'
Mi ii ill nimue tn meet oil m.r i.lilltsallnn and
pioil'lc (oi tiituic iiiipinirnii'iilr.
SI Wlllf.
I lie pnliiiiliuiy otk (or tin1 mmlnMinii !
In- i-c.icrJi.-e ti-tdn l.ailn; hern abeut icni
pitted, tic ntt.n.lil o! contt.iet mvl other mil.
irn ptitjinli'S tlicuto, will rnaro. niticli i'l
.our i ait (ill ntltntltpti ilutltK tl.o inniliiff jejr.
In ifmi"ftl.n tlicicvltli I Iiml ii stroni; cnlliniii
ini'tic llio illliun to Inve tli" tlino ol pji
'."i rtrin!ri an uiatij ol tin 3-i ili!i'i al"
niMiiclally niiiMo lo moot tin paiinont in il--mjmlod
aii'l pioiMo tor In llu- onllmnro. 'ii
.iniPn of tlio turn 'I p.Miur.ti would oMii'o pioio.H iml lio ini'io Mli(.i'toilly tn tlie
unly mill .tirrt lrpr.Irg a aio looliitoli iif.
OK-aiy s-lioulil .o iniiio ilurlni; llio rnmlntr iar,
Oicu.itlcn lor tlm fuii'timtion or tlio n'or
mJ 1't.iiulioi Mill bo lii.ulo iipnn nearly oirv
nail in tli" linmiieli. .mv iPiitomplaUil Rr.vl.
hi!.- or prniiiiifiit lirproKiiiciit In tlul illrei
i win onlil only lie u ui-1m ixpoiirlitiiii- i.(
iuiuN. M'lirn llio soi'ij'c sjtom N flnallv
tnplrloil ami tin- iiutK" mttlnl, ll'akclv t.trioi
i "ill fonr.lnti city lino tn llrinUr moot fluniM
lir mir,litiiif'.I. Ihl mctlioil nf tnicmliinilrliit;
i stie-ct o.uh Jiar licnil lie piUMiiil .iml In tlio
. miiw of tin Joats lliinm'ro mouM luc o
I'llont tlioruiiRli(.uo. at n nominal ro.l.
iem villi tlio i lino o oaili ftioit, pbo'J
n tlio iiiti'iMMtlon nt .ill tliori'iiKliliiCK iio'il'l
an accoiiuiinilatirn not onl; to ihe traiolin?
pulillo liut to nuiiy ro'iilmli of iini"i"ii,
i.itiiir ami w.vim:.
'I he contract, with the Dtinnioic I'lutiio l.itftii,
II. at r.iwu ioiiii.iny for strict IlKlilln."
oiplrts In Km', anJ an il l inipiolulilo tint
o can mirtt ll,o contract at th" punlit low
into. It wo'ilil l.p diM-alil to coniil(i tlio piac
iriHlity (I provlillni; lor tlio lonslriutlon ami
ii'.iliitinance of .m electric lisla plant. Tuf
liuciit otprnilHutp lor (.(toil 1 1 i 1 1 1 lt csonnU
TfOi) annuallv, i a phut to t.urt mtr if
.i.liciiinitii can lie untiilUil tor al.out VV''.
i l.i' icuiiuc wl.l'.'i uouM Ik." iHivnl tioiii com.
iMMclal li'alnoi ami unlr.s en ltmn:li pur
pojj.j, woiiiil i. pill tiio cilvinal co.t of tli"
phut wllliln tlio joaiii.
Tli" nu.ility un.l iiuiult of iiir wliioh lias
i.Mtato.l Diiiimoioans ilurinu tlic pat lew joa.,
iiiiniii.iu.l liy t'.ia intioiluitiou ol the Oi.itil'm
Mater 'coinpaiiy's ti-stcm o( fiipply. nut In tl.o
liisii portion cf the lioili tlio Mipply U Rllll
inadfiputo, ami It woulil In- arlriviblo to lotif'r
with aril icipicct tin r conipany tu lay
I nB.r inain lo pioiMo a j-utli. ifnt Mipjily to all
poittoiK tor iiiinulactiiiliiL, ilomrblic anil lit
sirwi and sii:i:i,i raiiav.
VidiUt.N al riiilrcn.l roilnis aio of f.c.
iinrnt o'.ci.lirnio, unci u law rlioulil lo n
in I ul (oiiipdlln onipinio to rru f
"'oty fairs to l.. in cli-.tio ot compoti tit tin.
Icviro ihy iiial iilulit, at ivcry klicot inmi-.l ny
ilioir triilw williln the tioronsli limit.
llio traction t rnp.ii.j- lu licon uiKlicifnl in
pUnMt.t: tliolr rails In ror.iplljticV with the o.-
'iniot upon nhiili tlictr Iratu'liKo wai print.'il,
mill I c.iu.vMly Jr-ir... join i i opi'iailoti in (out
lining rlils corporation lo comply ultii cm or-
inn: nr.i'Aiirv.i'.M'.
'llu .' of tin i'o permanent mi n a 1 1. 1
pincli.i' ( lulus for tin lire ilcpiitt.unt lui
plaipj thiii will ois.inli.l ami thori'i'Kh!..
julppoil cicpjriiiiriit upon , fin i ami nltahln
! il Diiiln: llio tr tlio lr jiart luoiic
ooi'icj faithfully in ni'ilulm; many liro-, whliij
's Birth.
How many a woman dates a life of
'lironif invalidism frtun baby's birth.
She tries, "different doctors ami different
medicines" with lit
tle benefit. Then.
fottunatcly her at
tention is railed to
thcrcmarkablc cures
resulting from the
use of Dr. Pierce's
l'avorite Prescrip
tion, and she gives
the medicine a trial.
Her experience is
that of ninety-eight
Nwuiiiuu uui ui uvuiy
hundred who ufp
"I'nvorite .rrescrio-
h- tiou" for womanly
ills sue is curetl.
Dr. Pierce's Fa
vorite Prescription
is peculiarly a
mother's medicine.
Its use before ma
ternity makes the
biiby's advent prac
tically painless. It
gives the mother strength to nurse
her child. It cures diseases peculiar to
women and cures them permanently.
There is no alcohol, opium, cocaine or
any other narcotic in "Favorite Prescrip
tion." It is purely a vegetable prepara
tion and cannot disagree with the weak
est coiiftitution.
Mtj, Kinron Allen, of Dorret Ontario Co,
Ont , writm i " I ca truly My that I think Dr.
Pierce"! meiltrlnes the best I liavr ever used. I
svan tn very poor health for a lonr time, ctttini;
iroru the With of my little ftirl, I tried (liffeietii
doctor and different medicine. I derived very
much mote benefit from your tuedlrlnea than
from any other I linve ever used, I took four
Imttlfn of 'l'niorlte Prencrlptlnn and three
lxttl( of T.ol:u Medical I)llu:oer)., and I
alwaj keep the ' Pelleta ' iti the rtou-e,"
Dr. Pierce's Common Sense Medical
Adviser, pap-r bound, is sent frtt on
rocelpl of 51 nnt'-ccnt .stamps to nay
evpi'titt of mailliiK on'y. Atltlress Mr.
K. V. Pierce, miilalo, N. Y.
y v-
tut (or their prompt rcuporite would have caused
many nrlom ronCanTatlons. Too much eaunot
bo M.IU in praise o( thoso nlm volunteer their
erslcci In proteotlnj life ami propetty (rom
that dvjtitln(r element, (lie. A matler ol lm.
portanoo In connection with Ihe (Ire depart
ment i tin position ' tl,lf' fnnlntcr, Imolv.
lug tcmlderable tliua In conducting- the man
cuement not enly at fire, but l.teplnc the lire
alaim jitun, hvdranlj and opparalus In woihiiiR
oidtr and repair. Au otdlnanco tl.eifld bo en
acted provldlm; that the Incumbent ihall be
elected by tho firemen (or a term ol three ear,
and the chle( dnolc lih entire lime to matuij.
ing the ilepartinnl.
l'oi.tcn i)Ui'
The appointment c.( nluht patrolmen made dur
ing tho pad eir, meet with the approbation
ol llio public. Whllct tho mitnbcr ol police of.
Iloei i tioi-o.itlly hmnlt, when the larRO ter
illoiv I roncldrrcd, aildllloni ran be mailn to
lb pretnl foifo, whni the llnince ul the bo.
roi'gli will warrant. Ihe Frrvlie ! a day pi
Irnlman I nerevJi' fir duly fiom S a. til.
until ti p. ii,, a there I practically tm poll, e
prolertloti at tho lniliii oitloii of the bo
rot'pli dutliiw thtii, loin.
I notice Hut the ill'.'lpllti o( Ihe ptiitit
foue li sir Mule mm iriiminuiicl the adop
tlrii i.l moie rtiliicnl rule tfowitiivi; the de.
put (mint.
-nn;tVAi.Kt and cTrrit
lo n.iii.v section of Ihe boroi.i;li pioportj oon
cia hilo fulled to comply with iiotiie uquiil
mi.' the la.vimr of u.illii nml miltci. It h a.l.
slsiblo to instruct tho Mrect loinuit ilmif r to
lav th" walk .it hi larlloil i-pportiinllv ntnl en
tor lien lor il.e lo'tj Iheti-of.. A Ihcioiuli in
(pcilloti vh'.uhl be nudo bv tlio (cnitnlsslniirr
uf all i-all ami tiitlciit hue Win laid
.iii.I icpoit their loiidit.'on In Ihe loumll tor ip
Mtc aitlon
Ac iSfiio c( lor kh crpial to tl.o alununl of on',
standing IioihukIi orders rliould Ii" m.ulu linn j-illiti-lv,
us llio preacM ini'lhoil ol loanli c moni'.v
.inn iMiMnc Itutllutlcn nt C per eei.t. t In
i otisi.ui i.l villi bmlncss pilnelplo.
OUDlXANf ...
s niiip'itc rc.'Ulon of the I.oiuiikh ..i(liii..ikp
I neri'v.i-y x mniv ol our local hits aiu ml
pl'ip'ily ll.iti-cilld an! coiM'iueiitli Ineflcctne.
I i.tfiiitiicnd tint all appnipilatloiw 11..11U fni
the minim; year tliall slab specifically the
linuim ami pitriHisc (or which, the inonov slull
be espended. UiuiiiK funnel period the cv
lvr.ill.itu luic oMcidid rot onlj tho appro,
prhllons hut tho jiarlj rcienue. Money bauiii;
been CTpeiiuecl (or purjio-e f'l- which no 1V
propiljllvri had lisen made, wlilih ,i an mi
Ian ml and tinhiMlne,; like proccliite.
I:t tendmion 1 deiilre to e.preiii 1111
in the ability o( the pret-rnt local pn
immitit to coi.duct the financial affair and pro
mote the wiltaic cf cur borough.
Respectfully mbmltteil,
Viitcr lliu.'chf I. tliupc!.
Dutiiiiorc, Pa., Jlinh 11, I01.
After tho readln!- of the mossis'
I'n!ldcnt McAllister nppolntcd Ihe
followlinj c(iinintttc.-t tor the year:
finance Mcl.atiishlln, Ilroean, Waid. Judiciary
-Pajton, Ooudlcan. McLaiicrlilin. Poard of
health llrcKni, Ward, Pajton. Klectrii light -houdhaii,
Mi Uushlin, Ward, l'lro depiitmont
-l'ayton, l),.udkau. McLiushlln. Ilailnay -Me-fiaiiRhlln,
Iliopm, Ward, rtotul- Pajton, houdi
1 an, .Mil,aii(rlilln. Iluildinc and Kruunds IlrcRan,
Ward. Pajton. (iriciancr Doiidlcan, McLaush
lin. IliOEan. ."ewers Ward, Pajton. lioudii in.
Poller-McUiuhllu, llropaii. Waul. I.icen-o lav
Pajton, HuiulliMii, Mcl.iusldin. Pairmuits
Waul, nrcpan. Pajlon. Mroil ami bridges
IMid.cnn, MeLaiiitlilln, llrouau. Utiles and
prlntinif. Waul, pajton, Doiidican.
Tho various districts oC the IioioukIi
nn to lie under the can' of the cotin
cllineii. ns follows:
l'lr-.' v.iiil, rirft distriit. Paitonj first waul,
tviond district and fourth ward. Mclll-tir;
Vcoii.l ward. Ward; 'I bird waul, first ami Second
diMriits. HriRjii; Third w.nd. Thiul district,
and filth ward, Pimdirali; .th w:aul, Mi
Uulilln. Tho election of 1 ,T. Tcvan as chief
fngliipei' of llio llio dpfaitment was
conilnnc'd, as were alho his nppolnt-'
nionts of L. V. AVcrt, of the NVntuno
companv, and Willlntn Ileckuinn, of
tin- Indcnentlcntx. t ihf-t and second
The pay for toanis and Inborn. was
contlnitPd thi! same ns List ycir.
l'rank Sac co, who at the lust meet Ins
was dropped from tin police t'oicc. his
place beliiK taken by Michael UroKan,
was last nllit appointed day oiilccr,
at a salary of $:,0 per month.
The matter of street slfrns was
brought up and a committee appointed
to nrratiKO for tho placing of panic, and
tho borough attorney was Instructed to
look over old maps and In cases when
the names of sheets conltlct npoit to
council, In order that such changes as
may be needed cm bo made by tho
boroiiKh fathers.
It was found that befoti nnylhlnr
could bf dono in tlie matter of t'r.-o
mall tlollveiy that all slrcots must
havo siKns :it the cornets.
The ljui-oush attornoy Mas further
111010 inshtu'ted to closely watch (ho
(ewer maitoi bcfeiro tho eonit and if
necessary cimaKi- additional counsel.
A lonitnlttce wtis iippolnleil to mako
niTaiifri'tuents with the Pennsylvania
t.'oal cciiiipany to have their u.ilehmaii
blow the ilte Kiinc and leplace with
an indicator the present automatic
blower, which has boon unsatisfactory.
Effects of the Storm.
Siimlji's tctrlfit wind stoim phjed liavi, wnh
(ho tin alarm vtein, tlio town belnif Upt
Riiofsina a Hood pait ..( tho nlicltt with a chohe
(olleclion of blowy, loner ami flunt, 1I110 to ion
tait with clictiii. lKlit v.iriv, uhlcli were down
in wen iiuantltj.
Cilei To.i.m was biiili-cm:.iil all ih e..
tenlai lipalnnjc tho damans d"tu' ai.d at piesuit
Hi" jitiin K fit woikiii!,' oider. wept l..m
I'l .n.t ,,. which wric hiiineil out.
f.nlj 'Clrnlay moiiilis the l.or.o of ii.miti
I. C. Ucinliull lanio in (Hintnit Willi a Ihe
ilcitric IIkIh wiu on Ill.ikdj him I. r p,t,o,
and niiiiid a sciore sl'oik. 1,' -tlltit nil -
1 pi-rn m ed in iimniliiir tlio aiilmil. aiid at
piiMUl It is not Liiouii uhelhiT Its oanci Is
indid or net.
An Eujoyable Party.
A .iiipii.e paity was tindcicil Mis. Milium
Youiii.-, of Spencer Uriel, upon the occasion of
lier blrtlidav. An enjoy tMe llmr was hpeut and
1 drllishlful dinner etnal to the (oll.mlna; lidlcsi
Mi, f. .1. Sooor. Mr. tjooruc lluper, Mi.
lltirarl. Mm. Irani. Secoi, Mis. Paine, i,i
llojt. M.s. thaili KiiRle, Jlu. I,0ut y.L.'
Mr. C'onvll. Mm. frank Williams, Mr. .Ianun
rule. Jli a. fred tidier and Mrs. ('nick, Mlns
Hrae 1 Shclp, film uml lUihrl I'nlik, u sirunion.
Unclaimed Lettcts.
Letter icmainlnp; unclaimed dtirlii;; the period
etnlliiB March . IW1, Pertons callinc for thes.
letlcri will please ny adierll.ed: .Wph llutler,
Carrie Drown, Mary C. Hrovni, .Icfferscin uienuj
and flecttlo avenues S. W. Dlrelier, Charles L.
Colllaoii, Thomas B. IIirkoII. i;,te iimtliow.
Owen fljmi, hport Hills Mapclc flallmher. Mon
roe avenue; Ylnlo Ilunar, William llui.ilin, -.
liellum, .117 MidLon aieiiiict .loiin S, ,ucc,
Mrr James McDonald, Ward ilrcetj Mi. ,1. M.
Monaijlwn. Peter W. Miller, Ida llcnchner, Pa
ton swinelc. Mi. Ililru Wllion, flay atenucj
Ocoige Klilc, Sfi Madron aienue.
Teople'a Doings.
Mr. and -Mi. P. C. II. Ihrjer have arrlied
from Allentonn and aic. boli.c entertained at the
homo of Mr. Dreyir'a mother on Plue street.
Miss Ciiaec Stanton ha returned to her home
it Whllnej's Point altera with friend here.
Mis. florcnoe llolrrton, of Qulncy avenue,
is ipinikus a lew daja in New York.
ShocUard Leaves for Hot Springs,
ly Kscluilie Wire (rom Tlie Asroclated Press.
Iiitii-utir, Pi.. Maicli II, fame Shtckatd, tlio
rtrovkljn outllelder, a lormer rraldent o( Colum
Ma, Pa., Ins rculcned with that club, and will
leaio tomorrow (or Hot Spring, whero llanlon'
mm are Krltlnif into thape (or thi eniulng cam
palifti. Sliccld had tcmptlni; often Irom the
Aiiierlian lca'io, and Mefiraw tried hard to land
liltu fur lialtltuore.
laLlLV sllHtrw t r-
It will be the finest forty head of horses ever offered for sale in this
city or valley. They consist of draught horses, coachers, cobs, single
or in pairs: drivers of evciy description: grocery teams, work teams,
roadsters and general purpose horses. Sale positively, rain or shine,
March 14, at 1 p. m. HorSes can be exchanged up to time of sale.
Remember the date. Sale takes place at
Cusick's Old Stables, Washington Ave.
TJntest Among the Workmen Has
Caused the Improvement to Be
Held in Abeyance Conference of
Foremen Employed at Various
Points Along the Lackawanna
Road Tho D., L. & W. Board for
Today Two of the New Passenger
Engines Expected Today.
The proposed enlargement of the
Lackawanna car shops in thls city for
the purpoM of centrallzlnir nil the re
pair wotk has tccelved a setback froin
the employes of the company, who aio
at present somewhat dlssatlsllod with
local conditions.
Then Is 11 Ki-ave possibility of the
shops beiiiB moved clscwhcte In tlm
event of anv trouble arising. Several
sites have been looked over, but noth
Iner definite has been decided upon.
Hoth JllnKhainlon and Kingston want
the shops.
At present 7."0 hands are employed In
this city, and in Ihe event of tin en
larcctnent, over 1,100 Mould be em
ployed. Tho taking nwny of this- busi
ness Mould erlously crlppli nuitlers in
tnule cltcles, but It the present shops
are enlarged. It Mill mean a perceptible
Ineiense In v.ulotis Mays.
The North steel mill plant has boon
looked ner. but the present buildings
arc unsuitable for tho company's wotk
and would have to bo torn down if the
site was selected.
Ontario and Western.
Traveling Passenger and Freight
Agent J. i:. Welsh, of tho Ontario and
Western lalltoad, has Ju.t completed
an olllelal visitation to all the agents
on the mnlii line divisions, and iv purls
business booming and everything In
llrst-class shape.
Kverythlnc is hi lendlness for the
double-ti nek extension fiom .lerinyn to
Mnyfleld yard. The grading has been
completed, and the rails and ties are
on tho giounil ready lo be laid as soon
as the ftost Is out of the Riound.
Conference of Fotenien.
All tho general foremen along the
main line- of tho l.ark.ivumn.i railroad
Mere in conference with Master Car
I milder Canlleld yesterday at his office
011 South Washington avenue. They
Men assembled for tho purpose of con
ferring with cat h other about gem in!
matters which coucciiih themselves
and the men undi r thoni.
Those present Mere: (Icorge Faber,
r.ufftilo: .1. '. Fritz. Ilobokcu, A. J!.
Miller, lilugliiiniton; Mat tin Kniith,
Seianlon: Henry Smith, Scranton; .
J. J.ungan. all -brake Instructor, and
W. h, Itobliioon, genet al car Inspector.
There Was No Strike.
The report printed yesterday of an
alleged strike at the Scranton Holt
and Ntlt woi ks was erroneous. A fore
man and two helpoio, comprising
tin o-lU'ths of tho hIutii-k shop, wore
discliit'KOt!, and because of a mlsunder
stanillng another man tilt. The lnt
named, however, returned In the nf tor
noon and was placed In temporary
charge of the depnrliniit. Theie was
no eessitlun of work.
fiPiieral Manager XehndPi denies
that tlio men wcto not given a prom
ised ineieas'. in wages. There was no
ptomlsc of increased wages, ho says.
Today's D., L. & W. Board.
The make-up of today's I., U and
W. boaid Is as follows:
MOXliW, Mm II 11
Wild (at, fast S p. in, J. (.'oktello; II p
m., A. P. Mullen.
1111)AY, MAHdl 1
Wild fats, fast .1 a. in., frank Wall; 0 a
in., J. II. SwaiU! S.M) ,i, in., f. 1. Mcii'iis; 10
a. m., I'; llallet; 11 a. in., M. Loushueyi
1 p. in., W, W. Lallair; 4,11 p. in., O. Kearnev;
5 p. m., f. Van Woimirj o p. in., M. J, Hen-liik-au.
Suiniiiit. IHc C a. ni.. cait. .lames Cariiesj
S a. in.. wit, C. frountelkei-j i. p. in., iasi, J.
HcmilL'aii: 1 p. in., west, . II, Mi hi In: 7 n.
ni eal dom Nay Amr, Moses btiplvs, wltli
fdn-ard Mcllltcr' men t 7 p. m., wcit (loin
t'ajmsa, McLiuc; 7 p. in., weft (torn Cayusa,
Puller 10 a. in., P. L ..-. ot.
Piulirr S a. in., Ilouvr; 1(1 a. in,. ?. fin
rerty; II. DO a. m.. Morati; 7 p. in., Murphy; 0
p. in., j.amplusi 10 p. in,, A. II, IConc.
PassciiBir Kngines 7 a. tu.. 'llioinai; 7 a, m.,
Slnurr; &.'i'l p, m,. Stanton; 7 p. in.. McOcncrn,
Wild Cats. West t a. in.. John nahauaui
ii a. m.. Ketcham: 6 a. m.. P. tillllirai.: 7 a.
m., M. (ioldeti, with I!.. M. Uiillctt's nun; 8
a m.. J. Ulster; n a. in,, ,1. II. Mct'ann; 10 a.
in., II. t.utnfr, 11 a. in., II. r.i.lmt; 1 p.
in., W. A, Ihntholomew; 'J p. tu., P. I.. Hox-cra,
." p. m.. T. litpatrlok; I p. in.. IL Ihnruirty;
r. p. in., f. Mahon; il p. ill, ti., villi M,
Ctmod' men
Itsuml lleui-oi Ploaie trtu ti UKular ensitio
and enncino criw- on il a. m,. iVIld Cat, .Man M
IS, with lAii.duclor .1. II, Sivavt. Knclne and
crew lu double lucl; irom Port Iurtls.
This and That.
DlvUlon .Superintendent I!, M. itlno
was up at l'oi.'ono Summit yosterday.
T, W., general passenger ugent
ot .tho Uicknwauiia railroad, passed
through the city yesteidny on No. 0,
'1817 Rogers Bros.'' Goods.
Knives, Forks
Spoons, etc.
No question about the quality; we
have all the newest patterns at
lowest prices.
Also the celebrated Sterling In
laid Spoons and Forks. War
ranted to wear twenty-five years.
Immense stock of Sterling Silver
Spoons, Forks, Knives and Cased
Goods for Wedding Presents.
Merceread & Connell,
132 Wyoming Avenue.
Heating Stoves,
Oi! Stoves,
Gas Stoves,
!? Heaters,
DR. DENSTEN' and Siiri;con
.ill Spruce St.
Temple Court litilhliiifr,
Ml acute and ihrotuc
tiUi..l4C! Of U.Cll, W'i-
ini n and ihllilren,
t lllldMt) NKltMIl !.
iiiiais .t WAvrisi,
jii-i:a-i:s spi i
Ml.TY. Ml ilUcase cf ihe l.hc-i, Kldnew,
lll.tdilei Skin, Ulcod, Nerve-, Womb, fje, fa,,
Nie,, and l.iinu. Canciis liiuiors.
Pile. Itiiptme, (,Mv, Itiieiiiiuilmi, Asthma,
(uta.rli, Vailicxolo, l...,t Manhood. MrIuIv
ftnlfiiow, all i'l mall.- Hi-iaos, Lcuioirlnea, ct ,
to'iniirliea, S.t phillU, lllood Poison, ludim n.
tiou and j-oulhiul habit nblllciateil. surircn.
fill, Kpilep'y, Tape and St.nii.iili Moim. y
TMIllllO.OM:, Specific f.,r Catanh. Thieo
iiiontlis' treatment only $i.H Tilal free in
olllco. Consult it Ion ami culmination die. (if
tl e limn i daily and Sundry, .s a. in. to i) p. m.
vf Tz
on his return from Chicago and St.
New interlocking signals will Ik. put
in uses at tho Ilackensack draw brldgo
on the I..dc'kiiunna railroad at noon
W. n. Woods, division freight agent
of tho Syracuse division of tho Lacka
wanna railroad, was in the city jester
day. Tho cement flooring in the now loco
motive paint bhop hi the Lackawanna
yard Is nearly completed, and MastPr
Fainter Miller expects to begin wotk
therein In a few days.
Two of tho new passenger engines
for tho Uackawanna railroad, from tho
Hcheucctnily Locomotive works, are ex
pected today. Sis of tho Dickson made
switch engines arc now in tervlco on
tho road.
Notices similar; to those printed were
posted at all of thtyLackftwanna col
lleties on Saturday, Infoimlug tho
initio wotker.i that the Delaware, Lack
awanna, und Western' company will
continue the present scale of wages
paid and adjust all grievances with the
men nt their respective collieries.
The Lackawanna rallrond ticket oince
at Dcnviilo was broken open last Fri
day night and tho ticket case and all
tho tickets stolen. Conductors uro noti
fied to look out carefully for any Don
vlllo tickets pressnted for pasjago not
stamped on back, and telegraph (I. H.
Kctcbam'ti olllco promptly if any sucn
tickets arc offeicd,
Thcrn are now in opir.itlon in Italy in 1'ir
cottcn Industiy oivr twenty thousand loom and
more thin thu-o million iplr.Jlu. Il.illaii'i.iado
cottona;'' notf-la rifely exported especially
lo Svuth America.
. VV,'Si.
Cor. SUteenth M. anJ Irving Place,
American Tlan, i3 CO per day and upward.
European nan, $1.60 per day and upward.
I. D. CrtAWrOHD, Proprietor.
Broadway, 5th Arc. tod 27th Street. New York.
Absolutoly Firoprool
in the cen
ter of the
mid ineatte
First - class
in all its ap
pointments. Entirely
new through
Rftnms .In.
I01O1 W. BWrrSCT.IVtrVoi. jjle or CIl
mile, with or without bath, hot and" cold water
smdtelephone In every room. Cuisine unexcelled.
I For Business Men
In the htart of tlis wholesal aj.
For tiuoppcr
T S minutes walk to wanamnlters; 4.
X S minutes to Sicgel Cooper's lilg
Store. Easy cf access to the creac
4- Dry Cooda flturei. -f
4. For Slglitsccrs
4. One block from E'way Cars, glv- "t
4. ing easy trnnsportatloii to all
J points of Interest. -f
t ytiw luiih.
a n 11th KT. As TJrsTIVKllSITY T)r.
4. Only ono Dlools from Broadway,
Dnnm: Z I lin IMIMAURANl" 4
HOOin, stl Up. price Heaionabls 4
flir; Duluth Limited and St. Paul Fast
Mail leaves Chicago dally 10,00 p.m.,
arrives Duluth 10.30 a, m. next morning.
Drawing Itoom bleeping Cars, Observa
tion l'arlor Cars with Cafe and free
Reclining Chair Cars, l'ast train to head
of laU-5. The best of everything. Call
on any agent for tickets or address
431 ficcaiaiat' - 'm ';
4.15 riiu Sl Ciecl.natf
Ml CA.i't Bt..Mla1ili,kn
88 rVlol. St..Boite
ZM Sup.rtei. uf. Cltuflvnd
17 Campui Marital, Oetrct
JQ1 ttalH SI,, CuHihl
112 Clark Et., i Itlcaic
SS-M I tlU'tilphla, rii. IMljr s.fru.un MurltlUt (ni
Antriti, Uutrtnitft tu run alw nj mil rtMf
inifa.rt.irrnn flirt 10 iiiuii)t.itctiM,Abur.l
iHloost rlaoi, tftu lftlllly. Ul ItilitHMl
I YarUii! k hlrlflur fan rulllav I MdfiflaD.ii
JnithrnhrH OprvAtlfMrhwrTr1loBUUPtl)i
ftpMliiQtti-r Mtdlrtl Bad rlf (rlfulfmutj, BlfMllun hih-p.'
4 iiWl&w
cy3cfll w film IfS?vuiwffM
Fast Time to
Tailored Suits
Separate Skirts
i' ! J' $
Special Rug
For oue week only we
of beautiful high pile
Size 9 Feet
These Rugs are positively the greatest bar
gains ever offered iu a nigh class, well made,
up-to-date rug.
For One Week Only
J Your Choice, Fifty Patterns
$25.00, $25.00. $25.00.
We Will Kescrve (iooils Until You Want Tlicm.
129 Wyoming Avenue
Booms 1 aml2, Com'lth BTd'g.
nining and Blasting
Uede at Mooslo nd Hash Ul Wor'41,
Bleotrte Ilatterle. nieotrlo Gxplodori,
eiplodlns blast, Safety fustuul
Repaune Giiomical Go.'s cxr'Ago
Manufacturer rr
485 to 455
N. Ninth Street,
t'eloplions Cull, ZMi.
127 AND 129
offer a limited number
by 12 Feet.
& flcANULTY :
New models now
in. Spaldings.Cleve
lands, Tver Johnson
and Crescents. No
better selection ever
made. Call and see
them. Thev're beau
ties. IE! S II
211 Washington Ave.
General Asent (or Ihs TVomlnj
District lor
Uinta;, Pliitlns, fporllnir, FmoIe1ess and Ik
sicpiuno c-nemiui wonipinv s I
High Explosives-
Eifely fuse, Cap ind Ciploders. Iloora 4J Co!
ncu uuiiuin;, eeianteii.
1IIOS. IOIIII ntlstonl
JOHN 11. eMI.Il 4 SON Pljmouthl
(!'. 11. HULLIUAN Wllkei D.irtl