"!. THE SCHAXTOX T1UBUNE-TUESDAV, MARCH 1.2, lOOt. j - . I Olilcc: I I 'Phone: burke Cas bond ale Department new, 286 BUILDING OLD, 0423 ' I I THE PEOPLE'S EXCHANGE A roi'li.AK CIXiniNC IIOCMJ for the Dmt Ut of All Who. lime lloue t Itrr.l. Ural Jlxtate or Oilier Properly tn St II or I'.xt hawse, or Who Waul Situation or Help -Ihido 'null A"1 xrrtUttneiitu Coil One ( e lit .1 Word, Six Infer llon for Kite t.Vnti n W,,nl hxcipt MltulUni Wat.tMl, Which Arc In-erled I'rce. ifi miNT-Tin: roiiiiv iuiih:m r no. w llpltnonl tr 1 1 Minimi ltiirotc mrnts. In- fjulrn ot I. M sihoonotcr. W'ANTKI) AN' lINTKIill'NrKll ASH (iOl)l) COOK at t'mrrgency hi.pltal. vioiti: urn hint on ii.i;m winii: in. 'inlre of X. r Mnpiinv. COUNCILS MEET, Select In Speclnl, Common In Regu lar Session A Mcssngc fiom tito Mnyor Ebtimntes for City for the Coming Year Municipal Water Passes ritst and Second Readings. Select i ouniil met In speclnl meeting hist evening with nil ineiiiliMis picsont. The police I'niiitnittt c often d two lo tions' The majority lepoit by Messis. Ilutiett and Battle suggested that t lie ' lilt f be jjiven ((' per month mid this patrolmen $C!."i) per motitli. .Mr Thompson niToini u mliioiity lepmi HUggestlng that Hit' thief be nix ill $tU M ptr month nml the patrolmen $f.n l'Cr month. The majority icpoit and lln suggestions weie mlopt"d. The blllu lectiinmcndetl b tin- llminco tomtnltteo were then paid. Tim following message flom Mayor Kllpatilek was leceivcd nml ueropted: lo tho llniinriMc. llir 'ilert nnd I until' i "'in i il of tin- lltv if Citbtmlalo 1,'iitlcmcii. I Ins I" i ommutilc.ite I" J"" lieiexvllh .1 idalciutnt f M ch iiii.i'llli-, ax arc ilftined hy Ino iiPtovirt and eiiduiiic to the ii-lticiW j ml wilfuie ut I lie lIh. iii:iAiiiMi:Ni in' w.vn i: No tubjic' lu no niiuli tiiiav'ul the nttmtioti oi jur" lioiiorald ; bodies mil cf our rlm-em I'urllio" the put xenr n that of xt.itet. A Ji- iission of tliis- Mitycit .it till time lll not Ik out of place. And Hot. whlli Ihi n.itir loinli.t; fnm .Ne I IIMToir fUppllid tl.rmtllll IliC plpm liilullttU to tho rrxt.il I-nUe Water loinpinj, iihI wlmii )ia ttippllril the major porll'.n ol our ill) (or K) many jean p't appnr to I niltlelmt md incil for all piiiint pun'oi', the r ilc In nt"j liy tho conp-iny in laii'cit tin Kirjie.-t dU KiiUfaction to .ill coiiMinxr. nd fecond, tin: purli) ui tlu aln (mnbliM to rurijuiiKis on the it Mdo by the lalllinmL nnd Uon Water cuiiipatij Ij xery much qu.i" tioncd. In tact con.plalnt that tho uaitr i iimhnlMoine, fillb) and ur.fit fur donieu pu.--mtfs Minis tnactltallr imanlinoin. The ph)' lijis of cur uli abu itnlhute nim.li of i . . lrl.l.es in that teet'on to impure tralir 1 mtiuIiI mirutft In tlib lonnettlon that xo'ir liouoralito bodies lac this water iunlid lix rln ntt't aru 111 tuabt. ,i uicitlni; the heilth if the city ir.rilicd Into. llfr eoiidirahle .uitallon the solution to tho water quutloa nppejis lo b iit ounu ihlp of a .ltir plant, and joui honorahl.' 1-odies and t al imjurity it our lilliiet Invo to detiimlned tint to he Hie propir courn I now take this opportunltv lr puhliilt evpn my opprlillin of mn loinateoin utand hi inunklp.tl itatir ind ll.c ii.i...iiu- nf an onll lamu ulnrclix Hi" .pieioii oi Hie ill) nuiiiri.' 1I ami wuier lmt and liii.uainK the in ileliliilniKs if 'ie i il ir,,0(M fie that puip'x.,, wn mihniitteil to tli- Mill of the iltUm-. The rleelliiii, v )ou uie well .eiaie, t.olllnl In mi ownvliilmm; n'.ijuritv In t..or of iniiii- iilpal ualn, the ut, tiuiidlnj 1 "TU (m nnd .;: j anilrei. In c in v the will ut tin- pmple into ilfcct rej wlili .mur Iionoiahl. IhkIiiii and I 1.111 duly iuut Hut )nu tunic tho pmprr and nri emar) Iiiuiiii- lo lie pnpaud .u.d pawil (nr till! rjudim uf tin .mtlinrlri'l .inimint ,.( muni tiv the will tra m iiinnlrtp.il IioiH, tn wy Jinlimetit the uni'iwri water uppb i an be ohlalmil and tin- water plant put in l"i lie amount htih w'll be lealltal from the ale t the Imr.dn. H.NWCEa Thrre are neural judgment aUnillns on neiid BgaiDit tlu. ilty, all of whlili twar fi per tent Intcirsl from th nine of widw'. I would earnwlly repi.t rur honoiuhlt IkhIIi- to jp iropriaie a aiitfliuiu uim to fjtl.fi llnui l'OLll f, t ompliiitii Ji.t Uvn tiaile tn me tint thili not auffklcr.t poliee lirutcitlon diirinj tlm di I would iujrit that In jour appropriation, lor tho romltiE )eai .ou nuki illowunio tor uioilifr day polircman. 5rnn:T?. 'Hie ork on the hikii ilurins the past jiar luu bcro tt utltaitory and I ilnlnt in ou ibillwi to express dim pulul. m,v .ippinlitlon of tho rrrlce ct ril.i engineer Kupp and lua arniaUlita. I lue the honor to be Very rupectfully ollr obedient tenant. John W. Kiipilrlek. Mayor. A brief statement from tlm city con trollar. .1. 1 Wheeler, wiih then to uecd nml ordered filed. The uoiiiinonci'H' resolution providlnj; for tho pnymrnt or the li.ihmeo dun -ilIe3 ' I.euiKiril wah refeired to n committee. A teipllsltlnn fiom the chlr of po. lloo wan n fi nvd to thi polho coin Tnltri. Tho estimate eommltteo submitted Its nppropi'lullun ordinance fur the eomlm; joar: Ma or' laltin Treaxurer' alnr rcnttolltr'a alury Jjly ileik'a taUrj ..,, . ... Jjity (olU'ltar't wlary -'rib ut toinmtn oouunil ,. -fSty cngmen VYiitf of hre depart ratnt ... vtfnltoi and matron .fflbmy aMOdatlon yily Hi-scri -fl'tnl nimloiit.. no ill Two mi 'VI nj :'.M in lUi ui pill IH) i.ao oj Ilk) ll 4M II) fw (.) tn fu S,fli) IK) Pol oo axi tv) 15)00 40) 0l) KU Ik) . i) if) 2,(W) mi 2 ".) I) I :.,w () jii i no -lusulai' f&Uto lV.. i.i ?.ii. - fclln lal fiolM . . , ... ltfwd or'Vr.illh iity cn'luMr' .uibtauts H Jranti i i.iTtiusvutund ..,, Iwl , I'lltillhi: j ml adicrtlalns ,.,.. 1'ire ibpiilnicnt Wjtrr r ut flax and ilutiir ll?htin? lirlihii. etc . .., I . i' 'THE 25 ct FAMILY DOCTOR.' CEDAR SPRINGS, MICH. I EATON RAPIDS, MICH. I Mrs. Iloso Olintree, u busincw xx oman of Katon Mrs. Isaac DnUiam, a xvell known lady cf tlmt ltaplds, writes "l'oro lomslm.) my Bstem xxas place.wiltes. "I canuot praUelir. A W t'hiko'a Ian ten ibly weakendl state !IIIonsne3, sevtro KiJney.I.lver Pilln too mucli They did for mo , Indigestion and kidney troubles nmdo rn io xrlmttloctore and othtrmedlcitifa could not ilo, I ")seriblc. tlut I was hardly nbla lo work-, A troubled with wxere disorder of tbo kldneya i 'rJe,mI1 0,Ti "C,.'aso''' KKIney-Uvcr I'llla, d rdurgen,cnt of tho liver y faiiilix d H., S SSuSTSSS, I tix'Medmothowholoof laanlntei'.biitdliliiotbelp i wonderful modiclne " mi very much, o I gave blin up mid began lulug I Thouiarkrd ouccoaof Dr. A.W.Cbasa'ii Kidney. Ill' A W. Cbaso'u Klduey-Uver Pills, Tho result Liver Pills with llackachu, KIdnoy Troublo, Con. a hlmply xxouderful 1 urn XSXl. stlpution, HratlnclieandMoni- nmvstrous nnd healthy ncaln, fj Rl fV1! I fi tft T ) ft vh Weakmas make tlnui SSj ,ii :: -' """"" ft , W . b H A h t d '"S'rit" KIDNEYLIV13R PILLS. fMCV) 7,U"I (l Mi) 'XI 5,10) 01 J,M ft) iH) U 3,500 0) 1,000 00 tnooo una SIM (M tn .17.1 00 lutal appropriation Ml.tXW () After passlni? llrt readlutr the or dtnuncf after u Htlff flc;ht by D.ils was amended o that t?M ot the $2,M0 for lepalilnt; nf Htte'tt! was trnnsfetred to the N'lnlli aienui' work. When the pole tax ordinance vni broipiht up theip whs another Ioiir dlw rtisflon. Fletcher amended the ordi nance on tecond reading to exact a. lax of only 'J5 cent Instead of ro ctili on the p'llen of the Ttaetlon company In loiiHldeiatlon of their kIIhi; tho rltv tin rent for the lit u nlutm hy.stem ami llc lucnndencent IIkMs on HrooU lyn ptiect, Thompson opposed the ami ndiuent, but It llnally pnueei! The i titlflcate nf the prothonotary on the municipal watot ileetliiu was leul. Theie ivcie l.CfO votes for tho bond Isrttio and lii ntraluet. The doett lnr in wiim ordered placed on the min utes. 1. O'Heain'a uqueft for prleos for the rental of the old I.ai'hax.annn flub moms xas iefciri.il to the toinmlttce. W. L. Yatilngtoii, librarian nf the public llbiaiy, sent In a itqtuM lor mi llieieai-o In salaiy. It was lefeiied to the committee. The leiiucst of the leml-t eiitonnlnl t'otutulttfL foi tin appiopilatiipti xvas refcticd to the llnaneo conimlttfe. The Gast eoinpany nnltcd peimlsflen to i;iecl .1 llijhts In cuIoum parts of tho city as a deniotisiti.ition of the. lr value lnr utuet Illumination. N'n ex-p-iiFe was to attuch to the cit.x. After a warm dl-cii'sloii (he matt'-r was re fern d lo thu commltte", vhleli at once icpoi'tctl fuvornlil. The nsolullon Kiantlm; the leipt tt was ndopted, nftor which i-elcct counell aduinnd. COMMON COUNl'II.. In common count 11 there wits but a iiuoitim. The only new m itteis ot bu! ti"Ks was the Kiantlm; of ?," evoneia tloll of taNes to a widow .i.vl the pusaejo on Hist and stcond tead lm;s ol the oitlluanie providing tor the ixpulnt; of Hit $U."i.iii0 bond Issu for it munlcip.'l wattr plant as db -tnled by the citlKcus ut tin. election hold to tn!e a vote on thu question. The ordinance ulso provldts for tho ptuchiiM of such Kind and waUr lights as may be neeet-saiy and for the re demption of the bonds The bonds f-lin11 be of the tit nomination nf Si.nwi nnd shall be dated May 1. 'Wl. They shall bear luteiest at the i.ito of four pet cent, per annum, fue of all Ui.ses The lnl rest shall be pax able semi-annually. Said bonds are to be Known as "Munltlpnl Mater riant I'.ontK antl shall be Wsutd In nicordiiiico wjth the piovlslon.s of the net of )ill 2ii, U71' the nit of May LM, lS'J, nnd the anvntl-tnent.-i theieof. The I'lftk sh'ill aiHeitlse for bliN upon said bontls. which shall be let to the hlerhest and best blddet. The moiity lenlUttl ft om thili sale Is, by thu ordinance, appiopiiatud for the pa.xnient of the tost ot the public nmnlflpa: xater plant. . levy of four mills Is made to prox I le for the Inter est and slnklmr fund of th. bends. The bllb paid bx S"b't't t cuiiell eti netetl upon favoiably by the eommou- fis. after which they adjoained. GONE TO LONG ISLAND. William II. GUHe3 Secures a Good Position with the Long Islnnd Railtoad. William II. (.lilies, of Urook stieet. b'tt this cltv on Sunday evenlnu; to ac cept a veiy dtsliable position with tli Long Island ltalltoad company. He will lesble at Kb limond Hill, a sllbuil) of Utooklyn. Ills position will be In the locomotive shops of the company, vvheio he will be supeilntendeiit of the all -brake (lepartuitut. While a lesl tlent of this city lie was employed In the locomotive shops of the Delaware and Hudson company, and fonneily worked in the nlr-biake depaitment, but of late hits been dolnKs-pecI.il wot It In the shops, Hb was very popular socially in tills city and was an eNpert mandolin Player. The MiiKiiolla club, of which he was n, member, escoited hlni to the 1 1. 1 m. WILL PREACH TRIAL SERMON. Rev. M. C. Elliott Receives an Invi tation to Do so in Wisconsin. Hev. M. . Hlllott. pastor of the First CoiiKiegntloiml chinch, 1ms lecelved Kn Invitation Irom a church In Wis consln to pieach a trial soimnn. Ik bus tit elded to accept the Invitation ami tluiliiK his vacation In Apt II will Ko West. Tho itKUlar (oiiiiuunlon service of the thmch xas to have taken place next Sunday morning, but Mi. Klliott has decided to postpone It until Mart n 31, as that date will mink the anniver sary of his Hist year heie. Mis. Devino's Funeial. Tlie funeial of Mrs. Mary Devlne, widow of Maik Dcxliie, of Woodlaxxn stieet. was held yisteiday afternoon ut " o'clock at her late homo. The tu mulus weio then lnouitht to St. Ko.-.e chinch, wheie shoit serviced were h Id by Father Plxon. Interment wat matlt In Kt Hose cemeteiy. The pall-beateiii weie 3'eter Xe.uv. Anthony Cook. Wil liam Council, Michael Lai kin, Patrick Mcllatiy and M.nK rinlun ' Ilia kct llrook bride.1 Trlnclpjl und Inlercit J lil.dnl debt , (iwtrit and watei inr' (Ilv'ii h,iie ol Mrott liniHmtiMi II.... Ilrpilllni f,hceti Sidtwalli I.(Sil ret, etc ( Iianlnj uiil tiett Kepdirs to ellx hulMltij I Hy j.trd Ilojnl of rexbion nml ni"t I'lllliU and straiHiuc llrimkljn tleet .... Compilation cf illy ordinance A STORMY NIGHT. Much Damage Done to Trees, Wires and 'Phones Sunday. Sunday night ami caily Monday morning will probably po down in local chronology as "the night of the big wind," for from the coming down of darkness until the going away of tho snme a mighty avalanche of moist wind was hiulcd through the streets of this city, at times approaching the velocity ot n hurricane. Sleet, snow, hall and tain accompanied otd Ilorens on his hasty Journey und the noise of tho hnll ut times on window panes awoke the soundest sleepers. Considerable damage was caused thiouglioiit the town. Teleguiph, tele phone and electric, wires generally wore the focus for the fury of the storm, with (in occasional crash as some stately ttee was crushed beneath the weight of the tempest. When ull oxer the city xvere toin from the poles and, becoming ciosed. played havoc with the Instruments within the vari oti.i buildings. In tho city building all the telephone Instruments were burned out and the building: narrowly escaped destruction ft inn Hr. In City Solicitor Stuart's olllce the niaiks of the tcsult of crossed xx lies w etc visible to a great extent. Tlie xxltes leading to the Catbondalo Telephone tompany's 'phonoxxcrc melt ed, antl the xx all from the "phone to the telling Is blackened from the blaze The top of the 'phone box Is badly burned, the plaster walls alone saving the building fiom destiuctlon probably. The t oof of the building was also badly damaged, the slates being wi cached loose In huge patches. Thu occupants of the Harrison House hid ,t sleepless night. A continual clec it clec- house Millers. I C lib al display in the fiont of the fur an hour or liioio kent ibn h III. r,.nilntr n r.iiiill.itreiitton lut nf i the bourdeis xvete dressed and icatly for a hasty lllglil. The telephone lines xxete In bad shape, thu two companies having about 110 'phones out of commission In the rally moi'iilng. They xveie icpalied as quickly as the linemen could get to them. The Postal Tclegiapli had but one Hue left, the direct one to New Yoik. The tlectile lights xxcro all out after 3 a. m , but today the tompany expects to have them all In shape. On South Main stmt the tin roof on the James Harrctt store waft paitly torn off. The chimney on thu house of 'Clur cnte Hose, on Spiing stiett. was de molished utterly, and other chimneys paitlully. Theic were three treeb blown down on Tciiaci stieet, emu on North .Main street and one on Ilrooklyn street. The fall of one of these was attended with u great deal of excite ment This tiee stood In fiont of the home of Mrs. Juliet A. ltejnolds, of 3S Ter race btteet. It tell with a crash at -.lo a. m.. antl In falling sttuck the house aiios tin. street owned by W. W. Watt and occupied by Mis. II, P. Webb. As It xvus hulled by the xxlnd across the stieet It stiuck two electric light whes, closing them, nnd Instantly theie was u great flash of lire. The Inmates of the house weie axx.ikened by the ci.tsh nf the falling of the tree and seeing the great blaze outside thought instantly that the house was on Hie. Cries of lire nnd the sobbing of ihlldien added to' the confusion and the fourteen Inmates of the house pre pared for Instant lllght. The lire fiom the ero.-sod wires lighted up the whole iielghboihmid and tenants of other hou'-es weie also In a sort of pnnie, one lady living several tloots above Tenaoe stieet fainting away. The alarm lasted for several minutes, when thu vx lies btcunii- sepamted, an Inves tigation was made ami the filghtencd ones quieted. MR. CARNEGIE'S OFrER. Eveiy One in Towns Says It Would Re n Pity to Turn It Down. The fair offer of Andiew Carnegie to endow the city of C.ubontlnle with a public library building on the solo condition that the city will guaiantee. thiough Its councils, to make a yeaily appiopiiation of 10 per cent, for its maintenance. Is universally racplvcd with appinbatlon. This city should certainly be able to pay that much towatd keeping the original Invest ment In pi line condition. Ten per cent. Is not an cxoibltaut mini to maintain any business, public, or prlvute. Ths money is undoubtedly Intended to be used for adding to the collection of books, subscribing for periodicals and newspaper for thu reading room, re blndlng nnd the many little e.Npenses that must be met to keep a llbraty In good onler and up to dat.' Many little towns with less than half the population of Curbondale have llbi aides and reading rooms costing full) as much per milium ns this city's would If we accept Mr. Carnegie's of fer. It a vote by ballot would be tuken on the proposition as laid down In the oifir there Is no question but that It would be overwhelmingly carried. In nearly every case whete Mr. Car negie has made a similar ofter to a community It has been accepted glad ly and In every case tho same, condi tions as bind this gift (10 per rent, of tho amount per annum) has willing ly been voted. Two weeks ago the city of Port .Itrvis had a like tender made, Mid It took less than u week for their city fath"rs to pass an ordinance guaranteeing the conditions. Another site, besides those mentioned In csterday'fi Tilbune for the llbraty building, Is Memorlul Paik. There Is ample room on the upper aide of this tt tangle, back of thu monument, for a building l.uge enough tor this purpose. Nothing In the paik would have to be disturbed, except possibly the iltllcu lous. Iron fence sin rounding It, xvhleh would not cause many tears, Clenig,. S. Kimball hns llguied nut that tho actual tost to the city If tho count lis detltlo to accept this offer will bo "less than one-half dollar n jear to euch family, or ten cents for ujc.li being In our little mountain city." Ho further says "Never tl Id Cmbondale have a mure momentous question to settle. For the years to tonio we arc elthei to bless the wisdom that guided us In uifptlug UiIh t Ich gift, or to tursc thu folly ot a degcueiatetl town that knowingly closed the doois ot perpetual light und kuoxvledge agnlnst their sons and daughters, antl stood ucrnss the path way of Its own moral anil intellectual dovclopnieht." Hal Jndwin to Tiavr.l. II J.tilw in hit yeslerday Hat toi JONAS LONG'S SONS. CARPETS, FURNITURE AND UPHOLSTERY GOODS NOW GOING ON. With the very best otferings in dependable furnishings that skill, experience ,nd our unmatched buyitifr time for cverv housekeeper to profit by. s. Carpets 07f a ViUtl iov washable Ingrain Caipets & that nio worth 35c. a yard. Cfir ft yard r best nil wool Ingrain Cor ,3UL pets that are worth 70c. a yard. ACf a yrd r Tapesty Brussels Carpets lt 3L that are worth 05c. a yard. n yard for best Body Brussels includ $1 9in(? Blgelow & Lowell new designs pi.Jnnd coiorings. J 1 flfl a y(ird best luftluy "Velvet, endless .pl.Uu variety of patterns. Linoleums and Oil Cloths all prices. Rugs Caipet size Rugs in tho best grades JC ff of carpets, prices ate from S8.00 to. . JJ.IM Door Mats Extia thick outside Door Mats for trjp family use, each . . . ( ',uc Wall Papers The extensive display we are mak ing of wall coverings is tho best the stole has ever had or Scranton has ever seen. Eveiy new idea, every latest tint and coloilng is in the ex hibit and lich designs and colorings in the Tapestries, and Denim Silks aro leilcctcd in even tho cheaper grades. Rich two-toned wall papers that ale usunlly sold by the exclusivo stores at from 05c to 75c n.voll, arc priced Afir hero MUL Embossed papers for parlors, halls, libraries and dining rooms, price a 'ItTf double roll Js Rich Oriental effects, the libr.iiy or den, in Burlaps nnd Tapestries, at. a Afr double toll " Ingrains, 30 inches wide, very heavy weight, comes in nil shades, 9( price double roll Z.JL Wnll papers, with white back, full size tolls, in all new patterns, price 1 fr double roll 1UL Borders and celling to match. Mouldings nnd plate rails of every kind. Jonas Long's 5ons. Oncontn, N. V where he has secured a position with Uuckley Urothers, shirt manufacturers of that city. IIU teuitoiy will b principally In the state of Ohio, thus necessitating his absence lrom this section most of the time. Mr. Jadxxlu has long been employed as a book-keeper by the Hendrlck Mauufactutlng company of this city. He has n host of tiiends here xxho will legiet his departure, for his populailty was very gteat, and he has been the ' life" of neaily every social event, and they xx era many, with which he has been connected. He Is one nf the lead ing menibeis of Cnrbondalc council, No. Oil, Koyal Arcanum, and Is an ofll ter of the council. ASSESSMENT ROLLS COMPLETE. The Board of Revision and Appeals Has Completed Its Wotk. The boaid ot revision and appeals. after a huge number of meetings and listening to many ftyles and degrees of "kicks" from pioperty ownets, has nt last completed Its wotk. The fig ures xveie made public jesterday. The total valuation of the various wards, as they w HI appear on the tax dupli cates, are as follows, the assessment of three years ago being In the flist column: ti'i" I'iOI. M7.U1 ill til MOJM 511,101 320,151 Sli.SJi lilG.JK, Jli.Jiil 'i,bT9 ail.lnil I bit xiard . Seiond waid Third ward I'ouith ward rifih ward .. Mvtli ward . Total W.TOG.Clt -SA), .01 It will le seen thut the assessment Is smaller this year In eveiy ward ex cept the Sixth, which has an Increase of '1 4.358. Jtevlslons wore allowed in the various wards ns follows: First waul, ?.',23j; Second. S7.90S: Thltd, J.i.CSO; Fourth, $175; Fifth, J1.S40; Sixth, $1,010; total, $10,01S. There were no radical abate ments. Some of the allowances were made on clerical errors, but most of the complaints weio based on the fact that a man's neighbors vxetc assessed less than ho. The total Increase In the tux valua tion for three yeais U but JG.SCO TOMORROW NIGHT. Tho Rev. E. A. Boyl Will Lecture on ''The Seen nnd Unseen." Cnrbrmtlulo people will bo given a laie treat tomorrow evening In the lecture of Row H. A. Boyl. His sub ject will bo "Tho Seen and 1'nseen," and It will satisfy tho most exacting audience. His skill ns nu elocutionist has won for him n national reputation. As an orator Mr. Hoy! has no supeilor. He Is scholarly and witty. Tho lectuie Is within the leach of all, ns only a sliver offering Is tiskod by the man agement. Tho lecture will begin nt S o'clock sharp. A Violin Solo. In addliloii to the musical piogram reinlered at thu Flrnt Congregational chuich on Hiimlay ev tilling antl pi luted In yesterda's Tilbune, Robert Oarrt nor plujud a violin obllgutu outitled "Lauder." by Carl Hone, which wan very well tendered and rccelvetl. omission was made Inadvcitcntl) The Bobby Burns In Troublo. Hobby Hums, xxho halls from up Horiesdalo way, came to toxx'n on Sat urday night to see tho sights and to nmulu over Sunday. While hcio ho sampled mllier free Iv of malt nnd tye distilled uii'l bicwcd, and whin It eauie Our Grand Annual Sale of Draperies And Upholstery Goods. (Jowls by thu Yard. 30-inch wido Silkoline, 10c. I2jc nnd lfio yd Denims at 12Jc, 16c and 18c yd Crotons, 30 inchos wide, at a yard 15c Hungarian Cloth nt 35c a yd Nottingham Laco Curtains in hun dreds of new designs, the richest arc A 00 priced, n pair ! U Plenty of others between that and 10c. Tambour Net Curtains, choice de signs and best of workmanship, very J2 7S rich oueo at, a pair ' Some ns low as $3.08. Irish Point Lace Cuitain3, beauties 1 "2 QQ nt a pair 1 J. O And very good ones ns low pi Iced ns S3.08. Brussels Net Curtains the finest 1 fl QQ ate priced nt a pair x lU.u Your choice of a dozen grados be tween that and $4.20. Fine Arablun Ctutaiiib, a pall for TO (l roino only ''"" fj5.50 ft pair for tho cheapest. Maiie Antoinette Lnce Cuitnins, Tf (1(1 very ilch kind nt a pair x,u.Uu Rcnais3anco Real Lace Cui talus 1 Q fiom R5.50 n pair to lOtUU Door Panels In Irish Point Lnccs, Brussels Net. fino Arabian nnd Renaissance lace nt 7 0 piiccs from S1.25 to J" Bed Sets Made of Nottingham, Irish Point and Renaissance Lnce. some sets nie t 7C cheap nt I,u The finest nie $45.00, lots of kinds nnd juices between. Brisbies In Silks, Iiish Point Lnce nnd fine Muslin, come in size 30s!M inches nnd 30x30 inches. Musin 1.25 Iiish Point 1.05 Silk 2.00 Draperies Tnpestty Portieres, 3 yaids lonr at a pair 1,08 Derby Portieres, ptlce a pnit 2.75 Oriental Stylea Curtain's a pair. . D.08 Heavy curtains, fringed top nnd bottom, pilce a pail 7.25 Meicetized Portiere", a paii 15.00 Oiientnl style Couch Covets . 3.08 to 0.00 Opaque Window Shade', Complete 25c Jonas Long's Sons. tlni" for hlni to take his deparltue yes terday morning ho got mixed up on the points of the compass. Instead of gi" Ing to the tegular V). & II. depot h; tumbled up Lincoln avenue. lie got as far as AVayne sttect over the slippery pave, and then either fell down or con cluded that he was tiled. After he had been on the ley bldtA.'iill: lor ft while n gootl Samailtiin telephoned to Constable Neary to tome to his relief. The constable found the man with the lllusti lous name enjoying a sound slumber, fiom which h ' showed no dis position to atotise. II was ncuilv a mile to the city juil, but the r-talwnit olllcor had to almost carry the helpless man to It. He got him there llnally. anil Mr. l'urns enjoyed bis sweet te pose all day yesteid.iy undlstmbcd. Today he xx 111 tell thu mayor hoxv It all happened, oi as muth of It as be can leniembcr. Tonight's Recital. Tonight the second oigan i coital, in the cycle of three, to be held In the Ttlnlty 1'. 12. chinch, will occur. Tho recital will be tindtr the leadeishlp ot Prof. Alexander, oiganlst of tlu ritst Piesbyteilan tliurth, Wllkes Ilatiu, assisted by Hairy Thomas, vio linist, of tho Albany Symphony oi chestia, and Mis. Edison G. Wen den, sop! a no, of Scianton. The ptograimne, as ananged, will be: March and I'llmiin Iiiohk, 'i'lm.l.au-u. w mo r I'rofefror Altvainlei. VUIlii ilo, "Axe .Mark" Harry Tlionm. f.ulll.0,1 (a) r.mm uu V, Holism Ki lb) Adagio, "r'wicbrt" trcin Suiji.1 up u.5, ( hopln 1'iofeidor AlfVir.dtl. sopiato Nilo, " nrir sucnadr" haul Mi. K. I!. Wordcn d) 'TilKiIin'i torg of Hope" Ilitede lb) "Ileruusc" (luunod I'lofiwui' Mrinntlii Violin Solo, "Andante l'ellsioo In Il''..l llitnu llany Tlioma Pastorale, "William Tell" llomtnl Pioiisror Alcandii. Soprano s.iio, "The Holy Cit" ilann Mr. Horde n octumo . . Mn.delsduliii f'rofet-ior AUxandti The A. 0. K. of M. Installed Oilkeis. Temple) commntidery, No. iSS. of this city, hud tha following ntllceis lnstulled for tho ensuing term on Filday night by Deputy Grand Commander Sir C. O. Swnrtz ami staff, assisted by Past Commanders W. L, lbutlctt and !', Jt Riihe, of No. .11, Scranton: Sir knight commander, Sir S. Crock er: generalissimo. -Sir M. 1.. Olivei , captain general. Sir A. J. Moon; pio late, Sir William J. Stephens; record, or, Sir V. H. Hlllei . assistant recorder. Sir A. B. NlchoJ: treasurer, Sir O. Mor gan; senior waiilen, Sir B. Dickinson; Junior waul mi. Sir V 1 Fianey; stund uid bearel, Sir W. W. Diuis, swoii". bearer, Sir N. B Stephens; wnrdui'. Sir Joseph Wiley; sentinel, Sir Oeoigu Dietrich: first guard, Sir A. Ruther ford: second guard, Sir II. Fowler; ttustee, Sir B. Dickinson; tepiesenta. live to grand coinmatnlery. Sir P. H. Hlller. The Malta degree wa.s eonfeired up on seven iniidldales.i'.ist Comniantler Uni'tlutt, of No. Ull" acting as toiii mander. Several cunipanlons if Au tlitucit comniundoi'v, No. ill. nf St'iantou. weio piesent. Coiiipnnliiu Swiutz, D. G. i., gave tho i hanges In the ritual of the black degree "The Mystic Midgeto." At the Tilnlty P. V. chuich iheiv Is to be uii attraction nfter Bister for the, benefit of the oigan fund, which will be a tltilghti to the thlldieii as xiil af tin 'giiiwn-ims " Airungc nienls have' been made with Messrs. DetKei, of New Yoik city, foi the pioduttlnii heie of "The Mystic Mid gets," which will be given on May 17 nnd is, two evening performances and an afternoon one. ' Tlie Mystic Mid gets" was ptoditeed here liwt year, and a lepetlibm of tilth nieiiv antics will be weltometl Coming' Attinctions. Among the Ir.ullnc attiactloiis foi the balance of the sea-on (it the Uiaud Opt i n House are Nat (looixxin's great est conieilv, Win n We Were Twenty one." and "Way Doxxu Bast." In tho foi mer William MoirN, xxho eiuateti the lending pints In "The Wife," "The Charity Ball." ".Men and Women." "The Lost Patatlise' 'ind other xveil known plays at the Lyteuni Theatie In Nexx Vol I. a few yeais ago, xxlll be 'tn. Thu lutter will probably close the season heie, being booked lor May. n Maich J'J Tim Muiphy will be at the Hi antl in Sol Smith Bussell's gieat pl.iv. "A ll.it lielm's It'imaiite." Statlonniy Englneeis to Meet. A spet lul mcetliiir of the Delaware and Hudson stationary englne"ts xxlll be held next Sunday. This question of xxuges will be tlisi tisscd, They nay that other companies have a imifoitn scale of wagts for tiiRliieeis. but th.'t In the dllTcruiit I). it 11. illttiliU thti" me elltfcii.nl stc.le The union will nsk that the tompauj i.dopt a '.mlfoiui scale for nil the illstiicts. Meetings Tonight. Division No 11, Ancient Older or 111 beinlans. St. Vlncgnt tie Paul Lucrctla lodge, No. 100, Dauglitn's of Rebecca. Lackawanna tribe. No. "'), Improved Older of Bed Men. Local union, No. Mil. Cnrbontlalci Cycle club Daughtuis of St. Geoige. At Trinity Chuich This Week. On Votlncsdiiy ex-eiilng Rev. Dr. Henty L. Joins, tit WHUes-Hniie, will deliver an nddie-.s on "Washington its a Chi I Ulan" at the Tilnlty Iioiesfint Bplscopal chinch. On 1'ilday nfti'iiionu lav. James P. AVitie, lector ot titiue ilnnth, Hones dale xxlll be tlie sponkei The Passing Thiong. B. D, Lat limp was In New Yoik' es terdaj . John Nelson, ot Gieenlleld mad, Is seiloiisl) ill. I rof. Uunisby, of rthac.i, Is visiting ftiPiids In town Miss Mary Gallaghv ni lived homo tiom New i'oi J i Ity last owning, wheie she tun bien studying tho sijlrs In spilug inllllnci.x. J. Val Iliillimbtclf, who Is taking a course lu the trulniug school In llolle vue Hospital, New York city, nnlvcil lnue hist ev oiling for n few fluyV visil. , How to Cute n Cold. ) Dan't go tn bed. Doiti stop work. Don't take a Ttllkish bath und lender yuliisoll liable to an attack of pneu monia. Kinuse's Cold Cuie. in ton vtulunt iiipsule fin in, will itiiti you In 21 bonis. Thev ui- ploiisiint to take ami cause no ilnglux; In .xom hnd or ntlior illsagierable n'lifuilons. k'.V Sold b.v Matthews IHos. Pi Ire PECKVILLt;. Tlie ftaiiKelUln tl-l liiih will i II liuiiip.i,n n enite al the peekxille lljp. HI inn all Uil. w, el, , , X( Ii I in x u. will prrath I Inn iteu power can gather, It is selling Furniture Bedroom Suits. Solid Oak and imitation mahogany suits consisting of three oleecs in set dresser with bevel plate mirror, olzo 20x24 inches. Wash btand with splasher back, upper dtnwcrs and .cabinet. Bed with six foot high hend board clobely panneled; evety piece highly polished nnd rightly built. 1 QC Speclnl during .sale nt lllD 3-ptcce suits 'with size 20-28 mil iar 15.05 3-picce suits with size 24x30 m tr ior 10.06 fi you piefer iron beds with thess suits instead of the wood they cost no more. Combination Hotel Dressers Lnrgo vnilety of theso drossois to choose from, in wood3, onk nntiqtie finish or white cnnmcl. Special vnluo C CO today nt C. J Iron Beds Mado of the best quality iron tub lug with white enamel; have heavy angle ends nnd chilled fillers; one ") QQ special lot at ii,u ' Btnss mounted iron beds with brass top mil pillar mounts and cross C .Q nngle joints, special bnigain nt. . . . J" Bed Springs For iion wood beds, have woven who top, cable support, and maple frames, sizes to fit any bed, special 1 QQ price 1 0 Spiings with steel frames 3.25 Folding spiral springs, each spiing 910 containing 120 spirals, piice ' ' (Mattresses Soft cotton top mattress for 2.25 Southern husk mattiess with heavy cotton and best ticking cover. "7 'JQ Salo price 0J Cotton combination mattress for. . 4.25 Clothes Trees We show them in nlmost endless no vnilety from 50c to O.Uu One speclnl lot In onk or mnhog- yn nny finish, offcicd this week, at ench (UC Reed nnd Rnttnn rockers with heavy loll over nims nnd back, fnncy back and enne seats. One speclnl lot T Q offered nt ench LM7 Five-piece Pnrlor Suits upholstered in tnpestry nnd volour, have mahog any finished frnmes with embossed 1Q AQ enrvings on panels, prico suit 1 O I Jonas Long's Sons. inn Mr. liiompion in an in-pirlne rpcaker and all are cordially inxiled to hear him. Hex'. W 11 Williams xilll be present a few owning" The nun's incttlne Sunday altrrnoon xxa lngelx atlendul nnd Ht.itiKtllbt NV ill iams nude a ftronir I de fur btlng .1 rleui Hie. llnee jouiib men deUdid to lircln a (Nirhtlau life. .Mlii. William lludd and daughter, llcgtie, ale piiidlnjf a leu iljji, in .Netx' ork tit) the niiinhir- of Waiahpi trlhe, No. 'JU, Im piowd Onltr ot Kid Vim, attimlid tlbinc ser xkis ui the .XltthedM I'pbropal cliutch on Sun dat eumnir Mlf. (inle Klir lux returned home fiom a xlsii with per pinnN at Ixber, Wa)ne counlx Mi- Mmi Hotliiker I. tontlneil to her honm bv illlll.. Mr. . I Wliti Kiutiuupi lo imprott klowu fiuiii hi i lueiit ftxtio Mine.'.. Mix. llliiiihe i iiK'p, ul llerwitk, .p,n( und.) with Mi. J II 1,'rowi. OLYPHANT. Ill, Imi.ii u xxhlili iluid ii nn.ee-.. Nearly f the 1'iei.lijterlun toniinealiun, was a grant! ii '-jtiirdat nieht. ilM w.n rulizcil. The attend ante wa xtix laiae md the eonrtuatlon hit eten it urn lo lejuite .it the siiiceM ot their cltorl" Vi and Me. .Mm liiddtll will leturn In lliiir homo In Kiln, Mcliean touut), tidax, aft- an t-.tilulocl xblt Willi ltlaliie.s here. On 1'ilday ixcniui.' a ntiiioptlcon tiitertun lima rnlitltd "Hit shadow of a (Jrext filx" will he hild lu the I'llmltlte Methodist tluir h, I lie admb.loii will lie ID and 9) tent John Mtliiaw. of Mrantnii. xa a . illir tn town )tMeidn. lh lieaty r.ilfi on "-i:inj nlla xta.ued a little ff ihe mini "l! I.jtkinanna .treet 'Ihll I the liift lime in man) muutht that 'ten a por tion ol tin. pile ha. Iiecu III hlillit. Mr. and Mr. xudritv llhiiton and ihlldien, xxho Inte hem Hie sui.ti of Dr. und Mi. V I' Cram, returned to (In Ic home in Jirraine Ohio je.ltldi). Mie Itill'jra HatH and C.i."e Thonias, of We it Siranlon, pmt Mitulai xxlili Miw V'u I'alltii. o( Ddawaie .lint PHICEBURG. Mr. I.eixrire liy. of lhcit ttreei i- miflned lo bcr lioma xtith lcknt. Vlr. John Palmer, ol Scranton, wjj the s;uet of litr hter, Mr. lira), if Alhert Hreot Mr I haile IIIUili talleil on West Nranton frlrnda on sundax last. Mlwlcnaiy ferxlre. will lie londuitrj etcrv exenliitf ilils wnk al the I'rlmlllte Vlitho.t cliun.lt. bter)bodf i. milled to attend Mr. I.lttlejolui, of l'roildente. called on friendt here Smda). Mlvt diah .Inlaw, ol Lureine. I xuitine her aunt, Mr' IlniJainln Williauu, on Cannalt ureot MU S-iioh I'lonrleht. of feriiiton, pelt Mm dav at the home of her parent' on Mipe (itreet Mi. l.eoruii! Jlleik., vt lluiiiuore, xu-lini anion? rclmlirA luio on sundat Jno bewls, a Mot leiiihr ut stctr No .' mine w.i injured b) t ull ol lock MlM Kninii Oaklet, nf lluli- l'ark, penr Sun diy afternoon with her mntlm on Mjph .tree! D ALTON. plrd.ai,t wHial lime wa enjoyed op I ridiy exenin; ai ihe home of Mr and Mn Wllllim llif.i. iindti tin au.plie. uf Ihe WoindtiA ( Inl.ilan l"i n 1 1 "' r j i hi nulnii nyiuil ind llteury pioitMiiiine wa lendnul bv ihe tol lowlni; rioi: Mr. Kdward suillli, Mr, Pied sn)dti. Mr. Clnier Itiie, Mrn. I rea..i V. (irme I'utilv, Mtrltm I'uidy ami .lew ( ooper A blhtr onitbis vim laklnj- t"r tin Innerlt ol Ihe iimun. Jitae Cooper, ,i .ludtnt ai )omlnit .einlniry tpint siinjjy tii hlo piunt. hue Ml.. W liter Hone) entertained mer Siindjv her fluir. 11m. llliteiilioniler and ij Wagnci Of Srjlitiill Vr. I. l'aimer smith etifulaliifd her i.ntuer itil, Mr. Sniilh, of Niitilon, on semdj) llio Women's (liriilim Icmpetanec union xr' liold tlieii Kini-iniitlil,i metliii; at the home of Mr. I red Node, on liidiy afternoon nut I .1 o'clock. It )ti want m tff New Vrlc uly for li ient alteivllnit the Utitopueon K hi(e this etenlinr in tin Diptlit ihunh on "Life in Nexv York Cifx." b) Ilex. II. J Winlei, p. P of I ltboiidlle To Provent Pneumonia nnd Grip I-x.itlte llromoandniiii leiuuim the uL-e mL i-. u-
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers