"S.AWl! .TSl tWt s"L '??. - .' ''s '1 ' -;(: " -'- f -ribuiie. mutton rvV tf- ?L THD ONLY SCRANTON PAPER RBCBMNG TUB COMPLETE NEWS SERVICE OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS, THE GREATEST NEWS AGENCY IN THE WORLD. n 1& A TWO CENTS. &V . SCRANTOX, PA., TUESDAY MORNING, MARCH 12, 1001. TWO CENTS. 5 n i,., ve y V WW! kk p LEGISLATURE HONORS MAGEE Resolutions ol Respect Are Passed In Both Senate and House ol Representatives. THE ROUTINE BUSINESS Although the Body Is la Session but a Short Time, Many Bills Are In troduced In Both Brnnches The Anticipated Struggle Over the Cooper Resolution Is Averted. Ill I,i1iim Wiir rum 'I lie Associated rVe. llunisbuig. I'ii., March 11. For the second time during tin; present session, there wiih nnother vacant chair when the senate met at ! o'clock tonight. The scat of thu Into Senator O. L. Magco. of Pittsburg, who died on Fri day. ii: draped with mourning. A beautiful ilorul offering relieved the sonibiencss of the drapery. The pen al'', on account of Senator Mugeo's 1 nth. was In session only a short time. Hills weie Introduced as follow?: Il Mr. KoJcr. 1'hil.iilclpliia Authoi ir.ltifT Hob ' l.iirf nml .1. T. MatilTir, liotli o( Phllailelplin, 1 tiiinis suit! against the commonwealth for turns . InaJ l- lino tin m. II? Mr. Illrkett, Iaiilailrllii.i Kxrmptinc; soda. f.U'T app.ir.itus anil apputlcnaoos thereto. Icawil hlrd. from lciy or sale on execution or ills- ('ii' irnt. 11 Mr. Miirhihrniiiirr. Allegheny Providing ' iar the mtliih ie.il atnl other corporation, fir unblb- .lutlioiitlf. owning or li.it Ihk charge ol am p.nh or public gruuuiR may enter mlo an agreement with any railro.nl company maintain ng ainl operating a iallro.ul within ihr state, leiming sri'l rising tho minncr, tctms anil eondi- ns upon which eudi p.nk or puMic grounds, i any portion thereof, liny W uil ami occupied M slid railroad ompany with Us tmcks anil pas- ii2( r tutinii l'lil 1' litis-. lie Mr. I'niry. I.tircrnc uthoil.lng paitlcs ' "cfliiillv liucrnlcil in any ilcmaiid or claim tn.iint.iin any suit brought upon isald demand nr'tioill t"inllig 0 the lojt.ll 1'l.lilltlir tlio pel. ill ii "Ii" ' name the stilt ought at common law to Ih'l UgUO. Tocht's Ballot Bill. Mr. Focht. of Union, clmlrmaii of the committee mi elections, reported favor ably, as amended, the ballot bill drawn iii liv himself. Mr. Focht said lie will rii-l; that the bill bo recommitted aa s-non as It Is printed, for the purpose of further (unending It. The amend nients already made to It are unlui pui lant. On motion of Mr. Horkelb.ich, of Thiliidcliihla, the hill abolishing the lavs empowering the courts of Phila delphia to appoint the board of revis ion of taxes, and the bill providing for the election of the board by the people, both of which were Introduced by hint, '"re recommitted to the committee on municipal affairs. Mr. Herkelbach made no explanation as to why he wnn ted the bills recommitted. Tin rending of bills a third time went over until Wednesday, and the senate iiearril the calendar of bills on first reading. At the request of Senator Fllnn. the dean of the Allegheny delegation of the senate, who was unavoidably de tained In Pittsburg, Senator Grady, of Philadelphia, announced the death of Senator Mngee. Mr. Cirady presented a beautiful tribute to the memory of the deceased, and at the conclusion of his remarks he presented a resolution, which was adopted, that the senate and its otllcers attend the funeral ser vices of the dead senator at Pittsburg, and that the session of the senate fixed for tomorrow be dispensed with. Senator Muohlbronner, of Allegheny, presented a resolution, which was also adopted, that a committee of five sou tois be appointed to take Into con sideration the manner In which the senate will express its sense of loss at the death of Senator Magee. and that a special session be held at :: p. m., March -7, to lecelve the report of the committee. After it had been directed that the senate chamber be draped In mourn ing for thirty days, the senate, as n further mark of respect, adiotiriicd until I 1 1, in. Wednesday, IN THE HOUSE. The anticipated stiuggli in the house iter the Cooper resolution deploilng tin' action of Hie municipal corpora tions commute" in reporting without ii heirlng the Philadelphia "Kipper" was aveitcd tonight by It adopting Mi amendment offered by Chairman 'olvllle, of Philadelphia, to recommit the bills fop a heurlng. This action was followed by the adoption of a resolution offered by Mr. Yoorhees, of Philadelphia, that the us- of the hntl of the house be granted the commltteo for the hearings. Mr. Cooper moved to amend tbe use of a chamber be granted lor Wednes day, March 1:0 a: S p. m. mid as many evenings thereafter as necessary. The umendnient failed by a vote of Id nyes to SS nays, after which the reso lution was amended to provldo that the house shall be notified three days before the heating, and then adopted. Mr. Colvlllc gave notice that a hearing would be had on Thursday evening at S o'clock. Previous to this action thcro was a fdiort debate on the resolution, Mr. Cooper, of Dclawaio, niid It was a graceful backing down of the friends of the bill, who have been beaten In their efforts lo railroad them through this house. Every member of tho housrt hasrecelved a telegram from the board of trade and allied organizations for a hearing, and the committee chould glvo a fair and imimillu. hearing to both bides. Mr. Voorhres said It was unfair on tho part of Mr. Cooper to Impugn tho IntegWIy of tin committed by offering his resolution. Tint people of Philadel phia wanted these bills to become, Jr.wis In spite of tho claim of Mr. Cooper to tho contrary. Ohulrmnn Colvlllc paid the bill.) had been fnltly consld eied by inn :nmmMo, rnd that there was no desire on the part of hlniFClt or his colleagues not lo give a full hearing. They are Important measures and tho commlttc was willing mid anx ious that both sides would ho heard, Pofore tho adoption of tho resolutions Mr. Cooper presented a memorial from citizens of Philadelphia asking for a hearing on tho bills, and requested that It ho read. Speaker Marshall ruled that the me morial would havo to go to the munici pal coiporatlony committee, nnd could not bo read until tomorrow. The bllW, with minor amendment', were then teported fiont committee by Mr. Voothces and subsequently lecommltted. Bills Iuttodttced. Th .'ho bill. werj rc.td iu place: Mr. Siul of pjttpliln Intreilmnl a Mil ii-pcallng tho lilctio tax law of Apill II, lVi't, anJ pro. vlillmr for the refunding of the tax lollcttril iiiiiler the act. Mr. Micner, of fjikawar.iia Appropriating $l:!'.i,.'0O to the Lackawanna, hospital, Snintnti. Mr, Hill, of Northampton Apprupilallnir $i!,000 to the Peiiiivylt.inla Sialo Pair association at niihlihciii. Jlr. Plater, Phll.lilolphlJ-Hi'peallmr thf art to exempt feulwr iii.H'hlncs nrnl typewriting mi dlines 1mwi or lilroil, from wlo or lciy on cxriulliiti or dlstrr.4 for mil. Mr. Uaincr, of Solniylklll I'lrscrlhlns tho method of cnteilntr the Juclkiiunt ol ii court tthero a Jiulioiicnt of a Jiwtltr ol the ruo It rcvcrr-ul on a ceiliorarl issued ly tho iliftndant nnd presi riblnif how defendants costt Mull lie entered a a part nl tho Judgment. Tribute to Mr. Magee. Mr. McCialn, of Lancaster, offered tho following resolution, which was adopted by a rising vole: Whereas ur Ilcaienly 1'jther ha. seen fit In hU iiiNCi ill able xiiftlom to remote by death tho Hon. Chiistoiilier l.tinan Magee, a iminber of the Kiiale of tho rouimoimealth of renin.vlv.inla, and wheroa. During lil public and priulc life ho no lived a3 to caln the loo and isleem of all I.i-ied of our fellow clllrem witliout regard to party, creed, color or condition, ami Win tea , lie .n known in life a ono of the met ihailtahlr of men, a true friend ami an honoiablo, capable iml faithful public ollklal; theiefore, be II PimiHiiI, That we ilerply K.nipatlilo with lilt teife and Immediate telatltes and trlruds, and M till the people ol this roiiuuoiiuojltli, whom be hat o well and honorably repritntid In tho illlTcrrnl ulllel.il po.liloiw whlrli he !u ni lull orably filled. Let hix life In one which all men idiotiM (ilrlve to miniate, that when th" drc.ld wimmont come lh.it it. may bo Mid of in at of him, lh.1l lw wax tier Iron! feKMi amliltlnivt, pctonal lrMlllliiMit, and wat loved bj every true man with whom he wat tluowti In contact, and bo It fintlier Derailed, Hut a eopv of llvee tenliitlont be Hiilably pieparn! and precnieil to hit beloved and rrspecti d wife. Mr. McCialn said the Impiess of Mr. Mageo's citizenship will not fade, nor will the force of his example die with this generation, but It will live on to point the wav to a bioader charity and a nobler manhood for generations .to come. The prayers of the poor, of the sick, the lame, the blind, are tonight like Incense rising to heaven In tribute to his soul, Mr. Palm, of Ciuwford, endorsed all that his colleague had said about Mr. Magee. Mr. Voorhecs said the deceased was his personal friend, and that his death was a severe personal loss to him. After clearing the calendar of first reading bills, the house adjourned until 10 o'clock tomorrow morning. DEMOCRATS FRAME A BALLOT BILL A Reform Which Does Away -with the Circle ou the Official Ballot and Makes Other Radical Changes. By Kxclinive Mrc from The Arsociatcd IV.". HaiiMiiuir, Manti 11. A ballot itform bill whleh dots away with tthu elide on Hie ollp rial ballot and imiko other udii.il cliaiifos in the piCMiil ballot act vv.u framed for hitioduc tlon in tho leiciidalura at a meeting of tho state l)i r.ioe. alio eu'tutivo 1011111111100 i.nd other prominent Democrats today at olatc lieadrmir. tem in thlt (llv. Ily tho term of the bill tho pieIdentlal cl"' toiK will lw nrruiiitcil In irioupt on the !. ft t.ilo of tt.e ballot, each 1,'ioup foiiuin one col luiiu. At the head of cadi croup will be placed tin pally appi Hatlon and Miiname of the can did. lies for piitddcnt .Hid vice piciddvlit. At the right of tl.o name of each elector and of the patty name at the top will bo a wuare in which the voter may make a cum m that he can into for the vvholu group by making thlt one luailc at Iho lop or a emit allir each nam:, . All other candidates i-hall have llielr lianiet prlnlid under the title of tho ufilce for v.hii'.i they have been nominated and dull bo arr.ingej In column on the right ddo of the ballot. No candidate's name M1.1l 1 appear more than otio on the ballot. At the right ol the 11.111 10 of 1 11I1 mndidato will be the mine of the party or paille. by whom he wat nctnliuted. To vote a cro innt !io placed alier the name of the ciiniliilito lor whom the lotcr detii(.t to tote. No pei'in ean have a helper lo uslt him pie pur lib, ballot ctcept lie lc pli.U,ilI.v dlublnl, whleh shall bo itppJI'ilit lo the eleellon lo.ild, or tnders ho U unable to lead the laigllth lan guage, lo which fait be tnu,t make allldavit. No helper ean asi-Ut mote than t'iree voter. Ileaiy peii.illie. arp preseiibed for violation of the law. No i'Iijiirc l to bo made In the prcient ty.tiui f fllliiffi lerlirleales ot nomination, nomination p.ipru, He. There who pr(ent at the ireetini; beside the ineiubeM ot tho eoniuilttce National t'onunlttif man .Ijiiu'k M. Oulley, of l'iltbuig, and Con gieMinin Hall, l'olk, tlieen, MeAlecr and Miiteh-1-r. 'ougreloiial npporllonmoiit was alo dU 1 lived, but no formal action wat taken. MR. HARRISON'S CONDITION. His Physicians rind No Great Cause for Alnrni." Ily llxelivitn ttiro fiom Tho Associated Piett, hi(1Ianapo!U, March II. Dr. He my Jameson has been In constant attendance on former 1'itsl. ib'ia llairisoii and with Dr. V. Iladhy lias al ternated in .1 cIo3 watcli for tho dlghtitt sign of linprnirniint or ulapH'. At 7.30 o'doik tonight Dr. .lameon tued I he (ol lowing statement: "I find 110 great eau lor alarm tonlglit In the eondltloii of (Jeneial llanbam and at tribute a dlght change) for the. worse to tho fact that he lias Ken laborlnir with his ail ment one ddy lonjir. Ills temperature U now 10: 4...", hit puIm' Ou, iciplration 35. I thioU ho will have 110 illltkully in going through the night." " Scalping Law Constitutional. Py i:cliHlre Wire from Tho Auoclatcd I'reu. liilladdplil.1, March ll Tlio Supreme court today KtitUlncd th contltutlonallty of the ticket cIplr(t law of Hid Hate. Tho easo was tlio appeal of IMwairi V. Keary, of I'ltttburs, from the judgment of the Superior court. Keary con elue ted a bu.lness of buying and wiling rallroid iMsrlii at litttburg and claimed that the act whleh prevented a peiton not eoiniccled wllli tli the rallioadt from gelling their tickets wat uu-icmtlliitloiiul, BOERS JOIN THE BRITISH Manu ot the Ex-Buroliers Are Now Acting In Harnionii with Their Former Foes. IN INTEREST OF ORDER The Former Contestants Join Hands to Protect Tlieliv-Homos Against Marauders Do Wet Is Moving Northward Endeavoring Appar ently to Cross Railroad Toward Transvaal 13,000 Refugees in British Lines. By i:.xciu.lve Wire from 'Hie Associated Prett. Tllocmfonteln, March 11. tleneral lie Wot, it Is reported, Is moving north ward steadily, at tlio rate ot twenty live miles a day, with a view ot cross ing the railway to the eastward. Ho should now be west of Kroonstadt. Several small commandoes e.re In pos session of the southeastern portion ot the Orange Klvcr colony, from which (he garrisons at Dewetsdorp, AVepeiier. Smlthflnld nnd Jiuxville have been withdrawn. It Is impossible not to be struck with the fact that a great proportion of the former enemies of Great Hrltnln In South Africa have frankly thrown In their lot with the llritish. The Hrundfort. Kroonstadt and Hloemfon teln burghers arc now bearing aims against tho Itoers. They say their ob ject Is not to operate against their for mer comrades, but to defend their homes and property against maraud ing bands. P.very town In the Free State occu pied by the Hiitlsh will 50011 become a centre of Piitlsh Influence extending a long distance in their vicinity. More than 13,000 refugees are within the KHtMi lines, and many of them de maud arms and permission to take the field. If their requests are grunted It will be easy to enroll 2,fi00 burghers on the P.litlsh side. LUTZ SENTENCED ' TO BE HANGED The Pittston Wife Murderer Is Again Convicted on Second Trial. He Accuse3 Other Parties. I' i:eliiFJse Wire fn m The Associated Preis. "Wilkes-Harre. Pa., March 11. John I.utz. the AVest Pittston wife murderer, was sentenced to be hanged today by Judge HaHey. The prisoner, when asked It he had anything to say why sentence should not be pronounced, merely shook his head. He seemed dazed. "When taken back to Jail, he for the llrst time seemed to realize his position and told the warden It was not all over yet. A strict watch will bo kept on him. Lutz was tried twice. At tho llrst trial one of the jurors, after being out fifteen days, said he had been intimidated, lie was side, and In order to get out of tho Jttrj room he signed the verdict ot murder In tho llrst degree, although it was against his conscience to do so. On the strength of this a new trial was granted tho prisoner. The sccouel time ho was promptly found guilty iu tho llrst degree. An attempt was made to secure a third tilal, but witliout success. BOTHA IS WILLING TO SURRENDER Ho Has Asked nn Armistice iu Or der to Communicato with De Wet and Steyu. Ily inclusive Wire from The Associated Press. Lorenzo Marquez, March 11, General Hatha Is willing to surrender. Ho ask ed: an armlstlco In order to communi cate with General Do Wet nnd Mr. Sleyn. Should they decline, It Is be lieved nevertheless that General Botha will surrender. The Hoers have no artillery or am munition and are burying nil their guns. Tho railway from Lorenzo Marque?: ti Pretoria is practically clear of liners. TO PRESERVE BALKAN PEACE. Report That Russia and Turkey Have Reached nn Understanding. By Kultulve Wire from Tho Associated Press. Constantinople, March 11. Tho offi cial newspaper Ikdum announces that Turkey and dlussla have come to a complete understanding for the preser vation of peaeo In tho Ilalkans. Governor's Right of Veto. Dy Exclusive Wire from 'I Ins Associated 1'i.st. Philadelphia. March 11. In tho Supii'ine coin t today argument wat heard on the eon stltutlonal light of the governor to veto .1 por tion ot tho publlo school appioprlation re duclnj the same from S?ll,uoo,niKi in S10,0O0.0"O, which was don by the net of May VI, 1MK. Attorneys firry, ot Centre county, and C. Tyn KraU, of Montgomery county, appealed for the appellant, nnd Attorney fieneral lllkln rep relented tho commonwealth, Decision was ic icrud. m 1 Nation Jury Disagreed, fly r.xeliulve Wire from The Associated Press, Wichita, K.an., March 11. No verdict was re ported by the Jury which last week heard rib denre in the trial of Mm, t'airlo Nation for unilshlng a "Joint" hero frrri.il weeks sgo. The) Jury stood seven to Hve for conviction and was illxhorjed today. ADVANCE TO BE CONTINUED. Bcrwliul-Whito Coal Mining Com pany Notify Men. Ily Uttiiulra Wire from The Associated Pre, Pittsburg, Pa., March 11. Private advices to Pittsburg announce the posting of notices late this evening by tho Herwlnd-Whltc Coal Mining com pany at Wlndbcr, Osceola, Mills, Hor atio untl other points In Iho Central Pennsylvania, mining Held, as follows: Tho average adiatice of 20 per cent. In nagc liven our cmplojct, Apill 1, 1100, will bo con tinued until April 1, 1:-'. (Signed) llcrwii.ibWhttc Ctsd Mining Co. This notice affects about ten thou stind men, nil told, and is of tho utmost lintiortnneo hi Central Pennsylvania mining opera lions. About 7,0n0 of this number of the men are employed at the mines nt Wlndber. Tho action ot the company continues In effect tho highest rate of wages ever paid In the Central Pennsylvania Held. The llerwlnd-Whllo Coal Mining company Is ono ot the largest corpor ations In that field, nnd the miners whom the company employ work steadily, owing lo tlio fact that tho company makes tide-water shipments almost excluslvedy, and owing, further, to the fact of the total absence ot any labor disturbances In connection with tho operations of the company. ICE MOVING IN THE SUSQUEHANNA The Heaviest Crop That Has Formed on the River Since the Year 1870. Py Inclusive Wlte from The Associated Pre".. Laucusler, Pa.. March It. The lee has begun to move oft the Susauehunna at Columbia. There is a channel about n hundred feet wide along this side, but along the AVilghtsvllle shore tho lev Is still Intact. Jietwccn Columbia, and llitriisbitrg the river Is filled with lloatlng Ice, but It Is thought that It is not heavy enough 10 do any serious damage. At Marietta the condition is different and grave apprehension Is felt. The water Is steadily rising. Tho liver Is not. yet bank full, but what Is causing tho most anxiety is the fear that the ice may give away Ivefore there Is a siiillclent eiuaiitlty ot" water to carry It off safely and that dis astrous guises will follow. Not sineo 1s"e, and probably not even then, has t hen's ),..'ii such heavy loo upon the riv. r at this point. Immediately hi front of the town the river is clear ot ice on this side, but on the York county side it is yet intact and It is feared that when the ice just above the town bleaks Front stiee will be Hooded. The Ice varies In thickness from twelve lo twenty inches, and In many places Ico from above has lodged underneath to a depth of ten feet. Late this afternoon a gotge formed in the Xeck, a narrow channel In the liver Just above Mcfall's ferry. To night at Safe llarbo.-, where tho Cones toga, empties, the water Is rising at the rale of a foot an hour, and It seems Impossible that the law lying portions of the town should escape MooiPng. Yoik, Pa.. March 11. A break-up of the lee on the Susquehanna occurred this morning, nnd a general movement of the Ico commenced at Wrlghtsvllle. Keports from various points nro to the effect that tho lee was moving oft quickly. There has been but a slight rise, and no damage Is feared unless a. gorge forms at McCall's ferry, eighteen miles below Wiighlsvllle. LOG JAM NEAR CLEARFIELD. Uneasiness Along the West Branch of the Susquehanna River. Ily Inclusive Wire from The Associated Tress. Cienrllcld, Pa March II. Thousands of logs nro jammed In tho west branch of tho Susriuehanua river near Cur wensvllle, six miles above here, and causing much uneasiness In CTearlleld. The Ice from above has lodged there fifteen feet high and Is holding back a tremendous amount of water. Old lumbermen buys thai If this mass breaks not a slngla bridge will bo left standing. All the rafts from up tho river are held above. An effort will bo mudo to work a channel through with dynamite. Several farms have been practically ruined by the heavy rush of water. There Is still to feet of snow In alio woods. LARGE ANNUITY FOR EDWARD. Significant Remark by the British Chancellor of Exchequer. Ily K:.ilu.ive Who fiaui Tho A.-oel.ued 1'ie.ss, London, March 11. In the house of commons todav Sir Michael Hicks Ilcach, chancellor of tho exchequer, when moving the appointment of a se lect rnmmltteo to consider rhe now civil list, conveyed a hint that an In ciease In the civil list might be ex pected. He said that while the government's' proposal! would be based 011 tho lute Queen Victoria's civil list, it must bu remembered that King Kdward had a oueeii consort und that ho was not only king of tho United Kingdom, but the head of a wot Id-wide empire, STRIKERS RETURN. Five Hundred Men Again at Work at Hickory Swamp Colliery. Py r.teluslio Wlri fiom The Associated Press. MnmoMn, I'.i.. March 11. The fctilko of .-.00 men at the lllikory fcivamp colliery, operated by tho I'iiIoii Coal cempany, ended today by tins implo.vct returning to wuik. All non-union men Joined' tho Mine WorkeiV union, At all rolllcrle of the Union Coal company in tho Ninth dl.tilct. notice vveio slcel an i.oundnK that the 10 tier cent, increase cranted In November last, would be conllnueel until Aiuil 1, 100.'. Tlio nilnert tiy that they will ask tho llaileton convention to indst on the company granting at least a tl per cent. Increase, Oleomargarine Law Sustained. Hy r.xcluslve Who from Tn Awoolited i'ress. I'hllidelphla, Murdi 11. -The riupiemi court today mstalncd tho contltutloiiallly of the oleo. niriraiino law cl May. lstui. The caeo came be fore the re.uit 111 th" appeal cf McCaun J; Co., cf litlslnirti, from the i!ccIImh of tho 1'ltU burij criisiiiii.ii pli'.H court and the Superior cmpl, LAUNDRY IS BLOWN UP ElQht Persons Arc Instantlij Killed bij the Explosion o! a Boiler at Gliicnoo. PROPERTY LOSS IS GREAT No Cause Has Yet Been Discovered for Chicago Disaster Search for Dead Bodies Comes to an Abrupt Ending, Because of a Dispute Be tween Piiemen nnd Police. Dy Uu'livire Wire from The AssoilaleJ Press. Chicago, March 11. By the explo sion of a boiler In the Dorointis laun dry, 453 West Madison street, this morning, eight people were Instantly killed and several nro missing. Th list of fatalities is as follows: Frank Ilainielln, Martha Jncobl, llessle K11-t-aba, Kate Voss, Catherine Kelly, George Plehl, .Ihnnut Sabrttskl, Min nie Olsen, Other bodies are believed to bo in the ruins, Tho cause of the explosion has not been determined with nccuracy as yet, and It will probably require an of ficial investigation to settle the mat ter. Pending the vrdlet of tho cor oner's jury A. L. Uoremus. the pro prietor or the laundry, Is held In cus tody by the police. The search for bodies came to a sud den end early In the afternoon nnd the work of rescue was entirely aban doned, because of a dispute between tho llremcn and police as to who was responsible for the lccovery of the bodies whleh might be concealed be neath the debris. The firemen said they had performed their whole duty, and retired from the ncene, The police said It was not. tiieir work to dig for bodies, and nobody else volunteered to do the ivork. While the firemen and Police were fighting and explaining their respective sides. Itulldlng lnspectvtr Klelbassa sent a deputy to the sceti of the catas trophe and notice was sent, to Jaekson Bros., agents for tho property, to Im mediately begin the work of pulling down the- walls nnd dealing away the debris. Jackson Pros, were given two hours to comply -with th" order. Tho real estate firm soon had a number of wreckers at the ruins, and the work ot pulling down the walls wan Immedi ately begun. This operation made It Impossible to continue the s-carch for bodies, but the work may be resumed tomorrow. TESTIMONIAL TO THE LATE SENATOR MAGEE A Minute Adopted by the Officers of the Pennsylvania State League of Republican Clubs. Dy Inclusive Wire from The Associated I'rcu. Philadelphia, March 11. Tho ofMeers ot the Pennsylvania State League ot Hepublican clubs, In session today, adopted the following minute: "In tho death of the Hon Christo pher L. Magee. of Pittsburg, the State League of Hepublican clubs loses a warm and devoted member. Mr. Ma gee was one of those men In politics who stood fearlessly for that which he believed to bo to tho best Interests of the party, ttnd that which he held to be right. He was broad and gener ous In his treatment of thoso with whom he came In contact, and tlicro was nothing In his coirfposltlon which manifested Itself In petty revenge. Ho was a broad-vlowed Uepubllcan, con cerning whom even thoso who opposed him In politics have naught but the good to say." It was further resolved that this ex pression of regret for Mr. Magee be forwarded to his widow ns a mark of tho league's affection for the man. GOVERNOR'S APPOINTMENTS. Dy Exclusive Win from The Associated Tress. Harrbburir, I'.i., Mardi 11. Tho rjovernor sent to the fcnitc tonight the name of S. 1). 1'oley to be aldinnan for the Third ward of llradford, site C. C. Donohne, deceased, losetvo tint 11 the rust Monday of May, P.iOl. 'iho nomination was confirmed. The coventor alio sent to the senate the names ot the following gentlemen lo be trusters of tho hutc Hospital for tho Insane at Danville, for the turn of tlurn years: Jamei Scailet, Danville; William K. Uolloway, Danville i fountain W. Crlder, llellcfoutc; 11. II. Petwellcr, Williams port! Olln P. Harvey, Wllkcs-llirre; Howard l.yon, Willlannport; Monroo II, Ktilp, ShamoMnj Chailes Utaltant. Panviuc; w. ii. tiouger, nan viae. Bryan Visits New Yotk. Dy KicImIvo Wire from Tho Associated Press. New York, Mardi 11. William J. llryan, Dem orrntte candldalo for the presidency at tho la.it r.illoinl election, accompanied by Dr. .1. II. (llidner and CoiiBicsnuau buler, called on Major Van Wyek at tlio mayor' office) hi tlio city hall today. Mr. Iltvan said lib. visit vva.s a permnal ono and that ho did not talk polities with Mr, Van Wyck, Thieves Wreck a Bank. Goccltl to th Scranton Tribune. Holtday.burc, Pa., March II. The llcllwood Deposit bank, at Udlwood, this county, was en tered by thieves list night. The safe was wrecked by iljnamlte. The hock of tho explo.lon bioUe ail the plate glavs in the block In which the bank lit located. The thieves escaped with about tViOO in currency. The building was damaged to tho fitint of about one thousand dollars. Dinner Postponed. Dy Inclusive Wlro from The" Avodalfd rie&s, lltirUbiiru;, March II. (Jovenior Stone left ot 1 o'clock for litUbure to attend tho funsral ol SonaUr C. Ii. Masco. Didrir to thi uoveni. oi' ulwcnee the dinner to base bern Blien to the Superior couit tomonow evening til the ccceutlio man.lpti has been postponed iinlll Wednesday. THE NEWS THIS MORMNU. Weather Indications Today. fAlffJ COLDER. 1 General Slate Leglslitnie Honort Marjee, 1,'DRlanil IteJccU the Amended llar-l'imiccfota Tieaty. ' Kx-llutKlicr Aldlnif tho Prlllch In Africa, l'atal Dxplotloti In a Chlcartn Laundry. 2 (Jeneral Carbondalo Department. 2 T.ocal N'ew Trial Ordered In the Puflln Vit. l'resldent !lbbons' Appointments. 4 lMilorlal. Koto and Comment. 5 fxical Dramatic Suicide of fhailtt Kooni. Democrats Looklna; for Mayoralty Candidal?. 0 Local West Scranton and Suburban. 7 Cenrral S'oifheaaletn Pennsylvania. Financial and Commercial. 8 Loeat Mciwirie ol fliirgeti fluischeU, ot Pun- moie. I iho Newt of the Industrial World. COLLAPSE OF THE INSURRECTION General MacArthur Reports the Sur render of One of tho Most Ob stinate Territories in the Philippines. Dy Ktduslie Wire from The AwocUtcd Press. Washington, March ll. The follow ing cablegram has been received from General MacArthur at Manila: "General Marian Pe Dlos. four offi cers, 57 men. uniformed and armed, surrendered at Nale. This Is regarifeel as very Important, and Indicating col lapse ot tho Insurrection, the tertitoiy heretofore obstinately defended. Con ditions throughout tho entire archi pelago very encouraging captures, surrenders of arms continue 3.1 18 arms surrendered and captured since January 1st. (Slgncel) "Mac rihur." CONGER LEAVES PEKIN. The United States Minister Will En ter Upon His Sixty Days Vaca tion Mr. Rockhill in Charge. Hy i'.diudvr Wire fiom The Associated Press. Washington, March 11. A cablegram received at the state department to day announced the departure! of Min ister Conger fiom Pekln this morning en route to the Fnlted States, ills sixty days' leave of ansence wilt begin when ho reaches San Francisco. Mr. Conger's message was as follows: Pekin, March 11. I leavp Pdihi today for America. Itockblll ia left In charge. fSigned) Conger. Thus It appeals clearly that Mr. Rockhill Is not In any sense a suc cessor to Mr. Conger as United States minister at Pekln at this time, but simply a special commissioner, limited In his functions to tho negotiations with tho Chinese government and tho other ministers for a settlement of tho troubles growing out of tho Hoxer up rising. THE INJUNCTION ISSUED. Supreme Court Reverses Lower Court iu Case of O'Mnlley vs. Olyphant. Tho Supremo court In an opinion handed down yesterday. In the case of C, P, O'Malley versus Horoueh of Oly phant, reversed the lower court. At torney C. P. O'Malley, of this city, who Is a taxpayer In Olyphant, petitioned court for nn injunction restraining tho authorities of tho borough from pay ing any money to Flauaghan & O'Horo, sewep contractors. Ho contended that the contract pro viding for the saddling of part of tho cost of construction of the sewer on tho borough was Illegal, as tho hitter's indebtedness had already exceeded tho limit fixed by law. The lower e:ourt refused to grant the Injunction, and tho case was appeuled, The Supremo court decrees that an Injunction be Issued by the court be low restraining the burgess, town council and treasurer ot the borough from Issuing any warrants and mak ing any payments to tTnnughan At O'Horo, or their assignees, for or on account of the consttuctlon of tho sewer in question. The eo.sis ate equally divided between tho borough and Flatiagluiii O'Horo. In the construction of a sewer In the First Sewer district of the borough of Olyphant, O'Mulley's common pleas appeal, a case which was a side Issue to tho other, the Judgment of the lower court Is alllrmcd. EARLY MORNING FIRE. B. Atlas' Store, on Market Street, Completely Gutted. lire early this morning elestroyed th gioceiy (.tore of II. Allan at 117 West Market sheet. At 2.SI) o'clock tho tlaincs were Mill raging. Tho flie broko out about I.S0 o'clock and an alarm was sent Iu from bos: 71, at Market stieet und North Main avenue. 'i lie North Scranton cotnpanltj responded and found the building, n latgc two-story Ktiucturc, was already wrapped In flame. After an hour' work tho llremcn still had tho blaze confined to tho building and practically under control. Ily that tlmo tho interior was, however, com pletely gutted and tho entire Mock was mined, and the two-story frame building nest eloor threatened, The building wat owned by the Os tcrhuut citato, and the total Iom to dock and structure will amour. t to several thousand dol lars. The origin of the llro It not known. PHILADELPHIA WALKING RACE, By Inclusive Wire from The Associated Press. Philadelphia, Mardi 11. Mct of iho contest ants in the Mx-day go-at-you-please walking race, which began at 1S.30 o'clock thlt morning, wcrn iu good rendition at midnight, and much ground lias been covered. A fair died crowd was In attendance during the day and night. Mtrtiu Iloran, Ceoige Martin, .lames Craham and Prter (Jolden r'ellrrd, the former on account r.f a sprained ankle. At U o'clock the icoio ot tho llrst ten men was a follows: Hegcltman, 111-11: Had. 11'.'; Cilvek, 111-:); llovvarth. 110-2: Dean, 110; Civanauzli, 107-1; Dime, fuJ-Ti Clif ford, FO-15: HcTacr-i 77'i Tracy, 77-1. THE TREATY REJECTED EnoluiHl is Unable to Accent tho Senate Ghanoes in the Hau- Panncclote Convention. CANAL BUSINESS CLOSED The British Government Expresses Regret That the United States Hna Taken Such Course, but Offers No Alternative Secretary Hay Notl iies the President It Is Believed That the Instructions Have Been in the Hands of Lord Patmcefoto for Several Days. Dy Eiicluslie Wire from The Vvsoditrd Pre.ss. Washlngton.March 11. Lord Paunce foto today submitted to Secretary Hay his Instructions fiom Lord Lansdowno respecting the llay-Pauneefote treaty. The document practically closes nego tiations with (Jrcat Britain ou the sub ject of the Nlcaraguan canal. Tho Piitlsh government says It cannot ac cent the senate amendments to thu treaty, and expresses itsgrct that tho United States has taken that course. Xn alternative, however, Is offered. Secretnry Hay Immediately took thu lhitlsli note to the president. It Is believed the Instructions huvu been In the possession of lViid Paunce fote: for several elays. and that Seetc tary Hay had tioiitiired a general knowledge of their character. 'liv; ambassador i-iimo to the slate denart ment today by appointment. Ho and the secretary were closeted for half an hour. At the' conclusion of tho confer ence the substance or the Instructions! were made public, as above, and It. was added that If there Is to be any further attempt to amend tbe Clayton-Hulwor treaty, &o as to nuthoii7.o the United States to construct a wulcrivuy nerosn the isthmus, then it Is Tor the Culled States to make the overture. The. Brit ish government drops the matter at this point. The Impression prevails that there will be no immediate action looking toward the negotiation ot a new trenty. No opportunity was offered this af ternoon for a. conference between tho president and Secretary Hay respect ing the British answer, therefore It cannot bo Hinted what action. If any', will bo takert by our government. It is stated that there Is no hurry, oven in the event that It shall be eleclded to Invito Great Ilrltaiu to Join In fresh negotiations as to an isthmian canal, congress not being In session to com elder a treaty It one should bo framed. The belief seems to bo warranted that there will be no further negotia tions on the subject in the Immediate future, unless some event not now foreseen by the olllclols causes a radi cal change In the situation. For the present the text of the llrit ish answer will bo withheld from pub lication on this side of the water at least, though it is said that nfter the president has thoroughly considered tho matter, some general statement, may bo made as to the points devel oped. The Reply Is Friendly. Tho lhitlsli answer Is quite long, a.t such documents go. and would make about two newspaper columns. Tim tone of the reply Is distinctly friendly throughout, particularly so In the con cluding assurances of good will and a desire to co-operate In the realization of this undertaking. Although the text Is -withheld, It Is understood that tho answer takes up each of the threu amendments made by the senate and presents tlio dllllcullles In the way nC assenting to them. As to the amend ment which struck out all that liaus't of the treaty Inviting other maritime, nations to concur In tho neutralizing of thu canal, tho Hiitlsh view Is that while the United StattH and Oreat Britain can bind themselves by treaty to neutrallz.1 the canal, they cannot make this iiiilon binding on all other governments, unless these govern ments concur. As to the entire abrogation of th't tiayton-Huliver treaty, a:t provided by one of tho senate amendments, it ap pears, to bo the UrltlKh view that fciu-li a step Is too far leaching to be taken without some negotiation In which thu Hritish side e.f tho ens Is presumed. Tho so-called David nmti'lmeut ap peals, however, to t'e tli chief ob stacle in the way of nn agreenteiK, and whlli) ih 9 Urlllish answer makes no suggestion of p.uy further negotia tion, It seems to bo a fair Inference; from Its general tenor that If a modi fication of this amendment could bo secured, there probably could ho nn adjustment on the other points ot thu treaty. Tho heading also makes plain that while It does not make counter propo sitions, or propose further action, yet It does not preclude such nctlon by laying down n courso which will be ad hered to without tho slightest diver sion. On the contrary the answer takes Iho form of an agreement tending to show that tho aincndmer.lH proposed by the senato do not fairly consider tho various Hiitlsh interests Involved, nnd thut for Unit reason they cannot bo accepted hi tho form presented. There Is nothing peremptory In tho tone of tho answer. The Hay-Pnuncefnto negotiations have been In progress something over two years, and owing to tho great In terests involved they have constituted tho chief International question at Is. sue boforo tho slate department. -f WEATHER FORECAST. 4- W'aihlngton, )I.urh ll.-Vorecaat for Tuesday and Wednesday : I'nr eastern Pennsylvania fair and somewhat colder Tuesday; brisk to hlgli norlhwederly winds illmliildilny, Wrilnosiliy lair. t-ft-r-f-ff-ri -r-ri-t tt Uf-stm' . .