The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, March 12, 1901, Page 3, Image 3

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    r t i , , i f - f,.
An Excellent Combination.
Tho plcubnnt tnothort nud bcncflelal
effects of tho well known remedy,
Svnup or Finn, manufactured by tho
Camfoiimia. I'm Svnur Co., illustruto
the vnhiont obtaining the liquid laxa
tive principles of pluuts lenown to bo
medicinally laxative and presenting
Ihcm in the form most refreshing to the
taste and acceptable to tho system. It
is tho ono perfect streiitfUiuiilntf laxa
tive, cleansing tho system effectually,
dispelling colds, hcaduclics nnd fevrm
Rcntly yet promptly and enabling ono
to overcome habitual constipation per
manently. Us perfect freedom from
ovcry objectionable quality and sub
stance, and Us nctinc on the kidneys,
liver and bowels, without weakening
or irritating them, make it tho ideal
In tho process of manufacturing fls
are used, as they are pleasant to tho
taste, but the medicinal qualities of tho
remedy are obtained from senna and
other 'aromatic plants, by a method
known to tho Camfohnia Flo Syrui
Co. only. In order to pet its beneficial
effects and to avoid imitations, pleaso
remember tho full name of tho Company
printed on tho front of every package.
ban rnANCtsco, cox.
For sale by nil Druggists. PrlcoWc.pcrbottla.
Ice Cream.
OC Per
jjc Quart
" clejiboce Ordera PrompUr ! vers!
?3fi37 Adims Avenufc
Scranfon Transfer Co.
Baggage Checked Direct to Hotels
and Private Residences.
Offlci D.. L. & W. Passcngci
Ftatlon. Phone ZV5.
Dr. H. B WARE,
(D.NSrLII.N. not n.
Ii U.m'i.1, ill. I 2-1 p in,
0i. PoHtoMcc.
M.UI.RMAMO MAlll.l.U.I.. Vctcr r.rlnl. iml
irl" T. llurkc. lolh of .Vuriioii, were inn
r l ! AMcinuii !lmu jisIiiJj'.
IUT TO.N' Tlie Jew Mi UuuUuqiu
wlnj "III meet IhN (icnlnsr at S n't I01X at
tin roliluiu t Mouli (.olil-inltli, IJJ U'.M'iiilHK
a rim".
OMMintP TO .I.I1j.--1o1,ii W'jMi .h com.
ni'tiul tn the lount.v J.iil AMoimm Howe
ji.tird.iy on the ilurno n( ttjlnir ti ddr.uul
criiliun, incfuinl l'.v It. C. Willi, the Hntmr
(OMMIiri.l) To .1AIU llniil .1. I..l, .
lull Ihtniitoti btici't. J.i i"iimiilti'il to Hie
(.mint; Jill Allium. in Mllbr jitciilaj mi tliu
nuii' of thrrjts aii'l iioti'Hipport jiritorrod by
li i- Mfc, Annh.
' I!. 'flu KuKivjiuu ).iiiliuon wi'ie
I' id jrfkulay .ui'l tin li.iiiimcn v.lli lie ).alil
teili 'I In l) mil lltul-on iimuny p.iM
jotcnlav at tlj" White o.ik, AicIiImM, .Icrmiii
N- 1 at Jinnjii, ( JllomJili Nu. 1, I'ohi1ci1.
ml Itaikct Drool; at Ciiboniljli.
MOki:i. TiJXir.UT. Ctmipiiiy V, TlmUint'i
r Uinirm, "ill h'.IJ .1 mioKor foiilaht jt fie
urtiivrj Jllir 1I1III, '.iil.iln IMilrfil Ii.imh,;
ipioIihI 11 i,iv of In 111 llli n
ariN, a tonutr inmil"! of (uiiiiiny CI at "intent
a meinWr of 11 nop (., souiilli i.ujliy, lomM
sr Ouli.i. 'I ln iIr.iu Iio suit 11s .1 of i
ticiii for the nu tutu rs of hi old company.
1 W'. t. A. Noli:.- 'Hie liimtuie rUv,
Hurl, thiii (Yc'iing to csnllnitu tin study in tin
Mfo of Chatlotlp llronlo. Tlii bIi1i 1uo fouiid
tui fails III thU life more liil.-u-lluj,' than Hi"
biudi of any nmcl. lll Snillli U now fnnnliij
iiiw cooltln? cIjnmh 111 Imtli imiiKcs. Coim .111,1
li.irn Iioh to uul,i ihlnU' dUliii, tw (l'o hot
month which Mill noon he Inn.
uiiixi.Mux's rvm aosifiiir.-'ii.c
TtiJco Wlu'clnun's fair lll optn tliin rv.tniu
In thtlr hitiibonir new club li3i-o nl lor, ttio
f f ff4tf t
Spring: Brook Water,lst Mtg.Ss
Lackn. Valley Elee. Light, 1st
Mtg. 5s.
North Jersey and Pocono Moun
tain Ice Co., 1st Mtg. 5s
Standard Ons Co., 1st Mtg. 5s.
Lehlghton Water Supply Co.,
1st Mtg. 5s.
New Mexico Railway nnd Coal
Co., 1st Mtg. 5s.
Description and price on appli
cation. t-
M HretCwiy, N. V.
Witlunjrtr. -f
4, t ind (: Ccinniunnfjlth MMc ,
Hftt ft
t t
mint: atcn'ic. TliH will l tlin flat crporlun.
Ity uflordnl the puMlo tn lnpe't the htmbotnc
new homo of IhU flourishing wclit orginlMllon.
An Inttrclliig programme ha lccn arrangnl.
An adml-rtlon foe of ten crntj will lo clurncd,
Tho public li Iniltcd. 1'alr continues through
out tho Meet.
Till". SIXTH I.i:CTUIti:.-Th ltlt lecture of
the courw htfotc tho Catholic Historical o
clct.v ami Ngumin Magatltie rluli will be ghen
tonluht hy l'jofrwior Kduard I'lood, of the
.tcrjnton Mgh Mhool, aubjtcf, "The Catholic and Rcografhy." Mri. A. K. Duffy, of
Ailinm aicnuc, will tiad a paper on 'Tho Cath
olio I'm try of the KiirIIhIi I.anKuage." Iho
rnuulo will lie ur.dir the direction of Mm. Waj!i,
toprano olol.. of bt, 1'ctrr's cathedral.
Jury empanelled by Coroner Hobcrtu to Inquire
Into the deith of nichard, the 10 monthiotd
child of Mr. and Mm. Urnent Illarkimlth, of i:im
Urc-t, brought In a mdict tint death ua
hici1 by criminal negligence, and held llr.
Ncwbonner, it llirl'tlan Selcntlit, rctponslble.
Tho ildld died .M.mli i, and It ! alligrd tint
the putnt', both of whom are aild to lie Chrlv
tlan .xlciitlst, had no regiur phjalilan in at
IIIK.V V.NllIllI.I) HAIU-The tollowlns gen
lUmeii tlurgcd by the leigun with
haltig harbored and maintained gambling de
iIim In thidr hotebi came down l( Alderman
l'lillcr'a ofCre jtctrrday and eiileicd ball In
tho mm of pj() caih: Ilryan Tallon, of Price
burg; ltldiard M. Owcrw, of IllcUon City, and
1). .'. l)al, of OI)ph,int. It the others for
whose arrret warrant turn iwucd do not
,-how up today they will be taUui Into custody
by the league' dcteclltei.
IlMllinTT'S XAltllOW i:iCAl'i:.-l'. A. ltar
rett, local manager of the lllmlia Tidigram, had
j narrow crcapo troni eerlom injury or wottc at
the fiuin ltldge street nwing of the I)elaaru
nnd Hudiioti rillroad yiMnrday morning, lie wai
drlvltg in u buggy and had been waiting for a
train to pus 11m flagman finally algmlcd for
1 1 tin tn come on and, in he st.irlc.l the hnrie up,
A coal train wa; bicl.cil up right in front of
him. The hor.-i- started to tm in liont of the
train, but Mr. Darntt iclned the animal and it
balked ulmo-t clear of the track, The train
struck the thafta and pushed the anlmil all the
w.iy olT.
DROTllhU AflAINM' ItltOTIlKlt. - Thomar,
Colcmin, of Crown iiiinue, wai arri'stcd jester
day on the information of hl brother, rx-l'a
trolniaii .Jamm Coleiiun, for aw.iult and bittcry.
The proHcutor alleges on Satnrda night last
he and Ms brother mil on Mono atrnuo and
(ngaged In a dUciUblon, which he ;a.t (ulmin
atid In Thomas' picking lip a tone and hurlli'g
it at Mm. 'the miotic ntiiuk .lames on the
right leg, causing a compound fraiturc. Colo
man was taken to the Moes Tajlor hospital.
1 bonus was arraigned before Alderman Howe
jcstciday, and luld under $.'i(X) bIl for his av
piarancc at court.
UK, bill: OR ir. Altoiit Ml oVlocI; last
cwnlng nn uiiki.owu man burst into Hr. W. )?.
Allcn'd residence on Washingtcm aicnue with
the information that the dead body of an In
fant had been found l.iing in the rear of the
I'.sccUior club houe on Washington avenue.
The doctor tilephoned to police lieadquuteM
nnd Chief llobling and Dttectlie Moir went to In.
lestlgale. Hy iho light of watches they found a
bundlo of UciJi of foine Hnd, but owing to the
daikne&s could not determine whether it was an
Infant, an adult or n piece of bcif. The fctench
was almost unbiarahh. Vurther iniestigiliou
will be nuilo thU morning.
Attorney Gcneial Would not Grant
n Writ of Quo Warranto Against
the Noithern Boulevard Co.
Attorney John I'. Klxin yes
terday rufusad the application for a
wilt of quo warranto mttdt by tho
city tiRulnst tho Northern Iloulovurd
company. The ( lt oblcctcd to tho
Kfantlncf of the charter, and later took
.steps to have It annulled, both of
which lutvc let initiated tpisucccssfully.
The Noithern Iioulevurd coniptmy
was oiLjanized Inst fcttmnur under the
boulevard art of lK. onu pioposes to
build a modern niaeadairizcd loadway
fiom this city to flat It's Summit. II.
i:. ralne. one of the Icadlnir hplrits In
the boulevard, t-ald yesteiday:
"Wo piopoe to rIvo Ker.mtonl.ins
i roud of which they can be as Justly
proud an "they aie of the RltuhuriU
boulevard. The bnulevotd net, under
which we .ire oiganled. provides that
thcr. must be a paid up capital of
$10,000 for each mile ot, and that
the boulevaid mut be at least twenty
ilo feet wide between ditches. AW
hae leas-ed the Ablnston turnpike for
'. yonis. which ttlves li? control of
the road from the stone aich culvert
at the Notch to I'hliuhlll.i. AW boucht
outiiKhl tho poitlou of the F.ictoiy
vilb! turnpike which lies between Chin
chilla and Clutk't, Summit, which rives
us between four and one-half and live
miles of toad. This we propose to bc
sln wotk on ne soon ns the frost is
out of the Kiouml.
'We have purchased a 2fi,0itl pound
steam toller, stone tnthher, sprinkler
and in fact all of the modem machin
ery used In road making; nnd we will
put down it road that will be as broad
nnd smooth as an afplmlt pave
ment, "A considerable cmcunt of cuttltiK
will have to be done where the load
paes through thr mountain to sat
the uocessaiy twenty-fie foot road
way. On the north side of tho road
a. tfrenl deal of drilllm; and blusttiu?
will hac to be done, ami our steam
drills will soon be at work on Hint.
The blUKtou Turnpike company has
been most viciously abused In the past,
and many uiiei.mplinu ntai v things
hai also been said about the Noi th
em Houlevnrd company. 1 t'on't think
e are belnv fulMy ik-ilt with The
AbliiKton compnnj, lor a ery modes
toll, kept passable tho only ioad by
which the region noith of the moun
laiii o.t:i be rendu. d. As soon as the
Newton turnpike became a free road
It fell Into such disrepair that now
laimers fiom Newton ui.d Milwaukee
diivo miles out of their way to eomo
over our roud und pay toll.
"Tho boulevard company proposes to
build ti lnaKiiincenl road". ay that will
be of ineat advnnlaKo to tho city In
many ways. It occurs to me that wo
ought to get some encouiagoment
ruther than constant abuce."
Illness of City Solicitor Vosburg
Disarranged the Flans.
No motion was made yesterdnj', a-j
had been agreed upon, to request court
to advaneo tho time for the hearing Jn
the rpto warranto proceedings brought
by ux.pcnator McDonald to lest tho
"tipper." This was due to tho Illness
of City Solicitor Vosburir, who Is senior
counsel for tho tccorder. Mr. Vosburg
hoped ycbterday to bo able to appear
todny, but If ho Is not, one of tho nsso
clate counsel, Mr. Toricy or cx-Judgo
Knnpp, will act.
It Is proposed to ask that the case
bo advanced to Thursday of this week,
It Is now set for next Tucsdnj.
I.dwnrd Meyers, of 117 South AVnsh
Ington nvenue, whs held tinder S..0O
ball by Alclcrmnii Miller lust evening
on the dint go of assault nnd battery
preferred by Joseph Weinberg, a ped
dler, living at (07 Kniniet stteet. ,
Ask for Kelly's union crucKcts.
Suit in Which the City of Scrnnton
Was Adjudged Liable for $7,000
Damages Will Have to De Tried
Ovor Again For a Third Time tho
Efforts of the Pyno People to Get
Away from. Lackawanna Township
Aro Defeated by Faulty Adver
tising Court House Notes.
The verdict of $7,003 which Mls.s
Mury Dullln secured against the city
of Scranton at tho .Intimity term of
civil court was sot aside yesterday by
Judge Archbald on the ground thnt It
was excessive.
Tho evidence connecting her present
physical Impairments with the nccl
tlont of seven years ago, to which she
atttlbutes them, Is, to say the least,
unsatisfactory, the judge declares, und
tho Jury would piobably havo realized
this had their attention been more
carefully called to it In tho charge
"Wo feel wo must concct their mls
tnke," the Judge concludes, "and as
the sum to which we would redttco tho
verdict on condition of Its acceptance
by the plaintiff Is a comparatively In
slgilcant one, not likely to bo accepted
by the plaintiff, we may as welt award
n new trial outtight."
Miss Dufun, It will bo rcmembcied,
tripped and fell over ti ilywheel which
wus lying In front of tho Scott prop
city on Adams avenue. Its edge was
Just off the llagstone walk, but within
tho lines of n space surveyed for n
sidewalk. AVhen it was shown that
the wheel had been nllowed to remain
In this position for months, the liabil
ity ot tho city was umiuestlonably fix
ed, nnd toll only question remaining to
be settled was the amount of the dam
ages. Tho city put on the stand two
physicians who had attended Miss
Dullln at tho time of tho accident,
and others who had prescribed for her
both before and after the accident, nnd
they unhesitatingly said the accident
was not lespouslble for the pcrninnent
Injuries of which she complains. Tho
Jurj', 'now ever, chose to accept tho
statements of the physicians who tes
tified on tho plaintiff's side.
Onco again tho prefect to annex to
Taylor borough the ndjacent lands of
Lackawanna township Is defeated
through the falture to properly adver
tise the proceedings.
Last year the advertisement was de
ciaicd Irregular because It read that
the petition would bo Hied "Mond.ij.
May o." when It should have been
"Monday, May 7." This year the de
fect lies In the fact that the advertise
ment was printed only once a week for
four weeks Instead of "for thhty dayya
Immediately precedlncr; the filing ot
the petition."
KUe yea is ngo when mi attempt was
inado to carve I'yno borough out of
these same township lands, the pro
ceedings were annulled because the ad
vertisements did not appear during the
"thirty days Immediately pi feeding tliu
time of filing the petition."
The decision annulling tho latest pio
cedmgs was made yc3teiday by Judge
Aiehbald, who also passed on tho
other two cases.
A third opinion by Judge Aiehbald
dealt with the divorco rate of frank
11. Young agaliwi Nellie S. Young.
H was more in the naluie of an ex
planation than an opinion. The Judge
The cue ii pfdilur jdi! a tlt.t I bail firaa
tlou'iu about tho pinpriety o( KlintlnR .1 ill
oree: but, alter talllns" tin rrsK,iulciit liclore
mo and eainlnln; lur thoinuthlv, 1 am atb
fiul that the llliplhnt 1-. lc-all v uititlnl tu the
Jhoric (or uhlcth be aslwi.
Tin' rcpomlcnt Mpiuliil luiclf fiotn lur bus
band ;Ithnit any a parent tuusc, ami lor up
.uii of time jenrs his continual to lle apart
troni lilin. While i.ot alligcther wlllinK to My
that kIic bail no cause to halt him, flie U
Hull' ciwi none, und mc un do no Km Hun
lomluilo sin hid iioiip ihlch liie law
would rricgnlrc, cr ho vould nut hoItito lu It.
Thl maj Hun like colliiilon, but I think it
is not. No doubt tho lcponddit is nut uppn..i.l
to the ilhorie, hut time inut be soucthin'r
uioio than tint to malic out that ilia inc. 'Ihne
ii no (ulliL-ion in the (.tl.ire.tiurut and Kip
aratlun uhiili liai cUtcd for tlie h-t three
i.n-, and It ii by tint that Ihe tight of (he
lihrllmt to J. iliiono iim-t be iK'tenuliicd.
The Youngs were married In Roches
ter, X. Y. Jnuiiaiy K ISU1. and came
to this city nbout seven yeais ago.
"fnplcasantuess, dlsagieements and
differences of opinion," to use the li
belant's language, began to arie, nnd
these becoming "marked nnd very un
pleasant." finally resulted In Mrs.
Young1 declining she could no longer
o with her husband. This was lu
lS'JS. rtom thnt limo on they lived In
the same house, not as man and wife,
but simply ns boarders with Youiib'h
mother. A few months of this sort of
thing, to the accompaniment of un
availing efforts on the part of the hus
band to effect it i ('conciliation, ended
In the husband filing application for
dlvorc .
Ho is at pies, nt In Uulfnlo, x Y.
The elegance of Jebigns and texture completely surpasses any previous
attempt at j
SS American Silk Newness
This ideal silk dress wear has just an iveel in our silk room. A gorgeous display of
tempting shades of Rose, Royal, Porcelain and Postman's Blue: Reseda and Pastel
Greens; Tomato Reds, Beavers, Castors and Silver Greys, etc. Will they wear and
what is the price, do you ask? Yes, they will positively wear and please you. The
price is less than you will pay lor the foreign design of a poorer grade 75c and $1.00,
See our windows (or the largest and finest display in the city.
Ladies' Furnishers.
How to Obtain a Plntinum Copy
12 1-2x10 1-2 in Slzo Free.
Theio Is no painting among tho mod
el u masterpieces of art that appeals
so strongly to tho hearts of mankind
as Slchcl's ".Madonna." It Is suld no
amount of money could buy tho origi
nal. A platinum copy of this painting 12',6
by lfils In size, would cost from J2 to
$3 per copy In any first-class picture
store In this city, but owing to the lib
eral offer of the Norinutt Llrhty Man
ufacturing company, It will bo possible
to obtain a copy within a few daj-s
absolutely free.
The firm recently secured 50,000 copies
ot this famous painting for free distri
bution. They are 12',j by 164 In slzo
and hae no advertisements upon them
whatever. Bo gteat has been the de
mand for them that the company has
been compelled to allot a definite num
ber to each city. The allotment for
Hcranton Is now on the way here fiom
the publishers, and as soon as thej
have been received, It Is the Intention
of tho Norman Llchty Manufacturing
company to allow ono copy, until tho
supply Is exhausted, absolutely free to
each purchuber ot one 25-ccnt box of
Krause's Cold Cure or Krause's Head
ache Capsules. This Is ceitalnly tho
most liberal nnd expensive offer ever
made by any manufacturer. In the
cities ot the east, where they have
already made a dlstilbutlon, so great
has been the demand for them, that
the supply has been exhausted tho llrst
day the pictures were placed on ex
hibition. Announcement will bo made
as soon as the allotment for thls,ctty
Is ready for dlstilbutlon, but to make
sure of lecelving a eop leave your
name and addiess with your druggist
at once, as the supply Is limited.
She Is employed In tho Correspondence
Hoio Than Was Bargained For.
March 10, 1SU7, Mrs. Mary Fallon, of
Old Forge, was the owner of a. half
acre tract of land on Maplo street. In
that borough. The tract was divided
Into tin co lots and each was liupioved
with a ibulldimr, the central ono with
a hotel building. '
Antonio Costanzo wanted tho hotel
building and bin gained with Mrs. Fal
lon for her property. She contracted
to sell it to him for S1.S00. Attorney
John If. Runnel as called in by Mrs.
Fallon to make out the contract, and
for his guidance lu doing this was fur
nished with the deed for tho whole
tiact. Mr. Homier, so It Is alleged,
understood the description cov
ered only the hotel lot, ancl copied it
verbatim Into the conttaet. Two years
later Mrs. Fallon was surprised, so she
claims, to learn that Costanzo was
( lalmlng the whole plot as described in
his contract. Inquiry developed the
lact Mr. Runner, as Indicated
above, had Inadveitently made tho
contract cover all three lots. Then she
went into equity court to have the con
tract reformed.
The case came up for a heating yes
teiday before Judge Kduards. Mis.
Fallon swore that she only Intended to
convey the hotel ptopurty, and Mr.
Honner corroborated her. She also
produced witnesses to show that the
lliiee lots were woith all of $',00(1, or
more than three times what Costanzo
had paid. t
Costanzo alleges that there was no
inlsundeistandlng. Inadvertence, fraud
or anything else connected with the
deal. He offered $1,M)0 for tho whole
plot, It was accepted, he got a con
tract for It, and has paid the ptirchnse
lnonej. Ills witnesses will be heard
Joseph O'Hrlen and jr. J, Murtln ap
pear for tie plaintiff, and for the de
fendant, W. S. Rich! and Heihert L.
Ginnd Jury in Session.
The grand Jury for the Mmch tenn
went into session yesteiday morning,
after Judge Kdwanls had appointed V.
11. Taylor as foreman, and chaiged its
inembeis to make diligent Inquiry Into
(Continued in I'ace t J
kkkWkWfr .ijP'-'" , S5H
Br 'fCv tT b s" ctVH
Mears & Hagen
The Supporters of Jnync Were Not
Favored with nny of the Choice
Plums Building Committee Is
Made Up Entirely of Members of
the . New "Loyal 'Levcn'' Uni
versity of Pennsylvania Scholar
ship Offered to the High School
Pupil Passing Examination.
John Gibbons, tho new president of
the Hcranton board of control, ap
pointed his committees for tho com
ing year at last night's meeting. The
members of the Jayno faction, which
has been In power for tho last
eighteen months, are hopeless) In the
minority on all tho committees on
which they aro represented, and the
most Important committee of all, tho
building committee. Is tuado up of Mr.
Gibbons' staunchest advocates.
Hx-l'resldent R. T. Jayne Is made
chairman of the nudltlng committee.
This committee during the past few
years has never had anything to do.
Captain W. A. M.i. a Jayne man, Is
retained ns chairman of the kinder
garten committee.
Tho list of committees, which Is
given below, was presented last night
by President Gibbons without any re
marks and was read bj ,Secreta.y Fel
IIIkIi and Tralnlnc; T. J, Jfr.nirK', V. 5.
Kcr, I'. J. Langnn, W. A. May, (!. II. Slilic,
Anthony 'alli, J. Sdiacftr.
Tiachcra P. S. Darker, T. .T. Tcnnlnir, A. 11.
Jljnoii. I). J. itocho. O. II. ftlirlrm, O. It.
shln-a. II. J. CVMallcy.
Iluildinit-O. H. Sihtiffcr, 1). .1. itoclie, P. J.
f.ancan. C. II. shirt, II, J. Ixoimd, A. Walsh,
I'. Coldcn.
rin.ince-0. II. Suirfi. V. P. IlJtker. Dr. J.
O'ihllry, P. Golden, V.. J. Leonard, 11. T. Jajnc,
I,. Schnaji.
Supplj I). .1. Itochc. II. .1. CVUalloy, O. II.
Sehricfcr, ',. J. Leonard, A. L. l'rancuis, (I. It,
Text Uock I. .1. Iju(,an, A. WaUb. A. L.
Francolt, V. NruN. T. J. Jci.i.itfrs, J. II. I'M'.
II pi, i:. J. Leonard.
Insurance II. J. O'jlaller, P. .1, Itorhr, .1.
H, rhlltlpi, Dr. .1. (rjlallcy. A. Walsh, V, J.
Leonard, V. P. Ilaikcr.
Klndtrcarten W. A. May, T. J. .Trnnln?, A.
II. Ionon, 1. J. ltuche, 1. J. Latigan, .1.
Srchnrlcr, A. L. I'rancul.i.
Itules T. J. Jmnlncj, II. T. Jajne. V. S.
Ilirkir, I. J. Langan, K, Kvun.
Auditing It. T. .lajne, K. Kiatw, I,. Schnau,
A. WaMi, It. J. O'MjIIpj-.
On motion of Mr. Jennings the rulc
commltteo was Instructed to codlfj a
complete set of tules regulating tho
transaction of business at tho board
meetings and outlining tho duties of
teachers and Janitors.
A communication was received from
Superintendent Howell announcing that
a University of Pennsylvania scholar
ship had been offeied to tho High
school student passing- the best com
petitive examination.
Prof. W. E. Schlmpff, of tho High
school, sent In a college graduate's1 per
manent certificate and asked to have
It approved by the board, which was
The day school teachers' pay-roll for
the month ending last Friday and tho
night school teachers' pay-roll for the
month ending next Friday were ap
proved nnd ordered paid, tho latter
subject to tho appioval of the super
The laws and ordinance committed
of select council met last night and
considered at length the ordinance
providing for a. reorganization of tho
city government under tho piolslons
of the ripper bill. Clerical errors were
corrected and the only amendments It
was decided to offer at tonight's special
meeting were of no great Import
ance. Neives Like a Flat-lion.
A' woman who suffered for three
yeais fiom nervous prostiation says
two bottles of Llchty's Celery Nervo
Compound effected a complete cure.
She hat dly knows today whether she
lies nerves or not. as she never feels
them It Is ceitalnly a wonderful rem
edy. Sold by Matthews Bros
For Sale.
On ut-rount of leaving town, tho
household goods, consisting of hall,
pailor, library, dining room and bed
room furniture nnd carpets, will be
sold at nuctlon, commencing Thursday
morning, March II, at 10 o'clock, at
No. C2I Jelrerson avenue.
Clearing Sale of Framed Pictures
To Mako room for Easter Goods. A
glance at our window will give you an
Idea of the bargains Inside. The Griflln
Art Co.
- -i
Ask ior Kelly's union crackots.
The American
Beauty Silk
Cheney Brothers'
American Silks for
American Women
IfS it's not often Lamps, such u these, nro sold at a reduction. They 5j
.5 ore samples of tho largest nianufactors ot Fine Lnmns In th i
world, no two nllkc. Mountings
huiuMHIed decoration, soino aro plated glass, that Is, a layer of Opal
on the Inside with n layer ot Huby. Canary or Emerald on th out
side, which gives a beautiful effect when lighted, with best centro m
draft burner made. Prices, J.1.E0, JI.CO, JS.00, J3.B0 nnd $G. We will ml
Ktiarantco thnt It you look them over nnd have nny knowledge of 2s
lamp values you will saj" they are worth moro than double what w 5l
Geo V Millar &
UCU r.XTllliai
Nos. 1 14 and 116 Wyoming Ave.
Our Shoes Are
Honestly Bought
Honestly Priced
Honestly Sold
That's why you get more value in
our shoes, and the truth of the matter
is it pleases our customers.
We Place on Sale Today
And you should come to this sael.
You will not be disappointed.
500 pairs Men's Working Shoes 75c
ioo cases of Ladies' Rubbers, pair 25c
200 pairs Ladies Vici Kid Shoes, $1.50
kind 1.00
200 pairs Men's Rubbers, a little narrow 25c
200 pairs Men's Double Sole Shoes, the
kind that made our store famous the $4.00 C A
and $5.00 kinds. Why We Grow Price DJ
The balance of our Ladies' Laird &
Burt's Fine Shoes. Your size may be in the '" CA
lot. Why We Grow Price L.D3
And Last, but Not Least,
200 .pairs Ladies' Comfort House Slip
pers, solid soles and grain uppers, worth 75c. A A
Why we Grow Price t-UL
Nos. 114& 116 Wyoming Ave
Telephone 2452. Free Delivary to an Pari of the Gily
. We Carry the Only Complete Stock of b
llron and Steel!
W in this section of the state. Don't Q
make any mistake
ket for same.
Bittenbender & Co.,!?
J5 126 and 128 Franklin Avenue. ft
One Cent
A Word
Is all it costs to make your
wants known through the
columns of THU TRIBUNE;
and there is no better ad
vertising medium printed
in Scranton.
nro cast und gold plated cnamul or Sp
Co m Wyoraln? ATcnae g
WU. W.Ik In .nd Look Around
wueu in tue mar- v
. 0
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