THE SCUAXTOX TMI3UNK-MONDAV, HAIKU 11, 100.1. "7 NORTHEASTERN PENNSYLVANIA KACTORVVILLE. ftppcltt lo tlie Sctatitoii Tribune. Fttoryll1o, .Mtireh '.'.--Mr. iiml Mi. ChurlrH Miller, of IMciln, t'u.. wnv plcn'iint vlsltum hero Friday at the hmw of . . Htown. Thv attended llio emu-Pit Friday nlKht. .Mr.. .. la. Wntklns wont t'i Jt-n-'iIiirhvIIIc tiu'tiy. whore blip will hiu-ih nuii" tlni; at the home of her pai Dm hit; thp alwnei! or Mr. and Mis. ('. A SMU ill Washington, 1). ('., til -v liter jiIiipb froze and hum ami Hood ell" tliell hour", diilnc roiihldenlile tluliugo Mr and Mih. ' A. MU Mr. and Mr,i Inlm iteed letMined I mm Wash ington, i). i".. l-'rl'hiy I'VMiliiq: where Ih'.-y had heeli !pc tiding a v.'oi'K. pre sumal'l ! he piweiit at tli" Inatistira tlnii of I'lexldent MfKliih-.v, and theie Is liibt e inie possibility that the imst ottke of this plaee for the next four ran hud J nit a thlni? or two to do with ihr tilp. TIk lalfie dwelling Lnlli-p on the fin mi known n tln t'h"."".''!- Wall farm, nhoiu one ai'd one-hulf mlle east of thH t hoi. wi totally destioycd hy Hie Imm T'Hir.-ihiy. Th" houxe was oe i npei h the tenant, rharlpfl Hale. Neail li of the household goods were s.ivr.l Th'' the still leil 111 the roof, nnd it i.t ihoimht stalled fiom a defective illinium in e.iie. Thursdav evening's conceit and so- ml horn- of the Musical Alliance was i most eiioyiilde one. It was one of thnie iiini"-llk Inl'oi mill itffnIiK which cn 'lie -nys. such as cm only he I mi ii i inii-li-nl alliance. Friday i-riiitia ilo-rd a very niccessful Inter i iriii, - -sloii of the alliance. A r?ond iuihi'1, us present ti. listen to a i wfi iv pi'paied proKranune of hlsh mss miide, which lui.l heen erianKed 1i ( inductor Manchester. Much dH- ppoiii nient was maultchteil when I' a iiuiiiuiiied that the soloist, Miss 1 1 t Hall, on account of Illness, i oilld In ire(iit. one of Miss llnll'H l'umlir- on the pioftiamino va vety oiilt llllrl hy MI'S Ui-wi'llyil Shields, o XKhoh'oi'. who sanp hi her ehnrni- il, manlier "The Hum (f the ltees." 'I'll. sIiirIii of the male uimrtette was i i .itnic of the eitiihiK, and was ilh"Oi a dnuht the be-1 ever heard n tins iimn. wlih the exception of 'i i Kisl;. .Inhlleo Miicr-i.-"' male tiinr- tic The fhoiiiR woih wis verv good. spei irilly one of tin Ir renditions, u inn -ntu-. entitled "nuybrc-iil:." hy yiI v lili li was i xeceilluply well I 011 i d Fi-IIuwIiir Is tin programme of I i lax iiii'hl'.s concert. othei,i. "ttejoiir- (iie,itl." Wood v iid. i holr; male piarleite, "Snlliiif?." "Milks. Jle-srs. Spencer. Hall. Shield? nnd Marsh: thorns', "Country Pance," T)i Koven. choir: smier. "The Watcher," lil'el. Mi Urwellyn J., ldelds- an ihfin "Sweet Is Thy Meiey," I'.ainby, chu'i. solo and choiiiK, "Babylon," AValM ii-N'evln. Mr. IJewellyn N". Shi Mils and choir; riunitotte, ladles' miIcm". "Annie Laurie," MNfos- Spencer, ivifiiiau, Mathewson and Mis. flnril lift, pait sons:. "Dayh-Qiih," (..nui, choir sfiiff. seleettd. Mis. Llewellyn Shieli': i hoi us. "Hv Mali) ton's Wave," i.oiiuo.l. eholi : trli . ladles' voices, "In nui Madrid," Tmtero, Ladles of Hi Mil. nice eboh : pait sour, "Night, 7.eel Night," IteiRei, choh : antheni, 'KIiik of KIiirs." Simper, Mes!. A. 1 o Thayer. In II. Miller and choir. Tie sni . uf Hip Kneial store fonuer 'v ownnu by r. Malhew.Min wis m unuii.iKd one il;iy tins t'eek. and the own now Is Mr. CJ. I-" Walton, of Fori "iit. who I'm a minion of yeai has b x tonuertid with the well known ni of shiipsoti & Wntklns M- Walton !s a man of wide ixperl- iir .i: ihe mennutllc laislnts, and win we hope, make a nieeess heie. l''x-l'ostm.iyter Sherrj Tavlor. who has hem up county lecnpeiatlnc; for his hcilt'i. has returned home. smiii om r-anxlous set Ihe of a tnnin Ins ( at. mporary this morning stated 'he ml' of the Lindsay propel ty on Mein si,.(-i bad been made to a Mr Sw,m of Mill I'lty but such Ik not the i heen news. sold, The pi'jperly has nut et legardless "f the bit uf BRADFORD COUNTY. fpfilil to tli Scr.inlon Trllmnc Towandn. March S, The ladles of Athens have organized it hivncli of the (itholle UeiKlH Association. Oscar Ilcnnclt, of Ni'rtli TowniMn. while iiimiliiB a slnlk tuttoiv hnd thre lingers of hi." rlqht hand cut off, he sides other Injuries on the wilst. At a nu-othiK of the borough eonno'l M. K. Miller was elected chief of po lice nnd V. II. I.enodlcl and ,T, W. Allen nlaht onieeis. Jacob A1I"S was rlioi"n load commissioner; H k, null, siirxeyor: W. K. Lane, attorney: V.. II. Podne, tteasurer. The tax rate wns fl"d at seven and one-half mills, Un same us last yeai . A I'fty-year franchise has bech Kianted the Valley Telephone; com pany by the hoiouijh council of Sayre. It Is now expected that a syndicate will ci ntrol the water system rf Troy A conference was held here this week hy pi eminent I're.shyteilan min isters, being one of a series of meet ings to enlist new missionaries. Ad di esses on the subject ol missionary wotk were made by Dr. A. M. Hal soy, of New York. D. L V. Uiinlap, of Slnm. and otheis. The llkcs-llarre pa.-.seng"r train on the Bowman's Cioek branch met with fi po-Millar nccldcnt near Lopez a few nights ago. The truck of n coach left tin track nnd the whole ualn was shaken up, but luckily no serious In jury lesulted Itleht lWercnd W. M l!al:er. D. O, who has lust died In Tneoma, AVash Ington, wi.s horn In Washington forty, seven ye.ns ago. Coh.nel Kdwnid Ovlnton Is recover ing froir e seven- attack of pneu-inoi-Li. A gentlemen's (hiving chib has been organized In Towanda with the fol lowing oIIIcoif: I'icsldeiit. Dr. C. ' S. Means; secretin y. T. Kuykendall, Ir.: treasurer. .1. It. Myer. Tracks, build ings and other neeessaih s an to b added on their present grounds In Towandn. The sunjeet of rehulldliig the nnll mill for the third time by the Cind tharler of Wntertown a being dls tlissvl by the local press. .1. f!. Sioiitcii. editor of the Sullivan I'ounty tlernld, has Just heen nualn convicted of criminal libel with a leconimeudatloii tn the mercy of the com i. William andei pool r.ged twenty three, and Miss Marg.rel Heena'n. aged sixty-hve, hae entered the mat rimonial 'Ife together. John Kane, of Sayie. has been ar tested on the charge of hi caking Into a Lehlg Valley car and s'ealing goods m . SUSQUEHANNA. f-l.lcUl to tic SirJiiton Tl il.nt.r- Susquehanna. March 10. Horn, to Mr. and 51 it. K J, Divver. or Kim sticet, a daughter. Dr. Goodwill letuined liimie today fiom New Yoik city. The peisoual piopeit of the Tana van estate will be sold on Satuiday. The Urle will boom Lake Ailel," the pietty summer lesorl. more extensively than before. The Junior I'hlistlau Ihule.aoi soci ety of the Presbyteiian chun-h will hold a "photograph social" In the chinch parloi.s on Ftlday evening next. Ldltor and Mrs. H. F. Pride nie ex pected home fiom Yoiingstow n, Ohio, today. Krlf Diaughtsmau Hoivaul Andci-son has taken a position In Cleveland. Ohio. I Theie ate.iheeiy Kile strike rumors whether they aie- title or not. The funeial ot the Infant daughter of 51 r and Mis. A D. Van Antwerp, of the Oakland side, took place on Thursday nftei noon, with Interment In McKune cemetery. Kile Mechanical Engineer Theodore Cut lis hns been summoned to Torre Haute, lndlnna, hy the serious Illness of his father. The Odd Fellows u 111 hold a social In their hall on Wednesday evening next, Congressman C. Fred AVrlght and family have returned home from Washington. On Wednesday evening., Mr, and 5Iis. II. P, Kimball entertained the em ployes of the Sllsiiuehanna steam latiudiy. Iloss Chldester. u popular employ, who Is about to lemove to Le.iterhlro, wns piescntcd with a sum of money, llcnvshiuonttt wete served, nnd the evening was very pleasantly spent. The condition of L, (.'. Ikigmlller. of Pleasapt avenue, who has been sell ously III for more than a yijat, Is some what Improved, Itev. Alexander -llnswoll (hunt. Jr. rector of Ht. Peter's chut eh. Italu- hrldge, N. Y will preach In Christ Kplscopal chinch on Wednesday even ing next. If the Krle strike Is settled soon, theie Mill be considerable building In Susquehanna and Oakland next slim mer. James Kennedy, of Wllkes-Hiiir-" Is the guest ot Susquchnuna friends. James Hope has left for a trip to 5llnnesota, Cohnadu, and other west ern states. Kastor Sleeker, of the Lanesbmo 5lethodlst church, Is holding revival meetings at Stevcis' Point. Much In terest Is manifested. AVOCA. Tlf Independent Order of Heptn sophs will meet this evening The school boaid will meet this een Ing. Itev. J. J. Ciirran will give a tem perance lectute In St. Mary's church tomorrow evening. T. J. Deeble has relumed fiom New York city. Patrick Hums, aged IS yeais. died at the family lesldence In tile North Knd on Filday afternoon after six weeks' Illness from diabetes. Hesldes a wife h" Is survived by four sons and one daughter The funeral took place yesterday afternoon. Interment was made In St. .Mary's cemetery. 51rs. Patrick MeAndrew, of .Main street. Is critically III of paralysis. Nettle, the 7-year-old daughter ot 5tr. and 5lrs. Michael 5IcAndiew, Is critically III of pneumonia. Patilck Cllffonl, who Is undeigolug a tot in of imprisonment in the county Jail for burglarising the depot Is, seri ously III. Helng affected with hip dis ease and now threatened with con sumption. It Is likely some friend will take an interest In him and have him liberated. John, the i:t-cnr-old son of Mr. and .Mis. Kdiuund Hennett. of Vine street, was painfully Injuted while at woik In the Illllsld' bleaker on Saturday morning. While loitering nhout the head of the shaft Ills fool became en tangled In the helling and In a twink ling the entire calf of the leg was torn from the bone. Doctois Watson and M'Mgc worked several hours to put the flesh In position. Ambrose, the S-year-ohl son of Mr. and .Mrs. James Waul. Is seilous. 111 of pneumonia. John Flannel y, Mkhael It.uin, Stew art Ihitton and Daniel Llewellyn will attend the mlueis' comenthm at II.i y.leton tomoriow. The Knights of Columbus will ex emplify the second degree at St. Aloy sius hall. Plttston. this evening. The local members are requested i,, ). piesenl. SICHEL'S "MADONNA." How to Obtain n Platinum Copy 12 1-UxlO 1-2 InSlse Fiee. Theie Is no painting among the mod el n uinstei pieces of nil that appenln so strongly to the heatts of mankind as Slchel's "Madolliui." H Is said no aiiiount of money could buy Hit! origi nal. A platinum copy of this painting 1JB by W-j In size, would cost fiom yi lo M per copy In any Ilrst-clasM picture stoiu In this Uty. hut owing to the llh eial offer of the Nouunii I.lchty Jlan ufiir tiTi-lnff tVinfinny ft will he possible to obtain a op within a few days absolutely free. The Mini re. nitlj sei nred ",o.0n0 copies of this famous palming for fiee distil- I hiitlon. The.v arc 12'i by tO j In size and have no ndvei ithctuents upon them Y npoiit last evening at the homo of his mother-ln-hiw. Mrs. Harriet Walte. 5llss Marthn Davenport, of Madison vllle, Is spending a few days with her rrlend. Mm. Floyd Fesscndcn. 5lrs, S. P. Mitchell, of Olyphunt, Is cm Ing for her mother. Mrs, Han let Walte. Mrs. James Van llorder, of Willi nieis, spent yesleiday at the home of her mutt, .Mrs. Hllza Andiews. Mrs. Frank Watious. of this place, Is vety sick, at the home of her sls tor.Mis. D. llrudy, of Klnulah'. UNI0NDALE. ffdljl ' luf1 sii.mloii Trll.i'lii- rnloiidale, Miiri-h S. It was an en joyable session that was expoiicncd hy Ihe Ladles' Aid society of the Pres byterian church and their friends at the home of Mts. Phllo llunltt last Wednesday. 5lrr. llunltt Is a genial and skilled entertainer, no mutter how huge her company. A number of graded school pupils i spect lo utt'Mid the teacheis Institute at Foiest City, Saturday. The Honesidale 5llnlstciial associa tion met In the MmIuhIIhL Kplscopul i htirch. March I and ,". Nineteen members: were present. The different sessions weie well attended. All the exercises were Interesting nnd profit able. Dr. Van Cleft, of Dunmore, i losed the series of meetings with an able and Intensely Interesting senium, full of gospel. Itronson & Westgate. after closing the Ice hnrvest for some lime, have te opened It. Tile Ladles' Aid society of the Lyon Stieet Methodist Kplscopal church met at the home of Mrs. J. 10. Thomas on Filday I wliatevel So gieat has been the tie niand for them that the company has been compelled to allot a definite num bei to each Hy. The allotment for Scranton Is now on the way here from the publishers, and ns soon ns they have been lecelved. It Is the intention of the NomiMii Llehty Miuiufaetui Ing company to allow one copy, until the supply Is exhausted, absolutely fiee to each pm chaser of one 25-cent box ot Krause's Cold Cine or Krause's Head ache Capsules. This is certainly the most liberal and expensive offer ever made by any manufacturer. In the cities of the east, wheie they have alieady made a illstilbutlon, so great has been the demand for them, that the supply has been exhausted the first day the pietuies were placed on ex hibition. Announcement will be made as soon as the allotment for this city Is ready for dlstilhiitlon. but to make sure of iccelvliig a copy, leave your name and addiess wllh your diugglst at once, as the supply Is limited. H0PB0TT0A1. ,nlll III III VIMIltOII TlilitlliC Hopbottom. .Manli In. Ilev Lewis, pastor of tlie Cnlveitallst, Is ill at Nicholson and was unable to attend the meetings which Itev. Tllllnghast, state superintendent. Is conducting heie. Itev. TllllliRhiiht spoke to a most applet lathe audleiK-e i'liuisdny even ing on the subject of "The Slialghl Way and Ihe Narrow Hate." Sunday afternoon at -t o'clock he spoke on the subject of "The dienter l"nlersallst Church," and in the evening on "Where Shall AVe Spend Kteinlty"" Misses Alta Finn and Sadl-- Sugar attended the euteitnlmuent given nt Klngsiey on Thursday evening. K M Tiffany Joined his wife on Wednesday to spend a few das at the home of Itev. and 51 rs .1. II. Hallou, at Selplo, N. Y. W. K. Urown was in Sciantun on business AVednes'day Tlioie are gentle whlspeilngs of a wedding soon, lo take place. Clyde Hilton has gone to Iowa, where he will icside with his uncle. The gilp victims seem ty be conva lescing geneially. MOLLISTERVILLE. Spi-ilil lo tlie siiaiiton Trilmnr. Holllstei vllle. March !i. -Mis. Aiiiaii da llrowu Is verv sit k. .Mis, ll.tiiM Walte met with a ser lout ncddctil leiently. She slipped on the ice and bioke her hip and true tilled her wilkl. At tills writing Mis. Walte Is In a ei ciilhal i audi tion. Air. James A Sln-eiei. who tiled to tonimlt stiii Me a week ago by shout ing liluis-lf, died at his late lesideno" Ihe liexi iLiv. Iteitha Watrous Is ill of pueumouia. Mis. A. W. Andiewa Is slowly legain lll'f health. Tlie roll of honor In om si hool for tlie month ending Xlau-li .'. Is as fol lows. Mlldied Klllott. Miss flmce Cilles. teachtl. Miss lilies puichascd a new organ for our school this week. 51 r. S. Haiikius. of llliighaiuton, N. HAWLEY. 5h-iIj1 t I lie 'crjiUen Tiltiure llawley, 5Iarch 10, Mls Mni-Raret I.amheit retumed on 5Ionday, after spending some time In tlonesdale. Frank Dunn spent .Mondny In Hones dale. Miss Mary 5Iai shall Is III of grip. Miss Anna P.osenerans visited In Honesdale last week. John Jackson, founeiiy an engineer on the Krle railroad, now of Ohio, was In town last week. On Tuesday morning the home of Otto Heldnilllei, on Ilehnont avenue, wns burned to the ground. 51 rs. John Decker Is III at her home heie. I OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO 0 0 0 2 THEATRICAL, i 0 . 0 1 00000000000000QQ9 tlie follotths well-known prnplri llouce Lent. ItrcKn l(.i:lforcl, Cluilt MjIIh, Mur linn Itnnlca, O. II, 4 Mii"iiliJiii. Ma'ti'i- I a I. It j n. Tfto'4 (Mj-tudl, Ctiiu Main. tntil, IMitli 'Inllrn, h.i Mttljn. SMllr n.l n liniiR Uiinilnn iiiii..iii.v liii linliiii; lir Hcrjlil Siuii nuiilctlt. It Will I iif.iilfil at t,l.e l.)(fiini nrrt Ttiui'ihy piniln,: "White Rata" In Town. Il'itltihih, Willi lo.l.ii in.i 1 1 nee. Iniiir Wf-.'i "l-.tfiitk.Mi I'ltilmy ijs." .i inuipjin it'i.i rnllicl.t In. in (In- l..n Kiionu .i tie "Willie ItJtt," will linM fetlli lit VUlii.-r lli-filiictmri, iljtlch (lii'io-r for llirre Willi il.ill.t iiullneo". tl I only Hi- .lik ut lie t.niili'tillf ,-ii1c lo cm Julii Willi tin- " 1 1 .i I " II l inn. lll ( nil "J" ,lfl. wlillll, In sppllhi. Hie wonl "" li.uknuiih, r.l.iln ilil in i,uiilrjtii,ti. A stirmi; hill will pip.rlil Vi lii-tto iiml Miiii.i(til, Milt Mli li. IM .nui n."' I l.o two LtiLilm, Hocy m.l l,n. I.J 7.lli Mil--ami Mtiiiln, li. Clmi'iii jii.I uUi.'ls Mnuchestet's "Cracker Jacks." Hob laiiilippr (i.ukrr .IjtUa tjlll Jiiiln lie litli. "11 ut t llirt ;lt( il pipil,ir rlilrll Jin infill ln'o.i pimrn lutmul lie . i.eb ut n ilonlit, mill iii,i, i Hi,, ulili' iiuli.iarli."r ef tl.e pii.inri nf hialrrpu .m In ihe ttipnln il.t lit IllO irlnplll. ' In- slum lliia Aril.nll It tipilpiril tirmi i. ji I in hi i-Mii'liing 'lie la Until ami iffirvlilnc 'I lip allow op im Willi ,l li.ilelli ilipaa liliCJI il ol tloutllial irinp.iu,t mi lin.iiil j lln-'nr. kit lirn. In inliiiilo i'i'IjII tin- IiiIpiIi.i nt i'io Isnutlfnl I'rivillla ami ri.llllnl "On Hip I .ill nitir l.itio " Hie iloaitiR liiiiliiu', ,1 aaliic on I In- populn l.iltr, ' 1'i-iii.ilr pMiiniurr. flPjtra n voil, 1 ot l.nml.lri Mailiipna ilol. lifsinnlnc riiiiiib.t, anil run ci-nli.; STAGE NOTES. 'Hip lmip Out 'lliml' .lilf.t' pt' viiill.l nciin llirir s1l,-nlli li.l Ikpii ili.ip.n I. ami now it la rriwitril tl.e ami will pii.tubly neter npiln lie scm hetoie tlie fool HilltK Iter It lietoiiilna; ni"ie a1.mii Iiib i-tery tiny. MUa .1iley wj (onct lo site up tier part hi "san Tut" .almost iwn montlia a,o. 'Hie riiiual,i. ftl.tie of tlie liiniliglit l.e (inn tu (ill iipim lier eyea. Inil slip ulioi-il In lte lip her winl, until liei- ).liyii mn nnleieil liei not to nu a hi. tin- I ia Ihm-ii In .i lark room slim- .mil II - ailil Hie opln iteitu hip mi tteakrneil ii tu iiiuke il!o xi lier lo pter upprir luliinl tlie (i.ntlUlila aju n ll Alili't- wns n siejl LuoiIIp In llil illt. M lttetp-i h.ia jnal pjseil lliioiiiili tin- l,.u k ntplej i mill .it lliimkl.tii, S" V. Ii .ix-i l jii ..'.. .mil lila llatiililiea 'l.'i'l '." Tin laiKtsi (nillloi- ol lleitei ia Mnlii-it I'.im ... Mi ikliitl. I'omli li ll'P o.uifr of tlie ol.l (ille.lni ttirnlcr. of Tliooklin, ,tml ItieMa uui'it Imn TJ.ItKi iml fur ll u-e. Hie liln-in.ii wj lln tjiiae of lleivn' ilotti f .i 11. Up miiim-h fit ll Into a Hindi' luill .mil HLVuhi In il Tlie nel l.tii:ei tiiililoi la William II. W.u-ii, a lilitlrHU- ,11-tnr. ulio nwna .1 Mi nlei at I. inn. Mi. V.Ubli ilalini sVi" liitai.ap IteiMa ill.l not fill an c lig.tga-tni lit il Ike luniae Willi In 'litirlp.ipie t,n. llietPK li.ii n o.n1 klinw known ai M Iteetei' lllir llniltupie Ike loinpait.t, tiowetir. Ileetia .illerfn. la Ike ali-n-lute ptt.pcity of lil wife. To pmlei I liei Iterfi was pionipteil lo lifinnie a li.inkinpl l piea ent lie li In Ike Duplet nl Mi !!-. e ja lit it, agir of ilir tiinleaipte ioin).int S'S.S'V FINANCIAL. rf ifi fsi TODAY'S ATTRACTIONS. M lll.M Imi-Ii'Iii' PuiiiuiU ioiiiuIh Mrflil. (i MI.'M Wii'a -Twintiiili I ennm s,na" M.iilme anil IiIrIiI "111 Sight of St. Paul's." 'Ike KijMime llrtiiii.ttli ininpant, wkii i mule -inli .i lieineii'ltHH 1,11 with tlie iaileinv p.itinna b-l H'.i-i.n, iitnini to tli 1 1 pl.iy Imiw liuljt lo till ,i tith.'.a 'I lie pli.t Ik- iiiin.ih'i.nient li.i- ilrtklel on foi tkr Initial Is tlie iliaini. "In sy.lil nf si. pjitl'a," ,i amy lull of lie Imsl mil ,i pkiy ine I" pk.i'e. Mh. I.iilin.le,m .mil lin-irme Mil, ill lontliiiie as Hie -l.iw or tlii- .HtMlii.llimi. line cpiikilly la itlipii liitw-peii eji h ail uf Ike ati.mi.i. iiionx Ike tatnletille pettoimcii at pm li will kn.iwii pulninim J llalit- I'latr, Hi,, tnnnt; planl-l lirlter known ja tl' "I'nikel Killlk.ii in I'Jileiewal.l," Ike I '. 1,1'Hi-. in l lit Ir uin-.ii I .iiinliitii toiitiily entllleil "I'lin in a t'ltiiiPM' l.anniliv"; 1'ioIi-n.oi- .lol.ii-luti ami Itla wnii. Irldil motlns pit iiiicj.. Imlli (ton, lit" in.iiiiiteKiapli ami iliai!oKinpli; Itarliel Mi., ckiike, kicie .in il Pile ami Itnlli ami Dili, ikllil -ki la. li .a i 1 1 1 mill iiin.ali.ll eiiler(aln"ii I "Justice" Tluirsdnv Nicht. I II,. nut li-.iloiiraina. ".Ii.llu-." In l.n.i M. I' ll, ill tut, i Mi" lill-.l M.tMv.ll. Ike iniijliial i:il-i.n Kill, ill the title lole, is In kit Ike most inntplete .mil s.ill't.iliig play t Im L k n 'lern jiieil tlf 'flit tail V life ill lllflllJ. SllOllaf In II- pinpe-o ami ili.ii.nKt, iliat.hifr. intiicile in pint ami t-Mli-nnlt ilianutie In Its ail ion, 'llii.inas W. Ilttiailkitlil lu- rijuippeil Ike pleie wuli (mil' reli. of hciiiI) fiom Hit iluilkis of It.lin ( iiiiiiiiijliani .in. I pinpcitlei lit Albert nilirR tii.jni; ikone ii(,a'jCil tui tills pioilutliou aic THE MARKETS. is SATURDAY STOCK QUOTaVTIONS. INVESTMENT BONDS. Tlie follo.iiiB qnotaticiii Trilmie tij M. S. ,V Mean littlliliiit,', sraiilrn, I'a lljien- n K. .. Ill .Ijn r Viieili-nii slitu ineiliaii ' Mil, S Ic W. Mill.. To. & s A., T. ,V s. I'.. Pi llini.kbii 'luilio-,1 I ill. k litilo . . Cunt. 1' fllta. A- Olllo .. CMe. A (!. W . . I kit.. It. 7 ... St. Paul Itoik UUl.,1 . ,V lliiikon s(., I'ihIi-uiI Mi el. Pi . Kail, Trl, I'l . finii. a-li . . M.niliiill.tti i:ie . Mel. Tiai-tlon I ,i . Mls-oml I '.it lilt . I'lOple'ia liaa .. . siilltkHIl I'atlfltl . Vol (nil. !c Wei-lelii Nnrlli. I'.n Ilk Willi. IV lik. .. . Out. ,v Wi-I IViiii.i. It. It I'.n Ilk- Mall Itea.lii'K .. Itrailins, I'l Niillniii II. I! iinllipiii II. I!. lVnit. ( . tV lion I' s i.eallirr I', s. ,l,itkll. I'l C. s, Itiillui .. I'liion I'j.iln .. I'liioii l'.nlfn. I'l W.ili.ialt, '- Wcfttin I nlun . aie fiitn'.kf.l Tlie to , iiinmt tii'i T0J 'leliplionc 6tj.i:. Illi-k- t,ot- (I'll- Pal. !..'' a l-i Pi I't ... nl'a .. . 7-". . . IW' . ... I. ... II', .... -"'i ....ll'i'j ...IV.', ..l.'l'i . . . . UV .. im .. . ci1; . .. V.'i .... 'C ....ll'l'i . . .INI ... s-it; ton; .. ti' .. ts-U .... MH . . . sTTi .. 14 11a .. .11'; .. lil'J .... :u'; .... :iPi .... 7li .... -ij;. 77r-a . Vl i:' .... 1, HI . v,i4 . M'i jsii el lll'a Ml .Ma. !llJ4 7'", !': Ill 171- ll'l'a IS I', l.''i H. in; s'H. .v.', ii it"',. IM.'a m I'l till, I', s7' 111 l'-iTi-a :r,i, ;i.' 71 2I' 7' .'I'a li'i I ' s- 'U', . :il, sal. ins al , IJdi ,; it nij 7'a 7s , li", 'Hi. Hi I', ii. i .-; jtii, ". IC'a It."1. IV!', I1"i Uti4 P."i l'.l II" I I'a I'.'a ,S Svt, ,'ii; :.i- 'LP. II' a I I'l ll'l',J lM ll il,7 till III! 10..' i 411 j I'i s'-a ls, s. a, l, 7'i s;:4 III1, 111 .lllj .IJ IVI' I VI', tip, a-,', ,:ta v,i 7" 71 , i .'i 771! 7. , vn, '.I', IJi l-i, 7 I'a 71", s'a l'i mi, n '' s'i , .11'. II Slata of Massachusetts"-Gold 3i City of Proyldeno Gold 5? City of Worcjster 4s Pennsylvania Rd, Cons, Mtge. 6s Pitts. G.C.& St, L Gold 4s &4i? Piiila. & Reading Imp, Mtge. Gold 4s Illinois Central Go'd 3;&4j Beesh Crejk Rd, 1st Mtge-Gold 4s Canada So;il!i3in 1st Mfgi 5s Chic Milwauto & St, Paul 5s & 7s Albiny & Susquahanna 1st Mtge 6s Ashtabula & Pittsburg Is! Mtge. 6s St. P, Minn & Man. Cons. Mtge 6s Norfolk & Western 1st Mtge, Gold 6s Seatlls Else. Ry. 1st Mtge, Gold 5s l.'ttt niallcil on application to Blodget,Merritt&Co IS Wall St., New York. IK Couprcss SI., Huston. SI'W OI!K tillAIV JIAItKI'.T. Open- HIkIi- Low- O'oi- WIIKM' Mis p.I p't. Hie Mat- an SO 7'i1 7' .Inlt ''., Tii't 7!i-'i 7i , ronv May 40'.. H.'a H.'j IVj Scrnnton Bonril of Tinde ExchRnp Quotntlons All Quotations Based on Par of 100. STOCKS. l'lift Xalloral Hank Kraiiltm Satlnji Hank 'Ikltd National tkink Dime Dcpaalt ami Discount ItanV.. I'tonomy I.Ulit. II. k I', t'o. ...... taitka. Tnit ?afe Co Clark .t Snotrr Co, l'r S-crantoii Iron 1'ente it MfR, Co. ... Strantnn Arlo Worki latka-.tania Dairy Co.. l'r. County S-atinm Hink k Trutt Co.. I'iriil Nntinnal Hank (Carkon-lale).. tamlartl DrllllnK Co Trailers' National Ilatik Scranton Holt an J Nut Co BONDS. Scranton Pan'itser Kallwaj, lint MortRaRP, tlup 13.'0 Pcople'a sticet nallnay, first mort- Cie, dup 1018 People's hticet Italhvay, tleneril mortRaee, iluc 19J1 D'ikaoii SIomitaeturliiB Co Latka. TotMi'klp bckool 3 per t-cnt. City of Suantcti M. Imp. fl per tent bcianlon 'liattion C per tent lint Aikt'l lion WD tMI 2.50 41 t.VI !.'$ 101 v '.'!) oOl 3 03 111 ... it: its 19a 115 IM Scinnton Wholcsle MrUet. K i.tir. IimI lit II II. Ilak-, -J7 Larkananua v f llnlli-i I ii.iinei.v. I'v.i.'.'i .; tlali, 18a 20v. I I'iiII iii-iiii. I -'.i Te. rSKv-i'tein fie-lt, K'jalJe.; neiihy Hate, 111. il. Ileitta P.r Im . ikoiie nut tow, sj.3n-lai. I'e.l I5e.ii - Ptl Im , .' l'a;..'.U. Miillnni lipjiH-l' i- Im., .'. IrtiJ 41. liiri-n I'e.i-Per Im . si,jn-l1(,'-,. Onion--I'm- Im.. ITi.m 111. I,nl, pi i Mil.. 4 IK. IJpil Kklnet II. an- -Per ku . .'.41rt M Butlnlo Live Stock. I i.j liullilii. Mil. It 10- Itetelpti-Caltle, 11 t .ii,: ,."ep mill 1 tinlia, .T itii. hklpnienla -I altle. I .J i.tta; liep anil lnutlia, t.'i raia; koa, s iia. i .ilile s,. iiij. i ie, fkolie In e tin. a,.'.li7. I.iiiiIk -Cliokp In evtia, i"W)i ,' ill, plii'ip. ill. me In ,'Mra, s,7m5 lloua -lli,.i. ' -i.i ". s1..; plaa. s, 70.ri.75, C.i tin ih Cnnnot Be Cuied wilk IDI'M. M'PI.K VriO.Ss, j, dip, tain . t mull ike -eal ol Ike ilt-rae. ( alauli i- a lilooil ur t it ut ili-i.w. .iti'l III onloi to etile n .inn inil-t lake Internal iinn-ikea. Hall' t -l.iilli t tun i lakni itiltniall.i. .nil aila tlneii' on Ike kkinil lltl'l llliuoila aillfitr. Hall'- 4 i lank Cine l lint i ipui I. innlilne. Il .n pii'.nllr.l bi one of Ike li.-t pliii-li in tin i toitntiy for .icaiK. .itnl la .i usitlai pit-rcriptiot.. It ia luiupo-eil ol tue I . I lonlii known, con, I me.l nillt Ike ke-l kl .l puiMleia, Jtllnc iti leill.t on Ike tiHKoii- t . 'lln- perfe't toi ' lunitioi ! Ike io msiKlienla ia what pi" times sink tMinkiiiil n'-ulia in tniiti Catatilb stiiil fo teptiti'Oiikila fne I' .1 I II1:M' iw ft 1'iopa . T..le.l ll. shIiI In ilr'.-.ji-i-. piin i Hall a Tamil fill- an- me liea' 3 AT THE Great Fire On Monday And Tues day We will make a Special Drive on Men's Working Shoes and Rubber Boots at special prices, but this will not interfere with the Great Bargains in all the other departs ments which will continue until every pair of this elegant stock of High Grade Foot wear is completely cleaned out to make room for the handsomest line of Spring and Summer Shoes and Oxfords ever seen in this City. Our styles and prices make our competitors uneasy. Everybody Men and Women, Boysand Girls, Children and Infants. An Honest Sale of Honest Shoes. LEWIS, RUDDY, DAVIES & MURPHY 330 LACKAWANNA AVENUE V -i-iets L