EikfiSH wswrm ZzXS. mimmmu t . ispt i vssrr rnr-. ', v .T1 THE SCKAiNTOiV TIUBUiNE-TUESDAY, MARCH 12, 190J. N WiwVpjPfH'flWifMi'Wi' vH'wt1 TWPWffWi . V ) I'uMi'lidl Pally, Kvcfiit Siimli, ty Tho Tntv Mir I'ulilMilnff ( oinjiaiij, nt l'llly tents n .Month, r -- : - -r-t - -rr ITS, MV. S. IllCll.vtll), Idllcr. u. iy iiwih.i:, iimincM Manner. New loik ntHml KO Nardil St. S. P. VIlKKtANO, Sula A fort lor I utclfu Athcttiilnf. I.nlncil at the I'ostoflW at Scranton, I' , at Sbctoiiil t'l.i Hull Matter. Uh puci will prmlt, Tin- Trlhuiio l ala)4 rliil to print short littera lrfim Its trirmls lwi In on lurtrnt Kpk.i, lull it ruin I tint tlicio iniiat lie Iriii.iI. lor publication, by the witters real lumei an i the rondltlnn rur.cnt to ac ntancc Is that all contilli'itluns iliil' 1)0 autjoit t islltoiiat revision. run n,r iivn: ion ah i:iiTit!N. Ili Mloulnir tnliln stints j thf price per Inch tarli limrtlon, rpair lo Ik- used nltliln one jcar! liiiii c. l'.iicr iSlillimim lull " I limilir.K Jultlon I .2..V I .) I .'.'5 t il I .IT". I .I'l I .IV I' I .im I I lll.-1'I..W. 1 im tlun 5ti ini'ict Il.'hr .... UO " .... "'"1 .... 'A') .ill .III .1". I wr earels cl Hunks, nsoliitloris nl vtiloltii.- nil tlmll.tr eohtrl'mtloris In Hip mturi r ul 'eitWnj Tlie Irlliuin Mikes .i ttiarsc c.l fi ccnU lint. Half, fur e lasslilol .Vlu-itlsimr ftiriilsliol tn ippll ration. rC!SANTO.V. .MA lint l. 1H0I. Moit peitfont, ufc fancy, will ngif with BMuip Jlnllulii'it tlial "Quo Va lls" Is unlit to liu lvml, inimy ik-vvj-lmijcrs unfll to be believed ami inuoh of the chutcli mtiFlc of Hie dixy unlit to tip lifanl. Still It Is this uitlliie:n In life that 'iinlec. i'kiKyniPii nucfs mi J'. Not Worth ;t FiKlit. .linrflDDNT MITCHUM, Is ovl- ilcntly disappointed nt tho tiilluiu of the anthracite op- oi a tots to glvi' foimal tccok tiltltin to tho in tut. vvorkeis' union. It Ii upon lcrounltlnn that his heart Is ki. To the leader of any movement, Hliethei" In the wot Id of Industry of of politico, recognition mean.s much. It Is form of triumph even moio natter ing to the ambition than tho more material trulle. In the atniy and navy men toll for It, llsht for It, Uik their lives, tor It and ate made niouil by tnuielv u void of mention In the olll i'l:tl lepoits. Peimi'lliltiir of tills plllt no doubt actuates l'lenldeut Jlltchell r.id tho-e as.oelated with him In the 'xecutive dlier'un of the United Mine Woihoia. TluT1 want both the b stanee and the honors of vietoiy. Hut It must til-o be notid that theie aiB lljouhamls of win Iters In the mines who caie ciy little about the lamely technical question of lecognltlon. They ore atlhlle(l to lm ticofrnlzed by the paymaster with better wanes than for metly, semNinoiithly pay and the com pany stole piactlcillv abolished. They iecisnl7u that l'l trident Mitchell nnd his eolle.iKUeS weie laifiely Insttu nicntal In elfectiiiKr last autumn s ad vance. They aie Rtuteful for Mitchell's illVctho le.idei.-hio and punctual In payment of their dues, but they are In no mood to haK.nd another stiil:e oer 'iiy (I'jcstion of mliiof pi.ictical Ini poi lance, which moie neatly concet ns i lie ambition oi their leadcis than It does the question of their own wanes and condition') of woilt. To them the union Is not the chief end of lite but lather a menus to an end, a means which In it short time has been unex pectedly successful and therefore is not likely to sulltr If held back a bit. It Is this conservative element, mostly with homes to maintain and tainilles to Mipport, whlib ni.iv be counted upon, If propel ly iept evented at the Uazle toii conference, to i-tund out ftgaluot talk, or threats of l.idlcal actio!'. They struck last fall and know that stiiklni; it best Is unpleasant business They Pt'ti'chc tlmt th polities then influen tial, which earned the llnauciers to pause und tveiitually liu lined them inward a loinpronil-e. no lonqer eom DlleiMCH tho situation, that a IIrIH now H llkelj to be .t lieht until one or the otlur side Is completely exhnusttd: Hid that to Justify them In Jnvltlni, "itch a life and death struuitlo they milHt hae a inoic substantial hold upon outside public opinion than Is in volved In the largely technical qws ilon of nominal recognition. Hence there will be no sttlke. There Is a notable tllsciep.incy bo tween the newspaper dispatches and tho ollicial advices coneeinlng the at titude of the Cuban cointntlon towuul tho American demands. Where the foi iner are ominous the lattei are sin gula! ly hopeful, fienoral Wood ought to know. Huncoed Asain. -UIC Ctnir refusal of Great Iilitaln to accept the seuato JB iiineudmint.s to the lluy I'aunccfote canal ttcaty, 1hlch Is tho diplomatic form of dis missing the wholo math r until such tlinV ilk u new basis ot negotiation fhall 1)0 subinlltcd by the United States', ought to enllghtin the recent critics of Sectetary lluv. It ought to aui- them lo begin to realise that niii)bc,,ufttT nil, ho know betler vhat he wn about when In; dratted tlie oiiglnul t".t of that treaty than did trie Kngllsh-hntlu? jlngolstu of con crrcss and tho prtss, who aspumed that thutiulckebt iy to get tho N'lcai ugua canal built wits to rldi rough thod over everybody else concerned In It, and build It us we "tlutn plcaKe." Tim ciltlcb of the Anieiicun btcietary Offtlate, by tlnkeilng vlth his work, havV succeeded in thi owing doubt upon their eountiy's r.ood faith In tieaty conventions: they hive succeed ed In giving uncalled for otiense to a lurgo element of well wishing Eng lishmen, who only a shoit time before had shewn themselves to In our only vtcll-ulshcis In Hut ope; they huvo succeeded In playing dliectly Into tho hands of the tnins-contlnentnl rail way lnterst, which huvt for a quar ter of it century Inlenupted the build Ing of this canal, and, lu bile-f, they have, muddled tho matter so beautifully that ho would be a bold prophet who thoitld venturu to predict n' dntu jor the dedication of tho canal to thi w oi Id's comnierc. rei.lrd by nlnn Nmerleans In every teir believed by mi overwhelming niujoti'f to bo a prime requisite to tho tommcrce and defineo of the United Slates, especial ly ulnce tho logic of war has ninde the United Htatei guardian of numer outt Islanda of Iho sea, the Nicaragua canal, utter a generation of public! dlscusMoii. Is apparently ni far away ns ever It was; and the responsibility for Its postponement rests, not upon the authorities at Washington, but upon tho supposedly finarler gentle, men occupying editorial positions In various cities, who, In their execs'" of Keul, Interfered with thn state depntt ment's work and botched It almost be yond recovery. It Is no scciet to thoo who study the subterrnnenn ways of politics that the popular outciy against Secretary llny's woik, on the score that It stir tendered preclom advantages, wai "hiewdly statled and manipulated by the cunal's enenile, who knew they could not defeat the movement for the cnnul'? ronsttuctlon by showing their opposition ftnnlily. The men ut Washington who belaboied Mr. Hay were not hitting at him at all; their victim was the canal. 1'ubllc senti ment forbade them lu light In the open; they accordingly lesorted to Intrigue-. What they wanted was to confusu the canal's friend's; to got them arrayed against each other; to Intioduce disturbing elements. Theic foro they piofessed profound nlarm over the nl'si'iuo linirs Mr. Hay's treaty of chips on Unelc Ham's shoul der and argued loudly for a solving ot notice to the world that outsiders could bo dashed, W pity the canal people who wore taken lu by this nick. Hut next tlmo they had bettor let the secretary ot state alone. Moimoulrm's bad faith Is again to vcah'd In the enactment In Utah of a Inw granting to polvganilsts Im munity from prosecution hi state courts. Action may still be brought In lie; federal louits, but so long as tho majority opinion sanctions the main tenance of plural mailtal iclatloni conviction Is Impossible and sellout punishment out of the question. How ever, It Is ctedltable to Moi monism that It Is tliiowing oft its dlgulse. In stiboidlnnllon Is nlways piefeiablc to deceit. I;a!sc A In rut. nnsiDHNT hadli;y of yuio university warns the country that unless public sentiment shall luoceed to enfoicu wholesome limitations upon the tend ency of conitnerel.il and political en tcipiise to centralize under the auto cratic contiol of a few men, known In business as executive oillclals or ttusts and In politics as bosses, we shall have an emperor nt Washington within twenty-live eais. lie tolls us: "The Ameiican standard of peisonal moialltv Is. on the whole, high, as compaied with other nations and other nges. We have developed petMinal vir tues thiough Individual conscience very well. Hut our actions In politics and in a social and business sense prove our nioial standstills In tlns-e diice tions desperately low. Theie is an ap palling contiast between our methods of dealing with each other as individu als and the low stundnid obseivcd In dealings between different parts of tho whole organisation of society. Com petition used to prevent a man ftom pi.tetiel'ig stent extortion upon ids neighbor even If he wanted to. and In politics wu once had at least a lough foi in of relative Justice, lint today, with our Industrie oiganlzed into titista and the Imperialistic; spiiit de veloping In polities, the genetal devel opment of the principle of tutsteeshlp will become appalling, unless, we culti vate ,i higher standaid ot molality than ever befote. Public affairs can no longer bo played as a game, but must be dliectcd by an Intelligent and active public conscience. Individual ef foit is lielplcfcs and hopeless." That theie Is a nieusuie of tiuth lu these wcuds may be conceded without accepting the admonition as wholly true or wholly ju-tllled. Hvery transi tion period has cnlleel forth the sumo torebodings. They weie numerous in Washington's day und led to lepeated Huts, and Insuricctlons dining the pet loci when the newly liberated Thir teen states were fermenting In the Im pel feet Union of the Aillcles. of Con fe delation. They reappeaied lu tho public discussions of events pi lor to the war of lsl.', with New Kngland then, as since, a center of distrust and alarmist Illinois. They weie a notable feature of tho political literature clus tering mound tho Mexican war and mound the abolition movement. They were stimulated by the economic changes tesultlng fioni developments of the steam engine mid the general Introdue tloii of labor-saving machinery. They punctuated the era. of business speculation which began with the ells, covet y of gold in California and con tinued in vatylng degieo throughout the era of tiaiiscoutlnental railway building and down to the recent in duslilal expansion helped forwiud by the doetilne of tariff protection Now that these same Inheient enetgies ot the Amethau people me massing for conquest of tho markets of the world, In effecting which centralization of capital, policy nnd skill me seen to bo Indlspcnsahle, we have the s tnio tradi tional objections vvoiked over with a few changes In nomenclature. Tho poor mo being crushed. Tho ileh are seizing power. Liberty Is endangered. Individual effoit 1h shackled. Tho oc topuses will get you if ou don't watch out. Yet thiough all this incidental tur moil American civilization has made Its way steadily und thero Is scant reason to fear that it will soon ictro gtado. It Is becoming plain that tho pa tlenco of the Hrillt.li ptibllo with tho slow nnd costly campaign liii S'outh Africa Is gradually dlslntegtatlng in tho face of continued loises mid in cieaslug tuxes. War's ufter-tasto is always hitter. (ieneial Uo Wet, Ooin Paul and Webster D.ivls still icfiisn to sur tender. Phllatlelphlans mo going to take two la r to exhibit their admiration for SeniHor Quay. reception and two banViuts, ono by the Union league, are on tho programme, Nothing sue- t&M>e&i fttsVfejiyvisaAiS, .. - teeds with the average man half o well as success. The National League of Improve ment osoclatlons, with hoadiiii'irt',is ut Spilngfleld, Ohio, Is set king to se. cine the organization of a local aril I ated society In this place. The oh-Jei-t of tho league Is to bring Into com munication (or acquaintance and mu tual helpfulness all organizations In terested In the piomotlon ot outdoor urt nnd public beauty, town, village and neighborhood Imptovemcnt. It Is said that there ate already In ex istence moie than a thousand local lin piovcment associations In various putts of tho country, with nn aggregate membeishlp of fully ono hundred thousand. Tho tVild In Scranton for Improvement lu outdoor art und public beauty Is ccttnlnly large enough to keep the league busy. The iiriaiigvnientB for tho contem plated duel between M. Huffct and M. Derouledo are conducted with the ills icgat'd foi secrecy that churactcilzes an Ametlcnu spanln.ur match, wheio reset ved scata bring $!) each. The yellow Journals have dlscoveicd that President Schwab, of tho new steel combine, Is to receive a salary of Jl.OOU.OoO a jcar. Wo wish wo had tlie difference between this sum and Mr. Rchwab'a actual salary. Mlfsourl und Indiana have outlawed the piuctlco of Christian Sclcnco heal ing for pay, and New York threatens to do likewise. Tho lines arc tighten ing aiotiiul the It regular pratltloncr. The scintillations of certain literary lights that claim to sparkle for labor only arc beginning to be regaided as Wlll-o'-the-Wlsplsh by the thinking toller of this valley. ltrotlier Kohlsiuit, through the Chi cago Times-Herald, is disposed to tlnow bouquets nt Illinois, because that state has no "boss." How about Lorlmer.' It the powers could only be Induced to place moie faith In Husslu theie would be less anxiety legaidlng the settlement of nfialis in the yellow kingdom. With 30.000 men under their com mand, theie seems no likelihood that Prince Titan and Oeneral Hslnng will apptoaJt nnd enter ball at present. The Machiauelli oi Chinese Diplomacy Hubert 1. l.iK in tlic return Till) p an1 ncicotiatlons .it I'ckln i all te uiml tho inexperience of the minister who ne liegolialln Willi the Chine's sl.itCBiiijn. Ilie Amerliiii minister lias hail .il.mt tliu'c ear "f eontait with the eij-t; the HrttNh t.uiiMir has been in l'cl.ln lisa than a. ;eir, tin' Kii-'i.in iiilnl-ter bin bicn at bU lKict '. nhuiler tlniii than tho Amcrlian. ami the I'ruuli rjusciitatlc l-i a iintica in ili-jilii'j veith the tdollil. l)pinl nt lhe la 'ti but new illplomatUbt HH the Mlnkleil Mlcrin, Karl I.I lluni; Cliiu'.', villi bis kwuciut.' I'rlncL' thiirr. Of J.l'e ocniy. cialit .eraiK, the lpit ferty he bmi larsclv (pint in trr"ln swnnU uitb l.urcpean ami V.iHtK.iu repren nl.it les of tatccialt. Ihis piiuce if Oriental wcnl watrlurs has foutlit vilth Sir 1'iiilcrlcU Iliuce, Sir 'Ihoin.n W.nle, Sir II ut; s. I'.nl . Mr John Wal-hun, Sir Mel.. olai e)'e""i in r i , sir rltuile vtacllonaM; Hon. Vi'jitl Hurling one, Hon. eieorse V. Sewaul, llmi. 1 liatlm Deiitn; V lioehei houirt, I'.itc nolle, I'liuuiier, Pcufoeljii; Marquis Ito: Count Mui.ivlitr, .nul Mures ut other iirt ela- eliplo. milk Inn". lie Inows fci- thrut and ceere pirry; lio bis huuleil nut cM'iy seam in tin ainioi; ju.l he can cut into uery unpiolictcil, vital point. ll. lue come intu tlie mciitiatioiij to ieirrsnnt the Immlll.ilr.l povcr; but there is reason lo hi Hi m that he la better pn piled to tifiht a loslo; lutllc tli Hi vvuiilu be all hU rpxncitls romblneil. 'Ilie white. etiilaiic& luce bhoun by two Rrtat (nlurci that they are not vet licpiiul to cope with the )c!loc- linn. In s.p. uiiilni, i-'JJ. the'' Knew liolhin; ot the roup iletat until it was paeil; ami llici, bi Join, nothlii, peruntteil the U'isn of iiaetluii, eon senatiMu, and lirior to Rain lniclu.it,. In V.o tliev lefiiMil lo belicee tint tlili reicllon anil cuii9iratlin wire ouliuiii itincx. Not until the Hovel inipriioncil them In l'el.ln ilhl they te all?e that theie was .1 lloer tiprUiutr. Their an now backed try (uiti, lint Is their hope nf kvuiesit-l iy it wltli nil te-iect. (iiecn .i tair flebl ami no fnoi, Kail I.I would ilettly tct Hum to iunelliii- a to who tlioulil Kael in the avMiilt, who i-lioul.l liavc his lint, loat airl Ii.h, with tin 1 1 Mil t that he would iiinaiu hit ii i, whlln they would wumkr bow it all hippcneil Kail l-l h .i Irlklnc, If not a great tlKiirc. Ue l a laiclnatlinr Ktudy. The foreiBii diploma. tif Chilli, for forty jeai.t lias been bU. lu Chlmsu politics he la a past nutter. He eaim into proinlneuii) as eoernor ot Klaugcu, in tho ltie. 'I 111, ia the prolne of wliieh Sooehuw Is the capital, and Sh lumbal ami Xauklni; ate the (oinnuiiial ami Htiiary metropoll. Because ol his ner.lcca lu euppreM-Ini; the Talplug He l.illlui, a vaster fctriijtulo thin our Civil war, lie etas made siianllan of the heir apparent a a position similar lo that recently belli by Prime Tuan was Rranted the jellow Jacket, anil was made ;w.UUnt RianJ councillor ol the el. pile. In los he slipped Ii to a vicerojalt.e, and, w.th Wuchang .is bis uip.tal, luleil ner llupei and lliinin, ns Chans Chili tunir Is now doing. Imperial cunimancU took lihu fiom lila pot; inn), at the lienl of bis armies, he put down re. Ullion iii the norilirm provlncen of Shantiinr mid Shiiul, and wu made a full member of the srinil eoumil cf rl its.'. In ls'5 be w.ih nude metiopolltaii iiuo) and moved fiom WiiLliani; tu 'lleiitxiti Ihls oltloti cerrcpoml.s loctllv to tlie sournouhlp of the empire ttite, but nitionally It Is o( imieii more Inipnrtaiirp, fir th" metiupolltan vicemjalty units r I.I Hun,? Ih inn '.as assumed a rtrt plate in Intimation i ilililiiiuirs. The nation, now In dciatr, nnn in detinue, lor our twenty jetr etittiiitid it kmtty piobltnu to linn. The vlceiojalty ol Cliilili asjtiincd Rreater and sreater Importanei, alilieiiBli l.l's prcdeeenor e.as none either than M.mpiU Tsciiv. M was cieatcd a noble of the Itit-t claj, aril appointed to tdo ibg Initiative in foielpi iiesotiations, V'e find him illfplajinsr a profusion ot talent On uno occasion he publicly worbhlpped a nuliej on tinotlier he eideieil I inoilein fleet, lie bat tled with diplomat: ua t.mibbcd by the pit .lie clUjvio; and altei l hlna win ilefeatcd by Japan, In what wi hU war, w.is bidden lo IiiiiiiIiIa liliusilf and plead foi peaie. The war was over in IsftS, and in Ib'n'i he atleniliil the coiciiiatlon of liu eiar, ullu whlib be undo a tour of tn wntld. Hark In Chilli asalu, he was denuded, then promoted, nnd flndb tcatcd in the chief fc-iand tetielaij'. elnlr. Plijln ton imieii Into the hands of llus.ia (for money!), he was ic moved limn the 'Uunirll Tianien In is'is. jiar Intir, 1'.K), I.I nan made viceroy at Canton, hun which put l.e wa (ailed lu' hU present. IsilIon of nin tf Cl.lhll ami peace cum iiiUklunci. THE IlEOULATION Or VICE. Illdiop Doane, lu i,elle'. W ceklj . The two obJct to bo toughl In any ,iltnnit to tuppiew vice liave illation, lliet, to tho vi cious, to restore and icclalm tlieirt; and tic-it, to the virtuous, to keep them from the con tamination ol contact and from th dinger of deterioration by familiarity Willi evil vnd this latter is of vvtrrme importaiiee'. The moial iuaraiitiue, the ephilual illtinfccllon, come really tlr.t in hopefulu.va and value. ,ud, hflvln.- this in view, much eon be (lout bj win' . e.-m., , -n ,- -V-tf iVtlln"r-ii --A - 000XX)0000X000 The People's Exchange. ArOf'UI.lt CI.KAI1INO HOUSt' for the' Hencflt ol All Who Have lleuief to , Itcrt. ileal FJatite or oiher 1'ir.n-rlv lo Sell or Knehanee, or Who Want Situations or ' . Help These Small Advertisement Coat , One Cent a Word. flx Instrtloiu lor Klvo ; emi it word Uveept Situation viamcu, nien Ale ln;rted Free. ooooooooooooooooo Help Wanted Male. MAXAGMI-IIKMAtlM' TIIIM W'ANTs CA1'- . SJH inn man to manjiee bianclt oPiif. URint! ai; i 'etlon of business, nalary, l.tWO 'id liberal lutntnlMitni sood icferences and I1! r1' re ipilred, Addris-s IIoe S1, Philadelphia, I WANTHD-A Ot''0 MAN WITH TWO on three jcara' rsierlenee In drug atore. Ad elire Lock llux 3S, Jernijn. l'a. Help Wanted Female. (Iinb N't NIT!) -FOR (HlNr.ltVb lIOfbBWOIIK, 70T Add ma avenue. Situations Wanted. MfUATIOS W'ANlKD-nV A OCNU riini. ro do Kcncral houewoik, 212 1'utiMin allcct, city. SITITATlotf WANTI',l)-nV A C.IItL. 15 YKAHS old, to do llidit bousework. Addrest J!.) 1'iitnain street, sorlli Knd, ell), mtvatio.v UAvrr.D-nv a dookki:i:i'i:u. cmpliteed at preent, but who wishes, to change. AUdmm I. I". (J . cote of Tribune. hiTUATio.v w'am i:n nv a nov or it. in mi office: or rtore; rc'cuiicc. AcIIicm U, II. It., this office. siriwiios w.vNri'.P -nv widow.as t im.u tiutfe or h nisekeeper. No. Ill Harrison je. ill CATION W.Mi:i)-!!Y A HOY HETWTS.V 13 and It, jears old, as drivir, can take 'are cl .1 horse. Address Stanlej Price, lllvcr etict t alley. SIT17AIIO.V WANri:i)-Ai' WVSIHNO. ci.i:an. Jut or an kin I ol day wetk. 1210 Cedar lve line. Mrs, IIustcll. hlll'vTiON WANrKll-IlY MVN, (!OOI) I'LvlN ami fancy cook and baker. Ii 211 Writ Maikel street. SI1PATIO.V WANTI.D-IIY A MII)I)M:-A(ii:i woman a huiisckiepei in nu.ill family. Ad dress 221 Irilni; avenue. WANTIID I'OSIl ION AT OKSIIIlAt. OlT'iCi: work bv tlioroutflilv competent ounff wu mm; uecllent tef-iemc. Slate chuicter ol work and naluj. K. l A., cire Tribune otllee. AS KM'UKIKNCGU srHNOmtAI'llhlt. VVIbLINO to nssUt with book', dedres position with reliable llrm; hisbest references. Address S. A. O, Tribune offlee. SITIATION WANTED IIY A YOUNO LADY, AS housekeeper in a tmall family with a Ren tlimati that has (jot a nice home. Addren Msj P., 1101 Prospect avenue, city. laws', well enforced, and more by the com pulsion of enlightened sentiment. The open tmllcil.itlon to tin in the Mrtcts, the brilliantly llnhtcd saloons and (ranibllnit hells and concert halls, the permitted presence of drunkards and prostitutes in the sin cts these aie rdarlnjT ln etauces which nuclstralcs can deal with. And the greater criminals than these, the men in uniforms or the men in otnec, who take blood tuoncs to placet such places and such people, need summary and severe punbliment. I do not believe that the evteimlnation ef the social evil is ii possibility. The attempt to lcfjiitalp it lias the- appeirance of rrcoRnliiiii; it, as llioiin'li it deceived to come under the piotectioii of liw. I could never tolerate er advoiate this tieatintl.t. I know that it olteis relative immuult) fiom pbjsleal consciences, but thise are the brand cl t.'id's bilreil and anger, prrlii one would talhir say of tiod'a love and pily, to wain aftaitist the indulueneo of I he aulniil in man I know that tlie nuliil sufTiriiiB whlcli conn a tliroiiRh thoc executes to innnccnt people might be mitlKittd, but the vIslliiiK of the fithers' ns upon the children is part of the Divine plan of tempting men to rrlt temptation, by an appeal to the parent al Ill'tlllCt. o In the nine waj, I do not believe tint pro hibition, the absolute cIo.sintf ol saloons, the abolition (if the canteen for the army (a most weak and unwoithy jicldlni; to an unreasonins: rab.d), will abolish dninkcnncv). Hut Uu.s cm be made and eau be cxn utcd which will neither turn sections of our citioJ into plaee of liime, nor piiinit the intrusion of women, lost to shame, into the nciiebborhooda where decent and fiod'fcariru? people live. The evil tint eannot be suppicssed can be repressed. Men and wo nun on tlie lookuut to luro victims, under false pretence, to ruin without their knowledge or ier.i'iit can bo punished. The mo-t vulgar, vicious, noi.)a disorderly houses can be closed, and the keepeis made to disgorge their 111 gotten gaiiin by heavy Ones and restnined, for a while al Ieat, by imprisonment from their tluinelul trade. LITERARY NOTES. A novel which Ins manv of the charms ol "Duld llaiuni," and which In its wit and drol leiy of character portraiture is In places superior, appears from tho press of the Saallleld eompany, Akron, 0 and from the ien of James Hall Navlor, under the title, "ltalph Marlowe." Tho title is nut apt. The hero of the Mot, or, at leat, the central tliiurr in it, is not Marlowi, a oimer plijsleiiu ami diugglst who becks employ ment in a small Ohio town to escape a sitter who had become a dipsomaniac, but Dr. Itarwoud, the eccentric diuggUt and countiy doctor of tho little place, about whose oddities of chatactcr the story lcvolves. Or, Jt-p Tucker, the old die tor's garrulous hostler, ulvvajs ready to shirk woik by means of a funny ttury well spun out in the tellim;, might better have supplied the title pige. hut however this may be, the bouk Itself Is a most diverting and udmlrahlo study of the quaint wajs of small village life, and no leader with an ejo fur humor will legnt making Ita acrjuilntii.ee or sitting up tvvo-ihlrds of a night, as the wrltir did, to complete it at one sitting. At the request of the editors of The Omloul:, Geoigu Kcmian, author of "Siberia and the Kvlle svstem" und "Campaigning in Cuba," has been engaged lor some time in a tlioiougli study at Wasliintttuii ot the otlicld ihcumc-iits relating to tlie t'hlllppino prubltm. He lias also hid the oppoituuity of leading many private letters fiom olllccrs lu Hie l'hilipincs, lias talked nn tho subject. Willi prominent Washington oilieiala, fiom the President down, and has In evcrj way talrrt pains to tain evceptiuiid knowledge uf evirMhlng relating to the tupb The lesulls ul this investigitloii have been embodied In tlueo arlbles entitled, "The Philippines' Tho I'tcscut Conlltions and Possible Ooursea of Action." Ilie llrot ot these articles appeared In The Outlook for February 2J last, while the second, dealing with the mllitiiy situation, appeals in the March magazine number, and the thild, whlih treats: of possible tutuie action, will immediately fol low. "Nature in Llteiatiire" is to he the subject ol the Apiil number of Impicsiou, tu include arti cles bv fimrge Ilimlln Fitch, ( hatles Wancn Moddard, Adeline Knapp, A, h I.. 11. and otlnrc. Ilie supplement will be u cartful reproduction ol some liautilul photogtapli of tiatuie. May, the laliy month, will be devoted to fdry litera tuie, folk lore and the child mind, Iiupic&tlon completes lu m st j ear with tlie March is-ue and e an bo congratulated for lis brilliancy and lndip"ndeiicc duilng its short caiecr. I). Applcton & Company have Jut published an invaluable hook tor bankers and mtichuits, and all who are obliged to deal in figures. It is rpurto volume containing Interest tables, to that accurate remits may be almost instintly obtained on any sum from h dollar to a million, lor any lenjlh of time, snd at an rale nf In U rest tlsjht. rfKi. M..tSSMii et-w.fiSl.'tssssVe.tessl Tor Rent. Aji'0isii-si I Olt IIENT-TIIB WIN'WOOD UtllNUK HIOIIII. to tlit! highest bidder. Sealed bids lo be epeneil March 2.', IfJOl, nt 1 o'clock p. in. A. I!. Kellogg, Secretary, Winvtood, Pa, rou iiiiNT-Doimi i: iiousi, latest im- provementf, lovely location, suirouudcd with ttrev, 21! and 213 Vl.ldl'vc.ll avenue, Urceli llldge, toil TtENf-sJ" IT.U MOM II, SlOIti:, fit Lacltawatitu avenue. Inquire on premises. DLSIIl.Mlli: HOUSE ON MADISON ANF.NUF. for rent! iiieilern Impiovements. Apply to A. life, 22J Lackawanna aver.ue. 1111 VINE STIIEI.r. SIX KOOM HOL'sEi 10. tewlon MjicIi IV, If desired 1 Improvement. FOIl ilEN'T -STOHE ON sfltlKt'. SI llF.ET, Ol' poslto lintel Jeruom also stole on I'enil and Franklin menueji nfrlces In Coil l.vehange and Llbcily Hall, ami ilats suitable tor small families on Washington and Franklin ivcnues. Apply tu .lolin Jctmyn, 113 Wjomlng avenue. norni, ion hhnt ivyuim: op ym. t. l. Jones, Main streit, Taj lor. FOlt ItENT-SdlOOM H0l'i: 0V Ciltl'.l'N llldgo street. Modern Improvements. An drew M. Fine, Uri3 Sanderson avenue. 1011 IIFNT-10 IIOOM IIOl'li:. MODERN 1!I proveinents. oil Wjomlnir avenue 023 OIIEEN niDOK STHEFT. TEN THKUl. modern Improvements, steam beat, furnished; desirable: $23. IM. For Sale. FOK SALE- PHAETON. ALVIOtT nnAN NEW J its heme made, in everv veavi an e. ceptlonally fine einlue. I2V (or quick file. Apply sod Monroe avenue. VOIc SALE-OLD, KsTvllLMIt'D I'llOTOC.ItAI'll biiMnes; eompondeme invited ns lo d falls and reasons fot selling. Address 11. It. Ljons, JIontrte, Fa. I'i IMIA1T H011t.Es. I tlOOD TlillVTUS PvUt ol matclieil blacks. J. M. Field, S2I-22J Oskfonl court. FOlt SAM-111 Illll.il Tllll'.ll MnY CAItUIVeii:, in good condition. Mrf. Tutnei, HIS Mul berry street. Tor Sale or Hent. ion sale on nr.NT-110-jsi:. nnv and threr neics wltli fruit, in Elmhunt Ad dress Dr. tiiietnn, WT W.ishlnglon aviiiue ion ali: on iie.nt- i hi: diiimno fvhk Ifnlel, elgantU liitnlshsd; posscvslo'i al en on the fiint daj of April. Apply to Willi nn Ciaig, cate L". Robinson's Sons' brevvorj Vnntcd To Buy. WANTED TO III I III UNrilti: STOCKS uf merchandise, al.vi surplus goods ot maun fietuieis an 1 merclnnU (or e is'i. Amount no ohleet. Call er win- to I lacks i, Hotel Hart, WilkiS'llatre, Fa. Four dies t'lilj. WANTED SLCONDIIAND BLOT MAC'IINLS; must lio in good order, slate particulars as to make and pi lie Address 1 M., general de livery, Feranton, I'a Furnislicd Booms. I I IIMMII.D IIOOM I Oil (iLMLLMW ull ciiiuicy avenue. I'UKMMIKI) ItOOMs FOlt OENTM'MEN, IV best locality tenlr.il city, all inudeni im prnvements; tcfercnies. i) Tilbune Bonrd Wanted. WA-slEn-IIY III MIAMI AMI WIFE. IICIMIO In private f unify or in first ilaNs boarding house in walking distance' from 'luniclpal build ing. F. A . Tribune ofllie Business Oppoitunity. ATLANTIC (111, V. J-FOIl .SALE- A WELL- istablished mid piosiruus stationery ami prntlng buincs.s. Addicss. lluv 7, Atlantic Money to Loan. MONEY TO LOAN ON IMFItOVED CITY KI.VL cMalc. IIEMti IIEI.IN. .111. I.IIAS II. WEM.En. THOMAS SPItAl.lT. MONEY TO LOAN O.N 110ND AND MOltiaVOlii any tuuouni. M. II. Holgate, Commuriwealth building. ANY AMOUNT OF MONEY TO LOAN -'UICK, straight loins or Iluildlug and boi.i. At from 4 to 6 per cent. Call on N. V Walker, ait 315 Cunncll building. Recruits Wnntsd. WANTED FOn M. S. ARMY: AF.LE nODIED, unmarried men lietvveen ages o( it an 1 i; cilizcns of United Slates, of good ilnrait r nnd temperate habits, who can speak, lead and wilto English. Recruits specially desired for service in Philippines. Fin information applv to Iteeruttln;; Other, 133 W'jomiiu -'-e., itcran ton, I'a. Jliscellaneous. DitEtS I'LAiri.lts FOIl SALE, ir, C1.NT: 1 III! mer price, JI.uO. Mr. MacDonald, .'39 Va-h-ln;tou avri.ue LEGAL. F.STA1F. OF MAROAItm' H. KENNEDY, LVTF, ot the cllv of Scrantuii, isjiintv of I-uLa-wanni, and state of 1'eunsylvanli, deeeued. Letters ol adir.inl'tratioii biting been grinlrd lo the undeislgncil, .ill persons having 1 dins or demands, agiinst the said estate will pii'..n them for payment, ind ull perons Indebted thei'to arc icquestcd lo nnko immediate pay. ment to JOHN T. KENNEDY, Administrator :ill feouth Washliigton, Vvc, Scran ton, I'a. CHARLES Ii. HAW LEY, Attorney lur Estate. TO THE HOLDERS OF IIONDS Nr"lTli:"iil seven (7), eight (s), lortj-cme (11) und forty-sit (16) ef tho Colliery I ii(,ii,ccr Companj, being tho bonds beirlng dat" October 1, lo.", and secured by trust moitgage o( that dile, 1'lease Take Notice that in pursuance uf the provisions of the said bonds and the trust more page given to ncciuc the same, the bunds as numbered alovc have hem drawn by lut for payment on the first day of April, 11X11, and yru are hereby notified that the simo will be pild en the first dav of April, 1U0I, at the Lacka wanna Trust nnd 5afe Deposit Compares., Trustee named in the Irn.-t mortgage above rifrned to, together with interest coupons attached Iheieto and remaining tuquld, and that uitirct will cease after the said date. THF COLLIERY FAfilNTER COMFAW. Scranton, I'l., l'ibiuar ath, lueil. PROFESSON 4L. Certified Public Accountant. E. C. EFAfLDINti. IX nilOVDW.W, NI.U Yoik. Aicbitects. LUWAIID II DVs, AIICII ITLCT, lONNEL, bulldlnif. FRI.DERICK L IIIIOWN, ARCHITECT. I'HICU building, Ui Washington .acinic, calilcn. TJontists. I). C. E. EILENIlKliaEliri'VU.! "llUl.iTlVilT Spruce stitel, Scruiituu, DIt, C. C. LAUilvtII, lib WV.OUINO AVENcTl" Seeds, a It, CLARKE & CO , SITD5VI1A' AMI MM... erymcii, stoic .'01 W ihlugton avenue; giwn houses, 1'ijO Noiih Main avenue, noie tele phone, 7S. Schools. SCHOOL OF THE L.ClvAW'Ar'.V7t VsTl)V I'a. Court pnparitoiy locullegi, law, me ill cine or business. Opin.vSepi Uth find for eulalotui. llcv. Themis M. Cann, I.I, I).. pi:u rlpal ard proprietor ; v. I' I'lnuils, M. beadmaster. LOOKED ON TnE BRIGHT SIDE. The death of eM.uviruor viuunt, l Indiana, takes from tho world an rvimplar of l liu men who succeed by looking on the blight side of things, lu a private Inter to tin editor u.' sueicss, he wiotc; "My mi ecus I attribute largely to looking on the blight side ul things, to seeing posilbllltleK, and then hopefully bend ing every energy to their accomplishment." On tho fame occasion, he vviotet "I h.ivo found the character counts fur more than ull rise.' Siicccsj. r I.awyer9. I'liAMs E. nOM.V, ATTORNEY ATLVW, Roe uis, 12, II, 10 and IS llutr building F K.TItAPY, ATT, COMMONWEALTH 111.1)0. J. W. IIIIOWN, ATTOItNKV AND COL'NII.L' Ii f. M I ,1 ... It ... ft sin tt. I. ..II. II..-, '"i-iMni iiunnil il- iilil ilCJiT iniiltiini;. i. n. ucrionia:. aitoh,nky-lons njo. ILet.l r.H .1 ..... ......ii. si..-. I.. .11.11.... -... uii ii.il rsidin si'iunit. tierti-. im.iy u.t euiiiir Hashlngtou avenue and spruce stitet. WII.I.AIHI, WARREN . KNAI'I'. ATTORNEY'S and ceiinsiors-at-law. Ilepubllcan building, Washington avenue. 3LSyv & .IE.sTlTvrioilNEYS VND tOl'.V. sellers at-hw-. Canimoiiwcallli building, Rooms 1, 20 and 21, "'V",1' ' THAYMi,rrORNEY. ilOOMs Kmoi, nth flour, .vicars building, '' .''VAITtt.s:. ATnoilN'I'.Y.ATLAW, ltOAUD Jra '"'ll'lltig, Scranteii, l'i. rii!iTi,:niS()r.. '"r"0V. TnADEIt"'" NATIONAL Hank building, OMI'.OV.S. 0 n llEPUlLICAN IllTldUNtl A '' llEimiOLF, ArrORNIA-TMEAItS llM'fT Physlcifina nnd Surgeons. DH. W. L". ALLEN', SW NORTH VSIIINtT10N avenue. DR. P. W. I.'WIORKMN, OFFICE 33') WMI Inston avenue. Itcs-ldence. 131S Mulberry. Clirjinlc diseases, lungs, heart, kldness an.1 genlto urinary organs a spcclall). Hours, 1 lo i p. m. Hotelo nnd Itcstnurnnts. Till. LLK CAFE, 125 ND l.'T FIIANKI I.N AV F- nu". Rates icasonsblc F. ZniOM.ll, l'roprhtoi'. ECRVNTOV IIOUE. M'VIl )., I.. AV. l cniter depot. Conducted on the European pliii M' H Oil KOCH. Fruprleo. Wilts Screens. JOSEPH KUETTF.L, l.'I.Ai: fill WkaW S avenue, Sjcratiteu, I'a, manufacturer ul Wire Sen ens. Miscellaneous DRI'SSMAKINC, FOlt CHILDREN Til 1111111 P. also ladles' vv lists. Louis Shoeiniker. 21 J Adams avenue. A. 11. llitleb.S CLEV.NS I'RIVY VAI I.Tt VND icsa pools; no oiler Impiovcd pumps iisil A. II Ilrlggs, propiletor Leave ordeis IK) North Main avenue or Elcki's ding store, eo; ner Adams and Multeity. Telephone Pal Mlil. L. T. hEI.LER, SCM.F TIlliYTMENTTi'"; shimpoolig, . ; facial mi'sage; luar.lcuiliil,. 23c ; chirepidv. ,l)l yulne. HM'Eifs oiiriii:sTii-Mi sic ion n i.t ". piemen, pillc, icrcptioiH, wedding nul eon eit wnk furnished. I rtr leims adduss II I lliucr, e, lulu, tor, 1 17 Wjumlnj avenue, uvei Hulbert'o niiislu itute. MEOMllTEE IIKO). FRINTI'R's' M'FI'I.II', I.N si'loics, paper bigs, twine. Warehouse, 1.0 Washington avenue, Screiiton, I'a TIIE WILKES 11 lllll' RI'tORD CAN 111! II Ml In Seratiloti ,u tho tuws stands of ItelsiiiJii 11ms , fl Spiin-e and WJ Linden; M Nnitmi. 22 Lackawanin nvenue; 1. S. Scbiitzcr, "II Spruce street. RAILROAD TIME TABLES. Lehigh Vnlloy Ilniliond hi Ellett Much t lioi. Trains leave Siranttm. For I'lilladelplili and New Voik sia 11 Tl II , at n IS and II 0 a m , in.l ! I I Ilhl k Diamond Expiiss), jml 11 ,j u m davs, I). A, H. R, II . 1 6.1. 8.27 I . m A II '. ' ' Sun For White lltven, llarlctc u and prlmipil points In the coil regions, ua Ji ,e, . , t (J -2 IS ind 127 p. m Fur Futtsville, IJ7 p ' m ' For Ilcthlchrm, 1'istcm, Reading, llinitl.ni' and principal iiilrrmediilo stations vli I) c, if R. It.. (U, 11.55 a. in ; 2 IS. 127 (lll,rt, i' mond Expiess). 11 3D p. in, 'uiii'avs, D .C II 11. It., 1.S". S.2T p. in. For Tuiikhaunoek, Tovande. I linlni. Illu, i Oenev.i and pilnclpd iiiteimollale i-tatiuns vn D, Ii. A. W. It. II, .$ a. m.; l.uj and .1(0 p. in. I'm' Otncva. Rotbtstcr. IluiTalu. Niigira Falls, Chicago and all points wist, vli I). A, II, R, ll.i") a. in., .T.ll (Ill.uk Diamond I'vpiesal 7 Is' 10.41, 11 Sll p. in. Sundae , D. i: 1. R ii 11.53, 8 27 p in Pullman pallor and sleeping or Liblgh alle parlurs cars on all trains between W'ilkrs llim and New Yotk, Philadelphia, nulfalo and Sis perslon llridge. ROLI.I.N II. WILIIUIt, fiui. Supt., strrct. Nuv York. CHMII.rt S. I.FF, t!en. Piss -t., street, New Yolk. A W. NO.NNF.VIACHER. DIv, Pas., 2(i Cortati'i 20 lurtland Agt , South iieiuitiiem, i'a. For tickets and Pullman re'crMllniu Sui) Laikawamu avenue, erantoii, I'a. apply to Centml Rrtilrontl of New Jersey. Stations in New oik loot of I.ibertv sti vr N. II.. and Suuth Fury. TIME TAIII E IN EIT'FC I' NOV. ,. inm. Tialns leave Scianlon fur Neiv York, Niwaik Illnbeth, Phllid.'lphii, la-tun, Ilethleheui. l'. lentown, Mauch I hunk and While Ilann at f ,'n i. in ; cvpiccs, 1 lu; tvprc-s, 3 30 p. in. fundais 2 15 p in. For Pulsion and Wilkes II irre s.:ii a in , l 1 1 and S fsl p. in. sumla, s, ' i p. m lor I.-ltlniure and Wellington, and points Soulli and Wist via llclhlehem, s 0 a. m., I irj and .1.10 p. m Niudivy, .l') p m For long llianih, Oicni (inn is etc, at '.."o a. in. and 1,10 p. m. Fur Reading, Lebaiiiu and Hirii-hiirg, vli M leiiluwii, i 30 a. lu. and 110 p. lu. .sumlav-, 2.15 p. in For Puttsvlllc, . M a. m anl ItlO p in Through tfikits to .ill points east, south m, wist at luwc-t rati'st.it the station. II P. I1VLDWIV. Gen. IMn s.,1. J. II. Ol.ll AL'SE.V, dm. supt Dolavvnve, Lackawanna and Western. In EtTfit Dc. 2. l!s. iiutli I.eavu Scrantuii foi New Yoik it 1 10, 3,00, S.50, S iJO and 10 IB a m ; 12.53, .; J3 p m. For Philadelphia at S.Cj and 10 05 a m , 12 "n nnd .l.i.) p in. For Stroiubburg at (l 10 p. in Milk aeiniumiiditiuli al ::.10 p l.l. Virivu at llobukeu ut 1130, 7 IS 10 , l.'Us, 8.15. 4 1. T.l'i p in Airlie ot ITilhdcIpliia at l.Oil, J .., 0IX) and 8 22 p. m Anive fi un New Yulk ai 1.10, I Oil and 10 2.1 a Ii. , 1 ijsi 152, 5.4J. M 15 and 11.10 p. in. From stioudrhurg at c 05 a n North Leave seranlun for Ilullilo and intu mediate statluns at 1 1", 4 10 and ooo a. i.i , I 53, 5 4S and 11.33 p. in. For Oswego and tin. eiisn at I 10 a, m. and l.o5 p. in For Lib i at 1,10 a. in. and 1.55 p. ill lor Monlrose ,,l i Oj a. ru ; 1.05 and 5 4S p. in. Foi Nicholson at (to and 0 15 p. m For llinghanilnu at 10 20 a m-vi-live In scrinton Iroin llutfiln at 1. 5, 1 ',5, 5 , and lO.(X) a. in.; .t JO and .HiO p. in Fiom li ve i go and Syracuse ut 2 55 a. in , U'.'it ami sui p m. I rum I'tlra at 2 5", a m , 12..W and , 'ii p. in. Fru'ii Nliholsuii at T 50 a in. ami His) in. Front Munlrosc at in.OJ a in ; 2.20 and " 0) p. m. Illouiiisburg Division Liavo Sciaiitou for N'oiihunibeiland. ut 0 15, loeu a. in i 115 anl 5 50 p m. For PJvniouih at 1 0i, :! 10, e.vi p. in. For Kingston ut S 10 a m. Arrive at Nnith unibrrland at n.l'i a. m , 1 10, WU and S 15 . in Arrive at Kingston at S 52 a, in. Anive at Pljmoulh nt SOU. I ..2. I) 15 p. in. Anive in .s'cranton fioni Vorlhumberlariil it 0 12 .i m , 12.S., 4.5i5 ami S45 p lu 1 ioiii Kingston at 11.00 u. in, 1'ioki Pl.vmuulli at T.55 a. Ill ; , .'., and 5., .3 p. in SI'MIVY rilVlNS. Scuth Leave Scranton at l.io, .too, 5.50, 1005 p. in ; :i..'ll and J 10 p in. Niitlli Leave S'liaiitmi at 1 1", J.io a. m. ; i js, 5.IS and 11.15 p in llloonubutv I'lilsluti J.euio Scrar.ton at 10 u, a in. and 5.50 p. in Dolnware and Hudson. In Filed Nov. M, 10eV. fialrn fur Caibululale leave Sciaiiton nt (120, 7.53, 8.51, 10 K a. in.i 12.00, l.ai. .',((, j.n.t, u-1;,. liM. T.5T, IM''. H 13 p. in , 1.10 a. m. For lloncsdalc-il 20. 10.11 a m.; a.n 0nd 5 2j For Wilkes llarie-Ct 13. T. 13. S.H, o.,li, m.41 11.55 a. in.; 1.2'. -' I' &&. 1.27, 0.10, 7.1. 10.11, II 30 p. lu. IVr Ii. V. Ii. II. puluts-n 13, 11.53 a. in.s 21s 1.27 and 1I.U p '" For 1'eniisvlv.inli II II. polnrs-O.i.i, p., ., in s 2. IS and 127 p. in For Allunv and all points noitli (j. jo a. ii and .' 52 p. m. 1 .rSI)Y T RUNS'. Fur ( aiboi dak- v.W. II a. in : 2 l, 1 , 3 IT 10 M p in For Mlkfllail-OJ, 11,53 a, ill. ; ,5, a.28, O.'.T. 8 27 p. HI For VIKinv and polnls uoitli-,1.52 p. m. For lloncvulali CO " !" "il 3,52 P. lu Lowest latcs (u all pulul. In llnllni Stales and Lul ada .1. II llt'liniriv, O P. .. Albiny, N. Y II W t ROss, 1). P. A , Scranton, Pa. Erie nnd Wyoming Vnlley. Tune I'abbi ill Llhet Sc t. 17, Ivesi, Trains lor liiwlev and local points, cumin t lug ut Untie) with Erie railroad (or New Vein Nivebuig and luteiniedlate points, leave Sir in. tui. at T.05 a, tu and 2 25 p. m Tialna anitr al Siianton at 0.:.0 s. in in.' 0,10 i, in. HNLEY'S We are displaying our new selection ol piniing' Mrt Waists Every style is new and all the patterns are our exclusive de signs. Our line em braces: Dimity Waists, (In White and Colots.) - White Pjqii3 Waists, White Lawn Waists, White Embroidered Waists, White Co tied Waists, The "Senior" Black Silk Waists arc un excelled in style and fit." A line of Black and Colored Silk Waists at $3. 75, well made and perfect fit ting. A rare bargain, 510-512 IACKAWANM AVEWDjB (C !A Word 'is ikz Wise is Saffisieai. ?; TIip part of wisdom Is to set the hei Kt'illR. Wf Imvo iv lamest lliii' of stiitlcns ery, eitllcf supplies unci blink buoks in" Nortlieifslorn Pe'imsij Ivanlii ReyooldsBros Sutioners and Hnc;ravers, Hotel Jermyn Buildinp. RAlLROApjrjMJETABLES, PEilNo.LVlill IIAILUDAJ Schedule in Effect May 27, 1000. Tinlns leave Scranton, V. & It Station: 0.45 a. in., week days, for Sunbury, Hai'i'lsburrr, Philadelphia, Baltic mores, Washington and for Pittsi buig and the West. 0.38 a. m., week days, for Hnzletoa Pottsville, Reading, Norristowu anil Philadelphia; and for Sum bitty, Harrisburg, Philadelphia, B-ltnnore, Washington and Pitts burg nnd tho West. 2.18 p. m., week days (Sundays 1.08 p. m.) for Sunbury, Harris burg, Philadelphia, Baltlmoie Washington and Pittsburg ant) the West. For Hazloton, Potts, vllle, Beading, &c, week days. 4.27 p. in., week days, for Sunbury, Haaleton, Pottsville, Hnrrlsburg, Philadelphia and Pittsburg. J. B. V'OOll. Oe'll l'jss. .st J 11 Hurnii.Nto:, Ocn. Mr Timo Canl in effect Dee. tlOth, 10OO, SCRANTON DIVISION. 1x7 m rxi fi ! fe 'OS KU 18 hTATlO.NS I I p 1 .WlO'r M "W 10 (V IM Vr. Ill III 13 M " leiJllJIS " .1.(21 J ai " .10111 Hi I.IIOU1D . HSU I lul " 1st I I CO ' PM ft I os to I II 115 a 23i it. gaiiu, C416CJ N.V.VVJiirHt Lt Ciulosla I.s HRtiin.Lv NtailiRlit " I'riston l'Mik. 'i vviiittoitii, ' .roynttiic .Orson ., M l'leassnt Mt " UlllOtlllHlQ i lurtst tit.. " rsiiboiidalsVet ' Cairn iiilslei .SMi'tH lirl lue, " :iu)llel. V, Jlaj He-Ill t. Icl!ll)ll M AlihUlil " U I n I on n rcatiiiit tMspluejit " rrtifburif " rtiioiii, t. l'rnvi leiii-e " I'm 1. 1 luce" ti bcrmitun Ar. W! 1 91011 IS own n 3d 1 1 S.1 llllttl ' U1011JII " " 8 09 s PM IM 610 7 00 atitti. ..bHtl'JCII . " .1)81 lllllll II ' ttJlOIII II ' D2-I HHllltl d XI '.in 01 8 ft S .'"I II 01 ' 7 0J. riini iw. 7 07S 1.1 8 Cl on 11 ue m. 7 issiiem 7 MlltU r if 1 1 mi Is,, 7 '.II 0361) 1 :i J toitrr 7. tii lie ti 7 eo Mtts., IM FM f n 1 1 inn, meici.'u sui m w k is 10 1 sicvior. 31 lei u 1 i to 10 ,v .001 UU3 I'll IM IM I A lilltloasl trsli s Irira Psrltcndslr for MssDtM Tird R1 !.""n.'f f'f ' H.,nil'' I'lrt 7 SI 1"" bunds onlv, itntln. tllstllsl.l Vsr.l7 0UriiiinIl.a)pra ' "",u ..ltitletnnltralniliti!Srrsnloit7iTpitlJuaclst only, ti tilnl sl; all stall.Tis In IsrlKimlstr, srrlm.i si 71 in,'. iM lltln Irnvps Mill.rl.l 'ni.l for I sttmHsls SIO lsra Usllj.srrlviujste.srcstr.Js'estei.asni. ' Hates 'J retntt ve-r tnlle, l.cmrst llnte to nil Veilntk VVst, J, C fNOCRSON, J, r WtlSH, Piyil'sii'r.Vi'ut lr Ateot, l7oiktlt, uil,rik r rTa3XJlitia5if;rw5" w b ri.pt ia.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers