. i 3 THE SCRAXTON TRIBUNE-MOND AY, MARCH 11, 1901.. -' NEWS OF THE LABOR WORLD MEETING OF LACKAWANNA CAR SHOr MEN. Appointed n Committee to Wnlt Upon Master Cnr Builder Canflcld. mid Present Grievances Bulletins Issued by Superintendent Bine, of the Lnckfiwniina Meetlnp of Two Locnl Unions of Cnrpentert Pres ent Condition of the Anthrnclto Cofll Trndc Lntirol Bun Mine Is to Resume Operations. , romiiilttcv rioni the '' HtilltleiR' union will wait iion Miihter far Hulld .r I.. T. (.'anlleld, nf llio lai'lnwaic. Lackawanna nmt WVMern llallroml iMjiiiuny this moniliiB and ask for th" irlnstiitprnriu of tliipo omplnypv of Hi" l.itckiiwaiitin, elio. Other wlfVunceH will ali bo )i'-t'iilcd. A inn-tliiir uiix h"li! In faniontci lull! ypHtrulay iiioriilni;. which was at tended ly about lour iiui'iimi ini'iu"'. of tin- union, and It wan drcldcd by a practically ttuaiilmoitx vote to fend .1 roiumlltuo to the mauler 'iir btdldcr. Tho rommlttHP -il'ftMl to 1 otifcr with Air. tMnllplil oiiRlKtn of ipprp .fiititl"e1 110111 i-urli or Hip l.iu'Uu wanna simp--, iwn ri.iployeil ul all grades of work. M'Iip dl'satl-factlun wlddi has i suited In the action talcrn In appoint lap u rommllti'i' lias boon Keneralcd ptlni'lpallv JurlliS Hip lii-t few wpoUk. Tho prcM-nt union iw lonned iiliott a month im. and InclndoH many of the nienibois nl a 1'oimcr ninaiilztitlim nl thp Mini. IntPievt In which Iiibj-viI en Kicatly that 11 Dually bccanic disor ganized. Thp ntllmia or 1lie ha union i lalm that It has lx'i'ii dlM-rlniti.ated iik.iIiiiI by tin' company, and ate also dlcat-i-tled with a number of foremen . The committee will piobably wait upon Mr. t'anfleld this mornlns-. The latter win In Huffiilo last week, and 1,-if.l night told n Tilbune men that he knew midline- of the tll'missala ob jected to. but would luvcstlRiite them. Official Lackawanna Bulletins. The following bulletins! to Lacka wanna railroad conductors and train men have been Issued by Division Superintendent IMwln M. Klne: 1..(KA.S SIM'.flAI. TltMV. I'.IVCHCII' ('(ilduelul: -..(rial I Mill ttlll Ik I'm Iipiii llotwkrn to llnlUln .mil irliirn, lciuni: lluliukra en the l'.lli inl. 'Ilil t tain I. for Ilir :n t oinmoil iticm of tmi.iti' "it". I'1 "vhnni invitation luip Ixvii inl, nn.t U.ir.-pnitjtlon taunl will to apMiJlly lurpjuil. It will lie tin t..iry for nepipf r men H injc nt main line Milium, vlilrh orr not Mimwi n in for llii train, or llxlntr. on Ilir .liflereiit lnil(liii. In like l"(.il tHiito tfoinir to h,t pull.l .11 Mlikli ttie ww-p.iir train i w Ixvliilrd ii lop, ami llir-p tickets nro K"od for nidi imi .portiilon, or in the rient nt lioMm not traullns to Ilnft.ilo on the (.ptciil U.iin, the nUl lll lie tsooil iur tranporuilon In I'.ul tflo en .itiy of our rrsnibr trains it iwil prior to iliti if plr.itlon. In aiMltloit to the alime. Ilir- tiiki'ti are sflo.l imtll MjiiIi 20, lor tli letmii (tip. o that ilir) may rctnin troni lliifljl.i on any tulru llicj ilfilte ami the tickets will It good in . irumpottatluii ho'.i.c liorc.ll ilNDI.i(. or t MIS. T. Ml t'oiiccnuil: 'I ho ICiusli liaiidlins of .IcopiiiR and ilinm; iai fttll colitimii?, liuluithttandlnK in-triu -Hum iinitalneil in my bulletin nolirc No. 13n, Ijtcd IK' inber 11. Vol. which i ici'swd lull" llh for Miur liifoiiiialinn: 'Itopuri.s ot ioiicIi handlin; mid ilanusr 10 dlrrplns and dinln; ai are u.dcifiti;. Trail, mm mid .anlnuii inu-l rnci.e ureatrr roi.' nhfli It nulling pavenser equiimci.t in "l mct. When Httaihll).- i.ir. to :i ll.iln or roup tins villi 1 in on .1 villus;, and then nime tlnw. ly up to the ciin where loiipliic i to he made. 'I Mi will Hpply .i1m In i.ies where .1 ti.iin i lipltic hacked up to :i touli, Icepcr en ilinln; tui to lie templed on. Td-rffncrr cnii 01 any kind when omipied hou!d i.ot he 1 11L Icose tioni an Ti(;iiie when !uiti Awltihed to .1 siding or in any othei wjj, '(lie rnelnr J1011M not be detaihed until the car w.i lies Hie piopcr place and l lopped.' llio lousli hiiidllny el pa-erRer rqiilpmrnr inu-L be stopped nt once. Any lohtlons ot alioie Instruction wi'l le.nlt in ero diciplin. .ins. M'lwmm: l'lunudiiM'iiic 1 osimikin-. 'lo p.wcnjrfr (undnctoin: iil.titutc photoRiaphic 1 oiiinil-kui No. i.i iM.ed In tacer oi ('. . Jeck, ha Ixon nude KCOil oir llio Pelawaie, Lackawanna and Wtl- mi r.itlipaij PclMien lloLoKcn unci llunalo in iul.lllii.il to the other loadi it i' good on. iilnlitiili pliotograplilc iTiinnlsnion No. I7I, held by Postal (Ink .1, I frctinun, ha. beui madu sooil brtnnn Not lliumbci land and Sci.ni imi, m fir n the P. lawaie, Jjckiwanni and Western lallroad i lonnrnrd, as well in the other loach on wlihli il ii cood, In each ef the uhoio cle prompt arliuii lui nude It neeewiiy to iwiie the eonmiNdoiis without neceviry endoisfmHit liy tho iiio.ldait of l,l eimipanj, a pioihhd in clau-e f, uilc 1J. of tho "ln.triictlun conecrnlni; free tiaiu 1'ortatlen." I'leate be Koiuned accoidinsly and aiccpt thcto coininUiioru. wlien piecnled. TKI.VC U), J'liOM TIIAINS To All Coiicetmd: lliuliie ..ieie weather It l nl time nei ri-.i 1 v for rnsiiioiueii to take coal fioui nu in their train, or can on side tuck at Matlon, h.r mo on their eiiiiine tendei. Midi eouifo tint.t lint ho pursued eieept'vlieii ahvnlutely neifvuiy, and In such ra-ej iaii, thould be taken 1,0 far a practlcalilo to take sueh coal fnmi can loob id with company lu.l, and in .iddilion lo send. ins leeulai coal tickrt to the ku.eilntindciit TO PREVENT HEADACHES. Headaches Can Be Pi evented If the Flist Symptoms Are Properly Tieated. Theie In not tin? hllKbleHt ueccftsiiy for anyone to Buffer from Headache. Dr. Kkiuhp, tho flcrman court phl clan, many yearn iiro wrote n famous prescription and .said to bis patient: "My fee Is largo but the remedy Is worth more than you pay for it." If you will take this medicine when you ted a headache comltifr on you will never have another one. The patient win cured nnd with hla permission Kruuse'a Headache Capsules were pre pared fiom this t-amc prescription, and put on tin! market. TliU remedy is a puicly vegetable " preparation prepaicd in 1.0ft. soluble selallne capsules which are etislly dl xolved by the warmth and ilulds of the httimach. They are absolutely free fiom any imbalance that could hann the moat delicate pci'on. They aro Kuatatitccd to cure XcrvotiH Jlead i'tlic, Ithoumatlo or NeuralKle Hcad 111 lie. Malarial llcadachu and all Head in lie8 caused from dlRcstlvo disorders or fiom oer IndulKeuco In any kluda of food or drink, They euro quickly and leave the head clear and cool, Krauce's Ucadacho Capxulos aie sold on a Ruat fillet to cine oi'iiioney re funded. 1'ilce :'.' centH a box, at ill us Btoies, wwwmmMfflmwmm wwwwwwwywywwwwyvyywwvyv I Clearance Sale 4S 'j Duiing this sale of single sets and ends or open stock S rlitr tfi"!. ttfrt or a Some a little more, others still less. Think of buying a 12-inch open work China Dish for 75c. But this is only one instance of many others. 100 piece, Pink Decoration, Porcelain Dinner Set, worth 8.00: sale j C AA 112 piece, Pink Decoration, Porcelain Dinner Set, worth $9,50; sale 7 Cf price ' OU 100 piece, Pink Decoration, Semi-Vitrious Set, worth $12.00; sale Q AA 'an mice 35 113 piece, Pink Decoration, Haviland & Co.'s French China, worth "C AA 55.00: sale price DjJ 3 Decorated Lamps, with 9 inch globe to match 1.50 5 Decorated Lamps, with 7 inch globe to match 1.00 Cerese or Ruby Lamp, with 10 inch globe, central draft burner 5.00 3 Hanging Lamps, Hall Lights, Chandeliers, Brackets, etc. 1 ROGERS' SILVERWARE. Triple Plated Knives, for set Forks, for set of six Ten Snonns. fori set of six 3 Dessert Spoons, set of six Table Spoons, set of six Decorated China Chop Dishes Decorated China Berry Sets, 1 large dish and 6 small rrx-nrofirl Pliini ,i nio'n Too no!c cnrr-ir -room ennnn .-T-" IV.VWIIIC.V1 ....., 4 Lyiv, t.14 .- . . Jm Niitiz-M nniH l .ormon 1 ic-iicii ciuu wici iiiuii iiiiiu cikcc jiiuuiu nave uct.11 licit, lut nuvcuiuti Ifl g( Christmas trade, as well as a bulk carload of Domestic Tea, Dinner and Toilet Ware, 2 are about to arrive and we MUST HAVE ROOM. The above prices are good only for week commencing Monday, flarch 11th. t China "5b p of motive 'loucr iiorr Ji"l nuc'iineri, tlimciis; amciint Liken .is wit m c.m I"- rHinitcl. nmnlicr ami initial ol di ntul station jt wlncli Ilir coal i taken; urilun lepott to Mine ci ted miikI bo nunc to the iiicrintcliilriit nt llio illmlon at tho inn", ti.r 110 in clin Uliis up ugalixt t.lioiti;p. rrpo'toil liv. coal ilrpailiiniit ("ifiioili IMwin M. ltitio. Snporliiicinli'iit Meetlnp of Carpentcis. 'I'lie members of tlu two local union of tlie Urotliorliooil of I'.iipentorH ami Joiners, fondurtnl a in.is inepllntr In C'arpoiilprs' liaH on Saturday hIkIU anil cllscussccl In a Rouerul way tlio scttlc ihpiiI of tho sttlko wlilrh 1ms boon poncllns tor tin iiast two yiars. Aildieic,R wore mndo by Kioil Uil clicr. of tlie rnllod MIiip "Walkers. All'ivil lionlcy. .Mollicr Mary .lonos and Contractor r. T. Bol.md. Mr. Ho land, wtwi was om of tlie ilil con tractors to i-IkU tilt mmIo piescntrd by tlio carpfiilors. uikoiI thai llio botli sides RPt tofiethcr and ngrec to mu tual roncpyislons. Povoral couforonoos between llio contractors and the men have been hold within the past lew weeks. ji ius, AirUnaclte Coal Trade. March Is furnlshlns: excellent weather from the coat man's point of view, ami the activity of the anthra cite trade shows no falling off. Small dealeif. who do not like to carry coal over the summer, are apt to hae low supplies by till time of the year, and consequently a cold nnd windy March brings out a lot of small orders. Tr.iile in the west is generally bilsk. Supplies on docks at the head of the Lakes are fast approaching the van ishing point. Nut coal Is about all gone. Consumers at Minneapolis are dependent on all-iall shipment. In Chicago tenltory business is good. AH rail coal Is coining In freely, but the movement to consumers equals re ceipts. Supplies on docks decrease and will be very low by the opening of navigation. Along the lower hikes, wlieie the snowfall this winter has been veiy heavy, coal Is In strong de mand. The movement to Canadian points Is unusually heavy. At Inland points In the east and along tin sea bo.u il the market Uncinates as the thermometer rises nnd falls. Buyers at Hoston arc not likely to lay In larger supplies so late In the winter tr they can avoid It. The production of anthracite coal In Vebruaty amounted to l.oas.ooo long tons, which computes with ri.l,V,,400 tons In January and "l.s,lOfl tons In Win miry, 1900. Knglneetlng mid Min ing Journal. A New Industry. A urw Industry Is to be Icvited lust beyond the line dividing the city fiom Ulckson City boiough. It will lie a furniite nmnufactuilng plrnt owned and opetnteel by the iliaif Km nitre company, now located in Kll'.abeth, N. J. (iacige 1). llrouii. tin piei-Mi-nt of lh" Sroen Itlilge I.uiuIk i company, ban been hugely Instrumental lit m'cui Ing the Industry. Me biought the lep riseiuutlves ot the company on here: dilated upon the advantages of Scran tdn ns a manufactuilnr, centie: seeur ed, with lite ulstauce of Secietary Atheiion. ot tho board of trrde. tpcrl.il freight rates, nnd wound up bv nll Ing the fin mice people a site. Architects aie now picpr.ilng nlnn for the construction or the main build ing, whic'i will bo 149x1!:: feet In size. The ill in Mill Invest about $7.'.,000 In the plant, nnd expect to hnvo every thing for occupancy by Juno 1. They will f mploy at the start nbout suventy llve bauds. Today's D., L. & W. Boaitl. The malie-up of today's P., h, and V. board Is as follows: si 11.Y. M.Mii II in UiM lata Kal-! p in., tt II Mallei. 11 p. m . .1 lluli. MONDAY. MUtl II II Wild Citi Call 3 .1. m, M. t.ulclrn. I. M. llallclt' ineni .1 a. in., H. II. Ilaillioliinieu, I. IMiillian'i, niriii b.'M a. in., T. 51c f.irlliv ; 10 a, 1 1. .1. Mm ray, I'. Huiliolumcu'. ineni I p. 111., 0. T. staple; l.li p. in., ('. V. pniin; 'i p. m I,. I.allli'icT, l.ail.ln'. men; b p. 111,, J. II, Mj.trp. MimnilK, Kir. '.' a. 111., not, (j. Juniiitclkoi ; n p, in,, rati, .1. Ilrmilitaii, 7 p. in., rail fiom N) Mil, II. Mahlw. I'.. MiAlliMfi't mens 7 p. iu ot tioni Layima, llirro online., Md.anc; 7 p, 111., rt fiom t'ujiiita, J, tilnle). I'ullei 10 a. in,, I', II, setor. I'u-Iki.- 8 a, in,, lloii'iMi 10 a, in., j. 1'ln, lieil.ij 11. rx) a. m lluian; 7 p. in., Murplii; 'J p. in., l.ampliiiii 10 p. in., A. II, Ituu-c, rtiVAfinrf rvit i"K r( llin tifi-krlrl'c One-Half of Their Worth I ir of six ; 1.50 WW.;, OUUOI , .IVlllllt WWil- ..."..... I nitii thor clirt,ilH nwn Hnart Hall Q.V. 13-1 ,,.. . . . . . waiK in aim uook Aiuna. l'.iwncrr 1 nntiio t ,i tu . 'Iliotnu. i a in., MtiKcr; .",:() p. in. nntnii, ; p. in., McRcnrrn, Wild at Most -I a in,, .lohn Hailor, f. in. .1. II. MiCjlin; I, ,i in, 11. tastnri: T a in.. .1. W. Hi-line; S a. in., l. A llirlliulnmrw, P ,i. in., I". 1 Itngci; 11 a. in.. T. l'ltTpaliic, I p in., i). ILiKgcilj j "J p. in., 1". Malian; :I p. in, Kiiln, II. Po'iott ' men. t p. in. I) IV I liwuM; :. p. in., .1. I". Mi.lcn r. p m, W II. MclioN. Mill! r .1 Kiilns Mill tjl.c lii inn on S a. in. m''1 cat Moiicla,, Hie Mill list. II. ( aler Hill ko mil uitli IN (Klin on So. (11, tin lllli. ( ciidiKlon llneli lli.licitt, I w. Dunn anil William Hoar. i., will n.oit .11 Mipenntcn clMit'd office 10 11. in., Monclii, tlie nth. T, .. .. 1 . ...... ..... ...... ... ,. 1 IMl-lililll rlUl MM ,1111, 'Mill IIOI1IIIC .111. II. Mammy nporls Im duty villi I. liilliiu'i. -a llio leport'. for dulv Willi 11 W. Tllr. Kcialil. This and Thn.t. T.o.al union, Xo. l..::i. I. M. n of A., of Hellevue, will meet this inning at Xovlsky! hall. The committer of inlneis having In charge the arrangements for making a piesontatlon to Organizer Henjaniln James, met In St. David's hall yester day atternoun and heard icports. It Is proposed to raise a fund for the pur chase of a house and lot for James, in lecognltlon of his services. After being Idle since Dec. l'7. the Laurel V.nn mine, at Miner's Mills, will resume wink today. Its workings adjoin the Delaware, which has been on lire for the last four months, and It was closed clown by orders of In spector McDonald, owing to the dan ger of the fire spi ending and tile pres ence of large quantities of the den.dly tiro damp. Four olllolals. who a month ago attempted to Investigate the ex tent of this gas, weir oiercome and only one got out nllve. The gas has now almost dlsappeaiod mid the dan ger Is uol gieal. The employes num ber live bundled. Articles of Incoi poiution were filed this week in the office of the secretary of state for the Now Jersey and Penn sylvania Tower company, with power to duni the Delaware lllver at Helvl deiv and I'hllllpsburg. The capital Is SIOO.,000, The Incorporators are Con gressman Unwind Mutchler and Charles ., Tlcinnilngwny, of Kaston, and II. A. Hemingway, of Uimbeit vllle. Another company styling them selves the Ilocky Falls Power com pany filed articles of Incorporation nt Trenton. This company proposes to build dams acioss the Delawnie at vailous places between Phllllpsburg and Scudder's Falls for tho purpose of distributing power for mauufacluilng purposes. Tho capital stock Is $100,000. THE NEW GRAND SCRIBE. Alexander Edgar, of Philadelphia, Succeeds the Late J. B. Nicholson, (Irand Chief P.iltlaich John A. Flem ing, of the Independent Order ot Odd Follows, has appointed Alexander Ed gar, of Philadelphia, as grand scribe of tho Grand encampment until the 11PM annual session. Mr. Kdgar succeeds the Kile James H. Nicholson, who held the dual otllro of gland secitury of llio Grand lodge and gi.ind scribe of the Grand en campment. These olllces aie no long er to be combined. It being held that the combination has hail the effect ot merging the Interest of both bodlss to such an extent as to subordinate the Importance of the Grand encampment. CORNELIUS DECKER'S FUNERAL Services Conducted Yesterday from His Late Residence. The funeral of Cornelius Decker was held yesterday from his late residence, at 413 Franklin avenue, at 2 o'clock. There was 11 large attendance, big delegations of the Slocum lodge of Odd Fellows nnd Hrotherhood of Hallway Knglneers being piesent. Tlu services wero conducted by Hev. Dr. H. F. V. Pierce, of tho Pcnii Avenue ll.intui church. Interment was made In tho Foiost Hill cemetery. Tho pall-hciircis weie selected from the members of tho Slocum lodge and Hallway KnglncerH' organizations. ELLMAN TAKEN TO THE "FEN." Jacob Kllnun, the deputy constable, who was leceutly found guilty of sub ornation of perjuiy and fenteneed to olgliteen luonlhs lniirlsoument, was takon to the Kastern Penltcnllary Sat urday by SlicilffSfluiilt. S: patterns, as well as sur- 3F t-i-rA Im- fe (. $iZ . $1.50 1.50 75c 1.75 70c 70c l-MiHor 70f UUiWI .......... w . ... . s hal'o. or! i rtifAOihof tM- HILLAR&CO. Wyoming Avenue: ARE WE IN THE KINGDOM 1 oricluucd fiom TaRf 8.1 tioni citlne: that truth nny trlutnpli ocr error; that tj rami; unci opprcnii may no lontter atrlirt nny Inmion lieinc; that uterlinc lioneily may cliaracterlre all l,iliie Iran'actlon.; tint the people nny siilnnlt to rlithteotM law, nnd fee to It that they aie ilfrlitcomly ulmlnlttricil. and that pure and mideflled tcIIrIoii may eM-ijnhere piccall. l'or all this wo pray, and for more thin nil. no praj, hen in aineerlty and truth mo tool, up to Hud, our he.iM'iil.c Father, and saj : "'lliy Unuilom come." nd hcn tint Kingdom comes in all its fulltic.', tlieie lesus Khali iclcjii nlinrVr the nin Does his ucceivo Jnurnr uni; 1111 Klncdom HicUli (10m khoro lo -hoie, 'I ill mofin (,h,ill wax and wane no moie n:i:n 7111: nv. fan 'Iiii,iijii do nii'thlnt; to liavten ine euliiiliff of this UncilonW Ihl l a practle.il netion. Wo j$ i "Spee,l the dav,' hut are vo doing aii'thinc to pcil It? Tint Rrcat and liolj nun, .loiiatlnn I duanN, at: "I had Kie.it lotiRlm; for the advancement of CluUlN kliiRdom in the world, and my (.ecrrt ptajfr' used lo he taKen up, in great pirt, with it. I ied to he oaRPi' Ic, read puhlie new letter", mainly to Me II 1 could not find ume nei facoraldc to the lntiret of relUlon in the orld." Such conduet on the pjrt of lMnanU was trulv t'hrUlian. We all approce it, hut liovv many ol in Imitate it.' How many of u rcircli the puhlie pre-s for this Kind of new-,? How mine of in Klie to thi Mihject a prominent place in our I'll' prapci'? II r are nilijeet nl tlili i;l')rlom King, our l.oui and Saclor, Jeits l lirlct, and if we are lo-al mciiittcr of HU Kingdom, we might he aciice, ctiflgctlc, praierful person., and the inlfiet ot Clirlt' Klns'dom should he our chip) ounce) 11. Jcmi- a. that no nun liav, in; put hU hand t" tho plough, and lonKing hack, i fit for tlie Kingdom of Cod, width means that all piofcviug f'l.iliil.im kliould he ronceerated f'luUtiaiu, and if wo ho consecrated Cliriftiuis wc will he both prajlnj; ami worKIng for Chiicliani. Tho-e who can pleach the gospel with their lipi ought to do il, and all ( hrUtlan-. haie it in their power to pteach the gopel l.j their 11 . lllec'i'd aie the pure In heait, fr llio; t.hall eo (iucl. niched aie the poor In (.piilt, for Ilifils i the Kirgilom of heaven. Wenied are the,' whlcti .no ncruTiittil for ilghtcouine't' nl,e, tor theiu U the Kiiigdom ()( hcacen. Tlioe who aie lahoiing among the heathrn, and who proclaim the i-i'M1"! f tl" Kingdom to ignorant and benighted idolatort, haie told in of their great to, in helug permitted to iiigage In null ( lit 9t HKo nervier. Who Hut ha eer hraid Pp. Dimlap tell the Moiy of Rome of hi inUvlonirv Inuriirya in "-iaiu will cier forget Ida lnirnlng wordi' While men like Ilunlap and Paton and many oilier ilrictrri men and women are lahorjng (or the rtenion of Ond'n Kingdom, and for the salvation o bouIb in foreign landi, tlicw who-r lot i-. rail In Chiii,tian landi should ho equjlly earnest, ami zealous, and rra-rrful, and mibc-ld-ii in their Hue nnd Iihoi". aid if all Ohrl.tlan. khould Hum irt would it not li.uttn th: cnmlna of tho kinsdom" Mill Wi: IV 'I Hi: KINGDOM? nut licioro ( jet into the Lliicjilom of OoJ. Ills Kingdom mu-t he in in. I'nlil that Kingdom it in u Hi win nuke hut lit lie progreM in ptrilual thlnr. llcnco the question: Aio n in the Viugiloiii of (iod? It mod linpoituut. If not, we ought In ponder lhl qucstluii ciy caic full; and pujri full'. 1 he door Into the Kingdom of fiod U open, hut we must enter for otjisohrj, r.iecpt r ho convettcd and become a lit I Ic che drrn jo cm In nn wio enler into the hlngilnin of Cod. , Tliere n'lall in nq vle nier into ilie Kingdom of glory aiij thing Hut detlletli, or tint woikc-tli nliomlnatiou, or that ' miKcth a lie, but only they whoso names arr. UTllttii In the Iinih' book of life, Rome who aie luiclean, nd iinholi, and imtiutliful, hue occaitoually been admitted Into (iod'a i.lb1o kingdom IIU ehurcli hero below hut none t,uHi, nolio who an uuppulteiit, will he admitted Into IIU heat on; Kingdom. Il U a (jloilouj go.pel trnlli that there ic pardon for the penitent though ,such a penitent may hair been Ihr chief of sinner... Hut the klnner who lhei and who diet a h-po. erllr, or tho ilnner who will heed no warning, and wdio rrfur to accept tho salaiatlon wlilcii Jenn t.o freely and no loilngly off cm, ahould not bo auiprUecl It he ii r.Mludrd. from tin) kingdom of slorv. Thou, therefore, who reject the goapel of fhri't, at well an tlwe who falseh piofp It. aHiiint a fearful reponlblllty, f any ucli were here I would beeech lliem', a tliej caluc Ihelr loiiln, to crv to God for mere1, anil look to lll Son the rtrih-rmer of lnneis for labatiou, nel If thry ihould rMl.t thli appeal I would My i "My dear (riend. If jou Mill re (111.0 to rntrr this Kingdom, tlien, iiotAltlit,tixl Ine br t urc of 1 1 It. Hut thr Klnsdom ot fjod ia come nigh unto ; on. PAINEULLY BURNED, M. .1. Tnilnoi'. of .'IS Kniiiict Rtropt wus (.everelj Imineil nbout thu fnro Hiuunlny ru tho Huburluin Klcctilu I.lRht company'd plant, on AVnahln? ton n venue. Trulnor. I.h a foroiiianVind while rleanlnp out tlii rtrh jilt the nmnes of tho fuiniier were blown Into Ms fucr. v ConiiollvSfallac SORANTON'S SHOPPAQ CENTER. SPECIAL EXHIBIT Fine CONNOLLY & HISTORIC Places in Virginia Can be comfortably .mJ easily reached by the Steampn Mil dally eirept Sunday from I'ier "Iffl. Xorth Itncr. loot ol IScaih -urn, Si ViiK, for Old Point Contfori Norfolk Richmond, Ua. and Washington, D. C. Connectini; for All Points south .mi West. Through rickets returning from Washington bv rail or water. Vor full Information apnlj to OLD DOMINION STEAMSHIP CO. 81-85 Beech St., New York. Il.B.W.I.Ki:it.Traf.Mer, J.J.BROW.N.O.P.A. The Dickson Mnnuraeturlng Cu. I crauton nnd Vllkevil,trre, I'Ji Manufaoiuran o: LOCOMOTIVES. STATIONARV HNQINES Uollers. ItolstlnEatid Pumplni Mudilncry. General Office. Scranton, Ta. DR, DEKSTEN Fbjslciau and Suraji 311 Spru53 St. Tmp.e Ccurt Building S0RAN1OH PA. Ml ituU i"l rhroinc tfiu. ol nun, o men ami cluldioii CIIHUMC M.HVOLV. IlltAIN ANU WAsTlSU DISKASKS A Sl'l C lL'l'. All dl-casi'S of Um I.iwr. KIJiicjj, lll.dder. Mln, lllood, Nrnit, Uuinli, Ur, Ui, Note, Throat, ami tunic, C'aiiccit, Tumorn, riles, Uuplur, Holt re, ltlinmullm, Anlim.i, Ctrrli Vaiicccclf, Lo,t Manliowl, Mglitl I'mlMioni. all IVmale Uliii, l.eutorrhoca, ct. , lionnotilira, f-iiihlllli, Blcoil I'oUon, lii.li-tio-tion and joulhful liablt obliterated, hiiruir, lltr, rpll'P, Tar m Mnmarli Mnnns. f .. JAIIKII070NF,. t-prrlfio for t'atjrrli. 'llnct nionllu' treatment only "v.W. Tiljl fice In office CoritultiUon and rxainlratlon frrc. Of. tier houia daily and frunday, S a, in. to 3 p m DR. DENSTEN BUY THE GENUINE SYRUP OF FIGS ... MANUFACTURED BT CALIFORNIA FIO SYRUP CO. nr.NoTi: tiik xamh. rs Prof.Q.F.THEEL,527 sV'-lfil SI I'bl'ifMpliU !'. Umr l.trvk-i hpl.ll.l Ui iarri'1. iiiirr w rmrr y n r i DImmm, iVirtMM 4huH, HtftO-1 rU,Htri9Ui I Hlti. I ftUDiMiiU ifr rbruit (Irfcfetik. HTL.L.-. " -... .' ' .I..-1 a. a T i IkMhlUl-BrlvtrUGrMB7. 8irrbWTrMlktiJ r rma nwi raia iuiiia.iu rarm nririirii a irini ir" vrr miratfti itfiririiTftU4tt tuH iaii ppr DOMINION iL OF. Tailored Suits AND Separate Skirts WALLACE, 4,4...., . .4. ,. . . ,r. 4t Special Rug For one week ouly we I of beautiful high pile ROYAL UTOPIA RUGS Size 9 Feet by 12 Feet. These Rugs are positively the greatest bar- gaius ever offered iu a up-to-date rug. For One Week Only Your Choice Fifty Patterns $25.00, $25.00. $25.00. We Will Reserve iiomls Until You Want Tiicm. ? W ILLIAflS & flcANULTY 129 Wyoming Avenue THE SIC POWDER CO. Booms 1 and2, Com'ith B'i'd'. BOBANTON, Pai. Hining and Blasting POWDER Mf at Mooilo and RuibJal Worlti. LAFLIN RAND POWDBR CO.'S ORANOE OUN POWDER Beetrlo llaturle . Eleotrlo KiploJar. zplodlas blaiti, .Infoly I'm ital Repauno Chemical Co.'s limit BXPLO.IVCB t Manufacturers ir OLD STOCK PILSNER 436 to-455 CfDAMTflM N. Ninth Streat, ObllHll I U11, Telephone Call. 3333. ills si Lager Beer Brewery TODAY AND TUESDAY.... 127 AND 129 WASHINGTON AVENUE TTT-rTTTTVTT,rrr'rrT t . Sale offer a limited number 4 high class, well made, t 1901 BICYCLES New models now in. Spaldings,Cleve. lands, Ivei: Johnson and Crescents. No better selection ever made. Call and see them. They're beau ties. 211 Washington Ave. HENRY BEL1N, JR., General Agent for tha Vt'jomln; DiittlU for DUPONT'S POWDER. Ulnlnf, Pltttlnr, f-rortlnr, Fmolitlfai and tb Itepauno Chemical C'orapini High Explosives. Eafel Futf, Capi and Eiploden floom 451 Coa Dell Dulldln;, tuinton. Auu.scmsi 71103. lOHP PilHtoi JOHN D. t-MITII k SON ri) mouth W. V. UULUQAN JVllkn Barrt H I ! ,.jf ,sj -fWfeJ